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A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
the dangers of unobserved heterogeneity in meta-analyses
Evan Kontopantelis12 David Springate12 David
1NIHR School for Primary Care Research, University of Manchester
2Centre for Biostatistics, Institute of Population Health, University of Manchester
RSS Newcastle, 3 Sep 2013
Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
1 Background
2 Methods
3 Results
Method performance
Cochrane data
4 Summary
Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
Synthesising existing evidence to answer clinical questions
Relatively young and dymanic field of research
Activity reflects the importance of MA and potential to
provide conclusive answers
Individual Patient Data meta-analysis is the best option,
but considerable cost and access to patient data required
When original data unavailable, evidence combined in a
two stage process
retrieving the relevant summary effect statistics
using MA model to calculate the overall effect estimate ˆµ
Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
Heterogeneity estimate
or between-study variance estimate ˆτ2
Model selection depends on the heterogeneity estimate
If present usually a random-effects approach is selected
But a fixed-effects model may be chosen for theoretical or
practical reasons
Different approaches for combining study results
Inverse variance
Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
Meta-analysis methods
Inverse variance: fixed- or random-effects & continuous or
dichotomous outcome
DerSimonian-Laird, moment based estimator
Also: ML, REML, PL, Biggerstaff-Tweedie,
Follmann-Proschan, Sidik-Jonkman
Mantel-Haenszel: fixed-effect & dichotomous outcome
odds ratio, risk ratio or risk difference
different weighting scheme
low events numbers or small studies
Peto: fixed-effect & dichotomous outcome
Peto odds ratio
small intervention effects or very rare events
if ˆτ2 > 0 only modelled through inverse variance weighting
Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
Random-effects (RE) models
Accurate ˆτ2 important performance driver
Large ˆτ2 leads to wider CIs
Zero ˆτ2 reduces all methods to fixed-effect
Three main approaches to estimating:
DerSimonian-Laird (ˆτ2
Maximum Likelihood (ˆτ2
Restricted Maximum Likelihood (ˆτ2
All other RE methods use one of these but vary in
estimating µ
In practice, ˆτ2
DL computed and heterogeneity quantified and
reported using Cochran’s Q, I2 or H2
Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
Random or fixed?
two ‘schools’ of thought
Fixed-effect (FE)
‘what is the average result of trials conducted to date’?
Random-effects (RE)
‘what is the true treatment effect’?
various assumptions
normally distributed trial effects
varying treatment effect across populations although findings
limited since based on observed studies only
more conservative; findings potentially more generalisable
Researchers reassured when ˆτ2 = 0
FE often used when low heterogeneity detected
Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
Cochrane Database for Systematic Reviews
Richest resource of meta-analyses in the world
Fifty-four active groups responsible for organising, advising
on and publishing systematic reviews
Authors obliged to use RevMan and submit the data and
analyses file along with the review, contributing to the
creation of a vast data resource
RevMan offers quite a few fixed-effect choices but only the
DerSimonian-Laird random-effects method has been
implemented to quantify and account for heterogeneity
Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
The questions
Investigate the potential bias when assuming ˆτ2 = 0
Compare the performance of τ2
estimators in various
Present the distribution of ˆτ2
derived from all
meta-analyses in the Cochrane Library
Present details on the number of meta-analysed studies,
model selection and zero ˆτ2
Assess the sensitivity of results and conclusions using
alternative models
Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
‘Real’ Data
Cochrane Database for Systematic Reviews
Python code to crawl Wiley website for RevMan files
Downloaded 3,845 relevant RevMan files (of 3,984
available in Aug 2012) and imported in Stata
Each file a systematic review (e.g. olanzapine for
Within each file, various research questions might have
been posed (e.g. vs placebo, vs typical antipsychotics)
investigated across various relevant outcomes? (e.g. no
clinical response, adverse events)
variability in intervention or outcome? (e.g. drug dosage,
types of adverse events)
Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
Simulated Data
Generated effect size Yi and within study variance
estimates ˆσ2
i for each simulated meta-analysis study
Distribution for ˆσ2
i based on the χ2
1 distribution
For Yi (where Yi = θi + ei)
assumed ei ∼ N(0, ˆσ2
i )
various distributional scenarios for θi : normal, moderate
and extreme skew-normal, uniform, bimodal
three τ2
values to capture low (I2
= 15.1%), medium
= 34.9%) and large (I2
= 64.1%) heterogeneity
For each distributional assumption and τ2 value, 10,000
meta-analysis cases simulated
Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
Between-study variance estimators
frequentist, more or less
one-step (ˆτ2
two-step (ˆτ2
non-parametric bootstrap (ˆτ2
minimum ˆτ2
DL = 0.01 assumed (ˆτ2
DLi )
Variance components
one-step (ˆτ2
two-step (ˆτ2
Maximum likelihood (ˆτ2
Restricted maximum likelihood (ˆτ2
Profile likelihood (ˆτ2
Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
Between-study variance estimators
Sidik and Jonkman model error variance
crude ratio estimates used as a-priori values (ˆτ2
MV )
VC estimator used to inform a-priori values with minimum
value of 0.01 (ˆτ2
prior between-study variance zero (ˆτ2
prior between-study variance non-zero and fixed (ˆτ2
Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
Assessment criteria
in the 10,000 meta-analysis cases for each simulation scenario
Average bias & average absolute bias in ˆτ2
Percentage of zero ˆτ2
Coverage probability for the effect estimate
Type I error
proportion of 95% CIs for the overall effect estimate that
contain the true overall effect θi
Error-interval estimation for the effect
quantifies accuracy of estimation of the error-interval
around the point estimate
ratio of estimated confidence interval for the effect,
compared to the interval based on the true τ2
Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
Method performance
Cochrane data
Which method?
Performance not affected much by effects’ distribution
Absolute bias
B0 (k ≤ 3) and ML
MVa-BP (k ≤ 3) and DLb
Error-interval estimation and detecting
DLb seems best method overall, especially in detecting
appears to be a big problem: DL failed to detect high τ2
over 50% of small meta-analyses
Bayesian methods did well for very small MAs
Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
Method performance
Cochrane data
Meta-analyses numbers
Of the 3,845 files 2,801 had identified relevant studies and
contained any data
98,615 analyses extracted 57,397 of which meta-analyses
32,005 were overall meta-analyses
25,392 were subgroup meta-analyses
Estimation of an overall effect
Peto method in 4,340 (7.6%)
Mantel-Haenszel in 33,184 (57.8%)
Inverse variance in 19,873 (34.6%)
random-effects more prevalent in inverse variance methods
and larger meta-analyses
34% of meta-analyses on 2 studies (53% k ≤ 3)!
Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
Method performance
Cochrane data
Meta-analyses by Cochrane group
Figure 1: All meta-analyses, including single-study and subgroup meta-analyses
Single Study Fixed-effect model (by choice or necessity) Random-effects model
Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
Method performance
Cochrane data
Meta-analyses by method choice
Figure 2: Model selection by number of available studies (and % of random-effects meta-analyses)*
*note that in many case fixed-effect models were used when heterogeneity was detected
Figure 3: Comparison of zero between-study variance estimates rates in the Cochrane library data and in simulations,
2 3 4 5 6-9 10+
Number of Studies in meta-analysis
Peto (FE) Inverse Variance (FE) Inverse Variance (RE) Mantel-Haenszel (FE) Mantel-Haenszel (RE)
Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
Method performance
Cochrane data
Comparing Cochrane data with simulated
To assess the validity of a homogeneity assumption we
compared the percentage of zero ˆτ2
DL, in real and
simulated data
Calculated ˆτ2
DL for all Cochrane meta-analyses
Percentage of zero ˆτ2
DL was lower in the real data than in
the low and moderate heterogeneity simulated data
Suggests that mean true between-study variance is higher
than generally assumed but fails to be detected; especially
for small meta-analyses
Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
Method performance
Cochrane data
Comparing Cochrane data with simulated
*note that in many case fixed-effect models were used when heterogeneity was detected
Figure 3: Comparison of zero between-study variance estimates rates in the Cochrane library data and in simulations,
using the DerSimonian-Laird method*
*Normal distribution of the effects assumed in the simulations (more extreme distributions produced similar
Peto (FE) Inverse Variance (FE) Inverse Variance (RE) Mantel-Haenszel (FE) Mantel-Haenszel (RE)
2 3 4 5 10 20
Number of studies in meta-analyis
true τ^2=0.01
true τ^2=0.03
true τ^2=0.10
Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
Method performance
Cochrane data
Reanalysing the Cochrane data
We applied all methods to all 57,397 meta-analyses to
assess ˆτ2 distributions and the sensitivity of the results
and conclusions
For simplicity discuss differences between standard
methods and DLb; not a perfect method but one that
performed well overall
As in simulations, DLb identifies more heterogeneous
meta-analyses; ˆτ2
DL = 0 for 50.5% & ˆτ2
DLb = 0 for 31.2%
Distributions of ˆτ2 agree with the hypothesised χ2
Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
Method performance
Cochrane data
Distributions for ˆτ2
0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5
Zero est(%): DL=44.9, DLb=29.6, VC=48.9 REML=45.4
ML=62.2, B0=49.2, VC2=44.3, DL2=45.3
Non-convergence(%): ML=0.7, REML=1.4.
Inverse Variance
0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5
Zero est(%): DL=54.2, DLb=32.7, VC=58.8 REML=55.6
ML=75.0, B0=59.6, VC2=53.9, DL2=55.5
Non-convergence(%): ML=1.3, REML=1.9.
0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5
Zero est(%): DL=50.8, DLb=27.3, VC=54.2 REML=51.4
ML=70.0, B0=54.8, VC2=49.6, DL2=51.0
Non-convergence(%): ML=0.6, REML=1.0.
Peto & O-E
0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5
Zero est(%): DL=50.7, DLb=31.2, VC=55.0 REML=51.7
ML=70.2, B0=55.6, VC2=50.2, DL2=51.6
Non-convergence(%): ML=1.0, REML=1.6.
all methods
non-zero estimates only
Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
Method performance
Cochrane data
Changes in results and conclusions
Inverse variance with DLb
when ˆτ2
DL = 0, conclusions change for 0.9% of analyses
when ˆτ2
DL > 0 and not ignored, conclusions change for
2.4% of analyses
when ˆτ2
DL > 0 but ignored, conclusions change for 19.1% of
in overwhelming majority of changes (19.0%, 0.8%, 2.3%),
effects stopped being statistically significant
Findings were similar for Mantel-Haenszel and Peto
methods, although the validity of the inverse variance
weighting in these (which is a prerequisite for the use or
random-effects models) warrants further investigation
Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
Methods often fail to detect τ2 in small MA
Even when ˆτ2 > 0, often ignored
Mean true heterogeneity higher than assumed or
estimated; but standard method fails to detect it
Non-parametric DerSimonian-Laird bootstrap seems best
method overall, especially in detecting heterogeneity
Bayesian estimators MVa (Sidik-Jonkman) and BP
(Ruhkin) performed very well when k ≤ 3
19-21% of statistical conclusions change, when ˆτ2
DL > 0
but ignored
Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
Detecting and accurately estimating ˆτ2 in a small MA is
very difficult; yet for 53% of Cochrane MAs, k ≤ 3
ˆτ2 = 0 assumed to lead to a more reliable meta-analysis
and high ˆτ2 is alarming and potentially prohibitive
Estimates of zero heterogeneity should also be a concern
since heterogeneity is likely present but undetected
Bootstrapped DL leads to a small improvement but
problem largely remains, especially for very small MAs
Caution against ignoring heterogeneity when detected
For full generalisability, random-effects essential?
Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
Appendix Thank you!
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Label One
[Replace the following names and titles with those of the actual contributors: Helge Hoeing, PhD1; Carol Phi
1[Add affiliation for first contributor], 2[Add affiliation for second contributor], 3[Add af
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Excepteur Sint
Lorum Wt (kg) 18 (SD 10) 29
(SD 07)
Ipsum (wk) 31 (SD 5) 37 (SD 2)
Irure: B
79 (373%)
121 (571%)
2 (09%)
1 (05%)
9 (42%)
7 (259%)
18 (667%)
1 (37%)
1 (37%)
106 (50%)
101 (476%)
17 (63%)
10 (37%)
Kontopantelis E, Springate D, Reeves D. A re-analysis of the Cochrane
Library data: the dangers of unobserved heterogeneity in
meta-analyses. PLoS ONE, 2013 July; 8(7): e69930.
This project is supported by the School for Primary Care Research
which is funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR).
The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily
those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health.
Comments, suggestions:
Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data

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RSS 2013 - A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data]

  • 1. Background Methods Results Summary A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data the dangers of unobserved heterogeneity in meta-analyses Evan Kontopantelis12 David Springate12 David Reeves12 1NIHR School for Primary Care Research, University of Manchester 2Centre for Biostatistics, Institute of Population Health, University of Manchester RSS Newcastle, 3 Sep 2013 Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
  • 2. Background Methods Results Summary Outline 1 Background 2 Methods Data Analyses 3 Results Method performance Cochrane data 4 Summary Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
  • 3. Background Methods Results Summary Meta-analysis Synthesising existing evidence to answer clinical questions Relatively young and dymanic field of research Activity reflects the importance of MA and potential to provide conclusive answers Individual Patient Data meta-analysis is the best option, but considerable cost and access to patient data required When original data unavailable, evidence combined in a two stage process retrieving the relevant summary effect statistics using MA model to calculate the overall effect estimate ˆµ Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
  • 4. Background Methods Results Summary Heterogeneity estimate or between-study variance estimate ˆτ2 Model selection depends on the heterogeneity estimate If present usually a random-effects approach is selected But a fixed-effects model may be chosen for theoretical or practical reasons Different approaches for combining study results Inverse variance Mantel-Haenszel Peto Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
  • 5. Background Methods Results Summary Meta-analysis methods Inverse variance: fixed- or random-effects & continuous or dichotomous outcome DerSimonian-Laird, moment based estimator Also: ML, REML, PL, Biggerstaff-Tweedie, Follmann-Proschan, Sidik-Jonkman Mantel-Haenszel: fixed-effect & dichotomous outcome odds ratio, risk ratio or risk difference different weighting scheme low events numbers or small studies Peto: fixed-effect & dichotomous outcome Peto odds ratio small intervention effects or very rare events if ˆτ2 > 0 only modelled through inverse variance weighting Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
  • 6. Background Methods Results Summary Random-effects (RE) models Accurate ˆτ2 important performance driver Large ˆτ2 leads to wider CIs Zero ˆτ2 reduces all methods to fixed-effect Three main approaches to estimating: DerSimonian-Laird (ˆτ2 DL) Maximum Likelihood (ˆτ2 ML) Restricted Maximum Likelihood (ˆτ2 REML) All other RE methods use one of these but vary in estimating µ In practice, ˆτ2 DL computed and heterogeneity quantified and reported using Cochran’s Q, I2 or H2 Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
  • 7. Background Methods Results Summary Random or fixed? two ‘schools’ of thought Fixed-effect (FE) ‘what is the average result of trials conducted to date’? assumption-free Random-effects (RE) ‘what is the true treatment effect’? various assumptions normally distributed trial effects varying treatment effect across populations although findings limited since based on observed studies only more conservative; findings potentially more generalisable Researchers reassured when ˆτ2 = 0 FE often used when low heterogeneity detected Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
  • 8. Background Methods Results Summary Cochrane Database for Systematic Reviews Richest resource of meta-analyses in the world Fifty-four active groups responsible for organising, advising on and publishing systematic reviews Authors obliged to use RevMan and submit the data and analyses file along with the review, contributing to the creation of a vast data resource RevMan offers quite a few fixed-effect choices but only the DerSimonian-Laird random-effects method has been implemented to quantify and account for heterogeneity Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
  • 9. Background Methods Results Summary The questions Investigate the potential bias when assuming ˆτ2 = 0 Compare the performance of τ2 estimators in various scenarios Present the distribution of ˆτ2 derived from all meta-analyses in the Cochrane Library Present details on the number of meta-analysed studies, model selection and zero ˆτ2 Assess the sensitivity of results and conclusions using alternative models Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
  • 10. Background Methods Results Summary Data Analyses ‘Real’ Data Cochrane Database for Systematic Reviews Python code to crawl Wiley website for RevMan files Downloaded 3,845 relevant RevMan files (of 3,984 available in Aug 2012) and imported in Stata Each file a systematic review (e.g. olanzapine for schizophrenia) Within each file, various research questions might have been posed (e.g. vs placebo, vs typical antipsychotics) investigated across various relevant outcomes? (e.g. no clinical response, adverse events) variability in intervention or outcome? (e.g. drug dosage, types of adverse events) Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
  • 11. Background Methods Results Summary Data Analyses Simulated Data Generated effect size Yi and within study variance estimates ˆσ2 i for each simulated meta-analysis study Distribution for ˆσ2 i based on the χ2 1 distribution For Yi (where Yi = θi + ei) assumed ei ∼ N(0, ˆσ2 i ) various distributional scenarios for θi : normal, moderate and extreme skew-normal, uniform, bimodal three τ2 values to capture low (I2 = 15.1%), medium (I2 = 34.9%) and large (I2 = 64.1%) heterogeneity For each distributional assumption and τ2 value, 10,000 meta-analysis cases simulated Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
  • 12. Background Methods Results Summary Data Analyses Between-study variance estimators frequentist, more or less DerSimonian-Laird one-step (ˆτ2 DL) two-step (ˆτ2 DL2) non-parametric bootstrap (ˆτ2 DLb) minimum ˆτ2 DL = 0.01 assumed (ˆτ2 DLi ) Variance components one-step (ˆτ2 VC) two-step (ˆτ2 VC2) Iterative Maximum likelihood (ˆτ2 ML) Restricted maximum likelihood (ˆτ2 REML) Profile likelihood (ˆτ2 PL) Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
  • 13. Background Methods Results Summary Data Analyses Between-study variance estimators Bayesian Sidik and Jonkman model error variance crude ratio estimates used as a-priori values (ˆτ2 MV ) VC estimator used to inform a-priori values with minimum value of 0.01 (ˆτ2 MVb) Rukhin prior between-study variance zero (ˆτ2 B0) prior between-study variance non-zero and fixed (ˆτ2 BP) Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
  • 14. Background Methods Results Summary Data Analyses Assessment criteria in the 10,000 meta-analysis cases for each simulation scenario Average bias & average absolute bias in ˆτ2 Percentage of zero ˆτ2 Coverage probability for the effect estimate Type I error proportion of 95% CIs for the overall effect estimate that contain the true overall effect θi Error-interval estimation for the effect quantifies accuracy of estimation of the error-interval around the point estimate ratio of estimated confidence interval for the effect, compared to the interval based on the true τ2 Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
  • 15. Background Methods Results Summary Method performance Cochrane data Which method? Performance not affected much by effects’ distribution Absolute bias B0 (k ≤ 3) and ML Coverage MVa-BP (k ≤ 3) and DLb Error-interval estimation and detecting DLb DLb seems best method overall, especially in detecting heterogeneity appears to be a big problem: DL failed to detect high τ2 for over 50% of small meta-analyses Bayesian methods did well for very small MAs Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
  • 16. Background Methods Results Summary Method performance Cochrane data Meta-analyses numbers Of the 3,845 files 2,801 had identified relevant studies and contained any data 98,615 analyses extracted 57,397 of which meta-analyses 32,005 were overall meta-analyses 25,392 were subgroup meta-analyses Estimation of an overall effect Peto method in 4,340 (7.6%) Mantel-Haenszel in 33,184 (57.8%) Inverse variance in 19,873 (34.6%) random-effects more prevalent in inverse variance methods and larger meta-analyses 34% of meta-analyses on 2 studies (53% k ≤ 3)! Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
  • 17. Background Methods Results Summary Method performance Cochrane data Meta-analyses by Cochrane group Figures Figure 1: All meta-analyses, including single-study and subgroup meta-analyses 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 PregnancyandChildbirth Schizophrenia Neonatal MenstrualDisordersandSubfertility DepressionAnxietyandNeurosis Airways Hepato-Biliary FertilityRegulation Musculoskeletal Stroke AcuteRespiratoryInfections Renal DementiaandCognitiveImprovement PainPalliativeandSupportiveCare InfectiousDiseases Heart BoneJointandMuscleTrauma MetabolicandEndocrineDisorders GynaecologicalCancer DevelopmentalPsychosocialandLearning… ColorectalCancer Hypertension Anaesthesia HaematologicalMalignancies DrugsandAlcohol Incontinence InflammatoryBowelDiseaseandFunctional… MovementDisorders NeuromuscularDisease OralHealth PeripheralVascularDiseases BreastCancer TobaccoAddiction CysticFibrosisandGeneticDisorders Back Skin HIV/AIDS Injuries EyesandVision Wounds EarNoseandThroatDisorders Epilepsy UpperGastrointestinalandPancreaticDiseases EffectivePracticeandOrganisationofCare ProstaticDiseasesandUrologicCancers MultipleSclerosisandRareDiseasesofthe… MultipleSclerosis ConsumersandCommunication LungCancer SexuallyTransmittedDiseases ChildhoodCancer OccupationalSafetyandHealth SexuallyTransmittedInfections PublicHealth Single Study Fixed-effect model (by choice or necessity) Random-effects model Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
  • 18. Background Methods Results Summary Method performance Cochrane data Meta-analyses by method choice Figure 2: Model selection by number of available studies (and % of random-effects meta-analyses)* *note that in many case fixed-effect models were used when heterogeneity was detected Figure 3: Comparison of zero between-study variance estimates rates in the Cochrane library data and in simulations, 21% 27% 31% 37% 41% 51% 15% 19% 22% 22% 27% 30% 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 2 3 4 5 6-9 10+ Number of Studies in meta-analysis Peto (FE) Inverse Variance (FE) Inverse Variance (RE) Mantel-Haenszel (FE) Mantel-Haenszel (RE) Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
  • 19. Background Methods Results Summary Method performance Cochrane data Comparing Cochrane data with simulated To assess the validity of a homogeneity assumption we compared the percentage of zero ˆτ2 DL, in real and simulated data Calculated ˆτ2 DL for all Cochrane meta-analyses Percentage of zero ˆτ2 DL was lower in the real data than in the low and moderate heterogeneity simulated data Suggests that mean true between-study variance is higher than generally assumed but fails to be detected; especially for small meta-analyses Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
  • 20. Background Methods Results Summary Method performance Cochrane data Comparing Cochrane data with simulated *note that in many case fixed-effect models were used when heterogeneity was detected Figure 3: Comparison of zero between-study variance estimates rates in the Cochrane library data and in simulations, using the DerSimonian-Laird method* *Normal distribution of the effects assumed in the simulations (more extreme distributions produced similar results). Peto (FE) Inverse Variance (FE) Inverse Variance (RE) Mantel-Haenszel (FE) Mantel-Haenszel (RE) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 2 3 4 5 10 20 %ofzeroτ^2estimateswithDerSimonian-Laird Number of studies in meta-analyis Observed true τ^2=0.01 true τ^2=0.03 true τ^2=0.10 Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
  • 21. Background Methods Results Summary Method performance Cochrane data Reanalysing the Cochrane data We applied all methods to all 57,397 meta-analyses to assess ˆτ2 distributions and the sensitivity of the results and conclusions For simplicity discuss differences between standard methods and DLb; not a perfect method but one that performed well overall As in simulations, DLb identifies more heterogeneous meta-analyses; ˆτ2 DL = 0 for 50.5% & ˆτ2 DLb = 0 for 31.2% Distributions of ˆτ2 agree with the hypothesised χ2 1 Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
  • 22. Background Methods Results Summary Method performance Cochrane data Distributions for ˆτ2 0500100015002000 #ofmeta-analyses 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 t 2 estimate Zero est(%): DL=44.9, DLb=29.6, VC=48.9 REML=45.4 ML=62.2, B0=49.2, VC2=44.3, DL2=45.3 Non-convergence(%): ML=0.7, REML=1.4. Inverse Variance 010002000300040005000 #ofmeta-analyses 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 t 2 estimate Zero est(%): DL=54.2, DLb=32.7, VC=58.8 REML=55.6 ML=75.0, B0=59.6, VC2=53.9, DL2=55.5 Non-convergence(%): ML=1.3, REML=1.9. Mantel-Haenszel 0200400600 #ofmeta-analyses 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 t 2 estimate Zero est(%): DL=50.8, DLb=27.3, VC=54.2 REML=51.4 ML=70.0, B0=54.8, VC2=49.6, DL2=51.0 Non-convergence(%): ML=0.6, REML=1.0. Peto & O-E 02000400060008000 #ofmeta-analyses 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 t 2 estimate Zero est(%): DL=50.7, DLb=31.2, VC=55.0 REML=51.7 ML=70.2, B0=55.6, VC2=50.2, DL2=51.6 Non-convergence(%): ML=1.0, REML=1.6. all methods non-zero estimates only DL DLb VC ML REML B0 VC2 DL2 Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
  • 23. Background Methods Results Summary Method performance Cochrane data Changes in results and conclusions Inverse variance with DLb when ˆτ2 DL = 0, conclusions change for 0.9% of analyses when ˆτ2 DL > 0 and not ignored, conclusions change for 2.4% of analyses when ˆτ2 DL > 0 but ignored, conclusions change for 19.1% of analyses in overwhelming majority of changes (19.0%, 0.8%, 2.3%), effects stopped being statistically significant Findings were similar for Mantel-Haenszel and Peto methods, although the validity of the inverse variance weighting in these (which is a prerequisite for the use or random-effects models) warrants further investigation Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
  • 24. Background Methods Results Summary Findings Methods often fail to detect τ2 in small MA Even when ˆτ2 > 0, often ignored Mean true heterogeneity higher than assumed or estimated; but standard method fails to detect it Non-parametric DerSimonian-Laird bootstrap seems best method overall, especially in detecting heterogeneity Bayesian estimators MVa (Sidik-Jonkman) and BP (Ruhkin) performed very well when k ≤ 3 19-21% of statistical conclusions change, when ˆτ2 DL > 0 but ignored Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
  • 25. Background Methods Results Summary Conclusions Detecting and accurately estimating ˆτ2 in a small MA is very difficult; yet for 53% of Cochrane MAs, k ≤ 3 ˆτ2 = 0 assumed to lead to a more reliable meta-analysis and high ˆτ2 is alarming and potentially prohibitive Estimates of zero heterogeneity should also be a concern since heterogeneity is likely present but undetected Bootstrapped DL leads to a small improvement but problem largely remains, especially for very small MAs Caution against ignoring heterogeneity when detected For full generalisability, random-effects essential? Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data
  • 26. Appendix Thank you! yCareResearchGroup [Poster tit ABSTRACT TITLE: [Add text here.] BACKGROUND: [Add text here.] OBJECTIVE: [Add text here.] METHODS: [Add text here.] RESULTS: [Add text here.] CONCLUSIONS: [Add text here.] BACKGROUND [Add title, if necessary.] Label One [Replace the following names and titles with those of the actual contributors: Helge Hoeing, PhD1; Carol Phi 1[Add affiliation for first contributor], 2[Add affiliation for second contributor], 3[Add af METHODS [Add title, if necessary.]  [Add key point.] [Add description of key point.]  [Add key point.] [Add description of key point.]  [Add key point.] [Add description of key point.] RESULTS [Add title, if necessary.]  [Add key point.]  [Add key point.]  [Add key point.]  [Add key point.]  [Add key point.] 0% 20% 40% 60% 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr 4th Qtr [Replace, move, resize, or delete graphic, as necessary.] [Replace, move, resize, or delete graphic, as necessary.] [Replace, move, resize, or delete graphic, as neces Excepteur Sint Lkl (n=212) Controls (n=27) Lorum Wt (kg) 18 (SD 10) 29 (SD 07) Ipsum (wk) 31 (SD 5) 37 (SD 2) Irure: B W H HB O Unknown 79 (373%) 121 (571%) 2 (09%) 0 1 (05%) 9 (42%) 7 (259%) 18 (667%) 0 1 (37%) 1 (37%) 0 Proident F 106 (50%) 101 (476%) 17 (63%) 10 (37%) Kontopantelis E, Springate D, Reeves D. A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data: the dangers of unobserved heterogeneity in meta-analyses. PLoS ONE, 2013 July; 8(7): e69930. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0069930 This project is supported by the School for Primary Care Research which is funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health. Comments, suggestions: Kontopantelis A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data