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                                            African Americans
•A•                                          diabetic kidney disease in, 73

A (alpha) cells, 30, 359                     gestational diabetes in, 109, 115
A1c at Home (FlexSite), 139                  peripheral vascular disease in, 95
A1c Now (Metrika, Inc.), 139                 retinopathy, 81

Abbott Laboratories                          type 2 diabetes, 251–252
 blood glucose meters, 129–130              AGEs (advanced glycated end products),

 Web site, 353                                  71, 80, 359
acanthosis nigricans, 99, 252               AIDS medications, 293–294
acarbose, 201, 265, 359                     albumin, 71, 73–74, 76, 78

accelerated starvation, 112                 alcohol, 59, 164–165, 167, 197, 255
Accu-Chek blood glucose meters (Roche       aldosterone, diabetes cause, 49
    Diagnostics), 132                       algorithm, 359
AccuBase A1c Glycohemoglobin (Diabetes      alopecia, 99
    Technologies), 139                      alpha-blockers, 224
ACE inhibitor, 76–78, 141, 359              alpha cells, 30, 359

acesulfame, 166                             alpha-fetoprotein, 114
acetaminophen, 224                          alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, 201–202
                                            alpha lipoic acid, 87

acetohexamide, 197
acetone, 63, 295, 359                       alprostadil, 104
acidosis. See ketoacidosis                  Alzheimer’s Disease, 262
acromegaly, 49                              Amaryl, 354, 359

Activa Brand Products (Web site), 354       American Diabetes Association (ADA)
Actos, 203–204, 265, 354, 359                carbohydrates, 155

ADA. See American Diabetes                   cholesterol goal, 124
    Association (ADA)                        drug evaluations, 289
adiposity, central, 91                       hemoglobin A1c, 137

adolescents, diabetes in, 253–254            membership in, 301
adrenergic symptoms, of hypoglycemia, 56     nutrition section of Web site, 358
adult onset diabetes. See type 2 diabetes    standards, 22
advanced glycated end products (AGEs),       Web site, 350, 358
    71, 80, 359                             American Discovery Trail, 187
Advanta Jet (Activa Corporation), 218       American Foundation for the Blind (AFB)
aerobic exercise, 180–182, 188, 194, 241        Web site, 83, 356
AFB (American Foundation for the Blind),    Americans with Disabilities Act (1990),
    83, 356                                     272–273
368   Diabetes For Dummies, 3rd Edition

      amino acids, 359                                Avandia, 354, 360
      amitriptylene, 87                               Aventis (Web site), 353, 354
      amphetamine, 292                                Ayurvedic medicine, 291
      amputations, 95, 97–98, 142, 304                azotemia, 73
      amyotrophy, 359
      anaerobic exercise, 180–181, 188
      androgens, 118
      Anecdote icon, 6                                B (beta) cells, 30, 34–35, 37, 47, 49, 360
      anemia, 203                                     background retinopathy, 81, 360
      aneurysms, retinal, 76                          Bayer Healthcare LLC
      anger, at diagnosis diagnosis, 12–13             blood glucose meters, 130
      angiography, 359                                 Indigent Patient program, 225
      angioplasty, 92                                  Web site, 353
      angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)             Becton, Dickinson and Company
           inhibitors, 76–78, 224                      lancets, 126
      angiotensin II receptor blockers, 78             Web site, 354
      animals, diabetes in, 357                       bent-over rowing (exercise), 190–191
      Animas (Web site), 353                          beta blockers, 223, 263
      ankle-brachial index (ABI), 95, 123, 143, 304   beta cells, 30, 34–35, 37, 47, 49, 360
      anorexia, 172–173                               biceps curl (exercise), 189
      Antares Pharma (Web site), 354                  Bioject Medical Technologies, Inc.
      antibodies, 34, 359                                 (Web site), 354
      antidiuretic hormone, 22                        BioSafe A1c Hemoglobin Test Kit (BioSafe),
      antigens, 359                                       139
      antipsychotics, 292–293                         bladder disorders, 88, 106, 266
      anxiety, 13, 16, 56                             blanket ban, employment, 271
      Aqua (restaurant), 319–323                      Blind Net (Web site), 83
      Archives of Internal Medicine (journal),        blindness, 82–83
           156, 188, 199                              Blindness Resource Center (Web site),
      artificial pancreas, 359                            82, 356
      Asian Americans, 115                            blood fats, 75, 77, 91–92
      aspartame, 166, 291                             blood glucose
      aspirin, 59, 223–224, 263, 290                   control and diabetic nephropathy, 76
      Association for the Accreditation of Human       determinants of level, 305–306
           Research, 289                               exercise effect on, 58–59
      atheromatous plaques, 96                         glycated products, 71
      atherosclerosis, 359                             glycemic index of carbohydrates, effect
      Atkins diet, 168–169                                of, 156–158
      atorvastatin, 145, 282                           in hyperosmolar syndrome, 54–62
      attitude, positive, 302–303                      insulin effect on, 30–31
      autoimmune diseases, 34–35, 37, 42, 258          in prediabetes, 19–21
      autoimmune thyroiditis, 258                      testing for diabetes, 27
      automatic (autonomic) nerves, 88–89              in type 1 diabetes, 33
Index    369
blood glucose meter
 Abbott Laboratories, 129–130             •C•
 Accu-Chek meters, 132                    CAD (coronary artery disease)
 Bayer Healthcare LLC, 130                 aspirin and, 223
 choosing, 128–129                         description of, 91–92
 downloading results from, 128             estrogen and, 116
 graphic presentation of data, 134–136     fat and, 144
 LifeScan, 131                             metabolic syndrome and, 92–94
 noninvasive meters, 132–133              calcium channel blockers, 223
 One Touch meters, 131                    calories
 Precision meters, 130                     from alcohol, 164–165
 Roche Diagnostics, 131–132                from carbohydrate, 155–156
 suppliers, 352–353                        from fat, 160–162
blood glucose monitoring                   intake during pregnancy, 114
 in children, 249–250                      from protein, 159–160
 frequency of testing, 125–126             total, 152–162
 in gestational diabetes, 112–113          very low calorie diets, 168
 meters, 128–134                          Canadian Diabetes Association
 in pregnancy, 125                            (Web site), 352
 tips for testing, 127                    cancer, 47
 variation in results, 124                capitated payment, 274
 when to test, 123, 125–126               capsacin, 87
blood pressure. See also hypertension     carbohydrate counting, 213, 360
 eye disease association, 79–83           carbohydrates
 heart disease and, 91–94                  description, 155–156
 hyperosmolar syndrome, 65–68              exercise and, 180
 kidney disease and, 73–78                 fiber, 158
 meaning of, 148                           glycemic index, 156–158
 measuring, 146–147                        intake, 113, 220, 240
 rise in weight lifting, 188               in pregnancy, 109–110
 smoking and, 96                          cardiomyopathy, 94
 testing, 146–147                         casual plasma glucose, 22
blood urea nitrogen (BUN), 75, 360        cataracts, 80, 360
body mass index (BMI), 43, 147–148, 360   CDE (Certified Diabetes Educator), 232
Border Grill Restaurant, 324–327          Centers for Disease Control (Web site), 355
borderline diabetes, 306, 360             cerebrovascular disease (CVD), 96–97
bracelet, medical alert, 57               Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE), 232
Breastfeeding For Dummies (Perkins and    Charcot’s Joint, 86, 360
     Vannai), 115                         Charlie Trotter’s (restaurant), 327–329
breathing, Kussmaul, 63                   children with diabetes
Bristol-Myers Squibb (Web site), 354       adolescents, 253–254
brittle diabetes, 89                       becoming an educated caregiver, 247–248
bulimia, 172–173                           college-age, 254–255
BUN (blood urea nitrogen), 75, 360         frequency of, 245, 248
bypass surgery, 92
370   Diabetes For Dummies, 3rd Edition

      children with diabetes (continued)             neuropathy, 83–90
       honeymoon period, 243, 247, 249               peripheral vascular disease, 95–96
       infants, 246                                  skin disease, 98–99
       obesity and, 255–257, 256                    complications, short-term. See also specific
       preschoolers, 246–247                             conditions
       primary school children, 248–253              hyperosmolar syndrome, 65–68
       school issues, 250–251                        hypoglycemia, 54–62
       sick day solutions, 257–258                   ketoacidosis, 62–65
       team care, value of, 259                      solving, 53–54
       thyroid disease, 258                         Condy, Charles (restaurateur), 319
       type 2 diabetes, 251, 253                    confusion, 56, 307
       young adults, 254                            congenital malformations, 110–111, 114
      Children with Diabetes (Web site),            Consolidated Omnibus Budget
          259, 351, 358                                  Reconciliation Act (COBRA), 276
      Chlorpropamide, 197                           continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion
      cholesterol                                        (CSII), 360
       definition, 360                              Controlling Cholesterol For Dummies
       heart disease and, 91–94                          (Rinzler and Graf), 222
       kidney disease and, 73–78                    conventional diabetes treatment, 360
       metformin effect on, 198–200                 convulsions, as hypoglycemia symptom, 57
       peripheral vascular disease and, 95–96       cookbook. See recipes
       tracking, 143–146                            cornstarch, 249
      chromium, 289                                 coronary artery disease (CAD)
      chromosomes, 34, 81                            aspirin and, 223
      chylomicros, 144                               description of, 91–92
      cinnamon, 290                                  estrogen and, 116
      clozapine, 292                                 fat and, 144
      COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget             metabolic syndrome and, 92–94
          Reconciliation Act), 276                  corticosteroids, 223
      cocaine, 291–292                              C-reactive protein, 92–93, 149
      cognitive screening tests, 262                creatinine, 361
      cold virus, 35                                cross-training, 184
      coma, 57, 66–67                               CSII (continuous subcutaneous insulin
      compliance, 302                                    infusion), 360
      complications, long-term. See also specific   Cushing’s Syndrome, 49
          conditions                                CVD (cerebrovascular disease), 96–97
       cerebrovascular disease, 96–97               Cybermedicine: How Computing Empowers
       common characteristics, 69–70                     Doctors and Patients for Better Health
       eye disease, 79–83                                Care (Slack), 288
       foot disease, 97–98                          cyclamate, 166
       gum disease, 99–100                          cyclosporine, 223
       heart disease, 91–94                         Cygnus, Inc. (GlucoWatch G2 Biographer),
       how they develop, 70                              133–134
       kidney disease, 70–78                        cytotoxic drugs, 37
Index   371
                                            diabetic retinopathy. See retinopathy
•D•                                         diabetologist, 229–230, 361
D cells, 30                                 Dialogue magazine, 83
DANA Diabecare USA (Web site), 353          dialysis, 70, 77–78, 361
dawn phenomenon, 361                        diarrhea, diabetic, 89
DCCT (Diabetes Control and Complications    diastolic blood pressure, 146, 148
    Trial), 38, 76, 283                     diet
dealing with diabetes                        alcohol, 164–165
 depression, 13–14, 16                       carbohydrates, 155–158
 quality of life maintenance, 15–18          eating disorders, 172–173
 reacting to diagnosis, 11–14                in the elderly, 263–264
 realizing you are not alone, 10–11          fats, 160–162
 realizing your potential, 11                following, 240–241
dementia, 262                                ketoacidosis and, 62–65
denial, of diabetes diagnosis, 12            minerals, 162–164
depression, 13, 16                           in pregnancy, 113–114
dexamethasone, 48                            proteins, 159–160
Diabetes Action Network (Web site), 357      role in hypoglycemia, 58
Diabetes Care (journal)                      substitutions, 157
 estrogen and diabetes, 116                  sugar substitutes, 165–166
 quality of life, 15                         total calories, 152–155
Diabetes Control and Complications Trial     for type 1 diabetes, 166–167
    (DCCT), 38, 76, 283                      for type 2 diabetes, 167–168
Diabetes Cookbook For Dummies (Rubin),       vitamins, 162–164
    232, 252, 314, 319                       water, 164
Diabetes Education Act (1991), 250           for weight reduction, 168–170
Diabetes Exercise and Sports Association,   dietitian, 231–232, 259
    183, 354                                diets
Diabetes Forecast (magazine), 222            that don’t work, 294–295
diabetes insipidus, 22                       very low calorie, 168
diabetes mellitus, origin of term, 19        for weight loss, 168–170
Diabetes Monitor (Web site), 351            digestive enzymes, 30
Diabetes Technologies (AccuBase A1c         diphenylhydantoin, 223
    Glycohemoglobin), 139                   discrimination, 269, 273
diabetic blood vessel disease               distal polyneuropathy, 85–87
 cerebrovascular disease, 96–97             diuretics, 78
 peripheral vascular disease, 95–96         doctors
Diabetic Care Services, feet examination,    diabetologist, 229–230, 361
    143                                      endocrinologist, 229–230, 361
Diabetic Gourmet Magazine, 358               opthalmologist, 230, 264
diabetic ketoacidosis. See ketoacidosis      pediatrician, 259
diabetic nephropathy. See kidney disease     podiatrist, 230–231, 365
diabetic nerve disease, 76                   primary physician, 228–229
diabetic neuropathy. See neuropathy
372   Diabetes For Dummies, 3rd Edition

      driving                                       employment
       employment bans, 271–272                      blanket bans, 271
       license, 54                                   discrimination, 269, 273
      drowsiness, in ketoacidosis, 63                insurance coverage and, 277
      drugs. See also medications; specific drugs    workplace law, 272–273
       avoiding illegal, 291–292                    end stage renal disease, 75
       as diabetes cause, 58                        endocrinologist, 229–230, 361
       discoveries, 279–281                         epinephrine, 49
       interactions, 223–224                        Equal Employment Opportunity
      Duet Glucose Control Monitoring System,           Commission (EEOC), 273
          140                                       erectile dysfunction (ED)
      Dymelor, 197                                   causes of, 102–103
                                                     definition, 101
      •E•                                            treatment, 103–105
                                                    essential fatty acids, 161
      eating                                        estrogens, 116
       behavior, 171–172                            ethanol, 224
       disorders, 172–183, 174                      euglycemia, 361
      ED (erectile dysfunction)                     exchange plan, 361
       causes of, 102–103                           exercise
       definition, 101                               aerobic, 180–182, 188
       treatment, 103–105                            amount, 180–182
      edema, 76                                      anaerobic, 180–181, 188
      educator, diabetes, 232, 240,                  benefits of, 178
           242, 259, 314–315                         calories burned, 184–185
      EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity             checking with doctor prior to, 178
           Commission), 273                          checking value of, 181
      ejaculation, 102                               choice of activity, 183–186
      elderly, diabetes in the                       cross-training, 184
       diagnosis, 261–262                            heart rate, 181
       diet, 263–264                                 importance of, 15, 176
       elderly defined, 261                          moderate, 182
       eye problems, 266                             myths about diabetes and, 308–309
       heart disease and, 262–263                    partner, 312–313
       hypoglycemia, 264                             Perceived Exertion Scale, 181
       intellectual function evaluation, 262         quality of life and, 14–17
       Medicare, 268                                 role in hypoglycemia, 56
       medication use, 264–266                       stretching, 182
       sexual problems, 266–267                      taking charge of health, 176–177
       treatment approaches, 267–268                 timing of, 182
       urinary problems, 266–267                     with type 1 diabetes, 179–180
      Eli Lilly and Company (Web site),              with type 2 diabetes, 180
           225, 353, 354                             walking, 186–188
                                                     weight reduction and, 168
                                                     weight training, 186–189
Index    373
eye                                          Federal Rehabilitation Act (1973), 273
 anatomy and function, 79–80        (Web site), 357
 care, importance of, 304                    female sexual problems, 105–107
 doctor, 218, 290, 363                       Feniger, Susan, 324
 examination, 123, 142, 239                  fertility enhancement, 203
eye disease                                  fiber, 158, 361
 cataracts, 79–80, 266                       fibric acid derivatives, 224
 description, 79                             Field of Greens: New Vegetarian Recipes from
 in the elderly, 266                              the Celebrated Greens Restaurant
 glaucoma, 79–80, 266                             (Somerville), 337
 kidney disease and, 75                      fish oil, 161
 pupil abnormalities, 89                     Fitness For Dummies (Schlosberg), 182
 resources for the blind and visually        FlexSite (A1c at Home), 139
    impaired, 82–83                          fluids, for hyperosmolar syndrome
 retinopathy, 80–82, 266                          treatment, 67–68
                                             flys (exercise), 192–193
•F•                                          food. See also diet; recipes
                                               intake during pregnancy, 113
FAA (Federal Aviation Administration), 272     partner, help from, 313–314
family support, 17, 233–234                  Food and Wine (magazine), 330
famous people with diabetes, 10–11           foot
fasting hyperglycemia, 200                     disease, 97–98
fasting lipid panel, 144                       doctors, 313
fasting plasma glucose (FPG), 22               examination of, 142–143
fasts, 169                                     importance of care, 303–304, 310
fat, body                                    FPG (fasting plasma glucose), 22
  central distribution of, 44–45             friends, help from, 242
  exercise effect on, 183                    Fringale (restaurant), 330–333
Fat Burner, 290                              fructosamine, 139–140
fat, dietary                                 fructose, 165, 361
  calories from, 162                         fungal infections, 99
  forms of, 160–161
  intake during pregnancy, 114
  in protein sources, 159–160
  recommended amount, 160                    gabapentin, 87
fatigue                                      gallstones, 89
  cause of, 177                              gastric banding, 170–171
  as diabetes symptom, 24                    gastric bypass, 170
  as hypoglycemia symptom, 56                gastroparesis, 361
  in ketoacidosis, 63                        Gaylord India Restaurant, 334–336
  in type 2 diabetes, 39                     genetic influence on diabetes, 309
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), 272   Georgetown University Health Policy
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 271        Institute, 275
374   Diabetes For Dummies, 3rd Edition

      gestational diabetes                       golf, 183, 185
       description, 47, 361                      good morning (exercise), 190, 192
       diagnosing, 108–110                       Goodman, Joel (The HUMOR Project), 310
       frequency of, 47                          Gourmet Cooking For Dummies (Trotter),
      GFR (glomerular filtration rate), 72            327
      glaucoma, 80                               Gourmet Magazine, 341
      GlaxoSmithKline (Web site), 354            government Web sites, 355–356
      glimepiride, 198                           Graf, Martin W., 222
      glipizide, 198                             Greens (restaurant), 336–340
      glitazones, 93, 202–204                    growth hormone, 49
      glomerular basement membrane, 72           Guidedogs for the Blind, 83
      glomerular filtration rate (GFR), 72       gum disease, 99–100, 155
      glomeruli, 72, 78                          Gymnema silvestre, 291
       definition, 12, 361
       exercise effect on, 177
       for hypoglycemia treatment, 61–62         Harbor Village (restaurant), 341–344
       production by the pancreas, 30            HDL (high density lipoprotein), 144, 362
      Glucagon for Emergencies (kit), 61–62      headache, as hypoglycemia symptom, 56
      glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), 205       Health Care Financing Administration, 268
      Glucagon Secreting Tumor of the            health insurance, 275–277, 309
           Pancreas, 49                          Health Maintenance Organization (HMO),
      Glucophage, 354, 362                           274
      glucose                                    Health on the Net Foundation, 235–236
       definition, 155, 362                      Healthfinder (Web site), 355
       diabetes symptoms and, 24–25              heart attack, 45, 82, 91–93, 145, 262–263
       intravenous, 60                           heart disease
       metabolism by Polyol Pathway, 71           autonomic neuropathy, 88–89
       role in the body, 21–22                    cardiomyopathy, 94
       for treatment of hypoglycemia, 60–62       in the elderly, 262–263
      glucose intolerance, 48, 49                 metabolic syndrome, 92–94
      glucose tablets, 57, 61                     in type 2 diabetes, 40
      glucose tolerance, 49, 109, 115            heart rate
      GlucoWatch G2 Biographer (Cygnus, Inc.),    in cardiac autonomic neuropathy, 89
           133–134                                exercise and, 181
      glyburide, 198                              rapid as hypoglycemia symptom, 56
      glycated products, 71                      hemochromatosis, 48
      glycemic index, 156–158, 158, 362          hemodialysis, 77
      glycemic load, 158                         hemoglobin A1c
      glycogen, 23, 31, 362                       correlation with blood glucose, 138
      glycohemoglobin, 137, 138                   definition, 137, 362
      glycosuria, 362                             diagnosing diabetes in the elderly,
      Glyset, 201, 362                               261–262
      goiters, 164                                formation of, 71
Index   375
 frequency of testing, 125                   hyperthyroidism, 49, 258
 goal for, 264                               hypnosis, 294
 home testing, 129                           hypoglycemia
 how it works, 138                            as barrier to treatment, 55
 as indicator of miscarriage risk, 111        causes, 57–59
 lowering with oral agents, 201               in children, 247, 249–250
 reduction with careful diet, 151–152         definition, 31, 53, 54, 362
 reduction by exercise, 176                   frequency of, 55
 testing schedule, 122–124                    myths concerning, 307
 value of test, 129                           prevention, 60
hemorrhages, retinal, 81–82                   symptoms of, 55–57
hepatic glucose output, 41                    treatment, 60–62
heroin, 291, 292                             hypoglycemia, causes of
High Blood Pressure For Dummies (Rubin),      diet, 58
    222                                       exercise, 58
high density lipoprotein (HDL), 144, 362      hormonal changes, 59
Hirigoyen, Gerald (restaurateur/chef), 330    insulin, 58
history of diabetes treatment, 25–27          non-diabetic medications, 59
HMO (Health Maintenance Organization),        sulfonylurea medications, 58
    274                                      hypoglycemia unawareness, 59
Home Diagnostics, Inc. (Web site), 353       hypothyroidism, 258
honeymoon period, 249, 362
hormones, change and hypoglycemia, 55
Humalog insulin. See lispro insulin
humor, sense of, 310                         ibuprofen, 87
hunger                                       icons, used in book, 6
 as hypoglycemia symptom, 56                 identification, medical, 57
 in type 1 diabetes, 32                      Il Fornaio (restaurant), 344–348
hydrochlorothiazide, 48                      imipramine, 87
hydrocortisone, 48, 49                       impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), 41, 362
hyperbillrubinemia, 117                      implanted penile prostheses, 105
hypercholesterolemia, 95                     impotence, 102, 308, 362. See also erectile
hyperglycemia, 362                                dysfunction (ED)
hyperinsulinemia, 362                        incontinence, 262, 266
hyperlipidemia, 362                          infants, diabetes in, 246
hyperosmolar syndrome, 42, 65–68, 362        infection
hypertension                                   as cause of ketoacidosis, 62, 64
 ACE inhibitors for, 78                        in type 2 diabetes, 39–40
 epidemic of, 146                            influenza, 222
 heart disease and, 91                       Institute of Medicine, 182
 kidney disease and, 75, 76                  insulin
 measuring blood pressure, 146                 adjusting when traveling, 215–216
 in metabolic syndrome, 92                     as builder hormone, 23, 24
 in pregnancy, 108                             definition, 23, 363
376   Diabetes For Dummies, 3rd Edition

      insulin (continued)                             International Journal of Obesity, 152–153
        elderly population and, 265–266               Internet resources
        forms of, 209–210                               Abbott Laboratories, 353
        hypoglycemia from, 57–58                        Activa Brand Products, 354
        intensive treatment, 214–215                    Alan L. Rubin, 349
        for ketoacidosis treatment, 64                  American Diabetes Association (ADA),
        myths about use of, 307–308                         250, 350, 358
        oral agents combined with, 211                  American Discovery Trail, 187
        for prevention of diabetes                      American Foundation for the Blind (AFB),
            development, 37                                 83, 356
        quality of life, impact of treatment on, 17     animals with diabetes, 357
        reaction, 363                                   Blind Net, 83
        requirements in pregnancy, 107–108              Blindness Resource Center, 82, 356
        storage and handling, 211                       Canadian Diabetes Association, 352
        strength, 209                                   Children with Diabetes, 259, 351
        suppliers, 353–354                              Diabetes Exercise and Sports Association,
        use in pregnancy, 107–108                           183
      insulin aspart, 209                               Diabetes Monitor, 351
      insulin delivery                                  diabetes products, 352–354
        aids, 221–222                                   Dialogue magazine, 83
        with a jet injection device, 217–218            diet and weight loss, 234–235
        with a pen, 216–217                             exercise programs, 235
        pump, 218–221, 353, 363                         exercise and sports associations, 354
        with a syringe and needle, 212–214              foreign language information, 356
      insulin-dependent diabetes, 32. See also          Georgetown University Health Policy
            type 1 diabetes                                 Institute, 275
      insulin glargine, 363                             glucose meters, 352–353
      insulin hypertrophy, of skin, 99                  government, 355–356
      insulin pump, 218–221, 353, 363                   Guidedogs for the Blind, 83
      insulin resistance                                Il Fornaio (restaurant), 345
        definition, 363                                 insulin, 353
        syndrome description, 92                        insulin jet injection devices, 354
        in type 2 diabetes, 41                          insulin pumps, 353
      insulin sensitivity, 46                           insulin syringes, 354
      insurance                                         International Diabetes Federation, 352
        health, 275–277, 309                            Joslin Diabetes Center, 351
        life, 278, 309                                  Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation,
        long-term care, 277–278                             351
        myths about diabetes, 309                       lancing devices, 353
      intellectual function, evaluation of, 262         Medicalert Foundation, 57
      intensive diabetes treatment, 363                 Medscape Diabetes and Endocrinology
      International Diabetes Federation (Web                Home Page, 351
            site), 352
Index   377
  National Diabetes Education Initiative,
     350                                      •K•
  National Diabetes Education Program,        Kaler, Santok (chef), 334
     350                                      kcalories (kilocalories), 154
  National Eating Disorders Association,      ketoacidosis, 33, 62–65, 361
     174                                      ketones
  New York Institute for Special               definition, 111, 149
     Education, 83                             link to congenital malformations, 111
  New York Online Access to Health, 352        monitoring in pregnancy, 112–113
  oral medications, 354                        testing for, 149
  overview, 234                                urine (ketonuria), 247, 251, 363
  President’s Challenge, 187                  kidney disease. See also nephropathy
  recipes, 357–358                             description, 69–72
  reputable, 235–236                           early indications of, 73–74
  Rick Mendosa, 350                            prevention, 72–73
  Transportation Security Administration       treatment, 76–78
     (TSA), 270                                urinary tract infections and, 77
  visually impaired sites, 356–357            kidney, progressive changes, 75–76
interstitial fluid, 133                       kidney transplant, 78
intestinal abnormalities, 89                  kilocalories, 154
intravenous pyelogram (IVP), 77               Kimmelstiel-Wilson nodules, 75
iodine, 164                                   Ki-Sweet, 291
iron, 48, 163                                 Kussmaul breathing, 63
islet cell antibodies, 34
islet cells, 363. See also A (alpha) cells;
     B (beta) cells                           •L•
Islets of Langerhans, 30                      lactic acidosis, 199
isosorbide dinitrate, 87                      lancet, 126–127, 353, 363
IVP (intravenous pyelogram), 77               Lancet, The, 282
                                              Lantus, 363
•J•                                           laser treatment, 363
                                              lateral raise (exercise), 190–191
Jargon Alert icon, 6                          law, workplace, 272–273
Jenny Craig (weight-loss system), 169         lazy left colon, 117
jet injection device, 217–218                 LDL (low density lipoprotein), 144, 363
Joslin Diabetes Center (Web site), 351, 358   learning, lifelong, 301–302
Journal of the American Medical               leg cramps, in hyperosmolar syndrome, 66
     Association, 169, 281                    lente insulin, 210, 363
juvenile diabetes mellitus, 363. See also     libido, 266
     type 1 diabetes                          life insurance, 278, 309
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation         LifeScan
     (JDRF), 351                                One Touch blood glucose meters, 131
                                                Web site, 353
378   Diabetes For Dummies, 3rd Edition

      light touch testing, for neuropathy, 85   medications. See also specific agents
      lipid panel, 123, 144                      compliance, 302
      lipoatrophy, 363                           drug interactions, 223–224
      lipohypertrophy, 363                       insulin, 209–222
      lipoproteins, 143–144                      knowledge concerning, 239–240
      lispro insulin, 209, 362, 363              oral agents, 196–207
      liver, release of glucose from, 31         pharmacist help with, 316
      long-term care insurance, 277–278          suppliers, 354
      Lorda, J. B. (restaurateur), 330           that don’t work, 288–291
      low density lipoprotein (LDL), 144, 363    use in the elderly, 264–266
      lubricants, 106                           Medi-Jector Vision jet injection devices,
      •M•                                       Medscape Diabetes and Endocrinology
                                                     Home Page (Web site), 351
      macroalbuminuria, 74                      Medtronic MiniMed
      macrosomia, 110, 112, 364                  Paradigm 512, 221
      macrovascular disease, 176, 364            Web site, 353
      macula, 79                                meglitinides, 204–205
      macular degeneration, 266                 Mendosa, Rick (Web site creator), 350
      macular edema, 81                         menopause, 106, 116
      magnesium, 93, 117, 163                   menstrual function, 105–106, 117
      mannitol, 165                             mental health worker, 233, 259
      marijuana, 291–292                        mesangial tissue, 75
      MedFetch (Web site), 356                  metabolic syndrome, 19–20, 92–94, 364
      medical care                              metformin, 46, 198–200, 265
       capitation method, 274                   metocloprimide, 89
       fee-for-service method, 274              Metrika, Inc. (A1c Now), 139
      medical care providers                    Mexican Americans
       diabetes educator, 232                    diabetic kidney disease in, 73
       diabetologist/endcrinologist, 229–230     diabetic retinopathy in, 81
       dietitian, 231–232                        gestational diabetes in, 115
       family and friends, 233–234              Mexican Cooking For Dummies (Milliken
       Internet, 234–236                             and Feniger), 324
       mental health worker, 233                microalbuminuria, 73, 74, 92, 141, 364
       opthalmologist/optometrist, 230          microvascular complications, 364
       pharmacist, 232–233                      Miglitol, 201
       podiatrist, 230–231                      milk, 36, 61
       primary physician, 228–229               Milliken, Mary Sue, 324
      medical nutrition therapy, 264            Mina, Michael (chef), 319–320
      medical underwriting, 275                 minerals, 163–164
      Medicalert Foundation, 57                 minoxidil, 223
      Medicare, 264, 268, 276, 277              miscarriage, 111
Index   379
mononeuropathy, 88                             neuropathy
monounsaturated fat, 364                        description, 83–85
morbid obesity, 44                              diffuse and focal, 85
morbidity rate, 364                             disorders of automatic nerves, 88–89
mortality rate, 364                             disorders of movement, 88 (Web site), 356         disorders of sensation, 85–88
muscular endurance, exercise for, 184           exercise and, 185–186
                                                eye disease and, 80
•N•                                             kidney disease and, 76
                                                risk factors, 84
nateglinide, 205, 265                          New England Journal of Medicine, 15, 46,
National Diabetes Education Initiative             74, 145, 171, 222, 280, 283
    (Web site), 350                            New York Institute For Special
National Diabetes Education Program                Education, 83
    (Web site), 350                            New York Online Access to Health (NOAH),
National Eating Disorders Association, 174         352, 358
National Federation of the Blind (Web site),   niacin, 224
    357                                        nicotinamide, 37
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive   nicotinic acid, 224
    and Kidney Disease (Web site), 355         no fat, in diet, 295
National Library of Medicine (Web site),       noninsulin dependent diabetes, 38, 364.
    355, 356                                       See also type 2 diabetes
National Weight Control Registry (NWCR),       Novo Nordisk, 225, 353
    169–170                                    NPH insulin, 364
Native Americans                               numbness, in type 2 diabetes, 40
 diabetic kidney disease in, 73                Nutrition For Dummies (Rinzler), 114
 gestational diabetes in, 109                  NWCR (National Weight Control Registry),
nausea, in ketoacidosis, 63                        169–170
NCV (nerve conduction velocity), 84
necrobiosis lipoidica, 99
needle guides, 222
neotame, 166                                   obesity
neovascularization, 364                         body mass index (BMI), 43, 148
nephropathy, 70, 364. See also kidney           in children, 255–257
    disease                                     defined, 26
 exercise and, 178                              as diabetes risk factors, 26
 in pregnancy, 108                              factors affecting, 152–153
nerve conduction velocity (NCV), 84             heart disease and, 91
neuroarthropathy, 86                            incidence of, 152–153
neurogenic bladder, 77, 106                     morbid, 44
neuroglycopenic symptoms, of                    peripheral vascular disease and, 95–96
    hypoglycemia, 56                            in pregnancy, 115
neuropathic ulcer, 364                          surgery for, 170–171
                                                type 2 diabetes and, 39–42, 106
380   Diabetes For Dummies, 3rd Edition

      olanzapine, 292                          peripheral neuropathy, 365
      One Touch blood glucose meters           peripheral vascular disease (PVD), 95–96
          (LifeScan), 131                      peritoneal dialysis, 77–78
      opthalmologist, 230, 364                 Perkins, Sharon, 115
      optic nerve, 79, 80             (Web site), 357
      optometrist, 230                         Pfizer Inc.
      oral agents. See also specific agents     Prescription Assistance program, 225
       alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, 201–202    Web site, 354
       combining agents, 206–207               pharmacist, 232–233, 316
       meglitinides, 204–205                   phenformin, 199
       metformin, 198–200                      phenothiazines, 224
       sulfonylureas, 196–198                  phentolamine, 104
       thiazolidinediones, 202–204             pheochromocytoma, 49
      oral contraceptives, 224                 pilot’s license, 54, 272
      Oral Glucose Tolerance Test, 22          pioglitazone, 203–204, 206–207, 365
      orange juice, for hypoglycemia           plasma glucose, 127
          treatment, 61                        plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, 93
      orgasm, 102                              platelets, 96
      Ortho-McNeil (Regranex Gel), 98          pneumonia, 223
      ovaries, polycystic, 117–118             podiatrist, 230–231, 365
      Owen Mumford (Web site), 353             polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS),
      •P•                                      polycythemia, 117
                                               polydipsia, 365
      pallor, as hypoglycemia symptom, 56      Polyol Pathway, 71
      pancreas                                 polyradiculopathy-diabetic amyotrophy, 87
       anatomy and function, 30                polyunsaturated fat, 365
       artificial, 359                         polyuria, 365
       definition, 365                         positive thinking, 238
       insulin, 30–31                          postprandial, 365
       removal of, 47–48                       potassium
      pancreas formula, 290                     effect of ACE inhibitors on, 78
      papaverine, 104                           in hyperosmolar syndrome, 66, 68
      parasympathetic nervous system, 102       loss with ketoacidosis, 63–64
      patient stories, 27–28                   pramlintide, 208
      PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndome),       Prandin, 204–205, 365
          117–118                              Precision blood glucose meters (Abbott
      pediatrician, 259                            Laboratories), 130
      pedometer, 186                           prediabetes, 19–21
      pen, insulin, 216–217                    prednisone, 37, 48
      penis, 104, 266                          pregestational diabetes, 47, 107
      Perceived Exertion Scale, 181            pregnancy
      periodontal disease, 365                  baby’s health, 116–117
                                                body’s reaction to, 107–108
Index    381
 congenital malformations, 110–111, 114
 delivery, 115                               •R•
 gestational diabetes, 108–110               radiculopathy-nerve root involvement,
 health maintenance after, 115–116               87–88
 insulin use, 107–108                        reacting to diabetes diagnosis
 macrosomia, 110–112, 114–116, 364            anger, 12–13
 miscarriage, 111                             bargaining for more time, 13
 pregestational diabetes, 47, 111–112, 114    denial, 12
 proactive measures, 108                      moving on, 14
 testing for fetal defects, 114              receptors, 365
 treatment of diabetes during, 112–115       recipes
preschoolers, diabetes in, 246–248            Baked Apples, 326–327
President’s Challenge, 187                    Bavarese Bianca Con Frutta (White
prevention, 36–38, 43–45, 60, 237–238,           Gelatin with Fruit), 348
    299–304                                   Chicken Soup with Watercress and Tofu,
priapism, 104                                    342
primary hyperaldosteronism, 49                Chicken Tikka Kabab (Barbecued Chicken
progesterone, 116                                Kebab), 335
prolactin, 49, 102                            Cinnamon-Brandy Chicken, 324–325
Prolactin Secreting Tumor of the Pituitary    Green Rice Pilaf, 325
    Gland, 49                                 Grilled Swordfish with Worcestershire
proliferative retinopathy, 81, 365               Vinaigrette and Roasted Vegetables,
propranalol, 78                                  322
prostheses, 105                               internet resources, 357–358
protease inhibitors, 293                      Lemon Braised Sea Bass with Star Anise
protein, 159–160, 365. See also albumin          and Baby Spinach, 333
 choice of sources, 159–160                   Maniche Al Pollo (Elbow Pasta with
 definition, 365                                 Chicken), 346
 intake during pregnancy, 113                 Marinated Chicken in Red Wine wih
proteinuria, 365                                 Braising Greens, Parsnips, and
psychiatrist, 233                                Cippolini Onions, 330–331
psychogenic impotence, 102                    Marinated Grilled Duck Breast, 321
psychologist, 233                             Miso Marinated Sea Bass, 323
puberty, 254                                  Onion Pie with Roquefort and Walnuts,
pullovers (exercise), 192–193                    332
pump, insulin, 218–221, 353, 363              Red Roasted Root Vegetables, 326
pupil abnormalities, 89                       Rhubarb-Strawberry Cobbler, 340
PVD (peripheral vascular disease), 95–96      Risotto Ai Vegetali (Italian Rice with
                                                 Vegetables), 347
•Q•                                           Romaine Hearts with Sourdough
                                                 Croutons and Parmesan Cheese, 337
quality of life, 15–18                        Saag (spinach), 336
quetiapine (Seroquel), 293                    Scallopine Al Funghi (Veal with
                                                 Mushrooms), 345
382   Diabetes For Dummies, 3rd Edition

      recipes (continued)                         Rezulin, 202, 365
       Scallops with Barley, Wild Mushroom        Rinzler, Carol Ann, Controlling Cholesterol
           Ragout, and Chicken Stock reduction,        For Dummies, 222
           328                                    risperadone, 293
       Seekh Kabab (Barbecued Lamb on             Roche Diagnostics
           Skewer), 334–335                         Accu-Chek blood glucose meters, 131–132
       Shiitake Mushrooms with Baby Bok Choy,       Web site, 353
           343                                    rosiglitazone, 202–203
       Steamed Rock Cod, 344                      roughage, 158
       Steamed Whitefish with Haricotes Verts     Rubin, Alan L.
           and Potato-Apple-Celery Puree, 329       Diabetes Cookbook For Dummies,
       Summer Minestrone, 338                          232, 252, 314, 319
       Sweet Pepper and Basil Frittata, 339         High Blood Pressure For Dummies, 222
       Warm Asparagus and Morel Salad,              Thyroid For Dummies, 258
           320–321                                  Type 1 Diabetes For Dummies, 221, 245
      Regranex Gel (Ortho-McNeil), 98               Web site, 349
      regular insulin, 365
      Rehabilitation Act (1973), 250
      Remember icon, 6
      repaglinide, 204–205                        saccharin, 165
      resources. See Internet resources           salicylates, 59, 224
      respiratory distress syndrome, 117          salindac, 87
      restaurants                                 Sanofi-Aventis Patient Assistance program,
       Aqua, 319–323                                   225
       Border Grill, 324–327                      Sarti, Edmondo (chef), 345
       Charlie Trotter’s, 327–329                 saturated fat, 161, 366
       Fringale, 330–333                          Schlosberg, Suzanne, 182
       Gaylord India Restaurant, 334–336          school issues, 250–251
       Greens, 336–340                            secondary diabetes, 366
       Harbor Village, 341–344                    Section 504 plan, 250–251
       Il Fornaio, 344–348                        See Your Doctor icon, 6
      retina, 365                                 seizures, 117
      retinal aneurysms, 81                       sensation, loss of, 85–88
      retinal detachment, 81, 82                  sexual problems
      retinal hemorrhages, 81                       in the elderly, 266–267
      retinopathy. See also eye disease             female, 105–107
       associated conditions, 81–82                 male, 101–105
       background, 81, 360                        sharps container, 127
       definition, 365                            shoulder press (exercise), 189–190
       description, 80                            sick days, for children, 257–258
       exercise and, 177                          signs and symptoms, recognizing in
       in pregnancy, 107                               children, 247
       proliferative, 81, 365                     sildenafil (Viagra), 103–104
      reversing diabetes, 299–304                 skin disease, 98–99
Index    383
Slack, Warner V., Cybermedicine: How        symptoms
     Computing Empowers Doctors and          diabetes, 24–25
     Patients for Better Health Care, 288    hyperosmolar syndrome, 66
smoking and diabetes, 96, 263                hypoglycemia, 55–57
sodium, 66–68, 163                           ketoacidosis, 63
SoftClix Lancet Device, 126                  type 1 diabetes, 32–33
somatostatin, 30, 49                         type 2 diabetes, 39–40
Somatostatin Secreting Tumor of the         synthetic, 366
     Pancreas, 49                           syringes
Somerville, Annie (chef), 336                air bubbles in, 212
somogyi effect, 366                          markings, 212
sorbitol, 71, 165                            size of, 211
South Beach Diet, 169                        suppliers, 354
standards of care, 312                      systolic blood pressure, 146, 148
Starlix, 205, 366
starvation, 173
statins, 77, 93, 282–283
steroid drugs, 37                           tadalafil, 104
stories, real patient, 27–28                Tamales World Tour (TV program), 324
stress management, 17                       teenagers, with diabetes, 17, 253–254
stretching, 182                             temperature testing, for neuropathy, 85
stroke, 94                                  testing. See also blood glucose monitoring;
sucralose, 166                                   specific tests
sucrose, 21                                   blood pressure, 146–147
sugar substitutes, 165–166                    C-reactive protein, 149
sulfonylureas. See also specific drugs        for diabetes, 22–23
 acetohexamide, 197                           for eye problems, 142
 characteristics of, 196                      for fetal defects, 114
 chlorpropamide, 197                          for foot problems, 142–143
 definition, 366                              hemoglobin A1c, 137–140
 discovery of, 27                             ketones, 149
 first-generation, 196–197                    weight and BMI, 148–149
 glimepiride, 198                           thiazide diuretics, 223
 glipizide, 198                             thiazolidediones, 93, 202–204
 glyburide, 198                             thirst, 24
 hypoglycemia from, 58                      3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Web site, 358
 second-generation, 197–198                 thyroid disease, 258
 tolazamide, 197                            Thyroid For Dummies (Rubin), 258
 tolbutamide, 196–197                       thyroid hormone, 224
summer camp, diabetes, 259                  Tip icon, 6
surgery, for weight loss, 170–171, 257      toddler, with diabetes, 246–247
sweating problems, 56, 89, 97               tolazamide, 197
sweeteners, 165–166                         tolbutamide, 196–197
sympathetic nervous system, 102             trans fatty acid, 161
384   Diabetes For Dummies, 3rd Edition

      transient ischemic attack (TIA), 96         exercise with, 180
      transplant, kidney, 78                      eye examination in, 80
      Transportation Security Administration      frequency of, 39
           (TSA), 269–270                         heart disease and, 92
      traveling, with diabetes, 269–271           hypoglycemia in, 57
      treatment. See also specific agents;        ketoacidosis, 63
           specific methods                       misconceptions of, 41–42
        history of, 25–27                         obesity and, 256–257
        that does not work, 287–295               prevention, 43–45
      triglycerides                               symptoms, 39–40
        definition of, 366                        testing, 125–126
        kidney disease and, 73–74, 77             type 1 symptoms compared, 251–252
        in metabolic syndrome, 92
        rise from dietary carbohydrates, 158
      troglitazone, 202
      Trotter, Charlie (chef), 327               ulcer, foot, 83, 86, 98
      TSA (Transportation Security               ultralente insulin, 366
           Administration), 269–270              ultrasound, 114–115
      Two Hot Tamales (TV program), 324          United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes
      type 1 diabetes                                Study, 147
        age at diagnosis, 33                     unsaturated fat, 161
        blood glucose monitoring, 127            uremia, 75
        causes, 34                               urethra, 102
        description, 32–33                       urinary problems
        diet, 231                                 in the elderly, 266–267
        exercise with, 179–180                    frequent urination, 24
        frequency of eye examinations in, 86      urinary tract infections, 77, 88, 262
        heart disease and, 91                    urine
        hypoglycemia in, 57                       albumin, 71, 73–74, 76, 78
        ketoacidosis, 63                          glucose, 305
        in pregnancy, 107–108                     ketones, 247, 251, 363
        prevention, 36–38
        in primary school children, 248–251
        school issues, 250–251
        type 2 symptoms compared, 251–252        vaccinations, 36, 222–223
      Type 1 Diabetes For Dummies (Rubin),       vagina
           221, 245                               dryness, 105–107
      type 2 diabetes                             infection, 25
        blood glucose monitoring, 127            Vannais, Carol, 115
        causes, 40–42                            vardenafil, 104
        in children, 245, 248, 251–253           Vegetarian Resource Group (Web site), 358
        combining oral agents and insulin, 211   vertical banded gastroplasty, 170
        description, 38–39                       Very Low Density Lipoprotein (VLDL),
        diet, 231                                    144, 366
Index     385
Viagra (sildenafil), 103–104                Canadian Diabetes Association, 352
vibration testing, for neuropathy, 85       Centers for Disease Control, 355
viruses, link to diabetes, 33–36            Children with diabetes, 259, 351
visceral fat, 44, 366                       DANA Diabecare USA, 353
vision, blurred, in type 2 diabetes, 24     Diabetes Action Network, 357
visual disorders, as hypoglycemia           Diabetes Exercise and Sports Association,
      symptom, 56                               183
vitamins, 162–163                           Diabetes Monitor, 351
vitiligo, 98                                Dialogue magazine, 83
vitrectomy, 82, 366                         Eli Lilly and Company, 225, 353, 354
vitreous body, 79                 , 357
VLDL (Very Low Density Lipoprotein),        Georgetown University Health Policy
      144, 366                                  Institute, 275
vomiting, in ketoacidosis, 63               GlaxoSmithKline, 354
                                            government, 355–356
•W•                                         Guidedogs for the Blind, 83
                                            Healthfinder, 355
Wai, Andy (chef), 341                       Home Diagnostics, Inc., 353
walking, 186–188                            Il Fornaio (restaurant), 345
Warning! icon, 6                            International Diabetes Federation, 352
water, 164                                  Joslin Diabetes Center, 351, 358
water pills, 78, 172–173                    LifeScan, 353
weakness                                    MedFetch, 356
 in hyperosmolar syndrome, 66               Medicalert Foundation, 57
 in ketoacidosis, 63                        Medscape Diabetes and Endocrinology
 in type 1 diabetes, 32                         Home Page, 351
Web sites. See also Internet resources      Medtronic MiniMed, 353
 Abbott Laboratories, 353         , 356
 Activa Brand Products, 354                 National Diabetes Education Initiative,
 Alan L. Rubin, 349                             350
 American Diabetes Association (ADA),       National Diabetes Education Program,
    250, 350, 358                               350
 American Discovery Trail, 187              National Eating Disorders Association,
 American Foundation for the Blind (AFB),       174
    83, 356                                 National Federation of the Blind, 357
 Animas, 353                                National Institute of Diabetes and
 Antares Pharma, 354                            Digestive and Kidney Disease, 355
 Aventis, 353, 354                          National Library of Medicine, 355, 356
 Bayer Healthcare LLC, 353                  New York Institute For Special
 Becton, Dickinson and Company, 354             Education, 83
 Bioject Medical Technologies, Inc., 354    Owen Mumford, 353
 Blind Net, 83                    , 357
 Blindness Resource Center, 82, 356         Pfizer Inc., 354
 Bristol-Myers Squibb, 354                  President’s Challenge, 187
386   Diabetes For Dummies, 3rd Edition

      Web sites (continued)                       flys, 192–193
       Roche Diagnostics, 353                     good morning, 190–191
       3 Fat Chicks on a Diet, 358                lateral raise, 190
       Transportation Security Administration     pullovers, 192–193
          (TSA), 270                              shoulder press, 189–190
       Vegetarian Resource Group, 358             weight lifting compared, 188
      weight                                     Weight Watchers, 169
       body mass index (BMI), 43, 147–148, 360
       checking, 147–148
       loss, as diabetes symptom, 24, 32
       in pregnancy, 115                         xanthelasma, 99
      weight reduction                           xylitol, 165
       behavior modification, 171–172
       benefits of, 152
       diets, 168–170
       exercise and, 168                         yeast infections, 40, 105
       help from food partners, 313–314
       surgery for, 170–171
      weight training                            •Z•
       benefits, 188                             ziprasidone, 293
       bent-over rowing, 190–191
       biceps curl, 189

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Diabetic kidney disease in African Americans

  • 1. Index African Americans •A• diabetic kidney disease in, 73 AL A (alpha) cells, 30, 359 gestational diabetes in, 109, 115 A1c at Home (FlexSite), 139 peripheral vascular disease in, 95 A1c Now (Metrika, Inc.), 139 retinopathy, 81 RI Abbott Laboratories type 2 diabetes, 251–252 blood glucose meters, 129–130 AGEs (advanced glycated end products), TE Web site, 353 71, 80, 359 acanthosis nigricans, 99, 252 AIDS medications, 293–294 acarbose, 201, 265, 359 albumin, 71, 73–74, 76, 78 MA accelerated starvation, 112 alcohol, 59, 164–165, 167, 197, 255 Accu-Chek blood glucose meters (Roche aldosterone, diabetes cause, 49 Diagnostics), 132 algorithm, 359 AccuBase A1c Glycohemoglobin (Diabetes alopecia, 99 D Technologies), 139 alpha-blockers, 224 ACE inhibitor, 76–78, 141, 359 alpha cells, 30, 359 TE acesulfame, 166 alpha-fetoprotein, 114 acetaminophen, 224 alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, 201–202 alpha lipoic acid, 87 GH acetohexamide, 197 acetone, 63, 295, 359 alprostadil, 104 acidosis. See ketoacidosis Alzheimer’s Disease, 262 acromegaly, 49 Amaryl, 354, 359 RI Activa Brand Products (Web site), 354 American Diabetes Association (ADA) Actos, 203–204, 265, 354, 359 carbohydrates, 155 PY ADA. See American Diabetes cholesterol goal, 124 Association (ADA) drug evaluations, 289 adiposity, central, 91 hemoglobin A1c, 137 CO adolescents, diabetes in, 253–254 membership in, 301 adrenergic symptoms, of hypoglycemia, 56 nutrition section of Web site, 358 adult onset diabetes. See type 2 diabetes standards, 22 advanced glycated end products (AGEs), Web site, 350, 358 71, 80, 359 American Discovery Trail, 187 Advanta Jet (Activa Corporation), 218 American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) aerobic exercise, 180–182, 188, 194, 241 Web site, 83, 356 AFB (American Foundation for the Blind), Americans with Disabilities Act (1990), 83, 356 272–273
  • 2. 368 Diabetes For Dummies, 3rd Edition amino acids, 359 Avandia, 354, 360 amitriptylene, 87 Aventis (Web site), 353, 354 amphetamine, 292 Ayurvedic medicine, 291 amputations, 95, 97–98, 142, 304 azotemia, 73 amyotrophy, 359 anaerobic exercise, 180–181, 188 androgens, 118 •B• Anecdote icon, 6 B (beta) cells, 30, 34–35, 37, 47, 49, 360 anemia, 203 background retinopathy, 81, 360 aneurysms, retinal, 76 Bayer Healthcare LLC anger, at diagnosis diagnosis, 12–13 blood glucose meters, 130 angiography, 359 Indigent Patient program, 225 angioplasty, 92 Web site, 353 angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) Becton, Dickinson and Company inhibitors, 76–78, 224 lancets, 126 angiotensin II receptor blockers, 78 Web site, 354 animals, diabetes in, 357 bent-over rowing (exercise), 190–191 Animas (Web site), 353 beta blockers, 223, 263 ankle-brachial index (ABI), 95, 123, 143, 304 beta cells, 30, 34–35, 37, 47, 49, 360 anorexia, 172–173 biceps curl (exercise), 189 Antares Pharma (Web site), 354 Bioject Medical Technologies, Inc. antibodies, 34, 359 (Web site), 354 antidiuretic hormone, 22 BioSafe A1c Hemoglobin Test Kit (BioSafe), antigens, 359 139 antipsychotics, 292–293 bladder disorders, 88, 106, 266 anxiety, 13, 16, 56 blanket ban, employment, 271 Aqua (restaurant), 319–323 Blind Net (Web site), 83 Archives of Internal Medicine (journal), blindness, 82–83 156, 188, 199 Blindness Resource Center (Web site), artificial pancreas, 359 82, 356 Asian Americans, 115 blood fats, 75, 77, 91–92 aspartame, 166, 291 blood glucose aspirin, 59, 223–224, 263, 290 control and diabetic nephropathy, 76 Association for the Accreditation of Human determinants of level, 305–306 Research, 289 exercise effect on, 58–59 atheromatous plaques, 96 glycated products, 71 atherosclerosis, 359 glycemic index of carbohydrates, effect Atkins diet, 168–169 of, 156–158 atorvastatin, 145, 282 in hyperosmolar syndrome, 54–62 attitude, positive, 302–303 insulin effect on, 30–31 autoimmune diseases, 34–35, 37, 42, 258 in prediabetes, 19–21 autoimmune thyroiditis, 258 testing for diabetes, 27 automatic (autonomic) nerves, 88–89 in type 1 diabetes, 33
  • 3. Index 369 blood glucose meter Abbott Laboratories, 129–130 •C• Accu-Chek meters, 132 CAD (coronary artery disease) Bayer Healthcare LLC, 130 aspirin and, 223 choosing, 128–129 description of, 91–92 downloading results from, 128 estrogen and, 116 graphic presentation of data, 134–136 fat and, 144 LifeScan, 131 metabolic syndrome and, 92–94 noninvasive meters, 132–133 calcium channel blockers, 223 One Touch meters, 131 calories Precision meters, 130 from alcohol, 164–165 Roche Diagnostics, 131–132 from carbohydrate, 155–156 suppliers, 352–353 from fat, 160–162 blood glucose monitoring intake during pregnancy, 114 in children, 249–250 from protein, 159–160 frequency of testing, 125–126 total, 152–162 in gestational diabetes, 112–113 very low calorie diets, 168 meters, 128–134 Canadian Diabetes Association in pregnancy, 125 (Web site), 352 tips for testing, 127 cancer, 47 variation in results, 124 capitated payment, 274 when to test, 123, 125–126 capsacin, 87 blood pressure. See also hypertension carbohydrate counting, 213, 360 eye disease association, 79–83 carbohydrates heart disease and, 91–94 description, 155–156 hyperosmolar syndrome, 65–68 exercise and, 180 kidney disease and, 73–78 fiber, 158 meaning of, 148 glycemic index, 156–158 measuring, 146–147 intake, 113, 220, 240 rise in weight lifting, 188 in pregnancy, 109–110 smoking and, 96 cardiomyopathy, 94 testing, 146–147 casual plasma glucose, 22 blood urea nitrogen (BUN), 75, 360 cataracts, 80, 360 body mass index (BMI), 43, 147–148, 360 CDE (Certified Diabetes Educator), 232 Border Grill Restaurant, 324–327 Centers for Disease Control (Web site), 355 borderline diabetes, 306, 360 cerebrovascular disease (CVD), 96–97 bracelet, medical alert, 57 Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE), 232 Breastfeeding For Dummies (Perkins and Charcot’s Joint, 86, 360 Vannai), 115 Charlie Trotter’s (restaurant), 327–329 breathing, Kussmaul, 63 children with diabetes Bristol-Myers Squibb (Web site), 354 adolescents, 253–254 brittle diabetes, 89 becoming an educated caregiver, 247–248 bulimia, 172–173 college-age, 254–255 BUN (blood urea nitrogen), 75, 360 frequency of, 245, 248 bypass surgery, 92
  • 4. 370 Diabetes For Dummies, 3rd Edition children with diabetes (continued) neuropathy, 83–90 honeymoon period, 243, 247, 249 peripheral vascular disease, 95–96 infants, 246 skin disease, 98–99 obesity and, 255–257, 256 complications, short-term. See also specific preschoolers, 246–247 conditions primary school children, 248–253 hyperosmolar syndrome, 65–68 school issues, 250–251 hypoglycemia, 54–62 sick day solutions, 257–258 ketoacidosis, 62–65 team care, value of, 259 solving, 53–54 thyroid disease, 258 Condy, Charles (restaurateur), 319 type 2 diabetes, 251, 253 confusion, 56, 307 young adults, 254 congenital malformations, 110–111, 114 Children with Diabetes (Web site), Consolidated Omnibus Budget 259, 351, 358 Reconciliation Act (COBRA), 276 Chlorpropamide, 197 continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion cholesterol (CSII), 360 definition, 360 Controlling Cholesterol For Dummies heart disease and, 91–94 (Rinzler and Graf), 222 kidney disease and, 73–78 conventional diabetes treatment, 360 metformin effect on, 198–200 convulsions, as hypoglycemia symptom, 57 peripheral vascular disease and, 95–96 cookbook. See recipes tracking, 143–146 cornstarch, 249 chromium, 289 coronary artery disease (CAD) chromosomes, 34, 81 aspirin and, 223 chylomicros, 144 description of, 91–92 cinnamon, 290 estrogen and, 116 clozapine, 292 fat and, 144 COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget metabolic syndrome and, 92–94 Reconciliation Act), 276 corticosteroids, 223 cocaine, 291–292 C-reactive protein, 92–93, 149 cognitive screening tests, 262 creatinine, 361 cold virus, 35 cross-training, 184 coma, 57, 66–67 CSII (continuous subcutaneous insulin compliance, 302 infusion), 360 complications, long-term. See also specific Cushing’s Syndrome, 49 conditions CVD (cerebrovascular disease), 96–97 cerebrovascular disease, 96–97 Cybermedicine: How Computing Empowers common characteristics, 69–70 Doctors and Patients for Better Health eye disease, 79–83 Care (Slack), 288 foot disease, 97–98 cyclamate, 166 gum disease, 99–100 cyclosporine, 223 heart disease, 91–94 Cygnus, Inc. (GlucoWatch G2 Biographer), how they develop, 70 133–134 kidney disease, 70–78 cytotoxic drugs, 37
  • 5. Index 371 diabetic retinopathy. See retinopathy •D• diabetologist, 229–230, 361 D cells, 30 Dialogue magazine, 83 DANA Diabecare USA (Web site), 353 dialysis, 70, 77–78, 361 dawn phenomenon, 361 diarrhea, diabetic, 89 DCCT (Diabetes Control and Complications diastolic blood pressure, 146, 148 Trial), 38, 76, 283 diet dealing with diabetes alcohol, 164–165 depression, 13–14, 16 carbohydrates, 155–158 quality of life maintenance, 15–18 eating disorders, 172–173 reacting to diagnosis, 11–14 in the elderly, 263–264 realizing you are not alone, 10–11 fats, 160–162 realizing your potential, 11 following, 240–241 dementia, 262 ketoacidosis and, 62–65 denial, of diabetes diagnosis, 12 minerals, 162–164 depression, 13, 16 in pregnancy, 113–114 dexamethasone, 48 proteins, 159–160 Diabetes Action Network (Web site), 357 role in hypoglycemia, 58 Diabetes Care (journal) substitutions, 157 estrogen and diabetes, 116 sugar substitutes, 165–166 quality of life, 15 total calories, 152–155 Diabetes Control and Complications Trial for type 1 diabetes, 166–167 (DCCT), 38, 76, 283 for type 2 diabetes, 167–168 Diabetes Cookbook For Dummies (Rubin), vitamins, 162–164 232, 252, 314, 319 water, 164 Diabetes Education Act (1991), 250 for weight reduction, 168–170 Diabetes Exercise and Sports Association, dietitian, 231–232, 259 183, 354 diets Diabetes Forecast (magazine), 222 that don’t work, 294–295 diabetes insipidus, 22 very low calorie, 168 diabetes mellitus, origin of term, 19 for weight loss, 168–170 Diabetes Monitor (Web site), 351 digestive enzymes, 30 Diabetes Technologies (AccuBase A1c diphenylhydantoin, 223 Glycohemoglobin), 139 discrimination, 269, 273 diabetic blood vessel disease distal polyneuropathy, 85–87 cerebrovascular disease, 96–97 diuretics, 78 peripheral vascular disease, 95–96 doctors Diabetic Care Services, feet examination, diabetologist, 229–230, 361 143 endocrinologist, 229–230, 361 Diabetic Gourmet Magazine, 358 opthalmologist, 230, 264 diabetic ketoacidosis. See ketoacidosis pediatrician, 259 diabetic nephropathy. See kidney disease podiatrist, 230–231, 365 diabetic nerve disease, 76 primary physician, 228–229 diabetic neuropathy. See neuropathy
  • 6. 372 Diabetes For Dummies, 3rd Edition driving employment employment bans, 271–272 blanket bans, 271 license, 54 discrimination, 269, 273 drowsiness, in ketoacidosis, 63 insurance coverage and, 277 drugs. See also medications; specific drugs workplace law, 272–273 avoiding illegal, 291–292 end stage renal disease, 75 as diabetes cause, 58 endocrinologist, 229–230, 361 discoveries, 279–281 epinephrine, 49 interactions, 223–224 Equal Employment Opportunity Duet Glucose Control Monitoring System, Commission (EEOC), 273 140 erectile dysfunction (ED) Dymelor, 197 causes of, 102–103 definition, 101 •E• treatment, 103–105 essential fatty acids, 161 eating estrogens, 116 behavior, 171–172 ethanol, 224 disorders, 172–183, 174 euglycemia, 361 ED (erectile dysfunction) exchange plan, 361 causes of, 102–103 exercise definition, 101 aerobic, 180–182, 188 treatment, 103–105 amount, 180–182 edema, 76 anaerobic, 180–181, 188 educator, diabetes, 232, 240, benefits of, 178 242, 259, 314–315 calories burned, 184–185 EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity checking with doctor prior to, 178 Commission), 273 checking value of, 181 ejaculation, 102 choice of activity, 183–186 elderly, diabetes in the cross-training, 184 diagnosis, 261–262 heart rate, 181 diet, 263–264 importance of, 15, 176 elderly defined, 261 moderate, 182 eye problems, 266 myths about diabetes and, 308–309 heart disease and, 262–263 partner, 312–313 hypoglycemia, 264 Perceived Exertion Scale, 181 intellectual function evaluation, 262 quality of life and, 14–17 Medicare, 268 role in hypoglycemia, 56 medication use, 264–266 stretching, 182 sexual problems, 266–267 taking charge of health, 176–177 treatment approaches, 267–268 timing of, 182 urinary problems, 266–267 with type 1 diabetes, 179–180 Eli Lilly and Company (Web site), with type 2 diabetes, 180 225, 353, 354 walking, 186–188 weight reduction and, 168 weight training, 186–189
  • 7. Index 373 eye Federal Rehabilitation Act (1973), 273 anatomy and function, 79–80 (Web site), 357 care, importance of, 304 female sexual problems, 105–107 doctor, 218, 290, 363 Feniger, Susan, 324 examination, 123, 142, 239 fertility enhancement, 203 eye disease fiber, 158, 361 cataracts, 79–80, 266 fibric acid derivatives, 224 description, 79 Field of Greens: New Vegetarian Recipes from in the elderly, 266 the Celebrated Greens Restaurant glaucoma, 79–80, 266 (Somerville), 337 kidney disease and, 75 fish oil, 161 pupil abnormalities, 89 Fitness For Dummies (Schlosberg), 182 resources for the blind and visually FlexSite (A1c at Home), 139 impaired, 82–83 fluids, for hyperosmolar syndrome retinopathy, 80–82, 266 treatment, 67–68 flys (exercise), 192–193 •F• food. See also diet; recipes intake during pregnancy, 113 FAA (Federal Aviation Administration), 272 partner, help from, 313–314 family support, 17, 233–234 Food and Wine (magazine), 330 famous people with diabetes, 10–11 foot fasting hyperglycemia, 200 disease, 97–98 fasting lipid panel, 144 doctors, 313 fasting plasma glucose (FPG), 22 examination of, 142–143 fasts, 169 importance of care, 303–304, 310 fat, body FPG (fasting plasma glucose), 22 central distribution of, 44–45 friends, help from, 242 exercise effect on, 183 Fringale (restaurant), 330–333 Fat Burner, 290 fructosamine, 139–140 fat, dietary fructose, 165, 361 calories from, 162 fungal infections, 99 forms of, 160–161 intake during pregnancy, 114 in protein sources, 159–160 •G• recommended amount, 160 gabapentin, 87 fatigue gallstones, 89 cause of, 177 gastric banding, 170–171 as diabetes symptom, 24 gastric bypass, 170 as hypoglycemia symptom, 56 gastroparesis, 361 in ketoacidosis, 63 Gaylord India Restaurant, 334–336 in type 2 diabetes, 39 genetic influence on diabetes, 309 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), 272 Georgetown University Health Policy Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 271 Institute, 275
  • 8. 374 Diabetes For Dummies, 3rd Edition gestational diabetes golf, 183, 185 description, 47, 361 good morning (exercise), 190, 192 diagnosing, 108–110 Goodman, Joel (The HUMOR Project), 310 frequency of, 47 Gourmet Cooking For Dummies (Trotter), GFR (glomerular filtration rate), 72 327 glaucoma, 80 Gourmet Magazine, 341 GlaxoSmithKline (Web site), 354 government Web sites, 355–356 glimepiride, 198 Graf, Martin W., 222 glipizide, 198 Greens (restaurant), 336–340 glitazones, 93, 202–204 growth hormone, 49 glomerular basement membrane, 72 Guidedogs for the Blind, 83 glomerular filtration rate (GFR), 72 gum disease, 99–100, 155 glomeruli, 72, 78 Gymnema silvestre, 291 glucagon definition, 12, 361 exercise effect on, 177 •H• for hypoglycemia treatment, 61–62 Harbor Village (restaurant), 341–344 production by the pancreas, 30 HDL (high density lipoprotein), 144, 362 Glucagon for Emergencies (kit), 61–62 headache, as hypoglycemia symptom, 56 glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), 205 Health Care Financing Administration, 268 Glucagon Secreting Tumor of the health insurance, 275–277, 309 Pancreas, 49 Health Maintenance Organization (HMO), Glucophage, 354, 362 274 glucose Health on the Net Foundation, 235–236 definition, 155, 362 Healthfinder (Web site), 355 diabetes symptoms and, 24–25 heart attack, 45, 82, 91–93, 145, 262–263 intravenous, 60 heart disease metabolism by Polyol Pathway, 71 autonomic neuropathy, 88–89 role in the body, 21–22 cardiomyopathy, 94 for treatment of hypoglycemia, 60–62 in the elderly, 262–263 glucose intolerance, 48, 49 metabolic syndrome, 92–94 glucose tablets, 57, 61 in type 2 diabetes, 40 glucose tolerance, 49, 109, 115 heart rate GlucoWatch G2 Biographer (Cygnus, Inc.), in cardiac autonomic neuropathy, 89 133–134 exercise and, 181 glyburide, 198 rapid as hypoglycemia symptom, 56 glycated products, 71 hemochromatosis, 48 glycemic index, 156–158, 158, 362 hemodialysis, 77 glycemic load, 158 hemoglobin A1c glycogen, 23, 31, 362 correlation with blood glucose, 138 glycohemoglobin, 137, 138 definition, 137, 362 glycosuria, 362 diagnosing diabetes in the elderly, Glyset, 201, 362 261–262 goiters, 164 formation of, 71
  • 9. Index 375 frequency of testing, 125 hyperthyroidism, 49, 258 goal for, 264 hypnosis, 294 home testing, 129 hypoglycemia how it works, 138 as barrier to treatment, 55 as indicator of miscarriage risk, 111 causes, 57–59 lowering with oral agents, 201 in children, 247, 249–250 reduction with careful diet, 151–152 definition, 31, 53, 54, 362 reduction by exercise, 176 frequency of, 55 testing schedule, 122–124 myths concerning, 307 value of test, 129 prevention, 60 hemorrhages, retinal, 81–82 symptoms of, 55–57 hepatic glucose output, 41 treatment, 60–62 heroin, 291, 292 hypoglycemia, causes of High Blood Pressure For Dummies (Rubin), diet, 58 222 exercise, 58 high density lipoprotein (HDL), 144, 362 hormonal changes, 59 Hirigoyen, Gerald (restaurateur/chef), 330 insulin, 58 history of diabetes treatment, 25–27 non-diabetic medications, 59 HMO (Health Maintenance Organization), sulfonylurea medications, 58 274 hypoglycemia unawareness, 59 Home Diagnostics, Inc. (Web site), 353 hypothyroidism, 258 honeymoon period, 249, 362 hormones, change and hypoglycemia, 55 Humalog insulin. See lispro insulin •I• humor, sense of, 310 ibuprofen, 87 hunger icons, used in book, 6 as hypoglycemia symptom, 56 identification, medical, 57 in type 1 diabetes, 32 Il Fornaio (restaurant), 344–348 hydrochlorothiazide, 48 imipramine, 87 hydrocortisone, 48, 49 impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), 41, 362 hyperbillrubinemia, 117 implanted penile prostheses, 105 hypercholesterolemia, 95 impotence, 102, 308, 362. See also erectile hyperglycemia, 362 dysfunction (ED) hyperinsulinemia, 362 incontinence, 262, 266 hyperlipidemia, 362 infants, diabetes in, 246 hyperosmolar syndrome, 42, 65–68, 362 infection hypertension as cause of ketoacidosis, 62, 64 ACE inhibitors for, 78 in type 2 diabetes, 39–40 epidemic of, 146 influenza, 222 heart disease and, 91 Institute of Medicine, 182 kidney disease and, 75, 76 insulin measuring blood pressure, 146 adjusting when traveling, 215–216 in metabolic syndrome, 92 as builder hormone, 23, 24 in pregnancy, 108 definition, 23, 363
  • 10. 376 Diabetes For Dummies, 3rd Edition insulin (continued) International Journal of Obesity, 152–153 elderly population and, 265–266 Internet resources forms of, 209–210 Abbott Laboratories, 353 hypoglycemia from, 57–58 Activa Brand Products, 354 intensive treatment, 214–215 Alan L. Rubin, 349 for ketoacidosis treatment, 64 American Diabetes Association (ADA), myths about use of, 307–308 250, 350, 358 oral agents combined with, 211 American Discovery Trail, 187 for prevention of diabetes American Foundation for the Blind (AFB), development, 37 83, 356 quality of life, impact of treatment on, 17 animals with diabetes, 357 reaction, 363 Blind Net, 83 requirements in pregnancy, 107–108 Blindness Resource Center, 82, 356 storage and handling, 211 Canadian Diabetes Association, 352 strength, 209 Children with Diabetes, 259, 351 suppliers, 353–354 Diabetes Exercise and Sports Association, use in pregnancy, 107–108 183 insulin aspart, 209 Diabetes Monitor, 351 insulin delivery diabetes products, 352–354 aids, 221–222 Dialogue magazine, 83 with a jet injection device, 217–218 diet and weight loss, 234–235 with a pen, 216–217 exercise programs, 235 pump, 218–221, 353, 363 exercise and sports associations, 354 with a syringe and needle, 212–214 foreign language information, 356 insulin-dependent diabetes, 32. See also Georgetown University Health Policy type 1 diabetes Institute, 275 insulin glargine, 363 glucose meters, 352–353 insulin hypertrophy, of skin, 99 government, 355–356 insulin pump, 218–221, 353, 363 Guidedogs for the Blind, 83 insulin resistance Il Fornaio (restaurant), 345 definition, 363 insulin, 353 syndrome description, 92 insulin jet injection devices, 354 in type 2 diabetes, 41 insulin pumps, 353 insulin sensitivity, 46 insulin syringes, 354 insurance International Diabetes Federation, 352 health, 275–277, 309 Joslin Diabetes Center, 351 life, 278, 309 Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, long-term care, 277–278 351 myths about diabetes, 309 lancing devices, 353 intellectual function, evaluation of, 262 Medicalert Foundation, 57 intensive diabetes treatment, 363 Medscape Diabetes and Endocrinology International Diabetes Federation (Web Home Page, 351 site), 352
  • 11. Index 377 National Diabetes Education Initiative, 350 •K• National Diabetes Education Program, Kaler, Santok (chef), 334 350 kcalories (kilocalories), 154 National Eating Disorders Association, ketoacidosis, 33, 62–65, 361 174 ketones New York Institute for Special definition, 111, 149 Education, 83 link to congenital malformations, 111 New York Online Access to Health, 352 monitoring in pregnancy, 112–113 oral medications, 354 testing for, 149 overview, 234 urine (ketonuria), 247, 251, 363 President’s Challenge, 187 kidney disease. See also nephropathy recipes, 357–358 description, 69–72 reputable, 235–236 early indications of, 73–74 Rick Mendosa, 350 prevention, 72–73 Transportation Security Administration treatment, 76–78 (TSA), 270 urinary tract infections and, 77 visually impaired sites, 356–357 kidney, progressive changes, 75–76 interstitial fluid, 133 kidney transplant, 78 intestinal abnormalities, 89 kilocalories, 154 intravenous pyelogram (IVP), 77 Kimmelstiel-Wilson nodules, 75 iodine, 164 Ki-Sweet, 291 iron, 48, 163 Kussmaul breathing, 63 islet cell antibodies, 34 islet cells, 363. See also A (alpha) cells; B (beta) cells •L• Islets of Langerhans, 30 lactic acidosis, 199 isosorbide dinitrate, 87 lancet, 126–127, 353, 363 IVP (intravenous pyelogram), 77 Lancet, The, 282 Lantus, 363 •J• laser treatment, 363 lateral raise (exercise), 190–191 Jargon Alert icon, 6 law, workplace, 272–273 Jenny Craig (weight-loss system), 169 lazy left colon, 117 jet injection device, 217–218 LDL (low density lipoprotein), 144, 363 Joslin Diabetes Center (Web site), 351, 358 learning, lifelong, 301–302 Journal of the American Medical leg cramps, in hyperosmolar syndrome, 66 Association, 169, 281 lente insulin, 210, 363 juvenile diabetes mellitus, 363. See also libido, 266 type 1 diabetes life insurance, 278, 309 Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation LifeScan (JDRF), 351 One Touch blood glucose meters, 131 Web site, 353
  • 12. 378 Diabetes For Dummies, 3rd Edition light touch testing, for neuropathy, 85 medications. See also specific agents lipid panel, 123, 144 compliance, 302 lipoatrophy, 363 drug interactions, 223–224 lipohypertrophy, 363 insulin, 209–222 lipoproteins, 143–144 knowledge concerning, 239–240 lispro insulin, 209, 362, 363 oral agents, 196–207 liver, release of glucose from, 31 pharmacist help with, 316 long-term care insurance, 277–278 suppliers, 354 Lorda, J. B. (restaurateur), 330 that don’t work, 288–291 low density lipoprotein (LDL), 144, 363 use in the elderly, 264–266 lubricants, 106 Medi-Jector Vision jet injection devices, 218 •M• Medscape Diabetes and Endocrinology Home Page (Web site), 351 macroalbuminuria, 74 Medtronic MiniMed macrosomia, 110, 112, 364 Paradigm 512, 221 macrovascular disease, 176, 364 Web site, 353 macula, 79 meglitinides, 204–205 macular degeneration, 266 Mendosa, Rick (Web site creator), 350 macular edema, 81 menopause, 106, 116 magnesium, 93, 117, 163 menstrual function, 105–106, 117 mannitol, 165 mental health worker, 233, 259 marijuana, 291–292 mesangial tissue, 75 MedFetch (Web site), 356 metabolic syndrome, 19–20, 92–94, 364 medical care metformin, 46, 198–200, 265 capitation method, 274 metocloprimide, 89 fee-for-service method, 274 Metrika, Inc. (A1c Now), 139 medical care providers Mexican Americans diabetes educator, 232 diabetic kidney disease in, 73 diabetologist/endcrinologist, 229–230 diabetic retinopathy in, 81 dietitian, 231–232 gestational diabetes in, 115 family and friends, 233–234 Mexican Cooking For Dummies (Milliken Internet, 234–236 and Feniger), 324 mental health worker, 233 microalbuminuria, 73, 74, 92, 141, 364 opthalmologist/optometrist, 230 microvascular complications, 364 pharmacist, 232–233 Miglitol, 201 podiatrist, 230–231 milk, 36, 61 primary physician, 228–229 Milliken, Mary Sue, 324 medical nutrition therapy, 264 Mina, Michael (chef), 319–320 medical underwriting, 275 minerals, 163–164 Medicalert Foundation, 57 minoxidil, 223 Medicare, 264, 268, 276, 277 miscarriage, 111
  • 13. Index 379 mononeuropathy, 88 neuropathy monounsaturated fat, 364 description, 83–85 morbid obesity, 44 diffuse and focal, 85 morbidity rate, 364 disorders of automatic nerves, 88–89 mortality rate, 364 disorders of movement, 88 (Web site), 356 disorders of sensation, 85–88 muscular endurance, exercise for, 184 exercise and, 185–186 eye disease and, 80 •N• kidney disease and, 76 risk factors, 84 nateglinide, 205, 265 New England Journal of Medicine, 15, 46, National Diabetes Education Initiative 74, 145, 171, 222, 280, 283 (Web site), 350 New York Institute For Special National Diabetes Education Program Education, 83 (Web site), 350 New York Online Access to Health (NOAH), National Eating Disorders Association, 174 352, 358 National Federation of the Blind (Web site), niacin, 224 357 nicotinamide, 37 National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive nicotinic acid, 224 and Kidney Disease (Web site), 355 no fat, in diet, 295 National Library of Medicine (Web site), noninsulin dependent diabetes, 38, 364. 355, 356 See also type 2 diabetes National Weight Control Registry (NWCR), Novo Nordisk, 225, 353 169–170 NPH insulin, 364 Native Americans numbness, in type 2 diabetes, 40 diabetic kidney disease in, 73 Nutrition For Dummies (Rinzler), 114 gestational diabetes in, 109 NWCR (National Weight Control Registry), nausea, in ketoacidosis, 63 169–170 NCV (nerve conduction velocity), 84 necrobiosis lipoidica, 99 needle guides, 222 •O• neotame, 166 obesity neovascularization, 364 body mass index (BMI), 43, 148 nephropathy, 70, 364. See also kidney in children, 255–257 disease defined, 26 exercise and, 178 as diabetes risk factors, 26 in pregnancy, 108 factors affecting, 152–153 nerve conduction velocity (NCV), 84 heart disease and, 91 neuroarthropathy, 86 incidence of, 152–153 neurogenic bladder, 77, 106 morbid, 44 neuroglycopenic symptoms, of peripheral vascular disease and, 95–96 hypoglycemia, 56 in pregnancy, 115 neuropathic ulcer, 364 surgery for, 170–171 type 2 diabetes and, 39–42, 106
  • 14. 380 Diabetes For Dummies, 3rd Edition olanzapine, 292 peripheral neuropathy, 365 One Touch blood glucose meters peripheral vascular disease (PVD), 95–96 (LifeScan), 131 peritoneal dialysis, 77–78 opthalmologist, 230, 364 Perkins, Sharon, 115 optic nerve, 79, 80 (Web site), 357 optometrist, 230 Pfizer Inc. oral agents. See also specific agents Prescription Assistance program, 225 alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, 201–202 Web site, 354 combining agents, 206–207 pharmacist, 232–233, 316 meglitinides, 204–205 phenformin, 199 metformin, 198–200 phenothiazines, 224 sulfonylureas, 196–198 phentolamine, 104 thiazolidinediones, 202–204 pheochromocytoma, 49 oral contraceptives, 224 pilot’s license, 54, 272 Oral Glucose Tolerance Test, 22 pioglitazone, 203–204, 206–207, 365 orange juice, for hypoglycemia plasma glucose, 127 treatment, 61 plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, 93 orgasm, 102 platelets, 96 Ortho-McNeil (Regranex Gel), 98 pneumonia, 223 ovaries, polycystic, 117–118 podiatrist, 230–231, 365 Owen Mumford (Web site), 353 polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), 117–118 •P• polycythemia, 117 polydipsia, 365 pallor, as hypoglycemia symptom, 56 Polyol Pathway, 71 pancreas polyradiculopathy-diabetic amyotrophy, 87 anatomy and function, 30 polyunsaturated fat, 365 artificial, 359 polyuria, 365 definition, 365 positive thinking, 238 insulin, 30–31 postprandial, 365 removal of, 47–48 potassium pancreas formula, 290 effect of ACE inhibitors on, 78 papaverine, 104 in hyperosmolar syndrome, 66, 68 parasympathetic nervous system, 102 loss with ketoacidosis, 63–64 patient stories, 27–28 pramlintide, 208 PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndome), Prandin, 204–205, 365 117–118 Precision blood glucose meters (Abbott pediatrician, 259 Laboratories), 130 pedometer, 186 prediabetes, 19–21 pen, insulin, 216–217 prednisone, 37, 48 penis, 104, 266 pregestational diabetes, 47, 107 Perceived Exertion Scale, 181 pregnancy periodontal disease, 365 baby’s health, 116–117 body’s reaction to, 107–108
  • 15. Index 381 congenital malformations, 110–111, 114 delivery, 115 •R• gestational diabetes, 108–110 radiculopathy-nerve root involvement, health maintenance after, 115–116 87–88 insulin use, 107–108 reacting to diabetes diagnosis macrosomia, 110–112, 114–116, 364 anger, 12–13 miscarriage, 111 bargaining for more time, 13 pregestational diabetes, 47, 111–112, 114 denial, 12 proactive measures, 108 moving on, 14 testing for fetal defects, 114 receptors, 365 treatment of diabetes during, 112–115 recipes preschoolers, diabetes in, 246–248 Baked Apples, 326–327 President’s Challenge, 187 Bavarese Bianca Con Frutta (White prevention, 36–38, 43–45, 60, 237–238, Gelatin with Fruit), 348 299–304 Chicken Soup with Watercress and Tofu, priapism, 104 342 primary hyperaldosteronism, 49 Chicken Tikka Kabab (Barbecued Chicken progesterone, 116 Kebab), 335 prolactin, 49, 102 Cinnamon-Brandy Chicken, 324–325 Prolactin Secreting Tumor of the Pituitary Green Rice Pilaf, 325 Gland, 49 Grilled Swordfish with Worcestershire proliferative retinopathy, 81, 365 Vinaigrette and Roasted Vegetables, propranalol, 78 322 prostheses, 105 internet resources, 357–358 protease inhibitors, 293 Lemon Braised Sea Bass with Star Anise protein, 159–160, 365. See also albumin and Baby Spinach, 333 choice of sources, 159–160 Maniche Al Pollo (Elbow Pasta with definition, 365 Chicken), 346 intake during pregnancy, 113 Marinated Chicken in Red Wine wih proteinuria, 365 Braising Greens, Parsnips, and psychiatrist, 233 Cippolini Onions, 330–331 psychogenic impotence, 102 Marinated Grilled Duck Breast, 321 psychologist, 233 Miso Marinated Sea Bass, 323 puberty, 254 Onion Pie with Roquefort and Walnuts, pullovers (exercise), 192–193 332 pump, insulin, 218–221, 353, 363 Red Roasted Root Vegetables, 326 pupil abnormalities, 89 Rhubarb-Strawberry Cobbler, 340 PVD (peripheral vascular disease), 95–96 Risotto Ai Vegetali (Italian Rice with Vegetables), 347 •Q• Romaine Hearts with Sourdough Croutons and Parmesan Cheese, 337 quality of life, 15–18 Saag (spinach), 336 quetiapine (Seroquel), 293 Scallopine Al Funghi (Veal with Mushrooms), 345
  • 16. 382 Diabetes For Dummies, 3rd Edition recipes (continued) Rezulin, 202, 365 Scallops with Barley, Wild Mushroom Rinzler, Carol Ann, Controlling Cholesterol Ragout, and Chicken Stock reduction, For Dummies, 222 328 risperadone, 293 Seekh Kabab (Barbecued Lamb on Roche Diagnostics Skewer), 334–335 Accu-Chek blood glucose meters, 131–132 Shiitake Mushrooms with Baby Bok Choy, Web site, 353 343 rosiglitazone, 202–203 Steamed Rock Cod, 344 roughage, 158 Steamed Whitefish with Haricotes Verts Rubin, Alan L. and Potato-Apple-Celery Puree, 329 Diabetes Cookbook For Dummies, Summer Minestrone, 338 232, 252, 314, 319 Sweet Pepper and Basil Frittata, 339 High Blood Pressure For Dummies, 222 Warm Asparagus and Morel Salad, Thyroid For Dummies, 258 320–321 Type 1 Diabetes For Dummies, 221, 245 Regranex Gel (Ortho-McNeil), 98 Web site, 349 regular insulin, 365 Rehabilitation Act (1973), 250 Remember icon, 6 •S• repaglinide, 204–205 saccharin, 165 resources. See Internet resources salicylates, 59, 224 respiratory distress syndrome, 117 salindac, 87 restaurants Sanofi-Aventis Patient Assistance program, Aqua, 319–323 225 Border Grill, 324–327 Sarti, Edmondo (chef), 345 Charlie Trotter’s, 327–329 saturated fat, 161, 366 Fringale, 330–333 Schlosberg, Suzanne, 182 Gaylord India Restaurant, 334–336 school issues, 250–251 Greens, 336–340 secondary diabetes, 366 Harbor Village, 341–344 Section 504 plan, 250–251 Il Fornaio, 344–348 See Your Doctor icon, 6 retina, 365 seizures, 117 retinal aneurysms, 81 sensation, loss of, 85–88 retinal detachment, 81, 82 sexual problems retinal hemorrhages, 81 in the elderly, 266–267 retinopathy. See also eye disease female, 105–107 associated conditions, 81–82 male, 101–105 background, 81, 360 sharps container, 127 definition, 365 shoulder press (exercise), 189–190 description, 80 sick days, for children, 257–258 exercise and, 177 signs and symptoms, recognizing in in pregnancy, 107 children, 247 proliferative, 81, 365 sildenafil (Viagra), 103–104 reversing diabetes, 299–304 skin disease, 98–99
  • 17. Index 383 Slack, Warner V., Cybermedicine: How symptoms Computing Empowers Doctors and diabetes, 24–25 Patients for Better Health Care, 288 hyperosmolar syndrome, 66 smoking and diabetes, 96, 263 hypoglycemia, 55–57 sodium, 66–68, 163 ketoacidosis, 63 SoftClix Lancet Device, 126 type 1 diabetes, 32–33 somatostatin, 30, 49 type 2 diabetes, 39–40 Somatostatin Secreting Tumor of the synthetic, 366 Pancreas, 49 syringes Somerville, Annie (chef), 336 air bubbles in, 212 somogyi effect, 366 markings, 212 sorbitol, 71, 165 size of, 211 South Beach Diet, 169 suppliers, 354 standards of care, 312 systolic blood pressure, 146, 148 Starlix, 205, 366 starvation, 173 statins, 77, 93, 282–283 •T• steroid drugs, 37 tadalafil, 104 stories, real patient, 27–28 Tamales World Tour (TV program), 324 stress management, 17 teenagers, with diabetes, 17, 253–254 stretching, 182 temperature testing, for neuropathy, 85 stroke, 94 testing. See also blood glucose monitoring; sucralose, 166 specific tests sucrose, 21 blood pressure, 146–147 sugar substitutes, 165–166 C-reactive protein, 149 sulfonylureas. See also specific drugs for diabetes, 22–23 acetohexamide, 197 for eye problems, 142 characteristics of, 196 for fetal defects, 114 chlorpropamide, 197 for foot problems, 142–143 definition, 366 hemoglobin A1c, 137–140 discovery of, 27 ketones, 149 first-generation, 196–197 weight and BMI, 148–149 glimepiride, 198 thiazide diuretics, 223 glipizide, 198 thiazolidediones, 93, 202–204 glyburide, 198 thirst, 24 hypoglycemia from, 58 3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Web site, 358 second-generation, 197–198 thyroid disease, 258 tolazamide, 197 Thyroid For Dummies (Rubin), 258 tolbutamide, 196–197 thyroid hormone, 224 summer camp, diabetes, 259 Tip icon, 6 surgery, for weight loss, 170–171, 257 toddler, with diabetes, 246–247 sweating problems, 56, 89, 97 tolazamide, 197 sweeteners, 165–166 tolbutamide, 196–197 sympathetic nervous system, 102 trans fatty acid, 161
  • 18. 384 Diabetes For Dummies, 3rd Edition transient ischemic attack (TIA), 96 exercise with, 180 transplant, kidney, 78 eye examination in, 80 Transportation Security Administration frequency of, 39 (TSA), 269–270 heart disease and, 92 traveling, with diabetes, 269–271 hypoglycemia in, 57 treatment. See also specific agents; ketoacidosis, 63 specific methods misconceptions of, 41–42 history of, 25–27 obesity and, 256–257 that does not work, 287–295 prevention, 43–45 triglycerides symptoms, 39–40 definition of, 366 testing, 125–126 kidney disease and, 73–74, 77 type 1 symptoms compared, 251–252 in metabolic syndrome, 92 rise from dietary carbohydrates, 158 troglitazone, 202 •U• Trotter, Charlie (chef), 327 ulcer, foot, 83, 86, 98 TSA (Transportation Security ultralente insulin, 366 Administration), 269–270 ultrasound, 114–115 Two Hot Tamales (TV program), 324 United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes type 1 diabetes Study, 147 age at diagnosis, 33 unsaturated fat, 161 blood glucose monitoring, 127 uremia, 75 causes, 34 urethra, 102 description, 32–33 urinary problems diet, 231 in the elderly, 266–267 exercise with, 179–180 frequent urination, 24 frequency of eye examinations in, 86 urinary tract infections, 77, 88, 262 heart disease and, 91 urine hypoglycemia in, 57 albumin, 71, 73–74, 76, 78 ketoacidosis, 63 glucose, 305 in pregnancy, 107–108 ketones, 247, 251, 363 prevention, 36–38 in primary school children, 248–251 school issues, 250–251 •V• type 2 symptoms compared, 251–252 vaccinations, 36, 222–223 Type 1 Diabetes For Dummies (Rubin), vagina 221, 245 dryness, 105–107 type 2 diabetes infection, 25 blood glucose monitoring, 127 Vannais, Carol, 115 causes, 40–42 vardenafil, 104 in children, 245, 248, 251–253 Vegetarian Resource Group (Web site), 358 combining oral agents and insulin, 211 vertical banded gastroplasty, 170 description, 38–39 Very Low Density Lipoprotein (VLDL), diet, 231 144, 366
  • 19. Index 385 Viagra (sildenafil), 103–104 Canadian Diabetes Association, 352 vibration testing, for neuropathy, 85 Centers for Disease Control, 355 viruses, link to diabetes, 33–36 Children with diabetes, 259, 351 visceral fat, 44, 366 DANA Diabecare USA, 353 vision, blurred, in type 2 diabetes, 24 Diabetes Action Network, 357 visual disorders, as hypoglycemia Diabetes Exercise and Sports Association, symptom, 56 183 vitamins, 162–163 Diabetes Monitor, 351 vitiligo, 98 Dialogue magazine, 83 vitrectomy, 82, 366 Eli Lilly and Company, 225, 353, 354 vitreous body, 79, 357 VLDL (Very Low Density Lipoprotein), Georgetown University Health Policy 144, 366 Institute, 275 vomiting, in ketoacidosis, 63 GlaxoSmithKline, 354 government, 355–356 •W• Guidedogs for the Blind, 83 Healthfinder, 355 Wai, Andy (chef), 341 Home Diagnostics, Inc., 353 walking, 186–188 Il Fornaio (restaurant), 345 Warning! icon, 6 International Diabetes Federation, 352 water, 164 Joslin Diabetes Center, 351, 358 water pills, 78, 172–173 LifeScan, 353 weakness MedFetch, 356 in hyperosmolar syndrome, 66 Medicalert Foundation, 57 in ketoacidosis, 63 Medscape Diabetes and Endocrinology in type 1 diabetes, 32 Home Page, 351 Web sites. See also Internet resources Medtronic MiniMed, 353 Abbott Laboratories, 353, 356 Activa Brand Products, 354 National Diabetes Education Initiative, Alan L. Rubin, 349 350 American Diabetes Association (ADA), National Diabetes Education Program, 250, 350, 358 350 American Discovery Trail, 187 National Eating Disorders Association, American Foundation for the Blind (AFB), 174 83, 356 National Federation of the Blind, 357 Animas, 353 National Institute of Diabetes and Antares Pharma, 354 Digestive and Kidney Disease, 355 Aventis, 353, 354 National Library of Medicine, 355, 356 Bayer Healthcare LLC, 353 New York Institute For Special Becton, Dickinson and Company, 354 Education, 83 Bioject Medical Technologies, Inc., 354 Owen Mumford, 353 Blind Net, 83, 357 Blindness Resource Center, 82, 356 Pfizer Inc., 354 Bristol-Myers Squibb, 354 President’s Challenge, 187
  • 20. 386 Diabetes For Dummies, 3rd Edition Web sites (continued) flys, 192–193 Roche Diagnostics, 353 good morning, 190–191 3 Fat Chicks on a Diet, 358 lateral raise, 190 Transportation Security Administration pullovers, 192–193 (TSA), 270 shoulder press, 189–190 Vegetarian Resource Group, 358 weight lifting compared, 188 weight Weight Watchers, 169 body mass index (BMI), 43, 147–148, 360 checking, 147–148 loss, as diabetes symptom, 24, 32 •X• in pregnancy, 115 xanthelasma, 99 weight reduction xylitol, 165 behavior modification, 171–172 benefits of, 152 diets, 168–170 •Y• exercise and, 168 yeast infections, 40, 105 help from food partners, 313–314 surgery for, 170–171 weight training •Z• benefits, 188 ziprasidone, 293 bent-over rowing, 190–191 biceps curl, 189