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Escape From Hadoop: 
Ultra Fast Data Analysis 
with Apache Cassandra & Spark 
Kurt Russell Spitzer 
Piotr Kołaczkowski 
Piotr Kołaczkowski 
slides by 
presented by
Why escape from Hadoop? 
Many Moving Pieces 
Map Reduce 
Single Points of Failure 
Lots of Overhead 
And there is a way out!
Spark Provides a Simple and Efficient 
framework for Distributed Computations 
Node Roles 2 
In Memory Caching Yes! 
Fault Tolerance Yes! 
Great Abstraction For 
Datasets? RDD! 
SSppaarrkk EExxeeccuuttoorr
Spark is Compatible with 
HDFS, JDBC, Parquet, CSVs, …. 
Apache Cassandra is a Linearly Scaling and 
Fault Tolerant noSQL Database 
Linearly Scaling: 
The power of the database 
increases linearly with the number 
of machines 
2x machines = 2x throughput 
Fault Tolerant: 
Nodes down != Database Down 
Datacenter down != Database 
Apache Cassandra Architecture is Very Simple 
Node Roles 1 
Replication Tunable 
Consistency Replication 
CC** CC** 
DataStax OSS Connector 
Spark to Cassandra 
CCaassssaannddrraa SSppaarrkk 
KKeeyyssppaaccee TTaabbllee 
Bundled and Supported with 
DSE 4.5!
DataStax Connector 
Spark to Cassandra 
By the numbers: 
● 370 commits 
● 17 branches 
● 10 releases 
● 11 contributors 
● 168 issues (65 open) 
● 98 pull requests (6 open)
Spark Cassandra Connector uses the DataStax 
Java Driver to Read from and Write to C* 
Full Token 
Each Executor Maintains a 
connection to the C* Cluster 
Java Driver 
Tokens 1001 -2000 
Tokens 1-1000 
Tokens … 
RDD’s read into different 
splits based on token ranges
Co-locate Spark and C* for Best Performance 
CC** Running Spark Workers on 
the same nodes as your C* 
cluster will save network hops 
when reading and writing CC** CC** 
Setting up C* and Spark 
DSE > 4.5.0 
Just start your nodes with 
dse cassandra -k 
Apache Cassandra 
Follow the excellent guide by Al Tobey
We need a Distributed System For 
Analytics and Batch Jobs 
But it doesn’t have to be complicated!
Even count needs to be distributed 
Ask me to write a Map 
Reduce for word count, I 
dare you. 
You could make this easier by adding yet another technology to your 
Hadoop Stack (hive, pig, impala) or 
we could just do one liners on the spark shell.
Basics: Getting a Table and Counting 
CREATE KEYSPACE newyork WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1 }; 
USE newyork; 
CREATE TABLE presidentlocations ( time int, location text , PRIMARY KEY time ); 
INSERT INTO presidentlocations (time, location ) VALUES ( 1 , 'White House' ); 
INSERT INTO presidentlocations (time, location ) VALUES ( 2 , 'White House' ); 
INSERT INTO presidentlocations (time, location ) VALUES ( 3 , 'White House' ); 
INSERT INTO presidentlocations (time, location ) VALUES ( 4 , 'White House' ); 
INSERT INTO presidentlocations (time, location ) VALUES ( 5 , 'Air Force 1' ); 
INSERT INTO presidentlocations (time, location ) VALUES ( 6 , 'Air Force 1' ); 
INSERT INTO presidentlocations (time, location ) VALUES ( 7 , 'Air Force 1' ); 
INSERT INTO presidentlocations (time, location ) VALUES ( 8 , 'NYC' ); 
INSERT INTO presidentlocations (time, location ) VALUES ( 9 , 'NYC' ); 
INSERT INTO presidentlocations (time, location ) VALUES ( 10 , 'NYC' ); 
CREATE KEYSPACE newyork WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1 }; 
USE newyork; 
CREATE TABLE presidentlocations ( time int, location text , PRIMARY KEY time ); 
INSERT INTO presidentlocations (time, location ) VALUES ( 1 , 'White House' ); 
INSERT INTO presidentlocations (time, location ) VALUES ( 2 , 'White House' ); 
INSERT INTO presidentlocations (time, location ) VALUES ( 3 , 'White House' ); 
INSERT INTO presidentlocations (time, location ) VALUES ( 4 , 'White House' ); 
INSERT INTO presidentlocations (time, location ) VALUES ( 5 , 'Air Force 1' ); 
INSERT INTO presidentlocations (time, location ) VALUES ( 6 , 'Air Force 1' ); 
INSERT INTO presidentlocations (time, location ) VALUES ( 7 , 'Air Force 1' ); 
INSERT INTO presidentlocations (time, location ) VALUES ( 8 , 'NYC' ); 
INSERT INTO presidentlocations (time, location ) VALUES ( 9 , 'NYC' ); 
INSERT INTO presidentlocations (time, location ) VALUES ( 10 , 'NYC' ); 
scala> sc.cassandraTable(“newyork","presidentlocations").count 
res3: Long = 10 
scala> sc.cassandraTable(“newyork","presidentlocations").count 
res3: Long = 10 
count 10
Basics: take() and toArray 
scala> sc.cassandraTable("newyork","presidentlocations").take(1) 
res2: Array[com.datastax.spark.connector.CassandraRow] = Array(CassandraRow{time: 9, location: NYC}) 
scala> sc.cassandraTable("newyork","presidentlocations").take(1) 
res2: Array[com.datastax.spark.connector.CassandraRow] = Array(CassandraRow{time: 9, location: NYC}) 
Array of CassandraRows 
scala> sc.cassandraTable(“newyork","presidentlocations").toArray 
res3: Array[com.datastax.spark.connector.CassandraRow] = Array( 
scala> sc.cassandraTable(“newyork","presidentlocations").toArray 
res3: Array[com.datastax.spark.connector.CassandraRow] = Array( 
CassandraRow{time: 9, location: NYC}, 
CassandraRow{time: 3, location: White House}, 
CassandraRow{time: 6, location: Air Force 1}) 
Array of CassandraRows 
CassandraRow{time: 9, location: NYC}, 
CassandraRow{time: 3, location: White House}, 
CassandraRow{time: 6, location: Air Force 1}) 
Basics: Getting Row Values out of a 
scala> sc.cassandraTable("newyork","presidentlocations").first.get[Int]("time") 
res5: Int = 9 
scala> sc.cassandraTable("newyork","presidentlocations").first.get[Int]("time") 
res5: Int = 9 
A CassandraRow object 
99 get[Int] 
Got null ? 
get[Int] get[String] 
Copy A Table 
Say we want to restructure our table or add a new column? 
CREATE TABLE characterlocations ( 
CREATE TABLE characterlocations ( 
time int, 
character text, 
location text, 
PRIMARY KEY (time,character) 
time int, 
character text, 
location text, 
PRIMARY KEY (time,character) 
scala> sc.cassandraTable(“newyork","presidentlocations") 
.map( row => ( 
scala> sc.cassandraTable(“newyork","presidentlocations") 
.map( row => ( 
cqlsh:newyork> SELECT * FROM characterlocations ; 
time | character | location 
cqlsh:newyork> SELECT * FROM characterlocations ; 
time | character | location 
5 | president | Air Force 1 
10 | president | NYC 
5 | president | Air Force 1 
10 | president | NYC 
11 wwhhiittee hhoouussee 
11,,pprreessiiddeenntt,,wwhhiittee hhoouussee 
Filter a Table 
What if we want to filter based on a non-clustering key column? 
scala> sc.cassandraTable(“newyork","presidentlocations") 
scala> sc.cassandraTable(“newyork","presidentlocations") 
.filter( _.getInt("time") > 7 ) 
res9: Array[com.datastax.spark.connector.CassandraRow] = Array( 
CassandraRow{time: 9, location: NYC}, 
CassandraRow{time: 10, location: NYC}, 
CassandraRow{time: 8, location: NYC} 
.filter( _.getInt("time") > 7 ) 
res9: Array[com.datastax.spark.connector.CassandraRow] = Array( 
CassandraRow{time: 9, location: NYC}, 
CassandraRow{time: 10, location: NYC}, 
CassandraRow{time: 8, location: NYC} 
11 wwhhiittee hhoouussee 
Backfill a Table with a Different Key! 
CREATE TABLE timelines ( 
time int, 
character text, 
location text, 
PRIMARY KEY ((character), time) 
CREATE TABLE timelines ( 
time int, 
character text, 
location text, 
PRIMARY KEY ((character), time) 
If we actually want to have quick access to 
timelines we need a C* table with a 
different structure. 
cqlsh:newyork> select * from timelines; 
character | time | location 
president | 1 | White House 
president | 2 | White House 
president | 3 | White House 
president | 4 | White House 
president | 5 | Air Force 1 
president | 6 | Air Force 1 
president | 7 | Air Force 1 
president | 8 | NYC 
president | 9 | NYC 
president | 10 | NYC 
cqlsh:newyork> select * from timelines; 
character | time | location 
president | 1 | White House 
president | 2 | White House 
president | 3 | White House 
president | 4 | White House 
president | 5 | Air Force 1 
president | 6 | Air Force 1 
president | 7 | Air Force 1 
president | 8 | NYC 
president | 9 | NYC 
president | 10 | NYC 
11 wwhhiittee hhoouussee 
pprreessiiddeenntt CC**
Import a CSV 
I have some data in another source which I could really use in 
my Cassandra table 
.map(line => (line(0),line(1),line(2))) 
.saveToCassandra("newyork","timelines", SomeColumns("character", "time", "location")) 
.map(line => (line(0),line(1),line(2))) 
.saveToCassandra("newyork","timelines", SomeColumns("character", "time", "location")) 
plissken,1,white house 
cqlsh:newyork> select * from timelines where character = 'plissken'; 
character | time | location 
plissken | 1 | Federal Reserve 
plissken | 2 | Federal Reserve 
plissken | 3 | Federal Reserve 
plissken | 4 | Court 
plissken | 5 | Court 
plissken | 6 | Court 
plissken | 7 | Court 
plissken | 8 | Stealth Glider 
plissken | 9 | NYC 
plissken | 10 | NYC 
cqlsh:newyork> select * from timelines where character = 'plissken'; 
character | split 
time | location 
plissken | 1 | Federal Reserve 
plissken | 2 | Federal Reserve 
plissken | 3 | Federal Reserve 
plissken | 4 | Court 
plissken | 5 | Court 
plissken | 6 | Court 
plissken | 7 | Court 
plissken | 8 | Stealth Glider 
plissken | 9 | NYC 
plissken | 10 | NYC 
pplliisssskkeenn 11 wwhhiittee hhoouussee 
pplliisssskkeenn,,11,,wwhhiittee hhoouussee 
Perform a Join with MySQL 
Maybe a little more than one line … 
import java.sql._ 
import org.apache.spark.rdd.JdbcRDD 
val quotes = new JdbcRDD( 
getConnection = () => DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://Localhost/escape_from_ny?user=root"), 
sql = "SELECT * FROM quotes WHERE ? <= ID and ID <= ?", 
lowerBound = 0, 
upperBound = 100, 
numPartitions = 5, 
mapRow = (r: ResultSet) => (r.getInt(2),r.getString(3)) 
quotes: org.apache.spark.rdd.JdbcRDD[(Int, String)] = JdbcRDD[9] at JdbcRDD at <console>:23 
import java.sql._ 
import org.apache.spark.rdd.JdbcRDD 
val quotes = new JdbcRDD( 
getConnection = () => DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://Localhost/escape_from_ny?user=root"), 
sql = "SELECT * FROM quotes WHERE ? <= ID and ID <= ?", 
lowerBound = 0, 
upperBound = 100, 
numPartitions = 5, 
mapRow = (r: ResultSet) => (r.getInt(2),r.getString(3)) 
quotes: org.apache.spark.rdd.JdbcRDD[(Int, String)] = JdbcRDD[9] at JdbcRDD at <console>:23
Perform a Join with MySQL 
Maybe a little more than one line … 
val locations = 
val locations = 
.filter(_.getString("character") == "plissken") 
.map(row => (row.getInt("time"), row.getString("location"))) 
.filter(_.getString("character") == "plissken") 
.map(row => (row.getInt("time"), row.getString("location"))) 
(5, ( 
Bob Hauk: There was an accident. 
About an hour ago, a small jet went down inside New York City. 
The President was on board. 
Snake Plissken: The president of what?, 
pplliisssskkeenn,, 55,, ccoouurrtt 
55,,ccoouurrtt 55,,((‘‘BBoobb HHaauukk:: ……’’,,ccoouurrtt)) 
55,, ‘‘BBoobb HHaauukk:: ……'' 
(5, ( 
Bob Hauk: There was an accident. 
About an hour ago, a small jet went down inside New York City. 
The President was on board. 
Snake Plissken: The president of what?, 
Easy Objects with Case Classes 
We have the technology to make this even easier! 
case class TimelineRow(character: String, time: Int, location: String) 
case class TimelineRow(character: String, time: Int, location: String) 
.filter(_.character == "plissken") 
.filter(_.time == 8) 
.filter(_.character == "plissken") 
.filter(_.time == 8) 
res13: Array[TimelineRow] = Array(TimelineRow(plissken,8,Stealth Glider)) 
res13: Array[TimelineRow] = Array(TimelineRow(plissken,8,Stealth Glider)) 
cchhaarraacctteerr ==== pplliisssskkeenn 
ttiimmee ==== 88 
cchhaarraacctteerr::pplliisssskkeenn,, ttiimmee::88,, llooccaattiioonn:: SStteeaalltthh GGlliiddeerr
A Map Reduce for Word Count … 
scala> sc.cassandraTable("newyork","presidentlocations") 
scala> sc.cassandraTable("newyork","presidentlocations") 
.flatMap(_.split(" ")) 
.reduceByKey(_ + _) 
.flatMap(_.split(" ")) 
.reduceByKey(_ + _) 
res17: Array[(String, Int)] = Array((1,3), (House,4), (NYC,3), (Force,3), (White,4), (Air,3)) 
res17: Array[(String, Int)] = Array((1,3), (House,4), (NYC,3), (Force,3), (White,4), (Air,3)) 
11 wwhhiittee hhoouussee 
wwhhiittee hhoouussee 
wwhhiittee,, 11 hhoouussee,, 11 
hhoouussee,, 11 hhoouussee,, 11 
hhoouussee,, 22 
_.split(" ") 
reduceByKey(_ + _) 
wwhhiittee hhoouussee
Selected RDD transformations 
● min(), max(), count() 
● reduce[T](f: (T, T) ⇒ T): T 
● fold[T](zeroValue: T)(op: (T, T) ⇒ T): T 
● aggregate[U](zeroValue: U)(seqOp: (U, T) ⇒ U, combOp: (U, U) ⇒ U): U 
● flatMap[U](func: (T) ⇒ TraversableOnce[U]): RDD[U] 
● mapPartitions[U]( 
f: (Iterator[T]) ⇒ Iterator[U], 
preservesPartitioning: Boolean): RDD[U] 
● sortBy[K](f: (T) ⇒ K, ascending: Boolean = true) 
● groupBy[K](f: (T) ⇒ K): RDD[(K, Iterable[T])] 
● intersection(other: RDD[T]): RDD[T] 
● union(other: RDD[T]): RDD[T] 
● subtract(other: RDD[T]): RDD[T] 
● zip[U](other: RDD[U]): RDD[(T, U)] 
● keyBy[K](f: (T) ⇒ K): RDD[(K, T)] 
● sample(withReplacement: Boolean, fraction: Double)
RDD can do even more...
How Fast is it? 
● Reading big data from Cassandra: 
– Spark ~2x faster than Hadoop 
● Minimum latency (1 node, vnodes disabled, tiny data): 
– Spark: 0.7s 
– Hadoop: ~20s 
● Minimum latency (1 node, vnodes enabled): 
– Spark: 1s 
– Hadoop: ~8 minutes 
● In memory processing: 
– up to 100x faster than Hadoop
In-memory Processing 
Call cache or persist(storageLevel) to store RDD data in memory. 
val rdd = sc.cassandraTable("newyork","presidentlocations") 
rdd.first // slow, loads data from Cassandra and keeps in memory 
rdd.first // fast, doesn't read from Cassandra, reads from memory 
val rdd = sc.cassandraTable("newyork","presidentlocations") 
rdd.first // slow, loads data from Cassandra and keeps in memory 
rdd.first // fast, doesn't read from Cassandra, reads from memory 
Multiple StorageLevels available: 
Also replicated variants available: just append _2 to the constant name.
Fault Tolerance 
77 88 99 
11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 
44 55 
Node 1 
Cassandra RDD 
44 55 
77 88 
Node 2 
77 88 
11 22 
Node 3 
Replication Factor = 2
Standalone App Example 
CCaarr,, MMooddeell,, CCoolloorr 
Dodge, Caravan, Red 
Ford, F150, Black 
Toyota, Prius, Green 
Column Mapping 
Useful modules / projects 
● Java API 
– for diehard Java developers 
● Python API 
– for those allergic to static types 
● Shark 
– Hive QL on Spark (discontinued) 
● Spark SQL 
– new SQL engine based on Catalyst query planner 
● Spark Streaming 
– microbatch streaming framework 
● MLLib 
– machine learning library 
● GraphX 
– efficient representation and processing of graph data
We're hiring!
Thanks for listening! 
There is plenty more we can do with Spark but … 

Contenu connexe


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Escape from Hadoop: Ultra Fast Data Analysis with Spark & Cassandra

  • 1. Escape From Hadoop: Ultra Fast Data Analysis with Apache Cassandra & Spark Kurt Russell Spitzer Piotr Kołaczkowski Piotr Kołaczkowski DataStax slides by presented by
  • 2. Why escape from Hadoop? Hadoop Many Moving Pieces Map Reduce Single Points of Failure Lots of Overhead And there is a way out!
  • 3. Spark Provides a Simple and Efficient framework for Distributed Computations Node Roles 2 In Memory Caching Yes! Fault Tolerance Yes! Great Abstraction For Datasets? RDD! Spark Worker Spark Worker Spark Master Spark Worker Resilient Distributed Dataset SSppaarrkk EExxeeccuuttoorr
  • 4. Spark is Compatible with HDFS, JDBC, Parquet, CSVs, …. AND APACHE CASSANDRA Apache Cassandra
  • 5. Apache Cassandra is a Linearly Scaling and Fault Tolerant noSQL Database Linearly Scaling: The power of the database increases linearly with the number of machines 2x machines = 2x throughput Fault Tolerant: Nodes down != Database Down Datacenter down != Database Down
  • 6. Apache Cassandra Architecture is Very Simple Node Roles 1 Replication Tunable Consistency Replication Tunable CC** CC** CC** CC** CClliieenntt
  • 7. DataStax OSS Connector Spark to Cassandra CCaassssaannddrraa SSppaarrkk KKeeyyssppaaccee TTaabbllee RRDDDD[[CCaassssaannddrraaRRooww]] RRDDDD[[TTuupplleess]] Bundled and Supported with DSE 4.5!
  • 8. DataStax Connector Spark to Cassandra By the numbers: ● 370 commits ● 17 branches ● 10 releases ● 11 contributors ● 168 issues (65 open) ● 98 pull requests (6 open)
  • 9.
  • 10. Spark Cassandra Connector uses the DataStax Java Driver to Read from and Write to C* CC** Full Token Range Each Executor Maintains a connection to the C* Cluster Spark Executor DataStax Java Driver Tokens 1001 -2000 Tokens 1-1000 Tokens … RDD’s read into different splits based on token ranges
  • 11. Co-locate Spark and C* for Best Performance CC** Running Spark Workers on the same nodes as your C* cluster will save network hops when reading and writing CC** CC** Spark Worker CC** Spark Worker Spark Master Spark Worker
  • 12. Setting up C* and Spark DSE > 4.5.0 Just start your nodes with dse cassandra -k Apache Cassandra Follow the excellent guide by Al Tobey
  • 13. We need a Distributed System For Analytics and Batch Jobs But it doesn’t have to be complicated!
  • 14. Even count needs to be distributed Ask me to write a Map Reduce for word count, I dare you. You could make this easier by adding yet another technology to your Hadoop Stack (hive, pig, impala) or we could just do one liners on the spark shell.
  • 15. Basics: Getting a Table and Counting CREATE KEYSPACE newyork WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1 }; USE newyork; CREATE TABLE presidentlocations ( time int, location text , PRIMARY KEY time ); INSERT INTO presidentlocations (time, location ) VALUES ( 1 , 'White House' ); INSERT INTO presidentlocations (time, location ) VALUES ( 2 , 'White House' ); INSERT INTO presidentlocations (time, location ) VALUES ( 3 , 'White House' ); INSERT INTO presidentlocations (time, location ) VALUES ( 4 , 'White House' ); INSERT INTO presidentlocations (time, location ) VALUES ( 5 , 'Air Force 1' ); INSERT INTO presidentlocations (time, location ) VALUES ( 6 , 'Air Force 1' ); INSERT INTO presidentlocations (time, location ) VALUES ( 7 , 'Air Force 1' ); INSERT INTO presidentlocations (time, location ) VALUES ( 8 , 'NYC' ); INSERT INTO presidentlocations (time, location ) VALUES ( 9 , 'NYC' ); INSERT INTO presidentlocations (time, location ) VALUES ( 10 , 'NYC' ); CREATE KEYSPACE newyork WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1 }; USE newyork; CREATE TABLE presidentlocations ( time int, location text , PRIMARY KEY time ); INSERT INTO presidentlocations (time, location ) VALUES ( 1 , 'White House' ); INSERT INTO presidentlocations (time, location ) VALUES ( 2 , 'White House' ); INSERT INTO presidentlocations (time, location ) VALUES ( 3 , 'White House' ); INSERT INTO presidentlocations (time, location ) VALUES ( 4 , 'White House' ); INSERT INTO presidentlocations (time, location ) VALUES ( 5 , 'Air Force 1' ); INSERT INTO presidentlocations (time, location ) VALUES ( 6 , 'Air Force 1' ); INSERT INTO presidentlocations (time, location ) VALUES ( 7 , 'Air Force 1' ); INSERT INTO presidentlocations (time, location ) VALUES ( 8 , 'NYC' ); INSERT INTO presidentlocations (time, location ) VALUES ( 9 , 'NYC' ); INSERT INTO presidentlocations (time, location ) VALUES ( 10 , 'NYC' ); scala> sc.cassandraTable(“newyork","presidentlocations").count res3: Long = 10 scala> sc.cassandraTable(“newyork","presidentlocations").count res3: Long = 10 cassandraTable count 10
  • 16. Basics: take() and toArray scala> sc.cassandraTable("newyork","presidentlocations").take(1) res2: Array[com.datastax.spark.connector.CassandraRow] = Array(CassandraRow{time: 9, location: NYC}) scala> sc.cassandraTable("newyork","presidentlocations").take(1) res2: Array[com.datastax.spark.connector.CassandraRow] = Array(CassandraRow{time: 9, location: NYC}) cassandraTable take(1) Array of CassandraRows 99 NNYYCC scala> sc.cassandraTable(“newyork","presidentlocations").toArray res3: Array[com.datastax.spark.connector.CassandraRow] = Array( scala> sc.cassandraTable(“newyork","presidentlocations").toArray res3: Array[com.datastax.spark.connector.CassandraRow] = Array( CassandraRow{time: 9, location: NYC}, CassandraRow{time: 3, location: White House}, …, CassandraRow{time: 6, location: Air Force 1}) cassandraTable toArray Array of CassandraRows 99 NNYYCC CassandraRow{time: 9, location: NYC}, CassandraRow{time: 3, location: White House}, …, CassandraRow{time: 6, location: Air Force 1}) 9999 NNNNYYYYCCCC 9999 NNNNYYYYCCCC
  • 17. Basics: Getting Row Values out of a CassandraRow scala> sc.cassandraTable("newyork","presidentlocations").first.get[Int]("time") res5: Int = 9 scala> sc.cassandraTable("newyork","presidentlocations").first.get[Int]("time") res5: Int = 9 cassandraTable first A CassandraRow object 99 NNYYCC 99 get[Int] get[Int] get[String] get[List[...]] …get[Any] Got null ? get[Option[Int]]
  • 18. get[Int] get[String] CC** Copy A Table Say we want to restructure our table or add a new column? CREATE TABLE characterlocations ( CREATE TABLE characterlocations ( time int, character text, location text, PRIMARY KEY (time,character) ); time int, character text, location text, PRIMARY KEY (time,character) ); scala> sc.cassandraTable(“newyork","presidentlocations") .map( row => ( scala> sc.cassandraTable(“newyork","presidentlocations") .map( row => ( row.get[Int](“time"), "president", row.get[String](“location"))) row.get[Int](“time"), "president", row.get[String](“location"))) .saveToCassandra("newyork","characterlocations") .saveToCassandra("newyork","characterlocations") cqlsh:newyork> SELECT * FROM characterlocations ; time | character | location ------+-----------+------------- cqlsh:newyork> SELECT * FROM characterlocations ; time | character | location ------+-----------+------------- 5 | president | Air Force 1 10 | president | NYC …… 5 | president | Air Force 1 10 | president | NYC …… cassandraTable 11 wwhhiittee hhoouussee 11,,pprreessiiddeenntt,,wwhhiittee hhoouussee saveToCassandra
  • 19. Filter a Table What if we want to filter based on a non-clustering key column? scala> sc.cassandraTable(“newyork","presidentlocations") scala> sc.cassandraTable(“newyork","presidentlocations") .filter( _.getInt("time") > 7 ) .toArray res9: Array[com.datastax.spark.connector.CassandraRow] = Array( CassandraRow{time: 9, location: NYC}, CassandraRow{time: 10, location: NYC}, CassandraRow{time: 8, location: NYC} ) .filter( _.getInt("time") > 7 ) .toArray res9: Array[com.datastax.spark.connector.CassandraRow] = Array( CassandraRow{time: 9, location: NYC}, CassandraRow{time: 10, location: NYC}, CassandraRow{time: 8, location: NYC} ) cassandraTable 11 wwhhiittee hhoouussee getInt 11 >7 filter
  • 20. Backfill a Table with a Different Key! CREATE TABLE timelines ( time int, character text, location text, PRIMARY KEY ((character), time) ) CREATE TABLE timelines ( time int, character text, location text, PRIMARY KEY ((character), time) ) If we actually want to have quick access to timelines we need a C* table with a different structure. sc.cassandraTable("newyork","characterlocations") .saveToCassandra("newyork","timelines") sc.cassandraTable("newyork","characterlocations") .saveToCassandra("newyork","timelines") cqlsh:newyork> select * from timelines; character | time | location -----------+------+------------- president | 1 | White House president | 2 | White House president | 3 | White House president | 4 | White House president | 5 | Air Force 1 president | 6 | Air Force 1 president | 7 | Air Force 1 president | 8 | NYC president | 9 | NYC president | 10 | NYC cqlsh:newyork> select * from timelines; character | time | location -----------+------+------------- president | 1 | White House president | 2 | White House president | 3 | White House president | 4 | White House president | 5 | Air Force 1 president | 6 | Air Force 1 president | 7 | Air Force 1 president | 8 | NYC president | 9 | NYC president | 10 | NYC 11 wwhhiittee hhoouussee cassandraTable saveToCassandra pprreessiiddeenntt CC**
  • 21. Import a CSV I have some data in another source which I could really use in my Cassandra table sc.textFile("file:///home/pkolaczk/ReallyImportantDocuments/PlisskenLocations.csv") sc.textFile("file:///home/pkolaczk/ReallyImportantDocuments/PlisskenLocations.csv") .map(_.split(",")) .map(line => (line(0),line(1),line(2))) .saveToCassandra("newyork","timelines", SomeColumns("character", "time", "location")) .map(_.split(",")) .map(line => (line(0),line(1),line(2))) .saveToCassandra("newyork","timelines", SomeColumns("character", "time", "location")) textFile map plissken,1,white house cqlsh:newyork> select * from timelines where character = 'plissken'; character | time | location -----------+------+----------------- plissken | 1 | Federal Reserve plissken | 2 | Federal Reserve plissken | 3 | Federal Reserve plissken | 4 | Court plissken | 5 | Court plissken | 6 | Court plissken | 7 | Court plissken | 8 | Stealth Glider plissken | 9 | NYC plissken | 10 | NYC cqlsh:newyork> select * from timelines where character = 'plissken'; character | split time | location -----------+------+----------------- plissken | 1 | Federal Reserve plissken | 2 | Federal Reserve plissken | 3 | Federal Reserve plissken | 4 | Court plissken | 5 | Court plissken | 6 | Court plissken | 7 | Court plissken | 8 | Stealth Glider plissken | 9 | NYC plissken | 10 | NYC pplliisssskkeenn 11 wwhhiittee hhoouussee pplliisssskkeenn,,11,,wwhhiittee hhoouussee saveToCassandra CC**
  • 22. Perform a Join with MySQL Maybe a little more than one line … import java.sql._ import org.apache.spark.rdd.JdbcRDD Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance(); val quotes = new JdbcRDD( sc, getConnection = () => DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://Localhost/escape_from_ny?user=root"), sql = "SELECT * FROM quotes WHERE ? <= ID and ID <= ?", lowerBound = 0, upperBound = 100, numPartitions = 5, mapRow = (r: ResultSet) => (r.getInt(2),r.getString(3)) ) quotes: org.apache.spark.rdd.JdbcRDD[(Int, String)] = JdbcRDD[9] at JdbcRDD at <console>:23 import java.sql._ import org.apache.spark.rdd.JdbcRDD Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance(); val quotes = new JdbcRDD( sc, getConnection = () => DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://Localhost/escape_from_ny?user=root"), sql = "SELECT * FROM quotes WHERE ? <= ID and ID <= ?", lowerBound = 0, upperBound = 100, numPartitions = 5, mapRow = (r: ResultSet) => (r.getInt(2),r.getString(3)) ) quotes: org.apache.spark.rdd.JdbcRDD[(Int, String)] = JdbcRDD[9] at JdbcRDD at <console>:23
  • 23. Perform a Join with MySQL Maybe a little more than one line … val locations = sc.cassandraTable("newyork","timelines") val locations = sc.cassandraTable("newyork","timelines") .filter(_.getString("character") == "plissken") .map(row => (row.getInt("time"), row.getString("location"))) .filter(_.getString("character") == "plissken") .map(row => (row.getInt("time"), row.getString("location"))) quotes.join(locations) .take(1) .foreach(println) quotes.join(locations) .take(1) .foreach(println) (5, ( Bob Hauk: There was an accident. About an hour ago, a small jet went down inside New York City. The President was on board. Snake Plissken: The president of what?, Court )) cassandraTable JdbcRDD pplliisssskkeenn,, 55,, ccoouurrtt 55,,ccoouurrtt 55,,((‘‘BBoobb HHaauukk:: ……’’,,ccoouurrtt)) 55,, ‘‘BBoobb HHaauukk:: ……'' (5, ( Bob Hauk: There was an accident. About an hour ago, a small jet went down inside New York City. The President was on board. Snake Plissken: The president of what?, Court )) join
  • 24. Easy Objects with Case Classes We have the technology to make this even easier! case class TimelineRow(character: String, time: Int, location: String) sc.cassandraTable[TimelineRow]("newyork","timelines") case class TimelineRow(character: String, time: Int, location: String) sc.cassandraTable[TimelineRow]("newyork","timelines") .filter(_.character == "plissken") .filter(_.time == 8) .toArray .filter(_.character == "plissken") .filter(_.time == 8) .toArray res13: Array[TimelineRow] = Array(TimelineRow(plissken,8,Stealth Glider)) res13: Array[TimelineRow] = Array(TimelineRow(plissken,8,Stealth Glider)) cassandraTable[TimelineRow] TimelineRow cchhaarraacctteerr,,ttiimmee,,llooccaattiioonn filter cchhaarraacctteerr ==== pplliisssskkeenn ttiimmee ==== 88 cchhaarraacctteerr::pplliisssskkeenn,, ttiimmee::88,, llooccaattiioonn:: SStteeaalltthh GGlliiddeerr
  • 25. A Map Reduce for Word Count … scala> sc.cassandraTable("newyork","presidentlocations") scala> sc.cassandraTable("newyork","presidentlocations") .map(_.getString("location")) .flatMap(_.split(" ")) .map((_,1)) .reduceByKey(_ + _) .toArray .map(_.getString("location")) .flatMap(_.split(" ")) .map((_,1)) .reduceByKey(_ + _) .toArray res17: Array[(String, Int)] = Array((1,3), (House,4), (NYC,3), (Force,3), (White,4), (Air,3)) res17: Array[(String, Int)] = Array((1,3), (House,4), (NYC,3), (Force,3), (White,4), (Air,3)) 11 wwhhiittee hhoouussee wwhhiittee hhoouussee wwhhiittee,, 11 hhoouussee,, 11 hhoouussee,, 11 hhoouussee,, 11 hhoouussee,, 22 cassandraTable getString _.split(" ") (_,1) reduceByKey(_ + _) wwhhiittee hhoouussee
  • 26. Selected RDD transformations ● min(), max(), count() ● reduce[T](f: (T, T) ⇒ T): T ● fold[T](zeroValue: T)(op: (T, T) ⇒ T): T ● aggregate[U](zeroValue: U)(seqOp: (U, T) ⇒ U, combOp: (U, U) ⇒ U): U ● flatMap[U](func: (T) ⇒ TraversableOnce[U]): RDD[U] ● mapPartitions[U]( f: (Iterator[T]) ⇒ Iterator[U], preservesPartitioning: Boolean): RDD[U] ● sortBy[K](f: (T) ⇒ K, ascending: Boolean = true) ● groupBy[K](f: (T) ⇒ K): RDD[(K, Iterable[T])] ● intersection(other: RDD[T]): RDD[T] ● union(other: RDD[T]): RDD[T] ● subtract(other: RDD[T]): RDD[T] ● zip[U](other: RDD[U]): RDD[(T, U)] ● keyBy[K](f: (T) ⇒ K): RDD[(K, T)] ● sample(withReplacement: Boolean, fraction: Double)
  • 27. RDD can do even more...
  • 28. How Fast is it? ● Reading big data from Cassandra: – Spark ~2x faster than Hadoop ● Minimum latency (1 node, vnodes disabled, tiny data): – Spark: 0.7s – Hadoop: ~20s ● Minimum latency (1 node, vnodes enabled): – Spark: 1s – Hadoop: ~8 minutes ● In memory processing: – up to 100x faster than Hadoop
  • 30. In-memory Processing Call cache or persist(storageLevel) to store RDD data in memory. val rdd = sc.cassandraTable("newyork","presidentlocations") .filter(...) .map(...) .reduce(...) .cache rdd.first // slow, loads data from Cassandra and keeps in memory rdd.first // fast, doesn't read from Cassandra, reads from memory val rdd = sc.cassandraTable("newyork","presidentlocations") .filter(...) .map(...) .reduce(...) .cache rdd.first // slow, loads data from Cassandra and keeps in memory rdd.first // fast, doesn't read from Cassandra, reads from memory Multiple StorageLevels available: ● MEMORY_ONLY ● MEMORY_ONLY_SER ● MEMORY_AND_DISK ● MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER ● DISK_ONLY Also replicated variants available: just append _2 to the constant name.
  • 31. Fault Tolerance cassandraTable 77 88 99 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 11 22 44 55 filter map 33 66 Node 1 FilteredRDD MappedRDD Cassandra RDD 44 55 77 88 66 99 Node 2 77 88 11 22 99 33 Node 3 Replication Factor = 2
  • 32. Standalone App Example CCaarr,, MMooddeell,, CCoolloorr Dodge, Caravan, Red Ford, F150, Black Toyota, Prius, Green RDD [CassandraRow] FavoriteCars Table CCaassssaannddrraa Column Mapping CSV
  • 33. Useful modules / projects ● Java API – for diehard Java developers ● Python API – for those allergic to static types ● Shark – Hive QL on Spark (discontinued) ● Spark SQL – new SQL engine based on Catalyst query planner ● Spark Streaming – microbatch streaming framework ● MLLib – machine learning library ● GraphX – efficient representation and processing of graph data
  • 35. Thanks for listening! There is plenty more we can do with Spark but … Questions?