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is there a future for innovation?
What is innovation?
Culture innovation
Innovation can not be imposed: it is a 
state of mind!
General Culture 
Crossing knowledge 
Innovation is born to interface !
Einstein on the importance of humanities 
• "It is not enough to teach a man a specialty. 
Through it he may become a kind of useful 
machine, but not a harmoniously developed 
personality. It is essential that the student 
acquire an understanding of and a lively 
feeling for values. He must acquire a vivid 
sense of the beautiful and of the morally 
good.....He must learn to understand the motives 
of human beings, their illusions and their 
sufferings, in order to acquire a proper 
relationship to individual fellow men and to the 
• These precious things are conveyed to the 
younger generation through personal contact 
with those who teach, not--or at least not in the 
main--through text books. It is this that primarily 
constitutes and preserves culture. This is what I 
have in mind when I recommend the 
"humanities" as important, not just dry 
specialized knowledge in the fields of history 
and philosophy. Overemphasis on the 
competitive system and premature specialization 
on the ground of immediate usefulness kill the 
spirit on which all cultural life depends, 
specialized knowledge included.
Imagination is more important than knowlege
What is culture? 
• Culture is an awareness by the individual 
of his personality to be thinking but also its 
relations with other men and with nature
• Culture is taught and learned and share 
• Culture is crucial because it allows those 
who share a similar culture to 
communicate with each other without the 
need to discuss the meaning of things
Pierre Gille DE GENNES 
on innovation? 
• Is one born innovator? 
“Innovation is an attitude that is cultivated as a sense 
of observation, or the meaning of a certain manual 
• What should we teach people to be innovative? 
“A tendency to skepticism can be useful. Students 
should make a habit of not considering what they 
have been taught as a Dogne. They should not be 
Numbers and letters
The relation on 
science and 
technologie ..
• Innovation is 
linked to the 
progress of 
science and 
• It is a source of 
value creation by 
combining these 
complex systems 
• It makes 
available the 
Correlation between wave of 
innovation and economic growth
New wave of technology push 
12 milhões 
de pesquisadores 
no mundo, 
18 000 artigos 
publicados por dia, 
< 2 000 000 patentes 
concedidas por ano. 
revistas científicas 
Despesas de P&D superiores 
110 000 
X 2 em dez anos 
a 1500 bilhões de $ por ano no mundo
Evolution of internet sectors
Evolution of internet sectors
Relation to 
conception .. 
- Craft 
- Professional expertise
The “chef d’oeuvre”: 
the craft pushed at an art
Innovation is an initiative, 
construction to changing codes of a trade, 
sometimes redefine these codes 
• restore 
• repair 
• reproduce 
• renovate 
• rehabilitate 
• remake 
• invent 
• innovate 
• initiative 
• Introduce novelty 
Progress of knowledge 
Evolution of society 
Contribute to the evolution of the world 
Creation initiative
Relation to human, 
to the city, 
to the nature ..
“The man is the 
measure of all 
Creative synthesis in 
Technology allows many 
It imposes nothing
4 I major areas of creative synthesis 
Improvement of the human condition 
Improvement in the relationship between men 
Improvement of life in the city 
Improvement of the relationship to nature
Relation between 
art and technology 
.. for creation?
• Fundamental 
role of artists 
and creators in 
• Relation to 
• Provision for 
the individual 
the best state 
of knowledge Introduction into reality 
Creative synthesis
The challenge of conception 
and design in innovation 
• Between the world of knowledge and 
technology, there are rich multiple 
potential and that of the vast expectations 
of society .. 
• The design phase is a magical moment 
when the vision and the project “will 
materialize in a proposal, the result of 
the sensitivity of imagination and 
inspiration of the creator” ..
beauty is essential for 
innovation to be 
accepted by society 
Technology changes, 
the beauty remains
To innovate is to propose 
The contact point between two worlds 
The time of the design 
The focus on the individual
Relationship between technological potential 
and the individual in the innovation process 
A vida As tecnologias 
do mundo Max Weber 
Economy as value creation
Challenge of designing 
• The challenge of the combination of 
knowledge, skills, .. 
• Realize the creative synthesis
Manage complexity 
• The innovative product design involves the 
meshing of skills and talents in many 
creative projects teams 
• The purpose of this synthesis on the best 
state of the art is always increased 
satisfaction among potential users
Importance of design 
• The design is .. 
“a creative synthesis 
“arts and crafts in the service of society 
“always from líndividu to return to the individual 
“a proposal for the future 
“a sensitivity, a part of oneself 
“contribute to the re-enchantment of the world
• "DISEGNO" Design-design refers to the 
design and form to the imagined project. 
This is a proposal. 
• "CONCETTO" concept refers to the idea, 
it's an intention.
• Technologies are like musical notes, 
letters of the alphabet, numbers, colors, 
spices .. 
• Their creative combinations are endless ..
The impact of constant technology push 
Example printers: new technology 
generations in decades
A inovação é « tecnologicamente neutra », 
ela parte do indivíduo para retornar ao indivíduo
As tecnologias são 
meios, não 
Ninguém se 
apaixona por um 
Protocolo de Acsso 
The needs, wishes, expectations dreams, 
desires of individuals do not define 
themselves in terms of technology ..
For high value-added 
innovations for users, do not 
mix technology and society .. 
As technologias A vida 
Practice does not stem from technology, they are 
specific to a community !
Não é um mercado, ou até mesmo 
um "uso" de banda larga !? 
É uma necessidade de sair da 
solidão emocional
é a comunidade 
relevante que define as 
características do 
produto, e não a 
tecnologia !
ignorância da sociedade está 
causando a síndrome do "sucesso 
tecnológico - fracasso comercial“ !
Elementos comuns às culturas da inovação 1/2 
A inovação tratada como valor central innovation spirit 
ou um dos valores centrais. 
(concebemos o futuro), atores do progresso 
O usuário, o indivíduo, o cliente como objetivo único 
da inovação (human centric) 
Excelência(s), atividade(s) profissional(ais), expertise(s), 
talento(s) (skills) 
Abertura para o mundo, para a novidade, para as novas 
ideias, para as novas tecnologias 
Diversidade, rede de conhecimentos, de talentos, 
de origens
Elementos comuns às culturas da inovação 2/2 
Iniciativas, propostas, empreendedorismo de todos 
(tempo alocado, promoções) 
Trabalho em equipe, equipes de projeto 
Experimentação constante try, fall, try again, succeed 
Direito de fracassar e assimilação do fracasso como 
elemento chave da inovação 
Líderes da inovação, pilotos, arquitetos de projetos, 
campeões da inovação… 
+ Elementos e valores específicos da cultura empresarial 
Por ex. saúde para todos, luxo, high-tech ou tecnologias específicas, defesa, alimentação 
saudável, mutualismo, energia para todos, igualdade de oportunidades, educação, 
laço social…
É na relação do serviço com o 
indivíduo que se cria o valor 
« Forte valor agregado para o 
usuário » = o que tem 
realmente valor para o usuário 
• Creative synthesis from the integration of 
services in the real life, the way people live, 
the idea they have of it, and it offers a 
vision, progress, sensitivity, from the best 
state of knowledge
good management 
value (s) 
Capture rising values
daqueles a 
quem se dirige
O que é inovação? 
• Understand the dreams, desires, hopes, ideals, 
values and expectations of society, the needs of 
society ... 
• Respect their sensitivity, their identity, their 
culture, from creation ... 
• Understand their practices, their knowledge, 
their experiences ... 
To go further ... for what was done to them so far
places of innovation = 
meeting places, lifestyle, identification, 
sharing, exchange, souvenir .. 
It is the "school of life"
Place for innovation? 
inovação é a 
introdução do 
progresso na 
vida real
Inovar é melhorar a condição humana ! 
“o progresso não tem sentido se for 
compartilhada por todos” Aristóteles
A Brazilian model of 
• Biodiversity 
culture of 
– multiple 
of innovation 
– cultural 
Models of culture of innovation 
Models of culture of innovation 
at the world level 
49th in 2011, 58th in 2012, 64th in 2013, ...
Global prespectives 
emergence of a new global leader with considerable 
rapid growth for 10 years, a relative pose, future 
the relationship with China and the BRICS take off in 
education, science and technology 
the land of the internet 
Brazilian culture and innovation 
diversity of backgrounds and cultures 
all openings and unit value, the Brazilian optimism 
colors, music, design 
Democratic cropping 
Brazilian business and innovation 
The emergence of highly innovative international 
Brazilian companies 
A very educational and industrial innovation culture 
Examples of innovative projects in brazil
Global perspectives 
• Its geographical size and 
resources, Brazil is an emerging 
strategic and economic problems of 
the economy do not suggest 
systemic risk. In 2011 he moved up 
to sixth in the world in terms of GDP 
(7th place in 2012). It is an 
agricultural giant, which has 
reserves of agricultural land, which 
in a global environment of 
increasing population pressure is a 
major asset. His basement is full of 
minerals, rare metals and oil. 
Finally, it is a market of 200 million 
people who access consumer, 
thanks to the policies of 
redistribution of income.
O eixo de desenvolvimento sustentável 
Um coração para a futura estratégia de 
inovação no BRASIL
dos países mais urbanizados 
do mundo (85%)
This, 200 kilometers from the south-east, 
the Petrobras group found 
similar deposits in late 2005 to what 
was extracted from the North Sea 
(60 billion barrels). 
The company exports 300,000 
barrels / day. 
The operational costs of around a 
million dollars a day for each drilling 
in deepwater, blew the group's debt 
to more than $ 80 billion.
Defense sector: 
a strategic issue of importance
O Brasil estragou tudo ? 
… Brazil slows but strong fundamentals
Brazil's growth began to 
decline after 2010 
After the euphoria of 2010 (+7.5% growth), 2011 was 
subdued (+2.7% growth), and 2012, which was to be the 
year of the recovery, grew only +1 % with high inflation 
Consumption, strength of the Brazilian economy has 
gradually out of breath as a result of family debt because 
of high interest rates (24% per year). 
Industrial activity declined (-2.7%) as the investment (- 
3.9%). The gap between demand and domestic supply 
has widened, consumption is based on imports (since 
2005 trade has grown by +76% and the processing 
industry of only +8%). 
The structural weaknesses of the Brazilian economy are 
known (lack of infrastructure, bureaucracy, fiscal maquis, 
education) and they hamper growth in the short term.
In the longer term, Brazil is still an 
unavoidable emerging country 
1. In 2011 he moved up to sixth in the world in terms of GDP (7th place in 
2012). It is the second largest exporter of iron ore and its basement full 
of bauxite, gold, manganese, nickel, phosphates, platinum, tin, uranium, 
rare earth etc. 
2. It is also an agricultural giant: 1 producer of coffee, orange juice, sugar 
and soybeans, the second of beef and poultry. Finally, it is a market of 
200 million people who access consumer, thanks to the policies of 
income redistribution conducted for 10 years who made 40 million 
Brazilians out of poverty. 
3. But it is sorely lacking in infrastructure (11% of the roads are paved), 
know-how and innovation (568 patents per year, 10,000 in France). 
4. Brazil is a country still somewhat open (9.6% against 22% for France, it 
represents 1.3% of world trade) and the European Union, its biggest 
trading partner (the first client and the first supplier) in favor to support 
Brazil's growth, at a time when trade negotiations looming position.
A importância 
na economia e 
brasileira das 
Regiões Sul e 
Sudeste br. 
Relatório da “Brookings 
Institution” (Washington, DC) 
Uma proporção impressionante 
vem de uma pesquisa do banco 
de dados público LinkedIn para o 
setor da indústria de "software” , 
cujos resultados são mostrados 
na tabela ao lado 
Metropolitan Area State 
Software % 
São Paulo SP 10,480 31.8% 
Rio de Janeiro RJ 2,720 8.2% 
Porto Alegre RS 1,950 5.9% 
Belo Horizonte MG 1,640 5.0% 
Campinas SP 1,500 4.5% 
Curitiba PR 1,010 3.1% 
Recife PE 780 2.4% 
Brasília DF 700 2.1% 
Fortaleza CE 450 1.4% 
Salvador BA 380 1.2% 
Manaus AM 210 0.6% 
Vitória ES 10 0.0% 
Baixada Santista SP - 0.0% 
Brazil 33,000 
Top 13 metros share of nation 66% 
Dimensão das Plataformas de 
Exportação localizadas nas 
Regiões Metropolitanas – Sul e 
Sudeste Br
The dynamic of SAO PAULO state
Investments in infrastructure program 
Campinas, hub ddee aallttaa tteeccnnoollooggiiaa 
• Investimentos em P&D duas vezes maior que a media nacional 
• 12 centros de P&D internacionalmente reconhecidos 
• 02 Universidades: UNICAMP : 33.000 alunos PUCAMP: 22.000 alunos 
• Mais de 600 empresas com vocação em alta tecnologia 
Fonte de luz 
Síncrotron brasileira 
que, em 2016, 
substituirá a fonte 
Prédio com 43 mil m² 
Acelerador de 
elétrons e até 45 
linhas de luz 
Investimento de US$ 
500 milhões 
Biotecnologia Nanotecnologia TIC Agroalimenta 
Química Fina Petroquímica Farmacêutico Equip. Saúde Materiais
Programas de desenvolvimento que 
se tornaram referências internacionais
Erradicação da extrema pobreza : 
a prodigiosa década
On development
To improve !
com BRICS e 
A trade balance in equilibrium
China and Brazil agreed to 
establish a swap line of about 
$30 billion in their respective 
currencies as they work to 
reinforce the clout of the world’s 
largest emerging markets on a 
global stage.
It’s all about China 
World trading map for bulk carriers 
december 2013
Made in brasil!
The CBERS Program was 
born from a partnership 
between Brazil and China 
in the space technical 
scientific segment. 
Consequently, Brazil 
joined a select group of 
countries with remote 
sensing technology.
An important 
partership with 
agricultural sector
da educação 
205,7% em 
uma década 
Investments in the National 
Education Plan
Development of universities
Global Researcher Views of Leading Countries in R&D 
by Technology/Research Area 
& Food 
Auto & 
Rail, & 
Defense & 
& Other 
& Efficiency 
Science & 
ations (ICT) 
& Other 
U.S. Japan U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. Germany U.S. U.S. U.S. 
China Germany China China Japan Germany U.S. U.K. Japan Japan 
Germany U.S. France Russia Germany China Japan Germany China Germany 
Brazil China Germany U.K. China Japan U.K. Japan India China 
Japan France U.K. U.K. China China Germany U.K. 
Brazil in the first 5 leading countries in the next 10 years 
Source: Battelle Survey / IESCI
Patents filed in Brazil: an issue?
Brasilian culture 
and innovation
BRASIL: immigration countries and haven
Understand the 
future of a 
1889, progress 
as a moto 
1941, Land of 
2011, progress 
in action 
2030, Choose 
our future
Extreme variety 
of population
The langage to 
watch in 2014 ...
• BRASIL: a country in all colors 
– incredibly colorful 
– architecture, objects and incredibly clothing appeal colorful 
to all the 
colors of the rainbow 
architecture, objects and 
clothing appeal to all the colors 
of the rainbow
• A country all in musique 
NATURA, music is an 
expression of bemstardem 
(welfare for all) 
Music awakens and 
enriches our senses. It 
affects us deeply and 
makes us feel life. She 
has a knack for bringing 
people and integrate 
Brasilian optimism
A connexion 
to innovation and to the world
The importance of ICT security 
BRASIL « has one of the most vunerable and unprotected 
internet infrastructures in the world », according to IPEA.
The democratic 
cropping: The brasilian 
innovation in 2013
Social innovation in 
action: for democracy 
Increase of 7% of prices in bus 
and in the metro 
0.20 reals = 7 cents of euros
The expression of diversity
A design in full 
effervescence based 
Brazilian values
The value of the Brasilian design
Brasilian design industry
Certainly two most well-known 
brasilian products in world
Brasilian business 
and innovation
de um 
leadership in 
The new brand made in BRASIL! 
Seleção Brasileira de Alimentos 'Innovation 
Breakfast': ENIVRANCE
Business culture of 
innovation in BRASIL (1)
Business culture of 
innovation in BRASIL (2)
Business culture of 
innovation in BRASIL (3)
is there a future for 
innovation ?
Obrigado !

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Apresentação palestra Florent Pratlong IBE/USP

  • 1. BRASIL: is there a future for innovation?
  • 4. Innovation can not be imposed: it is a state of mind!
  • 5. General Culture Crossing knowledge Innovation is born to interface !
  • 6. Einstein on the importance of humanities • "It is not enough to teach a man a specialty. Through it he may become a kind of useful machine, but not a harmoniously developed personality. It is essential that the student acquire an understanding of and a lively feeling for values. He must acquire a vivid sense of the beautiful and of the morally good.....He must learn to understand the motives of human beings, their illusions and their sufferings, in order to acquire a proper relationship to individual fellow men and to the community.
  • 7. • These precious things are conveyed to the younger generation through personal contact with those who teach, not--or at least not in the main--through text books. It is this that primarily constitutes and preserves culture. This is what I have in mind when I recommend the "humanities" as important, not just dry specialized knowledge in the fields of history and philosophy. Overemphasis on the competitive system and premature specialization on the ground of immediate usefulness kill the spirit on which all cultural life depends, specialized knowledge included.
  • 8. Imagination is more important than knowlege
  • 9. What is culture? • Culture is an awareness by the individual of his personality to be thinking but also its relations with other men and with nature
  • 10. • Culture is taught and learned and share • Culture is crucial because it allows those who share a similar culture to communicate with each other without the need to discuss the meaning of things
  • 11. Pierre Gille DE GENNES on innovation? • Is one born innovator? “Innovation is an attitude that is cultivated as a sense of observation, or the meaning of a certain manual dexterity.” • What should we teach people to be innovative? “A tendency to skepticism can be useful. Students should make a habit of not considering what they have been taught as a Dogne. They should not be imprisoned”
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 15. The relation on science and technologie ..
  • 16. • Innovation is linked to the progress of science and technology • It is a source of value creation by combining these complex systems • It makes available the progress
  • 17. Correlation between wave of innovation and economic growth
  • 18. New wave of technology push 12 milhões de pesquisadores no mundo, 18 000 artigos científicos publicados por dia, < 2 000 000 patentes concedidas por ano. revistas científicas Despesas de P&D superiores 110 000 X 2 em dez anos a 1500 bilhões de $ por ano no mundo
  • 21.
  • 22. Relation to realization conception .. - Craft - Professional expertise
  • 23. The “chef d’oeuvre”: the craft pushed at an art
  • 24. Innovation is an initiative, construction to changing codes of a trade, sometimes redefine these codes • • restore • repair • reproduce • renovate • rehabilitate • remake • invent • innovate • initiative • Introduce novelty Progress of knowledge Evolution of society Contribute to the evolution of the world Creation initiative
  • 25. Relation to human, to the city, to the nature ..
  • 26.
  • 27. The RENAISSANCE : “The man is the measure of all things”
  • 28.
  • 29.
  • 30. Creative synthesis in the BELLE EPOQUE
  • 31. Technology allows many It imposes nothing
  • 32. 4 I major areas of creative synthesis Improvement of the human condition Improvement in the relationship between men Improvement of life in the city Improvement of the relationship to nature
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 35.
  • 36. Relation between art and technology .. for creation?
  • 37. • Fundamental role of artists and creators in innovation • Relation to technical progress • Provision for the individual the best state of knowledge Introduction into reality Creative synthesis
  • 38. The challenge of conception and design in innovation • Between the world of knowledge and technology, there are rich multiple potential and that of the vast expectations of society .. • The design phase is a magical moment when the vision and the project “will materialize in a proposal, the result of the sensitivity of imagination and inspiration of the creator” ..
  • 39. beauty is essential for innovation to be accepted by society Technology changes, the beauty remains
  • 40.
  • 41. To innovate is to propose The contact point between two worlds The time of the design The focus on the individual
  • 42. Relationship between technological potential and the individual in the innovation process A vida As tecnologias Psycho-logic Anthropo-logic Socio-logic Techno-logic Reencatamento do mundo Max Weber Economy as value creation
  • 43. Challenge of designing • The challenge of the combination of knowledge, skills, .. • Realize the creative synthesis
  • 44. Manage complexity • The innovative product design involves the meshing of skills and talents in many creative projects teams • The purpose of this synthesis on the best state of the art is always increased satisfaction among potential users
  • 45. Importance of design • The design is .. “a creative synthesis “arts and crafts in the service of society “always from líndividu to return to the individual “a proposal for the future “a sensitivity, a part of oneself “contribute to the re-enchantment of the world
  • 46.
  • 47.
  • 48. • "DISEGNO" Design-design refers to the design and form to the imagined project. This is a proposal. • "CONCETTO" concept refers to the idea, it's an intention.
  • 49. • Technologies are like musical notes, letters of the alphabet, numbers, colors, spices .. • Their creative combinations are endless ..
  • 50.
  • 51. The impact of constant technology push Example printers: new technology generations in decades
  • 52. A inovação é « tecnologicamente neutra », ela parte do indivíduo para retornar ao indivíduo
  • 53. Atenção! As tecnologias são meios, não objetivos. Ninguém se apaixona por um Protocolo de Acsso Wireless
  • 54. The needs, wishes, expectations dreams, desires of individuals do not define themselves in terms of technology ..
  • 55. For high value-added innovations for users, do not mix technology and society .. As technologias A vida Utilizaçao Aplicação Uso Practice does not stem from technology, they are specific to a community !
  • 56. uso
  • 58. Não é um mercado, ou até mesmo um "uso" de banda larga !? É uma necessidade de sair da solidão emocional
  • 59. é a comunidade relevante que define as características do produto, e não a tecnologia !
  • 60. ignorância da sociedade está causando a síndrome do "sucesso tecnológico - fracasso comercial“ !
  • 61.
  • 62. Elementos comuns às culturas da inovação 1/2 A inovação tratada como valor central innovation spirit ou um dos valores centrais. (concebemos o futuro), atores do progresso O usuário, o indivíduo, o cliente como objetivo único da inovação (human centric) Excelência(s), atividade(s) profissional(ais), expertise(s), talento(s) (skills) Abertura para o mundo, para a novidade, para as novas ideias, para as novas tecnologias Diversidade, rede de conhecimentos, de talentos, de origens
  • 63. Elementos comuns às culturas da inovação 2/2 Iniciativas, propostas, empreendedorismo de todos (tempo alocado, promoções) Trabalho em equipe, equipes de projeto Experimentação constante try, fall, try again, succeed Direito de fracassar e assimilação do fracasso como elemento chave da inovação Líderes da inovação, pilotos, arquitetos de projetos, campeões da inovação… + Elementos e valores específicos da cultura empresarial Por ex. saúde para todos, luxo, high-tech ou tecnologias específicas, defesa, alimentação saudável, mutualismo, energia para todos, igualdade de oportunidades, educação, laço social…
  • 64. Inovação? É na relação do serviço com o indivíduo que se cria o valor « Forte valor agregado para o usuário » = o que tem realmente valor para o usuário • Creative synthesis from the integration of services in the real life, the way people live, the idea they have of it, and it offers a vision, progress, sensitivity, from the best state of knowledge
  • 65. autonomy transparency security instantaneity information opportunity self-image good management effectiveness steering serenity vision value (s) anticipation Capture rising values
  • 66.
  • 67. Melhor conhecimento daqueles a quem se dirige
  • 68. O que é inovação? • Understand the dreams, desires, hopes, ideals, values and expectations of society, the needs of society ... • Respect their sensitivity, their identity, their culture, from creation ... • Understand their practices, their knowledge, their experiences ... To go further ... for what was done to them so far
  • 69.
  • 70.
  • 71. places of innovation = meeting places, lifestyle, identification, sharing, exchange, souvenir .. It is the "school of life"
  • 72. Place for innovation? inovação é a introdução do progresso na vida real
  • 73. Inovar é melhorar a condição humana ! “o progresso não tem sentido se for compartilhada por todos” Aristóteles
  • 74. A Brazilian model of innovation?
  • 75. • Biodiversity culture of innovation – multiple components of innovation – cultural varieties
  • 76. Models of culture of innovation in EUROPE
  • 77. Models of culture of innovation at the world level ? 49th in 2011, 58th in 2012, 64th in 2013, ...
  • 78. Global prespectives emergence of a new global leader with considerable assets rapid growth for 10 years, a relative pose, future prospects the relationship with China and the BRICS take off in education, science and technology the land of the internet Brazilian culture and innovation diversity of backgrounds and cultures all openings and unit value, the Brazilian optimism colors, music, design Democratic cropping Brazilian business and innovation The emergence of highly innovative international Brazilian companies A very educational and industrial innovation culture Examples of innovative projects in brazil
  • 80. • Its geographical size and resources, Brazil is an emerging strategic and economic problems of the economy do not suggest systemic risk. In 2011 he moved up to sixth in the world in terms of GDP (7th place in 2012). It is an agricultural giant, which has reserves of agricultural land, which in a global environment of increasing population pressure is a major asset. His basement is full of minerals, rare metals and oil. Finally, it is a market of 200 million people who access consumer, thanks to the policies of redistribution of income.
  • 81.
  • 83. O eixo de desenvolvimento sustentável Um coração para a futura estratégia de inovação no BRASIL
  • 84.
  • 85. dos países mais urbanizados do mundo (85%)
  • 86.
  • 87. This, 200 kilometers from the south-east, the Petrobras group found similar deposits in late 2005 to what was extracted from the North Sea (60 billion barrels). The company exports 300,000 barrels / day. The operational costs of around a million dollars a day for each drilling in deepwater, blew the group's debt to more than $ 80 billion.
  • 88. Defense sector: a strategic issue of importance
  • 89. O Brasil estragou tudo ? … Brazil slows but strong fundamentals
  • 90. Brazil's growth began to decline after 2010 After the euphoria of 2010 (+7.5% growth), 2011 was subdued (+2.7% growth), and 2012, which was to be the year of the recovery, grew only +1 % with high inflation (+5.84%). Consumption, strength of the Brazilian economy has gradually out of breath as a result of family debt because of high interest rates (24% per year). Industrial activity declined (-2.7%) as the investment (- 3.9%). The gap between demand and domestic supply has widened, consumption is based on imports (since 2005 trade has grown by +76% and the processing industry of only +8%). The structural weaknesses of the Brazilian economy are known (lack of infrastructure, bureaucracy, fiscal maquis, education) and they hamper growth in the short term.
  • 91.
  • 92. In the longer term, Brazil is still an unavoidable emerging country 1. In 2011 he moved up to sixth in the world in terms of GDP (7th place in 2012). It is the second largest exporter of iron ore and its basement full of bauxite, gold, manganese, nickel, phosphates, platinum, tin, uranium, rare earth etc. 2. It is also an agricultural giant: 1 producer of coffee, orange juice, sugar and soybeans, the second of beef and poultry. Finally, it is a market of 200 million people who access consumer, thanks to the policies of income redistribution conducted for 10 years who made 40 million Brazilians out of poverty. 3. But it is sorely lacking in infrastructure (11% of the roads are paved), know-how and innovation (568 patents per year, 10,000 in France). 4. Brazil is a country still somewhat open (9.6% against 22% for France, it represents 1.3% of world trade) and the European Union, its biggest trading partner (the first client and the first supplier) in favor to support Brazil's growth, at a time when trade negotiations looming position.
  • 93. A importância na economia e brasileira das Regiões Sul e Sudeste br. Relatório da “Brookings Institution” (Washington, DC) Uma proporção impressionante vem de uma pesquisa do banco de dados público LinkedIn para o setor da indústria de "software” , cujos resultados são mostrados na tabela ao lado Metropolitan Area State LinkedIn Software % São Paulo SP 10,480 31.8% Rio de Janeiro RJ 2,720 8.2% Porto Alegre RS 1,950 5.9% Belo Horizonte MG 1,640 5.0% Campinas SP 1,500 4.5% Curitiba PR 1,010 3.1% Recife PE 780 2.4% Brasília DF 700 2.1% Fortaleza CE 450 1.4% Salvador BA 380 1.2% Manaus AM 210 0.6% Vitória ES 10 0.0% Baixada Santista SP - 0.0% Brazil 33,000 Top 13 metros share of nation 66% Dimensão das Plataformas de Exportação localizadas nas Regiões Metropolitanas – Sul e Sudeste Br
  • 94. The dynamic of SAO PAULO state
  • 95.
  • 96. Investments in infrastructure program Campinas, hub ddee aallttaa tteeccnnoollooggiiaa • Investimentos em P&D duas vezes maior que a media nacional • 12 centros de P&D internacionalmente reconhecidos • 02 Universidades: UNICAMP : 33.000 alunos PUCAMP: 22.000 alunos • Mais de 600 empresas com vocação em alta tecnologia Fonte de luz Síncrotron brasileira que, em 2016, substituirá a fonte atual. Prédio com 43 mil m² Acelerador de elétrons e até 45 linhas de luz Investimento de US$ 500 milhões Biotecnologia Nanotecnologia TIC Agroalimenta r Energia Química Fina Petroquímica Farmacêutico Equip. Saúde Materiais
  • 97. Programas de desenvolvimento que se tornaram referências internacionais
  • 98.
  • 99. Erradicação da extrema pobreza : a prodigiosa década
  • 102. Relação privilegiada com BRICS e China
  • 103. A trade balance in equilibrium
  • 104. China and Brazil agreed to establish a swap line of about $30 billion in their respective currencies as they work to reinforce the clout of the world’s largest emerging markets on a global stage.
  • 105. It’s all about China World trading map for bulk carriers december 2013
  • 107. The CBERS Program was born from a partnership between Brazil and China in the space technical scientific segment. Consequently, Brazil joined a select group of countries with remote sensing technology.
  • 108. An important partership with AFRICA in agricultural sector
  • 109. Orçamento da educação cresceu 205,7% em uma década Investments in the National Education Plan
  • 111. Global Researcher Views of Leading Countries in R&D by Technology/Research Area Agriculture & Food Production Auto & Other Motor Vehicle Civil Aerospace, Rail, & Other Transport Military, Defense & Security Composite Nanotech, & Other Advanced Materials Energy Generation & Efficiency Environ-mental & Sustainabi. Healthcare Medical, Life Science & Biotech Infor-mation & Communic ations (ICT) Instrument & Other Non-ICT Electronics U.S. Japan U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. Germany U.S. U.S. U.S. China Germany China China Japan Germany U.S. U.K. Japan Japan Germany U.S. France Russia Germany China Japan Germany China Germany Brazil China Germany U.K. China Japan U.K. Japan India China Japan South Korea Japan France U.K. U.K. China China Germany U.K. Brazil in the first 5 leading countries in the next 10 years Source: Battelle Survey / IESCI
  • 112. Patents filed in Brazil: an issue?
  • 113. Brasilian culture and innovation
  • 115. BRASIL: Understand the future of a country 1889, progress as a moto 1941, Land of opportunity 2011, progress in action 2030, Choose our future
  • 116. Extreme variety of population
  • 117.
  • 118. The langage to watch in 2014 ...
  • 119. COUNTRY ANY COLOUR • BRASIL: a country in all colors – incredibly colorful – architecture, objects and incredibly clothing appeal colorful to all the colors of the rainbow architecture, objects and clothing appeal to all the colors of the rainbow
  • 120.
  • 121. • A country all in musique NATURA, music is an expression of bemstardem (welfare for all) Music awakens and enriches our senses. It affects us deeply and makes us feel life. She has a knack for bringing people and integrate individuals.
  • 123. A connexion to innovation and to the world
  • 124.
  • 125.
  • 126.
  • 127.
  • 128.
  • 129.
  • 130. The importance of ICT security BRASIL « has one of the most vunerable and unprotected internet infrastructures in the world », according to IPEA.
  • 131. The democratic cropping: The brasilian innovation in 2013
  • 132.
  • 133. Social innovation in action: for democracy Increase of 7% of prices in bus and in the metro 0.20 reals = 7 cents of euros
  • 134.
  • 135. The expression of diversity
  • 136.
  • 137. A design in full effervescence based Brazilian values
  • 138. The value of the Brasilian design
  • 139.
  • 141. Certainly two most well-known brasilian products in world
  • 142. Brasilian business and innovation
  • 143. Surgimento de um modelo brasileiro de inovação
  • 144. Example: leadership in transport sectors
  • 145. The new brand made in BRASIL! Seleção Brasileira de Alimentos 'Innovation Breakfast': ENIVRANCE
  • 146. Business culture of innovation in BRASIL (1)
  • 147. Business culture of innovation in BRASIL (2)
  • 148. Business culture of innovation in BRASIL (3)
  • 149. Brasil: is there a future for innovation ?
  • 150. ?
  • 151.
  • 152. Say YES to INOVAÇÃO Say YES to BRASIL Obrigado !