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HSAemu ‐ A F ll S t
A Full System Emulator 
E l t
for HSA Platform
for HSA Platform
Prof. Yeh‐Ching Chung
System Software Laboratory
Department of Computer science 
Department of Computer science
National Tsing Hua University

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National Tsing Hua University


Introduction to HSA
Introduction to HSA
Design of HSAemu
Performance Evaluation
P f
E l ti
Conclusions and Future Work

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National Tsing Hua University

Introduction to HSA 

HSA is an industry standard to 
define next‐generation 
hardware/software architecture 
for heterogeneous computing 
for heterogeneous computing

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National Tsing Hua University

Hardware Platform of HSA

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National Tsing Hua University

Simplified HSA Software Stack
Domain Specific Libs
(Bolt, OpenCV™, … many others)



HSA Runtime

HSA Software







HSA Finalizer

Kernel Driver


Differentiated HW

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National Tsing Hua University




Specification of Simple HSA Platform

– Memory
• Shared Virtual Memory (hUMA)
• Cache Coherency Domains
• Memory‐Based Signaling and 
Synchronization for CPU and GPU

– Task Control
• Architected Queuing Language (AQL)
• Efficient Syscall Infrastructure
• Preemptive Context Switching 

– Debugging Infrastructure
gg g
• Allow system software to set 
Instruction/ Memory/ Conditional, etc., 


– HSA R ti
HSA Runtime APIs

Initialization of HSA components
Topology discovery
Manage AQL packets
Manage AQL packets
Dispatch application tasks
Signal HW and wait for result
Recycle available resources

– User Mode Queue
• Store AQL packets

– Virtual ISA ‐ HSAIL
Virtual ISA 
• A low level instruction set designed for 
parallel computing

– E
Exception Handling
ti H dli
• GPU trap handler to trigger GPU 
interrupt for GPU exception

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National Tsing Hua University

What Is HSAemu

HSAemu is a full system emulator that supports 
the following HSA features


Shared virtual memory between CPU and GPU
Memory based signaling and synchronization
Memory based signaling and synchronization
Multiple user level command queues
Preemptive GPU context switching
Concurrent execution of CPU threads and GPU threads
Concurrent execution of CPU threads and GPU threads
HSA runtime

A Project Sponsored by MediaTek (MTK)
AP j S
d b M di T k
Currently, it supports simple HSA platform 

Functional‐accurate simulation
Cycle‐accurate simulation

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National Tsing Hua University

Architecture of HSAemu

HSAemu consists of 6 components
– HSA Runtime
– CPU Simulation Module
– GPU Task Dispatcher
– Functional‐Accurate GPU Simulator (Fast‐

GPU Simulator)
– Cycle‐Accurate GPU Simulator (Mult2sim)
– GPU Helper Functions

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National Tsing Hua University

HSAemu Runtime


User Mode Queue
– Store AQL packets
Store AQL packets


AQL Queue Manager 
– Manage AQL packets in User Mode  


AQL Command Dispatcher 
– Launch the execution of kernel jobs on
Launch the execution of kernel jobs on  


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National Tsing Hua University

Support OpenCL runtime
CPU Simulation Module (1)

PQEMU – Perform multicore CPU simulation
 HSA Signal Handler – Receive AQL command 
from HSA Runtime and launch GPU simulation

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National Tsing Hua University

CPU Simulation Module (2)

– A parallel system emulator based on QEMU
A parallel system emulator based on QEMU
– Tow efficient synchronization models (UCC/SCC)
– Dynamic binary translation (DBT) technique
– A project sponsored by MTK


Agent code, HSA runtime, and operating 
system are run on PQEMU
system are run on PQEMU
Code Cache








Unified Code Cache (UCC) Model
“PQEMU: A Parallel System Emulator Based on QEMU” (ICPADS 2011)
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National Tsing Hua University

GPU Task Dispatcher (1)

AQL Command Monitor
– Receive signal from HSA Signal Handler
– Copy AQL packets from User Mode Queue 

to HW AQL Queue
– Launch AQL Packet Worker

AQL Packet Worker
– Dequeue AQL packets from HW AQL Queue
– Parse AQL packet
Parse AQL packet
– Dispatch kernel jobs to Fast‐GPU Simulator 

or M2S‐GPU Simulator according to the 
kernel information
kernel information

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National Tsing Hua University

GPU Task Dispatcher (2)

Execution Flow 

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GPU Task Dispatcher (3)

Signal from
HAS Signal Handler

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GPU Task Dispatcher (4)

Copy AQL packets from
User Mode Queue

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GPU Task Dispatcher (5)

Ask AQL Packet Worker
to parse AQL Packet

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GPU Task Dispatcher (6)

Launch Fast-GPU

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GPU Task Dispatcher (7)

Launch M2S-GPU

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National Tsing Hua University
Fast‐GPU Simulator

A functional‐accurate simulator 
for generic GPU model simulation
– HSAIL Translator 
• Act as a Finalizer
• Use static binary translation technique  
to translate BRIG file to host executable 
to translate BRIG file to host executable
binary file (x86) based on LLVM
• Host SSE instruction optimization

– GPU Thread Scheduler
• Simulate a generic GPU model

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National Tsing Hua University

HSAIL Translator (1)


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HSAIL Translator (2)

Launch LLVM
HSAIL Translator

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National Tsing Hua University
HSAIL Translator (3)

Control Flow
Graph of HSAIL

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National Tsing Hua University
HSAIL Translator (4)

Translate HSAIL

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National Tsing Hua University
HSAIL Translator (5)

Translate LLVM IR
to Host Executable
Object File

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National Tsing Hua University
HSAIL Translator (6)

Load Host Executable
Object File
to memory

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National Tsing Hua University
HSAIL Translator (7)

Link to GPU
Helper Functions

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National Tsing Hua University
HSAIL Translator (8)

Store the translation result
to GPU Code Cache

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National Tsing Hua University
HSAIL Translator (2)

Host SSE instruction Optimization
– Reconstruct the control flow graph of kernel 

– Use bitmap masking and packing/unpacking 
algorithms to generate host SSE instructions 
algorithms to generate host SSE instructions

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National Tsing Hua University

HSAIL Translator (3)

Example : The control flow graph for kernel 
function $foo

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National Tsing Hua University

HSAIL Translator (4)

Reconstruct the control flow graph by depth‐first traversal


Perform bitmap masking
and packing & unpacking

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National Tsing Hua University

GPU Thread Scheduler


Simulate a generic GPU model
– GPU Thread Scheduler assigns work groups 

to free CU threads in the GPU Thread Pool
to free CU threads in the GPU Thread Pool
– Each CU thread executes all work items in a 
work group 
– The maximum number of CU threads is
The maximum number of CU threads is 
limited by host operating system   

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National Tsing Hua University

M2S‐GPU Simulator (1)

A cycle‐accurate simulator for 
AMD Southern Islands GPU 
model simulation
– HSAIL Translator 
• Translate BRIG file to GPU binary

– M2S Bridge
• Bridge Multi2Sim GPU Model to 

– M2S GPU Module
• Simulate a cycle‐accurate GPU model
Simulate a cycle accurate GPU model

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National Tsing Hua University

M2S‐GPU Simulator (2)

HSAIL Translator
– Act as a Finalizer
– Translate HSAIL to AMD Southern 

Islands GPU binary
– Use static binary translation 
technique based on LLVM

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National Tsing Hua University

M2S‐GPU Simulator (3)

M2S Bridge : An interface to launch 
M2S GPU Module
M2S GPU M d l
– Initialize the data structures used by 

AMD Southern Islands GPU, including a 
AMD Southern Islands GPU, including a
memory register for AMD Southern 
Islands GPU to access the shared system 
memory in HSAemu
memory in HSAemu
– Invoke M2S GPU Module (the AMD 
Southern Islands GPU module in 

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National Tsing Hua University

M2S‐GPU Simulator (4)

M2S GPU Module
– A cycle‐accurate AMD Southern 

Islands GPU simulator in Multi2Sim

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National Tsing Hua University

Memory access is performed by 
HSAemu memory helper function 
to comply the hUMA model

GPU Helper Functions (1)

Memory Helper Function
– A soft‐mmu of GPU with a page table 

worker and a TLB to enable hUMA model
– Support the redirect access of a local 
segment memory to a non‐shared private 
memory in GPU 

Kernel Information Helper Function
lI f
ti H l
F ti
– Collect and return information of GPU 

s u at o a d cu e t e ecut o state
simulation and current execution state 
– Retrieve kernel information such as 
working item ID, work group size, etc, from 
AQL packet
AQL packet

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National Tsing Hua University

GPU Helper Functions (2)

Mathematic Helper Function
– Simulate special mathematical instructions 

such as trigonometric instructions by 
calling the corresponding mathematical 
functions in standard library 

Synchronization Helper Function
– Barrier synchronization implementation for 

generic GPU model simulation 

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National Tsing Hua University

hUMA Model in HSAemu

Unified coherent address space 
– GPU can access a  virtual memory 

page allocated by CPU

Soft‐mmu is simulated for GPU
– TLB hit/miss events can be traced


Memory segment access
– Global memory segment access is 

handled by memory helper function
– Group memory segment access is 
handled by host ld/st instructions

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National Tsing Hua University

Recall: Hardware Simulation of HSAemu

HSA hardware components simulated
– Multicore CPU: A parallel multicore CPU model simulation
– Functional‐Accrate GPU: A generic GPU model simulation
– Cycle‐Accurate GPU: AMD Southern Islands GPU model 

– hUMA: A unified address space between CPU and GPU 
– Synchronization Primitive: Barrier instruction simulation
– Hardware AQL Queue: A HW dispatch queue for GPU 
i l ti

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National Tsing Hua University

Recall: Software Utilities of HSAemu

HSA software utilities designed
– HAS Runtime: HSA runtime library (OpenCL runtime)
– Topology Discovery: Discover the current platform topology
– User Mode Queue: A queue for each user application
– Signal Event: Notify GPU to work
– HSAIL Generator: A PTX to HSAIL source level translator
– BRIG Generator: Generate a binary format from a Kernel file
– HSAIL Translator: Translate HSAIL to host executable binary
– GPU Code Cache: store translated host binaries

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National Tsing Hua University

Performance Evaluation

Experimental Environment


– Nearest Neightbor (NN), K‐Means, FFT, FWT, N‐Body
– Binary Search, Bitonic Sort, Reduction, FWT

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National Tsing Hua University

Scalability of Fast‐GPU Simulator

Comparison of NN, K‐means and FWT benchmarks on 32 
physical cores
physical cores
The speedup is scalable when # of CU threads < # of host 
physical cores
physical cores

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National Tsing Hua University

SSE Optimization of Fast‐GPU Simulator

Performance comparison of FFT when turn on/off 
SSE optimization
i i i

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National Tsing Hua University

N‐Body Simulation by Fast‐GPU Simulator

N‐Body Simulation 

All of host physical 
CPUs are running

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National Tsing Hua University

Comparison of HSAemu and Multi2Sim
benchmark speedup

Fast‐GPU Sim > M2S‐GPU sim > Multi2Sim





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National Tsing Hua University






An HSA‐compliant full system emulator has been 
– A functional‐accurate simulator for generic GPU model
– A cycle‐accurate simulator for AMD Southern Islands GPU 

model (from Multi2Sim)

The HSAIL Translator acts as a finalizer that enables 
the integration of HSAemu with existing simulators, 
for example, Multi2Sim
 Open source – Nov. 12, 2013



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National Tsing Hua University

Future work

Enhance HSAemu by implementing more HSA 
f t


Integrate HSAemu with some existing cycle‐accurate 
i i
GPU simulators


Design a cycle‐accurate simulator based on PQEMU 
for generic CPU model


Deisgn a cycle‐accurate simulator based on PQEMU 
for big.LITTLE CPU model

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National Tsing Hua University

Q & A
National Tsing Hua University ® copyright OIA
National Tsing Hua University


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