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The inaction cost of
desertification and land
degradation in selected LAC
countries considering climate
change incidence
Cesar Morales
G .Dascal, Z. Aranibar, S. Agar, D. Candia, L. Mora, R.
Morera, G. Kerrigan, L. Mora, R. Estupiñan
1. Porque medir costos/ Why to measure
2. Objetivos/Objectives
3. Background
4. Metodología/Methodology
5. Principales Hallazgos y resultados preliminares /
Main findings and preliminary Results
6. Que viene / What´s going on; next steps
Porque medir, que medir y como
Why to measure… what to measure…and how
Porqué / Why
Visibilidad / Visibility
Asignación de Recursos /Resources allocation process
Que /What
Pérdidas de Productividad, Producción,
Ingresos,Empleos / Losses of productivity, Production, Income,
• Como / How
– Según información disponible / According available
Objetivos / Objectives
1.- Tener una Línea Base de la desertificación en ALC
To have a Base Line of the current situation of land degradation and
desertification in LAC region
2.- Medir los costos económicos (y sociales…) de la
desertificación/degradación para facilitar la asignación de
To measure the economic and social costs of land degradation and
facilitate the allocation resources process for policy makers
3.- Estimar los posibles impactos del Cambio Climático en la
To estimate the possible impacts of Climate Change on Land degradation
Estudios hechos por el MM y otros (BM, IRD)
Studies made by GM and others institutions on land degradation costs; Berry
and Olson (1996), Bojo,(1991), Dregne and T. Chau, etc., and
Consultancy for GM made in 2008, Requier, M. 2010
Proyecto CEPAL - GTZ: Sistema de Indicadores de Impacto
económico y social de la desertificación / degradación
ECLAC’s _ GTZ Regional Project “A System of Social and Economic
Impacts Indicators of Desertification for policymakers” (Argentina, Brazil
and Chile and during the second stage, Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru
Proyecto ERECC, CEPAL de Economía del Cambio Climático
ECLAC’s Regional Project “Studies of the Economics of Climate Change”
(ERECC) in 8 countries of LAC.
Países cubiertos por el Proyecto
• PIURA(*)
Que se puede hacer
What can we do
Hay gente
que sabe
Sección cruzada
Series Temporales
Construcción y validación
de data
Que se mide
De acuerdo a las definiciones de la
UNCCD, se medirán las perdida de
productividad económica y biológica.
Para ello mediremos la diferencia de PTF, de
VBP, del Ingreso y del Empleo, entre áreas
afectadas y no afectadas por la degradación
Se mide comparando area
afectadas versus no afectadas
No degradado/desert
Medir Según la información disponible
according available information
La situación óptima The first best
• Estadística de producción/ Production statistics L. Base
• Censos Análisis de sección cruzada
• Conocimiento experto Validación
Solo Estadísticas Second best
• L. Base + estimaciones de funciones productivas
áreas degradadas y no degradadas + proyecciones
Estadísticas Limitadas o inexistentes: Limited information
• Conocimiento experto, reconstrucción de información
vía mapas
El Modelo Explicativo
The explanatory model
Considera los siguientes hechos / Take in account the following
• La estrecha relación entre pobreza rural y los procesos de
desertificación/degradación / A close relation between rural
poverty and land degradation/desertification
• Relaciones de causalidad no bi – unívocas / Not bi - univocal
causality relationship
La teoría de la producción campesina The theory of Peasant
Household Production System (A.Chayanov, 1925; A. Schejtman,
1981 and recently Richard Perrin from 1998 to our days)
Se compone de 4 aproximaciones o enfoques Composed
by 4 different approches
1.- Modelos econométricos y probabilísticos /
Econometrical and probabilistic Models
2.- Modelos Geográficos y GIS Geographic and GIS Models
3.- Modelos Fenológicos Phenological models
4.- Microdatos GLADA validados por Consenso de
expertos / microdata and Validation Workshops of Expert Consensus
Modelos Econométricos y Probabilísticos
Econometrical and probabilistic models
Disponibilidad de Microdatos Censales / Available microdata
from agricultural census
– Análisis de Sección Cruzada y de Series temporales Cross
section analysis plus time series analysis
• Mínimos Cuadrados Ordinarios (MCO); Análisis agregado y
Desagregado y Fronteras Económicas Eficientes / MOS; Aggregated
and Disaggregated analysis, Economic Efficient Boundaries
Microdatos censales no disponibles / Microdata from agricultural census
not available
- Series Temporales / Time series
- Consenso de Expertos / Expert consensus for validation
Con Información Limitada / Limited information
- Consenso de expertos y validación con comunidades
afectadas / Experts consensus and validation with local
El Modelo general
The general model
Relaciona la producción o el rendimiento con sus
variables explicativas / the relationship between Production or
Productivity with explanatory variables
Y = f (T, K, L, Clima)
Son modelos basados en Funciones de Producción tipos
Cobb – Douglas, Translog, Cuadráticas y otras / Based
mainly in Production Function Cobb-Douglas type, Translog, linear
logarithmic form, Quadratic, etc:
Y = A Lα Kβ Tδ
ln(Y) = A + αln(L) + βln(K) + δln(T)
Análisis de Sección Cruzada
Cross section Analysis
Usando los microdatos censales es posible
desagregar teritorialmente y por tipos de
productores /Analysis with micro data bases of agricultural census
enable desagregation according territory and types of producers
– Según características del territorio y de los productores/
According administratives units and producers characteristics (Such
as subsistance Productive Units, Traditional Comercial Units and
modern units)
Se estiman funciones de producción para cultivos
seleccionados, por teritorios y por tipos de
productores /Production functions are estimated for selected crops
and type of producers
Analisis Agregado
• Con datos de Upas de Regiones
homogéneas, se estiman Funciones de
Producción y se discrimina entre Ups
afectadas y no afectadas utilizando una
variable binaria (Dummy 0, 1)
La PTF es mayor en áreas no afectadas por la desertificación
(El coeficiente de la Variable Dummy es negativo
disminuyendo el efecto de la constante)
TPF is larger in areas not affected by desertification than affected (Dummy
Variable’s coefficient is negative diminishing the effect of the constant)
La desertificación tiene un impacto significativo sobre la Tierra
y su capacidad productiva al diferenciar entre áreas afectadas
y no afectadas (El coeficiente de interacción entre la variable
Dummy y la Tierra es negativo y significativo y reduce la
elasticidad VBP/Tierra/ Desertification has a significant impact over
Land and its productive capacity differentiated between affected and non-
affected areas (Coefficient of the interaction variable between the Dummy
and the Land variable is negative and significant reducing the elasticity
Análisis desagregado
Disaggregated Analysis
Se corrieron dos grupos de regresiones separados para UPs de
areas afectadas y no afectadas (mismo número de
observaciones) suponiendo que; / Same analysis approach was
conducted running two individual regressions for sample groups of
degraded and non-degraded PU’s with the same number of observations,
based on the following assumptions:
• Los Coeficientes entre ambos grupos son siginicativamente
diferentes / Coefficients between both groups (affected and non-
affected) are significantly different
• La constante (PTF) y el coeficiente del factor Tierra son
significativamente bajos para el grupo afectadao por desertificación
(la desertificación implica menor productividad por efectar la calidad
de la tierra / Constant (TFP) and Land Factor coefficient are significantly
lower for the group affected by desertification processes (initial assumption
that desertification implies less productivity by affecting land quality)
Series Temporales
Time Series
Para construir una Línea Base considerando las tendencias
pasadas y establecer el efecto de las variables climáticas sobre
la productividad / It is used to construct a Base Line considering past
trends to capture the effect sof climatic variables on productivity
Se analiza un grupo seleccionado de cultivos según diversos
criterios (aporte al PIB, a las X, empleo, Seguridad Alimentaria,
etc)The analysis is made on a group of selected crops taking in account their
contribution to GVP, food security and other relevant criterias
Las funciones de producción se especifican considerando la
fenología de los cultivos y si es posible, los factores
productivos / Production functions are estimated considering Phenology
of each selected crops and when it is possible, production factors
yi = β0 + β1*tempi + β2*Ppti +β3Ppt2 + εi
Modelos geográficos y GIS
Geographic and GIS Models
a) Se seleccionan áreas homogéneas para los cultivos / Selection
of homogeneous areas for crops
Construcción de mapas de curvas de nivel/ Construction of
maps for isolines
Cálculo de indicadores seleccionados / Calculation of selected
indicators (Aridity, Number of Drough months and, Modified Fournier for
rain agresivity)
b) Generación de datos climáticos para la LB y para
proyecciones a partir de los MCG (Precis para A. del Sur
genera data cada 50 Km2) / Generation of climatic variables for
Base Line and for projections from PRECIS Model and others. For South
America PRECIS gives information for each 50 Km2
c) Construcción y actualización de mapas de degradación
usando data satelital y Consenso experto /Construction of
actualized Land degradation maps using Expert consensus and data from
Modelo Fenológico
Phenologic model
• Para cada cultivo se identifican sus requerimientos
de temperatura y agua en cada fase de
crecimiento/ For each crop are identified a specifical model in
order to capture the main relevant characteristics of the different stages
of growth and its requirements of water and temperature.
• Las temperaturas máximasy mínimas se
especifican como anomalías u otras formas
dependiendo de cada cultivo / Temperatures (max. and
min) are specified such as anomalities and other forms depending each
crop / Las temperaturas máxims y mínimas
Validación de data satelital y workshops Glada
and workshops validation
• Se usa cuando no se disponen de otras datos.
También para examinar la dinámica de la
• La data se valida con expertos locales en
Algunos resultados
Some preliminary findings and results
1. Cost of Land Degradation; Values of degraded areas
v/s non degraded areas are compared
2. Total Factor Productivity
3. Employment/capital and employment/land elasticities
4. Gross Value Product (GVP)
5. Incomes
6. Maps of Land Degradation actualized
7. Maps with selected indicators
8. Impacts of Climate Change estimated through variation
of productivity and land degradation vulnerability
Findings for Ecuador
(Cross section analysis)
Land degradation cost are around 10,3% of Agr GVP in
the Sierra Region and around 12,0% in the Cost Region
Total Country losts reach 1,9 USD billion USD Dollars,
that means around 11% of Agr GVP
The most affected Provinces in the Sierra Region are
Bolivar, Carchi and Chimborazo (loses of Agr. GVP are
between 13%; 9,9% and 5,3%)
The highest rithm or dynamics of degradation occurs in
Province of the Amazonian Region
Inaction cost according different
• According estimations applying the
method of Efficient Economic Frontiers,
losses represent annually 7.6% of Agric.
GDP del VBP; 10% in the costs Regin and
6.3% in the Sierra
• Whit the same techniques using satellite
data to determine the intensity and
extensión of the degradation process
losses reach annually 13,5% of Agr. GDP .
Climate Change Impacts in Ecuador
Were calculated Indexes of Aridity, Number of drought
months and Fournier modified Index
According that, till 2050, will diminish aridity and the number
of drouhg monts and marginally increase Fournier
modified index. That means that Climate Change will be
not the main problem for degradation. Taking in account
the dynamics of degradation, the main problem will be the
human activity
From 2050 to 2100 coulb be expect problems in terms of
increase of rain agresivity
0 0.2
-0.1250.091 0.273
6.417 6.386
4ª 5ª 6ª 7ª 8ª
Differences in Total Factor Productivity 1997
Disaggregated Analysis
PU's affected by desertification processes
PU's not affected by desertification processes
9.929 9.933
11.014 10.999
4ª 5ª 6ª 7ª 8ª
Differences in Total Factor Productivity 2007
Disaggregated Analysis
PU's affected by desertification processes
PU's not affected by desertification processes
Differences in Total Factor Productivity (2)
Desegregated analysis
Concept / Region III IV V VI VII VIII
Observations 923 6215 8036 23884 12807 22851
Losses A. Analysis (%) 183 192 13 25 17 6
Losses D. Analysis (%) ns 42 9 27 20 16
Losses of TPF for studied Regions in Chile
Summarizing, in Chile
• Region IV, the most affected by degradation / desertification
process in the recent past, improve their situation between
1997 – 2007. The main causes are especial programs aimed
to combat poverty, and the migration mainly to Region VI
• At the same time Region VI and VIII increase strongly the
degradation consequences in terms of TPF, because lack of
especial programs to combat poverty and land degradation
and the intensification of agriculture
• Differences between affected and not affected Pus are still
significant in IV and VI Regions
Central America
Costa Rica
Central America: Losses in Area, Production and GVP in 2100,
Scenario A2 /
Amérique centrale: les pertes de superficie, la production et GVP en
2100, le scénarioA2
Inaction costs accordig different
• According the econometricl estimation
based in yields models
• Muchas gracias !!
Thanks for your attention !!!

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Cesar morales on the valuation of costs of desertification in latin america

  • 1. The inaction cost of desertification and land degradation in selected LAC countries considering climate change incidence Cesar Morales COORDINATOR REGIONAL PROJECT GM/ECLAC PROJECT TEAM G .Dascal, Z. Aranibar, S. Agar, D. Candia, L. Mora, R. Morera, G. Kerrigan, L. Mora, R. Estupiñan
  • 2. Outline 1. Porque medir costos/ Why to measure 2. Objetivos/Objectives 3. Background 4. Metodología/Methodology 5. Principales Hallazgos y resultados preliminares / Main findings and preliminary Results 6. Que viene / What´s going on; next steps
  • 3. Porque medir, que medir y como Why to measure… what to measure…and how Porqué / Why Visibilidad / Visibility Asignación de Recursos /Resources allocation process Que /What Pérdidas de Productividad, Producción, Ingresos,Empleos / Losses of productivity, Production, Income, Employment • Como / How – Según información disponible / According available information
  • 4. Objetivos / Objectives 1.- Tener una Línea Base de la desertificación en ALC To have a Base Line of the current situation of land degradation and desertification in LAC region 2.- Medir los costos económicos (y sociales…) de la desertificación/degradación para facilitar la asignación de recursos To measure the economic and social costs of land degradation and facilitate the allocation resources process for policy makers 3.- Estimar los posibles impactos del Cambio Climático en la degradación/Desertificación To estimate the possible impacts of Climate Change on Land degradation
  • 5. Background Estudios hechos por el MM y otros (BM, IRD) Studies made by GM and others institutions on land degradation costs; Berry and Olson (1996), Bojo,(1991), Dregne and T. Chau, etc., and Consultancy for GM made in 2008, Requier, M. 2010 Proyecto CEPAL - GTZ: Sistema de Indicadores de Impacto económico y social de la desertificación / degradación ECLAC’s _ GTZ Regional Project “A System of Social and Economic Impacts Indicators of Desertification for policymakers” (Argentina, Brazil and Chile and during the second stage, Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru (BID) Proyecto ERECC, CEPAL de Economía del Cambio Climático ECLAC’s Regional Project “Studies of the Economics of Climate Change” (ERECC) in 8 countries of LAC.
  • 7. Que se puede hacer What can we do Hay estadísticas de producción Hay gente que sabe Hay censos; Microdatos Sección cruzada Series Temporales Hay data Glada Construcción y validación de data
  • 8. Que se mide De acuerdo a las definiciones de la UNCCD, se medirán las perdida de productividad económica y biológica. Para ello mediremos la diferencia de PTF, de VBP, del Ingreso y del Empleo, entre áreas afectadas y no afectadas por la degradación
  • 9. Se mide comparando area afectadas versus no afectadas P No degradado/desert Degradado/desert Producción Tiempo
  • 10. Medir Según la información disponible according available information La situación óptima The first best • Estadística de producción/ Production statistics L. Base • Censos Análisis de sección cruzada • Conocimiento experto Validación Solo Estadísticas Second best • L. Base + estimaciones de funciones productivas áreas degradadas y no degradadas + proyecciones Estadísticas Limitadas o inexistentes: Limited information • Conocimiento experto, reconstrucción de información vía mapas
  • 11. El Modelo Explicativo The explanatory model Considera los siguientes hechos / Take in account the following facts; • La estrecha relación entre pobreza rural y los procesos de desertificación/degradación / A close relation between rural poverty and land degradation/desertification • Relaciones de causalidad no bi – unívocas / Not bi - univocal causality relationship La teoría de la producción campesina The theory of Peasant Household Production System (A.Chayanov, 1925; A. Schejtman, 1981 and recently Richard Perrin from 1998 to our days)
  • 12. Metodología METHODOLOGY Se compone de 4 aproximaciones o enfoques Composed by 4 different approches 1.- Modelos econométricos y probabilísticos / Econometrical and probabilistic Models 2.- Modelos Geográficos y GIS Geographic and GIS Models 3.- Modelos Fenológicos Phenological models 4.- Microdatos GLADA validados por Consenso de expertos / microdata and Validation Workshops of Expert Consensus
  • 13. Modelos Econométricos y Probabilísticos Econometrical and probabilistic models Disponibilidad de Microdatos Censales / Available microdata from agricultural census – Análisis de Sección Cruzada y de Series temporales Cross section analysis plus time series analysis • Mínimos Cuadrados Ordinarios (MCO); Análisis agregado y Desagregado y Fronteras Económicas Eficientes / MOS; Aggregated and Disaggregated analysis, Economic Efficient Boundaries Microdatos censales no disponibles / Microdata from agricultural census not available - Series Temporales / Time series - Consenso de Expertos / Expert consensus for validation Con Información Limitada / Limited information - Consenso de expertos y validación con comunidades afectadas / Experts consensus and validation with local communities
  • 14. El Modelo general The general model Relaciona la producción o el rendimiento con sus variables explicativas / the relationship between Production or Productivity with explanatory variables Y = f (T, K, L, Clima) Son modelos basados en Funciones de Producción tipos Cobb – Douglas, Translog, Cuadráticas y otras / Based mainly in Production Function Cobb-Douglas type, Translog, linear logarithmic form, Quadratic, etc: Y = A Lα Kβ Tδ ln(Y) = A + αln(L) + βln(K) + δln(T)
  • 15. Análisis de Sección Cruzada Cross section Analysis Usando los microdatos censales es posible desagregar teritorialmente y por tipos de productores /Analysis with micro data bases of agricultural census enable desagregation according territory and types of producers – Según características del territorio y de los productores/ According administratives units and producers characteristics (Such as subsistance Productive Units, Traditional Comercial Units and modern units) Se estiman funciones de producción para cultivos seleccionados, por teritorios y por tipos de productores /Production functions are estimated for selected crops and type of producers
  • 16. Analisis Agregado • Con datos de Upas de Regiones homogéneas, se estiman Funciones de Producción y se discrimina entre Ups afectadas y no afectadas utilizando una variable binaria (Dummy 0, 1)
  • 17. La PTF es mayor en áreas no afectadas por la desertificación (El coeficiente de la Variable Dummy es negativo disminuyendo el efecto de la constante) TPF is larger in areas not affected by desertification than affected (Dummy Variable’s coefficient is negative diminishing the effect of the constant) La desertificación tiene un impacto significativo sobre la Tierra y su capacidad productiva al diferenciar entre áreas afectadas y no afectadas (El coeficiente de interacción entre la variable Dummy y la Tierra es negativo y significativo y reduce la elasticidad VBP/Tierra/ Desertification has a significant impact over Land and its productive capacity differentiated between affected and non- affected areas (Coefficient of the interaction variable between the Dummy and the Land variable is negative and significant reducing the elasticity GPV/Land)
  • 18. Análisis desagregado Disaggregated Analysis Se corrieron dos grupos de regresiones separados para UPs de areas afectadas y no afectadas (mismo número de observaciones) suponiendo que; / Same analysis approach was conducted running two individual regressions for sample groups of degraded and non-degraded PU’s with the same number of observations, based on the following assumptions: • Los Coeficientes entre ambos grupos son siginicativamente diferentes / Coefficients between both groups (affected and non- affected) are significantly different • La constante (PTF) y el coeficiente del factor Tierra son significativamente bajos para el grupo afectadao por desertificación (la desertificación implica menor productividad por efectar la calidad de la tierra / Constant (TFP) and Land Factor coefficient are significantly lower for the group affected by desertification processes (initial assumption that desertification implies less productivity by affecting land quality)
  • 19. Series Temporales Time Series Para construir una Línea Base considerando las tendencias pasadas y establecer el efecto de las variables climáticas sobre la productividad / It is used to construct a Base Line considering past trends to capture the effect sof climatic variables on productivity Se analiza un grupo seleccionado de cultivos según diversos criterios (aporte al PIB, a las X, empleo, Seguridad Alimentaria, etc)The analysis is made on a group of selected crops taking in account their contribution to GVP, food security and other relevant criterias Las funciones de producción se especifican considerando la fenología de los cultivos y si es posible, los factores productivos / Production functions are estimated considering Phenology of each selected crops and when it is possible, production factors yi = β0 + β1*tempi + β2*Ppti +β3Ppt2 + εi
  • 20. Modelos geográficos y GIS Geographic and GIS Models a) Se seleccionan áreas homogéneas para los cultivos / Selection of homogeneous areas for crops Construcción de mapas de curvas de nivel/ Construction of maps for isolines Cálculo de indicadores seleccionados / Calculation of selected indicators (Aridity, Number of Drough months and, Modified Fournier for rain agresivity) b) Generación de datos climáticos para la LB y para proyecciones a partir de los MCG (Precis para A. del Sur genera data cada 50 Km2) / Generation of climatic variables for Base Line and for projections from PRECIS Model and others. For South America PRECIS gives information for each 50 Km2 c) Construcción y actualización de mapas de degradación usando data satelital y Consenso experto /Construction of actualized Land degradation maps using Expert consensus and data from
  • 21. Modelo Fenológico Phenologic model • Para cada cultivo se identifican sus requerimientos de temperatura y agua en cada fase de crecimiento/ For each crop are identified a specifical model in order to capture the main relevant characteristics of the different stages of growth and its requirements of water and temperature. • Las temperaturas máximasy mínimas se especifican como anomalías u otras formas dependiendo de cada cultivo / Temperatures (max. and min) are specified such as anomalities and other forms depending each crop / Las temperaturas máxims y mínimas
  • 22. Validación de data satelital y workshops Glada and workshops validation • Se usa cuando no se disponen de otras datos. También para examinar la dinámica de la degradación. • La data se valida con expertos locales en Workshops
  • 25. Results 1. Cost of Land Degradation; Values of degraded areas v/s non degraded areas are compared 2. Total Factor Productivity 3. Employment/capital and employment/land elasticities 4. Gross Value Product (GVP) 5. Incomes 6. Maps of Land Degradation actualized 7. Maps with selected indicators 8. Impacts of Climate Change estimated through variation of productivity and land degradation vulnerability
  • 26. Findings for Ecuador (Cross section analysis) Land degradation cost are around 10,3% of Agr GVP in the Sierra Region and around 12,0% in the Cost Region Total Country losts reach 1,9 USD billion USD Dollars, that means around 11% of Agr GVP The most affected Provinces in the Sierra Region are Bolivar, Carchi and Chimborazo (loses of Agr. GVP are between 13%; 9,9% and 5,3%) The highest rithm or dynamics of degradation occurs in Province of the Amazonian Region
  • 27. Inaction cost according different methodologies • According estimations applying the method of Efficient Economic Frontiers, losses represent annually 7.6% of Agric. GDP del VBP; 10% in the costs Regin and 6.3% in the Sierra • Whit the same techniques using satellite data to determine the intensity and extensión of the degradation process losses reach annually 13,5% of Agr. GDP .
  • 28. Climate Change Impacts in Ecuador Were calculated Indexes of Aridity, Number of drought months and Fournier modified Index According that, till 2050, will diminish aridity and the number of drouhg monts and marginally increase Fournier modified index. That means that Climate Change will be not the main problem for degradation. Taking in account the dynamics of degradation, the main problem will be the human activity From 2050 to 2100 coulb be expect problems in terms of increase of rain agresivity
  • 29. Chile
  • 30. 0 0.2 5.486 5.031 -0.1250.091 0.273 6.417 6.386 -0.184 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 4ª 5ª 6ª 7ª 8ª EstimatedTFP Region Differences in Total Factor Productivity 1997 Disaggregated Analysis PU's affected by desertification processes PU's not affected by desertification processes 8.964 9.929 9.933 11.744 7.683 11.012 9.642 11.014 10.999 11.337 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 4ª 5ª 6ª 7ª 8ª EstimatedTFP Region Differences in Total Factor Productivity 2007 Disaggregated Analysis PU's affected by desertification processes PU's not affected by desertification processes Differences in Total Factor Productivity (2) Desegregated analysis
  • 31. Concept / Region III IV V VI VII VIII Observations 923 6215 8036 23884 12807 22851 Losses A. Analysis (%) 183 192 13 25 17 6 Losses D. Analysis (%) ns 42 9 27 20 16 Losses of TPF for studied Regions in Chile
  • 32. Summarizing, in Chile • Region IV, the most affected by degradation / desertification process in the recent past, improve their situation between 1997 – 2007. The main causes are especial programs aimed to combat poverty, and the migration mainly to Region VI • At the same time Region VI and VIII increase strongly the degradation consequences in terms of TPF, because lack of especial programs to combat poverty and land degradation and the intensification of agriculture • Differences between affected and not affected Pus are still significant in IV and VI Regions
  • 34. Central America: Losses in Area, Production and GVP in 2100, Scenario A2 / Amérique centrale: les pertes de superficie, la production et GVP en 2100, le scénarioA2
  • 35. Inaction costs accordig different methodologies • According the econometricl estimation based in yields models
  • 36.
  • 37. • Muchas gracias !! Thanks for your attention !!!