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“Children First at Harmony”

                                                                                            HARMONY HIGHLIGHTS                                                    Vol. 4 - Issue 5
                                                                                                               For Wildcat Families                                2011-2012

                                                                                     From the Principal, Anne Marie Keskonis

                                                                                     Dear Harmony Families,
                                                                                     Can you believe it... we are halfway through the school year. Have you taken
                                                                                     notice of your child's progress so far? A good rule of thumb is to pay attention to
                                                                                     the factors that impact learning and achievement. One of the most important is
                            3946 South Bogan Road, Buford, GA 30519

                                                                                     your child's attitude toward school. Many families kick off the school year by
                                                                                     talking to their child and setting firm schoolwork routines at home. By this time
Harmony Elementary School

                                                                                     of year, many of these schedules and routines become a bit more flexible. If
                                                                                     your child tends to be self-motivated and is showing great progress, flexibility
                                                                                     can be a good thing. If he or she is faltering, it is time to re-establish that sched-
                                                                                     ule and stick to the plan for the remainder of the school year. February 27 and
                                                                      Front Office

                                                                                     28 we will have parent conferences. This conversation will be a good opportuni-
                                                                                     ty for a verbal check-up with your child and his or her teacher. As parents, it is
                                                                                     important to communicate to your child that you take their education very seri-
                                                                                     ously. Show them that you are supportive and you believe in his or her abilities
                                                                                     to achieve. I am a firm believer that all students can thrive if they take ad-
                                                                                     vantage of their educational opportunities. Together, we make a great team
                                                                                     that can prepare our students for a very bright future.

                                                                                                                                   Warmly, Anne Marie Keskonis

                                                                                                                e                    BOOK SWAP
                                                                                                          f   s             We collected almost 900 books

                                                                                                          cat                for the book swap this year!
                                                                                                                                    WAY TO GO!
                                                                                            i ld                                   Thank you to
                                                                                                                               Coach Leatherware
                                                                                      W                                           Mall Of Georgia
                                                                                                                              for providing volunteers
                                                                                                                                  during this event.
February 2012
Feb   2Dairy Queen Spirit Night 4:-9:                          Feb 14       Happy Valentine’s Day
       5th gr. Parent Preview Sexual                           Feb 16       Papa John’s Spirit Night
          Abuse Prevention Lesson (5:30-6:30)                  Feb 17       Student/Staff Holiday
       3,4,5 Parent Workshop on Writing (6:-7:pm)                              (Priority 1 Snow Day)

Feb 3 Snow Day Centers (2nd grade) 9:- 12:30                   Feb 20       Student/Staff Holiday
       Family Night BINGO (6:15-7:45)                                           (President’s Day)
Feb 10 Capital Field Trip (3rd grade) (7:30am– 1:30 pm)        Feb 21       Subway Spirit Night
       Sybil Deacon Visit (K,1st,2nd)                          Feb 27       EARLY RELEASE 12:45
Feb 11 Laser Tag of Buford Spirit Night                        Feb 28       EARLY RELEASE 12:45

      From the Assistant Principal - Emily Keag
                           Attendance Requirements
     Regular school attendance is one of the most important factors in school success. A pattern of
  absences may put students at risk of not achieving the Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS) for
  their grade level, not feeling a part of daily school activities, or unable to enjoy a consistent rela-
  tionship with peers.
  Therefore, it is essential that parents are aware of attendance requirements. Certain absences are
  necessary and considered to be excused according to state guidelines. They include:
             Personal illness or attendance in school endangering a student’s health or the health of others
             A serious illness or death in a student’s immediate family requiring absence from school
             A court order or an order by a governmental agency
             Observation of religious holidays, necessitating absence from school
             Conditions making attendance impossible or hazardous to student health or safety as
                 determined by state/county officials
             A student, whose parent or legal guardian is in the U.S. military or the National Guard,
                 and such parent or legal guardian has been called to duty for (or on leave from)
                 overseas deployment to a combat zone or combat support posting, shall be granted
                 excused absences, up to a maximum of five school days per year, for the day or days
                 missed from school to visit with his or her parent or legal guardian prior to deployment or
                 while on leave.

  Please remember if your student is absent from school, you need to send a note to the homeroom
  teacher stating the reason for his/her absence. Should the reason be one noted above, your
  child’s absence will be marked excused rather than unexcused.
  A state truancy law (O.C.G.A. Section 20-2-690.2) defines truant as “any child subject to compul-
  sory school attendance who during the school calendar year has more than 5 days of unexcused
  absences.” According to the federal No Child Left Behind Act, one factor that determines Ade-
  quate Yearly Progress (AYP) is attendance. Students who miss 15 or more days in one school
  year (including excused and unexcused absences) not only put themselves at risk academically,
  but also put our school at risk for not meeting the attendance requirement of AYP.
  In addition, prompt school arrival is also one of the factors of school success. When students are
  consistently tardy to school or check out early on a regular basis, they are at risk for missing in-
  struction and often spend a significant part of their time trying to catch up.
  As always, Harmony administrators and teachers appreciate your support in helping us make the
  most of your child’s education at Harmony Elementary. One important way we can achieve this
  together is for your child to be present and on time at school every day possible this school year.
  Thank you for your support!                 Emily Keag, AP
Bedtime Stories
Bedtime Stories and the Book Swap were a lot of fun! We had a good turnout and
everyone enjoyed the stories and books. If you weren't able to
come, please plan to join us next year in January.
Book Fair
Our next Book Fair will be March 8 - 16. Please be aware that
Scholastic is now requiring us to charge taxes on the books that
we sell. As always, you are invited to come with your child when
he or she comes to the Book Fair. If you would like to help us dur-
ing Book Fair, please call 770-831-4857.
                                Marie Kennedy & Dolores Craven

From Harmony’s Literacy Team

             Word Study - Different Spelling Assignments
As a parent, you remember spelling lists which you memorized for a test and then easily forgot.
The true goals of Word Study are to understand how words (whole and parts) work together orally
and written, integrate reading words and writing words, and generalize from what is known
about words to solve unknown words. Today Word Study is about learning skills to be able to use
and understand words, not just memorize words. We will answer a FAQ in each Harmony News-
letter to help parents become more familiar and comfortable with Word Study. Check out last
month’s for the answer to: How are phonics and spelling related? I thought vocabulary was
about learning definitions. Has this changed?
As a parent, what differences can I expect from the usual spelling assignments
and tests?
As we study patterns and roots of words this year, you will see examples of these
as part of your child’s word lists. The expectation is for students to be able to read
and spell new words containing these patterns or roots. For example, the teacher
may send home a word list with two new patterns or roots. The class will partici-
pate in a variety of activities in which they read, write, and study some of these
words. The teacher may assess for mastery in many dif-
ferent ways, all of which are designed to ensure stu-
dents know how to read, spell, and understand words
with these patterns or roots. On a regular basis, new
patterns or roots will be introduced while those previ-
ously taught may be included as part of ongoing
assessment. Teachers will also monitor writing
progress for evidence that your child is applying this
new skill as he or she writes.
Teaching Children about Good Behavior
   Counselor’s                     Parents and Teachers Working Together
                    As Harmony’s School Counselor, I regularly speak to students
                    about the reasons there are rules at school: (1) to ensure the
safety of staff and students, (2) to create an environment where children can learn
and (3) to ensure school is a place where we treat each other with respect. It is im-
portant that students know the expectations of them and that at Harmony, we want
our school to be the best possible place for students to learn.
The most important teacher of your child though is you, the parent. Your
child loves you and you are your child’s first teacher. It’s important that chil-
dren learn first from parents about appropriate behavior. Here is a tip about
teaching children to follow rules at home and at school: Teach children to follow
the rules by creating a process where children learn that their behavior is associated
with consequences, good or bad.
    Clearly tell children what you expect (your rules) and if they don't respond or re-
    member, allow a reasonable consequence to follow. When they complain, simply
     say, "Not to worry, I'm sure your listening will get better." Parents who run their
     home this way will get many rewards in the future, as will their children.
     Parents who use warnings and threats when their child misbehaves soon may
     have children that ignore them and others such as their teachers. Kids who ig-
      nore the advice of teachers soon fall behind in school. But why should they lis-
      ten to others? They don't have to listen to their parents.
     It's easy and convenient to threaten in the hopes that it will work. And occasion-
     ally it actually does. With an occasional payoff, we are tempted to continue to
     play the game. Unfortunately, kids usually learn to ignore hollow threats.
     To add to the problem, kids don't win in the long run. They become conditioned
    to either require more and larger threats, or they learn to simply ignore us. What
    a shock it must be for kids who grow up like this to discover that their bosses
  don't give a lot of reminders and warnings. Remember, the important reason we
use consequences in life is because we love our children and want them to be able to
handle the real world and be successful and happy as grown-ups. WARNING! It’s
Not Always Easy! But the payoff is enormous!
As always, if you have personal, social, academic concerns or any other concern that
you need to discuss, please contact me at school. School Counselors work to support
children, teachers and parents so that students reach their highest potential.
                           I am available to meet with you upon request
                Check out my website at
                Click on Counselor Info   Tina Byrne, M.Ed. School Counselor

Gwinnett Online Campus – “Goes on the Road”
                                                                          March Dates to
Gwinnett Online Campus is a charter school within the GCPS               Post on Calendar:
system. Families who are interested in learning more about the
full-time online school for grades 6-12 should look on the web-      Mar 8 - 16 Spring Book Fair
site ...                      Mar 16 School Dance
The registration window for all full-time students in grades 6 -12     Mar 22 Science Night
is open from February 1 through February 29, 2012.
Students in Kindergarten - 3rd grade at Harmony have been hav-
                 ing a blast playing instruments, hearing stories, singing, moving,
                 dancing, and ice skating to winter songs!
                 YEP, you read that right! We went "ice
               skating" in Central Park! Here's a picture!
We also learned some really cool songs about Martin Lu-
ther King, Jr. We are looking forward to learning about
the instruments of the orchestra, and many more fun top-
ics in February!
          Students in 4th and 5th grade are finishing up Recorder Karate! Stu-
          dents need to practice a lot at home these last few weeks because
          we will be done with recorders soon! Wonder which class can earn
          the most black belts in Recorder?!!! Ms. Hower

                                                Physical Education
                                              Greetings! Hopefully this finds you
                                              and your family doing well
 The new year is a busy one in the art        and coming off a very enjoy-
 classroom. We are finishing up some          able winter break. We have
 "Star Clown" paintings in Kindergar-         been working on our floor
 ten and getting ready to get down and        hockey unit with 3rd - 5th
 dirty with some clay as we make me-          grades throughout January and will
 dallions with the student initials on        be finishing up in February with some
 them. First grade has been studying          modified games. We will also begin
 the art of Piet Mondrian who invented                 our soccer unit with 3-5 this
 a style of art know as                                month. We have been work-
 "Neoplacticism." Ask                                  ing through a gymnastics unit
 your child to tell you the                            with Kindergarten, 1st
 characteristics and re-                               and 2nd grades. In Febru-
 strictions of this type of                   ary, we will be finishing up gymnastics
 art. Second grade has                        and starting a soccer unit as well.
 learned to draw with                         Attention: Please be on the lookout
 black glue and are prac-                     for Field Day t-shirt forms to go home
 ticing blending techniques as they           in February. Students will have rough-
 add pastels to their designs. Third,         ly 2 weeks to submit their money AND
 fourth and fifth grades are putting          their form to Mr. Corley. PLEASE
                                              NOTE: For organizational purposes,
 some finishing touches on some fiber         MEALPAY WILL NOT be accepted for
 arts where we have been learning how         Field Day t-shirts. Thanks in advance
 to stitch. Zane Brock                        for your understanding. Cam Corley
CRCT On-line Practice Testing
    Reminder: CRCT on-line testing is now available. Web site is . Your child’s teacher sent home the
    log-in IDs in Friday folders before Christmas 2011 and Jan 20, 2012.
                           Everyone’s password is learnit.
    There are 2 types of tests available. All tests are created from the same
    database of test items.
                                                    Student Tests are tests created by the
                                                    state. There are tests for each subject area.
                                                    Each test is about 25 questions.

                                                    Teacher-Assigned Tests are tests created
                                                    by the county, school, or teacher and as-
                                                    signed to students. There are multiple 10
                                                    question tests for each domain/strand of
                                                    each subject area for each grade level.

   Clinic            Harmony Clinic                     FOCUS NEWS
  Is Open         Kids Need Clean Hands!
                                                        Encourage Creativity
You can help your children avoid getting sick by
insisting that they wash their hands properly
and frequently. To get kids into the habit,        SCAMPER is an excellent classroom activity which
                                                   encourages students to think creatively. As par-
teach by example. Wash your hands with your
                                                   ents you can also use SCAMPER at home with
children and supervise their hand washing.         your children.
Place hand washing reminders at your childs        In this activity the student looks at an object and
                                                   develops original ideas about the object and differ-
eye level. Make sure the sink is low enough for
                                                   ent uses of the object. SCAMPER is an acronym
children to use, or place a stool                  which helps direct students in this process.
underneath so they can reach it.                    Substitute some aspect of the object
Tell your children to wash their                    Combine elements of the object with something else
                                                    Adapt or alter an aspect of the object
hands for as long as it takes them                  Maximize, modify, or minimize an aspect of the object
to sing their ABCs, “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”       Put some part of the object to other uses
                                                    Eliminate or elaborate an aspect of the object
or the “Happy Birthday” song. This works espe-      Reverse or rearrange an aspect of the object
cially well with younger children, who may rush
                                                                                     Vicky Arnette
when washing their hands. Prima Simmons
 Math in Your Home            Your home is full of opportunities to explore math with your
child and, at the same time, build his or her self-confidence and understanding of mathe-
matical ideas. This is a chance for you and your child to "talk math". That is, to communi-
cate about math while discovering relationships between numbers. Being able to describe
mathematical patterns and relationships, such as those between "addition and subtraction"
or "odd and even numbers," is important to later success in math. An understanding of math
and a sense that math is enjoyable will help children develop skills that they will need for
success their entire lives. Try these activities at home.

Tracking Time
Supplies: Clock or watch, newspaper, blank paper, and graph paper (can be hand-drawn)
What to do:
   Together with your child, keep track of the time he or she spends watching television
       as well as doing homework. Make a table listing the 7 days of 1 week. Keep two col-
       umns, one for television and one for homework. At the end of the week, see if to-
       gether you can make a graph comparing the two different activity columns.
   While watching television, make a chart showing how much time in every hour is used
       for commercials compared to how much time is used for the actual show. Do this for
       every half-hour of television you watch. Then make a bar or
       pie chart showing the two amounts. Time the minutes care-
Together with your child, keep track of how he or she spends time
in one 24-hour period: time spent sleeping, eating, playing, reading,
and going to school. Measure a strip of paper that is 24 inches
long. Let each inch represent 1 hour. Color in the number of hours
for each activity, using a different color for each activity. When
finished, make the strip into a circle and place it on a blank piece
of paper. Trace around the circle. Then make lines from the center of the circle to the end
of each color. Your child has just made a circle (pie) chart of how he or she spends 24
hours. Compare this with how other people in your family spend their time.

                                             Parent Pointer

           Statistics includes collecting information, analyzing it, and describing or presenting
                                     the findings in an organized way.

                      These activities are from Check out this website for more
                                   ideas and activities that you can do at home.

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Harmony Elementary Administrative Newsletter

  • 1. “Children First at Harmony” HARMONY HIGHLIGHTS Vol. 4 - Issue 5 February For Wildcat Families 2011-2012 From the Principal, Anne Marie Keskonis Dear Harmony Families, Can you believe it... we are halfway through the school year. Have you taken notice of your child's progress so far? A good rule of thumb is to pay attention to the factors that impact learning and achievement. One of the most important is 3946 South Bogan Road, Buford, GA 30519 your child's attitude toward school. Many families kick off the school year by talking to their child and setting firm schoolwork routines at home. By this time Harmony Elementary School of year, many of these schedules and routines become a bit more flexible. If your child tends to be self-motivated and is showing great progress, flexibility can be a good thing. If he or she is faltering, it is time to re-establish that sched- ule and stick to the plan for the remainder of the school year. February 27 and Front Office 28 we will have parent conferences. This conversation will be a good opportuni- ty for a verbal check-up with your child and his or her teacher. As parents, it is important to communicate to your child that you take their education very seri- ously. Show them that you are supportive and you believe in his or her abilities to achieve. I am a firm believer that all students can thrive if they take ad- vantage of their educational opportunities. Together, we make a great team that can prepare our students for a very bright future. 770.945.7272 Warmly, Anne Marie Keskonis e BOOK SWAP Th O f s We collected almost 900 books o m e cat for the book swap this year! WAY TO GO! H i ld Thank you to Coach Leatherware W Mall Of Georgia for providing volunteers during this event.
  • 2. February 2012 Feb 2Dairy Queen Spirit Night 4:-9: Feb 14 Happy Valentine’s Day 5th gr. Parent Preview Sexual Feb 16 Papa John’s Spirit Night Abuse Prevention Lesson (5:30-6:30) Feb 17 Student/Staff Holiday 3,4,5 Parent Workshop on Writing (6:-7:pm) (Priority 1 Snow Day) Feb 3 Snow Day Centers (2nd grade) 9:- 12:30 Feb 20 Student/Staff Holiday Family Night BINGO (6:15-7:45) (President’s Day) Feb 10 Capital Field Trip (3rd grade) (7:30am– 1:30 pm) Feb 21 Subway Spirit Night Sybil Deacon Visit (K,1st,2nd) Feb 27 EARLY RELEASE 12:45 Feb 11 Laser Tag of Buford Spirit Night Feb 28 EARLY RELEASE 12:45 From the Assistant Principal - Emily Keag Attendance Requirements Regular school attendance is one of the most important factors in school success. A pattern of absences may put students at risk of not achieving the Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS) for their grade level, not feeling a part of daily school activities, or unable to enjoy a consistent rela- tionship with peers. Therefore, it is essential that parents are aware of attendance requirements. Certain absences are necessary and considered to be excused according to state guidelines. They include: Personal illness or attendance in school endangering a student’s health or the health of others A serious illness or death in a student’s immediate family requiring absence from school A court order or an order by a governmental agency Observation of religious holidays, necessitating absence from school Conditions making attendance impossible or hazardous to student health or safety as determined by state/county officials A student, whose parent or legal guardian is in the U.S. military or the National Guard, and such parent or legal guardian has been called to duty for (or on leave from) overseas deployment to a combat zone or combat support posting, shall be granted excused absences, up to a maximum of five school days per year, for the day or days missed from school to visit with his or her parent or legal guardian prior to deployment or while on leave. Please remember if your student is absent from school, you need to send a note to the homeroom teacher stating the reason for his/her absence. Should the reason be one noted above, your child’s absence will be marked excused rather than unexcused. A state truancy law (O.C.G.A. Section 20-2-690.2) defines truant as “any child subject to compul- sory school attendance who during the school calendar year has more than 5 days of unexcused absences.” According to the federal No Child Left Behind Act, one factor that determines Ade- quate Yearly Progress (AYP) is attendance. Students who miss 15 or more days in one school year (including excused and unexcused absences) not only put themselves at risk academically, but also put our school at risk for not meeting the attendance requirement of AYP. In addition, prompt school arrival is also one of the factors of school success. When students are consistently tardy to school or check out early on a regular basis, they are at risk for missing in- struction and often spend a significant part of their time trying to catch up. As always, Harmony administrators and teachers appreciate your support in helping us make the most of your child’s education at Harmony Elementary. One important way we can achieve this together is for your child to be present and on time at school every day possible this school year. Thank you for your support! Emily Keag, AP
  • 3. Bedtime Stories Bedtime Stories and the Book Swap were a lot of fun! We had a good turnout and everyone enjoyed the stories and books. If you weren't able to come, please plan to join us next year in January. Book Fair Our next Book Fair will be March 8 - 16. Please be aware that Scholastic is now requiring us to charge taxes on the books that we sell. As always, you are invited to come with your child when he or she comes to the Book Fair. If you would like to help us dur- ing Book Fair, please call 770-831-4857. Marie Kennedy & Dolores Craven From Harmony’s Literacy Team Word Study - Different Spelling Assignments As a parent, you remember spelling lists which you memorized for a test and then easily forgot. The true goals of Word Study are to understand how words (whole and parts) work together orally and written, integrate reading words and writing words, and generalize from what is known about words to solve unknown words. Today Word Study is about learning skills to be able to use and understand words, not just memorize words. We will answer a FAQ in each Harmony News- letter to help parents become more familiar and comfortable with Word Study. Check out last month’s for the answer to: How are phonics and spelling related? I thought vocabulary was about learning definitions. Has this changed? As a parent, what differences can I expect from the usual spelling assignments and tests? As we study patterns and roots of words this year, you will see examples of these as part of your child’s word lists. The expectation is for students to be able to read and spell new words containing these patterns or roots. For example, the teacher may send home a word list with two new patterns or roots. The class will partici- pate in a variety of activities in which they read, write, and study some of these words. The teacher may assess for mastery in many dif- ferent ways, all of which are designed to ensure stu- dents know how to read, spell, and understand words with these patterns or roots. On a regular basis, new patterns or roots will be introduced while those previ- ously taught may be included as part of ongoing assessment. Teachers will also monitor writing progress for evidence that your child is applying this new skill as he or she writes.
  • 4. Teaching Children about Good Behavior Counselor’s Parents and Teachers Working Together Corner As Harmony’s School Counselor, I regularly speak to students about the reasons there are rules at school: (1) to ensure the safety of staff and students, (2) to create an environment where children can learn and (3) to ensure school is a place where we treat each other with respect. It is im- portant that students know the expectations of them and that at Harmony, we want our school to be the best possible place for students to learn. The most important teacher of your child though is you, the parent. Your child loves you and you are your child’s first teacher. It’s important that chil- dren learn first from parents about appropriate behavior. Here is a tip about teaching children to follow rules at home and at school: Teach children to follow the rules by creating a process where children learn that their behavior is associated with consequences, good or bad. Clearly tell children what you expect (your rules) and if they don't respond or re- member, allow a reasonable consequence to follow. When they complain, simply say, "Not to worry, I'm sure your listening will get better." Parents who run their home this way will get many rewards in the future, as will their children. Parents who use warnings and threats when their child misbehaves soon may have children that ignore them and others such as their teachers. Kids who ig- nore the advice of teachers soon fall behind in school. But why should they lis- ten to others? They don't have to listen to their parents. It's easy and convenient to threaten in the hopes that it will work. And occasion- ally it actually does. With an occasional payoff, we are tempted to continue to play the game. Unfortunately, kids usually learn to ignore hollow threats. To add to the problem, kids don't win in the long run. They become conditioned to either require more and larger threats, or they learn to simply ignore us. What a shock it must be for kids who grow up like this to discover that their bosses don't give a lot of reminders and warnings. Remember, the important reason we use consequences in life is because we love our children and want them to be able to handle the real world and be successful and happy as grown-ups. WARNING! It’s Not Always Easy! But the payoff is enormous! As always, if you have personal, social, academic concerns or any other concern that you need to discuss, please contact me at school. School Counselors work to support children, teachers and parents so that students reach their highest potential. 770-271-4891 I am available to meet with you upon request Check out my website at Click on Counselor Info Tina Byrne, M.Ed. School Counselor Gwinnett Online Campus – “Goes on the Road” March Dates to Gwinnett Online Campus is a charter school within the GCPS Post on Calendar: system. Families who are interested in learning more about the full-time online school for grades 6-12 should look on the web- Mar 8 - 16 Spring Book Fair site ... Mar 16 School Dance The registration window for all full-time students in grades 6 -12 Mar 22 Science Night is open from February 1 through February 29, 2012.
  • 5. Students in Kindergarten - 3rd grade at Harmony have been hav- ing a blast playing instruments, hearing stories, singing, moving, dancing, and ice skating to winter songs! YEP, you read that right! We went "ice skating" in Central Park! Here's a picture! We also learned some really cool songs about Martin Lu- ther King, Jr. We are looking forward to learning about the instruments of the orchestra, and many more fun top- ics in February! Students in 4th and 5th grade are finishing up Recorder Karate! Stu- dents need to practice a lot at home these last few weeks because we will be done with recorders soon! Wonder which class can earn the most black belts in Recorder?!!! Ms. Hower Physical Education Greetings! Hopefully this finds you and your family doing well The new year is a busy one in the art and coming off a very enjoy- classroom. We are finishing up some able winter break. We have "Star Clown" paintings in Kindergar- been working on our floor ten and getting ready to get down and hockey unit with 3rd - 5th dirty with some clay as we make me- grades throughout January and will dallions with the student initials on be finishing up in February with some them. First grade has been studying modified games. We will also begin the art of Piet Mondrian who invented our soccer unit with 3-5 this a style of art know as month. We have been work- "Neoplacticism." Ask ing through a gymnastics unit your child to tell you the with Kindergarten, 1st characteristics and re- and 2nd grades. In Febru- strictions of this type of ary, we will be finishing up gymnastics art. Second grade has and starting a soccer unit as well. learned to draw with Attention: Please be on the lookout black glue and are prac- for Field Day t-shirt forms to go home ticing blending techniques as they in February. Students will have rough- add pastels to their designs. Third, ly 2 weeks to submit their money AND fourth and fifth grades are putting their form to Mr. Corley. PLEASE NOTE: For organizational purposes, some finishing touches on some fiber MEALPAY WILL NOT be accepted for arts where we have been learning how Field Day t-shirts. Thanks in advance to stitch. Zane Brock for your understanding. Cam Corley
  • 6. CRCT On-line Practice Testing Reminder: CRCT on-line testing is now available. Web site is . Your child’s teacher sent home the log-in IDs in Friday folders before Christmas 2011 and Jan 20, 2012. Everyone’s password is learnit. There are 2 types of tests available. All tests are created from the same database of test items. Student Tests are tests created by the state. There are tests for each subject area. Each test is about 25 questions. Teacher-Assigned Tests are tests created by the county, school, or teacher and as- signed to students. There are multiple 10 question tests for each domain/strand of each subject area for each grade level. Clinic Harmony Clinic FOCUS NEWS Is Open Kids Need Clean Hands! Encourage Creativity You can help your children avoid getting sick by insisting that they wash their hands properly and frequently. To get kids into the habit, SCAMPER is an excellent classroom activity which encourages students to think creatively. As par- teach by example. Wash your hands with your ents you can also use SCAMPER at home with children and supervise their hand washing. your children. Place hand washing reminders at your childs In this activity the student looks at an object and develops original ideas about the object and differ- eye level. Make sure the sink is low enough for ent uses of the object. SCAMPER is an acronym children to use, or place a stool which helps direct students in this process. underneath so they can reach it. Substitute some aspect of the object Tell your children to wash their Combine elements of the object with something else Adapt or alter an aspect of the object hands for as long as it takes them Maximize, modify, or minimize an aspect of the object to sing their ABCs, “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” Put some part of the object to other uses Eliminate or elaborate an aspect of the object or the “Happy Birthday” song. This works espe- Reverse or rearrange an aspect of the object cially well with younger children, who may rush Vicky Arnette when washing their hands. Prima Simmons
  • 7. HARMONY MATH NEWS Math in Your Home Your home is full of opportunities to explore math with your child and, at the same time, build his or her self-confidence and understanding of mathe- matical ideas. This is a chance for you and your child to "talk math". That is, to communi- cate about math while discovering relationships between numbers. Being able to describe mathematical patterns and relationships, such as those between "addition and subtraction" or "odd and even numbers," is important to later success in math. An understanding of math and a sense that math is enjoyable will help children develop skills that they will need for success their entire lives. Try these activities at home. Tracking Time Supplies: Clock or watch, newspaper, blank paper, and graph paper (can be hand-drawn) What to do: Together with your child, keep track of the time he or she spends watching television as well as doing homework. Make a table listing the 7 days of 1 week. Keep two col- umns, one for television and one for homework. At the end of the week, see if to- gether you can make a graph comparing the two different activity columns. While watching television, make a chart showing how much time in every hour is used for commercials compared to how much time is used for the actual show. Do this for every half-hour of television you watch. Then make a bar or pie chart showing the two amounts. Time the minutes care- fully. Together with your child, keep track of how he or she spends time in one 24-hour period: time spent sleeping, eating, playing, reading, and going to school. Measure a strip of paper that is 24 inches long. Let each inch represent 1 hour. Color in the number of hours for each activity, using a different color for each activity. When finished, make the strip into a circle and place it on a blank piece of paper. Trace around the circle. Then make lines from the center of the circle to the end of each color. Your child has just made a circle (pie) chart of how he or she spends 24 hours. Compare this with how other people in your family spend their time. Parent Pointer Statistics includes collecting information, analyzing it, and describing or presenting the findings in an organized way. These activities are from Check out this website for more ideas and activities that you can do at home.