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Type at Work Report

Type Dynamics Indicator

Hina Junejo
Type at Work Report
                                   Type Dynamics Indicator - I
                                               Hina Junejo


This report gives an indication of your style and preferences based on your responses to the Type Dynamics
Indicator. The questionnaire is designed to identify some fundamental ways in which you differ from other people,
and has implications for your career development by helping you understand more about the way you approach
your work and your relationships. It is important, however, not to see your results in a limiting way, as there are
many jobs you may find satisfying whatever your preferences. Sometimes people like doing things outside of their
preferred style as this offers new challenges which introduce a sense of balance into their lives. This report can
help you explore the implications that follow from the preferences you have indicated. If these are accurate, the
report can give you ideas about your style, values, motivations and talents which, combined with your experience
and circumstances, can help you to make better short- and long-term career decisions.

Your Profile

Below is a graphic representation of your profile. It shows that your reported type is ENFJ – a style otherwise
known as the Adviser."

          Very clear    Clear       Moderate    Corridor      Corridor    Moderate      Clear     Very clear

    E                                                                                                          I
    S                                                                                                          N
    T                                                                                                          F
    J                                                                                                          P
          Very clear    Clear       Moderate    Corridor      Corridor    Moderate      Clear     Very clear

It is important to remember that this profile only represents the way you answered the questions. It is possible for
this to change as you develop your ideas about what is most important, natural and rewarding for you. Scores
which are Corridor are ones where you have been less clear and hence are more likely to have resulted in a
misclassification. You can use the detailed description below to help you consider some of the implications of the
reported style and its accuracy. If the profile does not seem accurate consider alternatives using the pen-portraits
in section describing the 16 personality types towards the end of this report.

Your most likely preferred style, based on your responses to the questionnaire, is refered to as the Adviser. The
following section describes the meaning and implications of this style in detail under the following headings:

  1. A brief summary of your preferences
  2. Why do you work?
  3. What kind of work do you want?
  4. What is your style of working?
  5. Who do you want to work with?
  6. How might others see you?
  7. Your main assets
  8. Areas to consider developing
  9. Career ideas to explore

                                                © Profiling for Success                                                1
As you read the report, make a note of what you agree with and where you disagree. Where you disagree it may
be because your answers were not reflecting your real style and motivation or it may be that it has
over-generalised from what is true of most people but which does not apply to you. Remember that the report is to
stimulate your thinking rather than to limit your choices.

1. A brief summary of your preferences

You have indicated a preference for the Adviser style. This style is one of the most personable and responsive to
the needs of others. Advisers appear friendly, warm and tactful, striving to get on well with others. They are keen
to build personal relationships and are generally seen to be 'communicators' - even if they lack skills in this area
their motivation often enables them to become skilled writers and speakers. They have a tendency to commit to
good causes with enthusiastic passion and this usually has some deep-seated value. Whatever they do, Advisers
must feel it is something they can do with their whole being. They need outlets for their passionate enthusiasm
and need for contact and relationships.

2. Why do you work?

The purpose of work

Advisers need a job that fits closely with their personal values and beliefs. Advisers seldom see a job as just a
job. They seek work that has meaning and purpose. This might have something to do with personal, social,
humanistic or spiritual development and will almost always involve contact with people. This can mean
one-to-one contact such as in counselling type roles, but more often Advisers seek wider and more numerous
audiences. Whatever they end up doing, it will need to be something they can enter with their whole being. They
want to be able to throw themselves into work with enthusiasm and commitment. If they do not achieve this,
they only give a fraction of what they have to offer at work and usually seek opportunities to live their values
outside of the workplace.

In summary

  •   Passionate about what they believe in - and need to share that passion
  •   Motivated by a higher purpose which benefits the greater good
  •   Prize growth - perhaps personal or spiritual development
  •   Want to make a difference and leave their mark
  •   Seek meaning rather than money.

The work environment

Advisers are active, outgoing communicators, with a broad range of interests and a wide circle of friends; they
need to find an outlet for their passionate energies and their need for interacting with people. They therefore seek
work environment where people matter, where how something is done is as important as what is done - and
where the impact on people is given due consideration. The environment they enjoy most usually includes a high
level of interpersonal contact and joint action.

In summary

  •   Want opportunities to communicate widely
  •   Need an environment where people matter
  •   Need a high level of interaction with others.

3. What kind of work do you want?

Types of activity

It follows from an Adviser's need to share their passionate beliefs with others, that they will prefer a job where
they can communicate actively, energetically, and preferably to a wide audience. They enjoy introducing new or
creative ideas, and are happiest doing this in a high profile way. Advisers often combine being highly visible
'performers' without necessarily being egotists. They can rise to the challenge of the big stage and are not afraid
to stand up and be counted when it comes to what they believe in. Advisers tend to value breadth over depth,
knowing many things rather than one thing in great detail, trawling widely for ideas and remaining open to the

                                                © Profiling for Success                                                2
suggestions and ideas of others - always provided that those can be related to their own driving passions and

In summary

  •   Opportunities for interaction and variety rather routine or practicality
  •   Being visible, having an audience and a chance to 'perform'
  •   Variety and breadth rather than specialisation and depth
  •   Talking and discussing rather than reading or reflecting.

Types of contribution

Advisers are enthusiastic supporters of others. They are more inclined to praise than to critique but they can
have a tendency to idealise those they like or whose ideas are in tune with their own. Of course this is a strength,
but it does come at a price. Just as they are reluctant to analyse and critique the ideas of others, so they do not
enjoy seeing their own grand passions exposed to logical analysis and quizzed for evidence. They prefer to work
on trust and intuition and can respond badly to demands for logic or concrete evidence concerning the
effectiveness of their ideas. However, their ability to 'see the wood for the trees' often gives their ideas a clarity
and simplicity, which makes them very persuasive. Their focus is on future potential rather than historical
evidence that their ideas have worked elsewhere. Their contribution usually involves change and, when it
engages their passion and conviction - often with a certainty that they are right - they can capture even the most
sceptical hearts and minds to 'dream the impossible dream'.

In summary

  •   Give praise and support and create an atmosphere of trust
  •   Bring ideas and look forward rather than accepting the status quo
  •   Bring enthusiasm and passion rather than structure and logic
  •   Identify general truths rather than specific examples
  •   Persuade with conviction
  •   Bring insight rather than evidence.

4. What is your style of working?

Managing time

Advisers love to fill their days with active engagement with others. They are structured about how they use their
time and are likely to keep a diary or similar time management system (with a huge section for addresses and
phone numbers!). Their belief that anything is possible, and their reluctance to say no, means that they probably
won't make everything on time - but they still manage an amazing amount, and their charm and genuine concern
for others give them a Houdini-like ability to slip gracefully out of difficulty. They are also very happy to switch
between activities without losing the plot, mastering a complicated brief quickly so that they can seem on top of a
wide range of subjects. The knowledge may not be that deep - but it is deep enough!

In summary

  •   Enjoy a tight, high-pressure schedule
  •   Always plan to do too much - but still achieve an amazing amount
  •   Always manage to fit in what they believe to be morally important and urgent
  •   Fill every minute of every hour, always on the go, amazing energy.

Getting results

Advisers often like to have clear and organised goals and targets, but it is unlikely that these will be purely
financial or practical, and very unlikely that they will be highly detailed. If their goals are not aligned with their
deepest beliefs, then Advisers will simply find ways round them. At their best, Advisers are extraordinarily
resilient and undeterred by failure; they take a long view and keep their eyes firmly fixed on their ideal, and so
regard setbacks (whether personal or professional) simply as a stimulus to greater effort and commitment. If
their goals are aligned with their deepest passions and beliefs, then they can move mountains.

                                                  © Profiling for Success                                                3
In summary

  •   Set clear goals but with a moral dimension - not just money or 'widgets'
  •   Structured but flexible, switching rapidly between different kinds of task
  •   Start more than they finish
  •   Undeterred by failure: "Tomorrow is another day"
  •   Undeterred by contrary evidence: "Trust me and it'll be fine"
  •   Set high targets - "The impossible we do today - miracles take a little longer".

Managing change

New ideas and possibilities excite Advisers. They have a focus on how the future can be different and so create
or respond to new ideas with enthusiasm. They may not be particularly detailed in their path to the future, trusting
in their ability to adapt as they go. They make great leaps of faith rather than weighing up pros and cons or
analysing the causes and effects and practical implications of situations.

In summary

  •   Stimulated by novelty and change
  •   Respond to new ideas with enthusiasm
  •   Make great leaps of faith - and may not apply reason, logic and practicality
  •   Dream about a new future and always seeking a new angle.

5. Who do you want to work with?

Interaction needs

Advisers need to have people around them. They are at their best with big numbers and on big occasions. They
talk easily, are seldom at a loss for words, and always want to minister to the other person's needs - though they
are not always entirely effective in establishing what those needs might be. Advisers can sometimes seem highly,
almost indestructibly self-confident but they very much need the support of like-minded others to achieve their
goals. They are very dependent on praise and encouragement - not necessarily from everyone, but very strongly
from those they value. Coolness, detachment, analysis - even emails rather than face-to-face contact - can seem
like rejection to an Adviser. They need the backing of those they admire, and then they can do anything - but
without this support their self-belief can become surprisingly fragile.

In summary

  •   Seek warm, positive and harmonious relationships
  •   Need high contact and stimulation
  •   Seek people to admire and may idealise them so that they can do no wrong
  •   Need praise and encouragement and can easily feel rejected.

Relationship style

Advisers come across as tremendously warm and appreciative people - or even intense and passionate! To be
the friend of an Adviser is to bask in a warm sunshine of approval and appreciation. They are open and willing to
extend their friendship widely, covering a wide range of people and interests, remembering personal details
quickly and naturally, and building rapport easily. Advisers can be amongst the most generous with their
recognition and praise of others but they also need it in return. Their warmth and trust usually serves them well
but, at times, it can disadvantage them in two ways. First, others can feel they are singled out for special
attention - and feel let down when they realise that they are only one of many. Second, their intense desire to put
their faith in others can, when let down, make them suddenly implacable. Beware the friend who has failed to live
up to the high standards and high expectations that the Adviser has placed on them.

In summary

  •   Warm, kind, attentive, involved and highly interactive
  •   Tend to look on the bright side - sometimes overlooking faults and problems

                                                © Profiling for Success                                                4
•   Keep a wide network of contacts - treating many as a very best friend
  •   Open style and willing to become intimate in a short time
  •   Intense and passionate with no cruising speed - everything is full on
  •   Communicate by talking rather than writing - never at a loss for words
  •   Public performers who seek warm contact with their audience
  •   Tolerant until their values are transgressed - can be very black and white
  •   Want to support, help, counsel and 'be there for others' - which sometimes prevents them from being good

6. How might others see you?

As a leader

Advisers have a natural flair, and a natural gift, for inspirational leadership. Their passion, openness, and fluent
readiness to express their beliefs and say what they stand for, give them a charisma and authenticity, which
others recognise and follow. They take a long view and are undeterred by setbacks. They are structured enough
to recognise that systems, agendas, and follow-up are needed - and they are sufficiently averse to detail, to be
effective delegators (though they will want to be assured that things are being done in a way that fits with their
values). They are responsive to the wide range of challenges a leader faces, dealing with the many claims on
their attention. Where they can fall down is when faced with the need for compromise. Advisers are so strongly
motivated by their ideals that they can find it very hard to strike bargains, do deals, and generally come down into
the contingent, messy, and sometimes dirty world of organisational and business politics. It is painful to have to
adjust their ideals in the light of reality. Sometimes Advisers can achieve this but sometimes they become very
rigid and resistant to evidence perhaps living by the adage "Do not adjust your mind, reality is at fault".

In summary

  •   Need to focus their passionate energy into a personal vision which they then use to inspire others
  •   Focus on involvement, commitment and building relationships
  •   Driven to make a contribution - hence often lead rather than follow
  •   Use persuasion and charm to win people over
  •   Accept the need for structure but averse to detail - thus delegating and allowing others to take responsibility
  •   Can find it hard to compromise on things they feel passionate about.

As a manager

Advisers love to develop people but are less interested in managing performance, systems, and tasks. Detailed
follow-through does not play to their strengths, and the weekly and monthly grind of budgets and delivery dates
can feel like a distraction from the real work. Accordingly they may set up the systems and procedures, but fail to
manage or follow them through, and their faith and trust in people can mislead them into sticking too long with
individuals who are holding the team back.

In summary

  •   Organised, planned, structured, scheduled as manager but leaves subordinates to get on with it as long as
      it doesn't clash with their values
  •   Open, upfront, inclusive and generous with praise - sometimes embarrassingly so
  •   Ensure that subordinates get a chance to develop and grow
  •   Facilitative rather than directive.

As a decision-maker

Advisers make decisions on the basis of their own personal values. They place great faith in people and often
base their decisions, not on the arguments being presented or on the facts behind them, but on their trust (or lack
of it) in the person presenting those arguments. Decision-making is seldom hard for them - their values are clear
and person-centred, and they have little difficulty in articulating them - but it can sometimes be almost too easy.
They like things sorted and decided rapidly, and may need others to hold them back from 'a rush to judgement'.

                                                © Profiling for Success                                                 5
In summary

  •   Reach decisions quickly, on the basis of values
  •   Use values and intuition - "Don't try to convince me with the facts ..."
  •   Tend to involve others and be person-centred in their approach
  •   Need things sorted out and so may make rush judgements.

In resolving conflict

Dealing with conflict is both a strength and a weakness for Advisers. Their desire for harmony makes them keen
for people to sort out their differences, and their charm and persuasiveness makes them very skilled at getting
their way and winning others over without overt battles. However, they are uncomfortable with direct
confrontation and prefer to think that they and others really do agree and that the apparent disagreement is really
illusory. This is not always the case! When there is a real conflict, Advisers can become unexpectedly harsh and
fixed in their views, taking issues personally and finding it hard to 'agree to disagree'. They are elastic and
tolerant in most things - but when the elastic breaks, it is very hard to mend.

In summary

  •   Strong values mean there is no room for compromise - but their strong need for harmony means they use
      all their skills to avoid confrontation
  •   Ultimate mediators convinced that a middle way can be found
  •   When the chips are down they become firm and clear.

7. Your main assets

At their best

Advisers pack a tremendous amount into a day through setting out a definite structure and clear objectives and
sticking to them with energy, determination, and charm. Contact with others gives them further energy and they
love being at the centre of the action, where all the threads come together. The things they bring are:

In summary

  •   Strong personal values - including the good treatment of employees
  •   An ability to create, lead and facilitate effective teams
  •   Support and encouragement creating co-operation and harmony
  •   A clear drive for results
  •   Effective and persuasive communication.

8. Areas to consider developing

At their worst

Advisers get fixated on a single goal and pursue it as an article of faith, unmoved by evidence to the contrary,
quite unable to see their own behaviour as others see it, and firmly convinced of their own righteousness and
moral superiority. The things to consider are:

In summary

  •   To listen more carefully when people challenge what you think is right
  •   Being more willing to learn from feedback even if it seems hostile.
  •   Allowing others to learn from their mistakes without your (well intentioned) intervention
  •   Giving greater attention to hard facts, evidence and detail
  •   Learning to deal with conflict more directly and effectively
  •   Allowing things to take their course rather than pushing for closure.

                                                 © Profiling for Success                                              6
9. Career ideas to explore

Advisers are not usually oriented towards jobs where there is a great need for detailed, objective knowledge or
detached analytical and fact-based reasoning, and so typically avoid jobs that are - or appear to them as - more
impersonal. For example, they are less often found in areas such as law, science, or engineering, unless they
can bring in some real personal value and meaning to what they do. They are also less likely to choose the cut
and thrust of the business and sales world. Advisers more often choose socially oriented work, or work where
there is concern for human development - sometimes in one-to-one relationships, but more often on a wider
stage. They have an exceptional energy, drained by isolation but fed by action and engagement with others;
when colleagues are wilting, worn down by the pressure of meetings and external demands, Advisers are just
getting into their stride. Advisers are passionate about everything they do. Work and play blend together
because both are about human development and personal growth. Without an outlet for that conviction and
energy, Advisers are becalmed. With it, they are unstoppable. Advisers usually give of their best when:

The Role - allows them a broad canvas and a wide audience, and gives them licence to both preach and
practise what they passionately believe in

The Environment - is busy, aesthetically satisfying, and in the public eye

The People - are warm, open, and share the Adviser's values

The work purpose - builds bridges, creates visions, helps, guides and develops the human spirit.

There are 16 types which means that, if they were all equally common, there would be about 6.25% of each type
in the existing population. In fact, Advisers represent about 3% of the general population and about 2% of
managers in medium to large organisations. Such information can be useful when considering the types of
occupations Advisers seem to choose. From the research it is possible to show which jobs Advisers seem to
gravitate towards and which they gravitate away from. This can be a starting point in considering which jobs
Advisers may feel attracted towards - and some of these findings have been summarised in the table below.

The left-hand column in the table shows occupations where there are more Advisers than you would expect by
chance - and so we can infer that such occupations are more popular and satisfying. In the right-hand column are
occupations where there are fewer Advisers than you would expect by chance - and so we can infer that such
occupations are less popular and satisfying.

          More popular occupations                         Less popular occupations

          • Artists or Entertainers                        • Armed Forces
          • Child Care                                     • Computer Specialists
          • Counsellors                                    • Craft Workers
          • Clergy and other religious occupations         • Engineers
          • Doctors, Nurses and other Healthcare           • Farmers
            professions                                    • Lawyers and Judges
          • Home Economists                                • Managers and Administrators
          • Musicians or Composers                         • Mechanics
          • Psychologists                                  • Police
          • Teachers (Art, Drama, English, Music)
          • Writers, Editors and Journalists

An examination of the above lists together with the descriptions earlier in this report can help an Adviser to
consider the extent to which their current job/role or future anticipated job/role fits their style and motivation.
However, it is important to remember that there are always exceptions to the rule. Some Advisers are perfectly
happy in roles that, on the face of it, would not be their preferred environment. Sometimes the fact that they are
different from the other people around them is a motivation in itself. This report is intended to stimulate ideas
rather than prescribe solutions. Where an Adviser has a sense of dissatisfaction or is looking for ideas to explore,
the above can serve as a useful stimulus for change, a prompt to explore occupations not previously considered
or to ask searching questions about what the appeal of a particular occupation might be.

                                                © Profiling for Success                                                7
Notes on interpreting this report

Your most likely preferred style, based on the questionnaire, has been given the name Adviser: i.e. Extravert,
Intuitive, Feeling and Judging (ENFJ). To understand more about this letter classification, you can purchase
'Psychological Type – Understanding yourself and others' available from Team Focus Ltd (email:

This report has explained the meaning and implications of this style in detail, but, do bear in mind that, whilst the
Adviser may be your most natural, characteristic or preferred style, it does not mean it is the only style you use.
Everyone has a need to play a variety of roles which demand different styles and we all show some variety and
flexibility in doing so. Consider a sports analogy where a 100-metre runner is asked to run a Marathon. Of course
they can do so and there is no doubt that practice and training will make it easier. However, a natural sprinter will
probably never achieve as highly if they switch to long-distance events. The parallel is between finding your most
natural sporting event and finding your most natural personal style. The prize is to be able to maximise your

Whilst this questionnaire did not claim to measure any innately preferred style, it did ask you to identify what
comes most naturally to you. Hopefully the report will reflect things that you can identify with. However, if the
results do not seem to fit, then it may be useful to consider why you answered the way you did and what
pressures you may have which influence your stated preferences – perhaps work demands and aspirations,
perhaps historical or parental values and wishes – all of which complicate the way in which we are or try to be.
Also bear in mind that the questionnaire does not measure your range and flexibility. You may see yourself as
exercising a wide variety of styles. This questionnaire is simply trying to identify the one which is most natural or
more fundamental in creating your identity. It is intended as a starting point to help you think more carefully about
who you are and what will bring you the most satisfaction in your life and your career.

Whatever your results remember that there is neither good nor bad in what comes out. The results are simply
reflecting how you see yourself and drawing implications which may help you gain some insights and provide you
with some suggestions. It is usually useful to discuss your results with someone who can help you clarify what
you do, why you do it, how you might come across to others and what might be the most natural and enjoyable
way to be. This is especially useful if they are trained in understanding the depth behind this questionnaire since
this can add much greater understanding to the results presented here. You may find that this helps beyond just
the question of your career and could help you to consider other areas such as your relationships, your leisure
and how you spend your time at home.

Finally, if you have any questions about this report or would like a consultation to discuss your results further, then
please email us at

Exploring how you feel about work

To help you think about work and your career development, you can write down below the name of either your
current or a previous job and then the name of a future job you are considering. Then, list below these all the
things you like about each.

   My current/previous job is called                        My next/future job I would describe as

   What I like is:                                          What I would like is:

Now rate the overall level of satisfaction you feel or imagine you would feel for each of the following.

                                                © Profiling for Success                                                   8
• In my current/previous work experiences I have been satisfied

        Not at all        1      2       3      4      5        6      7   8    9      10          Fully

   Write down what prevents the above score from being lower!

  • In my next work experiences I expect to be satisfied

        Not at all        1      2       3      4      5        6      7   8    9      10          Fully

   Write down what prevents the above score from being lower!

Thinking about your current / previous work experiences and a future job you are considering may give you an
idea of how much you want to change, and how much you feel change is or is not possible within your current
role. Use the suggestions about your preference, needs and styles given in this report to help you consider your
career development and potential need for change in more detail.

                                                 © Profiling for Success                                           9
The 16 Personality Types

The chart below provides a summary of each of the 16 personality styles. You can use this to compare your own
preferred style with styles which other people may prefer and also, if you did the 'IW' version of the questionnaire,
to compare your preferred style with your ideal style if the two are different.

Inspector (ISTJ) Inspectors     Protector (ISFJ) Protectors      Guide (INFJ) Guides are             Investigator (INTJ)
are careful, thoughtful and     are patient, modest and          warm, imaginative and               Investigators are innovative
systematic. Outwardly           diligent. They show great        amiable. They can be                visionaries with a
composed and                    compassion and support for       guarded in expressing their         determination to achieve
matter-of-fact, they can be     others - often by taking care    own feelings but they show          results. They can be highly
people of few words.            of the day-to-day practical      high levels of concern and          independent, needing a
However, they are               details. They are not            support for others. They            great deal of autonomy.
dependable, loyal and           particularly interested in       also like to get things             Their clear-sightedness and
precise, making sure that       logical or technical things,     organised and completed. In         willingness to take decisions
responsibilities are taken      preferring a more personal       fact, when their values -           makes them conceptual,
seriously and that work is      touch and they enjoy being       often involving people and          goal-focussed and visionary
completed steadily and          helpful, persistent,             social improvement - are            leaders. They come across
systematically.                 organised and thorough.          aligned with their work they        as tough and incisive but
                                                                 can become extremely                perhaps lacking the
                                                                 persistent but without losing       personal touch.
                                                                 the personal touch.

Surveyor (ISTP) Surveyors       Supporter (ISFP)                 Idealist (INFP) Idealists are       Architect (INTP) Architects
enjoy roles requiring action    Supporters are quiet,            drawn towards others who            are great thinkers and
and expertise. Socially         friendly people who do not       share their values and who          problem solvers. Usually
reverved but loving action,     need to force themselves, or     feel deeply about certain           quiet and reflective, they like
they can be highly energetic    their views, on others.          issues. These issues guide          to be left to work things out
when their interest is          Caring and sensitive, they       them in their life and              at their own pace. They can
aroused. They work towards      accept people and life's         relationships. When all is          be complex, theoretical,
tangible goals in a logical     realities as they are. They      going well they are seen as         curious and prone to
and practical way. They deal    do not need to over-analyse      warm and gracious                   seeking underlying
well with the unexpected but    but live for the present,        individuals who care deeply         principles and fundamental
can become impulsive and        being personable, adaptable      and who contribute                  understanding.
detached.                       and sometimes                    interesting ideas and values.

Trouble-Shooter (ESTP)          Energiser (ESFP)                 Improviser (ENFP)                   Catalyst (ENTP) Catalysts
Trouble-Shooters are            Energisers are drawn             Improvisers are personable,         are energetic change
sociable, confident and         towards others, living their     imaginative and sociable            agents who are always
adaptable pragmatists. They     life by engaging, interacting    types. Willing to turn their        looking for a new angle.
love action and happily use     and bringing optimism,           hand to anything, they enjoy        Often pioneers and
their experience to make        hope, warmth and fun to the      exploring ideas and building        promoters of change, they
things happen. Often            situations they encounter.       relationships. Their style is       look for active environments
charming, straightforward       They seek people and             generally enthusiastic,             where they can discuss and
and energetic they live on      action, are always ready to      engaging and persuasive,            debate new ideas. When
the edge, treating life as an   join in themselves and           tending to be spontaneous           with people they inject
adventure.                      usually create a buzz which      and flexible rather than            energy, innovation and fun
                                encourages others to get         structured and detailed.            into their activities.

Co-ordinator (ESTJ)             Harmoniser (ESFJ)                Adviser (ENFJ) Advisers             Executive (ENTJ)
Co-ordinators are               Harmonisers are sociable,        are enthusiastic, personable        Executives are direct,
systematic and                  friendly and persevering.        and responsive types who            goal-focussed people who
delivery-focussed. They like    They bring compassion and        place the highest value on          seek to influence and get
to take charge and get          a focus on others which          building relationships and          results. They value good
results. Their style will       creates a warm and               showing commitment to               reasoning and intellectual
generally be steady and         supportive environment.          people. Generally                   challenges. They seek to
organised and they are          Generally organised and          comfortable in groups, they         achieve results and can be
often described as tough,       able to attend to practical      can be good with words,             tough, visionary leaders who
but efficient, leaders.         issues, they are nurturing,      happy to express their              make things happen
Practical, rational and         loyal and sympathetic, whilst    feelings and strong in the
efficient they may neglect      keeping a clear focus on         promotion of their values.
people's feelings and may       getting things done.
not champion change.

                      Date assessed: 12/3/2012             Profiling for Success is published by Team Focus Ltd.

                                                     © Profiling for Success                                                           10

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Hina Junejo Type Dynamics Indicator Type At Work Report

  • 1. Type at Work Report Type Dynamics Indicator Hina Junejo
  • 2. Type at Work Report Type Dynamics Indicator - I Hina Junejo Introduction This report gives an indication of your style and preferences based on your responses to the Type Dynamics Indicator. The questionnaire is designed to identify some fundamental ways in which you differ from other people, and has implications for your career development by helping you understand more about the way you approach your work and your relationships. It is important, however, not to see your results in a limiting way, as there are many jobs you may find satisfying whatever your preferences. Sometimes people like doing things outside of their preferred style as this offers new challenges which introduce a sense of balance into their lives. This report can help you explore the implications that follow from the preferences you have indicated. If these are accurate, the report can give you ideas about your style, values, motivations and talents which, combined with your experience and circumstances, can help you to make better short- and long-term career decisions. Your Profile Below is a graphic representation of your profile. It shows that your reported type is ENFJ – a style otherwise known as the Adviser." Very clear Clear Moderate Corridor Corridor Moderate Clear Very clear E I S N T F J P Very clear Clear Moderate Corridor Corridor Moderate Clear Very clear It is important to remember that this profile only represents the way you answered the questions. It is possible for this to change as you develop your ideas about what is most important, natural and rewarding for you. Scores which are Corridor are ones where you have been less clear and hence are more likely to have resulted in a misclassification. You can use the detailed description below to help you consider some of the implications of the reported style and its accuracy. If the profile does not seem accurate consider alternatives using the pen-portraits in section describing the 16 personality types towards the end of this report. Your most likely preferred style, based on your responses to the questionnaire, is refered to as the Adviser. The following section describes the meaning and implications of this style in detail under the following headings: 1. A brief summary of your preferences 2. Why do you work? 3. What kind of work do you want? 4. What is your style of working? 5. Who do you want to work with? 6. How might others see you? 7. Your main assets 8. Areas to consider developing 9. Career ideas to explore © Profiling for Success 1
  • 3. As you read the report, make a note of what you agree with and where you disagree. Where you disagree it may be because your answers were not reflecting your real style and motivation or it may be that it has over-generalised from what is true of most people but which does not apply to you. Remember that the report is to stimulate your thinking rather than to limit your choices. 1. A brief summary of your preferences You have indicated a preference for the Adviser style. This style is one of the most personable and responsive to the needs of others. Advisers appear friendly, warm and tactful, striving to get on well with others. They are keen to build personal relationships and are generally seen to be 'communicators' - even if they lack skills in this area their motivation often enables them to become skilled writers and speakers. They have a tendency to commit to good causes with enthusiastic passion and this usually has some deep-seated value. Whatever they do, Advisers must feel it is something they can do with their whole being. They need outlets for their passionate enthusiasm and need for contact and relationships. 2. Why do you work? The purpose of work Advisers need a job that fits closely with their personal values and beliefs. Advisers seldom see a job as just a job. They seek work that has meaning and purpose. This might have something to do with personal, social, humanistic or spiritual development and will almost always involve contact with people. This can mean one-to-one contact such as in counselling type roles, but more often Advisers seek wider and more numerous audiences. Whatever they end up doing, it will need to be something they can enter with their whole being. They want to be able to throw themselves into work with enthusiasm and commitment. If they do not achieve this, they only give a fraction of what they have to offer at work and usually seek opportunities to live their values outside of the workplace. In summary • Passionate about what they believe in - and need to share that passion • Motivated by a higher purpose which benefits the greater good • Prize growth - perhaps personal or spiritual development • Want to make a difference and leave their mark • Seek meaning rather than money. The work environment Advisers are active, outgoing communicators, with a broad range of interests and a wide circle of friends; they need to find an outlet for their passionate energies and their need for interacting with people. They therefore seek work environment where people matter, where how something is done is as important as what is done - and where the impact on people is given due consideration. The environment they enjoy most usually includes a high level of interpersonal contact and joint action. In summary • Want opportunities to communicate widely • Need an environment where people matter • Need a high level of interaction with others. 3. What kind of work do you want? Types of activity It follows from an Adviser's need to share their passionate beliefs with others, that they will prefer a job where they can communicate actively, energetically, and preferably to a wide audience. They enjoy introducing new or creative ideas, and are happiest doing this in a high profile way. Advisers often combine being highly visible 'performers' without necessarily being egotists. They can rise to the challenge of the big stage and are not afraid to stand up and be counted when it comes to what they believe in. Advisers tend to value breadth over depth, knowing many things rather than one thing in great detail, trawling widely for ideas and remaining open to the © Profiling for Success 2
  • 4. suggestions and ideas of others - always provided that those can be related to their own driving passions and beliefs. In summary • Opportunities for interaction and variety rather routine or practicality • Being visible, having an audience and a chance to 'perform' • Variety and breadth rather than specialisation and depth • Talking and discussing rather than reading or reflecting. Types of contribution Advisers are enthusiastic supporters of others. They are more inclined to praise than to critique but they can have a tendency to idealise those they like or whose ideas are in tune with their own. Of course this is a strength, but it does come at a price. Just as they are reluctant to analyse and critique the ideas of others, so they do not enjoy seeing their own grand passions exposed to logical analysis and quizzed for evidence. They prefer to work on trust and intuition and can respond badly to demands for logic or concrete evidence concerning the effectiveness of their ideas. However, their ability to 'see the wood for the trees' often gives their ideas a clarity and simplicity, which makes them very persuasive. Their focus is on future potential rather than historical evidence that their ideas have worked elsewhere. Their contribution usually involves change and, when it engages their passion and conviction - often with a certainty that they are right - they can capture even the most sceptical hearts and minds to 'dream the impossible dream'. In summary • Give praise and support and create an atmosphere of trust • Bring ideas and look forward rather than accepting the status quo • Bring enthusiasm and passion rather than structure and logic • Identify general truths rather than specific examples • Persuade with conviction • Bring insight rather than evidence. 4. What is your style of working? Managing time Advisers love to fill their days with active engagement with others. They are structured about how they use their time and are likely to keep a diary or similar time management system (with a huge section for addresses and phone numbers!). Their belief that anything is possible, and their reluctance to say no, means that they probably won't make everything on time - but they still manage an amazing amount, and their charm and genuine concern for others give them a Houdini-like ability to slip gracefully out of difficulty. They are also very happy to switch between activities without losing the plot, mastering a complicated brief quickly so that they can seem on top of a wide range of subjects. The knowledge may not be that deep - but it is deep enough! In summary • Enjoy a tight, high-pressure schedule • Always plan to do too much - but still achieve an amazing amount • Always manage to fit in what they believe to be morally important and urgent • Fill every minute of every hour, always on the go, amazing energy. Getting results Advisers often like to have clear and organised goals and targets, but it is unlikely that these will be purely financial or practical, and very unlikely that they will be highly detailed. If their goals are not aligned with their deepest beliefs, then Advisers will simply find ways round them. At their best, Advisers are extraordinarily resilient and undeterred by failure; they take a long view and keep their eyes firmly fixed on their ideal, and so regard setbacks (whether personal or professional) simply as a stimulus to greater effort and commitment. If their goals are aligned with their deepest passions and beliefs, then they can move mountains. © Profiling for Success 3
  • 5. In summary • Set clear goals but with a moral dimension - not just money or 'widgets' • Structured but flexible, switching rapidly between different kinds of task • Start more than they finish • Undeterred by failure: "Tomorrow is another day" • Undeterred by contrary evidence: "Trust me and it'll be fine" • Set high targets - "The impossible we do today - miracles take a little longer". Managing change New ideas and possibilities excite Advisers. They have a focus on how the future can be different and so create or respond to new ideas with enthusiasm. They may not be particularly detailed in their path to the future, trusting in their ability to adapt as they go. They make great leaps of faith rather than weighing up pros and cons or analysing the causes and effects and practical implications of situations. In summary • Stimulated by novelty and change • Respond to new ideas with enthusiasm • Make great leaps of faith - and may not apply reason, logic and practicality • Dream about a new future and always seeking a new angle. 5. Who do you want to work with? Interaction needs Advisers need to have people around them. They are at their best with big numbers and on big occasions. They talk easily, are seldom at a loss for words, and always want to minister to the other person's needs - though they are not always entirely effective in establishing what those needs might be. Advisers can sometimes seem highly, almost indestructibly self-confident but they very much need the support of like-minded others to achieve their goals. They are very dependent on praise and encouragement - not necessarily from everyone, but very strongly from those they value. Coolness, detachment, analysis - even emails rather than face-to-face contact - can seem like rejection to an Adviser. They need the backing of those they admire, and then they can do anything - but without this support their self-belief can become surprisingly fragile. In summary • Seek warm, positive and harmonious relationships • Need high contact and stimulation • Seek people to admire and may idealise them so that they can do no wrong • Need praise and encouragement and can easily feel rejected. Relationship style Advisers come across as tremendously warm and appreciative people - or even intense and passionate! To be the friend of an Adviser is to bask in a warm sunshine of approval and appreciation. They are open and willing to extend their friendship widely, covering a wide range of people and interests, remembering personal details quickly and naturally, and building rapport easily. Advisers can be amongst the most generous with their recognition and praise of others but they also need it in return. Their warmth and trust usually serves them well but, at times, it can disadvantage them in two ways. First, others can feel they are singled out for special attention - and feel let down when they realise that they are only one of many. Second, their intense desire to put their faith in others can, when let down, make them suddenly implacable. Beware the friend who has failed to live up to the high standards and high expectations that the Adviser has placed on them. In summary • Warm, kind, attentive, involved and highly interactive • Tend to look on the bright side - sometimes overlooking faults and problems © Profiling for Success 4
  • 6. Keep a wide network of contacts - treating many as a very best friend • Open style and willing to become intimate in a short time • Intense and passionate with no cruising speed - everything is full on • Communicate by talking rather than writing - never at a loss for words • Public performers who seek warm contact with their audience • Tolerant until their values are transgressed - can be very black and white • Want to support, help, counsel and 'be there for others' - which sometimes prevents them from being good listeners. 6. How might others see you? As a leader Advisers have a natural flair, and a natural gift, for inspirational leadership. Their passion, openness, and fluent readiness to express their beliefs and say what they stand for, give them a charisma and authenticity, which others recognise and follow. They take a long view and are undeterred by setbacks. They are structured enough to recognise that systems, agendas, and follow-up are needed - and they are sufficiently averse to detail, to be effective delegators (though they will want to be assured that things are being done in a way that fits with their values). They are responsive to the wide range of challenges a leader faces, dealing with the many claims on their attention. Where they can fall down is when faced with the need for compromise. Advisers are so strongly motivated by their ideals that they can find it very hard to strike bargains, do deals, and generally come down into the contingent, messy, and sometimes dirty world of organisational and business politics. It is painful to have to adjust their ideals in the light of reality. Sometimes Advisers can achieve this but sometimes they become very rigid and resistant to evidence perhaps living by the adage "Do not adjust your mind, reality is at fault". In summary • Need to focus their passionate energy into a personal vision which they then use to inspire others • Focus on involvement, commitment and building relationships • Driven to make a contribution - hence often lead rather than follow • Use persuasion and charm to win people over • Accept the need for structure but averse to detail - thus delegating and allowing others to take responsibility • Can find it hard to compromise on things they feel passionate about. As a manager Advisers love to develop people but are less interested in managing performance, systems, and tasks. Detailed follow-through does not play to their strengths, and the weekly and monthly grind of budgets and delivery dates can feel like a distraction from the real work. Accordingly they may set up the systems and procedures, but fail to manage or follow them through, and their faith and trust in people can mislead them into sticking too long with individuals who are holding the team back. In summary • Organised, planned, structured, scheduled as manager but leaves subordinates to get on with it as long as it doesn't clash with their values • Open, upfront, inclusive and generous with praise - sometimes embarrassingly so • Ensure that subordinates get a chance to develop and grow • Facilitative rather than directive. As a decision-maker Advisers make decisions on the basis of their own personal values. They place great faith in people and often base their decisions, not on the arguments being presented or on the facts behind them, but on their trust (or lack of it) in the person presenting those arguments. Decision-making is seldom hard for them - their values are clear and person-centred, and they have little difficulty in articulating them - but it can sometimes be almost too easy. They like things sorted and decided rapidly, and may need others to hold them back from 'a rush to judgement'. © Profiling for Success 5
  • 7. In summary • Reach decisions quickly, on the basis of values • Use values and intuition - "Don't try to convince me with the facts ..." • Tend to involve others and be person-centred in their approach • Need things sorted out and so may make rush judgements. In resolving conflict Dealing with conflict is both a strength and a weakness for Advisers. Their desire for harmony makes them keen for people to sort out their differences, and their charm and persuasiveness makes them very skilled at getting their way and winning others over without overt battles. However, they are uncomfortable with direct confrontation and prefer to think that they and others really do agree and that the apparent disagreement is really illusory. This is not always the case! When there is a real conflict, Advisers can become unexpectedly harsh and fixed in their views, taking issues personally and finding it hard to 'agree to disagree'. They are elastic and tolerant in most things - but when the elastic breaks, it is very hard to mend. In summary • Strong values mean there is no room for compromise - but their strong need for harmony means they use all their skills to avoid confrontation • Ultimate mediators convinced that a middle way can be found • When the chips are down they become firm and clear. 7. Your main assets At their best Advisers pack a tremendous amount into a day through setting out a definite structure and clear objectives and sticking to them with energy, determination, and charm. Contact with others gives them further energy and they love being at the centre of the action, where all the threads come together. The things they bring are: In summary • Strong personal values - including the good treatment of employees • An ability to create, lead and facilitate effective teams • Support and encouragement creating co-operation and harmony • A clear drive for results • Effective and persuasive communication. 8. Areas to consider developing At their worst Advisers get fixated on a single goal and pursue it as an article of faith, unmoved by evidence to the contrary, quite unable to see their own behaviour as others see it, and firmly convinced of their own righteousness and moral superiority. The things to consider are: In summary • To listen more carefully when people challenge what you think is right • Being more willing to learn from feedback even if it seems hostile. • Allowing others to learn from their mistakes without your (well intentioned) intervention • Giving greater attention to hard facts, evidence and detail • Learning to deal with conflict more directly and effectively • Allowing things to take their course rather than pushing for closure. © Profiling for Success 6
  • 8. 9. Career ideas to explore Advisers are not usually oriented towards jobs where there is a great need for detailed, objective knowledge or detached analytical and fact-based reasoning, and so typically avoid jobs that are - or appear to them as - more impersonal. For example, they are less often found in areas such as law, science, or engineering, unless they can bring in some real personal value and meaning to what they do. They are also less likely to choose the cut and thrust of the business and sales world. Advisers more often choose socially oriented work, or work where there is concern for human development - sometimes in one-to-one relationships, but more often on a wider stage. They have an exceptional energy, drained by isolation but fed by action and engagement with others; when colleagues are wilting, worn down by the pressure of meetings and external demands, Advisers are just getting into their stride. Advisers are passionate about everything they do. Work and play blend together because both are about human development and personal growth. Without an outlet for that conviction and energy, Advisers are becalmed. With it, they are unstoppable. Advisers usually give of their best when: The Role - allows them a broad canvas and a wide audience, and gives them licence to both preach and practise what they passionately believe in The Environment - is busy, aesthetically satisfying, and in the public eye The People - are warm, open, and share the Adviser's values The work purpose - builds bridges, creates visions, helps, guides and develops the human spirit. There are 16 types which means that, if they were all equally common, there would be about 6.25% of each type in the existing population. In fact, Advisers represent about 3% of the general population and about 2% of managers in medium to large organisations. Such information can be useful when considering the types of occupations Advisers seem to choose. From the research it is possible to show which jobs Advisers seem to gravitate towards and which they gravitate away from. This can be a starting point in considering which jobs Advisers may feel attracted towards - and some of these findings have been summarised in the table below. The left-hand column in the table shows occupations where there are more Advisers than you would expect by chance - and so we can infer that such occupations are more popular and satisfying. In the right-hand column are occupations where there are fewer Advisers than you would expect by chance - and so we can infer that such occupations are less popular and satisfying. More popular occupations Less popular occupations • Artists or Entertainers • Armed Forces • Child Care • Computer Specialists • Counsellors • Craft Workers • Clergy and other religious occupations • Engineers • Doctors, Nurses and other Healthcare • Farmers professions • Lawyers and Judges • Home Economists • Managers and Administrators • Musicians or Composers • Mechanics • Psychologists • Police • Teachers (Art, Drama, English, Music) • Writers, Editors and Journalists An examination of the above lists together with the descriptions earlier in this report can help an Adviser to consider the extent to which their current job/role or future anticipated job/role fits their style and motivation. However, it is important to remember that there are always exceptions to the rule. Some Advisers are perfectly happy in roles that, on the face of it, would not be their preferred environment. Sometimes the fact that they are different from the other people around them is a motivation in itself. This report is intended to stimulate ideas rather than prescribe solutions. Where an Adviser has a sense of dissatisfaction or is looking for ideas to explore, the above can serve as a useful stimulus for change, a prompt to explore occupations not previously considered or to ask searching questions about what the appeal of a particular occupation might be. © Profiling for Success 7
  • 9. Notes on interpreting this report Your most likely preferred style, based on the questionnaire, has been given the name Adviser: i.e. Extravert, Intuitive, Feeling and Judging (ENFJ). To understand more about this letter classification, you can purchase 'Psychological Type – Understanding yourself and others' available from Team Focus Ltd (email: This report has explained the meaning and implications of this style in detail, but, do bear in mind that, whilst the Adviser may be your most natural, characteristic or preferred style, it does not mean it is the only style you use. Everyone has a need to play a variety of roles which demand different styles and we all show some variety and flexibility in doing so. Consider a sports analogy where a 100-metre runner is asked to run a Marathon. Of course they can do so and there is no doubt that practice and training will make it easier. However, a natural sprinter will probably never achieve as highly if they switch to long-distance events. The parallel is between finding your most natural sporting event and finding your most natural personal style. The prize is to be able to maximise your potential. Whilst this questionnaire did not claim to measure any innately preferred style, it did ask you to identify what comes most naturally to you. Hopefully the report will reflect things that you can identify with. However, if the results do not seem to fit, then it may be useful to consider why you answered the way you did and what pressures you may have which influence your stated preferences – perhaps work demands and aspirations, perhaps historical or parental values and wishes – all of which complicate the way in which we are or try to be. Also bear in mind that the questionnaire does not measure your range and flexibility. You may see yourself as exercising a wide variety of styles. This questionnaire is simply trying to identify the one which is most natural or more fundamental in creating your identity. It is intended as a starting point to help you think more carefully about who you are and what will bring you the most satisfaction in your life and your career. Whatever your results remember that there is neither good nor bad in what comes out. The results are simply reflecting how you see yourself and drawing implications which may help you gain some insights and provide you with some suggestions. It is usually useful to discuss your results with someone who can help you clarify what you do, why you do it, how you might come across to others and what might be the most natural and enjoyable way to be. This is especially useful if they are trained in understanding the depth behind this questionnaire since this can add much greater understanding to the results presented here. You may find that this helps beyond just the question of your career and could help you to consider other areas such as your relationships, your leisure and how you spend your time at home. Finally, if you have any questions about this report or would like a consultation to discuss your results further, then please email us at Exploring how you feel about work To help you think about work and your career development, you can write down below the name of either your current or a previous job and then the name of a future job you are considering. Then, list below these all the things you like about each. My current/previous job is called My next/future job I would describe as What I like is: What I would like is: Now rate the overall level of satisfaction you feel or imagine you would feel for each of the following. © Profiling for Success 8
  • 10. • In my current/previous work experiences I have been satisfied Not at all 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Fully Write down what prevents the above score from being lower! • In my next work experiences I expect to be satisfied Not at all 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Fully Write down what prevents the above score from being lower! Thinking about your current / previous work experiences and a future job you are considering may give you an idea of how much you want to change, and how much you feel change is or is not possible within your current role. Use the suggestions about your preference, needs and styles given in this report to help you consider your career development and potential need for change in more detail. © Profiling for Success 9
  • 11. The 16 Personality Types The chart below provides a summary of each of the 16 personality styles. You can use this to compare your own preferred style with styles which other people may prefer and also, if you did the 'IW' version of the questionnaire, to compare your preferred style with your ideal style if the two are different. Inspector (ISTJ) Inspectors Protector (ISFJ) Protectors Guide (INFJ) Guides are Investigator (INTJ) are careful, thoughtful and are patient, modest and warm, imaginative and Investigators are innovative systematic. Outwardly diligent. They show great amiable. They can be visionaries with a composed and compassion and support for guarded in expressing their determination to achieve matter-of-fact, they can be others - often by taking care own feelings but they show results. They can be highly people of few words. of the day-to-day practical high levels of concern and independent, needing a However, they are details. They are not support for others. They great deal of autonomy. dependable, loyal and particularly interested in also like to get things Their clear-sightedness and precise, making sure that logical or technical things, organised and completed. In willingness to take decisions responsibilities are taken preferring a more personal fact, when their values - makes them conceptual, seriously and that work is touch and they enjoy being often involving people and goal-focussed and visionary completed steadily and helpful, persistent, social improvement - are leaders. They come across systematically. organised and thorough. aligned with their work they as tough and incisive but can become extremely perhaps lacking the persistent but without losing personal touch. the personal touch. Surveyor (ISTP) Surveyors Supporter (ISFP) Idealist (INFP) Idealists are Architect (INTP) Architects enjoy roles requiring action Supporters are quiet, drawn towards others who are great thinkers and and expertise. Socially friendly people who do not share their values and who problem solvers. Usually reverved but loving action, need to force themselves, or feel deeply about certain quiet and reflective, they like they can be highly energetic their views, on others. issues. These issues guide to be left to work things out when their interest is Caring and sensitive, they them in their life and at their own pace. They can aroused. They work towards accept people and life's relationships. When all is be complex, theoretical, tangible goals in a logical realities as they are. They going well they are seen as curious and prone to and practical way. They deal do not need to over-analyse warm and gracious seeking underlying well with the unexpected but but live for the present, individuals who care deeply principles and fundamental can become impulsive and being personable, adaptable and who contribute understanding. detached. and sometimes interesting ideas and values. disorganised. Trouble-Shooter (ESTP) Energiser (ESFP) Improviser (ENFP) Catalyst (ENTP) Catalysts Trouble-Shooters are Energisers are drawn Improvisers are personable, are energetic change sociable, confident and towards others, living their imaginative and sociable agents who are always adaptable pragmatists. They life by engaging, interacting types. Willing to turn their looking for a new angle. love action and happily use and bringing optimism, hand to anything, they enjoy Often pioneers and their experience to make hope, warmth and fun to the exploring ideas and building promoters of change, they things happen. Often situations they encounter. relationships. Their style is look for active environments charming, straightforward They seek people and generally enthusiastic, where they can discuss and and energetic they live on action, are always ready to engaging and persuasive, debate new ideas. When the edge, treating life as an join in themselves and tending to be spontaneous with people they inject adventure. usually create a buzz which and flexible rather than energy, innovation and fun encourages others to get structured and detailed. into their activities. involved. Co-ordinator (ESTJ) Harmoniser (ESFJ) Adviser (ENFJ) Advisers Executive (ENTJ) Co-ordinators are Harmonisers are sociable, are enthusiastic, personable Executives are direct, systematic and friendly and persevering. and responsive types who goal-focussed people who delivery-focussed. They like They bring compassion and place the highest value on seek to influence and get to take charge and get a focus on others which building relationships and results. They value good results. Their style will creates a warm and showing commitment to reasoning and intellectual generally be steady and supportive environment. people. Generally challenges. They seek to organised and they are Generally organised and comfortable in groups, they achieve results and can be often described as tough, able to attend to practical can be good with words, tough, visionary leaders who but efficient, leaders. issues, they are nurturing, happy to express their make things happen Practical, rational and loyal and sympathetic, whilst feelings and strong in the efficient they may neglect keeping a clear focus on promotion of their values. people's feelings and may getting things done. not champion change. Date assessed: 12/3/2012 Profiling for Success is published by Team Focus Ltd. © Profiling for Success 10