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• To find the angle and convert the angle from
  degree to radian or vice versa.
• To recognize the trigonometric identities, sine
  and cosine rule.
• To solve trigonometric equations.
• One of the oldest branches of mathematics.
• Historical evidence shows that by about 1100 B.C.,
  Chinese were making measurements of distance and
  height using right- triangle trigonometry.
• Greek astronomer Hipparcus, The Father of
  Trigonometry, is credited with compiling the 1st
  trigonometric tables.
• The trigonometry of Hipparcus and other
  astronomers was strictly a tool of measurement.
• Making measurements of distance and height.
• Astronomers field.
• Describing physical phenomena that are
•   An angle is determined by rotating a ray about about its endpoint.
•   The starting position: initial side
•   The position after rotation: terminal side
•   The point connecting the two sides: vertex

                                         terminal side
                                          initial side
Positive angles are generated   Negative angles are generated
with anticlockwise rotation.    with clockwise rotation.

              y                        y

                           x                   -45° x
‘A’ represent an angle measure.      y

                 Quadrant II             Quadrant I
              angle: 90° <A< 180°        angle: 0 <A< 90°

                 Quadrant III            Quadrant IV
              angle: 180° <A< 270°       angle: 270° <A< 360°
Acute angle (0°< θ < 90°)   Obtuse angle (90° <θ< 180°)

    90 °

Right angle ( ¼ rotation)   Straight angle (1/2 rotation)
• An angle may be measured in terms of
  “Radians” rather than degrees.
• π radians = 180°
• 2 π radians = 360°
• Note: π is used to present 3.142
           TO DEGREE.
• Degree      Radians
• By using formula:
             Degree x π radians = radians
                 1       180°
• Radians      Degree
• By using formula :
              Radians x 180° = degree
                 1       π radians
Convert to radians.
i.   60 °
ii. 173°
iii. 35°
Convert to degree.
i.   π
ii. 7 π
iii. 3 π
•      Degree to Radians
i.       60° x π radians = 1.047 radians
        1         180°
ii.      173° x π radians = 3.019 radians
         1       180°
iii.     35° x π radians = 0.611 radians
         1      180°
•        Radians to Degree
i.       π x 180°        = 45°
        4     π radians
ii.     7 π x 180°      = 157.5°
        8     π radians
iii.     3 π x 180° = 108 °
        5     π radians
Graph of y=sin x
 sin 0°   sin 90°   sin 180°   sin 270°   sin 360°
   0        +1         0          -1         0
Graph y=cos x
cos 0°   cos 90°   cos 180°   cos 270°   cos 360°
 +1        0          -1         0         +1
Graph y=tan x
•The period is π.
•Graphs consists repetitions at intervals of π.
•The tangent function is undefined at π/2.
                             Sine θ   = Opposite side = y
Hypotenuse                             Hypotenuse      r
   r              Opposite
      θ            side ,y    Cosine θ = Adjacent side = x
     Adjacent                           Hypotenuse       r
       side , x
                             Tangent θ = Opposite side = y
                                         Adjacent side x
• Tan θ   = sin θ
           cos θ
• Sec θ = 1 = r
           cos θ x
• Cosec θ = 1 = r
            sin θ y
• Cot θ = 1 = x
           tan θ y

    30°              2        45°
              2                     1


0°   30°   45°   60°      90°
sin θ   0           1              1
             1             3
             2       2    2
cos θ   1           1     1        0
             2       2    2
tan θ   0    1     1           UNDEFINED
• sin²θ + cos²θ = 1

• 1 + cot²θ = cosec²θ

• Tan²θ + 1 = sec²θ
How to proven??

            p(x,y)       phytagoras theorem:

                         r² = x² + y²…….①
        r            y

From graph…
cos θ = x          sin θ = y
         r                 r
Divided ① by r² gives :
      r² = x² + y²
      r² r² r²
      1 = x ² + y²
             r      r
1 = cos² θ + sin ² θ……..②
Divide ② by cos ² gives :
        1 = cos² θ + sin²θ
     cos² θ      cos² θ    cos² θ
        1 ²= 1          + sin θ ²
       cos θ                cos θ
sec²θ = 1 + tan²θ………③
Divide ② by sin²θ
        1 = cos²θ + sin²θ
     sin²θ      sin²θ     sin²θ
       1    ² = cos θ ² + 1
     sin θ        sin θ
   cosec ²θ = cot²θ + 1
Negative angles
• sin (-θ )= - sin θ

• cos (- θ ) = cos θ

• tan (-θ ) = - tan θ
Prove the following identities
a) ( 1 + sin θ)² =    1 + sin θ
     cos²θ            1- sin θ


( 1 + sin θ)² = ( 1 + sin θ ) ( 1 + sin θ )
  cos²θ               1- sin²θ
                = ( 1 + sin θ ) ( 1 + sin θ )
                  ( 1 - sin θ ) ( 1 + sin θ )
= 1 + sin θ
            1- sin θ

b) ( 1 + tan² θ )² = sec ⁵ θ
      cos θ
( 1 + tan² θ )² = ( sec²θ )²
   cos θ            cos θ
                = sec⁴ θ
                    cos θ
                = 1 x sec⁴ θ
                  cos θ
                = sec θ x sec⁴ θ
                = sec ⁵ θ
c) ( sin θ + cos θ )² + ( sin θ - cos θ )² = 2
= ( sin θ + cos θ )² + ( sin θ – cos θ) ( sin θ – cos θ)
= sin²θ + 2 sin θ cos θ + cos²θ + sin²θ – 2 sin θ cos θ +
= sin² θ + cos² θ + sin² θ + cos² θ
= 1+ 1
d) sec θ – tan θ = cos θ
                   1 + sin θ
RHS, cos θ = cos θ           1 – sin θ
               1 + sin θ     1 – sin θ
              = cos θ –cos θ sin θ
                       1- sin ²θ
= cos θ –cos θ sin θ
            = cos θ - cos θ sin θ
              cos²θ        cos²θ
            = 1         - sin θ
               cos θ       cos θ
           = sec θ - tan θ
• A trigonometric equation is an
  equations that contains a
  trigonometric expression with a
  variable, such as sin x
Step in solving trigonometric
• Step 1 : Identify the range for the given angle
• Step 2 : identify the quadrant for the basic
• Step 3 : Find the basic angle (α )
• List all the answers in radian or degree
  ( depends on the given range )
Solve the following equations for
       angles in the given range
a) tan θ = 1 ,           0 ̊ ≤ θ ≤ 360

b) tan 2x = 1            0 ̊ ≤ x ≤ 360 ̊
a) Step 1 : 0 ̊ ≤ θ ≤ 360
   Step 2 : quadrant 1 and 3
   Step 3 : tan α = 1
                 α = tan 1
                   = 45 ̊
   Step 4 :      θ = 45 ̊ , 225 ̊
b) tan 2x = 1
  step 1 : 0 ̊ ≤ θ ≤ 360
              0 ̊ ≤ 2x ≤ 720
  step 2 : quadrant 1 and 3
  step 3 : tan α = 1
               α=   tan 1 1
                α = 45 ̊
  step 4 : 2x = 45 ̊, 225 ̊, 405 ̊,585 ̊
             x = 22.5 ̊, 112.5 ̊, 202.5 ̊, 292.5 ̊
1. Solution of trigonometric equation
   such as sin = k , cos = k ,tan = k
2. Solve equations in quadratic form
3. Express sin , cos and tan in
   term of t where t tan
Express sin         , cos               & tan        in term of t where t   tan
         2 tan
tan 2
        1 tan 2
            2 tan                2t
 tan                2
        1 tan 2                 1 t2
        x       (2t )               (1 t 2 ) 2              2t                    1+t²

        x2      4t 2 1 2t 2                     t4
        x2      t4          2t 2 1
            2           2               2                               1-t²
        x           t           1 t         1
            2           2           2
        x           t           1
         x      t2 1
              1 t2
              1 t2
              1 t2
     cos                     2t          1+t²
              1 t2

Equation in the form a cos
     Ɵ + b sin Ɵ =k               1 t2
Can be solved using these
• Solve the equation 3cos x -8sin x= -2, 0°≤Ɵ≤360°
          3cos x 8sin x          2
        1 t2          2t
      3          8               2
        1 t2         1 t2
         3 1 t2      8 2t        2 1 t2
               3 3t 2 16t        2 2t 2
               t 2 16t 5 0
                                 b    b 2 4ac
                                 16       162 4 1   5
                                 16       236
                                     2                            x
                            t   0.3066                  t   tan
                            t    16.3066
0     x   360
                             0         180

Tan positive in quadrant 1 and 3             tan negative in quadrant 2 and 4
                                             tan        16.3066
                 x                                 2
           tan     0.3066                          x         1
                 2                                     tan       16.3066
                 x                                 2
                   tan 1 0.3066                        86.49
                 x                                 x
                   17.05                               180        86.49
                 2                                 2
                 x 34.1                            x
                                                   x   187.02

                       x    34.9 ,187.02
Express a cos Ɵ ± b sin Ɵ as
                R cos (Ɵ±α) or R sin (Ɵ±α)

R cos         a cos     b sin
R(cos cos     sin sin )         a cos      b sin
R cos   cos     R sin    sin        a cos       b sin

Equating the coefficient of cos Ɵ:                  R cos α = a …………….(1)
Equating the coefficient of sin Ɵ:                  R sin α = b …………….(2)
                                        R 2 cos 2       R 2 sin 2       a 2 b2
        (1)²+(2)²                        R 2 cos 2        sin 2         a 2 b2
                                                                  R2    a 2 b2
                                                                    R    a 2 b2
R sin          b
                (1)÷(2)       R cos          a

a cos   b sin     R cos             a sin       b cos   R sin(   )

where                               where

        R   a 2 b2                           R   a 2 b2
               b                                    b
        tan                                  tan
               a                                    a
Express 4 cos Ɵ – 3 sin Ɵ = 1 in the form of R cos (Ɵ + α) and
solve for Ɵ.
 4 cos    3sin     R cos(         )
                   R(cos cos          sin sin )
                   R cos cos          R sin sin
         R cos     4
         R sin     3

    R      42 32                      3
    R      25
                                            1   3
    R 5                               tan
                                                    R cos(   36.87 )
4 cos      3sin   5cos          36.87
 4 cos      3sin   1
5cos       36.87   1
 cos       36.87
                         1   1
       (   36.87 ) cos
           36.87   78.46
           36.87   78.46 ,360 78.46
                   41.59 , 244.67
Equation in linear form
Example 1
Solve 4 sin θ – 3 cos θ = 0 for angles in the
  4 sin θ = 3 cos θ

   sin       3
         =   4
tan    = 4

tan α =
               1 3
      α = tan
      α = 36.9 ̊
      θ = 36.9 ̊, 216.9 ̊
Equation in quadratic form
Solve the following trigonometric equations
1. 2 sin ² x+ 5 cos x + 1 for -180 ̊≤ x ≤ 180 ̊
   sin ² x + cos ² x = 1
   sin ² x = 1- cos ² x
   2(1- cos ² x) + 5 cos x + 1 = 0
   2 - 2 cos ² x + 5 cos x + 1 = 0
    - 2 cos ² x + 5 cos x + 3 = 0
2 cos ² x – 5 cos ² x – 3 = 0
let y = cos x
2y²- 5y – 3 = 0
( y-3 )( 2y+1 ) = 0
y = 3 and y = 2
cos x = 1
cos α = 2
            1 1
    α = cos
    α = 60 ̊
x = 120 ̊, -120 ̊
 x = -120 ̊ , 120 ̊
cos x = 3 ( no solution )

2) 3 cot ²θ + 5 cosec θ + 1 for -2 ≤θ≤ 2
  3 ( cosec ²θ-1) + 5 cosec θ + 1 = 0
  3 cosec ²θ – 3 + 5 cosec θ + 1 = 0
  3 cosec ²θ + 5 cosec θ – 2 = 0
let y = cosec θ
3y² + 5y – 2 = 0
( 3y – 1 )( y + 2 ) = 0
y=       and y = - 2
cosec θ =
  1         3
sin     3

sin  = 3 ( no solution )
cosec θ = -2
1   = -2
sin = - 2
sin α = 2
sin α = 12
    α = 30 ̊

           7          5
      θ=        ,   ,
            6     6    6
using substitution, it is clear to see that;
      sin x        y      sin x sin y
      cos x        y       cos x cos y
      tan x        y       tan x       tan y
     sin(30      30 )     sin 60
                             1     1            3
     sin 30      sin 30                1
                             2     2           2
• Replacing y with –y and nothing that
• Cos(-y)=cos y since cosine is even function
• Sin(-y)=-sin y since sine is odd function
 sin( x    y)    sin x cos y cos x sin y
 sin x     y     sin sin x        y
                sin x cos   y   cos x sin   y
                 sin x cos y cos x sin y
• Find the exact value of sin105
       sin105   sin 60    45
                sin 60 cos 45   cos 60 sin 45
                  3 2 1 2
                       
                 2 2 2 2
                  6   2
cos( x   y)   cos x cos y         sin x sin y

cos x    y    cos x           y
              cos x cos   y   sin x sin   y
              cos x cos y sin x sin y
• Find the exact value of cos15º
        cos15 cos 60 45
                cos 60 cos 45   sin 60 sin 45
                1 2     3 2
                        
                2 2    2 2
                 2   6
• As we know…

                    sin x         y
    tan x       y
                    cos x         y
                    sin x cos y cos x sin y
                    cos x cos y  sin x sin y
sin x cos y   cos x sin y
              cos x cos y   cos x cos y
tan( x   y)
              cos x cos y   sin x sin y
              cos x cos y   cos x cos y

                sin x  sin y
                cos x  cos y
                  sin x sin y
               1      
                  cos x cos y

               tan x tan y
              1  tan x tan y
• Find the value of 75º in exact radical form.
             75º=45º+30º         let x=45º   y=30º
                            tan x tan y
             tan( x   y)
                           1 tan x tan y
                            tan 45 tan 30
            tan(45    30 )
                           1 tan 45 tan 30
                            1 1
3 1
    3 1
2     3
•In a right triangle, the two acute angles are

•Thus, if one acute angle of a right triangle
is x, the other is 90 x
cos x     y     cos x cos y sin x sin y

cos        y    cos          cos y    sin       sin y
      2                  2                  2
                    0 cos y           1 sin y
                sin y
  The cofunction identity for cosine

          cos        y        sin y
let   y

      cos                   x     sin       x
                2       2               2

                            cos x sin       x

• The cofunction identity for cosine

                            sin         x   cos x
sin         x       cos x
                                                     cos           x
• Divide all equation with                                 2
           sin             x
                     2                   cos x
           cos             x       cos           x
                     2                     2

           sin                 x
                     2              cos x
                                    sin x
           cos                 x

     The cofunction identity                     tan           x       cot x
     for tangent                                       2
B                A         B 90
                           a            a
                    sin A=      cos B =
                           c            c

                            a           a
                    tan A =     cot A =
a           c               b           b
                            c           c
                    sec A =     csc B =
                            a           a
C               A
Write in term of its cofunction
• Sin11º
 = cos (90º-11º)              • Sec 52º
 = cos79º                      =csc (90º-52º)
                               =csc 38º
• Cot 87º
 = tan (90º-87º)
 = tan 3º
• sin 2x = 2 sin(x) cos(x)

• cos 2x =cos x sin 2 x
         = 2cos x 1
         = 1 2sin 2 x

            2 tan x
• tan 2x =
           1 tan 2 x
sin 2 A 2sin Acos A

We know that,

If we let B=A,then
Hence,   sin2A=2sinAcosA
2       2
  cos2 A cos A sin A
We know that,
 cos( A B) cos A cos B sin A sin B
If we let B=A,then
cos( A A) cos A cos A sin Asin A
                    2       2
Hence, cos2 A cos A sin A
       cos 2 A 2cos A 1
         cos 2 A 1 2sin A
2 tan A
    tan 2 A
              1 tan 2 A

We know that
           tan A tan B
tan( A B)
          1 tan A tan B
If we let B=A,
              tan A tan A
  tan( A A)
             1 tan A tan A
                    2 tan A
Hence, tan 2 A
                   1 tan 2 A
Example 1…
If sin        andlies in quadrant II, find the exact
value of sin 2 .
                5    y
                3    r
        2       2    2
    x       5       13
    x       25      169
    x       144
    x       144     12
So,           x      12
              r     13
      sin2        2sin cos
                     5     12    120
      sin 2       2
                    13    13    169
if tan      with is acute angle, find the
exact value of:
 a) tan 2       b) tan 4
                         2 tan
Solution:a) tan 2              2
                       1 tan
                              3       3
                              4       4
b) tan 4
tan 4       tan(2        2 )
             tan 2 tan 2
            1 tan 2 tan 2
               2 tan 2
            1 tan 2

 sin     2sin          cos
                   2           2

 cos     cos 2
                            sin 2
          2cos 2               1
           1       2 sin 2
                   2 tan
   tan
               1       tan 2
     sin       2sin       cos
                      2         2

We know that, sin 2 A 2sin Acos A

Let A          ,

     sin 2            2sin            cos
               2                2           2

Hence, sin         2sin         cos
                           2           2
cos       cos 2                 sin 2
                       2                 2

We know that,
 cos 2 A cos 2 A sin 2 A
 cos 2 A 2cos 2 A 1
 cos 2 A 1 2sin 2 A
Let    A           ,                                   Hence,
  cos 2                cos   2
                                         sin   2       cos   cos 2           sin 2
            2              2                       2                 2               2
                       2 cos 2                     1         2cos 2              1
                                         2                               2
                       1 2sin 2                              1       2 sin 2
                                             2                                       2
2 tan
                  1       tan 2

                                           2 tan A
We know that,tan 2 A
                                          1 tan 2 A

Letting A                 ,
                              2 tan 2
          tan 2
                              1 tan 2
                  2 tan
             1        tan 2
Without using calculator,compute the exact value
of cos 112.5⁰.
cos 112.5⁰= cos 225
112.5⁰ lies in quadrant II,where only the sine and
cosecant are (+)
Thus, - sign is used in the half-angle formulae
cos 112.5⁰= cos 225o
              1 cos2250

              2       2
                  2               2

If A, B, and C are the measures of the angles of a triangle,
and a, b, and c are the lengths of the sides opposite these
angles, then
       a           b           c
             =           =
     sin A       sin B       sin C
The ratio of the length of the side of any triangle to the sine
of the angle opposite that side is the same for all three sides
of the triangle.
 Solve triangle ABC if A = 50°, C = 33.5°, and b = 76.


                     b = 76

                              = 50°,
            A                                  B
If A, B and C are the measures of the angles of a triangle, and
a, b and c are the lengths of the sides opposite these angles,

               a2 = b2 + c2 – 2bc cos A
               b2 = a2 + c2 – 2ac cos B
               c2 = a2 + b2 – 2ab cos C

The square of a side of a triangle equals the sum of the squares
of the other two sides minus twice their product times the cosine
of their included angle
 Solve the triangle with A = 60°, b = 20, and c = 30.


               b = 20

                        • = 50°,
         A                             B
                         c = 30

 Area = 1/2(a)(b)(SinC)
Find the area of this triangle




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Trigonometric function

  • 2. OBJECTIVES • To find the angle and convert the angle from degree to radian or vice versa. • To recognize the trigonometric identities, sine and cosine rule. • To solve trigonometric equations.
  • 3. HISTORY • One of the oldest branches of mathematics. • Historical evidence shows that by about 1100 B.C., Chinese were making measurements of distance and height using right- triangle trigonometry. • Greek astronomer Hipparcus, The Father of Trigonometry, is credited with compiling the 1st trigonometric tables. • The trigonometry of Hipparcus and other astronomers was strictly a tool of measurement.
  • 4. USES IN OUR DAILY LIFE • Making measurements of distance and height. • Astronomers field. • Describing physical phenomena that are “periodic”.
  • 5. ANGLES and THEIR MEASURE • An angle is determined by rotating a ray about about its endpoint. • The starting position: initial side • The position after rotation: terminal side • The point connecting the two sides: vertex y terminal side angle initial side x vertex
  • 6. Positive angles are generated Negative angles are generated with anticlockwise rotation. with clockwise rotation. y y 135° x -45° x
  • 7. QUADRANT ‘A’ represent an angle measure. y Quadrant II Quadrant I angle: 90° <A< 180° angle: 0 <A< 90° x Quadrant III Quadrant IV angle: 180° <A< 270° angle: 270° <A< 360°
  • 8. Angles θ θ Acute angle (0°< θ < 90°) Obtuse angle (90° <θ< 180°) 180° 90 ° Right angle ( ¼ rotation) Straight angle (1/2 rotation)
  • 9. RADIAN and DEGREE • An angle may be measured in terms of “Radians” rather than degrees. • π radians = 180° • 2 π radians = 360° • Note: π is used to present 3.142
  • 10. CONVERT: DEGREE TO RADIANS and RADIANS TO DEGREE. • Degree Radians • By using formula: Degree x π radians = radians 1 180° • Radians Degree • By using formula : Radians x 180° = degree 1 π radians
  • 11. QUESTIONS Convert to radians. i. 60 ° ii. 173° iii. 35° Convert to degree. i. π 4 ii. 7 π 8 iii. 3 π 5
  • 12. SOLUTIONS • Degree to Radians i. 60° x π radians = 1.047 radians 1 180° ii. 173° x π radians = 3.019 radians 1 180° iii. 35° x π radians = 0.611 radians 1 180° • Radians to Degree i. π x 180° = 45° 4 π radians ii. 7 π x 180° = 157.5° 8 π radians iii. 3 π x 180° = 108 ° 5 π radians
  • 13. Graph of y=sin x sin 0° sin 90° sin 180° sin 270° sin 360° 0 +1 0 -1 0
  • 14. Graph y=cos x cos 0° cos 90° cos 180° cos 270° cos 360° +1 0 -1 0 +1
  • 15. Graph y=tan x •The period is π. •Graphs consists repetitions at intervals of π. •The tangent function is undefined at π/2.
  • 16. RIGHT ANGLE TRIANGLE TRIGONOMETRY Sine θ = Opposite side = y Hypotenuse Hypotenuse r r Opposite θ side ,y Cosine θ = Adjacent side = x Adjacent Hypotenuse r side , x Tangent θ = Opposite side = y Adjacent side x
  • 17. • Tan θ = sin θ cos θ • Sec θ = 1 = r cos θ x • Cosec θ = 1 = r sin θ y • Cot θ = 1 = x tan θ y
  • 18. TRIGONOMETRY RATIOS FOR SPECIAL ANGLES 30° 2 45° 2 1 45° 3 1 60° 1
  • 19. 30° 45° 60° 90° sin θ 0 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 cos θ 1 1 1 0 3 2 2 2 tan θ 0 1 1 UNDEFINED 3 3
  • 20. TRIGONOMETRIC IDENTITIES • sin²θ + cos²θ = 1 • 1 + cot²θ = cosec²θ • Tan²θ + 1 = sec²θ
  • 21. How to proven?? y p(x,y) phytagoras theorem: r² = x² + y²…….① r y θ x
  • 22. From graph… cos θ = x sin θ = y r r Divided ① by r² gives : r² = x² + y² r² r² r² 1 = x ² + y² r r
  • 23. 1 = cos² θ + sin ² θ……..② Divide ② by cos ² gives : 1 = cos² θ + sin²θ cos² θ cos² θ cos² θ 1 ²= 1 + sin θ ² cos θ cos θ
  • 24. sec²θ = 1 + tan²θ………③ Divide ② by sin²θ 1 = cos²θ + sin²θ sin²θ sin²θ sin²θ 1 ² = cos θ ² + 1 sin θ sin θ cosec ²θ = cot²θ + 1
  • 25. Negative angles • sin (-θ )= - sin θ • cos (- θ ) = cos θ • tan (-θ ) = - tan θ
  • 26. Prove the following identities a) ( 1 + sin θ)² = 1 + sin θ cos²θ 1- sin θ Solution ( 1 + sin θ)² = ( 1 + sin θ ) ( 1 + sin θ ) cos²θ 1- sin²θ = ( 1 + sin θ ) ( 1 + sin θ ) ( 1 - sin θ ) ( 1 + sin θ )
  • 27. = 1 + sin θ 1- sin θ b) ( 1 + tan² θ )² = sec ⁵ θ cos θ
  • 28. solution ( 1 + tan² θ )² = ( sec²θ )² cos θ cos θ = sec⁴ θ cos θ = 1 x sec⁴ θ cos θ = sec θ x sec⁴ θ = sec ⁵ θ
  • 29. c) ( sin θ + cos θ )² + ( sin θ - cos θ )² = 2 Solution LHS = ( sin θ + cos θ )² + ( sin θ – cos θ) ( sin θ – cos θ) = sin²θ + 2 sin θ cos θ + cos²θ + sin²θ – 2 sin θ cos θ + cos²θ = sin² θ + cos² θ + sin² θ + cos² θ = 1+ 1 =2 LHS = RHS SO, PROVEN.
  • 30. d) sec θ – tan θ = cos θ 1 + sin θ Solution RHS, cos θ = cos θ 1 – sin θ 1 + sin θ 1 – sin θ = cos θ –cos θ sin θ 1- sin ²θ
  • 31. = cos θ –cos θ sin θ cos²θ = cos θ - cos θ sin θ cos²θ cos²θ = 1 - sin θ cos θ cos θ = sec θ - tan θ RHS = LHS , SO PROVEN
  • 32. Trigonometric Equation • A trigonometric equation is an equations that contains a trigonometric expression with a variable, such as sin x
  • 33. Step in solving trigonometric equations • Step 1 : Identify the range for the given angle • Step 2 : identify the quadrant for the basic angle • Step 3 : Find the basic angle (α ) • List all the answers in radian or degree ( depends on the given range )
  • 34. Solve the following equations for angles in the given range a) tan θ = 1 , 0 ̊ ≤ θ ≤ 360 b) tan 2x = 1 0 ̊ ≤ x ≤ 360 ̊
  • 35. solutions a) Step 1 : 0 ̊ ≤ θ ≤ 360 Step 2 : quadrant 1 and 3 Step 3 : tan α = 1 1 α = tan 1 = 45 ̊ Step 4 : θ = 45 ̊ , 225 ̊
  • 36. b) tan 2x = 1 step 1 : 0 ̊ ≤ θ ≤ 360 0 ̊ ≤ 2x ≤ 720 step 2 : quadrant 1 and 3 step 3 : tan α = 1 α= tan 1 1 α = 45 ̊ step 4 : 2x = 45 ̊, 225 ̊, 405 ̊,585 ̊ x = 22.5 ̊, 112.5 ̊, 202.5 ̊, 292.5 ̊
  • 37. TRIGONOMETRIC EQUATION 1. Solution of trigonometric equation such as sin = k , cos = k ,tan = k 2. Solve equations in quadratic form 3. Express sin , cos and tan in term of t where t tan 2
  • 38. Express sin , cos & tan in term of t where t tan 2 2 tan tan 2 1 tan 2 2 tan 2t tan 2 1 tan 2 1 t2 2 2 2 x (2t ) (1 t 2 ) 2 2t 1+t² x2 4t 2 1 2t 2 t4 x2 t4 2t 2 1 2 2 2 1-t² x t 1 t 1 2 2 2 x t 1 x t2 1
  • 39. 2t tan 1 t2 2t sin 1 t2 1 t2 cos 2t 1+t² 1 t2 Equation in the form a cos Ɵ + b sin Ɵ =k 1 t2 Can be solved using these expression
  • 40. Example • Solve the equation 3cos x -8sin x= -2, 0°≤Ɵ≤360° 3cos x 8sin x 2 1 t2 2t 3 8 2 1 t2 1 t2 3 1 t2 8 2t 2 1 t2 3 3t 2 16t 2 2t 2 t 2 16t 5 0 b b 2 4ac t 2a 16 162 4 1 5 2 16 236 2 x t 0.3066 t tan 2 t 16.3066
  • 41. 0 x 360 x 0 180 2 Tan positive in quadrant 1 and 3 tan negative in quadrant 2 and 4 x tan 16.3066 x 2 tan 0.3066 x 1 2 tan 16.3066 x 2 tan 1 0.3066 86.49 2 x x 17.05 180 86.49 2 2 x 34.1 x 93.51 2 x 187.02 x 34.9 ,187.02
  • 42. Express a cos Ɵ ± b sin Ɵ as R cos (Ɵ±α) or R sin (Ɵ±α) R cos a cos b sin R(cos cos sin sin ) a cos b sin R cos cos R sin sin a cos b sin Equating the coefficient of cos Ɵ: R cos α = a …………….(1) Equating the coefficient of sin Ɵ: R sin α = b …………….(2) R 2 cos 2 R 2 sin 2 a 2 b2 (1)²+(2)² R 2 cos 2 sin 2 a 2 b2 R2 a 2 b2 R a 2 b2
  • 43. R sin b (1)÷(2) R cos a b tan a a cos b sin R cos  a sin b cos R sin( ) where where R a 2 b2 R a 2 b2 b b tan tan a a
  • 44. Example Express 4 cos Ɵ – 3 sin Ɵ = 1 in the form of R cos (Ɵ + α) and solve for Ɵ. 4 cos 3sin R cos( ) R(cos cos sin sin ) R cos cos R sin sin R cos 4 R sin 3 R 42 32 3 tan 4 R 25 1 3 R 5 tan 4 R cos( 36.87 ) 36.87
  • 45. 4 cos 3sin 5cos 36.87 4 cos 3sin 1 5cos 36.87 1 1 cos 36.87 5 1 1 ( 36.87 ) cos 5 36.87 78.46 36.87 78.46 ,360 78.46 41.59 , 244.67
  • 46. Equation in linear form Example 1 Solve 4 sin θ – 3 cos θ = 0 for angles in the range Solution 4 sin θ = 3 cos θ sin 3 = 4 cos
  • 47. 3 tan = 4 3 tan α = 4 1 3 α = tan 4 α = 36.9 ̊ θ = 36.9 ̊, 216.9 ̊
  • 48. Equation in quadratic form Solve the following trigonometric equations 1. 2 sin ² x+ 5 cos x + 1 for -180 ̊≤ x ≤ 180 ̊ Solution sin ² x + cos ² x = 1 sin ² x = 1- cos ² x 2(1- cos ² x) + 5 cos x + 1 = 0 2 - 2 cos ² x + 5 cos x + 1 = 0 - 2 cos ² x + 5 cos x + 3 = 0
  • 49. 2 cos ² x – 5 cos ² x – 3 = 0 let y = cos x 2y²- 5y – 3 = 0 ( y-3 )( 2y+1 ) = 0 1 y = 3 and y = 2 cos x = 1 2 1 cos α = 2 1 1 α = cos 2 α = 60 ̊
  • 50. x = 120 ̊, -120 ̊ x = -120 ̊ , 120 ̊ cos x = 3 ( no solution ) 2) 3 cot ²θ + 5 cosec θ + 1 for -2 ≤θ≤ 2 solution 3 ( cosec ²θ-1) + 5 cosec θ + 1 = 0 3 cosec ²θ – 3 + 5 cosec θ + 1 = 0 3 cosec ²θ + 5 cosec θ – 2 = 0
  • 51. let y = cosec θ 3y² + 5y – 2 = 0 ( 3y – 1 )( y + 2 ) = 0 1 y= and y = - 2 3 1 cosec θ = 1 3 =1 sin 3 sin = 3 ( no solution ) cosec θ = -2
  • 52. 1 = -2 sin sin = - 2 1 sin α = 2 sin α = 12 α = 30 ̊ α=6 7 5 θ= , , 6 6 6
  • 53. COMPOUND ANGLE using substitution, it is clear to see that; sin x y sin x sin y cos x y cos x cos y tan x y tan x tan y example 3 sin(30 30 ) sin 60 2 1 1 3 sin 30 sin 30 1 2 2 2
  • 54. SUM & DIFFERENCE OF SINE • Replacing y with –y and nothing that • Cos(-y)=cos y since cosine is even function • Sin(-y)=-sin y since sine is odd function sin( x y) sin x cos y cos x sin y sin x y sin sin x y sin x cos y cos x sin y sin x cos y cos x sin y
  • 55. Example • Find the exact value of sin105 sin105 sin 60 45 sin 60 cos 45 cos 60 sin 45 3 2 1 2   2 2 2 2 6 2 4
  • 56. SUM & DIFFERENCE OF COSINE cos( x y) cos x cos y sin x sin y cos x y cos x y cos x cos y sin x sin y cos x cos y sin x sin y
  • 57. Example • Find the exact value of cos15º cos15 cos 60 45 cos 60 cos 45 sin 60 sin 45 1 2 3 2   2 2 2 2 2 6 4
  • 58. SUM & DIFFERENCE OF TANGENT • As we know… sin tan cos sin x y tan x y cos x y sin x cos y cos x sin y cos x cos y  sin x sin y
  • 59. sin x cos y cos x sin y cos x cos y cos x cos y tan( x y) cos x cos y sin x sin y  cos x cos y cos x cos y sin x sin y cos x cos y sin x sin y 1  cos x cos y tan x tan y 1  tan x tan y
  • 60. Example • Find the value of 75º in exact radical form. Solution… 75º=45º+30º let x=45º y=30º tan x tan y tan( x y) 1 tan x tan y tan 45 tan 30 tan(45 30 ) 1 tan 45 tan 30 1 1 3 1 1 1 3
  • 61. 3 1 3 1 2 3
  • 62. COFUNCTION FORMULAS •In a right triangle, the two acute angles are complementary. •Thus, if one acute angle of a right triangle is x, the other is 90 x
  • 63. cos x y cos x cos y sin x sin y cos y cos cos y sin sin y 2 2 2 0 cos y 1 sin y sin y The cofunction identity for cosine cos y sin y 2
  • 64. let y 2 x cos x sin x 2 2 2 cos x sin x 2 • The cofunction identity for cosine sin x cos x 2
  • 65. sin x cos x 2 cos x • Divide all equation with 2 sin x 2 cos x cos x cos x 2 2 sin x 2 cos x sin x cos x 2 The cofunction identity tan x cot x for tangent 2
  • 66. B A B 90 a a sin A= cos B = c c a a tan A = cot A = a c b b c c sec A = csc B = a a C A b
  • 67. Write in term of its cofunction • Sin11º = cos (90º-11º) • Sec 52º = cos79º =csc (90º-52º) =csc 38º • Cot 87º = tan (90º-87º) = tan 3º
  • 68. • sin 2x = 2 sin(x) cos(x) 2 • cos 2x =cos x sin 2 x 2 = 2cos x 1 = 1 2sin 2 x 2 tan x • tan 2x = 1 tan 2 x
  • 69. sin 2 A 2sin Acos A We know that, sin(A+B)=sinAcosB+sinBcosA If we let B=A,then sin(A+A)=sinAcosA+cosAsinA Hence, sin2A=2sinAcosA
  • 70. 2 2 cos2 A cos A sin A We know that, cos( A B) cos A cos B sin A sin B If we let B=A,then cos( A A) cos A cos A sin Asin A 2 2 Hence, cos2 A cos A sin A 2 cos 2 A 2cos A 1 2 cos 2 A 1 2sin A
  • 71. 2 tan A tan 2 A 1 tan 2 A We know that tan A tan B tan( A B) 1 tan A tan B If we let B=A, tan A tan A tan( A A) 1 tan A tan A 2 tan A Hence, tan 2 A 1 tan 2 A
  • 72. Example 1… 5 If sin andlies in quadrant II, find the exact 3 value of sin 2 . Solution: 5 y sin 3 r 2 2 2 x 5 13 2 x 25 169 2 x 144 x 144 12
  • 73. So, x 12 cos r 13 sin2 2sin cos 5 12 120 sin 2 2 13 13 169
  • 74. EXAMPLE 2…. 3 if tan with is acute angle, find the 4 exact value of: a) tan 2 b) tan 4 2 tan Solution:a) tan 2 2 1 tan 3 2 4 3 3 1 4 4 24 7
  • 75. b) tan 4 Solution: tan 4 tan(2 2 ) tan 2 tan 2 1 tan 2 tan 2 2 tan 2 2 1 tan 2 24 2 7 2 24 1 7 336 527
  • 76. HALF-ANGLE FORMULAE….  sin 2sin cos 2 2  cos cos 2 2 sin 2 2 2cos 2 1 2 1 2 sin 2 2 2 tan  tan 2 1 tan 2 2
  • 77. HALF-ANGLE…. sin 2sin cos 2 2 We know that, sin 2 A 2sin Acos A Let A , 2 sin 2 2sin cos 2 2 2 Hence, sin 2sin cos 2 2
  • 78. cos cos 2 sin 2 2 2 We know that, cos 2 A cos 2 A sin 2 A cos 2 A 2cos 2 A 1 cos 2 A 1 2sin 2 A Let A , Hence, 2 cos 2 cos 2 sin 2 cos cos 2 sin 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 cos 2 1 2cos 2 1 2 2 1 2sin 2 1 2 sin 2 2 2
  • 79. 2 tan 2 tan 1 tan 2 2 2 tan A We know that,tan 2 A 1 tan 2 A Letting A , 2 2 tan 2 2 tan 2 2 1 tan 2 2 Hence, 2 tan 2 tan 1 tan 2 2
  • 80. ExAMPLE…. Without using calculator,compute the exact value of cos 112.5⁰. Solution: o cos 112.5⁰= cos 225 2 112.5⁰ lies in quadrant II,where only the sine and cosecant are (+) Thus, - sign is used in the half-angle formulae
  • 81. cos 112.5⁰= cos 225o 2 1 cos2250 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2
  • 82. THE LAW OF SINES If A, B, and C are the measures of the angles of a triangle, and a, b, and c are the lengths of the sides opposite these angles, then a b c = = sin A sin B sin C The ratio of the length of the side of any triangle to the sine of the angle opposite that side is the same for all three sides of the triangle.
  • 83. EXAMPLE Solve triangle ABC if A = 50°, C = 33.5°, and b = 76. C 33.5° b = 76 a = 50°, 50° A B c
  • 84. THE LAW OF COSINES If A, B and C are the measures of the angles of a triangle, and a, b and c are the lengths of the sides opposite these angles, then a2 = b2 + c2 – 2bc cos A b2 = a2 + c2 – 2ac cos B c2 = a2 + b2 – 2ab cos C The square of a side of a triangle equals the sum of the squares of the other two sides minus twice their product times the cosine of their included angle
  • 85. EXAMPLE Solve the triangle with A = 60°, b = 20, and c = 30. C b = 20 • = 50°, A B c = 30
  • 86. AREA OF TRIANGLE Area = 1/2(a)(b)(SinC)
  • 87. EXAMPLE Find the area of this triangle 6cm 52° 14cm