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HKDSE Biology – Biodiversity

    ●    Refers to the existence of a great variety of life forms in the planet Earth

7 Characteristics of Living Organisms
    ●    Living organisms should have all the 7 characteristics in certain stages of life

1. Nutrition         Organisms take in food for energy and to maintain life

2. Irritability      Organisms react to changes in their environment

                     Organisms break down food in their cells to supply energy for
3. Respiration
                     body activities
                     Animals move from place to place using legs, wings or fins.
4. Movement
                     Plants generally move by growing

5. Growth            Organisms increase in size and complexity

6. Reproduction      Organisms produce offspring

                     Organisms remove waste products produced from chemical
7. Excretion
                     reactions inside bodies

By Michael Ho~*                           1
HKDSE Biology – Biodiversity

Cell Type
   ●   Cells can be divided into 2 types (prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell)
          Prokaryotes:
           Organisms having prokaryotic cells, e.g. bacteria
          Eukaryotes:
           Organisms having eukaryotic cells, e.g. fungi, plants, animals

Features                     Prokaryotic cell                  Eukaryotic cell
                       -    No true nucleus            -   True nucleus 
                       -    No nuclear envelope        -   Nuclear envelope 
                       -    A single circular DNA      -   DNA associated with
Genetic material            lying free in cytoplasm        proteins forming
                                                           chromosomes in nucleus
Membrane bounded
                                                                    
Cell membrane                                                       
Size                              Smaller                          Larger

By Michael Ho~*                         2
HKDSE Biology – Biodiversity

Classification of Organisms
    ●    Separate organisms into different groups based on their features
    ●    All organisms on Earth are classified into 3 domains and 6 kingdoms

(A) Classifying Organisms
 Classification levels   Amounts of organisms           Similarities among organisms
 Domain 域                         The most                         The least
 Kingdom 界                                                             ︽
 Phylum 門
 Class 綱
                                    ︾                                 ︽
 Order 目
 Family 科
 Genus 屬
 Species 種                        The least                        The most
Species - A group of organisms that can interbreed to produce fertile offspring

(B) Naming of Organisms
    ●    Each species has a scientific name consisting of 2 words
    ●    The 1st word is the name of genus, the 2nd word is the name of species;
         separated by space
    ●    The 1st letter of the first word being capital, the rest all being small
    ●    Underlined if written

         Students should know the scientific name of modern human
          Homo sapiens (Don't underline the space!)

By Michael Ho~*                           3
HKDSE Biology – Biodiversity

3 Domains (Bacteria, Archaea, Eukarya)
                        Prokaryotes                                Eukaryotes
Domain        Bacteria           Archaea                               Eukarya
Kingdom      Eubacteria       Archaebacteria          Protista   Fungi      Plantae   Animalia
Phylum            -                   -                     -      -             -       -
Class             -                   -                     -      -             -       -
Order             -                   -                     -      -             -       -
Family            -                   -                     -      -             -       -
Genus             -                   -                     -      -             -       -
Species           -                   -                     -      -             -       -

Domain Bacteria and Archaea
    ●     Bacteria domain has 1 kingdom, Eubacteria.
    ●     Archaea domain has 1 kingdom, Archaebacteria.

Similarity between Bacteria and Archaea

    ●     They are prokaryotes
                                  -       No true nucleus
                                  -       No nuclear envelope

                                  -       A single circular DNA lying free in
           Genetic material

           Membrane bounded
           Cell membrane          
           Size                   Smaller

By Michael Ho~*                                 4
HKDSE Biology – Biodiversity
    ●    Unicellular (Each organism contains only 1 cell)
    ●    Different shapes (rod, spherical, spiral shape)
    ●    Different methods to obtain nutrients
              by photosynthesis (use sunlight to make food)
              by chemosynthesis (use minerals to make food)
              parasitic 寄生 (live in/on other organisms' bodies)
              saprophytic 腐生 (depend on dead organic compounds)

Differences between Bacteria and Archaea

             Domain: Bacteria                           Domain: Archaea
         (Kingdom: Eubacteria)                      (Kingdom: Archaebacteria)
Larger                                    Smaller
Cell membrane is made of lipids           Cell membrane is made of lipids (different
(similar to those of eukaryotes)          structure than those in all other organisms)
Cell wall made of peptidoglycan           Cell wall contains no peptidoglycan
Ribosomes       more     different   from Ribosomes      resemble   more   closely   to
eukaryotes                                eukaryotes
Live in a wide variety of habitats        Live in extreme environments
                                           Hot springs (very hot)
                                           Salt lakes (very salty)
                                           Acid mine drainage (very acidic)
                                              Deep ocean floor (anaerobic condition)

By Michael Ho~*                          5
HKDSE Biology – Biodiversity

Domain Eukarya
    ●   This domain has 4 kingdoms (1.Protista, 2.Fungi, 3.Plantae, 4.Animalia).
    ●   They are eukaryotes with nucleus and membrane bounded organelles.

    1. Kingdom Protista
            Most are unicellular; if multicellular, lack differentiation
            2 types of Protista: Algae (autotrophic) and Protozoans (heterotrophic)

(A) Algae                               (B) Protozoans

 Varies from single cells, colonies,  Unicellular
   filaments to sheet-like forms
 Autotrophic nutrition                 All 3 types of heterotrophic nutrition
   Contain chlorophylls and carry out 1.     Holozoic:
   photosynthesis in chloroplasts            Mobile (∵pseudopodia, flagella, cilia)
                                             Feed on bacteria, yeast or protozoans
                                        2.   Parasitic
                                        3.   Saprophytic
 Presence of cell wall made of  No cell wall
 Most are aquatic                    Live in freshwater or marine, in damp
 Some unicellular algae may live in   soil or in plants and animals
  soil or associate fungi to form
 E.g. seaweeds                          E.g. amoeba

    2. Kingdom Fungi
            Unicellular/Multicellular
            Heterotrophs: saprophytic, parasitic
            Presence of rigid cell wall made of chitin
            Body is made up of a network of hyphae
            No roots, stems, leaves or chlorophyll
            Use spores for asexual reproduction
            Live in damp places
            E.g. yeast (unicellular), mould and mushroom (multicellular)

By Michael Ho~*                         6
HKDSE Biology – Biodiversity
  3. Kingdom Plantae
        Plants are divided into non-vascular plants and vascular plants
        Autotrophic nutrition:
         Contain chlorophylls and carry out photosynthesis in chloroplasts
        Presence of cell wall made of cellulose

     Non-vascular plants
     Major group                         Characteristics
     Mosses                                 There is no vascular tissues
                                            Possess simple leaves and stems
                                            No true roots but possess rhizoids
                                             for anchoring, absorption of water
                                             and minerals
                                            Asexual reproduction by spores
                                            Lack cuticle so restricted to damp,
                                             shady areas

     Vascular plants
        With vascular tissue
        Have true roots, stems and leaves
        Have vascular tissues for transport of water, mineral salts and soluble
         food substances
        Cuticle on leaf surface to reduce water loss

     Major group                         Characteristics
     Ferns                                   Asexual reproduction by spores
                                              which are stored in sporangia
                                             Sporangia are located on the
                                              undersurface of the leaf

By Michael Ho~*                     7
HKDSE Biology – Biodiversity

        Major group                                   Characteristics
        Gymnosperms                                       They are trees with needle-shaped
                                                          Seeds are not enclosed in ovary
                                                           and hence not enclosed in fruits
                                                          Naked seeds are protected by
                                                           seed coat
                                                           They are found in cones

        Angiosperms                                       Seeds are enclosed, protected and
                                                           dispersed in ovary and hence
                                                           enclosed in fruits
                                                          Possess flowers
                                                          2 types of angiosperms:
                                                           Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons

Summary of Kingdom Plantae

                    Non-flowering plants                                 Flowering plants
    Mosses                  Ferns           Gymnosperms        Monocotyledons        Dicotyledons
                                         Possess leaves, stems and true roots
 Possess simple
                      Large leaves         Usually                                  Leaves with
leaves and stems                                               Leaves with
                      subdivided into      needle-shaped                            veins in
  and rhizoids                                                 veins in parallel
                      leaflets             leaves                                   network
  No vascular
                                               Possess vascular tissues
       Reproduce by spores                                 Reproduce by seeds
                No cone                     Possess cone                     No cone
                       No flower/fruit                                 Possess flowers/fruits
   No cuticle                                        Possess cuticle
 Terrestrial (wet
                                           Terrestrial (can live in dry places)
   area only)

By Michael Ho~*                                8
HKDSE Biology – Biodiversity
  4. Kingdom Animalia
       ●   Multicellular organisms
       ●   Compose of eukaryotic cells without cell wall and chloroplasts
       ●   Animals are divided into invertebrates and vertebrates

  1)   Invertebrates
        Usually restricted body size as they lack supporting vertebral columns
        E.g. Jellyfish 水母, Tapeworms 絛蟲, Earthworms 蚯蚓, Snails 蝸牛, Sea
           urchin 海膽, Insects 昆蟲

  2)   Vertebrates
          Divided into 5 groups:
           (A) fish, (B) amphibians, (C) reptiles,(D) birds, (E) mammals

       (A) Fish
            Skin is covered with slimy scales
            Gills present for gas exchange in both larvae stage and adult
            Present of fins for balance and movement
           -   External fertilization
           -   Lay eggs in water
           -   Poikilotherms
           Students should realize that sea horses 海馬 (have gills) are fish.

       (B) Amphibians
            Skin is covered with moist naked skin
            Present of gills in larvae stage; lungs and skin surface in adult
              stage for gas exchange
           -  External fertilization
           -  Lay eggs in water
           -   Poikilotherms
           Students should realize that salamanders 蠑螈 (have moist naked skin)
           are amphibians.

By Michael Ho~*                       9
HKDSE Biology – Biodiversity
     (C) Reptiles
          Dry skin is covered with hard scales
         -  Present of lungs for gas exchange
        -    Internal fertilization
        -    Lay eggs with hard shells on land
        -   Poikilotherms
        Students should realize that crocodiles 鱷魚 (have dry hard scales) are

     (D) Birds
          Body is covered with feathers
            Present of beak
        -    Present of wing for flying
        -    Present of dry scales on their legs
        -    Present of lungs for gas exchange
        -    Internal fertilization
        -    Lay eggs with hard shells on land
        -    Homoiotherms
        -   Parental care is highly developed
        Students should realize that penguins 企 鵝 (have beak and no
        mammary gland) are birds.

     (E) Mammals
          Skin is covered with hairs
            Present of mammary glands to feed young
            Young develops in uterus
             (EXCEPT platypus 鴨嘴獸, spiny ant eater 食蟻獸- lay eggs)
            Present of diaphragm
        -    Present of lungs for gas exchange
        -    Internal fertilization
        -   Homoiotherms
        -   Parental care is highly developed
        Students should realize that bats 蝙蝠 (have hair), whales 鯨魚 (have
        mammary gland), dolphins 海豚 (have mammary gland) are mammals.

By Michael Ho~*                   10
HKDSE Biology – Biodiversity
Summary of Kingdom Animalia

    Invertebrates                                         Vertebrates
    No backbone                                        Possess backbone
                    Fish               Amphibians         Reptiles         Birds             Mammals
                    Unique             Unique             Unique           Unique            Unique
                    features:          features:          features:        features:         features:
                    -Slimy scales -Moist naked -Dry scales                 -Feathers         -Hair
                    -Gills             skin                                -Beak             -Mammary
                    -Fins              -GillsLungs                                          glands
                    Live in water      Live in water
                                                                         Most live on land
                    (aqueous)          and on land
                           External fertilization                       Internal fertilization
                                                    Egg-laying                               Born alive
                             Eggs without shell                  Eggs with shells                No eggs
                                       Poikilotherm                                 Homoiotherm

Dichotomous Key 二叉式檢索表
     Key is a tool for identifying organisms
     Done by sorting organisms into smaller groups according to their characteristics
     Dichotomous key is the one commonly used, providing 2 alternative features at
      each step
     The key can be presented in 2 forms (sentence form and chart form)

By Michael Ho~*                                     11

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  • 1. HKDSE Biology – Biodiversity Biodiversity ● Refers to the existence of a great variety of life forms in the planet Earth 7 Characteristics of Living Organisms ● Living organisms should have all the 7 characteristics in certain stages of life 1. Nutrition Organisms take in food for energy and to maintain life 2. Irritability Organisms react to changes in their environment Organisms break down food in their cells to supply energy for 3. Respiration body activities Animals move from place to place using legs, wings or fins. 4. Movement Plants generally move by growing 5. Growth Organisms increase in size and complexity 6. Reproduction Organisms produce offspring Organisms remove waste products produced from chemical 7. Excretion reactions inside bodies By Michael Ho~* 1
  • 2. HKDSE Biology – Biodiversity Cell Type ● Cells can be divided into 2 types (prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell)  Prokaryotes: Organisms having prokaryotic cells, e.g. bacteria  Eukaryotes: Organisms having eukaryotic cells, e.g. fungi, plants, animals Features Prokaryotic cell Eukaryotic cell - No true nucleus - True nucleus  Nucleus - No nuclear envelope - Nuclear envelope  - A single circular DNA - DNA associated with Genetic material lying free in cytoplasm proteins forming chromosomes in nucleus Membrane bounded organelles   Cell membrane   Size Smaller Larger By Michael Ho~* 2
  • 3. HKDSE Biology – Biodiversity Classification of Organisms ● Separate organisms into different groups based on their features ● All organisms on Earth are classified into 3 domains and 6 kingdoms (A) Classifying Organisms Classification levels Amounts of organisms Similarities among organisms Domain 域 The most The least Kingdom 界 ︽ Phylum 門 Class 綱 ︾ ︽ Order 目 ︾ Family 科 ︾ ︽ Genus 屬 Species 種 The least The most Species - A group of organisms that can interbreed to produce fertile offspring (B) Naming of Organisms ● Each species has a scientific name consisting of 2 words ● The 1st word is the name of genus, the 2nd word is the name of species; separated by space ● The 1st letter of the first word being capital, the rest all being small ● Underlined if written Students should know the scientific name of modern human  Homo sapiens (Don't underline the space!) By Michael Ho~* 3
  • 4. HKDSE Biology – Biodiversity 3 Domains (Bacteria, Archaea, Eukarya) Prokaryotes Eukaryotes Domain Bacteria Archaea Eukarya Kingdom Eubacteria Archaebacteria Protista Fungi Plantae Animalia Phylum - - - - - - Class - - - - - - Order - - - - - - Family - - - - - - Genus - - - - - - Species - - - - - - Domain Bacteria and Archaea ● Bacteria domain has 1 kingdom, Eubacteria. ● Archaea domain has 1 kingdom, Archaebacteria. Similarity between Bacteria and Archaea ● They are prokaryotes - No true nucleus Nucleus - No nuclear envelope - A single circular DNA lying free in Genetic material cytoplasm Membrane bounded organelles  Cell membrane  Size Smaller By Michael Ho~* 4
  • 5. HKDSE Biology – Biodiversity ● Unicellular (Each organism contains only 1 cell) ● Different shapes (rod, spherical, spiral shape) ● Different methods to obtain nutrients  by photosynthesis (use sunlight to make food)  by chemosynthesis (use minerals to make food)  parasitic 寄生 (live in/on other organisms' bodies)  saprophytic 腐生 (depend on dead organic compounds) Differences between Bacteria and Archaea Domain: Bacteria Domain: Archaea (Kingdom: Eubacteria) (Kingdom: Archaebacteria) Larger Smaller Cell membrane is made of lipids Cell membrane is made of lipids (different (similar to those of eukaryotes) structure than those in all other organisms) Cell wall made of peptidoglycan Cell wall contains no peptidoglycan Ribosomes more different from Ribosomes resemble more closely to eukaryotes eukaryotes Live in a wide variety of habitats Live in extreme environments Example:  Hot springs (very hot)  Salt lakes (very salty)  Acid mine drainage (very acidic)  Deep ocean floor (anaerobic condition) By Michael Ho~* 5
  • 6. HKDSE Biology – Biodiversity Domain Eukarya ● This domain has 4 kingdoms (1.Protista, 2.Fungi, 3.Plantae, 4.Animalia). ● They are eukaryotes with nucleus and membrane bounded organelles. 1. Kingdom Protista  Most are unicellular; if multicellular, lack differentiation  2 types of Protista: Algae (autotrophic) and Protozoans (heterotrophic) (A) Algae (B) Protozoans  Varies from single cells, colonies,  Unicellular filaments to sheet-like forms  Autotrophic nutrition All 3 types of heterotrophic nutrition Contain chlorophylls and carry out 1. Holozoic: photosynthesis in chloroplasts Mobile (∵pseudopodia, flagella, cilia) Feed on bacteria, yeast or protozoans 2. Parasitic 3. Saprophytic  Presence of cell wall made of  No cell wall cellulose  Most are aquatic  Live in freshwater or marine, in damp  Some unicellular algae may live in soil or in plants and animals soil or associate fungi to form lichens  E.g. seaweeds  E.g. amoeba 2. Kingdom Fungi  Unicellular/Multicellular  Heterotrophs: saprophytic, parasitic  Presence of rigid cell wall made of chitin  Body is made up of a network of hyphae  No roots, stems, leaves or chlorophyll  Use spores for asexual reproduction  Live in damp places  E.g. yeast (unicellular), mould and mushroom (multicellular) By Michael Ho~* 6
  • 7. HKDSE Biology – Biodiversity 3. Kingdom Plantae  Plants are divided into non-vascular plants and vascular plants  Autotrophic nutrition: Contain chlorophylls and carry out photosynthesis in chloroplasts  Presence of cell wall made of cellulose Non-vascular plants Major group Characteristics Mosses  There is no vascular tissues  Possess simple leaves and stems  No true roots but possess rhizoids for anchoring, absorption of water and minerals  Asexual reproduction by spores  Lack cuticle so restricted to damp, shady areas Vascular plants  With vascular tissue  Have true roots, stems and leaves  Have vascular tissues for transport of water, mineral salts and soluble food substances  Cuticle on leaf surface to reduce water loss Major group Characteristics Ferns  Asexual reproduction by spores which are stored in sporangia  Sporangia are located on the undersurface of the leaf By Michael Ho~* 7
  • 8. HKDSE Biology – Biodiversity Major group Characteristics Gymnosperms  They are trees with needle-shaped leaves  Seeds are not enclosed in ovary and hence not enclosed in fruits  Naked seeds are protected by seed coat They are found in cones Angiosperms  Seeds are enclosed, protected and dispersed in ovary and hence enclosed in fruits  Possess flowers  2 types of angiosperms: Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons Summary of Kingdom Plantae Non-flowering plants Flowering plants Mosses Ferns Gymnosperms Monocotyledons Dicotyledons Possess leaves, stems and true roots Possess simple Large leaves Usually Leaves with leaves and stems Leaves with subdivided into needle-shaped veins in and rhizoids veins in parallel leaflets leaves network No vascular Possess vascular tissues tissues Reproduce by spores Reproduce by seeds No cone Possess cone No cone No flower/fruit Possess flowers/fruits No cuticle Possess cuticle Terrestrial (wet Terrestrial (can live in dry places) area only) By Michael Ho~* 8
  • 9. HKDSE Biology – Biodiversity 4. Kingdom Animalia ● Multicellular organisms ● Compose of eukaryotic cells without cell wall and chloroplasts ● Animals are divided into invertebrates and vertebrates 1) Invertebrates  Usually restricted body size as they lack supporting vertebral columns  E.g. Jellyfish 水母, Tapeworms 絛蟲, Earthworms 蚯蚓, Snails 蝸牛, Sea urchin 海膽, Insects 昆蟲 2) Vertebrates  Divided into 5 groups: (A) fish, (B) amphibians, (C) reptiles,(D) birds, (E) mammals (A) Fish  Skin is covered with slimy scales  Gills present for gas exchange in both larvae stage and adult stage  Present of fins for balance and movement - External fertilization - Lay eggs in water - Poikilotherms Students should realize that sea horses 海馬 (have gills) are fish. (B) Amphibians  Skin is covered with moist naked skin  Present of gills in larvae stage; lungs and skin surface in adult stage for gas exchange - External fertilization - Lay eggs in water - Poikilotherms Students should realize that salamanders 蠑螈 (have moist naked skin) are amphibians. By Michael Ho~* 9
  • 10. HKDSE Biology – Biodiversity (C) Reptiles  Dry skin is covered with hard scales - Present of lungs for gas exchange - Internal fertilization - Lay eggs with hard shells on land - Poikilotherms Students should realize that crocodiles 鱷魚 (have dry hard scales) are reptiles. (D) Birds  Body is covered with feathers  Present of beak - Present of wing for flying - Present of dry scales on their legs - Present of lungs for gas exchange - Internal fertilization - Lay eggs with hard shells on land - Homoiotherms - Parental care is highly developed Students should realize that penguins 企 鵝 (have beak and no mammary gland) are birds. (E) Mammals  Skin is covered with hairs  Present of mammary glands to feed young  Young develops in uterus (EXCEPT platypus 鴨嘴獸, spiny ant eater 食蟻獸- lay eggs)  Present of diaphragm - Present of lungs for gas exchange - Internal fertilization - Homoiotherms - Parental care is highly developed Students should realize that bats 蝙蝠 (have hair), whales 鯨魚 (have mammary gland), dolphins 海豚 (have mammary gland) are mammals. By Michael Ho~* 10
  • 11. HKDSE Biology – Biodiversity Summary of Kingdom Animalia Invertebrates Vertebrates No backbone Possess backbone Fish Amphibians Reptiles Birds Mammals Unique Unique Unique Unique Unique features: features: features: features: features: -Slimy scales -Moist naked -Dry scales -Feathers -Hair -Gills skin -Beak -Mammary -Fins -GillsLungs glands -Uterus -Pinnae -Diaphragm Live in water Live in water Most live on land (aqueous) and on land External fertilization Internal fertilization Egg-laying Born alive Eggs without shell Eggs with shells No eggs Poikilotherm Homoiotherm Dichotomous Key 二叉式檢索表  Key is a tool for identifying organisms  Done by sorting organisms into smaller groups according to their characteristics  Dichotomous key is the one commonly used, providing 2 alternative features at each step  The key can be presented in 2 forms (sentence form and chart form) By Michael Ho~* 11