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>     neighborhood

l     OUR AIM


      lll.l KöRnERSTRASSE
      lll.ll 50678 KHD

lV    ExpLORATIOn pLAn
      lV.l pRE-STUDIES
      lV.ll DEEp ExpLORATIOn

V     OUR nExT STEpS

      Living quality by Design   >   prof. birgit Mager   >   Winter 09/10   >   Irina Massmann, nadine Adrian, Simone Kroll
l   oUr Aim

Our aim is to increase the living quality of a neighborhood by:

>   providing a platform where the neighborhood
    can meet and get to know each other
    > this might lead to a more secure and comfortable
    feeling in one´s direct surroundings

>   re-animating unused public space, e.g. former
    market places or walking paths splitting two streets
    > this might lead to a more attractive appearance of
      a neighborhood

    Living quality by Design   >   prof. birgit Mager   >   Winter 09/10   >   Irina Massmann, nadine Adrian, Simone Kroll
l   oUr Aim

>   Involving the people themselves to work on a
    project in a collective and have fun
    > this might lead to more solidarity and responsibility
      between people and towards the project itself

>   implementing an uncommercial meeting point
    to make it open to everybody
    > this might lead to a get-together between different
      cultures and generations for a better understanding

    Living quality by Design   >   prof. birgit Mager   >   Winter 09/10   >   Irina Massmann, nadine Adrian, Simone Kroll
ll   SerViCe eCoLogY

Involved influences:

>    economical factor: involvement of „50678 KunstHandwerkDesign“ and/or directly
     located shops like kiosks, bakeries, etc (sale of products/catering/providing materials)

>    technical factor: local infrastructure

>    legal factor: laws and rules concerning the interference into the appearance of a street
     and including puplic space into actions (city of cologne, district mayor Andreas Hupke)

>    social factor: involvement of already existing offers from f.e. self-help groups, bürger-
     haus Stollwerck or other social communities in that area

>    environmental factor: existing construction level and future city planning

>    political factor: cooperation with the city council

     Living quality by Design   >   prof. birgit Mager   >   Winter 09/10   >   Irina Massmann, nadine Adrian, Simone Kroll
lll STAKehoLderS

                                  neighbors                            neighbors
                                  as initiators                      as participants

    city of cologne
                                                   LIvIng quaLIty                             pedestrians
     (district mayor
                                                       project                                 + visitors
    Andreas Hupke)

                        initiators of Körnerstraße                initiators of 50678 khd
                       (                    (

   Living quality by Design   >   prof. birgit Mager   >   Winter 09/10   >   Irina Massmann, nadine Adrian, Simone Kroll
lll.l    KörnerSTrASSe

Körnerstrassenfest 2009 (international) > street festival

>       a working concept:
        Residents and shop owners from the Körnerstraße
        in Köln-Ehrenfeld arrange their own festival once a
        year (since 11 years). They organize live-music, food,
        drinks, fleemarket, stands and several performances.
        The whole street is involved.

>       their motto:
        The street belongs to us! It should become our
        living room and everybody takes out their couch...!

>       our interest:
        > What makes the Körnerstrasse special?
        > Who are the initiators?

        Living quality by Design   >   prof. birgit Mager   >   Winter 09/10   >   Irina Massmann, nadine Adrian, Simone Kroll
lll.ll 50678 Khd

50678 KunstHandwerkDesign > a merge of shops in the südstadt

>   a working concept:
    Eleven shops in the fields of art, crafts and design
    organize open houses with guided tours in the süd-
    stadt, so people can watch the production of their
    products. Also they initiate different actions where
    residents can participate, e.g. „Archiv-Fenster“.

>   their motto:
    Competition and sympathy can be combined to bring
    multifarious creativity and a happy urban life quality.
    Their aim: interchange and dialogue within the district.

>   our interest:
    > Is a cooperation interesting and possible?
    > Who are the initiators?

    Living quality by Design   >   prof. birgit Mager   >   Winter 09/10   >   Irina Massmann, nadine Adrian, Simone Kroll
lV expLorATion pLAn

criteria to find a good area for a realization of our project:

>   interest of residents concerning involvement
    and request of change

>   visual appearance of a street or place that
    could need some change

>   occurrence of vandalism that might could
    be increased by less anonymity

tools to find out about existing collectives in neighbor-
hoods, the request of improvement and the interest of
the residents to get involved with the concept and the

     Living quality by Design   >   prof. birgit Mager   >   Winter 09/10   >   Irina Massmann, nadine Adrian, Simone Kroll
lV.l pre-STUdieS

>   observation: exploring the südstadt by foot in
    order to find unused public spaces, being attentive
    towards the appearence of streets, etc.

>   qualitative questionnaire: survey of pedestrians
    and shop owners of the südstadt

    Living quality by Design   >   prof. birgit Mager   >   Winter 09/10   >   Irina Massmann, nadine Adrian, Simone Kroll
lV.ll deep expLorATion

>   Interviews (also via questionnaire)
    with selected residents of the place of interest

>   Interviews with members of the „50678 khd“ group
    and a südstadt photographer

>   Design games by showing pictures of positive
    examples from other neighborhoods (street festivals,
    planting actions, street dance, street dinner, street
    cinema, ...) and have them put into a priority order by
    the viewer

    Living quality by Design   >   prof. birgit Mager   >   Winter 09/10   >   Irina Massmann, nadine Adrian, Simone Kroll
lV.ll deep expLorATion

>   Design probes by providing single-use cameras
    to selected residents so they can show us their un-
    popular places of the neighborhood; by giving a
    diary to selected residents (max. 5) in which they
    could make notes when they got in conctact with
    their neighbors during a week (optionally before and
    after for a reflection on the project)

>   opportunity of involvement to join the concept
    phase via business card with our contact

    Living quality by Design   >   prof. birgit Mager   >   Winter 09/10   >   Irina Massmann, nadine Adrian, Simone Kroll
lV.lll brAinSTorming neighborhood

              local shops                                             landlord              food lending
    traffic/parking      source of supply                                          key storage
                                                                         noise                 to cast plants
 postal code    in catchment                                          dogs      in the same        trust
       church        area                                                          house
                                                                                               shared garden/
   meeting points small talk                                                 shared laundry/      courtyard
                                                                           rubbish bins/hallway


              neighborhood dispute                                                           public interest
social differences                                                                                               work in
           trust       emotions                                                    engagement                   collectives
mutual assistance                                                                              initiative beyond
              friendliness anonymity                                        involvement
                                                                                                     own flat
 freedom              mix of generations                                       interest in change
               mix of cultures

     Living quality by Design   >   prof. birgit Mager   >   Winter 09/10    >    Irina Massmann, nadine Adrian, Simone Kroll
lV.lV qUeSTionnAire engLiSh

personal Details                                                            your current neighborhood

Your Sex:    m        f           Your Age: ______________                  Do you like living in your neighborhood? yes   no
                                                                            If so, why?__________________________________________________
Your Street: _________________________________________________
                                                                            If not, why not? ______________________________________________
Wie ist Ihre Wohnsituation?

   single household                 multi-person household                  How many people do you know personally in your house? ___________
   balkony         garden           courtyard                               How many people do you know personally in your street? ____________

Do you have children?         yes      no                                   Would you like to have contact to your neighbors?
If so, how many? ____________ and in what age? ___________________             very much             doesn´t matter          definitely not

Do you have a dog?          yes      no
                                                                            Which interests do you follow in your leisure time?

                                                                               Culture         politics      Social         Church            Sports

                                                                               Other ___________________________________________________

        Living quality by Design          >     prof. birgit Mager   >   Winter 09/10      >      Irina Massmann, nadine Adrian, Simone Kroll
lV.lV qUeSTionnAire engLiSh

                                                                                   your future neighborhood
How much do you get active in your neighborhood?                                   Which of this pictures would you like most for your own neighborhood?
(z. b. housesitting, private lessons, babysitting, shopping help, post, etc.)      please pick the pictures in a priority order.
   very            a little          not at all
If yes, by what? _________________________________________                         What would you like to improve in your neighborhood? ______________
_________________________________________________________                          ___________________________________________________________

Which offers in your neighborhood do you use?                                      What do you totally miss? ______________________________________
   Sports clubs                 Church                 Street festivals            ___________________________________________________________
   playgrounds                  Sport fields           Volunteer work
   parks                        Childcare (non-profit)
   Meeting points for selected generations or subjects                             Would you like to create your direct environment together
                                                                                   with your neighbors?        yes      no
   Other ______________________________________________

                                                                                   Do you have an interest in organizing a neighborhood-action?
Which emotions do you connect with your neighborhood?
                                                                                      yes     no
   Joy             Anger             Fury            Anonymity
   Freedom         problems          Security        Togetherness
   Distance        Friendship        narrowness                                    Are you interested in joining our concept phase within this university
                                                                                   project?     yes      no
   Other ______________________________________________
                                                                                   Your contact: ________________________________________________

          Living quality by Design        >       prof. birgit Mager    >       Winter 09/10     >      Irina Massmann, nadine Adrian, Simone Kroll
lV.V qUeSTionnAire germAn

allgemeines zu Ihrer person                                                       Ihre aktuelle nachbarschaft

Ihr Geschlecht:     m        w                   Ihr Alter: ________________      Fühlen Sie sich in Ihrer nachbarschaft wohl? ja nein
                                                                                  Wenn ja, weshalb? ___________________________________________
Ihre Straße: _________________________________________________
                                                                                  Wenn nein, weshalb nicht? ____________________________________
Wie ist Ihre Wohnsituation?

   Singlehaushalt                     Mehrpersonenhaushalt                        Wie viele personen kennen Sie persönlich in Ihrem Haus? ____________
   balkon           Garten            Innenhof                                    Wie viele personen kennen Sie persönlich in Ihrer Straße? ____________

Haben Sie Kinder?       ja        nein                                            Wünschen Sie sich Kontakt zu Ihren nachbarn Ihrer Umgebung?
Wenn ja, wie viele? _________ und in welchem Alter? ______________                   ja, sehr       egal           nein, gar nicht

Haben Sie einen Hund?            ja      nein                                     Welchen Interessen gehen Sie in Ihrer Freizeit nach?

                                                                                     Kultur         politik        Soziales          Kirche     Sport

                                                                                     Sonstiges ______________________________________________

        Living quality by Design          >      prof. birgit Mager   >        Winter 09/10     >      Irina Massmann, nadine Adrian, Simone Kroll
lV.V qUeSTionnAire germAn

                                                                                Ihre zukünftige nachbarschaft
Wie stark engagieren Sie sich in Ihrer nachbarschaft?                           Was würde Ihnen in der nachbarschaft gefallen? bitte sortieren Sie die
(z. b. Haussitting, nachhilfe, babysitting, Einkaufshilfe, post, etc.)          Fotos nach Ihren prioritäten.
   sehr             etwas            gar nicht
Wenn ja, wodurch? _________________________________________                     Was würden Sie an Ihrer nachbarschaft verbessern? _________________
_________________________________________________________                       ___________________________________________________________

Welches Angebot in Ihrer nachbarschaft nutzen Sie?                              Was vermissen Sie komplett? ___________________________________
   Sportvereine                    Kirche               Straßenfeste            ___________________________________________________________
   Spielplätze                     Sportplätze          Ehrenamt
   parks                           Kinderbetreuung
   Treffpunkte für spezielle Altersklassen oder Themengebiet                    Würden Sie gerne gemeinsam mit Ihren nachbarn Ihre direkte
                                                                                Umgebung gestalten?     ja    nein
   Sonstiges ______________________________________________

                                                                                Hätten Sie Interesse daran, nachbarschafts-Aktionen zu organisieren?
Welche Emotionen verbinden Sie mit Ihrer nachbarschaft?
                                                                                   ja     nein
   Freude     Ärger                  Wut             Anonymität
   Freiheit   probleme               Sicherheit      Distanz wahren
   Zusammengehörigkeit               Enge            Freundschaft               Hätten Sie Interesse daran, an einer Konzeptentwicklung innerhalb
                                                                                unseres Studentenprojektes mitzuwirken?       ja    nein
   Sonstiges ______________________________________________
                                                                                Ihr Kontakt: _________________________________________________

          Living quality by Design        >       prof. birgit Mager     >   Winter 09/10     >      Irina Massmann, nadine Adrian, Simone Kroll
V   oUr nexT STepS

>   Realizing the exploration plan

>   Analyzing the results in order to find out whether there is an interest
    towards self-initiative and less anonymity in neighborhoods

>   Trying to find personas that are interested in Design probes

>   Coming up with ideas that include people and public space

>   Trying to find sponsors and supporters if needed

    Living quality by Design   >   prof. birgit Mager   >   Winter 09/10   >   Irina Massmann, nadine Adrian, Simone Kroll

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  • 1. > neighborhood l OUR AIM ll SERVICE ECOLOGY lll STAKEHOLDERS lll.l KöRnERSTRASSE lll.ll 50678 KHD lV ExpLORATIOn pLAn lV.l pRE-STUDIES lV.ll DEEp ExpLORATIOn lV.lll bRAInSTORMInG nEIGHbORHOOD lV.lV qUESTIOnnAIRE EnGLISH lV.V qUESTIOnnAIRE GERMAn V OUR nExT STEpS Living quality by Design > prof. birgit Mager > Winter 09/10 > Irina Massmann, nadine Adrian, Simone Kroll
  • 2. l oUr Aim Our aim is to increase the living quality of a neighborhood by: > providing a platform where the neighborhood can meet and get to know each other > this might lead to a more secure and comfortable feeling in one´s direct surroundings > re-animating unused public space, e.g. former market places or walking paths splitting two streets > this might lead to a more attractive appearance of a neighborhood Living quality by Design > prof. birgit Mager > Winter 09/10 > Irina Massmann, nadine Adrian, Simone Kroll
  • 3. l oUr Aim > Involving the people themselves to work on a project in a collective and have fun > this might lead to more solidarity and responsibility between people and towards the project itself > implementing an uncommercial meeting point to make it open to everybody > this might lead to a get-together between different cultures and generations for a better understanding Living quality by Design > prof. birgit Mager > Winter 09/10 > Irina Massmann, nadine Adrian, Simone Kroll
  • 4. ll SerViCe eCoLogY Involved influences: > economical factor: involvement of „50678 KunstHandwerkDesign“ and/or directly located shops like kiosks, bakeries, etc (sale of products/catering/providing materials) > technical factor: local infrastructure > legal factor: laws and rules concerning the interference into the appearance of a street and including puplic space into actions (city of cologne, district mayor Andreas Hupke) > social factor: involvement of already existing offers from f.e. self-help groups, bürger- haus Stollwerck or other social communities in that area > environmental factor: existing construction level and future city planning > political factor: cooperation with the city council Living quality by Design > prof. birgit Mager > Winter 09/10 > Irina Massmann, nadine Adrian, Simone Kroll
  • 5. lll STAKehoLderS neighbors neighbors as initiators as participants city of cologne LIvIng quaLIty pedestrians (district mayor project + visitors Andreas Hupke) initiators of Körnerstraße initiators of 50678 khd ( ( Living quality by Design > prof. birgit Mager > Winter 09/10 > Irina Massmann, nadine Adrian, Simone Kroll
  • 6. lll.l KörnerSTrASSe Körnerstrassenfest 2009 (international) > street festival > a working concept: Residents and shop owners from the Körnerstraße in Köln-Ehrenfeld arrange their own festival once a year (since 11 years). They organize live-music, food, drinks, fleemarket, stands and several performances. The whole street is involved. > their motto: The street belongs to us! It should become our living room and everybody takes out their couch...! > our interest: > What makes the Körnerstrasse special? > Who are the initiators? Living quality by Design > prof. birgit Mager > Winter 09/10 > Irina Massmann, nadine Adrian, Simone Kroll
  • 7. lll.ll 50678 Khd 50678 KunstHandwerkDesign > a merge of shops in the südstadt > a working concept: Eleven shops in the fields of art, crafts and design organize open houses with guided tours in the süd- stadt, so people can watch the production of their products. Also they initiate different actions where residents can participate, e.g. „Archiv-Fenster“. > their motto: Competition and sympathy can be combined to bring multifarious creativity and a happy urban life quality. Their aim: interchange and dialogue within the district. > our interest: > Is a cooperation interesting and possible? > Who are the initiators? Living quality by Design > prof. birgit Mager > Winter 09/10 > Irina Massmann, nadine Adrian, Simone Kroll
  • 8. lV expLorATion pLAn criteria to find a good area for a realization of our project: > interest of residents concerning involvement and request of change > visual appearance of a street or place that could need some change > occurrence of vandalism that might could be increased by less anonymity tools to find out about existing collectives in neighbor- hoods, the request of improvement and the interest of the residents to get involved with the concept and the realization: Living quality by Design > prof. birgit Mager > Winter 09/10 > Irina Massmann, nadine Adrian, Simone Kroll
  • 9. lV.l pre-STUdieS > observation: exploring the südstadt by foot in order to find unused public spaces, being attentive towards the appearence of streets, etc. > qualitative questionnaire: survey of pedestrians and shop owners of the südstadt Living quality by Design > prof. birgit Mager > Winter 09/10 > Irina Massmann, nadine Adrian, Simone Kroll
  • 10. lV.ll deep expLorATion > Interviews (also via questionnaire) with selected residents of the place of interest > Interviews with members of the „50678 khd“ group and a südstadt photographer > Design games by showing pictures of positive examples from other neighborhoods (street festivals, planting actions, street dance, street dinner, street cinema, ...) and have them put into a priority order by the viewer Living quality by Design > prof. birgit Mager > Winter 09/10 > Irina Massmann, nadine Adrian, Simone Kroll
  • 11. lV.ll deep expLorATion > Design probes by providing single-use cameras to selected residents so they can show us their un- popular places of the neighborhood; by giving a diary to selected residents (max. 5) in which they could make notes when they got in conctact with their neighbors during a week (optionally before and after for a reflection on the project) > opportunity of involvement to join the concept phase via business card with our contact ( Living quality by Design > prof. birgit Mager > Winter 09/10 > Irina Massmann, nadine Adrian, Simone Kroll
  • 12. lV.lll brAinSTorming neighborhood housesitting local shops landlord food lending traffic/parking source of supply key storage noise to cast plants postal code in catchment dogs in the same trust church area house shared garden/ meeting points small talk shared laundry/ courtyard rubbish bins/hallway neIgHborHooD neighborhood dispute public interest social differences work in trust emotions engagement collectives dogs mutual assistance initiative beyond friendliness anonymity involvement own flat freedom mix of generations interest in change mix of cultures Living quality by Design > prof. birgit Mager > Winter 09/10 > Irina Massmann, nadine Adrian, Simone Kroll
  • 13. lV.lV qUeSTionnAire engLiSh personal Details your current neighborhood Your Sex: m f Your Age: ______________ Do you like living in your neighborhood? yes no If so, why?__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Your Street: _________________________________________________ If not, why not? ______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Wie ist Ihre Wohnsituation? single household multi-person household How many people do you know personally in your house? ___________ balkony garden courtyard How many people do you know personally in your street? ____________ Do you have children? yes no Would you like to have contact to your neighbors? If so, how many? ____________ and in what age? ___________________ very much doesn´t matter definitely not Do you have a dog? yes no Which interests do you follow in your leisure time? Culture politics Social Church Sports Other ___________________________________________________ Living quality by Design > prof. birgit Mager > Winter 09/10 > Irina Massmann, nadine Adrian, Simone Kroll
  • 14. lV.lV qUeSTionnAire engLiSh your future neighborhood How much do you get active in your neighborhood? Which of this pictures would you like most for your own neighborhood? (z. b. housesitting, private lessons, babysitting, shopping help, post, etc.) please pick the pictures in a priority order. very a little not at all If yes, by what? _________________________________________ What would you like to improve in your neighborhood? ______________ _________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Which offers in your neighborhood do you use? What do you totally miss? ______________________________________ Sports clubs Church Street festivals ___________________________________________________________ playgrounds Sport fields Volunteer work parks Childcare (non-profit) Meeting points for selected generations or subjects Would you like to create your direct environment together with your neighbors? yes no Other ______________________________________________ Do you have an interest in organizing a neighborhood-action? Which emotions do you connect with your neighborhood? yes no Joy Anger Fury Anonymity Freedom problems Security Togetherness Distance Friendship narrowness Are you interested in joining our concept phase within this university project? yes no Other ______________________________________________ Your contact: ________________________________________________ Living quality by Design > prof. birgit Mager > Winter 09/10 > Irina Massmann, nadine Adrian, Simone Kroll
  • 15. lV.V qUeSTionnAire germAn allgemeines zu Ihrer person Ihre aktuelle nachbarschaft Ihr Geschlecht: m w Ihr Alter: ________________ Fühlen Sie sich in Ihrer nachbarschaft wohl? ja nein Wenn ja, weshalb? ___________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Ihre Straße: _________________________________________________ Wenn nein, weshalb nicht? ____________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Wie ist Ihre Wohnsituation? Singlehaushalt Mehrpersonenhaushalt Wie viele personen kennen Sie persönlich in Ihrem Haus? ____________ balkon Garten Innenhof Wie viele personen kennen Sie persönlich in Ihrer Straße? ____________ Haben Sie Kinder? ja nein Wünschen Sie sich Kontakt zu Ihren nachbarn Ihrer Umgebung? Wenn ja, wie viele? _________ und in welchem Alter? ______________ ja, sehr egal nein, gar nicht Haben Sie einen Hund? ja nein Welchen Interessen gehen Sie in Ihrer Freizeit nach? Kultur politik Soziales Kirche Sport Sonstiges ______________________________________________ Living quality by Design > prof. birgit Mager > Winter 09/10 > Irina Massmann, nadine Adrian, Simone Kroll
  • 16. lV.V qUeSTionnAire germAn Ihre zukünftige nachbarschaft Wie stark engagieren Sie sich in Ihrer nachbarschaft? Was würde Ihnen in der nachbarschaft gefallen? bitte sortieren Sie die (z. b. Haussitting, nachhilfe, babysitting, Einkaufshilfe, post, etc.) Fotos nach Ihren prioritäten. sehr etwas gar nicht Wenn ja, wodurch? _________________________________________ Was würden Sie an Ihrer nachbarschaft verbessern? _________________ _________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Welches Angebot in Ihrer nachbarschaft nutzen Sie? Was vermissen Sie komplett? ___________________________________ Sportvereine Kirche Straßenfeste ___________________________________________________________ Spielplätze Sportplätze Ehrenamt parks Kinderbetreuung Treffpunkte für spezielle Altersklassen oder Themengebiet Würden Sie gerne gemeinsam mit Ihren nachbarn Ihre direkte Umgebung gestalten? ja nein Sonstiges ______________________________________________ Hätten Sie Interesse daran, nachbarschafts-Aktionen zu organisieren? Welche Emotionen verbinden Sie mit Ihrer nachbarschaft? ja nein Freude Ärger Wut Anonymität Freiheit probleme Sicherheit Distanz wahren Zusammengehörigkeit Enge Freundschaft Hätten Sie Interesse daran, an einer Konzeptentwicklung innerhalb unseres Studentenprojektes mitzuwirken? ja nein Sonstiges ______________________________________________ Ihr Kontakt: _________________________________________________ Living quality by Design > prof. birgit Mager > Winter 09/10 > Irina Massmann, nadine Adrian, Simone Kroll
  • 17. V oUr nexT STepS > Realizing the exploration plan > Analyzing the results in order to find out whether there is an interest towards self-initiative and less anonymity in neighborhoods > Trying to find personas that are interested in Design probes > Coming up with ideas that include people and public space > Trying to find sponsors and supporters if needed Living quality by Design > prof. birgit Mager > Winter 09/10 > Irina Massmann, nadine Adrian, Simone Kroll