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The introduction of the tenth Lancer Evolution is a big milestone. Not
only for Mitsubishi Motors, but for everyone who loves high-performance
cars that are both functional and beautiful. This special book is an ode to
every aspect of the new Lancer Evolution.
As Ryugo Nakao, Product Executive, Mitsubishi Motors Corporation, says:
‘The dramatic leaps forward in the evolutionary process of the Lancer
Evolution have been driven by the cutting-edge technology developed and
honed through our participation in the motorsport arena, fed back into
our production models. We invite you to experience for yourself the next
step up the evolutionary ladder.’
Early living	 6
A frank and colourful behind-the-scenes view of the actual design realization of the new Lancer Evolution. 	
Survival of the fittest	 14
From 19th century Mitsubishi beginnings and successful rally history to nine successive generations of Lancer Evolutions.
A flight through time.
The expression of emotion	 24
An emotional, visual tribute to the new Lancer Evolution.
Science  study	 36
Food for petrolheads. All the facts and figures, technical specifications and elements that make a perfect driver’s car.
Natural selection	 48
Portraits of Jackie Chan and other passionate people with big Evo-hearts.
Power of movement 	54
The new Lancer Evolution is put to the test in the beautiful and rugged Black Mountain area of Wales.
Evolutionary psychology 	 66
The innovative interior of the Lancer Evolution proves that function and beauty can go hand in hand.
Reviews	 72
What do international automotive journalists think of the Lancer Evolution?
Varieties of species	 74
Trim levels, technical specifications, equipment, colours, dimensions, accessories… Here you’ll find it all. 	
Index	 86
Early living
With each new model created by Mitsubishi Motors, every millimetre
presents tough choices for its designers as they strive to balance form
and function while remaining true to the car and company’s heritage.
Despite the many obstacles that had to be faced, Mitsubishi’s passionate
design team came through gloriously. And so the tenth Lancer Evolution
was born. This is its inside story.
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Masaki Matsuhara, General Manager of Design at MRDE, Germany.
Matsuhara led the design development of the
Lancer Evolution (as he had for the Lancer).
He works at MRDE (Mitsubishi Research 
Development Europe) and talks full of passion
about Mitsubishi’s latest creation: “The new
Lancer Evolution is now both a reality and our
company’s flagship. During the years I was in
charge of it, we stayed loyal to the following
three aims: First we had to improve function-
ality, so we pushed back the boundaries in all
areas, lengthening the wheelbase for greater
stability, lowering the centre of gravity and
widening the track. In the meantime we also
reduced the front and rear overhangs to make
the car more manoeuvrable both at speed and
in town. The second aim was to create an opti-
mal shape while taking the Lancer Evolution’s
aerodynamics to a new level. For the exterior,
in particular, our engineers completed an
exhaustive wind tunnel test programme. The
third aim was to give the car a design that
Norikazu Nakao (Clay modeller
exterior, MMC).
Hiroaki Matsunobu (Expert project
manager, MMC).
Tsuyoshi Imaizumi (Digital
modeller exterior, MMC).
These very first design proposals by exterior designer Norihiko Yoshimine ultimately
led to the new Lancer Evolution.
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Norihiko Yoshimine (Designer
exterior, MMC).
appeals to the customer, the toughest task of
all for any designer. But we believe there can
be real beauty in a shape designed to be
functional and if that design is executed with
real skill and emotion, it will possess the
power to ignite passion in those that see it.
Now that development is finished, we the
designers are confident that the Lancer
Evolution is a fitting flagship for Mitsubishi.
Please go and see it in real-life. Then feel it,
sense it. You will not be dis­appointed.”
Two design proposals
The best way to underline Matsuhara’s words
is to explore two interesting phases in the
Lancer Evolution’s development and listen to
the designers closest to the project. The story
begins with the first ideas that were mere
sketches but which led ultimately to the
development of two design proposals in 2004.
Hiroaki Matsunobu, expert project manager for
Lancer/Lancer Evolution, explains: “As with
the Lancer, the initial design was based on a
MRDE proposal. Matsuhara was stationed
with MRDE and took the proposal with him
back to Japan, so we started the develop­­ment
of the Lancer Evolution. Then two proposals
were developed at Okazaki, Mitsubishi’s RD
centre in Japan.” In Japan the exterior de-
signer Norihiko Yoshimine was responsible
for one of the two proposals and duly made a
40% scale model. Yoshimine: “The basic form
was unchanged, but the front fender was
different. My propo­sal was based on WRC
rally cars that adopt blister fenders for aero-
dynamic reasons and our goal became to
implement this feature into a passenger car.
I had the idea at the WRC ‘Rally of Japan’
where I heard people saying how the func-
tional beauty of such extreme shapes was
really cool. I thought we could apply this
thinking to a road car.”
The Decision
Designer Norihiko Yoshimine and clay-model-
ler Norikazu Nakao were in the the wind tunnel
day after day, refining Yoshimine’s model in
collaboration with engineers. Yoshimine: “The
rally inspired blister fender’s purpose was to
achieve functional beauty but it proved difficult
to scale down. In the wind tunnel with the 40%
model, we pursued pure functionality so had
no time for design refinement.”
The time had come to decide which of the two
proposals for the 40% model to choose. The
decision came when Yoshimine received a call
from Matsuhara himself: “Your proposal has
been selected. Do your best”.
The 1/1 model
The next stage was to make a 1/1 model of
Yoshimine’s proposal made of special clay.
Yoshimine: “In two weeks in the wind tunnel
we made sure everything would work as it
should while Norikazu Nakao shaped the clay
model according to the aerodynamic input. It
was the cold season, so his hands were numb
all the time. Nonetheless we managed it.”
Yoshimine, Nakao and the others turned to digital exterior modeller,
Tsuyoshi Imaizumi, for a final translation of all the hard facts to digital
data and vice versa.
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Carving the blister fender was one of the biggest obstacles to be overcome.
Clay modeller Norikazu Nakao doing his magic.
The exterior styling of
the Lancer (back) and
the Lancer Evolution
(front) took place at
almost the same time.
Genuinely functional
The team now started to make a prototype
with a glass fibre body. Yoshimine: “It was
impossible to open an air duct in the bonnet of
the clay model so Tsuyoshi Imaizumi from the
digital group scanned the clay model. From
this data came the FRP (Fibre Reinforced
Plastic) body. Usually we don’t make a glass
fibre prototype at this stage but the Lancer
Evolution was different.” Matsunobu adds that
his team wanted to ensure at this point that
the design was genuinely functional. All the
lines, ducts and outlets should have a func-
tion - no ornaments would be allowed. The
team tested the design from every angle
through which airflow could pass. Yoshimine:
“Even the outlet behind the front wheels is not
simply for show but to let engine heat escape.
We made a shape in front of the hole so we
could improve its efficiency and even con-
quered the aerodynamic disadvantage of the
inverted slant nose. We were not going to be
beaten by a slant nose.”
Now the toughest part of Yoshimine’s design
needed tackling: the construction of the fend-
ers that would provide both superior aerody-
namics and a distinguished look. This turned
out to be a mighty challenge. The ridge of the
front fender above the front wheels goes
fluently in a horizontal direction, but at the rear
a small but unavoidable problem occurred.
Yoshimine: “Door handles! To avoid these, the
rear fender had to be front sloping. The ideal
aerodynamic shape seemed impossible to
create, because it would cover the recess for
placing one’s hand on the door handle. We
tried all types of data—changing from concave
to convex, or a curve that would eliminate the
blister in the rear. Converting the CAD data to
the clay model proved almost impossible, but
finally we managed. The blister’s bulge is now
smoothly fused with the door.”
With this important element conquered,
Yoshimine, Nakao and the others turned to
digital exterior-modeller, Tsuyoshi Imaizumi,
for a final translation of all the hard facts to
digital data and vice versa. The final parts like
the diffuser, the concave and convex surfaces
and the intake and outlets in the bonnet,
though complicated, were all gradually
finished. In line with the ideas of Matsuhara,
the Lancer Evolution had to be more beautiful
than ever and achieve this beauty through
functional shapes. Imaizumi: “I think,
together, we got it right, even down to the
smallest detail.”
There it is. The metal body work for the actual Lancer Evolution.
An end and a beginning.
of the fittest
The new Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution didn’t just appear out of nowhere.
Its origins date even further back than its sporty predecessors
from the 1970s… In fact, its name speaks for itself: the Lancer Evolution
has been born after years of development and is part of a continuing
process for better, faster, more…
Lancer 1600 GSR at the 1974 East Africa Safari Rally.
18 19
If anyone living in 1870, the year in which
Yataro Iwasaki founded the Japanese
Tsukumo Shokai Shipping Company, had told
him that more than a century later his com-
pany would be producing the world’s best
rally cars, he wouldn’t have believed it. He
wouldn’t even have known what a rally was.
Or a car, for that matter. Maybe the crafts-
men on the big black and white photograph
would have believed it, because in 1917 they
built the Mitsubishi A behind them (see
image on page 15). The A was the first
series-produced motor car in Japan, built by
Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Co Ltd, a forerunner
of today’s Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd.
But even then there was still a long way to go
before the first genuine Mitsubishi rally car
would see the light of day.
First steps
It was not until the 1960s that Mitsubishi
produced another passenger vehicle, be-
cause Japan needed commercial vehicles
and buses in the preceding decades - intro-
ducing diesel engines in motor vehicles and
4-wheel-drive technology in Japan in the
process. Mitsubishi took its first steps in
international racing with the small 500 from
1960, basically an affordable and efficient
family car. Nevertheless, this two-cylinder,
493 cc car won its class at the 1962 Macau
Grand Prix while the other three 500s
entered came in second, third and fourth.
After this highly successful racing debut the
goals were set. The 600 from 1962, more
performance orientated than its predeces-
sor, followed the 500 and became firmly
established in motor sports after its fantastic
performance at the 1963 Malaysia Grand
Prix, where the first three places were taken
in the under 600 cc class, beating much
more established opposition. The following
year, the larger and all-new Colt 1000 took
the first three places in the Japan Grand
Prix. It was in 1966 that Mitsubishi Heavy
Industries Ltd. moved its motorsport activi-
ties from passenger car based ‘Touring Cars’
like the Colt 1000 to ‘Formula Cars’, open
mono­posto classes. Here the new Mitsubishi
Colt F3A was competitive from the begin-
ning. Taking on the likes of Lotus and
Brabham, it won the Exhibition Class of the
1966 Japan Grand Prix. Circuit racing con­
tinued all the way until 1971 when
Mitsubishi’s crowning achievement was to
win (first and second place) the Japan Grand
Prix overall with the Colt F2000. In parallel,
the car that can really be said to have laid
down the formula for success in rallying that
Mitsubishi has been enjoying ever since was
the 1967 58hp 1000F. Entered into the gruel-
ling Southern Cross Rally in Australia that
year, it came fourth overall despite its small
engine and won its class outright. The next
year, it earned Mitsubishi its first podium
position by coming third overall.
Lancer EX2000 Turbo at the 1981 Acropolis Rally.
Lancer Evolution at the 1999 Monte Carlo Rally.
Lancer WR05 at the 2005 Corona Rally Mexico.
This Colt 1000F can be considered as
Mitsubishi’s first genuine rally car and as
such, the first link to Lancer Evolution.
The ‘car-breaker’
The seventies and eighties prolonged
Mitsubishi’s success in motor sports, now
purely focused on the world of rallying. With
rally ace Andrew Cowan driving the 150hp
Colt Galant 1.6L GS, Mitsubishi gained its
first international rally victory in the 1972
Southern Cross. Then the Lancer came, saw
and conquered. It was 1973 and the sports
version, the 1600 GSR, took a remarkable 1-
2-3-4-victory in the Southern Cross. The
following year it ran its first World Rally
Championship (WRC) event: the extremely
tough East African Safari Rally, aka the ‘car-
breaker’. Finishing in one piece was difficult,
let alone winning. The 1.6 litre Lancer how-
ever, with Joginder Singh at the wheel, ran
straight to victory at its debut on the five day,
6,000 km rally, beating Björn Waldegaard’s
2.7 litre Porsche 911. Singh repeated his
success in the 1976 Safari Rally with other
Lancers coming home second and third,
while that same year Mitsubishi also took a
first in the Southern Cross Rally. After that,
Mitsubishi’s rallying victories became almost
countless, with the Lancer EX2000 Turbo and
the Galant VR-4 from the eighties being
amongst the most competitive cars in rally
championships all over the world.
22 23
Enter the Lancer Evolution in 1992. What an
impact it had! This car was especially con-
ceived for Group A rallying, with the WRC in
mind. It owed both the 2.0 litre DOHC engine
and the 4WD technology to its predecessor,
the Galant VR-4, but the 2,500 mm wheel-
base of the Lancer was considered optimal
for a rally car and its much reduced weight
made it the perfect device to realise
Mitsubishi’s goal of becoming the dominant
force in world rallying. In its 1993 debut it
came third place in the Acropolis Rally and
second in the RAC Rally.
Its successor came in 1994. This Lancer
Evolution II, equipped with a new front spoil-
er, a larger one at the rear for greater stabil-
ity at high speed, and a new active 4WD
system, gained its first WRC win at the
Swedish rally in 1995. With every new Lancer
Evolution generation, Mitsubishi improved
the technology to meet the ever-changing
demands of the World Rally Championship
and tightened its grip on world rallying. The
rallying successes also had a tremendous
effect on Lancer Evolution sales, as produc-
tion cars were also equipped with state-of-
the art rally technology. By August 1996 an
absolute record sale of 7,000 cars had been
established for the street version of the third
generation Lancer Evolution. By this time it
was Evo-mania: the initial production run of
its successor, 6,000 cars, sold out in three
World Rally Car
The 1996 season brought Mitsubishi its first
driver’s title thanks to the legendary Tommi
Mäkinen, a feat he repeated the following
year driving the all-new Lancer Evolution IV.
But it was the Lancer Evolution V which, in
1998, made the breakthrough everyone had
been working so hard for: the Manufacturer’s
Championship in the WRC, with Tommi
Mäkinen winning his third consecutive
Driver’s Championship. This all happened
despite the fact that the Lancer Evolution V
was still a Group A car, while in the mean-
time a special rally car class had emerged:
the World Rally Cars. These were still Group
A cars, but did not require homologation and
therefore could be more purpose-built for
Therefore the Lancer Evolution VI was the
last genuine Group A car built by Mitsubishi.
The 2001 Lancer Evolution VII, based on the
larger Lancer Cedia platform, was
Mitsubishi’s first World Rally Car, introducing
Mitsubishi’s Active Centre Differential.
The Lancer Evolution VIII followed in 2003
and became the first Lancer Evolution to be
officially sold in Europe and the United
States, adding Super Active Yaw Control
technology to its already superlative
enablers. Last of the previous generation,
the 2005 Lancer Evolution IX featured more
sophisticated aerodynamics, light material
(aluminium) body construction, etc...
It’s been sixteen years since 1992 and
Mitsubishi Motors now presents the next
generation of the highly acclaimed Lancer
Evolution series. More than just another
iteration, the new Lancer Evolution breaks
the mould, reaching new frontiers in terms
of driving dynamics, but at the same time
responding better to market demands for
design, convenience features and long-
distance driving.
The expression
of emotion
Every angle, every line and every inch… The new Lancer Evolution breathes
pure emotion. Its totally new design embodies a rich rally history as well
as a timeless future. Looking at the car carefully, you can actually feel
the focus and commitment of its developers. What you see and feel is their
expression of emotion captured in one modern masterpiece.
of mind
is an
shaped by
the wind
There’s a
to every
An ideal
36 37
Engine performance curve
Engine speed (rpm)
Science  Study
The new Lancer Evolution has rightly earned praise from all four corners
of the earth for its rugged good looks and purposeful stance, but its beauty
is not simply confined to what you can see on the surface. Go beneath the
skin and you’ll find a car that is engineered like no other car on earth. In
every area, from its body, suspension and brakes to its engine, gearbox and
aerodynamics, the Lancer Evolution has benefited from the total engineering
integrity approach applied by Mitsubishi Motors’ engineers.
Technical Team
A small group of Mitsubishi’s
most experienced engineers
headed the team that devel-
oped the Lancer Evolution.
Led by Ryugo Nakao, he
explains how the philosophy
of the new car differs from
those which preceded it:
‘In developing the Lancer
Evolution series to date the
main thrust has been how
fast we could make them.
But in our view things have
now changed. Today’s new
generation of super high-
performance machines need
to deliver more than absolute
speed; they have to wrap
that speed in safety and in
comfort. Reconciling these
apparently contradictory
performance qualities
became our mission in de-
veloping the new model.’ He
continues: ‘It has been our
wish that customers who for
one reason or another gave
up their super high-perfor­
mance machines now revisit
the passion they used to feel,
the excitement they used to
enjoy. That is the mission
that has driven the dramatic
progress achieved’.
The new Lancer Evolution
product manager was
Hideyuki Iwata and he
expands on these themes,
explaining the motivation
Evolution in terms of automo-
tive technology. We gave
much thought to what was
necessary to realize further
advances in Lancer Evolution’s
road performance qualities:
speed and acceleration,
cornering and handling and
braking. The answer: go back
to the basics. Our focus in
this process was not on
absolute speed or accelera-
tion but rather on-demand,
feel-good acceleration.’
behind the new direction
taken by the new Lancer
Evolution and how the benefit
can be seen not just on paper
but, most importantly, on the
road as well. ‘Firstly, while the
major advances made by
previous Lancer Evolutions
were mostly of a technolo­­gical
and engineering nature, the
new Lancer Evolution has
leapt forward in the design
field too. Working in close
cooperation with the designers
who created a final shape that
has aerodynamic technology
built in throughout. There is a
purpose to every shape and I
believe that the new Lancer
Evolution’s functionally
appealing design makes those
reasons plain to see.
Secondly, we have the
advances seen in Lancer
Engine team: ‘Drive it and feel its performance and response yourself!’
The result is a car that’s not
merely faster but, more
importantly, better in every
important area. It’s easier yet
more fun to drive. It’s more
stable in a straight line and
quicker around a corner, yet
safer both in terms of avoiding
an accident and how it behaves
if the worst should happen.
It contains the sum total of
Mitsubishi’s unique engineering
knowledge and represents the
single largest step forward in
the entire 16 year history of the
legendary Lancer Evolution.
It is no exaggeration at all to
call it a technical masterpiece,
a car where everything has a
place and a purpose, a car
brimming with state of the art
technology, yet utterly devoid
of pointless gimmicks. This
chapter will explain in detail
the most important techno-
logical developments within
the Lancer Evolution, intro-
duce you to the people
responsible for them and
explain their importance to
the car.
The new Lancer Evolution is the
first in the history of the breed to
feature an aluminium engine block,
leading to a saving of 12.5kg.
The S-AWC development team: ‘Seamless control brings driving pleasure
and reassuring security.’
38 39
Engine load
Cam angle sensor
Oil control valve
Exhaust MIVEC actuator Intake MIVEC actuator
Rearward facing exhaust manifold layout
Power unit
The new 4B11 DOHC MIVEC turbocharged engine takes up the
mantle from the 4G63 and is now powering the new Lancer
Evolution. In developing the new power unit, efforts focused
on creating a high output engine that returned excellent fuel
economy with clean emissions.
The 4B11 uses a forward facing intake and rearward facing
exhaust ports. This change has eliminated the need to run the
exhaust pipe under the engine, allowing the engine to be lowered
by 10mm and contributing to a lower centre of gravity.
Engine and Turbo
To most ‘4G63’ is just a
collection of letters and
numbers, but to true Lancer
Evolution aficionados they
are a legend, for this is the
designated title of every
Lancer Evolution engine of
the last 15 years. But now
there’s a new name in town,
it’s called 4B11 and, in years
to come, it will become as
revered as its predecessor,
for it is the designation of the
all new engine used by the
new Lancer Evolution.
Although it retains the 2-litre,
four cylinder, twin-cam, 16-
only lighter as a result, but
more compact, allowing it to
be positioned 10mm lower
than in the Lancer Evolution
IX and so lowering the centre
of gravity.
Titanium Turbo
Crucial to the effectiveness of
any turbocharged engine is the
speed at which the turbo can
re­­­­spond, and by using a
titanium turbine wheel in the
turbocharger, response times
have been improved by up to
18 per cent over the previous
valve design architecture of
its illustrious forebears, it is
new, quite literally from the
ground up.
Most notable is that its block
is now made from cast
aluminium, saving 12.5kg
but at the same time it
produces more power (295hp
at 6500rpm) and more torque
(366Nm at 3500rpm) than the
engine it replaces.
It was designed to be
in­­­­herently smooth-running,
negating the need for the
secondary balancer shafts
found on the 4G63 and is not
Highly effective: a
titanium turbine
wheel with aluminium
compressor wheel.
MIVEC continuous VVT system
35° change in exhaust cam angle
At max. advance At max. retard
At max. retard
At max. advance
Cam phase angle Advance chamber Retard chamber
Valve overlap
At max. retard At max. advance Intermediate position
Crank angle
25° change in intake cam angle
To increase accuracy
and durability the new
4B11 employs a timing
chain instead of a
timing belt.
The variable valve
timing of the 4B11
changes the cam
angles on the intake
and exhaust cams,
depending on engine
speed and load.
New cylinder
head with double
variable valve timing
The 4B11 engine features a
truly innovative aluminium
cylinder head that helps to
save weight and to improve
cooling efficiency as well as
fuel economy.
Unlike its 4G63 predecessor,
the new engine features
direct valve activation rather
than employing a rocker
system to increase valve
response, to improve the
level of accuracy and
reliability, and finally also to
intake valve to maximise air
volume in the combustion
chamber. Similarly if optimal
low speed torque is asked for,
the intake valve timing is
advanced while the exhaust
valve timing is retarded.
allow higher engine speeds.
But most notable is that the
famed Mitsubishi Innovative
Valve timing Electronic
Control (MIVEC) which
continuously varies the valve
timing now operates on the
exhaust as well as the intake
valves. This improves torque
and output over the full rev
range, especially in the lower
and middle range.
In normal driving, this
ensures increased valve
overlap to maximise fuel
efficiency but as soon as
more power is required, it
will delay the closure of the
40 41
Twin clutch system
The secret of the TC-SST is
that it is effectively two three
speed gearboxes – one for odd
numbered gears and one for even
ones – mounted on the same
output shaft.
New Lancer Evolution Lancer Evolution IX
5-speed M/T synchromesh comparison
Single synchromesh
Shift fork 4
Shift fork 3
No.2 clutch (even gears)
No.1 clutch (odd gears)
Centre differential
Driving in 1st gear Driving in 2nd gear2nd gear pre-select
Shift fork 2
Transfer gear
Shift fork 1
Twin Clutch SST
Twin Clutch SST shifting mechanism (from 1st to 2nd gear)
Even gear
input shaft
Odd gear
input shaft
A toggle switch allows
the driver to choose
between Normal,
Sport and Super Sport
Twin Clutch Sport
Shift Transmission
Another all-new development
for the Lancer Evolution is its
Twin Clutch SST. This gearbox
not only offers the best
features of both automatic
and manual transmissions:
it exceeds them.
Apart from the steering
wheel-mounted paddles, it
appears just like a conven-
tional automatic: there are
two pedals and a centre-
console mounted gearshift.
However the six speed TC-
SST gearbox has no torque
converter making it more
efficient than a normal
automatic. Instead it uses two
clutches, one to engage the
gear in use, the other to pre-
select the next gear required.
That way, when the command
for the next gear is given
either by the driver or, in
automatic mode, by the on-
board computer, the change
takes place instantaneously.
Automatic mode – activated
when the gearshifter is in ‘D’
- leads to seamlessly smooth
gearchanges, but also when
the driver moves into manual
mode, either by using the
steering wheel paddles or
moving the gear lever into its
manual plane, the shift
quality is both quicker and
smoother than any human
could manage.
In addition to offering both
manual and automatic gear
selection, the TC-SST also
offers three distinct driving
modes, operated by a button
located behind the gear stick.
In ‘Normal’ mode, gears are
changed as smoothly as
possible at relatively low
revs, to maximise comfort
and economy. ‘Sport’ mode is
ideal for spirited country
driving and both quickens the
shifts and raises change
points. The ‘S-Sport’ (Super-
Sport) mode is really intended
for purely sporting environ-
ments like race tracks and
offers up the fastest con­
ceivable shift times while
letting the engine reach peak
revs between changes, never
the well proven principle of
using inverted strut front
suspension and a multi-link
rear axle, all aspects of its
design from its geometry to
its spring, damper and roll-
bar rates have been rethought
from scratch. World-leading
Eibach springs complete with
Bilstein dampers are used at
each corner.
At the front, the suspension
has been modified to accom-
modate the 18” Enkei wheels
or even lighter BBS forged
alloy wheels with their 245/40
section tyres while improving
steering precision and,
through the extensive use of
aluminium, keeping unsprung
weight – one of the greatest
enemies of the chassis
engineer – to a minimum.
At the rear, forged aluminium
is used for both the upper and
lower arms while the entire
assembly is more rigidly
mounted to the car’s structure
to improve handling response
and minimise vibration.
Combined with the Lancer
Evolution’s added structural
rigidity, this suspension
system offers great wheel
control, superb grip yet added
ride comfort and refinement.
falling below 4500 rpm in
automatic mode. The TC-SST
allows the driver to achieve
the quickest possible accele­­­­
ration from rest, by removing
human error and therefore
consistently improving
acceleration times.
So if you can imagine the
smoothest automatic gearbox
and the quickest manual you
can think of in the same car,
you have an idea of what
Mitsubishi’s TC-SST gearbox
can achieve.
The new Lancer Evolution is
also available with a standard
five speed manual gearbox
designed to have a greater
torque handling capacity than
that in the car it replaces,
combined with a more
satisfying shift quality.
Like the rest of the car, the
suspension of the Lancer
Evolution has been entirely
revised. Although it follows
Twin Clutch SST team:
‘Lightning-fast and
shifting feel.’
Steering wheel-mounted magnesium shift paddles.
The five speed manual
transmission of the
new Lancer Evolu-
tion uses multi-cone
synchronizer rings for
improved performance
and durability.
For a high-performance sedan to realize unrivalled handling and response it must have a superior suspen-
sion system that provides the maximum tyre/surface contact and grip. The Lancer Evolution’s suspension
system has been set up for outstanding cornering performance while at the same time delivering a quality of
ride comfort that befits a new generation sports sedan. BBS forged alloy wheel.
42 43
Active Yaw ControlActive Centre
Active Stability
Anti-lock Braking
Acceleration from standstill
Entering corner
Pulling out of corner
component in operation
Active Yaw Control
AYC regulates the torque differential between the rear wheels
to enhance cornering performance and traction.
S-AWC System
The S-AWC system provides three
distinct strategies for the driver to
choose between, for use when the
car is being driven on snow, gravel
or tarmac.
Super All Wheel
Super All Wheel Control
(S-AWC) is a short name for a
number of different electro­
nic and mechanical devices
that work together to create
the way the Lancer Evolution
responds to the driver. It is
no exaggeration to call this
system unrivalled by any
other in existence and it
provides the latest Lancer
Evolution with the ability to
build further upon the already
staggering dynamic reputation
of the previous nine genera-
tions of Lancer Evolution.
Active Yaw
Control (AYC)
AYC remains a feature
unique among road cars to
the Lancer Evolution and
has been developed further
for this tenth generation.
As in previous versions, an
electronically controlled rear
differential takes informa-
tion about longitudinal and
lateral acceleration, steering
angle and wheel speed and
apportions torque between
the rear wheels according
to need. In addition the new
Lancer Evolution now has
the ability to compare the
attitude of the car to that
As before, the S-AWC can be
tailored to snow, gravel or
tarmac surfaces at the flick
of a switch.
Active Centre
Differential (ACD)
At the heart of the S-AWC
system lies an active centre
differential. Unlike passive
systems that react only to
the detection of a loss of grip
at either axle, the ACD also
takes electronic information
from the S-AWC system to
determine the optimal torque
split between the front and rear
axles and distributes it via a
hydraulic multi-plate clutch.
intended by the driver and,
using AYC, make the neces-
sary adjustments to ensure
the driver’s wishes are car-
ried out.
Active Stability Control (ASC)
Using sensors located around
the car, ASC allows wheel slip
at either end of the car to be
detected immediately and, by
strategically applying each
individual brake according
to need, prevents a loss of
control developing. The sys-
tem is so swift to react and
so smooth in its actions, the
driver is often unaware of its
Sports ABS
This system uses sensors
at all four wheels to prevent
wheels from locking even
under the most extreme
braking. The system has
been designed to be as
Active Centre Differential
ACD regulates the speed differential between front and rear wheels to enhance steering response and
S-AWC indicator on Multi-information display.
S-AWC’s vehicle dynamics control system
CAN cable
Electric lines
Hydraulic lines
ASC OFF switch
ACD / AYC hydraulic unitSteering angle sensorWheel speed sensor
AYC differential
S-AWC mode selecter
Integrated yaw  G sensorASC / ABS hydraulic unit  ECU
S-AWC system
Active Stability Control (ASC)
AYC (brake force control)
AYC (lateral torque vectoring)
Driving statusStable Critical
Activation of S-AWC components
non-intrusive as possible
and comes complete with
Electronic Brakeforce
Distribution (EBD) that
makes sure each wheel
has the maximum possible
braking power available at
all times.
44 45
Front bumper beam
Use of aluminium panels
A V-shaped brace
greatly increases the
torsional stiffness of
the body structure.
Critically, the new Lancer
Evolution also has a wheel-
base that is 25mm longer
than the Lancer Evolution
IX and a track that is 30mm
wider, offering yet more
stable handling, better grip
and improved ride comfort.
With the Lancer Evolution,
safety is not something
that’s been added, it’s been
designed into the car at an
almost molecular level.
There is no more important
responsibility for any car
than to ensure the safety
of its occupants and, as
we shall see, whether you
measure a car’s ability to
avoid an accident or how it
performs if the worst does
happen, the new Lancer
Evolution is one of the safest
ultra-high performance cars
ever made.
Body and chassis
The key to making any car
handle properly is achiev-
ing first class structural
stiffness and the new Lancer
Evolution is over 50 per cent
stiffer than the Lancer Evo-
lution IX, providing a superb
platform for the suspension
systems to work. This has
been achieved through the
use of high and super-high
tensile steels in the car’s
structure, to maximise rigid-
ity while, at the same time,
keeping weight gain to a
Aluminium is used extensively
in the construction of the new
Lancer Evolution, with the
roof, bonnet, front fenders and
front and rear bumper beams
being made from the ultra-
light material. This serves
not simply to keep weight to a
minimum, but also to con-
centrate mass in the centre
of the car and keep the centre
of gravity as low as possible
which is also critical to creat-
ing a great handling car.
equipped with force limit-
ers. For added pedestrian
pro­­tection, the bonnet is now
supported by a corrugated
rather than a conventional
beam structure to reduce
Passive safety
Like all Lancers, the new
Lancer Evolution is built
around Mitsubishi’s cut-
ting edge RISE (Reinforced
Impact Safety Evolution)
monocoque structure. This
massively strong assembly
employs the strategic use
of ultra-high tensile steels
never seen before in any
previous Lancer Evolution
model to ensure maximum
crash protection from the
front, side and rear. The
body is designed to direct
impact forces away from the
occupants and for the car’s
extremities to deform in a
pre-programmed manner
while the passengers remain
safe within a steel safety
As well as this structural
strength, all new Lancer
Evolutions come with seven
airbags as standard – adding
a driver’s knee airbag to go
with the more usual front,
side and curtain airbags,
while the front seatbelts
are both pre-tensioned and
High rigidity body
Functional air ducts in the aluminium bonnet.
Seven airbags including a knee airbag
as standard.
Torsional rigidity +40%
Flexural rigidity +60%
(compared to Lancer Evolution IX)
Red parts: specially reinforced parts
for the new Lancer Evolution.
46 47
Undercover Transfer cooling airflow
Brake cooling airflow
The airflow
underneath the
front of the car.
Bi-xenon headlamps
with cornering lamps.
Bonnet air intake
Bonnet air outlet
Fender vent
Fenders Side skirt
Large rear spoiler
Rear combination
lamp units
Front edge of
engine bonnet
Lower surface of front bumper
Front wheel arch rear lip
Front wheel arch airdam
Body parts with aerodynamic properties
The Lancer Evolution’s body has been developed to realize superior overall
aerodynamic performance both in terms of air resistance and downforce.
styled to decrease drag and
lift. Underneath the car, air
is channelled by diffusers
to increase downforce and
therefore grip and stability at
high speeds while, at the back,
the substantial rear spoiler
also plays an important part
in maintaining the car’s aero-
dynamic balance and handling
consistency at all speeds.
On its way past the car, the
airflow is also used to help
Airflow design
From front to back, every
surface of the new Lancer
Evolution, including the one
you can’t see under the car,
has been designed to exploit
the air flowing over it.
At the front, large air-intakes
ensure the engine receives
the cooling it needs while
the whole front bumper is
extract hot air from under
the bonnet, cool the brakes,
further reduce drag and lift
and cool the car’s trans-
mission. Even the exhaust
system has been strategi-
cally located so as to ensure
the most aerodynamically
efficient exit path for the
engine gases.
Active safety
At a fundamental level, the
Lancer Evolution’s speed,
agility and all-wheel drive
system gives it a huge ad-
vantage over conventional
cars when it comes to avoid-
ing accidents. In addition to
this, all the functions of the
S-AWC system discussed
earlier do not merely make
the car more fun to drive,
they also make it far easier
to control in an emergency
And when it comes to the
simple business of slowing
the car, the Lancer Evolu-
illu­minate your direction of
travel during manoeuvring
at speeds below 100km/h,
depending on the steering
tion has some of the best
equipment in the world to
help, in the shape of massive
Brembo brakes. With 350mm
venti­­­lated discs with four
piston calipers at the front
and 330mm items at the rear
(up from, respectively, 330
and 310mm for the Lancer
Evolution IX), the new Lancer
Evolution offers massive
stopping power even before
electronic safety systems
like S-ABS and EBD need to
be triggered.
Another active safety feature
is bi-xenon headlamps with
cornering lamps which
The new Lancer
Evolution offers
massive stopping
What’s 295hp without feet on the pedals? What’s S-AWC without two
hands clasped around the steering wheel? A driver’s car without a driver?
Nothing. The Lancer Evolution is a car meant for enthusiasts – built by and
for passionate people. Men and women who appreciate every single second
in their Lancer Evolution. Time to introduce some of those Evoists.
Name: Uwe Nittel
Age: 38
Place of residence:
Adelmannsfelden, Germany
Occupation: Rally driver
My Lancer Evolution:
“The Lancer Evolution has become
a part of me since 1995 and
I’ve achieved a lot of success in
my sport with it. I trust it, both
professionally and privately.”
Best thing about the Lancer
“Performance, dynamics and
safety are the features that make
the Lancer Evolution the ultimate
driving machine. What I love about
the Lancer Evolution, is the good
inclination of performance. It has
an incredibly powerful torque band,
starting already in the low end
torque. The Lancer Evolution is the
personification of reliability. It’s
simple to handle, flashy and fast in
all ways.”
Most memorable Lancer Evolution
“During a gravel test in the south of
France in the spring of 1996, it was
my job to test the Lancer Evolution
under the hardest conditions close
“It’s simple to handle, flashy and fast in all ways”
to and over the limit. I tested the car
for 3 days as a preparation for the
world championship rally season
of 1996. To me it was unbelievable
how stable and robust it could be.
This experience was the foundation
for my lasting trust in the Lancer
Extra remarks:
“With the new dual clutch
transmission in the new Lancer
Evolution, Mitsubishi takes a trend
setting step into the future and sets
high standards for the competition.”
Name: Rachel Chandler
Age: 38
Place of residence:
Gloucestershire, England
Occupation: Traffic Police Officer
Biggest passions and/or favourite
free time activities:
“My biggest passion is driving.
I relish the challenge of driving
different sorts of vehicles on
different sorts of terrains. My
most unusual vehicle driven was
a fully tracked Snowcat in the
Gloucestershire floods of 2007.”
Most memorable Lancer Evolution
“I have had many memorable
Lancer Evolution moments. Most
of these are when members of the
public drive stupidly and erratically
and I know that the next thing they
see when they look in their rear
view mirror is me right up behind
them. They do not escape from
being prosecuted.”
What I did or would do to
personalize my Lancer Evolution:
“I would like full harnesses in the
car. Often our pursuits are on the
back roads and we get thrown
around a lot. I also feel that a
lighting pod would be good because
at night often my speed is faster
than the headlights can illuminate
the road.”
Name: Gavin Crozier
Age: 46
Place of residence:
Gloucestershire, England
Occupation: Traffic Police Officer
Favourite place for driving:
“Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire
England. It has many good, open
and demanding roads as well as
hazards to negotiate.”
Best thing about the Lancer
“ Its amazing acceleration and
handling: It’s the closest you can
get to driving a motorcycle.”
Extra remark:
“This was the Gloucestershire
Police’s best ever investment in a
vehicle and has been able to send a
message to the criminal fraternity
that they will not be able to evade
capture and prosecution”
“The criminal fraternity
will not be able to evade
capture and prosecution”
Name: Steve Woodward
Age: 43
Place of residence: Cheltenham,
Gloucestershire, England
Occupation: IT Assistant
My Lancer Evolutions:
“Lancer Evolution VIII (FQ300), an
Evolution VIII (MR FQ340) and now a
Evo IX (MR FQ 360). Needless to say
bring on the new Lancer Evolution,
I can’t wait to see what it has to
Biggest passions and/or favourite
pastime activities:
“A large part of my life is taken up
with my primary passion of Wing
Chun Kung Fu, a Chinese martial
art famously trained by Bruce Lee.”
Best thing about the Lancer
“The Lancer Evolution fulfils all of
my needs and it does everything
that I want it to do extremely well.
Lancer Evolution ownership is like
being part of an elite club which
means you have friends everywhere
that have a common passion. I
feel privileged to be able to drive a
Lancer Evolution whenever I want.”
What I did to personalize my
Lancer Evolution:
“My current car is still very new
and has a lot of items that I would
have bought if keeping my previous
“Lancer Evolution ownership is like being part of an elite club”
model. However I can see in the
future that I may wish to enhance
it more and on the list would
predominantly be performance
parts like new wheels and tyres, an
induction kit, ECU upgrade, turbo
boost controller and upgraded
suspension and brake calipers /
Most memorable Evo moment?
“My first ever test drive of an
Evolution because that is what
started my passion!”
Name: Helmut Wendel
Age: 41
Place of residence: Darmstadt,
Occupation: Assistant Manager,
Overall Vehicle Testing, Mitsubishi
Motor RD Europe
Favourite place for driving:
“Small handling tracks with rally
characteristics, most preferably
covered with gravel or snow.”
Most memorable Lancer Evolution
“So many moments with the car,
but most memorable were the two
years working together with Mr.
Evolution, Hiroshi Fujii.”
What I did to personalize my
Lancer Evolution:
“If I would own a Lancer Evolution,
I would try to get signatures on
the bonnet from all my colleagues
involved in the development of this
Extra remarks:
“Now, after the development of
the new Lancer Evolution is done,
I am looking forward to start up
the development for the next
generation. Trying my best to bring
even bigger Evo-smiles on our
customers’ faces.”
Name: Ralph Hoffmann
Age: 58
Place of residence: Wiesbaden,
Occupation: Manager Function
Testing, Mitsubishi Motor RD
My Lancer Evolution:
“During my activities for MRDE it
was my task to evaluate and tune
the driving performance of many
Lancer Evolution generations. That
gives me the opportunity to observe
every new development.”
What I did or would do to
personalize my Lancer Evolution:
“I believe the new Lancer Evolution
is an allround highly-developed and
sporty sedan. Therefore I would
not make any modifications. Only
an engine with an even higher
performance would be suitable.”
Extra remark:
“Looking ahead I see a challenge to
develop the new Lancer Evolution
generation to the next level with
new technologies and with the
goal to reach continuous technical
innovations for the generations to
“I try my best to bring even bigger Evo-smiles on our
customers’ faces.”
Name: Jackie Chan
Age: 53
Place of residence: Hong Kong
Occupation: Actor, director,
producer, singer, businessman,
My Lancer Evolution:
“I’ve owned three or four generations
of the Lancer Evolution. The one that
I own now is a special Jackie Chan
Edition which I helped design.”
Biggest passions and/or favourite
pastime activities:
“I love making films, spending time
with friends, and of course driving!
When I’m not working, my biggest
passion is my charity work. My
Dragon’s Heart Foundation builds
schools in remote areas of China
and I travel to these locations when
I’m not filming. For me, charity
work is the best way to spend my
free time.”
Best thing about the Lancer
“The Lancer Evolution can either be
a gentleman or a devil. It’s classy
looking but it’s also powerful like a
sports car. It’s a Mitsubishi and it’s
the fulfilment of all the things I like
most in a car.”
“It’s a Mitsubishi and it’s the fulfilment of all the things I like most in a car”
What I did to personalize my
Lancer Evolution:
“My Special Edition Jackie
Chan Lancer Evolution IX has a
customized bonnet, side doors,
engine accents, seat covers,
wheels, etc. My ‘Dragon logo’ is
used to make the car uniquely
Extra remarks:
“I’ve been working with Mitsubishi
for over 30 years and the reason for
this is that I believe in their product.
They have supported me with
vehicles for my movies and I have
given them my loyalty.”
Power of
Lancer Evolution. The perfect name for a car that morphed from a
mainstream mass production sedan when first launched in Japan in 1992,
into a fierce, purpose-built rally weapon and has relentlessly become faster
and more focussed with every passing year. Indeed in its tenth iteration,
the Lancer Evolution has taken another momentous step, transcending
its role as Mitsubishi’s rallying warrior and maturing into a sophisticated
high-performance sedan, as capable of tackling everyday life as it is
attacking the Col du Turini.
Our Lancer
Evolutions are
making quite
a spectacle
as we power
through the
At the heart of our route is
Black Mountain. It sounds like
a foreboding place straight out
of Tolkien’s ‘Lord of the Rings’
and looks like it when there’s
a bank of brooding rain clouds
fast approaching the crags and
jagged pine-topped ridges of
this remote area of the Brecon
Beacons National Park. Yet it’s
also a place of rare colour and
beauty: a palette of greens,
blacks, greys dappled with
flashes of burnt browns and
rich yellows, that stretch to the
sky. It’s a scene punctuated by
It’s to another location steeped
in rallying history that we’ve
come to test the new Lancer
Evolution. As the modern
home of Great Britain’s World
Rally Championship round,
Wales boasts the fast forest
tracks that provide the world’s
best rally drivers with a unique
and unforgiving challenge,
while the endlessly varied and
often deserted public roads
that criss-cross the rugged
region are something mere
mortals can enjoy.
broad blocks of dark, impen-
etrable pine forests, the oc-
casional shimmering stream
and, most excitingly, solitary
and seemingly endless rib-
bons of tarmac that wind and
jump tantalisingly in and out
of view on their course to the
horizon. If you’re lucky enough
to be in a Lancer Evolution, it’s
a driver’s paradise.
Actually we have two new
Lancer Evolutions: one
equipped with Mitsubishi’s
new six speed Twin Clutch
It’s in these
that S-AWC
comes into
its own
various dynamic components
– Active Yaw Control (AYC), Ac-
tive Centre Differential (ACD),
Active Stability Control (ASC)
and Sports Anti-lock Braking
System (S-ABS) – and builds
a precise picture of how close
you are to reaching the limits
of cornering and braking, or by
how far you have overstepped
the mark. Then, and all within
tiny, imperceptible fractions of
a second, it will divert torque
or apply braking to individual
wheels to tidy your trajectory
or help you regain control.
Sport Shift Transmission (TC-
SST) with shift paddles, the
other with a five speed manual
gearbox. It’s going to be fasci-
nating to see how they tackle
Black Mountain, and how
the new Lancer Evolution’s
totally redesigned all-wheel
drive chassis copes with the
challenges ahead. This also
applies to the new Super All
Wheel Control (S-AWC) sys-
tem. This complex integrated
control system continuously
takes information from the
new Lancer Evolution’s
It is this unique synthesis of
mechanical and electronic
driving aids that gives the new
Lancer Evolution a feel unlike
any other car on sale.
For now though it’s time to
enjoy more simple pleasures.
Our pair of Lancer Evolutions
make quite a spectacle as we
power through the gloom.
Their bright headlights
reflecting in the road’s wet
sheen, plumes of spray lifting
as we cut through deep
puddles of standing water.
Lancer Evolution’s progress.
It’s also a strange sensation
to be enjoying the tactility and
feedback from the powerful
Brembo brakes and precise,
responsive steering first hand,
yet also seeing the experience
played out before you (or be-
hind you) like a movie. Broad
and muscular, yet compact
enough to make sense on
tight, twisty roads, the new
Lancer Evolution is supremely
suited to the conditions. With
plenty of smooth, progressive
power on-tap from the lighter,
Out here in the wilds of Wales
there’s gravel too, which gives
us the perfect excuse to switch
the all-wheel drive system’s
differential settings from
‘Tarmac’ to ‘Gravel’ mode via a
switch on the centre console
(MR version) or mounted on
the steering wheel (GSR
version), underlining the
feeling that whatever you
throw at it, the new Lancer
Evolution has the answer.
Whether leading or following,
it’s huge fun to watch the other
cleaner, all-new, all-alloy
2.0-litre turbocharged MIVEC
engine you can choose to enjoy
the Lancer Evolution’s broad
spread of torque, or drop a
gear or two and unleash all
Unsurprisingly we’re having
a fantastic time, but on these
difficult and unforgiving roads
it pays to remember that
there’s always the possibility
of an unseen crest, standing
water or a tricky, tightening
corner. It’s in these situations
Time and
have certainly
the Lancer
60 61
62 63
that is exactly how the Lancer
Evolution encourages you to
drive on the road. Driven thus
there can surely be no swifter
or safer way to slice along
such a demanding stretch of
road. Yet were you to take it
to a track and really throw it
around, you know the Lancer
Evolution would indulge its
driver, respond like a true
thoroughbred while always
keeping a watchful eye open
for that moment when the
driver’s enthusiasm extends
further than his talent.
that S-AWC comes into its
own. It’s like having an invisible
expert riding alongside you, a
confidence-inspiring friend to
smooth your inputs and hone
your progress. Of course it’s
not a licence to abandon com-
mon sense – indeed if you get
too ragged or overly ambitious
S-AWC emphatically stamps
its authority – and with time
you realise that the most fun
and the quickest, safest way
from point to point is to drive
smoothly and deftly, not by
being overly aggressive. And
But back on the mountain, the
Lancer Evolution is revealing
more of its strengths. The all-
new Twin Clutch SST delivers
breathtakingly smooth and
rapid shifts, not to mention
uncannily intuitive progress
when used in automatic mode.
It uses two clutches, one to
engage the gear in use, the
other to pre-select the next
gear to be required. S-AWC
employs incredibly complex
electronics to deliver a subtle,
safe and supremely organic-
feeling experience. Yet despite
through fast
terrains and
foul weather
64 65
It’s the Lancer
sense of
that leaves
the most
rocket out of a tight corner, or
feeling the S-AWC trim your
line as the car flows across
fast and flowing terrain, it
always feels at home, in and
under control. Time and
technology have certainly
broadened the new Lancer
Evolution’s everyday versatil-
ity, but still if you show this
latest generation Lancer
Evolution an amazing road, it
will deliver you an amazing
experience in return. Deliver-
ing an experience few cars at
any price can deliver, every
these exceptional elements
it’s not one single facet that
stands out, rather it’s the
Lancer Evolution’s sense of
cohesion and completeness
– not to mention its towering
point-to-point performance -
that leaves the most enduring
Perhaps the best way of
conveying the feeling is to say
that the new Lancer Evolution
always feels in its element. It
doesn’t matter if you’re using
the all-wheel drive system to
time you climb aboard the
Lancer Evolution and head off
down a favourite road, it
creates the impression that
Mitsubishi’s engineers have
been down the same stretch of
tarmac and tailored the car
precisely to its requirements.
They didn’t of course, but that
all-round ability is the magic
that has defined the Lancer
Evolution breed since its incep-
tion 16 years ago. And now it
has been reborn on a new
plane: faster, more enjoyable
and safer than ever before.
The Lancer Evolution’s interior is characterized by clean and crisp surfaces,
it’s free of superfluous gimmicks, only using high-quality materials and is
marked by careful attention to detail. Some of these details merit special
attention. Not only because of the innovations in the areas of safety,
comfort and technology but also because they just look beautiful.
Split second shifting
The Twin Clutch Sport Shift Transmission (TC-SST) can be operated
manually using the lightweight magnesium shift paddles mounted on
the steering column. The paddles allow the driver to shift between gears
without taking his hands off the steering wheel. Changing gears manually
using the shift paddles is possible even when the TC-SST is switched to
automatic mode.
68 69
Concert hall on wheels
Fitted as standard to all Lancer Evolution MR models is the Rockford
Fosgate premium sound system, capable of reproducing music at
outstanding quality that has rightly won universal praise. The system
uses a 650-Watt 8-channel power amplifier and nine speakers including a
subwoofer in the rear to deliver awesome high-fidelity sound. It’s assisted
by the use of acoustic and damping material to seal off openings inside the
doors and turn them into speaker boxes. The layout for the premium sound
system was carefully planned at the start of the car’s development and
design process. Thanks to the DSP (Digital Signal Processor) the system
delivers crystal-clear clarity, concert hall-like sound and awesome deep
bass notes.
Gigabytes of functions and fun
The Lancer Evolution MR models also feature the Mitsubishi Multi
Communication System with HDD navigation and music server with a 30Gb
hard disk. The 7-inch LCD screen offers excellent clarity and touchscreen
convenience while the controls of the unit are readily accessible for
optimum ease of use. The system’s large capacity hard drive offers ultra-
fast search and route-finding capabilities. It also provides a wide range of
entertainment sources: FM/AM radio, DVD drive (CD/CD-R/CD-RW/DVD
video compatible) and a music server with a capacity to store up to 2,000
tracks. The latter also boasts a CD database music recognition service that
supports MP3/WMA players, which can be directly connected to the system
via an auxiliary input port in the front centre console. The steering wheel
features remote controls for the audio system and Bluetooth hands-free
telephone operation.
The perfect seats
The front seats in the new Lancer Evolution have once again been
developed by Recaro — a company with a legendary reputation for making
seats that provide excellent body location and support. The new Recaro
seats guarantee to keep your body safely and comfortably positioned in all
circumstances – even when you’re driving on a race track. Yet they are also
extremely safety conscious offering robust construction and side airbag
compatibility. But these seats are not just designed to keep you firmly in
place during extreme cornering – they are also unfailingly comfortable
over long journeys. When you arrive at your destination still feeling fresh
and without any aches or pain, you’ll know these seats don’t just look good
– in all respects they are among the best in the business.
72 73
In a constant stream of new cars introduced yearly, the Lancer Evolution
has always been one of the most eagerly awaited. With the arrival of
the new Lancer Evolution, the hearts of motoring journalists
around the world are starting to beat faster and faster. Everyone’s waiting
to test drive the most anticipated car of 2008. A happy few already have.
Here’s a compilation of their reactions.
“EXPLOSIVE - Mitsubishi has retained the explosive performance while adding a
new-found level of refinement.”
Source: evo (UK)
“FINE-TUNED FOUR WHEEL DRIVE - Almost without any
understeer the Mitsubishi cuts through every corner.”
Source: Autobild (Germany)
“WORLD-BEATER - The Evo’s looks, performance and high-tech chassis
should deliver the most sensational Evo yet.”
Source: Car Magazine (UK)
“IMPRESSIVE - Scalpel-sharp handling, astonishing grip, strong linear
performance and a twin-clutch gearbox that shifts amazingly quickly. A more accessible,
user-friendly Evo, and all the more rapid as a result.”
Source: Autocar (UK)
“EVO REVOLUTION - The wildest, grippiest, most awesome Evo they’ve
ever made.”
Source: Front (UK)
“DIAMOND FEVER - Mitsubishi, the brand with the logo sporting three
diamonds, has introduced a new edition of the Lancer Evolution. The four-wheel-drive sports
sedan should make the hearts of fans beat faster, starting this spring.”
Source: Autozeitung (Germany)
“GOING FAST - The new Evo spills not even a single brake horsepower. The
entire power span is translated effectively into speed – whether it’s in a straight line or
through a corner. This car has only one goal: going fast. With the new Evo, Mitsubishi once
again shows the world what it’s capable of.”
Source: Autovisie (The Netherlands)
74 75
Varieties of
The tenth iteration of the Lancer Evolution is more versatile and
more complete than ever before. The eight chapters prior to this one
focused on almost all aspects. But still not everything has been covered.
There is more to tell. Trim levels, equipment, colours, accessories, technical
specifications, dimensions... In Varieties of Species you’ll find an overview of
everything that goes into the new Lancer Evolution.
Key features
•	 Front grille with silver mesh and chrome
•	 Colour-keyed air inlet and outlets on
bonnet and colour-keyed air outlets on
•	 18” BBS forged alloy wheels
•	 Brembo disc brakes 350mm 4-pot 	
(2-piece, front) and 330mm 2-pot (rear)
•	 Upgraded high performance suspension
	 - Eibach upgraded springs (front  rear)
	 - Bilstein upgraded shock absorbers 	
   (front  rear)
•	 Twin-Clutch Sport Shift Transmission 	
•	 Leather wrapped steering wheel with
	 - Bluetooth hands-free controls
	 - Audio remote controls
	 - Cruise control
•	 Active Centre Differential (ACD) switch on
centre console
•	 Recaro bucket seats, leather/alcantara
type, with front seat heating
•	 Mitsubishi Multi Communication System
with HDD navigation with music server,
AM/FM radio and CD/DVD/MP3 player
(30GB, touch screen, TMC)
•	 Rockford Fosgate premium audio system
with 9 speakers and 650W amplifier
•	 Keyless Operation System (KOS)
•	 Silencer upgrade
Key features
•	 Front grille with black mesh and black
•	 Black air inlet and outlets on bonnet and
black air outlets on fenders
•	 18” ENKEI alloy wheels
•	 Brembo disc brakes 350mm 4-pot (front)
and 330mm 2-pot (rear)
•	 Aluminium rear spoiler
•	 Black air diffuser in the rear
•	 Chrome plated large dual exhaust pipes
•	 Bi-xenon headlamps with cornering lamps
and headlamp washers
•	 Super All-Wheel Control (S-AWC)
•	 Twin-Clutch Sport Shift Transmission 	
(TC-SST) or Manual Transmission
•	 Leather wrapped steering wheel with 	
Active Centre Differential (ACD) switch
•	 Aluminium pedals
•	 Recaro bucket seats, fabric type
•	 Keyless entry system
76 77
Model GSR MR
1 Cool Silver (M) A31 ● ●
2 Lightning Blue (P) D06 ● ●
3 Stone Grey (P) A39 ● ●
4 Phantom Black (P) U02 ● ●
5 Frost White (S) W37 ● ●
6 Orient Red (M) P26 ● ●
●	 available
(M)	 Metallic
(S)	 Solid
(P)	 Mica/Pearl
78 79
Model GSR MR
Safety and Security
Driver’s and front passenger’s SRS dual stage front airbags (with cut-off switch for passenger) ● ●
Driver’s and front passenger’s SRS side airbags ● ●
Curtain airbags for first and second row ● ●
Driver’s knee airbag ● ●
Sports ABS (Anti-lock Braking System) with Electronic Brake-force Distribution (EBD) and Brake Assist (BA) ● ●
Active Stability and Traction Control (ASTC) with switch-off function ● ●
Front 3-point ELR seatbelts with force-limiter and pretensioner x2 ● ●
Second row 3-point ELR/ALR seatbelt x3 ● ●
Seat belt warning (visually and acoustically) ● ●
Tether anchor for ISO-FIX child seat x2 (for second row seat) ● ●
Reinforced Impact Safety Evolution (RISE) body ● ●
Height adjustable seat belt anchors for front seats ● ●
Front strut tower bar ● ●
Emergency door unlock system ● ●
18” ENKEI alloy wheels with 245/70R18 tyres ● -
18” BBS forged alloy wheels with 245/70R18 tyres - ●
Black beltline moulding ● -
Chrome beltline moulding - ●
Front grille with black mesh and black frame ● -
Front grille with silver mesh and chrome frame - ●
Black air inlet and outlets on bonnet and black air outlets on fenders ● -
Colour-keyed air inlet and outlets on bonnet and colour-keyed air outlets on fenders - ●
Colour-keyed electronically controlled door mirrors with defoggers ● ●
Chrome plated large dual exhaust pipes ● ●
Black air diffuser in the rear ● ●
Aluminium rear spoiler ● ●
Leather wrapped steering wheel and shift knob ● ●
Leather wrapped hand brake - ●
Key cylinder illumination ● -
High contrast meter panel ● ●
Magnesium shift paddles for Twin-Clutch Sport Shift Transmission (TC-SST) ● ●
Aluminium sport pedals (throttle, brake, clutch) ● ●
Cooled glove box ● ●
Floor console box with centre armrest ● ●
Front passenger’s vanity mirror ● ●
Front cup holders with lid x2 ● ●
12V socket in centre console ● ●
Metallic pattern interior decoration panel ● ●
Air outlet panels with chrome accent ● ●
Model GSR MR
Cruise control (including steering wheel remote control switches) - ●
Multi-mode keyless entry system with two transmitters ● -
Keyless Operation System (KOS) with two transmitters - ●
Indicator with comfort mode ● ●
Height adjustable steering wheel ● ●
Fully automatic air-conditioning ● ●
Auto-light and rain sensor with auto variable intermittent wipers ● ●
Front and rear anti-trapping power windows ● ●
Heat reflecting green glass for all windows ● ●
Audio and Communication
AM/FM radio, CD player, MP3 compatible, 6 speakers ● -
Rockford Fosgate premium audio system with 9 speakers, 650W amplifier - ●
Mitsubishi Multi Communication System with HDD navigation and music server, AM/FM radio, CD/DVD/MP3 player (30GB, touch screen, TMC) - ●
Audio remote control on steering wheel - ●
Bluetooth hands-free car kit (including voice control and steering wheel remote control switches) - ●
Trip computer LCD type ● ●
Aux plug plus video - ●
Recaro full bucket seats ● ●
Black Fabric seats and black leather door trim ● -
Black Leather/Alcantara seats with front seat heating and black leather door trim - ●
Second row seats
- Centre armrest with two integrated cup holders ● ●
- Height adjustable headrest x3 (rear) ● ●
Light and Visibility
Bi-xenon headlamps with cornering lamps and headlamp washers (pop-up type) ● ●
Headlamp auto-levelling ● ●
Front fog lamps and rear fog lamp ● ●
Front room lamp with delay function and map lamp ● ●
Rear room lamp and cargo room lamp ● ●
Performance and Handling
Front 350mm ventilated discs, 4-pot (Brembo) ● -
Front 350mm ventilated discs, 4-pot, 2-piece (Brembo) - ●
Rear 330mm ventilated drum-in-discs, 2-pot (Brembo) ● ●
Eibach high performance springs (front  rear) - ●
Bilstein high performance suspensions (front  rear) - ●
Active differential switch on steering wheel ● -
Active differential switch in centre console - ●
Super All-Wheel Control (S-AWC) ● ●
	●	 Standard
	-	 Not available
80 81
equipment highlights
2	 Rockford Fosgate premium audio system with 9
speakers and 650W amplifier
3	 Leather wrapped steering wheel with audio re-
mote control switches and Bluetooth hands-free
car kit with voice control
4	 Aluminium bonnet with air inlet and outlets
5	 Aluminium rear spoiler
6	 Mitsubishi Multi Communication System with
HDD navigation and music server, AM/FM radio
and CD/DVD/MP3 player (30GB, touch screen,
7	 Chrome plated large dual exhaust pipes with
black air diffuser
8	 18” BBS forged alloy wheels with air outlets
9	 Chrome plated entry guards
3 4
5 6 7
8 9
Model				 Lancer Evolution
					 GSR			 MR
				 5 M/T		 TC-SST		 TC-SST
Engine	 Type	 	 2.0 litre 16-valve DOHC MIVEC with Intercooler and Turbocharger
	 Total displacement	 cc	 1998
	 Emission level	 	 Euro-4
	 Max. output (EEC net) 	 kW (hp) / rpm	 217 (295) / 6500
	 Max. torque (EEC net) 	 Nm / rpm	 366 / 3500
Fuel system	 Fuel supply equipment	 	 Electronically controlled direct injection
	 Fuel type (octane)	 	 Premium Unleaded / RON98
	 Fuel tank capacity	 lit	 55	
Transmission	 Clutch		 5-speed manual	 6-speed Twin Clutch SST
	 Gear ratio	 1st	 2.857	 3.655
	 	 2nd	 1.950	 2.368	
	 	 3rd	 1.444	 1.754	
	 	 4th	 1.096	 1.322	
	 	 5th	 0.761	 1.008	
	 	 6th	 -	 0.775	
	 	 Reverse	 2.892	 4.011	
	 	 Final	 4.687	 4.062	
	 Drive system	 	 Full-time 4WD
Performance	 Acceleration (0-100km/h)	 sec	 5.4 	 6.3
	 Max. speed*	 km/h	 240	 242
	 Minimum turning radius	 m	 5.9
	 Fuel consumption
	 Urban	 lit/100km	 13.6	 13.9
	 Extra urban	 lit/100km	 8.3	 8.5
	 Combined	 lit/100km	 10.2	 10.5
	 CO2, combined	 g/km	 243	 250
Suspensions	 Front	 	 McPherson strut - upside down
	 Rear	 	 Multi-link
Brakes	 Front	 	 350 mm ventilated discs, 4-pot (Brembo)	 	 350 mm ventilated discs, 4-pot, 2-piece (Brembo)
	 Rear	 	 330 mm ventilated drum-in-discs, 2-pot (Brembo)
Steering	 Type	 	 Rack-and-pinion (electric power-assisted)
Loads	 Kerb weight	 kg	 1560	 1590	 	 1600
	 Gross vehicle weight	 kg	 2040
	 Seating capacity	 persons	 5
* 	 Measured by Mitsubishi Motors Corporation
All measurements in millimetres
1	 Bi-xenon headlamps with cornering lamps and
headlamp washers (pop-up type)
82 83
PIMP your ride
1	 Handbrake lever - Alloy/leather wrapped with Lancer
Evolution logo
2	Rear corner extension kit - Reduces aerodynamic drag (CD)
by 0.3%
3	Exhaust heat shield kit - Stainless steel decoration plates with
Ralliart logo
4	Rear spoiler extension - 5kgf downforce (front - 1kgf) at
100 km/h and 16kgf downforce (front -4kgf) at 180 km/h
2 3
4 5 6 7
5	 Brake air duct - For enhanced front brake cooling
6	 Front airdam - 6kgf downforce (rear -2kgf) at 100 km/h
and 19kgf downforce (rear -7kgf) at 180 km/h
7	 Gear shift knob - Alloy/leather wrapped with Lancer Evolution
	 Side airdam shown in main image reduces aerodynamic drag (CD) by 0.8%.
	 For more accessories available, please see the Accessories catalogue.
84 85
More than 2500 Mitsubishi Motors Authorised Service Points
in Europe are committed to helping you wherever you are.
Even new cars require regular maintenance and servicing.
Not just to guarantee your mobility, but also for the safety
of you and your passengers. Trained professionals using
specialist diagnostic equipment and original parts at your
Mitsubishi Authorised Service Point are ready to oblige.
You’ll be advised about the cost beforehand, so there will be
no unpleasant surprises when you return to pick up your
Even the smallest technical faults can lead to accidents.
Therefore, all Mitsubishi Motors genuine parts have been
developed and tested to stringent quality standards. It is
recommended to use Mitsubishi Motors Genuine Parts in
order to maintain the safety and integrity of your vehicle and
that of your passengers. Mitsubishi Motors Genuine Parts
are available at all Mitsubishi Authorized Service Points.
We are proud to regularly score top in After Sales quality
All new Mitsubishi vehicles come standard with a com­
prehensive 3-year warranty up to a maximum of 100,000 km
(61,000 miles), whichever comes first. The anti-corrosion
perforation warranty covers rusting through for the first
12 years, depending on the model you purchase. The
reliability statistics for Mitsubishi vehicles are impeccable,
but in the unlikely event that you do need help, we offer MAP.
In order to demonstrate our commit-ment to your mobility
and the faith we have in the reliability of our vehicles, you
will receive a free MAP card valid for three years with your
new Mitsubishi. MAP stands for Mitsubishi Motors Assist­
ance Package, and with the MAP card in your pocket, your
mobility is guaranteed in more than 30 countries throughout
Europe. Should you ever need assistance in the event of
breakdown, accident, theft or vandalism – wherever you are,
24 hours a day, 7 days a week – just call the number on your
card and the problem will be fixed on the spot. If it’s more
serious, your car will be taken to the nearest Mitsubishi
dealer and you’ll be offered services such as a hotel,
continuation of journey, a replacement car and vehicle
repatriation. And if you continue to have your vehicle
serviced at a Mitsubishi Authorised Service Point after the
first three years, your mobility will be guaranteed for an
additional year or up to the next service interval (whichever
comes first) until your vehicle is 10 years old.
Accessories by Mitsubishi Motors - everything’s got
“Drivestyle”. They are the perfect products for your car’s
individuality. It’s the style that goes with the sensation.
Drivestyle is the individual enhancement of your Mitsubishi.
It covers all your car care needs: from Wax Shampoo and
Polish to Wheel Rim Gel, from Cockpit Lotion to Leather
Treatment and from Insect Remover to Screen Wash - all
have been produced using new ingredients designed
specifically for your new Mitsubishi. They’ll ensure it looks,
feels and smells brand new for years to come.
Please ask your Mitsubishi Authorised Sales/Service point
for the Drivestyle Car Care brochure containing more
detailed information.
The auto-light sensor au­
tomatically activates the
headlamps as soon as it gets
dark. The rain sensor activates
the windshield wipers auto­
matically when moisture is
detected on the windshield.
Makes it possible to lock and
unlock the doors and trunk,
and to close the windows with
the remote key.
The clever keyless entry
and start system allows you
to open the front doors and
trunk, and start the engine,
without the key leaving your
When the indicator lever is
tapped briefly, the indica­
tor will flash three times and
then stop - allowing you to
concentrate on manoeuvring
and therefore making driving
easier and safer.
If any door is still open while
the car is moving, a buzzer will
alert you.
After you have turned off the
ignition and got out of the car,
the headlamps are automati­
cally switched off, prevent­
ing the battery from being
After taking the key from the
ignition, the windows may still
be opened and closed from
inside for up to 30 seconds.
When the front wiper is set to
intermittent, a speed sensor
changes the wiper interval to
suit the car’s speed for better
Mitsubishi Motors’ customizable Electronic Total Automobile Control System (ETACS) allows you
to personalize the operation of a wide range of features for added safety, comfort and convenience.
Certain ETACS comfort functions can be customized either by yourself or by your Mitsubishi Motors dealer.
For a complete list of ETACS functions, please consult your Mitsubishi Motors dealer or refer to your owner’s manual.
It is our duty to protect the environment. Mitsubishi Motors designs and produces high quality vehicles and components aiming
to provide its customers with durable motor vehicles, and excellent services to maintain your vehicle in an optimum running
condition. We have the highest respect for the environment and use materials which may be recycled and re-used after your
Mitsubishi Motors vehicle has come to the end of its economical life. After a long working life we will take your vehicle back and
recycle it in an environ mentally friendly manner in accordance with the EU Directive on End-of-Life Vehicles and any applicable
national statutory provisions.
All Mitsubishi Motors vehicles (up to 3.5t GVW) sold after 1st July 2002, will be taken back free of charge from the last owner,
at one of the designated take back points, provided the vehicle contains all major components and is free of waste.
From 1st January 2007, this applies to all Mitsubishi Motors vehicles irrespective of the sold date. A network of collection points
is available to receive Mitsubishi Motors End-of-Life Vehicles, to ensure your vehicle will be recycled in an environmentally
friendly manner. At the same time, the possibilities for the recycling of vehicles and vehicle components are continually being
evaluated and improved, aiming to the achievement of even higher recycling percentages in the future.
The European End-of-Life Vehicles Directive and the free take back of End-of-life Vehicles is applicable in all European Union
member states. The transposition of the End-of-Life Vehicles Directive into National law in each member state might not have
been completed at the time of putting this publication to print.
Please refer to and select the web site of the Mitsubishi Motors service network in your
country of residence, or call the National Mitsubishi Motors Customer Assistance Center for further details.
86 87
1/1 model..........................................................11
4B11............................................................38, 39
Accessories.................................................82, 83
Acropolis Rally............................................19, 22
Active Centre Differential (ACD).................42, 59
Active safety......................................................46
Active Stability Control (ASC)...........23, 42, 43, 59
Active Yaw Control (AYC)..................23, 42, 43, 59
Air duct........................................................12, 44
Airflow.............................................................. 47
Aluminium panels ............................................44
BBS.............................................................41, 80
Bilstein dampers...............................................41
Bi-xenon headlamps...................................46, 80
Body and chassis..............................................44
Brembo............................................................ 46
Clay model..................................................10, 11
Colt 1000F...................................................18, 20
Colt Galant 1.6L GS...........................................20
Cowan, Andrew.................................................20
Design proposal............................................9, 10
Dimensional views............................................81
Differential settings ...................................42, 60
Driving modes.............................................40, 41
East Africa Safari Rally...............................16, 20
Electronic Brakeforce Distribution (EBD)....43, 46
Electronic Total Automobile Control
System (ETACS).................................................84
Engine performance curve...............................36
Equipment...................................................78, 79
Equipment highlights.......................................80
Exterior colours..........................................76, 77
Galant VR-4.......................................................20
Glass fibre body................................................12
HDD navigation..................................... 68, 69, 80
Iwata, Hideyuki..................................................37
Imaizumi, Tsuyoshi.......................................9, 12
Iwasaki, Yataro..................................................18
Lancer 1600 GSR.................................. 16, 17, 20
Lancer Evolution I - IX................................22, 23
Lancer EX2000 Turbo..................................19, 20
Mäkinen, Tommi.........................................22, 23
Manual gearbox................................................41
Matsuhara, Masaki.......................................8, 10
Mitsubishi A................................................15, 18
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd.......................18
Mitsubishi Multi Communication System.....68, 80
Music server...............................................68, 80
Nakao, Norikazu...........................................9, 10
Nakao, Ryugo................................................3, 37
Passive safety...................................................45
Press reviews....................................................73
Recaro................................................... 70, 71, 75
Reinforced Impact Safety Evolution (RISE).......45
Rockford Fosgate.................................. 68, 69, 80
Shift paddles......................................... 40, 66, 67
Singh, Joginder.................................................20
Sports ABS..................................................43, 59
Super All Wheel Control (S-AWC)......42, 43, 59, 63
Technical specifications....................................81
Titanium turbine wheel.................................... 38
Trim levels.........................................................75
Tsukumo Shokai Shipping Company................18
Twin Clutch Sport Shift
Transmission (TC-SST)....................40, 41, 63, 66
Yoshimine, Norihiko......................................9, 11
09 eng-in 000000 Feb. 08 Printed in Germany
Drive alive is our motto
It’s the reason our designers and engineers go to work everyday.
Statistics show that you are going to spend ‘years of your life’ in your car.
We want those ‘years’ to be as pleasurable and as rewarding for you as
possible. We want to ensure that every time you’re driving and put your
foot down on the accelerator, or catch a glimpse of yourself reflected…
you will want to smile. Smile to really feel alive… to really drive alive.
Mitsubishi Motors Europe BV
Mitsubishi Motors Europe BV
Willem Verschuur
Liesbeth van der Woude
Editor in chief
Ron de Bruijn
Jerina van Heck
Georges van Wensveen
David de Jong
Martin van der Zeeuw
Giles Newton
James Scott
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Art Director
Jaap Sinke
Translation  Prepress
GPB Leiderdorp - The Netherlands
Printed by
Himmer AG Druckerei
Some equipment may vary according to market. Any reference to speed, performance or driving
sensations has to be understood where legal and within official speed limits.
Please consult your local Mitsubishi Motors dealer/distributor for details. All rights reserved.

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The Evolution Theory

  • 2. Preface The introduction of the tenth Lancer Evolution is a big milestone. Not only for Mitsubishi Motors, but for everyone who loves high-performance cars that are both functional and beautiful. This special book is an ode to every aspect of the new Lancer Evolution. As Ryugo Nakao, Product Executive, Mitsubishi Motors Corporation, says: ‘The dramatic leaps forward in the evolutionary process of the Lancer Evolution have been driven by the cutting-edge technology developed and honed through our participation in the motorsport arena, fed back into our production models. We invite you to experience for yourself the next step up the evolutionary ladder.’
  • 3. Contents CHAPTER ONE Early living 6 A frank and colourful behind-the-scenes view of the actual design realization of the new Lancer Evolution. CHAPTER two Survival of the fittest 14 From 19th century Mitsubishi beginnings and successful rally history to nine successive generations of Lancer Evolutions. A flight through time. CHAPTER THREE The expression of emotion 24 An emotional, visual tribute to the new Lancer Evolution. CHAPTER FOUR Science study 36 Food for petrolheads. All the facts and figures, technical specifications and elements that make a perfect driver’s car. CHAPTER five Natural selection 48 Portraits of Jackie Chan and other passionate people with big Evo-hearts. CHAPTER six Power of movement 54 The new Lancer Evolution is put to the test in the beautiful and rugged Black Mountain area of Wales. CHAPTER seven Evolutionary psychology 66 The innovative interior of the Lancer Evolution proves that function and beauty can go hand in hand. CHAPTER eight Reviews 72 What do international automotive journalists think of the Lancer Evolution? CHAPTER nine Varieties of species 74 Trim levels, technical specifications, equipment, colours, dimensions, accessories… Here you’ll find it all. Index 86
  • 4. CHAPTER ONE Early living With each new model created by Mitsubishi Motors, every millimetre presents tough choices for its designers as they strive to balance form and function while remaining true to the car and company’s heritage. Despite the many obstacles that had to be faced, Mitsubishi’s passionate design team came through gloriously. And so the tenth Lancer Evolution was born. This is its inside story.
  • 5. 3563 x 56,8990 Masaki Matsuhara, General Manager of Design at MRDE, Germany. Matsuhara led the design development of the Lancer Evolution (as he had for the Lancer). He works at MRDE (Mitsubishi Research Development Europe) and talks full of passion about Mitsubishi’s latest creation: “The new Lancer Evolution is now both a reality and our company’s flagship. During the years I was in charge of it, we stayed loyal to the following three aims: First we had to improve function- ality, so we pushed back the boundaries in all areas, lengthening the wheelbase for greater stability, lowering the centre of gravity and widening the track. In the meantime we also reduced the front and rear overhangs to make the car more manoeuvrable both at speed and in town. The second aim was to create an opti- mal shape while taking the Lancer Evolution’s aerodynamics to a new level. For the exterior, in particular, our engineers completed an exhaustive wind tunnel test programme. The third aim was to give the car a design that Norikazu Nakao (Clay modeller exterior, MMC). Hiroaki Matsunobu (Expert project manager, MMC). Tsuyoshi Imaizumi (Digital modeller exterior, MMC). These very first design proposals by exterior designer Norihiko Yoshimine ultimately led to the new Lancer Evolution. 34,5645609840 : 89676,469850469 BxA Norihiko Yoshimine (Designer exterior, MMC). appeals to the customer, the toughest task of all for any designer. But we believe there can be real beauty in a shape designed to be functional and if that design is executed with real skill and emotion, it will possess the power to ignite passion in those that see it. Now that development is finished, we the designers are confident that the Lancer Evolution is a fitting flagship for Mitsubishi. Please go and see it in real-life. Then feel it, sense it. You will not be dis­appointed.”
  • 6. 10 Two design proposals The best way to underline Matsuhara’s words is to explore two interesting phases in the Lancer Evolution’s development and listen to the designers closest to the project. The story begins with the first ideas that were mere sketches but which led ultimately to the development of two design proposals in 2004. Hiroaki Matsunobu, expert project manager for Lancer/Lancer Evolution, explains: “As with the Lancer, the initial design was based on a MRDE proposal. Matsuhara was stationed with MRDE and took the proposal with him back to Japan, so we started the develop­­ment of the Lancer Evolution. Then two proposals were developed at Okazaki, Mitsubishi’s RD centre in Japan.” In Japan the exterior de- signer Norihiko Yoshimine was responsible for one of the two proposals and duly made a 40% scale model. Yoshimine: “The basic form was unchanged, but the front fender was different. My propo­sal was based on WRC rally cars that adopt blister fenders for aero- dynamic reasons and our goal became to implement this feature into a passenger car. I had the idea at the WRC ‘Rally of Japan’ where I heard people saying how the func- tional beauty of such extreme shapes was really cool. I thought we could apply this thinking to a road car.” The Decision Designer Norihiko Yoshimine and clay-model- ler Norikazu Nakao were in the the wind tunnel day after day, refining Yoshimine’s model in collaboration with engineers. Yoshimine: “The rally inspired blister fender’s purpose was to achieve functional beauty but it proved difficult to scale down. In the wind tunnel with the 40% model, we pursued pure functionality so had no time for design refinement.” The time had come to decide which of the two proposals for the 40% model to choose. The decision came when Yoshimine received a call from Matsuhara himself: “Your proposal has been selected. Do your best”. The 1/1 model The next stage was to make a 1/1 model of Yoshimine’s proposal made of special clay. Yoshimine: “In two weeks in the wind tunnel we made sure everything would work as it should while Norikazu Nakao shaped the clay model according to the aerodynamic input. It was the cold season, so his hands were numb all the time. Nonetheless we managed it.” Yoshimine, Nakao and the others turned to digital exterior modeller, Tsuyoshi Imaizumi, for a final translation of all the hard facts to digital data and vice versa. 23,685 : 453,8978596 6495,06045 x 9458,23534 Carving the blister fender was one of the biggest obstacles to be overcome. Clay modeller Norikazu Nakao doing his magic. The exterior styling of the Lancer (back) and the Lancer Evolution (front) took place at almost the same time. 11
  • 7. 12 Genuinely functional The team now started to make a prototype with a glass fibre body. Yoshimine: “It was impossible to open an air duct in the bonnet of the clay model so Tsuyoshi Imaizumi from the digital group scanned the clay model. From this data came the FRP (Fibre Reinforced Plastic) body. Usually we don’t make a glass fibre prototype at this stage but the Lancer Evolution was different.” Matsunobu adds that his team wanted to ensure at this point that the design was genuinely functional. All the lines, ducts and outlets should have a func- tion - no ornaments would be allowed. The team tested the design from every angle through which airflow could pass. Yoshimine: “Even the outlet behind the front wheels is not simply for show but to let engine heat escape. We made a shape in front of the hole so we could improve its efficiency and even con- quered the aerodynamic disadvantage of the inverted slant nose. We were not going to be beaten by a slant nose.” Struggle Now the toughest part of Yoshimine’s design needed tackling: the construction of the fend- ers that would provide both superior aerody- namics and a distinguished look. This turned out to be a mighty challenge. The ridge of the front fender above the front wheels goes fluently in a horizontal direction, but at the rear a small but unavoidable problem occurred. Yoshimine: “Door handles! To avoid these, the rear fender had to be front sloping. The ideal aerodynamic shape seemed impossible to create, because it would cover the recess for placing one’s hand on the door handle. We tried all types of data—changing from concave to convex, or a curve that would eliminate the blister in the rear. Converting the CAD data to the clay model proved almost impossible, but finally we managed. The blister’s bulge is now smoothly fused with the door.” Beauty With this important element conquered, Yoshimine, Nakao and the others turned to digital exterior-modeller, Tsuyoshi Imaizumi, for a final translation of all the hard facts to digital data and vice versa. The final parts like the diffuser, the concave and convex surfaces and the intake and outlets in the bonnet, though complicated, were all gradually finished. In line with the ideas of Matsuhara, the Lancer Evolution had to be more beautiful than ever and achieve this beauty through functional shapes. Imaizumi: “I think, together, we got it right, even down to the smallest detail.” There it is. The metal body work for the actual Lancer Evolution. An end and a beginning.
  • 8. 14 CHAPTER TWO Survival of the fittest The new Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution didn’t just appear out of nowhere. Its origins date even further back than its sporty predecessors from the 1970s… In fact, its name speaks for itself: the Lancer Evolution has been born after years of development and is part of a continuing process for better, faster, more…
  • 9. Lancer 1600 GSR at the 1974 East Africa Safari Rally.
  • 10. 18 19 If anyone living in 1870, the year in which Yataro Iwasaki founded the Japanese Tsukumo Shokai Shipping Company, had told him that more than a century later his com- pany would be producing the world’s best rally cars, he wouldn’t have believed it. He wouldn’t even have known what a rally was. Or a car, for that matter. Maybe the crafts- men on the big black and white photograph would have believed it, because in 1917 they built the Mitsubishi A behind them (see image on page 15). The A was the first series-produced motor car in Japan, built by Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Co Ltd, a forerunner of today’s Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. But even then there was still a long way to go before the first genuine Mitsubishi rally car would see the light of day. First steps It was not until the 1960s that Mitsubishi produced another passenger vehicle, be- cause Japan needed commercial vehicles and buses in the preceding decades - intro- ducing diesel engines in motor vehicles and 4-wheel-drive technology in Japan in the process. Mitsubishi took its first steps in international racing with the small 500 from 1960, basically an affordable and efficient family car. Nevertheless, this two-cylinder, 493 cc car won its class at the 1962 Macau Grand Prix while the other three 500s entered came in second, third and fourth. After this highly successful racing debut the goals were set. The 600 from 1962, more performance orientated than its predeces- sor, followed the 500 and became firmly established in motor sports after its fantastic performance at the 1963 Malaysia Grand Prix, where the first three places were taken in the under 600 cc class, beating much more established opposition. The following year, the larger and all-new Colt 1000 took the first three places in the Japan Grand Prix. It was in 1966 that Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. moved its motorsport activi- ties from passenger car based ‘Touring Cars’ like the Colt 1000 to ‘Formula Cars’, open mono­posto classes. Here the new Mitsubishi Colt F3A was competitive from the begin- ning. Taking on the likes of Lotus and Brabham, it won the Exhibition Class of the 1966 Japan Grand Prix. Circuit racing con­ tinued all the way until 1971 when Mitsubishi’s crowning achievement was to win (first and second place) the Japan Grand Prix overall with the Colt F2000. In parallel, the car that can really be said to have laid down the formula for success in rallying that Mitsubishi has been enjoying ever since was the 1967 58hp 1000F. Entered into the gruel- ling Southern Cross Rally in Australia that year, it came fourth overall despite its small engine and won its class outright. The next year, it earned Mitsubishi its first podium position by coming third overall. Lancer EX2000 Turbo at the 1981 Acropolis Rally. Lancer Evolution at the 1999 Monte Carlo Rally. Lancer WR05 at the 2005 Corona Rally Mexico.
  • 11. This Colt 1000F can be considered as Mitsubishi’s first genuine rally car and as such, the first link to Lancer Evolution. The ‘car-breaker’ The seventies and eighties prolonged Mitsubishi’s success in motor sports, now purely focused on the world of rallying. With rally ace Andrew Cowan driving the 150hp Colt Galant 1.6L GS, Mitsubishi gained its first international rally victory in the 1972 Southern Cross. Then the Lancer came, saw and conquered. It was 1973 and the sports version, the 1600 GSR, took a remarkable 1- 2-3-4-victory in the Southern Cross. The following year it ran its first World Rally Championship (WRC) event: the extremely tough East African Safari Rally, aka the ‘car- breaker’. Finishing in one piece was difficult, let alone winning. The 1.6 litre Lancer how- ever, with Joginder Singh at the wheel, ran straight to victory at its debut on the five day, 6,000 km rally, beating Björn Waldegaard’s 2.7 litre Porsche 911. Singh repeated his success in the 1976 Safari Rally with other Lancers coming home second and third, while that same year Mitsubishi also took a first in the Southern Cross Rally. After that, Mitsubishi’s rallying victories became almost countless, with the Lancer EX2000 Turbo and the Galant VR-4 from the eighties being amongst the most competitive cars in rally championships all over the world.
  • 12. 22 23 I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX TheNew LancerEvolution ‘Evo’-mania Enter the Lancer Evolution in 1992. What an impact it had! This car was especially con- ceived for Group A rallying, with the WRC in mind. It owed both the 2.0 litre DOHC engine and the 4WD technology to its predecessor, the Galant VR-4, but the 2,500 mm wheel- base of the Lancer was considered optimal for a rally car and its much reduced weight made it the perfect device to realise Mitsubishi’s goal of becoming the dominant force in world rallying. In its 1993 debut it came third place in the Acropolis Rally and second in the RAC Rally. Its successor came in 1994. This Lancer Evolution II, equipped with a new front spoil- er, a larger one at the rear for greater stabil- ity at high speed, and a new active 4WD system, gained its first WRC win at the Swedish rally in 1995. With every new Lancer Evolution generation, Mitsubishi improved the technology to meet the ever-changing demands of the World Rally Championship and tightened its grip on world rallying. The rallying successes also had a tremendous effect on Lancer Evolution sales, as produc- tion cars were also equipped with state-of- the art rally technology. By August 1996 an absolute record sale of 7,000 cars had been established for the street version of the third generation Lancer Evolution. By this time it was Evo-mania: the initial production run of its successor, 6,000 cars, sold out in three days! World Rally Car The 1996 season brought Mitsubishi its first driver’s title thanks to the legendary Tommi Mäkinen, a feat he repeated the following year driving the all-new Lancer Evolution IV. But it was the Lancer Evolution V which, in 1998, made the breakthrough everyone had been working so hard for: the Manufacturer’s Championship in the WRC, with Tommi Mäkinen winning his third consecutive Driver’s Championship. This all happened despite the fact that the Lancer Evolution V was still a Group A car, while in the mean- time a special rally car class had emerged: the World Rally Cars. These were still Group A cars, but did not require homologation and therefore could be more purpose-built for rallying. Therefore the Lancer Evolution VI was the last genuine Group A car built by Mitsubishi. The 2001 Lancer Evolution VII, based on the larger Lancer Cedia platform, was Mitsubishi’s first World Rally Car, introducing Mitsubishi’s Active Centre Differential. The Lancer Evolution VIII followed in 2003 and became the first Lancer Evolution to be officially sold in Europe and the United States, adding Super Active Yaw Control technology to its already superlative enablers. Last of the previous generation, the 2005 Lancer Evolution IX featured more sophisticated aerodynamics, light material (aluminium) body construction, etc... It’s been sixteen years since 1992 and Mitsubishi Motors now presents the next generation of the highly acclaimed Lancer Evolution series. More than just another iteration, the new Lancer Evolution breaks the mould, reaching new frontiers in terms of driving dynamics, but at the same time responding better to market demands for design, convenience features and long- distance driving.
  • 13. 24 CHAPTER THREE The expression of emotion Every angle, every line and every inch… The new Lancer Evolution breathes pure emotion. Its totally new design embodies a rich rally history as well as a timeless future. Looking at the car carefully, you can actually feel the focus and commitment of its developers. What you see and feel is their expression of emotion captured in one modern masterpiece. Strength of mind
  • 19. 36 37 Engine performance curve Torque(Nm) Output(kW) Engine speed (rpm) 217kW(295hp) 6500rpm 366Nm 3500rpm CHAPTER FOUR Science Study The new Lancer Evolution has rightly earned praise from all four corners of the earth for its rugged good looks and purposeful stance, but its beauty is not simply confined to what you can see on the surface. Go beneath the skin and you’ll find a car that is engineered like no other car on earth. In every area, from its body, suspension and brakes to its engine, gearbox and aerodynamics, the Lancer Evolution has benefited from the total engineering integrity approach applied by Mitsubishi Motors’ engineers. Technical Team A small group of Mitsubishi’s most experienced engineers headed the team that devel- oped the Lancer Evolution. Led by Ryugo Nakao, he explains how the philosophy of the new car differs from those which preceded it: ‘In developing the Lancer Evolution series to date the main thrust has been how fast we could make them. But in our view things have now changed. Today’s new generation of super high- performance machines need to deliver more than absolute speed; they have to wrap that speed in safety and in comfort. Reconciling these apparently contradictory performance qualities became our mission in de- veloping the new model.’ He continues: ‘It has been our wish that customers who for one reason or another gave up their super high-perfor­ mance machines now revisit the passion they used to feel, the excitement they used to enjoy. That is the mission that has driven the dramatic progress achieved’. The new Lancer Evolution product manager was Hideyuki Iwata and he expands on these themes, explaining the motivation Evolution in terms of automo- tive technology. We gave much thought to what was necessary to realize further advances in Lancer Evolution’s road performance qualities: speed and acceleration, cornering and handling and braking. The answer: go back to the basics. Our focus in this process was not on absolute speed or accelera- tion but rather on-demand, feel-good acceleration.’ behind the new direction taken by the new Lancer Evolution and how the benefit can be seen not just on paper but, most importantly, on the road as well. ‘Firstly, while the major advances made by previous Lancer Evolutions were mostly of a technolo­­gical and engineering nature, the new Lancer Evolution has leapt forward in the design field too. Working in close cooperation with the designers who created a final shape that has aerodynamic technology built in throughout. There is a purpose to every shape and I believe that the new Lancer Evolution’s functionally appealing design makes those reasons plain to see. Secondly, we have the advances seen in Lancer Engine team: ‘Drive it and feel its performance and response yourself!’ The result is a car that’s not merely faster but, more importantly, better in every important area. It’s easier yet more fun to drive. It’s more stable in a straight line and quicker around a corner, yet safer both in terms of avoiding an accident and how it behaves if the worst should happen. It contains the sum total of Mitsubishi’s unique engineering knowledge and represents the single largest step forward in the entire 16 year history of the legendary Lancer Evolution. It is no exaggeration at all to call it a technical masterpiece, a car where everything has a place and a purpose, a car brimming with state of the art technology, yet utterly devoid of pointless gimmicks. This chapter will explain in detail the most important techno- logical developments within the Lancer Evolution, intro- duce you to the people responsible for them and explain their importance to the car. Engine The new Lancer Evolution is the first in the history of the breed to feature an aluminium engine block, leading to a saving of 12.5kg. The S-AWC development team: ‘Seamless control brings driving pleasure and reassuring security.’
  • 20. 38 39 Computer Engine load Cam angle sensor Oil control valve Exhaust MIVEC actuator Intake MIVEC actuator 4B11 495mm Rearward facing exhaust manifold layout 4G63 10mm downward 630mm Power unit The new 4B11 DOHC MIVEC turbocharged engine takes up the mantle from the 4G63 and is now powering the new Lancer Evolution. In developing the new power unit, efforts focused on creating a high output engine that returned excellent fuel economy with clean emissions. The 4B11 uses a forward facing intake and rearward facing exhaust ports. This change has eliminated the need to run the exhaust pipe under the engine, allowing the engine to be lowered by 10mm and contributing to a lower centre of gravity. Engine and Turbo To most ‘4G63’ is just a collection of letters and numbers, but to true Lancer Evolution aficionados they are a legend, for this is the designated title of every Lancer Evolution engine of the last 15 years. But now there’s a new name in town, it’s called 4B11 and, in years to come, it will become as revered as its predecessor, for it is the designation of the all new engine used by the new Lancer Evolution. Although it retains the 2-litre, four cylinder, twin-cam, 16- only lighter as a result, but more compact, allowing it to be positioned 10mm lower than in the Lancer Evolution IX and so lowering the centre of gravity. Titanium Turbo Crucial to the effectiveness of any turbocharged engine is the speed at which the turbo can re­­­­spond, and by using a titanium turbine wheel in the turbocharger, response times have been improved by up to 18 per cent over the previous model. valve design architecture of its illustrious forebears, it is new, quite literally from the ground up. Most notable is that its block is now made from cast aluminium, saving 12.5kg but at the same time it produces more power (295hp at 6500rpm) and more torque (366Nm at 3500rpm) than the engine it replaces. It was designed to be in­­­­herently smooth-running, negating the need for the secondary balancer shafts found on the 4G63 and is not Highly effective: a titanium turbine wheel with aluminium compressor wheel. MIVEC continuous VVT system 35° change in exhaust cam angle At max. advance At max. retard At max. retard At max. advance Cam phase angle Advance chamber Retard chamber Valve overlap At max. retard At max. advance Intermediate position Crank angle 25° change in intake cam angle To increase accuracy and durability the new 4B11 employs a timing chain instead of a timing belt. The variable valve timing of the 4B11 changes the cam angles on the intake and exhaust cams, depending on engine speed and load. New cylinder head with double variable valve timing The 4B11 engine features a truly innovative aluminium cylinder head that helps to save weight and to improve cooling efficiency as well as fuel economy. Unlike its 4G63 predecessor, the new engine features direct valve activation rather than employing a rocker system to increase valve response, to improve the level of accuracy and reliability, and finally also to intake valve to maximise air volume in the combustion chamber. Similarly if optimal low speed torque is asked for, the intake valve timing is advanced while the exhaust valve timing is retarded. allow higher engine speeds. But most notable is that the famed Mitsubishi Innovative Valve timing Electronic Control (MIVEC) which continuously varies the valve timing now operates on the exhaust as well as the intake valves. This improves torque and output over the full rev range, especially in the lower and middle range. In normal driving, this ensures increased valve overlap to maximise fuel efficiency but as soon as more power is required, it will delay the closure of the
  • 21. 40 41 Twin clutch system The secret of the TC-SST is that it is effectively two three speed gearboxes – one for odd numbered gears and one for even ones – mounted on the same output shaft. New Lancer Evolution Lancer Evolution IX 5-speed M/T synchromesh comparison Single synchromesh Single synchromesh Multi- synchromesh (double) 4th5th 5th 4th Shift fork 4 Shift fork 3 No.2 clutch (even gears) No.1 clutch (odd gears) Centre differential Driving in 1st gear Driving in 2nd gear2nd gear pre-select Shift fork 2 Transfer gear Shift fork 1 Twin Clutch SST Twin Clutch SST shifting mechanism (from 1st to 2nd gear) Even gear input shaft Odd gear input shaft A toggle switch allows the driver to choose between Normal, Sport and Super Sport modes. Twin Clutch Sport Shift Transmission (TC-SST) Another all-new development for the Lancer Evolution is its Twin Clutch SST. This gearbox not only offers the best features of both automatic and manual transmissions: it exceeds them. Apart from the steering wheel-mounted paddles, it appears just like a conven- tional automatic: there are two pedals and a centre- console mounted gearshift. However the six speed TC- SST gearbox has no torque converter making it more efficient than a normal automatic. Instead it uses two clutches, one to engage the gear in use, the other to pre- select the next gear required. That way, when the command for the next gear is given either by the driver or, in automatic mode, by the on- board computer, the change takes place instantaneously. Automatic mode – activated when the gearshifter is in ‘D’ - leads to seamlessly smooth gearchanges, but also when the driver moves into manual mode, either by using the steering wheel paddles or moving the gear lever into its manual plane, the shift quality is both quicker and smoother than any human could manage. In addition to offering both manual and automatic gear selection, the TC-SST also offers three distinct driving modes, operated by a button located behind the gear stick. In ‘Normal’ mode, gears are changed as smoothly as possible at relatively low revs, to maximise comfort and economy. ‘Sport’ mode is ideal for spirited country driving and both quickens the shifts and raises change points. The ‘S-Sport’ (Super- Sport) mode is really intended for purely sporting environ- ments like race tracks and offers up the fastest con­ ceivable shift times while letting the engine reach peak revs between changes, never the well proven principle of using inverted strut front suspension and a multi-link rear axle, all aspects of its design from its geometry to its spring, damper and roll- bar rates have been rethought from scratch. World-leading Eibach springs complete with Bilstein dampers are used at each corner. At the front, the suspension has been modified to accom- modate the 18” Enkei wheels or even lighter BBS forged alloy wheels with their 245/40 section tyres while improving steering precision and, through the extensive use of aluminium, keeping unsprung weight – one of the greatest enemies of the chassis engineer – to a minimum. At the rear, forged aluminium is used for both the upper and lower arms while the entire assembly is more rigidly mounted to the car’s structure to improve handling response and minimise vibration. Combined with the Lancer Evolution’s added structural rigidity, this suspension system offers great wheel control, superb grip yet added ride comfort and refinement. falling below 4500 rpm in automatic mode. The TC-SST allows the driver to achieve the quickest possible accele­­­­ ration from rest, by removing human error and therefore consistently improving acceleration times. So if you can imagine the smoothest automatic gearbox and the quickest manual you can think of in the same car, you have an idea of what Mitsubishi’s TC-SST gearbox can achieve. The new Lancer Evolution is also available with a standard five speed manual gearbox designed to have a greater torque handling capacity than that in the car it replaces, combined with a more satisfying shift quality. Suspension Like the rest of the car, the suspension of the Lancer Evolution has been entirely revised. Although it follows Twin Clutch SST team: ‘Lightning-fast and seamless shifting feel.’ Steering wheel-mounted magnesium shift paddles. The five speed manual transmission of the new Lancer Evolu- tion uses multi-cone synchronizer rings for improved performance and durability. For a high-performance sedan to realize unrivalled handling and response it must have a superior suspen- sion system that provides the maximum tyre/surface contact and grip. The Lancer Evolution’s suspension system has been set up for outstanding cornering performance while at the same time delivering a quality of ride comfort that befits a new generation sports sedan. BBS forged alloy wheel.
  • 22. 42 43 Active Yaw ControlActive Centre Differential Active Stability Control Anti-lock Braking System Braking Acceleration from standstill Entering corner Pulling out of corner Oversteer Understeer component in operation Active Yaw Control AYC regulates the torque differential between the rear wheels to enhance cornering performance and traction. S-AWC System The S-AWC system provides three distinct strategies for the driver to choose between, for use when the car is being driven on snow, gravel or tarmac. Super All Wheel Control Super All Wheel Control (S-AWC) is a short name for a number of different electro­ nic and mechanical devices that work together to create the way the Lancer Evolution responds to the driver. It is no exaggeration to call this system unrivalled by any other in existence and it provides the latest Lancer Evolution with the ability to build further upon the already staggering dynamic reputation of the previous nine genera- tions of Lancer Evolution. Active Yaw Control (AYC) AYC remains a feature unique among road cars to the Lancer Evolution and has been developed further for this tenth generation. As in previous versions, an electronically controlled rear differential takes informa- tion about longitudinal and lateral acceleration, steering angle and wheel speed and apportions torque between the rear wheels according to need. In addition the new Lancer Evolution now has the ability to compare the attitude of the car to that As before, the S-AWC can be tailored to snow, gravel or tarmac surfaces at the flick of a switch. Active Centre Differential (ACD) At the heart of the S-AWC system lies an active centre differential. Unlike passive systems that react only to the detection of a loss of grip at either axle, the ACD also takes electronic information from the S-AWC system to determine the optimal torque split between the front and rear axles and distributes it via a hydraulic multi-plate clutch. intended by the driver and, using AYC, make the neces- sary adjustments to ensure the driver’s wishes are car- ried out. Active Stability Control (ASC) Using sensors located around the car, ASC allows wheel slip at either end of the car to be detected immediately and, by strategically applying each individual brake according to need, prevents a loss of control developing. The sys- tem is so swift to react and so smooth in its actions, the driver is often unaware of its operation. Sports ABS This system uses sensors at all four wheels to prevent wheels from locking even under the most extreme braking. The system has been designed to be as Active Centre Differential ACD regulates the speed differential between front and rear wheels to enhance steering response and traction. S-AWC indicator on Multi-information display. S-AWC’s vehicle dynamics control system CAN cable Electric lines Hydraulic lines ACD transfer Indicator ASC OFF switch ACD / AYC hydraulic unitSteering angle sensorWheel speed sensor AYC differential S-AWC mode selecter Engine TM TM ECU ETACS S-AWC ECU Engine ECU Integrated yaw G sensorASC / ABS hydraulic unit ECU S-AWC system ABS Active Stability Control (ASC) AYC (brake force control) AYC (lateral torque vectoring) Degreeofcontrol/benefit ACD Driving statusStable Critical Activation of S-AWC components non-intrusive as possible and comes complete with Electronic Brakeforce Distribution (EBD) that makes sure each wheel has the maximum possible braking power available at all times.
  • 23. 44 45 Roof Fenders Front bumper beam Engine bonnet Use of aluminium panels A V-shaped brace greatly increases the torsional stiffness of the body structure. Critically, the new Lancer Evolution also has a wheel- base that is 25mm longer than the Lancer Evolution IX and a track that is 30mm wider, offering yet more stable handling, better grip and improved ride comfort. Safety With the Lancer Evolution, safety is not something that’s been added, it’s been designed into the car at an almost molecular level. There is no more important responsibility for any car than to ensure the safety of its occupants and, as we shall see, whether you measure a car’s ability to avoid an accident or how it performs if the worst does happen, the new Lancer Evolution is one of the safest ultra-high performance cars ever made. Body and chassis The key to making any car handle properly is achiev- ing first class structural stiffness and the new Lancer Evolution is over 50 per cent stiffer than the Lancer Evo- lution IX, providing a superb platform for the suspension systems to work. This has been achieved through the use of high and super-high tensile steels in the car’s structure, to maximise rigid- ity while, at the same time, keeping weight gain to a minimum. Aluminium is used extensively in the construction of the new Lancer Evolution, with the roof, bonnet, front fenders and front and rear bumper beams being made from the ultra- light material. This serves not simply to keep weight to a minimum, but also to con- centrate mass in the centre of the car and keep the centre of gravity as low as possible which is also critical to creat- ing a great handling car. equipped with force limit- ers. For added pedestrian pro­­tection, the bonnet is now supported by a corrugated rather than a conventional beam structure to reduce injuries. Passive safety Like all Lancers, the new Lancer Evolution is built around Mitsubishi’s cut- ting edge RISE (Reinforced Impact Safety Evolution) monocoque structure. This massively strong assembly employs the strategic use of ultra-high tensile steels never seen before in any previous Lancer Evolution model to ensure maximum crash protection from the front, side and rear. The body is designed to direct impact forces away from the occupants and for the car’s extremities to deform in a pre-programmed manner while the passengers remain safe within a steel safety cell. As well as this structural strength, all new Lancer Evolutions come with seven airbags as standard – adding a driver’s knee airbag to go with the more usual front, side and curtain airbags, while the front seatbelts are both pre-tensioned and High rigidity body Functional air ducts in the aluminium bonnet. Seven airbags including a knee airbag as standard. Torsional rigidity +40% Flexural rigidity +60% (compared to Lancer Evolution IX) Red parts: specially reinforced parts for the new Lancer Evolution.
  • 24. 46 47 Undercover Transfer cooling airflow Brake cooling airflow The airflow underneath the front of the car. Bi-xenon headlamps with cornering lamps. Bonnet air intake Bonnet air outlet Fender vent Fenders Side skirt Large rear spoiler Rear combination lamp units Front edge of engine bonnet Lower surface of front bumper Front wheel arch rear lip Front wheel arch airdam Body parts with aerodynamic properties The Lancer Evolution’s body has been developed to realize superior overall aerodynamic performance both in terms of air resistance and downforce. styled to decrease drag and lift. Underneath the car, air is channelled by diffusers to increase downforce and therefore grip and stability at high speeds while, at the back, the substantial rear spoiler also plays an important part in maintaining the car’s aero- dynamic balance and handling consistency at all speeds. On its way past the car, the airflow is also used to help Airflow design From front to back, every surface of the new Lancer Evolution, including the one you can’t see under the car, has been designed to exploit the air flowing over it. At the front, large air-intakes ensure the engine receives the cooling it needs while the whole front bumper is extract hot air from under the bonnet, cool the brakes, further reduce drag and lift and cool the car’s trans- mission. Even the exhaust system has been strategi- cally located so as to ensure the most aerodynamically efficient exit path for the engine gases. Active safety At a fundamental level, the Lancer Evolution’s speed, agility and all-wheel drive system gives it a huge ad- vantage over conventional cars when it comes to avoid- ing accidents. In addition to this, all the functions of the S-AWC system discussed earlier do not merely make the car more fun to drive, they also make it far easier to control in an emergency situation. And when it comes to the simple business of slowing the car, the Lancer Evolu- illu­minate your direction of travel during manoeuvring at speeds below 100km/h, depending on the steering angle. tion has some of the best equipment in the world to help, in the shape of massive Brembo brakes. With 350mm venti­­­lated discs with four piston calipers at the front and 330mm items at the rear (up from, respectively, 330 and 310mm for the Lancer Evolution IX), the new Lancer Evolution offers massive stopping power even before electronic safety systems like S-ABS and EBD need to be triggered. Another active safety feature is bi-xenon headlamps with cornering lamps which The new Lancer Evolution offers massive stopping power.
  • 25. 48 CHAPTER FIVE Natural selection What’s 295hp without feet on the pedals? What’s S-AWC without two hands clasped around the steering wheel? A driver’s car without a driver? Nothing. The Lancer Evolution is a car meant for enthusiasts – built by and for passionate people. Men and women who appreciate every single second in their Lancer Evolution. Time to introduce some of those Evoists. Name: Uwe Nittel Age: 38 Place of residence: Adelmannsfelden, Germany Occupation: Rally driver My Lancer Evolution: “The Lancer Evolution has become a part of me since 1995 and I’ve achieved a lot of success in my sport with it. I trust it, both professionally and privately.” Best thing about the Lancer Evolution? “Performance, dynamics and safety are the features that make the Lancer Evolution the ultimate driving machine. What I love about the Lancer Evolution, is the good inclination of performance. It has an incredibly powerful torque band, starting already in the low end torque. The Lancer Evolution is the personification of reliability. It’s simple to handle, flashy and fast in all ways.” Most memorable Lancer Evolution moment? “During a gravel test in the south of France in the spring of 1996, it was my job to test the Lancer Evolution under the hardest conditions close “It’s simple to handle, flashy and fast in all ways” to and over the limit. I tested the car for 3 days as a preparation for the world championship rally season of 1996. To me it was unbelievable how stable and robust it could be. This experience was the foundation for my lasting trust in the Lancer Evolution.” Extra remarks: “With the new dual clutch transmission in the new Lancer Evolution, Mitsubishi takes a trend setting step into the future and sets high standards for the competition.”
  • 26. Name: Rachel Chandler Age: 38 Place of residence: Gloucestershire, England Occupation: Traffic Police Officer Biggest passions and/or favourite free time activities: “My biggest passion is driving. I relish the challenge of driving different sorts of vehicles on different sorts of terrains. My most unusual vehicle driven was a fully tracked Snowcat in the Gloucestershire floods of 2007.” Most memorable Lancer Evolution moment: “I have had many memorable Lancer Evolution moments. Most of these are when members of the public drive stupidly and erratically and I know that the next thing they see when they look in their rear view mirror is me right up behind them. They do not escape from being prosecuted.” What I did or would do to personalize my Lancer Evolution: “I would like full harnesses in the car. Often our pursuits are on the back roads and we get thrown around a lot. I also feel that a lighting pod would be good because at night often my speed is faster than the headlights can illuminate the road.” Name: Gavin Crozier Age: 46 Place of residence: Gloucestershire, England Occupation: Traffic Police Officer Favourite place for driving: “Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire England. It has many good, open and demanding roads as well as hazards to negotiate.” Best thing about the Lancer Evolution: “ Its amazing acceleration and handling: It’s the closest you can get to driving a motorcycle.” Extra remark: “This was the Gloucestershire Police’s best ever investment in a vehicle and has been able to send a message to the criminal fraternity that they will not be able to evade capture and prosecution” “The criminal fraternity will not be able to evade capture and prosecution” Name: Steve Woodward Age: 43 Place of residence: Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England Occupation: IT Assistant My Lancer Evolutions: “Lancer Evolution VIII (FQ300), an Evolution VIII (MR FQ340) and now a Evo IX (MR FQ 360). Needless to say bring on the new Lancer Evolution, I can’t wait to see what it has to offer.” Biggest passions and/or favourite pastime activities: “A large part of my life is taken up with my primary passion of Wing Chun Kung Fu, a Chinese martial art famously trained by Bruce Lee.” Best thing about the Lancer Evolution: “The Lancer Evolution fulfils all of my needs and it does everything that I want it to do extremely well. Lancer Evolution ownership is like being part of an elite club which means you have friends everywhere that have a common passion. I feel privileged to be able to drive a Lancer Evolution whenever I want.” What I did to personalize my Lancer Evolution: “My current car is still very new and has a lot of items that I would have bought if keeping my previous “Lancer Evolution ownership is like being part of an elite club” model. However I can see in the future that I may wish to enhance it more and on the list would predominantly be performance parts like new wheels and tyres, an induction kit, ECU upgrade, turbo boost controller and upgraded suspension and brake calipers / discs.” Most memorable Evo moment? “My first ever test drive of an Evolution because that is what started my passion!”
  • 27. Name: Helmut Wendel Age: 41 Place of residence: Darmstadt, Germany Occupation: Assistant Manager, Overall Vehicle Testing, Mitsubishi Motor RD Europe Favourite place for driving: “Small handling tracks with rally characteristics, most preferably covered with gravel or snow.” Most memorable Lancer Evolution moment: “So many moments with the car, but most memorable were the two years working together with Mr. Evolution, Hiroshi Fujii.” What I did to personalize my Lancer Evolution: “If I would own a Lancer Evolution, I would try to get signatures on the bonnet from all my colleagues involved in the development of this car.” Extra remarks: “Now, after the development of the new Lancer Evolution is done, I am looking forward to start up the development for the next generation. Trying my best to bring even bigger Evo-smiles on our customers’ faces.” Name: Ralph Hoffmann Age: 58 Place of residence: Wiesbaden, Germany Occupation: Manager Function Testing, Mitsubishi Motor RD Europe My Lancer Evolution: “During my activities for MRDE it was my task to evaluate and tune the driving performance of many Lancer Evolution generations. That gives me the opportunity to observe every new development.” What I did or would do to personalize my Lancer Evolution: “I believe the new Lancer Evolution is an allround highly-developed and sporty sedan. Therefore I would not make any modifications. Only an engine with an even higher performance would be suitable.” Extra remark: “Looking ahead I see a challenge to develop the new Lancer Evolution generation to the next level with new technologies and with the goal to reach continuous technical innovations for the generations to come.” “I try my best to bring even bigger Evo-smiles on our customers’ faces.” Name: Jackie Chan Age: 53 Place of residence: Hong Kong Occupation: Actor, director, producer, singer, businessman, philanthropist My Lancer Evolution: “I’ve owned three or four generations of the Lancer Evolution. The one that I own now is a special Jackie Chan Edition which I helped design.” Biggest passions and/or favourite pastime activities: “I love making films, spending time with friends, and of course driving! When I’m not working, my biggest passion is my charity work. My Dragon’s Heart Foundation builds schools in remote areas of China and I travel to these locations when I’m not filming. For me, charity work is the best way to spend my free time.” Best thing about the Lancer Evolution: “The Lancer Evolution can either be a gentleman or a devil. It’s classy looking but it’s also powerful like a sports car. It’s a Mitsubishi and it’s the fulfilment of all the things I like most in a car.” “It’s a Mitsubishi and it’s the fulfilment of all the things I like most in a car” What I did to personalize my Lancer Evolution: “My Special Edition Jackie Chan Lancer Evolution IX has a customized bonnet, side doors, engine accents, seat covers, wheels, etc. My ‘Dragon logo’ is used to make the car uniquely ‘Jackie’.” Extra remarks: “I’ve been working with Mitsubishi for over 30 years and the reason for this is that I believe in their product. They have supported me with vehicles for my movies and I have given them my loyalty.”
  • 28. Power of movement Lancer Evolution. The perfect name for a car that morphed from a mainstream mass production sedan when first launched in Japan in 1992, into a fierce, purpose-built rally weapon and has relentlessly become faster and more focussed with every passing year. Indeed in its tenth iteration, the Lancer Evolution has taken another momentous step, transcending its role as Mitsubishi’s rallying warrior and maturing into a sophisticated high-performance sedan, as capable of tackling everyday life as it is attacking the Col du Turini. CHAPTER SIX 55
  • 29. Our Lancer Evolutions are making quite a spectacle as we power through the gloom At the heart of our route is Black Mountain. It sounds like a foreboding place straight out of Tolkien’s ‘Lord of the Rings’ and looks like it when there’s a bank of brooding rain clouds fast approaching the crags and jagged pine-topped ridges of this remote area of the Brecon Beacons National Park. Yet it’s also a place of rare colour and beauty: a palette of greens, blacks, greys dappled with flashes of burnt browns and rich yellows, that stretch to the sky. It’s a scene punctuated by It’s to another location steeped in rallying history that we’ve come to test the new Lancer Evolution. As the modern home of Great Britain’s World Rally Championship round, Wales boasts the fast forest tracks that provide the world’s best rally drivers with a unique and unforgiving challenge, while the endlessly varied and often deserted public roads that criss-cross the rugged region are something mere mortals can enjoy. broad blocks of dark, impen- etrable pine forests, the oc- casional shimmering stream and, most excitingly, solitary and seemingly endless rib- bons of tarmac that wind and jump tantalisingly in and out of view on their course to the horizon. If you’re lucky enough to be in a Lancer Evolution, it’s a driver’s paradise. Actually we have two new Lancer Evolutions: one equipped with Mitsubishi’s new six speed Twin Clutch 56
  • 30. It’s in these situations that S-AWC comes into its own various dynamic components – Active Yaw Control (AYC), Ac- tive Centre Differential (ACD), Active Stability Control (ASC) and Sports Anti-lock Braking System (S-ABS) – and builds a precise picture of how close you are to reaching the limits of cornering and braking, or by how far you have overstepped the mark. Then, and all within tiny, imperceptible fractions of a second, it will divert torque or apply braking to individual wheels to tidy your trajectory or help you regain control. Sport Shift Transmission (TC- SST) with shift paddles, the other with a five speed manual gearbox. It’s going to be fasci- nating to see how they tackle Black Mountain, and how the new Lancer Evolution’s totally redesigned all-wheel drive chassis copes with the challenges ahead. This also applies to the new Super All Wheel Control (S-AWC) sys- tem. This complex integrated control system continuously takes information from the new Lancer Evolution’s It is this unique synthesis of mechanical and electronic driving aids that gives the new Lancer Evolution a feel unlike any other car on sale. For now though it’s time to enjoy more simple pleasures. Our pair of Lancer Evolutions make quite a spectacle as we power through the gloom. Their bright headlights reflecting in the road’s wet sheen, plumes of spray lifting as we cut through deep puddles of standing water. 59
  • 31. 60 Lancer Evolution’s progress. It’s also a strange sensation to be enjoying the tactility and feedback from the powerful Brembo brakes and precise, responsive steering first hand, yet also seeing the experience played out before you (or be- hind you) like a movie. Broad and muscular, yet compact enough to make sense on tight, twisty roads, the new Lancer Evolution is supremely suited to the conditions. With plenty of smooth, progressive power on-tap from the lighter, Out here in the wilds of Wales there’s gravel too, which gives us the perfect excuse to switch the all-wheel drive system’s differential settings from ‘Tarmac’ to ‘Gravel’ mode via a switch on the centre console (MR version) or mounted on the steering wheel (GSR version), underlining the feeling that whatever you throw at it, the new Lancer Evolution has the answer. Whether leading or following, it’s huge fun to watch the other cleaner, all-new, all-alloy 2.0-litre turbocharged MIVEC engine you can choose to enjoy the Lancer Evolution’s broad spread of torque, or drop a gear or two and unleash all 295hp. Unsurprisingly we’re having a fantastic time, but on these difficult and unforgiving roads it pays to remember that there’s always the possibility of an unseen crest, standing water or a tricky, tightening corner. It’s in these situations Time and technology have certainly broadened the Lancer Evolution’s everyday suitability 60 61
  • 32. 62 63 that is exactly how the Lancer Evolution encourages you to drive on the road. Driven thus there can surely be no swifter or safer way to slice along such a demanding stretch of road. Yet were you to take it to a track and really throw it around, you know the Lancer Evolution would indulge its driver, respond like a true thoroughbred while always keeping a watchful eye open for that moment when the driver’s enthusiasm extends further than his talent. that S-AWC comes into its own. It’s like having an invisible expert riding alongside you, a confidence-inspiring friend to smooth your inputs and hone your progress. Of course it’s not a licence to abandon com- mon sense – indeed if you get too ragged or overly ambitious S-AWC emphatically stamps its authority – and with time you realise that the most fun and the quickest, safest way from point to point is to drive smoothly and deftly, not by being overly aggressive. And But back on the mountain, the Lancer Evolution is revealing more of its strengths. The all- new Twin Clutch SST delivers breathtakingly smooth and rapid shifts, not to mention uncannily intuitive progress when used in automatic mode. It uses two clutches, one to engage the gear in use, the other to pre-select the next gear to be required. S-AWC employs incredibly complex electronics to deliver a subtle, safe and supremely organic- feeling experience. Yet despite Confidently battling through fast terrains and foul weather
  • 33. 64 65 It’s the Lancer Evolution’s sense of completeness that leaves the most enduring impression rocket out of a tight corner, or feeling the S-AWC trim your line as the car flows across fast and flowing terrain, it always feels at home, in and under control. Time and technology have certainly broadened the new Lancer Evolution’s everyday versatil- ity, but still if you show this latest generation Lancer Evolution an amazing road, it will deliver you an amazing experience in return. Deliver- ing an experience few cars at any price can deliver, every these exceptional elements it’s not one single facet that stands out, rather it’s the Lancer Evolution’s sense of cohesion and completeness – not to mention its towering point-to-point performance - that leaves the most enduring impression. Perhaps the best way of conveying the feeling is to say that the new Lancer Evolution always feels in its element. It doesn’t matter if you’re using the all-wheel drive system to time you climb aboard the Lancer Evolution and head off down a favourite road, it creates the impression that Mitsubishi’s engineers have been down the same stretch of tarmac and tailored the car precisely to its requirements. They didn’t of course, but that all-round ability is the magic that has defined the Lancer Evolution breed since its incep- tion 16 years ago. And now it has been reborn on a new plane: faster, more enjoyable and safer than ever before. 65
  • 34. 66 CHAPTER SEVEN Evolutionary psychology The Lancer Evolution’s interior is characterized by clean and crisp surfaces, it’s free of superfluous gimmicks, only using high-quality materials and is marked by careful attention to detail. Some of these details merit special attention. Not only because of the innovations in the areas of safety, comfort and technology but also because they just look beautiful. Split second shifting The Twin Clutch Sport Shift Transmission (TC-SST) can be operated manually using the lightweight magnesium shift paddles mounted on the steering column. The paddles allow the driver to shift between gears without taking his hands off the steering wheel. Changing gears manually using the shift paddles is possible even when the TC-SST is switched to automatic mode.
  • 35. 68 69 Concert hall on wheels Fitted as standard to all Lancer Evolution MR models is the Rockford Fosgate premium sound system, capable of reproducing music at outstanding quality that has rightly won universal praise. The system uses a 650-Watt 8-channel power amplifier and nine speakers including a subwoofer in the rear to deliver awesome high-fidelity sound. It’s assisted by the use of acoustic and damping material to seal off openings inside the doors and turn them into speaker boxes. The layout for the premium sound system was carefully planned at the start of the car’s development and design process. Thanks to the DSP (Digital Signal Processor) the system delivers crystal-clear clarity, concert hall-like sound and awesome deep bass notes. Gigabytes of functions and fun The Lancer Evolution MR models also feature the Mitsubishi Multi Communication System with HDD navigation and music server with a 30Gb hard disk. The 7-inch LCD screen offers excellent clarity and touchscreen convenience while the controls of the unit are readily accessible for optimum ease of use. The system’s large capacity hard drive offers ultra- fast search and route-finding capabilities. It also provides a wide range of entertainment sources: FM/AM radio, DVD drive (CD/CD-R/CD-RW/DVD video compatible) and a music server with a capacity to store up to 2,000 tracks. The latter also boasts a CD database music recognition service that supports MP3/WMA players, which can be directly connected to the system via an auxiliary input port in the front centre console. The steering wheel features remote controls for the audio system and Bluetooth hands-free telephone operation.
  • 36. 70 The perfect seats The front seats in the new Lancer Evolution have once again been developed by Recaro — a company with a legendary reputation for making seats that provide excellent body location and support. The new Recaro seats guarantee to keep your body safely and comfortably positioned in all circumstances – even when you’re driving on a race track. Yet they are also extremely safety conscious offering robust construction and side airbag compatibility. But these seats are not just designed to keep you firmly in place during extreme cornering – they are also unfailingly comfortable over long journeys. When you arrive at your destination still feeling fresh and without any aches or pain, you’ll know these seats don’t just look good – in all respects they are among the best in the business.
  • 37. 72 73 CHAPTER EIGHT REVIEWS In a constant stream of new cars introduced yearly, the Lancer Evolution has always been one of the most eagerly awaited. With the arrival of the new Lancer Evolution, the hearts of motoring journalists around the world are starting to beat faster and faster. Everyone’s waiting to test drive the most anticipated car of 2008. A happy few already have. Here’s a compilation of their reactions. “EXPLOSIVE - Mitsubishi has retained the explosive performance while adding a new-found level of refinement.” Source: evo (UK) “FINE-TUNED FOUR WHEEL DRIVE - Almost without any understeer the Mitsubishi cuts through every corner.” Source: Autobild (Germany) “WORLD-BEATER - The Evo’s looks, performance and high-tech chassis should deliver the most sensational Evo yet.” Source: Car Magazine (UK) “IMPRESSIVE - Scalpel-sharp handling, astonishing grip, strong linear performance and a twin-clutch gearbox that shifts amazingly quickly. A more accessible, user-friendly Evo, and all the more rapid as a result.” Source: Autocar (UK) “EVO REVOLUTION - The wildest, grippiest, most awesome Evo they’ve ever made.” Source: Front (UK) “DIAMOND FEVER - Mitsubishi, the brand with the logo sporting three diamonds, has introduced a new edition of the Lancer Evolution. The four-wheel-drive sports sedan should make the hearts of fans beat faster, starting this spring.” Source: Autozeitung (Germany) “GOING FAST - The new Evo spills not even a single brake horsepower. The entire power span is translated effectively into speed – whether it’s in a straight line or through a corner. This car has only one goal: going fast. With the new Evo, Mitsubishi once again shows the world what it’s capable of.” Source: Autovisie (The Netherlands) EVO Autobild car autocar front autozeitung autovisie
  • 38. 74 75 CHAPTER NINE Varieties of species The tenth iteration of the Lancer Evolution is more versatile and more complete than ever before. The eight chapters prior to this one focused on almost all aspects. But still not everything has been covered. There is more to tell. Trim levels, equipment, colours, accessories, technical specifications, dimensions... In Varieties of Species you’ll find an overview of everything that goes into the new Lancer Evolution. GSR Key features • Front grille with silver mesh and chrome frame • Colour-keyed air inlet and outlets on bonnet and colour-keyed air outlets on fenders • 18” BBS forged alloy wheels • Brembo disc brakes 350mm 4-pot (2-piece, front) and 330mm 2-pot (rear) • Upgraded high performance suspension - Eibach upgraded springs (front rear) - Bilstein upgraded shock absorbers (front rear) • Twin-Clutch Sport Shift Transmission (TC-SST) • Leather wrapped steering wheel with - Bluetooth hands-free controls - Audio remote controls - Cruise control • Active Centre Differential (ACD) switch on centre console • Recaro bucket seats, leather/alcantara type, with front seat heating • Mitsubishi Multi Communication System with HDD navigation with music server, AM/FM radio and CD/DVD/MP3 player (30GB, touch screen, TMC) • Rockford Fosgate premium audio system with 9 speakers and 650W amplifier • Keyless Operation System (KOS) • Silencer upgrade Key features • Front grille with black mesh and black frame • Black air inlet and outlets on bonnet and black air outlets on fenders • 18” ENKEI alloy wheels • Brembo disc brakes 350mm 4-pot (front) and 330mm 2-pot (rear) • Aluminium rear spoiler • Black air diffuser in the rear • Chrome plated large dual exhaust pipes • Bi-xenon headlamps with cornering lamps and headlamp washers • Super All-Wheel Control (S-AWC) • Twin-Clutch Sport Shift Transmission (TC-SST) or Manual Transmission • Leather wrapped steering wheel with Active Centre Differential (ACD) switch • Aluminium pedals • Recaro bucket seats, fabric type • Keyless entry system MR
  • 39. 76 77 3 4 5 6 1 2 Model GSR MR 1 Cool Silver (M) A31 ● ● 2 Lightning Blue (P) D06 ● ● 3 Stone Grey (P) A39 ● ● 4 Phantom Black (P) U02 ● ● 5 Frost White (S) W37 ● ● 6 Orient Red (M) P26 ● ● EXTERIOR COLOURS ● available (M) Metallic (S) Solid (P) Mica/Pearl
  • 40. 78 79 STANDARD EQUIPMENT Model GSR MR Safety and Security Driver’s and front passenger’s SRS dual stage front airbags (with cut-off switch for passenger) ● ● Driver’s and front passenger’s SRS side airbags ● ● Curtain airbags for first and second row ● ● Driver’s knee airbag ● ● Sports ABS (Anti-lock Braking System) with Electronic Brake-force Distribution (EBD) and Brake Assist (BA) ● ● Active Stability and Traction Control (ASTC) with switch-off function ● ● Front 3-point ELR seatbelts with force-limiter and pretensioner x2 ● ● Second row 3-point ELR/ALR seatbelt x3 ● ● Seat belt warning (visually and acoustically) ● ● Tether anchor for ISO-FIX child seat x2 (for second row seat) ● ● Reinforced Impact Safety Evolution (RISE) body ● ● Height adjustable seat belt anchors for front seats ● ● Front strut tower bar ● ● Emergency door unlock system ● ● Exterior 18” ENKEI alloy wheels with 245/70R18 tyres ● - 18” BBS forged alloy wheels with 245/70R18 tyres - ● Black beltline moulding ● - Chrome beltline moulding - ● Front grille with black mesh and black frame ● - Front grille with silver mesh and chrome frame - ● Black air inlet and outlets on bonnet and black air outlets on fenders ● - Colour-keyed air inlet and outlets on bonnet and colour-keyed air outlets on fenders - ● Colour-keyed electronically controlled door mirrors with defoggers ● ● Chrome plated large dual exhaust pipes ● ● Black air diffuser in the rear ● ● Aluminium rear spoiler ● ● Interior Leather wrapped steering wheel and shift knob ● ● Leather wrapped hand brake - ● Key cylinder illumination ● - High contrast meter panel ● ● Magnesium shift paddles for Twin-Clutch Sport Shift Transmission (TC-SST) ● ● Aluminium sport pedals (throttle, brake, clutch) ● ● Cooled glove box ● ● Floor console box with centre armrest ● ● Front passenger’s vanity mirror ● ● Front cup holders with lid x2 ● ● 12V socket in centre console ● ● Metallic pattern interior decoration panel ● ● Air outlet panels with chrome accent ● ● Model GSR MR Comfort Cruise control (including steering wheel remote control switches) - ● Multi-mode keyless entry system with two transmitters ● - Keyless Operation System (KOS) with two transmitters - ● Indicator with comfort mode ● ● Height adjustable steering wheel ● ● Fully automatic air-conditioning ● ● Auto-light and rain sensor with auto variable intermittent wipers ● ● Front and rear anti-trapping power windows ● ● Heat reflecting green glass for all windows ● ● Audio and Communication AM/FM radio, CD player, MP3 compatible, 6 speakers ● - Rockford Fosgate premium audio system with 9 speakers, 650W amplifier - ● Mitsubishi Multi Communication System with HDD navigation and music server, AM/FM radio, CD/DVD/MP3 player (30GB, touch screen, TMC) - ● Audio remote control on steering wheel - ● Bluetooth hands-free car kit (including voice control and steering wheel remote control switches) - ● Trip computer LCD type ● ● Aux plug plus video - ● Seats Recaro full bucket seats ● ● Black Fabric seats and black leather door trim ● - Black Leather/Alcantara seats with front seat heating and black leather door trim - ● Second row seats - Centre armrest with two integrated cup holders ● ● - Height adjustable headrest x3 (rear) ● ● Light and Visibility Bi-xenon headlamps with cornering lamps and headlamp washers (pop-up type) ● ● Headlamp auto-levelling ● ● Front fog lamps and rear fog lamp ● ● Front room lamp with delay function and map lamp ● ● Rear room lamp and cargo room lamp ● ● Performance and Handling Front 350mm ventilated discs, 4-pot (Brembo) ● - Front 350mm ventilated discs, 4-pot, 2-piece (Brembo) - ● Rear 330mm ventilated drum-in-discs, 2-pot (Brembo) ● ● Eibach high performance springs (front rear) - ● Bilstein high performance suspensions (front rear) - ● Active differential switch on steering wheel ● - Active differential switch in centre console - ● Super All-Wheel Control (S-AWC) ● ● ● Standard - Not available
  • 41. 80 81 4505 935920 1810 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 140 equipment highlights 2 Rockford Fosgate premium audio system with 9 speakers and 650W amplifier 3 Leather wrapped steering wheel with audio re- mote control switches and Bluetooth hands-free car kit with voice control 4 Aluminium bonnet with air inlet and outlets 5 Aluminium rear spoiler 6 Mitsubishi Multi Communication System with HDD navigation and music server, AM/FM radio and CD/DVD/MP3 player (30GB, touch screen, TMC) 7 Chrome plated large dual exhaust pipes with black air diffuser 8 18” BBS forged alloy wheels with air outlets 9 Chrome plated entry guards 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Model Lancer Evolution GSR MR 5 M/T TC-SST TC-SST Engine Type 2.0 litre 16-valve DOHC MIVEC with Intercooler and Turbocharger Total displacement cc 1998 Emission level Euro-4 Max. output (EEC net) kW (hp) / rpm 217 (295) / 6500 Max. torque (EEC net) Nm / rpm 366 / 3500 Fuel system Fuel supply equipment Electronically controlled direct injection Fuel type (octane) Premium Unleaded / RON98 Fuel tank capacity lit 55 Transmission Clutch 5-speed manual 6-speed Twin Clutch SST Gear ratio 1st 2.857 3.655 2nd 1.950 2.368 3rd 1.444 1.754 4th 1.096 1.322 5th 0.761 1.008 6th - 0.775 Reverse 2.892 4.011 Final 4.687 4.062 Drive system Full-time 4WD Performance Acceleration (0-100km/h) sec 5.4 6.3 Max. speed* km/h 240 242 Minimum turning radius m 5.9 Fuel consumption Urban lit/100km 13.6 13.9 Extra urban lit/100km 8.3 8.5 Combined lit/100km 10.2 10.5 CO2, combined g/km 243 250 Suspensions Front McPherson strut - upside down Rear Multi-link Brakes Front 350 mm ventilated discs, 4-pot (Brembo) 350 mm ventilated discs, 4-pot, 2-piece (Brembo) Rear 330 mm ventilated drum-in-discs, 2-pot (Brembo) Steering Type Rack-and-pinion (electric power-assisted) Loads Kerb weight kg 1560 1590 1600 Gross vehicle weight kg 2040 Seating capacity persons 5 4505 140 935920 4505 140 935920 * Measured by Mitsubishi Motors Corporation All measurements in millimetres 1 Bi-xenon headlamps with cornering lamps and headlamp washers (pop-up type)
  • 42. 82 83 PIMP your ride 1 Handbrake lever - Alloy/leather wrapped with Lancer Evolution logo 2 Rear corner extension kit - Reduces aerodynamic drag (CD) by 0.3% 3 Exhaust heat shield kit - Stainless steel decoration plates with Ralliart logo 4 Rear spoiler extension - 5kgf downforce (front - 1kgf) at 100 km/h and 16kgf downforce (front -4kgf) at 180 km/h 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 Brake air duct - For enhanced front brake cooling 6 Front airdam - 6kgf downforce (rear -2kgf) at 100 km/h and 19kgf downforce (rear -7kgf) at 180 km/h 7 Gear shift knob - Alloy/leather wrapped with Lancer Evolution logo Side airdam shown in main image reduces aerodynamic drag (CD) by 0.8%. For more accessories available, please see the Accessories catalogue.
  • 43. 84 85 More than 2500 Mitsubishi Motors Authorised Service Points in Europe are committed to helping you wherever you are. PROFESSIONAL SERVICING Even new cars require regular maintenance and servicing. Not just to guarantee your mobility, but also for the safety of you and your passengers. Trained professionals using specialist diagnostic equipment and original parts at your Mitsubishi Authorised Service Point are ready to oblige. You’ll be advised about the cost beforehand, so there will be no unpleasant surprises when you return to pick up your vehicle. MITSUBISHI MOTORS GENUINE PARTS Even the smallest technical faults can lead to accidents. Therefore, all Mitsubishi Motors genuine parts have been developed and tested to stringent quality standards. It is recommended to use Mitsubishi Motors Genuine Parts in order to maintain the safety and integrity of your vehicle and that of your passengers. Mitsubishi Motors Genuine Parts are available at all Mitsubishi Authorized Service Points. We are proud to regularly score top in After Sales quality surveys. COMPREHENSIVE WARRANTY – OBVIOUSLY All new Mitsubishi vehicles come standard with a com­ prehensive 3-year warranty up to a maximum of 100,000 km (61,000 miles), whichever comes first. The anti-corrosion perforation warranty covers rusting through for the first 12 years, depending on the model you purchase. The reliability statistics for Mitsubishi vehicles are impeccable, but in the unlikely event that you do need help, we offer MAP. MAP - FREE BREAKDOWN ASSISTANCE In order to demonstrate our commit-ment to your mobility and the faith we have in the reliability of our vehicles, you will receive a free MAP card valid for three years with your new Mitsubishi. MAP stands for Mitsubishi Motors Assist­ ance Package, and with the MAP card in your pocket, your mobility is guaranteed in more than 30 countries throughout Europe. Should you ever need assistance in the event of breakdown, accident, theft or vandalism – wherever you are, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – just call the number on your card and the problem will be fixed on the spot. If it’s more serious, your car will be taken to the nearest Mitsubishi dealer and you’ll be offered services such as a hotel, continuation of journey, a replacement car and vehicle repatriation. And if you continue to have your vehicle serviced at a Mitsubishi Authorised Service Point after the first three years, your mobility will be guaranteed for an additional year or up to the next service interval (whichever comes first) until your vehicle is 10 years old. DRIVESTYLE Accessories by Mitsubishi Motors - everything’s got “Drivestyle”. They are the perfect products for your car’s individuality. It’s the style that goes with the sensation. Drivestyle is the individual enhancement of your Mitsubishi. It covers all your car care needs: from Wax Shampoo and Polish to Wheel Rim Gel, from Cockpit Lotion to Leather Treatment and from Insect Remover to Screen Wash - all have been produced using new ingredients designed specifically for your new Mitsubishi. They’ll ensure it looks, feels and smells brand new for years to come. Please ask your Mitsubishi Authorised Sales/Service point for the Drivestyle Car Care brochure containing more detailed information. AUTO-LIGHT AND RAIN SENSOR The auto-light sensor au­ tomatically activates the headlamps as soon as it gets dark. The rain sensor activates the windshield wipers auto­ matically when moisture is detected on the windshield. KEYLESS ENTRY SYSTEM Makes it possible to lock and unlock the doors and trunk, and to close the windows with the remote key. KEYLESS OPERATION SYSTEM The clever keyless entry and start system allows you to open the front doors and trunk, and start the engine, without the key leaving your pocket. INDICATOR WITH COMFORT MODE When the indicator lever is tapped briefly, the indica­ tor will flash three times and then stop - allowing you to concentrate on manoeuvring and therefore making driving easier and safer. OPEN DOOR ALARM If any door is still open while the car is moving, a buzzer will alert you. HEADLAMP AUTO-OFF FUNCTION After you have turned off the ignition and got out of the car, the headlamps are automati­ cally switched off, prevent­ ing the battery from being drained. POWER WINDOW TIMER After taking the key from the ignition, the windows may still be opened and closed from inside for up to 30 seconds. SPEED SENSITIVE WIPERS When the front wiper is set to intermittent, a speed sensor changes the wiper interval to suit the car’s speed for better visibility. Mitsubishi Motors’ customizable Electronic Total Automobile Control System (ETACS) allows you to personalize the operation of a wide range of features for added safety, comfort and convenience. Certain ETACS comfort functions can be customized either by yourself or by your Mitsubishi Motors dealer. For a complete list of ETACS functions, please consult your Mitsubishi Motors dealer or refer to your owner’s manual. RECYCLING OF OLD VEHICLES It is our duty to protect the environment. Mitsubishi Motors designs and produces high quality vehicles and components aiming to provide its customers with durable motor vehicles, and excellent services to maintain your vehicle in an optimum running condition. We have the highest respect for the environment and use materials which may be recycled and re-used after your Mitsubishi Motors vehicle has come to the end of its economical life. After a long working life we will take your vehicle back and recycle it in an environ mentally friendly manner in accordance with the EU Directive on End-of-Life Vehicles and any applicable national statutory provisions. All Mitsubishi Motors vehicles (up to 3.5t GVW) sold after 1st July 2002, will be taken back free of charge from the last owner, at one of the designated take back points, provided the vehicle contains all major components and is free of waste. From 1st January 2007, this applies to all Mitsubishi Motors vehicles irrespective of the sold date. A network of collection points is available to receive Mitsubishi Motors End-of-Life Vehicles, to ensure your vehicle will be recycled in an environmentally friendly manner. At the same time, the possibilities for the recycling of vehicles and vehicle components are continually being evaluated and improved, aiming to the achievement of even higher recycling percentages in the future. The European End-of-Life Vehicles Directive and the free take back of End-of-life Vehicles is applicable in all European Union member states. The transposition of the End-of-Life Vehicles Directive into National law in each member state might not have been completed at the time of putting this publication to print. Please refer to and select the web site of the Mitsubishi Motors service network in your country of residence, or call the National Mitsubishi Motors Customer Assistance Center for further details. OUTSTANDING AFTER SALES FOR CAREFREE MOTORINGETACS, YOUR PERSONALIZED ASSISTANT
  • 44. 86 87 Index 1/1 model..........................................................11 4B11............................................................38, 39 Accessories.................................................82, 83 Acropolis Rally............................................19, 22 Active Centre Differential (ACD).................42, 59 Active safety......................................................46 Active Stability Control (ASC)...........23, 42, 43, 59 Active Yaw Control (AYC)..................23, 42, 43, 59 Airbags..............................................................45 Air duct........................................................12, 44 Airflow.............................................................. 47 Aluminium panels ............................................44 BBS.............................................................41, 80 Bilstein dampers...............................................41 Bi-xenon headlamps...................................46, 80 Body and chassis..............................................44 Brembo............................................................ 46 Clay model..................................................10, 11 Colt 1000F...................................................18, 20 Colt Galant 1.6L GS...........................................20 Cowan, Andrew.................................................20 Design proposal............................................9, 10 Dimensional views............................................81 Differential settings ...................................42, 60 Driving modes.............................................40, 41 East Africa Safari Rally...............................16, 20 Eibach...............................................................41 Electronic Brakeforce Distribution (EBD)....43, 46 Electronic Total Automobile Control System (ETACS).................................................84 Engine performance curve...............................36 Enkei.................................................................41 Equipment...................................................78, 79 Equipment highlights.......................................80 Exterior colours..........................................76, 77 Galant VR-4.......................................................20 Glass fibre body................................................12 HDD navigation..................................... 68, 69, 80 Iwata, Hideyuki..................................................37 Imaizumi, Tsuyoshi.......................................9, 12 Iwasaki, Yataro..................................................18 Lancer 1600 GSR.................................. 16, 17, 20 Lancer Evolution I - IX................................22, 23 Lancer EX2000 Turbo..................................19, 20 Mäkinen, Tommi.........................................22, 23 Manual gearbox................................................41 MAP...................................................................85 Matsuhara, Masaki.......................................8, 10 Mitsubishi A................................................15, 18 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd.......................18 Mitsubishi Multi Communication System.....68, 80 MIVEC................................................................39 Music server...............................................68, 80 Nakao, Norikazu...........................................9, 10 Nakao, Ryugo................................................3, 37 Passive safety...................................................45 Press reviews....................................................73 Recaro................................................... 70, 71, 75 Recycling...........................................................86 Reinforced Impact Safety Evolution (RISE).......45 Rockford Fosgate.................................. 68, 69, 80 Shift paddles......................................... 40, 66, 67 Singh, Joginder.................................................20 Sports ABS..................................................43, 59 Super All Wheel Control (S-AWC)......42, 43, 59, 63 Suspension........................................................41 Synchromesh....................................................41 Technical specifications....................................81 Titanium turbine wheel.................................... 38 Trim levels.........................................................75 Tsukumo Shokai Shipping Company................18 Twin Clutch Sport Shift Transmission (TC-SST)....................40, 41, 63, 66 Yoshimine, Norihiko......................................9, 11 09 eng-in 000000 Feb. 08 Printed in Germany Drive alive is our motto It’s the reason our designers and engineers go to work everyday. Statistics show that you are going to spend ‘years of your life’ in your car. We want those ‘years’ to be as pleasurable and as rewarding for you as possible. We want to ensure that every time you’re driving and put your foot down on the accelerator, or catch a glimpse of yourself reflected… you will want to smile. Smile to really feel alive… to really drive alive. Mitsubishi Motors Europe BV Colophon Mitsubishi Motors Europe BV Willem Verschuur Liesbeth van der Woude Editor in chief Ron de Bruijn Editor Jerina van Heck Contributors Georges van Wensveen David de Jong Martin van der Zeeuw Giles Newton James Scott Concept/realisation Readershouse/Hearst Amsterdam, The Netherlands Art Director Jaap Sinke Translation Prepress GPB Leiderdorp - The Netherlands Printed by Himmer AG Druckerei Augsburg Germany Some equipment may vary according to market. Any reference to speed, performance or driving sensations has to be understood where legal and within official speed limits. Please consult your local Mitsubishi Motors dealer/distributor for details. All rights reserved.