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Ruby regular expressions for fun and profit

           Luca Mearelli @lmea
         Codemotion Rome - 2013
Regular expressions
patterns to describe the contents of a text

•cat catch indicate ...
•2013-03-22, YYYY-MM-DD, ...
•$ 12,500.80

Regexps: good for...

Pattern matching
Search and replace

Regexp in ruby

Regexp object:"cat")
literal notation #1: %r{cat}
literal notation #2: /cat/

Regexp syntax

literals: /cat/ matches any ‘cat’ substring
the dot: /./ matches any character
character classes: /[aeiou]/ /[a-z]/ /[01]/
negated character classes: /[^abc]/

Regexp syntax

case insensitive: /./i
only interpolate #{} blocks once: /./o
multiline mode - '.' will match newline: /./m
extended mode - whitespace is ignored: /./x

Regexp syntax
          Shorthand classes

/d/       digit     /D/      non digit

/s/    whitespace   /S/   non whitespace

/w/ word character /W/ non word character

/h/     hexdigit    /H/     non hexdigit

Regexp syntax

/^/    beginning of line /$/        end of line
/b/ word boundary /B/ non word boundary
/A/ beginning of string /z/      end of string
                            end of string. If string
                            ends with a newline,
                               it matches just
                               before newline

Regexp syntax

alternation: /cat|dog/ matches ‘cats and dogs’
0-or-more: /ab*/ matches ‘a’ ‘ab’ ‘abb’...
1-or-more: /ab+/ matches ‘ab’ ‘abb’ ...
given-number: /ab{2}/ matches ‘abb’ but not
‘ab’ or the whole ‘abbb’ string

Regexp syntax

greedy matches: /.+cat/ matches ‘the cat is
catching a mouse’
lazy matches: /.+?scat/ matches ‘the cat is
catching a mouse’

Regexp syntax
grouping: /(d{3}.){3}d{3}/ matches IP-
like strings
capturing: /a (cat|dog)/ the match is
captured in $1 to be used later
non capturing: /a (?:cat|dog)/ no content
atomic grouping: /(?>a+)/ doesn’t backtrack

String substitution

  "My cat eats catfood".sub(/cat/, "dog")
# => My dog eats catfood

"My cat eats catfood".gsub(/cat/, "dog")
# => My dog eats dogfood

"My cat eats catfood".gsub(/bcat(w+)/, "dog1")
# => My cat eats dogfood

"My cat eats catfood".gsub(/bcat(w+)/){|m| $1.reverse}
# => My cat eats doof

String parsing

   "Codemotion Rome: Mar 20 to Mar 23".scan(/w{3} d{1,2}/)
# => ["Mar 20", "Mar 23"]

"Codemotion Rome: Mar 20 to Mar 23".scan(/(w{3}) (d{1,2})/)
# => [["Mar", "20"], ["Mar", "23"]]

"Codemotion Rome: Mar 20 to Mar 23".scan(/(w{3}) (d{1,2})/)
{|a,b| puts b+"/"+a}
# 20/Mar
# 23/Mar
# => "Codemotion Rome: Mar 20 to Mar 23"

Regexp methods
if "what a wonderful world" =~ /(world)/

  puts "hello #{$1.upcase}"
# hello WORLD

if /(world)/.match("The world")
  puts "hello #{$1.upcase}"
# hello WORLD

match_data = /(world)/.match("The world")
puts "hello #{match_data[1].upcase}"
# hello WORLD

Rails app examples

# in routing

match 'path/:id', :constraints => { :id => /[A-Z]d{5}/ }

# in validations

validates :phone, :format => /Ad{2,4}s*d+z/

validates :phone, :format => { :with=> /Ad{2,4}s*d+z/ }

validates :phone, :format => { :without=> /A02s*d+z/ }

Rails examples
# in ActiveModel::Validations::NumericalityValidator
def parse_raw_value_as_an_integer(raw_value)
  raw_value.to_i if raw_value.to_s =~ /A[+-]?d+Z/

# in ActionDispatch::RemoteIp::IpSpoofAttackError
# IP addresses that are "trusted proxies" that can be stripped from
# the comma-delimited list in the X-Forwarded-For header. See also:
   ^$                | # localhost
   ^(10                          | # private IP 10.x.x.x
     172.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1]) | # private IP in the range ..
     192.168                      # private IP 192.168.x.x

WILDCARD_PATH = %r{*([^/)]+))?$}

Regexps are
"If I was going to place a bet on something
about Rails security, it'd be that there are more
regex vulnerabilities in the tree. I am
uncomfortable with how much Rails leans on
regex for policy decisions."
Thomas H. Ptacek (Founder @ Matasano, Feb 2013)

Tip #1
Beware of nested quantifiers

/(x+x+)+y/ =~ 'xxxxxxxxxy'
/(xx+)+y/ =~ 'xxxxxxxxxx'
/(?>x+x+)+y/ =~ 'xxxxxxxxx'

Tip #2
Don’t make everything optional

/[-+]?[0-9]*.?[0-9]*/ =~ '.'



Tip #3
Evaluate tradeoffs
/(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*(?:(?:(?:[^()<>@,;:".[] 000-031]+(?:(?:(?:rn)?[ t]   .[] 000-031]+(?:(?:(?:rn)?[ t])+|Z|(?=[["()<>@,;:".[]]))|[([^[
)+|Z|(?=[["()<>@,;:".[]]))|"(?:[^"r]|.|(?:(?:rn)?[ t]))*"(?:(?:    ]r]|.)*](?:(?:rn)?[ t])*))*(?:,@(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:".
rn)?[ t])*)(?:.(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:".[] 000-031]+(?:(?:(    [] 000-031]+(?:(?:(?:rn)?[ t])+|Z|(?=[["()<>@,;:".[]]))|[([^[]
?:rn)?[ t])+|Z|(?=[["()<>@,;:".[]]))|"(?:[^"r]|.|(?:(?:rn)?[     r]|.)*](?:(?:rn)?[ t])*)(?:.(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:".[]
t]))*"(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*))*@(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:".[] 000-0    000-031]+(?:(?:(?:rn)?[ t])+|Z|(?=[["()<>@,;:".[]]))|[([^[]r]
31]+(?:(?:(?:rn)?[ t])+|Z|(?=[["()<>@,;:".[]]))|[([^[]r]|.)*    |.)*](?:(?:rn)?[ t])*))*)*:(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*)?(?:[^()<>@,;:".[] 0
](?:(?:rn)?[ t])*)(?:.(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:".[] 000-031]+    00-031]+(?:(?:(?:rn)?[ t])+|Z|(?=[["()<>@,;:".[]]))|"(?:[^"r]|
(?:(?:(?:rn)?[ t])+|Z|(?=[["()<>@,;:".[]]))|[([^[]r]|.)*](?:    .|(?:(?:rn)?[ t]))*"(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*)(?:.(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*(?:[^()<>@,
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|(?=[["()<>@,;:".[]]))|"(?:[^"r]|.|(?:(?:rn)?[ t]))*"(?:(?:rn)    :[^"r]|.|(?:(?:rn)?[ t]))*"(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*))*@(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*
?[ t])*)*<(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*(?:@(?:[^()<>@,;:".[] 000-031]+(?:(?:(?:    (?:[^()<>@,;:".[] 000-031]+(?:(?:(?:rn)?[ t])+|Z|(?=[["()<>@,;:".
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?:(?:rn)?[ t]))*"(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*)*<(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*(?:@(?:[^()<>@,;    .(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:".[] 000-031]+(?:(?:(?:rn)?[ t])+|Z
:".[] 000-031]+(?:(?:(?:rn)?[ t])+|Z|(?=[["()<>@,;:".[]]))|[([    |(?=[["()<>@,;:".[]]))|[([^[]r]|.)*](?:(?:rn)?[ t])*))*>(?:(
^[]r]|.)*](?:(?:rn)?[ t])*)(?:.(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:"    ?:rn)?[ t])*))*)?;s*)/

Tip #4
Capture repeated groups and don’t
repeat a captured group
/!(abc|123)+!/ =~ '!abc123!'
# $1 == '123'

/!((abc|123)+)!/ =~ '!abc123!'
# $1 == 'abc123'

Tip #5
use interpolation with care
str = "cat"

/#{str}/ =~ "My cat eats catfood"

/#{Regexp.quote(str)}/ =~ "My cat eats catfood"

Tip #6
Don’t use ^ and $ to match the
strings beginning and end

validates :url, :format => /^https?/

"" =~ /^https?/


"javascript:alert('hello!');n" =~ /^https?/

"javascript:alert('hello!');n" =~ /Ahttps?/

From 060bb7250b963609a0d8a5d0559e36b99d2402c6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

From: joernchen of Phenoelit <>
Date: Sat, 9 Feb 2013 15:46:44 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] Fix issue with attr_protected where malformed input could
 circumvent protection

Fixes: CVE-2013-0276
 activemodel/lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb                       | 2 +-
 activemodel/lib/active_model/mass_assignment_security/permission_set.rb | 2 +-
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/activemodel/lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb b/activemodel/lib/active_model/
index f033a94..96f2c82 100644
--- a/activemodel/lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb
+++ b/activemodel/lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ module ActiveModel

             @prefix, @suffix = options[:prefix] || '', options[:suffix] || ''
-            @regex = /^(#{Regexp.escape(@prefix)})(.+?)(#{Regexp.escape(@suffix)})$/
+            @regex = /A(#{Regexp.escape(@prefix)})(.+?)(#{Regexp.escape(@suffix)})z/
             @method_missing_target = "#{@prefix}attribute#{@suffix}"
             @method_name = "#{prefix}%s#{suffix}"
diff --git a/activemodel/lib/active_model/mass_assignment_security/permission_set.rb b/activemodel/lib/
index a1fcdf1..10faa29 100644
--- a/activemodel/lib/active_model/mass_assignment_security/permission_set.rb
+++ b/activemodel/lib/active_model/mass_assignment_security/permission_set.rb
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ module ActiveModel

       def remove_multiparameter_id(key)
-        key.to_s.gsub(/(.+/, '')
+        key.to_s.gsub(/(.+/m, '')


From 99123ad12f71ce3e7fe70656810e53133665527c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Aaron Patterson <>
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2013 15:04:00 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] fix protocol checking in sanitization [CVE-2013-1857]

 .../action_controller/vendor/html-scanner/html/sanitizer.rb    | 4 ++--
 actionpack/test/template/html-scanner/sanitizer_test.rb        | 10 ++++++++++
 2 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/vendor/html-scanner/html/sanitizer.rb b/actionpack/lib/
index 02eea58..994e115 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/vendor/html-scanner/html/sanitizer.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/vendor/html-scanner/html/sanitizer.rb
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ module HTML

     # A regular expression of the valid characters used to separate protocols like
     # the ':' in ''
-    self.protocol_separator     = /:|(&#0*58)|(&#x70)|(%|&#37;)3A/
+    self.protocol_separator     = /:|(&#0*58)|(&#x70)|(&#x0*3a)|(%|&#37;)3A/i

     # Specifies a Set of HTML attributes that can have URIs.
     self.uri_attributes         = src cite action longdesc xlink:href lowsrc))
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ module HTML

       def contains_bad_protocols?(attr_name, value)
         uri_attributes.include?(attr_name) &&
-        (value =~ /(^[^/:]*):|(&#0*58)|(&#x70)|(%|&#37;)3A/ && !allowed_protocols.include?
+        (value =~ /(^[^/:]*):|(&#0*58)|(&#x70)|(&#x0*3a)|(%|&#37;)3A/i && !allowed_protocols.include?
diff --git a/actionpack/test/template/html-scanner/sanitizer_test.rb b/actionpack/test/template/html-scanner/
index 4e2ad4e..dee60c9 100644
--- a/actionpack/test/template/html-scanner/sanitizer_test.rb
+++ b/actionpack/test/template/html-scanner/sanitizer_test.rb
@@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ class SanitizerTest < ActionController::TestCase
      %(<IMG SRC="jav&#x0A;ascript:alert('XSS');">),

Print a cheatsheet!




Thank you!

Contenu connexe


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And now you have two problems. Ruby regular expressions for fun and profit by Luca Mearelli

  • 1. And now you have two problems Ruby regular expressions for fun and profit Luca Mearelli @lmea Codemotion Rome - 2013
  • 2. Regular expressions patterns to describe the contents of a text •cat catch indicate ... •2013-03-22, YYYY-MM-DD, ... •$ 12,500.80 @lmea
  • 3. Regexps: good for... Pattern matching Search and replace @lmea
  • 4. Regexp in ruby Regexp object:"cat") literal notation #1: %r{cat} literal notation #2: /cat/ @lmea
  • 5. Regexp syntax literals: /cat/ matches any ‘cat’ substring the dot: /./ matches any character character classes: /[aeiou]/ /[a-z]/ /[01]/ negated character classes: /[^abc]/ @lmea
  • 6. Regexp syntax Modifiers case insensitive: /./i only interpolate #{} blocks once: /./o multiline mode - '.' will match newline: /./m extended mode - whitespace is ignored: /./x @lmea
  • 7. Regexp syntax Shorthand classes /d/ digit /D/ non digit /s/ whitespace /S/ non whitespace /w/ word character /W/ non word character /h/ hexdigit /H/ non hexdigit @lmea
  • 8. Regexp syntax Anchors /^/ beginning of line /$/ end of line /b/ word boundary /B/ non word boundary /A/ beginning of string /z/ end of string end of string. If string ends with a newline, /Z/ it matches just before newline @lmea
  • 9. Regexp syntax alternation: /cat|dog/ matches ‘cats and dogs’ 0-or-more: /ab*/ matches ‘a’ ‘ab’ ‘abb’... 1-or-more: /ab+/ matches ‘ab’ ‘abb’ ... given-number: /ab{2}/ matches ‘abb’ but not ‘ab’ or the whole ‘abbb’ string @lmea
  • 10. Regexp syntax greedy matches: /.+cat/ matches ‘the cat is catching a mouse’ lazy matches: /.+?scat/ matches ‘the cat is catching a mouse’ @lmea
  • 11. Regexp syntax grouping: /(d{3}.){3}d{3}/ matches IP- like strings capturing: /a (cat|dog)/ the match is captured in $1 to be used later non capturing: /a (?:cat|dog)/ no content captured atomic grouping: /(?>a+)/ doesn’t backtrack @lmea
  • 12. String substitution "My cat eats catfood".sub(/cat/, "dog") # => My dog eats catfood "My cat eats catfood".gsub(/cat/, "dog") # => My dog eats dogfood "My cat eats catfood".gsub(/bcat(w+)/, "dog1") # => My cat eats dogfood "My cat eats catfood".gsub(/bcat(w+)/){|m| $1.reverse} # => My cat eats doof @lmea
  • 13. String parsing "Codemotion Rome: Mar 20 to Mar 23".scan(/w{3} d{1,2}/) # => ["Mar 20", "Mar 23"] "Codemotion Rome: Mar 20 to Mar 23".scan(/(w{3}) (d{1,2})/) # => [["Mar", "20"], ["Mar", "23"]] "Codemotion Rome: Mar 20 to Mar 23".scan(/(w{3}) (d{1,2})/) {|a,b| puts b+"/"+a} # 20/Mar # 23/Mar # => "Codemotion Rome: Mar 20 to Mar 23" @lmea
  • 14. Regexp methods if "what a wonderful world" =~ /(world)/ puts "hello #{$1.upcase}" end # hello WORLD if /(world)/.match("The world") puts "hello #{$1.upcase}" end # hello WORLD match_data = /(world)/.match("The world") puts "hello #{match_data[1].upcase}" # hello WORLD @lmea
  • 15. Rails app examples # in routing match 'path/:id', :constraints => { :id => /[A-Z]d{5}/ } # in validations validates :phone, :format => /Ad{2,4}s*d+z/ validates :phone, :format => { :with=> /Ad{2,4}s*d+z/ } validates :phone, :format => { :without=> /A02s*d+z/ } @lmea
  • 16. Rails examples # in ActiveModel::Validations::NumericalityValidator def parse_raw_value_as_an_integer(raw_value) raw_value.to_i if raw_value.to_s =~ /A[+-]?d+Z/ end # in ActionDispatch::RemoteIp::IpSpoofAttackError # IP addresses that are "trusted proxies" that can be stripped from # the comma-delimited list in the X-Forwarded-For header. See also: # TRUSTED_PROXIES = %r{ ^$ | # localhost ^(10 | # private IP 10.x.x.x 172.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1]) | # private IP in the range .. 192.168 # private IP 192.168.x.x ). }x WILDCARD_PATH = %r{*([^/)]+))?$} @lmea
  • 17. Regexps are dangerous "If I was going to place a bet on something about Rails security, it'd be that there are more regex vulnerabilities in the tree. I am uncomfortable with how much Rails leans on regex for policy decisions." Thomas H. Ptacek (Founder @ Matasano, Feb 2013) @lmea
  • 18. Tip #1 Beware of nested quantifiers /(x+x+)+y/ =~ 'xxxxxxxxxy' /(xx+)+y/ =~ 'xxxxxxxxxx' /(?>x+x+)+y/ =~ 'xxxxxxxxx' @lmea
  • 19. Tip #2 Don’t make everything optional /[-+]?[0-9]*.?[0-9]*/ =~ '.' /[-+]?([0-9]*.?[0-9]+|[0-9]+)/ /[-+]?[0-9]*.?[0-9]+/ @lmea
  • 20. Tip #3 Evaluate tradeoffs /(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*(?:(?:(?:[^()<>@,;:".[] 000-031]+(?:(?:(?:rn)?[ t] .[] 000-031]+(?:(?:(?:rn)?[ t])+|Z|(?=[["()<>@,;:".[]]))|[([^[ )+|Z|(?=[["()<>@,;:".[]]))|"(?:[^"r]|.|(?:(?:rn)?[ t]))*"(?:(?: ]r]|.)*](?:(?:rn)?[ t])*))*(?:,@(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:". rn)?[ t])*)(?:.(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:".[] 000-031]+(?:(?:( [] 000-031]+(?:(?:(?:rn)?[ t])+|Z|(?=[["()<>@,;:".[]]))|[([^[] ?:rn)?[ t])+|Z|(?=[["()<>@,;:".[]]))|"(?:[^"r]|.|(?:(?:rn)?[ r]|.)*](?:(?:rn)?[ t])*)(?:.(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:".[] t]))*"(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*))*@(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:".[] 000-0 000-031]+(?:(?:(?:rn)?[ t])+|Z|(?=[["()<>@,;:".[]]))|[([^[]r] 31]+(?:(?:(?:rn)?[ t])+|Z|(?=[["()<>@,;:".[]]))|[([^[]r]|.)* |.)*](?:(?:rn)?[ t])*))*)*:(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*)?(?:[^()<>@,;:".[] 0 ](?:(?:rn)?[ t])*)(?:.(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:".[] 000-031]+ 00-031]+(?:(?:(?:rn)?[ t])+|Z|(?=[["()<>@,;:".[]]))|"(?:[^"r]| (?:(?:(?:rn)?[ t])+|Z|(?=[["()<>@,;:".[]]))|[([^[]r]|.)*](?: .|(?:(?:rn)?[ t]))*"(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*)(?:.(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*(?:[^()<>@, (?:rn)?[ t])*))*|(?:[^()<>@,;:".[] 000-031]+(?:(?:(?:rn)?[ t])+|Z ;:".[] 000-031]+(?:(?:(?:rn)?[ t])+|Z|(?=[["()<>@,;:".[]]))|"(? |(?=[["()<>@,;:".[]]))|"(?:[^"r]|.|(?:(?:rn)?[ t]))*"(?:(?:rn) :[^"r]|.|(?:(?:rn)?[ t]))*"(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*))*@(?:(?:rn)?[ t])* ?[ t])*)*<(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*(?:@(?:[^()<>@,;:".[] 000-031]+(?:(?:(?: (?:[^()<>@,;:".[] 000-031]+(?:(?:(?:rn)?[ t])+|Z|(?=[["()<>@,;:". rn)?[ t])+|Z|(?=[["()<>@,;:".[]]))|[([^[]r]|.)*](?:(?:rn)?[ []]))|[([^[]r]|.)*](?:(?:rn)?[ t])*)(?:.(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*(?:[ t])*)(?:.(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:".[] 000-031]+(?:(?:(?:rn) ^()<>@,;:".[] 000-031]+(?:(?:(?:rn)?[ t])+|Z|(?=[["()<>@,;:".[] ?[ t])+|Z|(?=[["()<>@,;:".[]]))|[([^[]r]|.)*](?:(?:rn)?[ t] ]))|[([^[]r]|.)*](?:(?:rn)?[ t])*))*>(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*)(?:,s*( )*))*(?:,@(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:".[] 000-031]+(?:(?:(?:rn)?[ ?:(?:[^()<>@,;:".[] 000-031]+(?:(?:(?:rn)?[ t])+|Z|(?=[["()<>@,;: t])+|Z|(?=[["()<>@,;:".[]]))|[([^[]r]|.)*](?:(?:rn)?[ t])* ".[]]))|"(?:[^"r]|.|(?:(?:rn)?[ t]))*"(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*)(?:.(?:( )(?:.(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:".[] 000-031]+(?:(?:(?:rn)?[ t] ?:rn)?[ t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:".[] 000-031]+(?:(?:(?:rn)?[ t])+|Z|(?=[ )+|Z|(?=[["()<>@,;:".[]]))|[([^[]r]|.)*](?:(?:rn)?[ t])*))*) ["()<>@,;:".[]]))|"(?:[^"r]|.|(?:(?:rn)?[ t]))*"(?:(?:rn)?[ t *:(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*)?(?:[^()<>@,;:".[] 000-031]+(?:(?:(?:rn)?[ t])+ ])*))*@(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:".[] 000-031]+(?:(?:(?:rn)?[ t |Z|(?=[["()<>@,;:".[]]))|"(?:[^"r]|.|(?:(?:rn)?[ t]))*"(?:(?:r ])+|Z|(?=[["()<>@,;:".[]]))|[([^[]r]|.)*](?:(?:rn)?[ t])*)(? n)?[ t])*)(?:.(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:".[] 000-031]+(?:(?:(?: :.(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:".[] 000-031]+(?:(?:(?:rn)?[ t])+| rn)?[ t])+|Z|(?=[["()<>@,;:".[]]))|"(?:[^"r]|.|(?:(?:rn)?[ t Z|(?=[["()<>@,;:".[]]))|[([^[]r]|.)*](?:(?:rn)?[ t])*))*|(?: ]))*"(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*))*@(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:".[] 000-031 [^()<>@,;:".[] 000-031]+(?:(?:(?:rn)?[ t])+|Z|(?=[["()<>@,;:".[ ]+(?:(?:(?:rn)?[ t])+|Z|(?=[["()<>@,;:".[]]))|[([^[]r]|.)*]( ]]))|"(?:[^"r]|.|(?:(?:rn)?[ t]))*"(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*)*<(?:(?:rn) ?:(?:rn)?[ t])*)(?:.(?:(?:rn)?[ t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:".[] 000-031]+(? ?[ t])*(?:@(?:[^()<>@,;:".[] 000-031]+(?:(?:(?:rn)?[ t])+|Z|(?=[[" :(?:(?:rn)?[ t])+|Z|(?=[["()<>@,;:".[]]))|[([^[]r]|.)*](?:(? 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  • 21. Tip #4 Capture repeated groups and don’t repeat a captured group /!(abc|123)+!/ =~ '!abc123!' # $1 == '123' /!((abc|123)+)!/ =~ '!abc123!' # $1 == 'abc123' @lmea
  • 22. Tip #5 use interpolation with care str = "cat" /#{str}/ =~ "My cat eats catfood" /#{Regexp.quote(str)}/ =~ "My cat eats catfood" @lmea
  • 23. Tip #6 Don’t use ^ and $ to match the strings beginning and end validates :url, :format => /^https?/ "" =~ /^https?/ "javascript:alert('hello!');%0A" "javascript:alert('hello!');n" =~ /^https?/ "javascript:alert('hello!');n" =~ /Ahttps?/ @lmea
  • 24. From 060bb7250b963609a0d8a5d0559e36b99d2402c6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: joernchen of Phenoelit <> Date: Sat, 9 Feb 2013 15:46:44 -0800 Subject: [PATCH] Fix issue with attr_protected where malformed input could circumvent protection Fixes: CVE-2013-0276 --- activemodel/lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb | 2 +- activemodel/lib/active_model/mass_assignment_security/permission_set.rb | 2 +- 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/activemodel/lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb b/activemodel/lib/active_model/ attribute_methods.rb index f033a94..96f2c82 100644 --- a/activemodel/lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb +++ b/activemodel/lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb @@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ module ActiveModel end @prefix, @suffix = options[:prefix] || '', options[:suffix] || '' - @regex = /^(#{Regexp.escape(@prefix)})(.+?)(#{Regexp.escape(@suffix)})$/ + @regex = /A(#{Regexp.escape(@prefix)})(.+?)(#{Regexp.escape(@suffix)})z/ @method_missing_target = "#{@prefix}attribute#{@suffix}" @method_name = "#{prefix}%s#{suffix}" end diff --git a/activemodel/lib/active_model/mass_assignment_security/permission_set.rb b/activemodel/lib/ active_model/mass_assignment_security/permission_set.rb index a1fcdf1..10faa29 100644 --- a/activemodel/lib/active_model/mass_assignment_security/permission_set.rb +++ b/activemodel/lib/active_model/mass_assignment_security/permission_set.rb @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ module ActiveModel protected def remove_multiparameter_id(key) - key.to_s.gsub(/(.+/, '') + key.to_s.gsub(/(.+/m, '') end end -- @lmea
  • 25. From 99123ad12f71ce3e7fe70656810e53133665527c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Aaron Patterson <> Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2013 15:04:00 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] fix protocol checking in sanitization [CVE-2013-1857] Conflicts: actionpack/lib/action_controller/vendor/html-scanner/html/sanitizer.rb --- .../action_controller/vendor/html-scanner/html/sanitizer.rb | 4 ++-- actionpack/test/template/html-scanner/sanitizer_test.rb | 10 ++++++++++ 2 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/vendor/html-scanner/html/sanitizer.rb b/actionpack/lib/ action_controller/vendor/html-scanner/html/sanitizer.rb index 02eea58..994e115 100644 --- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/vendor/html-scanner/html/sanitizer.rb +++ b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/vendor/html-scanner/html/sanitizer.rb @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ module HTML # A regular expression of the valid characters used to separate protocols like # the ':' in '' - self.protocol_separator = /:|(&#0*58)|(&#x70)|(%|&#37;)3A/ + self.protocol_separator = /:|(&#0*58)|(&#x70)|(&#x0*3a)|(%|&#37;)3A/i # Specifies a Set of HTML attributes that can have URIs. self.uri_attributes = src cite action longdesc xlink:href lowsrc)) @@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ module HTML def contains_bad_protocols?(attr_name, value) uri_attributes.include?(attr_name) && - (value =~ /(^[^/:]*):|(&#0*58)|(&#x70)|(%|&#37;)3A/ && !allowed_protocols.include? (value.split(protocol_separator).first.downcase)) + (value =~ /(^[^/:]*):|(&#0*58)|(&#x70)|(&#x0*3a)|(%|&#37;)3A/i && !allowed_protocols.include? (value.split(protocol_separator).first.downcase.strip)) end end end diff --git a/actionpack/test/template/html-scanner/sanitizer_test.rb b/actionpack/test/template/html-scanner/ sanitizer_test.rb index 4e2ad4e..dee60c9 100644 --- a/actionpack/test/template/html-scanner/sanitizer_test.rb +++ b/actionpack/test/template/html-scanner/sanitizer_test.rb @@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ class SanitizerTest < ActionController::TestCase %(<IMG SRC="jav&#x0A;ascript:alert('XSS');">), @lmea