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W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer!
Healthy Eating & Physical Activity Tips For Weight Loss
Eating healthy foods and doing physical activity on
a regular basis may help you reach and maintain a
healthy weight. They may also help prevent some
health problems.
1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer!
More than two-thirds of American adults are
considered overweight or obese. Excess weight
may lead to heart disease and diabetes. Creating
and following plans for healthy eating and physical
activity may help you improve your health.
1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer!
Body mass index (BMI) is one way to tell whether
you are at a healthy weight, overweight, or obese.
It measures your weight in relation to your height.
A BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 is in the healthy range. A
person with a BMI of 25 to 29.9 is considered
overweight, and someone with a BMI of 30 or
greater is considered obese.
1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer!
What are the health risks of being overweight or obese?
Extra weight may increase your risk for
1. type 2 diabetes„
2. heart disease and stroke„
3. highbloodcholesterol„
4. highbloodpressure„
5. kidneydisease„
6. non-alcoholic fattyliverdisease (a fat buildupin„
7. the livers of people whodrinklittle ornoalcohol)
8. problemswithpregnancy certaincancers Excess weight may„ „
increaseyourriskforheart disease
9. increasedriskof diabetes
10. andsleepapnea, tonameafew.
1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer!
Extra weight can cause these health problems with
• gestational diabetes (high blood sugar during pregnancy)
• high blood pressure
• increased risk for cesarean section (C-section)
Overweight and obesity tend to run in families.
Research shows that genes can play a role in obesity.
Families also share eating habits that can affect
how, when, and what we eat.
1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer!
Causes of Weight Gain: Medicines
Some medicines, such as steroids (drugs used to
reduce swelling) and some drugs for depression
and other psychiatric disorders, may lead to
weight gain. Ask your health care provider or
pharmacist about the side effects of any medicines
you are taking.
Ask your health
care provider
or pharmacist
about the side
effects of any
medicines you
are taking.
1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer!
Emotional causes of weight gain
Many people eat when they are bored, sad, angry,
or stressed, even when they are not hungry.
Although you may not be able to control all the
factors that lead to overweight, making small
changes to your eating and physical activity habits
may improve your health.
1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer!
How to lose weight fast and safe - Weight Loss Tips for Adults
Paying attention to what, when, how often, and
how much you eat can be the first step to helping
you eat better.
What kinds of foods should I eat?
Every 5 years the Government releases dietary
guidelines that recommend what kinds of food to eat
and to limit so you can have a healthy eating plan.
Eat more of these nutrient-rich foods
Nutrients—like vitamins, minerals, and dietary
fiber—nourish our bodies by giving them what
they need to be healthy. The guidelines advise
adults to eat the following foods because they
are rich in nutrients:
fruits and vegetables„
whole grains, like oatmeal, whole-wheat bread,„
andbrownrice seafood, leanmeats, poultry, andeggs„
1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer!
Healthy Eating
fat-free or low-fat milk and cheese, or substitutes„
(like soy or rice milk) that are high in vitamin D
and calcium beans, nuts, and seeds„
Eatless of these foods
Somefoods havemanycalories but fewof the
vitamins, minerals, orfiberyourbodyneeds.Added
sugars, solidfats, andrefinedgrains packalot of
calories intofoodbutdonot addnutrients.The
Government’s dietaryguidelines recommendthat
youlimit foodssuchas these:
sugar-sweeteneddrinks anddesserts„
foods withbutter, shortening, orotherfats that„
aresolidat roomtemperature
white bread, rice, andpastathat are madefrom„
1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer!
How can I follow a healthy eating plan?
These tips may help you stay on track with your
plan to eat better:
Have low-fat, low-sugar snacks on hand.„
Whether you are at home, at work, or on the
go, healthy snacks may help to combat hunger
and prevent overeating.
Select a mix of colorful vegetables each day.„
Choosedarkleafygreens, suchas spinach,
kale, collards, andmustardgreens, andreds
andoranges suchascarrots, sweet potatoes,
redpeppers, andtomatoes.
• low-fat orfatfree yogurt
• fresh, canned,
• slicedvegetables
orbabycarrots8| Howto lose weight fast andsafe - Weight Loss
Tips forAdults
Eatbreakfast everyday. People whoeat„
breakfast are less likelytoovereat laterin the
1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer!
Choose whole grains more often. Try wholegrain breads and past„
oatmeal, brown rice etc.
Choose fresh fruit more often than fruit juice.„
Fruit juice haslittle ornofiber, the calories may
behigh, andmanyjuices haveaddedsugar.
Usefats andoils sparingly. Olive, canola, and„
peanut oils; avocados; nuts andseeds; olives;
andfishprovide heart-healthyfat as well as
Limit foodsandbeverages that arehighinsugar.„
• oatmeal withlow-fat or
fat-free milkorasoy-based
drink, toppedwithwalnuts
• aslice of whole-wheat toast
withathinpiece of low-fat
• fruit smoothie madewith
frozenfruit andlow-fat
1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer!
• high-fiber, low-sugar cereal
with a soy-based beverage
or fat-free milk
Healthy Eating
How much should I eat?
How much you should eat depends on your genes,
sex, age, and how active you are. In general, men
need more calories than women do, and younger
adults need more calories than adults in midlife and
older. At all ages, adults who are more physically
active need to eat more calories than those who
are less active.
What if I need to lose weight?
What defines a healthy weight varies from person
to person. Ask your health care provider about
what a healthy weight is for you.
If you are overweight or are experiencing health
problems linked to overweight or obesity, ask
your health care provider if a modest weight loss
would be helpful. A weight loss of 5 to 7 percent
1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer!
of your body weight over 6 months or longer has
been shown to improve health.
Use a food diary to track what you eat
To keep a food diary, write down all the food
you eat in a day. Also write down the time you
eat and your feelings at the time. Writing down
your feelings may help you identify your eating
triggers. For example, you may notice that you
sometimes overeat when you are in a big group,
simply because everyone around you is eating.
The next time you are eating with a big group, be
mindful of that trigger and try to limit how much
you eat.
What defines a healthy weight varies from person to
1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer!
How to lose weight fast and safe - Weight Loss Tips for
• Keep a food diary.
• Make a shopping list and stick
to it. Don’t shop when you’re
• Don’t keep many foods high in
fat or sugar in your home.
• Dish up smaller servings.
At restaurants, eat only half
your meal and take the rest
• Eat at the table. Turn off the TV so you don’t overeat.
• Be realistic about weight-loss
goals. Aim for a slow, modest
weight loss.
• Seek support from family and friends.
1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer!
• Expect setbacks and forgive
yourself if you regain a few
• Add moderately intense or vigorous physical activity
to your weight-loss plan. This kind of activity increases
heart rate and makes you break a sweat. Examples are
brisk walking, swimming, and dancing.
Aerobic Activity
Aerobic activity uses your large muscle groups
(chest, legs, and back) to increase your heart rate.
This activity may cause you to breathe harder. You
should be able to speak several words in a row
while doing aerobic exercises, but you should not
be able to have a long chat.
Aim for at least 150 minutes (2 1/2 hours) each week.
Aim for at least 150 minutes of
aerobic activity each week.
1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer!
Regular aerobic activity may help you…
• Control weight. Aerobic activity burns calories, which
help you manage your weight.
• Prevent heart disease and stroke. Regular aerobic
can strengthen your heart muscle and lower your blood
pressure. It may also help lower “bad” cholesterol and
raise “good” cholesterol.
• Maintain strong bones. Weight-bearing aerobic
that involve lifting or pushing your own body weight, such
as walking, jogging, or dancing, help to maintain strong
1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer!
Physical Activity
Studies suggest that being fit at midlife may help
prevent heart disease and stroke as you get older.
To get more health benefits or to lose weight, you
may need to do more activity. Aim for 300 minutes
(5 hours) a week of moderate activity like walking
at a pace of about 4 miles an hour.
Choose aerobic activities that are fun. People are
more likely to be active if they like what they are
doing. Getting support from a friend or a family
member may also help. Try one of these activities
or others you enjoy:
brisk walking or jogging„
bicycling (with a helmet)„
playingbasketball orsoccer„
Chooseaerobic activities that
arefun. People are morelikely
to beactive if theylike what
theyare doing.
1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer!
How to lose weight fast and safe - Weight Loss Tips for
Activity to Strengthen Muscles
These activities make you push or pull against
something, such as gravity, weights, or exercise
Aim for at least 2 days a week.
Strengthening exercises should focus on working
the major muscle groups of the body, such as the
chest, back, abdominals, legs, and arms. Allow at
least 1 day of rest for your muscles to recover and
rebuild before working the same muscle groups.
Try these options:
Lift weights.„
Do push-ups or pull-ups.„„
Workwithresistancebands(large rubberbands).„
Doheavygardening(digging, lifting, carrying).„
Strengthenmuscles bydoingheavy
1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer!
Physical Activity
Stronger muscles
improve balance
and support your
joints, lowering
the risk of injury.
Doing regular activities to strengthen your muscles may
help you.
• Use more calories. Not only do strengthening exercises
burn calories, but having more muscle means you will
burn slightly more calories throughout the day—even
when you are sitting still.
• Reduce injury. Stronger muscles improve balance and
support your joints, lowering the risk of injury.
• Maintain strong bones. Doing strengthening exercises
regularly helps build bone and may prevent bone loss as
you age.
1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer!
How to lose weight fast and safe - Weight Loss Tips for
Adults: How do I get started?
You don’t have to be an athlete to benefit from
regular physical activity. Even modest amounts of
physical activity can improve your health.
If you have been inactive for a while, you may
want to start with easier activities, such as walking
at a gentle pace. This lets you build up to more
intense activity without getting hurt.
Start with easier activities, such as walking
at a gentle pace.
1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer!
Start with small, specific goals, like walking briskly
10 minutes a day, 3 days a week, and build up
slowly from there. Keep an activity log to track
your progress. As you become more fit, slowly
increase your pace, the length of time you are
active, and how often you are active.
1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer!
Physical Activity Tips For Weight Loss
How to lose weight fast and safe - Weight Loss Tips for
Try these activities to add more movement to your
daily life:
Choose parking spots that are farther away from„
where you are going and walk the last few blocks.
(Make sure the places you park and walk are
well lit.)
1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer!
Walk around the inside of a mall in bad weather.„
Rake the leaves, wash the car, or do brisk„
Tryactivities suchas rakingleaves to addmoremovement
to yourdaily life.
Visit museumsorthezoo. Manyof these places„
andnot realize it.
Takeabreakfromsittingat the computerorTV.„
Goforashort walkorstretch.
If yourtimeis limited, do10minutes of exercise„
at atime. Spreadthese bursts of activityout
throughout the day. Everylittle bit counts!BeingGoodto
1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer!
Many people feel stress in their daily lives. Stress
can cause you to overeat, feel tired, and not want
to do anything. Healthy eating and regular physical
activity may help offset the effects of stress.
Try some of these other ideas to help relieve stress
and stay on track with improving your health:
Get plenty of sleep.„
Practice deep breathing while relaxing your„
muscles oneat atime.
Addshort stretchbreakstoyourday.„
Tryanewhobbyoranyactivity that sparks your„
1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer!
Surround yourself with people whose company„
you enjoy.
Abalanced eating plan, regular physical activity,
and stress relief may help you stay healthy for life.
Healthy eating
and regular
physical activity
may help offset the effects of stress.
Surround yourself with people whose company you
1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer!
Eat breakfast every day. People who„
eat breakfast are less likely to overeat
later in the day.
Choose whole grains more often.„
Trywhole-wheat breads andpastas,
oatmeal, orbrownrice.
Select amixof colorful vegetables„
eachday.Vegetables of different colors
provide different nutrients.Trycollards,
kale, spinach, squash, sweet potatoes,
Havelow-fat, low-sugarsnackson„
handat home, at work, oronthe goto
combat hungerandprevent overeating.
Atrestaurants, eat onlyhalf yourmeal„
andtaketherest home.
Visit museums, thezoo, oranaquarium.„
andnot realize it.
1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer!
Take a walk after dinner instead of„
watching TV.
Get plenty of sleep.„
• Find A Successful Weight Loss Program!
• Successful, long-term weight control must focus on your
overall health, not just on what you eat. Changing your
lifestyle is not easy, but adopting healthy habits may help you
manage your weight in the long run. Effective weight-loss
programs include ways to keep the weight off for good. These
programs promote healthy behaviors that help you lose
weight and that you can stick with every day.
• Safe and effective weight-loss programs should include a
plan to keep the weight off over the long run guidance on how
to develop healthier eating and physical activity habits
guidance on how to develop healthier eating and physical
activity habits. ongoing feedback, monitoring, and support,
slow and steady weight-loss goals—usually ½ to 2 pounds
per week (though weight loss may be faster at the start of a
• Most medical weight-loss programs may use very low-
calorie diets or VLCD diets (up to 800 calories per day) to
1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer!
promote rapid weight loss among people who have a lot of
excess weight. This type of diet requires close medical
supervision through frequent office visits and medical tests.
How can W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Insurance
Physician Weight Loss Program Help Me Lose Weight?
Our physicians and staff are committed to offering a comprehensive
and individualized approach. W8MD physicians partner with each
patient to develop a custom weight management program to best
meet their individual needs.
1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer!
If you are a bit overweight or obese, take long term medications for
cholesterol, blood pressure or diabetes but your doctor has nothing to
offer for weight loss other than simply say "lose weight", you may
want to consider W8MD!
Under the direction of a trained obesity medicine/weight loss
physician, W8MD Weight Loss Centers can help you overcome
obesity and to make a difference. The doctor’s of W8MD partner
with each patient to develop a custom weight management program
to best meet their individual needs taking into account their medical
history, lifestyle and goals.
Since weight and sleep go together, most of the W8MD centers are
able to address sleep issues such as snoring, obstructive sleep apnea,
narcolepsy, insomnia and restless leg syndrome to name a few.
Most Insurances Accepted
And the best part of the program is that most insurance’s cover the
doctor visits.
Check out our website at to learn more about us. If
you have a little or a lot of weight to lose and want to do it without
surgery, set up fees and mandatory meal replacements or appetite
suppressants, think W8MD for weight loss.
1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer!
Physician Weight Loss Franchise Opportunities
And, if you are a physician, with an interest in helping
your obese or overweight patients, and would like to add a
W8MD program at your office, please feel free to contact
Most physicians have nothing to
offer their overweight patients other
than simply say"Lose Weight!" or
hand out a diet sheet. This is not
useful for most patients as obesity
needs a more thorough and structured approach!
Physicians Be A W8MD!
If you are a physician interested in helping your obese or
overweight patients lose weight safely and effectively using
evidence based non-surgical weight loss methods and work
with their insurance for the visits, W8MD's physician licensing
program can help.
As a Limited Time Offer, we are waiving all signup fees for
1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer!
the first 50 physicians that Join W8MD Network of Weight
Loss Physicians. What are you waiting for? Call 1-800-
Affordable Care Act And Insurance Coverage For Weight
Did you know that most insurances do offer coverage for
weight loss physician visits?
Affordable Care Act of 2010 mandates all insurances, including
Medicare, to provide full insurance coverage for obesity!
1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer!
W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers That
Accept Insurances
• NYC Insurance Weight Loss Center: 2003, Bath
Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, 11214 Ph: 1-718-946-5500
• Philadelphia Insurance Weight Loss Center: 1718,
Welsh Rd, Philadelphia, PA, 19115 Ph: 1-215-676-
• King Of Prussia Weight Loss Center: 987 Old Eagle
School Rd, Wayne, PA, 19087 Ph: 1-800-986-3007
• Specialties: Weight Loss Service, Sleep Clinic, Sleep
Study Clinics, Sleep Apnea Clinic, Medical Weight Loss,
Weight Loss Pills, Weight Loss Supplements, Fast
Weight Loss Options, weight loss diet, weight loss
program, Lose Weight Philadelphia, Weight Loss NYC,
New York Weight Loss Clinic, Adipex, Phentermine,
Generic Combination of Phetermine and Topiramate (like
in Qsymia), Weight Loss Diet Pills, NYC Weight Loss
• Cities Served: Philadelphia, King Of Prussia, Wayne,
Brooklyn, Staten Island, Manhattan, New York, New
York City, Queens, Long Island, Bronx, Bensonhurst.
1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer!
• Counties Served: Chester, Philadelphia, Bucks,
Montgomery, Burlington, Kings, Richmond, Queens,
Manhattan, Bronx
W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers That Are
Fee For Service
• W8MD at Optimal Health, 111 High Ridge Rd,
Stamford, CT 06905. Ph: 203-348-8805 Fax: 203-
348-6398. This email address is being protected
from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to
view it. This Center is Fee For Service.
Call 1(800)W8MD-007 to learn more! You have nothing to
lose but your unwanted pounds.
1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer!
W8MD Medical Weight Loss Telemedicine Program
If you do not have a W8MD location near you, you can still consu
with one of our weight loss physicians using telemedicine. We offe
comprehensive telemedicine nutrition, behavior and weight loss
consultation with a weight loss doctor for a low price of $150.00
USD for a 30 minute telemedicine consultation with certain
limitations. Call 1(800)W8MD-007 to learn more.
If you have insulin resistance, belly weight, elevated triglycerides,
history of high blood pressure etc. you might be at risk for metabo
syndrome. An obesity medicine physician can not only help you lo
weight, but also reduce the risk of diabetes, and prediabetes by
recommending foods that lower this risk!
THINK W8MD (WeightMD) for Weight Loss!
1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer!
The information on this website is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always
consult with a licensed and trained physician before
attempting any weight loss!
1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT

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Healthy eating habits for safe and effective weight loss - W8MD's tips for weight loss

  • 1. W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer! Healthy Eating & Physical Activity Tips For Weight Loss Eating healthy foods and doing physical activity on a regular basis may help you reach and maintain a healthy weight. They may also help prevent some health problems. 1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
  • 2. W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer! WHAT IS HEALTHY WEIGHT? More than two-thirds of American adults are considered overweight or obese. Excess weight may lead to heart disease and diabetes. Creating and following plans for healthy eating and physical activity may help you improve your health. 1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
  • 3. W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer! Body mass index (BMI) is one way to tell whether you are at a healthy weight, overweight, or obese. It measures your weight in relation to your height. A BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 is in the healthy range. A person with a BMI of 25 to 29.9 is considered overweight, and someone with a BMI of 30 or greater is considered obese. 1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
  • 4. W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer! What are the health risks of being overweight or obese? Extra weight may increase your risk for 1. type 2 diabetes„ 2. heart disease and stroke„ 3. highbloodcholesterol„ 4. highbloodpressure„ 5. kidneydisease„ 6. non-alcoholic fattyliverdisease (a fat buildupin„ 7. the livers of people whodrinklittle ornoalcohol) 8. problemswithpregnancy certaincancers Excess weight may„ „ increaseyourriskforheart disease 9. increasedriskof diabetes 10. andsleepapnea, tonameafew. 1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
  • 5. W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer! WHAT ARE THE HEALTH RISKS OF BEING OVERWEIGHT OR OBESE DURING PREGNANCY Extra weight can cause these health problems with pregnancy: • gestational diabetes (high blood sugar during pregnancy) • high blood pressure • increased risk for cesarean section (C-section) Overweight and obesity tend to run in families. Research shows that genes can play a role in obesity. Families also share eating habits that can affect how, when, and what we eat. 1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
  • 6. W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer! Causes of Weight Gain: Medicines Some medicines, such as steroids (drugs used to reduce swelling) and some drugs for depression and other psychiatric disorders, may lead to weight gain. Ask your health care provider or pharmacist about the side effects of any medicines you are taking. Ask your health care provider or pharmacist about the side effects of any medicines you are taking. 1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
  • 7. W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer! Emotional causes of weight gain Many people eat when they are bored, sad, angry, or stressed, even when they are not hungry. Although you may not be able to control all the factors that lead to overweight, making small changes to your eating and physical activity habits may improve your health. 1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
  • 8. W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer! How to lose weight fast and safe - Weight Loss Tips for Adults HEALTHY EATING Paying attention to what, when, how often, and how much you eat can be the first step to helping you eat better. What kinds of foods should I eat? Every 5 years the Government releases dietary guidelines that recommend what kinds of food to eat and to limit so you can have a healthy eating plan. Eat more of these nutrient-rich foods Nutrients—like vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber—nourish our bodies by giving them what they need to be healthy. The guidelines advise adults to eat the following foods because they are rich in nutrients: fruits and vegetables„ whole grains, like oatmeal, whole-wheat bread,„ andbrownrice seafood, leanmeats, poultry, andeggs„ Eatmorenutrient-richfoods. 1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
  • 9. W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer! Healthy Eating fat-free or low-fat milk and cheese, or substitutes„ (like soy or rice milk) that are high in vitamin D and calcium beans, nuts, and seeds„ Eatless of these foods Somefoods havemanycalories but fewof the vitamins, minerals, orfiberyourbodyneeds.Added sugars, solidfats, andrefinedgrains packalot of calories intofoodbutdonot addnutrients.The Government’s dietaryguidelines recommendthat youlimit foodssuchas these: sugar-sweeteneddrinks anddesserts„ foods withbutter, shortening, orotherfats that„ aresolidat roomtemperature white bread, rice, andpastathat are madefrom„ refinedgrains 1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
  • 10. W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer! How can I follow a healthy eating plan? These tips may help you stay on track with your plan to eat better: Have low-fat, low-sugar snacks on hand.„ Whether you are at home, at work, or on the go, healthy snacks may help to combat hunger and prevent overeating. Select a mix of colorful vegetables each day.„ Choosedarkleafygreens, suchas spinach, kale, collards, andmustardgreens, andreds andoranges suchascarrots, sweet potatoes, redpeppers, andtomatoes. EASYSNACKIDEAS • low-fat orfatfree yogurt • fresh, canned, ordriedfruit • slicedvegetables orbabycarrots8| Howto lose weight fast andsafe - Weight Loss Tips forAdults Eatbreakfast everyday. People whoeat„ breakfast are less likelytoovereat laterin the 1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
  • 11. W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer! day. Choose whole grains more often. Try wholegrain breads and past„ oatmeal, brown rice etc. Choose fresh fruit more often than fruit juice.„ Fruit juice haslittle ornofiber, the calories may behigh, andmanyjuices haveaddedsugar. Usefats andoils sparingly. Olive, canola, and„ peanut oils; avocados; nuts andseeds; olives; andfishprovide heart-healthyfat as well as vitaminsandminerals. Limit foodsandbeverages that arehighinsugar.„ • oatmeal withlow-fat or fat-free milkorasoy-based drink, toppedwithwalnuts andfreshordriedfruit • aslice of whole-wheat toast withathinpiece of low-fat cheese • fruit smoothie madewith frozenfruit andlow-fat yogurt 1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
  • 12. W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer! • high-fiber, low-sugar cereal with a soy-based beverage or fat-free milk Healthy Eating How much should I eat? How much you should eat depends on your genes, sex, age, and how active you are. In general, men need more calories than women do, and younger adults need more calories than adults in midlife and older. At all ages, adults who are more physically active need to eat more calories than those who are less active. What if I need to lose weight? What defines a healthy weight varies from person to person. Ask your health care provider about what a healthy weight is for you. If you are overweight or are experiencing health problems linked to overweight or obesity, ask your health care provider if a modest weight loss would be helpful. A weight loss of 5 to 7 percent 1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
  • 13. W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer! of your body weight over 6 months or longer has been shown to improve health. Use a food diary to track what you eat To keep a food diary, write down all the food you eat in a day. Also write down the time you eat and your feelings at the time. Writing down your feelings may help you identify your eating triggers. For example, you may notice that you sometimes overeat when you are in a big group, simply because everyone around you is eating. The next time you are eating with a big group, be mindful of that trigger and try to limit how much you eat. What defines a healthy weight varies from person to person. 1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
  • 14. W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer! How to lose weight fast and safe - Weight Loss Tips for Adults IDEAS TO SUPPORT YOUR WEIGHT-LOSS EFFORTS EATING • Keep a food diary. • Make a shopping list and stick to it. Don’t shop when you’re hungry. • Don’t keep many foods high in fat or sugar in your home. • Dish up smaller servings. At restaurants, eat only half your meal and take the rest home. • Eat at the table. Turn off the TV so you don’t overeat. BEHAVIOR • Be realistic about weight-loss goals. Aim for a slow, modest weight loss. • Seek support from family and friends. 1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
  • 15. W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer! • Expect setbacks and forgive yourself if you regain a few pounds. • Add moderately intense or vigorous physical activity to your weight-loss plan. This kind of activity increases your heart rate and makes you break a sweat. Examples are brisk walking, swimming, and dancing. Aerobic Activity Aerobic activity uses your large muscle groups (chest, legs, and back) to increase your heart rate. This activity may cause you to breathe harder. You should be able to speak several words in a row while doing aerobic exercises, but you should not be able to have a long chat. Aim for at least 150 minutes (2 1/2 hours) each week. Aim for at least 150 minutes of aerobic activity each week. 1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
  • 16. W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer! BENEFITS OF AEROBIC ACTIVITY Regular aerobic activity may help you… • Control weight. Aerobic activity burns calories, which may help you manage your weight. • Prevent heart disease and stroke. Regular aerobic activity can strengthen your heart muscle and lower your blood pressure. It may also help lower “bad” cholesterol and raise “good” cholesterol. • Maintain strong bones. Weight-bearing aerobic activities that involve lifting or pushing your own body weight, such as walking, jogging, or dancing, help to maintain strong bones. 1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
  • 17. W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer! Physical Activity Studies suggest that being fit at midlife may help prevent heart disease and stroke as you get older. To get more health benefits or to lose weight, you may need to do more activity. Aim for 300 minutes (5 hours) a week of moderate activity like walking at a pace of about 4 miles an hour. Choose aerobic activities that are fun. People are more likely to be active if they like what they are doing. Getting support from a friend or a family member may also help. Try one of these activities or others you enjoy: brisk walking or jogging„ bicycling (with a helmet)„ swimming„ playingbasketball orsoccer„ Chooseaerobic activities that arefun. People are morelikely to beactive if theylike what theyare doing. 1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
  • 18. W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer! How to lose weight fast and safe - Weight Loss Tips for Adults Activity to Strengthen Muscles These activities make you push or pull against something, such as gravity, weights, or exercise bands. Aim for at least 2 days a week. Strengthening exercises should focus on working the major muscle groups of the body, such as the chest, back, abdominals, legs, and arms. Allow at least 1 day of rest for your muscles to recover and rebuild before working the same muscle groups. Try these options: Lift weights.„ Do push-ups or pull-ups.„„ Workwithresistancebands(large rubberbands).„ Doheavygardening(digging, lifting, carrying).„ Strengthenmuscles bydoingheavy gardening. 1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
  • 19. W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer! Physical Activity Stronger muscles improve balance and support your joints, lowering the risk of injury. BENEFITS OF ACTIVITY TO STRENGTHEN MUSCLES Doing regular activities to strengthen your muscles may help you. • Use more calories. Not only do strengthening exercises burn calories, but having more muscle means you will burn slightly more calories throughout the day—even when you are sitting still. • Reduce injury. Stronger muscles improve balance and support your joints, lowering the risk of injury. • Maintain strong bones. Doing strengthening exercises regularly helps build bone and may prevent bone loss as you age. 1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
  • 20. W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer! How to lose weight fast and safe - Weight Loss Tips for Adults: How do I get started? You don’t have to be an athlete to benefit from regular physical activity. Even modest amounts of physical activity can improve your health. If you have been inactive for a while, you may want to start with easier activities, such as walking at a gentle pace. This lets you build up to more intense activity without getting hurt. Start with easier activities, such as walking at a gentle pace. 1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
  • 21. W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer! Start with small, specific goals, like walking briskly 10 minutes a day, 3 days a week, and build up slowly from there. Keep an activity log to track your progress. As you become more fit, slowly increase your pace, the length of time you are active, and how often you are active. 1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
  • 22. W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer! Physical Activity Tips For Weight Loss How to lose weight fast and safe - Weight Loss Tips for Adults Try these activities to add more movement to your daily life: Choose parking spots that are farther away from„ where you are going and walk the last few blocks. (Make sure the places you park and walk are well lit.) 1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
  • 23. W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer! Walk around the inside of a mall in bad weather.„ Rake the leaves, wash the car, or do brisk„ housecleaning. Tryactivities suchas rakingleaves to addmoremovement to yourdaily life. Visit museumsorthezoo. Manyof these places„ arefree.Youandyourfamilycanwalkforhours andnot realize it. Takeabreakfromsittingat the computerorTV.„ Goforashort walkorstretch. If yourtimeis limited, do10minutes of exercise„ at atime. Spreadthese bursts of activityout throughout the day. Everylittle bit counts!BeingGoodto Yourself 1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
  • 24. W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer! BEING GOOD TO YOURSELF Many people feel stress in their daily lives. Stress can cause you to overeat, feel tired, and not want to do anything. Healthy eating and regular physical activity may help offset the effects of stress. Try some of these other ideas to help relieve stress and stay on track with improving your health: Get plenty of sleep.„ Practice deep breathing while relaxing your„ muscles oneat atime. Takeabreakandgoforawalk.„ Addshort stretchbreakstoyourday.„ Tryanewhobbyoranyactivity that sparks your„ interest. 1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
  • 25. W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer! Surround yourself with people whose company„ you enjoy. Abalanced eating plan, regular physical activity, and stress relief may help you stay healthy for life. Healthy eating and regular physical activity may help offset the effects of stress. Surround yourself with people whose company you enjoy. 1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
  • 26. W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer! TIP SHEET FOR ADULTS Eat breakfast every day. People who„ eat breakfast are less likely to overeat later in the day. Choose whole grains more often.„ Trywhole-wheat breads andpastas, oatmeal, orbrownrice. Select amixof colorful vegetables„ eachday.Vegetables of different colors provide different nutrients.Trycollards, kale, spinach, squash, sweet potatoes, andtomatoes. Havelow-fat, low-sugarsnackson„ handat home, at work, oronthe goto combat hungerandprevent overeating. Atrestaurants, eat onlyhalf yourmeal„ andtaketherest home. Visit museums, thezoo, oranaquarium.„ Youandyourfamilycanwalkforhours andnot realize it. 1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
  • 27. W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer! Take a walk after dinner instead of„ watching TV. Get plenty of sleep.„ „ • Find A Successful Weight Loss Program! • Successful, long-term weight control must focus on your overall health, not just on what you eat. Changing your lifestyle is not easy, but adopting healthy habits may help you manage your weight in the long run. Effective weight-loss programs include ways to keep the weight off for good. These programs promote healthy behaviors that help you lose weight and that you can stick with every day. • Safe and effective weight-loss programs should include a plan to keep the weight off over the long run guidance on how to develop healthier eating and physical activity habits guidance on how to develop healthier eating and physical activity habits. ongoing feedback, monitoring, and support, slow and steady weight-loss goals—usually ½ to 2 pounds per week (though weight loss may be faster at the start of a program) • Most medical weight-loss programs may use very low- calorie diets or VLCD diets (up to 800 calories per day) to 1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
  • 28. W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer! promote rapid weight loss among people who have a lot of excess weight. This type of diet requires close medical supervision through frequent office visits and medical tests. How can W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Insurance Physician Weight Loss Program Help Me Lose Weight? Our physicians and staff are committed to offering a comprehensive and individualized approach. W8MD physicians partner with each patient to develop a custom weight management program to best meet their individual needs. 1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
  • 29. W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer! If you are a bit overweight or obese, take long term medications for cholesterol, blood pressure or diabetes but your doctor has nothing to offer for weight loss other than simply say "lose weight", you may want to consider W8MD! Under the direction of a trained obesity medicine/weight loss physician, W8MD Weight Loss Centers can help you overcome obesity and to make a difference. The doctor’s of W8MD partner with each patient to develop a custom weight management program to best meet their individual needs taking into account their medical history, lifestyle and goals. Since weight and sleep go together, most of the W8MD centers are able to address sleep issues such as snoring, obstructive sleep apnea, narcolepsy, insomnia and restless leg syndrome to name a few. Most Insurances Accepted And the best part of the program is that most insurance’s cover the doctor visits. Check out our website at to learn more about us. If you have a little or a lot of weight to lose and want to do it without surgery, set up fees and mandatory meal replacements or appetite suppressants, think W8MD for weight loss. 1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
  • 30. W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer! Physician Weight Loss Franchise Opportunities And, if you are a physician, with an interest in helping your obese or overweight patients, and would like to add a W8MD program at your office, please feel free to contact us. Most physicians have nothing to offer their overweight patients other than simply say"Lose Weight!" or hand out a diet sheet. This is not useful for most patients as obesity needs a more thorough and structured approach! Physicians Be A W8MD! If you are a physician interested in helping your obese or overweight patients lose weight safely and effectively using evidence based non-surgical weight loss methods and work with their insurance for the visits, W8MD's physician licensing program can help. As a Limited Time Offer, we are waiving all signup fees for 1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
  • 31. W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer! the first 50 physicians that Join W8MD Network of Weight Loss Physicians. What are you waiting for? Call 1-800- W8MD-007. Affordable Care Act And Insurance Coverage For Weight Loss! Did you know that most insurances do offer coverage for weight loss physician visits? Affordable Care Act of 2010 mandates all insurances, including Medicare, to provide full insurance coverage for obesity! 1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
  • 32. W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer! W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers That Accept Insurances • NYC Insurance Weight Loss Center: 2003, Bath Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, 11214 Ph: 1-718-946-5500 • Philadelphia Insurance Weight Loss Center: 1718, Welsh Rd, Philadelphia, PA, 19115 Ph: 1-215-676- 2334 • King Of Prussia Weight Loss Center: 987 Old Eagle School Rd, Wayne, PA, 19087 Ph: 1-800-986-3007 • Specialties: Weight Loss Service, Sleep Clinic, Sleep Study Clinics, Sleep Apnea Clinic, Medical Weight Loss, Weight Loss Pills, Weight Loss Supplements, Fast Weight Loss Options, weight loss diet, weight loss program, Lose Weight Philadelphia, Weight Loss NYC, New York Weight Loss Clinic, Adipex, Phentermine, Generic Combination of Phetermine and Topiramate (like in Qsymia), Weight Loss Diet Pills, NYC Weight Loss Service • Cities Served: Philadelphia, King Of Prussia, Wayne, Brooklyn, Staten Island, Manhattan, New York, New York City, Queens, Long Island, Bronx, Bensonhurst. 1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
  • 33. W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer! • Counties Served: Chester, Philadelphia, Bucks, Montgomery, Burlington, Kings, Richmond, Queens, Manhattan, Bronx W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers That Are Fee For Service • W8MD at Optimal Health, 111 High Ridge Rd, Stamford, CT 06905. Ph: 203-348-8805 Fax: 203- 348-6398. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This Center is Fee For Service. Call 1(800)W8MD-007 to learn more! You have nothing to lose but your unwanted pounds. 1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
  • 34. W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer! W8MD Medical Weight Loss Telemedicine Program If you do not have a W8MD location near you, you can still consu with one of our weight loss physicians using telemedicine. We offe comprehensive telemedicine nutrition, behavior and weight loss consultation with a weight loss doctor for a low price of $150.00 USD for a 30 minute telemedicine consultation with certain limitations. Call 1(800)W8MD-007 to learn more. If you have insulin resistance, belly weight, elevated triglycerides, history of high blood pressure etc. you might be at risk for metabo syndrome. An obesity medicine physician can not only help you lo weight, but also reduce the risk of diabetes, and prediabetes by recommending foods that lower this risk! THINK W8MD (WeightMD) for Weight Loss! 1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT
  • 35. W8MD Medical Weight Loss Centers Of America - Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Live Longer! Disclaimer: The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always consult with a licensed and trained physician before attempting any weight loss! 1(800)W8MD-007 NE Philadelphia, And King Of Prussia in PA New York City Stamford, CT