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Introducción a la propiedad industrial Patentes y modelos de utilidad Experto en gestión de proyectos internacionales de I+D+i  Sevilla  - 9 de marzo de 2010 Esteban Pelayo Villarejo INFO - Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia
¿Dónde trabajo? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Esteban Pelayo Asesoramiento en Propiedad Industrial [email_address] Pedro Casado  Asesoramiento en Propiedad Industrial [email_address] Mª Luisa López  Asistencia a empresas en el 7º Programa Marco (FP7) [email_address]
Objetivos para hoy ,[object Object],[object Object],Vida del proyecto (Ejecución de la I+D+i) Acuerdo de Consorcio Firma del Contrato  con la Comisión Inicio del  proyecto Finalización  del proyecto
Derechos registrados Marcas Duración: 10 años renovables indefinidamente Modelos  de utilidad Duración: hasta 10 años Diseños Duración:  5 años renovables hasta 25 Propiedad Industrial Patentes Duración: hasta 20 años
Ejemplos de derechos no registrados ,[object Object],[object Object],Literatura Música Pintura Películas Planos constructivos Trabajos científicos  En determinadas circunstancias especiales algunas marcas y diseños pueden otorgar derechos sin necesidad de que estén registrados
Contenido de la 1ª parte ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
¿Qué es una patente? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],ES2259490  - Aspersor Soterrado  de Cabeza Emergente
La patente es un derecho a prohibir ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Pero…
¿Qué es un invento? ,[object Object],[object Object]
Para que un invento sea patentable: ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],ES 2 282 041 CSIC  - Consejo Superior de  Investigaciones Científicas EUROVAC  - European Vaccine Effort Against HIV
¿Qué puede ser patentado? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
¿Qué no se puede patentar? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Contenido de la 1ª parte ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Las partes de una patente ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Contenido de la 1ª parte ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Proceso de solicitud de una patente Admisión a trámite Examen formal y técnico Continuación del procedimiento Informe del Estado de la Técnica Publicación solicitud + IET Publicación reanudación procedimiento general Traslado de observaciones de terceros Examen modificaciones y concesión solicitud Publicación reanudación examen previo Admisión oposiciones de terceros Traslado al solicitante de examen previo y oposiciones Resolución motivada y traslado al solicitante Denegación o concesión Procedimiento General de concesión Procedimiento  con examen previo ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Contenido de la 1ª parte ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
¿Dónde patentar? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],(1) Hay 142 países que son contratantes del PCT en marzo 2010
Prioridad ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
El Convenio de la Patente Europea (CPE) ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Los países que forman parte de la Organización Europea de Patentes La organización tiene (1)  36 Estados Miembros (1) La Organización Europea de Patentes es un Organismo intergubernamental al que pertenecen 36 países en Marzo del 2010: los 27 de la Unión Europea más Croacia, República de Macedonia, Islandia, Liechtenstein, Mónaco, Noruega, San Marino, Suiza y Turquía.
Cost of a European Patent Application*  (*) Ten years in six countries
El Tratado de Cooperación en Materia de Patentes (PCT) ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],142 países Marzo 2010
Fechas importantes del sistema PCT (m eses ) Solicitud  internacional  PCT 12 0 30 Informe de búsqueda y opinión escrita 16 18 Publicación internacional (opcional) Solicitud de Examen preliminar internacional Solicitud  prioritaria Fase Nacional 22 28 (opcional) Entrega de informe internacional de examen Tasa de transmisión   69’25 € Tasa se sol. internacional   848’00 € Tasa de búsqueda 1.700’00 € Examen preliminar internacional (opcional) Tasa de Examen  555’33 € Tasa de gestión  121’00 €
Tendencia de registro PCT
Ejemplos de algunas solicitudes de patentes internacionales PCT de empresas de la Región de Murcia (I) WO/2009/047377   -  Casco con estructura de refuerzo WO/2009/080839  -   Intercambiador de calor de carcasa y tubos compacto
Ejemplos de algunas solicitudes de patentes internacionales PCT de empresas de la Región de Murcia (II) WO/2008/090238  – Aditivo para horchata de chufa exenta de proteínas lácticas WO/2008/142180 -  Procedimiento de televisión digital en tres dimensiones
Ejemplos de algunas solicitudes de patentes internacionales PCT de empresas de la Región de Murcia (III) WO/2008/068361  – Producto alimenticio cárnico cocido con bajo contenido en grasa saturada y procedimiento de obtención WO/2008/087230 -  Válvula ventosa de triple función para instalaciones hidráulicas
Contenido de la 1ª parte ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Modelo de utilidad ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Otorga los mismos derechos que una patente
El Modelo de Utilidad   Se parece a una patente  La  U  en el número de publicación indica que es un  modelo de utilidad U as  - utility - utilité - utilidad - utilità
Ejemplo de un modelo de utilidad Mesa ocultable en un mueble, en especial en un brazo de un sofá o sillón TAPIZADOS ACOMODEL YECLA, S.L.
Otros derechos ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Duración de un Certificado Complementario de Protección ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Solicitud de  la patente Autorización de  comercialización 20 años Dominio público Producto genérico CCP
Ejemplo de un CCP sobre un medicamento contra el Alzheimer 1986 Solicitud de patente en los EEUU 1987 Solicitud de patente europea 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 Concesión de patente española 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Autorización comercialización CEE y España 2001 Concesión del CCP (C200100009) hasta 2012  2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Expiración de la validez de la patente 2007 1er año del CCP 2008 2º año del CCP 2009 3er año del CCP 2010 4º año del CCP 2011 5º año del CCP 2012  a partir del 15.01.2012 es dominio público  Patente de Galantamina para el tratamiento del alzheimer  Nombre comercial: Reminyl Solicitante:SYNAPTECH, INC Licenciatario exclusivo en España: Janssen-Cilag 5 años  20 años
Conclusiones de la primera parte ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Segunda Parte: Explotación La protección facilita una buena comercialización
¿Cómo ganan dinero las empresas con el sistema de patentes? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Protección e información en el desarrollo de una idea de negocio Secretos industriales Nombre comercial Modelos de utilidad Patentes Protección de diseños Marcas Derechos de autor MERCADOS PRODUCTO, SERVICIO IDEA ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],IDEA Desarrollo de productos e investigación Comercialización Emprendedores Creatividad © ip4inno
Un ejemplo de idea de negocio basadas en la tecnología WO 2006/051136 -  Dispositivo para la recolección de arenilla y/o cálculos expulsados por la uretra
La propiedad industrial en el desarrollo de un negocio Product life cycle and economy Protección Incertidumbre Tecnologica Incertidumbre  Comercial  Inversión Cash flow Cash flow acumulado Período de amortización Beneficio Ingresos I + D  Lanzamiento Crecimiento Madurez Saturación  Declive  © ip4inno Búsquedas
Protección combinada ,[object Object],[object Object],Tapón Patente Coca Cola Marca registrada   ® The Coca Cola Company Nombre comercial Campañas publicitarias   Propiedad intelectual   © Envase Diseño y Marca tridimensional
Proteger las diferentes dimensiones de un producto Tecnología PATENTES Apariencia DISEÑO Marketing   MARCAS Client Innovación Seguridad Ergonomía Estética Imagen /  Marca Buen nombre © ip4inno
Es necesario el desarrollo de una estrategia global en protección de innovaciones en la empresa © ip4inno Evitar  duplicaciones  I+D Vigilancia Tecnológica Competidores Tendencias Mercados ,  Inteligencia  competitiva Estrategia  en DPI Evaluación de  proyectos  de I+D Desarrollo  de Producto Posibilidades  de proteger  la tecnología Producción Métodos de  producción Soluciones técnicas Gerencia Responsabilidades Implementación Politica de  protección Financiación ¿Cómo convencer a los financieros? Analisis de riesgos Marketing Revelación  de información  critica del negocio ¿Permanecer  fuera  del mercado? ¿Existen  restricciones? ¿Hacerlo o comprarlo? ¿Licencias? ¿Alianzas? ¿Cómo prioteger  tecnologías clave  de la empresa? ¿Cómo defenderse  de infracciones? Propiedad  intelctual Promoción Know-how de la empresa Invenciones laborales Personal ,  recursos
Segunda Parte: Explotación ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Un activo valioso si se usa efectivamente
Imagen tecnológica Los 10 mayores solicitantes de patentes Españolas en 2007
Principales solicitantes de Patentes Europeas
Principales solicitantes de PCT
Segunda Parte: Explotación ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Un activo valioso si se usa efectivamente
Las patentes facilitan el trabajo en red ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],© ip4inno PYME Oficinas  de  Patentes Agentes  de la  propiedad  industrial Socios  tecnológicos Institutos de  Investigación Universidades Investigación  de mercados Seguros Ayudas y  subvenciones Créditos Clientes Proveedores Intermediarios El entorno empresarial es una red
Segunda Parte: Explotación ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Un activo valioso si cuando se usa efectivamente
Licencia y cesión de patentes ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Licenciante Licenciatario
Tipos de licencias Plena Limitada Contenido Duración Territorio Objeto Patente concedida Solicitud de patente Exclusividad Simple Exclusiva Alcance  Art. 75.3 LP: “ Salvo pacto en contrario, el titular de una licencia contractual tendrá derecho  realizar todos los actos que integran la explotación de la invención patentada, en todas sus aplicaciones, en todo el territorio nacional, durante toda la duración de la patente.”
Obligaciones de las partes ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Segunda Parte: Explotación ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Información de  tecnologías y competidores
¿Para qué sirve la información de patentes y marcas? Entorno tecnológico Entorno competitivo   Entorno legal Información: derechos exclusivos  ¡Tenerlos en cuenta! Información: competidores  ¿Principales empresas en el mercado? ¿Mecanismos de protección? Información Técnica  ¿Literatura técnica? ¿Información?
Tipos de búsquedas ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Selección Novedad Estado del arte Libertad  de  explotar Amplitud de la búsqueda Profundidad  de la búsqueda © ip4inno
[email_address] Base de datos de ideas > 60 millones de patentes  Desde 1836 Documento completo 91 países
Para saber mas… Colegio Oficial de Agentes de la Propiedad Industrial Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas Protección de innovaciones en Europa Noticias divertidas de propiedad industrial Helpdesk de la Comisión para participantes en el Programa Marco Base de datos europea de patentes Oficina de Armonización del Mercado Interior Oficina Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual Oficina Europea de Patentes
Agradecimiento… ,[object Object],University of Alicante IWT Flanders INPI France UPM (ES) CRP Henry Tudor Funditec (ES) OEPM Fundación EOI EBN PRH Finland METUTECH (TR) DKPTO INPI Portugal Turkish Patent Institute IEEPI Hungarian PO Fraunhofer  Gesellschaft IPO Croatia EPO
Esta es la última trasparencia Vamos a terminar… ¿Tiene alguna pregunta mas? Esteban Pelayo Villarejo Servicio Peral de Asesoramiento en Propiedad Industrial Instituto de fomento de la Región de Murcia http:// Tel.: 968 362812  Móvil: 680 405976 E-mail: Gracias por su atención

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Esteban Pelayo - Introducción Propiedad Industrial

  • 1. Introducción a la propiedad industrial Patentes y modelos de utilidad Experto en gestión de proyectos internacionales de I+D+i Sevilla - 9 de marzo de 2010 Esteban Pelayo Villarejo INFO - Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia
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  • 4. Derechos registrados Marcas Duración: 10 años renovables indefinidamente Modelos de utilidad Duración: hasta 10 años Diseños Duración: 5 años renovables hasta 25 Propiedad Industrial Patentes Duración: hasta 20 años
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  • 21. Los países que forman parte de la Organización Europea de Patentes La organización tiene (1) 36 Estados Miembros (1) La Organización Europea de Patentes es un Organismo intergubernamental al que pertenecen 36 países en Marzo del 2010: los 27 de la Unión Europea más Croacia, República de Macedonia, Islandia, Liechtenstein, Mónaco, Noruega, San Marino, Suiza y Turquía.
  • 22. Cost of a European Patent Application* (*) Ten years in six countries
  • 23.
  • 24. Fechas importantes del sistema PCT (m eses ) Solicitud internacional PCT 12 0 30 Informe de búsqueda y opinión escrita 16 18 Publicación internacional (opcional) Solicitud de Examen preliminar internacional Solicitud prioritaria Fase Nacional 22 28 (opcional) Entrega de informe internacional de examen Tasa de transmisión 69’25 € Tasa se sol. internacional 848’00 € Tasa de búsqueda 1.700’00 € Examen preliminar internacional (opcional) Tasa de Examen 555’33 € Tasa de gestión 121’00 €
  • 26. Ejemplos de algunas solicitudes de patentes internacionales PCT de empresas de la Región de Murcia (I) WO/2009/047377 - Casco con estructura de refuerzo WO/2009/080839 -  Intercambiador de calor de carcasa y tubos compacto
  • 27. Ejemplos de algunas solicitudes de patentes internacionales PCT de empresas de la Región de Murcia (II) WO/2008/090238 – Aditivo para horchata de chufa exenta de proteínas lácticas WO/2008/142180 -  Procedimiento de televisión digital en tres dimensiones
  • 28. Ejemplos de algunas solicitudes de patentes internacionales PCT de empresas de la Región de Murcia (III) WO/2008/068361 – Producto alimenticio cárnico cocido con bajo contenido en grasa saturada y procedimiento de obtención WO/2008/087230 -  Válvula ventosa de triple función para instalaciones hidráulicas
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  • 31. El Modelo de Utilidad Se parece a una patente La U en el número de publicación indica que es un modelo de utilidad U as - utility - utilité - utilidad - utilità
  • 32. Ejemplo de un modelo de utilidad Mesa ocultable en un mueble, en especial en un brazo de un sofá o sillón TAPIZADOS ACOMODEL YECLA, S.L.
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  • 35. Ejemplo de un CCP sobre un medicamento contra el Alzheimer 1986 Solicitud de patente en los EEUU 1987 Solicitud de patente europea 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 Concesión de patente española 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Autorización comercialización CEE y España 2001 Concesión del CCP (C200100009) hasta 2012 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Expiración de la validez de la patente 2007 1er año del CCP 2008 2º año del CCP 2009 3er año del CCP 2010 4º año del CCP 2011 5º año del CCP 2012 a partir del 15.01.2012 es dominio público Patente de Galantamina para el tratamiento del alzheimer Nombre comercial: Reminyl Solicitante:SYNAPTECH, INC Licenciatario exclusivo en España: Janssen-Cilag 5 años 20 años
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  • 37. Segunda Parte: Explotación La protección facilita una buena comercialización
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  • 40. Un ejemplo de idea de negocio basadas en la tecnología WO 2006/051136 - Dispositivo para la recolección de arenilla y/o cálculos expulsados por la uretra
  • 41. La propiedad industrial en el desarrollo de un negocio Product life cycle and economy Protección Incertidumbre Tecnologica Incertidumbre Comercial Inversión Cash flow Cash flow acumulado Período de amortización Beneficio Ingresos I + D Lanzamiento Crecimiento Madurez Saturación Declive © ip4inno Búsquedas
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  • 43. Proteger las diferentes dimensiones de un producto Tecnología PATENTES Apariencia DISEÑO Marketing MARCAS Client Innovación Seguridad Ergonomía Estética Imagen / Marca Buen nombre © ip4inno
  • 44. Es necesario el desarrollo de una estrategia global en protección de innovaciones en la empresa © ip4inno Evitar duplicaciones I+D Vigilancia Tecnológica Competidores Tendencias Mercados , Inteligencia competitiva Estrategia en DPI Evaluación de proyectos de I+D Desarrollo de Producto Posibilidades de proteger la tecnología Producción Métodos de producción Soluciones técnicas Gerencia Responsabilidades Implementación Politica de protección Financiación ¿Cómo convencer a los financieros? Analisis de riesgos Marketing Revelación de información critica del negocio ¿Permanecer fuera del mercado? ¿Existen restricciones? ¿Hacerlo o comprarlo? ¿Licencias? ¿Alianzas? ¿Cómo prioteger tecnologías clave de la empresa? ¿Cómo defenderse de infracciones? Propiedad intelctual Promoción Know-how de la empresa Invenciones laborales Personal , recursos
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  • 46. Imagen tecnológica Los 10 mayores solicitantes de patentes Españolas en 2007
  • 47. Principales solicitantes de Patentes Europeas
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  • 53. Tipos de licencias Plena Limitada Contenido Duración Territorio Objeto Patente concedida Solicitud de patente Exclusividad Simple Exclusiva Alcance Art. 75.3 LP: “ Salvo pacto en contrario, el titular de una licencia contractual tendrá derecho realizar todos los actos que integran la explotación de la invención patentada, en todas sus aplicaciones, en todo el territorio nacional, durante toda la duración de la patente.”
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  • 56. ¿Para qué sirve la información de patentes y marcas? Entorno tecnológico Entorno competitivo Entorno legal Información: derechos exclusivos ¡Tenerlos en cuenta! Información: competidores ¿Principales empresas en el mercado? ¿Mecanismos de protección? Información Técnica ¿Literatura técnica? ¿Información?
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  • 58. [email_address] Base de datos de ideas > 60 millones de patentes Desde 1836 Documento completo 91 países
  • 59. Para saber mas… Colegio Oficial de Agentes de la Propiedad Industrial Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas Protección de innovaciones en Europa Noticias divertidas de propiedad industrial Helpdesk de la Comisión para participantes en el Programa Marco Base de datos europea de patentes Oficina de Armonización del Mercado Interior Oficina Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual Oficina Europea de Patentes
  • 60.
  • 61. Esta es la última trasparencia Vamos a terminar… ¿Tiene alguna pregunta mas? Esteban Pelayo Villarejo Servicio Peral de Asesoramiento en Propiedad Industrial Instituto de fomento de la Región de Murcia http:// Tel.: 968 362812 Móvil: 680 405976 E-mail: Gracias por su atención

Notes de l'éditeur

  1. IP Rights fall into two general categories - registered and unregistered rights. Registered Rights : Registered rights provide a monopoly allowing the owner to stop others making use of IP rights without permission – even if this use is unintentional. To obtain a registered right, it is necessary to follow a specific application procedure as required by Official Bodies such as the national patent office and if certain criteria are met, the right will be registered. The principal registered rights are: •    PATENTS: for protecting new and inventive technical aspects of a product or process UTILITY MODELS: for protecting new and inventive technical aspects of a product •    REGISTERED DESIGNS: for protecting the appearance of a product •    TRADE MARKS: for protecting trade names, signs, symbols and logos associated with products or services. Unregistered Rights : Require no formal application procedure, but come into existence automatically when certain types of intellectual property are created. The owner of unregistered rights is entitled to prevent another from copying or making use of the rights, but cannot stop someone using an idea if they have developed it independently. Unregistered rights include: •    COPYRIGHT: for protecting documents and drawings, including aspects of computer software •    UNREGISTERED DESIGN RIGHT (UDR): for protection of the visible shape of a product designs •    DATABASE RIGHT: for protecting against unfair use of database content •    COMMON LAW TRADE MARKS: for protecting the trading style associated with goods or services, e.g. trade names, signs, symbols, logos and goodwill •    KNOW HOW, CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AND TRADE SECRETS: for protecting sensitive information.
  2. As mentioned Intellectual Property (IP) covers two main areas: Registered IP = industrial property, covering inventions, trade marks, industrial designs, and protected designations of origin; Unregistered IP = copyright, represented by literary, musical, artistic, photographic, and audio-visual works.
  3. The figure shows a microwave treatment of food. The patent right is an agreement between society and inventor. The inventor gets an exclusive patent right for up to 20 years, but after 18 months after filing, the government has to lay open his invention to the public This agreement allows other persons or companies to develop new ideas based on published inventions, so they do not spend time and money inventing the same twice. This is the general idea of the patent system. You both reward the inventor and support technological development Patent rights are not new: 1469: Giovanni di spira, bookprinter in Italy. Was given a royal privilege to print the bible for 5 yrs 1852: UK patent law: Industrial revolution (steam engine, rotating press) => reproduction => mass production = money! = patent rights become important at this time
  4. Keyword: Commercially Patent offices in Europe do not deal with the enforcement of IP rights OK to build something in your own home, but not OK if you start selling it to your neighbours Hay que tener en cuenta que el derecho a prohibir no alcanza a aquellos actos tendentes a hacer I+D para reproducir y mejorar el invento
  5. Technical features = construction elements and their mutual relations Examples: Apparatus for dissolving clouds (features: Mirror on a stand, effect: The clouds are dissolved and the sun shines) Air-conditioning in a car (features, box with ice-cubes in the trunk, tube transporting the air into the cabin, a fan dragging the air) Examples of inventions that are not reproducible: Clay-soil from the garden (mørtel = mortar) Perpetual machine: a machine that delivers more energy than it receives (not industrially applicable) Wishes (a rocket that can fly to the moon in 3 hours) Machines that simply don’t work Examples of OK inventions: 6-edged pencil => the pencil will not roll of the table Pump with a certain blade wheel => better performance
  6. Within the context of a national or multilateral body of law , an invention is patentable if it meets the relevant legal conditions to be granted a patent . By extension, patentability also refers to the substantive conditions that must be met for a patent to be held valid. The patent laws usually require that, in order for an invention to be patentable, it must be of patentable subject matter , i.e. a kind of subject-matter that is eligible for patent protection, be novel (i.e. at least some aspect of it must be new), be non-obvious (in United States patent law ) or involve an inventive step (in European patent law ); and be useful (in U.S. patent law) or be susceptible of industrial application (in European patent law). For the patent validity the invention has to be described in a manner which enables a person skilled in the art to perform the invention Note! Not mandatory to prove that the inventions works – only make it seem plausible
  7. Example: A tyre Product: A tyre with a certain rubber composition or a certain tire pattern An apparatus for producing a tyre: A machine vulcanising a tire A process for producing a tire: The steps of producing the tire by bonding several layers to form a tyre The use of the tyre: For a car, a motorbike, a bicycle
  8. Limitations in Europe – not worldwide Since almost anything technical can be patented, patent laws define a so-called list of exclusions from patenting: - Computer programmes, mathematical methods, business methods: Do not have technical character – only in connection with an apparatus, e.g. a computer with an operating system would be ok, because the computer itself has technical character. Can be protected by copyright Medical/surgical treatments: No one should have an exclusive right for e.g. operating a person, but ok with instruments (scalpel etc.) Discoveries: Simply a way of finding out nature’s secrets! Ok with machines using discoveries, e.g. electromotor uses electromagnetism. Discoveries that are not categorized as inventions might be the Earth is round, the force of gravity, electromagnetism New species or plants: Same argument as with discoveries Inventions contrary to moral standards: Torture machine, executing machine (guillotine not ok, but ok if it’s a mouse-trap), parking disc that follows the time The human body and any non-separate part/s thereof (=e.g. an arm or a leg): Not ok, but ok if it is a dna-sequence, a cloning These might not be inventions (depends on national laws) Designs (have no technical merit). These can be protected by trademark/design. Games rules. Mathematical methods (formulas). Production and publication of information. Surgical/therapeutic methods (operations, etc.). But surgical instruments, for example, can be patented.
  9. Important dates are: Filing date First search and examination 6 to 10 months from filing date Publication A: 18 months from filing date Decision: normally 3 to 7 years Publication B: When patent is granted The granting process is in principle as follows (differences exist in each country): The application is examined to find out if it contains an official secret. If it does a special department with examiners who are cleared to do this job, will do the search and examination In the normal process a formal examiner will find out if the application fulfils the formal demands for a patent application (contain a title, abstract, description, claims and drawings) Then the search and examination will be carried out by a technical examiner in order to find out if the application is patentable Further examination can take place if the applicant does not agree At last a decision takes place: granting or refusing After the granting a competitor can make an opposition, if he finds that the patent should not be granted
  10. Advantages and disadvantages using the different systems. You can have the same rights in one country by 3 different ways The variables are: cost, term of procedure
  11. Priority right Jump to: navigation , search In patent , industrial design rights and trademark laws , a priority right or right of priority is a time-limited right , triggered by the first filing of an application for a patent, an industrial design or a trademark respectively. The priority right belongs to the applicant or his successor in title and allows him to file a subsequent application for the same invention , design or trademark and benefit, for this subsequent application, from the date of filing of the first application for the examination of certain requirements. When filing the subsequent application, the applicant must " claim the priority " of the first application in order to make use of the right of priority. The period of priority, i.e. the period during which the priority right exists, is usually 6 months for industrial designs and trademarks and 12 months for patents and utility models . The period of priority is often referred to as the " priority year " for patents and utility models. In patent law, when a priority is validly claimed, the date of filing of the first application, called the " priority date ", is considered to be the " effective date of filing " for the examination of novelty and inventive step or non-obviousness for the subsequent application claiming the priority of the first application. In other words, the prior art which is taken into account for examining the novelty and inventive step or non-obviousness of the invention claimed in the subsequent application would not be everything made available to the public before the filing date (of the subsequent application) but everything made available to the public before the priority date, i.e. the date of filing of the first application.
  12. The following countries are members of the European Patent Convention and can be designated in a European patent application : Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg , Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom. Norway expected to become bound January 1st 2008. Additionally, a European patent may be given effect in a number of countries that are not members of the European Patent Convention.  If designated as an extension state a European patent can be treated as if it were a national patent.  These countries are: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro, and The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia A surrender of sovereignty – EPO grants a patent which is valid in the member state. Can create problems, example: EPO has granted a biotech-patent concerning a growth inhibitor for small household animals in apartments, e.g. a cat. This way they can stay small and cute for life. In DK we would say this was immoral, but can’t do anything about it. (its probably a grant mistake at EPO!) Filing in languages English, French or German. Patents are granted with validity in each country Has to be validated in each country Advantages: See slide
  13. Article 1 Establishment of a Union (1) The States party to this Treaty (hereinafter called "the Contracting States") constitute a Union for cooperation in the filing, searching, and examination, of applications for the protection of inventions, and for rendering special technical services. The Union shall be known as the International Patent Cooperation Union. (2) No provision of this Treaty shall be interpreted as diminishing the rights under the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property of any national or resident of any country party to that Convention. 141 member states as of March 10th 2008. Some advantages the (PCT system): One application place and in own language, One set of rules, International Publishing, International Novelty Search, International Preliminary Report on Patentability, Possibility of making changes in the international application before transfer to national authorities  Because of longer time for application he is better placed to assess the technical value and economic interest of patent protection and to select the particular countries in which he desires to continue seeking protection for his invention. Time limit for entering the national phase is 30 months from the priority date.
  14. Resolución de problemas técnicos con medios técnicos. So ejemplos de solicitudes PCT de empresas de la Región de Murcia
  15. Resolución de problemas técnicos con medios técnicos. So ejemplos de solicitudes PCT de empresas de la Región de Murcia
  16. Resolución de problemas técnicos con medios técnicos. So ejemplos de solicitudes PCT de empresas de la Región de Murcia
  17. A utility model is an intellectual property right to protect inventions . This right is available in a number of national legislations , such as Argentina , Austria , Brazil , Chile , China , Denmark, Finland, France , Germany , Italy , Japan , Malaysia , Mexico , Morocco , Philippines , Poland , Portugal , Russia , South Korea , Spain , Taiwan , Uzbekistan , etc. [1] It is very similar to the patent , but usually has a shorter term (often 6 or 10 years) and less stringent patentability requirements. The German and Austrian utility model is called the " Gebrauchsmuster ", which influenced some other countries such as in Japan. Meanwhile, the utility model in Indonesia and Finland is called as "Petty Patent" However, methods are excluded.
  18. It is an international standard.
  19. When you experience difficulties in opening your milk carton this device will help you!
  20. Variety The grouping, irrespective of whether the conditions for the grant of a plant variety right, can be: Defined by the expression of the characteristics that results from a given genotype or combination of genotypes, Distinguished from any other plant grouping by the expression of at least one of the said characteristics, and Considered as a unit with regard to its suitability for being propagated unchanged.
  21. Nos centramos en el tema concreto del módulos (hasta ahora ha sido una introducción). La primera parte de la exposición trata de “el valor económico de las patentes”. A lo largo de la este primer módulos vamos a ver esos cinco aspectos. Están ordenados de mayor a menor importancia, según el valor de que desde mi punta de vista tiene el retorno de ingresos por alguno de estos motivos.
  22. Mencionar el Proyecto IP4INNO EXPLICACIÓN DE ESTA DIAPOSITIVA – Protección e información en le desarrollo de una idea de negocio Cuando se analizan los instrumentos disponibles en el sistema de propiedad industrial e intellectual – se observan varios formas de protección del know-how y Fuentes de información - y podemos afirmar que el sistema de propiedad industrial ofrece herramientas apropiadas en cada fase del desarrollo de una empresa. Por este motivo no debemos ver los temas de propiedad industrial como derechos aislados, o como una fuente de información, sino como una entidad global que es parte integral del proceso del negocio de la empresa en muy diversas facetas. Las cuestiones relacionadas con la propiedad industrial e intellectual, y su gestión, es una cuestión que afecta a la empresa en su totalidad y es parte esencial del día a día de la empresa. LOS DERECHOS DE PROPIEDAD INDUSTRIAL E INTELECTUAL COMO MECANISMOS DE PROTECCIÓN El Copyright protege de manera amplia todas las creaciones de la mente humana. El Copyright proporciona una protección frente a la copia o la imitación de trabajos literarios y artísticos. Estos trabajos pueden ser por ejemplo una composición musical, un cuadro, una escultura, una caricatura, un poema, una novela, un programa de ordenador, un portal de internet, una película, un espéctaculo de danza o un producto de artesanía. No es necesario que sea muy artístico o de un nivel muy alto. Es tan sólo necesario que sea un producto original fruto de un trabajo creativo independiente. Porque lo que protegee no es el contenido intrínseco sino la forma de expresión de la idea. Trade secret covers the company’s know-how. Secrecy agreements concluded with employees and partners form one way of avoiding leakage of information outside the company. Other possible means, besides having the doors locked and seeing to that information security is taken care of, are to conclude agreements and to attend to copyrights and industrial property rights. Protection: as long as company is in business. Business name identifies the company. A good business name is easy to remember and pronounce. It raises positive images and confidence among the customers. An exclusive right to a business name may be obtained either through registration or establishment. A business name is given protection, as soon as the name has been entered in the Trade Register and the business is in operation. Registration is the easiest way of getting an exclusive right to a business name. Protection: as long as company is in business. Patent provides a basis for development. It is an efficient form of protection and a good source of information. A patent is an effective means of protecting products, methods and devices. A patent offers legal protection for innovative efforts and possibilities to enjoy the fruits of product development for a long time – in some technical fields as long as for 25 years. Patents are a worldwide source of technological information and one of the best tools for monitoring competition. Patent publications give information about the latest technology, fresh ideas for product development, as well as information about current and future competition. (Protection can be max 20 years, in some cases 25 years. Protection is keeped in force with payment of annual fees.) Utility model – an advantageous way of protecting an invention for a short time. Utility model is a patent-type prohibition right. The holder of a utility model has the right to deny others the commercial exploitation of an invention in accordance with his utility model: such as the manufacture, sale, use and import of the product. A utility model right may be granted to a technical solution that is applicable in industry. Methods may not, however, be protected by a utility model right. Design right protects against copying and spurs to designing. The design right is a good way of protecting the appearance of a product or a part of it. The aim of the design protection is to spur designers to create new design. The design right holder has an exclusive right to the exploitation of the design. It prevents the utilization of the design for commercial purposes, such as manufacturing, importing and exporting as well as storing. (Protection For example in Finland: 25 years (5+5+5+5+5)) Trademark identifies your know-how. The better-known mark – the better protection. The trademark is an excellent way of distinguishing oneself in the market. It can be a graphically presented mark, a word, a digit or combination thereof, a slogan or theme music. The registration of trademarks is an increasingly important part of the companies’ marketing strategy. Trademark can be protected forever. In Finland a registered trademark is in force ten years and then it has to be renewed for another ten years period. EXPLICACIÓN DE ESTA DIAPOSITIVA – Protección e información en le desarrollo de una idea de negocio When we look at the tools of the intellectual property system – various protection forms for know-how and sources of information – we notice that the intellectual property system offers suitable tools for every stage . For this reason we shall not look at intellectual property issues only as single rights, or sources of information, but as an entity which is an integral part of the company’s business process and its various sectors . Intellectual property issues, and their appropriate management, is an issue for the whole company and it is an essential part of the company’s day-to-day operation. Future business development trends Globalisation of the market continues. This means that today every company – even one operating only at home – has to take into account the rights and interests of foreign actors as well. The volume of rights increases. The time used for attending to rights and searching of information increases. Acquiring/ protection of new rights becomes more difficult. Risk of infringement of rights increases. The growth in the volume of rights and increasing globalisation of the market (Internet, among other things) increase the risk of infringements and the possible litigations. Legislation on rights becomes harmonised. This development helps to protect rights outside one’s own country, as obtaining protection and on the other hand the role of protection in any one country is more likely to be assessed. This, on the other hand, makes systematic utilization of industrial property rights easier.To support globalisation, much work is done to support the harmonisation of rights, but there are still notable differences among the legislations of different countries. The role of intellectual property rights increasing. Intellectual property forms 80 per cent of a company’s value. The challenge is how to value this property. Trade with rights increases. Companies learn to utilize their know-how by acquiring better protection, and thereby also the role of rights as objects of trade is underlined. Need for information is growing . As markets grow increasingly more international, the number of rights increases, and the role of intellectual property rights grows in general, businesses will in the future need more and more information on existing rights and basic information on the ways to utilize them . Need for protection of skills is growing. As the total amount of different rights increases, businesses must keep up with the development and learn how to protect their own rights better than before. Success in the market, or even more entry into the market may already now require the possession of a strong and valued industrial property rights portfolio. Need to become networked is growing. Businesses become networked. Protecting of one’s own skills by means of industrial property rights makes networking easier . Experts from different fields are needed in the protection of skills and acquisition of information. Changes in policies is needed. When attending to the intellectual property issues, businesses need to develop their knowledge of intellectual property issues, to widen the viewpoint (intellectual property to be made into a segment covering the whole business), to adopt new ways of acquiring and managing data, as well as creation of new models of thinking. Support organisations need to have enthusiasm and creativity to develop new services, for SMEs in particular. CONCLUSION Efficient acquisition and management of information , timing of protection and planned management of intellectual property issues at the various stages of product development and internal flow of information is highlighted (between marketing, product development, production and strategic management). There is growing need for co-operation among experts from different fields. There is growing need to develop services directed at SMEs. Today 20 per cent of SMEs (study by NBPR in 2006) exploits patent publications in their product development, whereas over 90 per cent of those who use patent publications in their product development think that patent publications form an important source of information for their product development work.
  23. Mi punto de vista es que la mejor forma de sacar dinero de un invento es explotarlo por uno mismo - Más del 90% de las patentes no se usan - Obtener una licencia cuando no se explota la invención es complicado Anécdota de Cazalitos y su solicitud PCT mediante PCT Easy…
  24. The utilization of IP-system in commercializing new products should be seen as an investment to commercializing and input R&D ROLE OF INFORMATION In the beginning of new product development/commercializing cycle the technological and commercial uncertainty is very high. The bigger the uncertainty, the more reluctant is venture capital to participate the project. This uncertainty can be diminished by using relevant information based on patent publications as well as utilizing possibilities for protection, and thus rise the interest of VCs. Using all available information in the very early phase of commercializing cycle reduces the risk of technological uncertainties by giving necessary technological and competitor information. Using information is an input to R&D: Leading the project to right direction, no duplicate R&D Clarifying the competitive environment Clarifying the projects technical position ROLE OF PROTECTION Protection should not be seen only as a cost carrier, but also a dynamic tool for diminishing the competition and giving efficiency to marketing efforts. When planned carefully, it is an investment to commercialization, giving image, visibility and monopoly on the market, backing up the life cycle of the product. Protecting the technique, design, brand, other know-how Backing up technology transfer, networking
  25. In addition to reducing the risk by using IP information, the other end of the IP system is the more familiar one: It gives robust competitive advantage to your business by making possible to protect your intellectual property . Different forms of protection should be planned by considering: product life cycle, target markets, protection practices in the industry, competitors, expected incomes vs. investment to protection. When making protection decisions, you should also consider: the ways how to monitor possible infringements what your measures are against possible infringement Most used ways of protection among SME´s are trade secret and copyright. Patent: The patent gives you 20 years of monopoly of your research or know-how within the technique you describe. Trademark: The trademark is a part of your branding. Your unique trademark underlines the quality of your product and differentiates it from the competitors products. The trademark will not expire. It can be renewed for another 10 years. That might help you to maintain your market share when the patent has ceased. Design: The design helps to determine the uniqueness of your product by the shape. The design will fulfil your IP-concept and can be maintained for 25 years. Well-known example the world most valuable brand, based on a simple product - limonade. Added value is brought to the customer by the additional recognizable features as shown in the picture.. NOTE: also the recipe of Coca-Cola is protected – by a trade secret. Competitiveness with IP! Plan! Know your customers! who are our customers, how can we develop customer value? ( e.g. do they value patented solutions/products?) Know your target market, customer segments and competitors! how can we keep our customers? – e.g. develop new and/or newly designed products? how can we get new customers? – e.g. by developing new brands? competitors may be developing, or have already developed, very similar products to our products (Registered IP helps in distinguishing our products!) Company image? what is our company’s reputation - in general? our brands – e.g. how well customers know our brands? innovativeness - e.g. are we technology leaders? industry recognition – how well do we do in polls and surveys, what do industry experts say about us? Expected profits vs. Investments in IP? comparing future profits (money to be earned) to the related IP investments (money to be spent in IP and protection)? See the cost example on the next page! Competitiveness with IP! Protect! Effective protection depends on business case and business environment (industry / business sector) Industry specific norms and procedures effective ways to protect IP in a specific industry sector Choosing the ”best suitable ways” to protect, e.g. disclosing (patents) vs. keeping secret (NDAs, trade secrets) formal (contracts) and informal (employee commitment)? Combining different ways of protection e.g. trademark and patents give effective protection together Product life-cycle and protection, e.g. how long will protection be a) effective and b) cost-efficient?
  26. Ejemplo: Fiat cinquencento Wolkswagen FOX In product development the persons responsible for technical, design and marketing have all their own views to and interests in the product being developed. That’s why it is important that they cooperate closely and that all the viewpoints are considered.   Some important questions in product development: Marketing people: To whom are we selling? How are we marketing? Designers: What kind of looks is chosen? How the product is going to be used? Engineering people: What kind of technology? How to manufacture? Strategic managers: Strategic visions of the product? Wanted profits? Some Solutions:  Marketing: stand out from markets => Trademark Design: unique design => Registered designs Engineering people: New technique? =>Patent, Utility models Strategic managers : Politics =>IP strategy, strategy of commercialization Competitiveness with IP! Manage your rights! Piracy, infringements - decide, how you can enforce and defend your rights! Own use exclusive vs. sole license – to use it or not to use it yourself? prior use cases? period of priority (in case of simultaneous development)? Permitted use - open licenses, freeware (e.g. software) Follow-up how to know about potential infringements / illegal copying? audits and inspections, market surveillance? Period of validity - what should be the (effective) life-time of a patent? IP system as a tool for competitiveness and risk management The IP system, especially the IP database are a good tool to get information about the cometitveness in a target market and the information also alow to estimate the risk (e.g a IP infringement or substitution technologies, etc). This was shown in the Porter fve forces analysis and the freedom to operate mattrix as well (see slides).
  27. BASIC OPTIONS TO COMMERCIALIZE IPRs Developing and selling own products /services: in case of established company and/or going-on business Developing and selling products /services by starting up spin-off(s): in case of e.g. university research projects and their outcomes that are to be commercialized by a new company / start-up / joint-venture Making a cooperation agreement: e.g. between an inventor and a company (that will develop and market the product), or between two companies: one company specialising in product development, the other one on marketing & sales Licensing IP rights (out-licensing): see details under section 4.1 Licensing IP Rights Selling IP rights: see details under section 4.3 Selling IP Selling the (IP based) business: ”cash-in” … if more plausible option than developing the business further DEVELOP AND STRATEGY ON INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS The future winners of globalisation will be companies which are on the lookout for exciting innovations and at the same time understand how to make money with the knowledge, products and services originating from the innovations. In this respect the management of a company‘s intellectual assets and thereby the management of the intellectual property becomes even more important. Looking at IP matters concerning both information gathering and usage, all kinds of protection, utilizing of knowledge and ideas in the company via handling of employment inventions, we can easily see, that almost every sector in the company should be aware and involved in making decisions concerning IP matters. A successful IP management calls for conscious distribution of work, and on strategic level it should be managed by management group. APPROACH TO IP ISSUES DEPENDS ON BUSINESS CONCEPT AND BUSINESS CASE Vital issues, having impact on decisions on IP, to be understood clearly: Which business are we in? What is our mission, vision and focus? What do we have now and what can we develop further?: know-how, IP rights, other immaterial assets ? existing products and services? What products does our company produce at the moment, and what should it produce in the future? E.g. products, which do not fit with our current business strategies, could be serve as basis for establishing spin-offs, or product related IP should be licensed or sold. To whom do we market our products? IP rights are regional assets! In which markets do we operate ourselves? New business potential / markets by licensing IP rights? How can we make our business more competitive? e.g. utilisation of sources of information in business: idea generation, market analysis, evaluating business potential, developing business case, product development, marketing, etc. note the impact of registered IP rights in marketing and product prizing, especially trademarks and patents!
  28. Ejemplos de cooperación Séptimo Programa Marco de la UE 3’5% del presupuesto comunitario: 32.413 M€ 2007 – 2013 Buena participación de empresas de la Región Proyecto consorciado del CENTIC 3 empresas + CENTIC Herramientas de geoposicionamiento y visualización de datos Puerto, gestión de campos de golf y aplicaciones para edificios OPEN INNOVATION TREND The ability to generate innovations has become a key factor for success. However, technology has become so sophisticated, broad and expensive that even the largest companies cannot afford to do it all themselves. Companies are therefore increasingly accessing sources outside their firms’ boundaries and no longer rely on getting everything done internally. The enhancement of this so-called open innovation trend has influenced the surrounding intellectual property environment: IPR LEADS YOU TO ESTABLISH EXPLICIT AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE PARTNERS Managing intellectual property in collaborations plays an important role in the early phase of collaboration processes. It is recommended to agree upon business plans and legal issues for the anticipated exploitation of the fruits of the collaboration, including intellectual property. Important is the early and explicit agreement between the partners; how to share ownership and exploitation rights of resulting intellectual property? The knowledge economy further develops into a situation where more bundling and sharing of R&D capabilities, more public-private cooperation, more investment in start-up companies and more technology/IP licensing becomes necessary in order for companies to get the complex products timely to the market against acceptable costs. This means that a market place is rapidly expanding for trade in technology where more and more companies become active to buy, sell and/or license technology and IPRs. The contacts and joint developments between companies, large and small, will increase significantly. Besides that some technology/IP will remain proprietary, more and more will be shared with other companies, against monetary or other compensation. It is important for players in this IP environment, including SMEs, to determine how to play the game: to protect what is theirs and to look out for new technology/IP to acquire or license-in. It also needs to be noted here that the knowledge economy is increasingly being based on the trade of intangibles, including IPRs themselves. By thorough protection, contracting confidential collaboration and risk management is made easier.
  29. La Ley de Patentes española es garantísta con la parte que obtiene el derecho
  30. Importancia de garantizar calidad porque los mercados son muy estrechos y existe una alta competencia Ventajas para el licenciante Estar presente el primero en un mercado que no explota Remunerar la inversión realizada Ventajas para el licenciatario Adquirir tecnología con sólo el riesgo comercial Especializarse en un determinado ámbito de la técnica y complementar
  31. IP INFORMATION IN A BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT It is worth-while to look at intellectual property issues also through the business environment. An important question is: Where to find reliable information? 1.- Businesses need information about their technological environment for their operation. How do you manage to monitor the technological development in your own branch? A very small part of the patented technological solutions have been published in the professional literature or magazines. Patent publications as a source of information help you to find where your technology stands compared to the technology used by other actors. 2.- Businesses need information on their competitors. Who are their competitors? Where do they operate? What marketing areas the competitors are interested in? How do the competitors protect their own skills? Patent publications can also be used for anticipating. 3.- Businesses need juridical information – information on the rights of others to be able to consciously avoid infringing situations where these rights are infringed. What has been protected? Where? Is the protection in force?
  32. SCREENING: Decisions taken at the first stages of the product development process influence most the final result of the process and the cost involved in it. Correcting wrong decisions later is costly. Coming up with ideas is a continuing process in product development. Patent information is an important tool in the selection of the idea to be realized. A search carried out oneself and the patent publications thereby found help to have the idea matured forward. Fastness in the product development process is an increasingly important competitive advantage, which is why patents relating to a project idea should be studied as early as possible, to avoid wasting too much time looking at ideas previously known and unfit for development. The patent publications found help to assess what are the project ideas worth-while being taken forward. The sooner the decision is taken, the faster the project can be put into operation, the development work finished and the product or partial solution to the market and to produce. The screening of the ideas shall be made rather superficially, but on a very wide front to find out how largely the environment of each possible product or method has been covered by patents and what the competition environment they would enter in is like . STATE OF THE ART: Even if patent information already would have been utilised in the screening of project ideas, and an independent [email_address] search has been carried out, a new, considerably more specific and more restricted information retrieval has to be carried out (at the preparation stage of the project) for the planning of the actual project. This kind of clarification is called a state-of-the-art report. Besides patent information, it is important in a state-of-the-art report to also study whether something has already been published on the topic in articles, conference lectures, reports or the like. The state-of-the-art report must always be made before starting a project – before money is tied to the project. This is a way to prevent wasting money and time. The state-of-the art report is more concise in scope, but goes deeper instead. It is always advisable to include also the analysis of the patent information in it. NOVELTY SEARCH: If you are considering applying for patent protection in respect of a new technical solution, it is worth while running a novelty search. A condition for obtaining a patent, as we know, is that the invention is new and it has not been published anywhere before filing the patent application. Examination of patentability is an even more restricted and deeper-going procedure. It is only focused on studying whether a certain invention made by the applicant is novel and patentable. It is always worth-while to study whether the invention is novel before drawing up a patent application. When we know what corresponding solutions there are already, we will be able to draw up the patent application in a manner that gives it possibilities to be approved. This way the invention will get the widest possible protection. On the other hand, if the invention proves to be known, the applicant will save plenty of money in the agent, patenting and translating cost, when the application is not drawn up at all. COMPETITOR SEARCH: It is advisable to continuously monitor patenting and the competitors operating in the field throughout the whole product development period. Monitoring will give you regular information on novel inventions, new patent applications that have become available to the public and/or new patents granted. Patent analyses give easily and quickly an overall idea of the field, as well as information on the trends in the field. By analysing patents in a certain branch of technology you can find out the technology leaders and development trends. By analysing the competitors’ patents we can find out the annual changes in research activity, sizes of research groups, co-operation partners and the planned marketing areas. The analyses may give you illustrative information about for example following matters: Changes in the number of patent applications in the field annually The most important businesses and organisations in the field Annual developments in the patenting of the most significant actors in the field Patent applicants most often cited in the field The most important inventors in the field In which countries is the branch studied? Where is the market? For which countries patents have been applied for? Fundamental inventions in the field Division of inventions into sectors of the field Annual development of patenting in different sectors Patent analyses give the best feasible picture of the technological development trends and the actual strategies of the competitors. Businesses generally only patent inventions they think they will benefit financially from.
  33. Es la mejor base de datos para hacer búsquedas…
  34. SME Case studies @ Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) @ WIPO website