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 Establish the importance of the experiment
◦ Handouts
 62 participants
Question 1: Do you purchases
pharmaceuticals in Mexico?
Yes No
Question 2: Why do you not purchase the
products in Mexico?
Do Not Trust Them
Unsafe to Travel There
Too Far Away
Question 5: What product(s) do you purchase in Mexico?
*selected all that applied
They Are Better
Question 11: Do you believe that they are
of the same quality?
No Prescription
Is Needed
I Live There
5% Other
Question 9: What is the primary reason you
purchase Pharmaceuticals in Mexico?
314.47 g/mol
 A method to chemically modify a compound
◦ Increase volatility
◦ Decrease volatility
 Focuses on O, S, N, and P functional groups
with an active Hydrogen available
 Silylation produces silyl derivatives to
increase volatility.
◦ Replaces active H with TMS.
◦ Solvent = Pyridine
 Acylation target carbohydrates and amino
 Alkylation converts organic acids into esters
by transferring an alkyl group
C16H19N3O5S = 365.4 grams/mol
 (n-methyl-n-t-butyldimethylsilytrifluoroacetamide)
◦ 10,000 times more stable
◦ Suitable for GC/MS analysis
115.27 g/mol
241.33 g/mol
 0.0154 grams Amoxicillin
 100 µL 0.85 M Acetonitrile
 Sat Overnight
 150 µL Hexane
 *Centrifuged 15 Minutes
 1 mL of Hexane (solvent)
GC Parameters:
 Inlet – 240 ºC
 Oven temp. start at 60 ºC,
 Ramp up to 300 ºC at 40 ºC/min
 Flow rate of He = 1mL/min.
 Splitless
MS Parameters:
 Ion mode - 70 ev
 Solvent Delay 3 min.
 Scan – 50-500 amu
 0.1002 g of Amoxicillin
 100 µL of Acetonitrile
 1 mL of Pyridine (Solvent)
 20 µL of MTBSTFA
 0.1012 g of Amoxicillin
 100 µL of Acetonitrile
 1 mL of Methanol (Solvent)
 20 µL of MTBSTFA
S1 & S2
 *Centrifuged 20 min.
 Water bath 100 ºC 20 min.
GC Parameters:
 Inlet – 250 ºC
 Oven temp. start at 40 ºC,
 Ramp up to 340 ºC at 20 ºC/min
 Flow rate of He = 1mL/min.
 Splitless
MS Parameters:
 Ion mode - 70 ev
 Solvent Delay 3 min.
 Scan – 50-500 amu
60 ºC
 0.0983 g of Amoxicillin
 100 µL of Acetonitrile
 1 mL of Pyridine (Solvent)
 20 µL of MTBSTFA
 *Centrifuged 20 minutes
 Water Bath 60 ºC 1 hour
40 ºC
 0.1012 g of Amoxicillin
 100 µL of Acetonitrile
 1 mL of Methanol (Solvent)
 20 µL of MTBSTFA
 *Centrifuged 20 minutes
 Water Bath 40 ºC 1 hour
GC Parameters:
 Inlet – 250 ºC
 Oven temp. start at 40 ºC,
 Ramp up to 340 ºC at 20 ºC/min
 Flow rate of He = 1mL/min.
 Splitless
MS Parameters:
 Ion mode - 70 ev
 Solvent Delay 3 min.
 Scan – 50-600 amu
 Chiral Molecule is a
molecule that is the same
but arranged in a non-
superimposable way,
typically due to Carbon
 C8H12N2O3S
 MW = 216.0568
GC Parameters:
 Inlet – 250 ºC
 Oven temp. start at 40 ºC,
 Ramp up to 340 ºC at 20 ºC/min
 Flow rate of He = 1mL/min.
 Splitless
MS Parameters:
 Ion mode - 70 ev
 Solvent Delay 3 min.
 Scan – 50-600 amu
GC Parameters:
 Inlet – 250 ºC
 Oven temp. start at 40 ºC,
 Ramp up to 340 ºC at 20 ºC/min
 Flow rate of He = 1mL/min.
 Splitless
MS Parameters:
 Ion mode - 70 ev
 Solvent Delay 3 min.
 Scan – 50-600 amu
Standard 1
 0.1016 g of Amoxicillin
 100 µL of Acetonitrile
 1 mL of Pyridine (Solvent)
 20 µL of MTBSTFA
Standard 2
 0.0751 g of Amoxicillin
 100 µL of Acetonitrile
 1 mL of Pyridine (Solvent)
 20 µL of MTBSTFA
Standard 3
 0.0492 g of Amoxicillin
 100 µL of Acetonitrile
 1 mL of Pyridine (Solvent)
 20 µL of MTBSTFA
Standard 4
 0.0246 g of Amoxicillin
 100 µL of Acetonitrile
 1 mL of Pyridine (Solvent)
 20 µL of MTBSTFA
Standards 1-4
 *Centrifuged 20 min.
 Water bath 100 ºC 20 min.
GC Parameters:
 Inlet – 300 ºC
 Oven temp. start at 40 ºC,
 Ramp up to 340 ºC at 20 ºC/min
 Flow rate of He = 1mL/min.
 Splitless
MS Parameters:
 Ion mode - 70 ev
 Solvent Delay 3 min.
 SCAN - 50-600 amu
GC Parameters:
 Inlet – 300 ºC
 Oven temp. start at 40 ºC,
 Ramp up to 340 ºC at 20 ºC/min
 Flow rate of He = 1mL/min.
 Splitless
MS Parameters:
 Ion mode - 70 ev
 Solvent Delay 3 min.
 SCAN – 50-600 amu
y = 48.303x + 3E+06
R² = 0.468
0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000
Concentration (PPM)
Graph 1: Concentration (PPM) Versus Area
y = 48.303x + 3E+06
R² = 0.5253
0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000
Concentration (PPM)
Graph 2: Concentration Averages (PPM) Versus
Area Averages
Name Concentration (PPM) Area Average Areas
Standard 4 21964 3124602
Standard 4 21964 3059293
Standard 4 21964 3087453
Standard 3 43929 7201948
Standard 3 43929 6591084
Standard 3 43929 6425105
Standard 2 67054 8825625
Standard 2 67054 7083085
Standard 2 67054 6681811
Standard 1 90714 6788287
Standard 1 90714 5668981
Standard 1 90714 7278867
Table 1: Concentration Versus Areas
GC Parameters:
 Inlet – 250 ºC
 Oven temp. start at 40 ºC,
 Ramp up to 340 ºC at 20 ºC/min
 Flow rate of He = 1mL/min.
 Splitless
MS Parameters:
 Ion mode - 70 ev
 Solvent Delay 3 min.
 SIM – 114, 142.5, 160
 Syringe filtered standards into new vials
 Ran sequence in SIM Mode - 160 m/z
 Results were inconclusive
 Build up suspected
 Stock Solution 1026 PPM Amoxicillin
 Made 1000 PPB solution of Amoxicillin
Standard 1
 2 mL of 1000 PPB Solution
 0.5 mL of 5 N KOH
Standard 2
 1 mL of 1000 PPB Solution
 1 mL of DI Water
 0.5 mL of 5 N KOH
Standard 3
 0.5 mL of 1000 PPB Solution
 1.5 mL of DI Water
 0.5 mL of 5 N KOH
Standards 1-3
 Water bath 50 ºC 20 min.
 Cooled for 60 Minutes
 + 1 mL of Acetic Acid
 + 5 mL of (7:1 ratio) Hexane: Ethyl Acetate solution
 Centrifuged for 15 minutes
 Top organic layer extracted to new test tubes
 Evaporated to dryness (several days)
 + 20 μL of MTBSTFA
 + 100 μL of Acetonitrile
 Heated in heating block at 110 °C for 15 minutes
 + 0.5 methanol solvent
 Each standard tested several times
 No signs of Amoxicillin or 6-
Aminopenicillanic Acid
 Batch 4 standard dilutions
 100 μL of each respective standard into new
 + 900 μL of Methanol solvent
 No signs of Amoxicillin or 6-Aminopenllinc
Test Samples 1 & 2
 Water bath 60 ºC 15 min.
 Cooled for 60 minutes
 + 1 mL of Acetic Acid
 + 5 mL of (7:1 ratio) Hexane: Ethyl Acetate solution
 Centrifuged for 15 minutes
 Top organic layer extracted to new test tubes
 Evaporated to dryness (several days)
 + 20 μL of MTBSTFA
 + 100 μL of Acetonitrile
 Heated in heating block at 110 °C for 15 minutes
 + 0.5 methanol solvent
 New Stock Solution of 10,000 PPM Amoxicillin
Test Sample 1
 2 mL of 1000 PPM Stock Solution
 0.5 mL of 5 N KOH
Test Sample 2
 2 mL of 10,000 PPM Stock Solution
 0.5 mL of 5 N KOH
 Each test sample tested several times
 No signs of Amoxicillin or 6-
Aminopenllinc Acid
 Temperature affects the 8.10 peak of 6-
Aminopenicillanic Acid
 Amoxicillin as a whole cannot be seen in
Standard 1
 0.9916 grams of KBR
 0.0017 grams of Amoxicillin
 0.1026 grams of Starch
Standard 2
 0.9970 grams of KBR
 0.0034 grams of Amoxicillin
 0.1003 grams of Starch
Standard 3
 1.006 grams of KBR
 0.0073 grams of Amoxicillin
 0.1000 grams of Starch
Standard 1-3
 Each standard tested 3 times
 Starch Wavelength Height Ratios = 2150
 Amoxicillin's Wavelength Height Ratios = 1775,
1687, 1686, 1685.5, 1519
Starch Abs. Ratio 1 Ratio 2 Ratio 3 Ratio 4 Ratio 5 Amox
1775 1687 1686 1685.5 1519 Height 2150 1775:2150 1687:2150 1686:2150 1685.5:2150 1519:2150 Percentage
1 1.0940 1.5688 1.5560 1.5855 1.4680 0.8225 1.3301 1.9074 1.8918 1.9277 1.7848 1.630%
2 1.1990 1.5670 1.5550 1.5827 1.4540 0.8651 1.3860 1.8114 1.7975 1.8295 1.6807 1.630%
3 1.1150 1.5706 1.5570 1.5881 1.4740 0.8749 1.2744 1.7952 1.7796 1.8152 1.6848 1.630%
Averages 1.1360 1.5688 1.5560 1.5854 1.4653 0.8542 1.3302 1.8380 1.8230 1.8574 1.7168 1.630%
Starch Abs. Ratio 1 Ratio 2 Ratio 3 Ratio 4 Ratio 5 Amox
1775 1687 1686 1685.5 1519 Height 2150 1775:2150 1687:2150 1686:2150 1685.5:2150 1519:2150 Percentage
1 1.2554 1.5946 1.6020 1.6060 1.4403 0.7923 1.5845 2.0126 2.0220 2.0270 1.8179 3.2787%
2 1.2709 1.5905 1.5599 1.6060 1.4439 0.8025 1.5837 1.9819 1.9438 2.0012 1.7993 3.2787%
3 1.2735 1.5934 1.6031 1.6084 1.4416 0.8105 1.5713 1.9659 1.9779 1.9845 1.7787 3.2787%
Averages 1.2666 1.5928 1.5883 1.6068 1.4419 0.8018 1.5798 1.9868 1.9812 2.0042 1.7986 3.2787%
Starch Abs. Ratio 1 Ratio 2 Ratio 3 Ratio 4 Ratio 5 Amox
1775 1687 1686 1685.5 1519 Height 2150 1775:2150 1687:2150 1686:2150 1685.5:2150 1519:2150 Percentage
1 1.7942 2.2060 2.2900 2.2400 1.8740 1.0290 1.7436 2.1438 2.2255 2.1769 1.8212 6.8034%
2 1.7975 2.2030 2.2180 2.2260 1.8710 1.0395 1.7292 2.1193 2.1337 2.1414 1.7999 6.8034%
3 1.7856 2.2005 2.2165 2.0140 1.8935 0.9207 1.9394 2.3900 2.4074 2.1875 2.0566 6.8034%
Averages 1.7924 2.2032 2.2415 2.1600 1.8795 0.9964 1.8041 2.2177 2.2555 2.1678 1.8926 6.8034%
Table 1: Standard 1 Data
Table 2: Standard 2 Data
Table 3: Standard 3 Data
Amoxicillin At Absorbance Height
Amoxicillin At Absorbance Height
Amoxicillin At Absorbance Height
1.0940/0.8225 = 1.3301
(0.0017g Amox/ (0.0017g Amox + 0.1026 g Starch)) = 1.630%
Y Axis X Axis
Starch Abs. Ratio 1 Ratio 2 Ratio 3 Ratio 4 Ratio 5
1775 1687 1686 1685.5 1519 Height 2150 1775:2150 1687:2150 1686:2150 1685.5:2150 1519:2150
1 - - - - - 0.5355 - - - - -
2 - 3.9652 3.8270 3.7990 2.6780 0.5347 - 7.4157 7.1573 7.1049 5.0084
3 - 3.5608 3.5601 3.5599 2.6500 0.5342 - 6.6657 6.6644 6.6640 4.9607
Averages - 3.7630 3.6936 3.6795 2.6640 0.5348 - 7.0407 6.9108 6.8845 4.9846
Table 4: Average Ratios for Sample 1
Amoxicillin At Absorbance Height
Ratio 1 Ratio 2 Ratio 3 Ratio 4 Ratio 5
1775:2150 1687:2150 1686:2150 1685.5:2150 1519:2150 1775:2150 1687:2150 1686:2150 1685.5:2150 1519:2150
1 - - - - - - - - - -
2 - 7.4157 7.1573 7.1049 5.0084 - 78.7612% 66.0248% 91.9826% 101.5664%
3 - 6.6657 6.6644 6.6640 4.9607 - 68.3662% 60.0643% 84.3602% 100.1124%
Averages - 7.0407 6.9108 6.8845 4.9846 - 73.5637% 63.0445% 88.1714% 100.8394%
Percentage Based Off of Calibration Curve With Respective Ratio
Table 5: Sample 1 Determined Average Percentage Based of Multiple Calibration Curves With Respective Height Ratios
of Pill (g) 1775:2150 1687:2150 1686:2150 1685.5:2150 1519:2150 1775:2150 1687:2150 1686:2150 1685.5:2150 1519:2150
1 - - - - - - - - - -
2 - 78.7612% 66.0248% 91.9826% 101.5664% - 498.0068 417.4748 581.6061 642.2041
3 - 68.3662% 60.0643% 84.3602% 100.1124% - 432.2795 379.7866 533.4094 633.0106
Averages - 73.5637% 63.0445% 88.1714% 100.8394% - 465.1431 398.6307 557.5078 637.6074
- 46.4762 26.6496 34.0802 6.5008
- 465.14 ± 46.48 398.63 ± 26.65 557.51 ± 34.08 637.61 ± 6.50
(+) - 672.6441 517.6123 709.6647 666.6314
(-) - 257.6421 279.6491 405.3509 608.5833
Standard Deviation of Average Content of Amoxicillin (mg)
Concentration of Amoxicillin (mg) and Standard Deviation
95% Confidence Interval of Amoxicillin (mg) ±Range
Percent Based Off of Calibration Curve With Respective Ratio
Concentration (mg) Based Off of Wegiht of Pill and %
Table 6: Sample 1 Determined Concentration (mg) of Amoxicillin Determined from the Weight Pill (g) & Percentage
((7.4157 – 1.7325)/7.2158)) = 78.7612%0.6323 g X 78.7612% = 498.0068
3.9650/0.5347 = 7.4157
Starch Abs. Ratio 1 Ratio 2 Ratio 3 Ratio 4 Ratio 5
1775 1687 1686 1685.5 1519 Height 2150 1775:2150 1687:2150 1686:2150 1685.5:2150 1519:2150
1 2.5618 2.4935 2.5085 2.5160 1.9151 0.4569 5.6069 5.4574 5.4903 5.5067 4.1915
2 2.6050 2.4635 2.4862 2.4975 1.9185 0.4585 5.6816 5.3730 5.4225 5.4471 4.1843
3 2.5980 2.4507 2.4546 2.4560 1.9208 0.4579 5.6737 5.3520 5.3606 5.3636 4.1948
Averages 2.5883 2.4692 2.4831 2.4898 1.9181 0.4578 5.6541 5.3941 5.4244 5.4391 4.1902
Table 7: Average Ratios for Sample 2
Amoxicillin At Absorbance Height
Ratio 1 Ratio 2 Ratio 3 Ratio 4 Ratio 5
1775:2150 1687:2150 1686:2150 1685.5:2150 1519:2150 1775:2150 1687:2150 1686:2150 1685.5:2150 1519:2150
1 5.6069 5.4574 5.4903 5.5067 4.1915 50.1877% 51.6219% 45.8671% 64.3538% 76.6796%
2 5.6816 5.3730 5.4225 5.4471 4.1843 51.0439% 50.4512% 45.0473% 63.3241% 76.4599%
3 5.6737 5.3520 5.3606 5.3636 4.1948 50.9540% 50.1613% 44.2987% 61.8808% 76.7800%
Averages 5.6541 5.3941 5.4244 5.4391 4.1902 50.7285% 50.7448% 45.0710% 63.1862% 76.6398%
Table 8: Sample 2 Determined Average Percentage Based of Multiple Calibration Curves With Respective Height Ratios
Percentage Based Off of Calibration Curve With Respective Ratio
of Pill (g) 1775:2150 1687:2150 1686:2150 1685.5:2150 1519:2150 1775:2150 1687:2150 1686:2150 1685.5:2150 1519:2150
1 50.1877% 51.6219% 45.8671% 64.3538% 76.6796% 289.6834 297.9614 264.7447 371.4502 442.5947
2 51.0439% 50.4512% 45.0473% 63.3241% 76.4599% 294.6255 291.2041 260.0129 365.5068 441.3266
3 50.9540% 50.1613% 44.2987% 61.8808% 76.7800% 294.1063 289.5313 255.6922 357.1758 443.1740
Averages 50.7285% 50.7448% 45.0710% 63.1862% 76.6398% 292.8051 292.8989 260.1499 364.7109 442.3651
2.7159 4.4633 4.5278 7.1704 0.9448
292.81 ± 2.72 292.90 ± 4.46 260.15 ± 4.53 364.71 ± 7.17 442.37 ± 0.94
(+) 297.3837 300.4235 267.7832 376.7993 443.9579
(-) 288.2265 285.3744 252.5166 352.6226 440.7722
Concentration of Amoxicillin (mg) and Standard Deviation
Concentration (mg) Based Off of Wegiht of Pill and %
Table 9: Sample 2 Determined Concentration (mg) of Amoxicillin Determined from the Weight Pill (g) & Percentage
Percent Based Off of Calibration Curve With Respective Ratio
95% Confidence Interval of Amoxicillin (mg) ± Range
Standard Deviation of Average Content of Amoxicillin (mg)
Starch Abs. Ratio 1 Ratio 2 Ratio 3 Ratio 4 Ratio 5
1775 1687 1686 1685.5 1519 Height 2150 1775:2150 1687:2150 1686:2150 1685.5:2150 1519:2150
1 4.0998 - - - 3.2080 0.7082 5.7890 - - - 4.5298
2 5.6195 3.4923 3.5105 3.5195 3.2560 0.7055 7.9653 4.9501 4.9759 4.9887 4.6152
3 3.7330 5.0030 5.1712 5.9810 3.2286 0.7037 5.3048 7.1096 7.3486 8.4994 4.5880
Averages 4.4841 4.2477 4.3409 4.7503 3.2309 0.7058 6.3530 6.0298 6.1622 6.7440 4.5777
Table 10: Average Ratios for Sample 3
Amoxicillin At Absorbance Height
Ratio 1 Ratio 2 Ratio 3 Ratio 4 Ratio 5
1775:2150 1687:2150 1686:2150 1685.5:2150 1519:2150 1775:2150 1687:2150 1686:2150 1685.5:2150 1519:2150
1 5.7890 - - - 4.5298 52.2765% - - - 86.9853%
2 7.9653 4.9501 4.9759 4.9887 4.6152 77.2359% 44.5911% 39.6474% 55.3989% 89.5862%
3 5.3048 7.1096 7.3486 8.4994 4.5880 46.7229% 74.5179% 68.3380% 116.0883% 88.7596%
Averages 6.3530 6.0298 6.1622 6.7440 4.5777 58.7451% 59.5545% 53.9927% 85.7436% 88.4437%
Table 11: Sample 3 Determined Average Percentage Based of Multiple Calibration Curves With Respective Height Ratios
Percentage Based Off of Calibration Curve With Respective Ratio
of Pill (g) 1775:2150 1687:2150 1686:2150 1685.5:2150 1519:2150 1775:2150 1687:2150 1686:2150 1685.5:2150 1519:2150
1 52.2765% - - - 86.9853% 312.7182 - - - 520.3463
2 77.2359% 44.5911% 39.6474% 55.3989% 89.5862% 462.0250 266.7441 237.1710 331.3963 535.9046
3 46.7229% 74.5179% 68.3380% 116.0883% 88.7596% 279.4965 445.7662 408.7980 694.4403 530.9601
Averages 58.7451% 59.5545% 53.9927% 85.7436% 88.4437% 351.4132 356.2551 322.9845 512.9183 529.0703
97.2221 126.5877 121.3587 256.7109 7.9494
351.41 ± 97.22 356.26 ± 126.59 322.98 ± 121.36 512.92 ± 256.71 529.07 ± 7.95
(+) 515.3164 921.4278 864.8111 1659.0482 542.4719
(-) 187.5100 -208.9175 -218.8421 80.1389 515.6687
Concentration of Amoxicillin (mg) and Standard Deviation
95% Confidence Interval of Amoxicillin (mg) ± Range
Standard Deviation of Average Content of Amoxicillin (mg)
Percent Based Off of Calibration Curve With Respective Ratio Concentration (mg) Based Off of Wegiht of Pill and %
Table 12: Sample 3 Determined Concentration (mg) of Amoxicillin Determined from the Weight Pill (g) & Percentage
465.14mg ± 46.48mg
292.81mg ± 2.72mg
442.37mg ± 0.94mg
529.07mg ± 7.95mg
 Somewhat possible view Amoxicillin through
 Further testing of Amoxicillin Sample 2
An Analysis of Amoxicillin Through GC/MS and Later FTIR Presentation

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Tendances (20)

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En vedette

An Analysis of Amoxicillin Through GCMS and Later FTIR
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An Analysis of Amoxicillin Through GCMS and Later FTIRKirk Teegardin
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Information wants to be free
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En vedette (20)

An Analysis of Amoxicillin Through GCMS and Later FTIR
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Similaire à An Analysis of Amoxicillin Through GC/MS and Later FTIR Presentation

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Similaire à An Analysis of Amoxicillin Through GC/MS and Later FTIR Presentation (20)

Shrinivas colloquium 18_06_10
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An Analysis of Amoxicillin Through GC/MS and Later FTIR Presentation

  • 1.
  • 2.  Establish the importance of the experiment ◦ Handouts ◦  62 participants
  • 3. 63% 37% Question 1: Do you purchases pharmaceuticals in Mexico? Yes No 14% 39% 18% 29% Question 2: Why do you not purchase the products in Mexico? Do Not Trust Them Unsafe to Travel There Too Far Away Other
  • 5. Yes 62% No 30% They Are Better 8% Question 11: Do you believe that they are of the same quality? Cheaper 69% No Prescription Is Needed 10% I Live There 5% Other 16% Question 9: What is the primary reason you purchase Pharmaceuticals in Mexico?
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 12.  A method to chemically modify a compound ◦ Increase volatility ◦ Decrease volatility  Focuses on O, S, N, and P functional groups with an active Hydrogen available
  • 13.  Silylation produces silyl derivatives to increase volatility. ◦ Replaces active H with TMS. ◦ Solvent = Pyridine  Acylation target carbohydrates and amino acids  Alkylation converts organic acids into esters by transferring an alkyl group
  • 14. C16H19N3O5S = 365.4 grams/mol
  • 15.  MTBSTFA = C9H18F3NOSi  (n-methyl-n-t-butyldimethylsilytrifluoroacetamide) ◦ 10,000 times more stable ◦ Suitable for GC/MS analysis C6H15Si 115.27 g/mol C9H18F3NOSi 241.33 g/mol +
  • 16.
  • 17.  0.0154 grams Amoxicillin  100 µL 0.85 M Acetonitrile  20 µL MTBSTFA  Sat Overnight  150 µL Hexane  *Centrifuged 15 Minutes  1 mL of Hexane (solvent)
  • 18.
  • 19. GC Parameters:  Inlet – 240 ºC  Oven temp. start at 60 ºC,  Ramp up to 300 ºC at 40 ºC/min  Flow rate of He = 1mL/min.  Splitless MS Parameters:  Ion mode - 70 ev  Solvent Delay 3 min.  Scan – 50-500 amu
  • 20.
  • 21. S1  0.1002 g of Amoxicillin  100 µL of Acetonitrile  1 mL of Pyridine (Solvent)  20 µL of MTBSTFA S2  0.1012 g of Amoxicillin  100 µL of Acetonitrile  1 mL of Methanol (Solvent)  20 µL of MTBSTFA S1 & S2  *Centrifuged 20 min.  Water bath 100 ºC 20 min.
  • 22. GC Parameters:  Inlet – 250 ºC  Oven temp. start at 40 ºC,  Ramp up to 340 ºC at 20 ºC/min  Flow rate of He = 1mL/min.  Splitless MS Parameters:  Ion mode - 70 ev  Solvent Delay 3 min.  Scan – 50-500 amu
  • 23. 60 ºC  0.0983 g of Amoxicillin  100 µL of Acetonitrile  1 mL of Pyridine (Solvent)  20 µL of MTBSTFA  *Centrifuged 20 minutes  Water Bath 60 ºC 1 hour 40 ºC  0.1012 g of Amoxicillin  100 µL of Acetonitrile  1 mL of Methanol (Solvent)  20 µL of MTBSTFA  *Centrifuged 20 minutes  Water Bath 40 ºC 1 hour
  • 24. GC Parameters:  Inlet – 250 ºC  Oven temp. start at 40 ºC,  Ramp up to 340 ºC at 20 ºC/min  Flow rate of He = 1mL/min.  Splitless MS Parameters:  Ion mode - 70 ev  Solvent Delay 3 min.  Scan – 50-600 amu
  • 25.
  • 26.
  • 27.
  • 28. Handedness  Chiral Molecule is a molecule that is the same but arranged in a non- superimposable way, typically due to Carbon  C8H12N2O3S  MW = 216.0568 H
  • 29. GC Parameters:  Inlet – 250 ºC  Oven temp. start at 40 ºC,  Ramp up to 340 ºC at 20 ºC/min  Flow rate of He = 1mL/min.  Splitless MS Parameters:  Ion mode - 70 ev  Solvent Delay 3 min.  Scan – 50-600 amu
  • 30. GC Parameters:  Inlet – 250 ºC  Oven temp. start at 40 ºC,  Ramp up to 340 ºC at 20 ºC/min  Flow rate of He = 1mL/min.  Splitless MS Parameters:  Ion mode - 70 ev  Solvent Delay 3 min.  Scan – 50-600 amu
  • 31. Standard 1  0.1016 g of Amoxicillin  100 µL of Acetonitrile  1 mL of Pyridine (Solvent)  20 µL of MTBSTFA Standard 2  0.0751 g of Amoxicillin  100 µL of Acetonitrile  1 mL of Pyridine (Solvent)  20 µL of MTBSTFA Standard 3  0.0492 g of Amoxicillin  100 µL of Acetonitrile  1 mL of Pyridine (Solvent)  20 µL of MTBSTFA Standard 4  0.0246 g of Amoxicillin  100 µL of Acetonitrile  1 mL of Pyridine (Solvent)  20 µL of MTBSTFA Standards 1-4  *Centrifuged 20 min.  Water bath 100 ºC 20 min. GC Parameters:  Inlet – 300 ºC  Oven temp. start at 40 ºC,  Ramp up to 340 ºC at 20 ºC/min  Flow rate of He = 1mL/min.  Splitless MS Parameters:  Ion mode - 70 ev  Solvent Delay 3 min.  SCAN - 50-600 amu
  • 32. GC Parameters:  Inlet – 300 ºC  Oven temp. start at 40 ºC,  Ramp up to 340 ºC at 20 ºC/min  Flow rate of He = 1mL/min.  Splitless MS Parameters:  Ion mode - 70 ev  Solvent Delay 3 min.  SCAN – 50-600 amu
  • 33. y = 48.303x + 3E+06 R² = 0.468 0 2000000 4000000 6000000 8000000 10000000 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 Area Concentration (PPM) Graph 1: Concentration (PPM) Versus Area y = 48.303x + 3E+06 R² = 0.5253 0 2000000 4000000 6000000 8000000 10000000 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 Area Concentration (PPM) Graph 2: Concentration Averages (PPM) Versus Area Averages Name Concentration (PPM) Area Average Areas Standard 4 21964 3124602 Standard 4 21964 3059293 Standard 4 21964 3087453 Standard 3 43929 7201948 Standard 3 43929 6591084 Standard 3 43929 6425105 Standard 2 67054 8825625 Standard 2 67054 7083085 Standard 2 67054 6681811 Standard 1 90714 6788287 Standard 1 90714 5668981 Standard 1 90714 7278867 3090449.333 6739379 7530173.667 6578711.667 Table 1: Concentration Versus Areas
  • 34. GC Parameters:  Inlet – 250 ºC  Oven temp. start at 40 ºC,  Ramp up to 340 ºC at 20 ºC/min  Flow rate of He = 1mL/min.  Splitless MS Parameters:  Ion mode - 70 ev  Solvent Delay 3 min.  SIM – 114, 142.5, 160 amu
  • 35.  Syringe filtered standards into new vials  Ran sequence in SIM Mode - 160 m/z  Results were inconclusive  Build up suspected
  • 36.  Stock Solution 1026 PPM Amoxicillin  Made 1000 PPB solution of Amoxicillin Standard 1  2 mL of 1000 PPB Solution  0.5 mL of 5 N KOH Standard 2  1 mL of 1000 PPB Solution  1 mL of DI Water  0.5 mL of 5 N KOH Standard 3  0.5 mL of 1000 PPB Solution  1.5 mL of DI Water  0.5 mL of 5 N KOH Standards 1-3  Water bath 50 ºC 20 min.  Cooled for 60 Minutes  + 1 mL of Acetic Acid  + 5 mL of (7:1 ratio) Hexane: Ethyl Acetate solution  Centrifuged for 15 minutes  Top organic layer extracted to new test tubes  Evaporated to dryness (several days)  + 20 μL of MTBSTFA  + 100 μL of Acetonitrile  Heated in heating block at 110 °C for 15 minutes  + 0.5 methanol solvent  Each standard tested several times  No signs of Amoxicillin or 6- Aminopenicillanic Acid
  • 37.  Batch 4 standard dilutions  100 μL of each respective standard into new vial  + 900 μL of Methanol solvent  No signs of Amoxicillin or 6-Aminopenllinc Acid
  • 38. Test Samples 1 & 2  Water bath 60 ºC 15 min.  Cooled for 60 minutes  + 1 mL of Acetic Acid  + 5 mL of (7:1 ratio) Hexane: Ethyl Acetate solution  Centrifuged for 15 minutes  Top organic layer extracted to new test tubes  Evaporated to dryness (several days)  + 20 μL of MTBSTFA  + 100 μL of Acetonitrile  Heated in heating block at 110 °C for 15 minutes  + 0.5 methanol solvent  New Stock Solution of 10,000 PPM Amoxicillin Test Sample 1  2 mL of 1000 PPM Stock Solution  0.5 mL of 5 N KOH Test Sample 2  2 mL of 10,000 PPM Stock Solution  0.5 mL of 5 N KOH  Each test sample tested several times  No signs of Amoxicillin or 6- Aminopenllinc Acid
  • 39.  Temperature affects the 8.10 peak of 6- Aminopenicillanic Acid  Amoxicillin as a whole cannot be seen in GC/MS
  • 40.
  • 41. Standard 1  0.9916 grams of KBR  0.0017 grams of Amoxicillin  0.1026 grams of Starch Standard 2  0.9970 grams of KBR  0.0034 grams of Amoxicillin  0.1003 grams of Starch Standard 3  1.006 grams of KBR  0.0073 grams of Amoxicillin  0.1000 grams of Starch Standard 1-3  Each standard tested 3 times  Starch Wavelength Height Ratios = 2150  Amoxicillin's Wavelength Height Ratios = 1775, 1687, 1686, 1685.5, 1519
  • 43. Starch Abs. Ratio 1 Ratio 2 Ratio 3 Ratio 4 Ratio 5 Amox 1775 1687 1686 1685.5 1519 Height 2150 1775:2150 1687:2150 1686:2150 1685.5:2150 1519:2150 Percentage 1 1.0940 1.5688 1.5560 1.5855 1.4680 0.8225 1.3301 1.9074 1.8918 1.9277 1.7848 1.630% 2 1.1990 1.5670 1.5550 1.5827 1.4540 0.8651 1.3860 1.8114 1.7975 1.8295 1.6807 1.630% 3 1.1150 1.5706 1.5570 1.5881 1.4740 0.8749 1.2744 1.7952 1.7796 1.8152 1.6848 1.630% Averages 1.1360 1.5688 1.5560 1.5854 1.4653 0.8542 1.3302 1.8380 1.8230 1.8574 1.7168 1.630% Starch Abs. Ratio 1 Ratio 2 Ratio 3 Ratio 4 Ratio 5 Amox 1775 1687 1686 1685.5 1519 Height 2150 1775:2150 1687:2150 1686:2150 1685.5:2150 1519:2150 Percentage 1 1.2554 1.5946 1.6020 1.6060 1.4403 0.7923 1.5845 2.0126 2.0220 2.0270 1.8179 3.2787% 2 1.2709 1.5905 1.5599 1.6060 1.4439 0.8025 1.5837 1.9819 1.9438 2.0012 1.7993 3.2787% 3 1.2735 1.5934 1.6031 1.6084 1.4416 0.8105 1.5713 1.9659 1.9779 1.9845 1.7787 3.2787% Averages 1.2666 1.5928 1.5883 1.6068 1.4419 0.8018 1.5798 1.9868 1.9812 2.0042 1.7986 3.2787% Starch Abs. Ratio 1 Ratio 2 Ratio 3 Ratio 4 Ratio 5 Amox 1775 1687 1686 1685.5 1519 Height 2150 1775:2150 1687:2150 1686:2150 1685.5:2150 1519:2150 Percentage 1 1.7942 2.2060 2.2900 2.2400 1.8740 1.0290 1.7436 2.1438 2.2255 2.1769 1.8212 6.8034% 2 1.7975 2.2030 2.2180 2.2260 1.8710 1.0395 1.7292 2.1193 2.1337 2.1414 1.7999 6.8034% 3 1.7856 2.2005 2.2165 2.0140 1.8935 0.9207 1.9394 2.3900 2.4074 2.1875 2.0566 6.8034% Averages 1.7924 2.2032 2.2415 2.1600 1.8795 0.9964 1.8041 2.2177 2.2555 2.1678 1.8926 6.8034% Table 1: Standard 1 Data Table 2: Standard 2 Data Table 3: Standard 3 Data Run Amoxicillin At Absorbance Height Run Amoxicillin At Absorbance Height Run Amoxicillin At Absorbance Height 1.0940/0.8225 = 1.3301 (0.0017g Amox/ (0.0017g Amox + 0.1026 g Starch)) = 1.630% Y Axis X Axis
  • 44.
  • 45. Starch Abs. Ratio 1 Ratio 2 Ratio 3 Ratio 4 Ratio 5 1775 1687 1686 1685.5 1519 Height 2150 1775:2150 1687:2150 1686:2150 1685.5:2150 1519:2150 1 - - - - - 0.5355 - - - - - 2 - 3.9652 3.8270 3.7990 2.6780 0.5347 - 7.4157 7.1573 7.1049 5.0084 3 - 3.5608 3.5601 3.5599 2.6500 0.5342 - 6.6657 6.6644 6.6640 4.9607 Averages - 3.7630 3.6936 3.6795 2.6640 0.5348 - 7.0407 6.9108 6.8845 4.9846 Table 4: Average Ratios for Sample 1 Amoxicillin At Absorbance Height Run Ratio 1 Ratio 2 Ratio 3 Ratio 4 Ratio 5 1775:2150 1687:2150 1686:2150 1685.5:2150 1519:2150 1775:2150 1687:2150 1686:2150 1685.5:2150 1519:2150 1 - - - - - - - - - - 2 - 7.4157 7.1573 7.1049 5.0084 - 78.7612% 66.0248% 91.9826% 101.5664% 3 - 6.6657 6.6644 6.6640 4.9607 - 68.3662% 60.0643% 84.3602% 100.1124% Averages - 7.0407 6.9108 6.8845 4.9846 - 73.5637% 63.0445% 88.1714% 100.8394% Run Percentage Based Off of Calibration Curve With Respective Ratio Table 5: Sample 1 Determined Average Percentage Based of Multiple Calibration Curves With Respective Height Ratios Weight of Pill (g) 1775:2150 1687:2150 1686:2150 1685.5:2150 1519:2150 1775:2150 1687:2150 1686:2150 1685.5:2150 1519:2150 1 - - - - - - - - - - 2 - 78.7612% 66.0248% 91.9826% 101.5664% - 498.0068 417.4748 581.6061 642.2041 3 - 68.3662% 60.0643% 84.3602% 100.1124% - 432.2795 379.7866 533.4094 633.0106 Averages - 73.5637% 63.0445% 88.1714% 100.8394% - 465.1431 398.6307 557.5078 637.6074 - 46.4762 26.6496 34.0802 6.5008 - 465.14 ± 46.48 398.63 ± 26.65 557.51 ± 34.08 637.61 ± 6.50 (+) - 672.6441 517.6123 709.6647 666.6314 (-) - 257.6421 279.6491 405.3509 608.5833 Standard Deviation of Average Content of Amoxicillin (mg) Concentration of Amoxicillin (mg) and Standard Deviation 95% Confidence Interval of Amoxicillin (mg) ±Range Run Percent Based Off of Calibration Curve With Respective Ratio 0.6323 Concentration (mg) Based Off of Wegiht of Pill and % Table 6: Sample 1 Determined Concentration (mg) of Amoxicillin Determined from the Weight Pill (g) & Percentage ((7.4157 – 1.7325)/7.2158)) = 78.7612%0.6323 g X 78.7612% = 498.0068 3.9650/0.5347 = 7.4157
  • 46. Starch Abs. Ratio 1 Ratio 2 Ratio 3 Ratio 4 Ratio 5 1775 1687 1686 1685.5 1519 Height 2150 1775:2150 1687:2150 1686:2150 1685.5:2150 1519:2150 1 2.5618 2.4935 2.5085 2.5160 1.9151 0.4569 5.6069 5.4574 5.4903 5.5067 4.1915 2 2.6050 2.4635 2.4862 2.4975 1.9185 0.4585 5.6816 5.3730 5.4225 5.4471 4.1843 3 2.5980 2.4507 2.4546 2.4560 1.9208 0.4579 5.6737 5.3520 5.3606 5.3636 4.1948 Averages 2.5883 2.4692 2.4831 2.4898 1.9181 0.4578 5.6541 5.3941 5.4244 5.4391 4.1902 Table 7: Average Ratios for Sample 2 Run Amoxicillin At Absorbance Height Ratio 1 Ratio 2 Ratio 3 Ratio 4 Ratio 5 1775:2150 1687:2150 1686:2150 1685.5:2150 1519:2150 1775:2150 1687:2150 1686:2150 1685.5:2150 1519:2150 1 5.6069 5.4574 5.4903 5.5067 4.1915 50.1877% 51.6219% 45.8671% 64.3538% 76.6796% 2 5.6816 5.3730 5.4225 5.4471 4.1843 51.0439% 50.4512% 45.0473% 63.3241% 76.4599% 3 5.6737 5.3520 5.3606 5.3636 4.1948 50.9540% 50.1613% 44.2987% 61.8808% 76.7800% Averages 5.6541 5.3941 5.4244 5.4391 4.1902 50.7285% 50.7448% 45.0710% 63.1862% 76.6398% Table 8: Sample 2 Determined Average Percentage Based of Multiple Calibration Curves With Respective Height Ratios Run Percentage Based Off of Calibration Curve With Respective Ratio Weight of Pill (g) 1775:2150 1687:2150 1686:2150 1685.5:2150 1519:2150 1775:2150 1687:2150 1686:2150 1685.5:2150 1519:2150 1 50.1877% 51.6219% 45.8671% 64.3538% 76.6796% 289.6834 297.9614 264.7447 371.4502 442.5947 2 51.0439% 50.4512% 45.0473% 63.3241% 76.4599% 294.6255 291.2041 260.0129 365.5068 441.3266 3 50.9540% 50.1613% 44.2987% 61.8808% 76.7800% 294.1063 289.5313 255.6922 357.1758 443.1740 Averages 50.7285% 50.7448% 45.0710% 63.1862% 76.6398% 292.8051 292.8989 260.1499 364.7109 442.3651 2.7159 4.4633 4.5278 7.1704 0.9448 292.81 ± 2.72 292.90 ± 4.46 260.15 ± 4.53 364.71 ± 7.17 442.37 ± 0.94 (+) 297.3837 300.4235 267.7832 376.7993 443.9579 (-) 288.2265 285.3744 252.5166 352.6226 440.7722 Concentration of Amoxicillin (mg) and Standard Deviation Concentration (mg) Based Off of Wegiht of Pill and % Table 9: Sample 2 Determined Concentration (mg) of Amoxicillin Determined from the Weight Pill (g) & Percentage Run Percent Based Off of Calibration Curve With Respective Ratio 0.5772 95% Confidence Interval of Amoxicillin (mg) ± Range Standard Deviation of Average Content of Amoxicillin (mg)
  • 47. Starch Abs. Ratio 1 Ratio 2 Ratio 3 Ratio 4 Ratio 5 1775 1687 1686 1685.5 1519 Height 2150 1775:2150 1687:2150 1686:2150 1685.5:2150 1519:2150 1 4.0998 - - - 3.2080 0.7082 5.7890 - - - 4.5298 2 5.6195 3.4923 3.5105 3.5195 3.2560 0.7055 7.9653 4.9501 4.9759 4.9887 4.6152 3 3.7330 5.0030 5.1712 5.9810 3.2286 0.7037 5.3048 7.1096 7.3486 8.4994 4.5880 Averages 4.4841 4.2477 4.3409 4.7503 3.2309 0.7058 6.3530 6.0298 6.1622 6.7440 4.5777 Table 10: Average Ratios for Sample 3 Run Amoxicillin At Absorbance Height Ratio 1 Ratio 2 Ratio 3 Ratio 4 Ratio 5 1775:2150 1687:2150 1686:2150 1685.5:2150 1519:2150 1775:2150 1687:2150 1686:2150 1685.5:2150 1519:2150 1 5.7890 - - - 4.5298 52.2765% - - - 86.9853% 2 7.9653 4.9501 4.9759 4.9887 4.6152 77.2359% 44.5911% 39.6474% 55.3989% 89.5862% 3 5.3048 7.1096 7.3486 8.4994 4.5880 46.7229% 74.5179% 68.3380% 116.0883% 88.7596% Averages 6.3530 6.0298 6.1622 6.7440 4.5777 58.7451% 59.5545% 53.9927% 85.7436% 88.4437% Table 11: Sample 3 Determined Average Percentage Based of Multiple Calibration Curves With Respective Height Ratios Run Percentage Based Off of Calibration Curve With Respective Ratio Weight of Pill (g) 1775:2150 1687:2150 1686:2150 1685.5:2150 1519:2150 1775:2150 1687:2150 1686:2150 1685.5:2150 1519:2150 1 52.2765% - - - 86.9853% 312.7182 - - - 520.3463 2 77.2359% 44.5911% 39.6474% 55.3989% 89.5862% 462.0250 266.7441 237.1710 331.3963 535.9046 3 46.7229% 74.5179% 68.3380% 116.0883% 88.7596% 279.4965 445.7662 408.7980 694.4403 530.9601 Averages 58.7451% 59.5545% 53.9927% 85.7436% 88.4437% 351.4132 356.2551 322.9845 512.9183 529.0703 97.2221 126.5877 121.3587 256.7109 7.9494 351.41 ± 97.22 356.26 ± 126.59 322.98 ± 121.36 512.92 ± 256.71 529.07 ± 7.95 (+) 515.3164 921.4278 864.8111 1659.0482 542.4719 (-) 187.5100 -208.9175 -218.8421 80.1389 515.6687 Concentration of Amoxicillin (mg) and Standard Deviation 95% Confidence Interval of Amoxicillin (mg) ± Range 0.5982 Standard Deviation of Average Content of Amoxicillin (mg) Percent Based Off of Calibration Curve With Respective Ratio Concentration (mg) Based Off of Wegiht of Pill and % Table 12: Sample 3 Determined Concentration (mg) of Amoxicillin Determined from the Weight Pill (g) & Percentage Run
  • 48. 465.14mg ± 46.48mg 292.81mg ± 2.72mg Or 442.37mg ± 0.94mg 529.07mg ± 7.95mg
  • 49.  Somewhat possible view Amoxicillin through GC/MS  Further testing of Amoxicillin Sample 2 through

Notes de l'éditeur

  1. Gas Chromatography (GC) Inlet vaporizes the sample Carrier gas pushes sample Separation occurs Peaks are produced
  2. Gas Chromatography (GC) Inlet vaporizes the sample Carrier gas pushes sample Separation occurs Peaks are produced
  3. Mass Spectrum (MS) Detector Ionization chamber (after GC column) Beam of electrons charge molecules Fragmentation occurs Accelerates through a magnetic field Fragmented molecules are detected as mass to charge ratio (m/z)
  4. FTIR – Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy FTIR is an easier form of spectroscopy which measures the light that is emitted or absorbed through a sample at a wide range of wavelengths. This data provided gives information on the functional groups that are in the sample. The functional groups can then be pieced together to determine the overall sturcutre of the sample.