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The Road Ahead
Martin Odersky
Scala Days 2016, NYC
2015 was on the quiet side
•  Maturing tools: 2.11.x, IDEs, sbt
•  Steady growth jobs google trends
In 2016, things are heating up again
•  The Scala Center
•  Scala 2.12 release
•  Rethinking the Scala libraries
•  New target platforms
•  DOT and dotty
A New Steward for Scala
-  Undertake projects that benefit all of the Scala
-  Industrial support by Lightbend, Goldman Sachs,
Nitro, IBM, 47 Degrees, Verizon.
-  More in Heather Miller’s Keynote tomorrow.
Scala 2.12
Optimized for Java 8
•  Uses Java 8’s lambdas and default methods
•  for shorter code and faster execution speed.

Projected release date: mid 2016.
In case you are still on Java 6/7, Scala 2.11 will be
around for a while.
33 features in release notes
2.12 Data
33 features in release notes
336 PRs closed (40 more to go)
65 committers
177 	Lukas	Rytz	
76		 	Jason	Zaugg	
70	 	Adriaan	Moors	
33	 	A.	P.	Marki	
25	 	Felix	Mulder	
17	 	Simon	Ochsenreither	
14	 	Janek	Bogucki	
14	 	Rex	Kerr	
12	 	Sébastien	Doeraene
And, finally:
•  Programming in Scala

3rd edition is out.
•  Updated for 2.12.
•  Book signing 

Tuesday lunch 

12.20-13.20 at

the Artima booth.
Beyond 2.12
Scala 2.13 will focus on the libraries
Plans to revamp collections
•  Even simpler to use
•  More in line with Spark usage
•  Better lazy collections (views)
Current Status:
•  Strawman proposals under study.
•  Would like to have more of them,
Beyond 2.12
Scala 2.13 will focus on the libraries
Better modularization. We are thinking about a

Scala	core	
	 	 	Scala	stdlib	
	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	Scala	platform	
Your input and help is vital for this!
Scala.js 0.6.9
•  “native” anonymus classes
•  js.TupleN
•  JUnit support
•  Faster code generation
And then there is the
We finally have a proven foundation for Scala!
The DOT calculus talks about a minimal language
subset, chosen so that
•  we can make and prove formal statements about it
•  we can encode much of the rest of the language in it.
This concludes an 8 year effort!
It opens the door to do language work with much
better confidence than before.
DOT Terms
•  Translated to Scala notation, the language
covered by DOT is:
Value 	 	v 	= 	(x:	T)	=>	t 	 				Function	
	 	 	 	 	new	{	x:	T	=>	d	} 	Object	
Definition		d 	= 	def	a	=	t	 	 	 	Method definition

	 	 	 	 	type	A	=	T 	 	 	Type
Term 	 	t 	= 	v 	 	 	 	 	 	Value

	 	 	 	 	x 	 	 	 	 	 	Variable

	 	 	 	 	t1(t2)	 	 	 	 	Application

	 	 	 	 	t.a	 	 	 	 	 	Selection

	 	 	 	 	{	val	x	=	t1;	t2	} 	Local definition.
DOT Types
The Types covered by DOT are:
Type 	T	 	=	 	Any	 	 	 	 	 	 	Top type

	 	 	 	Nothing 	 	 	 	 	Bottom type

	 	 	 	x.A	 	 	 	 	 	 	Selection

	 	 	 	(x:	T1)	=>	T2	 	 	 	Function

	 	 	 	{	def	a:	T	}	 	 	 	Method declaration

	 	 	 	{	type	T	>:	T1	<:	T2	} 	Type declaration

	 	 	 	T1	&	T2	 	 	 	 	 	Intersection

	 	 	 	{	x	=>	T	} 	 	 	 	Recursion
Type Soundness
The following property was shown with a
mechanized proof:
If a term t has type T,

and evaluation of t terminates:
the result will be a value v of type T.
Why is this Important?
It gives us a technique to reason about
correctness of other language features.
dotty is working name for our new Scala compiler.
•  Builds on DOT in its internal data structures.
•  Generics get expressed as type members.
•  Supports an evolution of the Scala programming
•  A first developer preview is around the corner
•  Targeted at contributors and experimenters.
dotty – Technical Data
A bit more than half the size of the current Scala
compiler, nsc.
•  dotty: 45 KLoc
•  nsc: 75 KLoc
•  About twice the speed of nsc.
•  should improve significantly in the future.
dotty Architecture
dotty Frontend
dotty Transforms
Simplified AST
Scala Sources
Scala Sources
TASTY Pickled
nsc Transforms
Simplified AST
Evolving The Language
My Goal:
Make Scala “best” programming language 

I know to how make.
There is not agreement on what is “best”, so all we
can really do is try to find a local optimum.
But finding that optimum is what drives me.
Essential Elements
Conceptually we play with:
•  Functions
•  Classes and objects,
•  Strict evaluation.
•  Local type inference
•  Implicits.
Many languages are currently moving in that space
1.  Deepen the synthesis of functional
programming and modular programming.
2.  Improve the connection of Scala with its
theoretical foundations.
3.  Improve the guarantees of type system.
4.  But stay simple and approachable.
A Whirlwind Tour Of Dotty
Dropped Features
Existential Types
Procedure Syntax
Early Initializers
General Type 

Dropped Features
Existential Types
Procedure Syntax
Early Initializers
General Type 

def	run()	{	...	}	
Will be rewritten automatically to
def	run():	Unit	=	{	...	}
Dropped Features
Existential Types
Procedure Syntax
Early Initializers
General Type 

class	Foo		
extends	DelayedInit
Dropped Features
Existential Types
Procedure Syntax
Early Initializers
General Type 

(the reflection 

based kind)
def	m(...)	=		
		macro	impl(...)
Dropped Features
Existential Types
Procedure Syntax
Early Initializers
General Type 

class	C	extends	{	
		val	x	=	e		
}	with	D	
Use trait parameters
Dropped Features
Existential Types
Procedure Syntax
Early Initializers
General Type 

C[U]	forSome	{	type	U	}	
Wildcards C[_]still supported.
Dropped Features
Existential Types
Procedure Syntax
Early Initializers
General Type 

T	#	X	
- Was shown to be unsound
for general types T.
- Projection C#X	 from class
types C still available.
Implemented New Features
Multiversal Equality
Intersection Types
Union types
Trait parameters
Function arity
Named type
@static methods and fields
non-blocking lazy vals
Implemented New Features
Multiversal Equality
Intersection Types
Union types
Trait parameters
Function arity
Named type
T	&	U	
- replaces T	with	U	
- is commutative
@static methods and fields
non-blocking lazy vals
Implemented New Features
Multiversal Equality
Intersection Types
Union types
Trait parameters
Named type
T	|	U	
avoids huge lubs
@static methods and fields
non-blocking lazy vals
Implemented New Features
Multiversal Equality
Intersection Types
Union types
Trait parameters
Function arity
Named type
parameters,	y)	=>	x	+	y)	

instead of	{	
		case	(x,	y)	=>	x	+	y	
@static methods and fields
non-blocking lazy vals
Implemented New Features
Multiversal Equality
Intersection Types
Union types
Trait parameters
Function arity
Named type
@static methods and fields
non-blocking lazy vals
trait	T(x:	Int)	{	...	}
Implemented New Features
Multiversal Equality
Intersection Types
Union types
Trait parameters
Function arity
Named type
@static methods and fields
non-blocking lazy vals
object	O	{	
		@static	val	x	=	...	
		@static	def	f()	=	...	
Implemented New Features
Multiversal Equality
Intersection Types
Union types
Trait parameters
Function arity
Named type
@static methods and fields
non-blocking lazy vals
lazy	val	x	=	...		// thread-local
lazy	val	x	-	...		// thread-safe, 

																		// avoids dead-locks
Implemented New Features
Multiversal Equality
Intersection Types
Union types
Trait parameters
Function arity
Named type
@static methods and fields
non-blocking lazy vals
type-safe	==,	!=
Implemented New Features
Multiversal Equality
Intersection Types
Union types
Trait parameters
Function arity
Named type
trait	Map[type	Key,	type	Value]	
Map[Key	=	Int]	
allows partial type parameterization:
- specify some types,
- leave others to be inferred
@static methods and fields
non-blocking lazy vals
Implemented New Features
Multiversal Equality
Intersection Types
Union types
Trait parameters
Function arity
Named type
•  Better foundations
•  Easier, safer to use
•  More orthogonal
@static methods and fields
non-blocking lazy vals
Trait or Class?

Classes and traits now have largely the same
Rule of thumb:
•  When it's fully defined, make it a class
•  When it's abstract, make it a trait
Abstract classes are retained mainly for Java
interop and for optimization.
Improvements in Detail
•  Type System
•  Strongly influenced by
•  Better integration of type
•  Type Inference
•  Subtyping constraint
•  Inference is simpler to
•  Implicit Search
•  Faster search
•  Better behaved for
contravariant types.
•  Value Classes
•  Nested value classes
•  Arrays of value
Who’s working on all this?
•  So far, mostly team at EPFL, including
•  Dmitry Petrashko @darkdimius	
•  Guillaume Martres @smarter	
•  Vladimir Nikolayev @vladimirnik	
•  Felix Mulder @felixmulder	
•  Scala team at Lightbend helps with infrastructure,
reviews and suggestions.
•  Your contribution would be very much
•  Without it, nothing much will happen.
Advances in Tooling
•  SBT integration
•  Basic integration exists
•  We are working on
incremental compilation.
•  With syntax highlighting!
•  IDEs
•  Jetbrains working on
IntelliJ plugin.
•  Doc generation
•  Dynamic hyperlinks for
cross-linking libraries.
•  Linker
•  A whole-program
•  Uses TASTY for
•  Makes specialization
cheaper and more
And the Future?
Planned In Future Releases
Generic Programming
Better records
Function Types
null safety
Effect System
Planned In Future Releases
Generic Programming
Better records
Function Types
null safety
Effect System
inline	def	m(inline	x:	Int,	y:	Float):	Float	=	
		meta	{	...	}	
	-	inline for inlining, meta for meta-programming.
	-	run by an interpreter (no reflection)
	-	meta uses quasi quotes for matching and construction
	-	blackbox and annotation macros
Why the change?
	-	Simpler
	-	Fewer implementation dependencies
	-	Safer, since interpretation allows sandboxing
	-	Restrict syntactic freedom, since no whitebox macros.
Planned In Future Releases
Generic Programming
Better records
Function Types
null safety
Effect System
type	CtxS	=	implicit	Context	=>	S	
def	f(x:	T):	CtxS	=	{		
		...	implicitly[Context]	...		
f(e)		//	Context	argument	is	passed	implicitly	
Why the change?
	-	Small as it looks, this is huge
	-	Allows abstraction over implicit parameters
	-	Eliminates boilerplate
Planned In Future Releases
Generic Programming
Better records
Function Types
null safety
Effect System
Effects are implicit capabilities
Two function arrows:
	A	=>	B	 	(impure)
	A	->	B	 	(pure)
Why the change?
	-	Effect checking is very much in

	-	I believe we can do better than

monads to achieve it.

	-	Implicits are a natural fit.
Planned In Future Releases
Generic Programming
Better records
Function Types
null safety
Effect System
Model nullable types as a union types
	T?		=			T	|	Null	
	-	Types don’t have null by default
	-	Values coming from Java get a “?”. E.g. 

System.out:	PrintStream?	
	-	null	dereferencing is an effect.
	-	System.out.println()	is ok in impure code.
Why the change?
	-	null	poses unsoundness problems.
	-	Null-safety is conceptually easy once you have

union types and effects.
Planned In Future Releases
Generic Programming
Better records
Function Types
null safety
Effect System
“Scrap Your Boilerplate”
	-	Product-of-sum interpretation of case class hierarchies
	-	Tuples are HLists, but implemented more efficiently
	 	(S,	T,	U)	=	(S,	(T,	(U,	Unit)))	
	-	Tuple22/Product22/Function22	will be history.
Why the change?
	-	Abstract over arity.
	-	Define behavior for ADTs in a generic way
Planned In Future Releases
Generic Programming
Better records
Function Types
null safety
Effect System
	-	Analogue of tuples, but with labels.
	-	Should integrate with generic programming
	-	Should be implementable by a HashMap instead of by reflection.
Why the change?
	-	Existing structural types are not very useful.
	-	Need something more flexible, and hopefully simpler.
What About Guard Rails?
•  Scala’s premise: Trust devs to do the right thing.
•  But what if they don’t?
•  And can we even agree what the right thing is?
First Advice: Read this
Problem: Even if our code base uses the principle of least
power, we do not know whether the libraries that we depend
on do the same.
E.g. library X might define an implicit conversion
implicit	def	i2s(x:	Int):	String	
(patterns like this are more common in practice than you’d like
to think)
So instead of least power you get maximal surprise.
A Modest Proposal
For a conversion
implicit	def	c(x:	A):	B	
make it a style error if the conversion
-  is not defined in one of the packages containing A or B.
-  is itself public (visible outside its package).
When using a library defining such conversions, warn
on the client side as well.
Flexibility: Blessing or Curse?
Scala has great syntactic flexibility.
Sometimes this can be a burden.
Example: Should I write 	 or xs	map	f						?
What about vs xs	map	f	filter	p	
x.min(y) 	 vs x	min	y	 	?
Another Modest Proposal
•  Add an annotation @infix	that indicates that an
operator is supposed to be used infix.
@infix	def	min(y:	Int):	Int
•  Make it a style error if an operator is used in the 

wrong mode.
x	min	y	 	// ok
xs	map	f 	// warning: Infix usage of normal method map
Symbolic Operators
•  If the operator is symbolic, require in addition an
alphanumeric alias:
@infix(“append”)	def	+=	(elem:	T)
•  Make it a style error if the alias is missing
à One knows how to pronounce the operator
à It’s easier to search for it, e.g. 

“Scala append operator” as a search term.
•  To be worked out: What are the precise rules for style
Thank You

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Scala Days NYC 2016

  • 1. Scala The Road Ahead Martin Odersky Scala Days 2016, NYC
  • 3. 2015 was on the quiet side •  Maturing tools: 2.11.x, IDEs, sbt •  Steady growth jobs google trends
  • 5. In 2016, things are heating up again •  The Scala Center •  Scala 2.12 release •  Rethinking the Scala libraries •  New target platforms •  DOT and dotty
  • 6. A New Steward for Scala -  Undertake projects that benefit all of the Scala community. -  Industrial support by Lightbend, Goldman Sachs, Nitro, IBM, 47 Degrees, Verizon. -  More in Heather Miller’s Keynote tomorrow.
  • 7. Scala 2.12 Optimized for Java 8 •  Uses Java 8’s lambdas and default methods •  for shorter code and faster execution speed.
 Projected release date: mid 2016. In case you are still on Java 6/7, Scala 2.11 will be around for a while.
  • 8. 33 features in release notes
  • 9. 2.12 Data 33 features in release notes 336 PRs closed (40 more to go) 65 committers 177 Lukas Rytz 76 Jason Zaugg 70 Adriaan Moors 33 A. P. Marki 25 Felix Mulder 17 Simon Ochsenreither 14 Janek Bogucki 14 Rex Kerr 12 Sébastien Doeraene
  • 10. And, finally: •  Programming in Scala
 3rd edition is out. •  Updated for 2.12. •  Book signing 
 Tuesday lunch 
 12.20-13.20 at
 the Artima booth.
  • 11. Beyond 2.12 Scala 2.13 will focus on the libraries Plans to revamp collections •  Even simpler to use •  More in line with Spark usage •  Better lazy collections (views) Current Status: •  Strawman proposals under study. •  Would like to have more of them,
  • 12. Beyond 2.12 Scala 2.13 will focus on the libraries Better modularization. We are thinking about a split:
 Scala core Scala stdlib Scala platform Your input and help is vital for this!
  • 13. Scala.js 0.6.9 •  “native” anonymus classes •  js.TupleN •  JUnit support •  Faster code generation
  • 15. And then there is the
  • 16. DOT We finally have a proven foundation for Scala! The DOT calculus talks about a minimal language subset, chosen so that •  we can make and prove formal statements about it •  we can encode much of the rest of the language in it. This concludes an 8 year effort! It opens the door to do language work with much better confidence than before.
  • 17. DOT Terms •  Translated to Scala notation, the language covered by DOT is: Value v = (x: T) => t Function new { x: T => d } Object Definition d = def a = t Method definition
 type A = T Type Term t = v Value
 x Variable
 t1(t2) Application
 t.a Selection
 { val x = t1; t2 } Local definition.
  • 18. DOT Types The Types covered by DOT are: Type T = Any Top type
 Nothing Bottom type
 x.A Selection
 (x: T1) => T2 Function
 { def a: T } Method declaration
 { type T >: T1 <: T2 } Type declaration
 T1 & T2 Intersection
 { x => T } Recursion
  • 19. Type Soundness The following property was shown with a mechanized proof: If a term t has type T,
 and evaluation of t terminates: the result will be a value v of type T. Why is this Important? It gives us a technique to reason about correctness of other language features.
  • 20. dotty dotty is working name for our new Scala compiler. •  Builds on DOT in its internal data structures. •  Generics get expressed as type members. •  Supports an evolution of the Scala programming language. •  A first developer preview is around the corner •  Targeted at contributors and experimenters.
  • 21. dotty – Technical Data A bit more than half the size of the current Scala compiler, nsc. •  dotty: 45 KLoc •  nsc: 75 KLoc •  About twice the speed of nsc. •  should improve significantly in the future.
  • 22. dotty Architecture dotty Frontend dotty Transforms GenBCode Classfiles Simplified AST AST Scala Sources nsc Scala Sources TASTY Pickled nsc Transforms Simplified AST AST
  • 23. Evolving The Language My Goal: Make Scala “best” programming language 
 I know to how make. There is not agreement on what is “best”, so all we can really do is try to find a local optimum. But finding that optimum is what drives me.
  • 24. Essential Elements Conceptually we play with: •  Functions •  Classes and objects, •  Strict evaluation. •  Local type inference •  Implicits. Many languages are currently moving in that space
  • 25. Goals 1.  Deepen the synthesis of functional programming and modular programming. 2.  Improve the connection of Scala with its theoretical foundations. 3.  Improve the guarantees of type system. 4.  But stay simple and approachable.
  • 26. A Whirlwind Tour Of Dotty
  • 27. Dropped Features DelayedInit Macros Existential Types Procedure Syntax Early Initializers General Type 
  • 28. Dropped Features DelayedInit Macros Existential Types Procedure Syntax Early Initializers General Type 
 Projection def run() { ... } Will be rewritten automatically to def run(): Unit = { ... }
  • 29. Dropped Features DelayedInit Macros Existential Types Procedure Syntax Early Initializers General Type 
 Projection class Foo extends DelayedInit
  • 30. Dropped Features DelayedInit Macros Existential Types Procedure Syntax Early Initializers General Type 
 Projection (the reflection 
 based kind) def m(...) = macro impl(...)
  • 31. Dropped Features DelayedInit Macros Existential Types Procedure Syntax Early Initializers General Type 
 Projection class C extends { val x = e } with D Use trait parameters instead
  • 32. Dropped Features DelayedInit Macros Existential Types Procedure Syntax Early Initializers General Type 
 Projection C[U] forSome { type U } Wildcards C[_]still supported.
  • 33. Dropped Features DelayedInit Macros Existential Types Procedure Syntax Early Initializers General Type 
 Projection T # X - Was shown to be unsound for general types T. - Projection C#X from class types C still available.
  • 34. Implemented New Features Multiversal Equality Intersection Types Union types Trait parameters Function arity adaptation Named type parameters @static methods and fields non-blocking lazy vals
  • 35. Implemented New Features Multiversal Equality Intersection Types Union types Trait parameters Function arity adaptation Named type parameters T & U - replaces T with U - is commutative @static methods and fields non-blocking lazy vals
  • 36. Implemented New Features Multiversal Equality Intersection Types Union types Trait parameters Named type parameters T | U avoids huge lubs @static methods and fields non-blocking lazy vals
  • 37. Implemented New Features Multiversal Equality Intersection Types Union types Trait parameters Function arity adaptation Named type parameters, y) => x + y) 
 instead of { case (x, y) => x + y } @static methods and fields non-blocking lazy vals
  • 38. Implemented New Features Multiversal Equality Intersection Types Union types Trait parameters Function arity adaptation Named type parameters @static methods and fields non-blocking lazy vals trait T(x: Int) { ... }
  • 39. Implemented New Features Multiversal Equality Intersection Types Union types Trait parameters Function arity adaptation Named type parameters @static methods and fields non-blocking lazy vals object O { @static val x = ... @static def f() = ... }
  • 40. Implemented New Features Multiversal Equality Intersection Types Union types Trait parameters Function arity adaptation Named type parameters @static methods and fields non-blocking lazy vals lazy val x = ... // thread-local @volatile lazy val x - ... // thread-safe, 
 // avoids dead-locks
  • 41. Implemented New Features Multiversal Equality Intersection Types Union types Trait parameters Function arity adaptation Named type parameters @static methods and fields non-blocking lazy vals type-safe ==, !=
  • 42. Implemented New Features Multiversal Equality Intersection Types Union types Trait parameters Function arity adaptation Named type parameters trait Map[type Key, type Value] Map[Key = Int] allows partial type parameterization: - specify some types, - leave others to be inferred @static methods and fields non-blocking lazy vals
  • 43. Implemented New Features Multiversal Equality Intersection Types Union types Trait parameters Function arity adaptation Named type parameters Motivation •  Better foundations •  Easier, safer to use •  More orthogonal @static methods and fields non-blocking lazy vals
  • 44. Trait or Class?
 Classes and traits now have largely the same capabilities. Rule of thumb: •  When it's fully defined, make it a class •  When it's abstract, make it a trait Abstract classes are retained mainly for Java interop and for optimization.
  • 45. Improvements in Detail •  Type System •  Strongly influenced by DOT •  Better integration of type refinements •  Type Inference •  Subtyping constraint solver •  Inference is simpler to specify •  Implicit Search •  Faster search algorithm. •  Better behaved for contravariant types. •  Value Classes •  Nested value classes •  Arrays of value classes.
  • 46. Who’s working on all this? •  So far, mostly team at EPFL, including •  Dmitry Petrashko @darkdimius •  Guillaume Martres @smarter •  Vladimir Nikolayev @vladimirnik •  Felix Mulder @felixmulder •  Scala team at Lightbend helps with infrastructure, reviews and suggestions. •  Your contribution would be very much appreciated! •  Without it, nothing much will happen.
  • 47. Advances in Tooling •  SBT integration •  Basic integration exists •  We are working on incremental compilation. •  REPL •  With syntax highlighting! •  IDEs •  Jetbrains working on IntelliJ plugin. •  Doc generation •  Dynamic hyperlinks for cross-linking libraries. •  Linker •  A whole-program analyzer/opimizer •  Uses TASTY for serialization •  Makes specialization cheaper and more robust
  • 49. Planned In Future Releases scala.meta Generic Programming Better records Implicit Function Types null safety Effect System
  • 50. Planned In Future Releases scala.meta Generic Programming Better records Implicit Function Types null safety Effect System inline def m(inline x: Int, y: Float): Float = meta { ... } - inline for inlining, meta for meta-programming. - run by an interpreter (no reflection) - meta uses quasi quotes for matching and construction - blackbox and annotation macros Why the change? - Simpler - Fewer implementation dependencies - Safer, since interpretation allows sandboxing - Restrict syntactic freedom, since no whitebox macros.
  • 51. Planned In Future Releases scala.meta Generic Programming Better records Implicit Function Types null safety Effect System type CtxS = implicit Context => S def f(x: T): CtxS = { ... implicitly[Context] ... } f(e) // Context argument is passed implicitly Why the change? - Small as it looks, this is huge - Allows abstraction over implicit parameters - Eliminates boilerplate
  • 52. Planned In Future Releases scala.meta Generic Programming Better records Implicit Function Types null safety Effect System Effects are implicit capabilities Two function arrows: A => B (impure) A -> B (pure) Why the change? - Effect checking is very much in
 demand. - I believe we can do better than
 monads to achieve it.
 - Implicits are a natural fit.
  • 53. Planned In Future Releases scala.meta Generic Programming Better records Implicit Function Types null safety Effect System Model nullable types as a union types T? = T | Null - Types don’t have null by default - Values coming from Java get a “?”. E.g. 
 System.out: PrintStream? - null dereferencing is an effect. - System.out.println() is ok in impure code. Why the change? - null poses unsoundness problems. - Null-safety is conceptually easy once you have
 union types and effects.
  • 54. Planned In Future Releases scala.meta Generic Programming Better records Implicit Function Types null safety Effect System “Scrap Your Boilerplate” - Product-of-sum interpretation of case class hierarchies - Tuples are HLists, but implemented more efficiently (S, T, U) = (S, (T, (U, Unit))) - Tuple22/Product22/Function22 will be history. Why the change? - Abstract over arity. - Define behavior for ADTs in a generic way
  • 55. Planned In Future Releases scala.meta Generic Programming Better records Implicit Function Types null safety Effect System - Analogue of tuples, but with labels. - Should integrate with generic programming - Should be implementable by a HashMap instead of by reflection. Why the change? - Existing structural types are not very useful. - Need something more flexible, and hopefully simpler.
  • 56. What About Guard Rails? •  Scala’s premise: Trust devs to do the right thing. •  But what if they don’t? •  And can we even agree what the right thing is?
  • 58. Containment Problem: Even if our code base uses the principle of least power, we do not know whether the libraries that we depend on do the same. E.g. library X might define an implicit conversion implicit def i2s(x: Int): String (patterns like this are more common in practice than you’d like to think) So instead of least power you get maximal surprise.
  • 59. A Modest Proposal For a conversion implicit def c(x: A): B make it a style error if the conversion -  is not defined in one of the packages containing A or B. -  is itself public (visible outside its package). When using a library defining such conversions, warn on the client side as well.
  • 60. Flexibility: Blessing or Curse? Scala has great syntactic flexibility. Sometimes this can be a burden. Example: Should I write or xs map f ? What about vs xs map f filter p x.min(y) vs x min y ?
  • 61. Another Modest Proposal •  Add an annotation @infix that indicates that an operator is supposed to be used infix. @infix def min(y: Int): Int •  Make it a style error if an operator is used in the 
 wrong mode. x min y // ok xs map f // warning: Infix usage of normal method map
  • 62. Symbolic Operators •  If the operator is symbolic, require in addition an alphanumeric alias: @infix(“append”) def += (elem: T) •  Make it a style error if the alias is missing à One knows how to pronounce the operator à It’s easier to search for it, e.g. 
 “Scala append operator” as a search term. •  To be worked out: What are the precise rules for style errors?