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This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforumThis document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.
Il potere delle email transazionali
Lisa Molteni – Digital Strategist
21 aprile 2015
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 2
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 33
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 4
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 5
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 6
Progettata e sviluppata da ContactLab
Colleziona e archivia migliaia di email al giorno
7.000.000 newsletter
21.000 brand
5 lingue
25 settori
Permette di seguire da vicino e in tempo reale
l’attività di email marketing dei vostri competitor
senza doversi iscrivere a decine di newsletter
Disponibile in versione beta gratuita
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 77
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 8
In Italia gli utenti online
sono 26,5 milioni
Si collegano in media per 3,4
ore, + 36% rispetto al 2013
Individui tra i 16 e i 65 anni che si connettono a Internet regolarmente
(almeno una volta a settimana) a prescindere dal device.
Fonte: European Digital Behaviour Study 2014 di ContactLab
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 9
Quasi 9 utenti online su 10 (88%) si informano online
su prodotti e brand
Il 40% acquista online, con una crescita del +18%
rispetto al 2013
Per un totale di 10,5 milioni di online shopper
Fonte: European Digital Behaviour Study 2014 di ContactLab
Base: italiani, nella
fascia di età 16-65 anni
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 10
La spesa online annuale
sale a 1.250 euro,
+ 20% rispetto al 2013 Fonte: European Digital Behaviour Study 2014 di ContactLab
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 11
Fonte: European Digital Behaviour Study 2014 di ContactLab
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 12
Incertezze sulla qualità
e desiderio di ricevere
Timori sull’effettiva
Diffidenza nei confronti
dei pagamenti online
Costi di spedizione
Fonte: European Digital Behaviour Study 2014 di ContactLab
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 1313
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 14
“any message that is sent to an individual
in response to a specific action.”
“email that facilitates an agreed-upon
or updates a customer in an existing
business relationship”
(U.S. Federal Trade Commission - FTC)
Le più
Le più
In generale:
i messaggi collegati/che seguono un’azione
del consumatore
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 15
In media, il tasso di apertura delle email transazionali è del
106% - Easy SMTP
Il 70% delle email transazionali è aperto e letto entro 3 ore dalla
consegna - Jeanniey Mullen & David Daniels, Email Marketing: An Hour a Day, p. 31
La revenue media per email transazionale è 2-5 volte più alta
della revenue per email bulk - Experian
Fonte: - - -
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 16
 La spedizione è innescata da
un’azione dell’utente
 Il contenuto è di servizio
 Sono attese dall’utente
 Spesso non sono progettate
o realizzate con cura
 Spesso sono visibilmente
gestite dall’esterno (es. e-
 La spedizione è pianificata dal
 Il contenuto è spesso di vendita
 Non sono necessariamente
 Sono progettate per attirare la
nostra attenzione
 Sono gestite dal brand
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 17
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 18
Timing: calibrato  automatizzare
Contenuto: rassicurare con tutti i dettagli
Data, prodotti, prezzo, link, indirizzo di spedizione, tracking d’invio
Ricordare la politica privacy/trattamento dati e recesso
Dettagliare tutti i canali di contatto (email, telefono, chat)
Uso: rendere fluida l’esperienza di utilizzo
Scegliere un mittente coerente con il resto del percorso
Usare subject intuitivi e facilmente ricercabili nell’inbox
Facilitare la stampa
Utilizzare grafica e copy per arricchire la comunicazione (mantenere
il testo editabile)
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 19
AI CLIENTI E-COMMERCE (iscritti o meno a una newsletter)
È possibile inviare email promozionali su prodotti e servizi
oanaloghi a quelli già acquistati dal cliente (art. 130 comma 4 del Codice Privacy)
ovenduti dall’impresa stessa presso cui il cliente ha effettuato l’acquisto la prima volta
osia all’interno di email di servizio sia con email ad hoc
oL’interessato deve essere messo nella condizione di opporsi da subito (opt-out)
oÈ necessario aver comunicato precedentemente (es. al momento del primo ordine)
l’informativa privacy idonea – in cui si specifica anche quest’attività e in cui si chiarisce
che il cliente può opporsi in qualsiasi momento
È possibile inviare email di abbandono del carrello solo agli utenti registrati al sito
opoiché presuppone un’analisi comportamentale della navigazione, potrebbe essere
considerato eccedente e in violazione dei principi fondamentali ex art. 11 D.lgs. 196/2003
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 20
Fonte: -
È stato
effettuato un
Estratto conto
Nuova richiesta
di contatto
Status utente
(vip, loyal…)
Alert di prodotto
(disponibile, di
nuovo in stock)
Double opt-in
Welcome series
Benvenuto Notifica
Conferma di
spedizione /
Abbandono del
processo di
Survey post
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 21
Il primissimo contatto con l’utente
Presenta il brand sul canale email
Deve mantenere la continuità con l’esperienza
di browsing sul sito
Deve spingere a confermare la registrazione
con un click
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 22
Accogliere e ringraziare l’utente
Tenere vivo l’interesse con consigli
e indicazioni
Raccontarsi e posizionarsi
Dare un benefit
Offrire aiuto
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 23
Dopo 2 giorni Dopo 2 giorni
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 24
EMAIL DI NOTIFICA 2 giorni prima del volo
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 25
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 26
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 27
La probabilità di vendere a un cliente esistente è
del 60-70% (vs. il 5-20% di probabilità
di vendere a un prospect)
(Marketing Metrics)
L’email di conferma ordine
Rassicura il cliente rispetto all’acquisto
Estende la relazione con il cliente favorendo il contatto
attraverso touchpoint
Può includere il suggerimento di prodotti complementari
L’email di conferma spedizione
Facilita il tracking della spedizione
Complementarità email - sms:
Mandate la conferma d’ordine e il tracking della
spedizione anche via sms
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 28
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 29
Utilizzate i dati a disposizione
per offrire consigli
Oggetti complementari all’acquisto
Acquisti effettuati da clienti con
profilo simile
Prodotti analoghi
Attenzione: in caso di upsell su
prodotti/servizi analoghi a quelli già
acquistati è importante mettere
l’utente/cliente nella condizione di opporsi
da subito (opt out nella pagina di
conferma ordine).
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 30
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 31
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 32
Perché tutti questi utenti abbandonano prima
della transazione?
Fase esplorativa
Ricerca comparativa
La transazione è stata completata su un altro canale
Esperienza negativa sul sito
Scarsa chiarezza
Costi aggiuntivi
losing-67-45-of-sales-and-what-to-do-about-it - http://www.easy-
A sense of abandonment - 27/01/2015 Lili Boev – Dotmailer
Baymard Institute
Il 68,07% dei carrelli online viene abbandonato
Le email di abbandono del carrello possono
ridurre l’abbandono fino al 40% Easy SMTP
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 33
Trovare delle leve per motivare
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 34
Concentratevi sulla soddisfazione del cliente
Arricchite il sito con le recensioni raccolte, per
rassicurare futuri acquirenti
Prevedete un follow up sui clienti insoddisfatti
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 35
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 36
Per essere efficaci, le email transazionali devono
Rafforzare l’identità del brand
Prolungare la customer experience
Creare un vero dialogo 1 to 1 con i consumatori
Trasmettere serietà
Offrire un valore aggiunto al di là del prodotto o servizio offerto
Soddisfare le esigenze dei consumatori
Facilitare la vita
Consolidando la relazione tra brand e consumatori e cogliendo le
occasioni di vendita
This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only.
It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 37
Lisa Molteni – Digital Strategist –

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eCommerce Forum 2015 - Il potere delle email transazionali

  • 1. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforumThis document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. OPPORTUNITÀ DI DIALOGO E VENDITA Il potere delle email transazionali Lisa Molteni – Digital Strategist 21 aprile 2015
  • 2. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 2 2 L’E-COMMERCE IN ITALIA 1 CONTACTLAB IN BREVE 3 IL POTERE DELLE EMAIL TRANSAZIONALI
  • 3. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 33 CHI SIAMO
  • 4. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 4 100% DIGITAL DIRECT MARKETING 100% CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT 100% MEASURABLE RESULTS
  • 5. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 5 22 LA COMPETENZA DI UN TRIPLE PLAYER
  • 6. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 6 NEWSLETTERMONITOR Progettata e sviluppata da ContactLab Colleziona e archivia migliaia di email al giorno 7.000.000 newsletter 21.000 brand 5 lingue 25 settori Permette di seguire da vicino e in tempo reale l’attività di email marketing dei vostri competitor senza doversi iscrivere a decine di newsletter Disponibile in versione beta gratuita LA NOSTRA PIATTAFORMA DI BENCHMARKING
  • 7. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 77 L’E-COMMERCE IN ITALIA
  • 8. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 8 L’UTENZA ONLINE IN ITALIA In Italia gli utenti online sono 26,5 milioni Si collegano in media per 3,4 ore, + 36% rispetto al 2013 Individui tra i 16 e i 65 anni che si connettono a Internet regolarmente (almeno una volta a settimana) a prescindere dal device. Fonte: European Digital Behaviour Study 2014 di ContactLab
  • 9. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 9 Quasi 9 utenti online su 10 (88%) si informano online su prodotti e brand Il 40% acquista online, con una crescita del +18% rispetto al 2013 Per un totale di 10,5 milioni di online shopper GLI ONLINE SHOPPER IN ITALIA Fonte: European Digital Behaviour Study 2014 di ContactLab Base: italiani, nella fascia di età 16-65 anni
  • 10. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 10 Abbigliamento Trasporti Tecnologia I PRODOTTI PIÙ ACQUISTATI ONLINE La spesa online annuale (all-category) sale a 1.250 euro, + 20% rispetto al 2013 Fonte: European Digital Behaviour Study 2014 di ContactLab
  • 11. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 11 Convenienza Comodità Varietà Servizio I DRIVER DELL’E-COMMERCE Fonte: European Digital Behaviour Study 2014 di ContactLab
  • 12. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 12 Incertezze sulla qualità e desiderio di ricevere consigli Timori sull’effettiva ricezione Diffidenza nei confronti dei pagamenti online Costi di spedizione elevati LE BARRIERE DA SUPERARE Fonte: European Digital Behaviour Study 2014 di ContactLab
  • 13. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 1313 IL POTERE DELLE EMAIL TRANSAZIONALI
  • 14. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 14 “any message that is sent to an individual in response to a specific action.” (econsultancy) “email that facilitates an agreed-upon transaction or updates a customer in an existing business relationship” (U.S. Federal Trade Commission - FTC) Le più pertinenti Le più attese EMAIL TRANSAZIONALI: QUALCHE DEFINIZIONE In generale: i messaggi collegati/che seguono un’azione del consumatore
  • 15. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 15 In media, il tasso di apertura delle email transazionali è del 106% - Easy SMTP Il 70% delle email transazionali è aperto e letto entro 3 ore dalla consegna - Jeanniey Mullen & David Daniels, Email Marketing: An Hour a Day, p. 31 La revenue media per email transazionale è 2-5 volte più alta della revenue per email bulk - Experian I NUMERI, DALLA PARTE DELLE TRANSAZIONALI Fonte: - - -
  • 16. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 16 EMAIL TRANSAZIONALI E BULK A CONFRONTO  La spedizione è innescata da un’azione dell’utente  Il contenuto è di servizio  Sono attese dall’utente MA  Spesso non sono progettate o realizzate con cura  Spesso sono visibilmente gestite dall’esterno (es. e- commerce)  La spedizione è pianificata dal mittente  Il contenuto è spesso di vendita  Non sono necessariamente attese  Sono progettate per attirare la nostra attenzione  Sono gestite dal brand (marketing) TRANSAZIONALI BULK
  • 17. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 17 PERCHÉ QUESTA DIFFERENZA?
  • 18. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 18 Timing: calibrato  automatizzare Contenuto: rassicurare con tutti i dettagli Data, prodotti, prezzo, link, indirizzo di spedizione, tracking d’invio Ricordare la politica privacy/trattamento dati e recesso Dettagliare tutti i canali di contatto (email, telefono, chat) Uso: rendere fluida l’esperienza di utilizzo Scegliere un mittente coerente con il resto del percorso Usare subject intuitivi e facilmente ricercabili nell’inbox Facilitare la stampa Utilizzare grafica e copy per arricchire la comunicazione (mantenere il testo editabile) EMAIL TRANSAZIONALI, QUALCHE PRINCIPIO DI BASE
  • 19. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 19 AI CLIENTI E-COMMERCE (iscritti o meno a una newsletter) È possibile inviare email promozionali su prodotti e servizi oanaloghi a quelli già acquistati dal cliente (art. 130 comma 4 del Codice Privacy) ovenduti dall’impresa stessa presso cui il cliente ha effettuato l’acquisto la prima volta osia all’interno di email di servizio sia con email ad hoc MA oL’interessato deve essere messo nella condizione di opporsi da subito (opt-out) oÈ necessario aver comunicato precedentemente (es. al momento del primo ordine) l’informativa privacy idonea – in cui si specifica anche quest’attività e in cui si chiarisce che il cliente può opporsi in qualsiasi momento È possibile inviare email di abbandono del carrello solo agli utenti registrati al sito opoiché presuppone un’analisi comportamentale della navigazione, potrebbe essere considerato eccedente e in violazione dei principi fondamentali ex art. 11 D.lgs. 196/2003 EMAIL TRANSAZIONALI IN ITALIA, LA NORMATIVA
  • 20. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 20 EMAIL TRANSAZIONALI, UNA CLASSIFICAZIONE Fonte: - È stato effettuato un pagamento Estratto conto Nuova richiesta di contatto Status utente (vip, loyal…) Alert di prodotto (disponibile, di nuovo in stock) Double opt-in Welcome Welcome series Messaggi educational Benvenuto Notifica Conferma cambio password Conferma di acquisto Conferma spedizione / reso Ricevuta pagamento Conferma Abbandono del carrello Reminder processo di download Reminder creazione account Reminder Survey post acquisto Recensione Riattivazione Caring
  • 21. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 21 EMAIL DI DOUBLE OPT-IN | LA RELAZIONE HA INIZIO Il primissimo contatto con l’utente Presenta il brand sul canale email Deve mantenere la continuità con l’esperienza di browsing sul sito Deve spingere a confermare la registrazione con un click
  • 22. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 22 EMAIL DI BENVENUTO | L’ACCOGLIENZA È IMPORTANTE Accogliere e ringraziare l’utente Tenere vivo l’interesse con consigli e indicazioni Raccontarsi e posizionarsi Dare un benefit Offrire aiuto Desktop Mobile
  • 23. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 23 EMAIL DI BENVENUTO | UNA SERIES AUTOMATIZZATA Dopo 2 giorni Dopo 2 giorni
  • 24. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 24 EMAIL DI NOTIFICA 2 giorni prima del volo
  • 25. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 25 EMAIL DI NOTIFICA | UN PONTE VERSO LE NOVITÀ DEL SITO
  • 26. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 26 EMAIL DI NOTIFICA | NOTIZIE DALLA WISHLIST
  • 27. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 27 EMAILDICONFERMA|RAFFORZARELARELAZIONEDOPOL’ACQUISTO La probabilità di vendere a un cliente esistente è del 60-70% (vs. il 5-20% di probabilità di vendere a un prospect) Fonte: (Marketing Metrics) L’email di conferma ordine Rassicura il cliente rispetto all’acquisto Estende la relazione con il cliente favorendo il contatto attraverso touchpoint Può includere il suggerimento di prodotti complementari L’email di conferma spedizione Facilita il tracking della spedizione Complementarità email - sms: Mandate la conferma d’ordine e il tracking della spedizione anche via sms
  • 28. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 28 EMAIL DI CONFERMA | ORDINE E SPEDIZIONE
  • 29. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 29 Utilizzate i dati a disposizione per offrire consigli Oggetti complementari all’acquisto precedente Acquisti effettuati da clienti con profilo simile Prodotti analoghi Attenzione: in caso di upsell su prodotti/servizi analoghi a quelli già acquistati è importante mettere l’utente/cliente nella condizione di opporsi da subito (opt out nella pagina di conferma ordine). EMAIL DI CONFERMA | ORDINE E UPSELL
  • 30. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 30 EMAIL DI CONFERMA | E VIRALIZZAZIONE DEL MESSAGGIO
  • 31. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 31 EMAIL DI REMINDER
  • 32. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 32 EMAIL DI REMINDER | ABBANDONO DEL CARRELLO Perché tutti questi utenti abbandonano prima della transazione? Fase esplorativa Ricerca comparativa La transazione è stata completata su un altro canale Esperienza negativa sul sito Lentezza Tappe Scarsa chiarezza Costi aggiuntivi … losing-67-45-of-sales-and-what-to-do-about-it - http://www.easy- A sense of abandonment - 27/01/2015 Lili Boev – Dotmailer Baymard Institute Il 68,07% dei carrelli online viene abbandonato Le email di abbandono del carrello possono ridurre l’abbandono fino al 40% Easy SMTP
  • 33. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 33 EMAIL DI REMINDER | ABBANDONO DEL CARRELLO Trovare delle leve per motivare
  • 34. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 34 EMAIL DI CARING | SURVEY POST ACQUISTO Concentratevi sulla soddisfazione del cliente Arricchite il sito con le recensioni raccolte, per rassicurare futuri acquirenti Prevedete un follow up sui clienti insoddisfatti
  • 35. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 35 UN PERCORSO POST ACQUISTO EFFICACE
  • 36. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 36 Per essere efficaci, le email transazionali devono Rafforzare l’identità del brand Prolungare la customer experience Creare un vero dialogo 1 to 1 con i consumatori Trasmettere serietà Offrire un valore aggiunto al di là del prodotto o servizio offerto Soddisfare le esigenze dei consumatori Ascoltare Facilitare la vita Consolidando la relazione tra brand e consumatori e cogliendo le occasioni di vendita EMAIL TRANSAZIONALI | CONCLUSIONI
  • 37. This document is the intellectual property of ContactLab and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or reutilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. @anikagenny @contactlab #ecommerceforum 37 GRAZIE Lisa Molteni – Digital Strategist – SEGUITECI SU