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The Database Toolkit for Ruby
Jeremy Evans

    Originally developed by Sharon Rosner
    March 2007: 0.0.1 - First release
    January 2008: 1.0 - Split into sequel, sequel_core, and sequel_model gems
    February 2008: 1.2 - I started using Sequel
    March 2008: 1.3 - Model associations; I became developer, then maintainer of Sequel
    April 2008: 1.4 - Eager loading; sequel and sequel_model gems merged
    April 2008: 1.5 - Dataset graphing; much deprecation

History (2)
    May 2008: 2.0 - Expression filters; deprecated method removal; massive code cleanup and
    documentation updates
    July 2008: 2.3 - Jruby/Ruby 1.9 support; sequel_core and sequel gems merged
    August 2008: 2.4 - Bound variable/Prepared Statements; Master/Slave database and sharding
    Since: Many features and bug fixes

sequel_core vs sequel_model
    NOT *-core vs. *-more
          Dataset-centric, returns plain hashes
          Basically a ruby DSL for SQL
          Good for aggregate reporting, dealing with sets of objects
          Also houses the adapters, core extensions, connection pool, migrations, and some utilities
          Object-centric, returns model objects
          An ORM built on top of sequel-core
          Good for dealing with individual objects
          Also houses the string inflection methods
    Model classes proxy many methods to their underlying dataset, so you get the benefits of sequel-
    core when using sequel-model

Database Support
    13 supported adapters: ADO, DataObjects, DB2, DBI, Firebird, Informix, JDBC, MySQL, ODBC,
OpenBase, Oracle, PostgreSQL and SQLite3
    Some adapters support multiple databases: DataObjects, JDBC
    Some databases are supported by multiple adapters: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite
    PostgreSQL adapter can use pg, postgres, or postgres-pr driver

Adding adapters
    Adding additional adapters is pretty easy
    Need to define:
          Database#connect method that returns an adapter-specific connection object
          Database#disconnect_connection method that disconnects adapter-specific connection object
          Database#execute method that runs SQL against the database
          Database#dataset method that returns a dataset subclass instance for the database
          Dataset#fetch_rows method that yields hashes with symbol keys
    Potentially, that's it
    About 1/3 of Sequel code is in the adapters

Adding adapters (2)
    However, Dataset#delete and Dataset#update should return number of rows deleted/updated
    And Dataset#insert should return the primary key value of the row inserted (if any)
    Generally this is done by Database#execute or a related method
    If Sequel already supports the underlying database, just include the shared adapter code
    Otherwise, you need to deal with SQL syntax issues
    Running the integration tests is a good way to check support

uri = 'postgres://user:pass@host/database'
DB = Sequel.connect(uri)
DB = Sequel.postgres(database, :host =>host)
DB = Sequel.sqlite # Memory database

    Represents a virtual database connection
    Uses a (not-shared) connection pool internally
    Mainly used to:
          Modify the database schema
          Set defaults for datasets (e.g. quoting)
          Create datasets
          Setup SQL loggers
          Handle transactions
          Execute SQL directly

Sequel::Database (2)
# Set defaults for future datasets
DB.quote_identifiers = true
# Create Datasets
dataset = DB[:attendees]
# Setup SQL Loggers
DB.loggers <<$stdout)
# Handle transactions: block required, no way
# to leave a transaction open indefinitely
DB.transaction {
  # Execute SQL directly
  rows = DB['SELECT * FROM ...'].all
  DB[quot;INSERT ...quot;].insert
  DB[quot;DELETE ...quot;].delete
  DB << quot;SET ...quot; }

Connection Pooling
    Sequel has thread-safe connection pooling
    No need for manual cleanup
    Only way to get a connection is through a block
    Block ensures the connection is returned to the pool before it exits
    Makes it impossible to leak connections
    Connection not checked out until final SQL string is ready
    Connection returned as soon as iteration of results is finished
    This allows for much better concurrency

    Represents an SQL query, or more generally, an abstract set of rows/objects
    Most methods returned modified copies, functional style
    Don't need to worry about the order of methods, usually
    Build your SQL query by chaining methods

DB[:table].limit(5, 2).order(:column4).
  select(:column1, :column2).
  filter(:column3 =>0..100).all

Fetching Rows
    #each iterates over the returned rows
    Enumerable is included
    Rows are returned as hashes with symbol keys
    Can set an arbitrary proc to call with the hash before yielding (how models are implemented)
    #all returns all rows as an array of hashes
    No caching is done
    If you don't want two identical queries for the same data, store the results of #all in a variable, and
    use that variable later

Dataset inserting, updating, and deleting
    #insert inserts records
#update updates records
    #delete deletes records

DB[:attendees].insert(:name => 'Jeremy Evans')
DB[:attendees].filter(:confirmed => nil).
  update(:confirmed => true)
DB[:attendees].filter(:paid => false).delete

Dataset Filtering
ds = DB[:attendees]
# Strings
ds.filter('n = 1')      #n=1
ds.filter('n > ?', 'M') # n > 'M'
# Hashes
ds.filter(:n =>1)        #n=1
ds.filter(:n =>nil)      # n IS NULL
ds.filter(:fn =>'ln')    # fn = 'ln'
ds.filter(:fn =>:ln)     # fn = ln
ds.filter(:n =>[1, 2])   # n IN (1, 2)
ds.filter(:n =>1..2)     # n >= 1 AND n <= 2

More Advanced Filtering
ds.filter(:p * :q + 1 < :r)     #p*q+1<r
ds.filter(:p / (:q + 1) >= :r) # p / (q + 1) >= r
ds.filter({:p => 3} | :r)       # p = 3 OR r
ds.filter(~{:p => 'A'} & :r)    # p != 'A' AND r
ds.filter(~:p)                  # NOT p
ds.filter(~(~{:p =>:q} & :r))   # p = q OR NOT r
ds.filter(:p =>
  # p IN (SELECT q FROM attendees WHERE r)

Sql String Manipulation
Concatenation + :q)                  #p+q + :q)       # p || q[:p, :q].sql_string_join) # p || q

ds.filter(       # p LIKE q
ds.filter('q', /r/)) # p LIKE 'q' OR p ~ 'r'
ds.filter([:p, :q]'Test'))
  # (p || q) LIKE 'Test'
Identifier Symbols
    As a shortcut, sequel allows you to use plain symbols to signify qualified and/or aliased columns:
          :table__column => table.column
          :column___alias => column AS alias
          :table__column___alias => table.column AS alias
    You can use methods to do the same thing, if you want:

    Can also be used for schemas (:schema__table)

Dataset Joining
ds = DB[:attendees].
  join_table(:inner, :events, :id =>:event_id)
# FROM attendees INNER JOIN events
#   ON ( = attendees.event_id)

    Uses implicit qualification to reduce verbosity
    Unqualified keys are qualified with the table you are joining
    Unqualified values are qualified with the last table joined, or first table if no table previously

Dataset Joining (2)
ds = ds.join(:locations, :id =>:location_id)
# ... INNER JOIN locations ON
#   ( = events.location_id)

ds = ds.left_outer_join(:caterers, 
  :id =>:events__caterer_id)
# ... LEFT OUTER JOIN caterers ON
#   ( =

    Need to qualify table names if implicit qualification would be incorrect
    Can use helper methods instead of join_table: join/inner_join or (left|right|full)_outer_join

Join Clobbering
# attendees: id, name, event_id
# events: id, name
ds = DB[:attendees].join(:events, :id =>:event_id)
# => [{:id=>, :name=>}, ...]

    Like SQL, returns all columns from both tables unless you choose which columns to select
    SQL generally returns rows as arrays, so it's possible to differentiate columns that have the same
name but are in separate tables
    Sequel returns rows as hashes, so identical names will clobber each other (last one wins)
    This makes a join problematic if the tables share column names

Join Clobbering (2),
# => [{:attendee=>, 
#      :event=>}, ...]

    You can use Dataset#select to restrict the columns returned, and/or to alias them to eliminate
    But that's ugly and cumbersome
    There's got to be a better way!

Dataset Graphing
# attendees: id, name, event_id
# events: id, name
ds = DB[:attendees].graph(:events, :id =>:event_id)
# => [{:attendees=>{...}, :events=>{...}}, ...]

    Splits resulting hashes into subhashes per table
    Eliminates clobbering by automatically aliasing columns as necessary
    You can manually change the aliases via (add|set)_graph_aliases

    Allows easily adding methods to datasets and returned objects
    Each model class is associated with a single dataset
    The model class object proxies many methods to its dataset
    Model instances represent individual rows in the dataset
    The basics are similar to AR and DM

class Attendee < Sequel::Model; end
class Event < Sequel::Model(:events); end
class Foo < Sequel::Model
  set_dataset db[:bar].join(:baz, :id =>:baz_id)

Model Associations
Player.many_to_one :team
Team.one_to_many :players
# SELECT * FROM team WHERE id = #{player.team_id}
# SELECT * FROM players WHERE team_id = #{}
Attendee.many_to_many :events
# SELECT events.* FROM events INNER JOIN
# attendee_events ON
# AND attendee_events.attendee_id = #{}

    No one_to_one, but available as an option to one_to_many

No Proxies for Associations
Player.many_to_one :team # Team or nil = team

Team.one_to_many :players
team.players # Array of Players
team.players_dataset # Sequel::Dataset for this
                     # team's players

No Proxies for Associations (2)
    Proxies make the design more complex
    The dataset returned by the association_dataset method does most of what you would want from a
    proxy (further filtering, reordering, etc.)
    Association add/remove methods are simple to understand
    The add/remove methods only affect object's relationships
    team.remove_player(player) removes the player from the team, it doesn't delete the player
    Bottom line: easier to understand, less magical

No Proxies for Associations (3)
    Main complaint: association_dataset method looks ugly
    Solution: Use multiple associations (see :clone option)
    Using association_dataset in multiple places for the same reason is not DRY
    Results returned by association_dataset are not cached, unlike regular association methods
    DRY up your code by adding a real association
    Using a real association means caching is done correctly, and the API is nicer
    Having many associations for the same type of object is not a bad thing, it leads to more
    descriptive code

Association Options
There are lots of options: 27 currently, not counting ones specific to certain associations
    Most are only useful in fairly rare circumstances, but if you have that circumstance...
    Common ones: :select, :order, :limit (also used for offsets), :conditions, :class (takes class or
    name), :read_only
    Association methods take blocks:

# Only return players with 20 or more goals
Team.one_to_many(:high_scorers, :class =>Player){|ds|
  ds.filter{|o| o.goals >= 20}}

Association Options (2)
    Many options affect eager loading, which is coming up
    5 callback options: before/after add/remove, and after load
    Can use :extend option to extend the association_dataset with a module:

module SameName
  def self_titled
end end
Artist.one_to_many :albums, :extend=>SameName

Overriding Association Methods
    Association add/remove or getter/setter methods are designed to be easy to override
    These methods come in pairs:
          add_association and remove_association: Handle caching, callbacks, and other stuff
          _add_association and _remove_association: Do the actual database work
          Same for many_to_one setter: association= and _association=
          Leading underscore methods are private
    All of these methods can be overridden and super can be used (the same is true of the column
    accessor methods)

Eager Loading
    Two separate methods: eager and eager_graph
    eager loads each table separately
    eager_graph does joins
    Argument structure similar to AR's :include
    Can combine the two, to a certain extent:
          Works fine: eager(:blah).eager_graph(:bars, :foos)
          Works fine: eager(:blah=>:bars).eager_graph(:foos=>:bazs)
          Problematic: eager(:blah=>:bars).eager_graph(:blah=>:foos)
          Possibly fixable, but no one has complained...
    Why two methods?:
          User choice (performance, explicitness)
          Sequel does not parse SQL!
Advanced Associations
Sequel allows you full control over associations via the :dataset
# AR has_many :through=>has_many
# Firm one_to_many Clients one_to_many Invoices
Firm.one_to_many :invoices, :dataset =>proc{
  filter(:client__firm_id =>pk)}

# Joining on any of multiple keys to a single key
# through a third table
Artist.one_to_many :songs, :dataset=>proc{*).join(Lyric, :id =>:lyric_id,
  id=>[:composer_id, :arranger_id, :vocalist_id,

Eager Loading of Advanced Associations
Sequel allows you full control via the :eager_loader option
Firm.one_to_many :invoices, :eager_loader =>(
 proc{|key_hash, firms, associations|
  # key_hash: {:id=>{1=>[firm1], 2=>[firm2]},
  # :type_id=>{1=>[firm1, firm2], 2=>[firm3, firm4]}}
  id_map = key_hash[Firm.primary_key]
  firms.each{|f| f.associations[:invoices] = []}
   filter(:client__firm_id =>id_map.keys).all{|i|
    id_map[inv.client.firm_id].each {|firm|
      firm.associations[:invoices] << inv

Polymorphic Associations - DRY Too Far
    Only one advantage to polymorphic associations: fewer tables
    When you break it down, that's it, as all polymorphic associations can be broken down into simpler
    relationships simply by using more tables
    Using separate tables to express relationships between different tables is a good thing, for the same
    reason that using separate tables for different entities is a good thing (even if the schemas are the
    They are more complex, for no real benefit, and they break referential integrity
    There's a Sequel plugin available if you are stuck with a legacy schema that uses them

Advanced Associations: What Else Can you Do?
Polymorphic associations (the plugin just uses the options and techniques already discussed, no
    funny stuff)
    Join on multiple keys
    Load all ancestors or descendants in a tree structure
    All of these associations can be eagerly loaded
    See the Advanced Associations RDoc for example code

    Philosophy: Only useful to display nice error messages to the user, actual data integrity should be
    handled by the database
    9 Standard validations available: acceptance_of, confirmation_of, format_of, inclusion_of,
    length_of, not_string, numericality_of, presence_of, uniqueness_of
    Easy shorthand via validates:

validates do
  format_of :a, :with=>/A.*@.*..*z/
  uniqueness_of :a_id, :b_id # both unique
  uniqueness_of [:a_id, :b_id] # combination

Custom Validations
    validates_each: Backbone of defining the standard validations and any custom ones
    Requires a block (called with the object, attribute(s), and attribute value(s)), accepts multiple
    attributes arguments and a hash of options
    Built-in support for :if, :allow_missing, :allow_nil, and :allow_blank options
    Can use arrays of attributes in addition to individual attributes

validates_each(:amount, :if=>:confirmed?){|o,a,v|
  o.errors[a] << quot;is less than 100quot; if v < 100

    Philosophy: Should not be used for data integrity, use a database trigger for that
    Called before or after certain model actions: initialize (after only), save, create, update, destroy,
    and validation
    Arbitrary hook types can be defined via add_hook_type, useful for plugins (all standard hooks are
    implemented using it)
    Can use a symbol specifying an instance method, or a proc
    Class methods add hooks, instance methods call them
    Returning false from any hook cancels the rest of the hook chain

Dataset Pagination
    Built in support via Dataset#paginate and Dataset#each_page
    Dataset#paginate applies a limit and offset and returns a dataset with helper methods such as
next_page and prev_page
    Useful for building a search engine or website showing a defined number of records per page
    Dataset#each_page yields paginated datasets of a given length starting with page 1
    Useful for processing all records, but only loading a given number at a time due to memory
    You should probably run #each_page inside of a transaction unless you know what you are doing

Model Caching
    Built in support via Model.set_cache
    Caches to any object with the following API:
    #set(key, object, seconds): Store object with key for amount of seconds
    #get(key): Return object with matching key, or nil if there is no object
    This API is used by Ruby-MemCache, so it works with that by default
    The cache is only used when Model.[] is called with the primary key

Schema Definition
DB.create_table(:attendees) do
  primary_key :id # integer/serial/identity
  String :name # varchar(255)/text
  column :registered_at, DateTime # timestamp
  money :price # money
  foreign_key :event_id, :events
  index :name, :unique =>true
  index [:name, :event_id]
  constraint :b, ~{:price =>0} # price != 0
  check{|o| o.registered_at > '2008-12-31'}
  primary_key [:name, :price] # composite pk
  foreign_key [:name, :price], :blah, 
    :key => [:att_name, :att_price] # composite fk

Schema Modification
DB.alter_table(:attendees) do
  add_column :confirmed, :boolean, :null =>false
  drop_constraint :b
  add_constraint :c do |o| # price != 0 if confirmed
    {:confirmed =>~{:price=>0}}.case(true)
  add_foreign_key :foo_id, :foos
  add_primary_key :id
  rename_column :id, :attendee_id
  drop_column :id
  set_column_default :name, 'Jeremy'
  set_column_type :price, Numeric
  set_column_allow_null :confirmed, true
Schema Modification (2)
DB.add_column :attendees, :confirmed, :boolean
DB.add_index :attendees, :confirmed
DB.drop_index :attendees, :confirmed
DB.rename_column :attendees, :id, :attendee_id
DB.drop_column :attendees, :attendee_id
DB.set_column_default :attendees, :name, 'Jeremy'
DB.set_column_type :attendees, :price, Numeric
DB.rename_table :attendees, :people
DB.drop_table :people
DB.create_view :ac, DB[:attendees].where(:confirmed)
DB.drop_view :ac

    Similar to ActiveRecord migrations
    Migration class proxies most methods to Database

class CreateAttendees < Sequel::Migration
  def up
    create_table(:attendees) {
      primary_key :id
      String :name }
  def down
end # CreateAttendees.apply(DB, :up)

    Migrations are just classes that can be used individually via an API
    Sequel::Migrator deals with a directory of files containing migrations, similar to AR
    Filenames should start with integer representing state of migration, similar to AR before
    timestamped migrations
    You can use the Migrator API, or the sequel command line tool -m switch

Sequel::Migrator.apply(DB, '.') # To current version
Sequel::Migrator.apply(DB, '.', 5, 1) # To 5 from 1
# $ sequel -m /path/to/migrations -M 5 postgres://...

Migration Philosophy
    Migrations should preferably only do schema modification, no data modification unless necessary
    Migrations should be self contained, and not reference any part of your app (such as your models)
    Migrations are deliberately not timestamped:
         The whole point of timestamped migrations was to allow multiple teams working on the
same app to add migrations to different branches without requiring manual intervention
          when merging
          That is a poor idea, as there is no guarantee that the modifications will not conflict
          Using integer versions instead of timestamps makes it so the maintainer has to take manual
          effort when merging branches with different migrations, which is a good thing

Model Schemas
    Models can use set_schema/create_table for a DataMapper-like way of handling things
    This isn't recommended, as it makes schema changes difficult
    Use migrations instead for any production app
    For test code/examples, it is OK
    However, even then I prefer using the standard database schema methods before the model
    Sequel's philosophy is that the model is simply a nice front end to working with the database, not
    that the database is just a place to store the model's data

Bound Variables
    Potentially faster depending on the query (no literalization of large objects)
    Don't assume better performance, and don't use without profiling/benchmarking
    Use :$blah placeholders on all databases
    Native support on PostgreSQL, JDBC, and SQLite, others have emulated support

ds = DB[:items].filter(:name =>:$n), :n =>'Jim'), {:n =>'Jim', :new_n =>'Bob'}, 
  :name =>:$new_n)

Prepared Statements
    Similar to bound variable support:
          Potentially faster due to reduced literalization and query plan caching
          Only use after profiling/benchmarking
          Uses same :$blah placeholders
          Native support on PostgreSQL, JDBC, SQLite, and MySQL, emulated support on other

ds = DB[:items].filter(:name =>:$n)
ps = ds.prepare(:select, :select_by_name) =>'Jim'), :n =>'Jim')
ps2 = ds.prepare(:update, :update_name, 
  :name =>:$new_n) =>'Jim', :new_n =>'Bob')

Stored Procedures
Only supported in the MySQL and JDBC adapters
    Similar to prepared statement support

DB[:table].call_sproc(:select, :mysp, 
  'param1', 'param2')
sp = DB[:table].prepare_sproc(:select, :mysp)'param1', 'param2')'param3', 'param4')

Master/Slave Databases
    Sequel has built in support for master/slave database configurations
    SELECT queries go to slave databases, all other requests go to master database
    No code modifications are required, just need to modify the Sequel.connect call

DB=Sequel.connect('postgres://m/db', :servers => 
  {:read_only =>proc{|db| :host =>db.slave}}, 
  :max_connections =>16) # 4 connections per slave
# Master host: m; slave hosts: s1, s2, s3, s4
def DB.slave; quot;s#{((@current_host||=-1)+=1)%4}quot; end

    Sequel makes it simple to deal with a sharded/partitioned database setup
    Basically, you can set any standard query to use whichever server you specify, using the
    Dataset#server method
    Implemented in the generic connection pool, so all adapters are supported

s = {}
%w'a b c d'.each{|x| s[x.to_sym] = {:host=>quot;s#{x}quot;}}
DB=Sequel.connect('postgres://m/db', :servers=>s)

Core Class Methods
    Sequel adds methods to the core classes, probably more than it should
    Some of these are designed to be used by the user in constructing queries, some are general and
    designed to make the implementation easier, I'll cover the former

h = {:a =>1, :b       =>2} # or [[:a,1],[:b,2]]
h.sql_expr    #       a = 1 AND b = 2
h.sql_negate #        a != 1 AND b != 2
h.sql_or      #       a = 1 OR b = 2
~h            #       a != 1 OR b != 2, :c) #       CASE c WHEN a THEN 1
              #       WHEN b THEN 2 ELSE 0 END
Core Class Methods (2)
# (a,b) IN (1=2 AND 3=4)
# (a,b) IN ((1,2),(3,4))
{:a=>1} & :b # a = 1 AND b
{:a=>1} | :b # a = 1 OR b # a AS b
'a'.as(:b) # 'a' AS b
:a.cast(:integer) # CAST(a AS integer)
:a.cast_numeric << 1 # CAST(a AS integer) << 1
'1.0'.cast_numeric(:real) # CAST('1.0' AS real)
:a.cast_string + :b # CAST(a AS varchar(255)) || b

Core Class Methods (3)
'a'      # 'a'
'a'.lit # a
'a'.to_sequel_blob # Needed for dealing with blob
                   # columns on most databases
:a + :b - :c * :d / :e # (a + b) - ((c * d) / e)
:a & :b | ~:c           # (a AND b) OR NOT c
:a.sql_function         # a()
:a.sql_function(:b, :c) # a(b, c)
:a.extract(:year)       # EXTRACT(year FROM a)
# Except on Ruby 1.9:
:a < 'a'; :b >= 1 # a < 'a'; b >= 1
:a[]              # a()
:a[:b, :c]        # a(b, c)

Core Class Methods (4)
:a__b                #   a.b
:a__b.identifier     #   a__b
:a.qualify(:b)       #   b.a
:a.qualify(:b__a)    #   b.a.a
:b__c.qualify(:a)    #   a.b.c          #   PostgreSQL:   a   LIKE b'b')         #   MySQL:        a   LIKE BINARY 'b'         #   PostgreSQL:   a   ~ 'b'         #   MySQL:        a   REGEXP BINARY 'b'
:a.ilike(:b)         #   MySQL:        a   LIKE b
:a.ilike('b')        #   PostgreSQL:   a   ILIKE 'b'
:a.ilike(/b/)        #   PostgreSQL:   a   ~* 'b'
:a.ilike(/b/)        #   MySQL:        a   REGEXP 'b'
:a.sql_number << 1   #   a << 1
sequel command line tool
  Provide database connection string or path to yaml file as argument
  Gives you an irb shell with DB constant already defined
        -E option echos all SQL used to stdout
        -e option specifies the environment to use in the yaml file
        -m option runs the migrator with the path to the given directory
        -M tells the migrator which version to migrate to
        -l option logs all SQL to a file
        -L option loads all files (usually model files) in a given directory
  Great for quick access and seeing how Sequel works

Using Sequel in Web Applications
  Sequel is not designed with web applications in mind, though it does work well with them
  The default options are a bit strict, you may want to relax them
       Model.raise_on_typecast_failure: Set to false and use validates_not_string to check that non
       string columns don't have string values
       Model.raise_on_save_failure: Set to false if you want save to return nil or false if validations
       fail, instead of raising an error.
       Model.strict_param_setting: Set to false to not raise an error if a setter method called via
       mass assignment is restricted or not defined
  Sequel gives you lots of options for setting model values from user input:
       set_only: Given a user provided hash, restricts access to only the attributes you provide
       set_restricted: Restricts access to the attributes you provide, in addition to the defaults
       set: Uses the defaults set by set_allowed_columns and set_restricted_columns class methods

  Requires: bigdecimal, bigdecimal/util, date, enumerator, thread, time, uri, yaml
  Possible to trim some of those out with minor hacking
  RAM Usage (VSZ change from requiring on i386):
        Sequel 2.11.0:
               sequel_core: 2064KB
               sequel: 3700KB
        DataMapper 0.9.10:
               dm-core: 5560KB
               dm-more: 14244KB
               2.2.2: 12792KB
               2.3.1rc2: 6588KB (nothing autoloaded)
               2.3.1rc2: 9724KB (everything loaded)

Current Status
  Current version: 2.11.0
Releases are generally done once a month, usually in the first week of the month
  Generally there are no open bugs or features planned when a release is made
  Every month there are small and not-so-small features that get added, mostly based on user's
  Bugs on the tracker get priority, and generally are dealt with quickly (1 day-1 week)
  Bugs 200-260: 48 Fixed, 5 WontFix, rest invalid/spam
  The empty bug tracker is the SOP

  Contributing is very easy, no +1s required
  No bureaucracy, just notify me via IRC (#sequel), the Google Group, the bug tracker, or github
  Feedback for all patches is prompt, no exceptions
  Patches should include specs, but they aren't required, I'll accept patches without specs and add the
  specs myself (if an obvious bug or a feature I like)
  Feature requests are denied more often for philosophical reasons than for poor implementation
  If I think a feature is good and the implementation is not, I'll rewrite the implementation myself

The Future: Sequel 3.0
  No Grand Refactoring, break compatibility only when necessary
  Move some current features into optional plugins
        Dataset pagination
        Model caching
        Model set_schema/create_table
        Dataset transforms/Model serialization
        All core extensions not related to the SQL DSL
        Model hooks and validations class methods
  Eliminate some cruft and aliases, modify some minor features/APIs
  Deprecation warnings for all major changes in 2.12


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  • 1. Sequel: The Database Toolkit for Ruby Jeremy Evans History Originally developed by Sharon Rosner March 2007: 0.0.1 - First release January 2008: 1.0 - Split into sequel, sequel_core, and sequel_model gems February 2008: 1.2 - I started using Sequel March 2008: 1.3 - Model associations; I became developer, then maintainer of Sequel April 2008: 1.4 - Eager loading; sequel and sequel_model gems merged April 2008: 1.5 - Dataset graphing; much deprecation History (2) May 2008: 2.0 - Expression filters; deprecated method removal; massive code cleanup and documentation updates July 2008: 2.3 - Jruby/Ruby 1.9 support; sequel_core and sequel gems merged August 2008: 2.4 - Bound variable/Prepared Statements; Master/Slave database and sharding Since: Many features and bug fixes sequel_core vs sequel_model NOT *-core vs. *-more sequel_core: Dataset-centric, returns plain hashes Basically a ruby DSL for SQL Good for aggregate reporting, dealing with sets of objects Also houses the adapters, core extensions, connection pool, migrations, and some utilities sequel_model: Object-centric, returns model objects An ORM built on top of sequel-core Good for dealing with individual objects Also houses the string inflection methods Model classes proxy many methods to their underlying dataset, so you get the benefits of sequel- core when using sequel-model Database Support 13 supported adapters: ADO, DataObjects, DB2, DBI, Firebird, Informix, JDBC, MySQL, ODBC,
  • 2. OpenBase, Oracle, PostgreSQL and SQLite3 Some adapters support multiple databases: DataObjects, JDBC Some databases are supported by multiple adapters: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite PostgreSQL adapter can use pg, postgres, or postgres-pr driver Adding adapters Adding additional adapters is pretty easy Need to define: Database#connect method that returns an adapter-specific connection object Database#disconnect_connection method that disconnects adapter-specific connection object Database#execute method that runs SQL against the database Database#dataset method that returns a dataset subclass instance for the database Dataset#fetch_rows method that yields hashes with symbol keys Potentially, that's it About 1/3 of Sequel code is in the adapters Adding adapters (2) However, Dataset#delete and Dataset#update should return number of rows deleted/updated And Dataset#insert should return the primary key value of the row inserted (if any) Generally this is done by Database#execute or a related method If Sequel already supports the underlying database, just include the shared adapter code Otherwise, you need to deal with SQL syntax issues Running the integration tests is a good way to check support Sequel::Database uri = 'postgres://user:pass@host/database' DB = Sequel.connect(uri) DB = Sequel.postgres(database, :host =>host) DB = Sequel.sqlite # Memory database Represents a virtual database connection Uses a (not-shared) connection pool internally Mainly used to: Modify the database schema Set defaults for datasets (e.g. quoting) Create datasets Setup SQL loggers Handle transactions Execute SQL directly Sequel::Database (2) # Set defaults for future datasets DB.quote_identifiers = true # Create Datasets
  • 3. dataset = DB[:attendees] # Setup SQL Loggers DB.loggers <<$stdout) # Handle transactions: block required, no way # to leave a transaction open indefinitely DB.transaction { # Execute SQL directly rows = DB['SELECT * FROM ...'].all DB[quot;INSERT ...quot;].insert DB[quot;DELETE ...quot;].delete DB << quot;SET ...quot; } Connection Pooling Sequel has thread-safe connection pooling No need for manual cleanup Only way to get a connection is through a block Block ensures the connection is returned to the pool before it exits Makes it impossible to leak connections Connection not checked out until final SQL string is ready Connection returned as soon as iteration of results is finished This allows for much better concurrency Sequel::Dataset Represents an SQL query, or more generally, an abstract set of rows/objects Most methods returned modified copies, functional style Don't need to worry about the order of methods, usually Build your SQL query by chaining methods DB[:table].limit(5, 2).order(:column4). select(:column1, :column2). filter(:column3 =>0..100).all Fetching Rows #each iterates over the returned rows Enumerable is included Rows are returned as hashes with symbol keys Can set an arbitrary proc to call with the hash before yielding (how models are implemented) #all returns all rows as an array of hashes No caching is done If you don't want two identical queries for the same data, store the results of #all in a variable, and use that variable later Dataset inserting, updating, and deleting #insert inserts records
  • 4. #update updates records #delete deletes records DB[:attendees].insert(:name => 'Jeremy Evans') DB[:attendees].filter(:confirmed => nil). update(:confirmed => true) DB[:attendees].filter(:paid => false).delete Dataset Filtering ds = DB[:attendees] # Strings ds.filter('n = 1') #n=1 ds.filter('n > ?', 'M') # n > 'M' # Hashes ds.filter(:n =>1) #n=1 ds.filter(:n =>nil) # n IS NULL ds.filter(:fn =>'ln') # fn = 'ln' ds.filter(:fn =>:ln) # fn = ln ds.filter(:n =>[1, 2]) # n IN (1, 2) ds.filter(:n =>1..2) # n >= 1 AND n <= 2 More Advanced Filtering ds.filter(:p * :q + 1 < :r) #p*q+1<r ds.filter(:p / (:q + 1) >= :r) # p / (q + 1) >= r ds.filter({:p => 3} | :r) # p = 3 OR r ds.filter(~{:p => 'A'} & :r) # p != 'A' AND r ds.filter(~:p) # NOT p ds.filter(~(~{:p =>:q} & :r)) # p = q OR NOT r ds.filter(:p => # p IN (SELECT q FROM attendees WHERE r) Sql String Manipulation Concatenation + :q) #p+q + :q) # p || q[:p, :q].sql_string_join) # p || q Searching ds.filter( # p LIKE q ds.filter('q', /r/)) # p LIKE 'q' OR p ~ 'r' ds.filter([:p, :q]'Test')) # (p || q) LIKE 'Test'
  • 5. Identifier Symbols As a shortcut, sequel allows you to use plain symbols to signify qualified and/or aliased columns: :table__column => table.column :column___alias => column AS alias :table__column___alias => table.column AS alias You can use methods to do the same thing, if you want: :column.qualify(:table) :column.qualify(:table).as(:alias) Can also be used for schemas (:schema__table) Dataset Joining ds = DB[:attendees]. join_table(:inner, :events, :id =>:event_id) # FROM attendees INNER JOIN events # ON ( = attendees.event_id) Uses implicit qualification to reduce verbosity Unqualified keys are qualified with the table you are joining Unqualified values are qualified with the last table joined, or first table if no table previously joined Dataset Joining (2) ds = ds.join(:locations, :id =>:location_id) # ... INNER JOIN locations ON # ( = events.location_id) ds = ds.left_outer_join(:caterers, :id =>:events__caterer_id) # ... LEFT OUTER JOIN caterers ON # ( = Need to qualify table names if implicit qualification would be incorrect Can use helper methods instead of join_table: join/inner_join or (left|right|full)_outer_join Join Clobbering # attendees: id, name, event_id # events: id, name ds = DB[:attendees].join(:events, :id =>:event_id) ds.all # => [{:id=>, :name=>}, ...] Like SQL, returns all columns from both tables unless you choose which columns to select SQL generally returns rows as arrays, so it's possible to differentiate columns that have the same
  • 6. name but are in separate tables Sequel returns rows as hashes, so identical names will clobber each other (last one wins) This makes a join problematic if the tables share column names Join Clobbering (2), :events__name___event) ds.all # => [{:attendee=>, # :event=>}, ...] You can use Dataset#select to restrict the columns returned, and/or to alias them to eliminate clobbbering But that's ugly and cumbersome There's got to be a better way! Dataset Graphing # attendees: id, name, event_id # events: id, name ds = DB[:attendees].graph(:events, :id =>:event_id) ds.all # => [{:attendees=>{...}, :events=>{...}}, ...] Splits resulting hashes into subhashes per table Eliminates clobbering by automatically aliasing columns as necessary You can manually change the aliases via (add|set)_graph_aliases Sequel::Model Allows easily adding methods to datasets and returned objects Each model class is associated with a single dataset The model class object proxies many methods to its dataset Model instances represent individual rows in the dataset The basics are similar to AR and DM class Attendee < Sequel::Model; end class Event < Sequel::Model(:events); end class Foo < Sequel::Model set_dataset db[:bar].join(:baz, :id =>:baz_id) end Model Associations Player.many_to_one :team Team.one_to_many :players
  • 7. # SELECT * FROM team WHERE id = #{player.team_id} Team.first.players # SELECT * FROM players WHERE team_id = #{} Attendee.many_to_many :events # SELECT events.* FROM events INNER JOIN # attendee_events ON # AND attendee_events.attendee_id = #{} No one_to_one, but available as an option to one_to_many No Proxies for Associations Player.many_to_one :team # Team or nil = team Team.one_to_many :players team.players # Array of Players team.players_dataset # Sequel::Dataset for this # team's players team.add_player(player) team.remove_player(player) team.remove_all_players No Proxies for Associations (2) Proxies make the design more complex The dataset returned by the association_dataset method does most of what you would want from a proxy (further filtering, reordering, etc.) Association add/remove methods are simple to understand The add/remove methods only affect object's relationships team.remove_player(player) removes the player from the team, it doesn't delete the player Bottom line: easier to understand, less magical No Proxies for Associations (3) Main complaint: association_dataset method looks ugly Solution: Use multiple associations (see :clone option) Using association_dataset in multiple places for the same reason is not DRY Results returned by association_dataset are not cached, unlike regular association methods DRY up your code by adding a real association Using a real association means caching is done correctly, and the API is nicer Having many associations for the same type of object is not a bad thing, it leads to more descriptive code Association Options
  • 8. There are lots of options: 27 currently, not counting ones specific to certain associations Most are only useful in fairly rare circumstances, but if you have that circumstance... Common ones: :select, :order, :limit (also used for offsets), :conditions, :class (takes class or name), :read_only Association methods take blocks: # Only return players with 20 or more goals Team.one_to_many(:high_scorers, :class =>Player){|ds| ds.filter{|o| o.goals >= 20}} Association Options (2) Many options affect eager loading, which is coming up 5 callback options: before/after add/remove, and after load Can use :extend option to extend the association_dataset with a module: module SameName def self_titled first(:name=> end end Artist.one_to_many :albums, :extend=>SameName Artist.first.albums_dataset.self_titled Overriding Association Methods Association add/remove or getter/setter methods are designed to be easy to override These methods come in pairs: add_association and remove_association: Handle caching, callbacks, and other stuff _add_association and _remove_association: Do the actual database work Same for many_to_one setter: association= and _association= Leading underscore methods are private All of these methods can be overridden and super can be used (the same is true of the column accessor methods) Eager Loading Two separate methods: eager and eager_graph eager loads each table separately eager_graph does joins Argument structure similar to AR's :include Can combine the two, to a certain extent: Works fine: eager(:blah).eager_graph(:bars, :foos) Works fine: eager(:blah=>:bars).eager_graph(:foos=>:bazs) Problematic: eager(:blah=>:bars).eager_graph(:blah=>:foos) Possibly fixable, but no one has complained... Why two methods?: User choice (performance, explicitness) Sequel does not parse SQL!
  • 9. Advanced Associations Sequel allows you full control over associations via the :dataset option # AR has_many :through=>has_many # Firm one_to_many Clients one_to_many Invoices Firm.one_to_many :invoices, :dataset =>proc{ Invoice.eager_graph(:client). filter(:client__firm_id =>pk)} # Joining on any of multiple keys to a single key # through a third table Artist.one_to_many :songs, :dataset=>proc{*).join(Lyric, :id =>:lyric_id, id=>[:composer_id, :arranger_id, :vocalist_id, :lyricist_id])} Eager Loading of Advanced Associations Sequel allows you full control via the :eager_loader option Firm.one_to_many :invoices, :eager_loader =>( proc{|key_hash, firms, associations| # key_hash: {:id=>{1=>[firm1], 2=>[firm2]}, # :type_id=>{1=>[firm1, firm2], 2=>[firm3, firm4]}} id_map = key_hash[Firm.primary_key] firms.each{|f| f.associations[:invoices] = []} Invoice.eager_graph(:client). filter(:client__firm_id =>id_map.keys).all{|i| id_map[inv.client.firm_id].each {|firm| firm.associations[:invoices] << inv }}}) Polymorphic Associations - DRY Too Far Only one advantage to polymorphic associations: fewer tables When you break it down, that's it, as all polymorphic associations can be broken down into simpler relationships simply by using more tables Using separate tables to express relationships between different tables is a good thing, for the same reason that using separate tables for different entities is a good thing (even if the schemas are the same) They are more complex, for no real benefit, and they break referential integrity There's a Sequel plugin available if you are stuck with a legacy schema that uses them Advanced Associations: What Else Can you Do?
  • 10. Polymorphic associations (the plugin just uses the options and techniques already discussed, no funny stuff) Join on multiple keys Load all ancestors or descendants in a tree structure All of these associations can be eagerly loaded See the Advanced Associations RDoc for example code Validations Philosophy: Only useful to display nice error messages to the user, actual data integrity should be handled by the database 9 Standard validations available: acceptance_of, confirmation_of, format_of, inclusion_of, length_of, not_string, numericality_of, presence_of, uniqueness_of Easy shorthand via validates: validates do format_of :a, :with=>/A.*@.*..*z/ uniqueness_of :a_id, :b_id # both unique uniqueness_of [:a_id, :b_id] # combination end Custom Validations validates_each: Backbone of defining the standard validations and any custom ones Requires a block (called with the object, attribute(s), and attribute value(s)), accepts multiple attributes arguments and a hash of options Built-in support for :if, :allow_missing, :allow_nil, and :allow_blank options Can use arrays of attributes in addition to individual attributes validates_each(:amount, :if=>:confirmed?){|o,a,v| o.errors[a] << quot;is less than 100quot; if v < 100 end Hooks Philosophy: Should not be used for data integrity, use a database trigger for that Called before or after certain model actions: initialize (after only), save, create, update, destroy, and validation Arbitrary hook types can be defined via add_hook_type, useful for plugins (all standard hooks are implemented using it) Can use a symbol specifying an instance method, or a proc Class methods add hooks, instance methods call them Returning false from any hook cancels the rest of the hook chain Dataset Pagination Built in support via Dataset#paginate and Dataset#each_page Dataset#paginate applies a limit and offset and returns a dataset with helper methods such as
  • 11. next_page and prev_page Useful for building a search engine or website showing a defined number of records per page Dataset#each_page yields paginated datasets of a given length starting with page 1 Useful for processing all records, but only loading a given number at a time due to memory constraints You should probably run #each_page inside of a transaction unless you know what you are doing Model Caching Built in support via Model.set_cache Caches to any object with the following API: #set(key, object, seconds): Store object with key for amount of seconds #get(key): Return object with matching key, or nil if there is no object This API is used by Ruby-MemCache, so it works with that by default The cache is only used when Model.[] is called with the primary key Schema Definition DB.create_table(:attendees) do primary_key :id # integer/serial/identity String :name # varchar(255)/text column :registered_at, DateTime # timestamp money :price # money foreign_key :event_id, :events index :name, :unique =>true index [:name, :event_id] constraint :b, ~{:price =>0} # price != 0 check{|o| o.registered_at > '2008-12-31'} primary_key [:name, :price] # composite pk foreign_key [:name, :price], :blah, :key => [:att_name, :att_price] # composite fk end Schema Modification DB.alter_table(:attendees) do add_column :confirmed, :boolean, :null =>false drop_constraint :b add_constraint :c do |o| # price != 0 if confirmed {:confirmed =>~{:price=>0}}.case(true) end add_foreign_key :foo_id, :foos add_primary_key :id rename_column :id, :attendee_id drop_column :id set_column_default :name, 'Jeremy' set_column_type :price, Numeric set_column_allow_null :confirmed, true end
  • 12. Schema Modification (2) DB.add_column :attendees, :confirmed, :boolean DB.add_index :attendees, :confirmed DB.drop_index :attendees, :confirmed DB.rename_column :attendees, :id, :attendee_id DB.drop_column :attendees, :attendee_id DB.set_column_default :attendees, :name, 'Jeremy' DB.set_column_type :attendees, :price, Numeric DB.rename_table :attendees, :people DB.drop_table :people DB.create_view :ac, DB[:attendees].where(:confirmed) DB.drop_view :ac Migrations Similar to ActiveRecord migrations Migration class proxies most methods to Database class CreateAttendees < Sequel::Migration def up create_table(:attendees) { primary_key :id String :name } end def down drop_table(:attendees) end end # CreateAttendees.apply(DB, :up) Migrator Migrations are just classes that can be used individually via an API Sequel::Migrator deals with a directory of files containing migrations, similar to AR Filenames should start with integer representing state of migration, similar to AR before timestamped migrations You can use the Migrator API, or the sequel command line tool -m switch Sequel::Migrator.apply(DB, '.') # To current version Sequel::Migrator.apply(DB, '.', 5, 1) # To 5 from 1 # $ sequel -m /path/to/migrations -M 5 postgres://... Migration Philosophy Migrations should preferably only do schema modification, no data modification unless necessary Migrations should be self contained, and not reference any part of your app (such as your models) Migrations are deliberately not timestamped: The whole point of timestamped migrations was to allow multiple teams working on the
  • 13. same app to add migrations to different branches without requiring manual intervention when merging That is a poor idea, as there is no guarantee that the modifications will not conflict Using integer versions instead of timestamps makes it so the maintainer has to take manual effort when merging branches with different migrations, which is a good thing Model Schemas Models can use set_schema/create_table for a DataMapper-like way of handling things This isn't recommended, as it makes schema changes difficult Use migrations instead for any production app For test code/examples, it is OK However, even then I prefer using the standard database schema methods before the model definition Sequel's philosophy is that the model is simply a nice front end to working with the database, not that the database is just a place to store the model's data Bound Variables Potentially faster depending on the query (no literalization of large objects) Don't assume better performance, and don't use without profiling/benchmarking Use :$blah placeholders on all databases Native support on PostgreSQL, JDBC, and SQLite, others have emulated support ds = DB[:items].filter(:name =>:$n), :n =>'Jim'), {:n =>'Jim', :new_n =>'Bob'}, :name =>:$new_n) Prepared Statements Similar to bound variable support: Potentially faster due to reduced literalization and query plan caching Only use after profiling/benchmarking Uses same :$blah placeholders Native support on PostgreSQL, JDBC, SQLite, and MySQL, emulated support on other databases ds = DB[:items].filter(:name =>:$n) ps = ds.prepare(:select, :select_by_name) =>'Jim'), :n =>'Jim') ps2 = ds.prepare(:update, :update_name, :name =>:$new_n) =>'Jim', :new_n =>'Bob') Stored Procedures
  • 14. Only supported in the MySQL and JDBC adapters Similar to prepared statement support DB[:table].call_sproc(:select, :mysp, 'param1', 'param2') sp = DB[:table].prepare_sproc(:select, :mysp)'param1', 'param2')'param3', 'param4') Master/Slave Databases Sequel has built in support for master/slave database configurations SELECT queries go to slave databases, all other requests go to master database No code modifications are required, just need to modify the Sequel.connect call DB=Sequel.connect('postgres://m/db', :servers => {:read_only =>proc{|db| :host =>db.slave}}, :max_connections =>16) # 4 connections per slave # Master host: m; slave hosts: s1, s2, s3, s4 def DB.slave; quot;s#{((@current_host||=-1)+=1)%4}quot; end Sharding/Partitioning Sequel makes it simple to deal with a sharded/partitioned database setup Basically, you can set any standard query to use whichever server you specify, using the Dataset#server method Implemented in the generic connection pool, so all adapters are supported s = {} %w'a b c d'.each{|x| s[x.to_sym] = {:host=>quot;s#{x}quot;}} DB=Sequel.connect('postgres://m/db', :servers=>s) DB[:table].server(:a).filter(:num=>10).all DB[:table].server(:b).filter(:num=>100).delete Core Class Methods Sequel adds methods to the core classes, probably more than it should Some of these are designed to be used by the user in constructing queries, some are general and designed to make the implementation easier, I'll cover the former h = {:a =>1, :b =>2} # or [[:a,1],[:b,2]] h.sql_expr # a = 1 AND b = 2 h.sql_negate # a != 1 AND b != 2 h.sql_or # a = 1 OR b = 2 ~h # a != 1 OR b != 2, :c) # CASE c WHEN a THEN 1 # WHEN b THEN 2 ELSE 0 END
  • 15. Core Class Methods (2) # (a,b) IN (1=2 AND 3=4) filter([:a,:b]=>[[1,2],[3,4]]) # (a,b) IN ((1,2),(3,4)) filter([:a,:b]=>[[1,2],[3,4]].sql_array) {:a=>1} & :b # a = 1 AND b {:a=>1} | :b # a = 1 OR b # a AS b 'a'.as(:b) # 'a' AS b :a.cast(:integer) # CAST(a AS integer) :a.cast_numeric << 1 # CAST(a AS integer) << 1 '1.0'.cast_numeric(:real) # CAST('1.0' AS real) :a.cast_string + :b # CAST(a AS varchar(255)) || b Core Class Methods (3) 'a' # 'a' 'a'.lit # a 'a'.to_sequel_blob # Needed for dealing with blob # columns on most databases :a + :b - :c * :d / :e # (a + b) - ((c * d) / e) :a & :b | ~:c # (a AND b) OR NOT c :a.sql_function # a() :a.sql_function(:b, :c) # a(b, c) :a.extract(:year) # EXTRACT(year FROM a) # Except on Ruby 1.9: :a < 'a'; :b >= 1 # a < 'a'; b >= 1 :a[] # a() :a[:b, :c] # a(b, c) Core Class Methods (4) :a__b # a.b :a__b.identifier # a__b :a.qualify(:b) # b.a :a.qualify(:b__a) # b.a.a :b__c.qualify(:a) # a.b.c # PostgreSQL: a LIKE b'b') # MySQL: a LIKE BINARY 'b' # PostgreSQL: a ~ 'b' # MySQL: a REGEXP BINARY 'b' :a.ilike(:b) # MySQL: a LIKE b :a.ilike('b') # PostgreSQL: a ILIKE 'b' :a.ilike(/b/) # PostgreSQL: a ~* 'b' :a.ilike(/b/) # MySQL: a REGEXP 'b' :a.sql_number << 1 # a << 1
  • 16. sequel command line tool Provide database connection string or path to yaml file as argument Gives you an irb shell with DB constant already defined Options: -E option echos all SQL used to stdout -e option specifies the environment to use in the yaml file -m option runs the migrator with the path to the given directory -M tells the migrator which version to migrate to -l option logs all SQL to a file -L option loads all files (usually model files) in a given directory Great for quick access and seeing how Sequel works Using Sequel in Web Applications Sequel is not designed with web applications in mind, though it does work well with them The default options are a bit strict, you may want to relax them Model.raise_on_typecast_failure: Set to false and use validates_not_string to check that non string columns don't have string values Model.raise_on_save_failure: Set to false if you want save to return nil or false if validations fail, instead of raising an error. Model.strict_param_setting: Set to false to not raise an error if a setter method called via mass assignment is restricted or not defined Sequel gives you lots of options for setting model values from user input: set_only: Given a user provided hash, restricts access to only the attributes you provide (recommended) set_restricted: Restricts access to the attributes you provide, in addition to the defaults set: Uses the defaults set by set_allowed_columns and set_restricted_columns class methods Lightweight? Requires: bigdecimal, bigdecimal/util, date, enumerator, thread, time, uri, yaml Possible to trim some of those out with minor hacking RAM Usage (VSZ change from requiring on i386): Sequel 2.11.0: sequel_core: 2064KB sequel: 3700KB DataMapper 0.9.10: dm-core: 5560KB dm-more: 14244KB ActiveRecord 2.2.2: 12792KB 2.3.1rc2: 6588KB (nothing autoloaded) 2.3.1rc2: 9724KB (everything loaded) Current Status Current version: 2.11.0
  • 17. Releases are generally done once a month, usually in the first week of the month Generally there are no open bugs or features planned when a release is made Every month there are small and not-so-small features that get added, mostly based on user's suggestions/code Bugs on the tracker get priority, and generally are dealt with quickly (1 day-1 week) Bugs 200-260: 48 Fixed, 5 WontFix, rest invalid/spam The empty bug tracker is the SOP Contributing Contributing is very easy, no +1s required No bureaucracy, just notify me via IRC (#sequel), the Google Group, the bug tracker, or github Feedback for all patches is prompt, no exceptions Patches should include specs, but they aren't required, I'll accept patches without specs and add the specs myself (if an obvious bug or a feature I like) Feature requests are denied more often for philosophical reasons than for poor implementation If I think a feature is good and the implementation is not, I'll rewrite the implementation myself The Future: Sequel 3.0 No Grand Refactoring, break compatibility only when necessary Move some current features into optional plugins Dataset pagination Dataset#query Sequel::PrettyTable Model caching Model set_schema/create_table Dataset transforms/Model serialization All core extensions not related to the SQL DSL Model hooks and validations class methods Eliminate some cruft and aliases, modify some minor features/APIs Deprecation warnings for all major changes in 2.12 Questions?