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Topic No. of Days
UML 1 (Day 1 : 6 Hrs)
Core Java 7 (Day 1 : 2 Hrs - day 8 : 6 Hrs)
RDBMS+SQL 1 (Day 8 : 2 Hrs- Day 9)
JDBC 1 (Day 10)
HTML/CSS+Java Script 3 (Day 11- Day 13)
Ajax+JQuery 1 (Day 14 – Day 15 (2 Hrs))
JSON+XML 2 ( Day 15(6 Hrs)- Day 16)
MAVEN+SVN+GIT 1 (Day 17)
Agile+Design Pattern +Software
2( Day 18-Day 19)
Servlets + JSP 5 (Day 20- Day 24)
Hibernate 3 (Day 25 – Day 27)
Spring 3 (Day 28 - Day 30)
Web Services ( REST) 1 (Day 31)
Total 31
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Day 1
Fundamentals of UML
 Introduction to UML
 Goals of UML
 Objects, Classes and the UML
UML Diagrams
 Structure Diagrams
o Class and Object Diagrams
o Component and Deployment Diagram
 Behavior Diagrams
o Use Case specifications
o Interaction Diagrams
 Sequence and Collaboration diagrams
 Associations (Composition and Aggregation)
 Relationships and Multiplicity
 Introduction to Java
o Introduction
o Installation
o Environment Setup
o Java programming basics
o A First Java Program
o Compiling and executing Java Applications
o The JDK Directory Structure
 Data Types And Variables
o Primitive Datatypes ,Declarations
o Variable Names
o Numeric Literals, Character Literals
o String, String Literals
o Arrays, on-Primitive Datatypes, the Dot Operator
Day 2
 Operators And Expressions
o Expressions
o Assignment Operator
o Arithmetic Operators
o Relational Operators
o Logical Operators
o Increment and Decrement Operators
o Operate-Assign Operators (+=, etc.)
o The Conditional Operator
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o Operator Precedence
o Implicit Type Conversions
o The Cast Operator
 Control Flow Statement
o Statements
o Conditional (if) Statements
o Data types and Variables
o Adding an else if
o Conditional (switch) Statements
o While and do-while Loops
o For Loops
o Enhanced for Loop
o The continue Statement
o The break Statement
 Object Oriented Programming
o Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
o Classes and Objects
o Fields and Methods
o Encapsulation
o Access Control
o Inheritance
o Polymorphism
Day 3
 Objects And Classes
o Defining a Class
o Creating an Object
o Instance Data
o Methods
o Constructors
 Encapsulation
o Packages and Access Specifiers
 Polymorphism
o Method Overloading
o Constructor Overloading
o Use of this keyword
o Variable Argument Method (Varargs) in Java
o Varargs versus Overloading
 Polymorphism
o Method Overloading
o Constructor Overloading
o Use of this keyword
o Variable Argument Method (Varargs) in Java
o Varargs versus Overloading
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Day 4
 Inheritance
o Inheritance Basics
o Use of super keyword
o Overriding
o Runtime Polymorphism
 Advance Class Features
o Static variables, Static block and methods
o Static Import
 Abstraction
o Abstract classes and methods
o Final classes and methods
o Interfaces
 java.lang
o Wrapper classes
o Autoboxing and Unboxing
o Understanding toString method
o String, String Buffer and String Builder
o Conversions(string to object and vice versa)
Day 5
 Inner Classes
o Inner Classes
o Member Classes
o Local Classes
o Anonymous Classes
o Instance Initializers
o Static Nested Classes
 Exception Handling
o Exception and Errors
o Checked and Unchecked Exception
o Handling exceptions using try, catch and finally
o Java7 multi catch
Day 6
o Use of throw and throws
o Automatic Resource Management in Java7
o Create Custom Exceptions
 Threads
o Introduction to Threads
o Thread class and Runnable Interface
o Thread priorities
o Methods of thread class
o Lifecycle of a thread
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o Use of sleep(), join() methods
o Synchronization
o Inter-thread Communication
o Byte Streams and Character Streams
o InputStream and OutputStream
Day 7
o Reader and Writer classes
o Read from and write to file/console
o Serialization
 Annotation Basics
o Annotation Elements
 Annotation Placement
 Built-in Java Annotations
o @Override
o @SuppressWarnings
 Creating Your Own Annotations
o @Retention
o @Target
o @Inherited
o @Documented
 Enum
 java.util
 Generics
Day 8
 Collections Framework
o Legacy classes Vector and Hashtable
o List, Set
o Map
o Object class(equals and hashcode)
o Iterator, ListIterator and Enumeration
o Collections and Array classes
o Sorting and searching
o Comparator vs Comparable
Introduction to RDBMS
 Overview of Database Models
 ER Diagram and Normalization
 Features of MySQL
Day 9
Introduction to SQL
 MySQL Data types
 Introduction to DQL, DDL, DML, DCL
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o Create, Alter and Drop Table
 CRUD operations with database
 Working with Keys
o Primary and Composite keys
o Foreign Keys
 Use of Aggregate functions and ordering the result
o Average(), Count(), Maximum(),Minimum(),Sum()
o Group By, Order By, Having
 Use of LIKE ,& WHERE clause
 Dropping / truncating a table
 Querying Multiple tables using joins
 SQL Joins
o Inner, Outer and Self joins
 Nested queries
Database Security & privileges
 GRANT & REVOKE Command
 Transaction Overview
 Use of save points
Day 10
o JDBC overview
o Types of drivers
o java.sql interfaces Driver, Connection, Statement
o Loading a driver and establishing a connection using DriverManager
o Perform CRUD operations using JDBC interfaces
o Prepared Statement for precompiled queries
o Callable Statement for stored procedures
o Mapping SQL and Java Types
Day 11
Introduction to HTML
 HTML elements
 HTML attributes
 Empty tags vs container tags
 HTML file structure
 <head> and <body > elements
 use of <script>,<style>,<meta><title> tags
Formatting tags
 Formatting tags in HTML
 Use of <pre > tag
 Heading tags
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 Creating links using <a> tag
 External vs internal links
 Email links
 Ordered & Unordered List
 Definition List
 Creating tables
 Adding border to tables
 Rowspan and colspan
 Use of <legend> and <fieldset>
 Dealing with Images in HTML
 What is a form?
 Use of <form> tag
 Form elements
 Textfield, Radio buttons ,checkbox
 Textarea, dropdown
 Submit & reset buttons
Introduction to HTML5
 What is HTML5?
 HTML5 Markup
 Deprecated Elements And Attributes
 Browser Support
Features in HTML5
 Doctype declaration and character encoding
 Semantics and markup
 New And Updated Elements
 Structural Elements
 New Attributes
 Video, Audio and codecs
 Canvas and SVG
HTML5 Forms
 New Input Types
 New Attributes
 Using placeholder data
 Marking required fields
 Working with number inputs
 Using date picker
 Form Validation
 Browser Support
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Day 12
Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)
 Introduction to css
 CSS Rules
 Selectors
 Attribute selectors
 Internal, External, Inline Stylesheet
 CSS Backgrouds, Text, Font, Links, Lists, Box, Border, Outline, Margin, Padding, Display,
 Pseudo-class
 Pseudo-element,
 Media types
 Gradients
 Text effects
 2d3d transforms
 Transitions
 Animations
Day 13
Introduction to JavaScript
 What is JavaScript?
 JavaScript and Events
 JavaScript and Old or Disabled Browsers
 JavaScript from External Files
JavaScript deep dive
 The HTML Document and JavaScript
 Syntax
 Debugging in JavaScript
 Data types, Variables, Operators
 Types Of operators : Number, String or Boolean
 Control Structures, Block, Loops, for - in
 Identifying different types of dialog box(alert, confirm, prompt)
 Arrays in JavaScript
 What Are Objects?
 User-Defined Objects
 Manipulating Objects
 Working with String, Number and Boolean
Validating form using DOM
Event Handling
 Introduction to Event Handlers
 Event Handlers as JavaScript Methods
 Handling Window, Document, History, Navigator objects
 Using Inner HTML with DOM in div tags for event Handling
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Day 14
Introduction to AJAX
 Getting Started with AJAX
 The Purpose of Ajax
 Traditional Web Application
 An Ajax Web Application
 The XMLHttpRequest Object
 Creating an XMLHttpRequest Object
 XMLHttpRequest open() Method
 Using an XMLHttpRequest Object
 Steps to do ajax operation
 Getting JSP or text pages as response
 Response as XML or text
 Handling the Response using INNERHTML
 Use of GET and post with AJAX
Introduction to JQuery
 Overview of JQuery
 Downloading JQuery or using from CDN
 Use of $(document). ready function
DOM manipulation with JQuery
 Use of selectors in JQuery
 DOM traversal and manipulation
 Using Element, Class and ID Selectors with jQuery
 Modifying the Content and Styles of Selected Elements
 Adding and Removing Elements Using jQuery
 Binding events to elements
 Looping over a set of elements
 Adding JQuery UI plugins
o Date picker
o Slider
o Accordion
o Tabs
Day 15
Handling Ajax Requests with JQuery
 Get and post requests with JQuery
 Introduction to JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
JSON Syntax
 JSON Name/value pairs
 JSON Arrays
 JSON values, Objects & Files
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Working with JSON
 Converting JSON to JavaScript using parse() method
 Creating JSON text from JavaScript using stringify() method
Overview of Extendible Markup Language (XML)
 Introduction to XML
 Advantages of XML
 Creating Well-formed XML
Document Type Definition (DTD)
 Specifying rules using DTD
 Creating valid XML using DTD
 Element Declarations
 Use of PCDATA
 Attribute Declaration in DTD
 Attribute types
 Fixed, default and optional types
 Introduction to namespaces
 Why Namespaces
 Syntax and usage with DTD
Day 16
XML Schemas
 Introduction to XML schema
 Advantages over DTD
 Defining elements
 Simple and Complex Types
 Use of Compositors
 Restriction on Simple types
 Extending Complex types
 Creating reusable types
Day 17
 Introduction
 Install and setting up Maven
 Maven project Structure
 POM.xml
 Create and build project using maven
 Dependency Management
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 Introduction
 How to install , configure and create repository
 Working copy and checkout
 How to merge code and avoid conflict
 How to install GIT
 Configure and create repository
 How to push project
 How to merge code
Day 18
Agile Development
 Introduction
 Why Do we need Agile
o The traditional way of building software doesn’t work.
o The Change Conflict
 Agile Software Development-embracing change
o Principles of Agile Development
o Benefits of Agile Development
o Reasons why Agile Development more efficient
Introduction to design patterns
 Why design pattern?
 Principles of Design patterns
 Explore GOF design patterns
 Learn about the java and JEE design patterns
Creational Design Patterns
 What is creational design pattern?
 Factory
 Singleton
 Prototype
Day 19
Structural Design Patterns
 Understand the use of structural design pattern
 Adaptor
 Decorator
 Façade
Behavioral Design Patterns
 Understand the characteristic of behavioral design pattern
 Strategy
 Command
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 Iterator
Overview of different Architectures
 Introduction to different architectures
 Layers vs tiers
 Use of presentation, business, resource tiers
 Multitier Architecture
 What is JEE Architecture?
 Why JEE?
 Different types of JEE Architecture
 Introduction to MVC Architecture
Day 20
Overview of JEE technologies
 Deep dive into JEE
 Understand where each technology fits in JEE Architecture
 What is war, jar and ear
 Application Server vs WebServer
Introduction to Servlet API
 Structure of web application
 Request and Response Model
 Servlet Lifecycle
 Types of Servlets
 HTTPServletRequest Object.
 Methods to get form data
 Developing, Packaging and deploying web application
Day 21
Servlet Context and ServletConfig Interface
Session tracking in Servlets
 Working with HTTP Session object
 Tracking session using cookies
 Implementing Session Tracking
Day 22
Working with Listeners
 What are listeners
 Usage of Listeners in web application
 Lifecycle and Attribute listeners
 Creating Context and Session lifecycle listeners
Overview of Filters
 Introduction to Filters
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 Lifecycle of Filters
 Use of doFilter Method
 Creating Web Applications with filters
Day 23
Developing JavaServer Pages
 Introduction to JSP
 JSP lifecycle
 JSP Scripting Elements
 Difference between <%@include> and <jsp:useBean>
 JSP Implicit Objects
 Handling error in jsp pages
 Working with JSP:UseBean
Day 24
Tags in JSP
 Working with JSTL tags
 Core Tags in detail
 Function and formatting tags fundamentals
 Creating Java-based/JSP based Custom Tags
 JSTL Expressions (EL)
Day 25
Introduction to ORM framework
 JDBC Vs Hibernate
 Features of Hibernate
Hibernate Architecture Overview
 Configuration and Session Factory
 Session
 Transaction
 Environment Setup
 Getting started with Hibernate quickly
Database Connection and Schema Generation
 Mapping JavaBeans to tables
 Mapping properties to columns
 Building a Configuration Programmatically /Using .properties file /Using XML configuration file
 Creating a HBM document from the java bean class
 Creating a java bean class from a HBM document
Persisting objects using Hibernate
CRUD Examples
 Persisting data
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 Loading data into an object
 get Vs load
 Deleting, updating & finding objects
 Using HQL to get all objects
 Transient State
 Persistent state
 Detached state
Day 26
Setting up all types of Mapping
 Mapping composite keys
 Mapping a java class
 Mapping Collections
 Mapping Association
 Component Mapping
 Inheritance Mapping
o Table-per-class
o Table-per-subclass
o Table-per-concrete
Day 27
Hibernate Annotations
 Using annotation for all kinds of mapping
 Use of @Entity, @Embedded and other annotations
 Mapping a simple class, Association, Inheritance
Hibernate Query Language
 Using Query interface for single/multi select statements
 Named and positional parameters
 Named and Native Queries
 Using SQL Queries
 Working with HQL Joins
 Using Criteria for select statements
 Pagination using HQL
Hibernate Cache Overview
 Introduction to the Caching
 First Level /Second Level/Query cache
 Cache Modes
 EHCache Configuration
Day 28
 Overview of Spring framework
 Dependency Injection (DI)
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 What is Spring?
Spring Architecture
 Spring Container, IoC, DI
 Configuration Metadata - XML
 Dependency Injection (DI) in Spring, DI Configuration
Spring Core Container and Beans
 BeanFactory Interface and ApplicationContext
 ClassPathXmlApplicationContext, FileSystemXmlApplicationContext
 Spring Beans
 Loading Spring Configuration File
What are Setter Based and Constructor Based DI?
XML Based Configuration
 Setter Based and Constructor Based
 Factory Methods, Definition Inheritance (Parent Beans)
 Collection Valued Properties
o Configuring and using Array, List, Map, Set and Properties
 Inner Bean
 Bean Scopes
 Autowiring of Dependencies using byName,byType,constructor
Annotation Driven Configuration
 Setter-Based /Constructor based
 Use of @Component, @Value
 Autowiring using @Autowired,@Qualifier
 Use of @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy
Day 29
Introduction to Spring Web MVC
Spring MVC Architecture
 DispatcherServlet and Context Loader Listener
 Use of Controllers, View Resolvers
 Stereotypes: @Component, @Service, @Controller, @Repository
Validation Framework
 Declarative Validation, @NotNull, @Size, @Min, etc
 Custom Validators
Day 30
Database Access with Spring
 Issues with JDBC / Typical JDBC Flow
 Introduction to Spring DAO Support
 Spring JPA
 Queries and Inserts
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 Additional API Capabilities
 Using Spring with Hibernate
Integration of Spring MVC with JDBC and Hibernate
Day 31
Introduction to web services
 What are web services?
 Service-oriented Architecture
 Architecture of web services
 Types of web services -BIG and REST
 Components of Web Services - SOAP, WSDL, UDDI
 Introduction to JAXB
 JAXB Architecture
 Marshalling and UnMarshalling
Introduction to REST
 Introduction to REST
 REST Architecture
 HTTP Methods
 Producing and Consuming a restful web service
 Use of @Path,@QueryParam, @PathParam
 Invoking a restful web service

Contenu connexe

En vedette (20)

Java Day-4
Java Day-4Java Day-4
Java Day-4
MongoDB Session 2
MongoDB Session 2MongoDB Session 2
MongoDB Session 2
JSP Technology II
JSP Technology IIJSP Technology II
JSP Technology II
Working with Servlets
Working with ServletsWorking with Servlets
Working with Servlets
Hibernate III
Hibernate IIIHibernate III
Hibernate III
Java Day-7
Java Day-7Java Day-7
Java Day-7
Identifing Listeners and Filters
Identifing Listeners and FiltersIdentifing Listeners and Filters
Identifing Listeners and Filters
Agile Dev. II
Agile Dev. IIAgile Dev. II
Agile Dev. II
Agile Dev. I
Agile Dev. IAgile Dev. I
Agile Dev. I
Java Day-6
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Java Day-6
MongoDB Session 1
MongoDB Session 1MongoDB Session 1
MongoDB Session 1
Android - Day 2
Android - Day 2Android - Day 2
Android - Day 2
Java Day-2
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Java Day-2
JSP Technology I
JSP Technology IJSP Technology I
JSP Technology I
Exploring Maven SVN GIT
Exploring Maven SVN GITExploring Maven SVN GIT
Exploring Maven SVN GIT
Spring Framework-II
Spring Framework-IISpring Framework-II
Spring Framework-II
Hibernate presentation
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Hibernate presentation
Hibernate I
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Hibernate I
Basic Hibernate Final
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Final Table of Content

  • 1. © People Strategists - Duplication is strictly prohibited - Topic No. of Days UML 1 (Day 1 : 6 Hrs) Core Java 7 (Day 1 : 2 Hrs - day 8 : 6 Hrs) RDBMS+SQL 1 (Day 8 : 2 Hrs- Day 9) JDBC 1 (Day 10) HTML/CSS+Java Script 3 (Day 11- Day 13) Ajax+JQuery 1 (Day 14 – Day 15 (2 Hrs)) JSON+XML 2 ( Day 15(6 Hrs)- Day 16) MAVEN+SVN+GIT 1 (Day 17) Agile+Design Pattern +Software Architecture 2( Day 18-Day 19) Servlets + JSP 5 (Day 20- Day 24) Hibernate 3 (Day 25 – Day 27) Spring 3 (Day 28 - Day 30) Web Services ( REST) 1 (Day 31) Total 31
  • 2. © People Strategists - Duplication is strictly prohibited - Day 1 Fundamentals of UML  Introduction to UML  Goals of UML  Objects, Classes and the UML UML Diagrams  Structure Diagrams o Class and Object Diagrams o Component and Deployment Diagram  Behavior Diagrams o Use Case specifications o Interaction Diagrams  Sequence and Collaboration diagrams  Associations (Composition and Aggregation)  Relationships and Multiplicity Java  Introduction to Java o Introduction o Installation o Environment Setup o JVM, JRE, JDK o Java programming basics o A First Java Program o Compiling and executing Java Applications o The JDK Directory Structure  Data Types And Variables o Primitive Datatypes ,Declarations o Variable Names o Numeric Literals, Character Literals o String, String Literals o Arrays, on-Primitive Datatypes, the Dot Operator Day 2  Operators And Expressions o Expressions o Assignment Operator o Arithmetic Operators o Relational Operators o Logical Operators o Increment and Decrement Operators o Operate-Assign Operators (+=, etc.) o The Conditional Operator
  • 3. © People Strategists - Duplication is strictly prohibited - o Operator Precedence o Implicit Type Conversions o The Cast Operator  Control Flow Statement o Statements o Conditional (if) Statements o Data types and Variables o Adding an else if o Conditional (switch) Statements o While and do-while Loops o For Loops o Enhanced for Loop o The continue Statement o The break Statement  Object Oriented Programming o Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming o Classes and Objects o Fields and Methods o Encapsulation o Access Control o Inheritance o Polymorphism Day 3  Objects And Classes o Defining a Class o Creating an Object o Instance Data o Methods o Constructors  Encapsulation o Packages and Access Specifiers  Polymorphism o Method Overloading o Constructor Overloading o Use of this keyword o Variable Argument Method (Varargs) in Java o Varargs versus Overloading  Polymorphism o Method Overloading o Constructor Overloading o Use of this keyword o Variable Argument Method (Varargs) in Java o Varargs versus Overloading
  • 4. © People Strategists - Duplication is strictly prohibited - Day 4  Inheritance o Inheritance Basics o Use of super keyword o Overriding o Runtime Polymorphism  Advance Class Features o Static variables, Static block and methods o Static Import  Abstraction o Abstract classes and methods o Final classes and methods o Interfaces  java.lang o Wrapper classes o Autoboxing and Unboxing o Understanding toString method o String, String Buffer and String Builder o Conversions(string to object and vice versa) Day 5  Inner Classes o Inner Classes o Member Classes o Local Classes o Anonymous Classes o Instance Initializers o Static Nested Classes  Exception Handling o Exception and Errors o Checked and Unchecked Exception o Handling exceptions using try, catch and finally o Java7 multi catch Day 6 o Use of throw and throws o Automatic Resource Management in Java7 o Create Custom Exceptions  Threads o Introduction to Threads o Thread class and Runnable Interface o Thread priorities o Methods of thread class o Lifecycle of a thread
  • 5. © People Strategists - Duplication is strictly prohibited - o Use of sleep(), join() methods o Synchronization o Inter-thread Communication  o Byte Streams and Character Streams o InputStream and OutputStream Day 7 o Reader and Writer classes o Read from and write to file/console o Serialization  Annotation Basics o Annotation Elements  Annotation Placement  Built-in Java Annotations o @Override o @SuppressWarnings  Creating Your Own Annotations o @Retention o @Target o @Inherited o @Documented  Enum  java.util  Generics Day 8  Collections Framework o Legacy classes Vector and Hashtable o List, Set o Map o Object class(equals and hashcode) o Iterator, ListIterator and Enumeration o Collections and Array classes o Sorting and searching o Comparator vs Comparable Introduction to RDBMS  Overview of Database Models  ER Diagram and Normalization  Features of MySQL Day 9 Introduction to SQL  MySQL Data types  Introduction to DQL, DDL, DML, DCL
  • 6. © People Strategists - Duplication is strictly prohibited -  DDL o Create, Alter and Drop Table  CRUD operations with database o INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/READ  Working with Keys o Primary and Composite keys o Foreign Keys  Use of Aggregate functions and ordering the result o Average(), Count(), Maximum(),Minimum(),Sum() o Group By, Order By, Having  Use of LIKE ,& WHERE clause  Dropping / truncating a table  Querying Multiple tables using joins  SQL Joins o Inner, Outer and Self joins  Nested queries Database Security & privileges  GRANT & REVOKE Command  Transaction Overview  COMMIT & ROLLBACK  Use of save points Day 10  JDBC o JDBC overview o Types of drivers o java.sql interfaces Driver, Connection, Statement o Loading a driver and establishing a connection using DriverManager o Perform CRUD operations using JDBC interfaces o Prepared Statement for precompiled queries o Callable Statement for stored procedures o Mapping SQL and Java Types Day 11 Introduction to HTML  HTML elements  HTML attributes  Empty tags vs container tags  HTML file structure  <head> and <body > elements  use of <script>,<style>,<meta><title> tags Formatting tags  Formatting tags in HTML  Use of <pre > tag  Heading tags
  • 7. © People Strategists - Duplication is strictly prohibited - Links  Creating links using <a> tag  External vs internal links  Email links List  Ordered & Unordered List  Definition List Tables  Creating tables  Adding border to tables  Rowspan and colspan  Use of <legend> and <fieldset>  Dealing with Images in HTML Forms  What is a form?  Use of <form> tag  Form elements  Textfield, Radio buttons ,checkbox  Textarea, dropdown  Submit & reset buttons Introduction to HTML5  What is HTML5?  HTML5 Markup  Deprecated Elements And Attributes  Browser Support Features in HTML5  Doctype declaration and character encoding  Semantics and markup  New And Updated Elements  Structural Elements  New Attributes  Video, Audio and codecs  Canvas and SVG HTML5 Forms  New Input Types  New Attributes  Using placeholder data  Marking required fields  Working with number inputs  Using date picker  Form Validation  Browser Support
  • 8. © People Strategists - Duplication is strictly prohibited - Day 12 Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)  Introduction to css  CSS Rules  Selectors  Attribute selectors  Internal, External, Inline Stylesheet  CSS Backgrouds, Text, Font, Links, Lists, Box, Border, Outline, Margin, Padding, Display, Floatting  Pseudo-class  Pseudo-element,  Media types  Gradients  Text effects  2d3d transforms  Transitions  Animations Day 13 Introduction to JavaScript  What is JavaScript?  JavaScript and Events  JavaScript and Old or Disabled Browsers  JavaScript from External Files JavaScript deep dive  The HTML Document and JavaScript  Syntax  Debugging in JavaScript  Data types, Variables, Operators  Types Of operators : Number, String or Boolean  Control Structures, Block, Loops, for - in  Identifying different types of dialog box(alert, confirm, prompt)  Arrays in JavaScript Objects  What Are Objects?  User-Defined Objects  Manipulating Objects  Working with String, Number and Boolean Validating form using DOM Event Handling  Introduction to Event Handlers  Event Handlers as JavaScript Methods  Handling Window, Document, History, Navigator objects  Using Inner HTML with DOM in div tags for event Handling
  • 9. © People Strategists - Duplication is strictly prohibited - Day 14 Introduction to AJAX  Getting Started with AJAX  The Purpose of Ajax  Traditional Web Application  An Ajax Web Application  The XMLHttpRequest Object  Creating an XMLHttpRequest Object  XMLHttpRequest open() Method  Using an XMLHttpRequest Object  Steps to do ajax operation  Getting JSP or text pages as response  Response as XML or text  Handling the Response using INNERHTML  Use of GET and post with AJAX Introduction to JQuery  Overview of JQuery  Downloading JQuery or using from CDN  Use of $(document). ready function DOM manipulation with JQuery  Use of selectors in JQuery  DOM traversal and manipulation  Using Element, Class and ID Selectors with jQuery  Modifying the Content and Styles of Selected Elements  Adding and Removing Elements Using jQuery  Binding events to elements  Looping over a set of elements  Adding JQuery UI plugins o Date picker o Slider o Accordion o Tabs Day 15 Handling Ajax Requests with JQuery  Get and post requests with JQuery JSON  Introduction to JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)  JSON vs XML JSON Syntax  JSON Name/value pairs  JSON Arrays  JSON values, Objects & Files
  • 10. © People Strategists - Duplication is strictly prohibited - Working with JSON  Converting JSON to JavaScript using parse() method  Creating JSON text from JavaScript using stringify() method Overview of Extendible Markup Language (XML)  Introduction to XML  Advantages of XML  Creating Well-formed XML Document Type Definition (DTD)  Specifying rules using DTD  Creating valid XML using DTD  Element Declarations  Use of PCDATA  Attribute Declaration in DTD  Attribute types  Fixed, default and optional types Namespaces  Introduction to namespaces  Why Namespaces  Syntax and usage with DTD Day 16 XML Schemas  Introduction to XML schema  Advantages over DTD  Defining elements  Simple and Complex Types  Use of Compositors  Restriction on Simple types  Extending Complex types  Creating reusable types JAXP  SAX  DOM Day 17 Maven  Introduction  Install and setting up Maven  Maven project Structure  POM.xml  Create and build project using maven  Dependency Management
  • 11. © People Strategists - Duplication is strictly prohibited - SVN  Introduction  How to install , configure and create repository  Working copy and checkout  How to merge code and avoid conflict GIT  How to install GIT  Configure and create repository  How to push project  How to merge code Day 18 Agile Development  Introduction  Why Do we need Agile o The traditional way of building software doesn’t work. o The Change Conflict  Agile Software Development-embracing change o Principles of Agile Development o Benefits of Agile Development o Reasons why Agile Development more efficient Introduction to design patterns  Why design pattern?  Principles of Design patterns  Explore GOF design patterns  Learn about the java and JEE design patterns Creational Design Patterns  What is creational design pattern?  Factory  Singleton  Prototype Day 19 Structural Design Patterns  Understand the use of structural design pattern  Adaptor  Decorator  Façade Behavioral Design Patterns  Understand the characteristic of behavioral design pattern  Strategy  Command
  • 12. © People Strategists - Duplication is strictly prohibited -  Iterator Overview of different Architectures  Introduction to different architectures  Layers vs tiers  Use of presentation, business, resource tiers  Multitier Architecture  What is JEE Architecture?  Why JEE?  Different types of JEE Architecture  Introduction to MVC Architecture Day 20 Overview of JEE technologies  Deep dive into JEE  Understand where each technology fits in JEE Architecture  What is war, jar and ear  Application Server vs WebServer Introduction to Servlet API  Structure of web application  Request and Response Model  Servlet Lifecycle  Types of Servlets  HTTPServletRequest Object.  Methods to get form data  Developing, Packaging and deploying web application Day 21 Servlet Context and ServletConfig Interface Session tracking in Servlets  Working with HTTP Session object  Tracking session using cookies  Implementing Session Tracking Day 22 Working with Listeners  What are listeners  Usage of Listeners in web application  Lifecycle and Attribute listeners  Creating Context and Session lifecycle listeners Overview of Filters  Introduction to Filters
  • 13. © People Strategists - Duplication is strictly prohibited -  Lifecycle of Filters  Use of doFilter Method  Creating Web Applications with filters Day 23 Developing JavaServer Pages  Introduction to JSP  JSP lifecycle  JSP Scripting Elements  Difference between <%@include> and <jsp:useBean>  JSP Implicit Objects  Handling error in jsp pages  Working with JSP:UseBean Day 24 Tags in JSP  Working with JSTL tags  Core Tags in detail  Function and formatting tags fundamentals  Creating Java-based/JSP based Custom Tags  JSTL Expressions (EL) Day 25 Introduction to ORM framework  JDBC Vs Hibernate  Features of Hibernate Hibernate Architecture Overview  Configuration and Session Factory  Session  Transaction  Environment Setup  Getting started with Hibernate quickly Database Connection and Schema Generation  Mapping JavaBeans to tables  Mapping properties to columns  Building a Configuration Programmatically /Using .properties file /Using XML configuration file  Creating a HBM document from the java bean class  Creating a java bean class from a HBM document Persisting objects using Hibernate CRUD Examples  Persisting data
  • 14. © People Strategists - Duplication is strictly prohibited -  Loading data into an object  get Vs load  Deleting, updating & finding objects  Using HQL to get all objects Lifecycle  Transient State  Persistent state  Detached state Day 26 Setting up all types of Mapping  Mapping composite keys  Mapping a java class  Mapping Collections  Mapping Association  Component Mapping  Inheritance Mapping o Table-per-class o Table-per-subclass o Table-per-concrete Day 27 Hibernate Annotations  Using annotation for all kinds of mapping  Use of @Entity, @Embedded and other annotations  Mapping a simple class, Association, Inheritance Hibernate Query Language  Using Query interface for single/multi select statements  Named and positional parameters  Named and Native Queries  Using SQL Queries  Working with HQL Joins  Using Criteria for select statements  Pagination using HQL Hibernate Cache Overview  Introduction to the Caching  First Level /Second Level/Query cache  Cache Modes  EHCache Configuration Day 28 Introduction  Overview of Spring framework  Dependency Injection (DI)
  • 15. © People Strategists - Duplication is strictly prohibited -  What is Spring? Spring Architecture  Spring Container, IoC, DI  Configuration Metadata - XML  Dependency Injection (DI) in Spring, DI Configuration Spring Core Container and Beans  BeanFactory Interface and ApplicationContext  ClassPathXmlApplicationContext, FileSystemXmlApplicationContext  Spring Beans  Loading Spring Configuration File What are Setter Based and Constructor Based DI? XML Based Configuration  Setter Based and Constructor Based  Factory Methods, Definition Inheritance (Parent Beans)  Collection Valued Properties o Configuring and using Array, List, Map, Set and Properties  Inner Bean  Bean Scopes  Autowiring of Dependencies using byName,byType,constructor Annotation Driven Configuration  Setter-Based /Constructor based  Use of @Component, @Value  Autowiring using @Autowired,@Qualifier  Use of @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy Day 29 Introduction to Spring Web MVC Spring MVC Architecture  DispatcherServlet and Context Loader Listener  Use of Controllers, View Resolvers  Stereotypes: @Component, @Service, @Controller, @Repository Validation Framework  Declarative Validation, @NotNull, @Size, @Min, etc  Custom Validators Day 30 Database Access with Spring  Issues with JDBC / Typical JDBC Flow  Introduction to Spring DAO Support  Spring JPA  Queries and Inserts
  • 16. © People Strategists - Duplication is strictly prohibited -  Additional API Capabilities  Using Spring with Hibernate Integration of Spring MVC with JDBC and Hibernate Day 31 Introduction to web services  What are web services?  Service-oriented Architecture  Architecture of web services  Types of web services -BIG and REST  Components of Web Services - SOAP, WSDL, UDDI JAXB  Introduction to JAXB  JAXB Architecture  Marshalling and UnMarshalling Introduction to REST  Introduction to REST  REST Architecture  HTTP Methods  Producing and Consuming a restful web service  Use of @Path,@QueryParam, @PathParam  Invoking a restful web service