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Yao Zhiqing
Relay Protection and Automation Equipment Branch of China Electrical Equipment Industrial Association
executive vice director
Chairman of China Electrotechnical Society Professional Committee of Power System Control and Protection
Application of RT_LAB in Flexible
HVDC Research
The 7th International Conference
on Real-Time Simulation Technologies
Montreal | 9-12 June, 2014
The 7th International Conference
on Real-Time Simulation Technologies
Montreal | 9-12 June, 2014
Development Status and Trend of Flexible HVDC
Application of RT_LAB in Flexible HVDC
Breakthroughs in key technologies of Flexible HVDC
Problems and Prospects in RT_LAB applications4
The 7th International Conference
on Real-Time Simulation Technologies
Montreal | 9-12 June, 2014
Development Status and Trend of Flexible HVDC
supply 新能源接入
New energy
City grid
flexible partition
and combination
City PTD
In China, Flexible HVDC applications mainly covers the following six areas
Development Status and Trend of Flexible HVDC
1.1 海岛供电
Island power supply
Build island grid
Island grid could not connect to large
power grid and has poor reliability.
Island has low power load, poor
stability, low utilization of device and
fuel and bad power quality.
1.1 海岛供电
Island power supply
Connect with large power grid and increase
power supply reliability.
Form MTDC system between island and
increase the flexible of power dispatch and
quality of power supply.
Power supply for remote passive load.
The function of flexible HVDC in island power supply
Power for offshore platform
1.2 新能源接入
New energy access
The intermittent of solar and wind
energy causes the fluctuation of output.
It then influences the fluctuation and
stability of large grid.
Because of big energy dispersibility,
faraway from load center, it is
diseconomy to use AC connection
when power is large. 大规模海上风电接入
Large-scale offshore wind power access
Relieve the stability problem caused by
fluctuation of output power and Improve
transmission stability.
Insulate AC short-circuit fault effectively
and improve the situation of wind farm.
No need for compensation equipment in
remote transmission and improve the ability
of new energy absorption.
The function of flexible HVDC
1.2 新能源接入
New energy access
1.3 城市输配电
City PTD
Because the complex of city grid load, it
need large reactive power supply. This
causes voltage stability problem.
The increasing power load makes city grid
power capacity increased and causes short-
circuit current exceeding.
There is a big contradiction of power
supply and consumption caused by city’s
environmental constraints and area
Form city DC grid
The function of flexible HVDC in city PTD
Meet the city’s environmental constraints and area
restrictions using underground cable.
Solve fluctuation issue and improve power supply
quality by using fast controller of active and reactive
Form MTDC system, improve system stability
and flow control flexibility, and solve the short-
circuit current exceeding problem.
1.3 城市输配电
City PTD
1.4 多端柔性直流
Because the instability and poor
controllability of single-point grid, the
MTDC system is needed urgently.
In order to avoid electromagnetic looped
network, we have to build radiant power
supply network, and there is a problem with
synchronization stability.
Because the DC voltage polarity changes
with power reversal, traditional DC grid is
not is not suitable to build MTDC system.
Topology of MTDC
(a) 串联型 (b) 并联型 (c) 混联型
(a) 放射状 (b) 环网状
MTDCs in parallel
1.4 多端柔性直流
The function of flexible HVDC
Easy to realize integrative grid and
increase flexible power supply.
Resolve the problem of region stability of
large grid by accessing AC grid with MTDC.
Build future DC grid system.
1.5 混合直流输电
Hybrid HVDC
Hybrid HVDC system
送端 受端
送端 受端
Traditional HVDC has huge capacity ,but it
also has problems with reactive compensation,
harmonic suppression and commutation
failure etc.
Flexible HVDC has good controller, quick
response and could power for passive load.
But it has low capability.
The function of flexible HVDC
Using hybrid HVDC system, the system could
promote the power capability and insure the
1.6 城市电网柔性分区与组环技术
City grid flexible partition and combination
With the social and economic
development, the rapid growth of power
load has brought the problem of
excessive short-circuit current for the
expansion of urban power.
To limit the short circuit, the
conventional approach is to partition the
power supply, but it also brought the
problem of poor reliability and uneven
power distribution.
City grid flexible partition and combination
The function of flexible HVDC
Achieve power partition interconnected to
form a soft partition, promote the power
support between zones.
Provide dynamic reactive power support for
local district to improve the quality of power
Split ring network, isolate AC fault and
reduce short-circuit current.
1.6 城市电网柔性分区与组环技术
City grid flexible partition and combination
The 7th International Conference
on Real-Time Simulation Technologies
Montreal | 9-12 June, 2014
Breakthroughs in key technologies of Flexible HVDC
2.1 系统分析与成套设计技术
System analysis and packaged design
Main technologies of system analysis and packaged design as follows
 电力系统柔性直流接入能力分析及系统方案设计技术;
Analysis of Flexible HVDC power system access ability and design of system scheme.
 柔性直流输电系统控制保护技术;
Control and protection technology of Flexible HVDC.
 柔性直流输电主设备参数设计及换流站布局。
Parameter design of main device and layout of converter station.
2.1 系统分析与成套设计技术
System analysis and packaged design
Breakthroughs in key technologies are:
 柔性直流输电系统设计技术-能够基于多目标优化集合和多边界约束,进行兼顾电力系
Design of flexible HVDC-optimized design of system scheme and device
parameter based on multi-objective optimization and multi-boundary
constraints, taking into account the power system stability and system
 混联系统协调控制技术-掌握了交流系统、VSC-HVDC系统和LCC-HVDC系统运行特性和
Coordinate control technology of hybrid system –grasp operating characters
of AC system, VSC-HVDC, LCC-HVDC and could design coordinate controller.
2.1 系统分析与成套设计技术
System analysis and packaged design
 故障准确辨识与快速隔离技术-掌握了柔性直流输电系统故障发生机理和发展过程,能
Accuracy fault Identification and quick isolation technology- grasp the
mechanism of power system fault,able to accurately identify the various
types of faults and rapid isolation, to ensure system security and stability.
 过电压分析与绝缘配合技术:掌握了柔性输电系统的过电压机理和分析方法,能够对
Over-voltage analysis and Insulation Coordination technology - grasp the
mechanism of over-voltage and analysis method of Flexible HVDC. Could
design the schematic of Insulation Coordination .
2.2 核心设备关键技术
key technology of core devices
Core devices of Flexible HVDC are:
 换流阀
 阀控设备
 控制保护设备
Control and protect device
2.2 核心设备关键技术
key technology of core devices
 换流阀多物理场分析与优化设计技术-能够对换流阀进行机械应力、热应力和电磁应力等进行全
Converter valve multi-physics analysis and design optimization technology-verify the
mechanical stress, thermal stress and electromagnetic stress of the converter valve
by simulation, and comprehensive optimize the design parameters.
 换流阀电压/电流均衡控制技术-通过特定的优化算法实现大规模节点换流阀的子模块均压和桥臂
 Voltage / current balance control technology of converter valve - realize sub-module
average control and circular current control of large-scale converter valves using
special algorithm to ensure converter valve operation in good condition.
Breakthroughs in key technologies are:
2.2 核心设备关键技术
key technology of core devices
 换流阀保护技术-通过系统暂稳态全工况分析,掌握了兼顾换流阀保护快速性和保护可靠性的分
Converter valve protection technology - grasp layered fault protection strategy taking
into account speedability and reliability by all conditions analyzed .
 高速硬件平台技术:通过快速计算技术、快速接口技术和快速主备系统切换系统,能够满足电压
High speed hardware platform technology- could meet the requirement of large scale
calculation and quick synchronous control by technology of rapid computing, fast
interface and fast switch between master and slave system.
2.3 试验技术
Test technology
VSC-HVDC test mainly contains:
 型式试验
Type test
 例行/出厂试验
Routine test and delivery test
 现场试验
Field test
Breakthrough of core technology contain:
 基于物理动模系统的原型算法试验技术-通过构建小功率的柔性直流输电物理系统,能够对各种控
The prototype algorithm test technology based on physical dynamic model system-All kinds of
control and protection strategies can be tested in different conditions by building low power
Flexible HVDC physical system. This pave the way for the engineering.
 基于RT-LAB的硬件在环测试技术-通过阀控系统与控制保护系统在RT-LAB构建的实际工程模型中的
RT-LAB-based hardware in the loop testing technology-Through the closed-loop test of valve
control system, control and protection system, and the actual engineering model build in RT-LAB,
we can master the dynamic and steady-state performance of control and protection system in all
conditions. It laid solid foundation for the engineering.
 基于多源合成的大功率等效试验技术-通过大功率合成试验回路的设计研发,能够对换流阀极限工
Equivalent test technology based on multi-source synthesis- It could test combined stress of
converter in limited conditions by the design of large power test circuit, to insure the product
satisfies the projects.
2.3 试验技术
Test technology
2.4 建模仿真技术
Technology of modeling and simulation
The main modeling and simulation technologies of Flexible HVDC as follows:
 电力系统潮流计算及稳定性分析-PSS/E;
Power flow calculation and stability analysis -PSS/E.
 柔性直流系统电磁暂态仿真-PSCAD/EMTDC;
Electromagnetic transient simulation-PSCAD/EMTDC.
 柔性直流系统数字闭环控制器设计及性能测试-Matlab/Simulink。
Design and test of digital closed loop controller-Matlab/Simulink.
 VSC-HVDC自定义建模技术-能够基于该模型完成电力系统的机电暂稳态分析,掌握电力
Customer modeling technology of VSC-HVDC- the model could complete
electromagnetic transient analysis and grasp electric power system characteristics
and the engineering requirements of flexible HVDC .
 MMC等效电路建模技术-通过建立特定工况的MMC系统等效电路,克服大规模柔直系统
Modeling technology of MMC equivalent circuit – the MMC equivalent circuit in special
condition can save a lot simulation time and provide theoretical reference for high
level flexible HVDC.
Breakthrough of core technology contain:
2.4 建模仿真技术
Technology of modeling and simulation
 快速电磁暂态建模技术-通过建立快速电磁暂态模型,能够对复杂特别是多端柔性直流系统进行电
Quick electromagnetic transient modeling technology -the electromagnetic transient
model could simulate complex system and MTDC system in details.
 混合建模技术:通过快速电磁暂态与详细模型的混合,能够对大规模系统的换流阀进行器件级的
Hybrid modeling technology - Hybrid model of quick electromagnetic transient model and
detailed model could simulate large systems in device level and provide a basis for
designing of key device.
2.4 建模仿真技术
Technology of modeling and simulation
The 7th International Conference
on Real-Time Simulation Technologies
Montreal | 9-12 June, 2014
Application of RT_LAB in Flexible HVDC
The circuit topology, operating characteristics of Flexible HVDC is quite different from traditional
HVDC. With new energy, new technologies such as flexible HVDC constantly used in power systems, its
operation mechanism and dynamic characteristics still need further study. During this process, digital
modeling and simulation methods are fully applied.
Application of RT_LAB in Flexible HVDC
RT-LAB real-time simulation platform
主要功能 :
Application of RT_LAB in Flexible HVDC
Main function :
Software and hardware in loop test of control protection device.
Software and hardware in loop test of valve control device.
Union in loop test of control protection device and valve control device.
RT-LAB is a real-time simulation platform based on the model, not only can guarantee real-
time simulation, but also has the advantage of direct access the hardware to control or test loop. So
that the entire development process is closer to the actual, and can help shorten development
cycle. At present, RT_LAB is widely used in aerospace, weapons development, power systems,
automotive and other fields, and in aviation, solar power, wind power, flexible HVDC, missile
development, automotive ECU (car computer) development and testing, commissioning , control
and other aspects it also has successful application.
Application of RT_LAB in Flexible HVDC
HVDC project of Offshore drilling platform of China National Offshore Oil Corporation
惠东 老港
500kV 南汇站
Application of RT_LAB in Flexible HVDC
Flexible HVDC systems engineering practices are often difficult and complex, various
technical indicators and accurate and reliable parameters of various parts of the
hardware are not always easy to get in the actual system before the project put into
In order to ensure the reliability and feasibility of the control strategy of system
operation, it is essential to do detailed simulation and debugging for each part in the
early part of system put into operation.
Application of RT_LAB in Flexible HVDC
舟山多端海岛供电示范工程 Zhoushan MTDC demonstration project introduction
MMC-VSC-HVDC 系统规模一般都很大,MMC 换流站子模块个数经常会达到几百甚至上千个,同时,基于MMC的柔性
MMC-VSC-HVDC systems are generally large-scale, the number of sub-modules in each MMC converter station
often reach hundreds or even thousands, while the MMC-based flexible HVDC system is particularly suitable for
remote access to new energy grid. Taking into account the multi-terminal system, a lot of projects require
simulating new energy connected to the grid (such as large-scale wind farms) in the pre-simulation.
Application of RT_LAB in Flexible HVDC
Dalian city power supply demonstration project introduction
图 例
Application of RT_LAB in Flexible HVDC
The scale of simulation system is so large that, it has brought great difficulties to the digital system
simulation and make the conventional offline simulation tool has low efficiency. So, in the study of flexible
HVDC system, the use of real-time simulation platform RT_LAB is very necessary.
In addition, the primary equipment of flexible HVDC system is expensive, if the controller is verified
with the actual converter valves, a little fault will cause serious loss, so the cost of physical simulation is
too high. But using RT_LAB to model the actual converter valves, and connecting to actual controller to
do semi-physical simulation, this problem can be solved.
Application of RT_LAB in Flexible HVDC
The 7th International Conference
on Real-Time Simulation Technologies
Montreal | 9-12 June, 2014
Problems and Prospects in RT_LAB applications
With HVDC and a lot of electronic devices access to power systems and new energy generation,
micro-grids, etc. used in power systems, the control features of it become more complex. So there are
higher requirements with simulation scale, simulation accuracy and simulation speed, which will promote
the development of the power system digital simulation technology.
Problems and Prospects in RT_LAB applications
The stability of the software is not very good
In the software using process, often encounter slow start, some functions can not be displayed, etc.
No their own power simulation module
RT-LAB real-time simulation software relying on SIMULINK to establish model, SIMULINK library has a lot
of power system module can be used, with the continuous development of the power industry, RT-LAB
software needs to establish its own associated power module library, to enable customers to have more
Problems with RT_LAB applications
Problems and Prospects in RT_LAB applications
RT-LAB real-time simulation model takes too long to compile
For a relatively small model, the speed of compile and download is negligible, but for the larger model, if
you want to modify a small place, you will need to recompile the entire model, seriously affecting the
commissioning schedule. Although the software has the functionality of a separately compiled modules, but it
is not stability and improved, and often produce unknown questions. Further improvement is needed.
Problems with RT_LAB applications
Problems and Prospects in RT_LAB applications
Wave recorded could be improved
There is a corresponding wave recorded module to achieve a variety of wave recorded function in RT-LAB
software, but to read these waveforms, we need to stop running the entire model. For hardware in the loop
test, this will affect the progress of the entire system debugging.
The compatibility for some special modules in SIMULINK has to be improved
Problems and Prospects in RT_LAB applications
Problems with RT_LAB applications
When a model is built using MATLAB2009B, real-time simulation is no problem. But if it is opened in
MATLAB2011B , its real-time operation can not meet the real-time requirements. That is because some
special modules does not meet real-time requirements in MATLAB2011B, which is difficult for the compiler to
find out.
Monitoring function need to be improved
Monitoring is a very useful function, through which you can quickly find excessive calculated module to
optimize the entire model. However, this function is quite unstable and in most cases will not be able to
monitor the operation of each core, so it is needed to be improved.
Problems and Prospects in RT_LAB applications
Problems with RT_LAB applications
Simulation modeling technology
Currently, new energy, new technologies such as flexible HVDC constantly used in power systems,
its operation mechanism and dynamic characteristics still needs further research, mathematical
modeling methods need to be improved to accommodate the new development of the power system.
Taking flexible HVDC for example, the circuit topology, operating characteristics are quite different from
traditional HVDC , it does not yet have perfect electromechanical transient simulation model, and DC
distribution network based on flexible HVDC technology is still in its infancy.
Development trend of digital simulation technology in power system
Problems and Prospects in RT_LAB applications
Multi-rate hybrid simulation technology
Currently, power systems both have fast dynamic processes such as fast breaking
power electronic components, and slow dynamic processes such as steam turbine
speed, electric vehicle charging, etc. So we can do multi-rate hybrid simulation by
solving fast dynamic process and slow dynamic processes separately. Multi-rate
simulations include hybrid simulation of electromechanical transient and
electromagnetic transient simulation, and hybrid simulation of small step length and
large step length electromagnetic transient simulation.
Problems and Prospects in RT_LAB applications
Large-scale real-time simulation technology
Currently, real-time simulation of large power grids in the test should be carried out large-
scale equivalent of simplification, so that the application of real-time simulation techniques,
especially for large power grid electromechanical transient and dynamic characteristic
simulation research, has been greatly restricted. Therefore, the development of real-time
simulation of large-scale power systems technologies is needed.
Problems and Prospects in RT_LAB applications
目前, 相关电力单位先后建立了以实时数字仿真平台(RT-LAB)为主体的数字仿真实
验室, 开展实时数字仿真应用研究工作。
Currently, the relevant power units have established a digital simulation laboratory, which
takes real-time digital simulation platform (RT-LAB) as the main part, to carry out real-time
digital simulation applications research.
Problems and Prospects in RT_LAB applications
在特高压交直流、 FACTS新设备以及新能源不断接入电网的背景下,在数学建模技术、 计算机
技术和并行处理技术推动下, 实时数字仿真技术会在大规模交直流互联电网仿真、 智能电网仿真
相关技术研究、 新能源的接入及运行控制、 复杂电力系统的故障再现、基于柔性直流技术的直流
Under the background of HVDC/AC, FACTS new equipment and new energy constantly
connected to the grid, driven by the mathematical modeling, computer technology and
parallel processing technology, real-time digital simulation technology has been widely
applied in large-scale simulation of AC-DC interconnected grid, smart-grid simulation,
access and operation control of new energy, fault reproduction of complex power systems,
DC distribution network based on flexible HVDC, relay analysis and closed loop test to
meet of secondary equipment, etc.
Problems and Prospects in RT_LAB applications
可以预见, 开展分布式电源与特殊负荷模型开发与应用、 智能电网仿真相关技术研究、
It is can be expected that, development and application of distributed power and special
load model, smart grid simulation, HVDC systems, DC distribution network real-time
simulation technology and its applications will be the main direction of future applications.
Problems and Prospects in RT_LAB applications
The 7th International Conference
on Real-Time Simulation Technologies
Montreal | 9-12 June, 2014
Thanks for your attention

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Design Modeling and Simulation of Fuzzy Controlled Svc for Long Over Head Tra...
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Analysis of multi terminal hvdc transmission system feeding very weak ac netw...
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A review on hvdc circuit breakers
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Assessment of the Static Stability Margin and Voltage Profile Improvement in ...
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Impact of LCC–HVDC multiterminal on generator rotor angle stability
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Similaire à OPAL-RT RT14 Conference: Application of RT-LAB in Flexible HVDC Research (20)

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Assessment of the Static Stability Margin and Voltage Profile Improvement in ...
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Impact of LCC–HVDC multiterminal on generator rotor angle stability
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Detailed large-scale real-time HYPERSIM EMT simulation for transient stabilit...
Detailed large-scale real-time HYPERSIM EMT simulation for transient stabilit...Detailed large-scale real-time HYPERSIM EMT simulation for transient stabilit...
Detailed large-scale real-time HYPERSIM EMT simulation for transient stabilit...OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES
2017 Atlanta Regional User Seminar - Real-Time Microgrid Demos
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2017 Atlanta Regional User Seminar - Conclusion
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2017 Atlanta Regional User Seminar - Using OPAL-RT Real-Time Simulation and H...
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2017 Atlanta Regional User Seminar - Virtualizing Industrial Control Systems ...
2017 Atlanta Regional User Seminar - Virtualizing Industrial Control Systems ...2017 Atlanta Regional User Seminar - Virtualizing Industrial Control Systems ...
2017 Atlanta Regional User Seminar - Virtualizing Industrial Control Systems ...OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES
2017 Atlanta Regional User Seminar - Residential Battery Storage Systems. Des...
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2017 Atlanta Regional User Seminar - Real-Time Volt/Var Optimization Scheme f...
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Comparison of Non-real-time and Real-time Simulators with Relays-in-the-Loop ...
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Comparison of Non-real-time and Real-time Simulators with Relays-in-the-Loop ...OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES
2017 Atlanta Regional User Seminar Introduction
2017 Atlanta Regional User Seminar Introduction2017 Atlanta Regional User Seminar Introduction
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Webinar | HIL-based Wide-area Monitoring, Protection and Control R&D and Testing
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Webinar | HIL Testing of Electric Transportation
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OPAL-RT and RTDS Technologies Co-Simulation
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Microgrid Controller HIL Demonstration Platform
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Rapid Control Prototyping Solutions
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OPAL-RT | Setup and Performance of a Combined Hardware-in-loop and Software-i...
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RT15 Berkeley | ePHASORsim: Real-time transient stability simulation tool - O...
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Detailed large-scale real-time HYPERSIM EMT simulation for transient stabilit...
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2017 Atlanta Regional User Seminar - Real-Time Microgrid Demos
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2017 Atlanta Regional User Seminar - Conclusion
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2017 Atlanta Regional User Seminar - Using OPAL-RT Real-Time Simulation and H...
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2017 Atlanta Regional User Seminar - Virtualizing Industrial Control Systems ...
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2017 Atlanta Regional User Seminar - Virtualizing Industrial Control Systems ...
2017 Atlanta Regional User Seminar - Residential Battery Storage Systems. Des...
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2017 Atlanta Regional User Seminar - Real-Time Volt/Var Optimization Scheme f...
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Comparison of Non-real-time and Real-time Simulators with Relays-in-the-Loop ...
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Comparison of Non-real-time and Real-time Simulators with Relays-in-the-Loop ...
2017 Atlanta Regional User Seminar Introduction
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Webinar | HIL Testing of Electric Transportation
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OPAL-RT and RTDS Technologies Co-Simulation
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Power Grid Cybersecurity
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Lab-Scale MMC Test Bench
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Rapid Control Prototyping Solutions
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OPAL-RT RT14 Conference: Application of RT-LAB in Flexible HVDC Research

  • 1. 姚致清 Yao Zhiqing 中国电器工业协会继电保护及自动化设备分会常务副理事长 Relay Protection and Automation Equipment Branch of China Electrical Equipment Industrial Association executive vice director 中国电工技术学会电力系统控制与保护专业委员会主任委员 Chairman of China Electrotechnical Society Professional Committee of Power System Control and Protection RT_LAB仿真技术在柔性直流输电技术 研究中的应用 Application of RT_LAB in Flexible HVDC Research The 7th International Conference on Real-Time Simulation Technologies Montreal | 9-12 June, 2014
  • 2. The 7th International Conference on Real-Time Simulation Technologies Montreal | 9-12 June, 2014 柔性直流输电技术的发展现状及趋势 Development Status and Trend of Flexible HVDC RT_LAB在柔性直流中的应用 Application of RT_LAB in Flexible HVDC 柔性直流输电关键技术突破 Breakthroughs in key technologies of Flexible HVDC 1 2 3 RT_LAB应用中现存问题及展望 Problems and Prospects in RT_LAB applications4
  • 3. The 7th International Conference on Real-Time Simulation Technologies Montreal | 9-12 June, 2014 1 柔性直流输电技术的发展现状及趋势 Development Status and Trend of Flexible HVDC
  • 4. 海岛供电 Island power supply 新能源接入 New energy access 混合直流输电 Hybrid HVDC 城市电网柔性 分区与组环技术 City grid flexible partition and combination 多端柔性 直流输电 MTDC 城市输配电 City PTD 国内柔性直流输电应用主要涵盖以下6个方面 In China, Flexible HVDC applications mainly covers the following six areas 1 柔性直流输电技术的发展现状及趋势 Development Status and Trend of Flexible HVDC
  • 5. 1.1 海岛供电 Island power supply 构建海岛电网 Build island grid 1 海岛电网远离大陆自成体系,难以与大电网 互联,供电可靠性差; Island grid could not connect to large power grid and has poor reliability. 海岛用电负荷小、波动大,设备、燃料利 用率低,电网建设落后,电能质量差。 Island has low power load, poor stability, low utilization of device and fuel and bad power quality.
  • 6. 1 1.1 海岛供电 Island power supply 实现与陆地大电网异步互联,提高供电可靠性; Connect with large power grid and increase power supply reliability. 形成海岛间多端供配电系统,提高潮流调配灵活 性和供电质量; Form MTDC system between island and increase the flexible of power dispatch and quality of power supply. 为偏远无源负荷供电。 Power supply for remote passive load. 海岛供电中,柔性直流输电的作用 The function of flexible HVDC in island power supply 海上平台供电 Power for offshore platform
  • 7. 1.2 新能源接入 New energy access 太阳能和风能等新能源的间歇性,导致输出 功率波动进而引起交流接入系统电压波动, 稳定性差; The intermittent of solar and wind energy causes the fluctuation of output. It then influences the fluctuation and stability of large grid. 能源分散性大,远离负荷中心,在大容量 远距离场合,利用交流输电接入很不经济。 Because of big energy dispersibility, faraway from load center, it is diseconomy to use AC connection when power is large. 大规模海上风电接入 Large-scale offshore wind power access 1
  • 8. 缓解由于输出功率波动引起的电压波动问题,提 高输电稳定性; Relieve the stability problem caused by fluctuation of output power and Improve transmission stability. 有效隔离交流系统短路故障,显著改善风电场运 行电网环境; Insulate AC short-circuit fault effectively and improve the situation of wind farm. 远距离输电无需补偿设备,大大提高新能源的消 纳能力。 No need for compensation equipment in remote transmission and improve the ability of new energy absorption. 柔性直流输电在新能源接入过程中的作用 The function of flexible HVDC 1.2 新能源接入 New energy access 1
  • 9. 1.3 城市输配电 City PTD 由于城市复杂负荷特性的影响,使得城市电网动态无功 支撑需求巨大,进而引发电压稳定性等问题; Because the complex of city grid load, it need large reactive power supply. This causes voltage stability problem. 负荷快速增长,使得城市电网不断增加交流系统供电容量, 引发了短路电流超标问题; The increasing power load makes city grid power capacity increased and causes short- circuit current exceeding. 城市严格的环保约束和占地限制,使得城市负荷中心供 用电出现较大矛盾。 There is a big contradiction of power supply and consumption caused by city’s environmental constraints and area restrictions. 构建城市直流供配电网 Form city DC grid 1
  • 10. 柔性直流输电在城市输配电中的作用 The function of flexible HVDC in city PTD 采用地埋式直流电缆,同时满足城市对于环保的约束和占地限制; Meet the city’s environmental constraints and area restrictions using underground cable. 通过快速控制有功和无功功率,解决电压波动问题,改善供电质量; Solve fluctuation issue and improve power supply quality by using fast controller of active and reactive power. 形成城市多端直流电网,提高系统稳定性和潮流控制灵活性, 同时解决交流系统增容导致的短路电流超限问题。 Form MTDC system, improve system stability and flow control flexibility, and solve the short- circuit current exceeding problem. 1.3 城市输配电 City PTD 1
  • 11. 1.4 多端柔性直流 MTDC 由于单点供受电网络可控性差,抗扰动能力弱,迫切需 要构筑多点馈受电系统; Because the instability and poor controllability of single-point grid, the MTDC system is needed urgently. 为避免形成电磁环网,交流系统只能构筑辐射式供电网络, 且存在同步稳定性问题; In order to avoid electromagnetic looped network, we have to build radiant power supply network, and there is a problem with synchronization stability. 传统直流由于潮流翻转直流电压极性改变的特点,不适 于构筑多端系统。 Because the DC voltage polarity changes with power reversal, traditional DC grid is not is not suitable to build MTDC system. 多端柔性直流输电系统拓扑 Topology of MTDC (a) 串联型 (b) 并联型 (c) 混联型 (a) 放射状 (b) 环网状 并联型多端柔性直流输电系统典型结构 MTDCs in parallel 1
  • 12. 1.4 多端柔性直流 MTDC 1 柔性直流输电的作用 The function of flexible HVDC 易于实现一体化的多落点供受电网络,增强潮流配置灵 活性; Easy to realize integrative grid and increase flexible power supply. 将交流电网通过柔性直流分区互联,解决大电网区域稳 定性问题; Resolve the problem of region stability of large grid by accessing AC grid with MTDC. 构建未来直流电网体系。 Build future DC grid system.
  • 13. 1.5 混合直流输电 Hybrid HVDC 混合直流输电系统拓扑结构 Hybrid HVDC system LCC VSC 送端 受端 (a)送受端混合结构 LCC 第一极 (b)单端多极混合结构 VSC 第二极 AC AC AC LCC VSC 送端 受端 (c)共交流落点混合结构 AC 1 传统直流输电容量巨大,但是存在无功补偿、谐波抑 制、换相失败等突出问题; Traditional HVDC has huge capacity ,but it also has problems with reactive compensation, harmonic suppression and commutation failure etc. 柔性直流虽然具有控制灵活、响应迅速、能实现无源 供电等众多优点,但是输电容量还十分有限。 Flexible HVDC has good controller, quick response and could power for passive load. But it has low capability. 柔性直流输电的作用 The function of flexible HVDC 通过混合输电协调控制技术,实现传统直流与柔性直流的 优势互补,在保证系统稳定性的同时大幅提升输电容量 Using hybrid HVDC system, the system could promote the power capability and insure the stability.
  • 14. 1.6 城市电网柔性分区与组环技术 City grid flexible partition and combination 随着社会经济的发展,城市负荷增长迅速, 城市电网的扩容带来了短路电流超标问题; With the social and economic development, the rapid growth of power load has brought the problem of excessive short-circuit current for the expansion of urban power. 为限制短路电路,常规的做法是进行分区供电, 但又带来了可靠性差,潮流分布不均的问题。 To limit the short circuit, the conventional approach is to partition the power supply, but it also brought the problem of poor reliability and uneven power distribution. 城市电网柔性分区组环示意图 City grid flexible partition and combination 1
  • 15. 柔性直流输电的作用 The function of flexible HVDC 实现供电分区的互联,形成软分区,提高分区间 的有功功率支援能力; Achieve power partition interconnected to form a soft partition, promote the power support between zones. 为本地分区提供动态无功功率支撑,提高供电质 量; Provide dynamic reactive power support for local district to improve the quality of power supply. 实现环网解列,隔离交流系统故障,并降低短路 电流水平。 Split ring network, isolate AC fault and reduce short-circuit current. 1.6 城市电网柔性分区与组环技术 City grid flexible partition and combination 1
  • 16. The 7th International Conference on Real-Time Simulation Technologies Montreal | 9-12 June, 2014 2 柔性直流输电关键技术突破 Breakthroughs in key technologies of Flexible HVDC
  • 17. 2.1 系统分析与成套设计技术 System analysis and packaged design 柔性直流系统分析与成套设计技术主要包含: Main technologies of system analysis and packaged design as follows 2  电力系统柔性直流接入能力分析及系统方案设计技术; Analysis of Flexible HVDC power system access ability and design of system scheme.  柔性直流输电系统控制保护技术; Control and protection technology of Flexible HVDC.  柔性直流输电主设备参数设计及换流站布局。 Parameter design of main device and layout of converter station.
  • 18. 2.1 系统分析与成套设计技术 System analysis and packaged design 突破的重点核心技术有: Breakthroughs in key technologies are: 2  柔性直流输电系统设计技术-能够基于多目标优化集合和多边界约束,进行兼顾电力系 统稳定性和柔性直流输电系统经济性的系统方案和设备参数优化设计; Design of flexible HVDC-optimized design of system scheme and device parameter based on multi-objective optimization and multi-boundary constraints, taking into account the power system stability and system economy.  混联系统协调控制技术-掌握了交流系统、VSC-HVDC系统和LCC-HVDC系统运行特性和 相互作用机制,能够对混联系统进行控制策略的协调设计; Coordinate control technology of hybrid system –grasp operating characters of AC system, VSC-HVDC, LCC-HVDC and could design coordinate controller.
  • 19. 2.1 系统分析与成套设计技术 System analysis and packaged design 2  故障准确辨识与快速隔离技术-掌握了柔性直流输电系统故障发生机理和发展过程,能 够对各类故障进行准确辨识与快速隔离,最大限度保证系统安全性和稳定性; Accuracy fault Identification and quick isolation technology- grasp the mechanism of power system fault,able to accurately identify the various types of faults and rapid isolation, to ensure system security and stability.  过电压分析与绝缘配合技术:掌握了柔性输电系统的过电压机理和分析方法,能够对 高压系统进行工程化的绝缘配合方案设计。 Over-voltage analysis and Insulation Coordination technology - grasp the mechanism of over-voltage and analysis method of Flexible HVDC. Could design the schematic of Insulation Coordination .
  • 20. 2.2 核心设备关键技术 key technology of core devices 柔性直流核心设备主要包含: Core devices of Flexible HVDC are: 2  换流阀 Converter  阀控设备 VBE  控制保护设备 Control and protect device
  • 21. 2.2 核心设备关键技术 key technology of core devices 2  换流阀多物理场分析与优化设计技术-能够对换流阀进行机械应力、热应力和电磁应力等进行全 方位的仿真校验,并对设计参数进行综合优化; Converter valve multi-physics analysis and design optimization technology-verify the mechanical stress, thermal stress and electromagnetic stress of the converter valve by simulation, and comprehensive optimize the design parameters.  换流阀电压/电流均衡控制技术-通过特定的优化算法实现大规模节点换流阀的子模块均压和桥臂 环流抑制,保证换流阀运行在良好状态;  Voltage / current balance control technology of converter valve - realize sub-module average control and circular current control of large-scale converter valves using special algorithm to ensure converter valve operation in good condition. 突破的重点核心技术有: Breakthroughs in key technologies are:
  • 22. 2.2 核心设备关键技术 key technology of core devices 2  换流阀保护技术-通过系统暂稳态全工况分析,掌握了兼顾换流阀保护快速性和保护可靠性的分 层故障保护策略。 Converter valve protection technology - grasp layered fault protection strategy taking into account speedability and reliability by all conditions analyzed .  高速硬件平台技术:通过快速计算技术、快速接口技术和快速主备系统切换系统,能够满足电压 型换流器大规模计算和快速同步控制的要求。 High speed hardware platform technology- could meet the requirement of large scale calculation and quick synchronous control by technology of rapid computing, fast interface and fast switch between master and slave system.
  • 23. 2.3 试验技术 Test technology 柔性直流试验主要包含: VSC-HVDC test mainly contains:  型式试验 Type test  例行/出厂试验 Routine test and delivery test  现场试验 Field test 2
  • 24. 突破的重点核心技术有: Breakthrough of core technology contain:  基于物理动模系统的原型算法试验技术-通过构建小功率的柔性直流输电物理系统,能够对各种控 制保护策略进行贴合实际工况的运行性能检验,为工程化做好铺垫; The prototype algorithm test technology based on physical dynamic model system-All kinds of control and protection strategies can be tested in different conditions by building low power Flexible HVDC physical system. This pave the way for the engineering.  基于RT-LAB的硬件在环测试技术-通过阀控系统与控制保护系统在RT-LAB构建的实际工程模型中的 闭环联合测试,能够掌握控制保护系统全工况的动稳态控制性能,为工程化奠定坚实的基础; RT-LAB-based hardware in the loop testing technology-Through the closed-loop test of valve control system, control and protection system, and the actual engineering model build in RT-LAB, we can master the dynamic and steady-state performance of control and protection system in all conditions. It laid solid foundation for the engineering.  基于多源合成的大功率等效试验技术-通过大功率合成试验回路的设计研发,能够对换流阀极限工 况的综合应力进行等效检验,保证换流阀产品完全满足工程实际需求。 Equivalent test technology based on multi-source synthesis- It could test combined stress of converter in limited conditions by the design of large power test circuit, to insure the product satisfies the projects. 2 2.3 试验技术 Test technology
  • 25. 2.4 建模仿真技术 Technology of modeling and simulation 柔性直流建模仿真技术主要包含: The main modeling and simulation technologies of Flexible HVDC as follows:  电力系统潮流计算及稳定性分析-PSS/E; Power flow calculation and stability analysis -PSS/E.  柔性直流系统电磁暂态仿真-PSCAD/EMTDC; Electromagnetic transient simulation-PSCAD/EMTDC.  柔性直流系统数字闭环控制器设计及性能测试-Matlab/Simulink。 Design and test of digital closed loop controller-Matlab/Simulink. 2
  • 26.  VSC-HVDC自定义建模技术-能够基于该模型完成电力系统的机电暂稳态分析,掌握电力 系统特性和柔直系统工程需求; Customer modeling technology of VSC-HVDC- the model could complete electromagnetic transient analysis and grasp electric power system characteristics and the engineering requirements of flexible HVDC .  MMC等效电路建模技术-通过建立特定工况的MMC系统等效电路,克服大规模柔直系统 仿真计算时间超长的问题,为高压大容量柔性直流工程设计提供理论参考; Modeling technology of MMC equivalent circuit – the MMC equivalent circuit in special condition can save a lot simulation time and provide theoretical reference for high level flexible HVDC. 2 突破的重点核心技术有: Breakthrough of core technology contain: 2.4 建模仿真技术 Technology of modeling and simulation
  • 27.  快速电磁暂态建模技术-通过建立快速电磁暂态模型,能够对复杂特别是多端柔性直流系统进行电 磁暂态过程的详细仿真; Quick electromagnetic transient modeling technology -the electromagnetic transient model could simulate complex system and MTDC system in details.  混合建模技术:通过快速电磁暂态与详细模型的混合,能够对大规模系统的换流阀进行器件级的 高效率仿真,为换流阀关键零部件设计提供依据。 Hybrid modeling technology - Hybrid model of quick electromagnetic transient model and detailed model could simulate large systems in device level and provide a basis for designing of key device. 2 2.4 建模仿真技术 Technology of modeling and simulation
  • 28. The 7th International Conference on Real-Time Simulation Technologies Montreal | 9-12 June, 2014 3 RT_LAB在柔性直流中的应用 Application of RT_LAB in Flexible HVDC
  • 29. 柔性直流输电中电路拓扑、运行特性与传统直流输电有较大区别,随着新能 源发电、柔性直流输电等新技术不断应用于电力系统,其运行机理和动态特性仍 需要进一步研究,其过程中数字建模仿真方法得到充分的应用。 The circuit topology, operating characteristics of Flexible HVDC is quite different from traditional HVDC. With new energy, new technologies such as flexible HVDC constantly used in power systems, its operation mechanism and dynamic characteristics still need further study. During this process, digital modeling and simulation methods are fully applied. RT_LAB在柔性直流中的应用 Application of RT_LAB in Flexible HVDC 3
  • 30. RT-LAB数字物理混合实时仿真平台 RT-LAB real-time simulation platform 主要功能 : 控制保护设备软硬件在环测试; 阀控设备软硬件在环测试; 控制保护设备与阀控设备联合在环测试 3 RT_LAB在柔性直流中的应用 Application of RT_LAB in Flexible HVDC Main function : Software and hardware in loop test of control protection device. Software and hardware in loop test of valve control device. Union in loop test of control protection device and valve control device.
  • 31. RT-LAB是一套基于模型的实时仿真平台,不仅可以保证仿真的实时性,而且具有将硬件 直接接入控制或测试回路的优势,使整个开发过程从本质上更接近于实际,有利于缩短开发周期 ,因此广泛的应用于航空航天、武器研制、电力系统、汽车等领域,在航空、光伏发电,风力发 电,柔性输电,导弹研制,汽车ECU(车载电脑)的开发和测试,试运行和控制等方面都有成功 的应用。 RT-LAB is a real-time simulation platform based on the model, not only can guarantee real- time simulation, but also has the advantage of direct access the hardware to control or test loop. So that the entire development process is closer to the actual, and can help shorten development cycle. At present, RT_LAB is widely used in aerospace, weapons development, power systems, automotive and other fields, and in aviation, solar power, wind power, flexible HVDC, missile development, automotive ECU (car computer) development and testing, commissioning , control and other aspects it also has successful application. 3 RT_LAB在柔性直流中的应用 Application of RT_LAB in Flexible HVDC
  • 32. 中海油海上钻井平台柔直工程 HVDC project of Offshore drilling platform of China National Offshore Oil Corporation ± 临港 直流输电线路 三敦 用户 同福 南汇风电场 老南汇 城北 惠东 老港 大治 南汇 书院 宏祥 友爱 公平 500kV 南汇站 3 RT_LAB在柔性直流中的应用 Application of RT_LAB in Flexible HVDC
  • 33. 柔性高压直流输电系统,工程实践往往艰巨而复杂,各项技术指标和各个部分的硬件的准确可 靠参数在工程投运之前,往往不容易在实际系统中得到。 Flexible HVDC systems engineering practices are often difficult and complex, various technical indicators and accurate and reliable parameters of various parts of the hardware are not always easy to get in the actual system before the project put into operation. 为了保证系统运行的可靠性和控制策略的可行性,在系统投运前期对各个部分进行细致的仿真 分析和调试必不可少。 In order to ensure the reliability and feasibility of the control strategy of system operation, it is essential to do detailed simulation and debugging for each part in the early part of system put into operation. RT_LAB在柔性直流中的应用 Application of RT_LAB in Flexible HVDC 3
  • 34. 舟山本岛 岱山岛 衢山岛 泗礁岛 宁波电网 上海电网 芦嵊常规直流 110kV线路 220kV线路 风电场 南方 诸岛 35kV线路 换流站 洋山岛 柔直海缆 临时 应急 电源 舟山多端海岛供电示范工程 Zhoushan MTDC demonstration project introduction MMC-VSC-HVDC 系统规模一般都很大,MMC 换流站子模块个数经常会达到几百甚至上千个,同时,基于MMC的柔性 直流输电系统特别适用于远方新能源接入电网领域,考虑到系统的多端性,很多工程都需要在前期仿真中模拟新能源(比如 大规模风电场)的并网。 MMC-VSC-HVDC systems are generally large-scale, the number of sub-modules in each MMC converter station often reach hundreds or even thousands, while the MMC-based flexible HVDC system is particularly suitable for remote access to new energy grid. Taking into account the multi-terminal system, a lot of projects require simulating new energy connected to the grid (such as large-scale wind farms) in the pre-simulation. 3 RT_LAB在柔性直流中的应用 Application of RT_LAB in Flexible HVDC
  • 35. 大连城市供电示范工程 Dalian city power supply demonstration project introduction 南关岭 革镇堡 青云 大连 三厂 华能 曹屯 吴屯 至瓦房店 至佟家 振兴路 金家 凌水 前牧 甘井子 泰山 北石洞 高程山 梭鱼湾 马桥 雁水 海湾 华昌 陆港 大化 玉华 至马场 中华路 二热 港东 受端换流站 淮河(送端换流站) 至黄海 输电容量1000MVA 至红沿河 10km 至新金 合建 电缆 3km 电缆 图 例 54km电缆 1×1600mm2 1×1600mm2 其中:路缆19km 海缆35km 1×1600mm2 1×1400mm2 3 RT_LAB在柔性直流中的应用 Application of RT_LAB in Flexible HVDC
  • 36. 鉴于仿真系统的规模极其庞大,给系统的数字仿真实现带来了极大的困难,使用常规的离线仿真工具 的效率很低,在柔性直流输电系统的研究中,利用RT_LAB实时仿真平台非常必要。 The scale of simulation system is so large that, it has brought great difficulties to the digital system simulation and make the conventional offline simulation tool has low efficiency. So, in the study of flexible HVDC system, the use of real-time simulation platform RT_LAB is very necessary. 另外,柔性直流输电系统一次设备价格昂贵,如若控制器直接连接实际阀体进行验证,稍有差池则损失 严重,实物仿真成本太高。而利用RT_LAB对一次设备进行建模,用其模拟实际阀体,连接实际控制器构成 回路进行半实物仿真,则可以很好的解决这一问题。 In addition, the primary equipment of flexible HVDC system is expensive, if the controller is verified with the actual converter valves, a little fault will cause serious loss, so the cost of physical simulation is too high. But using RT_LAB to model the actual converter valves, and connecting to actual controller to do semi-physical simulation, this problem can be solved. 3 RT_LAB在柔性直流中的应用 Application of RT_LAB in Flexible HVDC
  • 37. The 7th International Conference on Real-Time Simulation Technologies Montreal | 9-12 June, 2014 4 RT_LAB应用中现存问题及展望 Problems and Prospects in RT_LAB applications
  • 38. 随着直流输电、电力电子装置大量接入及新能源发电、微电网等新技术应 用于电力系统,电网运行控制特性变得复杂,对电力系统仿真规模、仿真精度 和仿真速度提出了更高要求,从而将推动电力系统数字仿真技术的发展。 With HVDC and a lot of electronic devices access to power systems and new energy generation, micro-grids, etc. used in power systems, the control features of it become more complex. So there are higher requirements with simulation scale, simulation accuracy and simulation speed, which will promote the development of the power system digital simulation technology. 4 RT_LAB应用中现存问题及展望 Problems and Prospects in RT_LAB applications
  • 39. 1.软件稳定性不是很好 The stability of the software is not very good 在软件使用过程当中,经常会遇到启动RT-LAB过慢、某些功能无法显示的等问题。 In the software using process, often encounter slow start, some functions can not be displayed, etc. 2.自身的电力仿真模块几乎没有 No their own power simulation module RT-LAB软件依托SIMULINK建立实时仿真模型,SIMULINK库中有很多关于电力系统的模块可以使用,随着 电力行业的不断发展,RT-LAB软件需要建立自己的相关电力模块库,以使客户有更多的选择机会。 RT-LAB real-time simulation software relying on SIMULINK to establish model, SIMULINK library has a lot of power system module can be used, with the continuous development of the power industry, RT-LAB software needs to establish its own associated power module library, to enable customers to have more choices. 4 RT_LAB应用现存的问题 Problems with RT_LAB applications RT_LAB应用中现存问题及展望 Problems and Prospects in RT_LAB applications
  • 40. 3.RT-LAB实时仿真模型编译时间过长 RT-LAB real-time simulation model takes too long to compile 对于比较小的模型,编译下载的速度可以忽略不计,但是对于比较大的模型,如果要修改一个很小的地方, 就需要重新编译整个模型,严重影响调试进度。虽然软件有单独编译某个模块的功能,但是并不稳定和完善, 经常会出现未知的问题,需要进一步改进。 For a relatively small model, the speed of compile and download is negligible, but for the larger model, if you want to modify a small place, you will need to recompile the entire model, seriously affecting the commissioning schedule. Although the software has the functionality of a separately compiled modules, but it is not stability and improved, and often produce unknown questions. Further improvement is needed. 4 RT_LAB应用现存的问题 Problems with RT_LAB applications RT_LAB应用中现存问题及展望 Problems and Prospects in RT_LAB applications
  • 41. 4.RT-LAB的录波功能有待改进 Wave recorded could be improved RT-LAB软件有相应的录波模块,可以实现多种录波功能,但是要读取这些波形,就需要停止整个 模型的运行,对于硬件在环实验,这会影响整个系统的调试进度。 There is a corresponding wave recorded module to achieve a variety of wave recorded function in RT-LAB software, but to read these waveforms, we need to stop running the entire model. For hardware in the loop test, this will affect the progress of the entire system debugging. 5.RT-LAB对SIMULINK中某些特殊的模块兼容性有待完善 The compatibility for some special modules in SIMULINK has to be improved 4 RT_LAB应用中现存问题及展望 Problems and Prospects in RT_LAB applications RT_LAB应用现存的问题 Problems with RT_LAB applications
  • 42. 当一个模型使用MATLAB2009B搭建,实时仿真没有问题。但是如果用MATLAB2011B再打开这个并且实时 运行的时候就不能满足实时性需求,这是因为某些特殊模块在MATLAB2011B下不能满足实时性需求,导致编 译人员很难查找问题。 When a model is built using MATLAB2009B, real-time simulation is no problem. But if it is opened in MATLAB2011B , its real-time operation can not meet the real-time requirements. That is because some special modules does not meet real-time requirements in MATLAB2011B, which is difficult for the compiler to find out. 6.RT-LAB的monitoring功能有待完善 Monitoring function need to be improved Monitoring功能是一个非常实用的功能,通过它可以快速的查找计算量过大的子模块,据此优化整个模型。 但是这个功能相当不稳定,大多情况下都不能够很好的监测各个核的运行状况,需要进一步完善此功能。 Monitoring is a very useful function, through which you can quickly find excessive calculated module to optimize the entire model. However, this function is quite unstable and in most cases will not be able to monitor the operation of each core, so it is needed to be improved. 4 RT_LAB应用中现存问题及展望 Problems and Prospects in RT_LAB applications RT_LAB应用现存的问题 Problems with RT_LAB applications
  • 43. 仿真建模技术 Simulation modeling technology 目前,新能源发电、柔性直流输电等新技术不断应用于电力系统,其运行机理和动态特性仍需要进一 步研究,数学建模方法也有待完善,以适应电力系统的新发展。以柔性直流输电为例,其电路拓扑、运 行特性与传统直流输电有较大区别,目前还没有十分完善机电暂态仿真模型,而基于柔性直流技术的直 流配电网更是处于起步阶段。 Currently, new energy, new technologies such as flexible HVDC constantly used in power systems, its operation mechanism and dynamic characteristics still needs further research, mathematical modeling methods need to be improved to accommodate the new development of the power system. Taking flexible HVDC for example, the circuit topology, operating characteristics are quite different from traditional HVDC , it does not yet have perfect electromechanical transient simulation model, and DC distribution network based on flexible HVDC technology is still in its infancy. 4 未来的电力系统数字仿真技术发展趋势: Development trend of digital simulation technology in power system RT_LAB应用中现存问题及展望 Problems and Prospects in RT_LAB applications
  • 44. 多速率混合仿真技术 Multi-rate hybrid simulation technology 目前,电力系统同时存在着如快速开断电力电子元件的快动态过程和如汽轮机调 速、电动汽车充电等的慢动态过程,可以将快动态过程和慢动态过程分别求解,进 行多速率仿真。多速率仿真包括机电暂态和电磁暂态的混合仿真、小步长和大步长 之间的电磁暂态混合仿真。 Currently, power systems both have fast dynamic processes such as fast breaking power electronic components, and slow dynamic processes such as steam turbine speed, electric vehicle charging, etc. So we can do multi-rate hybrid simulation by solving fast dynamic process and slow dynamic processes separately. Multi-rate simulations include hybrid simulation of electromechanical transient and electromagnetic transient simulation, and hybrid simulation of small step length and large step length electromagnetic transient simulation. 4 RT_LAB应用中现存问题及展望 Problems and Prospects in RT_LAB applications
  • 45. 大规模实时仿真技术 Large-scale real-time simulation technology 在大电网实时仿真试验时,都要进行大规模的等值化简,使实时仿真技术的应用,特别 是大电网机电暂态和动态特性仿真研究方面,受到了很大的限制。因此,需要发展大规模 电力系统实时仿真技术。 Currently, real-time simulation of large power grids in the test should be carried out large- scale equivalent of simplification, so that the application of real-time simulation techniques, especially for large power grid electromechanical transient and dynamic characteristic simulation research, has been greatly restricted. Therefore, the development of real-time simulation of large-scale power systems technologies is needed. 4 RT_LAB应用中现存问题及展望 Problems and Prospects in RT_LAB applications
  • 46. 目前, 相关电力单位先后建立了以实时数字仿真平台(RT-LAB)为主体的数字仿真实 验室, 开展实时数字仿真应用研究工作。 Currently, the relevant power units have established a digital simulation laboratory, which takes real-time digital simulation platform (RT-LAB) as the main part, to carry out real-time digital simulation applications research. 4 RT_LAB应用中现存问题及展望 Problems and Prospects in RT_LAB applications
  • 47. 在特高压交直流、 FACTS新设备以及新能源不断接入电网的背景下,在数学建模技术、 计算机 技术和并行处理技术推动下, 实时数字仿真技术会在大规模交直流互联电网仿真、 智能电网仿真 相关技术研究、 新能源的接入及运行控制、 复杂电力系统的故障再现、基于柔性直流技术的直流 配电网技术研究和继电保护分析以及满足二次设备闭环测试需求方面得到广泛应用。 Under the background of HVDC/AC, FACTS new equipment and new energy constantly connected to the grid, driven by the mathematical modeling, computer technology and parallel processing technology, real-time digital simulation technology has been widely applied in large-scale simulation of AC-DC interconnected grid, smart-grid simulation, access and operation control of new energy, fault reproduction of complex power systems, DC distribution network based on flexible HVDC, relay analysis and closed loop test to meet of secondary equipment, etc. 4 RT_LAB应用中现存问题及展望 Problems and Prospects in RT_LAB applications
  • 48. 可以预见, 开展分布式电源与特殊负荷模型开发与应用、 智能电网仿真相关技术研究、 直流输电系统、直流配电网实时仿真技术及其应用将是未来应用的主要方向。 It is can be expected that, development and application of distributed power and special load model, smart grid simulation, HVDC systems, DC distribution network real-time simulation technology and its applications will be the main direction of future applications. 4 RT_LAB应用中现存问题及展望 Problems and Prospects in RT_LAB applications
  • 49. The 7th International Conference on Real-Time Simulation Technologies Montreal | 9-12 June, 2014 Thanks for your attention