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Requiem for a BlueFin Tunaan International Trade Analysis (1998/2009)Uncovering the relentless overfishing of a collapsed fish stock Requiem for a BlueFin Tunaan International Trade Analysis (1998/2009)Uncovering the relentless overfishing of a collapsed fish stockA Report by:Suaviter in modo, Fortiter in re.Advanced Tuna Ranching Technologies, SL ©®™C/ O’Donnell, 32 – 2º E28009 Madrid, Spain.Cell: + 34 650 37 76 98Email: An international disgrace governed by a looting rationale “Suppose that I stick to my quota, but others do not. In this case BlueFins will get fished out, and everyone will be the looser in the long term. But I will be a looser in the short term as well, since by confining myself to the quota allocated to me I will suffer an immediate drop in income that others do not. Suppose on the other hand that I break my quota. Then, if others break theirs, BlueFins get fished out, certainly, but I am not a special loser. Contrariwise, if others keep to their quotas while I break mine, the stock will be preserved to my long term benefit as well as theirs, but unlike them, I will not suffer an immediate drop in income either. So, whether other BlueFin Tuna fishing states ignore or observe their quotas, my best strategy is to ignore mine, while blaming others for doing so.”  Index            Page Introduction005 Trade data sources and general methodology007 Used Sources for Processed Fresh & Frozen BlueFin Tuna Trade Statistical Data Crosschecks007 Used Statistical Codes for Processed Fresh & Frozen BlueFin Tuna Trade012 ICCAT Codes for Processed Fresh & Frozen BlueFin Tuna Trade and Used Conversion Factors014 Antecedents of a Peak BlueFin Tuna scenario016 Overkill logistics016 Overkill NEA+MED BFT Quotas & TACs; “Negotiating with biology”...018 1998-2009 BFT Trade data Analysis022 An estimation of ex-Trade BlueFin Tuna catches during the period 1998-2009022 Trade-Flux Block I: An estimation of Intra-EU27 Processed Fresh & Frozen BlueFin Tuna trade volumes during the period 1998-2009027 Trade-Flux Block II: An estimation of EU27 Processed Fresh & Frozen BlueFin Tuna exports to Japan during the period 1998-2009039 Trade-Flux Block III: An estimation of EU27 Processed Fresh & Frozen BlueFin Tuna exports to the USA during the period 1998-2009054 Trade-Flux Block IV: An estimation of EU27 Processed Fresh & Frozen BlueFin Tuna exports to non EU27 (Excl. Japan & USA) during the period 1998-2009068 Trade-Flux Block V: An estimation of Processed Fresh & Frozen BlueFin Tuna exports to EU27 by Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt & Turkey, during the period 1998-2009079 Trade-Flux Block VI: An estimation of Processed Fresh & Frozen BlueFin Tuna exports to Japan by Croatia during the period 1998-2009089 Trade-Flux Block VII: An estimation of Processed Fresh & Frozen BlueFin Tuna exports to Japan by Iceland, Norway, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt & Turkey, during the period 1998-2009096 Trade-Flux Block VIII: An estimation of Processed Fresh & Frozen BlueFin Tuna exports to the USA by Iceland, Norway, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt & Turkey, during the period 1998-2009106 Trade-Flux Block IX: An estimation of Processed Fresh & Frozen BlueFin Tuna exports to Korea, China & Panama by Libya & Turkey, during the period 1998-2009113 Conclusions116 List of acronyms129 Introduction ICCAT’s ill-termed Management Plan, pompously set to save Atlantic BlueFin Tuna (BFT) from stock collapse, has turned out to be a total and utter failure. ICCAT has the dishonourable privilege of having overseen a 72% decline in the adult population of the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean stock of BlueFin tuna and an 82% percent decline in the adult population of the western Atlantic stock, over the past 40 years. In recent years (1998-2008) countries that fish the eastern stock, which spawns in the Mediterranean, have illegally done so at over twice the sustainable level, thus causing the dramatic stock decline of a species that has been fished inside the Mediterranean Sea for as long as 7.000 years. Tuna ranches in Cyprus remain empty in 2009 due to extreme low catches in the eastern Mediterranean; Tuna ranches in Malta, Greece, Turkey and Tunisia have been jam-packed with juvenile BFT in 2008 and 2009. Rampant BFT over catch during the past five years has not been reduced by the so called ICCAT BFT Management Plan and meagre enforcement of fishing, ranching and trade control measures. Chart 000: “Aquacalypse now”: An intolerable tax-free loot by one of the most heavily subsidised fishing, ranching and trading industries worldwide. An unbearable scam in the eyes of concerned tax-payers, namely in the European Union, by far the main culprit of such an international disgrace. In fact and contrary to ICCAT’s grossly underreported catch statistics, the gap between ICCAT yearly allocated BFT quotas and BFT real catches has widen alarmingly. Since a traded BlueFin Tuna can only be a fished BFT, the present report uses official trade data as a mean to estimate the degree of real BFT overfishing during the past decade. It clearly demonstrates, among other facts, that yearly detected and identified BFT quota over-catches have raised from 3.569.673,48 Kgs. in 2004 to a staggering 24.297.826,03 Kgs. in 2008. The 2004-2008 wholesale value of such an intolerable tax-free loot would amount to some € 1.411 million; whereas the wholesale value of such over catches for the period 1998-2008 would amount to a total ≈ € 3.076 million, that is ≈ 25% of an estimated ≈ € 12.000 million global BFT trade value, calculated for the last decade. Such values, in essence conservative, do not take into account BFT black-market trade fluxes during the 1998-2008 decade. This “international disgrace” has been characterised by recurrent mala-fides and wilful ignorance in the light of fishing and ranching blatant illegalities having been committed by ICCAT Contracting Parties themselves during the period 1998-2008. As Dr. Peter Makoto Miyake, Former Deputy Director General of ICCAT confirms, “the reason for the failure in the management of Eastern Atlantic BlueFin tuna is that fishing countries around the Mediterranean have not complied with ICCAT's regulatory measures. (...)  If member States had abided by the quota, the present situation would never have happened.” And yet the proposal to ban international trade of Atlantic BlueFin Tuna (BFT) thus recommending a listing of the species on Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) could only but further sparkled the picaresque of a ruthless global Tuna cartel with little or no social-responsibility culture. Adding outrage to insult, a widespread “à la carte” pseudo-scientific media campaign, generously funded by one of the most heavily subsidised fishing, ranching and trading industries worldwide, is now proactively denying that the King of Sushi is just about to collapse if not definitively gone. Requiem for a BlueFin Tuna, an international trade analysis (1998-2009), Uncovering the relentless overfishing of a collapsed fish stock. Printed in Madrid, Spain on October 20nd 2009. Trade data sources and general methodology Used Sources for Processed Fresh & Frozen BlueFin Tuna Trade Statistical Data Crosschecks Recorded exports of fresh & frozen BFT from Mediterranean countries to Japan, the USA, the EU, Korea and other destinations, have been analysed in an attempt to assess the levels of wild BFT having been caught in the North East Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea (NEA + MED) from January 1998 to December 2008, included. In order to assess such levels of BFT catches during such period, a number of ICCAT Contracting Parties’ Statistical Document bi-annual reports were reviewed and data contained in such documents was logged into a database. This Report’s findings are based on a Trade-Flux Block (TFB)-Crosscheck Analysis Approach. The following  BlueFin Tuna (BFT) TFBs and related sources of official trade statistical data, were thus analysed in an attempt to estimate the amounts of wild BFT having been caught in the North East Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea (NEA + MED) from January 1998 to December 2008, included. Trade-Flux Block I: Intra EU27 Processed BFT Trade; Trade statistical source: Eurostat Type of trade statistical data: 1998/June 2009 TARIC CN8 Trade Data. Trade-Flux Block II: Processed BFT Exports to Japan by EU27; Trade statistical sources: Eurostat, Japanese Customs, 2005-2008 Bi-annual Statistical Document Declarations to ICCAT Type of trade statistical data: 1998/June 2009 TARIC CN8 Trade Data, 1998/June 2009 HS9 Trade Data, 2005-2008 semestrial processed fresh & frozen BFT Exports. Trade-Flux Block III: Processed BFT Exports to USA by EU27; Trade statistical sources: Eurostat, US Dept. of Agriculture-Foreign Agricultural Service, 2005-2008 Bi-annual Statistical Document Declarations to ICCAT Type of trade statistical data: 1998/June 2009 TARIC CN8 Trade Data, 1998/June 2009 HS10 Trade Data, 2005-2008 semestrial processed fresh & frozen BFT Exports. Trade-Flux Block IV: Processed BFT Exports to non EU27 (Excl. Japan & USA) by EU27; Trade statistical sources: Eurostat, 2005-2008 Bi-annual Statistical Document Declarations to ICCAT Type of trade statistical data: 1998/June 2009 TARIC CN8 Trade Data, 2005-2008 semestrial processed fresh & frozen BFT Exports. Trade-Flux Block V: Processed BFT Exports by Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt & Turkey to EU27; Trade statistical sources: Eurostat, 2005-2008 Bi-annual Statistical Document Declarations to ICCAT Type of trade statistical data: 1998/June 2009 TARIC CN8 Trade Data, 2005-2008 semestrial processed fresh & frozen BFT Exports. Trade-Flux Block VI: Processed BFT Croatian Exports to Japan; Trade statistical sources: Japan Customs, Croatia Chamber of Economy, Agriculture, Food Industry & Forestry Department, 2005-2008 Bi-annual Statistical Document Declarations to ICCAT Type of trade statistical data: 1998/June 2009 HS9 Trade Data, 2005-2008 semestrial processed fresh & frozen BFT Exports. Trade-Flux Block VII: Processed BFT Exports to Japan by Iceland, Norway, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt & Turkey; Trade statistical sources: Japan Customs, 2005/June 2009 Bi-annual Statistical Document Declarations to ICCAT Type of trade statistical data: 1998/June 2009 HS9 Trade Data, 2005/June 2009 semestrial processed fresh & frozen BFT Exports. Trade-Flux Block VIII: Processed BFT Exports to USA by Iceland, Morocco, Tunisia & Turkey; Trade statistical sources: US Dept. of Agriculture-Foreign Agricultural Service, 2005/June 2009 Bi-annual Statistical Document Declarations to ICCAT Type of trade statistical data: 1998/June 2009 HS10 Trade Data, 2005/June 2009 semestrial processed fresh & frozen BFT Exports. Trade-Flux Block IX: Processed BFT Exports to Korea, China & Panama by Libya & Turkey. Trade statistical sources: 2005/June 2009 Bi-annual Statistical Document Declarations to ICCAT Type of trade statistical data: 2005/June 2009 semestrial processed fresh & frozen BFT Exports. Other official sources of information have also been monitored and used for the purpose of this report. These are: ICCAT: 1998/2008 SCRS Task I Catch Data 2007/2008 CoC CPs reports 2008/2009 BCD database Catch Data 2005/2009 CPs’ Bi-annual Statistical Document Declarations 2005 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Japan 2005 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Algeria: ICCAT Circular: 1328/06 2005 Q1+Q2+Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by China: ICCAT Circular: 667/06 2005 Q1+Q2+Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Turkey: ICCAT Circular: 558/06 2005 Q1+Q2+Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by USA: ICCAT Circular: 2157/06 2005 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Croatia: ICCAT Circular: 504/06 2005 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by EU: ICCAT Circular: 815/06 2005 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Japan: ICCAT Circular: 760/06 2005 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Korea: ICCAT Circular: 684/06 2005 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Taiwan: ICCAT Circular: 585/06 2005 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Tunisia: ICCAT Circulars: 092/06, 300/06 & 1513/06 2005 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Turkey: ICCAT Circulars: 1226/06, 025/07 2005 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by USA: ICCAT Circular: 739/06 2006 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by EU: ICCAT Circular: 1929/06 2006 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Japan: ICCAT Circular: 1847/06 2006 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Korea: ICCAT Circular: 1776/06 2006 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Taiwan: ICCAT Circular: 1624/06 2006 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Turkey: ICCAT Circular: 025/07 2006 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by USA: ICCAT Circular: 2517/06 2006 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Croatia: ICCAT Circulars: 228/07 & 382/07 2006 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by EU: ICCAT Circular: 614/07 2006 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Japan: ICCAT Circular: 627/07 2006 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Korea: ICCAT Circular: 1089/07 2006 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Morocco: ICCAT Circular: 430/07 2006 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Taiwan: ICCAT Circular: 499/07 2006 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Tunisia: ICCAT Circular: 239/07 2006 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Turkey: ICCAT Circular: 1040/07 2006 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by USA: ICCAT Circular: 541/07 2007 Q1+Q2+Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by China: ICCAT Circular: 1990/08 2007 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Croatia: ICCAT Circular: 1659/07 2007 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by EU: ICCAT Circular: 2031/07 2007 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Japan: ICCAT Circular: 1951/07 2007 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Korea: ICCAT Circular: 2208/08 2007 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Taiwan: ICCAT Circular: 1506/07 (Revised) 2007 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Tunisia: ICCAT Circular: 2034/07 2007 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Turkey: ICCAT Circular: 1743/07 2007 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by USA: ICCAT Circular: 1782/07 2007 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by China: ICCAT Circular: 129/08 2007 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by EU: ICCAT Circular: 987/08 2007 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Japan: ICCAT Circular: 500/08 2007 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Korea: ICCAT Circular: 2288/08 2007 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Tunisia: ICCAT Circular: 203/08 2007 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Turkey: ICCAT Circular: 299/08 2007 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by USA: ICCAT Circular: 637/08 2008 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by China: ICCAT Circular: 2289/09 2008 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by EU: ICCAT Circular: 2187/08 2008 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Japan 2008 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Korea: ICCAT Circular: 2288/08 2008 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Taiwan: ICCAT Circular: 1783/08 2008 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Turkey: ICCAT Circulars: 1429/08 & 1936/09 2008 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by USA: ICCAT Circular: 1964/08 2008 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by EU: ICCAT Circular: 1197/09 2008 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Japan: ICCAT Circular: 716/09 2009 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Turkey: ICCAT Circulars: 1788/09 & 1799/09 No 2009 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual reports by Japan, EU, USA, China, Korea, Taiwan and other ICCAT CPs were made available by ICCAT at the time of print of this report. Data corresponding to BFT having been caught during 2008 but exported during Q1+Q2 2009, contained in such 2009 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual reports, would have therefore been crosschecked with available 2009 Q1+Q2 BFT Trade statistical data from other official sources (Namely Japan Customs, Eurostat and US Dept. of Agriculture-Foreign Agricultural Service) thus allowing a more refined crosscheck of BFT Trade data for such period. Croatia Chamber of Economy (Agriculture, Food Industry & Forestry Department) Used Statistical Codes for Processed Fresh & Frozen BlueFin Tuna Trade Eurostat TARIC CN8 Codes 03023510:Fresh or chilled BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, 03023590:Fresh or chilled BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, (Excluding Tunas for industrial processing or preservation), 03023911:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, fresh or chilled, for industrial processing or preservation, 03023991:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, fresh or chilled (Excluding Tunas for industrial processing or preservation), 03034511:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, whole, 03034513:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, gilled and gutted, 03034519:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, without head and gills, but still to be gutted, 03034590:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, (Excluding Tunas for industrial processing or preservation), 03034921:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation, whole, 03034923:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation, gilled and gutted, 03034929:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation (Excluding whole and gilled and gutted). Japan Customs HS9 Codes 0302.35-000:Fresh or chilled BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation; 0302.39-010:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, Fresh or chilled, for industrial processing or preservation; 0303.45-000:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, whole; 0303.49-010:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation, whole; 0304.20-092:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation, fillet, loin or other presentations; 0304.29-920:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation, fillet, loin or other presentations; 0304.90-091:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation, fillet, loin or other presentations; 0304.99-991:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation. US Dept. of Agriculture-Foreign Agricultural Service HS10 Codes 0302350000Fresh or chilled BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation; 0302390020BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, Fresh or chilled, for industrial processing or preservation; 0303450000Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, whole; 0303490020BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation, fillet, loin or other presentations; ICCAT Codes for Processed Fresh & Frozen BlueFin Tuna Trade and Used Conversion Factors Where appropriate, possible and/or necessary, Conversion Factors used to calculate BFT Round Weight used for statistical analysis and calculation are: Belly Meat x10.28 Dressed Weightx  1.25 Fillets & Loinsx  1.67 Gilled & Guttedx  1.16 Othersx  2.00 In all cases, immediately inferior Conversion Factor is applied in case of doubt between two possibilities, as shown in following Table 001. Product Type DescriptionProduct Type CodeProduct Shape DescriptionProduct Shape CodeProduct Origin DescriptionConversion Factor Frozen to Fresh WeightConversion Factor to Whole/Round WeightConversion Factor Wild/RanchedFresh or ChilledFDressedDRRanched1,0001,2501,140Fresh or ChilledFDressedDRWild1,0001,2501,000Fresh or ChilledFFilletFLRanched1,0001,6701,140Fresh or ChilledFFilletFLWild1,0001,6701,000Fresh or ChilledFGilled & GuttedGGRanched1,0001,1601,140Fresh or ChilledFGilled & GuttedGGWild1,0001,1601,000Fresh or ChilledFNot availablen/an/a1,0001,1601,000Fresh or ChilledFOther, Loin, Saku Block, etc…OTRanched1,0001,0001,140Fresh or ChilledFOther, Loin, Saku Block, etc…OTWild1,0001,0001,000Fresh or ChilledFWhole, RoundRDRanched1,0001,0001,140Fresh or ChilledFWhole, RoundRDWild1,0001,0001,000FrozenFRDressedDRRanched1,1001,2501,140FrozenFRDressedDRn/a1,1001,2501,000FrozenFRDressedDRWild1,1001,2501,000FrozenFRFilletFLRanched1,1001,6701,140FrozenFRFilletFLWild1,1001,6701,000FrozenFRGilled & GuttedGGRanched1,1001,1601,140FrozenFRGilled & GuttedGGWild1,1001,1601,000FrozenFRNot availablen/an/a1,1001,1601,000FrozenFROther, Loin, Saku Block, etc…OTRanched1,1001,0001,140FrozenFROther, Loin, Saku Block, etc…OTWild1,1001,0001,000FrozenFRWhole, RoundRDRanched1,1001,0001,140FrozenFRWhole, RoundRDWild1,1001,0001,000 Table 001: Codes for Processed Fresh & Frozen BlueFin Tuna Trade and used Conversion Factors. According to industry sources, belly meat of 8% of wild long-lined and purse-seined BFT is exported on its own, since the rest of the meat is generally not suitable for the Japanese market. Applying an x10,28 Conversion Factor to such product would therefore be safe, though a double counting may occur in the case that such belly meat is exported to Japan and the rest is exported or distributed to lesser choosier markets. According to Industry Sources, the amount of ranched BFT belly meat exported to Japan has been historically minimal (less than 2%). Applying an x10,28 Conversion Factor to farmed BFT belly meat would again be misleading in that there is no effective method to identify whether or not such product is accompanied by loins or fillets belonging to the same fish. (Ranched BFT belly meat and loins may be exported separately thus possibly creating a double-count or over-estimation when converted into Ranched Round Weight (R/RW) and/or W/RW) Accordingly, we have chosen to compute BFT Belly Meat as well as other product shapes (OT) in our calculations as if Whole (RD) with a x 1.000 Conversion Factor to round weight, thus providing to our final results a conservative degree of statistical comfort. Likewise, not available product shapes are also computed as if Whole (RD) with an x 1.000 Conversion Factor to round weight. Whenever the declared origin of the exported/imported BFT is stated as “Ranched” but reported fishing gear is “n/a”, “UNCL” or “OT” we have assumed that fishing gear is “PS” as purse seining is the only fishing gear that allows  BlueFin Tuna to be caught and transferred live into tuna ranching cages. Some experimental live  BlueFin Tuna transferring from set nets: “TRAP” into ranching cages has nevertheless taken place. However, this technique has been hardly used. Accordingly, whenever the declared origin of the exported/imported BFT is stated as “Farmed” and reported fishing gear is “TRAP” we have concurred that fishing gear is “TRAP”. Recently publicised BFT fattening ratios of up to 300% are flatly contested. Serious scientific evidence backing such fantasy claims is simply non-existent if not purportedly faked. To all purposes, maximum average Conversion Factor from ranched BFT weight to Wild Round Weight (W/RW) used in this report is 1,140, with the exception of Croatian Ranched BFT for which such conversion factor is 1,350. References to NEI (unreported)  BlueFin Tuna catch contained in ICCAT data sources were calculated following the formulation: NEI = A – B – C – 0.8 D Where: A = Catch reported to ICCAT B = Imports to USA C = Imports to Japan from wild fish D = Imports to Japan from farming When the NEI values thus calculated are negative, they are taken as estimates of unreported catch. Statistical crosschecks between two or more BFT trade statistical data sources have thus been performed where appropriate, possible and/or necessary. In order to further avoid double counting, live-BFT import/exports amongst ICCAT Contracting Parties inside the Mediterranean Sea under Eurostat TARIC Code: 0301999060, have been discarded for general calculation purposes, with the exception of: Those registered exports of “live-BFT” by EU27 Member States that do not operate inside the Mediterranean Sea, ex. Sweden, Ireland, Denmark and other North European States. Those registered exports of “live-BFT” by EU27 Member States that do operate inside the Mediterranean Sea but for which monthly recorded exports of such “live-BFT” took place well before or after the PS summer fishing season and therefore cannot correspond to true live-BFT transferred to Tuna Ranches. Those registered exports of “live-BFT” by EU27 Member States that operate inside the Mediterranean Sea but for which monthly recorded export volumes for such “live-BFT” are so low that cannot correspond to true live-BFT transferred to Tuna Ranches despite of the fact such monthly recorded exports of “live-BFT” did take place in or around the PS summer fishing season. To all purposes, processed fresh/chilled and frozen BFT trade export/import fluxes are strictly and only order by final exporting and/or importing countries. This does not imply in any way that such export fluxes are directly attributable to BFT catches by recorded final exporting countries. Antecedents of a Peak BlueFin Tuna scenario Overkill logistics Massive overfishing of  BlueFin Tuna by Mediterranean and Asian vessels over the past 12 years is a consequence of first-purchase price squeezing by Japanese tuna companies of wild and ranched BFT producers, while controlling inflation of local end-consumer prices. Thanks to a new generation of ultra-low freezing technology, Japanese fresh and frozen tuna traders are no longer faced with the urgency of its rapid market distribution. Tuna has thus become a commodity with which Japan can indeed speculate. During the 1998-2009 period, Japan has built an impressive revolving frozen BFT stock in its mainland cold-storage stock of frozen fishery products. As shown in Chart 001 and according to NOAA, Japan’s Medium Yearly Frozen BFT mainland registered holdings alone, rose from 15.907 Metric tonnes during 1998 up to 23.623 Metric tonnes during 2009 first semester. It is thought that unrecorded holdings in mainland Japan and abroad in June 2009 could have amounted to some 47.000 Metric tonnes. Chart 001: Mediterranean BFT Ranching Capacity Vs. Frozen BFT Holdings in Japan (All values in Kgs) Faced with lower profit margins, higher fuel costs and a weaker yen, wild and ranched  BlueFin Tuna producers have had no other choice but to overfish and pump-up their BFT ranching capacity, in order to break even over the same 1998-2009 period. Again and as shown in Chart 001, the Mediterranean BFT Ranching Capacity has soared from 3.500 Metric tonnes maximum ranching capacity back in 1998, to a staggering 63.042 Metric tonnes maximum ranching capacity in 2009. Likewise and as shown in Chart 002, the operative Mediterranean Tuna purseine fishing fleet has increased by over 35% during the period 1998-2009. Its operative fishing capacity is thought to have almost doubled due to evermore performing engines, hulls, fishing gears, fish detection technology as well as the widespread use of tuna-spotting aircrafts, banned by ICCAT as late as in 2007. Chart 002: Yearly variation of operative Mediterranean BFT Purseiners by ICCAT Contracting Parties (More than 35,5% increase in fishing capacity in just over a decade) The EU, via its FIFG-IFOP grant program, has largely contributed to this spiralling fishing and ranching overcapacity and uncontrolled overcapitalisation. According to, the entire EU Mediterranean BFT purseine fishing fleet alone, would have been subsidised by at least € 24.189.236,00. Finally and according to ICCAT itself, the operative BFT reefer vessel fleet has soared from 24 units back in 1998 to 40 units in 2009, as shown in Chart 003. Chart 003: Yearly variation of operative BFT Reefer Vessels registered with ICCAT (Freezing & carrying capacity of frozen BFT has almost doubled  in just over a decade)  Overkill NEA+MED BFT Quotas & TACs; “Negotiating with biology”... In 1997 and with declared 1996 annual  BlueFin Tuna catches in the order of 43.000 Metric tonnes, ICCAT’s scientific body, the Standing Committee on Research and Statistics (SCRS) recommends a catch of 25.000 Metric tonnes. In 1998, the SCRS maintained its 25,000 Metric tonnes recommendation noting that it will “halt the decline in spawning biomass” but could not be expected to return it to historical levels. ICCAT recommends a 1999 the Total Allowable Catch (TAC, quota) of 32.000 Metric tonnes and 29.500 Metric tonnes for 2000. (See Table 002 & Chart 005: Yearly variation of ICCAT BFT Quotas or EU BFT TACs) In 2002 ICCAT sets the TAC for East Atlantic and Mediterranean BlueFin Tuna at 32.000 Metric tonnes for the period 2003-2006. In its 2006 assessment, SCRS notes that reported catches were below quota in 2003-2004 but substantially higher in 2005 – though it believed actual real catches were in the order of 50.000 Metric tonnes throughout the period and that “it is apparent that the TAC regulation … was not respected and was largely ineffective in controlling overall catch”. In 2006 and according yet again to ICCAT’s SCRS “the only scenarios which have potential to address the declines and initiate recovery are those which (in combination) close the Mediterranean to fishing during spawning season and decrease mortality on small fish through fully enforced increases in minimum size. Realized catches in the next few years implied by fully implementing these actions are expected to be in the order of 15.000 tonnes.” Chart 004: Yearly variation of Total NEA + MED PS BFT Catches according to ICCAT's Task I. (Source: ICCAT) Vs. Effective Total adjusted ICCAT NEA+MED BFT Yearly Quotas. (Source: ICCAT) and ICCAT-SCRS Total NEA+MED yearly BFT quota recommendations.  In turn, ICCAT votes to accept an EU proposal for a quota of 29.500 Metric tonnes, reducing to 25.500 Metric tonnes by 2010. Contracting Parties1996 or Base³199719981999200020012002⁵20032004200520062007200820092010Albania0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0050.000,0050.000,00Algeria¹0,000,000,00304.000,004.000.000,004.000.000,000,001.500.000,001.464.000,001.523.000,001.693.000,001.838.770,001.460.040,001.117.420,001.012.130,00China84.000,0084.000,00120.800,00117.800,0055.000,0075.000,0076.000,0074.000,00128.700,00128.700,00117.800,00103.670,0063.550,0061.320,0056.860,00Croatia1.410.000,001.410.000,001.362.500,001.406.500,001.313.000,001.259.000,001.232.000,001.155.000,00951.000,001.069.000,001.022.000,00862.310,00833.080,00641.450,00581.510,00Cyprus0,000,000,0014.000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00154.680,00149.440,00112.080,00n/aEgypt0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0050.000,0050.000,00France6.420.000,005.840.000,005.250.000,006.413.000,006.279.000,006.279.000,006.461.000,006.298.000,006.233.000,006.192.700,006.182.000,005.493.650,005.306.730,002.859.000,00n/aGreece664.500,00664.500,00664.500,00126.000,00329.000,00329.000,00359.500,00473.500,00326.000,00323.400,00323.000,00287.230,00277.460,00208.095,00n/aIceland0,000,000,000,000,000,000,0030.000,0040.000,0050.000,0060.000,0053.340,0051.530,0049.720,0046.110,00Italy5.161.500,005.161.500,005.161.500,003.463.000,004.958.000,004.958.000,006.105.000,005.264.700,004.920.000,004.888.000,004.880.000,004.336.310,004.188.770,003.141.577,50n/aJapan3.554.000,003.554.000,002.666.000,003.122.000,002.780.000,002.949.000,002.813.000,002.949.000,003.050.000,002.982.000,002.790.000,003.030.920,002.430.540,001.871.440,001.696.570,00Korea²688.000,00688.000,00591.000,001.197.000,001.816.000,002.429.400,002.429.400,002.428.900,002.428.900,001.728.900,00741.900,00851.700,00171.770,00132.260,00119.900,00Libya⁴ ⁷1.332.000,001.332.000,001.302.000,001.300.000,001.199.000,001.570.000,001.570.000,001.286.000,001.833.800,001.934.200,002.283.500,001.359.000,001.381.990,001.091.520,001.002.330,00Malta0,000,000,00344.000,00419.000,00387.000,000,000,000,000,000,00355.590,00343.540,00257.655,00n/aMorocco⁴ ⁸1.812.000,001.812.000,001.359.000,002.430.000,003.028.000,003.028.000,003.028.000,003.030.000,003.551.000,003.551.000,003.948.000,003.151.300,003.055.560,002.415.260,002.218.490,00Norway0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0053.340,0051.530,0049.720,0046.110,00Others0,000,000,000,000,000,001.633.000,001.146.000,001.100.000,001.000.000,00823.000,000,000,000,000,00Portugal500.718,75500.718,75500.718,75519.000,00599.000,00599.000,00803.500,00752.300,00594.000,00590.200,00590.000,00523.880,00506.060,00379.545,00n/aRest of EU MemberStates¹⁰ 0,000,0060.000,0060.000,0060.000,0060.000,0059.500,0060.000,0060.000,0060.000,0060.000,0060.000,00832.517,50n/aSpain5.321.896,505.321.896,505.321.896,505.555.000,006.365.000,006.365.000,006.497.000,006.383.700,006.317.000,006.276.700,006.266.000,005.568.210,005.378.760,004.116.530,00n/aSyria0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0053.340,0051.530,0050.000,0050.000,00Taiwan² ⁶546.750,00546.750,00546.750,00714.000,001.123.000,001.468.000,001.493.000,00827.000,00382.000,00331.000,00480.000,00333.600,0068.710,0068.710,0066.300,00Tunisia⁹2.503.000,002.503.000,002.180.300,002.761.300,002.553.300,002.513.300,002.144.000,002.503.000,004.254.000,004.197.000,003.573.000,002.333.600,002.364.480,001.937.870,001.775.670,00Turkey0,000,000,001.155.000,00903.000,002.058.000,000,000,000,000,000,00918.320,00887.190,00683.110,00619.280,00Effective Total adjusted ICCAT NEA+MED BFT Yearly Quotas29.998.365,2529.418.365,2527.026.965,2531.001.600,0037.779.300,0040.326.700,0036.704.400,0036.160.600,0037.633.400,0036.825.800,0035.833.200,0031.722.760,0029.082.260,0022.176.800,0019.950.000,00ICCAT Recommendation Nº and/or EU Commission Regulation Nº:94-11 & 95-0594-11 & 95-0594-11 & 95-0598-05 & EU Creg. 49/199998-05 & EU Creg. 2742/199900-09 & EU Creg. 2848/2000 No ICCAT quotas & EU Creg. 2555/2001 + EU Creg. 1811/200202-08 & EU Creg. 2341/200202-08 & EU Creg. 2287/200302-08 & EU Creg. 27/200502-08 & EU Creg. 51/200606-05 & EU Creg. 41/200706-05 & EU proposed 2008 TACs (Pink)08-05 & EU TACs08-05 & EU TACsICCAT National Quota adjustments:     Adjusted quotas according to EA + MED BFT Compliance Table adopted in 2004. ICCAT biennial period, 2004-2005 Part I (2004)-Vol. 1.  Adjusted quotas according to EA + MED BFT Compliance Table adopted in 2007. Underages of Libya, Morocco and Tunisia in 2005 and 2006, carried over to 2009 and 2010 included.Adjusted quotas according to EA + MED BFT Compliance Table adopted in 1999. ICCAT biennial period, 1998-1999 Part II (1999)-Vol. 1.Adjusted quotas according to EA + MED BFT Compliance Table adopted in 2001. ICCAT biennial period, 2000-2001 Part II (2001)-Vol. 1.   Adjusted quotas according to EA + MED BFT Compliance Table adopted in 2002. ICCAT biennial period, 2002-2003 Part I (2002)-Vol. 1.  Adjusted quotas according to EA + MED BFT Compliance Table adopted in 2005. ICCAT biennial period, 2004-2005 Part II (2005)-Vol. 1. Adjusted quotas according to EA + MED BFT Compliance Table adopted in 2003. ICCAT biennial period, 2002-2003 Part II (2003)-Vol. 1.     Adjusted quotas according to EA + MED BFT Compliance Table adopted in 2006. ICCAT biennial period, 2006-2007 Part I (2006)-Vol. 1.            Table 002: Yearly variation of ICCAT BFT adjusted Quotas or EU BFT TACs (All values in Kgs) Chart 005: Yearly variation of ICCAT BFT adjusted Quotas or EU BFT TACs (All values in Kgs) In 2008 ICCAT’s SCRS estimated 2007 BlueFin Tuna catches amounting to 61.000 Metric tonnes, twice the current total allowable catch (TAC), and four times the sustainable level. SCRS recommended TACs of between 8.500 and 15.000 Metric tonnes, noting that continuing with “the current management scheme will most probably lead to further reduction in spawning stock biomass with high risk of fisheries and stock collapse”. In turn, ICCAT independent performance review deems management of the East Atlantic and Mediterranean BlueFin fishery to be an “international disgrace” with “indications that collapse could be a real possibility”. The report recommends ICCAT immediately suspends fishing until its members show they “can control and report on their catch”. Additional recommended measures include closure of spawning grounds in spawning periods. Noting illegal fishing pushing to twice quota levels and four times scientific recommendations the report concludes “It is difficult to describe this as responsible fisheries management.” Notwithstanding, ICCAT casted aside the views of its scientists and the review panel to endorse a revised “recovery plan” with a 2009 TAC of 22.000 Metric tonnes and a “bad weather” tweak to the closed season which inevitably allowed additional industrial fishing during the 2009 spawning season. 1998-2009 BFT Trade data Analysis An estimation of ex-Trade BlueFin Tuna catches during the period 1998-2009 According to ICCAT-SCRS Task I, ICCAT Contracting Parties have declared a total of 12.459.193,00 Kgs. of W/RW BlueFin Tuna having been caught by Mediterranean and North East Atlantic Sport fishermen during the period 1998-2008. The yearly variations of such catches ordered by ICCAT CP can be seen in Table: 003. (Page 23) Such catches do not appear on any Trade Database since they correspond to Sport fisheries across the Mediterranean Sea and the North East Atlantic, thus unsuitable by law for commercial and/or trade purposes. Retained values are expressed in Kgs. of Round Wild Weights (W/RW) According to ICCAT-SCRS Task I, total NEA+MED BFT Catches by China, Faroe Is, Iceland, Japan, Korea, NEI, Norway, Panama, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Syria & Taiwan, during the period 1998-2008, amounted to a total of 47.633.628,00 Kgs. of W/RW BlueFin Tuna. The yearly variations of such catches ordered by ICCAT CP can be seen in Table: 004. (Page 24) We have chosen to compute such catches as having been directly marketed by those CPs at their national markets’ level (Not exported) A crosscheck between such catches and direct recorded BFT exports by China, Korea & Taiwan to Japan contained in 2005 to 2008 Bi-annual Statistical Document Declarations to ICCAT (See Table: 005, Page 25), shows that the W/RW equivalent of processed fresh and frozen BFT exported volumes to Japan by such countries, are almost always inferior to those of their declared annual catches to ICCAT-SCRS Task I A final crosscheck between W/RW data contained Tables: 003, 004 & 005 shows that total W/RW equivalent of BFT catches ex-Trade for the period 1998-June 2009, amounts to 60.608.439,62 Kgs. The yearly variations of such catches (Sport + Industrial BFT catches ex-Trade) ordered by ICCAT CP can be seen in Table: 006 (Page 26) and Chart 006 below. Chart 006: Yearly variations of W/RW equivalent of NEA+MED Sport + Industrial (ex-Trade) BFT catches by China, Faroe Is., Iceland, Japan, Korea & other CPs. All values in Kgs. MED+NEA BFT Sport Catches by ICCAT CPs. Source ICCAT-SCRS Task I  (Not marketed)             ICCAT CP 19981999200020012002200320042005200620072008Jan.-Jun. 2009ALGERIA180.000,00208.000,00159.000,00163.000,00129.000,000,0039.000,0027.000,0021.000,0020.000,000,00 CROATIA1.000,0039.000,000,004.000,001.000,002.000,000,000,000,000,008.473,00 CYPRUS0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,003.478,00 FRANCE22.444,002.921,0013.985,0047.790,0021.705,009.808,002.067,000,000,000,000,00 GREECE279.000,00233.000,00597.000,00341.000,00394.000,00245.000,0073.200,000,006.400,006.550,0093.179,00 ITALY14.000,00425.000,00385.706,00403.169,00621.490,00500.000,00500.100,00500.000,00277.448,000,0016.583,00 MOROCCO634.000,00600.000,00650.000,00195.000,00407.000,00570.000,00597.000,0080.000,00187.000,0019.000,000,00 NEI (FLAG RELATED)64.000,0042.000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 SPAIN122.000,0062.000,00203.294,00170.100,00120.300,00128.060,00106.232,0033.610,0012.010,0030.410,0021.381,00 TUNISIA48.000,0043.000,0037.000,0058.000,0015.000,0046.000,00109.000,004.300,003.000,004.000,000,00              TOTALS:1.364.444,001.654.921,002.045.985,001.382.059,001.709.495,001.500.868,001.426.599,00644.910,00506.858,0079.960,00143.094,000,00 Table 003: MED+NEA BFT Sport Catches by ICCAT CPs (Not marketed, all values are Round Wild Weights) Source: ICCAT-SCRS Task I Cells highlighted in orange correspond to non available or incomplete data. NEA+MED BFT Catches by China, Faroe Is., Iceland, Japan, Korea & other CPs. Source ICCAT-SCRS Task I             COUNTRY 19981999200020012002200320042005200620072008Jan.-Jun. 2009CHINA85.000,00103.000,0079.600,0068.100,0039.100,0019.300,0041.000,0023.695,00 72.000,0096.289,00 FAROE ISLANDS67.000,00104.000,00118.000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 ICELAND2.000,0027.000,000,000,001.133,000,000,000,000,000,0050.000,00 JAPAN3.556.000,003.071.000,003.031.000,002.577.000,002.926.000,003.011.000,002.653.000,002.976.000,002.452.000,002.078.000,003.031.004,0080.240,00JAPAN (ALGERIAN CHARTER)0,000,00700.000,00109.000,00186.000,000,00167.000,00712.000,0088.000,00754.000,000,00 KOREA66.000,000,005.573,00500,00 0,00700.000,001.145.000,0027.000,00276.000,00335.000,00 NEI (COMBINED)1.030.000,001.995.000,00109.000,00571.000,00508.000,00610.000,00709.000,000,000,000,000,00 NEI (FLAG RELATED)891.000,00140.000,0017.000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 NORWAY0,005.000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00295,00 PANAMA0,0013.000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 SERBIA0,000,004.350,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 SEYCHELLES0,000,000,000,001.635,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 SIERRA LEONE0,000,0092.620,00118.344,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 SYRIA0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0049.590,0040.500,00 TAIWAN456.000,00249.000,00313.000,00633.000,00666.000,00445.000,0051.000,00277.000,009.000,000,000,00              TOTALS:6.153.000,005.707.000,004.470.143,004.076.944,004.327.868,004.085.300,004.321.000,005.133.695,002.576.000,003.229.590,003.553.088,0080.240,00 Table 004: NEA+MED BFT Catches by China, Faroe Is, Iceland, Japan, Korea, NEI, Norway, Panama, Serbia Seychelles, S. Leone Syria & Taiwan (All values are Round Wild Weights) Source: ICCAT-SCRS Task I Cells highlighted in orange correspond to non available or incomplete data. NEA+MED Processed BFT Exports by China, Faroe Is., Iceland, Japan, Korea & other CPs. Source: Bi-annual Statistical Document Declarations to ICCAT             EXPORTING COUNTRIES19981999200020012002200320042005200620072008Jan.-Jun. 2009CAPE VERDE       8.137,000,0060.000,0045.500,00 CHINA       0,0047.000,0028.000,0051.550,00 IVORY COAST       13.982,000,000,000,00 KOREA       86.267,0076.645,30107.838,1095.875,40 TAIWAN       135.092,0067.186,008.849,400,00              TOTALS:0,000,000,000,000,000,000,00243.478,00190.831,30204.687,50192.925,400,00             W/RW Equivalent of NEA+MED Processed BFT Exports by China, Faroe Is., Iceland, Japan, Korea & other CPs.             EXPORTING COUNTRIES19981999200020012002200320042005200620072008Jan.-Jun. 2009CAPE VERDE       10.382,810,0076.560,0058.058,00 CHINA       0,0059.972,0035.728,0065.769,00 IVORY COAST       17.841,030,000,000,00 KOREA       130.361,70105.881,66168.277,59152.746,97 TAIWAN       172.377,3973.663,7211.291,830,00              TOTALS:0,000,000,000,000,000,000,00330.962,93239.517,38291.857,42276.573,970,00 Table 005: NEA+MED Processed BFT Exports and W/RW Equivalent, by China, Faroe Is., Iceland, Japan, Korea & other CPs. Source: Bi-annual Statistical Document Declarations to ICCAT Cells highlighted in orange correspond to non available or incomplete data. NEA+MED BFT Catches by China, Faroe Is., Iceland, Japan, Korea & other CPs. Source: ICCAT-SCRS Task I and NEA+MED Processed BFT Exports by China, Faroe Is., Iceland, Japan, Korea & other CPs. (All values W/RW Equivalent in Kgs.)             COUNTRY 19981999200020012002200320042005200620072008Jan.-Jun. 2009ALGERIA180.000,00208.000,00159.000,00163.000,00129.000,000,0039.000,0027.000,0021.000,0020.000,000,00 CAPE VERDE0,000,000,000,000,000,000,0010.382,810,0076.560,0058.058,00 CHINA85.000,00103.000,0079.600,0068.100,0039.100,0019.300,0041.000,0047.000,0059.972,0088.000,0096.289,00 CROATIA1.000,0039.000,000,004.000,001.000,002.000,000,000,000,000,008.473,00 CYPRUS0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,003.478,00 FAROE ISLANDS67.000,00104.000,00118.000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 FRANCE22.444,002.921,0013.985,0047.790,0021.705,009.808,002.067,000,000,000,000,00 GREECE279.000,00233.000,00597.000,00341.000,00394.000,00245.000,0073.200,000,006.400,006.550,0093.179,00 GUINEA0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0012.000,000,00 ICELAND2.000,0027.000,000,000,001.133,000,000,000,000,000,0050.000,00 ITALY14.000,00425.000,00385.706,00403.169,00621.490,00500.000,00500.100,00500.000,00277.448,000,0016.583,00 IVORY COAST0,000,000,000,000,000,000,0017.841,030,000,000,00 JAPAN3.556.000,003.071.000,003.031.000,002.577.000,002.926.000,003.011.000,002.653.000,002.976.000,002.452.000,002.078.000,003.031.004,0080.240,00JAPAN (CHARTER ALGERIA)  700.000,00109.000,00186.000,00 167.000,00712.000,0088.000,00754.000,000,00 KOREA66.000,000,005.573,00500,000,000,00700.000,001.145.000,00105.881,66276.000,00335.000,00 MOROCCO634.000,00600.000,00650.000,00195.000,00407.000,00570.000,00597.000,0080.000,00187.000,0019.000,000,00 NEI (combined)1.030.000,001.995.000,00109.000,00571.000,00508.000,00610.000,00709.000,000,000,000,000,00 NEI (Flag related)955.000,00182.000,0017.000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 NORWAY0,005.000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00295,00 PANAMA0,0013.000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 SERBIA0,000,004.350,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 SEYCHELLES0,000,000,000,001.635,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 SIERRA LEONE0,000,0092.620,00118.344,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 SPAIN122.000,0062.000,00203.294,00170.100,00120.300,00128.060,00106.232,0033.610,0012.010,0030.410,0021.381,00 SYRIA0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0049.590,0040.500,00 TAIWAN456.000,00249.000,00313.000,00633.000,00666.000,00445.000,0051.000,00277.000,0073.663,7214.377,403.337,00 TUNISIA48.000,0043.000,0037.000,0058.000,0015.000,0046.000,00109.000,004.300,003.000,004.000,000,00              TOTALS:7.517.444,007.361.921,006.516.128,005.459.003,006.037.363,005.586.168,005.747.599,005.830.133,843.286.375,383.428.487,403.757.577,0080.240,00 Table 006: Crosschecked W/RW Equivalent of NEA+MED Processed BFT Exports and/or recorded catches by China, Faroe Is., Iceland, Japan, Korea & other CPs + MED+NEA BFT Sport Catches by ICCAT CPs not marketed. Cells highlighted in orange correspond to non available or incomplete data. Trade-Flux Block I: An estimation of Intra-EU27 Processed Fresh & Frozen BlueFin Tuna trade volumes during the period 1998-2009 The only public available intra EU27 trade data of processed fresh & frozen BlueFin Tuna is contained in the Eurostat TARIC CN8 – based Trade Database. A general search for recorded monthly exports of processed fresh/chilled & frozen BlueFin Tuna among EU27 Member States for the period January 1998 to June 2009 was thus conducted for the purpose of this report. (Rows: Exporting (R), Columns: Importing (P)) Retained EU27 exporting Countries were: Austria Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Slovenia Slovakia Sweden Romania Spain United Kingdom Retained TARIC CN8 codes for such search were: 03023510:Fresh or chilled BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, 03023590:Fresh or chilled BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, (Excluding Tunas for industrial processing or preservation), 03023911:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, fresh or chilled, for industrial processing or preservation, 03023991:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, fresh or chilled (Excluding Tunas for industrial processing or preservation), 03034511:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, whole, 03034513:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, gilled and gutted, 03034519:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, without head and gills, but still to be gutted, 03034590:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, (Excluding Tunas for industrial processing or preservation), 03034921:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation, whole, 03034923:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation, gilled and gutted, 03034929:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation (Excluding whole and gilled and gutted). Likewise, a parallel general search for recorded monthly imports of processed fresh/chilled & frozen BlueFin Tuna among EU27 Member States for the period January 1998 to June 2009 was also performed. (Rows: Exporting (P), Columns: Importing (R)) Retained EU27 importing Countries were again: Austria Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Slovenia Slovakia Sweden Romania Spain United Kingdom Retained TARIC CN8 codes for such search were again: 03023510:Fresh or chilled BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, 03023590:Fresh or chilled BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, (Excluding Tunas for industrial processing or preservation), 03023911:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, fresh or chilled, for industrial processing or preservation, 03023991:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, fresh or chilled (Excluding Tunas for industrial processing or preservation), 03034511:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, whole, 03034513:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, gilled and gutted, 03034519:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, without head and gills, but still to be gutted, 03034590:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, (Excluding Tunas for industrial processing or preservation), 03034921:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation, whole, 03034923:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation, gilled and gutted, 03034929:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation (Excluding whole and gilled and gutted). It is to be noted that not all of recorded 1998-2009 processed fresh/chilled & frozen BFT trade fluxes prior to May 1st 2004 and January 1st 2007, can be considered or catalogued as true Intra-EU27 BFT trade fluxes. Some of today’s EU27 Member States were not EU members until 2004 and 2007. Trade fluxes among such states prior to their EU accession date as well as with EU Member States are thus to be considered as extra-EU imports and exports, not regulated by applicable Intra EU Trade regulations. The Trade status chronology among today’s EU27 Member States can be seen in following Table: 007. (Page 30) A first crosscheck between recorded monthly exports and imports of processed fresh/chilled & frozen BlueFin Tuna among EU27 Member States for the period January 1998 to June 2009, was carried-out with the following initial conclusions being addressed: For all EU27 Member States and all TARIC CN8 BFT presentations, there was not a single instance of a monthly correspondence in volume (Kgs.) and value (€), between a given recorded Intra EU27 export flux from one country to another and the recorded Intra EU27 import flux between those two same countries, for that same month, as well as same TARIC CN8 BFT presentation. For all EU27 Member States and all TARIC CN8 BFT presentations, there was not a single instance of a correspondence in volume (Kgs.) and value (€), between a given monthly recorded Intra EU27 export flux from one country to another and the recorded Intra EU27 import flux between those two same countries, for the following first, second and third months, as well as same TARIC CN8 BFT presentation. Table: 007: Trade status chronology among today’s EU27 Member States. Chart 007: Methodology of first crosscheck between recorded monthly exports and imports of processed fresh/chilled & frozen BlueFin Tuna among EU27 Member States for the period January 1998 to June 2009. Chart 008: Methodology of second crosscheck between recorded monthly exports and imports of processed fresh/chilled & frozen BlueFin Tuna among EU27 Member States for the period January 1998 to June 2009. A second crosscheck (See Chart 008) between recorded monthly exports and imports of processed fresh/chilled & frozen BlueFin Tuna among EU27 Member States for the period January 1998 to June 2009 was also carried-out. For all EU27 Member States and all TARIC CN8 BFT presentations, there was not a single instance of a correspondence in volume (Kgs.) and value (€), between a given monthly recorded Intra EU27 import flux from one country to another and the recorded Intra EU27 added export fluxes between those two same countries, for the preceding first, second and third months, as well as same TARIC CN8 BFT presentation. According to Eurostat’s statistics on the trading of goods User Guide: “Statistics on trade between the Member States of the European Union are based on a European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) No 638/2004 of 31 March 2004 and on the implementing Commission Regulation (EC) No 1982/2004 of 18 November 2004 which lay down or supplement the rules on methodology, thresholds and specific movements and one amending Commission regulation ((EC) No 1915/2005 on simplified quantity reporting). The Intrastat system, which was created as a means of collection of these statistics, came into operation on 1 January 1993.” EUROSTAT “provides for direct collection of information from trade operators, which send the relevant national administration a summary declaration for the previous month’s operations. In France and Italy, these declarations also serve statistical and fiscal purposes.” EUROSTAT “is based on a close link with the VAT system relating to intra-EU trade. The tax authorities of the Member States are required, at least once every quarter, to transmit to the statistical services a list of operators who have made purchases or sales and the value of these operations, so that the exhaustiveness and quality of the statistical data can be checked.” “For intra-EU trade (and to a lesser extent for extra-EU trade) there are thresholds below which the information is either absent or simplified. These have been adopted to limit the burden on information providers, while preserving an acceptable quality of statistical information.” A number of fair and credible assumptions may therefore be asserted at this point: EUROSTAT does not cover the entirety of intra EU27 processed fresh & frozen exports and import fluxes, Since EUROSTAT is based on a close link with the VAT system relating to intra-EU trade, it is our fair assumption that systematic differences between monthly export and import values revealed by both previously described trade data crosschecks, are mostly to be attributable to such fact. Intra EU27 VAT billing regulations allow exporters to invoice importers with or without VAT. In the first case, VAT is declared to the exporter’s Member State Tax Authority. In the second case, VAT is declared to the importer’s Member State Tax Authority. It is therefore fair to assume that: Intra EU27 processed fresh & frozen BFT export values contained in EUROSTAT, only cover those exports that were VAT invoiced by the exporter, Intra EU27 processed fresh & frozen BFT import values contained in EUROSTAT, only cover those exports that were invoiced with no added VAT by the exporter, Both previous assumptions are also valid for trade fluxes among states prior to their EU accession, as well as for such non EU states’ trade fluxes with EU Member States. Both sets of export and import values are therefore complementary and should furthermore be added to reach an acceptable level of statistical exhaustiveness. Accordingly, total intra EU27 processed fresh & frozen BFT export flux for the period 1998-June 2009, amounts to 142.425.050,00 Kgs, as shown in Table 008 (Page 35). The W/RW equivalent for such export flux for the period 1998-June 2009, amounts to 132.403.805,80 Kgs, as shown in Table 009. The yearly variations of W/RW equivalent for such export flux ordered by EU27 Member States, can be seen in Table: 009 (Page 36) and Chart 009 below. Chart 009: Yearly variations of W/RW equivalent of total intra EU27 processed fresh & frozen BFT export flux for the period 1998-June 2009, All values in Kgs. A dramatic fall of intra EU27 processed fresh & frozen BFT export flux is to be pointed-out for the year 2008. (A -51,47% drop in processed fresh & frozen BFT export flux worth ≈ €97,5 million loss, and also corresponding to a -33,37% drop in W/RW equivalent of processed fresh & frozen BFT export flux) Though the exact reasons of such an anomaly are not yet clear, it is worthwhile noting that such a drastic drop may be due to a combined effect of a lower EU BFT catch having been offloaded at EU ports during that year and an effective BFT consumer boycott in Europe spearheaded by leading NGOs and reputable European wholesalers. Intra EU27 Processed BFT Exports. Source Eurostat CN8.BLUEFIN TUNAS 'THUNNUS THYNNUS', FRESH, CHILLED OR FROZEN (INCL. TUNAS FOR INDUSTRIAL PROCESSING OR PRESERVATION) WHOLE, GG & OTHERS (EXCL. FILLETS, LOINS, SAKU, BM, ETC…)             EXPORTING COUNTRIESJan.-Dec. 1998Jan.-Dec. 1999Jan.-Dec. 2000Jan.-Dec. 2001Jan.-Dec. 2002Jan.-Dec. 2003Jan.-Dec. 2004Jan.-Dec. 2005Jan.-Dec. 2006Jan.-Dec. 2007Jan.-Dec. 2008Jan.-Jun. 2009AUSTRIA0,000,000,000,000,000,000,0050,0050,003.550,007.900,001.700,00BELGIUM550,002.150,001.750,003.800,006.050,0027.400,0034.400,0019.500,0038.400,0033.350,0024.450,003.500,00CYPRUS0,000,002.500,0012.800,0013.200,0044.500,00405.350,00400,000,00765.300,00250.450,0028.200,00CZECH REP.0,000,000,000,000,0050,000,00100,00400,00100,001.550,003.400,00DENMARK5.900,0015.800,004.600,0010.950,0025.200,006.950,003.550,004.700,005.300,007.700,009.450,005.350,00ESTONIA0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00200,000,000,00FINLAND0,000,000,0050,000,000,000,000,000,0050,000,00100,00FRANCE5.328.550,008.786.950,006.384.650,004.529.150,008.550.150,004.436.350,005.106.050,002.425.200,003.692.800,002.486.950,00973.900,00283.650,00GERMANY50,0061.150,00214.200,0093.150,0018.000,005.900,0023.750,0046.900,0018.050,0068.150,0018.700,0012.350,00GREECE184.150,00186.500,00162.550,00261.800,00111.800,00126.700,003.171.000,00193.600,0036.450,0056.050,00102.050,0060.450,00HUNGARY0,000,000,000,000,000,000,0050,000,001.200,000,000,00IRELAND21.950,00176.500,0043.600,0035.100,00800,008.100,0017.000,003.800,004.800,000,0033.700,0058.300,00ITALY2.828.700,003.706.950,003.862.000,002.936.550,001.378.000,001.541.800,002.906.450,004.369.250,002.978.800,00912.250,001.182.750,00622.100,00LATVIA0,000,000,000,000,000,000,005.200,00400,00600,00100,000,00LITHUANIA0,000,000,000,000,000,000,00100,00700,000,000,000,00LUXEMBOURG0,00200,001.000,002.200,0050,00100,000,0050,00200,00450,0014.750,00250,00MALTA0,00500,0050,00100,005.100,0050.750,00144.000,001.213.900,00140.600,0074.300,0027.300,0068.800,00NETHERLANDS30.450,0012.200,0013.400,0030.600,0032.700,0087.850,00124.500,00113.950,0059.750,00123.050,0098.100,0051.350,00POLAND0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,002.100,0026.650,00100,00PORTUGAL244.100,00158.350,00237.800,00326.100,0065.400,0076.400,0071.300,0032.200,0087.850,0060.800,0098.850,00291.600,00SLOVAKIA0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0050,00250,00200,00SLOVENIA0,000,000,000,000,000,00400,000,007.300,0050,000,002.700,00SPAIN5.268.900,004.351.800,003.009.400,005.011.800,004.414.700,004.236.600,003.069.600,004.915.950,004.709.600,005.753.450,002.478.750,00689.900,00SWEDEN600,00600,002.100,0062.300,00200,008.900,002.300,001.950,002.550,002.350,002.400,0024.050,00UK3.100,001.550,003.800,00450,001.800,002.700,0013.050,0012.700,0024.000,00217.600,0087.950,0024.400,00             TOTALS:13.917.000,0017.461.200,0013.943.400,0013.316.900,0014.623.150,0010.661.050,0015.092.700,0013.359.550,0011.808.000,0010.569.650,005.440.000,002.232.450,00 Table 008 Cells highlighted in orange correspond to non available or incomplete data. W/RW Equivalent Intra EU27 Processed BFT Exports. Source Eurostat CN8.BLUEFIN TUNAS 'THUNNUS THYNNUS', FRESH, CHILLED OR FROZEN (INCL. TUNAS FOR INDUSTRIAL PROCESSING OR PRESERVATION) WHOLE, GG & OTHERS (EXCL. FILLETS, LOINS, SAKU, BM, ETC…)             EXPORTING COUNTRIESJan.-Dec. 1998Jan.-Dec. 1999Jan.-Dec. 2000Jan.-Dec. 2001Jan.-Dec. 2002Jan.-Dec. 2003Jan.-Dec. 2004Jan.-Dec. 2005Jan.-Dec. 2006Jan.-Dec. 2007Jan.-Dec. 2008Jan.-Jun. 2009AUSTRIA0,000,000,000,000,000,000,0055,0055,003.550,007.905,001.710,00BELGIUM560,002.231,251.763,803.800,006.055,0027.432,6034.952,0019.527,6040.260,1036.167,6024.503,803.555,20CYPRUS0,000,002.192,9811.228,0711.578,9539.035,09355.570,18350,880,00671.315,79833,340,00CZECH REP.0,000,000,000,000,0050,000,00100,00405,00105,001.603,753.420,00DENMARK5.900,0015.800,004.600,0011.072,6025.220,007.067,503.580,005.010,005.300,007.705,009.955,005.355,00ESTONIA0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00242,500,000,00FINLAND0,000,000,0050,000,000,000,000,000,0050,000,00100,00FRANCE5.347.851,008.802.399,356.421.308,804.536.393,358.557.845,604.442.785,805.118.702,202.477.739,803.703.807,402.496.505,00490.122,90127.538,60GERMANY50,0081.062,50285.787,50117.937,5018.140,006.085,0023.970,0048.137,8018.145,0068.155,0018.753,7512.350,00GREECE184.300,00186.638,00162.908,80261.800,00101.741,23111.208,322.782.328,94173.574,5633.552,6251.473,6992.412,2953.026,31HUNGARY0,000,000,000,000,000,000,0055,000,001.320,000,000,00IRELAND21.950,00176.500,0043.620,0035.100,00800,008.100,0017.000,003.800,004.800,000,0033.700,0058.300,00ITALY2.834.749,403.750.630,003.408.684,922.581.380,001.212.530,711.354.918,852.567.362,983.850.759,482.620.369,89803.760,96352.192,28542.212,98LATVIA0,000,000,000,000,000,000,005.200,00400,00600,00100,000,00LITHUANIA0,000,000,000,000,000,000,00100,00700,000,000,000,00LUXEMBOURG0,00200,001.090,002.410,0050,00100,000,0050,00200,00460,0014.750,00250,00MALTA0,00438,6043,86104,174.745,6248.526,32130.438,601.165.192,55130.600,8872.798,2523.947,3759.473,69NETHERLANDS38.872,9513.998,4014.312,8037.008,2032.992,5088.897,50136.877,50124.440,2062.760,00127.865,0099.265,0052.006,25POLAND0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,002.310,0026.675,00100,00PORTUGAL257.741,60186.391,60260.790,80326.100,0072.390,0076.795,0081.417,5034.148,0091.654,0062.597,5099.808,80291.660,00SLOVAKIA0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0050,00260,00420,00SLOVENIA0,000,000,000,000,000,00400,000,007.300,0050,000,002.700,00SPAIN4.645.593,423.857.724,302.684.302,984.434.264,663.919.317,723.777.686,662.764.677,724.389.513,774.200.615,265.208.520,961.888.265,52607.534,03SWEDEN600,00600,002.100,0064.038,80200,008.900,002.300,001.950,002.550,002.350,002.400,0026.290,00UK3.100,001.587,503.840,00450,001.800,002.710,0013.018,7513.790,0024.005,00228.518,6098.257,5026.390,00             TOTALS:13.341.268,3717.076.201,5013.297.347,2412.423.137,3513.965.407,3310.000.298,6414.032.596,3712.313.494,6410.947.480,159.846.470,853.285.711,301.874.392,06 Table 009 Cells highlighted in orange correspond to non available or incomplete data. EUROSTAT intra EU27 processed fresh & frozen BFT export flux data for the period 1998-June 2009, does not differentiate between exports and re-exports of BFT among EU27 Member States. This is especially true and relevant for BFT trade between the three most important BFT fishing EU Member States: Spain, France & Italy; totalling a combined 1998-2009 EU TAC of 195.922.734,00 Kgs. (92,91%) out of an EU 1998-2009 ICCAT combined ICCAT Quota of 210.875.625,25 Kgs. Based on EUROSTAT intra EU27 processed fresh & frozen BFT export flux data for the period 1998-June 2009, the flow of such imports/exports can be seen at Chart 010. Chart 010: Flow of processed BFT import/export flux for the period 1998-June 2009, among the three most important BFT fishing EU Member States: Spain, France & Italy. All values in Kgs. Source: Eurostat. According to EUROSTAT intra EU27 processed fresh & frozen BFT export flux data during the period 1998-June 2009 between Spain, France and Italy alone, the total flow of BFT exports by and between these three countries amounted to 122.277.800,00 Kgs. of processed BFT, equivalent to 114.126.106 Kgs. (W/RW); that is 58,25% of the combined 1998-2009 EU TAC of 195.922.734,00 Kgs. It appears that France is the leading exporting/re-exporting country with 48.784.200,00 Kgs. of processed BFT equivalent to 49.106.031,00 Kgs. (W/RW) having been exported/re-exported to Spain and Italy during the period 1998-June 2009. France is followed by Spain with 45.005.750,00 Kgs. of processed BFT equivalent to 39.910.849,00 Kgs. (W/RW) having been exported/re-exported to France and Italy during the period 1998-June 2009. Spain is in turn followed at a considerable distance by Italy with 28.487.850,00 Kgs. of processed BFT equivalent to 25.109.226,00 Kgs. (W/RW) having been exported/re-exported to France and Spain during the period 1998-June 2009. In terms of fully detectable exports (FDE), that is: FDE = TE-TI, It appears that Italy is by far the only net exporting country with 16.497.100,00 Kgs. of processed fresh & frozen BFT having been exported net to France and Spain during the period 1998-June 2009. Spain is the most important net importer with 12.244.800,00 Kgs. of processed fresh & frozen BFT having been imported net from Italy during the period 1998-June 2009. Spain is followed by France as a net importer with 4.252.300,00 Kgs. of processed fresh & frozen BFT having been imported net from Italy during the period 1998-June 2009. This would therefore mean that out of a total 122.277.800,00 Kgs. flow of processed fresh & frozen BFT exports by and between these three countries during the period 1998-June 2009, a maximum flux of 105.780.700,00 Kgs. of processed fresh & frozen BFT may well be presumed as corresponding to re-exports, thus raising a double-counting issue. We nevertheless comfortably assume such quantities as being exports. An estimated combined average national domestic consumption of processed fresh & frozen BFT amounting to some 11.000.000,00 Kgs. per year for all three Member States during the period 1998-2008 (That is 121.000.000,00 Kgs.) largely exceeds the 105.780.700,00 Kgs. threshold of presumed processed fresh & frozen BFT re-exports. According to data from Spain’s former Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries (MAPA-FROM) Spain had an average yearly processed fresh & frozen BFT domestic consumption of 2.889.570,00 Kgs. during the period 2002 to 2005. According to same MAPA-FROM data, Spain’s processed fresh & frozen BFT domestic consumption for 2005 rose to 4.098.500,00 Kgs. According to industry sources, Spain’s processed fresh & frozen BFT domestic consumption for 2006 and 2007 was in tune with that of 2005. According to France’s OFIMER, 15% (1.418.700 Kgs.) of France’s 2004 total BFT Catches (9.458.000,00 Kgs according to EUROSTAT and 7.032.067,00 Kgs. according to ICCAT) were marketed nationally. Again according to OFIMER/DPMA, France imported that same year some 2.800.000,00 Kgs. of processed fresh & frozen BFT from Spain, Italy, Tunisia and Turkey in order to satisfy its national market demand, thus raisin France’s processed fresh & frozen BFT domestic consumption for 2004 up to some 4.200.000,00 Kgs. According to industry sources, France’s processed fresh & frozen BFT domestic consumption for 2005, 2006 and 2007 was in tune with that of 2004. According to industry sources, over 10.000,00 Kgs. of fresh BFT are sold daily at Palermo’s fish market alone, during the three month-long BFT Summer fishing season. Italy’s processed fresh & frozen BFT yearly domestic consumption up until 2007 is estimated at some 3.000.000,00 Kgs. Trade-Flux Block II: An estimation of EU27 Processed Fresh & Frozen BlueFin Tuna exports to Japan during the period 1998-2009 A first general search for EUROSTAT recorded monthly exports of processed fresh/chilled & frozen BlueFin Tuna from EU27 Member States to Japan for the period January 1998 to June 2009 was conducted for the purpose of this report. Retained EU27 exporting Countries were: Austria Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Slovenia Slovakia Sweden Romania Spain United Kingdom Retained TARIC CN8 codes for such search were: 03023510:Fresh or chilled BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, 03023590:Fresh or chilled BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, (Excluding Tunas for industrial processing or preservation), 03023911:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, fresh or chilled, for industrial processing or preservation, 03023991:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, fresh or chilled (Excluding Tunas for industrial processing or preservation), 03034511:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, whole, 03034513:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, gilled and gutted, 03034519:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, without head and gills, but still to be gutted, 03034590:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, (Excluding Tunas for industrial processing or preservation), 03034921:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation, whole, 03034923:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation, gilled and gutted, 03034929:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation (Excluding whole and gilled and gutted). Accordingly, total EU27 EUROSTAT recorded processed fresh & frozen BFT exports to Japan for the period 1998-June 2009, amount to 96.766.500,00 Kgs, as shown in Table 010. (Page 41) The W/RW equivalent for such export flux for the period 1998-June 2009, amounts to 88.076.163,64 Kgs, as shown in Table 011. (Page 42) The yearly variations of W/RW equivalent for such export flux ordered by EU27 Member States, can be seen in Chart 011 below. Chart 011: Yearly variations of W/RW equivalent of total EU27 processed fresh & frozen BFT exports to Japan for the period 1998-June 2009, All values in Kgs. Source: EUROSTAT. Processed BFT Exports to Japan by EU27. Source Eurostat CN8.BLUEFIN TUNAS 'THUNNUS THYNNUS', FRESH, CHILLED OR FROZEN (INCL. TUNAS FOR INDUSTRIAL PROCESSING OR PRESERVATION) WHOLE, GG & OTHERS (EXCL. FILLETS, LOINS, SAKU, BM, ETC…)             EXPORTING COUNTRIES19981999200020012002200320042005200620072008Jan.-Jun. 2009CYPRUS0,000,000,0011.000,008.700,003.200,00960.400,001.479.700,000,00939.500,001.020.400,00500,00FRANCE118.400,0026.900,0032.500,006.700,0048.600,0042.800,0087.100,008.100,000,000,000,000,00GREECE97.300,00185.200,00203.500,00217.700,0038.100,0040.700,0037.500,00607.000,001.074.200,00576.000,00682.600,00524.900,00IRELAND0,000,000,000,00155.100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00ITALY32.700,0028.100,00110.500,00104.100,00496.500,00170.900,00451.400,001.292.400,002.288.100,001.152.300,001.136.400,0086.200,00MALTA0,000,000,00477.150,001.995.750,002.315.550,003.148.000,004.088.150,005.043.900,006.326.900,001.769.400,00100.900,00PORTUGAL7.600,000,00900,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00SPAIN3.218.100,006.370.100,005.157.900,004.688.300,005.053.500,003.241.800,007.066.600,003.427.400,004.005.000,004.842.400,005.746.800,001.981.400,00UK6.600,0021.000,0011.700,005.500,000,000,0038.100,0026.100,000,00100,000,000,00             TOTALS:3.480.700,006.631.300,005.517.000,005.510.450,007.796.250,005.814.950,0011.789.100,0010.928.850,0012.411.200,0013.837.200,0010.355.600,002.693.900,00 Table 010. Cells highlighted in orange correspond to non available or incomplete data. W/RW Equivalent Processed BFT Exports to Japan by EU27. Source Eurostat CN8.BLUEFIN TUNAS 'THUNNUS THYNNUS', FRESH, CHILLED OR FROZEN (INCL. TUNAS FOR INDUSTRIAL PROCESSING OR PRESERVATION) WHOLE, GG & OTHERS (EXCL. FILLETS, LOINS, SAKU, BM, ETC…)             EXPORTING COUNTRIES19981999200020012002200320042005200620072008Jan.-Jun. 2009CYPRUS0,000,000,009.649,127.631,582.807,021.074.368,771.427.780,700,00824.122,81895.087,71438,60FRANCE118.400,0026.900,0032.500,006.700,0048.600,0042.800,0091.470,008.100,000,000,000,000,00GREECE85.416,67162.456,14178.508,77190.964,9133.421,0535.701,7532.894,74532.456,14942.280,70505.263,16598.771,93460.438,60IRELAND0,000,000,000,00170.610,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00ITALY28.684,2126.319,65102.885,6291.315,79435.543,85151.464,91396.271,931.143.578,952.011.885,971.010.789,47996.842,1175.614,03MALTA0,000,000,00496.782,891.925.245,612.220.620,663.012.087,723.781.162,294.687.263,166.788.692,281.668.619,6588.508,77PORTUGAL7.600,000,00900,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00SPAIN2.822.960,535.587.807,024.524.473,684.112.543,864.579.903,512.845.798,256.201.092,103.007.500,003.514.077,894.278.855,265.058.760,971.738.070,18UK6.600,0021.000,0011.700,005.500,000,000,0038.100,0026.100,000,00100,000,000,00             TOTALS:3.069.661,415.824.482,814.850.968,074.913.456,577.200.955,605.299.192,5910.846.285,269.926.678,0811.155.507,7213.407.822,989.218.082,372.363.070,18 Table 011. Cells highlighted in orange correspond to non available or incomplete data. A second general search for Japanese Customs’ recorded monthly imports of processed fresh/chilled & frozen BlueFin Tuna from EU27 Member States for the period January 1998 to June 2009 was again conducted. Retained EU27 exporting Countries were: Austria Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Slovenia Slovakia Sweden Romania Spain United Kingdom Retained HS9 codes for such search were: 0302.35-000:Fresh or chilled BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation; 0302.39-010:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, Fresh or chilled, for industrial processing or preservation; 0303.45-000:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, whole; 0303.49-010:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation, whole; 0304.20-092:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation, fillet, loin or other presentations; 0304.29-920:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation, fillet, loin or other presentations; 0304.90-091:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation, fillet, loin or other presentations; 0304.99-991:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation. Accordingly, total Japanese Customs recorded processed fresh & frozen BFT imports by Japan from EU27 for the period 1998-June 2009, amount to 95.276.637,00 Kgs, as shown in Table 012. The W/RW equivalent for such import flux for the period 1998-June 2009, amounts to 124.000.302,18 Kgs, as shown in Table 013. The yearly variations of W/RW equivalent for such import flux ordered by EU27 Member States, can be seen in Chart 012 below. Chart 012: Yearly variations of W/RW equivalent of total processed fresh & frozen BFT imports by Japan from EU27 for the period 1998-June 2009, All values in Kgs. Source: Japanese Customs. A comparative monthly crosscheck between EUROSTAT recorded exports and Japanese Customs’ recorded imports of processed fresh/chilled BlueFin Tuna by & from EU27 Member States for the period January 1998 to June 2009, was retained unviable for the following reasons: Most of the BFT exported by EU27 Member States to Japan, is sold RD-fresh ex-Tuna Ranch to Japanese Tuna traders. Harvested BFT is immediately loaded onboard reefer vessels to be processed (Loined, filleted, etc...) and blast-frozen. Most of frozen processed BFT imports by Japan from EU27, recorded by Japan’s Customs, thus correspond to fresh unprocessed BFT exports to Japan recorded by EUROSTAT. Finally, such monthly comparative crosscheck was retained unviable due to a chronological overlapping issue: Exports recorded for a given month by EUROSTAT may well appear as imports with Japanese Customs two to three month later. EUROSTAT export date cannot correspond to Japan’s Customs’ import date since shipping of such commodity takes between two to three months. Yet, a general comparative crosscheck between EU27 EUROSTAT recorded exports to Japan and Japanese Customs recorded imports by Japan from EU27 for the period 1998-June 2009, reveals a minor total processed fresh & frozen BFT export/import difference of 1.489.863,00 Kgs. for the entire studied period of time. When both export & import fluxes are translated to their respective W/RW equivalents, the difference is no longer a minor one as the import/export gap between both trade data sets amounts to 35.924.138,54 Kgs. for the entire period 1998-June 2009. Processed fresh & frozen BFT imports by Japan from Denmark and Germany amounting to 202.843,00 Kgs. and 11.278,00 Kgs. respectively and for the period 1998-June 2009, are not to be find as exports on EU27 EUROSTAT recorded exports to Japan. EU27 EXPORTS TO JAPAN OF BLUEFIN TUNAS 'THUNNUS THYNNUS', FRESH, CHILLED OR FROZEN (INCL. TUNAS FOR INDUSTRIAL PROCESSING OR PRESERVATION) WHOLE, GG & OTHERS: FILLETS, LOINS, SAKU, BM, ETC… Source Japanese Customs             EXPORTING COUNTRIES19981999200020012002200320042005200620072008Jan.-Jun. 2009CYPRUS0,00930,003.275,0010.575,009.335,003.632,00279.533,00667.987,001.070.507,00707.876,00678.618,00572.839,00DENMARK26.842,0067.469,00102.469,006.063,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00FRANCE751.913,00519.583,00308.172,00179.023,0050.330,00148.932,00191.935,0074.968,0058.102,00360.264,00147.407,00143.334,00GERMANY11.278,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00GREECE293.589,00245.730,00258.157,00265.372,00125.442,0083.520,0043.776,00440.093,00793.244,00432.596,00404.923,00401.575,00IRELAND2.090,008.201,008.621,004.857,004.051,00494,001.665,000,000,000,000,000,00ITALY1.061.620,001.237.418,001.368.109,00772.799,00879.385,001.235.694,00575.065,001.103.674,002.680.585,002.794.478,001.826.609,00753.911,00MALTA164.852,0028.791,00296.501,00616.614,001.119.208,00706.925,001.726.015,002.171.860,004.548.490,002.189.037,004.460.568,002.718.665,00PORTUGAL255.875,00126.033,00141.942,00145.054,00105.313,003.914,001.790,000,000,000,000,000,00SPAIN3.153.017,004.986.175,004.403.246,004.713.845,004.615.199,004.174.832,004.138.922,004.374.587,003.630.602,003.297.612,003.902.155,001.087.685,00UK0,0010.779,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00             TOTALS:5.721.076,007.231.109,006.890.492,006.714.202,006.908.263,006.357.943,006.958.701,008.833.169,0012.781.530,009.781.863,0011.420.280,005.678.009,00 Table 012. Cells highlighted in orange correspond to non available or incomplete data. W/RW Equivalent EU27 EXPORTS TO JAPAN OF BLUEFIN TUNAS 'THUNNUS THYNNUS', FRESH, CHILLED OR FROZEN (INCL. TUNAS FOR INDUSTRIAL PROCESSING OR PRESERVATION) WHOLE, GG & OTHERS: FILLETS, LOINS, SAKU, BM, ETC… Source Japanese Customs             EXPORTING COUNTRIES19981999200020012002200320042005200620072008Jan.-Jun. 2009CYPRUS0,00815,792.872,819.276,328.188,603.185,96436.843,451.061.956,561.699.477,151.124.943,451.065.502,94893.318,78DENMARK26.842,0073.277,10112.715,906.669,300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00FRANCE255.548,13910.504,67513.016,26289.007,3665.330,55217.974,86286.361,01124.928,7478.064,40629.003,40255.611,84248.909,00GERMANY12.405,800,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00GREECE257.534,21215.552,63226.453,51232.782,46110.036,8473.263,1638.400,00677.696,091.176.080,52663.399,14596.463,46624.692,07IRELAND2.090,008.201,008.621,004.857,004.051,00494,001.665,000,000,000,000,000,00ITALY1.524.983,841.777.901,001.971.347,121.047.247,40993.161,441.463.230,02599.995,481.493.939,883.872.892,474.080.717,312.395.938,601.073.367,74MALTA238.603,0825.255,26379.733,53840.483,591.628.062,29638.588,582.396.318,743.205.905,767.010.886,403.365.869,916.949.774,324.229.607,77PORTUGAL292.486,26138.642,54153.666,88158.447,90115.085,923.914,001.790,000,000,000,000,000,00SPAIN3.583.086,576.142.805,515.455.096,475.398.759,625.379.732,304.532.927,234.422.524,325.160.035,294.337.310,274.068.156,344.867.917,411.238.441,60UK0,0010.779,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00             TOTALS:6.193.579,899.303.734,508.823.523,487.987.530,958.303.648,946.933.577,818.183.898,0011.724.462,3218.174.711,2113.932.089,5516.131.208,578.308.336,96 Table 013. Cells highlighted in orange correspond to non available or incomplete data. A third general search for Japan’s Fisheries Agency ICCAT recorded semestrial imports of processed fresh/chilled & frozen BlueFin Tuna from EU27 Member States for the period January 2005 to December 2008 was finally conducted. Retained EU27 exporting Countries were: Austria Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Slovenia Slovakia Sweden Romania Spain United Kingdom Retained Japanese ICCAT Bi-annual Statistical Document Declarations were: 2005 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Japan 2005 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Japan: ICCAT Circular: 760/06 2006 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Japan: ICCAT Circular: 1847/06 2006 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Japan: ICCAT Circular: 627/07 2007 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Japan: ICCAT Circular: 1951/07 2007 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Japan: ICCAT Circular: 500/08 2008 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Japan 2008 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Japan: ICCAT Circular: 716/09 Accordingly, total Japanese ICCAT Bi-annual Statistical Document Declarations recorded processed fresh & frozen BFT imports by Japan from EU27 for the period January 2005 to December 2008, amount to 54.759436,97 Kgs, as shown in Table 014. The W/RW equivalent for such import flux for the period January 2005 to December 2008, amounts to 58.358.226,08 Kgs, as shown in Table 015. The yearly variations of W/RW equivalent for such import flux ordered by EU27 Member States, can be seen in Chart 013 below. Chart 013: Yearly variations of W/RW equivalent of total processed fresh & frozen BFT imports by Japan from EU27 for the period January 2005 to December 2008, All values in Kgs. Source: Japanese ICCAT Bi-annual Statistical Document Declarations. Processed BFT Exports to Japan by EU27. Source Bi-annual Statistical Document Declarations to ICCAT.             EXPORTING COUNTRIES19981999200020012002200320042005200620072008Jan.-Jun. 2009CYPRUS0,000,000,000,000,000,000,001.989.378,00957.892,001.968.383,000,000,00FRANCE0,000,000,000,000,000,000,0017.418,0015.501,007.179,490,000,00GREECE0,000,000,000,000,000,000,00602.226,00599.094,00577.708,00515.304,000,00ITALY0,000,000,000,000,000,000,002.432.167,002.415.065,404.402.070,901.119.105,000,00MALTA0,000,000,000,000,000,000,003.680.117,005.352.068,507.649.549,801.926.548,000,00SPAIN0,000,000,000,000,000,000,005.913.164,005.837.155,853.882.627,992.899.714,040,00             TOTALS:0,000,000,000,000,000,000,0014.634.470,0015.176.776,7518.487.519,186.460.671,040,00 Table 014. Cells highlighted in orange correspond to non available or incomplete data. W/RW Equivalent  Processed BFT Exports to Japan by EU27. Source Bi-annual Statistical Document Declarations to ICCAT.             EXPORTING COUNTRIES19981999200020012002200320042005200620072008Jan.-Jun. 2009CYPRUS0,000,000,000,000,000,000,001.919.575,26924.281,751.899.316,930,000,00FRANCE0,000,000,000,000,000,000,0027.165,9123.114,228.897,800,000,00GREECE0,000,000,000,000,000,000,00581.977,85579,024,49558.312,57500.761,570,00ITALY0,000,000,000,000,000,000,002.435.674,582.501.108,264.327.161,171.081.974,730,00MALTA0,000,000,000,000,000,000,004.820.499,416.481.091,378.200.267,502.271.125,530,00SPAIN0,000,000,000,000,000,000,006.319.770,706.137.680,094.485.464,992.853.003,890,00             TOTALS:0,000,000,000,000,000,000,0016.104.663,7116.067.275,6919.479.420,966.706.865,720,00 Table 015. Cells highlighted in orange correspond to non available or incomplete data. A final yearly comparative crosscheck between EU27 EUROSTAT recorded exports to Japan, Japanese Customs recorded imports by Japan from EU27 and Japanese ICCAT Bi-annual Statistical Document Declarations recorded imports by Japan from EU27 for the period January 2005 to December 2008, reveals the following import/export and import/import differences: An import/export difference of 7.226.586,97 Kgs. of processed fresh & frozen BFT between EUROSTAT export trade figures and those submitted by Japan to ICCAT for the period January 2005 to December 2008. An import/import difference of 11.942.594,97 Kgs. of processed fresh & frozen BFT between Japanese Customs import trade figures and those submitted by Japan to ICCAT for the period January 2005 to December 2008. When both export & import fluxes are translated to their respective W/RW equivalents, the crosscheck reveals the following export/import and import/export differences. An import/export difference of 14.650.134,93 Kgs. of W/RW equivalent processed fresh & frozen BFT between EUROSTAT export trade figures and those submitted by Japan to ICCAT for the period January 2005 to December 2008. An import/import difference of -1.604.245,57 Kgs. of W/RW equivalent processed fresh & frozen BFT between Japanese Customs import trade figures and those submitted by Japan to ICCAT for the period January 2005 to December 2008. The yearly variations of differences between EUROSTAT, Japanese Customs and Japan’s Fisheries Agency trade figures for both processed and W/RW processed fresh/chilled & frozen BFT trade figures for the period 1998-2008, can be seen in Chart 014 below. Chart 014: yearly variations of differences between EUROSTAT, Japanese Customs and Japan’s Fisheries Agency trade figures for both processed and W/RW processed fresh/chilled & frozen BFT trade figures for the period 1998-2008, All values in Kgs. Source: EUROSTAT, Japanese Customs & Japanese ICCAT Bi-annual Statistical Document Declarations. According to such final yearly comparative crosscheck, total EU27 processed fresh & frozen BFT export flux to Japan for the period 1998-June 2009, amounts to 128.744.787,05 Kgs, as shown in Table 016. The W/RW equivalent for such export flux for the period 1998-June 2009, amounts to 141.985.821,10 Kgs, as shown in Table 017. The yearly variations of W/RW equivalent for such processed fresh & frozen BFT export flux to Japan ordered by EU27 Member States, can be seen in Chart 015 below. Chart 015: Yearly variations of W/RW equivalent of total EU27 processed fresh & frozen BFT export flux to Japan for the period 1998-June 2009, All values in Kgs. Source: EUROSTAT, Japanese Customs & Japanese ICCAT Bi-annual Statistical Document Declarations. Such final BFT Trade Flux figures from EU27 to Japan for the period 1998-June 2009 are yet to be taken with caution as the real export flux during such period may be much higher than estimated. A number of unreported exports to Japan by EU27 and imports by Japan from EU27 have been effectively detected when comparing processed fresh BFT export/import data from EUROSTAT, Japan Customs and Japan’s Fisheries Agency trade figures for processed fresh/chilled BFT for the period 2005-2008, thus raising the legitimate question as to the overall general reliability of official trade reports on both ends of the BFT market chain. For the second semester 2008 (Q3+Q4 2008) alone, recorded auction sales of processed fresh BFT from Malta, Spain, Greece, Italy and Tunisia at Japanese fish markets, amounted to some 121.010,40 Kgs, whereas according to Japan’s Fisheries Agency Q3+Q4 2008 ICCAT Bi-annual Statistical Document Declaration, the total amount of processed fresh BFT imported into Japan from such countries and during that same period, only rose to a meagre 1.342,00 Kgs., the origin of which was exclusively Malta. A total 119.668,40 Kgs. of “grey” fresh BFT from Malta, Spain, Greece, Italy and Tunisia therefore entered Japan during 2008’s second semester alone, to be publicly auctioned throughout fish markets across Japan, without even being detected thus properly recorded by ill-termed concerned fisheries-control administrations on both sides of the on both ends of the BFT market chain: According to Japanese Customs not a single Kilogram of processed fresh BFT from Malta, Spain, Greece, Italy and Cyprus was imported by Japan during Q3+Q4 2008, whereas according to EUROSTAT, 3.799.900,00 Kgs. of processed fresh BFT were exported to Japan by Malta, Spain, Greece, Italy and Cyprus during Q3+Q4 2008. Processed Fresh/Chilled & Frozen BFT Exports to Japan by EU27             EXPORTING COUNTRIES19981999200020012002200320042005200620072008Jan.-Jun. 2009CYPRUS0,00930,003.275,0011.000,009.335,003.632,00960.400,001.989.378,001.070.507,001.968.383,001.020.400,00572.839,00DENMARK26.842,0067.469,00102.469,006.063,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00FRANCE751.913,00519.583,00308.172,00179.023,0050.330,00148.932,00191.935,0074.968,0058.102,00360.264,00147.407,00143.334,00GERMANY11.278,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00GREECE293.589,00245.730,00258.157,00265.372,00125.442,0083.520,0043.776,00607.000,001.074.200,00576.000,00682.600,00524.900,00IRELAND2.090,008.201,008.621,004.857,00155.100,00494,001.665,000,000,000,000,000,00ITALY1.061.620,001.237.418,001.368.109,00772.799,00879.385,001.235.694,00575.065,002.432.167,002.680.585,004.402.070,901.826.609,00753.911,00MALTA164.852,0028.791,00296.501,00616.614,001.995.750,002.315.550,003.148.000,004.088.150,005.352.068,507.649.549,804.460.568,002.718.665,00PORTUGAL255.875,00126.033,00141.942,00145.054,00105.313,003.914,001.790,000,000,000,000,000,00SPAIN3.218.100,006.370.100,005.157.900,004.713.845,005.053.500,004.174.832,007.066.600,005.913.164,005.837.155,854.842.400,005.746.800,001.981.400,00UK6.600,0021.000,0011.700,005.500,000,000,0038.100,0026.100,000,00100,000,000,00             TOTALS:5.792.759,008.625.255,007.656.846,006.720.127,008.374.155,007.966.568,0012.027.331,0015.130.927,0016.072.618,3519.798.767,7013.884.384,006.695.049,00 Table 016. Cells highlighted in orange correspond to non available or incomplete data. W/RW Equivalent of Processed Fresh/Chilled & Frozen BFT Exports to Japan by EU27             EXPORTING COUNTRIES19981999200020012002200320042005200620072008Jan.-Jun. 2009CYPRUS0,00815,792.872,819.276,328.188,603.185,961.074.368,771.919.575,261.699.477,151.899.316,931.065.502,94893.318,78DENMARK26.842,0073.277,10112.715,906.669,300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00FRANCE255.548,13910.504,67513.016,26289.007,3665.330,55217.974,86286.361,01124.928,7478.064,40629.003,40255.611,84248.909,00GERMANY12.405,800,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00GREECE257.534,21215.552,63226.453,51232.782,46110.036,8473.263,1638.400,00677.696,091.176.080,52663.399,14598.771,93624.692,07IRELAND2.090,008.201,008.621,004.857,00170.610,00494,001.665,000,000,000,000,000,00ITALY1.524.983,841.777.901,001.971.347,121.047.247,40993.161,441.463.230,02599.995,482.435.674,583.872.892,474.327.161,172.395.938,601.073.367,74MALTA238.603,0825.255,26379.733,53840.483,591.925.245,612.220.620,663.012.087,724.820.499,416.481.091,378.200.267,506.949.774,324.229.607,77PORTUGAL292.486,26138.642,54153.666,88158.447,90115.085,923.914,001.790,000,000,000,000,000,00SPAIN3.583.086,576.142.805,515.455.096,475.398.759,625.379.732,304.532.927,236.201.092,106.319.770,706.137.680,094.485.464,995.058.760,971.738.070,18UK6.600,0021.000,0011.700,005.500,000,000,0038.100,0026.100,000,00100,000,000,00             TOTALS:6.200.179,899.313.955,508.835.223,487.993.030,958.767.391,268.515.609,8911.253.860,0816.324.244,7819.445.286,0020.204.713,1316.324.360,608.807.965,54 Table 017. Cells highlighted in orange correspond to non available or incomplete data. Trade-Flux Block III: An estimation of EU27 Processed Fresh & Frozen BlueFin Tuna exports to the USA during the period 1998-2009 A first general search for EUROSTAT recorded monthly exports of processed fresh/chilled & frozen BlueFin Tuna from EU27 Member States to the USA for the period January 1998 to June 2009 was conducted for the purpose of this report. Retained EU27 exporting Countries were: Austria Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Slovenia Slovakia Sweden Romania Spain United Kingdom Retained TARIC CN8 codes for such search were: 03023510:Fresh or chilled BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, 03023590:Fresh or chilled BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, (Excluding Tunas for industrial processing or preservation), 03023911:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, fresh or chilled, for industrial processing or preservation, 03023991:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, fresh or chilled (Excluding Tunas for industrial processing or preservation), 03034511:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, whole, 03034513:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, gilled and gutted, 03034519:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, without head and gills, but still to be gutted, 03034590:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, (Excluding Tunas for industrial processing or preservation), 03034921:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation, whole, 03034923:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation, gilled and gutted, 03034929:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation (Excluding whole and gilled and gutted). Accordingly, total EU27 EUROSTAT recorded processed fresh & frozen BFT exports to the USA for the period 1998-June 2009, amount to 3.341.350,00 Kgs, as shown in Table 018. The W/RW equivalent for such export flux for the period 1998-June 2009, amounts to 2.998.789,72 Kgs, as shown in Table 019. The yearly variations of W/RW equivalent for such export flux ordered by EU27 Member States, can be seen in Chart 016 below. Chart 016: Yearly variations of W/RW equivalent of total EU27 processed fresh & frozen BFT exports to the USA for the period 1998-June 2009, All values in Kgs. Source: EUROSTAT. Processed BFT Exports to USA by EU27. Source Eurostat CN8BLUEFIN TUNAS 'THUNNUS THYNNUS', FRESH, CHILLED OR FROZEN (INCL. TUNAS FOR INDUSTRIAL PROCESSING OR PRESERVATION) WHOLE, GG & OTHERS (EXCL. FILLETS, LOINS, SAKU, BM, ETC…)             EXPORTING COUNTRIES19981999200020012002200320042005200620072008Jan.-Jun. 2009CYPRUS0,000,000,00800,007.200,003.700,005.000,000,00900,000,000,000,00FRANCE0,00400,002.400,000,000,002.100,00300,000,000,000,000,000,00GREECE4.200,000,003.200,0026.800,005.400,005.400,001.000,001.400,00900,00500,000,0013.500,00ITALY4.600,004.500,001.900,00400,002.800,0014.400,0037.700,0014.000,006.900,0025.000,0029.200,006.600,00MALTA0,000,000,000,000,002.450,001.000,0029.300,0072.400,00295.100,00599.600,0012.600,00PORTUGAL17.900,000,004.400,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00SPAIN86.400,0097.100,00158.800,00241.200,00281.700,00240.500,00190.300,00285.400,00217.100,00171.500,0067.000,0036.500,00             TOTALS:113.100,00102.000,00170.700,00269.200,00297.100,00268.550,00235.300,00330.100,00298.200,00492.100,00695.800,0069.200,00 Table 018. Cells highlighted in orange correspond to non available or incomplete data.  W/RW Equivalent Processed BFT Exports to USA by EU27. Source Eurostat CN8BLUEFIN TUNAS 'THUNNUS THYNNUS', FRESH, CHILLED OR FROZEN (INCL. TUNAS FOR INDUSTRIAL PROCESSING OR PRESERVATION) WHOLE, GG & OTHERS (EXCL. FILLETS, LOINS, SAKU, BM, ETC…)             EXPORTING COUNTRIES19981999200020012002200320042005200620072008Jan.-Jun. 2009CYPRUS0,000,000,00701,756.315,793.245,614.385,970,00789,470,000,000,00FRANCE0,00350,882.105,260,000,001.842,11263,160,000,000,000,000,00GREECE526,323.157,892.807,0223.508,774.736,844.736,84877,191.228,07789,47438,600,0012.269,73ITALY4.035,093.947,371.864,03350,882.456,1412.745,6233.245,6112.280,706.052,6321.929,8225.614,045.789,48MALTA0,000,000,000,000,002.371,75912,2827.184,2163.508,77323.985,97525.964,9111.052,64PORTUGAL15.701,750,003.859,650,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00SPAIN75.789,4785.175,44139.298,25211.578,95247.105,26210.964,91166.929,82250.350,88190.438,60150.438,6058.771,9332.017,53            
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
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Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
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Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
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Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
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Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
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Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered
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Relentless Overfishing of Bluefin Tuna Uncovered

  • 1. Requiem for a BlueFin Tunaan International Trade Analysis (1998/2009)Uncovering the relentless overfishing of a collapsed fish stock Requiem for a BlueFin Tunaan International Trade Analysis (1998/2009)Uncovering the relentless overfishing of a collapsed fish stockA Report by:Suaviter in modo, Fortiter in re.Advanced Tuna Ranching Technologies, SL ©®™C/ O’Donnell, 32 – 2º E28009 Madrid, Spain.Cell: + 34 650 37 76 98Email: An international disgrace governed by a looting rationale “Suppose that I stick to my quota, but others do not. In this case BlueFins will get fished out, and everyone will be the looser in the long term. But I will be a looser in the short term as well, since by confining myself to the quota allocated to me I will suffer an immediate drop in income that others do not. Suppose on the other hand that I break my quota. Then, if others break theirs, BlueFins get fished out, certainly, but I am not a special loser. Contrariwise, if others keep to their quotas while I break mine, the stock will be preserved to my long term benefit as well as theirs, but unlike them, I will not suffer an immediate drop in income either. So, whether other BlueFin Tuna fishing states ignore or observe their quotas, my best strategy is to ignore mine, while blaming others for doing so.” Index Page Introduction005 Trade data sources and general methodology007 Used Sources for Processed Fresh & Frozen BlueFin Tuna Trade Statistical Data Crosschecks007 Used Statistical Codes for Processed Fresh & Frozen BlueFin Tuna Trade012 ICCAT Codes for Processed Fresh & Frozen BlueFin Tuna Trade and Used Conversion Factors014 Antecedents of a Peak BlueFin Tuna scenario016 Overkill logistics016 Overkill NEA+MED BFT Quotas & TACs; “Negotiating with biology”...018 1998-2009 BFT Trade data Analysis022 An estimation of ex-Trade BlueFin Tuna catches during the period 1998-2009022 Trade-Flux Block I: An estimation of Intra-EU27 Processed Fresh & Frozen BlueFin Tuna trade volumes during the period 1998-2009027 Trade-Flux Block II: An estimation of EU27 Processed Fresh & Frozen BlueFin Tuna exports to Japan during the period 1998-2009039 Trade-Flux Block III: An estimation of EU27 Processed Fresh & Frozen BlueFin Tuna exports to the USA during the period 1998-2009054 Trade-Flux Block IV: An estimation of EU27 Processed Fresh & Frozen BlueFin Tuna exports to non EU27 (Excl. Japan & USA) during the period 1998-2009068 Trade-Flux Block V: An estimation of Processed Fresh & Frozen BlueFin Tuna exports to EU27 by Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt & Turkey, during the period 1998-2009079 Trade-Flux Block VI: An estimation of Processed Fresh & Frozen BlueFin Tuna exports to Japan by Croatia during the period 1998-2009089 Trade-Flux Block VII: An estimation of Processed Fresh & Frozen BlueFin Tuna exports to Japan by Iceland, Norway, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt & Turkey, during the period 1998-2009096 Trade-Flux Block VIII: An estimation of Processed Fresh & Frozen BlueFin Tuna exports to the USA by Iceland, Norway, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt & Turkey, during the period 1998-2009106 Trade-Flux Block IX: An estimation of Processed Fresh & Frozen BlueFin Tuna exports to Korea, China & Panama by Libya & Turkey, during the period 1998-2009113 Conclusions116 List of acronyms129 Introduction ICCAT’s ill-termed Management Plan, pompously set to save Atlantic BlueFin Tuna (BFT) from stock collapse, has turned out to be a total and utter failure. ICCAT has the dishonourable privilege of having overseen a 72% decline in the adult population of the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean stock of BlueFin tuna and an 82% percent decline in the adult population of the western Atlantic stock, over the past 40 years. In recent years (1998-2008) countries that fish the eastern stock, which spawns in the Mediterranean, have illegally done so at over twice the sustainable level, thus causing the dramatic stock decline of a species that has been fished inside the Mediterranean Sea for as long as 7.000 years. Tuna ranches in Cyprus remain empty in 2009 due to extreme low catches in the eastern Mediterranean; Tuna ranches in Malta, Greece, Turkey and Tunisia have been jam-packed with juvenile BFT in 2008 and 2009. Rampant BFT over catch during the past five years has not been reduced by the so called ICCAT BFT Management Plan and meagre enforcement of fishing, ranching and trade control measures. Chart 000: “Aquacalypse now”: An intolerable tax-free loot by one of the most heavily subsidised fishing, ranching and trading industries worldwide. An unbearable scam in the eyes of concerned tax-payers, namely in the European Union, by far the main culprit of such an international disgrace. In fact and contrary to ICCAT’s grossly underreported catch statistics, the gap between ICCAT yearly allocated BFT quotas and BFT real catches has widen alarmingly. Since a traded BlueFin Tuna can only be a fished BFT, the present report uses official trade data as a mean to estimate the degree of real BFT overfishing during the past decade. It clearly demonstrates, among other facts, that yearly detected and identified BFT quota over-catches have raised from 3.569.673,48 Kgs. in 2004 to a staggering 24.297.826,03 Kgs. in 2008. The 2004-2008 wholesale value of such an intolerable tax-free loot would amount to some € 1.411 million; whereas the wholesale value of such over catches for the period 1998-2008 would amount to a total ≈ € 3.076 million, that is ≈ 25% of an estimated ≈ € 12.000 million global BFT trade value, calculated for the last decade. Such values, in essence conservative, do not take into account BFT black-market trade fluxes during the 1998-2008 decade. This “international disgrace” has been characterised by recurrent mala-fides and wilful ignorance in the light of fishing and ranching blatant illegalities having been committed by ICCAT Contracting Parties themselves during the period 1998-2008. As Dr. Peter Makoto Miyake, Former Deputy Director General of ICCAT confirms, “the reason for the failure in the management of Eastern Atlantic BlueFin tuna is that fishing countries around the Mediterranean have not complied with ICCAT's regulatory measures. (...) If member States had abided by the quota, the present situation would never have happened.” And yet the proposal to ban international trade of Atlantic BlueFin Tuna (BFT) thus recommending a listing of the species on Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) could only but further sparkled the picaresque of a ruthless global Tuna cartel with little or no social-responsibility culture. Adding outrage to insult, a widespread “à la carte” pseudo-scientific media campaign, generously funded by one of the most heavily subsidised fishing, ranching and trading industries worldwide, is now proactively denying that the King of Sushi is just about to collapse if not definitively gone. Requiem for a BlueFin Tuna, an international trade analysis (1998-2009), Uncovering the relentless overfishing of a collapsed fish stock. Printed in Madrid, Spain on October 20nd 2009. Trade data sources and general methodology Used Sources for Processed Fresh & Frozen BlueFin Tuna Trade Statistical Data Crosschecks Recorded exports of fresh & frozen BFT from Mediterranean countries to Japan, the USA, the EU, Korea and other destinations, have been analysed in an attempt to assess the levels of wild BFT having been caught in the North East Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea (NEA + MED) from January 1998 to December 2008, included. In order to assess such levels of BFT catches during such period, a number of ICCAT Contracting Parties’ Statistical Document bi-annual reports were reviewed and data contained in such documents was logged into a database. This Report’s findings are based on a Trade-Flux Block (TFB)-Crosscheck Analysis Approach. The following BlueFin Tuna (BFT) TFBs and related sources of official trade statistical data, were thus analysed in an attempt to estimate the amounts of wild BFT having been caught in the North East Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea (NEA + MED) from January 1998 to December 2008, included. Trade-Flux Block I: Intra EU27 Processed BFT Trade; Trade statistical source: Eurostat Type of trade statistical data: 1998/June 2009 TARIC CN8 Trade Data. Trade-Flux Block II: Processed BFT Exports to Japan by EU27; Trade statistical sources: Eurostat, Japanese Customs, 2005-2008 Bi-annual Statistical Document Declarations to ICCAT Type of trade statistical data: 1998/June 2009 TARIC CN8 Trade Data, 1998/June 2009 HS9 Trade Data, 2005-2008 semestrial processed fresh & frozen BFT Exports. Trade-Flux Block III: Processed BFT Exports to USA by EU27; Trade statistical sources: Eurostat, US Dept. of Agriculture-Foreign Agricultural Service, 2005-2008 Bi-annual Statistical Document Declarations to ICCAT Type of trade statistical data: 1998/June 2009 TARIC CN8 Trade Data, 1998/June 2009 HS10 Trade Data, 2005-2008 semestrial processed fresh & frozen BFT Exports. Trade-Flux Block IV: Processed BFT Exports to non EU27 (Excl. Japan & USA) by EU27; Trade statistical sources: Eurostat, 2005-2008 Bi-annual Statistical Document Declarations to ICCAT Type of trade statistical data: 1998/June 2009 TARIC CN8 Trade Data, 2005-2008 semestrial processed fresh & frozen BFT Exports. Trade-Flux Block V: Processed BFT Exports by Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt & Turkey to EU27; Trade statistical sources: Eurostat, 2005-2008 Bi-annual Statistical Document Declarations to ICCAT Type of trade statistical data: 1998/June 2009 TARIC CN8 Trade Data, 2005-2008 semestrial processed fresh & frozen BFT Exports. Trade-Flux Block VI: Processed BFT Croatian Exports to Japan; Trade statistical sources: Japan Customs, Croatia Chamber of Economy, Agriculture, Food Industry & Forestry Department, 2005-2008 Bi-annual Statistical Document Declarations to ICCAT Type of trade statistical data: 1998/June 2009 HS9 Trade Data, 2005-2008 semestrial processed fresh & frozen BFT Exports. Trade-Flux Block VII: Processed BFT Exports to Japan by Iceland, Norway, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt & Turkey; Trade statistical sources: Japan Customs, 2005/June 2009 Bi-annual Statistical Document Declarations to ICCAT Type of trade statistical data: 1998/June 2009 HS9 Trade Data, 2005/June 2009 semestrial processed fresh & frozen BFT Exports. Trade-Flux Block VIII: Processed BFT Exports to USA by Iceland, Morocco, Tunisia & Turkey; Trade statistical sources: US Dept. of Agriculture-Foreign Agricultural Service, 2005/June 2009 Bi-annual Statistical Document Declarations to ICCAT Type of trade statistical data: 1998/June 2009 HS10 Trade Data, 2005/June 2009 semestrial processed fresh & frozen BFT Exports. Trade-Flux Block IX: Processed BFT Exports to Korea, China & Panama by Libya & Turkey. Trade statistical sources: 2005/June 2009 Bi-annual Statistical Document Declarations to ICCAT Type of trade statistical data: 2005/June 2009 semestrial processed fresh & frozen BFT Exports. Other official sources of information have also been monitored and used for the purpose of this report. These are: ICCAT: 1998/2008 SCRS Task I Catch Data 2007/2008 CoC CPs reports 2008/2009 BCD database Catch Data 2005/2009 CPs’ Bi-annual Statistical Document Declarations 2005 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Japan 2005 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Algeria: ICCAT Circular: 1328/06 2005 Q1+Q2+Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by China: ICCAT Circular: 667/06 2005 Q1+Q2+Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Turkey: ICCAT Circular: 558/06 2005 Q1+Q2+Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by USA: ICCAT Circular: 2157/06 2005 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Croatia: ICCAT Circular: 504/06 2005 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by EU: ICCAT Circular: 815/06 2005 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Japan: ICCAT Circular: 760/06 2005 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Korea: ICCAT Circular: 684/06 2005 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Taiwan: ICCAT Circular: 585/06 2005 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Tunisia: ICCAT Circulars: 092/06, 300/06 & 1513/06 2005 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Turkey: ICCAT Circulars: 1226/06, 025/07 2005 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by USA: ICCAT Circular: 739/06 2006 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by EU: ICCAT Circular: 1929/06 2006 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Japan: ICCAT Circular: 1847/06 2006 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Korea: ICCAT Circular: 1776/06 2006 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Taiwan: ICCAT Circular: 1624/06 2006 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Turkey: ICCAT Circular: 025/07 2006 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by USA: ICCAT Circular: 2517/06 2006 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Croatia: ICCAT Circulars: 228/07 & 382/07 2006 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by EU: ICCAT Circular: 614/07 2006 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Japan: ICCAT Circular: 627/07 2006 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Korea: ICCAT Circular: 1089/07 2006 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Morocco: ICCAT Circular: 430/07 2006 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Taiwan: ICCAT Circular: 499/07 2006 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Tunisia: ICCAT Circular: 239/07 2006 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Turkey: ICCAT Circular: 1040/07 2006 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by USA: ICCAT Circular: 541/07 2007 Q1+Q2+Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by China: ICCAT Circular: 1990/08 2007 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Croatia: ICCAT Circular: 1659/07 2007 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by EU: ICCAT Circular: 2031/07 2007 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Japan: ICCAT Circular: 1951/07 2007 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Korea: ICCAT Circular: 2208/08 2007 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Taiwan: ICCAT Circular: 1506/07 (Revised) 2007 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Tunisia: ICCAT Circular: 2034/07 2007 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Turkey: ICCAT Circular: 1743/07 2007 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by USA: ICCAT Circular: 1782/07 2007 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by China: ICCAT Circular: 129/08 2007 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by EU: ICCAT Circular: 987/08 2007 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Japan: ICCAT Circular: 500/08 2007 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Korea: ICCAT Circular: 2288/08 2007 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Tunisia: ICCAT Circular: 203/08 2007 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Turkey: ICCAT Circular: 299/08 2007 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by USA: ICCAT Circular: 637/08 2008 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by China: ICCAT Circular: 2289/09 2008 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by EU: ICCAT Circular: 2187/08 2008 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Japan 2008 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Korea: ICCAT Circular: 2288/08 2008 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Taiwan: ICCAT Circular: 1783/08 2008 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Turkey: ICCAT Circulars: 1429/08 & 1936/09 2008 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by USA: ICCAT Circular: 1964/08 2008 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by EU: ICCAT Circular: 1197/09 2008 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Japan: ICCAT Circular: 716/09 2009 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Turkey: ICCAT Circulars: 1788/09 & 1799/09 No 2009 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual reports by Japan, EU, USA, China, Korea, Taiwan and other ICCAT CPs were made available by ICCAT at the time of print of this report. Data corresponding to BFT having been caught during 2008 but exported during Q1+Q2 2009, contained in such 2009 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual reports, would have therefore been crosschecked with available 2009 Q1+Q2 BFT Trade statistical data from other official sources (Namely Japan Customs, Eurostat and US Dept. of Agriculture-Foreign Agricultural Service) thus allowing a more refined crosscheck of BFT Trade data for such period. Croatia Chamber of Economy (Agriculture, Food Industry & Forestry Department) Used Statistical Codes for Processed Fresh & Frozen BlueFin Tuna Trade Eurostat TARIC CN8 Codes 03023510:Fresh or chilled BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, 03023590:Fresh or chilled BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, (Excluding Tunas for industrial processing or preservation), 03023911:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, fresh or chilled, for industrial processing or preservation, 03023991:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, fresh or chilled (Excluding Tunas for industrial processing or preservation), 03034511:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, whole, 03034513:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, gilled and gutted, 03034519:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, without head and gills, but still to be gutted, 03034590:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, (Excluding Tunas for industrial processing or preservation), 03034921:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation, whole, 03034923:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation, gilled and gutted, 03034929:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation (Excluding whole and gilled and gutted). Japan Customs HS9 Codes 0302.35-000:Fresh or chilled BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation; 0302.39-010:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, Fresh or chilled, for industrial processing or preservation; 0303.45-000:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, whole; 0303.49-010:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation, whole; 0304.20-092:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation, fillet, loin or other presentations; 0304.29-920:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation, fillet, loin or other presentations; 0304.90-091:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation, fillet, loin or other presentations; 0304.99-991:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation. US Dept. of Agriculture-Foreign Agricultural Service HS10 Codes 0302350000Fresh or chilled BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation; 0302390020BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, Fresh or chilled, for industrial processing or preservation; 0303450000Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, whole; 0303490020BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation, fillet, loin or other presentations; ICCAT Codes for Processed Fresh & Frozen BlueFin Tuna Trade and Used Conversion Factors Where appropriate, possible and/or necessary, Conversion Factors used to calculate BFT Round Weight used for statistical analysis and calculation are: Belly Meat x10.28 Dressed Weightx 1.25 Fillets & Loinsx 1.67 Gilled & Guttedx 1.16 Othersx 2.00 In all cases, immediately inferior Conversion Factor is applied in case of doubt between two possibilities, as shown in following Table 001. Product Type DescriptionProduct Type CodeProduct Shape DescriptionProduct Shape CodeProduct Origin DescriptionConversion Factor Frozen to Fresh WeightConversion Factor to Whole/Round WeightConversion Factor Wild/RanchedFresh or ChilledFDressedDRRanched1,0001,2501,140Fresh or ChilledFDressedDRWild1,0001,2501,000Fresh or ChilledFFilletFLRanched1,0001,6701,140Fresh or ChilledFFilletFLWild1,0001,6701,000Fresh or ChilledFGilled & GuttedGGRanched1,0001,1601,140Fresh or ChilledFGilled & GuttedGGWild1,0001,1601,000Fresh or ChilledFNot availablen/an/a1,0001,1601,000Fresh or ChilledFOther, Loin, Saku Block, etc…OTRanched1,0001,0001,140Fresh or ChilledFOther, Loin, Saku Block, etc…OTWild1,0001,0001,000Fresh or ChilledFWhole, RoundRDRanched1,0001,0001,140Fresh or ChilledFWhole, RoundRDWild1,0001,0001,000FrozenFRDressedDRRanched1,1001,2501,140FrozenFRDressedDRn/a1,1001,2501,000FrozenFRDressedDRWild1,1001,2501,000FrozenFRFilletFLRanched1,1001,6701,140FrozenFRFilletFLWild1,1001,6701,000FrozenFRGilled & GuttedGGRanched1,1001,1601,140FrozenFRGilled & GuttedGGWild1,1001,1601,000FrozenFRNot availablen/an/a1,1001,1601,000FrozenFROther, Loin, Saku Block, etc…OTRanched1,1001,0001,140FrozenFROther, Loin, Saku Block, etc…OTWild1,1001,0001,000FrozenFRWhole, RoundRDRanched1,1001,0001,140FrozenFRWhole, RoundRDWild1,1001,0001,000 Table 001: Codes for Processed Fresh & Frozen BlueFin Tuna Trade and used Conversion Factors. According to industry sources, belly meat of 8% of wild long-lined and purse-seined BFT is exported on its own, since the rest of the meat is generally not suitable for the Japanese market. Applying an x10,28 Conversion Factor to such product would therefore be safe, though a double counting may occur in the case that such belly meat is exported to Japan and the rest is exported or distributed to lesser choosier markets. According to Industry Sources, the amount of ranched BFT belly meat exported to Japan has been historically minimal (less than 2%). Applying an x10,28 Conversion Factor to farmed BFT belly meat would again be misleading in that there is no effective method to identify whether or not such product is accompanied by loins or fillets belonging to the same fish. (Ranched BFT belly meat and loins may be exported separately thus possibly creating a double-count or over-estimation when converted into Ranched Round Weight (R/RW) and/or W/RW) Accordingly, we have chosen to compute BFT Belly Meat as well as other product shapes (OT) in our calculations as if Whole (RD) with a x 1.000 Conversion Factor to round weight, thus providing to our final results a conservative degree of statistical comfort. Likewise, not available product shapes are also computed as if Whole (RD) with an x 1.000 Conversion Factor to round weight. Whenever the declared origin of the exported/imported BFT is stated as “Ranched” but reported fishing gear is “n/a”, “UNCL” or “OT” we have assumed that fishing gear is “PS” as purse seining is the only fishing gear that allows BlueFin Tuna to be caught and transferred live into tuna ranching cages. Some experimental live BlueFin Tuna transferring from set nets: “TRAP” into ranching cages has nevertheless taken place. However, this technique has been hardly used. Accordingly, whenever the declared origin of the exported/imported BFT is stated as “Farmed” and reported fishing gear is “TRAP” we have concurred that fishing gear is “TRAP”. Recently publicised BFT fattening ratios of up to 300% are flatly contested. Serious scientific evidence backing such fantasy claims is simply non-existent if not purportedly faked. To all purposes, maximum average Conversion Factor from ranched BFT weight to Wild Round Weight (W/RW) used in this report is 1,140, with the exception of Croatian Ranched BFT for which such conversion factor is 1,350. References to NEI (unreported) BlueFin Tuna catch contained in ICCAT data sources were calculated following the formulation: NEI = A – B – C – 0.8 D Where: A = Catch reported to ICCAT B = Imports to USA C = Imports to Japan from wild fish D = Imports to Japan from farming When the NEI values thus calculated are negative, they are taken as estimates of unreported catch. Statistical crosschecks between two or more BFT trade statistical data sources have thus been performed where appropriate, possible and/or necessary. In order to further avoid double counting, live-BFT import/exports amongst ICCAT Contracting Parties inside the Mediterranean Sea under Eurostat TARIC Code: 0301999060, have been discarded for general calculation purposes, with the exception of: Those registered exports of “live-BFT” by EU27 Member States that do not operate inside the Mediterranean Sea, ex. Sweden, Ireland, Denmark and other North European States. Those registered exports of “live-BFT” by EU27 Member States that do operate inside the Mediterranean Sea but for which monthly recorded exports of such “live-BFT” took place well before or after the PS summer fishing season and therefore cannot correspond to true live-BFT transferred to Tuna Ranches. Those registered exports of “live-BFT” by EU27 Member States that operate inside the Mediterranean Sea but for which monthly recorded export volumes for such “live-BFT” are so low that cannot correspond to true live-BFT transferred to Tuna Ranches despite of the fact such monthly recorded exports of “live-BFT” did take place in or around the PS summer fishing season. To all purposes, processed fresh/chilled and frozen BFT trade export/import fluxes are strictly and only order by final exporting and/or importing countries. This does not imply in any way that such export fluxes are directly attributable to BFT catches by recorded final exporting countries. Antecedents of a Peak BlueFin Tuna scenario Overkill logistics Massive overfishing of BlueFin Tuna by Mediterranean and Asian vessels over the past 12 years is a consequence of first-purchase price squeezing by Japanese tuna companies of wild and ranched BFT producers, while controlling inflation of local end-consumer prices. Thanks to a new generation of ultra-low freezing technology, Japanese fresh and frozen tuna traders are no longer faced with the urgency of its rapid market distribution. Tuna has thus become a commodity with which Japan can indeed speculate. During the 1998-2009 period, Japan has built an impressive revolving frozen BFT stock in its mainland cold-storage stock of frozen fishery products. As shown in Chart 001 and according to NOAA, Japan’s Medium Yearly Frozen BFT mainland registered holdings alone, rose from 15.907 Metric tonnes during 1998 up to 23.623 Metric tonnes during 2009 first semester. It is thought that unrecorded holdings in mainland Japan and abroad in June 2009 could have amounted to some 47.000 Metric tonnes. Chart 001: Mediterranean BFT Ranching Capacity Vs. Frozen BFT Holdings in Japan (All values in Kgs) Faced with lower profit margins, higher fuel costs and a weaker yen, wild and ranched BlueFin Tuna producers have had no other choice but to overfish and pump-up their BFT ranching capacity, in order to break even over the same 1998-2009 period. Again and as shown in Chart 001, the Mediterranean BFT Ranching Capacity has soared from 3.500 Metric tonnes maximum ranching capacity back in 1998, to a staggering 63.042 Metric tonnes maximum ranching capacity in 2009. Likewise and as shown in Chart 002, the operative Mediterranean Tuna purseine fishing fleet has increased by over 35% during the period 1998-2009. Its operative fishing capacity is thought to have almost doubled due to evermore performing engines, hulls, fishing gears, fish detection technology as well as the widespread use of tuna-spotting aircrafts, banned by ICCAT as late as in 2007. Chart 002: Yearly variation of operative Mediterranean BFT Purseiners by ICCAT Contracting Parties (More than 35,5% increase in fishing capacity in just over a decade) The EU, via its FIFG-IFOP grant program, has largely contributed to this spiralling fishing and ranching overcapacity and uncontrolled overcapitalisation. According to, the entire EU Mediterranean BFT purseine fishing fleet alone, would have been subsidised by at least € 24.189.236,00. Finally and according to ICCAT itself, the operative BFT reefer vessel fleet has soared from 24 units back in 1998 to 40 units in 2009, as shown in Chart 003. Chart 003: Yearly variation of operative BFT Reefer Vessels registered with ICCAT (Freezing & carrying capacity of frozen BFT has almost doubled in just over a decade) Overkill NEA+MED BFT Quotas & TACs; “Negotiating with biology”... In 1997 and with declared 1996 annual BlueFin Tuna catches in the order of 43.000 Metric tonnes, ICCAT’s scientific body, the Standing Committee on Research and Statistics (SCRS) recommends a catch of 25.000 Metric tonnes. In 1998, the SCRS maintained its 25,000 Metric tonnes recommendation noting that it will “halt the decline in spawning biomass” but could not be expected to return it to historical levels. ICCAT recommends a 1999 the Total Allowable Catch (TAC, quota) of 32.000 Metric tonnes and 29.500 Metric tonnes for 2000. (See Table 002 & Chart 005: Yearly variation of ICCAT BFT Quotas or EU BFT TACs) In 2002 ICCAT sets the TAC for East Atlantic and Mediterranean BlueFin Tuna at 32.000 Metric tonnes for the period 2003-2006. In its 2006 assessment, SCRS notes that reported catches were below quota in 2003-2004 but substantially higher in 2005 – though it believed actual real catches were in the order of 50.000 Metric tonnes throughout the period and that “it is apparent that the TAC regulation … was not respected and was largely ineffective in controlling overall catch”. In 2006 and according yet again to ICCAT’s SCRS “the only scenarios which have potential to address the declines and initiate recovery are those which (in combination) close the Mediterranean to fishing during spawning season and decrease mortality on small fish through fully enforced increases in minimum size. Realized catches in the next few years implied by fully implementing these actions are expected to be in the order of 15.000 tonnes.” Chart 004: Yearly variation of Total NEA + MED PS BFT Catches according to ICCAT's Task I. (Source: ICCAT) Vs. Effective Total adjusted ICCAT NEA+MED BFT Yearly Quotas. (Source: ICCAT) and ICCAT-SCRS Total NEA+MED yearly BFT quota recommendations. In turn, ICCAT votes to accept an EU proposal for a quota of 29.500 Metric tonnes, reducing to 25.500 Metric tonnes by 2010. Contracting Parties1996 or Base³199719981999200020012002⁵20032004200520062007200820092010Albania0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0050.000,0050.000,00Algeria¹0,000,000,00304.000,004.000.000,004.000.000,000,001.500.000,001.464.000,001.523.000,001.693.000,001.838.770,001.460.040,001.117.420,001.012.130,00China84.000,0084.000,00120.800,00117.800,0055.000,0075.000,0076.000,0074.000,00128.700,00128.700,00117.800,00103.670,0063.550,0061.320,0056.860,00Croatia1.410.000,001.410.000,001.362.500,001.406.500,001.313.000,001.259.000,001.232.000,001.155.000,00951.000,001.069.000,001.022.000,00862.310,00833.080,00641.450,00581.510,00Cyprus0,000,000,0014.000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00154.680,00149.440,00112.080,00n/aEgypt0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0050.000,0050.000,00France6.420.000,005.840.000,005.250.000,006.413.000,006.279.000,006.279.000,006.461.000,006.298.000,006.233.000,006.192.700,006.182.000,005.493.650,005.306.730,002.859.000,00n/aGreece664.500,00664.500,00664.500,00126.000,00329.000,00329.000,00359.500,00473.500,00326.000,00323.400,00323.000,00287.230,00277.460,00208.095,00n/aIceland0,000,000,000,000,000,000,0030.000,0040.000,0050.000,0060.000,0053.340,0051.530,0049.720,0046.110,00Italy5.161.500,005.161.500,005.161.500,003.463.000,004.958.000,004.958.000,006.105.000,005.264.700,004.920.000,004.888.000,004.880.000,004.336.310,004.188.770,003.141.577,50n/aJapan3.554.000,003.554.000,002.666.000,003.122.000,002.780.000,002.949.000,002.813.000,002.949.000,003.050.000,002.982.000,002.790.000,003.030.920,002.430.540,001.871.440,001.696.570,00Korea²688.000,00688.000,00591.000,001.197.000,001.816.000,002.429.400,002.429.400,002.428.900,002.428.900,001.728.900,00741.900,00851.700,00171.770,00132.260,00119.900,00Libya⁴ ⁷1.332.000,001.332.000,001.302.000,001.300.000,001.199.000,001.570.000,001.570.000,001.286.000,001.833.800,001.934.200,002.283.500,001.359.000,001.381.990,001.091.520,001.002.330,00Malta0,000,000,00344.000,00419.000,00387.000,000,000,000,000,000,00355.590,00343.540,00257.655,00n/aMorocco⁴ ⁸1.812.000,001.812.000,001.359.000,002.430.000,003.028.000,003.028.000,003.028.000,003.030.000,003.551.000,003.551.000,003.948.000,003.151.300,003.055.560,002.415.260,002.218.490,00Norway0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0053.340,0051.530,0049.720,0046.110,00Others0,000,000,000,000,000,001.633.000,001.146.000,001.100.000,001.000.000,00823.000,000,000,000,000,00Portugal500.718,75500.718,75500.718,75519.000,00599.000,00599.000,00803.500,00752.300,00594.000,00590.200,00590.000,00523.880,00506.060,00379.545,00n/aRest of EU MemberStates¹⁰ 0,000,0060.000,0060.000,0060.000,0060.000,0059.500,0060.000,0060.000,0060.000,0060.000,0060.000,00832.517,50n/aSpain5.321.896,505.321.896,505.321.896,505.555.000,006.365.000,006.365.000,006.497.000,006.383.700,006.317.000,006.276.700,006.266.000,005.568.210,005.378.760,004.116.530,00n/aSyria0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0053.340,0051.530,0050.000,0050.000,00Taiwan² ⁶546.750,00546.750,00546.750,00714.000,001.123.000,001.468.000,001.493.000,00827.000,00382.000,00331.000,00480.000,00333.600,0068.710,0068.710,0066.300,00Tunisia⁹2.503.000,002.503.000,002.180.300,002.761.300,002.553.300,002.513.300,002.144.000,002.503.000,004.254.000,004.197.000,003.573.000,002.333.600,002.364.480,001.937.870,001.775.670,00Turkey0,000,000,001.155.000,00903.000,002.058.000,000,000,000,000,000,00918.320,00887.190,00683.110,00619.280,00Effective Total adjusted ICCAT NEA+MED BFT Yearly Quotas29.998.365,2529.418.365,2527.026.965,2531.001.600,0037.779.300,0040.326.700,0036.704.400,0036.160.600,0037.633.400,0036.825.800,0035.833.200,0031.722.760,0029.082.260,0022.176.800,0019.950.000,00ICCAT Recommendation Nº and/or EU Commission Regulation Nº:94-11 & 95-0594-11 & 95-0594-11 & 95-0598-05 & EU Creg. 49/199998-05 & EU Creg. 2742/199900-09 & EU Creg. 2848/2000 No ICCAT quotas & EU Creg. 2555/2001 + EU Creg. 1811/200202-08 & EU Creg. 2341/200202-08 & EU Creg. 2287/200302-08 & EU Creg. 27/200502-08 & EU Creg. 51/200606-05 & EU Creg. 41/200706-05 & EU proposed 2008 TACs (Pink)08-05 & EU TACs08-05 & EU TACsICCAT National Quota adjustments:     Adjusted quotas according to EA + MED BFT Compliance Table adopted in 2004. ICCAT biennial period, 2004-2005 Part I (2004)-Vol. 1.  Adjusted quotas according to EA + MED BFT Compliance Table adopted in 2007. Underages of Libya, Morocco and Tunisia in 2005 and 2006, carried over to 2009 and 2010 included.Adjusted quotas according to EA + MED BFT Compliance Table adopted in 1999. ICCAT biennial period, 1998-1999 Part II (1999)-Vol. 1.Adjusted quotas according to EA + MED BFT Compliance Table adopted in 2001. ICCAT biennial period, 2000-2001 Part II (2001)-Vol. 1.   Adjusted quotas according to EA + MED BFT Compliance Table adopted in 2002. ICCAT biennial period, 2002-2003 Part I (2002)-Vol. 1.  Adjusted quotas according to EA + MED BFT Compliance Table adopted in 2005. ICCAT biennial period, 2004-2005 Part II (2005)-Vol. 1. Adjusted quotas according to EA + MED BFT Compliance Table adopted in 2003. ICCAT biennial period, 2002-2003 Part II (2003)-Vol. 1.     Adjusted quotas according to EA + MED BFT Compliance Table adopted in 2006. ICCAT biennial period, 2006-2007 Part I (2006)-Vol. 1.            Table 002: Yearly variation of ICCAT BFT adjusted Quotas or EU BFT TACs (All values in Kgs) Chart 005: Yearly variation of ICCAT BFT adjusted Quotas or EU BFT TACs (All values in Kgs) In 2008 ICCAT’s SCRS estimated 2007 BlueFin Tuna catches amounting to 61.000 Metric tonnes, twice the current total allowable catch (TAC), and four times the sustainable level. SCRS recommended TACs of between 8.500 and 15.000 Metric tonnes, noting that continuing with “the current management scheme will most probably lead to further reduction in spawning stock biomass with high risk of fisheries and stock collapse”. In turn, ICCAT independent performance review deems management of the East Atlantic and Mediterranean BlueFin fishery to be an “international disgrace” with “indications that collapse could be a real possibility”. The report recommends ICCAT immediately suspends fishing until its members show they “can control and report on their catch”. Additional recommended measures include closure of spawning grounds in spawning periods. Noting illegal fishing pushing to twice quota levels and four times scientific recommendations the report concludes “It is difficult to describe this as responsible fisheries management.” Notwithstanding, ICCAT casted aside the views of its scientists and the review panel to endorse a revised “recovery plan” with a 2009 TAC of 22.000 Metric tonnes and a “bad weather” tweak to the closed season which inevitably allowed additional industrial fishing during the 2009 spawning season. 1998-2009 BFT Trade data Analysis An estimation of ex-Trade BlueFin Tuna catches during the period 1998-2009 According to ICCAT-SCRS Task I, ICCAT Contracting Parties have declared a total of 12.459.193,00 Kgs. of W/RW BlueFin Tuna having been caught by Mediterranean and North East Atlantic Sport fishermen during the period 1998-2008. The yearly variations of such catches ordered by ICCAT CP can be seen in Table: 003. (Page 23) Such catches do not appear on any Trade Database since they correspond to Sport fisheries across the Mediterranean Sea and the North East Atlantic, thus unsuitable by law for commercial and/or trade purposes. Retained values are expressed in Kgs. of Round Wild Weights (W/RW) According to ICCAT-SCRS Task I, total NEA+MED BFT Catches by China, Faroe Is, Iceland, Japan, Korea, NEI, Norway, Panama, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Syria & Taiwan, during the period 1998-2008, amounted to a total of 47.633.628,00 Kgs. of W/RW BlueFin Tuna. The yearly variations of such catches ordered by ICCAT CP can be seen in Table: 004. (Page 24) We have chosen to compute such catches as having been directly marketed by those CPs at their national markets’ level (Not exported) A crosscheck between such catches and direct recorded BFT exports by China, Korea & Taiwan to Japan contained in 2005 to 2008 Bi-annual Statistical Document Declarations to ICCAT (See Table: 005, Page 25), shows that the W/RW equivalent of processed fresh and frozen BFT exported volumes to Japan by such countries, are almost always inferior to those of their declared annual catches to ICCAT-SCRS Task I A final crosscheck between W/RW data contained Tables: 003, 004 & 005 shows that total W/RW equivalent of BFT catches ex-Trade for the period 1998-June 2009, amounts to 60.608.439,62 Kgs. The yearly variations of such catches (Sport + Industrial BFT catches ex-Trade) ordered by ICCAT CP can be seen in Table: 006 (Page 26) and Chart 006 below. Chart 006: Yearly variations of W/RW equivalent of NEA+MED Sport + Industrial (ex-Trade) BFT catches by China, Faroe Is., Iceland, Japan, Korea & other CPs. All values in Kgs. MED+NEA BFT Sport Catches by ICCAT CPs. Source ICCAT-SCRS Task I (Not marketed)             ICCAT CP 19981999200020012002200320042005200620072008Jan.-Jun. 2009ALGERIA180.000,00208.000,00159.000,00163.000,00129.000,000,0039.000,0027.000,0021.000,0020.000,000,00 CROATIA1.000,0039.000,000,004.000,001.000,002.000,000,000,000,000,008.473,00 CYPRUS0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,003.478,00 FRANCE22.444,002.921,0013.985,0047.790,0021.705,009.808,002.067,000,000,000,000,00 GREECE279.000,00233.000,00597.000,00341.000,00394.000,00245.000,0073.200,000,006.400,006.550,0093.179,00 ITALY14.000,00425.000,00385.706,00403.169,00621.490,00500.000,00500.100,00500.000,00277.448,000,0016.583,00 MOROCCO634.000,00600.000,00650.000,00195.000,00407.000,00570.000,00597.000,0080.000,00187.000,0019.000,000,00 NEI (FLAG RELATED)64.000,0042.000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 SPAIN122.000,0062.000,00203.294,00170.100,00120.300,00128.060,00106.232,0033.610,0012.010,0030.410,0021.381,00 TUNISIA48.000,0043.000,0037.000,0058.000,0015.000,0046.000,00109.000,004.300,003.000,004.000,000,00              TOTALS:1.364.444,001.654.921,002.045.985,001.382.059,001.709.495,001.500.868,001.426.599,00644.910,00506.858,0079.960,00143.094,000,00 Table 003: MED+NEA BFT Sport Catches by ICCAT CPs (Not marketed, all values are Round Wild Weights) Source: ICCAT-SCRS Task I Cells highlighted in orange correspond to non available or incomplete data. NEA+MED BFT Catches by China, Faroe Is., Iceland, Japan, Korea & other CPs. Source ICCAT-SCRS Task I             COUNTRY 19981999200020012002200320042005200620072008Jan.-Jun. 2009CHINA85.000,00103.000,0079.600,0068.100,0039.100,0019.300,0041.000,0023.695,00 72.000,0096.289,00 FAROE ISLANDS67.000,00104.000,00118.000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 ICELAND2.000,0027.000,000,000,001.133,000,000,000,000,000,0050.000,00 JAPAN3.556.000,003.071.000,003.031.000,002.577.000,002.926.000,003.011.000,002.653.000,002.976.000,002.452.000,002.078.000,003.031.004,0080.240,00JAPAN (ALGERIAN CHARTER)0,000,00700.000,00109.000,00186.000,000,00167.000,00712.000,0088.000,00754.000,000,00 KOREA66.000,000,005.573,00500,00 0,00700.000,001.145.000,0027.000,00276.000,00335.000,00 NEI (COMBINED)1.030.000,001.995.000,00109.000,00571.000,00508.000,00610.000,00709.000,000,000,000,000,00 NEI (FLAG RELATED)891.000,00140.000,0017.000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 NORWAY0,005.000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00295,00 PANAMA0,0013.000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 SERBIA0,000,004.350,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 SEYCHELLES0,000,000,000,001.635,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 SIERRA LEONE0,000,0092.620,00118.344,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 SYRIA0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0049.590,0040.500,00 TAIWAN456.000,00249.000,00313.000,00633.000,00666.000,00445.000,0051.000,00277.000,009.000,000,000,00              TOTALS:6.153.000,005.707.000,004.470.143,004.076.944,004.327.868,004.085.300,004.321.000,005.133.695,002.576.000,003.229.590,003.553.088,0080.240,00 Table 004: NEA+MED BFT Catches by China, Faroe Is, Iceland, Japan, Korea, NEI, Norway, Panama, Serbia Seychelles, S. Leone Syria & Taiwan (All values are Round Wild Weights) Source: ICCAT-SCRS Task I Cells highlighted in orange correspond to non available or incomplete data. NEA+MED Processed BFT Exports by China, Faroe Is., Iceland, Japan, Korea & other CPs. Source: Bi-annual Statistical Document Declarations to ICCAT             EXPORTING COUNTRIES19981999200020012002200320042005200620072008Jan.-Jun. 2009CAPE VERDE       8.137,000,0060.000,0045.500,00 CHINA       0,0047.000,0028.000,0051.550,00 IVORY COAST       13.982,000,000,000,00 KOREA       86.267,0076.645,30107.838,1095.875,40 TAIWAN       135.092,0067.186,008.849,400,00              TOTALS:0,000,000,000,000,000,000,00243.478,00190.831,30204.687,50192.925,400,00             W/RW Equivalent of NEA+MED Processed BFT Exports by China, Faroe Is., Iceland, Japan, Korea & other CPs.             EXPORTING COUNTRIES19981999200020012002200320042005200620072008Jan.-Jun. 2009CAPE VERDE       10.382,810,0076.560,0058.058,00 CHINA       0,0059.972,0035.728,0065.769,00 IVORY COAST       17.841,030,000,000,00 KOREA       130.361,70105.881,66168.277,59152.746,97 TAIWAN       172.377,3973.663,7211.291,830,00              TOTALS:0,000,000,000,000,000,000,00330.962,93239.517,38291.857,42276.573,970,00 Table 005: NEA+MED Processed BFT Exports and W/RW Equivalent, by China, Faroe Is., Iceland, Japan, Korea & other CPs. Source: Bi-annual Statistical Document Declarations to ICCAT Cells highlighted in orange correspond to non available or incomplete data. NEA+MED BFT Catches by China, Faroe Is., Iceland, Japan, Korea & other CPs. Source: ICCAT-SCRS Task I and NEA+MED Processed BFT Exports by China, Faroe Is., Iceland, Japan, Korea & other CPs. (All values W/RW Equivalent in Kgs.)             COUNTRY 19981999200020012002200320042005200620072008Jan.-Jun. 2009ALGERIA180.000,00208.000,00159.000,00163.000,00129.000,000,0039.000,0027.000,0021.000,0020.000,000,00 CAPE VERDE0,000,000,000,000,000,000,0010.382,810,0076.560,0058.058,00 CHINA85.000,00103.000,0079.600,0068.100,0039.100,0019.300,0041.000,0047.000,0059.972,0088.000,0096.289,00 CROATIA1.000,0039.000,000,004.000,001.000,002.000,000,000,000,000,008.473,00 CYPRUS0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,003.478,00 FAROE ISLANDS67.000,00104.000,00118.000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 FRANCE22.444,002.921,0013.985,0047.790,0021.705,009.808,002.067,000,000,000,000,00 GREECE279.000,00233.000,00597.000,00341.000,00394.000,00245.000,0073.200,000,006.400,006.550,0093.179,00 GUINEA0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0012.000,000,00 ICELAND2.000,0027.000,000,000,001.133,000,000,000,000,000,0050.000,00 ITALY14.000,00425.000,00385.706,00403.169,00621.490,00500.000,00500.100,00500.000,00277.448,000,0016.583,00 IVORY COAST0,000,000,000,000,000,000,0017.841,030,000,000,00 JAPAN3.556.000,003.071.000,003.031.000,002.577.000,002.926.000,003.011.000,002.653.000,002.976.000,002.452.000,002.078.000,003.031.004,0080.240,00JAPAN (CHARTER ALGERIA)  700.000,00109.000,00186.000,00 167.000,00712.000,0088.000,00754.000,000,00 KOREA66.000,000,005.573,00500,000,000,00700.000,001.145.000,00105.881,66276.000,00335.000,00 MOROCCO634.000,00600.000,00650.000,00195.000,00407.000,00570.000,00597.000,0080.000,00187.000,0019.000,000,00 NEI (combined)1.030.000,001.995.000,00109.000,00571.000,00508.000,00610.000,00709.000,000,000,000,000,00 NEI (Flag related)955.000,00182.000,0017.000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 NORWAY0,005.000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00295,00 PANAMA0,0013.000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 SERBIA0,000,004.350,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 SEYCHELLES0,000,000,000,001.635,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 SIERRA LEONE0,000,0092.620,00118.344,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 SPAIN122.000,0062.000,00203.294,00170.100,00120.300,00128.060,00106.232,0033.610,0012.010,0030.410,0021.381,00 SYRIA0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0049.590,0040.500,00 TAIWAN456.000,00249.000,00313.000,00633.000,00666.000,00445.000,0051.000,00277.000,0073.663,7214.377,403.337,00 TUNISIA48.000,0043.000,0037.000,0058.000,0015.000,0046.000,00109.000,004.300,003.000,004.000,000,00              TOTALS:7.517.444,007.361.921,006.516.128,005.459.003,006.037.363,005.586.168,005.747.599,005.830.133,843.286.375,383.428.487,403.757.577,0080.240,00 Table 006: Crosschecked W/RW Equivalent of NEA+MED Processed BFT Exports and/or recorded catches by China, Faroe Is., Iceland, Japan, Korea & other CPs + MED+NEA BFT Sport Catches by ICCAT CPs not marketed. Cells highlighted in orange correspond to non available or incomplete data. Trade-Flux Block I: An estimation of Intra-EU27 Processed Fresh & Frozen BlueFin Tuna trade volumes during the period 1998-2009 The only public available intra EU27 trade data of processed fresh & frozen BlueFin Tuna is contained in the Eurostat TARIC CN8 – based Trade Database. A general search for recorded monthly exports of processed fresh/chilled & frozen BlueFin Tuna among EU27 Member States for the period January 1998 to June 2009 was thus conducted for the purpose of this report. (Rows: Exporting (R), Columns: Importing (P)) Retained EU27 exporting Countries were: Austria Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Slovenia Slovakia Sweden Romania Spain United Kingdom Retained TARIC CN8 codes for such search were: 03023510:Fresh or chilled BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, 03023590:Fresh or chilled BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, (Excluding Tunas for industrial processing or preservation), 03023911:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, fresh or chilled, for industrial processing or preservation, 03023991:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, fresh or chilled (Excluding Tunas for industrial processing or preservation), 03034511:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, whole, 03034513:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, gilled and gutted, 03034519:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, without head and gills, but still to be gutted, 03034590:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, (Excluding Tunas for industrial processing or preservation), 03034921:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation, whole, 03034923:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation, gilled and gutted, 03034929:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation (Excluding whole and gilled and gutted). Likewise, a parallel general search for recorded monthly imports of processed fresh/chilled & frozen BlueFin Tuna among EU27 Member States for the period January 1998 to June 2009 was also performed. (Rows: Exporting (P), Columns: Importing (R)) Retained EU27 importing Countries were again: Austria Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Slovenia Slovakia Sweden Romania Spain United Kingdom Retained TARIC CN8 codes for such search were again: 03023510:Fresh or chilled BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, 03023590:Fresh or chilled BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, (Excluding Tunas for industrial processing or preservation), 03023911:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, fresh or chilled, for industrial processing or preservation, 03023991:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, fresh or chilled (Excluding Tunas for industrial processing or preservation), 03034511:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, whole, 03034513:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, gilled and gutted, 03034519:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, without head and gills, but still to be gutted, 03034590:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, (Excluding Tunas for industrial processing or preservation), 03034921:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation, whole, 03034923:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation, gilled and gutted, 03034929:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation (Excluding whole and gilled and gutted). It is to be noted that not all of recorded 1998-2009 processed fresh/chilled & frozen BFT trade fluxes prior to May 1st 2004 and January 1st 2007, can be considered or catalogued as true Intra-EU27 BFT trade fluxes. Some of today’s EU27 Member States were not EU members until 2004 and 2007. Trade fluxes among such states prior to their EU accession date as well as with EU Member States are thus to be considered as extra-EU imports and exports, not regulated by applicable Intra EU Trade regulations. The Trade status chronology among today’s EU27 Member States can be seen in following Table: 007. (Page 30) A first crosscheck between recorded monthly exports and imports of processed fresh/chilled & frozen BlueFin Tuna among EU27 Member States for the period January 1998 to June 2009, was carried-out with the following initial conclusions being addressed: For all EU27 Member States and all TARIC CN8 BFT presentations, there was not a single instance of a monthly correspondence in volume (Kgs.) and value (€), between a given recorded Intra EU27 export flux from one country to another and the recorded Intra EU27 import flux between those two same countries, for that same month, as well as same TARIC CN8 BFT presentation. For all EU27 Member States and all TARIC CN8 BFT presentations, there was not a single instance of a correspondence in volume (Kgs.) and value (€), between a given monthly recorded Intra EU27 export flux from one country to another and the recorded Intra EU27 import flux between those two same countries, for the following first, second and third months, as well as same TARIC CN8 BFT presentation. Table: 007: Trade status chronology among today’s EU27 Member States. Chart 007: Methodology of first crosscheck between recorded monthly exports and imports of processed fresh/chilled & frozen BlueFin Tuna among EU27 Member States for the period January 1998 to June 2009. Chart 008: Methodology of second crosscheck between recorded monthly exports and imports of processed fresh/chilled & frozen BlueFin Tuna among EU27 Member States for the period January 1998 to June 2009. A second crosscheck (See Chart 008) between recorded monthly exports and imports of processed fresh/chilled & frozen BlueFin Tuna among EU27 Member States for the period January 1998 to June 2009 was also carried-out. For all EU27 Member States and all TARIC CN8 BFT presentations, there was not a single instance of a correspondence in volume (Kgs.) and value (€), between a given monthly recorded Intra EU27 import flux from one country to another and the recorded Intra EU27 added export fluxes between those two same countries, for the preceding first, second and third months, as well as same TARIC CN8 BFT presentation. According to Eurostat’s statistics on the trading of goods User Guide: “Statistics on trade between the Member States of the European Union are based on a European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) No 638/2004 of 31 March 2004 and on the implementing Commission Regulation (EC) No 1982/2004 of 18 November 2004 which lay down or supplement the rules on methodology, thresholds and specific movements and one amending Commission regulation ((EC) No 1915/2005 on simplified quantity reporting). The Intrastat system, which was created as a means of collection of these statistics, came into operation on 1 January 1993.” EUROSTAT “provides for direct collection of information from trade operators, which send the relevant national administration a summary declaration for the previous month’s operations. In France and Italy, these declarations also serve statistical and fiscal purposes.” EUROSTAT “is based on a close link with the VAT system relating to intra-EU trade. The tax authorities of the Member States are required, at least once every quarter, to transmit to the statistical services a list of operators who have made purchases or sales and the value of these operations, so that the exhaustiveness and quality of the statistical data can be checked.” “For intra-EU trade (and to a lesser extent for extra-EU trade) there are thresholds below which the information is either absent or simplified. These have been adopted to limit the burden on information providers, while preserving an acceptable quality of statistical information.” A number of fair and credible assumptions may therefore be asserted at this point: EUROSTAT does not cover the entirety of intra EU27 processed fresh & frozen exports and import fluxes, Since EUROSTAT is based on a close link with the VAT system relating to intra-EU trade, it is our fair assumption that systematic differences between monthly export and import values revealed by both previously described trade data crosschecks, are mostly to be attributable to such fact. Intra EU27 VAT billing regulations allow exporters to invoice importers with or without VAT. In the first case, VAT is declared to the exporter’s Member State Tax Authority. In the second case, VAT is declared to the importer’s Member State Tax Authority. It is therefore fair to assume that: Intra EU27 processed fresh & frozen BFT export values contained in EUROSTAT, only cover those exports that were VAT invoiced by the exporter, Intra EU27 processed fresh & frozen BFT import values contained in EUROSTAT, only cover those exports that were invoiced with no added VAT by the exporter, Both previous assumptions are also valid for trade fluxes among states prior to their EU accession, as well as for such non EU states’ trade fluxes with EU Member States. Both sets of export and import values are therefore complementary and should furthermore be added to reach an acceptable level of statistical exhaustiveness. Accordingly, total intra EU27 processed fresh & frozen BFT export flux for the period 1998-June 2009, amounts to 142.425.050,00 Kgs, as shown in Table 008 (Page 35). The W/RW equivalent for such export flux for the period 1998-June 2009, amounts to 132.403.805,80 Kgs, as shown in Table 009. The yearly variations of W/RW equivalent for such export flux ordered by EU27 Member States, can be seen in Table: 009 (Page 36) and Chart 009 below. Chart 009: Yearly variations of W/RW equivalent of total intra EU27 processed fresh & frozen BFT export flux for the period 1998-June 2009, All values in Kgs. A dramatic fall of intra EU27 processed fresh & frozen BFT export flux is to be pointed-out for the year 2008. (A -51,47% drop in processed fresh & frozen BFT export flux worth ≈ €97,5 million loss, and also corresponding to a -33,37% drop in W/RW equivalent of processed fresh & frozen BFT export flux) Though the exact reasons of such an anomaly are not yet clear, it is worthwhile noting that such a drastic drop may be due to a combined effect of a lower EU BFT catch having been offloaded at EU ports during that year and an effective BFT consumer boycott in Europe spearheaded by leading NGOs and reputable European wholesalers. Intra EU27 Processed BFT Exports. Source Eurostat CN8.BLUEFIN TUNAS 'THUNNUS THYNNUS', FRESH, CHILLED OR FROZEN (INCL. TUNAS FOR INDUSTRIAL PROCESSING OR PRESERVATION) WHOLE, GG & OTHERS (EXCL. FILLETS, LOINS, SAKU, BM, ETC…)             EXPORTING COUNTRIESJan.-Dec. 1998Jan.-Dec. 1999Jan.-Dec. 2000Jan.-Dec. 2001Jan.-Dec. 2002Jan.-Dec. 2003Jan.-Dec. 2004Jan.-Dec. 2005Jan.-Dec. 2006Jan.-Dec. 2007Jan.-Dec. 2008Jan.-Jun. 2009AUSTRIA0,000,000,000,000,000,000,0050,0050,003.550,007.900,001.700,00BELGIUM550,002.150,001.750,003.800,006.050,0027.400,0034.400,0019.500,0038.400,0033.350,0024.450,003.500,00CYPRUS0,000,002.500,0012.800,0013.200,0044.500,00405.350,00400,000,00765.300,00250.450,0028.200,00CZECH REP.0,000,000,000,000,0050,000,00100,00400,00100,001.550,003.400,00DENMARK5.900,0015.800,004.600,0010.950,0025.200,006.950,003.550,004.700,005.300,007.700,009.450,005.350,00ESTONIA0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00200,000,000,00FINLAND0,000,000,0050,000,000,000,000,000,0050,000,00100,00FRANCE5.328.550,008.786.950,006.384.650,004.529.150,008.550.150,004.436.350,005.106.050,002.425.200,003.692.800,002.486.950,00973.900,00283.650,00GERMANY50,0061.150,00214.200,0093.150,0018.000,005.900,0023.750,0046.900,0018.050,0068.150,0018.700,0012.350,00GREECE184.150,00186.500,00162.550,00261.800,00111.800,00126.700,003.171.000,00193.600,0036.450,0056.050,00102.050,0060.450,00HUNGARY0,000,000,000,000,000,000,0050,000,001.200,000,000,00IRELAND21.950,00176.500,0043.600,0035.100,00800,008.100,0017.000,003.800,004.800,000,0033.700,0058.300,00ITALY2.828.700,003.706.950,003.862.000,002.936.550,001.378.000,001.541.800,002.906.450,004.369.250,002.978.800,00912.250,001.182.750,00622.100,00LATVIA0,000,000,000,000,000,000,005.200,00400,00600,00100,000,00LITHUANIA0,000,000,000,000,000,000,00100,00700,000,000,000,00LUXEMBOURG0,00200,001.000,002.200,0050,00100,000,0050,00200,00450,0014.750,00250,00MALTA0,00500,0050,00100,005.100,0050.750,00144.000,001.213.900,00140.600,0074.300,0027.300,0068.800,00NETHERLANDS30.450,0012.200,0013.400,0030.600,0032.700,0087.850,00124.500,00113.950,0059.750,00123.050,0098.100,0051.350,00POLAND0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,002.100,0026.650,00100,00PORTUGAL244.100,00158.350,00237.800,00326.100,0065.400,0076.400,0071.300,0032.200,0087.850,0060.800,0098.850,00291.600,00SLOVAKIA0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0050,00250,00200,00SLOVENIA0,000,000,000,000,000,00400,000,007.300,0050,000,002.700,00SPAIN5.268.900,004.351.800,003.009.400,005.011.800,004.414.700,004.236.600,003.069.600,004.915.950,004.709.600,005.753.450,002.478.750,00689.900,00SWEDEN600,00600,002.100,0062.300,00200,008.900,002.300,001.950,002.550,002.350,002.400,0024.050,00UK3.100,001.550,003.800,00450,001.800,002.700,0013.050,0012.700,0024.000,00217.600,0087.950,0024.400,00             TOTALS:13.917.000,0017.461.200,0013.943.400,0013.316.900,0014.623.150,0010.661.050,0015.092.700,0013.359.550,0011.808.000,0010.569.650,005.440.000,002.232.450,00 Table 008 Cells highlighted in orange correspond to non available or incomplete data. W/RW Equivalent Intra EU27 Processed BFT Exports. Source Eurostat CN8.BLUEFIN TUNAS 'THUNNUS THYNNUS', FRESH, CHILLED OR FROZEN (INCL. TUNAS FOR INDUSTRIAL PROCESSING OR PRESERVATION) WHOLE, GG & OTHERS (EXCL. FILLETS, LOINS, SAKU, BM, ETC…)             EXPORTING COUNTRIESJan.-Dec. 1998Jan.-Dec. 1999Jan.-Dec. 2000Jan.-Dec. 2001Jan.-Dec. 2002Jan.-Dec. 2003Jan.-Dec. 2004Jan.-Dec. 2005Jan.-Dec. 2006Jan.-Dec. 2007Jan.-Dec. 2008Jan.-Jun. 2009AUSTRIA0,000,000,000,000,000,000,0055,0055,003.550,007.905,001.710,00BELGIUM560,002.231,251.763,803.800,006.055,0027.432,6034.952,0019.527,6040.260,1036.167,6024.503,803.555,20CYPRUS0,000,002.192,9811.228,0711.578,9539.035,09355.570,18350,880,00671.315,79833,340,00CZECH REP.0,000,000,000,000,0050,000,00100,00405,00105,001.603,753.420,00DENMARK5.900,0015.800,004.600,0011.072,6025.220,007.067,503.580,005.010,005.300,007.705,009.955,005.355,00ESTONIA0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00242,500,000,00FINLAND0,000,000,0050,000,000,000,000,000,0050,000,00100,00FRANCE5.347.851,008.802.399,356.421.308,804.536.393,358.557.845,604.442.785,805.118.702,202.477.739,803.703.807,402.496.505,00490.122,90127.538,60GERMANY50,0081.062,50285.787,50117.937,5018.140,006.085,0023.970,0048.137,8018.145,0068.155,0018.753,7512.350,00GREECE184.300,00186.638,00162.908,80261.800,00101.741,23111.208,322.782.328,94173.574,5633.552,6251.473,6992.412,2953.026,31HUNGARY0,000,000,000,000,000,000,0055,000,001.320,000,000,00IRELAND21.950,00176.500,0043.620,0035.100,00800,008.100,0017.000,003.800,004.800,000,0033.700,0058.300,00ITALY2.834.749,403.750.630,003.408.684,922.581.380,001.212.530,711.354.918,852.567.362,983.850.759,482.620.369,89803.760,96352.192,28542.212,98LATVIA0,000,000,000,000,000,000,005.200,00400,00600,00100,000,00LITHUANIA0,000,000,000,000,000,000,00100,00700,000,000,000,00LUXEMBOURG0,00200,001.090,002.410,0050,00100,000,0050,00200,00460,0014.750,00250,00MALTA0,00438,6043,86104,174.745,6248.526,32130.438,601.165.192,55130.600,8872.798,2523.947,3759.473,69NETHERLANDS38.872,9513.998,4014.312,8037.008,2032.992,5088.897,50136.877,50124.440,2062.760,00127.865,0099.265,0052.006,25POLAND0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,002.310,0026.675,00100,00PORTUGAL257.741,60186.391,60260.790,80326.100,0072.390,0076.795,0081.417,5034.148,0091.654,0062.597,5099.808,80291.660,00SLOVAKIA0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0050,00260,00420,00SLOVENIA0,000,000,000,000,000,00400,000,007.300,0050,000,002.700,00SPAIN4.645.593,423.857.724,302.684.302,984.434.264,663.919.317,723.777.686,662.764.677,724.389.513,774.200.615,265.208.520,961.888.265,52607.534,03SWEDEN600,00600,002.100,0064.038,80200,008.900,002.300,001.950,002.550,002.350,002.400,0026.290,00UK3.100,001.587,503.840,00450,001.800,002.710,0013.018,7513.790,0024.005,00228.518,6098.257,5026.390,00             TOTALS:13.341.268,3717.076.201,5013.297.347,2412.423.137,3513.965.407,3310.000.298,6414.032.596,3712.313.494,6410.947.480,159.846.470,853.285.711,301.874.392,06 Table 009 Cells highlighted in orange correspond to non available or incomplete data. EUROSTAT intra EU27 processed fresh & frozen BFT export flux data for the period 1998-June 2009, does not differentiate between exports and re-exports of BFT among EU27 Member States. This is especially true and relevant for BFT trade between the three most important BFT fishing EU Member States: Spain, France & Italy; totalling a combined 1998-2009 EU TAC of 195.922.734,00 Kgs. (92,91%) out of an EU 1998-2009 ICCAT combined ICCAT Quota of 210.875.625,25 Kgs. Based on EUROSTAT intra EU27 processed fresh & frozen BFT export flux data for the period 1998-June 2009, the flow of such imports/exports can be seen at Chart 010. Chart 010: Flow of processed BFT import/export flux for the period 1998-June 2009, among the three most important BFT fishing EU Member States: Spain, France & Italy. All values in Kgs. Source: Eurostat. According to EUROSTAT intra EU27 processed fresh & frozen BFT export flux data during the period 1998-June 2009 between Spain, France and Italy alone, the total flow of BFT exports by and between these three countries amounted to 122.277.800,00 Kgs. of processed BFT, equivalent to 114.126.106 Kgs. (W/RW); that is 58,25% of the combined 1998-2009 EU TAC of 195.922.734,00 Kgs. It appears that France is the leading exporting/re-exporting country with 48.784.200,00 Kgs. of processed BFT equivalent to 49.106.031,00 Kgs. (W/RW) having been exported/re-exported to Spain and Italy during the period 1998-June 2009. France is followed by Spain with 45.005.750,00 Kgs. of processed BFT equivalent to 39.910.849,00 Kgs. (W/RW) having been exported/re-exported to France and Italy during the period 1998-June 2009. Spain is in turn followed at a considerable distance by Italy with 28.487.850,00 Kgs. of processed BFT equivalent to 25.109.226,00 Kgs. (W/RW) having been exported/re-exported to France and Spain during the period 1998-June 2009. In terms of fully detectable exports (FDE), that is: FDE = TE-TI, It appears that Italy is by far the only net exporting country with 16.497.100,00 Kgs. of processed fresh & frozen BFT having been exported net to France and Spain during the period 1998-June 2009. Spain is the most important net importer with 12.244.800,00 Kgs. of processed fresh & frozen BFT having been imported net from Italy during the period 1998-June 2009. Spain is followed by France as a net importer with 4.252.300,00 Kgs. of processed fresh & frozen BFT having been imported net from Italy during the period 1998-June 2009. This would therefore mean that out of a total 122.277.800,00 Kgs. flow of processed fresh & frozen BFT exports by and between these three countries during the period 1998-June 2009, a maximum flux of 105.780.700,00 Kgs. of processed fresh & frozen BFT may well be presumed as corresponding to re-exports, thus raising a double-counting issue. We nevertheless comfortably assume such quantities as being exports. An estimated combined average national domestic consumption of processed fresh & frozen BFT amounting to some 11.000.000,00 Kgs. per year for all three Member States during the period 1998-2008 (That is 121.000.000,00 Kgs.) largely exceeds the 105.780.700,00 Kgs. threshold of presumed processed fresh & frozen BFT re-exports. According to data from Spain’s former Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries (MAPA-FROM) Spain had an average yearly processed fresh & frozen BFT domestic consumption of 2.889.570,00 Kgs. during the period 2002 to 2005. According to same MAPA-FROM data, Spain’s processed fresh & frozen BFT domestic consumption for 2005 rose to 4.098.500,00 Kgs. According to industry sources, Spain’s processed fresh & frozen BFT domestic consumption for 2006 and 2007 was in tune with that of 2005. According to France’s OFIMER, 15% (1.418.700 Kgs.) of France’s 2004 total BFT Catches (9.458.000,00 Kgs according to EUROSTAT and 7.032.067,00 Kgs. according to ICCAT) were marketed nationally. Again according to OFIMER/DPMA, France imported that same year some 2.800.000,00 Kgs. of processed fresh & frozen BFT from Spain, Italy, Tunisia and Turkey in order to satisfy its national market demand, thus raisin France’s processed fresh & frozen BFT domestic consumption for 2004 up to some 4.200.000,00 Kgs. According to industry sources, France’s processed fresh & frozen BFT domestic consumption for 2005, 2006 and 2007 was in tune with that of 2004. According to industry sources, over 10.000,00 Kgs. of fresh BFT are sold daily at Palermo’s fish market alone, during the three month-long BFT Summer fishing season. Italy’s processed fresh & frozen BFT yearly domestic consumption up until 2007 is estimated at some 3.000.000,00 Kgs. Trade-Flux Block II: An estimation of EU27 Processed Fresh & Frozen BlueFin Tuna exports to Japan during the period 1998-2009 A first general search for EUROSTAT recorded monthly exports of processed fresh/chilled & frozen BlueFin Tuna from EU27 Member States to Japan for the period January 1998 to June 2009 was conducted for the purpose of this report. Retained EU27 exporting Countries were: Austria Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Slovenia Slovakia Sweden Romania Spain United Kingdom Retained TARIC CN8 codes for such search were: 03023510:Fresh or chilled BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, 03023590:Fresh or chilled BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, (Excluding Tunas for industrial processing or preservation), 03023911:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, fresh or chilled, for industrial processing or preservation, 03023991:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, fresh or chilled (Excluding Tunas for industrial processing or preservation), 03034511:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, whole, 03034513:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, gilled and gutted, 03034519:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, without head and gills, but still to be gutted, 03034590:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, (Excluding Tunas for industrial processing or preservation), 03034921:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation, whole, 03034923:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation, gilled and gutted, 03034929:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation (Excluding whole and gilled and gutted). Accordingly, total EU27 EUROSTAT recorded processed fresh & frozen BFT exports to Japan for the period 1998-June 2009, amount to 96.766.500,00 Kgs, as shown in Table 010. (Page 41) The W/RW equivalent for such export flux for the period 1998-June 2009, amounts to 88.076.163,64 Kgs, as shown in Table 011. (Page 42) The yearly variations of W/RW equivalent for such export flux ordered by EU27 Member States, can be seen in Chart 011 below. Chart 011: Yearly variations of W/RW equivalent of total EU27 processed fresh & frozen BFT exports to Japan for the period 1998-June 2009, All values in Kgs. Source: EUROSTAT. Processed BFT Exports to Japan by EU27. Source Eurostat CN8.BLUEFIN TUNAS 'THUNNUS THYNNUS', FRESH, CHILLED OR FROZEN (INCL. TUNAS FOR INDUSTRIAL PROCESSING OR PRESERVATION) WHOLE, GG & OTHERS (EXCL. FILLETS, LOINS, SAKU, BM, ETC…)             EXPORTING COUNTRIES19981999200020012002200320042005200620072008Jan.-Jun. 2009CYPRUS0,000,000,0011.000,008.700,003.200,00960.400,001.479.700,000,00939.500,001.020.400,00500,00FRANCE118.400,0026.900,0032.500,006.700,0048.600,0042.800,0087.100,008.100,000,000,000,000,00GREECE97.300,00185.200,00203.500,00217.700,0038.100,0040.700,0037.500,00607.000,001.074.200,00576.000,00682.600,00524.900,00IRELAND0,000,000,000,00155.100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00ITALY32.700,0028.100,00110.500,00104.100,00496.500,00170.900,00451.400,001.292.400,002.288.100,001.152.300,001.136.400,0086.200,00MALTA0,000,000,00477.150,001.995.750,002.315.550,003.148.000,004.088.150,005.043.900,006.326.900,001.769.400,00100.900,00PORTUGAL7.600,000,00900,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00SPAIN3.218.100,006.370.100,005.157.900,004.688.300,005.053.500,003.241.800,007.066.600,003.427.400,004.005.000,004.842.400,005.746.800,001.981.400,00UK6.600,0021.000,0011.700,005.500,000,000,0038.100,0026.100,000,00100,000,000,00             TOTALS:3.480.700,006.631.300,005.517.000,005.510.450,007.796.250,005.814.950,0011.789.100,0010.928.850,0012.411.200,0013.837.200,0010.355.600,002.693.900,00 Table 010. Cells highlighted in orange correspond to non available or incomplete data. W/RW Equivalent Processed BFT Exports to Japan by EU27. Source Eurostat CN8.BLUEFIN TUNAS 'THUNNUS THYNNUS', FRESH, CHILLED OR FROZEN (INCL. TUNAS FOR INDUSTRIAL PROCESSING OR PRESERVATION) WHOLE, GG & OTHERS (EXCL. FILLETS, LOINS, SAKU, BM, ETC…)             EXPORTING COUNTRIES19981999200020012002200320042005200620072008Jan.-Jun. 2009CYPRUS0,000,000,009.649,127.631,582.807,021.074.368,771.427.780,700,00824.122,81895.087,71438,60FRANCE118.400,0026.900,0032.500,006.700,0048.600,0042.800,0091.470,008.100,000,000,000,000,00GREECE85.416,67162.456,14178.508,77190.964,9133.421,0535.701,7532.894,74532.456,14942.280,70505.263,16598.771,93460.438,60IRELAND0,000,000,000,00170.610,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00ITALY28.684,2126.319,65102.885,6291.315,79435.543,85151.464,91396.271,931.143.578,952.011.885,971.010.789,47996.842,1175.614,03MALTA0,000,000,00496.782,891.925.245,612.220.620,663.012.087,723.781.162,294.687.263,166.788.692,281.668.619,6588.508,77PORTUGAL7.600,000,00900,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00SPAIN2.822.960,535.587.807,024.524.473,684.112.543,864.579.903,512.845.798,256.201.092,103.007.500,003.514.077,894.278.855,265.058.760,971.738.070,18UK6.600,0021.000,0011.700,005.500,000,000,0038.100,0026.100,000,00100,000,000,00             TOTALS:3.069.661,415.824.482,814.850.968,074.913.456,577.200.955,605.299.192,5910.846.285,269.926.678,0811.155.507,7213.407.822,989.218.082,372.363.070,18 Table 011. Cells highlighted in orange correspond to non available or incomplete data. A second general search for Japanese Customs’ recorded monthly imports of processed fresh/chilled & frozen BlueFin Tuna from EU27 Member States for the period January 1998 to June 2009 was again conducted. Retained EU27 exporting Countries were: Austria Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Slovenia Slovakia Sweden Romania Spain United Kingdom Retained HS9 codes for such search were: 0302.35-000:Fresh or chilled BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation; 0302.39-010:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, Fresh or chilled, for industrial processing or preservation; 0303.45-000:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, whole; 0303.49-010:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation, whole; 0304.20-092:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation, fillet, loin or other presentations; 0304.29-920:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation, fillet, loin or other presentations; 0304.90-091:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation, fillet, loin or other presentations; 0304.99-991:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation. Accordingly, total Japanese Customs recorded processed fresh & frozen BFT imports by Japan from EU27 for the period 1998-June 2009, amount to 95.276.637,00 Kgs, as shown in Table 012. The W/RW equivalent for such import flux for the period 1998-June 2009, amounts to 124.000.302,18 Kgs, as shown in Table 013. The yearly variations of W/RW equivalent for such import flux ordered by EU27 Member States, can be seen in Chart 012 below. Chart 012: Yearly variations of W/RW equivalent of total processed fresh & frozen BFT imports by Japan from EU27 for the period 1998-June 2009, All values in Kgs. Source: Japanese Customs. A comparative monthly crosscheck between EUROSTAT recorded exports and Japanese Customs’ recorded imports of processed fresh/chilled BlueFin Tuna by & from EU27 Member States for the period January 1998 to June 2009, was retained unviable for the following reasons: Most of the BFT exported by EU27 Member States to Japan, is sold RD-fresh ex-Tuna Ranch to Japanese Tuna traders. Harvested BFT is immediately loaded onboard reefer vessels to be processed (Loined, filleted, etc...) and blast-frozen. Most of frozen processed BFT imports by Japan from EU27, recorded by Japan’s Customs, thus correspond to fresh unprocessed BFT exports to Japan recorded by EUROSTAT. Finally, such monthly comparative crosscheck was retained unviable due to a chronological overlapping issue: Exports recorded for a given month by EUROSTAT may well appear as imports with Japanese Customs two to three month later. EUROSTAT export date cannot correspond to Japan’s Customs’ import date since shipping of such commodity takes between two to three months. Yet, a general comparative crosscheck between EU27 EUROSTAT recorded exports to Japan and Japanese Customs recorded imports by Japan from EU27 for the period 1998-June 2009, reveals a minor total processed fresh & frozen BFT export/import difference of 1.489.863,00 Kgs. for the entire studied period of time. When both export & import fluxes are translated to their respective W/RW equivalents, the difference is no longer a minor one as the import/export gap between both trade data sets amounts to 35.924.138,54 Kgs. for the entire period 1998-June 2009. Processed fresh & frozen BFT imports by Japan from Denmark and Germany amounting to 202.843,00 Kgs. and 11.278,00 Kgs. respectively and for the period 1998-June 2009, are not to be find as exports on EU27 EUROSTAT recorded exports to Japan. EU27 EXPORTS TO JAPAN OF BLUEFIN TUNAS 'THUNNUS THYNNUS', FRESH, CHILLED OR FROZEN (INCL. TUNAS FOR INDUSTRIAL PROCESSING OR PRESERVATION) WHOLE, GG & OTHERS: FILLETS, LOINS, SAKU, BM, ETC… Source Japanese Customs             EXPORTING COUNTRIES19981999200020012002200320042005200620072008Jan.-Jun. 2009CYPRUS0,00930,003.275,0010.575,009.335,003.632,00279.533,00667.987,001.070.507,00707.876,00678.618,00572.839,00DENMARK26.842,0067.469,00102.469,006.063,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00FRANCE751.913,00519.583,00308.172,00179.023,0050.330,00148.932,00191.935,0074.968,0058.102,00360.264,00147.407,00143.334,00GERMANY11.278,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00GREECE293.589,00245.730,00258.157,00265.372,00125.442,0083.520,0043.776,00440.093,00793.244,00432.596,00404.923,00401.575,00IRELAND2.090,008.201,008.621,004.857,004.051,00494,001.665,000,000,000,000,000,00ITALY1.061.620,001.237.418,001.368.109,00772.799,00879.385,001.235.694,00575.065,001.103.674,002.680.585,002.794.478,001.826.609,00753.911,00MALTA164.852,0028.791,00296.501,00616.614,001.119.208,00706.925,001.726.015,002.171.860,004.548.490,002.189.037,004.460.568,002.718.665,00PORTUGAL255.875,00126.033,00141.942,00145.054,00105.313,003.914,001.790,000,000,000,000,000,00SPAIN3.153.017,004.986.175,004.403.246,004.713.845,004.615.199,004.174.832,004.138.922,004.374.587,003.630.602,003.297.612,003.902.155,001.087.685,00UK0,0010.779,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00             TOTALS:5.721.076,007.231.109,006.890.492,006.714.202,006.908.263,006.357.943,006.958.701,008.833.169,0012.781.530,009.781.863,0011.420.280,005.678.009,00 Table 012. Cells highlighted in orange correspond to non available or incomplete data. W/RW Equivalent EU27 EXPORTS TO JAPAN OF BLUEFIN TUNAS 'THUNNUS THYNNUS', FRESH, CHILLED OR FROZEN (INCL. TUNAS FOR INDUSTRIAL PROCESSING OR PRESERVATION) WHOLE, GG & OTHERS: FILLETS, LOINS, SAKU, BM, ETC… Source Japanese Customs             EXPORTING COUNTRIES19981999200020012002200320042005200620072008Jan.-Jun. 2009CYPRUS0,00815,792.872,819.276,328.188,603.185,96436.843,451.061.956,561.699.477,151.124.943,451.065.502,94893.318,78DENMARK26.842,0073.277,10112.715,906.669,300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00FRANCE255.548,13910.504,67513.016,26289.007,3665.330,55217.974,86286.361,01124.928,7478.064,40629.003,40255.611,84248.909,00GERMANY12.405,800,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00GREECE257.534,21215.552,63226.453,51232.782,46110.036,8473.263,1638.400,00677.696,091.176.080,52663.399,14596.463,46624.692,07IRELAND2.090,008.201,008.621,004.857,004.051,00494,001.665,000,000,000,000,000,00ITALY1.524.983,841.777.901,001.971.347,121.047.247,40993.161,441.463.230,02599.995,481.493.939,883.872.892,474.080.717,312.395.938,601.073.367,74MALTA238.603,0825.255,26379.733,53840.483,591.628.062,29638.588,582.396.318,743.205.905,767.010.886,403.365.869,916.949.774,324.229.607,77PORTUGAL292.486,26138.642,54153.666,88158.447,90115.085,923.914,001.790,000,000,000,000,000,00SPAIN3.583.086,576.142.805,515.455.096,475.398.759,625.379.732,304.532.927,234.422.524,325.160.035,294.337.310,274.068.156,344.867.917,411.238.441,60UK0,0010.779,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00             TOTALS:6.193.579,899.303.734,508.823.523,487.987.530,958.303.648,946.933.577,818.183.898,0011.724.462,3218.174.711,2113.932.089,5516.131.208,578.308.336,96 Table 013. Cells highlighted in orange correspond to non available or incomplete data. A third general search for Japan’s Fisheries Agency ICCAT recorded semestrial imports of processed fresh/chilled & frozen BlueFin Tuna from EU27 Member States for the period January 2005 to December 2008 was finally conducted. Retained EU27 exporting Countries were: Austria Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Slovenia Slovakia Sweden Romania Spain United Kingdom Retained Japanese ICCAT Bi-annual Statistical Document Declarations were: 2005 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Japan 2005 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Japan: ICCAT Circular: 760/06 2006 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Japan: ICCAT Circular: 1847/06 2006 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Japan: ICCAT Circular: 627/07 2007 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Japan: ICCAT Circular: 1951/07 2007 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Japan: ICCAT Circular: 500/08 2008 Q1+Q2 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Japan 2008 Q3+Q4 Statistical Document bi-annual report by Japan: ICCAT Circular: 716/09 Accordingly, total Japanese ICCAT Bi-annual Statistical Document Declarations recorded processed fresh & frozen BFT imports by Japan from EU27 for the period January 2005 to December 2008, amount to 54.759436,97 Kgs, as shown in Table 014. The W/RW equivalent for such import flux for the period January 2005 to December 2008, amounts to 58.358.226,08 Kgs, as shown in Table 015. The yearly variations of W/RW equivalent for such import flux ordered by EU27 Member States, can be seen in Chart 013 below. Chart 013: Yearly variations of W/RW equivalent of total processed fresh & frozen BFT imports by Japan from EU27 for the period January 2005 to December 2008, All values in Kgs. Source: Japanese ICCAT Bi-annual Statistical Document Declarations. Processed BFT Exports to Japan by EU27. Source Bi-annual Statistical Document Declarations to ICCAT.             EXPORTING COUNTRIES19981999200020012002200320042005200620072008Jan.-Jun. 2009CYPRUS0,000,000,000,000,000,000,001.989.378,00957.892,001.968.383,000,000,00FRANCE0,000,000,000,000,000,000,0017.418,0015.501,007.179,490,000,00GREECE0,000,000,000,000,000,000,00602.226,00599.094,00577.708,00515.304,000,00ITALY0,000,000,000,000,000,000,002.432.167,002.415.065,404.402.070,901.119.105,000,00MALTA0,000,000,000,000,000,000,003.680.117,005.352.068,507.649.549,801.926.548,000,00SPAIN0,000,000,000,000,000,000,005.913.164,005.837.155,853.882.627,992.899.714,040,00             TOTALS:0,000,000,000,000,000,000,0014.634.470,0015.176.776,7518.487.519,186.460.671,040,00 Table 014. Cells highlighted in orange correspond to non available or incomplete data. W/RW Equivalent Processed BFT Exports to Japan by EU27. Source Bi-annual Statistical Document Declarations to ICCAT.             EXPORTING COUNTRIES19981999200020012002200320042005200620072008Jan.-Jun. 2009CYPRUS0,000,000,000,000,000,000,001.919.575,26924.281,751.899.316,930,000,00FRANCE0,000,000,000,000,000,000,0027.165,9123.114,228.897,800,000,00GREECE0,000,000,000,000,000,000,00581.977,85579,024,49558.312,57500.761,570,00ITALY0,000,000,000,000,000,000,002.435.674,582.501.108,264.327.161,171.081.974,730,00MALTA0,000,000,000,000,000,000,004.820.499,416.481.091,378.200.267,502.271.125,530,00SPAIN0,000,000,000,000,000,000,006.319.770,706.137.680,094.485.464,992.853.003,890,00             TOTALS:0,000,000,000,000,000,000,0016.104.663,7116.067.275,6919.479.420,966.706.865,720,00 Table 015. Cells highlighted in orange correspond to non available or incomplete data. A final yearly comparative crosscheck between EU27 EUROSTAT recorded exports to Japan, Japanese Customs recorded imports by Japan from EU27 and Japanese ICCAT Bi-annual Statistical Document Declarations recorded imports by Japan from EU27 for the period January 2005 to December 2008, reveals the following import/export and import/import differences: An import/export difference of 7.226.586,97 Kgs. of processed fresh & frozen BFT between EUROSTAT export trade figures and those submitted by Japan to ICCAT for the period January 2005 to December 2008. An import/import difference of 11.942.594,97 Kgs. of processed fresh & frozen BFT between Japanese Customs import trade figures and those submitted by Japan to ICCAT for the period January 2005 to December 2008. When both export & import fluxes are translated to their respective W/RW equivalents, the crosscheck reveals the following export/import and import/export differences. An import/export difference of 14.650.134,93 Kgs. of W/RW equivalent processed fresh & frozen BFT between EUROSTAT export trade figures and those submitted by Japan to ICCAT for the period January 2005 to December 2008. An import/import difference of -1.604.245,57 Kgs. of W/RW equivalent processed fresh & frozen BFT between Japanese Customs import trade figures and those submitted by Japan to ICCAT for the period January 2005 to December 2008. The yearly variations of differences between EUROSTAT, Japanese Customs and Japan’s Fisheries Agency trade figures for both processed and W/RW processed fresh/chilled & frozen BFT trade figures for the period 1998-2008, can be seen in Chart 014 below. Chart 014: yearly variations of differences between EUROSTAT, Japanese Customs and Japan’s Fisheries Agency trade figures for both processed and W/RW processed fresh/chilled & frozen BFT trade figures for the period 1998-2008, All values in Kgs. Source: EUROSTAT, Japanese Customs & Japanese ICCAT Bi-annual Statistical Document Declarations. According to such final yearly comparative crosscheck, total EU27 processed fresh & frozen BFT export flux to Japan for the period 1998-June 2009, amounts to 128.744.787,05 Kgs, as shown in Table 016. The W/RW equivalent for such export flux for the period 1998-June 2009, amounts to 141.985.821,10 Kgs, as shown in Table 017. The yearly variations of W/RW equivalent for such processed fresh & frozen BFT export flux to Japan ordered by EU27 Member States, can be seen in Chart 015 below. Chart 015: Yearly variations of W/RW equivalent of total EU27 processed fresh & frozen BFT export flux to Japan for the period 1998-June 2009, All values in Kgs. Source: EUROSTAT, Japanese Customs & Japanese ICCAT Bi-annual Statistical Document Declarations. Such final BFT Trade Flux figures from EU27 to Japan for the period 1998-June 2009 are yet to be taken with caution as the real export flux during such period may be much higher than estimated. A number of unreported exports to Japan by EU27 and imports by Japan from EU27 have been effectively detected when comparing processed fresh BFT export/import data from EUROSTAT, Japan Customs and Japan’s Fisheries Agency trade figures for processed fresh/chilled BFT for the period 2005-2008, thus raising the legitimate question as to the overall general reliability of official trade reports on both ends of the BFT market chain. For the second semester 2008 (Q3+Q4 2008) alone, recorded auction sales of processed fresh BFT from Malta, Spain, Greece, Italy and Tunisia at Japanese fish markets, amounted to some 121.010,40 Kgs, whereas according to Japan’s Fisheries Agency Q3+Q4 2008 ICCAT Bi-annual Statistical Document Declaration, the total amount of processed fresh BFT imported into Japan from such countries and during that same period, only rose to a meagre 1.342,00 Kgs., the origin of which was exclusively Malta. A total 119.668,40 Kgs. of “grey” fresh BFT from Malta, Spain, Greece, Italy and Tunisia therefore entered Japan during 2008’s second semester alone, to be publicly auctioned throughout fish markets across Japan, without even being detected thus properly recorded by ill-termed concerned fisheries-control administrations on both sides of the on both ends of the BFT market chain: According to Japanese Customs not a single Kilogram of processed fresh BFT from Malta, Spain, Greece, Italy and Cyprus was imported by Japan during Q3+Q4 2008, whereas according to EUROSTAT, 3.799.900,00 Kgs. of processed fresh BFT were exported to Japan by Malta, Spain, Greece, Italy and Cyprus during Q3+Q4 2008. Processed Fresh/Chilled & Frozen BFT Exports to Japan by EU27             EXPORTING COUNTRIES19981999200020012002200320042005200620072008Jan.-Jun. 2009CYPRUS0,00930,003.275,0011.000,009.335,003.632,00960.400,001.989.378,001.070.507,001.968.383,001.020.400,00572.839,00DENMARK26.842,0067.469,00102.469,006.063,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00FRANCE751.913,00519.583,00308.172,00179.023,0050.330,00148.932,00191.935,0074.968,0058.102,00360.264,00147.407,00143.334,00GERMANY11.278,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00GREECE293.589,00245.730,00258.157,00265.372,00125.442,0083.520,0043.776,00607.000,001.074.200,00576.000,00682.600,00524.900,00IRELAND2.090,008.201,008.621,004.857,00155.100,00494,001.665,000,000,000,000,000,00ITALY1.061.620,001.237.418,001.368.109,00772.799,00879.385,001.235.694,00575.065,002.432.167,002.680.585,004.402.070,901.826.609,00753.911,00MALTA164.852,0028.791,00296.501,00616.614,001.995.750,002.315.550,003.148.000,004.088.150,005.352.068,507.649.549,804.460.568,002.718.665,00PORTUGAL255.875,00126.033,00141.942,00145.054,00105.313,003.914,001.790,000,000,000,000,000,00SPAIN3.218.100,006.370.100,005.157.900,004.713.845,005.053.500,004.174.832,007.066.600,005.913.164,005.837.155,854.842.400,005.746.800,001.981.400,00UK6.600,0021.000,0011.700,005.500,000,000,0038.100,0026.100,000,00100,000,000,00             TOTALS:5.792.759,008.625.255,007.656.846,006.720.127,008.374.155,007.966.568,0012.027.331,0015.130.927,0016.072.618,3519.798.767,7013.884.384,006.695.049,00 Table 016. Cells highlighted in orange correspond to non available or incomplete data. W/RW Equivalent of Processed Fresh/Chilled & Frozen BFT Exports to Japan by EU27             EXPORTING COUNTRIES19981999200020012002200320042005200620072008Jan.-Jun. 2009CYPRUS0,00815,792.872,819.276,328.188,603.185,961.074.368,771.919.575,261.699.477,151.899.316,931.065.502,94893.318,78DENMARK26.842,0073.277,10112.715,906.669,300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00FRANCE255.548,13910.504,67513.016,26289.007,3665.330,55217.974,86286.361,01124.928,7478.064,40629.003,40255.611,84248.909,00GERMANY12.405,800,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00GREECE257.534,21215.552,63226.453,51232.782,46110.036,8473.263,1638.400,00677.696,091.176.080,52663.399,14598.771,93624.692,07IRELAND2.090,008.201,008.621,004.857,00170.610,00494,001.665,000,000,000,000,000,00ITALY1.524.983,841.777.901,001.971.347,121.047.247,40993.161,441.463.230,02599.995,482.435.674,583.872.892,474.327.161,172.395.938,601.073.367,74MALTA238.603,0825.255,26379.733,53840.483,591.925.245,612.220.620,663.012.087,724.820.499,416.481.091,378.200.267,506.949.774,324.229.607,77PORTUGAL292.486,26138.642,54153.666,88158.447,90115.085,923.914,001.790,000,000,000,000,000,00SPAIN3.583.086,576.142.805,515.455.096,475.398.759,625.379.732,304.532.927,236.201.092,106.319.770,706.137.680,094.485.464,995.058.760,971.738.070,18UK6.600,0021.000,0011.700,005.500,000,000,0038.100,0026.100,000,00100,000,000,00             TOTALS:6.200.179,899.313.955,508.835.223,487.993.030,958.767.391,268.515.609,8911.253.860,0816.324.244,7819.445.286,0020.204.713,1316.324.360,608.807.965,54 Table 017. Cells highlighted in orange correspond to non available or incomplete data. Trade-Flux Block III: An estimation of EU27 Processed Fresh & Frozen BlueFin Tuna exports to the USA during the period 1998-2009 A first general search for EUROSTAT recorded monthly exports of processed fresh/chilled & frozen BlueFin Tuna from EU27 Member States to the USA for the period January 1998 to June 2009 was conducted for the purpose of this report. Retained EU27 exporting Countries were: Austria Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Slovenia Slovakia Sweden Romania Spain United Kingdom Retained TARIC CN8 codes for such search were: 03023510:Fresh or chilled BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, 03023590:Fresh or chilled BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, (Excluding Tunas for industrial processing or preservation), 03023911:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, fresh or chilled, for industrial processing or preservation, 03023991:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, fresh or chilled (Excluding Tunas for industrial processing or preservation), 03034511:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, whole, 03034513:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, gilled and gutted, 03034519:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, for industrial processing or preservation, without head and gills, but still to be gutted, 03034590:Frozen BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, (Excluding Tunas for industrial processing or preservation), 03034921:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation, whole, 03034923:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation, gilled and gutted, 03034929:BlueFin Tunas “Thunnus Thynnus”, frozen, for industrial processing or preservation (Excluding whole and gilled and gutted). Accordingly, total EU27 EUROSTAT recorded processed fresh & frozen BFT exports to the USA for the period 1998-June 2009, amount to 3.341.350,00 Kgs, as shown in Table 018. The W/RW equivalent for such export flux for the period 1998-June 2009, amounts to 2.998.789,72 Kgs, as shown in Table 019. The yearly variations of W/RW equivalent for such export flux ordered by EU27 Member States, can be seen in Chart 016 below. Chart 016: Yearly variations of W/RW equivalent of total EU27 processed fresh & frozen BFT exports to the USA for the period 1998-June 2009, All values in Kgs. Source: EUROSTAT. Processed BFT Exports to USA by EU27. Source Eurostat CN8BLUEFIN TUNAS 'THUNNUS THYNNUS', FRESH, CHILLED OR FROZEN (INCL. TUNAS FOR INDUSTRIAL PROCESSING OR PRESERVATION) WHOLE, GG & OTHERS (EXCL. FILLETS, LOINS, SAKU, BM, ETC…)             EXPORTING COUNTRIES19981999200020012002200320042005200620072008Jan.-Jun. 2009CYPRUS0,000,000,00800,007.200,003.700,005.000,000,00900,000,000,000,00FRANCE0,00400,002.400,000,000,002.100,00300,000,000,000,000,000,00GREECE4.200,000,003.200,0026.800,005.400,005.400,001.000,001.400,00900,00500,000,0013.500,00ITALY4.600,004.500,001.900,00400,002.800,0014.400,0037.700,0014.000,006.900,0025.000,0029.200,006.600,00MALTA0,000,000,000,000,002.450,001.000,0029.300,0072.400,00295.100,00599.600,0012.600,00PORTUGAL17.900,000,004.400,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00SPAIN86.400,0097.100,00158.800,00241.200,00281.700,00240.500,00190.300,00285.400,00217.100,00171.500,0067.000,0036.500,00             TOTALS:113.100,00102.000,00170.700,00269.200,00297.100,00268.550,00235.300,00330.100,00298.200,00492.100,00695.800,0069.200,00 Table 018. Cells highlighted in orange correspond to non available or incomplete data. W/RW Equivalent Processed BFT Exports to USA by EU27. Source Eurostat CN8BLUEFIN TUNAS 'THUNNUS THYNNUS', FRESH, CHILLED OR FROZEN (INCL. TUNAS FOR INDUSTRIAL PROCESSING OR PRESERVATION) WHOLE, GG & OTHERS (EXCL. FILLETS, LOINS, SAKU, BM, ETC…)             EXPORTING COUNTRIES19981999200020012002200320042005200620072008Jan.-Jun. 2009CYPRUS0,000,000,00701,756.315,793.245,614.385,970,00789,470,000,000,00FRANCE0,00350,882.105,260,000,001.842,11263,160,000,000,000,000,00GREECE526,323.157,892.807,0223.508,774.736,844.736,84877,191.228,07789,47438,600,0012.269,73ITALY4.035,093.947,371.864,03350,882.456,1412.745,6233.245,6112.280,706.052,6321.929,8225.614,045.789,48MALTA0,000,000,000,000,002.371,75912,2827.184,2163.508,77323.985,97525.964,9111.052,64PORTUGAL15.701,750,003.859,650,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00SPAIN75.789,4785.175,44139.298,25211.578,95247.105,26210.964,91166.929,82250.350,88190.438,60150.438,6058.771,9332.017,53