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Major control systems of body

        1. Nervous system
       2. Endocrine system
• The endocrine system is the system of glands,
each of which secretes different types of
directly into the bloodstream (
some of which are transported along nerve
to regulate the body.
Word meaning
• The endocrine system is in contrast to the
  exocrine system,
• which secretes its chemicals using ducts.
• It derives from the Greek words "endo"
  meaning inside, within, and "crinis" for
• The endocrine system is an information signal
• like the nervous system,
• yet its effects and mechanism are classifiably
• The endocrine system's effects are
• slow to initiate, and
• prolonged in their response,
• lasting from a few hours up to weeks.
• The nervous system sends information very
  quickly, and responses are generally short
• Hormones are substances (chemical
  mediators) released from endocrine tissue
• into the bloodstream
• where they travel to
• target tissue and generate a response.
• Hormones regulate various human
  functions, including
• metabolism,
• growth and
• development,
• tissue function,
• and mood.

• In addition to the specialised endocrine
  organs mentioned above, many other organs
  that are part of other body systems, such as
  the kidney, liver, heart and gonads, have
  secondary endocrine functions.
• For example the kidney secretes endocrine
  hormones such as erythropoietin and renin.
• The endocrine system is made of a series of
  glands that produce chemicals called
• A number of glands that signal each other in
  sequence are usually referred to as an axis, for
  example, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal
How CNS works…
• The multiple activities of the cells, tissues, and
  organs of the body are coordinated by the
  interplay of several types of chemical
  messenger systems:
• Neurotransmitters are released by axon
  terminals of neurons into the synaptic
  junctions and act locally to control nerve cell
Cortical neuron stained with antibody to neurofilament subunit NF-L in green.
  In red are neuronal stem cells stained with antibody to alpha-internexin.
         Image created using antibodies from EnCor Biotechnology Inc
• CNS works through          • Endocrine system works
  Neuron                       through Hormones
• Within milliseconds        • Seconds to hours or
• Direct, fast               • Indirect and far
• Muscles, glands, cells     • Cells of body
• Briefer action generally   • Longer action generally

1. How they works?
2. Chemical classification
Word meaning
• Get moving or excite

• It is the mediator that is released in one part
  of the body but regulates the activity of cells
  in other parts of the body.
• Endocrine hormones are released by glands or
  specialized cells into the circulating blood and
  influence the function of cells at another
  location in the body.
• Only the target cells have receptors that bind
  and recognize that hormone.
• For example, thyroid stimulating hormone TSH
  binds to receptors on cells of thyroid
  gland, but it does not bind to cells of the
Receptors and Target cells
• Receptors, like other
  cellular protein, are
  synthesized and
  broken down.
• Generally, a target
  cell has 2,000 to
  1,00,000 receptors for
  a particular hormone.
• If a hormone is present in excess, the number
  of target-cell receptors may decrease
• This effect is known as DOWN REGULATION.
• E.G. when certain cells of the testes are
  exposed to a high concentration of luteinizing
  hormone (LH) the number of LH receptors
• Down regulation make the cell LESS SENSITIVE
  to a hormone.
• In contrast, when a hormone is deficit, the
  number of receptors may increase.
• This phenomenon is know as UP REGULATION.
• It makes the target cell more sensitive to a
• Drug RU486 mifepristone used for abortion
• It binds the receptors for progesterone and
  prevents it from exerting its normal effect.
• So no preparation of lining of the uterus for
Circulation of Hormones
circulatory hormone & Local hormone
• Neuroendocrine hormones are secreted by
  neurons into the circulating blood and
  influence the function of cells at another
  location in the body.
• Paracrines are secreted by cells into the
  extracellular fluid and affect neighbouring
  cells of a different type.
• Autocrines are secreted by cells into the
  extracellular fluid and affect the function of
  the same cells that produced them by binding
  to cell surface receptors.
• One example of local hormone is interleukin 2.
• It is released by helper T cells (WBC)
• During immune response, IL-2 helps activating
  other nearby immune cells, a paracrine effect.
• But it also act as autocrine by stimulating the
  same cell.
• This action makes more secretion of IL-2
• Thus strengthen the immune response.
• Local hormone used to inactivated quickly;
  circulating hormones may linger in the blood
  and exert their effects for a few minutes or
  occasionally for a few hours.
• In time, circulating hormones are inactivated
  by the liver and excreted by kidneys.
• In cases of kidney or liver failure, excessive
  levels of hormones may build up in the blood.
Chemical classes of hormones
• This chemical classification is useful
  functionally because the two classes exert
  their effect differently.

• 1. lipid soluble
• 2. water soluble
• Lipid soluble      • Water soluble
• S T N (station)    • A P E (Appe)

• Steroid hormone    • Amine hormones
• Thyroid hormones   • Peptide hormones
• Nitric oxide gas   • Eicosanoid hormones
Steroid hormones
• Derived from cholesterol
• Each steroid hormone is unique due to
  presence of different chemical groups
  attached at various sites on the four rings at
  the core of its structure.
• These small differences allow for a large
  diversity of function.
Two thyroid hormones
• T3 and T4 are synthesized by attaching iodine
  to the amino acid tyrosine.
• The benzene ring of tyrosine plus the attached
  iodine make T3 and T4 very lipid soluble.
Nitric oxide
• It is both, hormone and neurotransmitter.
• Its synthesis is catalyzed by the enzyme nitric
  oxide synthesis.
Amine hormones
• It is synthesized by decarboxylating and
  otherwise modifying certain amino acids.
• They are called amines because they retain an
  amino acid group (-NH3+).
• Epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine –
  synthesized by modifying tyrosine
• Histamine is synthesized by histidine
• Serotonin and melatonin are derived from

Peptide hormones
• They are amino acid polymers
• Smaller peptide hormones consist of chains of
  3 to 49 amino acid
• Large protein hormones include 50 to 200
  amino acids
• EG: Peptide - anti diuretic hormones, oxytocin
Protein – growth hormone and insulin
Eicosanoid (i-ko-sa-noid) Hormone
• Eicos – twenty and oid – resembling
• They derived from arachidonic acid, a 20-
  carbon fatty acid
• EG: Prostaglandins and leukotriene
In short,
• Lipid soluble – STN
  – Steroid = cholesterol
  – T = thyroid
  – N = nitric oxide gas
• Water soluble – APE
  – Amine group = -NH3+ - histamine, serotonin
  – Peptide /Protein = small and large amino acid chain –
    oxytocin and GH, Insulin
  – Eicosanoid = 20 carbon fatty acid - Prostaglandins
Hormone transport
• Most water soluble hormones circulate in the
  watery blood plasma in a ‘free’ form (not
  attached to any molecules).
• But most lipid soluble hormone are bound to
  transport protein.
• The transport protein are synthesis by liver
  and have major three functions:
1. They make lipid soluble hormones
   temporarily water soluble, thus increasing
   their solubility in blood
2. They retard passage of small hormone
   molecule through the filtering mechanism in
   the kidneys, thus slowing the rate of
   hormone loss in urine
3. They provide a ready reserve of
   hormone, already present in blood streame.
• 0.1 to 10% molecules of lipid soluble hormone
  are not bound to transport protein. This free
  fraction diffuses our of capillaries, binds to
  receptors and triggers responses.
• As free hormone molecules leave the blood
  and bind the receptors, transport protein
  release new one to replenish the free fraction.
Check point
• What is difference between down regulation
  and up regulation?
• Identify the chemical classes of hormones and
  give an example of each.
• How are hormones transported in the blood?
Mechanism of hormone action

  Two mechanism of hormone action
• Response to a hormone depends on both the
  hormone and the target cell.
• Various target cells respond differently to the
  same hormone.
• Insulin, stimulates synthesis of glycogen in
  liver cells and synthesis of triglyceride in
  adipose cells.
• The response of hormone is not always the
  synthesis of new molecules.
• Other effects like,
• Changing permeability of plasma membrane
• Stimulating transport of a substance into or
  out of target cells
• Alerting the rate of specific metabolic
• Causing contraction of smooth muscle or
  cardiac muscles
• These varied effects are possible because a
  single hormone can set in motion several
  different cellular responses.
• Hormone must announce its arrival to a
  target cell by binding to its receptors.
• The receptors of lipid soluble hormones are
  located inside target cells.
• The receptors of water soluble hormones are
  part of plasma membrane of target cells.
Action of lipid soluble hormones
1. Free lipid soluble
hormone molecules
diffuse through
interstitial fluid,
and through lipid
bilayer of plasma
membrane into
2. If the cell is target
cell, the hormone
binds with receptors
within cytosol or
The activated
complex then alters
gene expression: it
turns specific genes
of the nuclear DNA
on or off.
3. As the DNA
transcribed, new
forms, leaves the
nucleus, and enters
It directs synthesis
of new
protein, often an
enzyme, on the
4. The new proteins
alter the cell’s
activity and cause
the responses
typical of that
Action of water soluble hormones
1. A water soluble
hormone diffuses from
blood through
interstitial fluid and
then binds to its
The hormone receptor
complex activates
membrane protein
called a G Protein. This
G protein activates
adenylate cyclase.
2 adenylate cyclase
converts ATP into cyclic
AMP. Because the
enzyme’s active site is
on the inner surface of
the plasma membrane,
this reaction occurs in
the cytosol of the cell.
3 cyclic AMP, the second
messenger, activate one
or more protein
kinases, which may be
free in the cytosol or
bound to plasma
A protein kinase is an
enzyme that
phosphorylates other
cellular proteins. The
donor of phosphate group
is ATP which is now
4 active protein kinase
phosphorylate one of
more cellular proteins.
activates some of
these protein and
others, rather like
turning switch off or
5 Phosphorylated protein in turn
cause reactions that produce
physiological responses. Different
protein kinases exist within
different target cells and within
different organelles of the same
target cell.
Thus one protein might trigger
glycogen synthesis, a second might
cause the break down of
triglyceride, a third may promote
protein synthesis, and so forth.
As noted in
4, phosphorylation by a
protein kinase can also
inhibit certain proteins.
For example, some of
the kinases unleashed
when epinephrine
binds to liver cells
inactive an enzyme
needed for glycogen
• 6 After a brief
  period, an enzyme
  inactivates cAMP.
  Thus, the cells
  response is turned off
  unless new hormone
  molecules continue to
  bind to their receptors
  in the plasma
Free lipid soluble hormone    Water soluble hormone molecule
          molecule                itself as first messenger

                             On exterior surface of plasma mem.
Activated receptor-hormone      hormone receptor complex
                                 Activation of G Protein and
                                      Adenylate cyclase
   New DNA transcribed
                               Activation of protein kinase 

       New protein
                                 Various hormonal actions

 Final Hormonal response            Inactivation of cAMP
• Besides cAMP, other second messengers are
  calcium ions Ca+2, cGMP (cyclic guanosine
  monophosphate), inositol trisphosphate (IP3)
  and diacyglycerol (DAG).
• A given hormone may use different second
  messengers in different target cells.
• Hormones that binds to plasma membrane
  receptors can induce their effects at very low
  concentration because they initiate a cascade
  or chain reaction, each stop of which
  multiplies of amplifies the initial effect.
• EG: the binding of a single molecule of
  epinephrine to its receptor on a liver cell may
  activate a hundred or so G proteins, each of
  which activates an adenylate cyclase
• If each adenylate cyclase produces even 1000
  cAMp then 1,00,000 of these second
  messengers will be liberated inside the cell.
• Each cAMP may activate a protein
  kinase, which in turn can act on hundreds or
  thousands of substrate molecules.
Second messenger system
• Hormone receptor complex
• G protein
• 1. adenylyl cyclase – cAMP system
• 2. Gaunyl cyclase – cGMP system
• 3. Membrane phopholipase – phospholipid
  system IP3
• 4. calcium – calmodulin system
Classification (Khurana)


                                       A - cAMP
                         Group 1
           Mechanism                   B - cGMP
                         Group 2
                                      C – Ca or IP3

                                      D – Tyrosine
Ca/Insola     Tyrosine
cAMP     cGMP
                          te         kinase
 ACTH      NO           hate         hormone

 ADH                    Oxytocin      Insulin
Action of hormone via tyrosine kinase
• This mechanism of signal generation from the
  plasma membrane receptors does not require
  G Protein intermediaries.
• These receptors have an extracellular
  hormone binding portion, a single trans-
  membrane portion and an intra-cytoplasmic
  C terminal portion.
Hormone receptors         Hormone receptors

Posses intrinsic tyrosine   Stimulation of intra-
                            cytoplasmic tyrosine
 auto phosphorylation

Receptor itself becomes       phosphorylation

 Enzyme activation &           Transcription
Hormonal interactions

   Effect on each other
The responsive
                            ness of a target
             by other      cell to a hormone
                              depends on:
  ce of

                   of hormone
• A target cell responds more vigorously when
  the level of a hormone rises or when it has
  more receptors (up regulation).
• In addition, the action of some hormones on
  target cells require a simultaneous or recent
  exposure to a second hormone.
• In such cases, the second hormone is said to
• Epinephrine alone only weakly stimulates
  lipolysis (the break down of triglycerides).
• But when small amount of thyroid hormones
  are present, the same amount of epinephrine
  stimulates lipolysis much more powerfully.
• Sometimes the permissive hormone increases
  the number of receptor for the other
  hormone, and sometime it promotes the
  synthesis of an enzyme required for the
  expression of other hormone's effect.
• When the effect of two hormones acting
  together is greater or more extensive than
  effect of each hormone acting alone, the two
  hormones are said to have SYNERGISTIC
• EG: normal development of oocytes in the
  ovaries requires both FSH from pituitary and
  estrogen from ovaries.
• When one hormone opposes the action of
  another hormone, the two hormones are said
  to have ANTAGONISTIC Effects.
• EG: Insulin, which promotes synthesis of
  glycogen by liver, and glucagon, which
  stimulates breakdown of glycogen in the liver.
• Which factors determine the responsiveness
  of target cell to hormone?

• What are differences among permissive
  effects, synergistic effects and antagonistic
  effects of hormones?
Concentration & Life span
• Hormones are usually secreted in extreme low
  – Peptide – 10 -12 to 10 -10 mol/L
  – Epinephrine – 2 × 10 -10
Half life
 Half life (The term refers to any period of time in which a
 quantity falls by half)

  Protein hormones          Amines                 Steroids

ADH         < 1 min   Epinephrine    10s    Aldosterone       30m

Oxytocin    < 1 min                15s      Cortisol          90m
GH          <30 min Thyroxin         5-7d                  15 h
                     Triiodothyron          25hydroxycho
ACTH        15– 25 s               1-3d                    15 d
                     ine                    lecalciferol
Control of hormone secretion

 Mechanisms of control of hormone
• The release of most of the hormones occurs in
  short bursts, with little or no secretion
  between bursts.
• When stimulated, an endocrine gland will
  release its hormone in more frequent bursts,
  increasing the concentration of hormone in
  the blood.
• In absence of stimulation, the blood level of
  hormone decreases.
Hormone secretion is regulated by
               changes in
     Signals                  Other
   from CNS                 hormones

Feedback    Neural           Chronotropic

positive     Adrenergic
 Negative    Cholinergic

Positive feedback mechanism
Negative feedback mechanism
• If the response reverse the stimulus, a system
  is operating by negative feedback

• If the response enhances or intensified the
  stimulus, a system is operating by positive
Check point
• What three types of signals controls the
  hormonal secretion?
Measurement of hormones
• Injecting the unknown sample of plasma in
  experimental animals
• Assessing the Quantitative biological effects
• Quantitative bioassays involve estimation of
  the concentration or potency of a substance
  by measurement of the biological response
  that it produces. Quantitative bioassays are
  typically analyzed using the methods of
• Radioimmunoassy (RIA)
• Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay

• Studies of antibodies to antigen.
Cytochemical assay
• Test is much more sensitive then
• Cumbersome and time consuming
• Very useful in measuring minute basal levels
  of hormone secretions.
Dynamic tests
• Not as usual normal condition.
• Two types
• Suppression type – e.g. to know whether a
  lung cancer is secreting ACTH
• Stimulating type – corticotrophs of the
  pituitary are normally functioning or not.

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  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. Major control systems of body 1. Nervous system 2. Endocrine system
  • 7. • The endocrine system is the system of glands, each of which secretes different types of hormones directly into the bloodstream ( some of which are transported along nerve tracts) to regulate the body.
  • 8. Word meaning • The endocrine system is in contrast to the exocrine system, • which secretes its chemicals using ducts. • It derives from the Greek words "endo" meaning inside, within, and "crinis" for secrete.
  • 9. • The endocrine system is an information signal system • like the nervous system, • yet its effects and mechanism are classifiably different. • The endocrine system's effects are • slow to initiate, and • prolonged in their response, • lasting from a few hours up to weeks.
  • 10. • The nervous system sends information very quickly, and responses are generally short lived. • Hormones are substances (chemical mediators) released from endocrine tissue • into the bloodstream • where they travel to • target tissue and generate a response.
  • 11. • Hormones regulate various human functions, including • metabolism, • growth and • development, • tissue function, • and mood.
  • 13. • In addition to the specialised endocrine organs mentioned above, many other organs that are part of other body systems, such as the kidney, liver, heart and gonads, have secondary endocrine functions. • For example the kidney secretes endocrine hormones such as erythropoietin and renin.
  • 14. • The endocrine system is made of a series of glands that produce chemicals called hormones. • A number of glands that signal each other in sequence are usually referred to as an axis, for example, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 18. How CNS works… • The multiple activities of the cells, tissues, and organs of the body are coordinated by the interplay of several types of chemical messenger systems: • Neurotransmitters are released by axon terminals of neurons into the synaptic junctions and act locally to control nerve cell functions.
  • 19.
  • 20.
  • 21. Cortical neuron stained with antibody to neurofilament subunit NF-L in green. In red are neuronal stem cells stained with antibody to alpha-internexin. Image created using antibodies from EnCor Biotechnology Inc
  • 22.
  • 23.
  • 24. • CNS works through • Endocrine system works Neuron through Hormones • Within milliseconds • Seconds to hours or days • Direct, fast • Indirect and far • Muscles, glands, cells • Cells of body • Briefer action generally • Longer action generally
  • 25. Hormones 1. How they works? 2. Chemical classification
  • 26. Word meaning • Get moving or excite • It is the mediator that is released in one part of the body but regulates the activity of cells in other parts of the body.
  • 27. • Endocrine hormones are released by glands or specialized cells into the circulating blood and influence the function of cells at another location in the body.
  • 28. • Only the target cells have receptors that bind and recognize that hormone. • For example, thyroid stimulating hormone TSH binds to receptors on cells of thyroid gland, but it does not bind to cells of the ovaries.
  • 30. • Receptors, like other cellular protein, are constantly synthesized and broken down. • Generally, a target cell has 2,000 to 1,00,000 receptors for a particular hormone.
  • 31. • If a hormone is present in excess, the number of target-cell receptors may decrease • This effect is known as DOWN REGULATION. • E.G. when certain cells of the testes are exposed to a high concentration of luteinizing hormone (LH) the number of LH receptors decreases.
  • 32. • Down regulation make the cell LESS SENSITIVE to a hormone.
  • 33. • In contrast, when a hormone is deficit, the number of receptors may increase. • This phenomenon is know as UP REGULATION. • It makes the target cell more sensitive to a hormone.
  • 34.
  • 35. Application • Drug RU486 mifepristone used for abortion • It binds the receptors for progesterone and prevents it from exerting its normal effect. • So no preparation of lining of the uterus for implantation.
  • 38. • Neuroendocrine hormones are secreted by neurons into the circulating blood and influence the function of cells at another location in the body.
  • 39. • Paracrines are secreted by cells into the extracellular fluid and affect neighbouring cells of a different type. • Autocrines are secreted by cells into the extracellular fluid and affect the function of the same cells that produced them by binding to cell surface receptors.
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  • 41.
  • 42. • One example of local hormone is interleukin 2. • It is released by helper T cells (WBC) • During immune response, IL-2 helps activating other nearby immune cells, a paracrine effect. • But it also act as autocrine by stimulating the same cell. • This action makes more secretion of IL-2 again. • Thus strengthen the immune response.
  • 43. • Local hormone used to inactivated quickly; circulating hormones may linger in the blood and exert their effects for a few minutes or occasionally for a few hours. • In time, circulating hormones are inactivated by the liver and excreted by kidneys. • In cases of kidney or liver failure, excessive levels of hormones may build up in the blood.
  • 44. Chemical classes of hormones • This chemical classification is useful functionally because the two classes exert their effect differently. • 1. lipid soluble • 2. water soluble
  • 45. • Lipid soluble • Water soluble • S T N (station) • A P E (Appe) • Steroid hormone • Amine hormones • Thyroid hormones • Peptide hormones • Nitric oxide gas • Eicosanoid hormones
  • 46. Steroid hormones • Derived from cholesterol • Each steroid hormone is unique due to presence of different chemical groups attached at various sites on the four rings at the core of its structure. • These small differences allow for a large diversity of function.
  • 47.
  • 48. Two thyroid hormones • T3 and T4 are synthesized by attaching iodine to the amino acid tyrosine. • The benzene ring of tyrosine plus the attached iodine make T3 and T4 very lipid soluble.
  • 49. Nitric oxide • It is both, hormone and neurotransmitter. • Its synthesis is catalyzed by the enzyme nitric oxide synthesis.
  • 50. Amine hormones • It is synthesized by decarboxylating and otherwise modifying certain amino acids. • They are called amines because they retain an amino acid group (-NH3+). • Epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine – synthesized by modifying tyrosine • Histamine is synthesized by histidine • Serotonin and melatonin are derived from tryptophan
  • 51. Histamine Serotonin
  • 52. Peptide hormones • They are amino acid polymers • Smaller peptide hormones consist of chains of 3 to 49 amino acid • Large protein hormones include 50 to 200 amino acids • EG: Peptide - anti diuretic hormones, oxytocin Protein – growth hormone and insulin
  • 54. Eicosanoid (i-ko-sa-noid) Hormone • Eicos – twenty and oid – resembling • They derived from arachidonic acid, a 20- carbon fatty acid • EG: Prostaglandins and leukotriene
  • 55. In short, • Lipid soluble – STN – Steroid = cholesterol – T = thyroid – N = nitric oxide gas • Water soluble – APE – Amine group = -NH3+ - histamine, serotonin – Peptide /Protein = small and large amino acid chain – oxytocin and GH, Insulin – Eicosanoid = 20 carbon fatty acid - Prostaglandins
  • 56. Hormone transport • Most water soluble hormones circulate in the watery blood plasma in a ‘free’ form (not attached to any molecules). • But most lipid soluble hormone are bound to transport protein. • The transport protein are synthesis by liver and have major three functions:
  • 57. 1. They make lipid soluble hormones temporarily water soluble, thus increasing their solubility in blood 2. They retard passage of small hormone molecule through the filtering mechanism in the kidneys, thus slowing the rate of hormone loss in urine 3. They provide a ready reserve of hormone, already present in blood streame.
  • 58. • 0.1 to 10% molecules of lipid soluble hormone are not bound to transport protein. This free fraction diffuses our of capillaries, binds to receptors and triggers responses. • As free hormone molecules leave the blood and bind the receptors, transport protein release new one to replenish the free fraction.
  • 59. Check point • What is difference between down regulation and up regulation? • Identify the chemical classes of hormones and give an example of each. • How are hormones transported in the blood?
  • 60. Mechanism of hormone action Two mechanism of hormone action
  • 61. • Response to a hormone depends on both the hormone and the target cell. • Various target cells respond differently to the same hormone. • Insulin, stimulates synthesis of glycogen in liver cells and synthesis of triglyceride in adipose cells.
  • 62. • The response of hormone is not always the synthesis of new molecules. • Other effects like, • Changing permeability of plasma membrane • Stimulating transport of a substance into or out of target cells • Alerting the rate of specific metabolic activities • Causing contraction of smooth muscle or cardiac muscles
  • 63. • These varied effects are possible because a single hormone can set in motion several different cellular responses. • Hormone must announce its arrival to a target cell by binding to its receptors. • The receptors of lipid soluble hormones are located inside target cells. • The receptors of water soluble hormones are part of plasma membrane of target cells.
  • 64. Action of lipid soluble hormones
  • 65. 1. Free lipid soluble hormone molecules diffuse through interstitial fluid, and through lipid bilayer of plasma membrane into cell.
  • 66. 2. If the cell is target cell, the hormone binds with receptors within cytosol or nucleus. The activated receptor-hormone complex then alters gene expression: it turns specific genes of the nuclear DNA on or off.
  • 67. 3. As the DNA transcribed, new messenger RNA, mRNA forms, leaves the nucleus, and enters cytosol. It directs synthesis of new protein, often an enzyme, on the ribosomes.
  • 68. 4. The new proteins alter the cell’s activity and cause the responses typical of that hormone.
  • 69.
  • 70. Action of water soluble hormones
  • 71. 1. A water soluble hormone diffuses from blood through interstitial fluid and then binds to its receptors. The hormone receptor complex activates membrane protein called a G Protein. This G protein activates adenylate cyclase.
  • 72. 2 adenylate cyclase converts ATP into cyclic AMP. Because the enzyme’s active site is on the inner surface of the plasma membrane, this reaction occurs in the cytosol of the cell.
  • 73.
  • 74.
  • 75. 3 cyclic AMP, the second messenger, activate one or more protein kinases, which may be free in the cytosol or bound to plasma membrane. A protein kinase is an enzyme that phosphorylates other cellular proteins. The donor of phosphate group is ATP which is now
  • 76. 4 active protein kinase phosphorylate one of more cellular proteins. Phosphorylation activates some of these protein and inactivates others, rather like turning switch off or on.
  • 77. 5 Phosphorylated protein in turn cause reactions that produce physiological responses. Different protein kinases exist within different target cells and within different organelles of the same target cell. Thus one protein might trigger glycogen synthesis, a second might cause the break down of triglyceride, a third may promote protein synthesis, and so forth.
  • 78. As noted in 4, phosphorylation by a protein kinase can also inhibit certain proteins. For example, some of the kinases unleashed when epinephrine binds to liver cells inactive an enzyme needed for glycogen synthesis.
  • 79. • 6 After a brief period, an enzyme called phosphodiesterase inactivates cAMP. Thus, the cells response is turned off unless new hormone molecules continue to bind to their receptors in the plasma
  • 80. Free lipid soluble hormone Water soluble hormone molecule molecule itself as first messenger On exterior surface of plasma mem. Activated receptor-hormone  hormone receptor complex complex Activation of G Protein and Adenylate cyclase New DNA transcribed (mRNA) Activation of protein kinase  phosphorylation New protein Various hormonal actions Final Hormonal response Inactivation of cAMP
  • 81. • Besides cAMP, other second messengers are calcium ions Ca+2, cGMP (cyclic guanosine monophosphate), inositol trisphosphate (IP3) and diacyglycerol (DAG). • A given hormone may use different second messengers in different target cells.
  • 82. • Hormones that binds to plasma membrane receptors can induce their effects at very low concentration because they initiate a cascade or chain reaction, each stop of which multiplies of amplifies the initial effect. • EG: the binding of a single molecule of epinephrine to its receptor on a liver cell may activate a hundred or so G proteins, each of which activates an adenylate cyclase molecule.
  • 83. • If each adenylate cyclase produces even 1000 cAMp then 1,00,000 of these second messengers will be liberated inside the cell. • Each cAMP may activate a protein kinase, which in turn can act on hundreds or thousands of substrate molecules.
  • 84.
  • 85.
  • 86.
  • 87. Second messenger system • Hormone receptor complex • G protein • 1. adenylyl cyclase – cAMP system • 2. Gaunyl cyclase – cGMP system • 3. Membrane phopholipase – phospholipid system IP3 • 4. calcium – calmodulin system
  • 88. Classification (Khurana) Amines Proteins, Chemical peptides hormones Steroids A - cAMP Group 1 Mechanism B - cGMP Group 2 C – Ca or IP3 D – Tyrosine kinase
  • 89. Ca/Insola Tyrosine cAMP cGMP te kinase Triphosp Growth ACTH NO hate hormone ADH Oxytocin Insulin Atrial natriuretic factor TSH Acetilecho line
  • 90. Action of hormone via tyrosine kinase • This mechanism of signal generation from the plasma membrane receptors does not require G Protein intermediaries. • These receptors have an extracellular hormone binding portion, a single trans- membrane portion and an intra-cytoplasmic C terminal portion.
  • 91. Hormone receptors Hormone receptors Posses intrinsic tyrosine Stimulation of intra- cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase auto phosphorylation Receptor itself becomes phosphorylation kinase Enzyme activation & Transcription transcription
  • 92. Hormonal interactions Effect on each other
  • 93. The responsive Influences ness of a target by other cell to a hormone hormones depends on: Abundan ce of receptors Concentration of hormone
  • 94. • A target cell responds more vigorously when the level of a hormone rises or when it has more receptors (up regulation). • In addition, the action of some hormones on target cells require a simultaneous or recent exposure to a second hormone. • In such cases, the second hormone is said to have A PERMISSIVE EFFECT.
  • 95. • Epinephrine alone only weakly stimulates lipolysis (the break down of triglycerides). • But when small amount of thyroid hormones are present, the same amount of epinephrine stimulates lipolysis much more powerfully. • Sometimes the permissive hormone increases the number of receptor for the other hormone, and sometime it promotes the synthesis of an enzyme required for the expression of other hormone's effect.
  • 96. • When the effect of two hormones acting together is greater or more extensive than effect of each hormone acting alone, the two hormones are said to have SYNERGISTIC effect. • EG: normal development of oocytes in the ovaries requires both FSH from pituitary and estrogen from ovaries.
  • 97. • When one hormone opposes the action of another hormone, the two hormones are said to have ANTAGONISTIC Effects. • EG: Insulin, which promotes synthesis of glycogen by liver, and glucagon, which stimulates breakdown of glycogen in the liver.
  • 98. Checkpoint • Which factors determine the responsiveness of target cell to hormone? • What are differences among permissive effects, synergistic effects and antagonistic effects of hormones?
  • 100. Concentration • Hormones are usually secreted in extreme low concentration – Peptide – 10 -12 to 10 -10 mol/L – Epinephrine – 2 × 10 -10
  • 101. Half life Half life (The term refers to any period of time in which a quantity falls by half) Protein hormones Amines Steroids ADH < 1 min Epinephrine 10s Aldosterone 30m Norepinephri Oxytocin < 1 min 15s Cortisol 90m ne 1,25dihyroxyc GH <30 min Thyroxin 5-7d 15 h holecalciferol Triiodothyron 25hydroxycho ACTH 15– 25 s 1-3d 15 d ine lecalciferol
  • 102. Control of hormone secretion Mechanisms of control of hormone secretion
  • 103. • The release of most of the hormones occurs in short bursts, with little or no secretion between bursts. • When stimulated, an endocrine gland will release its hormone in more frequent bursts, increasing the concentration of hormone in the blood. • In absence of stimulation, the blood level of hormone decreases.
  • 104. Hormone secretion is regulated by Chemical changes in blood Signals Other from CNS hormones Hormone secretion
  • 105.
  • 106. Feedback Neural Chronotropic Diural positive Adrenergic variations Menstrual Negative Cholinergic rhythm Seasonal Dopaminergic rhythm Developmental Serotoninergic rhythm GABAergic
  • 107.
  • 108.
  • 111. • If the response reverse the stimulus, a system is operating by negative feedback • If the response enhances or intensified the stimulus, a system is operating by positive feedback
  • 112. Check point • What three types of signals controls the hormonal secretion?
  • 114. Bioassay • Injecting the unknown sample of plasma in experimental animals • Assessing the Quantitative biological effects • Quantitative bioassays involve estimation of the concentration or potency of a substance by measurement of the biological response that it produces. Quantitative bioassays are typically analyzed using the methods of biostatistics.
  • 115. Immunoassay • Radioimmunoassy (RIA) • Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay • Studies of antibodies to antigen.
  • 116. Cytochemical assay • Test is much more sensitive then immunoassay. • Cumbersome and time consuming • Very useful in measuring minute basal levels of hormone secretions.
  • 117. Dynamic tests • Not as usual normal condition. • Two types • Suppression type – e.g. to know whether a lung cancer is secreting ACTH • Stimulating type – corticotrophs of the pituitary are normally functioning or not.