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SABRN‐Updates 2009‐10

                                         Member Countries
                                         A    l
                                         South DRC
                                         South Africa
                                         South Africa

                         R. M. Chirwa

ECABREN SC & Gender Workshop, held in Arusha, Tanzania – 14-21
                     February 2010
• Implementing the PABRA frame work 2009‐
  Implementing the PABRA frame work 2009
• Germplasm distributed in 2009
  Germplasm distributed in 2009
• Available nurseries in 2010
• Capacity building
Outcome #1: Increased access and 
O t       #1 I         d           d
  utilization of improved bean 
  varieties resistant to multiple 
     environmental stresses
         i          l
Output 1.1 New or revised tools for targeting technologies for 
 specific environmental stresses  including those associated with 
  climate change and socio‐economic variables  widely available 
   li t h           d    i          i     i bl    id l     il bl
             to development and farmer organizations
Activity Set #1.1.1 Review and analyze current and future risks to bean production and
       y                                y                   f                   p
utilization associated with major environmental stresses (prevalent drought and floods,
heat, acid soils, salinity, low soil fertility, risk of soil degradation, pest and diseases) and
end user systems Collect information requirements for PABRA Bean Atlas.                       All
Output #1.2: Mechanisms for resistance to environmental 
        stresses are understood and used to generate improved 
                                                g          p
          varieties resistant to specific environmental stresses
Activity Set #1.2.1 Study, validate and document the genetic, physiological, pathogenic and
pest mechanisms conferring resistance to different environmental stresses (linking with
                      f     g               ff                                    g
capacity building) and generate new stress resistant bean germplasm Review the status and characterize old/new pests and diseases (including new All
races) E.g. Angular Leaf Spot (ALS), Anthracnose, Root Rot (RR), Web blight, Rust, countries:
Halo blight d t li t h
H l bli ht due to climate change or new races; Pests: bean stem maggot, B hid
                                                   P t b        t           t Bruchids,  Focus on
aphids and white flies. All countries involved. Focus on ZA: (ALS, ANT, HB, rust);       ZA, MW,
MW: and s/TZ (Bruchid); Malawi (BSM)                                                     s/TZ Identify sources of resistance to new races of pests and diseases that may have ZA, MW, &
emerged (
        d (partly d t climate change): specific site focus: SABRN: ZA ALS
               tl due to li t h          )      ifi it f       SABRN ZA: ALS,            S/TZ
(PABRA) Continue development, testing advance lines and variety release with resistance All
t multiple constraints (ALL PABRA countries)
      lti l       t i t                      t i )                                       Countries
                                                                                         C    t i Take stock of available germplasm with multiple resistances to stresses (biotic All countries
and abiotic) and distribute a nursery for regional evaluation. SABRN COUNTRIES
TO EVALUATE BY ALL COUNTRIES NARS to share elite lines from their programs, e.g., root rots, ALS etc.       ZA, ZM,
Targeted countries:                                                                     MW, SH/TZ
                                                                                        and ZW
Outcome# 2: Farmers access, adapt
 and use, cost effective, integrated
environmental stress management
   options to better manage soil
    fertility/moisture and crop
 pests/diseases and i
     t /di         d increase their
                               th i
   capacity to respond to stress
Output 2.1: New and existing options and strategies for 
       managing different stress environments are available to 
            g g
      farmers through partners using participatory approaches.

Activity set # 2.1.1: Develop/identify strategies that address problems associated with
intensification in bean cropping systems to generate and promote technologies
associated with stresses under crop intensification
                                    p        f Developing IDPM and ISFM packages related to intensification All countries
of bean cropping systems.                                                 -except MR Identify packages for potential scaling up and develop strategies All countries
with partners through participatory research processes and others by except – LE,
gender. In target countries:                                              MR, ZA
Outcome #3: Increased
micronutrient-rich bean varieties
 and products i th diets of th
   d     d t in the di t f the
     vulnerable communities
(children, women, and PLWHA)
 to i
    improve their nutrition and
             h i      ii      d
Output 3.1. Bean varieties with improved micronutrient 
    concentration and superior agronomic traits developed and 
                        p        g                    p
                         made available.
Activity sets# 3.1.1: Identify elite parental sources for seed iron and zinc concentration
and use in conventional and marker assisted breeding for high nutrition quality, market,
high yield and stress tolerant varieties and assess mineral stability across agro-ecological
3 1 1 1 Identify and validate parental lines for key traits (Fe/Zn,
                                                               (Fe/Zn        ZA, TZ, ZM,
                                                                             ZA TZ ZM
abiotic and biotic stress) and generate F1 and F2 populations               ZW MW Select recombinants from existing F3 and F4 populations             ZM, ZA, ZW,
                                                                            TZ, MW Evaluate existing F5 and F6 lines for mineral density and G x ZM, ZA, ZW,
E                                                                           TZ, MW Increase seed of NUA, NUV and KAB and evaluate for                  ZW, LE, ZM,
mineral density and G x E                                                   CD, MW, SW,
                                                                            CD MW SW
                                                                            MZ Conduct national performance trials and DUS tests for               ZW, LE, ZM,
candidate fast track lines                                                  CD, MW, SW,
                                                                            MZ- Produce nucleus, breeder for pre-release and/or released fast ZW, ZM, TZ,
track lines and develop descriptors                                         MW, MZ
Output 3.2 Bean based food products targeted to specific 
deficiencies, developed, tested and made available to vulnerable 
            ,       p ,

Activity set# 3.2.1: Assess and map prevalence of target nutritional deficiencies
       y                          pp            f g                    f
among vulnerable groups and develop value added bean-based food products for
household consumption, supplementary feeding and for markets with agricultural,
health and nutrition partners Develop l
3 2 1 2 D l value added bdd d bean b d food products ( t h
                                    based f d      d t (at house h ld
                                                                    hold      ZM,
level, community and large scale)                                            MW,
                                                                             STZ Train partners on micronutrient nutrition
               p                                                              ZM, ,
Output 3.3: Bio‐availability, bio‐efficacy, retention of 
   micronutrients and health qualities (alfatoxins) of bean grain 
                              q          (           )        g

Activity sets#3.3.1: Link with Harvest-Plus to determine bioavailability of iron and zinc
       y                                                               y f
in selected micronutrient rich bean varieties and bean based meals under various
conditions (e.g. soaking, germination, fermenting, cooking) across PABRA countries. Establish baseline content of Fe/Zn in raw and process beans (incl.       ZM,
Cooking) and consolidate available data for different categories of users;        MW &
document and disseminate through partners :                                       S/TZ
3 3 1 3 Produce seed of micronutrient rich bean varieties in selected countries   ZM,
(Zambia, Malawi, S/Tanzania)                                                      MW &
Outcome # 4: Small holder farmers,
traders and other value chain actors
  benefit more from opportunities
   created by emerging new and
    expanding existing markets
Output 4.1: Farmers have access to information on markets and 
 are effectively linked to  national, regional and international 
               y                    , g
                  bean markets using equitable 
Activity set# 4.1.1: Conduct value chain analysis for bean based products in
national regional and international markets: develop strategies for effectively
linking smallholder farmers. Review, and evaluate national bean market information     ZM, ZW
systems                                                            MZ, MW,
                                                                   MZ MW
                                                                   South TZ, S-
                                                                   CD, , SW Document and evaluate major bean markets- their           ZM, ZW
characteristics, constraints and opportunities                     MZ, MW,
                                                                   South TZ, S-
                                                                   CD, , SW
4 1 1 4 Conduct disaggregated value Chain Analysis – dry beans     ZM,
                                                                   ZM ZW
(team with CRS) countries as above (Consider gender                MZ, MW,
disaggregated market margin analysis)                              South TZ, S-
                                                                   CD, , SW
Output 4.1: Farmers have access to information on markets and 
 are effectively linked to  national, regional and international 
               y                    , g
                  bean markets using equitable 
Activity set# 4.2.1: Generate dry, snap, climbing, runner, canning bean
varieties for niche markets and evaluate with farmers (male and female) and
other chain actors (consumers, traders, hoteliers, farmers, processors etc.) Identify and validate parental lines for key traits (dry   ZA, ZM,
beans, snap
beans snap, canning and runner) and generate F1 and F2              ZW, MW
                                                                    ZW MW,
populations                                                         SH/TZ Select recombinants from existing F 3 and F4 populations    ZA, ZM,
                                                                    ZW, MW,
                                                                    SH/TZ Evaluate existing F5 and F6 lines                          ZA, ZM,
                                                                    ZW, MW,
Output 4.1: Farmers have access to information on markets and 
 are effectively linked to  national, regional and international 
               y                    , g
                  bean markets using equitable 
Activity set #4.2.2 Increase of existing released varieties for exhibition with
various value chain actors and distribute seeds Develop demonstration plots and variety leaflets for        ZA, ZM,
released and pre-release varieties of bush and climbing beans
             pre release                                            ZW, MW
                                                                    ZW MW,
                                                                    SH/TZ Conduct exhibition of released and pre release varieties of ZA, ZM,
bush and climbing beans for traders , processors, exporters and     ZW, MW,
farmers to create                                                   SH/TZ
Output 5.1:  Seed systems and information for promoting  
  production and supply of  preferred dry bean & niche market 
  p                 pp y     p           y
                  varieties are widely available
Activity set# 5.1.1 Scale up and out seed to targeted potential end users using efficient
seed delivery systems identified through comparative analysis of seed demand,
production and delivery methods. Characterize and determine the scale of current and              All countries
potential clients groups, for seed based technologies for
                  groups      seed-based technologies,                    (MW.
                                                                          (MW MZ
environment management options and for nutritional bean based             and s/TZ –
products. (TL: Kenya and Ethiopia.                                        under McK) Increase/multiply foundation seeds for both formal and
informal seed producers/partners all countries at least 2000 kg for
each released variety: ALL COUNTRIES EXCEPT MW, MZ, TZ,
5 1 1 4 Action Research on ways to Scale up breeder and foundation
seed: TLII: Kenya and Ethiopia; New Action Research on small seed packets and other seed
marketing strategies: National workshops to agree on seed production and post
harvest /business management for partners under different projects
including innovative seed promotion e.g. small packs
Outcome #5: Diverse clientele of
men and women end-users are using
       d           d             i
    adapted and p
       p         preferred bean
   varieties, environment stress
     management options and
micronutrients bean- based products
  through leveraging sustainable
approaches for product production,
 delivery and information sharing
Output 5.1:  Seed systems and information for promoting  
  production and supply of  preferred dry bean & niche market 
  p                 pp y     p           y
                  varieties are widely available
Activity set#5.1.2 Expand information materials and media for different clientele,
devise explicit demand creation strategies (including for invisible value-added traits)
                                                                    value added
and mass produce relevant materials training manuals (all the while carefully
monitoring who is being reached and where). D i
5 1 2 1 Design, update and mass produce i f
                  d t    d         d    information t l
                                               ti tools                   All countries
                                                                                  t i
                                                                          (MW. MZ
                                                                          and s/TZ –
                                                                          under McK)  )
Output 5.2: Environment stress management products and 
processes are available with a diversity of rural service providers
                 il bl ith di        it f       l     i       id

Activity set#5.2.1 Develop, differentiate (end user perceptions on) and scale up
production delivery of management options and co-learning methods for dealing
                                                   co learning
with environmental stresses, with a focus on product and process use which is
sustainable and equitable C d t ti
5 2 1 1 Conduct action research on h t scale up th production
                              h     how to    l     the    d ti      SZ and S/TZ
and delivery of potential products and alleviating processes related
to environmental stresses (example to be drawn in PABRA countries
namely UG. Southern TZ, DRC, RW but also consider other
       y                  ,     ,
potential countries/ entrepreneurs e.g. champion/innovative farmers
(pick ISFM and one IPDM problem) –Linked to 2.1.1.
Output 5.3: Vulnerable groups and service providers have access 
to Micro nutrient dense bean based products through a diversity 
                                    p             g           y
               of partners and outreach channels.
Activity set#5.3.1 Scale up and out the production, delivery and uptake of nutritious
bean based products and information to a diverse range of partners including
devising explicit demand creation strategies for non visible traits (micro nutrient
dense beans varieties and their nutritious products). Promotion of approaches will be
based on a review and comparative analysis of PABRA nutrition and health
experience. Conduct action research on information dissemination           MW. ZM
strategies related to micro dense varieties SH/TZ MW, ZM
                                            SH/TZ, MW                   and s/TZ
Outcome #6: PABRA partners have
   increased ability to respond to
demands in the bean sector, and are
  utilizing g
          g generated knowledge to
influence bean related national and
    regional policy and advocacy
Output 6.1: PABRA and Networks are strengthened to exploit 
   synergies, efficiencies, and accountability, in responding to 
    y g ,                 ,                  y,       p     g
                       demand in new areas
Output 6.1: PABRA and Networks are strengthened to exploit synergies, efficiencies, 
and accountability, in responding to demand in new areas
  d        t bilit i         di t d       di Training of trainers in participatory monitoring and evaluation  CD & ZM
in additional sites and partners in Southern DRC, and Zambia (3 sites: 
i ddi i      l i      d           i S h        DRC    d Z bi (3 i
Kasama, Solowezi and Chipata)
Output 6.1: PABRA and Networks are strengthened to exploit 
   synergies, efficiencies, and accountability, in responding to 
    y g ,                 ,                  y,       p     g
                       demand in new areas
Activity set#6.1.2 Assess bottlenecks and develop strategies for strengthening the
functioning of PABRA and design , manage and institutionalize (with PABRA
partners) use of Monitoring & Evaluation in PABRA networks Develop tools for monitoring specific outputs in PABRA         sCD, MW,
(review f
( i formats with national partners )
               t ith ti         l     t                                S/TZ & ZM Conduct desk study to assess and evaluate institutionalisation sCD, MW,
options/practices for M&E                                              S/TZ & ZM Support to knowledge exchange and sharing in monitoring
          pp                 g            g          g              g  sCD, MW,
                                                                            ,    ,
and evaluation including attendance to local and international         S/TZ & ZM
conferences Progressive monitoring by national partners in SABRN, support  All countries
tools design (extend to all countries in SABRN, funds for stationery, 
t l d i ( t d t ll                t i i SABRN f d f t ti
printing, % time for special skills hire, ) Support to national learning platforms , incorporate new       sCD & ZM
partners in new sites in Southern DRC & Zambia 
Output 6.3: A strategy for influencing policy and advocacy in 
                 PABRA defined and promoted.
                           f          p

Activity set#6.3.1 Identify, analyze key gaps in existing agricultural seed, health, 
environmental stress policies which inhibit development of efficient and sustainable 
    i        t l t        li i   hi h i hibit d l         t f ffi i t d        t i bl
delivery systems and establish strategies to influence regulatory bodies and 
agricultural policy makers to address policy gaps. Catalyze exchange of information and reporting within PABRA:  All SABRN
            l       h      fi f      i     d       i    i hi
a. Network Steering Committee by network partners – SABRN             countries
countries (Oct 2010)
Bean Germplasm Distributed in 
Nursery or trial     Entries              Number of sets by country
                               AO CD LS    MW MZ ZA SZ TZ ZM ZW MR
SARBYT                  20            1     2    2         1
SARBEN                 100            1     2    2         1
DROUGHT SMALL          133                  1              1
DROUGHT LARGE           21            1     2    2         1
BSM                      5                       4         1
SUGAR NURSERY           63            1          1
CALIMA NURSERY         210                       1
NAVY                    45                  1    1
BIOFORT FAST/TRACK      39                  1    1         1
BIOFORT LARGE           60                  1    1
MEDIUM CLIMBERS         13                       3
HEAVY CLIMBERS          38                       3
RED KID DWARFS          33                                          3
RED KID CLIMBERS        17                                          3
NAVY BEANS             70                                           3
RED KID DWARFS          12     3
RED KID CLIMBERS        17     3
NAVY BEANS             25      3
Available Germplasm for 2010
           NURSERY                    NURSERY
2.   ALS NURSEY               14. CALIMA DWARF
3.   VAM 2005 B NURSERY       15. GCI DRY BEANS SET I
4    RILS 05A                 16.
                              16 DROUGHT - KENYA
5.   SUGARS NURSERY           17. FARMERS - LOW P
6.   BC 3 LINES               18. SEMI CLIMBERS
7.   NEW BILFA (SABRN)        19. REDS DWARF
                              21 BSM NURSEY
12. SARBYT                    24. PVS VARIETIES
Degree training

      NAME           DEG        UNIVERSITY       FUNDING STATUS
Kanyenga Lubobo      MSc   Univ. of Lubumbashi    PABRA Finished 2009
Magalhaes Miguel     PhD   Penn State Univ
                                      Univ.      McKnight   Final Year
Soares Xerinda       PhD   Penn State Univ.      McKnight   Final Year
Celestina Jochua     PhD   Penn State Univ.      McKnight   Final Year
Virginia Chisale     MSc   Penn State Univ.       USAID      2nd Year
Godwill Makunde      PhD   Free State Univ.        TL-II     2nd Year
Lizzie Kalolokesya   MSc   Univ.
                           Univ of Zambia          TL-II    Final Year
Abraham Dhlamini     MSc   Univ of Pretoria       Others     started
Non Degree Training
          Non‐Degree Training
• Statistical Analyses – using GENSTAT was
  Statistical Analyses using GENSTAT was 
  organized in Malawi for McKnight funded 
  projects (Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania) 
  projects (Malawi Mozambique and Tanzania)
• Phenotyping genotypes for drought resistance 
  – a short course was conducted by CIAT HQ staff
    a short course was conducted by CIAT‐HQ staff  
  for TL‐II project ‐ Malawi and Zimbabwe
Workshops and Meetings 
           o s ops a d ee gs
• Organized the final stakeholders’ workshop for the BMZ project 
  partners in Malawi – February 2009
• Organized a bean breeders workshop in Malawi – February 2009
• Organized a PABRA stakeholders workshop in Malawi – February 
• Participate in the PABRA SC meeting in Nairobi, Kenya – April 
• Organized the TL‐I Annual Review meeting in Malawi for all 
  stakeholders – April 2009 
• Participated in the new PABRA Phase implementation plan –
  September 2009
• Participated in the CCRP East and Southern Africa Culture of
  Participated in the CCRP East and Southern Africa Culture of 
  Practice meeting in Dar es Salaam – September 2009 
• Organized SABRN SC meeting  ‐ October 2009
Thank You
Th k Y

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Sabrn update feb 2010 [compatibility mode]

  • 1. SABRN‐Updates 2009‐10 Member Countries Angola A l South DRC Lesotho Malawi Mauritius Mozambique South Africa South Africa Swaziland Tanzania Zambia Zimbabwe R. M. Chirwa ECABREN SC & Gender Workshop, held in Arusha, Tanzania – 14-21 February 2010
  • 2. OUTLINE • Implementing the PABRA frame work 2009‐ Implementing the PABRA frame work 2009 2013 • Germplasm distributed in 2009 Germplasm distributed in 2009 • Available nurseries in 2010 • Capacity building
  • 3. Outcome #1: Increased access and  O t #1 I d d utilization of improved bean  p varieties resistant to multiple  environmental stresses i l
  • 4. Output 1.1 New or revised tools for targeting technologies for  specific environmental stresses  including those associated with  climate change and socio‐economic variables  widely available  li t h d i i i bl id l il bl to development and farmer organizations Activity Set #1.1.1 Review and analyze current and future risks to bean production and y y f p utilization associated with major environmental stresses (prevalent drought and floods, heat, acid soils, salinity, low soil fertility, risk of soil degradation, pest and diseases) and end user systems Collect information requirements for PABRA Bean Atlas. All countries:
  • 5. Output #1.2: Mechanisms for resistance to environmental  stresses are understood and used to generate improved  g p varieties resistant to specific environmental stresses Activity Set #1.2.1 Study, validate and document the genetic, physiological, pathogenic and p pest mechanisms conferring resistance to different environmental stresses (linking with f g ff g capacity building) and generate new stress resistant bean germplasm Review the status and characterize old/new pests and diseases (including new All races) E.g. Angular Leaf Spot (ALS), Anthracnose, Root Rot (RR), Web blight, Rust, countries: Halo blight d t li t h H l bli ht due to climate change or new races; Pests: bean stem maggot, B hid P t b t t Bruchids, Focus on F aphids and white flies. All countries involved. Focus on ZA: (ALS, ANT, HB, rust); ZA, MW, MW: and s/TZ (Bruchid); Malawi (BSM) s/TZ Identify sources of resistance to new races of pests and diseases that may have ZA, MW, & emerged ( d (partly d t climate change): specific site focus: SABRN: ZA ALS tl due to li t h ) ifi it f SABRN ZA: ALS, S/TZ ANT,HB, RUST: TZ: ANT, ALS (AGRA) and MW: Bruchid (AGRA), MW: BSM (PABRA) Continue development, testing advance lines and variety release with resistance All to t multiple constraints (ALL PABRA countries) lti l t i t t i ) Countries C t i Take stock of available germplasm with multiple resistances to stresses (biotic All countries and abiotic) and distribute a nursery for regional evaluation. SABRN COUNTRIES TO EVALUATE BY ALL COUNTRIES NARS to share elite lines from their programs, e.g., root rots, ALS etc. ZA, ZM, Targeted countries: MW, SH/TZ and ZW
  • 6. Outcome# 2: Farmers access, adapt access and use, cost effective, integrated environmental stress management options to better manage soil fertility/moisture and crop pests/diseases and i t /di d increase their th i capacity to respond to stress
  • 7. Output 2.1: New and existing options and strategies for  managing different stress environments are available to  g g farmers through partners using participatory approaches. Activity set # 2.1.1: Develop/identify strategies that address problems associated with intensification in bean cropping systems to generate and promote technologies associated with stresses under crop intensification p f Developing IDPM and ISFM packages related to intensification All countries of bean cropping systems. -except MR Identify packages for potential scaling up and develop strategies All countries with partners through participatory research processes and others by except – LE, gender. In target countries: MR, ZA
  • 8. Outcome #3: Increased micronutrient-rich bean varieties and products i th diets of th d d t in the di t f the vulnerable communities (children, women, and PLWHA) to i improve their nutrition and h i ii d health
  • 9. Output 3.1. Bean varieties with improved micronutrient  concentration and superior agronomic traits developed and  p g p made available. Activity sets# 3.1.1: Identify elite parental sources for seed iron and zinc concentration and use in conventional and marker assisted breeding for high nutrition quality, market, high yield and stress tolerant varieties and assess mineral stability across agro-ecological zones 3 1 1 1 Identify and validate parental lines for key traits (Fe/Zn, (Fe/Zn ZA, TZ, ZM, ZA TZ ZM abiotic and biotic stress) and generate F1 and F2 populations ZW MW Select recombinants from existing F3 and F4 populations ZM, ZA, ZW, TZ, MW Evaluate existing F5 and F6 lines for mineral density and G x ZM, ZA, ZW, E TZ, MW Increase seed of NUA, NUV and KAB and evaluate for ZW, LE, ZM, mineral density and G x E CD, MW, SW, CD MW SW MZ Conduct national performance trials and DUS tests for ZW, LE, ZM, candidate fast track lines CD, MW, SW, MZ- Produce nucleus, breeder for pre-release and/or released fast ZW, ZM, TZ, track lines and develop descriptors MW, MZ
  • 10. Output 3.2 Bean based food products targeted to specific  deficiencies, developed, tested and made available to vulnerable  , p , areas/communities.  Activity set# 3.2.1: Assess and map prevalence of target nutritional deficiencies y pp f g f among vulnerable groups and develop value added bean-based food products for household consumption, supplementary feeding and for markets with agricultural, health and nutrition partners Develop l 3 2 1 2 D l value added bdd d bean b d food products ( t h based f d d t (at house h ld hold ZM, ZM level, community and large scale) MW, STZ Train partners on micronutrient nutrition p ZM, , MW, STZ
  • 11. Output 3.3: Bio‐availability, bio‐efficacy, retention of  micronutrients and health qualities (alfatoxins) of bean grain  q ( ) g determined Activity sets#3.3.1: Link with Harvest-Plus to determine bioavailability of iron and zinc y y f in selected micronutrient rich bean varieties and bean based meals under various conditions (e.g. soaking, germination, fermenting, cooking) across PABRA countries. Establish baseline content of Fe/Zn in raw and process beans (incl. ZM, Cooking) and consolidate available data for different categories of users; MW & document and disseminate through partners : S/TZ 3 3 1 3 Produce seed of micronutrient rich bean varieties in selected countries ZM, ZM (Zambia, Malawi, S/Tanzania) MW & S/TZ
  • 12. Outcome # 4: Small holder farmers, farmers traders and other value chain actors benefit more from opportunities created by emerging new and expanding existing markets
  • 13. Output 4.1: Farmers have access to information on markets and  are effectively linked to  national, regional and international  y , g bean markets using equitable  Activity set# 4.1.1: Conduct value chain analysis for bean based products in national, national regional and international markets: develop strategies for effectively linking smallholder farmers. Review, and evaluate national bean market information ZM, ZW systems MZ, MW, MZ MW South TZ, S- CD, , SW Document and evaluate major bean markets- their ZM, ZW characteristics, constraints and opportunities MZ, MW, South TZ, S- CD, , SW 4 1 1 4 Conduct disaggregated value Chain Analysis – dry beans ZM, ZM ZW (team with CRS) countries as above (Consider gender MZ, MW, disaggregated market margin analysis) South TZ, S- CD, , SW
  • 14. Output 4.1: Farmers have access to information on markets and  are effectively linked to  national, regional and international  y , g bean markets using equitable  Activity set# 4.2.1: Generate dry, snap, climbing, runner, canning bean varieties for niche markets and evaluate with farmers (male and female) and other chain actors (consumers, traders, hoteliers, farmers, processors etc.) Identify and validate parental lines for key traits (dry ZA, ZM, beans, snap beans snap, canning and runner) and generate F1 and F2 ZW, MW ZW MW, populations SH/TZ Select recombinants from existing F 3 and F4 populations ZA, ZM, ZW, MW, SH/TZ Evaluate existing F5 and F6 lines ZA, ZM, ZW, MW, SH/TZ
  • 15. Output 4.1: Farmers have access to information on markets and  are effectively linked to  national, regional and international  y , g bean markets using equitable  Activity set #4.2.2 Increase of existing released varieties for exhibition with various value chain actors and distribute seeds Develop demonstration plots and variety leaflets for ZA, ZM, released and pre-release varieties of bush and climbing beans pre release ZW, MW ZW MW, SH/TZ Conduct exhibition of released and pre release varieties of ZA, ZM, bush and climbing beans for traders , processors, exporters and ZW, MW, farmers to create SH/TZ
  • 16. Output 5.1:  Seed systems and information for promoting   production and supply of  preferred dry bean & niche market  p pp y p y varieties are widely available Activity set# 5.1.1 Scale up and out seed to targeted potential end users using efficient seed delivery systems identified through comparative analysis of seed demand, demand production and delivery methods. Characterize and determine the scale of current and All countries potential clients groups, for seed based technologies for groups seed-based technologies, (MW. (MW MZ environment management options and for nutritional bean based and s/TZ – products. (TL: Kenya and Ethiopia. under McK) Increase/multiply foundation seeds for both formal and informal seed producers/partners all countries at least 2000 kg for each released variety: ALL COUNTRIES EXCEPT MW, MZ, TZ, CD 5 1 1 4 Action Research on ways to Scale up breeder and foundation seed: TLII: Kenya and Ethiopia; New Action Research on small seed packets and other seed marketing strategies: National workshops to agree on seed production and post harvest /business management for partners under different projects including innovative seed promotion e.g. small packs
  • 17. Outcome #5: Diverse clientele of men and women end-users are using d d i adapted and p p preferred bean varieties, environment stress management options and options, micronutrients bean- based products through leveraging sustainable approaches for product production, delivery and information sharing
  • 18. Output 5.1:  Seed systems and information for promoting   production and supply of  preferred dry bean & niche market  p pp y p y varieties are widely available Activity set#5.1.2 Expand information materials and media for different clientele, devise explicit demand creation strategies (including for invisible value-added traits) value added and mass produce relevant materials training manuals (all the while carefully monitoring who is being reached and where). D i 5 1 2 1 Design, update and mass produce i f d t d d information t l ti tools All countries t i (MW. MZ and s/TZ – under McK) )
  • 19. Output 5.2: Environment stress management products and  processes are available with a diversity of rural service providers il bl ith di it f l i id Activity set#5.2.1 Develop, differentiate (end user perceptions on) and scale up production, production delivery of management options and co-learning methods for dealing co learning with environmental stresses, with a focus on product and process use which is sustainable and equitable C d t ti 5 2 1 1 Conduct action research on h t scale up th production h how to l the d ti SZ and S/TZ d and delivery of potential products and alleviating processes related to environmental stresses (example to be drawn in PABRA countries namely UG. Southern TZ, DRC, RW but also consider other y , , potential countries/ entrepreneurs e.g. champion/innovative farmers (pick ISFM and one IPDM problem) –Linked to 2.1.1.
  • 20. Output 5.3: Vulnerable groups and service providers have access  to Micro nutrient dense bean based products through a diversity  p g y of partners and outreach channels. Activity set#5.3.1 Scale up and out the production, delivery and uptake of nutritious bean-based bean based products and information to a diverse range of partners including devising explicit demand creation strategies for non visible traits (micro nutrient dense beans varieties and their nutritious products). Promotion of approaches will be based on a review and comparative analysis of PABRA nutrition and health experience. Conduct action research on information dissemination MW. ZM strategies related to micro dense varieties SH/TZ MW, ZM SH/TZ, MW and s/TZ
  • 21. Outcome #6: PABRA partners have increased ability to respond to demands in the bean sector, and are utilizing g g generated knowledge to g influence bean related national and regional policy and advocacy matters
  • 22. Output 6.1: PABRA and Networks are strengthened to exploit  synergies, efficiencies, and accountability, in responding to  y g , , y, p g demand in new areas Output 6.1: PABRA and Networks are strengthened to exploit synergies, efficiencies,  and accountability, in responding to demand in new areas d t bilit i di t d di Training of trainers in participatory monitoring and evaluation  CD & ZM in additional sites and partners in Southern DRC, and Zambia (3 sites:  i ddi i l i d i S h DRC d Z bi (3 i Kasama, Solowezi and Chipata)
  • 23. Output 6.1: PABRA and Networks are strengthened to exploit  synergies, efficiencies, and accountability, in responding to  y g , , y, p g demand in new areas Activity set#6.1.2 Assess bottlenecks and develop strategies for strengthening the functioning of PABRA and design , manage and institutionalize (with PABRA partners) use of Monitoring & Evaluation in PABRA networks Develop tools for monitoring specific outputs in PABRA sCD, MW, (review f ( i formats with national partners ) t ith ti l t S/TZ & ZM Conduct desk study to assess and evaluate institutionalisation sCD, MW, options/practices for M&E S/TZ & ZM Support to knowledge exchange and sharing in monitoring pp g g g g sCD, MW, , , and evaluation including attendance to local and international S/TZ & ZM conferences Progressive monitoring by national partners in SABRN, support  All countries tools design (extend to all countries in SABRN, funds for stationery,  t l d i ( t d t ll t i i SABRN f d f t ti printing, % time for special skills hire, ) Support to national learning platforms , incorporate new  sCD & ZM p partners in new sites in Southern DRC & Zambia 
  • 24. Output 6.3: A strategy for influencing policy and advocacy in  PABRA defined and promoted. f p Activity set#6.3.1 Identify, analyze key gaps in existing agricultural seed, health,  environmental stress policies which inhibit development of efficient and sustainable  i t l t li i hi h i hibit d l t f ffi i t d t i bl delivery systems and establish strategies to influence regulatory bodies and  agricultural policy makers to address policy gaps. Catalyze exchange of information and reporting within PABRA:  All SABRN l h fi f i d i i hi a. Network Steering Committee by network partners – SABRN  countries countries (Oct 2010)
  • 25. Bean Germplasm Distributed in  2009 Nursery or trial Entries Number of sets by country AO CD LS MW MZ ZA SZ TZ ZM ZW MR SARBYT 20 1 2 2 1 SARBEN 100 1 2 2 1 DROUGHT SMALL 133 1 1 DROUGHT LARGE 21 1 2 2 1 BSM 5 4 1 SUGAR NURSERY 63 1 1 CALIMA NURSERY 210 1 NAVY 45 1 1 BIOFORT FAST/TRACK 39 1 1 1 BIOFORT LARGE 60 1 1 MEDIUM CLIMBERS 13 3 HEAVY CLIMBERS 38 3 RED KID DWARFS 33 3 RED KID CLIMBERS 17 3 NAVY BEANS 70 3 RED KID DWARFS 12 3 RED KID CLIMBERS 17 3 NAVY BEANS 25 3
  • 27. Degree training NAME DEG UNIVERSITY FUNDING STATUS Kanyenga Lubobo MSc Univ. of Lubumbashi PABRA Finished 2009 Magalhaes Miguel PhD Penn State Univ Univ. McKnight Final Year Soares Xerinda PhD Penn State Univ. McKnight Final Year Celestina Jochua PhD Penn State Univ. McKnight Final Year Virginia Chisale MSc Penn State Univ. USAID 2nd Year Godwill Makunde PhD Free State Univ. TL-II 2nd Year Lizzie Kalolokesya MSc Univ. Univ of Zambia TL-II Final Year Abraham Dhlamini MSc Univ of Pretoria Others started
  • 28. Non Degree Training Non‐Degree Training • Statistical Analyses – using GENSTAT was Statistical Analyses using GENSTAT was  organized in Malawi for McKnight funded  projects (Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania)  projects (Malawi Mozambique and Tanzania) • Phenotyping genotypes for drought resistance  – a short course was conducted by CIAT HQ staff a short course was conducted by CIAT‐HQ staff   for TL‐II project ‐ Malawi and Zimbabwe
  • 29. Workshops and Meetings  o s ops a d ee gs • Organized the final stakeholders’ workshop for the BMZ project  partners in Malawi – February 2009 • Organized a bean breeders workshop in Malawi – February 2009 • Organized a PABRA stakeholders workshop in Malawi – February  2009 • Participate in the PABRA SC meeting in Nairobi, Kenya – April  2009 • Organized the TL‐I Annual Review meeting in Malawi for all  stakeholders – April 2009  • Participated in the new PABRA Phase implementation plan – September 2009 • Participated in the CCRP East and Southern Africa Culture of Participated in the CCRP East and Southern Africa Culture of  Practice meeting in Dar es Salaam – September 2009  • Organized SABRN SC meeting  ‐ October 2009