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A malleable and powerful
Damien Cassou and Camille Teruel
What is it?
Programming language + IDE
Object-Oriented, Dynamic, Reflective
Explore + Change running systems
The Ultimate Live Programming
MIT license
Great community of active doers
Elegant and fun to program
Living system under your fingers
Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, Windows
2nd most downloaded on Inria gforge
40-50 active commiters
> 600 mailing-list members
180 license agreements
50 association members
17 industrial consortium members
around 300 external projects
Pharo in numbers
Very High
Create an ecosystem
where business/innovation
can bloom
We want that you can make research
and money with Pharo.
We want a powerful innovative
dynamic language where we can build
our future.
A Little Journey in the Pharo
Object Model
A pure and minimal object model
Less is more!
No constructors, no static methods, no operators
No interfaces, no private/protected modifiers
No type declarations, no parametrized types
No primitive types, no boxing/unboxing
Still powerful
Everything is an object
213 class
Objects are instances of
class is a message sent
to the object 213
SmallInteger is the
result of the message sent
In “Java”:
Objects are instances of
instance of
Sending a message
instance of
Classes are objects too
213 class selectors
#(#instVarAt: #sizeInMemory
#printOn:base:length:padded: #< #bitXor: #''
#numberOfDigitsInBase: #'//' #threeDigitName
#highBitOfPositiveReceiver #bitAnd: #isLarge
#largeIdentityHash #'>=' #nextObject #nextInstance
#gcd: #printStringBase: #lowBit #pointsTo:
#basicIdentityHash #fromString:radix: ...)
Classes are objects too
Number allSubclasses
an OrderedCollection(Fraction Float Integer
ScaledDecimal SmallInteger LargePositiveInteger
Fun with Numbers!
1 class
1 class
1 class maxVal
1 class
1 class maxVal
1 class maxVal + 1
1 class
1 class maxVal
1 class maxVal + 1
(1 class maxVal + 1) class
(1/3) + (2/3)
(1/3) + (2/3)
2/3 + 1
(1/3) + (2/3)
2/3 + 1
1000 factorial
Point class
Point class
Classes are objects too
Point class
Point class
Classes are objects too
“Point class” is an anonymous class
with only one instance: Point.
We call such classes “metaclasses”
Class Parallel Inheritance
instance of
Integer class
SmallInteger class
Class Parallel Inheritance
instance of
instance of
Integer class
SmallInteger class
A “static” method
is just a method of
the metaclass
Integer readFrom: '123'
Class Parallel Inheritance
Class extensions
A method can be defined in a class that
belongs to another package!
Powerful to build DSLs
$x ctrl , $f ctrl
Ctrl + X , Ctrl + F
ctrl method in
Character class
Everything is an object
One single model
Classes are objects too
A class is instance of another class
One unique method lookup, look in the
class of the receiver
Pharo: Syntax in a
push: asm RBP;
mov: asm RSP -> asm RBP;
mov: 1024 -> asm RAX;
mov: asm RBP -> asm RSP;
pop: asm RBP;
identifier := #letter asParser ,
#word asParser star
Syntax Examples
Syntax on a PostCard
exampleWithNumber: x
true & false not & (nil isNil)
ifFalse: [ self halt ].
y := self size + super size.
{ 1 . 2 . #($a #a ‘a’ 1 1.0) }
do: [ :each |
show: (each class name);
show: (each printString);
show: ‘ ‘ ].
^ x < y
Language Constructs
^	 return
#	 symbol or array
[]	 block
.	 separator
; cascade
|	 local or block variable
:=	 assignment
$	 character
<...>	 annotation
 “a comment”
character:	 $c $.
string:	 	 'a nice string' 'lulu' 'l''idiot'
symbol:		 #mac #+
array:	 	 { 1 . 123 + 1 }
literal array:	 #(1 2 3 (1 3) $a 4)
byte array:	 #[1 2 3]
block:	 	 [ :x | x * 2 ]
integer:		 1 2r101
real:	 	 1.5 6.03e-34 4 2.4e7
keywords:	 true false nil self super thisContext
Not Syntax
& 	 	 conjunction (and)
|	 	 disjunction (or)
+	 	 addition
<	 	 lower than
ifTrue:	 condition
do:	 	 iteration
all of these are
plain methods!
Not Syntax
& 	 	 conjunction (and)
|	 	 disjunction (or)
+	 	 addition
<	 	 lower than
ifTrue:	 condition
do:	 	 iteration
3 = 2
ifTrue: [
Error signal: 'Help' ]
3 kinds of messages
Unary messages
Binary messages
Keywords messages
5 factorial
Transcript cr
3 + 4
2 between: 0 and: 5
Transcript show: 'hello world'
postman.send( mail, recipient);
Keyword messages
postman.send( mail, recipient);
Keyword messages
postman send mail recipient
Keyword messages
postman send mail to recipient
Keyword messages
postman send: mail to: recipient
Keyword messages
postman send: mail to: recipient
Keyword messages
send:to: method in the
Postman class
receiver argument 1 argument 2
message send
strings := OrderedCollection new
ArrayList<String> strings = new
Some Comparisons
persons collect: [:person | person name]
ArrayList<String> strings
= new ArrayList<String>();
for(Person person: persons) {
Some Comparisons
persons collect: #name
ArrayList<String> strings
= new ArrayList<String>();
for(Person person: persons) {
Some Comparisons
[ self doSomething ] fork
new Thread(
new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Some Comparisons
(10 between: 1 and: 20 + 2) not
( ) > Unary > Binary > Keywords
A method definition in Point
Method name
<= aPoint
"Answer whether the receiver is neither
below nor to the right of aPoint."
^ x <= aPoint x and: [y <= aPoint y]
(2@3) <= (5@6)
A method definition in Point
<= aPoint
"Answer whether the receiver is neither
below nor to the right of aPoint."
^ x <= aPoint x and: [y <= aPoint y]
(2@3) <= (5@6)
A method definition in Point
<= aPoint
"Answer whether the receiver is neither
below nor to the right of aPoint."
^ x <= aPoint x and: [y <= aPoint y]
(2@3) <= (5@6)
A method definition in Point
<= aPoint
"Answer whether the receiver is neither
below nor to the right of aPoint."
^ x <= aPoint x and: [y <= aPoint y]
(2@3) <= (5@6)
A method definition in Point
Instance variable
<= aPoint
"Answer whether the receiver is neither
below nor to the right of aPoint."
^ x <= aPoint x and: [y <= aPoint y]
(2@3) <= (5@6)
A method definition in Point
Binary message
<= aPoint
"Answer whether the receiver is neither
below nor to the right of aPoint."
^ x <= aPoint x and: [y <= aPoint y]
(2@3) <= (5@6)
A method definition in Point
Keyword message
<= aPoint
"Answer whether the receiver is neither
below nor to the right of aPoint."
^ x <= aPoint x and: [y <= aPoint y]
(2@3) <= (5@6)
A method definition in Point
<= aPoint
"Answer whether the receiver is neither
below nor to the right of aPoint."
^ x <= aPoint x and: [y <= aPoint y]
(2@3) <= (5@6)
Point>> <= aPoint
"Answer whether the receiver is neither
below nor to the right of aPoint."
^ x <= aPoint x and: [y <= aPoint y]
in books and slides, we
specify the class name
Class name
Statements and Cascades
Temporary variables Statement
| p pen |
p := 100@100.
pen := Pen new.
goto: p;
goto: p+p
Anonymous method
Passed as method argument or stored
f := [:x | x * x + 3].
f value: 2
Blocks (aka Closure)
Block usage
Integer>> factorial
self = 0
ifTrue: [ ^ 1 ].
self > 0
ifTrue: [ ^ self * (self - 1) factorial ]
#(1 2 3) do: [ :each | each crLog ]
Control Structures
Every control structure is realized by message sends
[ stream atEnd ]
whileFalse: [ self process: stream next ].
Magnitude>> max: aMagniture
^ self > aMagnitude
ifTrue: [ self ]
ifFalse: [ aMagnitude ]
Iterating Collections
#(2 3 4 -35 4)
collect: [ :each| each abs ]
#(2 3 4 35 4)
Iterating Collections
#(2 3 4 -35 4)
select: [ :each| each odd ]
#(-3 -35)
Iterating Collections
#(2 3 4 -35 4)
do: [ :each| Transcript crShow: each ]
Pharo, a live programming
Modifying classes and methods while
the program is running
Nice libraries and
api/all?q=puppy' asUrl retrieveContents
Gofer new
smalltalkhubUser: 'PharoExtras'
project: 'XMLParser';
data := '
feed/api/all?q=puppy' asUrl retrieveContents.
doc := XMLDOMParser parse: data
data := '
feed/api/all?q=puppy' asUrl retrieveContents.
doc := XMLDOMParser parse: data.
entries := doc
allNodesSelect: [ :n | n name = 'entry' ].
entry := entries anyOne.
content := entry
nodesDetect: [ :n | n name = 'content'].
url := content attributeAt: 'src'.
data := '
feed/api/all?q=puppy' asUrl retrieveContents.
doc := XMLDOMParser parse: data.
path := XPath for: 'entry/content/@src'.
urls := path in: doc.
url := urls anyOne.
(ZnEasy getGif: url) asMorph openInHand
Your turn
Black magic
Execution Stack as an Object
To define exceptions from within the language
Debugger support!
Advanced debugging
returns an object that represents the
method invocation
can walk (even modify!) the stack
Serializing Continuations
[ "some code causing an error" ]
on: Error
do: [ :error |
serialize: error
toFileNamed: 'error.fuel' ]
Then in a new image open a debugger on the serialized error:
materializeFromFileNamed: 'error.fuel';
Powerful Breakpoints?
Would be so good if we could say:
“Stop method bar only if it is called from
method named foo” i.e.,
Halt whenCalledFrom: #foo.
Halt>> whenCalledFrom: aSelector
| ctxt |
ctxt := thisContext.
[ ctxt sender isNil ]
whileFalse: [
ctxt := ctxt sender.
ctxt selector = aSelector
ifTrue: [ self signal ] ]
Pointer Swapping
anObject become: anotherObject
| pt1 pt2 ref |
pt1 := 0@0.
pt2 := 100@100.
ref := pt1.
pt1 become: pt2.
self assert: ref = (100@100).
self assert: pt2 = (0@0).
self assert: pt1 = (100@100).
Pointer Swapping
Some Pharo’s success
Continuous API Testing
keep your services under control 24/7
Norbert Hartl
Web-To-Print Solution
• Design and create
individual printed
• eShop with credit
card payment
• High quality PDF
output with Printing
Process integration
• Thousands of orders
for seven Swiss
printing companies
NTed: disaster scenario
iBizLog -
A product by Smallworks
Tuesday, May 15, 12
Pinesoft MBagger
We want more success
We are a cool community
University of Bueno Aires
University of Bern
University of Brussels
Ecole des Mines
Université de Savoie
Ivan Franko National University of Ukraine
Czech Technical University
University of Life Sciences in Prague
Northen Michigan University
University Catholic of Argentina
University of Santiago
Universitat Policnica de Catalunya
Lafhis (University of Bueno Aires )
Software Composition Group (
CAR (Ecole des mines
RMoD (Inria)
Ummisco (IRD)
Reveal (University of Lugano)
Lysic (University of Bretagne Occidentale)
Pleiad (University of Santiago)
Research Groups
Community Ongoing Work
Better widgets, UI Builder (A. Plantec, G. Chambers, B. van Ryseghem)
Better browsers (B. van Ryseghem, C. Bruni)
Proxy (M. Martinez-Peck)
New compiler (J. Ressia/M. Denker/C. Bera/)
Vectorial canvas (I. Stasenko)
Better FFI (I. Stasenko, E. Lorenzano)
Bootstrap (G. Polito/S. Ducasse/N. Bouraqadi/L. Fabresse)
PDF generation (O. Auverlot, G. Larcheveque)
Network (WebSocket, Oauth, Zinc, Zodiac S. van Caekenberghe)
Consortium & Association
How to sustain Pharo?
How to structure the community?
Consortium Members
Managed by Inria for now
Who: companies, institutions, user groups
Privileged access to the core development team
Influence priorities of the next development
Engineering support time
Job posts
Training/Conferences special prices
Pharo User Association
Managed by the Pharo Association
Premium (99 €/year)
Normal (40 €/year)
Join and participate!
Pharo books
Pharo by example
translated to french, merci!
translated to spanish, gracias!
translated to japanese, ありがとう!
german started
New books are coming
Deep into Pharo
Pharo for the Enterprise
A glimpse at VM
Everybody can help
Reporting bugs
Confirming bugs
Writing tests
Writing examples
Writing comments
Simple contributing fixes
Discussion, feedback
May 2008 Bern
July 2009 Bern
October 2009 Lille
November 2009 Buenos Aires
March 2010 Bern
May 2010 Buenos Aires
June 2010 Bern
June 2010 Bruxelles
July 2010 London
September 2010 Barcelona
September 2010 Lille
January 2011 Lille
July 2011 Lille
October 2011 Bruxelles
February 2012 Bern
October 2012 Bern
April 2012 Lille
August 2012 Ghent
October 2012 Perto Madryn
January 2013 Santiago
February 2013 Lille
April 2013 Lille
June 2013 Lille
Open Pharo Sprints
To Take Away
Because it is simple and extensible, Pharo is a nice
platform to experiment on
Use it for your own research (language design or
implementation, types, modularity, empirical studies…)

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Pharo tutorial at ECOOP 2013

  • 1. Pharo: A malleable and powerful platform Damien Cassou and Camille Teruel
  • 2. What is it? Programming language + IDE Object-Oriented, Dynamic, Reflective Explore + Change running systems The Ultimate Live Programming Environment!
  • 3. Pharo MIT license Great community of active doers Powerful Elegant and fun to program Living system under your fingers Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, Windows
  • 4. 2nd most downloaded on Inria gforge 40-50 active commiters > 600 mailing-list members 180 license agreements 50 association members 17 industrial consortium members around 300 external projects Pharo in numbers Very High Activity
  • 5.
  • 6. Create an ecosystem where business/innovation can bloom
  • 7. We want that you can make research and money with Pharo. We want a powerful innovative dynamic language where we can build our future.
  • 8. A Little Journey in the Pharo Object Model
  • 9. A pure and minimal object model Less is more!
  • 10. No constructors, no static methods, no operators No interfaces, no private/protected modifiers No type declarations, no parametrized types No primitive types, no boxing/unboxing Still powerful
  • 12. 213 class SmallInteger Objects are instances of Classes class is a message sent to the object 213 SmallInteger is the result of the message sent In “Java”: 213.getClass()
  • 13. Objects are instances of Classes Integer SmallInteger 213 instance of inherits from
  • 15. Classes are objects too 213 class selectors #(#instVarAt: #sizeInMemory #printOn:base:length:padded: #< #bitXor: #'' #numberOfDigitsInBase: #'//' #threeDigitName #highBitOfPositiveReceiver #bitAnd: #isLarge #largeIdentityHash #'>=' #nextObject #nextInstance #gcd: #printStringBase: #lowBit #pointsTo: #basicIdentityHash #fromString:radix: ...)
  • 16. Classes are objects too Number allSubclasses an OrderedCollection(Fraction Float Integer ScaledDecimal SmallInteger LargePositiveInteger LargeNegativeInteger)
  • 19. 1 class SmallInteger 1 class maxVal 1073741823
  • 20. 1 class SmallInteger 1 class maxVal 1073741823 1 class maxVal + 1 1073741824
  • 21. 1 class SmallInteger 1 class maxVal 1073741823 1 class maxVal + 1 1073741824 (1 class maxVal + 1) class LargePositiveInteger
  • 24. (1/3) + (2/3) 1 2/3 + 1 5/3 1000 factorial 4023872600770937735437024339230039857193748642107146325437999104299385123986290205920442084869694048004799886101971960586316668729948085589013238296699445 9099742450408707375991882362772718873251977950595099527612087497546249704360141827809464649629105639388743788648733711918104582578364784997701247663288983 5955735432513185323958463075557409114262417474349347553428646576611667797396668820291207379143853719588249808126867838374559731746136085379534524221586593 2019280908782973084313928444032812315586110369768013573042161687476096758713483120254785893207671691324484262361314125087802080002616831510273418279777047 8463586817016436502415369139828126481021309276124489635992870511496497541990934222156683257208082133318611681155361583654698404670897560290095053761647584 7728421889679646244945160765353408198901385442487984959953319101723355556602139450399736280750137837615307127761926849034352625200015888535147331611702103 9681759215109077880193931781141945452572238655414610628921879602238389714760885062768629671466746975629112340824392081601537808898939645182632436716167621 7916890977991190375403127462228998800519544441428201218736174599264295658174662830295557029902432415318161721046583203678690611726015878352075151628422554 0265170483304226143974286933061690897968482590125458327168226458066526769958652682272807075781391858178889652208164348344825993266043367660176999612831860 7883861502794659551311565520360939881806121385586003014356945272242063446317974605946825731037900840244324384656572450144028218852524709351906209290231364 9327349756551395872055965422874977401141334696271542284586237738753823048386568897646192738381490014076731044664025989949022222176590433990188601856652648 5061799702356193897017860040811889729918311021171229845901641921068884387121855646124960798722908519296819372388642614839657382291123125024186649353143970 1374285319266498753372189406942814341185201580141233448280150513996942901534830776445690990731524332782882698646027898643211390835062170950025973898635542 7719674282224875758676575234422020757363056949882508796892816275384886339690995982628095612145099487170124451646126037902930912088908694202851064018215439 9457156805941872748998094254742173582401063677404595741785160829230135358081840096996372524230560855903700624271243416909004153690105933983835777939410970 0277534720000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
  • 26. Point class Point class Classes are objects too “Point class” is an anonymous class with only one instance: Point. We call such classes “metaclasses”
  • 28. Integer SmallInteger Integer class SmallInteger class Class Parallel Inheritance 213 instance of instance of instance of
  • 29. Integer SmallInteger Integer class SmallInteger class A “static” method is just a method of the metaclass Integer readFrom: '123' 123 Class Parallel Inheritance factorial class class readFrom:
  • 30. Class extensions A method can be defined in a class that belongs to another package! Powerful to build DSLs $x ctrl , $f ctrl Ctrl + X , Ctrl + F ctrl method in Character class
  • 31. Summary Everything is an object One single model Classes are objects too A class is instance of another class One unique method lookup, look in the class of the receiver
  • 32. Pharo: Syntax in a Nutshell
  • 33. asm push: asm RBP; mov: asm RSP -> asm RBP; mov: 1024 -> asm RAX; mov: asm RBP -> asm RSP; pop: asm RBP; ret. identifier := #letter asParser , #word asParser star Assembly Parsers Syntax Examples
  • 34. Syntax on a PostCard exampleWithNumber: x |y| true & false not & (nil isNil) ifFalse: [ self halt ]. y := self size + super size. { 1 . 2 . #($a #a ‘a’ 1 1.0) } do: [ :each | Transcript show: (each class name); show: (each printString); show: ‘ ‘ ]. ^ x < y
  • 35. Language Constructs ^ return “ comments # symbol or array ‘ string [] block . separator ; cascade | local or block variable := assignment $ character <...> annotation
  • 36. Examples comment: “a comment” character: $c $. string: 'a nice string' 'lulu' 'l''idiot' symbol: #mac #+ array: { 1 . 123 + 1 } literal array: #(1 2 3 (1 3) $a 4) byte array: #[1 2 3] block: [ :x | x * 2 ] integer: 1 2r101 real: 1.5 6.03e-34 4 2.4e7 keywords: true false nil self super thisContext
  • 37. Not Syntax & conjunction (and) | disjunction (or) + addition < lower than ifTrue: condition do: iteration ... all of these are plain methods!
  • 38. Not Syntax & conjunction (and) | disjunction (or) + addition < lower than ifTrue: condition do: iteration ... Boolean>> Boolean>> Number>> Magnitude>> Boolean>> Collection>> their classes 3 = 2 ifTrue: [ Error signal: 'Help' ]
  • 39. 3 kinds of messages Unary messages Binary messages Keywords messages 5 factorial Transcript cr 3 + 4 2 between: 0 and: 5 Transcript show: 'hello world'
  • 42. postman send mail recipient Keyword messages
  • 43. postman send mail to recipient Keyword messages
  • 44. postman send: mail to: recipient Keyword messages
  • 45. postman send: mail to: recipient Keyword messages send:to: method in the Postman class receiver argument 1 argument 2 message send
  • 46. strings := OrderedCollection new ArrayList<String> strings = new ArrayList<String>(); Some Comparisons
  • 47. persons collect: [:person | person name] ArrayList<String> strings = new ArrayList<String>(); for(Person person: persons) { strings.add(; } Some Comparisons
  • 48. persons collect: #name ArrayList<String> strings = new ArrayList<String>(); for(Person person: persons) { strings.add(; } Some Comparisons
  • 49. [ self doSomething ] fork new Thread( new Runnable() { public void run() { this.doSomething();}}).start(); Some Comparisons
  • 50. (10 between: 1 and: 20 + 2) not false ( ) > Unary > Binary > Keywords
  • 51. A method definition in Point Method name <= aPoint "Answer whether the receiver is neither below nor to the right of aPoint." ^ x <= aPoint x and: [y <= aPoint y] (2@3) <= (5@6) true
  • 52. A method definition in Point Argument <= aPoint "Answer whether the receiver is neither below nor to the right of aPoint." ^ x <= aPoint x and: [y <= aPoint y] (2@3) <= (5@6) true
  • 53. A method definition in Point Comment <= aPoint "Answer whether the receiver is neither below nor to the right of aPoint." ^ x <= aPoint x and: [y <= aPoint y] (2@3) <= (5@6) true
  • 54. A method definition in Point Return <= aPoint "Answer whether the receiver is neither below nor to the right of aPoint." ^ x <= aPoint x and: [y <= aPoint y] (2@3) <= (5@6) true
  • 55. A method definition in Point Instance variable <= aPoint "Answer whether the receiver is neither below nor to the right of aPoint." ^ x <= aPoint x and: [y <= aPoint y] (2@3) <= (5@6) true
  • 56. A method definition in Point Binary message <= aPoint "Answer whether the receiver is neither below nor to the right of aPoint." ^ x <= aPoint x and: [y <= aPoint y] (2@3) <= (5@6) true
  • 57. A method definition in Point Keyword message <= aPoint "Answer whether the receiver is neither below nor to the right of aPoint." ^ x <= aPoint x and: [y <= aPoint y] (2@3) <= (5@6) true
  • 58. A method definition in Point Block <= aPoint "Answer whether the receiver is neither below nor to the right of aPoint." ^ x <= aPoint x and: [y <= aPoint y] (2@3) <= (5@6) true
  • 59. Point>> <= aPoint "Answer whether the receiver is neither below nor to the right of aPoint." ^ x <= aPoint x and: [y <= aPoint y] in books and slides, we specify the class name Class name
  • 60. Statements and Cascades Temporary variables Statement Cascade | p pen | p := 100@100. pen := Pen new. pen up; goto: p; down; goto: p+p
  • 61. Anonymous method Passed as method argument or stored f := [:x | x * x + 3]. f value: 2 7 Blocks (aka Closure) BlockClosure>>value:
  • 62. Block usage Integer>> factorial self = 0 ifTrue: [ ^ 1 ]. self > 0 ifTrue: [ ^ self * (self - 1) factorial ] #(1 2 3) do: [ :each | each crLog ]
  • 63. Control Structures Every control structure is realized by message sends [ stream atEnd ] whileFalse: [ self process: stream next ]. Magnitude>> max: aMagniture ^ self > aMagnitude ifTrue: [ self ] ifFalse: [ aMagnitude ]
  • 64. Iterating Collections #(2 3 4 -35 4) collect: [ :each| each abs ] #(2 3 4 35 4)
  • 65. Iterating Collections #(2 3 4 -35 4) select: [ :each| each odd ] #(-3 -35)
  • 66. Iterating Collections #(2 3 4 -35 4) do: [ :each| Transcript crShow: each ] 2 3 ...
  • 67. Pharo, a live programming environment
  • 68. Demo Modifying classes and methods while the program is running
  • 72. data := ' feed/api/all?q=puppy' asUrl retrieveContents. doc := XMLDOMParser parse: data
  • 73. data := ' feed/api/all?q=puppy' asUrl retrieveContents. doc := XMLDOMParser parse: data. entries := doc allNodesSelect: [ :n | n name = 'entry' ]. entry := entries anyOne. content := entry nodesDetect: [ :n | n name = 'content']. url := content attributeAt: 'src'. '[...]/puppy-and-kitten.jpg'
  • 74. data := ' feed/api/all?q=puppy' asUrl retrieveContents. doc := XMLDOMParser parse: data. path := XPath for: 'entry/content/@src'. urls := path in: doc. url := urls anyOne. '[...]/puppy-and-kitten.jpg'
  • 75. (ZnEasy getGif: url) asMorph openInHand
  • 78. Execution Stack as an Object To define exceptions from within the language Debugger support! Advanced debugging Continuation
  • 79. thisContext returns an object that represents the method invocation can walk (even modify!) the stack
  • 80. Serializing Continuations [ "some code causing an error" ] on: Error do: [ :error | FLSerializer serialize: error toFileNamed: 'error.fuel' ] Then in a new image open a debugger on the serialized error: FLMaterializer materializeFromFileNamed: 'error.fuel'; debug.
  • 81. Powerful Breakpoints? Would be so good if we could say: “Stop method bar only if it is called from method named foo” i.e., bar ... Halt whenCalledFrom: #foo. ...
  • 82. Halt>> whenCalledFrom: aSelector | ctxt | ctxt := thisContext. [ ctxt sender isNil ] whileFalse: [ ctxt := ctxt sender. ctxt selector = aSelector ifTrue: [ self signal ] ]
  • 84. | pt1 pt2 ref | pt1 := 0@0. pt2 := 100@100. ref := pt1. pt1 become: pt2. self assert: ref = (100@100). self assert: pt2 = (0@0). self assert: pt1 = (100@100). Pointer Swapping
  • 86.
  • 87.
  • 88. Continuous API Testing keep your services under control 24/7 Norbert Hartl
  • 89. WEBDRUCK.CH Web-To-Print Solution • Design and create individual printed matter • eShop with credit card payment • High quality PDF output with Printing Process integration • Thousands of orders for seven Swiss printing companies
  • 91. iBizLog - A product by Smallworks Tuesday, May 15, 12
  • 92.
  • 93.
  • 95. We want more success stories!
  • 96. We are a cool community
  • 98. University of Bueno Aires University of Bern University of Brussels Ecole des Mines Université de Savoie Ivan Franko National University of Ukraine Czech Technical University University of Life Sciences in Prague Northen Michigan University University Catholic of Argentina University of Santiago Universitat Policnica de Catalunya Lectures
  • 99. Lafhis (University of Bueno Aires ) Software Composition Group ( CAR (Ecole des mines RMoD (Inria) Ummisco (IRD) Reveal (University of Lugano) Lysic (University of Bretagne Occidentale) Pleiad (University of Santiago) CEA-List Research Groups
  • 100. Community Ongoing Work Better widgets, UI Builder (A. Plantec, G. Chambers, B. van Ryseghem) Better browsers (B. van Ryseghem, C. Bruni) Proxy (M. Martinez-Peck) New compiler (J. Ressia/M. Denker/C. Bera/) Vectorial canvas (I. Stasenko) Better FFI (I. Stasenko, E. Lorenzano) Bootstrap (G. Polito/S. Ducasse/N. Bouraqadi/L. Fabresse) PDF generation (O. Auverlot, G. Larcheveque) Network (WebSocket, Oauth, Zinc, Zodiac S. van Caekenberghe)
  • 101. Consortium & Association How to sustain Pharo? How to structure the community?
  • 102.
  • 103. Consortium Members Managed by Inria for now Who: companies, institutions, user groups Privileged access to the core development team Influence priorities of the next development Engineering support time Job posts Training/Conferences special prices
  • 104.
  • 105. Pharo User Association Managed by the Pharo Association Individuals Premium (99 €/year) Normal (40 €/year) Join and participate!
  • 106. Pharo books Pharo by example translated to french, merci! translated to spanish, gracias! translated to japanese, ありがとう! german started
  • 107. New books are coming Deep into Pharo Pharo for the Enterprise A glimpse at VM
  • 108. Everybody can help Reporting bugs Confirming bugs Writing tests Writing examples Writing comments Simple contributing fixes Discussion, feedback
  • 109. May 2008 Bern July 2009 Bern October 2009 Lille November 2009 Buenos Aires March 2010 Bern May 2010 Buenos Aires June 2010 Bern June 2010 Bruxelles July 2010 London September 2010 Barcelona September 2010 Lille January 2011 Lille July 2011 Lille October 2011 Bruxelles February 2012 Bern October 2012 Bern April 2012 Lille August 2012 Ghent October 2012 Perto Madryn January 2013 Santiago February 2013 Lille April 2013 Lille June 2013 Lille Open Pharo Sprints
  • 110. To Take Away Because it is simple and extensible, Pharo is a nice platform to experiment on Use it for your own research (language design or implementation, types, modularity, empirical studies…)