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Rapid Prototyping
     Search Applications
     with Solr

Presented by Erik Hatcher
Technical Staff, Lucid Imagination
Why prototype?

     • Demonstrate Solr can handle your needs
     • Mitigate risk, learn the unknown
     • The User Interface is the app
     • It's quick, easy, AND FUN!

                          Lucid Imagination, Inc.
LucidWorks for Solr
      • Great starting point
      • Built-in and pre-configured:
         Search UI
            Solritas (VelocityResponseWriter)
            Server includes root context, handy for serving static files
         Better stemming
         choice of Tomcat or Jetty

                               Lucid Imagination, Inc.
The Requirement

     Make your <Big Enterprise Content Repository>
        PDF, Word, PowerPoint,HTML,...
        Accessed through proprietary API

                             Lucid Imagination, Inc.

      Do the simplest next step towards the goal
           Let's just index a PDF file

                                  Lucid Imagination, Inc.
File indexing first attempt

  curl "http://localhost:8983
   /solr/ upda t e/ ex t r a c t

  Document [null] missing required field: id

                 f r om s c hem . x m
                               a     l
                 <field name="id" type="string"
                            indexed="true" stored="true"
                            required="true" />


                          Lucid Imagination, Inc.
Unique Key

    • Practically all Solr-based applications use a unique key
     for each document
    • Required to "update" a document, and some
     components need it
    • Determining a unique key scheme:
       May be obvious
          a DB primary key or URL
       May involve a new scheme, especially with multiple data sources
          perhaps prefix data-source specific id's with the data source code:
             Examples: product-1234, article-1234

                                 Lucid Imagination, Inc.
Unique identifier

  curl "http://localhost:8983
   &l i t er a l . i d=/ doc s / f i l e. pdf "

         <lst name="responseHeader">
           <int name="status">0</int>
           <int name="QTime">1838</int>

                                       Lucid Imagination, Inc.
Instant UI

                                                            Pronounced: so-LAIR-uh-toss

                                  Lucid Imagination, Inc.

     • Pronounced: so-LAIR-uh-toss
     • Celeritas is a Latin word, translated as "swiftness" or
      "speed". It is often given as the origin of the symbol c,
      the universal notation for the speed of light -
     • VelocityResponseWriter - simply passes the Solr
      response through the Apache Velocity templating

                            Lucid Imagination, Inc.
Keeping it Clean

      • Customize the schema
         Remove example fields
      • Make URLs domain-specific
         Remove unused/example request handlers
         Add custom handlers with your defaults
         Note: tinkering with URLs requires client / template
         changes too
            specifically in browse.vm and VM_global_library.vm
      • Make a habit of tidying up after each step!

                             Lucid Imagination, Inc.
Specific schema changes
Added stored body field (schema.xml)

      + <f i e l d na m =" body " t y pe=" t ex t " i ndex ed=" t r ue "
      s t or e d=" t r ue " / >

Copy all fields into catch-all "text" field (schema.xml)

       +   <c opy F i e l d s our c e =" * " de s t =" t e x t " / >

Adjusted /update/extract to body field (solrconfig.xml)

         <! - - Al l t he m i n c ont e nt goe s i nt o " t e x t " . . . i f y ou ne e d t o
   r e t ur n
   t he e x t r a c t e d t e x t or do hi ghl i ght i ng, us e a s t or e d f i e l d. - - >-

   <s t r na m =" f m p. c ont ent " >t e x t </ s t r >+
              e      a
   <s t r na m =" f m p. c ont ent " >body </ s t r >
              e      a

                                                 Lucid Imagination, Inc.
Get rid of the /itas!

 <requestHandler name="/ br ows e" class="solr.SearchHandler">
   <lst name="defaults">
     <!-- UI settings -->
     <str name="wt">velocity</str>
     <str name="v.template">browse</str>
     <str name="v.layout">layout</str>
     <s t r na me=" t i t l e" >M F i l e S ea r c h Pr ot ot y pe</ s t r >

      <!-- results details -->
      <str name="rows">10</str>
      <s t r na me=" f l " >i d, c ont ent _t y pe, l a s t _modi f i ed, s c or e</ s t r >

      <!-- query parsing -->
      <str name="defType">lucene</str>
      <str name="q">*:*</str>

     <!-- faceting -->
     <str name="facet">on</str>
     <s t r na me=" f a c et . f i el d" >c ont ent _t y pe</ s t r >
     <str name="facet.mincount">1</str>

                                                 Lucid Imagination, Inc.


                                    Lucid Imagination, Inc.
Changing Solr's config

      Prototyping peace of mind:
         Backup original files :)
         Stop LucidWorks for Solr (ctrl-c)
         Delete index (rm -Rf lucidworks/solr/data)
            Always be able to reindex from scratch!
         Restart LucidWorks for Solr (./

                          Lucid Imagination, Inc.
Customizing results display

v el oc i t y / hi t . v m
<div class="result-document">
   <b>$doc . ge t F i el dVa l ue( ' i d' ) </ b>
   <p>L a s t m    odi f i ed:
        $! doc . ge t F i el dVa l ue( ' l a s t _ modi f i e d' )
   </ p>
# # l ea v e def a ul t debuggi ng bi t t her e, y ou' l l wa nt i t l a t er

                                     Lucid Imagination, Inc.
last_modified unknown

# i f ( $doc . get F i e l dVa l ue( ' l a s t _ modi f i e d' ) )
<p>L a s t m   odi f i e d:
$doc . get F i el dVa l ue ( ' l a s t _ m odi f i e d' ) </ p># end

                                   Lucid Imagination, Inc.
Hyperlinking to files

<a href="f i l e: / / $doc . get F i el dVa l ue( ' i d' ) ">

 Note: responsible browsers disallow file:// links from working here (unless
 otherwise configured), though copying and pasting the link should work in a
 new window.

                                   Lucid Imagination, Inc.
Highlighting search terms

add to s ol r c onf i g. x ml

<requestHandler name="/browse" class="solr.SearchHandler">
  <lst name="defaults">
    <! - - hi ghl i ght i ng - - >
    <s t r na me=" hl " >on</ s t r >
    <s t r na me=" hl . f l " >body </ s t r >
    <s t r na me=" hl . s ni ppet s " >3</ s t r >


                                Lucid Imagination, Inc.
Highlighting display

i n hi t . v m
#foreach($fragment in
     . . . $f r a gment . . .

                       Lucid Imagination, Inc.
Adding spell checking

      schema.xml changes
          Add textSpell field type to schema.xml
          Add spell field, of type textSpell
          copyField desired fields into spell field
      solrconfig.xml changes
          change the spellchecker field name to "spell"
          set spellchecker buildOnCommit to true
          add spellcheck component and options to handler
      Stop, delete data/ directory, restart, reindex
      Add spell check suggestions to UI

                                   Lucid Imagination, Inc.
Spellcheck config
s c he m . x m
        a     l
+         <fieldType name="textSpell" class="solr.TextField">
+               <analyzer>
+                 <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
+                 <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
+               </analyzer>
+       </fieldType>

+    <f i el d na m  e=" s pel l " t y pe=" t e x t Spe l l " i ndex e d=" t r ue " s t or e d=" f a l s e "
m t i Va l ued=" t r ue " / >
+    <c opy F i e l d s our c e =" body " de s t =" s pel l " / >

s ol r c onf i g. x ml
-<str name="field">name</str>
+<str name="field">spell</str>
+<str name="buildOnCommit">true</str>

+            <!-- spellchecking -->
+            <str name="spellcheck">on</str>
+            <str name="spellcheck.collate">true</str>

+         <arr name="last-components">
+           <str>spellcheck</str>
+         </arr>

                                                           Lucid Imagination, Inc.
Did you mean...?

Added to br ows e. v m
#if($response.response.spellcheck.suggestions.size() > 0)

Di d y ou m a n <a


                            Lucid Imagination, Inc.
Dessert: Pie

               Lucid Imagination, Inc.
How the chart came to life

      • Found simple JavaScript chart package:
      • Looked at an example
      • Downloaded
         placed jschart.js in
      • Integrated

                             Lucid Imagination, Inc.
JSChart integration
added to l a y out . v m
<script type="text/javascript"

c onf / v e l oc i t y / j s c ha r t . v m
<div id="jschart_${chart_type}_${facet_field}">$facet_field</div>
<s c r i pt t y pe =" t e x t / j a v a s c r i pt " >
   f a c e t _a r r a y = new Ar r a y ( ) ;
   #f or e a c h( $f a c e t i n $f a c e t s )
       f a c et _a r r a y . pus h( [ ' ${ f a c e t . k ey } ' , ${ f a c et . v a l ue} ] )
   #e nd
   v a r c ha r t = ne w J SCha r t ( ' j s c ha r t _${ c ha r t _t y pe} _ ${ f a c et _ f i el d} ' , ' ${ c ha r t _t y pe} ' ) ;
   c ha r t . s et Da t a Ar r a y ( f a c et _ a r r a y ) ;
   c ha r t . s et T i t l e( ' $f a c et _f i el d' )
   c ha r t . dr a w( ) ;
</ s c r i pt >

                                                             Lucid Imagination, Inc.
Cleaning up chart URLs
added to s ol r c onf i g. x m l
<requestHandler name="/ j s c ha r t “ class="solr.SearchHandler">
  <lst name="defaults">
    <!-- UI settings -->
    <str name="wt">velocity</str>
    <s t r na me=" v . t e m a t e " >j s c ha r t </ s t r >
    <str name="jschart.type">pie</str>
    <!-- results details -->
    <s t r na me=" r ows " >0</ s t r >
    <!-- query parsing -->
    <str name="defType">lucene</str>
    <str name="q">*:*</str>
    <!-- faceting -->
    <str name="facet">on</str>
    <str name="facet.field">content_type</str>
    <str name="facet.mincount">1</str>
< /lst>

                                 Lucid Imagination, Inc.
Standalone views


                                 Lucid Imagination, Inc.

added to br ows e . v m inside facet field loop

<a href="#"
).load('/ s ol r / j s c ha r t ? j s c ha r t . t y pe =pi e &q=$!{es

<a href="#"
).load('/ s ol r / j s c ha r t ? j s c ha r t . t y pe =ba r &q=$!{es
<div id="jschart_${}"></div>

  jQuery is included in the default layout

                                                 Lucid Imagination, Inc.

        Adds scoring explanations for each hit
        dumps the request and response objects (toString) at the
        bottom of the page

                             Lucid Imagination, Inc.
Score Explanation

                                Lucid Imagination, Inc.
Now what?

     • Script the indexer
     • Customize header & footer, adjust styles and colors,
      add your logo
     • Show your boss
     • Ask "what now?"

                            Lucid Imagination, Inc.
General next steps

      • Script full & incremental indexing processes
      • Adjust schema
         fields, field types, analysis
      • Tweak configuration as needed
         caches, indexing parameters
      • Deploy to staging/production environments

                                Lucid Imagination, Inc.
Is it done?

       Keep it (slightly) ugly, for this reason.
          iron out capabilities, then pretty it up
       prototyping provides the Solr requests your REAL
        application will use. Copy and paste what you need
        from Solr's logs and prototype templates

                                Lucid Imagination, Inc.
Prototyping tools

      • CSV update handler
      • Schema Browser (in Solr's admin)
      • Solritas
      • Solr Explorer
      • Solr Flare

                              Lucid Imagination, Inc.

       • Performance
       • Scalability
       • Relevance
       • Automate all of the above,
        start baselines and avoid regressions

                            Lucid Imagination, Inc.

      Thank You!

                   Lucid Imagination, Inc.

Contenu connexe


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Plus de Lucidworks (Archived)

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Rapid prototyping search applications with solr

  • 1. Rapid Prototyping Search Applications with Solr Presented by Erik Hatcher Technical Staff, Lucid Imagination
  • 2. Why prototype? • Demonstrate Solr can handle your needs • Mitigate risk, learn the unknown • The User Interface is the app • It's quick, easy, AND FUN! Lucid Imagination, Inc.
  • 3. LucidWorks for Solr • Great starting point • Built-in and pre-configured: Clustering Carrot2 Search UI Solritas (VelocityResponseWriter) Server includes root context, handy for serving static files Better stemming KStem choice of Tomcat or Jetty Lucid Imagination, Inc.
  • 4. The Requirement Make your <Big Enterprise Content Repository> searchable PDF, Word, PowerPoint,HTML,... Accessed through proprietary API Lucid Imagination, Inc.
  • 5. Simplify Do the simplest next step towards the goal Let's just index a PDF file Lucid Imagination, Inc.
  • 6. File indexing first attempt curl "http://localhost:8983 /solr/ upda t e/ ex t r a c t ?stream.file=/docs/file.pdf" Document [null] missing required field: id f r om s c hem . x m a l <field name="id" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" required="true" /> <uniqueKey>id</uniqueKey> Lucid Imagination, Inc.
  • 7. Unique Key • Practically all Solr-based applications use a unique key for each document • Required to "update" a document, and some components need it • Determining a unique key scheme: May be obvious a DB primary key or URL May involve a new scheme, especially with multiple data sources perhaps prefix data-source specific id's with the data source code: <data-source>-<document-id-within-datasource> Examples: product-1234, article-1234 Lucid Imagination, Inc.
  • 8. Unique identifier curl "http://localhost:8983 /solr/update/extract ?stream.file=/docs/file.pdf &l i t er a l . i d=/ doc s / f i l e. pdf " <response> <lst name="responseHeader"> <int name="status">0</int> <int name="QTime">1838</int> </lst> </response> Lucid Imagination, Inc.
  • 9. Instant UI http://localhost:8983/solr/itas Pronounced: so-LAIR-uh-toss Lucid Imagination, Inc.
  • 10. Solritas • Pronounced: so-LAIR-uh-toss • Celeritas is a Latin word, translated as "swiftness" or "speed". It is often given as the origin of the symbol c, the universal notation for the speed of light - • VelocityResponseWriter - simply passes the Solr response through the Apache Velocity templating engine • Lucid Imagination, Inc.
  • 11. Keeping it Clean • Customize the schema Remove example fields • Make URLs domain-specific Remove unused/example request handlers Add custom handlers with your defaults Note: tinkering with URLs requires client / template changes too specifically in browse.vm and VM_global_library.vm • Make a habit of tidying up after each step! Lucid Imagination, Inc.
  • 12. Specific schema changes Added stored body field (schema.xml) + <f i e l d na m =" body " t y pe=" t ex t " i ndex ed=" t r ue " e s t or e d=" t r ue " / > Copy all fields into catch-all "text" field (schema.xml) + <c opy F i e l d s our c e =" * " de s t =" t e x t " / > Adjusted /update/extract to body field (solrconfig.xml) <! - - Al l t he m i n c ont e nt goe s i nt o " t e x t " . . . i f y ou ne e d t o a r e t ur n t he e x t r a c t e d t e x t or do hi ghl i ght i ng, us e a s t or e d f i e l d. - - >- <s t r na m =" f m p. c ont ent " >t e x t </ s t r >+ e a <s t r na m =" f m p. c ont ent " >body </ s t r > e a Lucid Imagination, Inc.
  • 13. Get rid of the /itas! <requestHandler name="/ br ows e" class="solr.SearchHandler"> <lst name="defaults"> <!-- UI settings --> <str name="wt">velocity</str> <str name="v.template">browse</str> <str name="v.layout">layout</str> <s t r na me=" t i t l e" >M F i l e S ea r c h Pr ot ot y pe</ s t r > y <!-- results details --> <str name="rows">10</str> <s t r na me=" f l " >i d, c ont ent _t y pe, l a s t _modi f i ed, s c or e</ s t r > <!-- query parsing --> <str name="defType">lucene</str> <str name="q">*:*</str> <!-- faceting --> <str name="facet">on</str> <s t r na me=" f a c et . f i el d" >c ont ent _t y pe</ s t r > <str name="facet.mincount">1</str> </lst> </requestHandler> Lucid Imagination, Inc.
  • 15. Changing Solr's config Prototyping peace of mind: Backup original files :) Stop LucidWorks for Solr (ctrl-c) Delete index (rm -Rf lucidworks/solr/data) Always be able to reindex from scratch! Restart LucidWorks for Solr (./ Reindex Lucid Imagination, Inc.
  • 16. Customizing results display v el oc i t y / hi t . v m <div class="result-document"> <b>$doc . ge t F i el dVa l ue( ' i d' ) </ b> <p>L a s t m odi f i ed: $! doc . ge t F i el dVa l ue( ' l a s t _ modi f i e d' ) </ p> ... # # l ea v e def a ul t debuggi ng bi t t her e, y ou' l l wa nt i t l a t er Lucid Imagination, Inc.
  • 17. last_modified unknown # i f ( $doc . get F i e l dVa l ue( ' l a s t _ modi f i e d' ) ) <p>L a s t m odi f i e d: $doc . get F i el dVa l ue ( ' l a s t _ m odi f i e d' ) </ p># end Lucid Imagination, Inc.
  • 18. Hyperlinking to files <a href="f i l e: / / $doc . get F i el dVa l ue( ' i d' ) "> $doc.getFieldValue('id') </a> Note: responsible browsers disallow file:// links from working here (unless otherwise configured), though copying and pasting the link should work in a new window. Lucid Imagination, Inc.
  • 19. Highlighting search terms add to s ol r c onf i g. x ml <requestHandler name="/browse" class="solr.SearchHandler"> <lst name="defaults"> ... <! - - hi ghl i ght i ng - - > <s t r na me=" hl " >on</ s t r > <s t r na me=" hl . f l " >body </ s t r > <s t r na me=" hl . s ni ppet s " >3</ s t r > </lst> </requestHandler> Lucid Imagination, Inc.
  • 20. Highlighting display i n hi t . v m <p> #foreach($fragment in $response.response.highlighting.get($doc.getFi eldValue('id')).body) . . . $f r a gment . . . #end</p> Lucid Imagination, Inc.
  • 21. Adding spell checking schema.xml changes Add textSpell field type to schema.xml Add spell field, of type textSpell copyField desired fields into spell field solrconfig.xml changes change the spellchecker field name to "spell" set spellchecker buildOnCommit to true add spellcheck component and options to handler Stop, delete data/ directory, restart, reindex Add spell check suggestions to UI Lucid Imagination, Inc.
  • 22. Spellcheck config s c he m . x m a l + <fieldType name="textSpell" class="solr.TextField"> + <analyzer> + <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/> + <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/> + </analyzer> + </fieldType> + <f i el d na m e=" s pel l " t y pe=" t e x t Spe l l " i ndex e d=" t r ue " s t or e d=" f a l s e " m t i Va l ued=" t r ue " / > ul + <c opy F i e l d s our c e =" body " de s t =" s pel l " / > s ol r c onf i g. x ml -<str name="field">name</str> +<str name="field">spell</str> +<str name="buildOnCommit">true</str> + <!-- spellchecking --> + <str name="spellcheck">on</str> + <str name="spellcheck.collate">true</str> + <arr name="last-components"> + <str>spellcheck</str> + </arr> Lucid Imagination, Inc.
  • 23. Did you mean...? Added to br ows e. v m #if($response.response.spellcheck.suggestions.size() > 0) Di d y ou m a n <a e href="/solr/browse?q=$esc.url($ ggestions.collation)">$response.response.spellcheck.suggestion s.collation</a>? #end Lucid Imagination, Inc.
  • 24. Dessert: Pie Lucid Imagination, Inc.
  • 25. How the chart came to life • Found simple JavaScript chart package: • Looked at an example • Downloaded placed jschart.js in ~/LucidWorks/lucidworks/jetty/webapps/root/scripts/ • Integrated Lucid Imagination, Inc.
  • 26. JSChart integration added to l a y out . v m <script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/jscharts.js"></script> c onf / v e l oc i t y / j s c ha r t . v m #set($facet_field=$request.params.get('facet.field')) #set($chart_type=$request.params.get('jschart.type')) #set($facets=$response.response.facet_counts.facet_fields.get($facet_field)) <div id="jschart_${chart_type}_${facet_field}">$facet_field</div> <s c r i pt t y pe =" t e x t / j a v a s c r i pt " > f a c e t _a r r a y = new Ar r a y ( ) ; #f or e a c h( $f a c e t i n $f a c e t s ) f a c et _a r r a y . pus h( [ ' ${ f a c e t . k ey } ' , ${ f a c et . v a l ue} ] ) #e nd v a r c ha r t = ne w J SCha r t ( ' j s c ha r t _${ c ha r t _t y pe} _ ${ f a c et _ f i el d} ' , ' ${ c ha r t _t y pe} ' ) ; c ha r t . s et Da t a Ar r a y ( f a c et _ a r r a y ) ; c ha r t . s et T i t l e( ' $f a c et _f i el d' ) c ha r t . dr a w( ) ; </ s c r i pt > http://localhost:8983/solr/select?q=*:*&rows=0&facet=on&facet.field=content_typ e&wt=velocity&v.template=jschart&v.layout=layout&jschart.type=pie&title=Pie Lucid Imagination, Inc.
  • 27. Cleaning up chart URLs added to s ol r c onf i g. x m l <requestHandler name="/ j s c ha r t “ class="solr.SearchHandler"> <lst name="defaults"> <!-- UI settings --> <str name="wt">velocity</str> <s t r na me=" v . t e m a t e " >j s c ha r t </ s t r > pl <str name="jschart.type">pie</str> <!-- results details --> <s t r na me=" r ows " >0</ s t r > <!-- query parsing --> <str name="defType">lucene</str> <str name="q">*:*</str> <!-- faceting --> <str name="facet">on</str> <str name="facet.field">content_type</str> <str name="facet.mincount">1</str> < /lst> </requestHandler> Lucid Imagination, Inc.
  • 29. Ajaxifying added to br ows e . v m inside facet field loop , <a href="#" onClick="javascript:$('#jschart_${}' ).load('/ s ol r / j s c ha r t ? j s c ha r t . t y pe =pi e &q=$!{es c.url($params.get('q'))}');">Pie</a> <a href="#" onClick="javascript:$('#jschart_${}' ).load('/ s ol r / j s c ha r t ? j s c ha r t . t y pe =ba r &q=$!{es c.url($params.get('q'))}');">Bar</a> <div id="jschart_${}"></div> jQuery is included in the default layout Lucid Imagination, Inc.
  • 30. debugging debugQuery=true Adds scoring explanations for each hit dumps the request and response objects (toString) at the bottom of the page Lucid Imagination, Inc.
  • 32. Now what? • Script the indexer • Customize header & footer, adjust styles and colors, add your logo • Show your boss • Ask "what now?" Lucid Imagination, Inc.
  • 33. General next steps • Script full & incremental indexing processes • Adjust schema fields, field types, analysis • Tweak configuration as needed caches, indexing parameters • Deploy to staging/production environments Lucid Imagination, Inc.
  • 34. Is it done? No. Keep it (slightly) ugly, for this reason. iron out capabilities, then pretty it up prototyping provides the Solr requests your REAL application will use. Copy and paste what you need from Solr's logs and prototype templates Lucid Imagination, Inc.
  • 35. Prototyping tools • CSV update handler • Schema Browser (in Solr's admin) • Solritas • Solr Explorer • Solr Flare Lucid Imagination, Inc.
  • 36. Test • Performance • Scalability • Relevance • Automate all of the above, start baselines and avoid regressions Lucid Imagination, Inc.
  • 37. Questions? Thank You! Lucid Imagination, Inc.