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DIY Solar System - Make Your Own Energy, Save
                    Money, Save the Planet

      Do you want to conserve money on electricity? Then, you’re probably considering
switching to solar power. You can harvest energy from the sun by converting sunlight into AC
electricity, which is similar to the power supplied by electric companies. More importantly, DIY
solar systems are environment-friendly because they use no combustion and cause no pollution.
Here are some solar system facts and tips that will help you generate your own “green”
                                                                 Find Access to Professional
                                                                  Yes, you can assemble your
                                                            own solar panels but you need some
                                                            technical knowledge and some solar
                                                            system facts to pull it off
                                                            successfully. Don’t fret because there
                                                            is no need for expertise in
                                                            engineering or electronics. You just
                                                            have to know the basic principles of
                                                            circuitry and solar cells. To find a
                                                            reliable guide, read reviews, join
                                                            forums and ask friends. You can
                                                            purchase easy-to-understand guides
which can help you construct your panels in a few hours.
     Know your Household’s Energy Requirement
      The size of the panels, and consequently the number of individual solar cells, determine the
generated power of your setup. However, you should not be solely concerned with the amount of
power output. For purposes of efficiency, you have to match your household’s electricity
requirement with the size and number of your panels.
     You need to make a list of all your home appliances that use electricity. Record their
respective power ratings and add them up. There are free calculators available in the internet that
can help determine your power requirements. Use at least three different calculators to compare
and get the average of the results.
     Use a Power Inverter
    This may sound like a no-brainer for some, but the power inverter is a usually forgotten
component of a solar power system. You should know that each solar cell in a panel produces
Direct Current (DC). This is similar to the polar current produced by AA batteries for small toys.
However, home appliances usually operate on Alternating Current (AC), which is supplied by
wall outlets.
     Hence, before directly connecting the solar panels to the console, you need an inverter.
This is a box-type electrical component that changes DC input into AC output. Without this
equipment, your solar power setup will not work.
                                                             Reap the Benefits of DIY Solar
                                                               Don’t simply believe the solar
                                                         system facts and promos that are being
                                                         offered by solar panel companies. They
                                                         may charge you $20,000-$30,000 for a
                                                         panel setup for a household with basic
                                                         appliances. That price is absurd, and it
                                                         will take some 20 years to recover your
                                                         investment. When constructed carefully,
                                                         the performance of DIY panels are no
                                                         different from these commercial units.

      First of all, your house will have a good boost in value when equipped with solar panels. In
fact, you can earn money whenever surplus power is generated by your solar cells. The usual
setup for solar power involves a console that automatically switches usage of grid and solar
electricity. Surplus power will be transmitted back to the grid and the electric company will pay
you for that.

      Most importantly, generating your own energy from the sun can help take care of the
environment. Sunlight, like wind and other renewable sources, do not use fuels or release
pollutants that can ruin the atmosphere. That means you can save money and help mitigate
climate change at the same time.

        Grid Connected and Small Scale PV Solar Systems
     Solar System Facts – What is Solar Power?
     Solar power is a “green” alternative electricity source which is growing in popularity
among households. There are several states in the US with 60-90% of the population using the
sun’s energy for powering their home appliances. In some countries, solar power is also being
harvested for industrial purposes such as distillation and powdering.
      It is identified as a “green” energy source together with wind and geothermal sources.
Electricity raised from these sources is friendly to the environment because they burn no fuels
and release no pollutants. Besides saving money through effective electricity generation, you can
help take care of the environment by switching to solar power.
     The main component of home solar power systems is the solar or photovoltaic (PV) cell.
                                                               These cells are small
                                                               electrical components that
                                                               quickly absorb light and
                                                               convert      it  into    DC
                                                               electricity, which is similar
                                                               to the output of flashlight
                                                               batteries. When these DC
                                                               outputs are combined and
                                                               transformed into AC, they
                                                               can support household
                                                                          Small Scale PVs – Its
                                                                     Advantages and Solar
                                                                     System Facts
     Many people are daunted by the cost of switching to 100% solar energy. When you hire
contractors and purchase from popular panel-manufacturing companies, the expenses can reach a
whopping $20,000-$30,000. It will take about 1-2 decades to recover your investment. However,
you can still enjoy the benefits of green energy by powering only a part of your house.

      This setup is commonly referred to as “small scale PV”. DIY construction of photovoltaic
panels gets more manageable when you start small. If you want to power a single room or an
appliance that runs perpetually, the small scale PV is the right setup for you.

      A standard-sized solar panel can generate up to 100 kW of electricity. That means a 15-
square foot collector is enough to power an air-conditioner and a desktop computer. During
daytime, the collector is enough to run these appliances and recharge a battery. The battery will
then take care of these appliances during night time.

      The good thing with the small scale setup is that you can finish assembly and instruction in
just a few hours. Simply consult a guidebook, know some circuitry and solar cell facts and
you’re good to go. Installation is also simple. You do not need to fortify your rooftop too much
because small scale PVs are not so heavy anyway.

     Grid Connection – Passively Earn Money with your PV Setup

      You can earn money by harvesting more solar power than consuming energy from your
electric company. Guidebooks and videos on solar system facts always mention this benefit.
Both full scale and large scale solar power systems can be connected to the grid.
In a solar power setup, the solar panels are not directly connected to your main power box.
It is first routed to a console or automatic control board. The console prioritizes the use of solar-
generated electricity, but it switches to grid electricity when there isn’t enough current from the
panels. This is done to prevent blackouts in case of prolonged absence of sunlight.

      There are times when the panels generate power which is larger than your consumption.
The surplus energy will be transported back to the grid through a console. The electric company
will pay you for the surplus power you have supplied. That means you don’t have to pay your
monthly bills any more. Instead, you will receive compensation for every kilowatt that you send

        Make a Solar System - Find the Steps and Amazing
              Benefits of Generating Your Own
     1. Home Solar System Facts – Prepare your home for solar power.

                                                                           The first step in
                                                                     switching     to   green
                                                                     energy is to set a goal.
                                                                     What to do you really
                                                                     want – to just power
                                                                     some of your appliances
                                                                     by the sun or to achieve
                                                                     90-100% dependence to
                                                                     solar energy? This is the
                                                                     first determinant of the
                                                                     number and size of
                                                                     panels that will be
                                                                     installed. You should
also calculate the power requirement of your house. You can identify this requirement through
inputting your appliances into free online calculators.

     2. Choose a provider or do the panels on your own.

     There are reliable DIY guides that can help you create your panels, finish the assembly and
mount the complete setup in just one day. These guides come in videos or books, and they
contain essential facts on solar power and step-by-step instructions.

      You also have the option of ordering ready-to-use panels from alternative energy
companies. In just a few hours, you’ll have a brand new home solar system. However, there are
extra charges when hiring a company and their contractors. On the average, the package cost
may reach $20,000 to $30,000.
It is still advised to make your own panels to get the return of investment more quickly.
DIY panels can also be a good money-making activity. You can create a 100 kW panel from just
$150-$200, and you can sell it for two times the capital.

     3. Assemble and install your panels.

     Now that you are equipped with home solar system facts and knowledge, it is time to
assemble your panels. By following your chosen guide carefully, it is very unlikely to come up
with a faulty panel. To guarantee efficiency of each solar cell, make sure that they are properly
spaced and snuggly fitted in place.

                                                                              Afterwards, it is
                                                                        time to mount them on the
                                                                        roof or an elevated rack.
                                                                        Your goal is to find a high
                                                                        place with minimum or
                                                                        zero shade from trees and
                                                                        other structures. Also
                                                                        position the panels on a
                                                                        spot that receive long
                                                                        hours of sunlight. Screw
                                                                        the panels tightly in place.

                                                                              When       installing
                                                                        these components, there is
                                                                        no need to replace the
                                                                        existing wiring of your
                                                                        house. All you have to do
                                                                        is to temporarily cut the
                                                                        current connection and
                                                                        insert a console. The
                                                                        console or automatic-
                                                                        switchboard facilitates the
                                                                        flow of current from the
grid and from your solar cells. Whenever there is sufficient electricity from the sun, that power
will be automatically used by your appliances.

     3. Track the panel’s performance.

     It is very important to check if the assembly is meeting your expectations. As all solar
system facts and guidebooks say it, you need to install a power meter right after the inverter.
This will track your monthly output. If your target watts are not reached, then there must be a
problem with your installation. Sometimes, you have to add a few more panels. Often, it is only a
matter of changing the position and orientation of your panels.

     4. Reap the benefits of “Green” Energy.

      Besides increasing the value of your home, having a solar energy system can help you earn
money. Excess solar power will be routed by the console out to the grid, and your electric
company will pay you for that! Also, because solar panels use renewable “green” energy, you
will not add up to pollution and global warming.

        Are You Wondering Whether You Should Use Solar
          Panels and Install Your Own Solar System?
      Going green is the best decision you can have today when it comes to domestic electricity.
The most cost-efficient method is the installation of your very own solar system, which uses
solar panels to produce electricity for your household needs. Installation can be a bit costly, but
its benefits to your wallet are worth every penny. In fact, the value of a household significantly
increases when it has a solar collection system.

                                                               Especially in this era of climate
                                                         change and environmental degradation,
                                                         switching to solar energy and other
                                                         renewable sources can help save the
                                                         earth. Solar energy is clean and safe, and
                                                         it does not require the combustion of
                                                         fossil fuels.

                                                               Home Solar System Facts: How
                                                         does it work?

                                                              A home solar system uses photo-
                                                        voltaic cells. These individual cells
produce direct current or DC whenever it receives sunlight. Each of the cells transmits the DC to
a power inverter, which changes DC into Alternating Current or AC. This is the type of
electricity used by most household appliances and lights.

       Most houses operate by combining grid power and solar electricity. This setup prevents
blackouts in case of prolonged hours of darkness. A switchboard or console automatically
facilitates the selection and usage of power supply from the grid or the panels. Whenever there is
solar power, this will be prioritized by the console. This will significantly decrease your monthly
grid charges.
Often, solar panel owners can generate surplus electricity. That means they have produced
more power than their daily requirement. This surplus energy will be transmitted by the console
to the grid, and you will get paid by your grid energy provider.

     Should I hire a company to install them?

     DIY is the best method for installing solar panels. You may also hire contractors or
purchase ready-to-use panels from licensed distributors. However, these big sharks in the solar
                                                         power industry sell their panels for a
                                                         very large sum. For example, some
                                                         companies sell their panels for
                                                         average-sized houses for about
                                                         $20,000 to $30,000. With such absurd
                                                         prices, it will take years before you get
                                                         the return of investment.

                                                                 But here are the solid solar
                                                            system facts for you: You can make a
                                                            standard 120 kW panels for less than
                                                            $200 and you can finish one in less
                                                            than an hour. That means, with less
                                                            than $1000, you can generate your
                                                            own 1000 kW of power to support
your home appliances.

      Don’t worry if you lack background in electronics. All you need is a basic understanding of
circuits and wiring, and you’re good to go. Look for reputable publishers of DIY guides in
making solar panels or purchase a video guide from a reputable online distributor. You can
purchase the ingredients of the panels from your favorite hardware shop. These parts include the
individual cells, wires, plates and consoles.

     Any special tips or reminders?

      Here are two important solar system facts that you must remember: The use of solar
electricity is not for every household and its effectiveness lies on the positioning of the panels.
There are places on earth that receives sunlight which is relatively less intense than other parts of
the world. This factor makes solar energy a bit impractical because less energy will be generated.

      There are also parts of the year when nighttime is significantly longer than day. These
seasons will render your solar panels useless for some time. Before installing solar panels, you
must first conduct research on the daylight hours and the feasibility of using solar electricity in
your region.
Building Your Own Solar System - The Latest Trend
                      in Being Green
     Nowadays, going “green” is the best decision you can make when it comes to generating
household electricity. Many nations are actually planning to shift to renewable energy sources
such as sunlight, wind and geothermal power for domestic and industrial uses. Such renewable
sources contribute less to global warming since they do not burn fuels or release pollutants.
      Besides being green, having your own solar power collection system gives you your own
mini-power plant. While you stay connected to a power provider, you significantly minimize
your grid uptake by substituting solar power. Hence, you can save lots of money while
increasing the value of your house.
     Applications of Solar System Energy
                                                                        Electricity is the most
                                                                  common application of solar
                                                                  system facts and technologies.
                                                                  A few countries in the US are
                                                                  already using 75%-100% solar
                                                                  power as their primary source
                                                                  of electricity. With the right
                                                                  equipment and wiring, there is
                                                                  no     perceivable   difference
                                                                  between using grid power and
                                                                  solar electricity.
                                                                      Solar power can also be
                                                                used to cook, dry, distill and
even transform raw fruits into powder. In Chile, households use solar heat collectors in distilling
and recycling brackish water. Instead of solar cells, these setups use parabolic reflectors that
focus heat on a conductive vessel. This method can also be used in heating water without the use
of fuel or electricity.
     Solar System Facts – How do Solar “Collectors” Work?
      Naked sunlight is not enough to produce current or cook food. Certain receptors and
electronic components are needed to produce electricity or heat. To generate electricity, you need
photovoltaic cells. “Photo” means light and “voltaic” means the ability to produce current.
Individual photovoltaic cells produce DC and, for it to be usable by appliances, they require a
current inverter.
      A house needs ample amount of sunlight and long sunlit hours to generate sufficient solar
electricity. Usually, households still combine solar power with conventional grid power to
prevent blackouts – especially in seasons of prolonged nights. The console takes care of
switching power supply between the grid and the solar panels.
      Solar panels are normally licensed and applied for special arrangements with electric
companies. Whenever excess power is generated by your panels, they will be transmitted out the
grid as additional energy source. You will be paid by your electric company for this surplus
                                                                Requirements for Assembly
                                                                 The installation of green
                                                           energy to your home requires basic
                                                           knowledge in electronics and solar
                                                           energy. There are Do-It-Yourself
                                                           kits that can be purchased through
                                                           the internet, bookstores or hardware
                                                           shops. Be sure to read reviews first
                                                           and then choose a reputable
                                                           distributor. You don’t have to hire
                                                           contractors or purchase ready-to-use
                                                           panels at absurd prices.
                                                                For    example,    you     can
                                                           assemble a 100-kW panel with just
                                                           $150-$200. So, with just about
                                                           $1500, you can have your own
                                                           system that supports most of your
appliances. You just have to purchase individual solar cells and wires. Follow the instruction
manual and route your grid and solar power to the console.
      However, from all the electrical solar system facts, you need to know that solar power is
more efficient in some places than others. Through a couple of sources in the web, you need to
confirm the expected sunlit hours in your region. Afterwards, you have to compare the estimated
power generation with the expected load from your appliances.

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Fun facts about the solar system

  • 1. DIY Solar System - Make Your Own Energy, Save Money, Save the Planet Do you want to conserve money on electricity? Then, you’re probably considering switching to solar power. You can harvest energy from the sun by converting sunlight into AC electricity, which is similar to the power supplied by electric companies. More importantly, DIY solar systems are environment-friendly because they use no combustion and cause no pollution. Here are some solar system facts and tips that will help you generate your own “green” electricity. Find Access to Professional Guides Yes, you can assemble your own solar panels but you need some technical knowledge and some solar system facts to pull it off successfully. Don’t fret because there is no need for expertise in engineering or electronics. You just have to know the basic principles of circuitry and solar cells. To find a reliable guide, read reviews, join forums and ask friends. You can purchase easy-to-understand guides which can help you construct your panels in a few hours. Know your Household’s Energy Requirement The size of the panels, and consequently the number of individual solar cells, determine the generated power of your setup. However, you should not be solely concerned with the amount of power output. For purposes of efficiency, you have to match your household’s electricity requirement with the size and number of your panels. You need to make a list of all your home appliances that use electricity. Record their respective power ratings and add them up. There are free calculators available in the internet that can help determine your power requirements. Use at least three different calculators to compare and get the average of the results. Use a Power Inverter This may sound like a no-brainer for some, but the power inverter is a usually forgotten component of a solar power system. You should know that each solar cell in a panel produces
  • 2. Direct Current (DC). This is similar to the polar current produced by AA batteries for small toys. However, home appliances usually operate on Alternating Current (AC), which is supplied by wall outlets. Hence, before directly connecting the solar panels to the console, you need an inverter. This is a box-type electrical component that changes DC input into AC output. Without this equipment, your solar power setup will not work. Reap the Benefits of DIY Solar Power Don’t simply believe the solar system facts and promos that are being offered by solar panel companies. They may charge you $20,000-$30,000 for a panel setup for a household with basic appliances. That price is absurd, and it will take some 20 years to recover your investment. When constructed carefully, the performance of DIY panels are no different from these commercial units. First of all, your house will have a good boost in value when equipped with solar panels. In fact, you can earn money whenever surplus power is generated by your solar cells. The usual setup for solar power involves a console that automatically switches usage of grid and solar electricity. Surplus power will be transmitted back to the grid and the electric company will pay you for that. Most importantly, generating your own energy from the sun can help take care of the environment. Sunlight, like wind and other renewable sources, do not use fuels or release pollutants that can ruin the atmosphere. That means you can save money and help mitigate climate change at the same time. Grid Connected and Small Scale PV Solar Systems Solar System Facts – What is Solar Power? Solar power is a “green” alternative electricity source which is growing in popularity among households. There are several states in the US with 60-90% of the population using the sun’s energy for powering their home appliances. In some countries, solar power is also being harvested for industrial purposes such as distillation and powdering. It is identified as a “green” energy source together with wind and geothermal sources. Electricity raised from these sources is friendly to the environment because they burn no fuels
  • 3. and release no pollutants. Besides saving money through effective electricity generation, you can help take care of the environment by switching to solar power. The main component of home solar power systems is the solar or photovoltaic (PV) cell. These cells are small electrical components that quickly absorb light and convert it into DC electricity, which is similar to the output of flashlight batteries. When these DC outputs are combined and transformed into AC, they can support household appliances. Small Scale PVs – Its Advantages and Solar System Facts Many people are daunted by the cost of switching to 100% solar energy. When you hire contractors and purchase from popular panel-manufacturing companies, the expenses can reach a whopping $20,000-$30,000. It will take about 1-2 decades to recover your investment. However, you can still enjoy the benefits of green energy by powering only a part of your house. This setup is commonly referred to as “small scale PV”. DIY construction of photovoltaic panels gets more manageable when you start small. If you want to power a single room or an appliance that runs perpetually, the small scale PV is the right setup for you. A standard-sized solar panel can generate up to 100 kW of electricity. That means a 15- square foot collector is enough to power an air-conditioner and a desktop computer. During daytime, the collector is enough to run these appliances and recharge a battery. The battery will then take care of these appliances during night time. The good thing with the small scale setup is that you can finish assembly and instruction in just a few hours. Simply consult a guidebook, know some circuitry and solar cell facts and you’re good to go. Installation is also simple. You do not need to fortify your rooftop too much because small scale PVs are not so heavy anyway. Grid Connection – Passively Earn Money with your PV Setup You can earn money by harvesting more solar power than consuming energy from your electric company. Guidebooks and videos on solar system facts always mention this benefit. Both full scale and large scale solar power systems can be connected to the grid.
  • 4. In a solar power setup, the solar panels are not directly connected to your main power box. It is first routed to a console or automatic control board. The console prioritizes the use of solar- generated electricity, but it switches to grid electricity when there isn’t enough current from the panels. This is done to prevent blackouts in case of prolonged absence of sunlight. There are times when the panels generate power which is larger than your consumption. The surplus energy will be transported back to the grid through a console. The electric company will pay you for the surplus power you have supplied. That means you don’t have to pay your monthly bills any more. Instead, you will receive compensation for every kilowatt that you send them. Make a Solar System - Find the Steps and Amazing Benefits of Generating Your Own 1. Home Solar System Facts – Prepare your home for solar power. The first step in switching to green energy is to set a goal. What to do you really want – to just power some of your appliances by the sun or to achieve 90-100% dependence to solar energy? This is the first determinant of the number and size of panels that will be installed. You should also calculate the power requirement of your house. You can identify this requirement through inputting your appliances into free online calculators. 2. Choose a provider or do the panels on your own. There are reliable DIY guides that can help you create your panels, finish the assembly and mount the complete setup in just one day. These guides come in videos or books, and they contain essential facts on solar power and step-by-step instructions. You also have the option of ordering ready-to-use panels from alternative energy companies. In just a few hours, you’ll have a brand new home solar system. However, there are extra charges when hiring a company and their contractors. On the average, the package cost may reach $20,000 to $30,000.
  • 5. It is still advised to make your own panels to get the return of investment more quickly. DIY panels can also be a good money-making activity. You can create a 100 kW panel from just $150-$200, and you can sell it for two times the capital. 3. Assemble and install your panels. Now that you are equipped with home solar system facts and knowledge, it is time to assemble your panels. By following your chosen guide carefully, it is very unlikely to come up with a faulty panel. To guarantee efficiency of each solar cell, make sure that they are properly spaced and snuggly fitted in place. Afterwards, it is time to mount them on the roof or an elevated rack. Your goal is to find a high place with minimum or zero shade from trees and other structures. Also position the panels on a spot that receive long hours of sunlight. Screw the panels tightly in place. When installing these components, there is no need to replace the existing wiring of your house. All you have to do is to temporarily cut the current connection and insert a console. The console or automatic- switchboard facilitates the flow of current from the grid and from your solar cells. Whenever there is sufficient electricity from the sun, that power will be automatically used by your appliances. 3. Track the panel’s performance. It is very important to check if the assembly is meeting your expectations. As all solar system facts and guidebooks say it, you need to install a power meter right after the inverter. This will track your monthly output. If your target watts are not reached, then there must be a
  • 6. problem with your installation. Sometimes, you have to add a few more panels. Often, it is only a matter of changing the position and orientation of your panels. 4. Reap the benefits of “Green” Energy. Besides increasing the value of your home, having a solar energy system can help you earn money. Excess solar power will be routed by the console out to the grid, and your electric company will pay you for that! Also, because solar panels use renewable “green” energy, you will not add up to pollution and global warming. Are You Wondering Whether You Should Use Solar Panels and Install Your Own Solar System? Going green is the best decision you can have today when it comes to domestic electricity. The most cost-efficient method is the installation of your very own solar system, which uses solar panels to produce electricity for your household needs. Installation can be a bit costly, but its benefits to your wallet are worth every penny. In fact, the value of a household significantly increases when it has a solar collection system. Especially in this era of climate change and environmental degradation, switching to solar energy and other renewable sources can help save the earth. Solar energy is clean and safe, and it does not require the combustion of fossil fuels. Home Solar System Facts: How does it work? A home solar system uses photo- voltaic cells. These individual cells produce direct current or DC whenever it receives sunlight. Each of the cells transmits the DC to a power inverter, which changes DC into Alternating Current or AC. This is the type of electricity used by most household appliances and lights. Most houses operate by combining grid power and solar electricity. This setup prevents blackouts in case of prolonged hours of darkness. A switchboard or console automatically facilitates the selection and usage of power supply from the grid or the panels. Whenever there is solar power, this will be prioritized by the console. This will significantly decrease your monthly grid charges.
  • 7. Often, solar panel owners can generate surplus electricity. That means they have produced more power than their daily requirement. This surplus energy will be transmitted by the console to the grid, and you will get paid by your grid energy provider. Should I hire a company to install them? DIY is the best method for installing solar panels. You may also hire contractors or purchase ready-to-use panels from licensed distributors. However, these big sharks in the solar power industry sell their panels for a very large sum. For example, some companies sell their panels for average-sized houses for about $20,000 to $30,000. With such absurd prices, it will take years before you get the return of investment. But here are the solid solar system facts for you: You can make a standard 120 kW panels for less than $200 and you can finish one in less than an hour. That means, with less than $1000, you can generate your own 1000 kW of power to support your home appliances. Don’t worry if you lack background in electronics. All you need is a basic understanding of circuits and wiring, and you’re good to go. Look for reputable publishers of DIY guides in making solar panels or purchase a video guide from a reputable online distributor. You can purchase the ingredients of the panels from your favorite hardware shop. These parts include the individual cells, wires, plates and consoles. Any special tips or reminders? Here are two important solar system facts that you must remember: The use of solar electricity is not for every household and its effectiveness lies on the positioning of the panels. There are places on earth that receives sunlight which is relatively less intense than other parts of the world. This factor makes solar energy a bit impractical because less energy will be generated. There are also parts of the year when nighttime is significantly longer than day. These seasons will render your solar panels useless for some time. Before installing solar panels, you must first conduct research on the daylight hours and the feasibility of using solar electricity in your region.
  • 8. Building Your Own Solar System - The Latest Trend in Being Green Nowadays, going “green” is the best decision you can make when it comes to generating household electricity. Many nations are actually planning to shift to renewable energy sources such as sunlight, wind and geothermal power for domestic and industrial uses. Such renewable sources contribute less to global warming since they do not burn fuels or release pollutants. Besides being green, having your own solar power collection system gives you your own mini-power plant. While you stay connected to a power provider, you significantly minimize your grid uptake by substituting solar power. Hence, you can save lots of money while increasing the value of your house. Applications of Solar System Energy Electricity is the most common application of solar system facts and technologies. A few countries in the US are already using 75%-100% solar power as their primary source of electricity. With the right equipment and wiring, there is no perceivable difference between using grid power and solar electricity. Solar power can also be used to cook, dry, distill and even transform raw fruits into powder. In Chile, households use solar heat collectors in distilling and recycling brackish water. Instead of solar cells, these setups use parabolic reflectors that focus heat on a conductive vessel. This method can also be used in heating water without the use of fuel or electricity. Solar System Facts – How do Solar “Collectors” Work? Naked sunlight is not enough to produce current or cook food. Certain receptors and electronic components are needed to produce electricity or heat. To generate electricity, you need photovoltaic cells. “Photo” means light and “voltaic” means the ability to produce current. Individual photovoltaic cells produce DC and, for it to be usable by appliances, they require a current inverter. A house needs ample amount of sunlight and long sunlit hours to generate sufficient solar electricity. Usually, households still combine solar power with conventional grid power to
  • 9. prevent blackouts – especially in seasons of prolonged nights. The console takes care of switching power supply between the grid and the solar panels. Solar panels are normally licensed and applied for special arrangements with electric companies. Whenever excess power is generated by your panels, they will be transmitted out the grid as additional energy source. You will be paid by your electric company for this surplus current. Requirements for Assembly The installation of green energy to your home requires basic knowledge in electronics and solar energy. There are Do-It-Yourself kits that can be purchased through the internet, bookstores or hardware shops. Be sure to read reviews first and then choose a reputable distributor. You don’t have to hire contractors or purchase ready-to-use panels at absurd prices. For example, you can assemble a 100-kW panel with just $150-$200. So, with just about $1500, you can have your own system that supports most of your appliances. You just have to purchase individual solar cells and wires. Follow the instruction manual and route your grid and solar power to the console. However, from all the electrical solar system facts, you need to know that solar power is more efficient in some places than others. Through a couple of sources in the web, you need to confirm the expected sunlit hours in your region. Afterwards, you have to compare the estimated power generation with the expected load from your appliances.