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Effective use of
Spoken English
at Workplace
Confidential : For Training purpose only
Dept : Marketing
This PRESENTATION will tell you how to retrain your mind—and your tongue—in order to learn fluent spoken English.
How good are you at communicating in English in your business life?
You have an
opportunity to
become a Manager
but, you need to
improve your English
before you can apply.
We want you to go to
onsite visit in the
United States, but your
English is not good
enough yet.
You know English
grammar and can
write, but you need
to learn how to
speak English.
Technical Expert
Why Am I not
getting any
promotion despite
working hard for so
long ?
English is recognized and understood by people all around the world.
Most companies require employees with excellent English speaking skills.
80% of the Internet web content is published in the English.
Your ability to use English well within the workplace will make or break your career success.
Why is it difficult to speak English fluently ?
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•The schools across the world
teach in the order :
•The teachers have tried to train
your mind with written
exercises without retraining
your tongue at the same time.
•The natural order (for babies
/children) to learn is:
•Hesitations - ums and ahs, etc
•Pauses - which are too long or
too frequent
•Repetitions - of words of
•Tautologies -saying the same
thing twice.
•Changing the topic/ not
speaking about the topic
•Struggling to find the right word
•Mispronouncing words
•Watch English shows/movies with
•Watch out for your pronunciation.
Speak slowly.
•Record yourself reading one
article aloud every day. Focus on
pronunciation, speed, clarity and
•Learn certain phrases that can be
used in multiple situations.
•Learn new words everyday and
use it in your conversation
•Restrict yourself to simple
sentences until you gain
•Read English books and
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The complex science involved in pronouncing a single word
If you want to speak fluent English, then retrain simultaneously
 Your Brain
 Your Tongue
 Your Hearing
1. Vocabulary Memory
2. Partial Syntax Control
3. Feedback Coordination
4. Calibration
1. Sound Production
2. Breath Regulation
3. Proprioceptive Feedback
1. Auditory Feedback
A Human Speech Response takes about 200 milliseconds (one-fifth of a second) to execute:
1. Sensation : Neural transmission from sensory receptor ( eyes, ears, etc.,) to the brain, takes about 15 milliseconds.
2. Perception : Change of Sensation data into perceived information takes about 45 milliseconds.
3. Response : Usage of current perception and past experiences to formulate a course or action takes about 75 milliseconds.
4. Execution : Motor neurons carry signals from the brain to the tongue for a step-by-step sequence takes about 15 milliseconds.
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Observe the
Target Motor
Perform &
Refine the
Motor Skill
Motor Skill
Three Stages of Motor Learning
Everyone performs
slowly when
attentively learning
a new motor skill.
Teaching to execute
these skills takes a
few hours.
To practice these
skills and to make
them automatic and
effortless takes
thousands of hours.
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Teaching yourTongue to speak English
Open- Loop Controller System Closed - Loop Controller System
It requires no attention.
It is slow, and it requires your full attention.
Movements are automatic and mentally effortless
Requires precise control and execution of original movements
Can execute muscle movements in 10 milliseconds per
muscle movement.
Can execute muscle movements in 200 milliseconds per muscle
movement .
Does not use feedback to determine if its
input has achieved the Goal.
Uses feedback to control output to get the desired Goal.
The speaker cannot correct any errors that he could
The speaker is constantly “calibrating” the feedback to control speed
Speech process unconscious instead of conscious Speech process conscious instead of unconscious
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Level 1 :Mouth muscle stretching
The objective of this spoken English exercise is to habituate our tongues to
pronounce difficult and same sounding words easily.
1) She sells sea shells by the sea shore.
2) Purple, paper, people.
Purple, people, paper
3) Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
Did Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled peppers?
If Peter Piper Picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?
4) Benny bought a bit of butter but the butter was so bitter so she bought a better butter to make the
bitter butter better.
5) Which witch wished which wicked wish?
6) If you understand say, "understand".
If you don't understand say, "don't understand".
But if you say don't understand even if you understand,
How will I understand that you understand? Understand?
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Dept : Marketing
What is grammar?
Grammar is a set of rules. Painful….but necessary as it helps us to make correct
sentences. Simply stated, placing the words in the correct order is applied gram-mar.
The Value of Studying Grammar
• Gaining a clearer understanding of how our language works.
• Gain greater control over the way you shape words into sentences and paragraphs.
• Help you become a more effective speaker.
Kiran like fish Rajesh and Suresh is going shopping
Kiran likes fish Rajesh and Suresh are going shopping
Introducing Grammar
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Arun waited the train.
Subject = Who/What Predicate = Informs what the subject is doing
Verb = Action , existence or occurrence Article = “a” , “an” and “The”
A simple sentence has
the most basic
A subject, a verb, and a
completed thought.
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The basic rule states that a singular subject takes a singular verb while a
plural subject takes a plural verb.
Example : “My friend is Japanese.” (singular)
“My friends are Japanese.” (plural)
The verb to be, present (past)
The verb to be, present (past)
Person Singular Plural
First I am (was) We are (were)
Second You are (were) You are (were)
Third He, she, it is (was) They are (were)
The verb to have , present (past)
Person Singular Plural
First I have (had) We have (had)
Second You have (had) You have (had)
Third He, she , it has (had) They have (had)
Person Singular Plural
First I work (worked) We work (worked)
Second You work ( worked) You work (worked)
Third He, she , it works
They work
Regular verbs, e.g to work , present (past)
Subject-Verb Agreement
Example Description
“Everyone have problems.”
“Everyone has problems.”
Singular Subjects : everybody /
anybody / somebody / nobody
everyone / anyone / someone / no
“My family is visiting me for the holidays.”
“The basketball team has a new coach.”
Singular Subjects :
“Our children are very well-behaved.”
“The people like the new president.”
Irregular Plural Nouns : people /
children / men / women / mice / feet
“Several of the students aren’t going to pass.”
“A few of these products have defects.”
Plural Form of the Verb :
both of / a few of / many / several
“Some of these facts are incorrect.”
“Some of this information is incorrect.”
Singular or plural :
half of / a third of / 40% of / some /
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Dept : Marketing
Quiz: Subject-Verb Agreement
1. _______ anyone ________ a pencil I could borrow? (Does /have ; Do/has)
2. Hurry up! Everyone ____ waiting for you to get here. (is ,are)
3. No one _____ finished reading the book yet.(has, have)
4. The city police _______ released any information about the case. (haven’t, hasn’t)
5. Some of the people waiting in line ______ getting impatient. (is, are)
6. My feet ______ cold. (is, are)
7. How do you react if someone __________ you a compliment? (give, gives)
8. Half of the students ___________from another country. (is, are)
9. Half of the class _______ from another country. (is, are)
10. Most of this software _____ outdated. (is, are)
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Dept : Marketing
Correct the errors in the following sentences :
Level 2: Sentence Structure Exercise
Sl .No
1 What time it is?
2 Anybody wants to come with me?
3 He don’t like vegetables
4 Fuel in Iran is the most cheapest fuel in all the world.
5 I simply cannot wait to get there!
6 you know who’s dog this is?
7 The work have to be done by Monday.
8 Kiran is coming?
9 I like very much Ice cream.
10 Monday is the day before Tuesday.
11 What he got for Christmas? she asked
12 We flied on an airplane this morning.
13 Are you eating chewing gum ?
What time is it?
Does anybody want to come with me?
He does not like vegetables.
Fuel in Iran is the cheapest in all the world.
I simply cannot wait to get there! (No Correction)
Do you know who’s dog is this ?
The work has to be done by Monday.
Is Kiran coming?
I like Ice Cream very much.
Monday is the day before Tuesday. (No Correction )
“What did he get for Christmas?”, she asked
We flew on an airplane this morning.
Are you chewing gum ?
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Dept : Marketing
Correct the errors in the following sentences :
Level 2: Sentence Structure Exercise
1 This lights are bright.
2 Do you like a glass of water?
3 What time are we getting there because I got to go!
4 What rating you got on your performance review?
5 My flight departs in 5:00 am
6 “I will like more tea”, she said to the server.
7 I has not seen them yet.
8 In my opinion, I think Harry is telling the Truth.
9 We are learning English.
10 The woman which works here is from Japan.
11 “I said you about these issues , no ?” , she screamed
12 I have visited Goa last weekend.
13 You speak English good.
These lights are bright.
Would you like a glass of water ?
What time are we getting there? I have to go!
What rating did you get on your performance
My flight departs at 5:00 am.
“I would like more tea”, she said to the server.
I have not seen them yet.
In my opinion, Harry is telling the Truth.
We are learning English. (No correction).
The woman who works here is from Japan.
“I told you about these issues , didn't I ?” , she
I visited Goa last weekend.
You speak English well.
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Dept : Marketing
A preposition is a part of speech that shows a relationship between two things.
Example : The cat sat on the table.
Here the word 'on' establishes a relationship or a link between the cat and table
I am ill since
two weeks.
I have been ill for
two weeks.
The monkey
hangs with its
The monkey
hangs by its tail
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Dept : Marketing
1. I have been in Chile ______ 10 years.
2. My parents have lived in Santiago ________ 1996.
3. He had been reading _____ 2 hours when his friend came.
4. I haven't seen you _____ ages.
5. He hasn't been to London _____his last birthday.
6. I haven't seen her ___ a long time.
7. He has worked for the company ______ last summer.
8. They have been talking _____ 2 hours already.
9. He has been painting _____ 6 hours now.
10. He has been translating the article _____ 9 a.m.
11. I haven't worked ______ August.
12. My parents have been travelling here _____ 5 o'clock this morning.
13. I need to finish this book. I have been reading it ____ six weeks.
14. Don't worry. I've had my drivers license ______I was eighteen years old.
15. It's been raining ___ ___the weekend and now there are floods in some
FOR – Duration
SINCE – Starting Point
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In On
Months,Years, Centuries
& Long periods, Special Days
Days & Dates
I have a meeting at 9am. Early man lived in stone age I will meet you on Sunday
I get up _______ seven ____________ the morning ________ weekdays.
at in on
1) ______September
2) ______12 o'clock
3) ______ winter
4) ______ Easter
5) ______ 1990
6) ______ 4th July, 1776
7) ______ Tuesday
8) ______ noon
9) ______ the end of the week
10) _____ sunrise
1) Peter will be playing tennis ____ Sunday.
2) My birthday is ______May.
3) ____ 1666, a great fire broke out in London.
4) I spoke to her _______________ 3 weeks ago.
5) I met him ________ Jan of last year.
6) I left work _________ 10 o'clock last night.
7) I have been waiting for you __________7 o'clock.
8) My friend has been living _______Canada for two years.
9) What are you doing ________the afternoon?
10) I don't like walking alone ______ the streets at night.
No Prep
Name these OLYMPIC sport
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Dept : Marketing
“Now I see the problem ”
Difference between “see” , “look at” and “watch”
“Look at this Coat” “Let’s watch television”
 See is an inactive word.
 Your eyes are open.
Action without thinking.
 Look at is an active word.
 You want to do it.
Action lasts for a short time.
 Watch is an active word.
 You want to do it.
Action - Longer period of time.
Choose the correct word (see, look at, or watch.)
1. Do you want to _____________ a movie with me tonight?
2. Please ____________ the clock and tell me what time it is.
3. I like to go to the zoo and __________ the animals while they are playing.
4. How many things do you ______________ in this office?
5. I want to ___________ that sweater again. Maybe I will buy it.
look at
look at
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Dept : Marketing
Correct the errors in the following sentences
Test your English Skill
Sl .No
1 I haven't seen a movie since a long time.
2 He is superior than you in strength.
3 He wrote me.
4 I’ll explain you the problem
5 Send this letter on my new address.
6 Conversation stopped as we entered into the court room
7 She did not ask any question to him.
8 He rides in a cycle.
9 The loan should be repaid in a year.
10 The house was besides the river.
11 They were also asked whether they prefer to Chinese or
Japanese writers.
12 What were you doing in the weekend?
13 What is the time in your watch?
I haven’t seen a movie for a long time.
He is superior to you in strength.
He wrote to me.
I’ll explain the problem to you.
Send this letter to my new address.
Conversation stopped as we entered the court room
She did not ask him any question.
He rides on a cycle.
The loan should be repaid within a year.
The house was beside the river.
They were also asked whether they prefer to Chinese or
Japanese writers.
What were you doing at the weekend?
What is the time by your watch?
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Dept : Marketing
Correct the errors in the following sentences :
Test your English Skill
1 “Can I do a suggestion?”
2 He plays tennis beside basketball and football.
3 He is senior than me.
4 He goes on his work.
5 We are having the roof repaired on Easter.
6 He is intelligent but he lacks of experience.
7 He went near the station.
8 Let’s meet on one day.
9 I am at home in any morning.
10 I will ask the time to that man.
11 He sat on an airplane
12 The loan should be repaid in a year.
13 The United Nations tries to maintain peace between the
nations of the world
“Can I make a suggestion?”
He plays tennis besides basketball and football
He is senior than me.
He goes to his work.
We are having the roof repaired at Easter.
He is intelligent but he lacks experience.
He went to the station.
Let’s meet one day.
I am at home any morning.
I will ask that man the time.
He sat in an airplane
The loan should be repaid within a year.
The United Nations tries to maintain peace among the
nations of the world
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Dept : Marketing
Level 3: Spoken English Exercise to Share Your Thoughts
1. Assign the class a time of 15 min.
2. Select any one of the pictures.
3. Narrate a story to go along with the picture and
speak for at least 2-3 min in front of the class.
4. Let the person complete the task and do not
interrupt in between.
5. Make sure no one laughs in the class at
mistakes, since this is very demotivating and
6. After the task is done, inform the student
about his mistakes and areas of improvement.
Repeat with all the students.
Objective : To build confidence in the speaker to speak in public.
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Dept : Marketing
Rule # 1 To learn to speak English correctly, you must speak it aloud.
Rule # 2 To learn to speak English fluently, you must think in English.
Rule # 3 The more you speak English aloud, the more quickly you will learn to speak in English
Rule # 4 You must make as few mistakes as possible when you are speaking English.
Remember the four rules
Remember : Your success will depend on the amount of time you devote to spoken English study.
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Dept : Marketing
How to get Small Talk Started
What is small talk ?
Small talk is pleasant conversation with people
about common interests.
Why is small talk important?
Small talk helps to avoid uncomfortable silences.
To know more about other people who you interact with.
It is a gentle way to lead in to business discussions .
How to get Small talk started ?
Appropriate subjects for small talk.
Names are important.
Don’t stand too close to people.
Listen as it helps the conversation to flow nicely.
Make good eye contact to show your sincerity and give the person a friendly smile.
‘Relax’ and enjoy becoming skilful at making small talk.
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Dept : Marketing
Personal Information Dialogue
8. How about cup of tea, <name> ? 8. That’s very kind of you. Sir (thanking- formal)
But I am afraid I am full. ((refusing politely)
Questions Answers
Hi/Hello/Hey Good Morning/ Good Evening
1. What’s up? / How are you? / What’s going on? 1. Nothing much / I am fine thank you / I am okay.
2. What’s your name? / What’s your last name? 2. My name is _______. / My last name is ________.
3. Where do you live? / Where are you from? 3. I live in __________ . I am from ___________.
4. Where do you work < Name > ? 4. I work at _____________.
5. Tell me, < Name> How old are you? 5. I am ___ years old.
6. Are you married? 6. Yes, I am married. / No, I am single.
7. What is your favorite hobby ? 7. My favorite hobby is ________ (reading, listening to
music, working on my car, spending time with my
family, etc.)
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Dept : Marketing
Do’s and Don’ts of a Small Talk
1. Financial
2. Politics
3. Religion
4. Sex
5. Death
6. Age and Appearance
7. Personal Gossip
8. Offensive Jokes
9. Narrow Topics
10. Past Relationship
Topics to Avoid When Making Small Talk
Remember :
 Relax, the whole world is not watching you.
 Watch your breathing; make sure you are not breathing too rapidly or holding your breath.
 Always be respectful.
 If you don't read/watch the news, at least scan the headlines each day.
 Do not force people into having small talk with you; some people are introverts.
 Always know three clean jokes that can be told to ANY audience
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Dept : Marketing
Small Talk: Conversation Starters
Talking about the weather •Beautiful day, isn't it?
•It looks like it's going to rain.
•I hear they've announced thunderstorms all weekend.
Talking about current events •Did you catch up with the news today?
•Did you hear about that 3G Scam?
•I read in the paper today that the Forum Mall is closing.
•How about those Rajasthan Royals? Do you think they're going to win tonight?
At the office •Looking forward to the weekend?
•How long have you been working here ?
• I can't believe how busy/quiet we are today, can you?
•You look like you could use a cup of coffee.
•What do you think of the new computers?
At a social event •So, how do you know Akhil ?
•Have you tried the paneer tikka which Dhanu made?
•Pretty nice place, huh?
•I love your dress. Can I ask from where did you buy it?
Waiting somewhere •I didn't think there would be so much of traffic today.
•How long have you been waiting?
•The bus must be running late today.
•It looks like we are going to be here a while, huh?
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Dept : Marketing
Useful Phrases – Enhance your Spoken English
Making a request We would appreciate if you would ...
In addition, I would like to receive ...
It would be helpful if you could send us ...
I am interested in (obtaining / receiving) …
Opening a discussion To begin with,
The main point we need to discuss/determine/find out,
Let's start by ….
The issue here is ; it appears that …
Let's look at ; It looks like . . .
Analyzing Problem Focusing on the main problem/issue
What is the main issue (here) ?
The crux of the matter is . . . ; Our primary concern is . . .
We really need to take care of . . .
It all comes down to this
Interrupting politely Excuse me ; Pardon me ; Sorry to interrupt ; May I interrupt (for a minute)?
Can I add something here?
I don't mean to intrude, but . . .
Could I inject something here? Do you mind if I jump in here?
Getting back to the topic Anyway,
Now, where was I?
Where were we?
What were you saying?
You were saying . . .
To get back to . . .
Note : Initially use single sentences for fluency drills, repeatedly reading a single sentence until you can read it smoothly.
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Expressing Lack of
(I'm sorry.) I don't understand.
What do you mean?
I'm not following you ; I don't quite follow you.
I'm not sure I get what you mean ; What was that again?
Responding That sounds like a good idea.
Sounds good.
The problem/issue with that is . . .
That raises the issue of . . . ; That brings up
Conceding to Make a
That may be true, however . . .
I may be wrong, however . . …; Correct me if I'm wrong, however . . .
You have a good point, however . . .
I don't mean to be rude, however . . .
I hate to bring this up, however . . . ; I don't mean to be negative, however . . .
This may sound strange, however ….. . .
Orders Thank you for placing the order ; Please confirm receipt of your order.
Your order will be processed as quickly as possible.
It will take about (two/three) weeks to process your order.
We can guarantee you the delivery before ...(date)
Referring to future
I look forward to seeing you next week
Looking forward to hearing from you, ...
I look forward to meeting you on the (date).
I would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience.
Note : You must force your mind to think in English by using your recall memory when you are studying spoken exercises.
Useful Phrases – Enhance your Spoken English
Remember : The role plays should start short and easy and get longer and more difficult as you progress through them
Dealing with Complaints - Step by Step Practice
1. Your partner will (politely) complain about one of the things below. Apologize
2. Do the same , but this time replying with an apology and reason why it happened.
3. Do the same, but replying with an apology , reason and future action.
4. Do the same , but as telephone call.
5. Do the same (as telephone calls), but this time also use some phrases for sounding
sympathetic and showing you are listening.
6. Do the same, but with the first phone call leaving a message on your answering machine.
Corporate Buzz words
1 Jim, I'm busy right now - I'll ____________ _____with you later in the day.
2 To think ____________________ means to think of clever and innovative solutions to a problem.
3 You're in a meeting and you raise a topic. Your manager says "let's take it offline". What does that mean?
4 Everyone has to do their best = Everyone has to ____________
5 A "win-win" situation is one where:
6 Mark told me that "ball is in Peter's court" – It means
7 We need to come to a mutual agreement. Right now we're not _____________________.
8 What does it mean "to raise the bar"?
9 When a manager says "We have to regroup", she is saying "we have to _____________________."
10 You need to get ____________ on this system = You need to learn all you can about this system.
11 This has to be done by eod (end of day) Thursday. I'm going to put it at the top of my ____________ list.
12 If a project is "mission critical", it is ___________________.
13 Instead of waiting around to do something, this person takes charge and does it:
14 Moving ____________ ( = in the future), we won't be pursuing these clients.
15 Core competency = the thing that a company does ____________.
Step up
That it's up to him to
take care of business
to set new standards of
(high) quality
rethink our strategy
up to speed
Out of the box
on the same page
Let's talk after the
everyone will be happy
with a decision
very important
touch base
Let’s talk after the meeting
Step Up
Everyone will be happy with a decision
That it’s up to him to take care of business
on the same page
That it’s up to him to take care of business
rethink our strategy
up to speed
very important
out of the box
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Dept : Marketing
Business English - Meeting Language Presentation
Stage – 1
Good morning/afternoon, everyone.
If we are all here, let's get started
Please ,Start the meeting
Opening a discussion
To begin with,
The main point we need to discuss/determine/find out,
Let's start by ….
The issue here is ; it appears that …
Let's look at ; It looks like . . .
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Dept : Marketing
Business English - Meeting Language Presentation
Stage – 2
Welcoming and Introducing
I'd like to extend a warm welcome to (name of participant)
I'd like to introduce (name of participant)
I'm happy to be here.
I'm glad to have this opportunity to . . .
Today, I'd like to talk (to you) about . . .
I'd like to share some thoughts on (topic)
Stating the Principal Objectives
We're here today to ...
Our main aim today is to ...
I've called this meeting in order to ..
Let me start by . . .
We need to discuss . .
I've divided my topic into (three) parts: (They are . . .)
i. The first item on the agenda is . . .
ii. Let's move on to number two.
iii. The next item on the agenda is . . .
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Dept : Marketing
Business English - Meeting Language Presentation
Stage – 3
Reading the Minutes (notes) of the Last Meeting
To begin with I'd like to quickly go through the minutes of our last meeting.
 First, let's go over the report from the last meeting, which was held on (date)
 Here are the minutes from our last meeting, which was on (date)
Dealing with Recent Developments
Jack , can you tell us how the XYZ project is progressing?
 Jack, how is the XYZ project coming along?
John, have you completed the report on the new accounting package?
Has everyone received a copy of the ABC report on current marketing trends?
Exploring Options
Let's look at Option 1 / Let's consider X 's proposal.
What (do you think) about Plan B? / How about the third alternative?
What do you think (about . . . )?
Any ideas?
What are the alternatives?
What do you suggest?
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Dept : Marketing
Business English - Meeting Language Presentation
Stage – 4
Making Recommendations
I recommend that . . . / I suggest that . . .
I would like to propose that . . .
Why don't we . . .
Before we close today's meeting,
Let me quickly go over today's main points.
 To sum up, ...,.
OK, why don't we quickly summarize what we've done today.
 In brief, Shall I go over the main points?
Closing the Meeting
Right, it looks as though we've covered the main items.
If there are no other comments, I'd like to wrap this meeting up
Thank you all for attending / Thanks for your participation.
I'd like to thank XYZ for coming over from London.
I declare the meeting closed. .

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Spoken english at workplace

  • 1. Effective use of Spoken English at Workplace
  • 2. Confidential : For Training purpose only Dept : Marketing This PRESENTATION will tell you how to retrain your mind—and your tongue—in order to learn fluent spoken English. How good are you at communicating in English in your business life? You have an opportunity to become a Manager but, you need to improve your English before you can apply. We want you to go to onsite visit in the United States, but your English is not good enough yet. You know English grammar and can write, but you need to learn how to speak English. Technical Expert Why Am I not getting any promotion despite working hard for so long ? English is recognized and understood by people all around the world. Most companies require employees with excellent English speaking skills. 80% of the Internet web content is published in the English. Your ability to use English well within the workplace will make or break your career success.
  • 3. Why is it difficult to speak English fluently ? Confidential : For Training purpose only Dept : Marketing Technique •The schools across the world teach in the order : •Reading •Writing •Listening •Speaking •The teachers have tried to train your mind with written exercises without retraining your tongue at the same time. •The natural order (for babies /children) to learn is: •Listening •Speaking •Reading •Writing Problems •Hesitations - ums and ahs, etc •Pauses - which are too long or too frequent •Repetitions - of words of phrases •Tautologies -saying the same thing twice. •Changing the topic/ not speaking about the topic •Struggling to find the right word •Mispronouncing words Solutions •Watch English shows/movies with subtitles •Watch out for your pronunciation. Speak slowly. •Record yourself reading one article aloud every day. Focus on pronunciation, speed, clarity and emphasis. •Learn certain phrases that can be used in multiple situations. •Learn new words everyday and use it in your conversation •Restrict yourself to simple sentences until you gain confidence. •Read English books and magazines.
  • 4. Confidential : For Training purpose only Dept : Marketing The complex science involved in pronouncing a single word If you want to speak fluent English, then retrain simultaneously  Your Brain  Your Tongue  Your Hearing 1. Vocabulary Memory 2. Partial Syntax Control 3. Feedback Coordination 4. Calibration 1. Sound Production 2. Breath Regulation 3. Proprioceptive Feedback 1. Auditory Feedback A Human Speech Response takes about 200 milliseconds (one-fifth of a second) to execute: 1. Sensation : Neural transmission from sensory receptor ( eyes, ears, etc.,) to the brain, takes about 15 milliseconds. 2. Perception : Change of Sensation data into perceived information takes about 45 milliseconds. 3. Response : Usage of current perception and past experiences to formulate a course or action takes about 75 milliseconds. 4. Execution : Motor neurons carry signals from the brain to the tongue for a step-by-step sequence takes about 15 milliseconds.
  • 5. Confidential : For Training purpose only Dept : Marketing Cognitive Stage Associative Stage Autonomous Stage Observe the Target Motor Skill Perform & Refine the Motor Skill Motor Skill becomes Automatic Three Stages of Motor Learning Everyone performs slowly when attentively learning a new motor skill. Teaching to execute these skills takes a few hours. To practice these skills and to make them automatic and effortless takes thousands of hours.
  • 6. Confidential : For Training purpose only Dept : Marketing Teaching yourTongue to speak English Open- Loop Controller System Closed - Loop Controller System It requires no attention. It is slow, and it requires your full attention. Movements are automatic and mentally effortless Requires precise control and execution of original movements Can execute muscle movements in 10 milliseconds per muscle movement. Can execute muscle movements in 200 milliseconds per muscle movement . Does not use feedback to determine if its input has achieved the Goal. Uses feedback to control output to get the desired Goal. The speaker cannot correct any errors that he could make. The speaker is constantly “calibrating” the feedback to control speed Speech process unconscious instead of conscious Speech process conscious instead of unconscious
  • 7. Confidential : For Training purpose only Dept : Marketing Level 1 :Mouth muscle stretching The objective of this spoken English exercise is to habituate our tongues to pronounce difficult and same sounding words easily. 1) She sells sea shells by the sea shore. 2) Purple, paper, people. Purple, people, paper 3) Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. Did Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled peppers? If Peter Piper Picked a peck of pickled peppers, Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked? 4) Benny bought a bit of butter but the butter was so bitter so she bought a better butter to make the bitter butter better. 5) Which witch wished which wicked wish? 6) If you understand say, "understand". If you don't understand say, "don't understand". But if you say don't understand even if you understand, How will I understand that you understand? Understand?
  • 8. Confidential : For Training purpose only Dept : Marketing What is grammar? Grammar is a set of rules. Painful….but necessary as it helps us to make correct sentences. Simply stated, placing the words in the correct order is applied gram-mar. The Value of Studying Grammar • Gaining a clearer understanding of how our language works. • Gain greater control over the way you shape words into sentences and paragraphs. • Help you become a more effective speaker. Kiran like fish Rajesh and Suresh is going shopping Kiran likes fish Rajesh and Suresh are going shopping Introducing Grammar
  • 9. Confidential : For Training purpose only Dept : Marketing for Arun waited the train. Subject = Who/What Predicate = Informs what the subject is doing Verb = Action , existence or occurrence Article = “a” , “an” and “The” A simple sentence has the most basic elements. A subject, a verb, and a completed thought.
  • 10. Confidential : For Training purpose only Dept : Marketing The basic rule states that a singular subject takes a singular verb while a plural subject takes a plural verb. Example : “My friend is Japanese.” (singular) “My friends are Japanese.” (plural) The verb to be, present (past) The verb to be, present (past) Person Singular Plural First I am (was) We are (were) Second You are (were) You are (were) Third He, she, it is (was) They are (were) The verb to have , present (past) Person Singular Plural First I have (had) We have (had) Second You have (had) You have (had) Third He, she , it has (had) They have (had) Person Singular Plural First I work (worked) We work (worked) Second You work ( worked) You work (worked) Third He, she , it works (worked) They work (worked) Regular verbs, e.g to work , present (past) Subject-Verb Agreement Example Description “Everyone have problems.” “Everyone has problems.” Singular Subjects : everybody / anybody / somebody / nobody everyone / anyone / someone / no one “My family is visiting me for the holidays.” “The basketball team has a new coach.” Singular Subjects : Club/Team/Family/Army “Our children are very well-behaved.” “The people like the new president.” Irregular Plural Nouns : people / children / men / women / mice / feet “Several of the students aren’t going to pass.” “A few of these products have defects.” Plural Form of the Verb : both of / a few of / many / several “Some of these facts are incorrect.” “Some of this information is incorrect.” Singular or plural : half of / a third of / 40% of / some / most
  • 11. Confidential : For Training purpose only Dept : Marketing Quiz: Subject-Verb Agreement 1. _______ anyone ________ a pencil I could borrow? (Does /have ; Do/has) 2. Hurry up! Everyone ____ waiting for you to get here. (is ,are) 3. No one _____ finished reading the book yet.(has, have) 4. The city police _______ released any information about the case. (haven’t, hasn’t) 5. Some of the people waiting in line ______ getting impatient. (is, are) 6. My feet ______ cold. (is, are) 7. How do you react if someone __________ you a compliment? (give, gives) 8. Half of the students ___________from another country. (is, are) 9. Half of the class _______ from another country. (is, are) 10. Most of this software _____ outdated. (is, are)
  • 12. Confidential : For Training purpose only Dept : Marketing Correct the errors in the following sentences : Level 2: Sentence Structure Exercise Sl .No 1 What time it is? 2 Anybody wants to come with me? 3 He don’t like vegetables 4 Fuel in Iran is the most cheapest fuel in all the world. 5 I simply cannot wait to get there! 6 you know who’s dog this is? 7 The work have to be done by Monday. 8 Kiran is coming? 9 I like very much Ice cream. 10 Monday is the day before Tuesday. 11 What he got for Christmas? she asked 12 We flied on an airplane this morning. 13 Are you eating chewing gum ? What time is it? Does anybody want to come with me? He does not like vegetables. Fuel in Iran is the cheapest in all the world. I simply cannot wait to get there! (No Correction) Do you know who’s dog is this ? The work has to be done by Monday. Is Kiran coming? I like Ice Cream very much. Monday is the day before Tuesday. (No Correction ) “What did he get for Christmas?”, she asked We flew on an airplane this morning. Are you chewing gum ?
  • 13. Confidential : For Training purpose only Dept : Marketing Correct the errors in the following sentences : Level 2: Sentence Structure Exercise Sl .No 1 This lights are bright. 2 Do you like a glass of water? 3 What time are we getting there because I got to go! 4 What rating you got on your performance review? 5 My flight departs in 5:00 am 6 “I will like more tea”, she said to the server. 7 I has not seen them yet. 8 In my opinion, I think Harry is telling the Truth. 9 We are learning English. 10 The woman which works here is from Japan. 11 “I said you about these issues , no ?” , she screamed 12 I have visited Goa last weekend. 13 You speak English good. These lights are bright. Would you like a glass of water ? What time are we getting there? I have to go! What rating did you get on your performance review? My flight departs at 5:00 am. “I would like more tea”, she said to the server. I have not seen them yet. In my opinion, Harry is telling the Truth. We are learning English. (No correction). The woman who works here is from Japan. “I told you about these issues , didn't I ?” , she screamed I visited Goa last weekend. You speak English well.
  • 14. Confidential : For Training purpose only Dept : Marketing PREPOSITIONS A preposition is a part of speech that shows a relationship between two things. Example : The cat sat on the table. Here the word 'on' establishes a relationship or a link between the cat and table I am ill since two weeks. I have been ill for two weeks. The monkey hangs with its tail. The monkey hangs by its tail .
  • 15. Confidential : For Training purpose only Dept : Marketing 1. I have been in Chile ______ 10 years. 2. My parents have lived in Santiago ________ 1996. 3. He had been reading _____ 2 hours when his friend came. 4. I haven't seen you _____ ages. 5. He hasn't been to London _____his last birthday. 6. I haven't seen her ___ a long time. 7. He has worked for the company ______ last summer. 8. They have been talking _____ 2 hours already. 9. He has been painting _____ 6 hours now. 10. He has been translating the article _____ 9 a.m. 11. I haven't worked ______ August. 12. My parents have been travelling here _____ 5 o'clock this morning. 13. I need to finish this book. I have been reading it ____ six weeks. 14. Don't worry. I've had my drivers license ______I was eighteen years old. 15. It's been raining ___ ___the weekend and now there are floods in some areas. EXCERCISE : FOR VS SINCE for since for for since since since for since since since since for for for FOR – Duration SINCE – Starting Point
  • 16. Confidential : For Training purpose only Dept : Marketing at PreciseTime PREPOSITIONS OF TIME In On At Months,Years, Centuries & Long periods, Special Days Days & Dates I have a meeting at 9am. Early man lived in stone age I will meet you on Sunday I get up _______ seven ____________ the morning ________ weekdays. at in on
  • 17. EXCERCISE : PREPOSITION OF TIME 1) ______September 2) ______12 o'clock 3) ______ winter 4) ______ Easter 5) ______ 1990 6) ______ 4th July, 1776 7) ______ Tuesday 8) ______ noon 9) ______ the end of the week 10) _____ sunrise in at at at at in on on on 1) Peter will be playing tennis ____ Sunday. 2) My birthday is ______May. 3) ____ 1666, a great fire broke out in London. 4) I spoke to her _______________ 3 weeks ago. 5) I met him ________ Jan of last year. 6) I left work _________ 10 o'clock last night. 7) I have been waiting for you __________7 o'clock. 8) My friend has been living _______Canada for two years. 9) What are you doing ________the afternoon? 10) I don't like walking alone ______ the streets at night. in at on in In in No Prep in Since in in AT IN ON
  • 19. Confidential : For Training purpose only Dept : Marketing “Now I see the problem ” Difference between “see” , “look at” and “watch” “Look at this Coat” “Let’s watch television”  See is an inactive word.  Your eyes are open. Action without thinking.  Look at is an active word.  You want to do it. Action lasts for a short time.  Watch is an active word.  You want to do it. Action - Longer period of time. Choose the correct word (see, look at, or watch.) 1. Do you want to _____________ a movie with me tonight? 2. Please ____________ the clock and tell me what time it is. 3. I like to go to the zoo and __________ the animals while they are playing. 4. How many things do you ______________ in this office? 5. I want to ___________ that sweater again. Maybe I will buy it. watch look at see look at watch
  • 20. Confidential : For Training purpose only Dept : Marketing Correct the errors in the following sentences Test your English Skill Sl .No 1 I haven't seen a movie since a long time. 2 He is superior than you in strength. 3 He wrote me. 4 I’ll explain you the problem 5 Send this letter on my new address. 6 Conversation stopped as we entered into the court room 7 She did not ask any question to him. 8 He rides in a cycle. 9 The loan should be repaid in a year. 10 The house was besides the river. 11 They were also asked whether they prefer to Chinese or Japanese writers. 12 What were you doing in the weekend? 13 What is the time in your watch? I haven’t seen a movie for a long time. He is superior to you in strength. He wrote to me. I’ll explain the problem to you. Send this letter to my new address. Conversation stopped as we entered the court room She did not ask him any question. He rides on a cycle. The loan should be repaid within a year. The house was beside the river. They were also asked whether they prefer to Chinese or Japanese writers. What were you doing at the weekend? What is the time by your watch?
  • 21. Confidential : For Training purpose only Dept : Marketing Correct the errors in the following sentences : Test your English Skill Sl .No 1 “Can I do a suggestion?” 2 He plays tennis beside basketball and football. 3 He is senior than me. 4 He goes on his work. 5 We are having the roof repaired on Easter. 6 He is intelligent but he lacks of experience. 7 He went near the station. 8 Let’s meet on one day. 9 I am at home in any morning. 10 I will ask the time to that man. 11 He sat on an airplane 12 The loan should be repaid in a year. 13 The United Nations tries to maintain peace between the nations of the world “Can I make a suggestion?” He plays tennis besides basketball and football He is senior than me. He goes to his work. We are having the roof repaired at Easter. He is intelligent but he lacks experience. He went to the station. Let’s meet one day. I am at home any morning. I will ask that man the time. He sat in an airplane The loan should be repaid within a year. The United Nations tries to maintain peace among the nations of the world
  • 22. Confidential : For Training purpose only Dept : Marketing Level 3: Spoken English Exercise to Share Your Thoughts 1. Assign the class a time of 15 min. 2. Select any one of the pictures. 3. Narrate a story to go along with the picture and speak for at least 2-3 min in front of the class. 4. Let the person complete the task and do not interrupt in between. 5. Make sure no one laughs in the class at mistakes, since this is very demotivating and embarrassing. 6. After the task is done, inform the student about his mistakes and areas of improvement. Repeat with all the students. Objective : To build confidence in the speaker to speak in public.
  • 23. Confidential : For Training purpose only Dept : Marketing Rule # 1 To learn to speak English correctly, you must speak it aloud. Rule # 2 To learn to speak English fluently, you must think in English. Rule # 3 The more you speak English aloud, the more quickly you will learn to speak in English Rule # 4 You must make as few mistakes as possible when you are speaking English. Remember the four rules Remember : Your success will depend on the amount of time you devote to spoken English study.
  • 24. Confidential : For Training purpose only Dept : Marketing How to get Small Talk Started What is small talk ? Small talk is pleasant conversation with people about common interests. Why is small talk important? Small talk helps to avoid uncomfortable silences. To know more about other people who you interact with. It is a gentle way to lead in to business discussions . How to get Small talk started ? Appropriate subjects for small talk. Names are important. Don’t stand too close to people. Listen as it helps the conversation to flow nicely. Make good eye contact to show your sincerity and give the person a friendly smile. ‘Relax’ and enjoy becoming skilful at making small talk.
  • 25. Confidential : For Training purpose only Dept : Marketing Personal Information Dialogue 8. How about cup of tea, <name> ? 8. That’s very kind of you. Sir (thanking- formal) But I am afraid I am full. ((refusing politely) Questions Answers Hi/Hello/Hey Good Morning/ Good Evening 1. What’s up? / How are you? / What’s going on? 1. Nothing much / I am fine thank you / I am okay. 2. What’s your name? / What’s your last name? 2. My name is _______. / My last name is ________. 3. Where do you live? / Where are you from? 3. I live in __________ . I am from ___________. 4. Where do you work < Name > ? 4. I work at _____________. 5. Tell me, < Name> How old are you? 5. I am ___ years old. 6. Are you married? 6. Yes, I am married. / No, I am single. 7. What is your favorite hobby ? 7. My favorite hobby is ________ (reading, listening to music, working on my car, spending time with my family, etc.)
  • 26. Confidential : For Training purpose only Dept : Marketing Do’s and Don’ts of a Small Talk 1. Financial 2. Politics 3. Religion 4. Sex 5. Death 6. Age and Appearance 7. Personal Gossip 8. Offensive Jokes 9. Narrow Topics 10. Past Relationship Topics to Avoid When Making Small Talk Remember :  Relax, the whole world is not watching you.  Watch your breathing; make sure you are not breathing too rapidly or holding your breath.  Always be respectful.  If you don't read/watch the news, at least scan the headlines each day.  Do not force people into having small talk with you; some people are introverts.  Always know three clean jokes that can be told to ANY audience
  • 27. Confidential : For Training purpose only Dept : Marketing Small Talk: Conversation Starters Talking about the weather •Beautiful day, isn't it? •It looks like it's going to rain. •I hear they've announced thunderstorms all weekend. Talking about current events •Did you catch up with the news today? •Did you hear about that 3G Scam? •I read in the paper today that the Forum Mall is closing. •How about those Rajasthan Royals? Do you think they're going to win tonight? At the office •Looking forward to the weekend? •How long have you been working here ? • I can't believe how busy/quiet we are today, can you? •You look like you could use a cup of coffee. •What do you think of the new computers? At a social event •So, how do you know Akhil ? •Have you tried the paneer tikka which Dhanu made? •Pretty nice place, huh? •I love your dress. Can I ask from where did you buy it? Waiting somewhere •I didn't think there would be so much of traffic today. •How long have you been waiting? •The bus must be running late today. •It looks like we are going to be here a while, huh?
  • 28. Confidential : For Training purpose only Dept : Marketing Useful Phrases – Enhance your Spoken English Making a request We would appreciate if you would ... In addition, I would like to receive ... It would be helpful if you could send us ... I am interested in (obtaining / receiving) … Opening a discussion To begin with, The main point we need to discuss/determine/find out, Let's start by …. The issue here is ; it appears that … Let's look at ; It looks like . . . Analyzing Problem Focusing on the main problem/issue What is the main issue (here) ? The crux of the matter is . . . ; Our primary concern is . . . We really need to take care of . . . It all comes down to this Interrupting politely Excuse me ; Pardon me ; Sorry to interrupt ; May I interrupt (for a minute)? Can I add something here? I don't mean to intrude, but . . . Could I inject something here? Do you mind if I jump in here? Getting back to the topic Anyway, Now, where was I? Where were we? What were you saying? You were saying . . . To get back to . . . Note : Initially use single sentences for fluency drills, repeatedly reading a single sentence until you can read it smoothly.
  • 29. Confidential : For Training purpose only Dept : Marketing Expressing Lack of Understanding (I'm sorry.) I don't understand. What do you mean? I'm not following you ; I don't quite follow you. I'm not sure I get what you mean ; What was that again? Responding That sounds like a good idea. Sounds good. The problem/issue with that is . . . That raises the issue of . . . ; That brings up Conceding to Make a Point That may be true, however . . . I may be wrong, however . . …; Correct me if I'm wrong, however . . . You have a good point, however . . . I don't mean to be rude, however . . . I hate to bring this up, however . . . ; I don't mean to be negative, however . . . This may sound strange, however ….. . . Orders Thank you for placing the order ; Please confirm receipt of your order. Your order will be processed as quickly as possible. It will take about (two/three) weeks to process your order. We can guarantee you the delivery before ...(date) Referring to future contact I look forward to seeing you next week Looking forward to hearing from you, ... I look forward to meeting you on the (date). I would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience. Note : You must force your mind to think in English by using your recall memory when you are studying spoken exercises. Useful Phrases – Enhance your Spoken English
  • 30. Remember : The role plays should start short and easy and get longer and more difficult as you progress through them Dealing with Complaints - Step by Step Practice 1. Your partner will (politely) complain about one of the things below. Apologize 2. Do the same , but this time replying with an apology and reason why it happened. 3. Do the same, but replying with an apology , reason and future action. 4. Do the same , but as telephone call. 5. Do the same (as telephone calls), but this time also use some phrases for sounding sympathetic and showing you are listening. 6. Do the same, but with the first phone call leaving a message on your answering machine.
  • 31. Corporate Buzz words Sl.No SENTENCES 1 Jim, I'm busy right now - I'll ____________ _____with you later in the day. 2 To think ____________________ means to think of clever and innovative solutions to a problem. 3 You're in a meeting and you raise a topic. Your manager says "let's take it offline". What does that mean? 4 Everyone has to do their best = Everyone has to ____________ 5 A "win-win" situation is one where: 6 Mark told me that "ball is in Peter's court" – It means 7 We need to come to a mutual agreement. Right now we're not _____________________. 8 What does it mean "to raise the bar"? 9 When a manager says "We have to regroup", she is saying "we have to _____________________." 10 You need to get ____________ on this system = You need to learn all you can about this system. 11 This has to be done by eod (end of day) Thursday. I'm going to put it at the top of my ____________ list. 12 If a project is "mission critical", it is ___________________. 13 Instead of waiting around to do something, this person takes charge and does it: 14 Moving ____________ ( = in the future), we won't be pursuing these clients. 15 Core competency = the thing that a company does ____________. Step up That it's up to him to take care of business to set new standards of (high) quality rethink our strategy up to speed priorities forward Out of the box on the same page proactive Let's talk after the meeting everyone will be happy with a decision very important best Touchbase touch base proactive Let’s talk after the meeting Step Up Everyone will be happy with a decision That it’s up to him to take care of business on the same page That it’s up to him to take care of business rethink our strategy up to speed priorities very important out of the box forward best
  • 32. Confidential : For Training purpose only Dept : Marketing Business English - Meeting Language Presentation Stage – 1 Opening Good morning/afternoon, everyone. If we are all here, let's get started Please ,Start the meeting Opening a discussion To begin with, The main point we need to discuss/determine/find out, Let's start by …. The issue here is ; it appears that … Let's look at ; It looks like . . .
  • 33. Confidential : For Training purpose only Dept : Marketing Business English - Meeting Language Presentation Stage – 2 Welcoming and Introducing I'd like to extend a warm welcome to (name of participant) I'd like to introduce (name of participant) I'm happy to be here. I'm glad to have this opportunity to . . . Today, I'd like to talk (to you) about . . . I'd like to share some thoughts on (topic) Stating the Principal Objectives We're here today to ... Our main aim today is to ... I've called this meeting in order to .. Let me start by . . . We need to discuss . . I've divided my topic into (three) parts: (They are . . .) i. The first item on the agenda is . . . ii. Let's move on to number two. iii. The next item on the agenda is . . .
  • 34. Confidential : For Training purpose only Dept : Marketing Business English - Meeting Language Presentation Stage – 3 Reading the Minutes (notes) of the Last Meeting To begin with I'd like to quickly go through the minutes of our last meeting.  First, let's go over the report from the last meeting, which was held on (date)  Here are the minutes from our last meeting, which was on (date) Dealing with Recent Developments Jack , can you tell us how the XYZ project is progressing?  Jack, how is the XYZ project coming along? John, have you completed the report on the new accounting package? Has everyone received a copy of the ABC report on current marketing trends? Exploring Options Let's look at Option 1 / Let's consider X 's proposal. What (do you think) about Plan B? / How about the third alternative? What do you think (about . . . )? Any ideas? What are the alternatives? What do you suggest?
  • 35. Confidential : For Training purpose only Dept : Marketing Business English - Meeting Language Presentation Stage – 4 Making Recommendations I recommend that . . . / I suggest that . . . I would like to propose that . . . Why don't we . . . Summarizing Before we close today's meeting, Let me quickly go over today's main points.  To sum up, ...,. OK, why don't we quickly summarize what we've done today.  In brief, Shall I go over the main points? Closing the Meeting Right, it looks as though we've covered the main items. If there are no other comments, I'd like to wrap this meeting up Thank you all for attending / Thanks for your participation. I'd like to thank XYZ for coming over from London. I declare the meeting closed. .

Editor's Notes

  1. One of the reason Spoken English Learned Quickly students fail is because they feel they are too advanced for these lessons. "After all, "they think, "I have already studied English for two years, and I already know the meaning of these sentences. They are making the same mistake. They are confusing their understanding of grammar with their ability to speak. I have had these "advanced" students come to one class and then quit. Yet, they could not speak fluent English. Being proficient in English will also help you in job interviews and enable you to move ahead in your career, or even change direction.
  2. Grammar-based English language instruction teaches as though spoken English is primarily a function of memory. Consequently, grammar-based English lessons emphasize non-verbal (written) studies of grammar, writing, reading, and listening. All of these activities may increase recall memory for written examinations, but they have little benefit in teaching you to speak fluent English. Tautologies -saying the same thing twice. (In my opinion, I think that , 3 a.m. in the morning , This is a short summary of , return back the book ; say it again once more ; To reiterate again) Techniques : Challenges Most English language learners have had access to some schooling in their native countries. Their school was probably very teacher-directed. Learners were expected to be quiet and listen to the teacher and then, when asked, to respond to the teacher in unison with the one correct answer. Because of this, some adult English language learners may be initially disconcerted when their English teacher begins asking them to get up and move around, work in pairs or groups, and talk to one another. It also may be difficult for learners to realize that there can be more than one correct response to a question and many ways to ask a question. However, many, if not most, learners adapt and prosper with increased interactivity and independence.
  3. * Proprioceptive refers to the sense within the organism itself which detects or controls the movement and location. Our mouth, vocal cords, diaphragm, and lungs incorporate thousands of nerve sensors which the brain uses to control the movement and position of these same organs—the mouth, vocal cords, diaphragm, and lungs. The brain : It is the storage bank for vocabulary. Memory is also involved in structuring syntax. The mind uses both auditory and proprioceptive feedback to monitor and calibrate speech in real time. The mouth and related organs : 1. The proprioceptive sense is involved in both pronunciation and syntax feedback. It is essential for speech control The Ear: Auditory and proprioceptive feedback are combined in the mind for essential speech control.
  4. Let's go back to the golf or tennis coach example. You watch the coach hit a few practice balls. Then the coach hands you the club or racket. The coach guides you through a swing, telling you to drop this shoulder or extend that forearm. Soon you can execute the swing perfectly, if you fully concentrate on each movement. You then practice the swing, and your game improves. A few years later a novice admires your excellent swing and asks you to explain how you do it. "I don't know," you say, "I just do it without thinking about it.“ In the cognitive stage, you observe the target motor skill. In the associative stage, you learn to perform and refine the motor skill. 3.In the autonomous stage, the motor skill becomes automatic.
  5. Let's go back to the golf or tennis coach example. You watch the coach hit a few practice balls. Then the coach hands you the club or racket. The coach guides you through a swing, telling you to drop this shoulder or extend that forearm. Soon you can execute the swing perfectly, if you fully concentrate on each movement. You then practice the swing, and your game improves. A few years later a novice admires your excellent swing and asks you to explain how you do it. "I don't know," you say, "I just do it without thinking about it."
  6. Make sure that you pronounce the twisters slowly. Once comfortable, then you may speed up. Practice them for a good command on the language and pronunciation  If possible, then make sure that some one good in English listens to the pronunciation.  For example the difference in sounds of "sa" and "sha" in "same" and "shame". It helps in getting our mouths properly stretched while speaking words.
  7. Prosody The patterns of rhythm and sound used in poetry. The theory or study of these patterns, or the rules governing them.
  8. NOTE: The trick is in knowing whether the subject is singular or plural. The next trick is recognizing a singular or plural verb. Singular Subject ----> verb stem plus S, it fits, he sits, etc. Plural subject ----> verb stem without s, they sit, they work, etc Writing is instead of are (and was instead of were) or vice versa, is a serious mistake in English grammar. Example : Each of the students is responsible for doing his or her work in the library. Everyone has finished his or her homework. Trivia : Is “data” singular or plural? There is a debate about the word “data”! Technically, data is plural (the singular form is “datum”). However, in common usage, people often treat “data” like “information” – as an uncountable noun, which takes the singular form. So both forms are correct: “The data is accurate” and “The data are accurate.” The pronouns neither and either are singular and require singular verbs even though they seem to be referring, in a sense, to two things. Neither of the two traffic lights is working. Which shirt do you want for Christmas? Either is fine with me.
  9. Does/have Is Has Haven't Are Are Gives Are Is is
  10. TRIVIA : Did you know ? The first published English grammar was a Pamphlet for Grammar of 1586, written by William Bullokar with the stated goal of demonstrating that English was just as rule- based as Latin. FOR to mention a specific period (or duration) of time. SINCE to mention the starting point of a period of time (continues to now). Example : I have been a doctor for fifteen years. (duration = 15 years) I have been a doctor since 1992. (starting point = 1994)
  11. Note : “at” tells us where an object is and “to” indicates another location. example : We arrived at the airport We came back to home “ in” is used to talk about continents ; cities and towns example : He was born in USA “ about” and “around” are used to determine or express approximate quantity
  12. I believe that here in the United States, most people say: (a) Walk on the street. = Walk on the SIDEWALK.  (b) Walk in the street. = You are literally (actually) walking in the area used by automobiles. Mothers will often warn their children: Don't play in the street!
  13. Correct: I haven’t seen a movie in a long time. (American English) NOTE : After negatives and superlatives in can be used to talk about duration. 2. Note : The comparative adjectives inferior, superior, senior, junior, anterior and posterior are followed by to instead of than. 3. Note : The preposition to is used to introduce the indirect direct. 4. Note :Correct: I shall explain this to them. Some verbs are followed by two objects – a direct object (person) and an indirect object (thing) . The direct object is the pronoun this and the indirect object is the pronoun them. 5.Note : “to” is used for movement or direction. 6. The verbs discuss, enter, marry, lack, resemble, reach and approach are followed by direct objects without prepositions. 7. When ask is followed by two objects, the indirect object (the person) usually comes first, without a preposition. 8. Use on when the meaning is clearly ‘on top of’. Examples are: on the table, on the desk, on the floor, on a horse etc. Use in when ‘on top of’ is not appropriate. Examples are: in an aeroplane (US in an airplane), in a car, in a train etc. 10. Beside means ‘by the side of’ and besides means ‘in addition to’. 13. Correct: What were you doing at the weekend? (British English) Correct: What were you doing on the weekend? (American English)
  14. Correct: I haven’t seen a movie in a long time. (American English) The prepositions at/on/in are not normally used in expressions of time before next, last, this, one, any, each, every, some, all etc. 12. In and within (time) - In means at the end of a certain period; within means before the end of a certain period. 13. Between and among :We use between to say that somebody or something is between two or more clearly separate objects. Among is used with more than two people or things.
  15. Objective : To make the students speak in public places, so as to take out the fear of public speaking/Seminars within him/her. T This exercise sounds simple, but it's the most dangerous of all. It is seen that most of the students shiver before getting called on the stage for their turn to speak. The basic aim is to boost the confidence level of the speakers for public speaking. The key is practice and consistency. Use the picture to develop story skill-building activities The students learn to make a sentence and put them in order. The activity also helps to build vocabulary. The teacher should model a learner’s words correctly (e.g. changing incorrect number, pronoun reference, or verb form) because students want to use English correctly and that writing down mistakes reinforces the mistake. Note: Each member of the whole group can make a comment. In some groups it might be most effective to go around the room in order, assuming that all will respond. You can also ask for volunteers and in more multilevel groups, the more proficient or confident learners might share first, giving the other learners more time to think and to pattern their responses after the other students.
  16. Rule 3 : The more quickly you will learn to speak fluently. Your goal is to retrain your mind, hearing, and mouth to understand and use English correctly. Reading aloud from a newspaper is one of the best ways to accomplish that. The more you speak Eng- lish aloud, the more quickly you will learn to speak fluently Ideally, if you used only correct syntax and pronunciation, you could retrain your speech in considerably less time. Consequently, you would learn to speak fluent English more quickly.
  17. When you've mastered English Grammar at a very slow speaking rate , then while staying fluent. The goal is fluent, automatic, effortless, normal-sounding and normal-rate speech. Slow speech is not the goal of stuttering therapy. Appropriate subjects for small talk : Try to find something that you are both interested in, or something that you have in common. Example : I see you’re reading the cricket results, did you catch last game on TV? Inappropriate subjects for small talk : a) Keep things light, avoid discussing religion or politics or making people feel like you know better or more than they do. Example : So, which do you think is the best religion? b) Don’t ask questions that are too personal. Example : Tell me Bob , how much money do you earn here? c) Try not to make criticisms. Example : What do you think of the company’s ridiculous decision to promote John in Sales? A Warning! Don’t ask too many questions all in a row in case you sound nosey or as if you’re interrogating the person that you‘re talking to, that could make them feel uncomfortable. How to finish ‘small talk’.End the conversation with something nice. ‘It was lovely to meet you’, ‘it was nice talking to you today’, ‘have a great day’, or ‘let’s catch up another time’.
  18. Names are important! Introduce yourself clearly and pay attention when the other person gives you their name. . Remembering someone’s name makes the other person feel important and will make small talk so much easier next time you meet them. Here’s a tip for how to remember someone’s name. When the person tells you their name, use it a few times straight away in your conversation – that will help you commit it to memory. For example: Nice to meet you Mike. Tell me, Mike, do you …. It’s interesting you should say that Mike ….. Make sure that you share some information about yourself. Find a good balance between conversation about you and your interests and the other person and their interests. That way both parties will enjoy the conversation.
  19. 1. Maintain Personal space is the distance that feels comfortable between people when they meet and talk. The distance varies depending on the relationship between people, how well they know each other. It also varies from culture to culture. Inconvenience 1. Financial Asking personal financial questions of people that you have just met is inappropriate. It is fine to ask what someone does or what he likes about his career, but do not ask how much he makes. Most people will find this question intrusive and inappropriate 2. Politics The problem with talking about politics is that you never know who in the crowd may have strong opinions. Stay away from this topic unless you want to risk ending up in the middle of a heated conversation. 3. Religion Religion is another extremely personal and potentially sensitive topic that should be avoided. 4. Sex Talking about sex or asking questions of an intimate nature is inappropriate. When talking with strangers, avoid talking openly about sex or making sexual innuendos. Both are likely to make others uncomfortable. 5. Death Death is another heavy topic that should be avoided during small talk. Remember that you are in the company of strangers and this is not the appropriate time to bring up emotional topics that have the potential to be upsetting. 6. Age and Appearance If you have just met someone, do not ask her age. Although the question might seem simple to you, it can be a hot topic for some. You never know the reason for weight gain or loss, and could be left in an uncomfortable situation. Unless you know someone well, avoid these types of topics. 7. Personal Gossip While celebrity gossip is fair game during small talk, gossip about people that you know personally is not. Gossipping about others not only paints you in a bad light, but you never know who might know each other. Stay away from bad-mouthing others. 8. Offensive jokes Save your off-colour jokes for your best friends (or better yet, replace them with clean jokes). Making sexist or racist jokes is offensive and a quick way to end a conversation with strangers. 9. Narrow Topics Although you will want to tell interesting stories at some point during small talk, avoid talking at length about topics that are one-sided. If no-one else has seen the movie, don't go into detail about the plot or the funny scenes. Watch for signs that others have lost interest and find a quick ending to your story. 10. Past Relationships If on a first date, avoid talking about past relationships. Making comparisons or talking endlessly about a past love is a sure turn-off and a quick way to ensure you don't get a second date.
  20. Notes : A buzzword (also known as a fashion word or vogue word) is an idiom, commonly used in managerial, technical, administrative, and sometimes political environments. Buzzwords are often used to make people think that one knows more than one actually does. This is why they are so popular in the corporate environment :) Nevertheless, these words are used very often by managers ….just don't use them too much!
  21. A preposition is a word that shows the relation between a word and a noun or a pronoun 25 Most Common Prepositions Of ,in, to,for,with,on,at,from,by,about,as, into, like, through, after, over, between, out, against, during, without, Before, under, around, among To reckon from a particular date, we use since. Examples are: since last year, since Friday, since morning etc. For is used with a period of time. Examples are: for two hours, for two months etc. Incorrect: It was the worst storm since ten years. Correct: It was the worst storm in ten years. Correct: It was the worst storm for ten years. When we say last, next, every, this we do not also use at, in, on. I went to London last June. (not in last June) He's coming back next Tuesday. (not on next Tuesday) I go home every Easter. (not at every Easter) We'll call you this evening. (not in this evening)
  22. Welcoming and Introducing Please join me in welcoming (name of participant) It's a pleasure to welcome (name of participant) We're pleased to welcome (name of participant) My topic today is . . . The focus of my remarks is . . . Stating the Principal Objectives I’d like to make sure that we .. Let's start with . . . Let's start by . . . i. Introducing the First Item on the Agenda So, let's start with ... I'd suggest we start with... Why don't we start with... So, the first item on the agenda is Pete, would you like to kick off? Shall we start with ... (name of participant), would you like to introduce this item? ii. Next Item Let's move onto the next item Now that we've discussed X, let's now ... The next item on today's agenda is... Now we come to the question of….. iii. Closing an Item I think that takes care of the first item. Shall we leave that item? Why don't we move on to... If nobody has anything else to add, lets ... .
  23. Moving Forward So, if there is nothing else we need to discuss, let's move on to today's agenda. Shall we get down to business? Is there Any Other Business? If there are no further developments, I'd like to move on to today's topic.
  24. Moving Forward So, if there is nothing else we need to discuss, let's move on to today's agenda. Shall we get down to business? Is there Any Other Business? If there are no further developments, I'd like to move on to today's topic.