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1. Physiology ...................................................................................................................... 3
   1.1. Eating before sleep ................................................................................................................................ 3
   1.2. Physical activity prior to sleep ................................................................................................................ 4
   1.3. Preparation for sleep .............................................................................................................................. 4
   1.4. Physical activity during sleep ................................................................................................................. 4

2. Psychology ..................................................................................................................... 5
   2.1. Prepare mind for sleep ........................................................................................................................... 5
   2.2. Mind calm during sleep .......................................................................................................................... 5
   2.3. Sleep clinic ............................................................................................................................................. 5

3. Environment ................................................................................................................... 6
   3.1. Bed ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
      3.1.1. Sleep in exotic substances ............................................................................................................. 6
      3.1.2. Sleep in different positions .............................................................................................................. 6
      3.1.3. Pillow variations .............................................................................................................................. 6
      3.1.4. Sheet variations .............................................................................................................................. 6
      3.1.5. Blanket variations ............................................................................................................................ 7
      3.1.6. Mattress variations .......................................................................................................................... 7
      3.1.7. Headboard and bedside tables ....................................................................................................... 7
      3.1.8. Bed accessories .............................................................................................................................. 7
   3.2. Lighting ................................................................................................................................................... 7
      3.2.1. Natural light options ........................................................................................................................ 7
      3.2.2. Artificial light options ....................................................................................................................... 8
   3.3. Temperature ........................................................................................................................................... 8
      3.3.1. Mechanical temperature control ..................................................................................................... 8
      3.3.2. Natural temperature control ............................................................................................................ 8
   3.4. Humidity.................................................................................................................................................. 8
   3.5. Smells ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
   3.6. Noise ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
   3.7. Insects .................................................................................................................................................... 9
   3.8. Develop an application for sleep ............................................................................................................ 9
   3.9. Create virtual reality device for sleep ..................................................................................................... 9
   3.10. Sleep in exotic locations ....................................................................................................................... 9

4. Time .............................................................................................................................. 10
   4.1. Go to bed on time ................................................................................................................................. 10
   4.2. New rhythm .......................................................................................................................................... 10
   4.3. Don't sleep during the day .................................................................................................................... 10
   4.4. Time zone differences .......................................................................................................................... 10


The dilemma of having adequate time to sleep, unhindered by work or social pressures
and yet not sleeping through the night is examined in this document. The many potential
solutions to this dilemma are detailed in the 4-dimensional structure. The four areas were
formed by creating an unstructured "mind-map" that eventually shaped itself into four
distinct areas. The areas identified were defined as physical attributes of the sleeper
(Physiological), internal influences on the sleeper (Psychological), external impacts on the
sleeper (Environment) and the fourth dimension being time.

The process followed was to first create a "mind-map" of the causes and then create a
separate "mind-map" of "wild" innovative solutions that were merged to generate a wide
scope of potential solutions

The concept of improving sleep requires that all the issues raised here be monitored and
recorded. Changes that are made should be tried individually otherwise you will not
understand the effect of the change - some changes may require a longer trial period.

1. Physiology

1.1. Eating before sleep
1.     A well balanced supper will ensure that you don't wake up hungry
2.     Supper recipes that contain spices or ingredients that upset your digestion process
       should be eliminated (NO SUGAR or CAFFEINE).
3.     Pills taken for various ailments should be studies to determine whether they affect
       sleep and if so, then ingested at a different time
4.     Pills that need to be ingested during sleeping hours (ie: certain time before
       breakfast) should be referred to a doctor for alternative solutions
5.     Water ingested during the night and with pills must be of a suitable temperature,
       easy to reach and not require you to sit up
6.     Alcohol may induce good sleep, however it may also make you thirsty or make you
       feel ill - experiment until the optimum solution is found
7.     Eating snacks after supper should be monitored and minimized or eliminated

1.2. Physical activity prior to sleep
Physical activities before bedtime may induce good sleep or alternatively may stimulate
you and prevent consistent sleep. Do the opposite of the following activities:
1.     Sport and exercises
2.     Invest in a maid that will complete the housework and laundry
3.     Invest in a gardener or garden services for gardening requirements
4.     Invest in a babysitter or private tutor for the demand of children and animals
5.     Homework or work brought home from the office that stresses the body (ie: sitting at
       a desk, straining your eyes)
6.     House repairs including repairs to appliances and cars that may require you to be in
       a stressed environment (eg: cold garage)
7.     Sex

1.3. Preparation for sleep
1.     Take sleeping pills on a trial basis
2.     Ensure bladder is empty
3.     Remove glasses and massage nose and temples
4.     Clean teeth gently in order that you have no pain from gums or teeth
5.     Remove slippers only when getting under blankets - this keeps feet warm
6.     Get a soothing massage
7.     Take a bath or sauna that relaxes you
8.     Treat pain in your body with medication or doctors recommendations (eg: elastic
       muscle guard for cramping or sore joints)

1.4. Physical activity during sleep
1.     Tossing and turning during sleep may wake you up - treat the symptom (in other
       sleep retarding areas)
2.     Tossing and turning of partner must be eliminated - the quickest being to have them
       relocate and you have the bed to yourself)
3.     Bodily functions must be eliminated through correct preparation for sleep
4.     Bodily functions of partner must be eliminated - the quickest being to have them
       relocate and you have the bed to yourself)
5.     Do not plan or perform any activities that require you to wake up (eg: to take the
       dog outside)
6.     Do not answer phone messages - the light from the phone will affect you

2. Psychology

2.1. Prepare mind for sleep
1.     Pray and make peace - do not go to bed angry or upset
2.     Do not stimulate the mind through computer games, board games, card games or
       other mind games
3.     Do not answer the phone, text messages or e-mails on smart phones
4.     Do not watch stimulating movies on TV (eg: scary movies)
5.     Do not let partner watch TV in the same room (or even the room next door) whilst
       you are trying to sleep
6.     Do not read before sleep unless it stimulates sleep
7.     Do not take part in hobbies before sleep
8.     Do things that sooth you or bore you (eg: ironing of clothes)

2.2. Mind calm during sleep
The objective is to distract your mind from stimulating activities and thoughts through not
thinking about:
1.     Your children and how you can live their lives for them
2.     The people that excite and stimulate you, particularly if they are still awake
3.     Your work concerns
4.     Exciting adventures and vacations or your "bucket list"

Your thoughts will generate or influence dreams which will affect you sleep quality.

2.3. Sleep clinic
When all else fails, attend a sleep clinic and see if the latest technology and methodology
can restore good sleep.

3. Environment

3.1. Bed

3.1.1. Sleep in exotic substances
1.     Sleep in a bath full of milk
2.     Sleep in a bath full of feathers
3.     Sleep in a bath full of M&M's
4.     Sleep in a massage-bed
5.     Sleep on an air-bed - this is in the form of vertical jets of air that suspend you in
3.1.2. Sleep in different positions
1.     In a vacuum - floating
2.     Standing up
3.     Sitting in various positions in a reclining chair
4.     Sitting in an aircraft type chair to stimulate the feeling of exotic travel
3.1.3. Pillow variations
1.     Clean pillows more regularly with a variety of cleaning materials and softeners
2.     Use therapeutic pillows
3.     Use anti-snore pillows
4.     Use head-shaping pillows
5.     Change pillow cases - silk, cotton, woollen, flannel, denim, corduroy
6.     Use "down", goose feather and other pillow constructions
7.     Use extra large, large, medium and small pillows until you feel comfortable
8.     Use synthetic pillows
9.     Use straw pillow construction - this will satisfy your primal instincts
10.    Use a wooden pillow - also a primal nature
11.    Use a stone pillow - very primal
12.    Use NO pillow
3.1.4. Sheet variations
1.     Clean sheets more regularly with a variety of cleaning materials, starches and/or
2.     Use cotton, wool and silk sheets
3.     Use plastic wrap as a sheet
4.     Use a tarpaulin as sheet material
5.     Use mutton cloth as sheet material
6.     Use various curtain designs as sheets (both in texture and pattern/ color designs)
7.     Use newspaper or paper fabricated sheets
8.     Use NO sheets

3.1.5. Blanket variations
1.     Clean blankets more regularly with a variety of cleaning materials and softeners
2.     Use woollen blankets
3.     Use synthetic duvet
4.     Use feather constructed duvet
5.     Use electric blanket with various heat settings or programming
6.     Use newspaper
7.     Use a "water blanket" that can also be heated - like a water bottle
8.     Use NO blanket
3.1.6. Mattress variations
1.     A mattress cover or lack thereof should be examined
2.     A new mattress may be required depending on the age and condition of your
       current mattress
3.     Try a range of different mattresses...from rock hard to ultra soft
4.     Try different size mattresses encompassing all 3 dimensions from extra large to
       very small
5.     Try a range of different construction substances...foam, spring, straw or other
       suitable materials
6.     Use a "sleep number" mattress
7.     Use a water bed as an option
8.     Use a hummock
3.1.7. Headboard and bedside tables
1.     Try out a variety of head boards - from loose to firm, from soft material to hard
2.     Try out a variety of head board fixtures - from loose to firm, attached to wall and
       attached to bed
3.     Bed-side tables must be accessible and uncluttered - try various configurations as
       confusion can disrupt sleep
4.     Proximity of side-table can be a factor if sleeper is in danger of bumping the
       sidetable or knocking it over
5.     A "foot locker" or stool can disturb a sleeper if the blanket and sheets are caught -
       relocate and examine alternatives or remove
3.1.8. Bed accessories
1.     Pets - try a variety of different animals or alternatively try sleeping without any pets!
2.     Try various toys that may comfort you as you sleep
3.     Use a variety of water bottles at different temperatures

3.2. Lighting

3.2.1. Natural light options
1.     Curtain density and coverage must be engineered to suit the sleeper
2.     Blinds density and coverage must be engineered to suit the sleeper
3.     Light from adjoining rooms and passages can be subdued or eliminated
4.     Simply wear an eye-mask

3.2.2. Artificial light options
1.     TV and decoder lights can be covered or subdued
2.     Smoke detector and CO2 monitor lights can be covered or subdued
3.     Bed-side alarm light intensity can be subdued or redirected
4.     Light from adjoining rooms and passages can be subdued or eliminated
5.     Simply wear an eye-mask

3.3. Temperature

3.3.1. Mechanical temperature control
1.     In winter use furnace or heating system to keep temperatures warm
2.     In summer use air-conditioner to keep temperatures cool
3.     Use of a programmed thermostat is ideal to prevent discomfort during the night
4.     Use an electric blanket in winter
3.3.2. Natural temperature control
1.    In winter keep the windows closed at night and use warm sheets and more blankets
2.    In summer keep the windows open at night and create a draft through the room by
opening other doors/windows
3.    Insulate building (including ceilings) and windows accordingly
4.    Sleep in different sections of the house depending on the season
5.    Change your clothing to suittemperature

3.4. Humidity
1.     Humidifiers are ideal in dry climates
2.     The humidity can be increased in dry climates by placing vessels with exposed
       water in strategic locations
3.     The humidity can be decreased in wet climates through air-conditioning
4.     The alternative to decreasing humidity in wet climates is to create heat or air

3.5. Smells
1.    Cooking smells can be avoided by keeping doors closed, extractor fans, outdoor
      cooking or simply "eating out"
2.    Sleeping partners - bad breath, flatulence and body odors can be avoided by
      sleeping alone or some constructive criticism and associated changes
3.    Outside smells - smoke, pollen, fertilizers, animals, barbeques can be avoided by
      closing windows and sealing doors or countered by incense, air fresheners or air-
4.    Bathroom smells - drain pipe odors, toilet stench, disinfectants, creams/lotions,
      cosmetics and perfumes can be overcome by various avoidance and cleanliness
5.    Clothing smells - smoke, perfume, cosmetics etc on clothes can be avoided by
      simply relocating them to the next room

3.6. Noise
1.     Creaking house - not easy to eliminate and if necessary buy a new house
2.     Ceiling fan rotation - can eliminate with an air-conditioner or reinforce the
       installation to stop it swinging
3.     Heater and or AC fan noise - can eliminate by relocating fan or moving ducts and

4.     Humidifier hum can be eliminated by running the humidifier before sleeping or using
       bowls of water or installing a humidifier in the heating system
5.     Fridge and ice-machine intermittent start-ups - muffle these or program them
6.     Trees and shrubs rubbing against the house or windows - cut them to suit or
       relocate them
7.     Snoring partner - send the person for medical solutions
8.     Partner passing gas - the simple solution is to move to another room or get partner
       to change diet or tale medicine for the problem
9.     Planes and neighbors music or other sounds can be reduced with better insulation
       or relocation
10.    When all else fails use some ear plugs!
11.    Play soothing "meditation" music that you know does not stimulate you

3.7. Insects
1.      The flying insects can be eliminated with electronic sounds, various commercial
        repellents and window gauze to prevent their access
2.     In less affluent circumstances the flying insects are countered using bed- nets,
       swatters, high garlic diets and even smoke
3.     Crawling insects are eliminated with good hygiene and commercial repellents
4.     In less affluent circumstances crawling and flying insects are eliminated by
       accepting certain spiders, chameleons and lizards that feed off these insects
5.     Bed bugs are eliminated through good hygiene, commercial repellents and not
       sleeping in hotel beds

3.8. Develop an application for sleep
This smart-phone application must become a monitor to ensure you follow a pre-
programmed routine and will sound an alarm at critical stages. The app will speak to you
and also require you to insert data that can be analyzed for further treatment adjustments.

3.9. Create virtual reality device for sleep
This gaming device will be a pair of glasses or helmet that will create the correct
environment for your tailor-made needs and sleep requirements.

3.10. Sleep in exotic locations
1.      On a mountain top
2.      In a submarine
3.      On a luxury yacht
4.      On the moon
5.      In a spaceship
6.      In a tree-house
7.      In a Ferrari
8.      In the sidecar of a motorcycle
9.      In a pram
10.     In a hospital bed
11.     In a hummock attached to a cliff
12.     In a barn
13.     In a hot-tub
14. In an ice-cave
15. In a gold mine

4. Time

4.1. Go to bed on time
1.    Determine when you need to get up the next morning
2.    Calculate 8 hours of sleep and the appropriate time to start sleeping
3.    Eliminate all chores well before bedtime and allow for some unforeseen events an
      get to bed well before the specific time
4.    Set an alarm (on your cellphone) to ensure you get to bed on time
5.    Do not compromise on this schedule and let everyone in the house know what and
      why you are doing this

4.2. New rhythm
1.     Consider radical change - sleep for 2 days and be awake for 5 days
2.     Consider a minor change - sleep for two 4 hour segments each day

4.3. Don't sleep during the day
1.     Do not "cat nap" during the day - this will inspire you to stay up later than necessary
2.     Do not nap with your partner or friend - their bodies may have a different circadian
3.     Do not "over-sleep" your wake-up time if you have had adequate sleep already

4.4. Time zone differences
1.     If the family members are in different time zones, set up rules for communication
2.     Communicate frequently to ensure you are not "missing out" on what's happening
3.     Alternatively, stop communicating about daily events as that may cause you to want
       to think about being involved in the activity or the outcome of the activity
4.     Move back to the family or have them move closer if possible


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Sleep easy

  • 2. CONTENTS 1. Physiology ...................................................................................................................... 3 1.1. Eating before sleep ................................................................................................................................ 3 1.2. Physical activity prior to sleep ................................................................................................................ 4 1.3. Preparation for sleep .............................................................................................................................. 4 1.4. Physical activity during sleep ................................................................................................................. 4 2. Psychology ..................................................................................................................... 5 2.1. Prepare mind for sleep ........................................................................................................................... 5 2.2. Mind calm during sleep .......................................................................................................................... 5 2.3. Sleep clinic ............................................................................................................................................. 5 3. Environment ................................................................................................................... 6 3.1. Bed ......................................................................................................................................................... 6 3.1.1. Sleep in exotic substances ............................................................................................................. 6 3.1.2. Sleep in different positions .............................................................................................................. 6 3.1.3. Pillow variations .............................................................................................................................. 6 3.1.4. Sheet variations .............................................................................................................................. 6 3.1.5. Blanket variations ............................................................................................................................ 7 3.1.6. Mattress variations .......................................................................................................................... 7 3.1.7. Headboard and bedside tables ....................................................................................................... 7 3.1.8. Bed accessories .............................................................................................................................. 7 3.2. Lighting ................................................................................................................................................... 7 3.2.1. Natural light options ........................................................................................................................ 7 3.2.2. Artificial light options ....................................................................................................................... 8 3.3. Temperature ........................................................................................................................................... 8 3.3.1. Mechanical temperature control ..................................................................................................... 8 3.3.2. Natural temperature control ............................................................................................................ 8 3.4. Humidity.................................................................................................................................................. 8 3.5. Smells ..................................................................................................................................................... 8 3.6. Noise ...................................................................................................................................................... 8 3.7. Insects .................................................................................................................................................... 9 3.8. Develop an application for sleep ............................................................................................................ 9 3.9. Create virtual reality device for sleep ..................................................................................................... 9 3.10. Sleep in exotic locations ....................................................................................................................... 9 4. Time .............................................................................................................................. 10 4.1. Go to bed on time ................................................................................................................................. 10 4.2. New rhythm .......................................................................................................................................... 10 4.3. Don't sleep during the day .................................................................................................................... 10 4.4. Time zone differences .......................................................................................................................... 10 2
  • 3. SleepEasy The dilemma of having adequate time to sleep, unhindered by work or social pressures and yet not sleeping through the night is examined in this document. The many potential solutions to this dilemma are detailed in the 4-dimensional structure. The four areas were formed by creating an unstructured "mind-map" that eventually shaped itself into four distinct areas. The areas identified were defined as physical attributes of the sleeper (Physiological), internal influences on the sleeper (Psychological), external impacts on the sleeper (Environment) and the fourth dimension being time. The process followed was to first create a "mind-map" of the causes and then create a separate "mind-map" of "wild" innovative solutions that were merged to generate a wide scope of potential solutions The concept of improving sleep requires that all the issues raised here be monitored and recorded. Changes that are made should be tried individually otherwise you will not understand the effect of the change - some changes may require a longer trial period. 1. Physiology 1.1. Eating before sleep 1. A well balanced supper will ensure that you don't wake up hungry 2. Supper recipes that contain spices or ingredients that upset your digestion process should be eliminated (NO SUGAR or CAFFEINE). 3. Pills taken for various ailments should be studies to determine whether they affect sleep and if so, then ingested at a different time 4. Pills that need to be ingested during sleeping hours (ie: certain time before breakfast) should be referred to a doctor for alternative solutions 5. Water ingested during the night and with pills must be of a suitable temperature, easy to reach and not require you to sit up 6. Alcohol may induce good sleep, however it may also make you thirsty or make you feel ill - experiment until the optimum solution is found 7. Eating snacks after supper should be monitored and minimized or eliminated completely 3
  • 4. 1.2. Physical activity prior to sleep Physical activities before bedtime may induce good sleep or alternatively may stimulate you and prevent consistent sleep. Do the opposite of the following activities: 1. Sport and exercises 2. Invest in a maid that will complete the housework and laundry 3. Invest in a gardener or garden services for gardening requirements 4. Invest in a babysitter or private tutor for the demand of children and animals 5. Homework or work brought home from the office that stresses the body (ie: sitting at a desk, straining your eyes) 6. House repairs including repairs to appliances and cars that may require you to be in a stressed environment (eg: cold garage) 7. Sex 1.3. Preparation for sleep 1. Take sleeping pills on a trial basis 2. Ensure bladder is empty 3. Remove glasses and massage nose and temples 4. Clean teeth gently in order that you have no pain from gums or teeth 5. Remove slippers only when getting under blankets - this keeps feet warm 6. Get a soothing massage 7. Take a bath or sauna that relaxes you 8. Treat pain in your body with medication or doctors recommendations (eg: elastic muscle guard for cramping or sore joints) 1.4. Physical activity during sleep 1. Tossing and turning during sleep may wake you up - treat the symptom (in other sleep retarding areas) 2. Tossing and turning of partner must be eliminated - the quickest being to have them relocate and you have the bed to yourself) 3. Bodily functions must be eliminated through correct preparation for sleep 4. Bodily functions of partner must be eliminated - the quickest being to have them relocate and you have the bed to yourself) 5. Do not plan or perform any activities that require you to wake up (eg: to take the dog outside) 6. Do not answer phone messages - the light from the phone will affect you 4
  • 5. 2. Psychology 2.1. Prepare mind for sleep 1. Pray and make peace - do not go to bed angry or upset 2. Do not stimulate the mind through computer games, board games, card games or other mind games 3. Do not answer the phone, text messages or e-mails on smart phones 4. Do not watch stimulating movies on TV (eg: scary movies) 5. Do not let partner watch TV in the same room (or even the room next door) whilst you are trying to sleep 6. Do not read before sleep unless it stimulates sleep 7. Do not take part in hobbies before sleep 8. Do things that sooth you or bore you (eg: ironing of clothes) 2.2. Mind calm during sleep The objective is to distract your mind from stimulating activities and thoughts through not thinking about: 1. Your children and how you can live their lives for them 2. The people that excite and stimulate you, particularly if they are still awake 3. Your work concerns 4. Exciting adventures and vacations or your "bucket list" Your thoughts will generate or influence dreams which will affect you sleep quality. 2.3. Sleep clinic When all else fails, attend a sleep clinic and see if the latest technology and methodology can restore good sleep. 5
  • 6. 3. Environment 3.1. Bed 3.1.1. Sleep in exotic substances 1. Sleep in a bath full of milk 2. Sleep in a bath full of feathers 3. Sleep in a bath full of M&M's 4. Sleep in a massage-bed 5. Sleep on an air-bed - this is in the form of vertical jets of air that suspend you in mid-air 3.1.2. Sleep in different positions 1. In a vacuum - floating 2. Standing up 3. Sitting in various positions in a reclining chair 4. Sitting in an aircraft type chair to stimulate the feeling of exotic travel 3.1.3. Pillow variations 1. Clean pillows more regularly with a variety of cleaning materials and softeners 2. Use therapeutic pillows 3. Use anti-snore pillows 4. Use head-shaping pillows 5. Change pillow cases - silk, cotton, woollen, flannel, denim, corduroy 6. Use "down", goose feather and other pillow constructions 7. Use extra large, large, medium and small pillows until you feel comfortable 8. Use synthetic pillows 9. Use straw pillow construction - this will satisfy your primal instincts 10. Use a wooden pillow - also a primal nature 11. Use a stone pillow - very primal 12. Use NO pillow 3.1.4. Sheet variations 1. Clean sheets more regularly with a variety of cleaning materials, starches and/or softeners 2. Use cotton, wool and silk sheets 3. Use plastic wrap as a sheet 4. Use a tarpaulin as sheet material 5. Use mutton cloth as sheet material 6. Use various curtain designs as sheets (both in texture and pattern/ color designs) 7. Use newspaper or paper fabricated sheets 8. Use NO sheets 6
  • 7. 3.1.5. Blanket variations 1. Clean blankets more regularly with a variety of cleaning materials and softeners 2. Use woollen blankets 3. Use synthetic duvet 4. Use feather constructed duvet 5. Use electric blanket with various heat settings or programming 6. Use newspaper 7. Use a "water blanket" that can also be heated - like a water bottle 8. Use NO blanket 3.1.6. Mattress variations 1. A mattress cover or lack thereof should be examined 2. A new mattress may be required depending on the age and condition of your current mattress 3. Try a range of different mattresses...from rock hard to ultra soft 4. Try different size mattresses encompassing all 3 dimensions from extra large to very small 5. Try a range of different construction substances...foam, spring, straw or other suitable materials 6. Use a "sleep number" mattress 7. Use a water bed as an option 8. Use a hummock 3.1.7. Headboard and bedside tables 1. Try out a variety of head boards - from loose to firm, from soft material to hard wood/metal 2. Try out a variety of head board fixtures - from loose to firm, attached to wall and attached to bed 3. Bed-side tables must be accessible and uncluttered - try various configurations as confusion can disrupt sleep 4. Proximity of side-table can be a factor if sleeper is in danger of bumping the sidetable or knocking it over 5. A "foot locker" or stool can disturb a sleeper if the blanket and sheets are caught - relocate and examine alternatives or remove 3.1.8. Bed accessories 1. Pets - try a variety of different animals or alternatively try sleeping without any pets! 2. Try various toys that may comfort you as you sleep 3. Use a variety of water bottles at different temperatures 3.2. Lighting 3.2.1. Natural light options 1. Curtain density and coverage must be engineered to suit the sleeper 2. Blinds density and coverage must be engineered to suit the sleeper 3. Light from adjoining rooms and passages can be subdued or eliminated 4. Simply wear an eye-mask 7
  • 8. 3.2.2. Artificial light options 1. TV and decoder lights can be covered or subdued 2. Smoke detector and CO2 monitor lights can be covered or subdued 3. Bed-side alarm light intensity can be subdued or redirected 4. Light from adjoining rooms and passages can be subdued or eliminated 5. Simply wear an eye-mask 3.3. Temperature 3.3.1. Mechanical temperature control 1. In winter use furnace or heating system to keep temperatures warm 2. In summer use air-conditioner to keep temperatures cool 3. Use of a programmed thermostat is ideal to prevent discomfort during the night 4. Use an electric blanket in winter 3.3.2. Natural temperature control 1. In winter keep the windows closed at night and use warm sheets and more blankets 2. In summer keep the windows open at night and create a draft through the room by opening other doors/windows 3. Insulate building (including ceilings) and windows accordingly 4. Sleep in different sections of the house depending on the season 5. Change your clothing to suittemperature 3.4. Humidity 1. Humidifiers are ideal in dry climates 2. The humidity can be increased in dry climates by placing vessels with exposed water in strategic locations 3. The humidity can be decreased in wet climates through air-conditioning 4. The alternative to decreasing humidity in wet climates is to create heat or air movement 3.5. Smells 1. Cooking smells can be avoided by keeping doors closed, extractor fans, outdoor cooking or simply "eating out" 2. Sleeping partners - bad breath, flatulence and body odors can be avoided by sleeping alone or some constructive criticism and associated changes 3. Outside smells - smoke, pollen, fertilizers, animals, barbeques can be avoided by closing windows and sealing doors or countered by incense, air fresheners or air- conditioning 4. Bathroom smells - drain pipe odors, toilet stench, disinfectants, creams/lotions, cosmetics and perfumes can be overcome by various avoidance and cleanliness routines 5. Clothing smells - smoke, perfume, cosmetics etc on clothes can be avoided by simply relocating them to the next room 3.6. Noise 1. Creaking house - not easy to eliminate and if necessary buy a new house 2. Ceiling fan rotation - can eliminate with an air-conditioner or reinforce the installation to stop it swinging 3. Heater and or AC fan noise - can eliminate by relocating fan or moving ducts and 8
  • 9. registers 4. Humidifier hum can be eliminated by running the humidifier before sleeping or using bowls of water or installing a humidifier in the heating system 5. Fridge and ice-machine intermittent start-ups - muffle these or program them differently 6. Trees and shrubs rubbing against the house or windows - cut them to suit or relocate them 7. Snoring partner - send the person for medical solutions 8. Partner passing gas - the simple solution is to move to another room or get partner to change diet or tale medicine for the problem 9. Planes and neighbors music or other sounds can be reduced with better insulation or relocation 10. When all else fails use some ear plugs! 11. Play soothing "meditation" music that you know does not stimulate you 3.7. Insects 1. The flying insects can be eliminated with electronic sounds, various commercial repellents and window gauze to prevent their access 2. In less affluent circumstances the flying insects are countered using bed- nets, swatters, high garlic diets and even smoke 3. Crawling insects are eliminated with good hygiene and commercial repellents 4. In less affluent circumstances crawling and flying insects are eliminated by accepting certain spiders, chameleons and lizards that feed off these insects 5. Bed bugs are eliminated through good hygiene, commercial repellents and not sleeping in hotel beds 3.8. Develop an application for sleep This smart-phone application must become a monitor to ensure you follow a pre- programmed routine and will sound an alarm at critical stages. The app will speak to you and also require you to insert data that can be analyzed for further treatment adjustments. 3.9. Create virtual reality device for sleep This gaming device will be a pair of glasses or helmet that will create the correct environment for your tailor-made needs and sleep requirements. 3.10. Sleep in exotic locations 1. On a mountain top 2. In a submarine 3. On a luxury yacht 4. On the moon 5. In a spaceship 6. In a tree-house 7. In a Ferrari 8. In the sidecar of a motorcycle 9. In a pram 10. In a hospital bed 11. In a hummock attached to a cliff 12. In a barn 13. In a hot-tub 14. In an ice-cave 15. In a gold mine 9
  • 10. 4. Time 4.1. Go to bed on time 1. Determine when you need to get up the next morning 2. Calculate 8 hours of sleep and the appropriate time to start sleeping 3. Eliminate all chores well before bedtime and allow for some unforeseen events an get to bed well before the specific time 4. Set an alarm (on your cellphone) to ensure you get to bed on time 5. Do not compromise on this schedule and let everyone in the house know what and why you are doing this 4.2. New rhythm 1. Consider radical change - sleep for 2 days and be awake for 5 days 2. Consider a minor change - sleep for two 4 hour segments each day 4.3. Don't sleep during the day 1. Do not "cat nap" during the day - this will inspire you to stay up later than necessary 2. Do not nap with your partner or friend - their bodies may have a different circadian rhythm 3. Do not "over-sleep" your wake-up time if you have had adequate sleep already 4.4. Time zone differences 1. If the family members are in different time zones, set up rules for communication 2. Communicate frequently to ensure you are not "missing out" on what's happening 3. Alternatively, stop communicating about daily events as that may cause you to want to think about being involved in the activity or the outcome of the activity 4. Move back to the family or have them move closer if possible 10