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Using A Lead Generation System To Grow Your
Business /lead-generation-system/
by Clint Butler
I joined my f irst network marketing company over 10 years ago and since that time I have had so
many ups and downs in the business that I have quit and restarted several times. Unless you are
brand new to the industry you no doubt know what I am talking about. And even if you are new,
you understand now that running out of people to talk to is going to cause you to quit or go
broke. I ran out of people to talk to in my f irst week and I paid over 8 thousand dollars f or lead
generation services because what I didn’t know at the time was I needed to have a lead
generation system.
But creating one is not easy.
Whether it be I ran out of motivation or I
ran out of money or both, network
marketing seemed to just suck the lif e out
of me.
I’m not talking slowly either.
I would join a company with the thoughts
that this would be the one, this is the one
that I am going to be successf ul at.
Then reality would set in and not only take the wind out my sails, but would burn the sails Viking
f uneral style and sink the boat just to make sure I quit.
And I did.
I only got back into it a little over two years ago because my wif e and I were tired of struggling
and we knew that if we could just f igure it out, network marketing would be the key to our
f inancial success.
Don’t misunderstand what I am saying here. Network marketing is actually pretty darn hard no
matter how long you do it. But the residual income you can create by getting the right people
around you is outstanding.
So I joined yet another company, but more importantly I joined a team who claimed they of f ered a
lead generation system.
I was excited because I wouldn’t have to try recruiting my f riends and f amily any more.
But come to f ind out this so called lead generation system was merely the up-line going out and
buying leads f rom each other that they had purchased then reselling them to us struggling
marketers to the tune of $3000 f or 500 leads, monthly.
Needless to say, I quit them too.
I didn’t quit the company though, I actually got into internet marketing and started to learn search
engine optimization f rom a group of wonderf ul people who were already successf ul.
I learned about the importance of keywords, conversions, backlinking, on site and of f site
I also learned that regardless of how much SEO I knew, I still needed a lead generation system if I
wanted to become successf ul in my business.
You know it too or else you wouldn’t be here reading this.
There are prof essionals who are making hundreds of thousand dollars a year in telling you need
There are people like Mike Dillard, Mark Hoverson, Michelle Alpha, Ryan Deiss, Frank Kern,
Daegon Smith, and David Wood. All having million dollar years f rom marketing who are telling you
that YOU need one.
Buy why is it so important?
I have two words f or you, list building.
No doubt that you understand that there is money to be had when you grow your own email list.
It doesn’t matter if you’re building a list f or your restaurant, barber shop, af f iliate marketing, or
network marketing.
Have a responsive list of people to email any time you want that trusts you is like having your
own bank.
The key there is however, that you have to have a list that knows and trust’s you. Without those
two elements added to your lead generation marketing you just have another collection of emails.
Building Trust with Your List
Email marketing has always been something that I wanted to master. I am pretty sure I have spent
a f ew thousand dollars, easily, on courses.
Which when you think about it was a bit silly since they all really tell you three things that will make
you successf ul.
1) Know your audience.
This is probably the most important point that you should take away here.
If you create a list of people who care about dogs f or instance, and all you write to them about is
knitting, then guess what is going to happen? Yep, your right, they are going to unsubscribe.
Learn about what you audience cares about in your list.
You can use surveys that you send out on a monthly basis to get a general idea. Or even better,
in every email you send out put in a post script telling them to send you questions.
By doing this you are identif ying with the people who are f ollowing you. And you are now in a
position to provide them content that actually helps them. That is the key to building trust.
2) Provide them more value than of f ers.
I don’t know if you have ever bought a product on the Warrior Forum bef ore but this key point is
something a lot of those f olks just don’t get.
There is nothing more annoying than buying a product there, or anywhere f or that matter, and
just starting to learn the concepts when you get an email promoting something else.
I mean really, I just invested in YOU the product creator and this is the thanks I get!
What’s even worse than that?
I was on a guy’s mailing list who not only promoted other people’s products right away. This
douche did it on THE SAME DAY I BOUGHT HIS!
And the product was designed to do the same thing his product did, only better. Needless to say
I added him to my list called the “no buy/no promote”.
Understand that, yes you can make money by promoting of f ers to your list, but do it too of ten
and they are going to hate you.
A good rule of thumb is to mail out f our emails that only provide value or an entertaining story.
And on the f if th day send them an of f er.
Even cooler is to f ind an of f er, and then generate a series of f ive posts related to the topic. In
the third and f ourth emails put in a post script just recommending the product you’re promoting.
And on the f if th one outline all the benef its of the product.
It’s not even pitching when you do it that way.
Especially if your benef its email is done pros/cons style. You’re helping people make a buying
decision, not f orcing stuf f down their throats.
3) Email your list daily.
I have to admit f reely that I am the worst at this.
I have one list that I built that I didn’t email f or months. Bef ore that I was mailing every day just to
get them to come read the content on my site.
Then, nada.
Needless to say the amount of people who open my emails f rom that list now is signif icantly
smaller. And I only have myself to blame.
Be smarter than me and email your list every day.
This will accomplish two things.
First it will allow you to build that all important trust that we have hitting on. The more trust you
have, the more people will read what you have to say.
The second benef it is that it keeps you on their minds. Most people will f orget about you in three
days if you don’t email out constantly.
But don’t worry about unsubscribes. They are a good thing.
This keeps the people of f your list who don’t have the problems that you’re trying to solve. And
as a result wouldn’t buy anything you sold anyway. So why mail them?
Seven Benefits of a Great Lead Generation System
Here our conversation is going to f ocus solely on f inding a system that is already set up f or your
needs and what to look f or.
1. Experience and Expertise:
Most lead generation systems are usually built by a single individual or a team of experts with
extensive experience in Internet marketing.
They’ve spent years mastering the elements a lead generation system and they want you to have
success with their system so you’ll continue to use it.
Having this vested interest in your success means that you will get you money’s worth in training
and guidance on the best ways to employ the system and generate leads f or f ree.
But do not be f ooled, there are people promoting systems that look like they are created by a
pro, but are anything but.
Do your homework bef ore pulling out your credit card and make a decision to work with someone
you’re going to actually enjoy.
Also, when you research don’t take other people’s opinions f or f ace value. They are opinions
and personal impressions of product. You’re smart enough to know when emotion is ef f ecting
the review, both good and bad.
2. Focus on Results:
In order f or a lead generation system to show you results quickly is must convert.
Accordingly it must come with training that tells you exactly what traf f ic generations methods to
study and what to do to get results.
The system that you choose to employ should provide immediate training.
And include a Step-By-Step Process (Training and Assembly Kit) that has already proven to get
results. This is where 90% of purchased systems f ail.
The provide you with a bunch of landing pages to drive traf f ic to. But don’t bother testing the
landing pages out to f ind out the best traf f ic to send to them.
Nor do they bother to let you know those best traf f ic sources.
They just give you the customary training on video marketing or Facebook marketing. But they
skip out on the most important part.
How to f ind your target audience!!
My suggestion is that if you chose to purchase a pre-built system at least know your target
audience f irst. That way if you chose one that doesn’t provide that training, you all set anyway.
3. Funded Proposal: (Money Upf ront)
When you pay f or your lead generation system you anticipate it’ll give you leads but you can also
should expect it to help generate cash f or you today.
The success of a system in part will depend on how much money you’re making through the
system’s f unded proposal.
This helps of f set system and advertising expenses.
It could also help you generate a pretty decent residual income f or you or your business. Imagine
if your system actually paid f or all of your on and of f line marketing costs.
4. Proven Perf ormance Testing:
Ensure that lead capture pages, sales copy and auto responder messages are all tested f or
results bef ore they’re implemented inside a lead generation system.
You should be able to leverage the work of the experts. They hand you pages and messages
prepared and perf ected through testing.
If you’re looking into one that can’t prove they did that, move on.
5. Easy Auto responder set up:
There are many systems integrate an auto responder (email drip system) to build relationships
with leads af ter they come into your lead generation system.
They better provide detailed training how to connect the 2 systems together.
Especially if they are using short codes in the emails to create af f iliate links f or you. Don’t worry
in general this is easy to do.
6. Auto Pilot Messages:
Having an auto responder doesn’t help if you don’t have email messages to drip to your leads,
your prospects.
Writing these email “letters” can take a ton of time.
Many of these systems have built in messages you can use immediately to aid you in your lead
generation management.
Eventually though, af ter you start growing your business, you need to go in and change them.
Rewrite them in your own words to take the “system” voice out and put you in. You’ll f ind that
they will convert better that way, especially if you’re driving leads through your blog.
7. Customizable to you!
You’re generating leads f or your business so the lead generation sof tware you choose will need
to allow you to add in your own branding elements.
The system should let you be in the middle of the whole thing.
Sure you’re using it and promoting it as a f unded proposal. But the system should not distract
f rom your main goal, growing your primary business.
If it does that then you need to f ind another one. Or make it something you promote solely to
f und building your own f or your main business.
If not, you will f ind it exceptionally hard to get your leads to f ocus on anything else but the
system and what is of f ered inside.
Creating You Own
As you can imagine now, creating your own f unnel f or lead generation is not an easy task to say
the least.
Unless of course you have a bit of experience on your side.
If , however, you choose to take it on you’re going to need to have these elements.
Opt-in Offer
This what you are giving away in order to get the sign up.
Typically in the online space marketers use eBooks or video’s. But if you own a small business
you can also consider coupons or discounts at your store.
Opt-in form
Most auto responder services provide you with these to integrate into your websites.
There are plugin’s that help customize them. Thus allowing you to create sidebar, in-content, or
even pop-ups on your website.
The big craze today is actually exit pop-ups.
These are actually less intrusive than pop-ups but both convert really well. If you’re marketing
anything and not using them you’re missing out on leads.
If you don’t like them, and won’t use them out of principle, you’re costing yourself money. Both in
your traf f ic generation and business building ef f orts. Remember, you’re not marketing to
yourself , your marketing to the public and the public f ills out pop-up f orms.
Confirmation Page
This is the page that should open up af ter someone subscribes to your list.
When I set mine up I pref er it to open up in a new window or tab. That way if they are on your
website looking around your website stays open.
Nothing more annoying to a reader than to have an in content opt-in f orm that takes them away
f rom inf ormation that they really enjoyed but haven’t f inished with yet.
Thank You Page
Genuinely say thank you on this page.
Thank you f or your trust, your email etc.
Don’t just send them straight an of f er.
Typically the thank you page should have the link to what you promised them on the opt-in f orm
as well.
Sales Page
Here is where you start making money.
You copy writing skills are really important here because this is the f irst time that your new list is
going to see your of f er.
If you don’t have the skills to write a sales letter, then pay someone to do it f or you. Good copy
writers cost anywhere f rom $500 to $50,000 to just write this one page.
And that doesn’t even take into consideration testing variations of that page. (This is why if your
just starting out, you need to f ind a lead generation system that is already done f or you).
The System I Recommend To Small Business Owners and New Online Marketers
Having you know how I went about picking a lead generation system is important.
Like you, I don’t want to be just another “af f iliate” pimping a product out to people to make
Don’t get me wrong the money is nice.
But I pref er to help people actually solve a problem, not become a part of it.
With that being said here is the system I highly recommend: click here now (it opens in another
I chose this one because it meets all of the elements I listed above.
More importantly it’s not f ocused on any market in general. As a matter of f act its real purpose is
to provide the training you need to build any venture into a successf ul one.
The f unded proposal piece is great. And actually allows you to promote products that are internal
to it. Those products range f rom $19.95 (the application f ee just to be considered to use it) up
to $10,000. This allows the system to cater to anyone regardless of where they are in their own
In Conclusion
I have tried several dif f erent lead generation systems that were or still currently are being
promoted out there.
MLSP (promotes so many other products to your list that they just get f rustrated and leave)
Veretekk (a great idea turned horrible. I learned a lot of SEO stuf f f rom other members but in the
end it turned into a pulpit f or the owner to preach about how the government sucked and that his
religious belief s are the ones that you should adopt.)
WorldProf it (if you like saf elists, traf f ic exchanges, and in general promoting a system f rom the
1970’s this one is f or you)
And those are the one’s I’m not completely embarrassed to admit to using.
I tell you this to drive home the f act that I didn’t write this to pitch my pref erred system (of course
it’s doesn’t hurt that I can).
Picking the right system is a major marketing lesson you have to learn if you don’t want to get
ripped of f .
Hopef ully you have discovered a new way to look at how to choose the correct lead generation
system f or your business. Gone are the days of picking just any set of generic landing pages
and hoping to build a list. You’re going to need to ensure that the elements of the system
actually support your goals.
Your system should support you and your prospective customers or clients with everything you’re
going to need to be successf ul. As well as f und you’re marketing though its use.
You also discovered what I truly believe is the best lead generation system out there today. It
includes landing pages, training, and allows you to f und your marketing f or any business model
you chose to develop. Research any other lead generation system out there, in the end I am sure
you will come to the same conclusion.

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Lead generation system using one to grow your list

  • 1. Using A Lead Generation System To Grow Your Business /lead-generation-system/ by Clint Butler I joined my f irst network marketing company over 10 years ago and since that time I have had so many ups and downs in the business that I have quit and restarted several times. Unless you are brand new to the industry you no doubt know what I am talking about. And even if you are new, you understand now that running out of people to talk to is going to cause you to quit or go broke. I ran out of people to talk to in my f irst week and I paid over 8 thousand dollars f or lead generation services because what I didn’t know at the time was I needed to have a lead generation system. But creating one is not easy. Whether it be I ran out of motivation or I ran out of money or both, network marketing seemed to just suck the lif e out of me. I’m not talking slowly either. I would join a company with the thoughts that this would be the one, this is the one that I am going to be successf ul at. Then reality would set in and not only take the wind out my sails, but would burn the sails Viking f uneral style and sink the boat just to make sure I quit. And I did. I only got back into it a little over two years ago because my wif e and I were tired of struggling and we knew that if we could just f igure it out, network marketing would be the key to our f inancial success. Don’t misunderstand what I am saying here. Network marketing is actually pretty darn hard no matter how long you do it. But the residual income you can create by getting the right people around you is outstanding. So I joined yet another company, but more importantly I joined a team who claimed they of f ered a lead generation system. I was excited because I wouldn’t have to try recruiting my f riends and f amily any more. But come to f ind out this so called lead generation system was merely the up-line going out and buying leads f rom each other that they had purchased then reselling them to us struggling marketers to the tune of $3000 f or 500 leads, monthly. Needless to say, I quit them too. I didn’t quit the company though, I actually got into internet marketing and started to learn search engine optimization f rom a group of wonderf ul people who were already successf ul.
  • 2. I learned about the importance of keywords, conversions, backlinking, on site and of f site optimization. I also learned that regardless of how much SEO I knew, I still needed a lead generation system if I wanted to become successf ul in my business. You know it too or else you wouldn’t be here reading this. There are prof essionals who are making hundreds of thousand dollars a year in telling you need one. There are people like Mike Dillard, Mark Hoverson, Michelle Alpha, Ryan Deiss, Frank Kern, Daegon Smith, and David Wood. All having million dollar years f rom marketing who are telling you that YOU need one. Buy why is it so important? I have two words f or you, list building. No doubt that you understand that there is money to be had when you grow your own email list. It doesn’t matter if you’re building a list f or your restaurant, barber shop, af f iliate marketing, or network marketing. Have a responsive list of people to email any time you want that trusts you is like having your own bank. The key there is however, that you have to have a list that knows and trust’s you. Without those two elements added to your lead generation marketing you just have another collection of emails.
  • 3. Building Trust with Your List Email marketing has always been something that I wanted to master. I am pretty sure I have spent a f ew thousand dollars, easily, on courses. Which when you think about it was a bit silly since they all really tell you three things that will make you successf ul. 1) Know your audience. This is probably the most important point that you should take away here. If you create a list of people who care about dogs f or instance, and all you write to them about is knitting, then guess what is going to happen? Yep, your right, they are going to unsubscribe. Learn about what you audience cares about in your list. You can use surveys that you send out on a monthly basis to get a general idea. Or even better, in every email you send out put in a post script telling them to send you questions. By doing this you are identif ying with the people who are f ollowing you. And you are now in a position to provide them content that actually helps them. That is the key to building trust.
  • 4. 2) Provide them more value than of f ers. I don’t know if you have ever bought a product on the Warrior Forum bef ore but this key point is something a lot of those f olks just don’t get. There is nothing more annoying than buying a product there, or anywhere f or that matter, and just starting to learn the concepts when you get an email promoting something else. I mean really, I just invested in YOU the product creator and this is the thanks I get! What’s even worse than that? I was on a guy’s mailing list who not only promoted other people’s products right away. This douche did it on THE SAME DAY I BOUGHT HIS! And the product was designed to do the same thing his product did, only better. Needless to say I added him to my list called the “no buy/no promote”. Understand that, yes you can make money by promoting of f ers to your list, but do it too of ten and they are going to hate you. A good rule of thumb is to mail out f our emails that only provide value or an entertaining story. And on the f if th day send them an of f er. Even cooler is to f ind an of f er, and then generate a series of f ive posts related to the topic. In the third and f ourth emails put in a post script just recommending the product you’re promoting. And on the f if th one outline all the benef its of the product. It’s not even pitching when you do it that way. Especially if your benef its email is done pros/cons style. You’re helping people make a buying decision, not f orcing stuf f down their throats.
  • 5. 3) Email your list daily. I have to admit f reely that I am the worst at this. I have one list that I built that I didn’t email f or months. Bef ore that I was mailing every day just to get them to come read the content on my site. Then, nada. Needless to say the amount of people who open my emails f rom that list now is signif icantly smaller. And I only have myself to blame. Be smarter than me and email your list every day. This will accomplish two things. First it will allow you to build that all important trust that we have hitting on. The more trust you have, the more people will read what you have to say. The second benef it is that it keeps you on their minds. Most people will f orget about you in three days if you don’t email out constantly. But don’t worry about unsubscribes. They are a good thing. This keeps the people of f your list who don’t have the problems that you’re trying to solve. And as a result wouldn’t buy anything you sold anyway. So why mail them? Seven Benefits of a Great Lead Generation System Here our conversation is going to f ocus solely on f inding a system that is already set up f or your needs and what to look f or. 1. Experience and Expertise: Most lead generation systems are usually built by a single individual or a team of experts with extensive experience in Internet marketing. They’ve spent years mastering the elements a lead generation system and they want you to have success with their system so you’ll continue to use it. Having this vested interest in your success means that you will get you money’s worth in training and guidance on the best ways to employ the system and generate leads f or f ree. But do not be f ooled, there are people promoting systems that look like they are created by a pro, but are anything but. Do your homework bef ore pulling out your credit card and make a decision to work with someone you’re going to actually enjoy. Also, when you research don’t take other people’s opinions f or f ace value. They are opinions and personal impressions of product. You’re smart enough to know when emotion is ef f ecting the review, both good and bad.
  • 6. 2. Focus on Results: In order f or a lead generation system to show you results quickly is must convert. Accordingly it must come with training that tells you exactly what traf f ic generations methods to study and what to do to get results. The system that you choose to employ should provide immediate training. And include a Step-By-Step Process (Training and Assembly Kit) that has already proven to get results. This is where 90% of purchased systems f ail. The provide you with a bunch of landing pages to drive traf f ic to. But don’t bother testing the landing pages out to f ind out the best traf f ic to send to them. Nor do they bother to let you know those best traf f ic sources. They just give you the customary training on video marketing or Facebook marketing. But they skip out on the most important part. How to f ind your target audience!! My suggestion is that if you chose to purchase a pre-built system at least know your target audience f irst. That way if you chose one that doesn’t provide that training, you all set anyway. 3. Funded Proposal: (Money Upf ront) When you pay f or your lead generation system you anticipate it’ll give you leads but you can also should expect it to help generate cash f or you today. The success of a system in part will depend on how much money you’re making through the system’s f unded proposal.
  • 7. This helps of f set system and advertising expenses. It could also help you generate a pretty decent residual income f or you or your business. Imagine if your system actually paid f or all of your on and of f line marketing costs. 4. Proven Perf ormance Testing: Ensure that lead capture pages, sales copy and auto responder messages are all tested f or results bef ore they’re implemented inside a lead generation system. You should be able to leverage the work of the experts. They hand you pages and messages prepared and perf ected through testing. If you’re looking into one that can’t prove they did that, move on. 5. Easy Auto responder set up: There are many systems integrate an auto responder (email drip system) to build relationships with leads af ter they come into your lead generation system. They better provide detailed training how to connect the 2 systems together. Especially if they are using short codes in the emails to create af f iliate links f or you. Don’t worry in general this is easy to do. 6. Auto Pilot Messages: Having an auto responder doesn’t help if you don’t have email messages to drip to your leads, your prospects. Writing these email “letters” can take a ton of time. Many of these systems have built in messages you can use immediately to aid you in your lead generation management. Eventually though, af ter you start growing your business, you need to go in and change them. Rewrite them in your own words to take the “system” voice out and put you in. You’ll f ind that they will convert better that way, especially if you’re driving leads through your blog. 7. Customizable to you! You’re generating leads f or your business so the lead generation sof tware you choose will need to allow you to add in your own branding elements. The system should let you be in the middle of the whole thing. Sure you’re using it and promoting it as a f unded proposal. But the system should not distract f rom your main goal, growing your primary business. If it does that then you need to f ind another one. Or make it something you promote solely to f und building your own f or your main business. If not, you will f ind it exceptionally hard to get your leads to f ocus on anything else but the system and what is of f ered inside.
  • 8. Creating You Own As you can imagine now, creating your own f unnel f or lead generation is not an easy task to say the least. Unless of course you have a bit of experience on your side. If , however, you choose to take it on you’re going to need to have these elements. Opt-in Offer This what you are giving away in order to get the sign up. Typically in the online space marketers use eBooks or video’s. But if you own a small business you can also consider coupons or discounts at your store. Opt-in form Most auto responder services provide you with these to integrate into your websites. There are plugin’s that help customize them. Thus allowing you to create sidebar, in-content, or even pop-ups on your website. The big craze today is actually exit pop-ups. These are actually less intrusive than pop-ups but both convert really well. If you’re marketing anything and not using them you’re missing out on leads. If you don’t like them, and won’t use them out of principle, you’re costing yourself money. Both in your traf f ic generation and business building ef f orts. Remember, you’re not marketing to yourself , your marketing to the public and the public f ills out pop-up f orms.
  • 9. Confirmation Page This is the page that should open up af ter someone subscribes to your list. When I set mine up I pref er it to open up in a new window or tab. That way if they are on your website looking around your website stays open. Nothing more annoying to a reader than to have an in content opt-in f orm that takes them away f rom inf ormation that they really enjoyed but haven’t f inished with yet. Thank You Page Genuinely say thank you on this page. Thank you f or your trust, your email etc. Don’t just send them straight an of f er. Typically the thank you page should have the link to what you promised them on the opt-in f orm as well. Sales Page Here is where you start making money. You copy writing skills are really important here because this is the f irst time that your new list is going to see your of f er. If you don’t have the skills to write a sales letter, then pay someone to do it f or you. Good copy writers cost anywhere f rom $500 to $50,000 to just write this one page. And that doesn’t even take into consideration testing variations of that page. (This is why if your just starting out, you need to f ind a lead generation system that is already done f or you).
  • 10. The System I Recommend To Small Business Owners and New Online Marketers Having you know how I went about picking a lead generation system is important. Like you, I don’t want to be just another “af f iliate” pimping a product out to people to make money. Don’t get me wrong the money is nice. But I pref er to help people actually solve a problem, not become a part of it. With that being said here is the system I highly recommend: click here now (it opens in another window) I chose this one because it meets all of the elements I listed above. More importantly it’s not f ocused on any market in general. As a matter of f act its real purpose is to provide the training you need to build any venture into a successf ul one. The f unded proposal piece is great. And actually allows you to promote products that are internal to it. Those products range f rom $19.95 (the application f ee just to be considered to use it) up to $10,000. This allows the system to cater to anyone regardless of where they are in their own businesses. In Conclusion I have tried several dif f erent lead generation systems that were or still currently are being promoted out there. MLSP (promotes so many other products to your list that they just get f rustrated and leave)
  • 11. Veretekk (a great idea turned horrible. I learned a lot of SEO stuf f f rom other members but in the end it turned into a pulpit f or the owner to preach about how the government sucked and that his religious belief s are the ones that you should adopt.) WorldProf it (if you like saf elists, traf f ic exchanges, and in general promoting a system f rom the 1970’s this one is f or you) And those are the one’s I’m not completely embarrassed to admit to using. I tell you this to drive home the f act that I didn’t write this to pitch my pref erred system (of course it’s doesn’t hurt that I can). Picking the right system is a major marketing lesson you have to learn if you don’t want to get ripped of f . Hopef ully you have discovered a new way to look at how to choose the correct lead generation system f or your business. Gone are the days of picking just any set of generic landing pages and hoping to build a list. You’re going to need to ensure that the elements of the system actually support your goals. Your system should support you and your prospective customers or clients with everything you’re going to need to be successf ul. As well as f und you’re marketing though its use. You also discovered what I truly believe is the best lead generation system out there today. It includes landing pages, training, and allows you to f und your marketing f or any business model you chose to develop. Research any other lead generation system out there, in the end I am sure you will come to the same conclusion.