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   A multidisciplinary diagnostic process
    intended to determine a frail older person’s
    medical, functional, and psychosocial status
    and limitations in order to develop a plan for
    treatment and long-term follow-up.
 Physician
 Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant
 Nurse
 Social Worker
 Physical/Occupational/Speech /psychological
 Pharmacist
 Dietician
 Dentist
Each member of team sees every
   Highest priority:
     Prevention of decline in the independent
      performance of ADLs
     Drives the diagnostic process and clinical decision
   Screen for preventable diseases
   Screen for functional impairments that may result in
    physical disability and amenable to intervention
 Improve diagnostic accuracy
 Guide selection of interventions to restore or
  preserve health
 Recommend optimal living environment
 Monitor clinical change over time
 Predict outcomes
1.   Screening or targeting of appropriate
2.     Assessment and development of
3.    Implementation of recommendations
   (physician and patient adherence).
1. Healthy elderly persons – living in the
2. Frail elderly persons – living in the
3. Institutionalized or severely impaired elderly
   Frail because of age
   Decrease in functional status
   Change in mental status- cognition/affect
   Multiple medical problems
   Multiple psychosocial problems
   Take multiple medications
   New onset urinary or fecal incontinence
   Involuntary weight loss
   Frequent falls
   One or more sensory impairments
   Disruptive behavior or personality changes
    Common problems that have been identified
     as warranting special attention in elderly

3.   Cognitive Disorders:(Dementia/Delirium)
4.   Polypharmacy
5.   Falls/Gait Instability
6.   Urinary Incontinence
7.   Depression
8.   Malnutrition
   Medical assessment
   Cognitive Function
   Affective Disorders
   Visual Impairment
   Hearing Impairment
   Dental Health
   Functional Status
   Nutritional Status
   Gait and Balance Impairment
   Social Support
   Environment
   Advance directives
 History. (H)
 Examination.(E)
 Assessment tool . (T)
 Referral. (R)
 Interview both( pt , care giver)
 Use old medical records
 More time consuming dt:
     Communication problem (hearing, vision,slow
        processing and cognitive impairment)
       Underreporting
       Vague nonspecific symptoms
       Atypical presentation
       Multiple comorbidity,etiologies
   Previous surgical procedures
   Major illnesses and hospitalizations
   Previous transfusions
   Immunization status
 Preventive health measures
     Papanicolaou (Pap) smear
 Tuberculosis history and testing
 Medications
  Previous allergies , adverse reactions
                  History of herbals, vitamins, laxatives
  sleeping pills and cold preparations
 Topical, OTC drugs
SEXUAL HISTORY: Active or not

 Irrelevant for dementia
 Psychiatric illness are relevant like depression and
 Characteristics of the pain
 Relation of pain to impairments in physical and social
 Analgesic history
 Patient's attitudes and beliefs about pain and its
 Effectiveness of treatments
Psychological history:
 Sleep pattern
 Behavioral history
 Cognitive function
 Affective disorder
 Psychiatric disorder
   Respiratory
   Cardiovascular
   Gastrointestinal
   Genitourinary
   Musculoskeletal
   Neurological
   Psychological
   Multiple complaints
   Select the bothering one
   The recently changing one
   The new one
   The backache for last 10 y with same ccc isn’t
    worrisome but increasing severity is
Weight changes
  Weight gain should prompt search for edema or
        Gradual loss of small amounts of weight is
  losses in excess of 5% of usual body weight over
         12 months or less should prompt search of
                                 underlying disease
              Poor personal grooming and hygiene
 Can be signs of poor overall function, caregiver
     neglect, and/or depression; often indicates a
                               need for intervention
                                        VITAL SIGNS
                                      Blood Pressure
 Psuedo hypertension:( no end organ damage, osler’s
         Assess Orthostatic Hypotension 3 min 20/10
                                       Irregular pulse
     Arrhythmias are relatively common in otherwise
                                 asymptomatic elderly
                     Hypothermia is more common
                  Absent fever not exclude infection
 Baseline rate should be accurately recorded to
          help assess future complaints (such as
  dyspnea) or conditions (such as pneumonia or
                                     heart failure)
                              is the 5th vital sign
    Lower extremity vascular and neuropathic ulcers
    Pressure ulcers common and easily overlooked in
                                    immobile patients
                                    Diminished turgor
  Often results from atrophy of subcutaneous tissues
                        rather than volume depletion
 when dehydration suspected, skin turgor over chest
                          and abdomen most reliable
                            Bruising :suspect abuse
   Nail:
       Longitudinal ridges
       Thin nail plate
       Lost lanula
       Ingrowing toe nail
   Face:
       Temporal a palpation ,tenderness
       xanthoma
       Enophtalmus:dt loss orbital fat
       Entropion
       Ectropion
       Arcus senilis
                                                                             Missing teeth
    Dentures often present; they should be removed to check for evidence of poor fit and
                                                          other pathology in oral cavity
                               Xerostomia, fissured tongue, leukoplakia, bleeding gum
   edentulous
Gum health
      Area under the tongue is a common site for early
                                         Multiple lesions
  Actinic keratoses and basal cell carcinomas common;
                              most other lesions benign
                    Ecchymosis may be a sign of abuse
                                 Abnormal lung sounds
    Crackles can be heard in the absence of pulmonary
     disease and heart failure; often indicate atelectasis
Systolic murmurs
                              S4 normally may be heard in elderly
  Ejection systolic murmur is Common and most often benign;
              clinical history and bedside maneuvers can help to
                  differentiate those needing further evaluation.
                                                    Vascular bruits
  Carotid bruits may need further evaluation as it confers more
                            coronary and cerebrovascular events
    Femoral bruits often present in patients with symptomatic
                                        peripheral vascular disease
                                         Diminished distal pulses
   Presence or absence should be recorded as this information
   may be diagnostically useful at a later time (e.g., if symptoms
                          of claudication or an embolism develop)
                      Retraction of Nipple and areola
                                       Exclude cancer
                              Masses or fixed breast
  Test for Consistency and mobility to Exclude cancer
                         Prominent aortic pulsation
 Suspected abdominal aneurysms should be evaluated
                                      by ultrasound
                                   Fecal impaction
                                         Common
                                 Should be treated
                                  Testicular atrophy normal
      Atrophic vaginal tissue may cause symptoms (such as
  dyspareunia and dysuria) and treatment may be beneficial
                      Pelvic prolapse (cystocele, rectocele)
 Common and may be unrelated to symptoms; gynecologic
    evaluation helpful if patient has bothersome, potentially
                                           related symptoms
                                               Adnexal mass
                             Malignancy should be excluded
      Urinary incontinence OR A chronically overfilled and
                                          distended bladder
                                         Search for prostate
                                                  Periarticular pain
   Can result from a variety of causes and is not always the result
        of degenerative joint disease; each area of pain should be
                                    carefully evaluated and treated
                                          Limited range of motion
       Often caused by pain resulting from active inflammation,
      scarring from old injury, or neurologic disease; if limitations
     impair function, a rehabilitation therapist could be consulted
   Can result from venous insufficiency and/or heart failure; mild
         edema often a cosmetic problem; treatment necessary if
     impairing ambulation, contributing to nocturia, predisposing
                         to skin breakdown, or causing discomfort
          Unilateral edema should prompt search for a proximal
                                                 obstructive process
       Abnormal mental status (i.e., confusion,
                                depressed affect)
     Delirium, dementia or depression should be
       Arm drift may be the only sign of residual
                          weakness from a stroke
 Proximal muscle weakness (e.g., inability to get
        out of chair) should be further evaluated;
             physical therapy may be appropriate
   Major eye diseases such as cataract,
    macular degeneration, glaucoma, and
    diabetic retinopathy increases with age.
   Require eye glasses due to presbyopia.
   Often unaware of their visual deficits.
 Should ask questions regarding reading,
  watching television, or driving. (H)
 Snellen Chart is used to screen for visual
  deficits. (T)
     Patient stands 20 ft. from the chart and read
      letters using corrective lens.
     Inability to read >20/40 implies impairment in
   Referral to Ophthalmologist if needed. (R)
 Associated with decreased cognition,
  depression, dissatisfaction with life, and
  withdrawal from social activities.
 Usually bilateral.
 Occurs in the high frequency range.
   Questions about hearing difficulties. (H)
   Inspect ear for impacted cerumen. (E)
   Whisper voice ,finger rub test . (E)
   Audioscope (T)
   Hearing Handicap Inventory. (T)
   Referral . (R)
   Inability to hear 40 decibles tone at 1000 or
    2000 Hz in one or both ears implies failed
    hearing test.
 An alternative to hand-held audio scope.
 Done by whispering 3 – 6 words at a distance
  of 8, 12, or 24 inches from the patient’s ear.
 Examiner should stand behind the patient
  and have one ear covered during the
 Inability to repeat >50% of the whispered
  words is considered a failed screening.
   Whisper Test

                     3 words

                   12 to 24 inches
                                     Macphee GJA Age Aging, 1988
3.   D o e s a h e a r in g p r o b le m c a u s e y o u t o f e e l
     e m b a r r a s s e d w h e n y o u m e e t n e w p e o p le ?
     Ye s       S o m e t im e s         N o
4.   D o e s a h e a r in g p r o b le m c a u s e y o u t o f e e l
     f r u s t r a t e d w h e n t a lk in g t o m e m b e r s o f
     y o u r f a m ily ? Ye s       S o m e t im e s       N o
5.   Do       yo u      ha ve     d if f ic u lt y w h e n     s ome one
     s p e a k s in a w h is p e r ? Ye s       S o m e t im e s
6.   D o y o u f e e l h a n d ic a p p e d b y a h e a r in g
     p r o b le m ? Ye s       S o m e t im e s       N o
7.   Does           a    h e a r in g      p r o b le m   c aus e         yo u
     d if f ic u lt y w h e n v is it in g f r ie n d s , r e la t iv e s , o r
     n e ig h b o r s ? Ye s       S o m e t im e s       N o
8.   Does          a h e a r in g p r o b le m c a u s e y o u t o
     a t t e n d r e lig io u s s e r v ic e s le s s o f t e n t h a n
     y o u w o u ld lik e ? Ye s       S o m e t im e s       N o
 INSTRUCTIONS: The purpose of this scale is to identify the
    problems your hearing loss may be causing you. Please select
    YES, SOMETIMES, or NO for each question. Do not skip a
    question if you avoid a situation because of your hearing
    problem. If you use a hearing aid, please answer the way you hear
    without a hearing aid.
   Total ‘No’ _____ X 0 = _______
   Total ‘Yes’ _____ X 4 = _______
   Total ‘Sometimes’ _____ X 2 = _______
   TOTAL SCORE _______

   If your score is greater than 10, a hearing test is
Mini-cog test
Clock drawing test
Animal naming test
‫‪‬مقياس الحالة العقليةالتوجه ) الهتداء(‬

               ‫‪ ‬تقدر تقول لي إحنا في سنة كام ؟‬

                ‫‪‬تقدر تقول لي إحنا في فصل إيه؟‬

             ‫‪ ‬تقدر تقول لي إحنا في شهر إيه؟‬
     ‫/5‬            ‫تقدر تقول لي النهاردة إيه؟‬
                          ‫‪ ‬تاريخ النهاردة ايه ؟‬
                              ‫إحنا فين دلوقت؟‬

                       ‫إحنا في الدور الكام؟‬     ‫`‬

                          ‫أنت تتبع حي إيه؟‬      ‫‚‬

                     ‫أنت تتبع محافظة إيه؟‬       ‫°‬

‫/5‬                     ‫‚ إحنا في جمهورية إيه؟‬
‫تسجيل المعلومات‬

           ‫ا قولك 3 كلمات, قولهم ورايه, ها سالك عليهم تاني كمان شويه )كورة- شجرة- قلم(‬

   ‫) أكثر من 5 سنوات دراسة( اطرح 7 من 001 و الباقي شيل منه 7 و أنت نازل, و توقف بعد 5‬
                                                                    ‫مرات:) 39-68-97-27-56(‬

                                             ‫ذا كان غير قادر علي الطرح: يتهجا كلمة أسيوط‬

‫) اقل من 5 سنوات دراسة ( اطرح 3 من 02 و الباقي شيل منه 3 وأنت نازل و توقف بعد 5 مرات‬

                                                                          ‫استرجاع الذاكرة:‬

               ‫/3‬               ‫قول ال 3 كلمات اللي قولناهم قبل كده )كورة –شجرة- قلم(‬

‫اكتب جملة مفيدة أو قول جملة مفيدة‬   ‫•‬

                              ‫ارسم هذا الشكل‬     ‫‪‬‬

     ‫____________‪Date‬‬         ‫‪_____ Total Score ‬‬
 Subjects told to                   1 point for the clock circle
  ▪ Draw a large circle              1 point for all the numbers being in
  ▪ Fill in the numbers on a clock   the correct order
    face                             1 point for the numbers being in the
  ▪ Set the hands at 8:20            proper special order
                                     1 point for the two hands of the
 No time limit given                clock
 Scoring (subjective):              1 point for the correct time.
  ▪ 0 (normal)
  ▪ 1 (mildly abnormal)
  ▪ 2 (moderately abnormal)
  ▪ 3 (severely abnormal)
                                     A normal score is four or five points.
   Components
     3 item recall: give 3 items, ask to repeat, divert and recall
     Clock Drawing Test (CDT)
       ▪ Normal (0): all numbers present in correct sequence and
         position and hands readably displayed the represented time
   Give 1 point for each recalled word after the CDT
    distractor. Score 1–3.
     A score of O indicates positive screen for dementia.
     A score of 1 or 2 with an abnormal CDT indicates positive screen for
     A score of 1 or 2 with a normal CDT indicates negative screen for
     A score of 3 indicates negative screen for dementia
   Category fluency
   Highly sensitive to Alzheimer’s disease
   Scoring equals number named in 1 minute
     Average performance = 18 per minute
     < 12 / minute = abnormal
   Requires patient to use temporal lobe semantic stores
   60 seconds
   Using a cutoff of 15 in one minute:
     Sens 87% - 88%
     Spec 96%
   Highest prevalence of depression and suicide in elderly
   Geriatric Depression Screen (GDS)- Yesavage
     30 y/n questions
     15 y/n questions

   Single question just as sensitive
      ▪ Do you feel sad or depressed?
      ▪ Are you worried something bad will happen to you?
‫:‬   ‫‪ ‬ﺈختر الجواب اﻷنسب لحالتك النفسية خلل اﻷسبوع الماضي‬
                                        ‫1- هل ﺃنت بشك ٍ عام را ٍ عن حياتك ؟ نعم ‪ ‬كل ‪‬‬
                                                                   ‫ض‬         ‫ل‬                 ‫‪‬‬
                        ‫2- هل تخّيت عن العديد من نشاطاتك و ﺇهتماماتك ؟ نعم ‪ ‬كل ‪‬‬   ‫ل‬          ‫‪‬‬
                                                    ‫3- هل تشعرۥ ﺃ ّ حياتك فارغة ؟ نعم ‪ ‬كل ‪‬‬
                                                                              ‫ن‬                ‫‪‬‬
                                                        ‫4- هل تصاب بالملل عادة" ؟ نعم ‪ ‬كل ‪‬‬   ‫‪‬‬
                               ‫5- هل ﺃنت في مزا ٍ حسن في ﺃغلبية الوقت ؟ نعم ‪ ‬كل ‪‬‬
                                                                           ‫ج‬                   ‫‪‬‬
                                                   ‫6- هل تخاف ﺃن يصيبك مكروه ؟ نعم ‪ ‬كل ‪‬‬      ‫‪‬‬
                                           ‫7- هل تشعرۥ بالسعادة ﺃغلبية الوقت ؟ نعم ‪ ‬كل ‪‬‬      ‫‪‬‬
                                 ‫8- هل تشعرۥ عادة" ﺃّك بحاجة ﺇلى مساعدة ؟ نعم ‪ ‬كل ‪‬‬
                                                                         ‫ن‬                     ‫‪‬‬
     ‫9- هل تف ّل البقاء في غرفتك على الخروج و القيام بنشاطا ٍ جديدة ؟ نعم ‪ ‬كل ‪‬‬
                           ‫ت‬                                                       ‫ض‬           ‫‪‬‬
                   ‫01- هل تشعرۥ ﺃ ّ مشاكل الذاكرة تصيبك ﺃكثر من غيرك ؟ نعم ‪ ‬كل ‪‬‬
                                                                             ‫ن‬                 ‫‪‬‬
                                    ‫11- هل تعتقد ﺃّه ﻷم ٌ رائع بقاؤك حيا" الن ؟ نعم ‪ ‬كل ‪‬‬
                                                                         ‫ر‬      ‫ن‬              ‫‪‬‬
                       ‫21- هل تشعرۥ ﺃّك ل تجدي نفعا" في الوقت الحالي ؟ نعم ‪ ‬كل ‪‬‬
                                                                              ‫ن‬                ‫‪‬‬
                                               ‫31- هل تشعرۥ ﺃّك شديد النشاط ؟ نعم ‪ ‬كل ‪‬‬
                                                                              ‫ن‬                ‫‪‬‬
                                            ‫41- هل تعتقد ﺃ ّ وضعك ميؤوس منه ؟ نعم ‪ ‬كل ‪‬‬
                                                                              ‫ن‬                ‫‪‬‬
            ‫51- هل تعتقد ﺃ ّ ﺃغلبية الّاس بوض ٍ ﺃفضل من اّذي ﺃنت عليه ؟ نعم ‪ ‬كل ‪‬‬
                                             ‫ل‬             ‫ع‬        ‫ن‬         ‫ن‬                ‫‪‬‬
Choose the best answer for how you have felt over the past week:
   1. Are you basically satisfied with your life? YES / NO

   2. Have you dropped many of your activities and interests? YES / NO

   3. Do you feel that your life is empty? YES / NO

   4. Do you often get bored? YES / NO

   5. Are you in good spirits most of the time? YES / NO

   6. Are you afraid that something bad is going to happen to you? YES / NO

   7. Do you feel happy most of the time? YES / NO

   8. Do you often feel helpless? YES / NO

   9. Do you prefer to stay at home, rather than going out and doing new things? YES / NO
   10. Do you feel you have more problems with memory than most? YES /
   11. Do you think it is wonderful to be alive now? YES / NO
   12. Do you feel pretty worthless the way you are now? YES / NO
   13. Do you feel full of energy? YES / NO
   14. Do you feel that your situation is hopeless? YES / NO
   15. Do you think that most people are better off than you are? YES / NO
   Answers in bold indicate depression. Although differing sensitivities and
    specificities have been obtained across studies, for clinical purposes a
    score > 5 points is suggestive of depression and should warrent a follow-
    up interview. Scores > 10 are almost always depression.
   Basic Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)
     Tasks essential to be independent in your own
     home or room
   Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs)
     Tasks essential to be independent in the
   Advanced Activity of Daily Living (AADLs)
Bathing (sponge, shower, or tub)
  Independent: needs no assistance
  Assisted: needs assistance only in bathing a single part (as back or
  disabled extremity)
  Dependent: needs assistance in bathing more than one part of the body
  and in getting in or out of tub or does not bathe self
  Independent: gets clothes from closets and drawers; puts on clothes,
  outer garments, braces; manages fasteners; act of tying shoes excluded
  Assisted: need partial assistant
  Dependent: does not dress self or remains partly undressed
  Independent: gets to toilet; gets on and off toilet; arranges clothes; cleans
  organs of excretion (may manage own bedpan used at night only and may
  not be using mechanical supports)
  Assisted: receives assistance in getting to and using toilet
  Dependent: uses bedpan or commode
   Independent: moves in and out of bed independently and moves in and out of
   chair independently
   Assisted: using mechanical supports
   Dependent: assistance in moving in or out of bed and/or chair; does not perform
   one or more transfers
   Independent: urination and defecation entirely self-controlled
  Assisted: : partial or incontinence in urination or defecation; or partial control by
   enemas, catheters, or regulated use of urinals and/or bedpans
  Dependent total incontinence in urination or defecation; partial or total control by
   enemas, catheters, or regulated use of urinals and/or bedpans
  Independent: gets food from plate or its equivalent into mouth (precutting of
   meat and preparation of food, as buttering bread, are excluded from evaluation)
   Assisted: assistance in act of feeding
   Dependent: does not eat all or parenteral feeding
   The Index of Independence in Activities of Daily Living is based on an
    evaluation of the functional independence or dependence of patients in
    bathing, dressing, toileting,transferring, continence, and feeding.
    Specific definitions of functional independence and dependence appear
    below the index.
   A – Independent in feeding, continence, transferring, toileting, dressing,
    and bathing
   B – Independent in all but one of these functions
   C – Independent in all but bathing and one additional function
   D – Independent in all but bathing, dressing, and one additional function
   E – Independent in all but bathing, dressing, toileting, and one additional
   F – Independent in all but bathing, dressing, toileting, transferring, and
    one additional function
   G – Dependent in all six functions
   Other – Dependent in at least two functions, but not classifiable as C, D,
    E, or F.
bility to Use Telephone

 Operates telephone on own initiation, looks up and dials numbers, etc. 1

 Dials a few well-known numbers                                         1

 Answers telephone but does not dial                                    1

 Does not use telephone at all                                          0


 Takes care of all shopping needs independently                        1

 Shops independently for small purchases                                0

 Needs to be accompanied on any shopping trip                          0

Maintains house alone or with occasional assistance (e.g., on heavy work-domestic help‌)   1

Performs light daily tasks such as dishwashing, bed making                                 1

Performs light daily tasks but cannot maintain acceptable level of cleanliness             1

Needs help with all home maintenance tasks                                                 1

 Does not participate in any housekeeping tasks                                            0


  Does personal laundry completely                                                         1

 Launders small items ”rinses socks, stockings, etc.                                       1
esponsibility for Own Medications

Is responsible for taking medication in correct dosages at correct times 1

Takes responsibility if medication is prepared in advance in separate dosages 0

Is not capable of dispensing own medication    0

                                                                   bility to Handle Finances

    Manages financial matters independently (budgets, write checks, pays rent, bills, goes to
bank), collects and keeps track of income 1
 Evaluates the persons ability to participate in
  societal, community, and family roles.
 It also assesses for recreational and
  occupational activities. These activities
  varies among individuals and may be a
  valuable tools in monitoring functional status
  prior to the development of disability.
 Patient specific activities that can be used to
  detect subtle functional losses in high
  functioning patients
 Can be job or recreation oriented
 Socializing, playing bridge , working, playing
  golf, playing music, dancing, practicing law,
  flying a plane, gardening.
   Food taken (type, quantity, frequency)
   No of hot meal / week
   Characteristic diet (low salt , low protein)
   Alcohol intake
   Fluid intake
   Dietary fiber
   OTC vitamin , herbal medicine
   pt’s ability to feed himself
   Change in taste ,smell, teeth
 MNA® Short Form
 Nutrition Screening Initiative
  DETERMINE checklist
 MUST (Malnutrition Universal
  Screening Tool)
 Nutrition Risk Screening (NRS)
1. Body mass index (BMI)
2. Weight loss in past 3 months?
3. Acute illness or major stress in
past 3 months?
4. Mobility
5. Dementia or depression
6. Has appetite & food intake
declined in past 3 months?
   MNA     >    23:   dietary
   MNA < 17: refer to a
    specialist,   do   more
    assessment,        using
    biological       markers:
    albumin, CRP..
   MNA between 17 and 23:
    Were the patient have
    difficulties, how can we
    help,        useful   for
    intervention studies
1. Do you have an illness or condition that made you change the kind and amount of     2
food you eat.
2. Do you eat fewer than two meals per day.                                            3
3. Do you eat few fruits, vegetables, or milk products.                                2
4. Do you have 3 or more drinks of beer, liquor or wine almost every day.              2
5. Do you have tooth or mouth problems that make it hard for you to eat.               2
6. Do you always have enough money to buy food.                                        4
7. Do you eat alone most of the time.                                                  1
8. Do you take 3 or more different prescribed or over the counter drugs per day.       1
9. Without wanting to, have you lost or gained 10lbs. in the last 6 months.            2
10. Are you physically unable to shop, cook, or feed yourself.                         2

A score of 0-2 is good, 3-5 moderate nutritional risk and greater than 6
equal high nutritional risk.
   Diet
     A more precise questionnaire is needed to have the correct amount of
      consumed intake.
       ▪ The 7-day dietary record routine seems to have a good
         reproducibility in assessing the intake of energy and fluids in
         geriatric patients, but may be to long and to complex for non
         expert professionals.
       ▪ 3-day food records could be sufficient for a correct estimation of
         current food intake.
     Some new validated method is proposed as the photography method
      of nutritional assessment
 Physical Exam
  ▪   Loss of SQ fat
  ▪   Muscle wasting
  ▪   Edema in ankles
  ▪   Edema in sacral area
  ▪   Ascites
  ▪   Anthropometric parameters
        Weight, body mass index are the most important anthropometrics parameters,
   Weight
Individuals removed shoes and heavy cloths prior to weighing.
 Height
Subjects stood with their scapula, buttocks and heels resting against a wall, the neck was held in a
    natural non-stretched position, the heels were touching each other, the toe tips formed a 45°
    angle and the head was held straight with the inferior orbital border in the same horizontal
    plane as the external auditive conduct (Frankfort's plane).
 Body circumferences
Mid-brachial, calf, waist and hip circumferences were measured using a flexible non-elastic
    measuring tape. Individuals stood with feet together and arms resting by their sides. The hip
    circumference was measured from the maximum perimeter of the buttocks. The waist
    circumference was taken as the plane between the umbilical scar and the inferior rib border.
    The waist circumference was used to identify individuals with possible health risks based upon
    threshold values of ≥ 88 cm for women and ≥ 102 cm for men
 Knee-heel length
 Body-mass index (BMI)
BMI was estimated by dividing weight (kg) by height2 (m2) . Individuals were considered
    malnourished if their BMI was less than 18.5, normal from 18.5 to 24.9 and overweight if ≥ 25
 Waist to hip ratio (WHR)
This was estimated by dividing waist circumference by hip circumference . The threshold WHR was
    ≥ 0.85 for women and ≥ 1.00 for men
   Biochemical parameters
     Plasma albumin, Cholesterol, Hemoglobin and Transferrin are the
      most used laboratory parameters in long term care.
     CRP, total lymphocytes may also be used linked to higher mortality)
   At entry: Weight, BMI, MNA,

   Every 3 months: Weight, if weight loss more than 2
      ▪ MNA
      ▪ Weight each months
   >6 concurrent diagnosis.
   >12 doses of medications per day.
   A prior ADE.
   A low body weight or BMI.
   Age >85 years.
   Creatinine clearance <50ml/minute.
   Previous history of falls causes and
   Did you fall last year ?
   Location & circumstances of Fall
   Associated symptoms
   Other falls or near falls
   Medications (including nonprescription) and
   Injury & ability to get up
 Lower     extremity or quadriceps
  weakness can evaluated by asking
  the patient to stand from a seated
  position in a hard back chair while
  keeping their hands folded.
 Inability to complete this task
  suggest lower extremity weakness
  and is highly predictive for future
   Gait Observations
     Initiation of gait Step length    Step height
     Step continuity Step symmetry Walking stance
     Amount of trunk sway      Path deviation
   Gait speed
      ▪ 0.8 meters/sec indicates that the patient is capable of independent
        ambulation within the community.
      ▪ of 0.6 meters/sec indicates participation in community activities
        without the use of a wheelchair
      ▪ Patients who can ambulate 50 feet in the office corridor in 20
        seconds or less should be able to walk independently in normal
 Sitting balance (leaning vs steady)
 Ability to rise from chair
 Immediate standing balance
 Standing balance (wide based, narrow based or
 Sternal nudge
 Standing balance w/ eyes closed
BALANCE SCORE = _____/16
Gait score=- _____/12
TOTAL SCORE (Gait + Balance ) = _____/28
{< 19 high fall risk, 19-24 medium fall risk,
25-28 low fall risk}
   The task of rising from an armless chair, walking
    10ft, turn, walk back and sit down is termed the
    “Get-up and Go Test.” Those taking long than 10
    seconds to complete this tasks are at increased risk
    for falls
   Seconds                Rating
   <10                           freely mobile
   <20                           mostly independent
   20-29                         variable mobility
   >30                           assisted mobility
   Mathias S, Nayak US, Isaacs B. Balance in elderly patients: the “Get-up and Go” test. Arch
    phys Med Rehabil. 1986; 67(6): 387-389.
Pain Assessment
   Location
   Quality
   Severity
   Duration
   Exacerbating/relieving factors
   Efficacy of current treatmen
   Impact on mobility
   Impact on sleep
   Impact on appetite
   Imact on mood
   Impact on social life
 Numerical scales
 Visual analog scales
 Verbal Descriptor scales
 Behavioral cues
   Grimacing
   Agitation
   Restlessness
   Moaning/crying
   Guarding
   Appetite and activity changes
   Irritability/swearing
 Duration, severity, symptoms, previous
  treatment, medications, GU surgery
 3 P’s
     Position of leakage (supine, sitting, standing)
     Protection (pads per day, wetness of pads)
     Problem (quality of life)
 Reversible causes (Diappers)
 Categorize incontinence
 Bladder record or diary
   Mental status
   Mobility
   Fluid overload
   Abdominal exam
   Neurologic exam
   Pelvic
   Rectal
   Stress test (diagnostic for stress incontinence; specificity >90%)
   Post-void residual
   Blood Tests (calcium, glucose, BUN, Cr)
   Urine Culture
   Simple (bedside) Cystometrics
Social Assessment
   Should include availability of help in case of
   Availability of a personal support system.
   Living arrangement.
   Relationship with (family, friends, neighbours)
   Social activities, hobbies, spiritual participation
   Need for a caregiver.
   Caregiver burdens.
   Economic status.
   Elder mistreatment.
   Advanced directives.
 For the frail elderly availability of help from
  family or friends can determine whether a
  functionally dependent person remains at
  home or is institutionalized.
 For those frail elders that lack support, a
  visiting nurse may be helpful in the
  assessment of home safety and level of
  personal risk, i.e., stairs, location of
  bathrooms, bathroom grab bars, and smoke
 S - Do you feel Safe at home? What Stress do
  you feel in your relationship?
 A - Do you feel Afraid or have you been
  Abused by any of your caregivers?
 F - Are there any Family or Friends that you
  could ask for help or support?
 E – Do you have a safe place to go in case of
  an Emergency? Is it an Emergency now?
 Caregiver does not come to appointments
 Is concerned about medical costs
 History of substance abuse, mental health
  problems, conflicts with patient
 Dominates interview, won’t leave, won’t let
  patient talk
 Defensive, hostile, or indifferent
 Dependence on patient for income/housing
D - Dementia, Depression, Drugs
E - Eyes
E - Ears
P - Physical Performance, Phalls, Psychosocial

I - Incontinence
N -Nutrition
   Start low , go slow
   Try to limit number of medications and avoid prescribing “a
    pill for every ill”
   Try not to start two drugs at the same time
   Make sure it is the right dose
   Avoid “inappropriate medications”- Beers criteria
   Watch out for potential drug-drug, drug-disease interactions
   Make sure patient and caregiver understand what the
    medication is for , how and when to take it, possible side
At least annually:
 Ask patient to bring in all medications (including
  OTC, herbal prep)
 Ask patient how each medication is being taken
 Look for medications with duplicate therapeutic
  or pharmacologic profiles
 Eliminate unnecessary medications
 Simply the medication regimen – fewest
  possible number of medications and doses per
 Always review any changes in writing with the
  patient and caregiver, provide the changes in
Comprehensive Geriatric assessment

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Comprehensive Geriatric assessment

  • 1.
  • 2. A multidisciplinary diagnostic process intended to determine a frail older person’s medical, functional, and psychosocial status and limitations in order to develop a plan for treatment and long-term follow-up.
  • 3.  Physician  Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant  Nurse  Social Worker  Physical/Occupational/Speech /psychological Therapist  Pharmacist  Dietician  Dentist Each member of team sees every patient
  • 4.
  • 5. Highest priority:  Prevention of decline in the independent performance of ADLs  Drives the diagnostic process and clinical decision making  Screen for preventable diseases  Screen for functional impairments that may result in physical disability and amenable to intervention
  • 6.  Improve diagnostic accuracy  Guide selection of interventions to restore or preserve health  Recommend optimal living environment  Monitor clinical change over time  Predict outcomes
  • 7.
  • 8. 1. Screening or targeting of appropriate patients. 2. Assessment and development of recommendations. 3. Implementation of recommendations (physician and patient adherence).
  • 9.
  • 10. 1. Healthy elderly persons – living in the community 2. Frail elderly persons – living in the community 3. Institutionalized or severely impaired elderly persons
  • 11. Frail because of age  Decrease in functional status  Change in mental status- cognition/affect  Multiple medical problems  Multiple psychosocial problems  Take multiple medications  New onset urinary or fecal incontinence  Involuntary weight loss  Frequent falls  One or more sensory impairments  Disruptive behavior or personality changes
  • 12.
  • 13. Common problems that have been identified as warranting special attention in elderly 3. Cognitive Disorders:(Dementia/Delirium) 4. Polypharmacy 5. Falls/Gait Instability 6. Urinary Incontinence 7. Depression 8. Malnutrition
  • 14.
  • 15. Medical assessment  Cognitive Function  Affective Disorders  Visual Impairment  Hearing Impairment  Dental Health  Functional Status  Nutritional Status  Gait and Balance Impairment  Social Support  Environment  Advance directives
  • 16.  History. (H)  Examination.(E)  Assessment tool . (T)  Referral. (R)
  • 17.
  • 18.  Interview both( pt , care giver)  Use old medical records  More time consuming dt:  Communication problem (hearing, vision,slow processing and cognitive impairment)  Underreporting  Vague nonspecific symptoms  Atypical presentation  Multiple comorbidity,etiologies
  • 19. Previous surgical procedures  Major illnesses and hospitalizations  Previous transfusions  Immunization status  Preventive health measures Mammography Papanicolaou (Pap) smear  Tuberculosis history and testing  Medications Previous allergies , adverse reactions History of herbals, vitamins, laxatives sleeping pills and cold preparations  Topical, OTC drugs
  • 20. SEXUAL HISTORY: Active or not FAMILY HISTORY  Irrelevant for dementia  Psychiatric illness are relevant like depression and dysthymia PAIN HISTORY  Characteristics of the pain  Relation of pain to impairments in physical and social function  Analgesic history  Patient's attitudes and beliefs about pain and its management  Effectiveness of treatments
  • 21. Psychological history:  Sleep pattern  Behavioral history  Cognitive function  Affective disorder  Psychiatric disorder
  • 22. Respiratory  Cardiovascular  Gastrointestinal  Genitourinary  Musculoskeletal  Neurological  Psychological
  • 23. Multiple complaints  Select the bothering one  The recently changing one  The new one  The backache for last 10 y with same ccc isn’t worrisome but increasing severity is
  • 24. Weight changes  Weight gain should prompt search for edema or ascites  Gradual loss of small amounts of weight is common  losses in excess of 5% of usual body weight over 12 months or less should prompt search of underlying disease Poor personal grooming and hygiene  Can be signs of poor overall function, caregiver neglect, and/or depression; often indicates a need for intervention
  • 25. COMMON PHYSICAL FINDINGS AND THEIR POTENTIAL SIGNIFICANCE IN GERIATRICS VITAL SIGNS Blood Pressure  Psuedo hypertension:( no end organ damage, osler’s maneuver  Assess Orthostatic Hypotension 3 min 20/10 Irregular pulse  Arrhythmias are relatively common in otherwise asymptomatic elderly Temperature  Hypothermia is more common  Absent fever not exclude infection
  • 26. Tachypnea  Baseline rate should be accurately recorded to help assess future complaints (such as dyspnea) or conditions (such as pneumonia or heart failure) Pain  is the 5th vital sign
  • 27. Ulcerations  Lower extremity vascular and neuropathic ulcers common  Pressure ulcers common and easily overlooked in immobile patients Diminished turgor  Often results from atrophy of subcutaneous tissues rather than volume depletion  when dehydration suspected, skin turgor over chest and abdomen most reliable  Bruising :suspect abuse
  • 28. Nail:  Longitudinal ridges  Thin nail plate  Lost lanula  Ingrowing toe nail  Face:  Temporal a palpation ,tenderness  xanthoma Eye  Enophtalmus:dt loss orbital fat  Entropion  Ectropion  Arcus senilis Mouth Missing teeth  Dentures often present; they should be removed to check for evidence of poor fit and other pathology in oral cavity  Xerostomia, fissured tongue, leukoplakia, bleeding gum  edentulous
  • 29.
  • 30. Gum health Area under the tongue is a common site for early malignancies SKIN Multiple lesions  Actinic keratoses and basal cell carcinomas common; most other lesions benign  Ecchymosis may be a sign of abuse CHEST Abnormal lung sounds  Crackles can be heard in the absence of pulmonary disease and heart failure; often indicate atelectasis
  • 31. CARDIOVASCULAR Systolic murmurs  S4 normally may be heard in elderly  Ejection systolic murmur is Common and most often benign; clinical history and bedside maneuvers can help to differentiate those needing further evaluation. Vascular bruits  Carotid bruits may need further evaluation as it confers more coronary and cerebrovascular events  Femoral bruits often present in patients with symptomatic peripheral vascular disease Diminished distal pulses  Presence or absence should be recorded as this information may be diagnostically useful at a later time (e.g., if symptoms of claudication or an embolism develop)
  • 32. BREAST EXAMINATION Retraction of Nipple and areola  Exclude cancer Masses or fixed breast  Test for Consistency and mobility to Exclude cancer ABDOMEN and RECTAL EXAMINATION Prominent aortic pulsation  Suspected abdominal aneurysms should be evaluated by ultrasound Fecal impaction  Common  Should be treated
  • 33. GENITOURINARY Atrophy  Testicular atrophy normal  Atrophic vaginal tissue may cause symptoms (such as dyspareunia and dysuria) and treatment may be beneficial Pelvic prolapse (cystocele, rectocele)  Common and may be unrelated to symptoms; gynecologic evaluation helpful if patient has bothersome, potentially related symptoms Adnexal mass  Malignancy should be excluded Urinary incontinence OR A chronically overfilled and distended bladder  Search for prostate
  • 34. EXTREMITIES Periarticular pain  Can result from a variety of causes and is not always the result of degenerative joint disease; each area of pain should be carefully evaluated and treated Limited range of motion  Often caused by pain resulting from active inflammation, scarring from old injury, or neurologic disease; if limitations impair function, a rehabilitation therapist could be consulted Edema  Can result from venous insufficiency and/or heart failure; mild edema often a cosmetic problem; treatment necessary if impairing ambulation, contributing to nocturia, predisposing to skin breakdown, or causing discomfort  Unilateral edema should prompt search for a proximal obstructive process
  • 35. NEUROLOGIC Abnormal mental status (i.e., confusion, depressed affect)  Delirium, dementia or depression should be assessed. Weakness  Arm drift may be the only sign of residual weakness from a stroke  Proximal muscle weakness (e.g., inability to get out of chair) should be further evaluated; physical therapy may be appropriate
  • 36.
  • 37. Major eye diseases such as cataract, macular degeneration, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy increases with age.  Require eye glasses due to presbyopia.  Often unaware of their visual deficits.
  • 38.  Should ask questions regarding reading, watching television, or driving. (H)  Snellen Chart is used to screen for visual deficits. (T)  Patient stands 20 ft. from the chart and read letters using corrective lens.  Inability to read >20/40 implies impairment in vision.  Referral to Ophthalmologist if needed. (R)
  • 39.
  • 40.
  • 41.  Associated with decreased cognition, depression, dissatisfaction with life, and withdrawal from social activities.  Usually bilateral.  Occurs in the high frequency range.
  • 42. Questions about hearing difficulties. (H)  Inspect ear for impacted cerumen. (E)  Whisper voice ,finger rub test . (E)  Audioscope (T)  Hearing Handicap Inventory. (T)  Referral . (R)
  • 43. Inability to hear 40 decibles tone at 1000 or 2000 Hz in one or both ears implies failed hearing test.
  • 44.  An alternative to hand-held audio scope.  Done by whispering 3 – 6 words at a distance of 8, 12, or 24 inches from the patient’s ear.  Examiner should stand behind the patient and have one ear covered during the examination.  Inability to repeat >50% of the whispered words is considered a failed screening.
  • 45. Whisper Test 3 words 12 to 24 inches Macphee GJA Age Aging, 1988
  • 46. 3. D o e s a h e a r in g p r o b le m c a u s e y o u t o f e e l e m b a r r a s s e d w h e n y o u m e e t n e w p e o p le ? Ye s       S o m e t im e s         N o 4. D o e s a h e a r in g p r o b le m c a u s e y o u t o f e e l f r u s t r a t e d w h e n t a lk in g t o m e m b e r s o f y o u r f a m ily ? Ye s       S o m e t im e s       N o 5. Do yo u ha ve d if f ic u lt y w h e n s ome one s p e a k s in a w h is p e r ? Ye s       S o m e t im e s   No 6. D o y o u f e e l h a n d ic a p p e d b y a h e a r in g p r o b le m ? Ye s       S o m e t im e s       N o 7. Does a h e a r in g p r o b le m c aus e yo u d if f ic u lt y w h e n v is it in g f r ie n d s , r e la t iv e s , o r n e ig h b o r s ? Ye s       S o m e t im e s       N o 8. Does a h e a r in g p r o b le m c a u s e y o u t o a t t e n d r e lig io u s s e r v ic e s le s s o f t e n t h a n y o u w o u ld lik e ? Ye s       S o m e t im e s       N o
  • 47.  INSTRUCTIONS: The purpose of this scale is to identify the problems your hearing loss may be causing you. Please select YES, SOMETIMES, or NO for each question. Do not skip a question if you avoid a situation because of your hearing problem. If you use a hearing aid, please answer the way you hear without a hearing aid.  Total ‘No’ _____ X 0 = _______  Total ‘Yes’ _____ X 4 = _______  Total ‘Sometimes’ _____ X 2 = _______  TOTAL SCORE _______  If your score is greater than 10, a hearing test is recommended
  • 48.
  • 49. MMSE Mini-cog test Clock drawing test Animal naming test
  • 50. ‫‪‬مقياس الحالة العقليةالتوجه ) الهتداء(‬ ‫‪ ‬تقدر تقول لي إحنا في سنة كام ؟‬ ‫‪‬تقدر تقول لي إحنا في فصل إيه؟‬ ‫‪ ‬تقدر تقول لي إحنا في شهر إيه؟‬ ‫/5‬ ‫تقدر تقول لي النهاردة إيه؟‬ ‫‪ ‬تاريخ النهاردة ايه ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫إحنا فين دلوقت؟‬ ‫إحنا في الدور الكام؟‬ ‫`‬ ‫أنت تتبع حي إيه؟‬ ‫‚‬ ‫أنت تتبع محافظة إيه؟‬ ‫°‬ ‫/5‬ ‫‚ إحنا في جمهورية إيه؟‬
  • 51. ‫تسجيل المعلومات‬ ‫ا قولك 3 كلمات, قولهم ورايه, ها سالك عليهم تاني كمان شويه )كورة- شجرة- قلم(‬ ‫/3‬ ‫) أكثر من 5 سنوات دراسة( اطرح 7 من 001 و الباقي شيل منه 7 و أنت نازل, و توقف بعد 5‬ ‫مرات:) 39-68-97-27-56(‬ ‫ذا كان غير قادر علي الطرح: يتهجا كلمة أسيوط‬ ‫) اقل من 5 سنوات دراسة ( اطرح 3 من 02 و الباقي شيل منه 3 وأنت نازل و توقف بعد 5 مرات‬ ‫/5‬ ‫استرجاع الذاكرة:‬ ‫/3‬ ‫قول ال 3 كلمات اللي قولناهم قبل كده )كورة –شجرة- قلم(‬ ‫اللغة:‬
  • 52. ‫اكتب جملة مفيدة أو قول جملة مفيدة‬ ‫•‬ ‫/1‬ ‫ارسم هذا الشكل‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫____________‪Date‬‬ ‫‪_____ Total Score ‬‬
  • 53.  Subjects told to 1 point for the clock circle ▪ Draw a large circle 1 point for all the numbers being in ▪ Fill in the numbers on a clock the correct order face 1 point for the numbers being in the ▪ Set the hands at 8:20 proper special order 1 point for the two hands of the  No time limit given clock  Scoring (subjective): 1 point for the correct time. ▪ 0 (normal) ▪ 1 (mildly abnormal) ▪ 2 (moderately abnormal) ▪ 3 (severely abnormal) A normal score is four or five points.
  • 54.
  • 55. Components  3 item recall: give 3 items, ask to repeat, divert and recall  Clock Drawing Test (CDT) ▪ Normal (0): all numbers present in correct sequence and position and hands readably displayed the represented time  Give 1 point for each recalled word after the CDT distractor. Score 1–3.  A score of O indicates positive screen for dementia.  A score of 1 or 2 with an abnormal CDT indicates positive screen for dementia.  A score of 1 or 2 with a normal CDT indicates negative screen for dementia.  A score of 3 indicates negative screen for dementia
  • 56. Category fluency  Highly sensitive to Alzheimer’s disease  Scoring equals number named in 1 minute  Average performance = 18 per minute  < 12 / minute = abnormal  Requires patient to use temporal lobe semantic stores  60 seconds  Using a cutoff of 15 in one minute:  Sens 87% - 88%  Spec 96%
  • 57.
  • 58. Highest prevalence of depression and suicide in elderly  Geriatric Depression Screen (GDS)- Yesavage  30 y/n questions  15 y/n questions  Single question just as sensitive ▪ Do you feel sad or depressed? ▪ Are you worried something bad will happen to you?
  • 59. ‫:‬ ‫‪ ‬ﺈختر الجواب اﻷنسب لحالتك النفسية خلل اﻷسبوع الماضي‬ ‫1- هل ﺃنت بشك ٍ عام را ٍ عن حياتك ؟ نعم ‪ ‬كل ‪‬‬ ‫ض‬ ‫ل‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫2- هل تخّيت عن العديد من نشاطاتك و ﺇهتماماتك ؟ نعم ‪ ‬كل ‪‬‬ ‫ل‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫3- هل تشعرۥ ﺃ ّ حياتك فارغة ؟ نعم ‪ ‬كل ‪‬‬ ‫ن‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫4- هل تصاب بالملل عادة" ؟ نعم ‪ ‬كل ‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫5- هل ﺃنت في مزا ٍ حسن في ﺃغلبية الوقت ؟ نعم ‪ ‬كل ‪‬‬ ‫ج‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫6- هل تخاف ﺃن يصيبك مكروه ؟ نعم ‪ ‬كل ‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫7- هل تشعرۥ بالسعادة ﺃغلبية الوقت ؟ نعم ‪ ‬كل ‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫8- هل تشعرۥ عادة" ﺃّك بحاجة ﺇلى مساعدة ؟ نعم ‪ ‬كل ‪‬‬ ‫ن‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫9- هل تف ّل البقاء في غرفتك على الخروج و القيام بنشاطا ٍ جديدة ؟ نعم ‪ ‬كل ‪‬‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ض‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫01- هل تشعرۥ ﺃ ّ مشاكل الذاكرة تصيبك ﺃكثر من غيرك ؟ نعم ‪ ‬كل ‪‬‬ ‫ن‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫11- هل تعتقد ﺃّه ﻷم ٌ رائع بقاؤك حيا" الن ؟ نعم ‪ ‬كل ‪‬‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ن‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫21- هل تشعرۥ ﺃّك ل تجدي نفعا" في الوقت الحالي ؟ نعم ‪ ‬كل ‪‬‬ ‫ن‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫31- هل تشعرۥ ﺃّك شديد النشاط ؟ نعم ‪ ‬كل ‪‬‬ ‫ن‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫41- هل تعتقد ﺃ ّ وضعك ميؤوس منه ؟ نعم ‪ ‬كل ‪‬‬ ‫ن‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫51- هل تعتقد ﺃ ّ ﺃغلبية الّاس بوض ٍ ﺃفضل من اّذي ﺃنت عليه ؟ نعم ‪ ‬كل ‪‬‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ع‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ن‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
  • 60. Choose the best answer for how you have felt over the past week:  1. Are you basically satisfied with your life? YES / NO  2. Have you dropped many of your activities and interests? YES / NO  3. Do you feel that your life is empty? YES / NO  4. Do you often get bored? YES / NO  5. Are you in good spirits most of the time? YES / NO  6. Are you afraid that something bad is going to happen to you? YES / NO  7. Do you feel happy most of the time? YES / NO  8. Do you often feel helpless? YES / NO  9. Do you prefer to stay at home, rather than going out and doing new things? YES / NO
  • 61. 10. Do you feel you have more problems with memory than most? YES / NO  11. Do you think it is wonderful to be alive now? YES / NO  12. Do you feel pretty worthless the way you are now? YES / NO  13. Do you feel full of energy? YES / NO  14. Do you feel that your situation is hopeless? YES / NO  15. Do you think that most people are better off than you are? YES / NO  Answers in bold indicate depression. Although differing sensitivities and specificities have been obtained across studies, for clinical purposes a score > 5 points is suggestive of depression and should warrent a follow- up interview. Scores > 10 are almost always depression.
  • 62.
  • 63. Basic Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)  Tasks essential to be independent in your own home or room  Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs)  Tasks essential to be independent in the community  Advanced Activity of Daily Living (AADLs)
  • 64. Bathing (sponge, shower, or tub) Independent: needs no assistance Assisted: needs assistance only in bathing a single part (as back or disabled extremity) Dependent: needs assistance in bathing more than one part of the body and in getting in or out of tub or does not bathe self Dressing Independent: gets clothes from closets and drawers; puts on clothes, outer garments, braces; manages fasteners; act of tying shoes excluded Assisted: need partial assistant Dependent: does not dress self or remains partly undressed Toileting Independent: gets to toilet; gets on and off toilet; arranges clothes; cleans organs of excretion (may manage own bedpan used at night only and may not be using mechanical supports) Assisted: receives assistance in getting to and using toilet Dependent: uses bedpan or commode
  • 65. Transfer Independent: moves in and out of bed independently and moves in and out of chair independently Assisted: using mechanical supports Dependent: assistance in moving in or out of bed and/or chair; does not perform one or more transfers Continence Independent: urination and defecation entirely self-controlled Assisted: : partial or incontinence in urination or defecation; or partial control by enemas, catheters, or regulated use of urinals and/or bedpans Dependent total incontinence in urination or defecation; partial or total control by enemas, catheters, or regulated use of urinals and/or bedpans Feeding: Independent: gets food from plate or its equivalent into mouth (precutting of meat and preparation of food, as buttering bread, are excluded from evaluation) Assisted: assistance in act of feeding Dependent: does not eat all or parenteral feeding
  • 66. The Index of Independence in Activities of Daily Living is based on an evaluation of the functional independence or dependence of patients in bathing, dressing, toileting,transferring, continence, and feeding. Specific definitions of functional independence and dependence appear below the index.  A – Independent in feeding, continence, transferring, toileting, dressing, and bathing  B – Independent in all but one of these functions  C – Independent in all but bathing and one additional function  D – Independent in all but bathing, dressing, and one additional function  E – Independent in all but bathing, dressing, toileting, and one additional function  F – Independent in all but bathing, dressing, toileting, transferring, and one additional function  G – Dependent in all six functions  Other – Dependent in at least two functions, but not classifiable as C, D, E, or F.
  • 67. bility to Use Telephone Operates telephone on own initiation, looks up and dials numbers, etc. 1 Dials a few well-known numbers 1 Answers telephone but does not dial 1 Does not use telephone at all 0 hopping Takes care of all shopping needs independently 1 Shops independently for small purchases 0 Needs to be accompanied on any shopping trip 0
  • 68. ousekeeping Maintains house alone or with occasional assistance (e.g., on heavy work-domestic help‌) 1 Performs light daily tasks such as dishwashing, bed making 1 Performs light daily tasks but cannot maintain acceptable level of cleanliness 1 Needs help with all home maintenance tasks 1 Does not participate in any housekeeping tasks 0 aundry Does personal laundry completely 1 Launders small items ”rinses socks, stockings, etc. 1
  • 69. esponsibility for Own Medications Is responsible for taking medication in correct dosages at correct times 1 Takes responsibility if medication is prepared in advance in separate dosages 0 Is not capable of dispensing own medication 0 bility to Handle Finances Manages financial matters independently (budgets, write checks, pays rent, bills, goes to bank), collects and keeps track of income 1
  • 70.  Evaluates the persons ability to participate in societal, community, and family roles.  It also assesses for recreational and occupational activities. These activities varies among individuals and may be a valuable tools in monitoring functional status prior to the development of disability.
  • 71.  Patient specific activities that can be used to detect subtle functional losses in high functioning patients  Can be job or recreation oriented  Socializing, playing bridge , working, playing golf, playing music, dancing, practicing law, flying a plane, gardening.
  • 72.
  • 73. Food taken (type, quantity, frequency)  No of hot meal / week  Characteristic diet (low salt , low protein)  Alcohol intake  Fluid intake  Dietary fiber  OTC vitamin , herbal medicine  pt’s ability to feed himself  Change in taste ,smell, teeth
  • 74.  MNA® Short Form  Nutrition Screening Initiative  DETERMINE checklist  MUST (Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool)  Nutrition Risk Screening (NRS) (ESPEN)
  • 75. 1. Body mass index (BMI) (kg/m2) 2. Weight loss in past 3 months? 3. Acute illness or major stress in past 3 months? 4. Mobility 5. Dementia or depression 6. Has appetite & food intake declined in past 3 months?
  • 76. MNA > 23: dietary informations  MNA < 17: refer to a specialist, do more comprehensive assessment, using biological markers: albumin, CRP..  MNA between 17 and 23: Were the patient have difficulties, how can we help, useful for intervention studies
  • 77.
  • 78. YES 1. Do you have an illness or condition that made you change the kind and amount of 2 food you eat. 2. Do you eat fewer than two meals per day. 3 3. Do you eat few fruits, vegetables, or milk products. 2 4. Do you have 3 or more drinks of beer, liquor or wine almost every day. 2 5. Do you have tooth or mouth problems that make it hard for you to eat. 2 6. Do you always have enough money to buy food. 4 7. Do you eat alone most of the time. 1 8. Do you take 3 or more different prescribed or over the counter drugs per day. 1 9. Without wanting to, have you lost or gained 10lbs. in the last 6 months. 2 10. Are you physically unable to shop, cook, or feed yourself. 2 A score of 0-2 is good, 3-5 moderate nutritional risk and greater than 6 equal high nutritional risk.
  • 79.
  • 80.
  • 81.
  • 82. Diet  A more precise questionnaire is needed to have the correct amount of consumed intake. ▪ The 7-day dietary record routine seems to have a good reproducibility in assessing the intake of energy and fluids in geriatric patients, but may be to long and to complex for non expert professionals. ▪ 3-day food records could be sufficient for a correct estimation of current food intake.  Some new validated method is proposed as the photography method of nutritional assessment
  • 83.  Physical Exam ▪ Loss of SQ fat ▪ Muscle wasting ▪ Edema in ankles ▪ Edema in sacral area ▪ Ascites ▪ Anthropometric parameters Weight, body mass index are the most important anthropometrics parameters,
  • 84. Weight Individuals removed shoes and heavy cloths prior to weighing.  Height Subjects stood with their scapula, buttocks and heels resting against a wall, the neck was held in a natural non-stretched position, the heels were touching each other, the toe tips formed a 45° angle and the head was held straight with the inferior orbital border in the same horizontal plane as the external auditive conduct (Frankfort's plane).  Body circumferences Mid-brachial, calf, waist and hip circumferences were measured using a flexible non-elastic measuring tape. Individuals stood with feet together and arms resting by their sides. The hip circumference was measured from the maximum perimeter of the buttocks. The waist circumference was taken as the plane between the umbilical scar and the inferior rib border. The waist circumference was used to identify individuals with possible health risks based upon threshold values of ≥ 88 cm for women and ≥ 102 cm for men  Knee-heel length  Body-mass index (BMI) BMI was estimated by dividing weight (kg) by height2 (m2) . Individuals were considered malnourished if their BMI was less than 18.5, normal from 18.5 to 24.9 and overweight if ≥ 25  Waist to hip ratio (WHR) This was estimated by dividing waist circumference by hip circumference . The threshold WHR was ≥ 0.85 for women and ≥ 1.00 for men
  • 85. Biochemical parameters  Plasma albumin, Cholesterol, Hemoglobin and Transferrin are the most used laboratory parameters in long term care.  CRP, total lymphocytes may also be used linked to higher mortality)
  • 86. At entry: Weight, BMI, MNA,  Every 3 months: Weight, if weight loss more than 2 kg, ▪ MNA ▪ Weight each months
  • 87.
  • 88. >6 concurrent diagnosis.  >12 doses of medications per day.  A prior ADE.  A low body weight or BMI.  Age >85 years.  Creatinine clearance <50ml/minute.
  • 89.
  • 90. Previous history of falls causes and treatments.  Did you fall last year ?  Location & circumstances of Fall  Associated symptoms  Other falls or near falls  Medications (including nonprescription) and alcohol  Injury & ability to get up
  • 91.  Lower extremity or quadriceps weakness can evaluated by asking the patient to stand from a seated position in a hard back chair while keeping their hands folded.  Inability to complete this task suggest lower extremity weakness and is highly predictive for future disability.
  • 92. Gait Observations  Initiation of gait Step length Step height  Step continuity Step symmetry Walking stance  Amount of trunk sway Path deviation  Gait speed ▪ 0.8 meters/sec indicates that the patient is capable of independent ambulation within the community. ▪ of 0.6 meters/sec indicates participation in community activities without the use of a wheelchair ▪ Patients who can ambulate 50 feet in the office corridor in 20 seconds or less should be able to walk independently in normal activities
  • 93.  Sitting balance (leaning vs steady)  Ability to rise from chair  Immediate standing balance  Standing balance (wide based, narrow based or assisted)  Sternal nudge  Standing balance w/ eyes closed
  • 94. BALANCE SCORE = _____/16 Gait score=- _____/12 TOTAL SCORE (Gait + Balance ) = _____/28 {< 19 high fall risk, 19-24 medium fall risk, 25-28 low fall risk}
  • 95.
  • 96.
  • 97. ONLY VALID FOR PATIENTS NOT USING AN ASSISTIVE DEVICE  The task of rising from an armless chair, walking 10ft, turn, walk back and sit down is termed the “Get-up and Go Test.” Those taking long than 10 seconds to complete this tasks are at increased risk for falls  Seconds Rating  <10 freely mobile  <20 mostly independent  20-29 variable mobility  >30 assisted mobility  Mathias S, Nayak US, Isaacs B. Balance in elderly patients: the “Get-up and Go” test. Arch phys Med Rehabil. 1986; 67(6): 387-389.
  • 99. Location  Quality  Severity  Duration  Exacerbating/relieving factors  Efficacy of current treatmen  Impact on mobility  Impact on sleep  Impact on appetite  Imact on mood  Impact on social life
  • 100.  Numerical scales  Visual analog scales  Verbal Descriptor scales  Behavioral cues
  • 101.
  • 102.
  • 103. Grimacing  Agitation  Restlessness  Moaning/crying  Guarding  Appetite and activity changes  Irritability/swearing
  • 104.
  • 105.  Duration, severity, symptoms, previous treatment, medications, GU surgery  3 P’s  Position of leakage (supine, sitting, standing)  Protection (pads per day, wetness of pads)  Problem (quality of life)  Reversible causes (Diappers)  Categorize incontinence  Bladder record or diary
  • 106. Mental status  Mobility  Fluid overload  Abdominal exam  Neurologic exam  Pelvic  Rectal
  • 107. Stress test (diagnostic for stress incontinence; specificity >90%)  Post-void residual  Blood Tests (calcium, glucose, BUN, Cr)  Urine Culture  Simple (bedside) Cystometrics
  • 109. Should include availability of help in case of emergency.  Availability of a personal support system.  Living arrangement.  Relationship with (family, friends, neighbours)  Social activities, hobbies, spiritual participation  Need for a caregiver.  Caregiver burdens.  Economic status.  Elder mistreatment.  Advanced directives.
  • 110.  For the frail elderly availability of help from family or friends can determine whether a functionally dependent person remains at home or is institutionalized.  For those frail elders that lack support, a visiting nurse may be helpful in the assessment of home safety and level of personal risk, i.e., stairs, location of bathrooms, bathroom grab bars, and smoke alarms.
  • 111.  S - Do you feel Safe at home? What Stress do you feel in your relationship?  A - Do you feel Afraid or have you been Abused by any of your caregivers?  F - Are there any Family or Friends that you could ask for help or support?  E – Do you have a safe place to go in case of an Emergency? Is it an Emergency now?
  • 112.  Caregiver does not come to appointments  Is concerned about medical costs  History of substance abuse, mental health problems, conflicts with patient  Dominates interview, won’t leave, won’t let patient talk  Defensive, hostile, or indifferent  Dependence on patient for income/housing
  • 113.
  • 114. D - Dementia, Depression, Drugs E - Eyes E - Ears P - Physical Performance, Phalls, Psychosocial I - Incontinence N -Nutrition
  • 115. Start low , go slow  Try to limit number of medications and avoid prescribing “a pill for every ill”  Try not to start two drugs at the same time  Make sure it is the right dose  Avoid “inappropriate medications”- Beers criteria  Watch out for potential drug-drug, drug-disease interactions  Make sure patient and caregiver understand what the medication is for , how and when to take it, possible side effects
  • 116. At least annually:  Ask patient to bring in all medications (including OTC, herbal prep)  Ask patient how each medication is being taken  Look for medications with duplicate therapeutic or pharmacologic profiles  Eliminate unnecessary medications  Simply the medication regimen – fewest possible number of medications and doses per day  Always review any changes in writing with the patient and caregiver, provide the changes in writing