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Chapter Three 
Tools for Exploring the World: 
Physical, Perceptual, and Motor 
3.1 The Newborn: 
Learning Objectives 
• How do reflexes help newborns interact with 
the world? 
• How do we determine whether a baby is 
healthy and adjusting to life outside the 
• What behavioral states are common among 
• What are the different features of 
temperament? Do they change as children 
The Newborn’s Reflexes 
• Reflexes: the newborn is born with unlearned 
responses triggered by specific stimuli 
– Certain reflexes have survival value 
• rooting, sucking, eye blinks 
– Other reflexes are developmental precursors 
to later voluntary motor behaviors 
• stepping a precursor to walking 
• Reflexes reflect the health of the child’s 
nervous system
Assessing the Newborn 
• The five Apgar scores 
1. Heart rate 2. Respiration 
3. Muscle tone 4. Reflexes 
5. Skin tone 
• Each scored from 0 to 2; then summed 
– Good physical condition: total of 7+ 
– Needs special attention: total of 4-6 
– Life-threatening: total of 3 or less
Assessing the Newborn (cont’d) 
• Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale 
– Includes 28 behavioral and 18 reflex items 
– Assesses four systems 
1. Autonomic: body regulation (e.g., 
2. Motor: activity level and control of body 
3. State: maintaining states (e.g., alertness) 
4. Social: interacting with people
The Newborn’s States 
• Alert inactivity: calm, eyes open and attentive; 
deliberately inspecting environment 
• Waking activity: open but unfocused eyes; 
uncoordinated motions 
• Crying: cries vigorously; motion is agitated and 
• Sleeping: eyes closed; degree of activity and 
quality of breathing alternate
• Basic cry 
– Starts softly and builds in volume and 
– Often seen when the child is hungry 
• Mad cry 
– More intense and louder 
• Pain cry 
– Starts with a loud wail, followed by a long 
pause, then gasping
• Newborns sleep an average of 16-18 hours/day 
• Sleep cycles 
– Newborns: 4-hour cycle; 3 hours sleep and 1 
hour awake 
– By 3 to 4 months: 5-to-6-hour cycle 
– By 6 months: sleep 10 to 12 hours at night 
• REM sleep 
– 50% of newborn sleep 
– 25% by 12 months
• The practice of sleeping in the same room or 
bed with the child 
• Much more common in cultures valuing 
interdependence than independence 
• Research shows no evidence of increased 
• Co-sleeping has the advantage of avoiding 
elaborate sleep-time rituals
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) 
• SIDS: sudden, inexplicable death of a healthy 
• Risk factors 
– Premature birth and low birth weight 
– Parental smoking 
– Child overheating and sleeping on stomach 
– African-American infants (often sleep on 
• Reducing risk? Sleeping on back or sides
VIDEO: Preventing SIDS
Dimensions of Temperament 
• Temperament: consistent styles or patterns of 
infant behavior 
• Number of temperament dimensions still 
debated (ranging from 2 to 9) 
• Rothbart’s (2007) three dimensions indicate 
how much a child 
– is generally happy, active, vocal, and seeks 
stimulation (surgency/extroversion) 
– is angry, fearful, frustrated, shy, and not easily 
soothed (negative affect) 
– focuses attention, is not easily distracted, and can 
inhibit impulses (effortful control)
Rothbart’s Dimensions of 
• Three dimensions are not independent 
– High effortful control predicts high 
surgency/extroversion, but low negative 
• Scores during infancy predict personality in 
adolescents and adults
Hereditary and Environmental 
Contributions to Temperament 
• Heredity and twin studies 
– Identical twins are more similar in 
temperament than are fraternal twins 
– Heredity influences negative affect more 
than other temperament dimensions 
• Heredity contributes more to temperament in 
childhood than during infancy
Hereditary and Environmental 
Contributions to Temperament (cont’d) 
• Asian babies are less emotional, whereas 
Russian babies show more fear and negative 
affect compared to Euro-American babies 
• Parental characteristics influence 
– Parental responsiveness reduces infant 
– Depressed mothers have more fearful infants
Hereditary and Environmental 
Contributions to Temperament (cont’d) 
Heredity and environment interact 
• Temperament influences environment’s effect 
on children 
– Fearful children cheated more if disciplined 
with power assertion, but less if parents 
were nurturing and supportive 
• Temperament influences how others treat the 
child and his or her experiences
Stability of Temperament 
• Studies suggest that temperament tends to 
be somewhat stable from infancy through 
• Temperament predisposes, but does not 
always guarantee, later personality 
• Parents can nurture children to behave in 
ways somewhat different from their 
3.2 Physical Development: 
Learning Objectives 
• How do height and weight change from birth to 
two years of age? 
• What nutrients do young children need? How 
are they best provided? 
• What are the consequences of malnutrition? 
How can it be treated? 
• What are nerve cells, and how are they 
organized in the brain? 
• How does the brain develop? When does it 
begin to function?
Growth of the Body 
• Growth is more rapid in infancy than during 
any other period after birth 
• Infants double their weight by three months 
• Infants triple their weight by one year 
• Average is not the same as normal 
– Children of the same age can vary greatly 
in their heights and weights 
• Height depends largely on heredity
Nutrition and Growth 
• Rapid growth requires young babies to 
consume large amounts of calories relative to 
body weight 
• Breast-feeding is the best way to ensure 
proper nourishment 
• Bottle-feeding has advantages and 
– All family members can enjoy intimacy with bottle 
– Formulas can promote proneness to allergies and 
reduced immunity
Nutrition and Feeding 
• New foods should be introduced one at a 
• Growth slows at two years and children 
become finicky eaters 
– Finicky eating may have survival value 
• Toddlers do not know which foods are safe and 
stick with familiar foods 
– Virtually all finicky eaters receive adequate 
– New foods still introduced one at a time
• World-wide about 1 in 4 children under age 
five are malnourished (UNICEF, 2006) 
• Malnourished children develop more slowly 
• Malnutrition is most damaging during infancy 
due to rapid growth rate 
• Giving malnourished children adequate diets 
is challenging because they are listless, quiet, 
and inactive 
– These characteristics call less urgent 
attention to the children’s needs
The Emerging Nervous System 
• The brain and the rest of the nervous system 
consist of cells known as neurons 
• Neurons consist of a soma, dendrites, the 
axon, and terminal buttons 
• Terminal buttons release chemicals called 
The Brain 
• The brain has 50 to 100 billion neurons 
• Cerebral cortex: the wrinkled surface of the 
• Hemispheres: the two halves of the brain 
• Corpus callosum: the thick band of fibers 
connecting the two hemispheres
The Making of the Working Brain 
• The brain weighs about three-quarters of a 
pound at birth – about 25% of an adult brain 
• At around three years of age, the child’s brain 
is about 80% of an adult’s brain weight
Emerging Brain Structures 
• At 3 weeks after conception, the neural plate, a 
flat structure of cells, forms 
• By 28 weeks after conception, the brain has all 
the neurons it will ever have 
• In the 4th month of prenatal development, 
axons begin to form the fatty sheath, myelin 
– Helps speed neural transmission 
– Improves coordination and reaction times 
• Number of synapses peaks at 12 months 
– Synaptic pruning: certain unnecessary synapses soon begin 
to disappear
Growth of a Specialized Brain: 
Brain-Mapping Methods 
Methods to study origins and time course of 
brain specialization 
• Studying children with brain damage 
• Measuring the brain’s electrical activity 
through electrodes place on scalp (EEG or 
• Using magnetic fields to track brain blood 
flow (fMRI, functional magnetic resonance 
Five General Principles of 
Brain Specialization 
1. Specialization is early in development 
Ex.: newborns’ left hemisphere generates 
higher electricity in response to speech 
1. Specialization takes two specific forms 
A. Specialized areas become more 
focused and less diffuse 
B. Stimuli triggering brain activity 
become more specific than general
Five General Principles of 
Brain Specialization (cont’d) 
3. Different brain systems specialize at different 
Ex.: systems for sensory and perceptual 
processes specialize before those for 
higher-order processes 
4. Environmental stimulation is necessary for 
successful specialization 
A. experience-expectant growth 
B. experience-dependent growth
Five General Principles of 
Brain Specialization (cont’d) 
5. Plasticity is a benefit of the immature brain’s 
lack of specialization 
• Atypical experiences may disrupt normal 
course of development (e.g., brain 
damage disrupting speech) 
• Plasticity: brain is very flexible, allowing 
recovery of function, especially in young 
Brain Specialization Principle: 
Experience-Expectant vs. 
Experience-expectant growth 
• All human brains require exposure to 
experiences common to all individuals (e.g., 
exposure to faces) to fine-tune their circuits and 
to have different regions specialize 
Experience-dependent growth 
• Brain circuits and regions also are fine-tuned 
according to each person’s unique experiences 
(e.g., learning to play the violin vs. learning to 
play soccer)
VIDEO: Visual-Spatial Processing
3.3 Early Motor Skills: 
Learning Objectives 
• What are the component skills involved in 
learning to walk? At what age do infants 
master them? 
• How do infants learn to coordinate the use of 
their hands?
• By 7 months, infants can sit alone 
• Toddling: at around 14 months, toddlers may 
stand alone briefly and walk without 
• Dynamic systems theory 
– Instead of simple maturation, motor 
development involves many distinct skills 
that are organized and reorganized over 
time to meet specific task demands
Posture and Balance 
• Infants are “top-heavy” and easily lose their 
• Within a few months, infants use inner ear 
and visual cues to adjust posture 
• Infants must relearn balance each time they 
achieve new postures
• Many infants move their legs alternately in a 
stepping-like motion as early as 6-7 months 
• Infants use environmental cues to judge 
whether a surface is suited to walking (e.g., 
flat vs. bumpy)
Coordinating Skills 
• Walking skills must be learned separately and 
then integrated with others 
• Differentiation: mastery of component skills 
• Integration: combining components into the 
sequence needed to accomplish the task 
• Unsupported, independent walking occurs at 
about 12 to 15 months, once children have 
mastered and coordinated its component 
Cultural Impact on Motor Development 
• Some cultural practices encourage certain 
skills early and others discourage them 
– Ex.: parents in Africa carry children 
piggyback style, which promotes walking at 
earlier ages than in the U.S. 
– Ex.: in Paraguay, mothers constantly carry 
toddlers, delaying motor skills 
• Despite cultural differences in average age of 
skill development, children acquire skills 
within a normal range
Fine Motor Skills 
• Fine motor skills are associated with 
grasping, holding, and manipulating objects 
• At 4 months, infants clumsily reach for 
• By 5 months, they coordinate movement of 
the two hands 
• By 2-3 years, children can use zippers but not 
• Tying shoes is a skill that develops around 
age 6 years
• About 90% of children prefer to use their right 
• Most children grasp with their right hand by 
age 12 months, with a clear preference seen 
by preschool age 
• Preference is affected by heredity, but 
environmental factors also influences it 
• Left-handedness has increased since U.S. 
teachers stopped urging right-handedness
3.4 Perception: 
Learning Objectives 
• Are infants able to smell, to taste, and to 
experience pain? 
• Can infants hear? How do they use sound to 
locate objects? 
• How well can infants see? Can they see color 
and depth? 
• How do infants coordinate information 
between different sensory modalities, such as 
between vision and hearing?
Coming to Know the World: 
Smell and Taste Perception 
• Perception: brain processes receiving, selecting, 
modifying, and organizing sensory inputs 
• Newborns have keen senses of smell and taste 
– Odors: they distinguish pleasant from unpleasant, 
or familiar from unfamiliar (e.g., mother’s breast or 
– Taste: they differentiate among salty, sour, bitter, 
sweet, and changes in mother’s breast milk 
– Facial reactions (e.g., lip licking) show they have a 
“sweet tooth”
Coming to Know the World: 
Touch and Pain 
• Babies react to touch with reflexes and other 
• In reaction to painful stimuli, babies manifest 
the pain cry – a sudden, high-pitched wail – 
and they are not easily soothed
Coming to Know the World: Hearing 
• Startle reactions suggest that infants are 
sensitive to sound 
• Infants hear less well than adults 
• They best hear pitches in the range of human 
speech (neither high nor low pitches) and 
differentiate consonants from vowels 
• They prefer pleasant more than unpleasant 
melodies and can remember songs 
• By 4 months, they recognize their own names
Coming to Know the World: Seeing 
• Newborns respond to light and track moving 
objects with their eyes 
• Visual acuity (clarity of vision) is the smallest 
pattern that can be distinguished dependably 
• Infants at 1 month see at 20 feet what adults 
see at 200-400 feet 
• By 1 year, infants’ visual acuity is the same 
as adults
Coming to Know the World: Color 
• Cones: sets of neurons located along the 
retina at the back of the eye, each specialized 
to one of the three light wavelengths 
• Newborns perceive few colors 
• 3- to 4-month-old infants can perceive colors 
similarly to adults
Coming to Know the World: Depth 
• Visual cliff research 
– 6-week-olds react with interest to 
differences in depth (heart rate 
– By 7 months, they show more fear than 
interest to the cliff’s deep end (heart rate 
acceleration and refusal to cross the deep 
– Fear of depth seems to develop around the 
time babies can crawl
Coming to Know the World: Depth 
Perception (cont’d) 
Seven cues adults use to infer depth 
Cues Closer compared to distant objects... 
1. Kinetic cues … appear larger while moving 
2. Visual expansion … fill more of the retina 
3. Motion parallax … move faster 
4. Retinal disparity … yield greater disparity 
5. Sound … sound louder 
Pictorial cues 
6. Linear perspective … have wider parallel lines 
7. Texture gradient … are coarser and distinctly textured
Coming to Know the World: Depth 
Perception (cont’d) 
• Few-week old babies use kinetic, visual 
expansion, and motion parallax weeks after 
birth to see depth 
• Infants use sound to accurately gauge depth 
• 4- to 6-month-old babies use retinal disparity 
• 7-month-old babies use linear perspective 
and texture gradient to see depth
Coming to Know the World: 
Perceiving Objects 
• Perceiving objects involves interpreting 
patterns of lines, textures, and colors 
• Object perception is limited in newborns, but 
develops rapidly in the first few months 
• By 4 months, infants use several cues to 
discern that a stimulus is an object 
– elements that move together 
– similar colors and textures 
– aligned edges
Perceiving Faces 
• Newborns prefer to look at moving faces, 
suggesting an innate attraction to them 
• By 4 weeks, infants track all moving stimuli, 
including faces and nonfaces 
• Before 6 months, infants have a prototype of a face 
that includes both human and nonhuman faces 
• Between 6 to 12 months, the prototype is fine-tuned 
to reflect familiar faces, which they prefer viewing 
• By 7 to 8 months, infants process faces similarly to 
adults, as a unique arrangement of features
Integrating Sensory Information 
• Infants visually recognize objects they only 
touched previously 
• Infants soon begin to perceive the link 
between visual images and sounds 
• Intersensory redundancy: simultaneously 
available multimodal sensory information 
(e.g., sight, sound, touch) 
– Infants perceive best when sensory information is 
– Why? Brain regions specialized for a specific 
sense are not yet developed
3.5 Becoming Self-Aware: 
Learning Objectives 
• When do children begin to realize that they 
• What are toddlers’ and preschoolers’ self-concepts 
• When do preschool children begin to acquire 
a theory of mind?
Origins of Self-Concept 
• Mirror test: red rouge surreptitiously rubbed 
on child’s nose; child placed in front of mirror 
and behavior is observed 
– 9-month-old infants smile at the image in 
the mirror but do not seem to recognize it 
as themselves 
– By 15-24 months, infants see the image in 
the mirror and touch their own nose, 
suggesting they know the image is theirs
Origins of Self-Concept (cont’d) 
•Toddlers look more at photographs of themselves 
than other children 
•Toddlers refer to themselves by name and use 
personal pronouns “I” or “me” 
• They use “I” in the present and in the past, showing awareness of 
the self’s continuity over time 
• Toddlers understand ownership, indicated by use of “mine” in 
reference to possessions 
•Preschoolers describe the self in terms of 
possessions, physical characteristics, 
preferences, and competencies
Theory of Mind (TOM) 
• Theory of mind: naïve understanding of the 
relationship between mind and behavior 
• Develops in three phases (Wellman, 1993, 2002) 
– Phase 1: by 2 years, aware of desires; speak of 
wants and likes 
• Understand that people have desires and that desires cause 
behavior (e.g., “Ew peas; I not eat.”) 
– Phase 2: by 3 years, distinguish the mental from 
physical world 
• Use mental verbs (“think”, “believe”, “forget”), but still emphasize 
desires as main causes of behavior
Theory of Mind (TOM) (cont’d) 
Phase 3: by 4 years, know that behavior can be 
based on beliefs about events, even if belief is false 
• False belief tasks 
– Child hears story about Sally, who puts ball in the basket and leaves 
– Child told the ball is moved from the basket to the box, which Sally does 
not know 
– Child is asked, “When Sally comes back, where will Sally look for the 
ball ” 
• 3 &1/2-year-olds: Sally will look in the box (wrong) 
• 4-year-olds: Sally will look in the basket (correct)
Theory of Mind (TOM) (cont’d) 
How does TOM develop? 
• Could reflect expanding mental state language and 
grammatical skills 
• Might be due to interactions with others, who provide 
insights into people with different mental states, 
perspectives, feelings, intentions, moods 
TOM and autism 
• Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) 
– Echoic speech and later language acquisition 
– Obsessive and compulsive interest in objects 
– Disinterest in other people
Theory of Mind (TOM) (cont’d) 
• Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) (cont’d) 
– Awkward social interactions with other people 
– Do not follow rules governing social interactions 
– Symptoms emerge around 18 to 24 months 
– Diagnosed in 1 out of 200-300 U.S. children 
– 80% of diagnoses are in boys 
– Is heritable 
– Atypical brain functioning; perhaps abnormal neurotransmitter 
– Cannot be cured, but medications and a supportive environment 
help a lot
Theory of Mind (TOM) (cont’d) 
• ASD and TOM 
– Very slowly grasp false belief 
– Some argue they may not have a TOM 
» mindblindness is a defining feature of ASD 
– Some attribute mindblindedness to other deficits 
» cannot inhibit irrelevant actions 
» have problems shifting smoothly between actions 
– Some attribute to a “focused” processing style 
» too much emphasis on perceptual details instead of the 
bigger coherent picture

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Ls 3

  • 1. Chapter Three Tools for Exploring the World: Physical, Perceptual, and Motor Development
  • 2. 3.1 The Newborn: Learning Objectives • How do reflexes help newborns interact with the world? • How do we determine whether a baby is healthy and adjusting to life outside the uterus? • What behavioral states are common among newborns? • What are the different features of temperament? Do they change as children grow?
  • 3. The Newborn’s Reflexes • Reflexes: the newborn is born with unlearned responses triggered by specific stimuli – Certain reflexes have survival value • rooting, sucking, eye blinks – Other reflexes are developmental precursors to later voluntary motor behaviors • stepping a precursor to walking • Reflexes reflect the health of the child’s nervous system
  • 4. Assessing the Newborn • The five Apgar scores 1. Heart rate 2. Respiration 3. Muscle tone 4. Reflexes 5. Skin tone • Each scored from 0 to 2; then summed – Good physical condition: total of 7+ – Needs special attention: total of 4-6 – Life-threatening: total of 3 or less
  • 5. Assessing the Newborn (cont’d) • Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS) – Includes 28 behavioral and 18 reflex items – Assesses four systems 1. Autonomic: body regulation (e.g., breathing) 2. Motor: activity level and control of body 3. State: maintaining states (e.g., alertness) 4. Social: interacting with people
  • 6. The Newborn’s States • Alert inactivity: calm, eyes open and attentive; deliberately inspecting environment • Waking activity: open but unfocused eyes; uncoordinated motions • Crying: cries vigorously; motion is agitated and uncoordinated • Sleeping: eyes closed; degree of activity and quality of breathing alternate
  • 7. Crying • Basic cry – Starts softly and builds in volume and intensity – Often seen when the child is hungry • Mad cry – More intense and louder • Pain cry – Starts with a loud wail, followed by a long pause, then gasping
  • 8. Sleeping • Newborns sleep an average of 16-18 hours/day • Sleep cycles – Newborns: 4-hour cycle; 3 hours sleep and 1 hour awake – By 3 to 4 months: 5-to-6-hour cycle – By 6 months: sleep 10 to 12 hours at night • REM sleep – 50% of newborn sleep – 25% by 12 months
  • 9. Co-sleeping • The practice of sleeping in the same room or bed with the child • Much more common in cultures valuing interdependence than independence • Research shows no evidence of increased dependence • Co-sleeping has the advantage of avoiding elaborate sleep-time rituals
  • 10. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) • SIDS: sudden, inexplicable death of a healthy baby • Risk factors – Premature birth and low birth weight – Parental smoking – Child overheating and sleeping on stomach – African-American infants (often sleep on stomach) • Reducing risk? Sleeping on back or sides
  • 12. Dimensions of Temperament • Temperament: consistent styles or patterns of infant behavior • Number of temperament dimensions still debated (ranging from 2 to 9) • Rothbart’s (2007) three dimensions indicate how much a child – is generally happy, active, vocal, and seeks stimulation (surgency/extroversion) – is angry, fearful, frustrated, shy, and not easily soothed (negative affect) – focuses attention, is not easily distracted, and can inhibit impulses (effortful control)
  • 13. Rothbart’s Dimensions of Temperament • Three dimensions are not independent – High effortful control predicts high surgency/extroversion, but low negative affect • Scores during infancy predict personality in adolescents and adults
  • 14. Hereditary and Environmental Contributions to Temperament • Heredity and twin studies – Identical twins are more similar in temperament than are fraternal twins – Heredity influences negative affect more than other temperament dimensions • Heredity contributes more to temperament in childhood than during infancy
  • 15. Hereditary and Environmental Contributions to Temperament (cont’d) Environment • Asian babies are less emotional, whereas Russian babies show more fear and negative affect compared to Euro-American babies • Parental characteristics influence temperament – Parental responsiveness reduces infant emotionality – Depressed mothers have more fearful infants
  • 16. Hereditary and Environmental Contributions to Temperament (cont’d) Heredity and environment interact • Temperament influences environment’s effect on children – Fearful children cheated more if disciplined with power assertion, but less if parents were nurturing and supportive • Temperament influences how others treat the child and his or her experiences
  • 17. Stability of Temperament • Studies suggest that temperament tends to be somewhat stable from infancy through adulthood • Temperament predisposes, but does not always guarantee, later personality characteristics • Parents can nurture children to behave in ways somewhat different from their temperament
  • 18. 3.2 Physical Development: Learning Objectives • How do height and weight change from birth to two years of age? • What nutrients do young children need? How are they best provided? • What are the consequences of malnutrition? How can it be treated? • What are nerve cells, and how are they organized in the brain? • How does the brain develop? When does it begin to function?
  • 19. Growth of the Body • Growth is more rapid in infancy than during any other period after birth • Infants double their weight by three months • Infants triple their weight by one year • Average is not the same as normal – Children of the same age can vary greatly in their heights and weights • Height depends largely on heredity
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  • 21. Nutrition and Growth • Rapid growth requires young babies to consume large amounts of calories relative to body weight • Breast-feeding is the best way to ensure proper nourishment • Bottle-feeding has advantages and disadvantages – All family members can enjoy intimacy with bottle – Formulas can promote proneness to allergies and reduced immunity
  • 22. Nutrition and Feeding • New foods should be introduced one at a time • Growth slows at two years and children become finicky eaters – Finicky eating may have survival value • Toddlers do not know which foods are safe and stick with familiar foods – Virtually all finicky eaters receive adequate nutrition – New foods still introduced one at a time
  • 23. Malnutrition • World-wide about 1 in 4 children under age five are malnourished (UNICEF, 2006) • Malnourished children develop more slowly • Malnutrition is most damaging during infancy due to rapid growth rate • Giving malnourished children adequate diets is challenging because they are listless, quiet, and inactive – These characteristics call less urgent attention to the children’s needs
  • 24. The Emerging Nervous System • The brain and the rest of the nervous system consist of cells known as neurons • Neurons consist of a soma, dendrites, the axon, and terminal buttons • Terminal buttons release chemicals called neurotransmitters
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  • 26. The Brain • The brain has 50 to 100 billion neurons • Cerebral cortex: the wrinkled surface of the brain • Hemispheres: the two halves of the brain • Corpus callosum: the thick band of fibers connecting the two hemispheres
  • 27. The Making of the Working Brain • The brain weighs about three-quarters of a pound at birth – about 25% of an adult brain • At around three years of age, the child’s brain is about 80% of an adult’s brain weight
  • 28. Emerging Brain Structures • At 3 weeks after conception, the neural plate, a flat structure of cells, forms • By 28 weeks after conception, the brain has all the neurons it will ever have • In the 4th month of prenatal development, axons begin to form the fatty sheath, myelin – Helps speed neural transmission – Improves coordination and reaction times • Number of synapses peaks at 12 months – Synaptic pruning: certain unnecessary synapses soon begin to disappear
  • 29. Growth of a Specialized Brain: Brain-Mapping Methods Methods to study origins and time course of brain specialization • Studying children with brain damage • Measuring the brain’s electrical activity through electrodes place on scalp (EEG or electroencephalogram) • Using magnetic fields to track brain blood flow (fMRI, functional magnetic resonance imaging)
  • 30. Five General Principles of Brain Specialization 1. Specialization is early in development Ex.: newborns’ left hemisphere generates higher electricity in response to speech 1. Specialization takes two specific forms A. Specialized areas become more focused and less diffuse B. Stimuli triggering brain activity become more specific than general
  • 31. Five General Principles of Brain Specialization (cont’d) 3. Different brain systems specialize at different rates Ex.: systems for sensory and perceptual processes specialize before those for higher-order processes 4. Environmental stimulation is necessary for successful specialization A. experience-expectant growth B. experience-dependent growth
  • 32. Five General Principles of Brain Specialization (cont’d) 5. Plasticity is a benefit of the immature brain’s lack of specialization • Atypical experiences may disrupt normal course of development (e.g., brain damage disrupting speech) • Plasticity: brain is very flexible, allowing recovery of function, especially in young children
  • 33. Brain Specialization Principle: Experience-Expectant vs. Dependent-Growth Experience-expectant growth • All human brains require exposure to experiences common to all individuals (e.g., exposure to faces) to fine-tune their circuits and to have different regions specialize Experience-dependent growth • Brain circuits and regions also are fine-tuned according to each person’s unique experiences (e.g., learning to play the violin vs. learning to play soccer)
  • 35. 3.3 Early Motor Skills: Learning Objectives • What are the component skills involved in learning to walk? At what age do infants master them? • How do infants learn to coordinate the use of their hands?
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  • 37. Locomotion • By 7 months, infants can sit alone • Toddling: at around 14 months, toddlers may stand alone briefly and walk without assistance • Dynamic systems theory – Instead of simple maturation, motor development involves many distinct skills that are organized and reorganized over time to meet specific task demands
  • 38. Posture and Balance • Infants are “top-heavy” and easily lose their balance • Within a few months, infants use inner ear and visual cues to adjust posture • Infants must relearn balance each time they achieve new postures
  • 39. Stepping • Many infants move their legs alternately in a stepping-like motion as early as 6-7 months • Infants use environmental cues to judge whether a surface is suited to walking (e.g., flat vs. bumpy)
  • 40. Coordinating Skills • Walking skills must be learned separately and then integrated with others • Differentiation: mastery of component skills • Integration: combining components into the sequence needed to accomplish the task • Unsupported, independent walking occurs at about 12 to 15 months, once children have mastered and coordinated its component skills
  • 41. Cultural Impact on Motor Development • Some cultural practices encourage certain skills early and others discourage them – Ex.: parents in Africa carry children piggyback style, which promotes walking at earlier ages than in the U.S. – Ex.: in Paraguay, mothers constantly carry toddlers, delaying motor skills • Despite cultural differences in average age of skill development, children acquire skills within a normal range
  • 42. Fine Motor Skills • Fine motor skills are associated with grasping, holding, and manipulating objects • At 4 months, infants clumsily reach for objects • By 5 months, they coordinate movement of the two hands • By 2-3 years, children can use zippers but not buttons • Tying shoes is a skill that develops around age 6 years
  • 43. Handedness • About 90% of children prefer to use their right hand • Most children grasp with their right hand by age 12 months, with a clear preference seen by preschool age • Preference is affected by heredity, but environmental factors also influences it • Left-handedness has increased since U.S. teachers stopped urging right-handedness
  • 44. 3.4 Perception: Learning Objectives • Are infants able to smell, to taste, and to experience pain? • Can infants hear? How do they use sound to locate objects? • How well can infants see? Can they see color and depth? • How do infants coordinate information between different sensory modalities, such as between vision and hearing?
  • 45. Coming to Know the World: Smell and Taste Perception • Perception: brain processes receiving, selecting, modifying, and organizing sensory inputs • Newborns have keen senses of smell and taste – Odors: they distinguish pleasant from unpleasant, or familiar from unfamiliar (e.g., mother’s breast or perfume) – Taste: they differentiate among salty, sour, bitter, sweet, and changes in mother’s breast milk – Facial reactions (e.g., lip licking) show they have a “sweet tooth”
  • 46. Coming to Know the World: Touch and Pain • Babies react to touch with reflexes and other movements • In reaction to painful stimuli, babies manifest the pain cry – a sudden, high-pitched wail – and they are not easily soothed
  • 47. Coming to Know the World: Hearing • Startle reactions suggest that infants are sensitive to sound • Infants hear less well than adults • They best hear pitches in the range of human speech (neither high nor low pitches) and differentiate consonants from vowels • They prefer pleasant more than unpleasant melodies and can remember songs • By 4 months, they recognize their own names
  • 48. Coming to Know the World: Seeing • Newborns respond to light and track moving objects with their eyes • Visual acuity (clarity of vision) is the smallest pattern that can be distinguished dependably • Infants at 1 month see at 20 feet what adults see at 200-400 feet • By 1 year, infants’ visual acuity is the same as adults
  • 49. Coming to Know the World: Color • Cones: sets of neurons located along the retina at the back of the eye, each specialized to one of the three light wavelengths • Newborns perceive few colors • 3- to 4-month-old infants can perceive colors similarly to adults
  • 50. Coming to Know the World: Depth Perception • Visual cliff research – 6-week-olds react with interest to differences in depth (heart rate deceleration) – By 7 months, they show more fear than interest to the cliff’s deep end (heart rate acceleration and refusal to cross the deep side) – Fear of depth seems to develop around the time babies can crawl
  • 51. Coming to Know the World: Depth Perception (cont’d) Seven cues adults use to infer depth Cues Closer compared to distant objects... 1. Kinetic cues … appear larger while moving 2. Visual expansion … fill more of the retina 3. Motion parallax … move faster 4. Retinal disparity … yield greater disparity 5. Sound … sound louder Pictorial cues 6. Linear perspective … have wider parallel lines 7. Texture gradient … are coarser and distinctly textured
  • 52. Coming to Know the World: Depth Perception (cont’d) • Few-week old babies use kinetic, visual expansion, and motion parallax weeks after birth to see depth • Infants use sound to accurately gauge depth • 4- to 6-month-old babies use retinal disparity • 7-month-old babies use linear perspective and texture gradient to see depth
  • 53. Coming to Know the World: Perceiving Objects • Perceiving objects involves interpreting patterns of lines, textures, and colors • Object perception is limited in newborns, but develops rapidly in the first few months • By 4 months, infants use several cues to discern that a stimulus is an object – elements that move together – similar colors and textures – aligned edges
  • 54. Perceiving Faces • Newborns prefer to look at moving faces, suggesting an innate attraction to them • By 4 weeks, infants track all moving stimuli, including faces and nonfaces • Before 6 months, infants have a prototype of a face that includes both human and nonhuman faces • Between 6 to 12 months, the prototype is fine-tuned to reflect familiar faces, which they prefer viewing • By 7 to 8 months, infants process faces similarly to adults, as a unique arrangement of features
  • 55. Integrating Sensory Information • Infants visually recognize objects they only touched previously • Infants soon begin to perceive the link between visual images and sounds • Intersensory redundancy: simultaneously available multimodal sensory information (e.g., sight, sound, touch) – Infants perceive best when sensory information is redundant – Why? Brain regions specialized for a specific sense are not yet developed
  • 56. 3.5 Becoming Self-Aware: Learning Objectives • When do children begin to realize that they exist? • What are toddlers’ and preschoolers’ self-concepts like? • When do preschool children begin to acquire a theory of mind?
  • 57. Origins of Self-Concept Self-awareness • Mirror test: red rouge surreptitiously rubbed on child’s nose; child placed in front of mirror and behavior is observed – 9-month-old infants smile at the image in the mirror but do not seem to recognize it as themselves – By 15-24 months, infants see the image in the mirror and touch their own nose, suggesting they know the image is theirs
  • 58. Origins of Self-Concept (cont’d) •Toddlers look more at photographs of themselves than other children •Toddlers refer to themselves by name and use personal pronouns “I” or “me” • They use “I” in the present and in the past, showing awareness of the self’s continuity over time • Toddlers understand ownership, indicated by use of “mine” in reference to possessions •Preschoolers describe the self in terms of possessions, physical characteristics, preferences, and competencies
  • 59. Theory of Mind (TOM) • Theory of mind: naïve understanding of the relationship between mind and behavior • Develops in three phases (Wellman, 1993, 2002) – Phase 1: by 2 years, aware of desires; speak of wants and likes • Understand that people have desires and that desires cause behavior (e.g., “Ew peas; I not eat.”) – Phase 2: by 3 years, distinguish the mental from physical world • Use mental verbs (“think”, “believe”, “forget”), but still emphasize desires as main causes of behavior
  • 60. Theory of Mind (TOM) (cont’d) Phase 3: by 4 years, know that behavior can be based on beliefs about events, even if belief is false • False belief tasks – Child hears story about Sally, who puts ball in the basket and leaves – Child told the ball is moved from the basket to the box, which Sally does not know – Child is asked, “When Sally comes back, where will Sally look for the ball ” • 3 &1/2-year-olds: Sally will look in the box (wrong) • 4-year-olds: Sally will look in the basket (correct)
  • 61. Theory of Mind (TOM) (cont’d) How does TOM develop? • Could reflect expanding mental state language and grammatical skills • Might be due to interactions with others, who provide insights into people with different mental states, perspectives, feelings, intentions, moods TOM and autism • Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) – Echoic speech and later language acquisition – Obsessive and compulsive interest in objects – Disinterest in other people
  • 62. Theory of Mind (TOM) (cont’d) • Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) (cont’d) – Awkward social interactions with other people – Do not follow rules governing social interactions – Symptoms emerge around 18 to 24 months – Diagnosed in 1 out of 200-300 U.S. children – 80% of diagnoses are in boys – Is heritable – Atypical brain functioning; perhaps abnormal neurotransmitter levels – Cannot be cured, but medications and a supportive environment help a lot
  • 63. Theory of Mind (TOM) (cont’d) • ASD and TOM – Very slowly grasp false belief – Some argue they may not have a TOM » mindblindness is a defining feature of ASD – Some attribute mindblindedness to other deficits » cannot inhibit irrelevant actions » have problems shifting smoothly between actions – Some attribute to a “focused” processing style » too much emphasis on perceptual details instead of the bigger coherent picture

Notes de l'éditeur

  1. FIG 3.2 Boys and girls grew taller and heavier from birth to 3 years of age but the range of normal heights and weights is quite wide.
  2. FIG 3.4 A nerve cell includes dendrites that receive information, a cell body has life-sustaining machinery, and, for sending information, an axon that ends in terminal buttons.
  3. FIG 3.5 Locomotor skills improve rapidly in the 15 months after birth and progress can be measured by many developmental milestones.
  4. Uh, I don’t see how these two examples differ from each other…elaborate?