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Online EM Algorithm and Some Extensions

                         Olivier Capp´

                     T´l´com ParisTech & CNRS

                          March 2011

0. Capp´ (@ BigMC)
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Online Estimation for Missing Data Models
Based on (C & Moulines, 2009) and (C, 2010)

              1 Maximum likelihood estimation, or
                        1’ Competitive with maximum likelihood
                            estimation when #obs. is large

              2 Good scaling (performance vs. computational cost) as #obs.

           (3) Process data on-the-fly (no storage)
              4 Simple to implement (no line-search, projection,
                preconditioning, etc.)

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1   The EM Algorithm in Exponential Families

2   The Limiting EM Recursion

3   Online EM Algorithm
     The Algorithm
     Properties and Discussion

4   Use for Batch ML Estimation

5   Extensions

6   References

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The EM Algorithm in Exponential Families

Missing Data Model

A missing data model is a statistical model {pθ (x, y)}θ∈Θ in which only Y
may be observed (the couple (X, Y ) is referred to as the complete data)

    Hence, parameter estimates θn must be function of observations
    Y1 , . . . , Yn only (here assumed to be independent and identically
    Of course, the statistical model could also be defined as {fθ (y)}θ∈Θ ,
    where fθ (y) = pθ (x, y)dx but the specific structure of fθ needs to
    be exploited
To analyze the methods the data {Yt }t≥1 is assumed to be generated by
an iid. process with marginal π, not necessarily equal to fθ

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The EM Algorithm in Exponential Families

Finite Mixture Model
Mixture PDF
                                                  f (y) =          αi fi (y)

Missing Data Interpretation

                                                  P(Xt = i) = αi
                                                  Yt |Xt = i ∼ fi (y)

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The EM Algorithm in Exponential Families

To determine the maximum likelihood estimate
                                θn = arg max                    log fθ (Yt )

numerically, the standard approach is the following.
Expectation-Maximization (Dempster, Laird & Rubin, 1977)
Given a current parameter guess θn
     E-Step Compute
                                 qn,θn (θ) =
                                     k                          Eθn [ log pθ (Xt , Yt )| Yt ]

     M-Step Update the parameter estimate to
                                              θn = arg max qn,θn (θ)

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The EM Algorithm in Exponential Families

  1    It is an ascent algorithm (shown using Jensen inequality)

            Figure: The EM intermediate quantity is a minorizing surrogate

  2    Because of Fisher relation, the algorithm can only stop in a stationary
       point of the log-likelihood∗
    See (Wu, 1983) for necessary topological
and regularity assumptions
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The EM Algorithm in Exponential Families

An Example: Poisson Mixture
                                                                        λj Y −λj
                                              fθ (Y ) =            αj       e

“Complete-Data” Log-Likelihood

                    log pθ (X, Y ) = − log(Y !)
                                         +         [log(αj ) − λj ] 1{X = j}
                                                                    +          log(λj )Y 1{X = j}

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The EM Algorithm in Exponential Families

EM Algorithm for the Poisson Mixture
 EM E-Step
                                  m                                n
                    qn,θn =
                        k              [log(αj ) − λj ]                  Pθn (Xt = j|Yt )
                                 j=1                               t=1
                                                        m                    n
                                                   +          log(λj )            Yt Pθn (Xt = j|Yt )
                                                        j=1                 t=1

EM M-Step
                                        k+1        1
                                       αn,j      =           Pθn (Xt = j|Yt )
                                                         t=1 Yt Pθn (Xt = j|Yt )
                                       λk+1 =
                                        n,j               n
                                                          t=1 Pθn (Xt = j|Yt )

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The EM Algorithm in Exponential Families

Exponential Family Model

In the following, we assume that the complete-data model belongs to an
exponential family

(Curved) Exponential Family Model

                                  pθ (x, y) = exp ( s(x, y), ψ(θ) − A(θ))

                where s(x, y) is the vector (complete-data) sufficient
Explicit Complete-Data Maximum Likelihood
                                  S → θ(S) = arg max S, ψ(θ) − A(θ)

                is available in closed-form

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The EM Algorithm in Exponential Families

The EM Algorithm Revisited

The k-th EM Iteration (From n Observations)
                                        k+1             1
                                       Sn =                       Eθn [ s(Xt , Yt )| Yt ]

                                                    k+1 ¯ k+1
                                                   θn = θ Sn

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The Limiting EM Recursion

A Key Remark

The k-th EM Iteration (From n Observations)
                                      k+1       1
                                     Sn       =            Eθn [ s(Xt , Yt )| Yt ]

                                                 k+1 ¯ k+1
                                                θn = θ Sn

Can be fully reparameterized in the domain of sufficient statistics
                          k+1        1
                         Sn =                  Eθ(Sn ) [ s(Xt , Yt )| Yt ]
                                                ¯ k

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The Limiting EM Recursion

The Limiting EM Recursion

By letting n tend to infinity, one obtains two equivalent updates:
Sufficient Statistics Update

                                    S k = Eπ Eθ(S k−1 ) [ s(X1 , Y1 )| Y1 ]

Parameter Update
                                     θk = θ {Eπ (Eθk−1 [ s(X1 , Y1 )| Y1 ])}

Using usual EM arguments, these updates are such that
  1   The Kullback-Leibler divergence D(π|fθk ) is monotonically decreasing
      with k
  2   Converge to {θ :           θ D(π|fθ )     = 0}

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The Limiting EM Recursion

Batch EM Is Not Efficient for Large Data Records
see also (Neal & Hinton, 1999)

                                                                   2 10 observations



                                       1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9       10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20

                                                                   20 10 observations




                                       1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9       10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20
                                                                   Batch EM iterations

Figure:     Convergence of batch EM estimates of u 2 as a function of the number of EM iterations for 2,000 (top) and
20,000 (bottom) observations. The box-and-whisker plots are computed from 1,000 independent replications of the simulated
data. The grey region corresponds to ±2 interquartile range (approx. 99.3% coverage) under the asymptotic Gaussian
approximation of the MLE (from [C, 2010]).

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Online EM Algorithm   The Algorithm

The Online EM Algorithm

   The online EM algorithm outputs one updated parameter estimate θn
   after processing each individual observation Yn
   The parameter update is very similar to applying the EM algorithm to
   the single observation Yn (with smoothing)
   The memory footprint of the algorithm is constant while its
   computational cost is proportional to the number of processed

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Online EM Algorithm   The Algorithm

Online EM: Rationale

   We try to locate the solutions of

                        Eπ Eθ(S) [ s(X1 , Y1 )| Y1 ] − S = 0

   Viewing Eθ(S) [ s(Xn , Yn )| Yn ] as a noisy observation of

   Eπ Eθ(S) [ s(X1 , Y1 )| Y1 ] , this is exactly the usual Stochastic
   Approximation (or Robbins-Monro) setup:

                Sn = Sn−1 + γn Eθ(Sn−1 ) [ s(Xn , Yn )| Yn ] − Sn−1

   where (γn ) is a sequence of decreasing positive stepsizes

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Online EM Algorithm   The Algorithm

The Algorithm

Online EM Algorithm
Stochastic E-Step

                         Sn = (1 − γn )Sn−1 + γn Eθn−1 [ s(Xn , Yn )| Yn ]

    M Step
                                                 θn = θ(Sn )

Practical Recommendations
                γn = 1/nα with α ∈ [0.6, 0.7]
                Don’t do M for the first 10–20 obs.
                (optional) Use Polyak-Ruppert averaging (requires to
                chose n0 )

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Online EM Algorithm     The Algorithm

Online EM in the Poisson Mixture Example

SA E-Step
Computing Conditional Expectations
                                          αn−1,j λYn e−λn−1,j
                                  pn,j = Pm
                                          i=1 αn−1,i λYn e−λn−1,i

Statistics Update (Stochastic Approximation)
                                  α               α
                                 Sn,j = (1 − γn )Sn−1,j + γn pn,j
                                  λ               λ
                                 Sn,j = (1 − γn )Sn−1,j + γn pn,j Yn

M-Step: Parameter Update
                         αn,j = Sn,j ,
                         ˆ                      ˆ       λ     α
                                                λn,j = Sn,j /Sn,j

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Online EM Algorithm   Properties and Discussion

(C & Moulines, 2009)

Under n γn = ∞,                   2   < ∞, compactness of Θ and other regularity
                               n γn

  1   The estimate θn converges to one of the roots of                            θ D(π|fθ )    =0
  2   The algorithm is asymptotically equivalent to
                           θn = θn−1 + γn J −1 (θn−1 )             θ   log fθn−1 (Yn )
      where J(θ) = −Eπ Eθ 2 log pθ (X1 , Y1 ) Y1
  3   For a well specified model (π = fθ ) and under Polyak-Ruppert
      averaging† θn is Fisher efficient
                          √             L
                            n(θn − θ ) −→ N (0, If (θ ))
      where If (θ ) = −Eθ [            2 log f (Y )]
                                       θ      θ 1
       = 1/(n − n0 ) n 0 +1 θn ,
    θn               t=n
with γn = n   and α ∈ (1/2, 1)
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Online EM Algorithm   Properties and Discussion

Some More Details
 1   (Andrieu et al., 2005) but also (Delyon, 1994), (Bena¨ 1999) using
     the fact that D(π|fθ(S) ) is a Lyapunov function:

                     S D(π|fθ(S) ) ,
                            ¯          Eπ Eθ(S) [ s(X1 , Y1 )| Y1 ] − S
                                           ¯                                      ≤0
                                                        mean field

 2                              ¯
     Taylor series expansion of θ to establish the equivalence (with
     remainder a.s. o(γn ))
 3          (Pelletier, 1998) to show that
                                −1/2                  L
                               γn (θn − θ ) −→ N (0, Ip (θ )/2)

            in well-specified models (where Ip is the complete-data Fisher
            information matrix)
            General results of (Polyak and Judistky, 1992), (Mokkadem and
            Pelletier, 2006) on averaging
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Online EM Algorithm        Properties and Discussion

Illustration of Polyak-Ruppert Averaging

                                                               α = 0.9

                                 0   200   400   600     800    1000     1200   1400   1600   1800   2000
                                                               α = 0.6


                                 0   200   400   600     800    1000     1200   1400   1600   1800   2000
                                                 α = 0.6 with halfway averaging


                                 0   200   400   600     800    1000     1200   1400   1600   1800   2000
                                                       Number of observations

Figure:    Four superimposed trajectories of the estimate of u1 (first component of u) for various algorithm settings
(α = 0.9, α = 0.6 and α = 0.6 with Polyak-Ruppert averaging, from top to bottom). The actual value of u1 is equal to

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Online EM Algorithm      Properties and Discussion

Performance of Online EM
                                                              α = 0.9

                                        0.2 10^3               2 10^3                20 10^3

                                                              α = 0.6

                                        0.2 10^3               2 10^3                20 10^3

                                                   α = 0.6 with halfway averaging

                                        0.2 10^3               2 10^3                20 10^3
                                                      Number of observations

Figure:     Online EM estimates of u 2 for various data sizes (200, 2,000 and 20,000 observations, from left to right) and
algorithm settings (α = 0.9, α = 0.6 and α = 0.6 with Polyak-Ruppert averaging, from top to bottom). The
box-and-whisker plots (outliers plotting suppressed) are computed from 1,000 independent replications of the simulated data.
The grey regions corresponds to ±2 interquartile range (approx. 99.3% coverage) under the asymptotic Gaussian
approximation of the MLE.

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Online EM Algorithm   Properties and Discussion

Related Works

(Titterington, 1984) Proposes a gradient algorithm
                         θn = θn−1 + γn Ip (θn−1 )                  θ   log fθn−1 (Yn )

                It is asymptotically equivalent to the algorithm (previously
                described) for well-specified models (π = fθ )

(Neal & Hinton, 1999) Describe an algorithm called Incremental EM that
            is equivalent (up to first batch scan only) to Online EM used
            with γn = 1/n

(Sato, 2000; Sato & Ishii, 2000) Describe the algorithm and provide some
             analysis in the flat model case and for mixtures of Gaussian

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Online EM Algorithm   Properties and Discussion

How Does This Work in Practice?

          Fine But don’t use         ‡   γn = 1/n

 Simulations in (C & Moulines, 2009) on mixtures of Gaussian regressions

Large Scale Experiments on Real Data in (Liang & Klein, 2009), where
             the use of mini-batch blocking was found useful:
                          Apply the proposed algorithm considering
                          Ymk+1 , Ymk+2 . . . Ym(k+1) as one observation
                 Mini-batch blocking is useful in dealing with mixture-like
                 models with infrequent components

     γn = γ0 /(n0 + n) can be an option
but requires carefully setting γ0 and n0
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Online EM Algorithm   Properties and Discussion

Some Intuition About the Weights

If rk = (1 − γk )rk−1 + γk Ek , for k ≥ 1                1
                                                             x 10

             n    n           n
  1   rn =   k=1 ωk Ek     + ω0 r0 with                  1
        n    n
        k=0 ωk = 1                                       4
                                                             x 10
                                                                                                α = 0.9

        n     1
  2   ωk = n+a (for k ≥ 1) when                          2

      γk = 1/(k + a) and is strictly                     0

      increasing otherwise                               4
                                                             x 10
                                                                                                α = 0.6

  3           n 2
        k=1 (ωk )≡ 2 n−α when γk = k −α ,

      with 1/2 < α < 1                                   0
                                                          0         1000   2000   3000   4000    5000     6000   7000   8000   9000   10000

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Use for Batch ML Estimation

How to Use Online EM for Batch ML Estimation?

The most popular use of the method is to perfom batch ML estimation
from very large datasets

Because we did not assume that π = fθ , the previous analysis can be
applied to π ≡ the empirical measure associated with Y1 , . . . , Yn
    Online EM can be used for batch ML estimation by (randomly)
    scanning the data Y1 , . . . , Yn
    Convergence “speed” (with averaging) is (nobs. × nscans )−1/2 versus
    ρnscans for batch EM
    Not a fair comparison in terms of computing time as the M-Step is
    not free and possible parallelization is ignored

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Use for Batch ML Estimation

Comparison With Batch and Incremental EM

                                                              Batch EM


                                       1           2              3           4            5

                                                           Incremental EM


                                       1           2              3           4            5

                                                              Online EM


                                       1           2              3           4            5
                                                             batch tours

Figure:     Normalized log-likelihood of the estimates obtained with, from top to bottom, batch EM, incremental EM and
online EM as a function of the number of batch tours (or iterations, for batch EM). The data is of length N = 100 and the box
an whiskers plots summarize the results of 500 independent runs of the algorithms started from randomized starting points θ0 .

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Use for Batch ML Estimation

Comparison With Batch and Incremental EM (Contd.)

                                                       Batch EM



                               1            2              3          4            5

                                                    Incremental EM


                               1            2              3          4            5

                                                       Online EM



                               1            2              3          4            5
                                                      batch tours

                        Figure:     Same display for a data record of length N = 1,000.

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 The Good              Easy (esp. when EM implementation is available)
                       Can be used for ML estimation from a batch of
                       Robust wrt. to stepsize selection (note that scale is
                       fixed due to the use of convex combinations)
                       Handles parameter constraints nicely (only requires that
                       S be closed under convex combinations with expected
                       sufficient statistics)

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Summary (Contd.)

  The Bad               Needs that the E-step be explicit
                        Needs that θ be explicit
                        Not appropriate for short (say, less than 1000
                        observations) data records without cycling
                        What about non-independent observations?

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Online EM in Latent Factor Models (Ongoing Work)
Many models of the form
                                   Cn |Hn ∼ gPK
                                                         k=1 θk Hn,k

where {gλ }λ∈Λ is an exponential family of distributions and Hn is a latent
random vector of positive weights (probabilistic matrix factorization,
discrete component analysis, partial membership models, simplicial

                Figure:   Bayesian network representations of Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)

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Simulated Online EM Algorithm for LDA

For n = 1, . . .
Simulated E-step
                           Simulate Hn given Cn and θn−1
                           (in practise, using a short run of
                           Metropolis-Hastings or collapsed
                           Gibbs sampling)
                           Use the Rao-Blackwellized update

                           Sn = (1−γn )Sn−1 +γn Eθn−1 s(Zn , Wn )| Wn , Hn

      M-step θn = θ(Sn )

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Ignoring the sampling bias, this recursion can be analyzed and has the
same asymptotic properties as the online EM algorithm

In particular, for well-specified models,

                          −1/2                L −1
                         γn (θn − θ ) −→ N (0, If (θ ))

instead of
                          −1/2                L −1
                         γn (θn − θ ) −→ N (0, Ip (θ ))
for the “exact” online EM algorithm (Ip (θ ) = −Eθ [      2 log p (X , Y )]).
                                                          θ      θ  1 1

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Capp´, O. & Moulines, E. (2009). On-line expectation-maximization algorithm for
latent data models. J. Roy. Statist. Soc. B, 71(3):593-613.
Capp´, O. (2011). Online Expectation-Maximisation. To appear in Mengersen, K.,
Titterington, M., & Robert, C. P., eds., Mixtures, Wiley.
Liang, P. & Klein, D. (2009). Online EM for Unsupervised Models. In Proc
NAACL Conference.
Neal, R. M. & Hinton, G. E. (1999). A view of the EM algorithm that justifies
incremental, sparse, and other variants. In Jordan, M. I., ed., Learning in graphical
models, pages 355–368. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA.
Rohde, D. & Capp´, O. (2011). Online maximum-likelihood estimation for latent
factor models. Submitted.
Sato, M. (2000). Convergence of on-line EM algorithm. In Proc. International
Conference on Neural Information Processing, 1:476–481.
Sato, M. & Ishii, S. (2000). On-line EM algorithm for the normalized Gaussian
network. Neural Computation, 12:407-432.
Titterington, D. M. (1984). Recursive parameter estimation using incomplete
data. J. Roy. Statist. Soc. B, 46(2):257-267.

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Olivier Cappé's talk at BigMC March 2011

  • 1. Online EM Algorithm and Some Extensions Olivier Capp´ e T´l´com ParisTech & CNRS ee March 2011 0. Capp´ (@ BigMC) e Online EM Algorithm March 2011 1 / 34
  • 2. Online Estimation for Missing Data Models Based on (C & Moulines, 2009) and (C, 2010) Goals 1 Maximum likelihood estimation, or 1’ Competitive with maximum likelihood estimation when #obs. is large 2 Good scaling (performance vs. computational cost) as #obs. increases (3) Process data on-the-fly (no storage) 4 Simple to implement (no line-search, projection, preconditioning, etc.) 0. Capp´ (@ BigMC) e Online EM Algorithm March 2011 2 / 34
  • 3. Outline 1 The EM Algorithm in Exponential Families 2 The Limiting EM Recursion 3 Online EM Algorithm The Algorithm Properties and Discussion 4 Use for Batch ML Estimation 5 Extensions 6 References 0. Capp´ (@ BigMC) e Online EM Algorithm March 2011 3 / 34
  • 4. The EM Algorithm in Exponential Families Missing Data Model A missing data model is a statistical model {pθ (x, y)}θ∈Θ in which only Y may be observed (the couple (X, Y ) is referred to as the complete data) Hence, parameter estimates θn must be function of observations Y1 , . . . , Yn only (here assumed to be independent and identically distributed) Of course, the statistical model could also be defined as {fθ (y)}θ∈Θ , where fθ (y) = pθ (x, y)dx but the specific structure of fθ needs to be exploited To analyze the methods the data {Yt }t≥1 is assumed to be generated by an iid. process with marginal π, not necessarily equal to fθ 0. Capp´ (@ BigMC) e Online EM Algorithm March 2011 4 / 34
  • 5. The EM Algorithm in Exponential Families Finite Mixture Model Mixture PDF m f (y) = αi fi (y) i=1 Missing Data Interpretation P(Xt = i) = αi Yt |Xt = i ∼ fi (y) 0. Capp´ (@ BigMC) e Online EM Algorithm March 2011 5 / 34
  • 6. The EM Algorithm in Exponential Families To determine the maximum likelihood estimate n θn = arg max log fθ (Yt ) θ t=1 numerically, the standard approach is the following. Expectation-Maximization (Dempster, Laird & Rubin, 1977) k Given a current parameter guess θn E-Step Compute n 1 qn,θn (θ) = k Eθn [ log pθ (Xt , Yt )| Yt ] k n t=1 M-Step Update the parameter estimate to k+1 θn = arg max qn,θn (θ) k θ∈Θ 0. Capp´ (@ BigMC) e Online EM Algorithm March 2011 6 / 34
  • 7. The EM Algorithm in Exponential Families Rationale 1 It is an ascent algorithm (shown using Jensen inequality) Figure: The EM intermediate quantity is a minorizing surrogate 2 Because of Fisher relation, the algorithm can only stop in a stationary point of the log-likelihood∗ ∗ See (Wu, 1983) for necessary topological and regularity assumptions 0. Capp´ (@ BigMC) e Online EM Algorithm March 2011 7 / 34
  • 8. The EM Algorithm in Exponential Families An Example: Poisson Mixture Likelihood m λj Y −λj fθ (Y ) = αj e Y! j=1 “Complete-Data” Log-Likelihood log pθ (X, Y ) = − log(Y !) m + [log(αj ) − λj ] 1{X = j} j=1 m + log(λj )Y 1{X = j} j=1 0. Capp´ (@ BigMC) e Online EM Algorithm March 2011 8 / 34
  • 9. The EM Algorithm in Exponential Families EM Algorithm for the Poisson Mixture EM E-Step m n 1 qn,θn = k [log(αj ) − λj ] Pθn (Xt = j|Yt ) k n j=1 t=1 m n 1 + log(λj ) Yt Pθn (Xt = j|Yt ) k n j=1 t=1 EM M-Step n k+1 1 αn,j = Pθn (Xt = j|Yt ) k n t=1 n t=1 Yt Pθn (Xt = j|Yt ) k λk+1 = n,j n t=1 Pθn (Xt = j|Yt ) k 0. Capp´ (@ BigMC) e Online EM Algorithm March 2011 9 / 34
  • 10. The EM Algorithm in Exponential Families Exponential Family Model In the following, we assume that the complete-data model belongs to an exponential family (Curved) Exponential Family Model pθ (x, y) = exp ( s(x, y), ψ(θ) − A(θ)) where s(x, y) is the vector (complete-data) sufficient statistics Explicit Complete-Data Maximum Likelihood ¯ S → θ(S) = arg max S, ψ(θ) − A(θ) θ is available in closed-form 0. Capp´ (@ BigMC) e Online EM Algorithm March 2011 10 / 34
  • 11. The EM Algorithm in Exponential Families The EM Algorithm Revisited The k-th EM Iteration (From n Observations) E-Step n k+1 1 Sn = Eθn [ s(Xt , Yt )| Yt ] k n t=1 M-Step k+1 ¯ k+1 θn = θ Sn 0. Capp´ (@ BigMC) e Online EM Algorithm March 2011 11 / 34
  • 12. The Limiting EM Recursion A Key Remark The k-th EM Iteration (From n Observations) E-Step n k+1 1 Sn = Eθn [ s(Xt , Yt )| Yt ] k n t=1 M-Step k+1 ¯ k+1 θn = θ Sn Can be fully reparameterized in the domain of sufficient statistics n k+1 1 Sn = Eθ(Sn ) [ s(Xt , Yt )| Yt ] ¯ k n t=1 0. Capp´ (@ BigMC) e Online EM Algorithm March 2011 12 / 34
  • 13. The Limiting EM Recursion The Limiting EM Recursion By letting n tend to infinity, one obtains two equivalent updates: Sufficient Statistics Update S k = Eπ Eθ(S k−1 ) [ s(X1 , Y1 )| Y1 ] ¯ Parameter Update ¯ θk = θ {Eπ (Eθk−1 [ s(X1 , Y1 )| Y1 ])} Using usual EM arguments, these updates are such that 1 The Kullback-Leibler divergence D(π|fθk ) is monotonically decreasing with k 2 Converge to {θ : θ D(π|fθ ) = 0} 0. Capp´ (@ BigMC) e Online EM Algorithm March 2011 13 / 34
  • 14. The Limiting EM Recursion Batch EM Is Not Efficient for Large Data Records see also (Neal & Hinton, 1999) 3 2 10 observations 4 3 ||u||2 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3 20 10 observations 4 3 ||u||2 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Batch EM iterations Figure: Convergence of batch EM estimates of u 2 as a function of the number of EM iterations for 2,000 (top) and 20,000 (bottom) observations. The box-and-whisker plots are computed from 1,000 independent replications of the simulated data. The grey region corresponds to ±2 interquartile range (approx. 99.3% coverage) under the asymptotic Gaussian approximation of the MLE (from [C, 2010]). 0. Capp´ (@ BigMC) e Online EM Algorithm March 2011 14 / 34
  • 15. Online EM Algorithm The Algorithm The Online EM Algorithm The online EM algorithm outputs one updated parameter estimate θn after processing each individual observation Yn The parameter update is very similar to applying the EM algorithm to the single observation Yn (with smoothing) The memory footprint of the algorithm is constant while its computational cost is proportional to the number of processed observations 0. Capp´ (@ BigMC) e Online EM Algorithm March 2011 15 / 34
  • 16. Online EM Algorithm The Algorithm Online EM: Rationale We try to locate the solutions of Eπ Eθ(S) [ s(X1 , Y1 )| Y1 ] − S = 0 ¯ Viewing Eθ(S) [ s(Xn , Yn )| Yn ] as a noisy observation of ¯ Eπ Eθ(S) [ s(X1 , Y1 )| Y1 ] , this is exactly the usual Stochastic ¯ Approximation (or Robbins-Monro) setup: Sn = Sn−1 + γn Eθ(Sn−1 ) [ s(Xn , Yn )| Yn ] − Sn−1 ¯ where (γn ) is a sequence of decreasing positive stepsizes 0. Capp´ (@ BigMC) e Online EM Algorithm March 2011 16 / 34
  • 17. Online EM Algorithm The Algorithm The Algorithm Online EM Algorithm Stochastic E-Step Sn = (1 − γn )Sn−1 + γn Eθn−1 [ s(Xn , Yn )| Yn ] M Step ¯ θn = θ(Sn ) Practical Recommendations γn = 1/nα with α ∈ [0.6, 0.7] Don’t do M for the first 10–20 obs. (optional) Use Polyak-Ruppert averaging (requires to chose n0 ) 0. Capp´ (@ BigMC) e Online EM Algorithm March 2011 17 / 34
  • 18. Online EM Algorithm The Algorithm Online EM in the Poisson Mixture Example SA E-Step Computing Conditional Expectations αn−1,j λYn e−λn−1,j n−1,j pn,j = Pm i=1 αn−1,i λYn e−λn−1,i n−1,i Statistics Update (Stochastic Approximation) α α Sn,j = (1 − γn )Sn−1,j + γn pn,j λ λ Sn,j = (1 − γn )Sn−1,j + γn pn,j Yn M-Step: Parameter Update α αn,j = Sn,j , ˆ ˆ λ α λn,j = Sn,j /Sn,j 0. Capp´ (@ BigMC) e Online EM Algorithm March 2011 18 / 34
  • 19. Online EM Algorithm Properties and Discussion Analysis (C & Moulines, 2009) Under n γn = ∞, 2 < ∞, compactness of Θ and other regularity n γn assumptions 1 The estimate θn converges to one of the roots of θ D(π|fθ ) =0 2 The algorithm is asymptotically equivalent to θn = θn−1 + γn J −1 (θn−1 ) θ log fθn−1 (Yn ) where J(θ) = −Eπ Eθ 2 log pθ (X1 , Y1 ) Y1 θ 3 For a well specified model (π = fθ ) and under Polyak-Ruppert averaging† θn is Fisher efficient √ L n(θn − θ ) −→ N (0, If (θ )) where If (θ ) = −Eθ [ 2 log f (Y )] θ θ 1 †˜ = 1/(n − n0 ) n 0 +1 θn , P θn t=n −α with γn = n and α ∈ (1/2, 1) 0. Capp´ (@ BigMC) e Online EM Algorithm March 2011 19 / 34
  • 20. Online EM Algorithm Properties and Discussion Some More Details 1 (Andrieu et al., 2005) but also (Delyon, 1994), (Bena¨ 1999) using ım, the fact that D(π|fθ(S) ) is a Lyapunov function: ¯ S D(π|fθ(S) ) , ¯ Eπ Eθ(S) [ s(X1 , Y1 )| Y1 ] − S ¯ ≤0 mean field 2 ¯ Taylor series expansion of θ to establish the equivalence (with remainder a.s. o(γn )) 3 (Pelletier, 1998) to show that −1/2 L −1 γn (θn − θ ) −→ N (0, Ip (θ )/2) in well-specified models (where Ip is the complete-data Fisher information matrix) General results of (Polyak and Judistky, 1992), (Mokkadem and Pelletier, 2006) on averaging 0. Capp´ (@ BigMC) e Online EM Algorithm March 2011 20 / 34
  • 21. Online EM Algorithm Properties and Discussion Illustration of Polyak-Ruppert Averaging α = 0.9 2 1 0 u −2 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 α = 0.6 2 1 0 u −2 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 α = 0.6 with halfway averaging 2 1 0 u −2 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Number of observations Figure: Four superimposed trajectories of the estimate of u1 (first component of u) for various algorithm settings (α = 0.9, α = 0.6 and α = 0.6 with Polyak-Ruppert averaging, from top to bottom). The actual value of u1 is equal to zero. 0. Capp´ (@ BigMC) e Online EM Algorithm March 2011 21 / 34
  • 22. Online EM Algorithm Properties and Discussion Performance of Online EM α = 0.9 4 3 ||u||2 2 1 0 0.2 10^3 2 10^3 20 10^3 α = 0.6 4 3 ||u||2 2 1 0 0.2 10^3 2 10^3 20 10^3 α = 0.6 with halfway averaging 4 3 ||u||2 2 1 0 0.2 10^3 2 10^3 20 10^3 Number of observations Figure: Online EM estimates of u 2 for various data sizes (200, 2,000 and 20,000 observations, from left to right) and algorithm settings (α = 0.9, α = 0.6 and α = 0.6 with Polyak-Ruppert averaging, from top to bottom). The box-and-whisker plots (outliers plotting suppressed) are computed from 1,000 independent replications of the simulated data. The grey regions corresponds to ±2 interquartile range (approx. 99.3% coverage) under the asymptotic Gaussian approximation of the MLE. 0. Capp´ (@ BigMC) e Online EM Algorithm March 2011 22 / 34
  • 23. Online EM Algorithm Properties and Discussion Related Works (Titterington, 1984) Proposes a gradient algorithm −1 θn = θn−1 + γn Ip (θn−1 ) θ log fθn−1 (Yn ) It is asymptotically equivalent to the algorithm (previously described) for well-specified models (π = fθ ) (Neal & Hinton, 1999) Describe an algorithm called Incremental EM that is equivalent (up to first batch scan only) to Online EM used with γn = 1/n (Sato, 2000; Sato & Ishii, 2000) Describe the algorithm and provide some analysis in the flat model case and for mixtures of Gaussian 0. Capp´ (@ BigMC) e Online EM Algorithm March 2011 23 / 34
  • 24. Online EM Algorithm Properties and Discussion How Does This Work in Practice? Fine But don’t use ‡ γn = 1/n Simulations in (C & Moulines, 2009) on mixtures of Gaussian regressions Large Scale Experiments on Real Data in (Liang & Klein, 2009), where the use of mini-batch blocking was found useful: Apply the proposed algorithm considering Ymk+1 , Ymk+2 . . . Ym(k+1) as one observation Mini-batch blocking is useful in dealing with mixture-like models with infrequent components ‡ γn = γ0 /(n0 + n) can be an option but requires carefully setting γ0 and n0 0. Capp´ (@ BigMC) e Online EM Algorithm March 2011 24 / 34
  • 25. Online EM Algorithm Properties and Discussion Some Intuition About the Weights If rk = (1 − γk )rk−1 + γk Ek , for k ≥ 1 1 −4 x 10 α=1 1 n n n 1 rn = k=1 ωk Ek + ω0 r0 with 1 n n k=0 ωk = 1 4 −4 x 10 α = 0.9 n 1 2 ωk = n+a (for k ≥ 1) when 2 γk = 1/(k + a) and is strictly 0 increasing otherwise 4 −3 x 10 α = 0.6 n 3 n 2 k=1 (ωk )≡ 2 n−α when γk = k −α , 1 2 with 1/2 < α < 1 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 0. Capp´ (@ BigMC) e Online EM Algorithm March 2011 25 / 34
  • 26. Use for Batch ML Estimation How to Use Online EM for Batch ML Estimation? The most popular use of the method is to perfom batch ML estimation from very large datasets Because we did not assume that π = fθ , the previous analysis can be applied to π ≡ the empirical measure associated with Y1 , . . . , Yn Online EM can be used for batch ML estimation by (randomly) scanning the data Y1 , . . . , Yn Convergence “speed” (with averaging) is (nobs. × nscans )−1/2 versus ρnscans for batch EM Not a fair comparison in terms of computing time as the M-Step is not free and possible parallelization is ignored 0. Capp´ (@ BigMC) e Online EM Algorithm March 2011 26 / 34
  • 27. Use for Batch ML Estimation Comparison With Batch and Incremental EM Batch EM −1.54 −1.56 −1.58 1 2 3 4 5 Incremental EM −1.54 −1.56 −1.58 1 2 3 4 5 Online EM −1.54 −1.56 −1.58 1 2 3 4 5 batch tours Figure: Normalized log-likelihood of the estimates obtained with, from top to bottom, batch EM, incremental EM and online EM as a function of the number of batch tours (or iterations, for batch EM). The data is of length N = 100 and the box an whiskers plots summarize the results of 500 independent runs of the algorithms started from randomized starting points θ0 . 0. Capp´ (@ BigMC) e Online EM Algorithm March 2011 27 / 34
  • 28. Use for Batch ML Estimation Comparison With Batch and Incremental EM (Contd.) Batch EM −1.56 −1.58 −1.6 1 2 3 4 5 Incremental EM −1.56 −1.58 −1.6 1 2 3 4 5 Online EM −1.56 −1.58 −1.6 1 2 3 4 5 batch tours Figure: Same display for a data record of length N = 1,000. 0. Capp´ (@ BigMC) e Online EM Algorithm March 2011 28 / 34
  • 29. Extensions Summary The Good Easy (esp. when EM implementation is available) Can be used for ML estimation from a batch of observations Robust wrt. to stepsize selection (note that scale is fixed due to the use of convex combinations) Handles parameter constraints nicely (only requires that S be closed under convex combinations with expected sufficient statistics) 0. Capp´ (@ BigMC) e Online EM Algorithm March 2011 29 / 34
  • 30. Extensions Summary (Contd.) The Bad Needs that the E-step be explicit ¯ Needs that θ be explicit Not appropriate for short (say, less than 1000 observations) data records without cycling What about non-independent observations? 0. Capp´ (@ BigMC) e Online EM Algorithm March 2011 30 / 34
  • 31. Extensions Online EM in Latent Factor Models (Ongoing Work) Many models of the form Cn |Hn ∼ gPK k=1 θk Hn,k where {gλ }λ∈Λ is an exponential family of distributions and Hn is a latent random vector of positive weights (probabilistic matrix factorization, discrete component analysis, partial membership models, simplicial mixtures) Figure: Bayesian network representations of Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) 0. Capp´ (@ BigMC) e Online EM Algorithm March 2011 31 / 34
  • 32. Extensions Simulated Online EM Algorithm for LDA For n = 1, . . . Simulated E-step ˜ Simulate Hn given Cn and θn−1 (in practise, using a short run of Metropolis-Hastings or collapsed Gibbs sampling) Use the Rao-Blackwellized update ˜ Sn = (1−γn )Sn−1 +γn Eθn−1 s(Zn , Wn )| Wn , Hn ¯ M-step θn = θ(Sn ) 0. Capp´ (@ BigMC) e Online EM Algorithm March 2011 32 / 34
  • 33. Extensions Ignoring the sampling bias, this recursion can be analyzed and has the same asymptotic properties as the online EM algorithm In particular, for well-specified models, −1/2 L −1 γn (θn − θ ) −→ N (0, If (θ )) instead of −1/2 L −1 γn (θn − θ ) −→ N (0, Ip (θ )) for the “exact” online EM algorithm (Ip (θ ) = −Eθ [ 2 log p (X , Y )]). θ θ 1 1 0. Capp´ (@ BigMC) e Online EM Algorithm March 2011 33 / 34
  • 34. References Capp´, O. & Moulines, E. (2009). On-line expectation-maximization algorithm for e latent data models. J. Roy. Statist. Soc. B, 71(3):593-613. Capp´, O. (2011). Online Expectation-Maximisation. To appear in Mengersen, K., e Titterington, M., & Robert, C. P., eds., Mixtures, Wiley. Liang, P. & Klein, D. (2009). Online EM for Unsupervised Models. In Proc NAACL Conference. Neal, R. M. & Hinton, G. E. (1999). A view of the EM algorithm that justifies incremental, sparse, and other variants. In Jordan, M. I., ed., Learning in graphical models, pages 355–368. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA. Rohde, D. & Capp´, O. (2011). Online maximum-likelihood estimation for latent e factor models. Submitted. Sato, M. (2000). Convergence of on-line EM algorithm. In Proc. International Conference on Neural Information Processing, 1:476–481. Sato, M. & Ishii, S. (2000). On-line EM algorithm for the normalized Gaussian network. Neural Computation, 12:407-432. Titterington, D. M. (1984). Recursive parameter estimation using incomplete data. J. Roy. Statist. Soc. B, 46(2):257-267. 0. Capp´ (@ BigMC) e Online EM Algorithm March 2011 34 / 34