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The art of engagement…

A practical guide to turning patient
    views into meaningful data
Aims of the day
•   To turn information into relevant key messages tailored to engage
    different stakeholders (e.g. local commissioners, providers, people
    with epilepsy)
•   To understand the process of service user engagement and be
    equipped to carry it out
•   To practice the facilitation skills needed to collect qualitative data
    from service users in a local area
•   To analyse information mapped to identify gaps in service provision
•   To understand the different types of health data within a local
    authority area or health economy and how to access public domain
    and UCB data
•   To understand presentation of numerical and graphical data
•   To collate relevant data to map existing service provision
9.00- 9.30    Arrival and coffee

9.30-9.40     Welcome, introductions and expectations for the day
9.40-9.50     The importance of baseline data – setting the scene, Charlie Peel
9.50- 9.55    Questions
9.55-10.05    Introduction to the workshop – what we’re doing and why
10.05-10.35   Step 1: Finding your stakeholders
              Step 2: Deciding how to access them
10.35-10.40   Break
10.40-11.20   Step 3: Gathering the information
11.20-12.00   Step 4: Analysing your findings
12.00-12.50   Step 5: Presenting your findings
12.50-13.00   Opportunity for any burning questions
13.00-14.00   Lunch
14.00-16.00   UCB session on data
16.00-16.30   Reflection on original hopes for the day
              Agreement of future action, and close
Understanding an area:
the importance of baseline data
          Charlie Peel
        Project Manager
•   What does ‘data’ mean?
•   Why is it important and what can it tell you?
•   How can we use it?
•   Discussion:
    – what sort of data is available to you?
    – How can you use it?
Data – what it means
• Dictionary definition:
  ‘Factual information, especially information
  organised for analysis or used to reason or
  make decisions.’
• Anything which:
   –    tells a story,
   –   demonstrates experience,
   –   provides insight,
   –   helps understanding.
Why do we need it?
• To reinforce anecdotal or suggested
• To understand the reality of local services
  and support from all angles
• To highlight discrepancies or possible
  problems in current systems
• To measure progress
• To understand if changes made are
What constitutes as data?
• Qualitative             • Quantitative
  – Patient opinion and       – HES and SUS records
    user experience           – Service user info
  – Professional opinion of     gathered through
    services                    survey or en masse
  – PROMs                     – What services are
                                actually purchased and
  – Hospital / services         delivered
    surveys                   – Financial records and
  – Individual’s case study     budgets
  – Audit and mapping         – Waiting times
                              – Audit and mapping
What counts as a service?
• Baseline data of an area is essentially trying to get a
  picture, in as many colours as possible, of local
• ‘Services’ can mean:
   –   Healthcare services within acute setting
   –   Healthcare and social care services in the community
   –   Personal assistants
   –   Equipment, adaptations, suitable housing or
   –   Vocational support
   –   Leisure and sport facilities
   –   Financial support and benefits advice
   –   Complementary medicines such as acupuncture or
How can we use it?
• The mapping triangle: core elements to
  understanding services
                         National policy,
                      guidance and agreed
                          best practice

  What services are                         What local people are
  actually in place                            experiencing
How can we use it?
The mapping triangle – what services
should be like                 What NICE /
                                   other regulatory
                                     bodies say
      Positive        National
                    guidance and
                                        What the
                                        What the
                     agreed best        national
                       practice       charities say
                                       charities say
   What the Royal
    Colleges say
How can we use it?
   How teams,
   sectors and                What services       What data
                                                  What data
  levels of care               are in place       indicates
   are working

                    What professionals             What
                   say they’re providing      commissioners
                                               think they’re
                                                planning &
The mapping triangle –
what services are like
How can we use it?
                         What service users
 What people            say they’re receiving
 think of the
                    What local             What information
                                           What information
                    people are               people can
                                             people can
                   experiencing                access
How families
  view the
services and
   support      The mapping triangle – how
  available     people experience those services
Gaps that can be unearthed
What commissioners think     V.   What is actually delivered
they’re planning
What HES / SUS data          V.      How systems are
shows                             actually working
What services are            V.   What are available to
available to one person           another person with the
                                  same condition…
                             V.   What service users are
  What professionals think        actually able to access
they are delivering
Baselines that can be
• What services are in place, where they are and
  who can access them?
• What referral routes are in place and how they are
• How many elective and non-elective admissions
  there are for a specific client group?
• What are waiting times for services and
• What is the satisfaction level with any given
• Information currently available and format
• Current spend on existing services
How can you use this info?
Finding                      Use
1.High volume of             1.Improved self
unplanned epilepsy           management; ‘Message in
admissions                   a bottle’
2.Public transport is        2.Changes to public
affecting people’s ability   transport; increased
                             vocational support
to work
                             3.Regular meds reviews
3.Individuals don’t feel     specifically commissioned;
confident that their         community pharmacists
meds are correct             trained to provide reviews
Introduction to the workshop:
  What we’re doing and why
         Angie Pullen
Finding your stakeholders and
deciding how to access them
Case Study
A neurology audit has taken place in Norfolk, Great Yarmouth and
Waveney from July to December 2012. At the same time, some
investigative work into epilepsy services was being undertaken by
the local epilepsy specialist nurse and the Head of Long Term
Conditions for West Norfolk.

They feel that epilepsy services are under resourced locally and that
people with epilepsy are not able to access the services they need
to best support them. The neurology audit findings largely back the
anecdotal evidence that was being gathered around epilepsy
services. These findings have created an opportunity to highlight
epilepsy service provision as a specific stream of work needed.

You have been asked to work with the Head of LTC and the epilepsy
specialist nurse to gather views and experiences from people living
with epilepsy and those caring for people who are, across young
people and adults. The data you gather on individuals will be used
alongside the existing audit data, and the additional data being
gathered by the professionals. It will all be drawn together to make a
case to the commissioners for epilepsy to be focussed on as an
single condition.
The data you gather on individuals will be used
alongside the existing audit data, and the additional data
being gathered by the professionals. It will all be drawn
together to make a case to the commissioners for
epilepsy to be focussed on as an single condition.
• What is a stakeholder?
• How would you begin the task of
  identifying stakeholders in a certain area?
• What approaches and strategies would
  you take in communicating with new
Part 1: Identify your stakeholders
People with
                  CCG             Commissioners
                  Epilepsy Action
Local GPs
                  Carers         Neurologist
Local authority   Health and
Part 2: Prioritise your stakeholders
Part 3: Understand your key
    You can ask the following questions which will help you to know
    how best to engage with your stakeholders and how to
    communicate with them:

•   What financial or emotional interest do they have in the outcome of
    your work? Is it positive or negative?
•   What information do they want from you?
•   What is their current opinion of your work? Is it based on good
•   Who influences their opinions generally, and who influences their
    opinion of you? Do some of these influencers therefore become
    important stakeholders in their own right?
•   If you don't think you will be able to win them around, how will you
    manage their opposition?
•   Who else might be influenced by their opinions? (Do these people
    become stakeholders in their own right?)
Gathering the information
What does a facilitator do?
What does a facilitator do?

•   Provides focus and stimulates discussion
•   Supports the group
•   Participates to promote new discussion
•   Acts as a team builder
•   Referees group discussion
•   Protects participants
•   Controls problem people within the group
•   Time keeps
•   Is pragmatic and neutral
•   Encourages feedback
Understanding the role of the
• Stay neutral. Your role is to create the
  process and conditions that enable a
  group to enter into a discussion.
• Conduct the discussion without trying to
  direct the group to a particular outcome.
• What objectives do you want to achieve by
  the end of the session you are facilitating?
Provide structure to the discussion
• Use questions to control the flow of focus
  group discussions
• Preparing introductory questions
• Open questions
• Linking questions
• Probes
Guiding discussion
• Focus on group process. Is the group repeating
  itself? Are all members who wish to
  participating? Is the discussion staying on track
  and on time?

• Explain what you see happening, and ask
  participants to confirm if their experience is the
  same. Be factual and specific.

• Summarise what is being said.

• Ask questions to open up discussion, to help the
  group to decide whether their process is
  working, or to think about new directions.
Recording the discussion
• This is not the same as taking minutes, though you may
  use the recorded discussion to supplement the minutes
• Having the discussion visible helps the group to see the
  progress it's making and to refer back to earlier
• Whenever possible, use the speaker's own words, and
  be sure to record everyone's comments to avoid creating
  tension and resistance
Ensuring group is productive
We are now going to do a role play
exercise. Each of you will be given a card,
which will contain instructions on what
kind of participant you will be playing. Two
of you will have the facilitator card.
Facilitators will have five minutes to lead a
discussion on the topics printed on their
•   Was it productive?
•   Did everyone get to contribute?
•   How did the facilitators do?
•   What were the positives and negatives of
    each method of running the discussion?
Summarising the discussion
• Share with the group a brief and concise
• Do not introduce any new points, or share
  your own personal viewpoint alone
• Capture the important themes of the
• Tell the group how their comments will be
Analysing your findings
Theming and weighting :Analysing
            qualitative data
•   Familiarisation: read the transcripts of the interviews and familiarise
    yourself with the data. Literally ‘label’ the data so it can be easily
    identified and categorised as common themes emerge. Depending
    on your consultation, it could relate to age, gender, postcode or for
    example, whether a view was prompted or based on actual
•   Organisation: structure the data by collating all the data under
    different labels. Start building up an outline of the issues and begin
    compiling them under common themes.
•   Interpretation: issues and themes can then start to be developed
    and tested. This stage - and your ability to develop explanations -
    lies at the heart of analysis. Most data is very rich in the levels of
    explanation it can offer. You need to think about drawing out and
    explaining why patterns, linkages or apparent contradictions are
    found in the data.
Questions to ask
• What patterns and common themes emerge in
  responses dealing with specific items? How do
  these patterns (or lack) help to answer your key
  questions, aims and objectives?
• Are there any deviations from these patterns? If
  yes, are there any factors that might explain
  these atypical responses?
• What interesting stories emerge from the
  responses? How can these stories help to
  illuminate your broader questions?
Things to avoid in reporting
           qualitative data
• Don’t quantify - that’s not the point of focus groups
• Don’t overuse certain transcriptions/ respondents
• Don’t duplicate quotes
• Don’t misapply quotes
• Make sure quotes are in context and easy to understand
• Don’t ‘sanitise’ quotes - tell it how it is!
• Don’t overdo quotations- use them to illustrate, rather
  than tell the story
• Be careful not to compromise confidentiality
Group activity
We are now going to split you up into two
small groups. You will each be given a
copy of one of the discussions we have
had as a group. Your task is to pick out
the themes and rank them in order of
•   How did you find it, generally?
•   How did you choose to analyse it?
•   What were the challenges?
•   How did the way the information was
    captured help or hinder you when doing
    the analysis?
Presenting your findings
You have been asked to write a report with the
local epilepsy specialist nurse and the Head of
Long Term Conditions for West Norfolk to make
a case to the commissioners for epilepsy to be
focussed on as an single condition. Working as
a group, use the statistics document, examples
from the commissioning booklet, a transcript
from the focus group and the Epilepsy Lifecycle
diagram to put together a five minute
presentation for the commissioners.
How did you find the task?
• How did you find using and synthesising
  the different types of information?
• How did it feel to present in front of a
• Is there anything you feel could have
  improved your presentation?
Presenting your findings

        Charlie Peel
      Project Manager
Forms of presenting findings
 •   Powerpoint presentation
 •   Formal written report
 •   Published document
 •   Pictures / graphics
 •   Flyer / short bulletin
 •   Website
 •   Social media
• Keep info top line – use bullets to prompt
  the info you have to share
• Use key words, phrases, stats, quotes,
  tables and graphs to make your points –
  then talk around them
• Be positive – and if the message is
  negative, have positive solutions to lift it
• Keep slides ‘clean’ – too busy and you’ll
  lose them
Written report
• Less text, more info
  – Use graphs and tables for numbers or info
    where there are links to make
  – Use bullets to list – it’s easier to take in
• Plain English – it doesn’t need long words
  – Short, clear sentences
  – Simple words
                              20 people
  – Active, not passive          were
      We interviewed 20
Written reports
                       Tables display info

  Bullet points:
  •are clean,
  •are easy to read,
  •help you stick to
  your point
Displaying information
Try a table:
National standard   Current service               Possible solutions

Everyone should     •   Some people have          •   Review nurse provision to
have access to a        access to a neurologist       ensure all people with epilepsy
medicines review        annually who also             access a nurse annually
annually                reviews their medication. •   Consider telehealth options to
                    •   Others access the nurse.      remind individuals to seek their
                    •   Some people have not          own review
                        had a medicine review     •   Roll out training to community
                        for 3+ years                  pharmacists to perform
                                                      medicines reviews locally

Pictures and graphics
               Graphs show data and
               numerical info simply –
                and save you lots of
• People living with epilepsy are the experts
  and what they say is your evidence
• Capture it and
  use it to
  illustrate your
• Or better still,
  use it to make
  the point for
Flyers, web & social media
• Even more succinct!!
• Choose your top three to five most
  interesting / important
• Add your evidence: a couple of quotes or
• Short sentences, bullet points and
  graphics instead of words where possible
Starting points
• A template report has been made for you
• Epilepsy Action have powerpoint
• Look at the sort of thing EA produce – and
  follow suit
• Use formats that you know have worked –
  what catches your eye when someone’s
  giving you information?
See your packs for templates, examples and other useful


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Training day

  • 1. The art of engagement… A practical guide to turning patient views into meaningful data
  • 2. Aims of the day • To turn information into relevant key messages tailored to engage different stakeholders (e.g. local commissioners, providers, people with epilepsy) • To understand the process of service user engagement and be equipped to carry it out • To practice the facilitation skills needed to collect qualitative data from service users in a local area • To analyse information mapped to identify gaps in service provision • To understand the different types of health data within a local authority area or health economy and how to access public domain and UCB data • To understand presentation of numerical and graphical data • To collate relevant data to map existing service provision
  • 3. Programme 9.00- 9.30 Arrival and coffee 9.30-9.40 Welcome, introductions and expectations for the day 9.40-9.50 The importance of baseline data – setting the scene, Charlie Peel 9.50- 9.55 Questions 9.55-10.05 Introduction to the workshop – what we’re doing and why 10.05-10.35 Step 1: Finding your stakeholders Step 2: Deciding how to access them 10.35-10.40 Break 10.40-11.20 Step 3: Gathering the information 11.20-12.00 Step 4: Analysing your findings 12.00-12.50 Step 5: Presenting your findings 12.50-13.00 Opportunity for any burning questions 13.00-14.00 Lunch 14.00-16.00 UCB session on data 16.00-16.30 Reflection on original hopes for the day Agreement of future action, and close
  • 4. Understanding an area: the importance of baseline data Charlie Peel Project Manager
  • 5. Overview • What does ‘data’ mean? • Why is it important and what can it tell you? • How can we use it? • Discussion: – what sort of data is available to you? – How can you use it?
  • 6. Data – what it means • Dictionary definition: ‘Factual information, especially information organised for analysis or used to reason or make decisions.’ • Anything which: – tells a story, – demonstrates experience, – provides insight, – helps understanding.
  • 7. Why do we need it? • To reinforce anecdotal or suggested evidence • To understand the reality of local services and support from all angles • To highlight discrepancies or possible problems in current systems • To measure progress • To understand if changes made are positive
  • 8. What constitutes as data? • Qualitative • Quantitative – Patient opinion and – HES and SUS records user experience – Service user info – Professional opinion of gathered through services survey or en masse – PROMs – What services are actually purchased and – Hospital / services delivered surveys – Financial records and – Individual’s case study budgets – Audit and mapping – Waiting times – Audit and mapping
  • 9. What counts as a service? • Baseline data of an area is essentially trying to get a picture, in as many colours as possible, of local services • ‘Services’ can mean: – Healthcare services within acute setting – Healthcare and social care services in the community – Personal assistants – Equipment, adaptations, suitable housing or accommodation – Vocational support – Leisure and sport facilities – Financial support and benefits advice – Complementary medicines such as acupuncture or massage
  • 10. How can we use it? • The mapping triangle: core elements to understanding services National policy, guidance and agreed best practice What services are What local people are actually in place experiencing
  • 11. How can we use it? The mapping triangle – what services should be like What NICE / other regulatory bodies say Positive Positive National practice practice policy, guidance and What the What the agreed best national national practice charities say charities say What the Royal Colleges say
  • 12. How can we use it? How teams, sectors and What services What data What data levels of care are in place indicates indicates are working together What professionals What say they’re providing commissioners think they’re planning & purchasing The mapping triangle – what services are like
  • 13. How can we use it? What service users What people say they’re receiving think of the support available What local What information What information people are people can people can experiencing access access How families view the services and support The mapping triangle – how available people experience those services
  • 14. Gaps that can be unearthed What commissioners think V. What is actually delivered they’re planning What HES / SUS data V. How systems are shows actually working What services are V. What are available to available to one person another person with the same condition… V. What service users are What professionals think actually able to access they are delivering
  • 15. Baselines that can be established • What services are in place, where they are and who can access them? • What referral routes are in place and how they are used? • How many elective and non-elective admissions there are for a specific client group? • What are waiting times for services and equipment? • What is the satisfaction level with any given service? • Information currently available and format • Current spend on existing services
  • 16. How can you use this info? Finding Use 1.High volume of 1.Improved self unplanned epilepsy management; ‘Message in admissions a bottle’ 2.Public transport is 2.Changes to public affecting people’s ability transport; increased vocational support to work 3.Regular meds reviews 3.Individuals don’t feel specifically commissioned; confident that their community pharmacists meds are correct trained to provide reviews
  • 17. Introduction to the workshop: What we’re doing and why Angie Pullen
  • 18. Finding your stakeholders and deciding how to access them
  • 19. Case Study A neurology audit has taken place in Norfolk, Great Yarmouth and Waveney from July to December 2012. At the same time, some investigative work into epilepsy services was being undertaken by the local epilepsy specialist nurse and the Head of Long Term Conditions for West Norfolk. They feel that epilepsy services are under resourced locally and that people with epilepsy are not able to access the services they need to best support them. The neurology audit findings largely back the anecdotal evidence that was being gathered around epilepsy services. These findings have created an opportunity to highlight epilepsy service provision as a specific stream of work needed. You have been asked to work with the Head of LTC and the epilepsy specialist nurse to gather views and experiences from people living with epilepsy and those caring for people who are, across young people and adults. The data you gather on individuals will be used alongside the existing audit data, and the additional data being gathered by the professionals. It will all be drawn together to make a case to the commissioners for epilepsy to be focussed on as an single condition.
  • 20. The data you gather on individuals will be used alongside the existing audit data, and the additional data being gathered by the professionals. It will all be drawn together to make a case to the commissioners for epilepsy to be focussed on as an single condition.
  • 21. • What is a stakeholder? • How would you begin the task of identifying stakeholders in a certain area? • What approaches and strategies would you take in communicating with new stakeholders?
  • 22. Part 1: Identify your stakeholders People with epilepsy CCG Commissioners Epilepsy Action branch Local GPs Carers Neurologist Local authority Health and Wellbeing board
  • 23. Part 2: Prioritise your stakeholders
  • 24. Part 3: Understand your key stakeholders You can ask the following questions which will help you to know how best to engage with your stakeholders and how to communicate with them: • What financial or emotional interest do they have in the outcome of your work? Is it positive or negative? • What information do they want from you? • What is their current opinion of your work? Is it based on good information? • Who influences their opinions generally, and who influences their opinion of you? Do some of these influencers therefore become important stakeholders in their own right? • If you don't think you will be able to win them around, how will you manage their opposition? • Who else might be influenced by their opinions? (Do these people become stakeholders in their own right?)
  • 25. Break
  • 27. What does a facilitator do?
  • 28. What does a facilitator do? • Provides focus and stimulates discussion • Supports the group • Participates to promote new discussion • Acts as a team builder • Referees group discussion • Protects participants • Controls problem people within the group • Time keeps • Is pragmatic and neutral • Encourages feedback
  • 29. Understanding the role of the facilitator • Stay neutral. Your role is to create the process and conditions that enable a group to enter into a discussion. • Conduct the discussion without trying to direct the group to a particular outcome. • What objectives do you want to achieve by the end of the session you are facilitating?
  • 30. Provide structure to the discussion • Use questions to control the flow of focus group discussions • Preparing introductory questions • Open questions • Linking questions • Probes
  • 31. Guiding discussion • Focus on group process. Is the group repeating itself? Are all members who wish to participating? Is the discussion staying on track and on time? • Explain what you see happening, and ask participants to confirm if their experience is the same. Be factual and specific. • Summarise what is being said. • Ask questions to open up discussion, to help the group to decide whether their process is working, or to think about new directions.
  • 32. Recording the discussion • This is not the same as taking minutes, though you may use the recorded discussion to supplement the minutes • Having the discussion visible helps the group to see the progress it's making and to refer back to earlier comments • Whenever possible, use the speaker's own words, and be sure to record everyone's comments to avoid creating tension and resistance
  • 33. Ensuring group is productive We are now going to do a role play exercise. Each of you will be given a card, which will contain instructions on what kind of participant you will be playing. Two of you will have the facilitator card. Facilitators will have five minutes to lead a discussion on the topics printed on their cards.
  • 34. Discussion • Was it productive? • Did everyone get to contribute? • How did the facilitators do? • What were the positives and negatives of each method of running the discussion?
  • 35. Summarising the discussion • Share with the group a brief and concise summary • Do not introduce any new points, or share your own personal viewpoint alone • Capture the important themes of the discussion • Tell the group how their comments will be used
  • 37. Theming and weighting :Analysing qualitative data • Familiarisation: read the transcripts of the interviews and familiarise yourself with the data. Literally ‘label’ the data so it can be easily identified and categorised as common themes emerge. Depending on your consultation, it could relate to age, gender, postcode or for example, whether a view was prompted or based on actual experience. • Organisation: structure the data by collating all the data under different labels. Start building up an outline of the issues and begin compiling them under common themes. • Interpretation: issues and themes can then start to be developed and tested. This stage - and your ability to develop explanations - lies at the heart of analysis. Most data is very rich in the levels of explanation it can offer. You need to think about drawing out and explaining why patterns, linkages or apparent contradictions are found in the data.
  • 38. Questions to ask • What patterns and common themes emerge in responses dealing with specific items? How do these patterns (or lack) help to answer your key questions, aims and objectives? • Are there any deviations from these patterns? If yes, are there any factors that might explain these atypical responses? • What interesting stories emerge from the responses? How can these stories help to illuminate your broader questions?
  • 39. Things to avoid in reporting qualitative data • Don’t quantify - that’s not the point of focus groups • Don’t overuse certain transcriptions/ respondents • Don’t duplicate quotes • Don’t misapply quotes • Make sure quotes are in context and easy to understand • Don’t ‘sanitise’ quotes - tell it how it is! • Don’t overdo quotations- use them to illustrate, rather than tell the story • Be careful not to compromise confidentiality
  • 40. Group activity We are now going to split you up into two small groups. You will each be given a copy of one of the discussions we have had as a group. Your task is to pick out the themes and rank them in order of importance.
  • 41. Feedback • How did you find it, generally? • How did you choose to analyse it? • What were the challenges? • How did the way the information was captured help or hinder you when doing the analysis?
  • 42. Presenting your findings You have been asked to write a report with the local epilepsy specialist nurse and the Head of Long Term Conditions for West Norfolk to make a case to the commissioners for epilepsy to be focussed on as an single condition. Working as a group, use the statistics document, examples from the commissioning booklet, a transcript from the focus group and the Epilepsy Lifecycle diagram to put together a five minute presentation for the commissioners.
  • 43. How did you find the task? • How did you find using and synthesising the different types of information? • How did it feel to present in front of a group? • Is there anything you feel could have improved your presentation?
  • 44. Presenting your findings Charlie Peel Project Manager
  • 45. Forms of presenting findings • Powerpoint presentation • Formal written report • Published document • Pictures / graphics • Flyer / short bulletin • Website • Social media
  • 46. Presentations • Keep info top line – use bullets to prompt the info you have to share • Use key words, phrases, stats, quotes, tables and graphs to make your points – then talk around them • Be positive – and if the message is negative, have positive solutions to lift it • Keep slides ‘clean’ – too busy and you’ll lose them
  • 47. Written report • Less text, more info – Use graphs and tables for numbers or info where there are links to make – Use bullets to list – it’s easier to take in • Plain English – it doesn’t need long words – Short, clear sentences – Simple words 20 people – Active, not passive were interviewed We interviewed 20 people
  • 48. Written reports Tables display info succinctly Bullet points: •are clean, •are easy to read, •help you stick to your point
  • 49. Displaying information Try a table: National standard Current service Possible solutions Everyone should • Some people have • Review nurse provision to have access to a access to a neurologist ensure all people with epilepsy medicines review annually who also access a nurse annually annually reviews their medication. • Consider telehealth options to • Others access the nurse. remind individuals to seek their • Some people have not own review had a medicine review • Roll out training to community for 3+ years pharmacists to perform medicines reviews locally Etc
  • 50. Pictures and graphics Graphs show data and numerical info simply – and save you lots of words
  • 51. Quotes • People living with epilepsy are the experts and what they say is your evidence • Capture it and use it to illustrate your points • Or better still, use it to make the point for you
  • 52. Flyers, web & social media • Even more succinct!! • Choose your top three to five most interesting / important • Add your evidence: a couple of quotes or stats • Short sentences, bullet points and graphics instead of words where possible
  • 53. Starting points • A template report has been made for you • Epilepsy Action have powerpoint templates • Look at the sort of thing EA produce – and follow suit • Use formats that you know have worked – what catches your eye when someone’s giving you information?
  • 54. See your packs for templates, examples and other useful documents Thank-you

Editor's Notes

  1. Power/Interest grid for stakeholder prioritization
  2. 10 minutes on slides, 20 minutes on the role play, and 15 minutes summarising?
  3. Provides focus to the group and stimulates discussion to encourage constructive debate between group members. Supports the group to bring out information from introverted members of the group and to allow new ideas to be submitted. Participates when the group is interacting poorly or in the wrong direction to promote new discussion. Acts as a team builder to form a cohesive, interactive and productive team. Referees group discussion, discouraging participants from talking at the same time, or dominating the floor. Protects participants to ensure that all contributions to the discussion are treated equally and that no-one is rebuffed for their input. Controls problem people within the group allowing everyone to participate freely. Time keeps to make sure everything on the agenda is covered Neutral Is pragmatic and neutral and frees the facilitator to concentrate on the group rather then the content of the discussion and hence they can ask pertinent and stimulating questions Encourages feedback to promote discussion of each point raised, by all members of the group.
  4. Discussion around how facilitation is important within a focus group. Overall tips:
  5. Sadaf to speak to MR to see if we have examples from any focus groups we may have conducted in the past Maybe include examples of questions NCS have used in previous focus groups to seek opinions of neurology/epilepsy services
  6. CP and SA to discuss Cards to be printed off with each type of person- quiet person, angry person, emotional person, Possible topics for group debate: Do women make better politicians than men? Advertising creates artificial needs- true or false? Do celebrities earn too much money? Should the government have a say in our diets? Epilepsy related discussion topics: Possibly around stigma/medication/attitudes of health professionals