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development, DQ, IQ
    Dr. Ravi Soni
• Maturation of different biological functions-
• Anticipated at a particular age
• Due consideration given to environmental and
  social factors
Gross Motor
Age in months                                   Activity
     3          Neck holding
     5          Roll over
     6          Sits with support
     8          Sits without support, crawling,
     9          Stands with support
     12         Creeps, walks but falls, stands without support
     15         Walks alone, creeps upstairs
     18         Running
     24         Walks stairs 2 feet at a time
     36         Walks up stairs alternate feet, rides tricycle
     48         Walks down stairs alternate feet, hopping
Fine Motor
Age in months                                Activity
     4          Bidextrous reach
     6          Unidextrous reach and transfer, biscuit to mouth (Mouthing)
     9          Immature pincer
     12         Mature pincer, feeds from cup with spilling
     15         Imitates Scribbles, 2 blocks, picks up glass and drinks
     18         Scribbles, 3 blocks, feeds with spoon without spilling
     24         Copies straight line, 6 blocks
     36         Copies circle
     48         Copies plus
     60         Copies triangle
     72         Copies rectangle
     84         Copies diamond
Age in months                                 Activity
     1          Alerts to sounds
     3          Cooing
     4          Laughs aloud
     6          Mono syllables
     9          Bi syllables
     12         1-2 words with meaning
     18         8-10 words
     24         2 word sentences
     36         Gender identity, full name
     48         Story telling, songs, poems
     60         Asks meaning of words
Personal Social skills
Age in months                                 Activity
     2          Social smile

     3          Recognizes mother

     6          Stranger anxiety

     9          Waves bye-bye

     12         Plays ball game

     18         Copies parents in task

     24         Asks for food

     36         Shares toys

     48         Plays in a group

     60         Dressing, undressing, shoe lace tying
Developmental Quotient
Up to 6 yrs.                   Screening tools:
DA/CA *100                        Denver II
   <20- Profound DD               Bharatraj DST
   20-34- Severe DD               Phataks’ Baroda DST
   35-49- Moderate DD             Trivandrum DST
   50-69- Mild DD              Formal Tests:
   70-79- Borderline dev.         Gessell development
   80-84- Below average dev.       schedules
   85-114- Average dev.           Nancy Bayley scale of
   >115- Above average dev.        development
                                Social / Adaptive scales:
                                   Vineland social maturity
Intelligence Quotient
 >6 yrs.             Screening tests:
 MA/CA *100             Peabody Picture vocabulary
                          test III
 Cut off- 70
                         Draw a person task
                         Kaufman brief intelligence
                      Formal tests:
                         Wechsler intelligence test
                         Stanford Binet test
                         Binet Kamat test
      Dr. Ravi Soni
 1910: Presence of a mental defect, inability to manage
  ordinary affairs
   Idiots: Mental age 2 yrs. or younger
   Imbeciles: Mental age 2-7 yrs.
   Morons: Mental age 7-12 yrs.
 1959 (AAMR): 3 diagnostic criteria
   Sub-average intellectual functioning (1 SD below; IQ<=85)
   Impairment in adaptive behavior
   Onset < 16 yrs.
   5 degrees- Borderline, mild, moderate, severe and profound
 1973:
   IQ<=70, 2SD below
   Onset < 16 yrs
   No borderline category
AAIDD- 2002 definition
Significant limitations in
   Intellectual functioning and
   Adaptive behavior- conceptual, social and practical
    adaptive skills
   Onset < 18 yrs.
Assumptions essential
   Limitations in the context of community environments
   Considering cultural and linguistic diversity
   Limitations co exist with strengths
   Limitations: Provision of support
   Strengths: To improve life functioning
DSM IV TR (2000):
 Significantly Sub-average intellectual functioning IQ<= 70
 Deficits in Adaptive behavior in at least two of the
  following areas: communication, self care, home living,
  social/interpersonal skills, use of community resources,
  self direction, functional academic skills, work, leisure,
  health and safety.
 Onset before 18 years
    Mild: 50-55 to 70
    Moderate: 35-40 to 50-55
    Severe: 20-25 to 35-40
    Profound: <20-25
    Mental Retardation, severity unspecified
 1st century- Avicenna- various levels of intelligence
 2nd century- Talmud- “ Shoteh”- wanders alone, tears
  clothes, sleeps in cemetery
 1534- Fitz Herbert- earliest Intelligence test-
 17th century- John Locke- differentiated MR from
  Mental Illness
 1800- Pinel- “Moral treatment of Mental Patients”
 Seguin- First need school in Paris, Seguin Form Board,
  1st President of AAMR
 1905- Binet and Simon- First version of the
  intelligence test
 Penrose- 1st scientific study on ID
 Gessell- Schedule for development
 Change in terminology
   •   Shoteh
   •   Idiots, Imbeciles, Morons
   •   Mental Retardation
   •   Intellectual disability
Degree of MR with IQ          Adult attainment
                              Literacy ++ (6th grade)- educable
Mild (50-69)                  Self-help skills ++
85%                           Good speech ++
                              Semi-skilled work +
                              Literacy + (2nd-3rd grade)
                              Self-help skills ++-Trainable
Moderate (35-49)
                              Domestic speech +
                              Unskilled work with or without
                              supervision +
                              Assisted self-help skills +
Severe (20-34)
                              Minimum speech +
                              Assisted household chores +
                              Speech: Utterances of words +/-
Profound (Below 20)
                              Self-help skills +/-
                              Sensory- motor impairments+
• Prevalence:
• Mild MR sometimes goes unrecognized until
  middle childhood.
• M:F ratio
• 40% between 4 and 18 years of age met
  criteria for at least one psychiatric disorder.
Prenatal causes
 Maternal Toxins
   FAS, FHS
 Others:
   Toxemia, IUGR, Radiation, Trauma
 Familial MR
Prenatal causes
 Genetic causes
 Chromosomal Aberrations:
   Trisomy 21, 13, Cri-du-Chat Syndrome
 Micro deletions:
   Angelmans’ Prader-Willi, Williams’ Syndrome, Rubinstein- Tabyi
 Monogenic Mutations:
   Tuberous Sclerosis, Fragile X syndrome, Metabolic disorders
 Malformations:
   Holoprosencephaly, Lissencephaly, Neural tube defects
 Maternal infections:
Perinatal causes
 Infections:
  – Meningitis, herpes
 Labor complications
  – Trauma, Asphyxia
 Others
  – Hypoglycemia, Hyperbilirubinemia, Seizures
Postnatal Causes
 Infections:
  – Meningitis, herpes
 Toxins:
  – Lead poisoning
 Others:
  – CVA, Tumors, Trauma
Environmental and sociocultural
• Significant deprivation of nutrition and nurturance
• Poor medical care, poor maternal nutrition
• Teenage pregnancies
• Poor postnatal care, malnutrition, exposure to toxic
  substances ( lead ), physical trauma
• Family instability, multiple but inadequate
• Incapacitating mental disorder in parent
Associated Psychiatric problems
           (Dual Diagnosis)
 Axis I + Axis II Disorders
 Brain damage or dysfunction + social and family
  factors -     psychiatric disorders
 3 to 5 times more frequent than in general
 Full range of psychiatric disorders
 Source of high parental stress and social
Highly Prevalent Psychiatric

Short attention span
Self injurious behaviors
Repetitive stereotypal behaviors
Psychiatric illness in ID
 Difficult representation of sample
 Inappropriate developed tests, criteria- Difficulties in
   using diagnostic criteria, scales and tools etc. due to deficits in abstract
   thinking and poor communication skills (intellectual distortion)
 Diagnostic overshadowing
 Information from the patients unreliable
Cognitive impairments
  communicative skills- behavioral responses
  like aggression, irritability
Personality styles and Traits

Negative self image
Low self esteem
Poor frustration tolerance
Interpersonal dependence
Rigid problem solving
Psychiatric illness in ID
Psychological factors
   Low self image
   Outer-directedness, learned helplessness
   Sense of isolation and inadequacy
   Repeated failures and disappointment
Environmental factors:
   Social rejection and stigma, peer attitudes, abuse
   Seizures, sensory, motor impairment, medication side
Behavioral phenotypes
 Specific behaviors characteristically associated
  with specific genetic conditions
 Nyhan 1972
 Does not mean only genetic determinism
 But a combination of genetic, environmental,
  social and biological factors
Behavioral Phenotypes: Examples
           Behavior                      Syndrome
Hyperphagia, obsessions &       Prader-Will syndrome
compulsions, skin-picking
Hand-wringing                   Rett syndrome
Self mutilation                 Lesch-Nyan syndrome
Inappropriate laughter          Angelman syndrome
Cat cry                         Cri-du-chat syndrome
Social anxiety, gaze aversion   Fragile X syndrome
Psychosis                       VCFS, Prader-Willi Syndrome
 Externalizing disorders: manifested in children’s outward
  behavior rather than their internal thoughts and feelings.
   ADHD
   Oppositional defiant disorder
   Conduct disorder
   Mixed presentations
   ODD and Conduct disorder are considered as ‘Disruptive Behavior’.
 Internalizing disorders:
   Anxiety disorder
   Phobias, generalized, panic
   Separation anxiety disorder
   Social anxiety disorder
   Depression
   Obsessive compulsive disorder
Mental retardation and Psychosis
 Hallucinatory behavior, fearfulness, paranoia,
  withdrawn behavior, negative Symptoms, catatonic
  Symptoms, disorganized speech, disorganized
  thought, psychomotor agitation, aggression, Self
  Injurious Behaviors are frequently reported
 Genetic syndromes such as VCFS and Prader-Willi
  may present with MR and psychosis
Mental retardation and Psychosis
 Unusual manifestations:
   Staring to side
   Nodding and gesticulating as if listening to some one
   Shadow boxing with unseen others
   Covering eyes or ears as if shutting out stimuli
   Placing unusual wrappings around neck, wrist or ankles
   Inspecting food with new and out-of-context intensity
   Grimacing or wincing as if smelling or tasting something
Mental retardation and Affective
 Affective disorders in all forms do occur
 Classical criteria may not be elicited, instead behavioral
  equivalents are commonly seen
 Depressive equivalents : irritability, unexplained temper
  tantrums or aggression
 Vegetative, affective, motor, and behavioral symptoms are
  common and thinking and perceptual symptoms are less
 Atypical presentations such as mixed episodes, rapid cycling
  are common
Mental retardation and Affective
           disorders (Cont)
Unusual manifestations
   Mania: excessive laughing, clapping, over familiarity,
    wandering, talking about marriage, sexual disinhibition
     e.g. hugging people of opp. sex, excessive use of
    cosmetics, talking authoritatively, demanding special
    foods, drinking too much fluids, using bad language,
    stubbornness, singing & dancing, and collecting
   Depression: Clinging to mother, weeping, being dull,
    talking less than usual, sleep and app disturbances,
    withdrawn, aches & pains
Mental retardation and ADHD
   ADHD is reported as common co morbid psychiatric
    disorder with a prevalence rate of 8.7 – 16%
   Children with mild MR scored more on dimension
    of ‘disruptive behavior’
   Multiple co-morbidity is common
Mental retardation and PDD
   Around 75% of children with PDD meet the criteria
    for MR
   Common in some genetic conditions such as fragile
    X, tuberous sclerosis and PKU
Instruments specific to this
 PAS-ADD: Psychiatric Assessment Schedule for Adults
  with Developmental Disability (Moss et al, 1998)
 RSMB: Reiss Screen for Maladaptive Behavior (Reiss,
 PIMRA: Psychopathology Inventory for Mental
  Retardation in Adults (Senatore et al, 1985)
 DBC: Developmental Behavior Checklist
Common Associated Physical Problems
 Seizure disorder
 Cerebral palsy
 Visual impairment
 Hearing impairment
 Congenital heart disease
 Cleft lip and cleft palate
 Nutritional deficiencies
 Recurrent infections
 Feeding disorders
 Skin problems
 Dental problems
Important clinical questions
 Reasons for consultation
 Developmental delay : global vs. restricted
 Severity of delay or retardation
 Detectable causes
 Associated medical problems
 Associated psychiatric problems
 Assessment of awareness amongst family
 Parental expectations
 What and how to disclose
Clinical evaluation
History taking
Physical examination
   head-to-toe examination
   look for sensory impairment
   major congenital anomalies
   minor congenital anomalies (4 or more MCAs -
    prenatal diagnosis)
Psychological assessment
Physical investigations
Comprehensive diagnosis
Common syndromes:
Syndrome                Key features
Downs syndrome          Typical facies, short stature, slanting
                        eyes, simian crease, cup-shape ears,
                        clinodactyly, CHD,
Fragile X syndrome      Elongated triangular face, protruding
                        or prominent ears, macro-orchidism

Angelman syndrome       Dysmorphic face - wide mouth, large
                        tongue, thin upper lip, seizures, ataxia
Prader-Willi syndrome   Obesity, short stature, small hands/
                        feet, hypotonia
Tuberous sclerosis      Sebaceous adenomas, ash-leaf
                        macules, shagreen patches
Common syndromes:
Syndrome                    Key features
MPS I& II                   Typical facies, coarse skin, skeletal
                            anomalies, corneal clouding,
Phenylketonuria             Light colored hair, abnormal smell of
                            urine, microcephaly and seizures
Autosomal recessive         Severe congenital microcephaly with
microcephaly                mild to mod MR
Rubinstien Taybi syndrome   Prominent beak-shaped nose, broad
                            thumb and hallux
Cong Hypothyroidism         Lethargy, growth failure, coarse and
                            dry skin, constipation, feeding
                            problems, prominent abdomen,
Downs Syndrome
Fragile X syndrome
Angelmann Syndrome:
Prader Willi Syndrome:
William Syndrome:
                Showing low set and posteriorly
Elfin Facies:   rotated ears:
Tuberous Sclerosis:
Cri Du Chat Syndrome
Rubinstein Taybi Syndrome:
Course and Prognosis
Management principles
 Collect good baseline information including pre-morbid
 Detailed history of evolution of symptoms including onset,
  precipitating factors etc.
 Encourage family and individual to speak and listen to them
 Careful observation and analysis of behavioral profile
 Plan for an individualized comprehensive multi-modal
  intervention package
 Use the knowledge and support from care takers and family
  (collateral history)
 Regular periodical reviews
Management principles (Cont)
 Early detection &        Developmental
  intervention              Assessment including
 Parent counseling &       IQ
  training, Parent         Skills training (e.g.
  management training       Social, communication)
 Pharmacological Rx       Age appropriate
 Behavior modification     concepts development
                           Individual counseling
                           Normalization
                           Habilitation
• Mid 1800 – Institutionalization
• After mid – 1900 – Deinstitutionalization, With the
  philosophy of ‘Normalization’ in living situations and
  ‘Inclusion’ in educational settings.
• “The education for all Handicapped Children Act”
  passed in 1975 mandates the public school system to
  provision of appropriate educational service to all
  children with disabilities.
• Currently provision for all children, including those
  with disabilities, ”within the least restrictive
  environment” is mandated by law.
 Urine screen for abnormal metabolites: Phenyketonuria,
  homocysteinuria, galactosemia, MPS (Heparan Sulfate)
 Thyroid function test: Hypothyroidism
 Advanced metabolic tests (Gas chromatographic Mass
  Spectroscopic (GCMS), tandem mass spectroscopy
  (TMS):Wide range of neuro-metaboloic disorders such as
  fatty acid oxidation disorders, aminoacidopathies, urea
  cycle disorders and organic acidurias
 Enzyme studies: Tay-Sachs disease (Hexosaminidase),
  metachromatic leukodystrophy (Sulphatase A)
 Karyotyping: Down syndrome, other chromosomal
 FISH: Prader -Willi syndrome, William syndrome, Sub-
  telomeric deletions
 Molecular genetics : Fragile X syndrome (FMR1 mutation),
  Rett syndrome (MECP2 mutation),
 Brain imaging: Tuberous sclerosis, lissencepahly,
 EEG: Epileptic encephalopathies such as West syndrome
  ( infantile spasms, Hypsarrhythmia, deve. regression )
 Visual evaluation: Cataract, Optic atrophy, cortical
  blindness, refractive error
 Immunologic tests (Ig M antibodies): TORCH infections
 Around 20-45% of persons with MR are given
  psychotropics (Unwin GL, 2008)
 Persons with MR respond to psychotropic
  medications in ways similar to the typically
  developing individuals
 Rates of response tend to be poorer and
  occurrence of side effects tends to be more
 Greater monitoring, use of lower doses and
  slower dosage increments seem to be essential
Pharmacotherapy (Cont)
Circumstances for the use of
 Failure of non-drug interventions
 Risk of harm to self or others or property
 High frequency/severity of behavioral
 To treat underlying psychiatric disorders
Some guidelines while starting a
 Prior to prescription:
   Medical and psychosocial causes for behavioral disorder must be ruled
   Psychiatric diagnoses should be seriously tried
   The least intrusive and most positive interventions should be used
 When medication is prescribed:
   It should be integral part of treatment plan
   It should not diminish the patients’ functional status
   The lowest effective dose should be tried
   Dose reduction should be considered periodically unless clinically
   Adverse effects should be monitored periodically
Pharmacotherapy (Cont)
 Anti-psychotics:
   Atypicals are preferred over typicals
   EPS and sedation are more frequently reported
   Frequent monitoring and rationalization are must
   Try to taper, stop and reassess the need to continue
   May not require for prolonged durations
   Anti cholinergic medication can be used if individual
 Anti convulsants:
   Seizures- common co morbid condition
   Sodium valproate
   Carbamazepine contraindicated in myoclonic seizures
   Phenobarbitone- hyper activity
Pharmacotherapy (Cont)
Rx of ADHD
   Psycho stimulants: Methylphenidate,
   Most frequently prescribed medication in this
   IQ above 50 – better response
   Greater risk for side effects such as tics and social
    withdrawal, worsening of seizures
   Clonidine may be used in some children with
    hyper arousal, aggressive hyperactivity and tics
Aggression and its various causes
Medical illness              Treat medical condition

Pre-seizure irritability     Anticonvulsants

Mood disorders               SSRIs or mood stabilizers

Task related anxiety         CBT and anti anxiety drugs

Associated with delusions    Anti-psychotics

Inability to express needs   Teach functional
                             communication skills
 Aggression and self injurious behavior:
  lithium, naltrexone, carbamazepine,
  valproate, risperidone.
 Stereotypical motor movements: anti
  psychotics, SSRIS.
 Explosive rage behavior: Beta blockers,
BM Techniques for building new
 Goal specification: Specified description of desired behavior
  to be learnt, based on current skills level and needs
 Task analysis: Breaking activity into sequential steps; number
  of steps depends on child’s learning capacity
 Rewarding: Pleasant event following a given behavior; can be
  material (food) or social (praise, attention); should be
  immediate, consistent, appropriate and contingent
 Modeling: Showing how, or demonstrating, so that the child
  imitate and learn
 Chaining: Breaking the task into small steps and teaching one
  after another
BM Techniques for building new
 Back chaining: Teaching the last step first and
  then going backwards
 Forward chaining: Teaching the first step first
 Prompting: Assisting the child verbally or
  physically (hand over hand, gesturing,
  pointing) and gradually fading the assistance
BM techniques to eliminate unwanted
 Disregarding: Ignoring the behavior (as if it is not occurring at
  all) but continuing the attention to child
 Ignoring: Ignoring both the child and behavior
 Limit-setting: Clearly communicating what is acceptable and
  unacceptable behaviors to child and enforcing these
 Blocking: Preventing the behavior from being completed
  (example aggression).
 Time-out (from positive reinforcement): Removal of
  attention and reinforcement contingent upon occurrence of a
  specified maladaptive / undesirable behavior
BM techniques to eliminate unwanted
 Differential reinforcement of other behavior: Noticing and
  rewarding the child while he or she shows desirable behavior
  or when undesirable behavior is absent (catching the child
  being good and praising)
 Over-correction: Child has to not only restore but do
  something more to set right whatever damage or disturbance
  that has occurred as a result of undesirable behavior
 I like living. I have sometimes been wildly,
  despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow,
  but through it all I still know quite certainly that just
  to be alive is a grand thing.
  -- Agatha Christie
Thank you
Which is the most common inherited cause
  of learning disability?
 Downs Syndrome
 Phenylketonuria
 Fragile X Syndrome
 Patau Syndrome
In which of the following disorders ‘Gaze
  Aversion’ is present other than Fragile X
 Cry Du Chat Syndrome
 Autism
 Downs Syndrome
Which of the following is not a X-linked
  inherited syndrome?
 Retts Syndrome
 Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome
 Niemann-Pick Disease
 Fabry’s Disease
Which of the following disorders or
  behaviors are more common in patients with
  Mild Intellectual Disability?
 Autistic behaviors
 Self injurious behaviors
 Disruptive and Conduct disorder Behaviors
 Repetitive stereotypal behaviors

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Intellectual disability

  • 2. Introduction • Maturation of different biological functions- milestones • Anticipated at a particular age • Due consideration given to environmental and social factors
  • 3. Gross Motor Age in months Activity 3 Neck holding 5 Roll over 6 Sits with support 8 Sits without support, crawling, 9 Stands with support 12 Creeps, walks but falls, stands without support 15 Walks alone, creeps upstairs 18 Running 24 Walks stairs 2 feet at a time 36 Walks up stairs alternate feet, rides tricycle 48 Walks down stairs alternate feet, hopping
  • 4. Fine Motor Age in months Activity 4 Bidextrous reach 6 Unidextrous reach and transfer, biscuit to mouth (Mouthing) 9 Immature pincer 12 Mature pincer, feeds from cup with spilling 15 Imitates Scribbles, 2 blocks, picks up glass and drinks 18 Scribbles, 3 blocks, feeds with spoon without spilling 24 Copies straight line, 6 blocks 36 Copies circle 48 Copies plus 60 Copies triangle 72 Copies rectangle 84 Copies diamond
  • 5. Language Age in months Activity 1 Alerts to sounds 3 Cooing 4 Laughs aloud 6 Mono syllables 9 Bi syllables 12 1-2 words with meaning 18 8-10 words 24 2 word sentences 36 Gender identity, full name 48 Story telling, songs, poems 60 Asks meaning of words
  • 6. Personal Social skills Age in months Activity 2 Social smile 3 Recognizes mother 6 Stranger anxiety 9 Waves bye-bye 12 Plays ball game 18 Copies parents in task 24 Asks for food 36 Shares toys 48 Plays in a group 60 Dressing, undressing, shoe lace tying
  • 7. Developmental Quotient Up to 6 yrs. Screening tools: DA/CA *100  Denver II  <20- Profound DD  Bharatraj DST  20-34- Severe DD  Phataks’ Baroda DST  35-49- Moderate DD  Trivandrum DST  50-69- Mild DD Formal Tests:  70-79- Borderline dev.  Gessell development  80-84- Below average dev. schedules  85-114- Average dev.  Nancy Bayley scale of  >115- Above average dev. development Social / Adaptive scales:  Vineland social maturity scale
  • 8. DQ:
  • 9. Intelligence Quotient  >6 yrs.  Screening tests:  MA/CA *100  Peabody Picture vocabulary test III  Cut off- 70  Draw a person task  Kaufman brief intelligence test  Formal tests:  Wechsler intelligence test  Stanford Binet test  Binet Kamat test
  • 11. Definitions  1910: Presence of a mental defect, inability to manage ordinary affairs  Idiots: Mental age 2 yrs. or younger  Imbeciles: Mental age 2-7 yrs.  Morons: Mental age 7-12 yrs.  1959 (AAMR): 3 diagnostic criteria  Sub-average intellectual functioning (1 SD below; IQ<=85)  Impairment in adaptive behavior  Onset < 16 yrs.  5 degrees- Borderline, mild, moderate, severe and profound  1973:  IQ<=70, 2SD below  Onset < 16 yrs  No borderline category
  • 12. AAIDD- 2002 definition Significant limitations in  Intellectual functioning and  Adaptive behavior- conceptual, social and practical adaptive skills  Onset < 18 yrs. Assumptions essential  Limitations in the context of community environments  Considering cultural and linguistic diversity  Limitations co exist with strengths  Limitations: Provision of support  Strengths: To improve life functioning
  • 13. DSM IV TR (2000):  Significantly Sub-average intellectual functioning IQ<= 70  Deficits in Adaptive behavior in at least two of the following areas: communication, self care, home living, social/interpersonal skills, use of community resources, self direction, functional academic skills, work, leisure, health and safety.  Onset before 18 years  Mild: 50-55 to 70  Moderate: 35-40 to 50-55  Severe: 20-25 to 35-40  Profound: <20-25  Mental Retardation, severity unspecified
  • 14. History:  1st century- Avicenna- various levels of intelligence  2nd century- Talmud- “ Shoteh”- wanders alone, tears clothes, sleeps in cemetery  1534- Fitz Herbert- earliest Intelligence test-  17th century- John Locke- differentiated MR from Mental Illness  1800- Pinel- “Moral treatment of Mental Patients”  Seguin- First need school in Paris, Seguin Form Board, 1st President of AAMR
  • 15. History:  1905- Binet and Simon- First version of the intelligence test  Penrose- 1st scientific study on ID  Gessell- Schedule for development  Change in terminology • Shoteh • Idiots, Imbeciles, Morons • Mental Retardation • Intellectual disability
  • 16. Classification Degree of MR with IQ Adult attainment Literacy ++ (6th grade)- educable Mild (50-69) Self-help skills ++ 85% Good speech ++ Semi-skilled work + Literacy + (2nd-3rd grade) Self-help skills ++-Trainable Moderate (35-49) Domestic speech + 10% Unskilled work with or without supervision + Assisted self-help skills + Severe (20-34) Minimum speech + 3-4% Assisted household chores + Speech: Utterances of words +/- Profound (Below 20) Self-help skills +/- 1-2% Sensory- motor impairments+
  • 17. • Prevalence: • Mild MR sometimes goes unrecognized until middle childhood. • M:F ratio • 40% between 4 and 18 years of age met criteria for at least one psychiatric disorder.
  • 18. Prenatal causes  Maternal Toxins  FAS, FHS  Others:  Toxemia, IUGR, Radiation, Trauma  Familial MR
  • 19. Prenatal causes  Genetic causes  Chromosomal Aberrations:  Trisomy 21, 13, Cri-du-Chat Syndrome  Micro deletions:  Angelmans’ Prader-Willi, Williams’ Syndrome, Rubinstein- Tabyi syndrome  Monogenic Mutations:  Tuberous Sclerosis, Fragile X syndrome, Metabolic disorders  Malformations:  Holoprosencephaly, Lissencephaly, Neural tube defects  Maternal infections:  TORCH, HIV
  • 20. Perinatal causes  Infections: – Meningitis, herpes  Labor complications – Trauma, Asphyxia  Others – Hypoglycemia, Hyperbilirubinemia, Seizures
  • 21. Postnatal Causes  Infections: – Meningitis, herpes  Toxins: – Lead poisoning  Others: – CVA, Tumors, Trauma
  • 22. Environmental and sociocultural factors • Significant deprivation of nutrition and nurturance • Poor medical care, poor maternal nutrition prenatally • Teenage pregnancies • Poor postnatal care, malnutrition, exposure to toxic substances ( lead ), physical trauma • Family instability, multiple but inadequate caretakers • Incapacitating mental disorder in parent
  • 23. Associated Psychiatric problems (Dual Diagnosis)  Axis I + Axis II Disorders  Brain damage or dysfunction + social and family factors - psychiatric disorders  3 to 5 times more frequent than in general population  Full range of psychiatric disorders  Source of high parental stress and social embracement
  • 24. Highly Prevalent Psychiatric Symptoms Hyperactivity Short attention span Self injurious behaviors Repetitive stereotypal behaviors
  • 25. Psychiatric illness in ID Assessment: Difficult representation of sample Inappropriate developed tests, criteria- Difficulties in using diagnostic criteria, scales and tools etc. due to deficits in abstract thinking and poor communication skills (intellectual distortion) Diagnostic overshadowing Information from the patients unreliable Cognitive impairments  communicative skills- behavioral responses like aggression, irritability
  • 26. Personality styles and Traits Negative self image Low self esteem Poor frustration tolerance Interpersonal dependence Rigid problem solving
  • 27. Psychiatric illness in ID Psychological factors  Low self image  Outer-directedness, learned helplessness  Sense of isolation and inadequacy  Repeated failures and disappointment Environmental factors:  Social rejection and stigma, peer attitudes, abuse potential Medical:  Seizures, sensory, motor impairment, medication side effects
  • 28. Behavioral phenotypes  Specific behaviors characteristically associated with specific genetic conditions  Nyhan 1972  Does not mean only genetic determinism  But a combination of genetic, environmental, social and biological factors
  • 29. Behavioral Phenotypes: Examples Behavior Syndrome Hyperphagia, obsessions & Prader-Will syndrome compulsions, skin-picking Hand-wringing Rett syndrome Self mutilation Lesch-Nyan syndrome Inappropriate laughter Angelman syndrome Cat cry Cri-du-chat syndrome Social anxiety, gaze aversion Fragile X syndrome Psychosis VCFS, Prader-Willi Syndrome
  • 30.  Externalizing disorders: manifested in children’s outward behavior rather than their internal thoughts and feelings.  ADHD  Oppositional defiant disorder  Conduct disorder  Mixed presentations  ODD and Conduct disorder are considered as ‘Disruptive Behavior’.  Internalizing disorders:  Anxiety disorder  Phobias, generalized, panic  Separation anxiety disorder  Social anxiety disorder  Depression  Obsessive compulsive disorder
  • 31. Mental retardation and Psychosis  Hallucinatory behavior, fearfulness, paranoia, withdrawn behavior, negative Symptoms, catatonic Symptoms, disorganized speech, disorganized thought, psychomotor agitation, aggression, Self Injurious Behaviors are frequently reported  Genetic syndromes such as VCFS and Prader-Willi may present with MR and psychosis
  • 32. Mental retardation and Psychosis (cont)  Unusual manifestations:  Staring to side  Nodding and gesticulating as if listening to some one  Shadow boxing with unseen others  Covering eyes or ears as if shutting out stimuli  Placing unusual wrappings around neck, wrist or ankles  Inspecting food with new and out-of-context intensity  Grimacing or wincing as if smelling or tasting something foul
  • 33. Mental retardation and Affective disorders  Affective disorders in all forms do occur  Classical criteria may not be elicited, instead behavioral equivalents are commonly seen  Depressive equivalents : irritability, unexplained temper tantrums or aggression  Vegetative, affective, motor, and behavioral symptoms are common and thinking and perceptual symptoms are less common  Atypical presentations such as mixed episodes, rapid cycling are common
  • 34. Mental retardation and Affective disorders (Cont) Unusual manifestations  Mania: excessive laughing, clapping, over familiarity, wandering, talking about marriage, sexual disinhibition e.g. hugging people of opp. sex, excessive use of cosmetics, talking authoritatively, demanding special foods, drinking too much fluids, using bad language, stubbornness, singing & dancing, and collecting rubbish  Depression: Clinging to mother, weeping, being dull, talking less than usual, sleep and app disturbances, withdrawn, aches & pains
  • 35. Mental retardation and ADHD  ADHD is reported as common co morbid psychiatric disorder with a prevalence rate of 8.7 – 16%  Children with mild MR scored more on dimension of ‘disruptive behavior’  Multiple co-morbidity is common Mental retardation and PDD  Around 75% of children with PDD meet the criteria for MR  Common in some genetic conditions such as fragile X, tuberous sclerosis and PKU
  • 36. Instruments specific to this population:  PAS-ADD: Psychiatric Assessment Schedule for Adults with Developmental Disability (Moss et al, 1998)  RSMB: Reiss Screen for Maladaptive Behavior (Reiss, 1988)  PIMRA: Psychopathology Inventory for Mental Retardation in Adults (Senatore et al, 1985)  DBC: Developmental Behavior Checklist
  • 37. Common Associated Physical Problems  Seizure disorder  Cerebral palsy  Visual impairment  Hearing impairment  Congenital heart disease  Cleft lip and cleft palate  Nutritional deficiencies  Recurrent infections  Feeding disorders  Skin problems  Dental problems
  • 38. Important clinical questions  Reasons for consultation  Developmental delay : global vs. restricted  Severity of delay or retardation  Detectable causes  Associated medical problems  Associated psychiatric problems  Assessment of awareness amongst family  Parental expectations  What and how to disclose
  • 39. Clinical evaluation History taking Physical examination  head-to-toe examination  look for sensory impairment  major congenital anomalies  minor congenital anomalies (4 or more MCAs - prenatal diagnosis) Psychological assessment Physical investigations Comprehensive diagnosis
  • 40.
  • 41.
  • 42. Common syndromes: Syndrome Key features Downs syndrome Typical facies, short stature, slanting eyes, simian crease, cup-shape ears, clinodactyly, CHD, Fragile X syndrome Elongated triangular face, protruding or prominent ears, macro-orchidism Angelman syndrome Dysmorphic face - wide mouth, large tongue, thin upper lip, seizures, ataxia Prader-Willi syndrome Obesity, short stature, small hands/ feet, hypotonia Tuberous sclerosis Sebaceous adenomas, ash-leaf macules, shagreen patches
  • 43. Common syndromes: Syndrome Key features MPS I& II Typical facies, coarse skin, skeletal anomalies, corneal clouding, hepatosplenomegaly Phenylketonuria Light colored hair, abnormal smell of urine, microcephaly and seizures Autosomal recessive Severe congenital microcephaly with microcephaly mild to mod MR Rubinstien Taybi syndrome Prominent beak-shaped nose, broad thumb and hallux Cong Hypothyroidism Lethargy, growth failure, coarse and dry skin, constipation, feeding problems, prominent abdomen, bradycardia
  • 48. William Syndrome: Showing low set and posteriorly Elfin Facies: rotated ears:
  • 50. Cri Du Chat Syndrome
  • 54. Management principles  Collect good baseline information including pre-morbid states  Detailed history of evolution of symptoms including onset, precipitating factors etc.  Encourage family and individual to speak and listen to them genuinely  Careful observation and analysis of behavioral profile  Plan for an individualized comprehensive multi-modal intervention package  Use the knowledge and support from care takers and family (collateral history)  Regular periodical reviews
  • 55. Management principles (Cont)  Early detection &  Developmental intervention Assessment including  Parent counseling & IQ training, Parent  Skills training (e.g. management training Social, communication)  Pharmacological Rx  Age appropriate  Behavior modification concepts development  Individual counseling  Normalization  Habilitation
  • 56. Normalization • Mid 1800 – Institutionalization • After mid – 1900 – Deinstitutionalization, With the philosophy of ‘Normalization’ in living situations and ‘Inclusion’ in educational settings. • “The education for all Handicapped Children Act” passed in 1975 mandates the public school system to provision of appropriate educational service to all children with disabilities. • Currently provision for all children, including those with disabilities, ”within the least restrictive environment” is mandated by law.
  • 58. Investigations  Urine screen for abnormal metabolites: Phenyketonuria, homocysteinuria, galactosemia, MPS (Heparan Sulfate)  Thyroid function test: Hypothyroidism  Advanced metabolic tests (Gas chromatographic Mass Spectroscopic (GCMS), tandem mass spectroscopy (TMS):Wide range of neuro-metaboloic disorders such as fatty acid oxidation disorders, aminoacidopathies, urea cycle disorders and organic acidurias  Enzyme studies: Tay-Sachs disease (Hexosaminidase), metachromatic leukodystrophy (Sulphatase A)  Karyotyping: Down syndrome, other chromosomal disorders
  • 59. Investigations  FISH: Prader -Willi syndrome, William syndrome, Sub- telomeric deletions  Molecular genetics : Fragile X syndrome (FMR1 mutation), Rett syndrome (MECP2 mutation),  Brain imaging: Tuberous sclerosis, lissencepahly, Holoprosencephaly  EEG: Epileptic encephalopathies such as West syndrome ( infantile spasms, Hypsarrhythmia, deve. regression )  Visual evaluation: Cataract, Optic atrophy, cortical blindness, refractive error  Immunologic tests (Ig M antibodies): TORCH infections
  • 60. Pharmacotherapy  Around 20-45% of persons with MR are given psychotropics (Unwin GL, 2008)  Persons with MR respond to psychotropic medications in ways similar to the typically developing individuals  Rates of response tend to be poorer and occurrence of side effects tends to be more frequent  Greater monitoring, use of lower doses and slower dosage increments seem to be essential steps
  • 61. Pharmacotherapy (Cont) Circumstances for the use of medication:  Failure of non-drug interventions  Risk of harm to self or others or property  High frequency/severity of behavioral problem  To treat underlying psychiatric disorders
  • 62. Some guidelines while starting a medication:  Prior to prescription:  Medical and psychosocial causes for behavioral disorder must be ruled out  Psychiatric diagnoses should be seriously tried  The least intrusive and most positive interventions should be used  When medication is prescribed:  It should be integral part of treatment plan  It should not diminish the patients’ functional status  The lowest effective dose should be tried  Dose reduction should be considered periodically unless clinically contraindicated  Adverse effects should be monitored periodically
  • 63. Pharmacotherapy (Cont)  Anti-psychotics:  Atypicals are preferred over typicals  EPS and sedation are more frequently reported  Frequent monitoring and rationalization are must  Try to taper, stop and reassess the need to continue  May not require for prolonged durations  Anti cholinergic medication can be used if individual requires  Anti convulsants:  Seizures- common co morbid condition  Sodium valproate  Carbamazepine contraindicated in myoclonic seizures  Phenobarbitone- hyper activity
  • 64. Pharmacotherapy (Cont) Rx of ADHD  Psycho stimulants: Methylphenidate, amphetamines  Most frequently prescribed medication in this population  IQ above 50 – better response  Greater risk for side effects such as tics and social withdrawal, worsening of seizures  Clonidine may be used in some children with hyper arousal, aggressive hyperactivity and tics
  • 65. Aggression and its various causes Medical illness Treat medical condition Pre-seizure irritability Anticonvulsants Mood disorders SSRIs or mood stabilizers Task related anxiety CBT and anti anxiety drugs Associated with delusions Anti-psychotics Inability to express needs Teach functional communication skills
  • 66.  Aggression and self injurious behavior: lithium, naltrexone, carbamazepine, valproate, risperidone.  Stereotypical motor movements: anti psychotics, SSRIS.  Explosive rage behavior: Beta blockers, antipsychotics.
  • 67. BM Techniques for building new skills:  Goal specification: Specified description of desired behavior to be learnt, based on current skills level and needs  Task analysis: Breaking activity into sequential steps; number of steps depends on child’s learning capacity  Rewarding: Pleasant event following a given behavior; can be material (food) or social (praise, attention); should be immediate, consistent, appropriate and contingent  Modeling: Showing how, or demonstrating, so that the child imitate and learn  Chaining: Breaking the task into small steps and teaching one after another
  • 68. BM Techniques for building new skills:  Back chaining: Teaching the last step first and then going backwards  Forward chaining: Teaching the first step first  Prompting: Assisting the child verbally or physically (hand over hand, gesturing, pointing) and gradually fading the assistance
  • 69. BM techniques to eliminate unwanted behaviors  Disregarding: Ignoring the behavior (as if it is not occurring at all) but continuing the attention to child  Ignoring: Ignoring both the child and behavior  Limit-setting: Clearly communicating what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviors to child and enforcing these  Blocking: Preventing the behavior from being completed (example aggression).  Time-out (from positive reinforcement): Removal of attention and reinforcement contingent upon occurrence of a specified maladaptive / undesirable behavior
  • 70. BM techniques to eliminate unwanted behaviors  Differential reinforcement of other behavior: Noticing and rewarding the child while he or she shows desirable behavior or when undesirable behavior is absent (catching the child being good and praising)  Over-correction: Child has to not only restore but do something more to set right whatever damage or disturbance that has occurred as a result of undesirable behavior
  • 71.  I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing. -- Agatha Christie
  • 73. MCQ Which is the most common inherited cause of learning disability?  Downs Syndrome  Phenylketonuria  Fragile X Syndrome  Patau Syndrome
  • 74. MCQ In which of the following disorders ‘Gaze Aversion’ is present other than Fragile X Syndrome?  ADHD  Cry Du Chat Syndrome  Autism  Downs Syndrome
  • 75. MCQ Which of the following is not a X-linked inherited syndrome?  Retts Syndrome  Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome  Niemann-Pick Disease  Fabry’s Disease
  • 76. MCQ Which of the following disorders or behaviors are more common in patients with Mild Intellectual Disability?  Autistic behaviors  Self injurious behaviors  Disruptive and Conduct disorder Behaviors  Repetitive stereotypal behaviors