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Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations
Deformations of twisted harmonic maps
Marco Spinaci
Institut Fourier, Grenoble
November 25, 2013
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Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations
Table of contents
1 Background and preliminary results
Harmonic maps
Higgs bundles
The universal twisted harmonic map
2 First order deformations
Equivariant and harmonic deformations
First variation of the energy
3 Second order deformations
Equivariant and harmonic deformations
Variation of the energy
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Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations
Harmonic maps
Twisted harmonic maps
X: closed connected Riemannian (later: Kähler) manifold;
Γ = π1(X, x0): its fundental group;
ρ: Γ → G: representation to an algebraic reductive group
G (usually: G = GL(r, C));
N = G/K: symmetric space of the non-compact type
(K = U(r), N: positive definite Hermitian matrices);
˜X → X: universal cover.
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Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations
Harmonic maps
Twisted harmonic maps
X: closed connected Riemannian (later: Kähler) manifold;
Γ = π1(X, x0): its fundental group;
ρ: Γ → G: representation to an algebraic reductive group
G (usually: G = GL(r, C));
N = G/K: symmetric space of the non-compact type
(K = U(r), N: positive definite Hermitian matrices);
˜X → X: universal cover.
A map f : ˜X → N is ρ-equivariant (or: twisted) if
f (γ˜x) = ρ(γ)f (˜x) for γ ∈ Γ, ˜x ∈ ˜X.
It is harmonic if it minimizes
E(f ) =
2 X
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Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations
Harmonic maps
Harmonic metrics
A representation ρ: Γ → G is semi-simple if ρ ∼= i ρi, each ρi
being irreducible.
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Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations
Harmonic maps
Harmonic metrics
A representation ρ: Γ → G is semi-simple if ρ ∼= i ρi, each ρi
being irreducible.
Theorem (Donaldson ’87, Corlette ’88)
A ρ-equivariant harmonic map exists if and only if ρ is
semi-simple. It is unique up to multiplication by an element of
H = ZG(Image(ρ)).
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Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations
Harmonic maps
Harmonic metrics
A representation ρ: Γ → G is semi-simple if ρ ∼= i ρi, each ρi
being irreducible.
Theorem (Donaldson ’87, Corlette ’88)
A ρ-equivariant harmonic map exists if and only if ρ is
semi-simple. It is unique up to multiplication by an element of
H = ZG(Image(ρ)).
Equivariant map
f : ˜X → GL(r, C)/U(r)
Hermitian positive definite metric
on (V, D) = ˜X × Cr /Γ, d .
The Hermitian metric is harmonic if f is.
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Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations
Higgs bundles
Maurer-Cartan form
Write d = dcan
+ β, where β is a g = Lie(G)-valued 1-form and:
is a metric connection;
β is self-adjoint. We call it the “Maurer-Cartan” 1-form.
Then β ∼= df through the identification:
ϑTN : N × g ⊇ [p]
−→ TN
(n, ξ) −→ ∂
∂t exp(tξ) · n
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Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations
Higgs bundles
Maurer-Cartan form
Write d = dcan
+ β, where β is a g = Lie(G)-valued 1-form and:
is a metric connection;
β is self-adjoint. We call it the “Maurer-Cartan” 1-form.
Then β ∼= df through the identification:
ϑTN : N × g ⊇ [p]
−→ TN
(n, ξ) −→ ∂
∂t exp(tξ) · n
Fact: The map f is harmonic ⇐⇒ dcan∗
β = 0.
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Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations
Higgs bundles
Maurer-Cartan form
Write d = dcan
+ β, where β is a g = Lie(G)-valued 1-form and:
is a metric connection;
β is self-adjoint. We call it the “Maurer-Cartan” 1-form.
Then β ∼= df through the identification:
ϑTN : N × g ⊇ [p]
−→ TN
(n, ξ) −→ ∂
∂t exp(tξ) · n
Fact: The map f is harmonic ⇐⇒ dcan∗
β = 0.
Theorem (Siu ’80, Sampson ’86)
If X is Kähler, decompose (1, 0) and (0, 1) parts:
= ∂ + ¯∂; β = θ + θ∗
Then ¯∂2 = 0, ¯∂(θ) = 0 and θ ∧ θ = 0, that is, (V, ¯∂, θ) is a Higgs
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Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations
Higgs bundles
Moduli spaces
Theorem (Hitchin ’87, Simpson ’94)
Assume further that X is projective. There exist homeomorphic
moduli spaces:
MB(X, G) = Hom(Γ, G)//G
−→ MDol(X, G).
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Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations
Higgs bundles
Moduli spaces
Theorem (Hitchin ’87, Simpson ’94)
Assume further that X is projective. There exist homeomorphic
moduli spaces:
MB(X, G) = Hom(Γ, G)//G
−→ MDol(X, G).
Energy functional E : Hom(Γ, G) → R:
E(ρ) = inf E(f ) =
2 X
df 2
f is ρ-equivariant, smooth .
Energy functional E : MDol(X, G) → R:
E(E, θ) = θ
L2 .
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Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations
Higgs bundles
Let Σ be a Riemann surface, X be Kähler.
Hitchin ’87: Topology of the connected components of
MB(Σ, PSL(2, R)).
Hitchin ’92: “Teichmüller” component of MB(Σ, PSL(n, R)).
Bradlow–García-Prada–Gothen ’03: Connected components of
MB(Σ, PU(p, q)).
García-Prada–Gothen–Mundet-Riera ’13: Connected
components of MB(Σ, Sp(2n, R)).
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Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations
Higgs bundles
Let Σ be a Riemann surface, X be Kähler.
Hitchin ’87: Topology of the connected components of
MB(Σ, PSL(2, R)).
Hitchin ’92: “Teichmüller” component of MB(Σ, PSL(n, R)).
Bradlow–García-Prada–Gothen ’03: Connected components of
MB(Σ, PU(p, q)).
García-Prada–Gothen–Mundet-Riera ’13: Connected
components of MB(Σ, Sp(2n, R)).
Toledo ’12: Plurisubharmonicity of the energy on the
Teichmüller space (i.e. fixed ρ but varying complex structure on
Biswas-Schumacher ’06: Computation of ∂ ¯∂E on the moduli
spaces of stable Higgs bundles on X (i.e. where H is trivial).
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Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations
Universal map
The universal twisted harmonic map
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Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations
Universal map
The universal twisted harmonic map
˜x0 ∈ ˜X; Y =
(n, ρ) ∈ N × Hom(Γ, G) ∃f(n,ρ) : ˜X → N,
ρ-equivariant and harmonic s.t. f (˜x0) = n
Define the universal twisted harmonic map H : Y × ˜X → N by
H (n, ρ, ˜x) = f(n,ρ)(˜x).
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Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations
Universal map
The universal twisted harmonic map
˜x0 ∈ ˜X; Y =
(n, ρ) ∈ N × Hom(Γ, G) ∃f(n,ρ) : ˜X → N,
ρ-equivariant and harmonic s.t. f (˜x0) = n
Define the universal twisted harmonic map H : Y × ˜X → N by
H (n, ρ, ˜x) = f(n,ρ)(˜x).
The subset Y ⊆ N × Hom(Γ, G) is closed; the map H is
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Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations
Universal map
The universal twisted harmonic map
˜x0 ∈ ˜X; Y =
(n, ρ) ∈ N × Hom(Γ, G) ∃f(n,ρ) : ˜X → N,
ρ-equivariant and harmonic s.t. f (˜x0) = n
Define the universal twisted harmonic map H : Y × ˜X → N by
H (n, ρ, ˜x) = f(n,ρ)(˜x).
The subset Y ⊆ N × Hom(Γ, G) is closed; the map H is
The energy functional E : Hom(Γ, G) → R is continuous.
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Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations
Equivariant and harmonic deformations
Basic definitions
Deformation of ρ0 is c ∈ Z1(Γ, g); write ρ
t = (ρ0, c).
Deformation of f is v ∈ C∞(f ∗TN).
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Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations
Equivariant and harmonic deformations
Basic definitions
Deformation of ρ0 is c ∈ Z1(Γ, g); write ρ
t = (ρ0, c).
Deformation of f is v ∈ C∞(f ∗TN).
A first order deformation v ∈ C∞(f ∗TN) is said:
t -equivariant if v(γ˜x) = ρ0(γ)v(˜x) + ϑTN f (γ˜x), c(γ) ;
harmonic if J (v) = 0, where locally
J (v) = −
gjk D
v + RN ∂f
, v
Fact: They are the “natural” definitions.
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Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations
Equivariant and harmonic deformations
Construction of equivariant harmonic deformations
Let ω ∈ H1(X, Ad(ρ0)) be harmonic, representing c.
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Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations
Equivariant and harmonic deformations
Construction of equivariant harmonic deformations
Let ω ∈ H1(X, Ad(ρ0)) be harmonic, representing c.
Theorem A
Let P = F : ˜X → g dF = ω, F(γ˜x) = Adρ0(γ)F(˜x) + c(γ) .
Then P is an affine space over h, the Lie algebra of
H = ZG(Image(ρ0)), and
ϑTN : P v ∈ C∞
(f ∗
TN) ρ
t -equivariant and harmonic .
The latter space is affine over h ∩ p (in particular, it is always
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Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations
First variation of the energy
Critical points as C-VHS
If v = ∂ft
∂t is harmonic and ρ
t -equivariant, with ω as above:
∂t t=0
ω, β dVol.
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Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations
First variation of the energy
Critical points as C-VHS
If v = ∂ft
∂t is harmonic and ρ
t -equivariant, with ω as above:
∂t t=0
ω, β dVol.
Theorem B
Suppose X to be Kähler. Then, the critical points of the energy
coincide with the complex variations of Hodge structure.
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Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations
First variation of the energy
Critical points as C-VHS
If v = ∂ft
∂t is harmonic and ρ
t -equivariant, with ω as above:
∂t t=0
ω, β dVol.
Theorem B
Suppose X to be Kähler. Then, the critical points of the energy
coincide with the complex variations of Hodge structure.
⊇ S1-action: ϕ: S1 → G. Let γ = ∂ϕ(eiθ)
∂θ θ=0
.Then β = Dcγ.
⊆ ω = θ + D η; 0 = X ω, θ + θ∗ = X ω 2.
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Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations
Equivariant and harmonic deformations
A deformation of (ρ0, c) is a (c, k) ∈ Z1 Γ, Ad(ρ0, c) ; write
t = (ρ0, c, k): Γ → J2G.
A deformation of (f , v) is w ∈ C∞(f ∗TN).
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Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations
Equivariant and harmonic deformations
A deformation of (ρ0, c) is a (c, k) ∈ Z1 Γ, Ad(ρ0, c) ; write
t = (ρ0, c, k): Γ → J2G.
A deformation of (f , v) is w ∈ C∞(f ∗TN).
D2 =
d 0
ad(ω) d
; D2,∗ =
ω∗¬ d∗ .
A map (F, F2): ˜X → g × g is equivariant of harmonic type if
= 0; (f , F, F2) is ρ
t -equivariant.
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Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations
Equivariant and harmonic deformations
Existence of (F, F2)
There is a ϑJ2N : N × g × g → TN × TN sending equivariant
(F, F2) of harmonic type to equivariant harmonic (v, w).
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Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations
Equivariant and harmonic deformations
Existence of (F, F2)
There is a ϑJ2N : N × g × g → TN × TN sending equivariant
(F, F2) of harmonic type to equivariant harmonic (v, w).
If (F, F2) is equivariant of harmonic type:
:= D2
; then
dψ = −[ω, ω];
ψ = −ω∗ ¬ ω.
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Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations
Equivariant and harmonic deformations
Existence of (F, F2)
There is a ϑJ2N : N × g × g → TN × TN sending equivariant
(F, F2) of harmonic type to equivariant harmonic (v, w).
If (F, F2) is equivariant of harmonic type:
:= D2
; then
dψ = −[ω, ω];
ψ = −ω∗ ¬ ω.
Theorem (Goldman-Millson ’88)
The second order obstruction of extending a first order
deformation ρ
t of a semi-simple ρ0 is the cohomology class of
[ω, ω] ∈ Z2(Γ, Ad(ρ0)). If Γ is a Kähler group, then this is the
only obstruction.
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Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations
Equivariant and harmonic deformations
The construction theorem
Theorem C
Let G be complex. The following are equivalent:
1 There exists an equivariant (F, F2) of harmonic type;
2 There exists a ψ such that dψ = −[ω, ω] and
ψ = −ω∗ ¬ ω;
3 ω is a minimum for · L2 in its H-orbit, where
H = ZG(Image(ρ0)) acts on H1(M, Ad(ρ0)) by conjugation;
4 There exist two harmonic deformations (v, w) and (v , w ),
one (ρ0, c, k)-equivariant and the other
(ρ0, ic, −k)-equivariant.
Any of these is true for all harmonic metrics f if and only if
H0(X, Ad(ρ
t )) is a flat R[t]/(t2)-module.
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Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations
Variation of the energy
∂t2 t=0
ψ, β + ω[p] 2
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Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations
Variation of the energy
∂t2 t=0
ψ, β + ω[p] 2
Theorem D
Let G be complex, X Riemannian. The energy functional is
strictly plurisubharmonic with respect to the Betti complex
structure JB. More precisely:
+ JB
E(ft) =
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Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations
Variation of the energy
Positivity of the Hessian
Theorem E
Suppose that X is Kähler and ρ0 is the monodromy of a
C-VHS. Write ˙A = ω[k] 0,1
and ˙Φ = ω[p] 1,0
. Then:
∂t2 t=0
= 2
X p
− p ˙A−p,p 2
+ (1 − p) ˙Φ−p,p 2
where ξ = p ξ−p,p is C-VHS of weight 0 on End(V) = ˜X ×Γ g.
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Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations
Variation of the energy
Positivity of the Hessian
Theorem E
Suppose that X is Kähler and ρ0 is the monodromy of a
C-VHS. Write ˙A = ω[k] 0,1
and ˙Φ = ω[p] 1,0
. Then:
∂t2 t=0
= 2
X p
− p ˙A−p,p 2
+ (1 − p) ˙Φ−p,p 2
where ξ = p ξ−p,p is C-VHS of weight 0 on End(V) = ˜X ×Γ g.
If ρt : Γ → G0 = Image(ρ0), the Hodge-Deligne decomposition is
a decomposition in eigenspaces of Hess(E).
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Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations
Variation of the energy
Positivity of the Hessian
Theorem E
Suppose that X is Kähler and ρ0 is the monodromy of a
C-VHS. Write ˙A = ω[k] 0,1
and ˙Φ = ω[p] 1,0
. Then:
∂t2 t=0
= 2
X p
− p ˙A−p,p 2
+ (1 − p) ˙Φ−p,p 2
where ξ = p ξ−p,p is C-VHS of weight 0 on End(V) = ˜X ×Γ g.
If ρt : Γ → G0 = Image(ρ0), the Hodge-Deligne decomposition is
a decomposition in eigenspaces of Hess(E).
If furthermore G0/K0 is Hermitian symmetric, then
Hess(E) ≥ 0, vanishing along C-VHS only.
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Deformations of twisted harmonic maps and Higgs bundles

  • 1. Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations Deformations of twisted harmonic maps Marco Spinaci Institut Fourier, Grenoble November 25, 2013 1 / 16
  • 2. Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations Table of contents 1 Background and preliminary results Harmonic maps Higgs bundles The universal twisted harmonic map 2 First order deformations Equivariant and harmonic deformations First variation of the energy 3 Second order deformations Equivariant and harmonic deformations Variation of the energy 2 / 16
  • 3. Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations Harmonic maps Twisted harmonic maps X: closed connected Riemannian (later: Kähler) manifold; Γ = π1(X, x0): its fundental group; ρ: Γ → G: representation to an algebraic reductive group G (usually: G = GL(r, C)); N = G/K: symmetric space of the non-compact type (K = U(r), N: positive definite Hermitian matrices); ˜X → X: universal cover. 3 / 16
  • 4. Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations Harmonic maps Twisted harmonic maps X: closed connected Riemannian (later: Kähler) manifold; Γ = π1(X, x0): its fundental group; ρ: Γ → G: representation to an algebraic reductive group G (usually: G = GL(r, C)); N = G/K: symmetric space of the non-compact type (K = U(r), N: positive definite Hermitian matrices); ˜X → X: universal cover. Definition A map f : ˜X → N is ρ-equivariant (or: twisted) if f (γ˜x) = ρ(γ)f (˜x) for γ ∈ Γ, ˜x ∈ ˜X. It is harmonic if it minimizes E(f ) = 1 2 X df 2 dVolg. 3 / 16
  • 5. Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations Harmonic maps Harmonic metrics Definition A representation ρ: Γ → G is semi-simple if ρ ∼= i ρi, each ρi being irreducible. 4 / 16
  • 6. Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations Harmonic maps Harmonic metrics Definition A representation ρ: Γ → G is semi-simple if ρ ∼= i ρi, each ρi being irreducible. Theorem (Donaldson ’87, Corlette ’88) A ρ-equivariant harmonic map exists if and only if ρ is semi-simple. It is unique up to multiplication by an element of H = ZG(Image(ρ)). 4 / 16
  • 7. Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations Harmonic maps Harmonic metrics Definition A representation ρ: Γ → G is semi-simple if ρ ∼= i ρi, each ρi being irreducible. Theorem (Donaldson ’87, Corlette ’88) A ρ-equivariant harmonic map exists if and only if ρ is semi-simple. It is unique up to multiplication by an element of H = ZG(Image(ρ)). Equivariant map f : ˜X → GL(r, C)/U(r) ←→ Hermitian positive definite metric on (V, D) = ˜X × Cr /Γ, d . Definition The Hermitian metric is harmonic if f is. 4 / 16
  • 8. Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations Higgs bundles Maurer-Cartan form Write d = dcan + β, where β is a g = Lie(G)-valued 1-form and: dcan is a metric connection; β is self-adjoint. We call it the “Maurer-Cartan” 1-form. Then β ∼= df through the identification: ϑTN : N × g ⊇ [p] ∼ −→ TN (n, ξ) −→ ∂ ∂t exp(tξ) · n t=0 . 5 / 16
  • 9. Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations Higgs bundles Maurer-Cartan form Write d = dcan + β, where β is a g = Lie(G)-valued 1-form and: dcan is a metric connection; β is self-adjoint. We call it the “Maurer-Cartan” 1-form. Then β ∼= df through the identification: ϑTN : N × g ⊇ [p] ∼ −→ TN (n, ξ) −→ ∂ ∂t exp(tξ) · n t=0 . Fact: The map f is harmonic ⇐⇒ dcan∗ β = 0. 5 / 16
  • 10. Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations Higgs bundles Maurer-Cartan form Write d = dcan + β, where β is a g = Lie(G)-valued 1-form and: dcan is a metric connection; β is self-adjoint. We call it the “Maurer-Cartan” 1-form. Then β ∼= df through the identification: ϑTN : N × g ⊇ [p] ∼ −→ TN (n, ξ) −→ ∂ ∂t exp(tξ) · n t=0 . Fact: The map f is harmonic ⇐⇒ dcan∗ β = 0. Theorem (Siu ’80, Sampson ’86) If X is Kähler, decompose (1, 0) and (0, 1) parts: dcan = ∂ + ¯∂; β = θ + θ∗ . Then ¯∂2 = 0, ¯∂(θ) = 0 and θ ∧ θ = 0, that is, (V, ¯∂, θ) is a Higgs bundle. 5 / 16
  • 11. Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations Higgs bundles Moduli spaces Theorem (Hitchin ’87, Simpson ’94) Assume further that X is projective. There exist homeomorphic moduli spaces: MB(X, G) = Hom(Γ, G)//G ∼ −→ MDol(X, G). 6 / 16
  • 12. Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations Higgs bundles Moduli spaces Theorem (Hitchin ’87, Simpson ’94) Assume further that X is projective. There exist homeomorphic moduli spaces: MB(X, G) = Hom(Γ, G)//G ∼ −→ MDol(X, G). Definition Energy functional E : Hom(Γ, G) → R: E(ρ) = inf E(f ) = 1 2 X df 2 f is ρ-equivariant, smooth . Energy functional E : MDol(X, G) → R: E(E, θ) = θ 2 L2 . 6 / 16
  • 13. Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations Higgs bundles Motivation Let Σ be a Riemann surface, X be Kähler. Hitchin ’87: Topology of the connected components of MB(Σ, PSL(2, R)). Hitchin ’92: “Teichmüller” component of MB(Σ, PSL(n, R)). Bradlow–García-Prada–Gothen ’03: Connected components of MB(Σ, PU(p, q)). García-Prada–Gothen–Mundet-Riera ’13: Connected components of MB(Σ, Sp(2n, R)). 7 / 16
  • 14. Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations Higgs bundles Motivation Let Σ be a Riemann surface, X be Kähler. Hitchin ’87: Topology of the connected components of MB(Σ, PSL(2, R)). Hitchin ’92: “Teichmüller” component of MB(Σ, PSL(n, R)). Bradlow–García-Prada–Gothen ’03: Connected components of MB(Σ, PU(p, q)). García-Prada–Gothen–Mundet-Riera ’13: Connected components of MB(Σ, Sp(2n, R)). Toledo ’12: Plurisubharmonicity of the energy on the Teichmüller space (i.e. fixed ρ but varying complex structure on Σ). Biswas-Schumacher ’06: Computation of ∂ ¯∂E on the moduli spaces of stable Higgs bundles on X (i.e. where H is trivial). 7 / 16
  • 15. Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations Universal map The universal twisted harmonic map 8 / 16
  • 16. Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations Universal map The universal twisted harmonic map Definition ˜x0 ∈ ˜X; Y = (n, ρ) ∈ N × Hom(Γ, G) ∃f(n,ρ) : ˜X → N, ρ-equivariant and harmonic s.t. f (˜x0) = n . Define the universal twisted harmonic map H : Y × ˜X → N by H (n, ρ, ˜x) = f(n,ρ)(˜x). 8 / 16
  • 17. Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations Universal map The universal twisted harmonic map Definition ˜x0 ∈ ˜X; Y = (n, ρ) ∈ N × Hom(Γ, G) ∃f(n,ρ) : ˜X → N, ρ-equivariant and harmonic s.t. f (˜x0) = n . Define the universal twisted harmonic map H : Y × ˜X → N by H (n, ρ, ˜x) = f(n,ρ)(˜x). Proposition The subset Y ⊆ N × Hom(Γ, G) is closed; the map H is continuous. 8 / 16
  • 18. Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations Universal map The universal twisted harmonic map Definition ˜x0 ∈ ˜X; Y = (n, ρ) ∈ N × Hom(Γ, G) ∃f(n,ρ) : ˜X → N, ρ-equivariant and harmonic s.t. f (˜x0) = n . Define the universal twisted harmonic map H : Y × ˜X → N by H (n, ρ, ˜x) = f(n,ρ)(˜x). Proposition The subset Y ⊆ N × Hom(Γ, G) is closed; the map H is continuous. Proposition The energy functional E : Hom(Γ, G) → R is continuous. 8 / 16
  • 19. Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations Equivariant and harmonic deformations Basic definitions Definition Deformation of ρ0 is c ∈ Z1(Γ, g); write ρ (1) t = (ρ0, c). Deformation of f is v ∈ C∞(f ∗TN). 9 / 16
  • 20. Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations Equivariant and harmonic deformations Basic definitions Definition Deformation of ρ0 is c ∈ Z1(Γ, g); write ρ (1) t = (ρ0, c). Deformation of f is v ∈ C∞(f ∗TN). Definition A first order deformation v ∈ C∞(f ∗TN) is said: ρ (1) t -equivariant if v(γ˜x) = ρ0(γ)v(˜x) + ϑTN f (γ˜x), c(γ) ; harmonic if J (v) = 0, where locally J (v) = − j,k gjk D ∂xj D ∂xk v + RN ∂f ∂xk , v ∂f ∂xj . Fact: They are the “natural” definitions. 9 / 16
  • 21. Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations Equivariant and harmonic deformations Construction of equivariant harmonic deformations Let ω ∈ H1(X, Ad(ρ0)) be harmonic, representing c. 10 / 16
  • 22. Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations Equivariant and harmonic deformations Construction of equivariant harmonic deformations Let ω ∈ H1(X, Ad(ρ0)) be harmonic, representing c. Theorem A Let P = F : ˜X → g dF = ω, F(γ˜x) = Adρ0(γ)F(˜x) + c(γ) . Then P is an affine space over h, the Lie algebra of H = ZG(Image(ρ0)), and ϑTN : P v ∈ C∞ (f ∗ TN) ρ (1) t -equivariant and harmonic . The latter space is affine over h ∩ p (in particular, it is always non-empty). 10 / 16
  • 23. Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations First variation of the energy Critical points as C-VHS Corollary If v = ∂ft ∂t is harmonic and ρ (1) t -equivariant, with ω as above: ∂E(ft) ∂t t=0 = X ω, β dVol. 11 / 16
  • 24. Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations First variation of the energy Critical points as C-VHS Corollary If v = ∂ft ∂t is harmonic and ρ (1) t -equivariant, with ω as above: ∂E(ft) ∂t t=0 = X ω, β dVol. Theorem B Suppose X to be Kähler. Then, the critical points of the energy coincide with the complex variations of Hodge structure. 11 / 16
  • 25. Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations First variation of the energy Critical points as C-VHS Corollary If v = ∂ft ∂t is harmonic and ρ (1) t -equivariant, with ω as above: ∂E(ft) ∂t t=0 = X ω, β dVol. Theorem B Suppose X to be Kähler. Then, the critical points of the energy coincide with the complex variations of Hodge structure. Proof. ⊇ S1-action: ϕ: S1 → G. Let γ = ∂ϕ(eiθ) ∂θ θ=0 .Then β = Dcγ. ⊆ ω = θ + D η; 0 = X ω, θ + θ∗ = X ω 2. 11 / 16
  • 26. Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations Equivariant and harmonic deformations Definitions Definition A deformation of (ρ0, c) is a (c, k) ∈ Z1 Γ, Ad(ρ0, c) ; write ρ (2) t = (ρ0, c, k): Γ → J2G. A deformation of (f , v) is w ∈ C∞(f ∗TN). 12 / 16
  • 27. Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations Equivariant and harmonic deformations Definitions Definition A deformation of (ρ0, c) is a (c, k) ∈ Z1 Γ, Ad(ρ0, c) ; write ρ (2) t = (ρ0, c, k): Γ → J2G. A deformation of (f , v) is w ∈ C∞(f ∗TN). Definition D2 = d 0 ad(ω) d ; D2,∗ = d∗ 0 ω∗¬ d∗ . A map (F, F2): ˜X → g × g is equivariant of harmonic type if D2,∗D2 F F2 = 0; (f , F, F2) is ρ (2) t -equivariant. 12 / 16
  • 28. Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations Equivariant and harmonic deformations Existence of (F, F2) Lemma There is a ϑJ2N : N × g × g → TN × TN sending equivariant (F, F2) of harmonic type to equivariant harmonic (v, w). 13 / 16
  • 29. Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations Equivariant and harmonic deformations Existence of (F, F2) Lemma There is a ϑJ2N : N × g × g → TN × TN sending equivariant (F, F2) of harmonic type to equivariant harmonic (v, w). Definition If (F, F2) is equivariant of harmonic type: ω ψ := D2 F F2 ; then dψ = −[ω, ω]; d∗ ψ = −ω∗ ¬ ω. 13 / 16
  • 30. Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations Equivariant and harmonic deformations Existence of (F, F2) Lemma There is a ϑJ2N : N × g × g → TN × TN sending equivariant (F, F2) of harmonic type to equivariant harmonic (v, w). Definition If (F, F2) is equivariant of harmonic type: ω ψ := D2 F F2 ; then dψ = −[ω, ω]; d∗ ψ = −ω∗ ¬ ω. Theorem (Goldman-Millson ’88) The second order obstruction of extending a first order deformation ρ (1) t of a semi-simple ρ0 is the cohomology class of [ω, ω] ∈ Z2(Γ, Ad(ρ0)). If Γ is a Kähler group, then this is the only obstruction. 13 / 16
  • 31. Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations Equivariant and harmonic deformations The construction theorem Theorem C Let G be complex. The following are equivalent: 1 There exists an equivariant (F, F2) of harmonic type; 2 There exists a ψ such that dψ = −[ω, ω] and d∗ ψ = −ω∗ ¬ ω; 3 ω is a minimum for · L2 in its H-orbit, where H = ZG(Image(ρ0)) acts on H1(M, Ad(ρ0)) by conjugation; 4 There exist two harmonic deformations (v, w) and (v , w ), one (ρ0, c, k)-equivariant and the other (ρ0, ic, −k)-equivariant. Any of these is true for all harmonic metrics f if and only if H0(X, Ad(ρ (1) t )) is a flat R[t]/(t2)-module. 14 / 16
  • 32. Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations Variation of the energy Plurisubharmonicity Corollary ∂2E(ft) ∂t2 t=0 = X ψ, β + ω[p] 2 dVol. 15 / 16
  • 33. Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations Variation of the energy Plurisubharmonicity Corollary ∂2E(ft) ∂t2 t=0 = X ψ, β + ω[p] 2 dVol. Theorem D Let G be complex, X Riemannian. The energy functional is strictly plurisubharmonic with respect to the Betti complex structure JB. More precisely: ∂2 ∂t2 + JB ∂ ∂t 2 E(ft) = X ω 2 dVol. 15 / 16
  • 34. Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations Variation of the energy Positivity of the Hessian Theorem E Suppose that X is Kähler and ρ0 is the monodromy of a C-VHS. Write ˙A = ω[k] 0,1 and ˙Φ = ω[p] 1,0 . Then: ∂2E(ρt) ∂t2 t=0 = 2 X p − p ˙A−p,p 2 + (1 − p) ˙Φ−p,p 2 dVol, where ξ = p ξ−p,p is C-VHS of weight 0 on End(V) = ˜X ×Γ g. 16 / 16
  • 35. Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations Variation of the energy Positivity of the Hessian Theorem E Suppose that X is Kähler and ρ0 is the monodromy of a C-VHS. Write ˙A = ω[k] 0,1 and ˙Φ = ω[p] 1,0 . Then: ∂2E(ρt) ∂t2 t=0 = 2 X p − p ˙A−p,p 2 + (1 − p) ˙Φ−p,p 2 dVol, where ξ = p ξ−p,p is C-VHS of weight 0 on End(V) = ˜X ×Γ g. Corollary If ρt : Γ → G0 = Image(ρ0), the Hodge-Deligne decomposition is a decomposition in eigenspaces of Hess(E). 16 / 16
  • 36. Introduction First order deformations Second order deformations Variation of the energy Positivity of the Hessian Theorem E Suppose that X is Kähler and ρ0 is the monodromy of a C-VHS. Write ˙A = ω[k] 0,1 and ˙Φ = ω[p] 1,0 . Then: ∂2E(ρt) ∂t2 t=0 = 2 X p − p ˙A−p,p 2 + (1 − p) ˙Φ−p,p 2 dVol, where ξ = p ξ−p,p is C-VHS of weight 0 on End(V) = ˜X ×Γ g. Corollary If ρt : Γ → G0 = Image(ρ0), the Hodge-Deligne decomposition is a decomposition in eigenspaces of Hess(E). Corollary If furthermore G0/K0 is Hermitian symmetric, then Hess(E) ≥ 0, vanishing along C-VHS only. 16 / 16