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• Rheumatic fever is an immunologically
  mediated inflammatory disorder, which
  occurs as a sequel to group A streptococcal
  pharyngeal infection.
• Multisystem disease affecting connective
  tissue particularly of the heart, joints, brain,
  cutaneous and subcutaneous tissues
• RF – not a communicable disease
     but results from a communicable disease
(streptococcal pharyngitis).
• The illness is so named because of its
  similarity in presentation to rheumatism.
• RF  RHD (rheumatic heart
  disease); a crippling disease.
• Epidemiological point of view these
  cannot be separated.
              [WHO CHRONICLE 1969]
• RF and RHD  diseases of the poor
  most prevalent in underdeveloped and
  developing countries.
• Preventable disease.
• RF and RHD is the most common cause
  of heart disease in 5-30 age groups
  throughout the world.
• It accounts for 12-65% of hospital
  admissions related to CVD in developing
• There has been marked decrese in cases
  of RF and RHD in places that have
  implemented preventive programs.

• RHD is prevalent in range of 5-7/1000 in 5-15
  age groups.
• About 1 million cases of RHD
• RHD constitutes 20-30% hospital admissions
  due to CVD.
• Streptococcal infections commonin children
  living in under –privileged conditions and RF
  accounts for 1-3% of the cases.
• Important cause of chronic disease and death in
  developing world
• Underdiagnosed and undertreated
• Ages 5-15 yrs are most susceptible
• Rare <3 yrs
• Common in 3rd world countries
• Environmental factors-- over crowding, poor
  sanitation, poverty,poor housing
• Incidence more during fall ,winter & early spring

     FAC.                    HOST FAC.
• Streptococcal sore throat
• Not all strains of Group A Streptococci
  (GAS) lead to rf
• Rheumatogenic potential
• Recently virus (coxsackie B-4) has been
  suggested as causative agent with
  streptococcus acting as conditioning
• AGEadolescents 5-15 yrs
        initial attack at younger age  valvular
lesion faster
         Juenile mitral stenosis
• SEX equal
• IMMUNITY Toxic –immunological
• HIGH RISK GROUP 5-15 yrs school-age
  children living in closed community
• Based on currently based evidence, RF is
  caused by group A streptococcal (GAS)
  pharyngeal infection.
• Postulated that series of preceding
  streptococcal infection is needed to prime
  the immune system prior to final infection
  that directly causes the disease.
• Group A strep pharyngeal infection precedes
  clinical manifestations of ARF by 2 - 6 weeks.

• Body produce antibodies against streptococci .
• These antibodies cross react with human
  tissues because of the antigenic similarity
  between streptococcal components and human
  connective tissues (molecular mimicry)
  [there is certain amino acid sequence that is similar btw GAS
  and human tissue]

• Immunologically mediated inflammation &
  damage (autoimmune) to human tissues which
  have antigenic similarity with streptococcal
  components- like heart, joint, brain connective
• Epitopes present in cell wall ,CM, str. M protein
  are immunologically similar to molecules in
  human myosin, tropomyosin,keratin,actin,etc.
• Because of the similarity btw hyaluronic
  acid in GAS capsule and in the connective
  tissue of the joints, Ab produced against
  GAS capsule will start to attack the joints
  and causes arthritis.
• M-protein in GAS cell wall and the
  myocardium are similar, thus Ab produced
  against GAS cell wall will attack heart and
  will cause carditis and so forth.
• Similarly Ab against NAG in GAS will
  affect cardiac valve tissue causing valvular
Characteristic Aschoff bodies , composed of
swollen eosinophilic collagen surrounded by
lymphocytes and macrophages can be seen on
light microscopy. The larger macrophages may
become Aschoff giant cells

In order for R.F. to occur:
 There must be throat infection by GAS.(only
  when there is GAS throat infection there is
 Antibodies must be produced by the body
  rapidly & in high magnitude.
 These Abs will cross react with tissue of the
  heart, joint, brain (especially basal ganglia),
• Tender lymph nodes
• Close contact with infected
• Scarlet fever rash
• Excoriated nares( crusted
lesions) in infants
• Tonsillar exudates in older children
• Abdominal pain


Following upper airway infection with GAS
       Silent period of 2 - 6 weeks
       Sudden onset of fever, pallor, malaise,

Commonly GAS streptococcal infection is
subclinical; such cases confirmed using
streptococcal antibody testing .



         Sydenham’s chorea

        Erythema marginatum

        Subcutaneous nodules

                                            of lung,
Fever                Epistaxis
                                         kidneys and

        Arthralgia               Serositis
Most common feature: present in 90% of

Joint is arthritic  ie inflammed.
 Painful, migratory, short duration.

 Usually >5 joints affected and mainly large
       Knees, ankles, wrists, elbows, shoulders
 Small joints and cervical spine less commonly
 Excellent response of salicylates and
Pain and swelling come on quickly and
 subsides within 5-7 days

In children below 5 yrs arthritis usually
 mild but carditis more prominent
Arthritis do not progress to chronic disease
• Early and most serious manifestation
• Manifest as pancarditis
• Occur in 60-70% of cases
• Carditis is the only manifestation of
  rheumatic fever that leaves a sequelae &
  permanent damage to the organ
• Valvular damage is the hallmark of RF
• Chronic phase- fibrosis,calcification &
  stenosis of heart valves(fishmouth valves)
Any cardiac tissue may be affected
 Valvular lesion most common: mitral and
 Seldom see isolated pericarditis or
• Rheumatic Heart Disease is the permanent
  heart valve damage resulting from one or more
  attacks of ARF.
• It is thought that 40-60% of patients with ARF
  will go on to developing RHD.
• Sadly, RHD can go undetected with the result
  that patients present with debilitating heart
High pulse

                mitral or aortic regurgitation-endocardium

Cardiomegaly      myocardium involvement

 friction rub           Pericarditis

Prolonged PR       Myocardial inflammation affecting
   interval              electrical conduction

Investigations for evidence of carditis
• Chest x-ray – cardiomegaly, pulmonary
  venous congestion
• ECG- First degree A-V block, T wave
  changes, low voltage QRS
• Echocardiogram – cardiac dilatation, valve
  involvement, pericardial effusion
Rheumatic heart

 Abnormal mitral
valve. Thick, fused
Another view of
thick and fused
mitral valves in
Rheumatic heart
• Occur in 5-10% of cases
• Mainly in girls of 1-15 yrs age
• Late manifestation of RF -months after
• Spasmodic, unintentional, jerky choreiform
• Speech affected, fidgety
• Choreiform movements particularly affect the
  head(darting movement of tongue)and upper
• First sign: difficulty walking, talking, writing
• Occurs in 30% of patients with ARF
• Usually benign and resolves in 2 - 3
• Disappears leaving no residual damage.
• Occur in <7%.
• Unique,transient,serpiginous-looking
  lesions of 1-2 inches in size
• Pink macules - Clear centrally ,serpiginous
  spreading edge .
• More on trunks & limbs & non-itchy
• Almost never on face
• Worsens with application of heat
• Often associated with chronic carditis
• Small,painless, mobile hard lumps beneath skin.
• Most common along -
       extensor surfaces of joint-Knees, elbows,
• Also: on bony prominences, tendons, dorsi of
  feet,occiput or cervical spine
• Appears 4 weeks after onset of RF
• Delayed manifestation, disappears –leaves no
  residual damage.
• Occur in 9 - 20% of cases
• Often associated with carditis
Nodules -Firm, non-tender, isolated or in

•   Present at onset of
    acute illness
•   High grade fever
•   Lasts for about 12
    weeks ,tends to recur
• High ESR
• Anemia, leucocytosis
• Elevated C-reactive protien
• Elevated ASO or other streptococcal
  antibody titer
• Anti-DNAse B test
• Throat culture-GABHstreptococci
• There is no definitive test.
• Diagnosis of ARF relies on presence of
  combination of typical clinical features
  together with evidence of the precipitating
  GAS infection .

• This uncertainty led Dr.T.Duckett Jones in
  1944to develop a set of criteria Jones
  Criteria to aid diagnosis.

• Now Diagnosis based on MODIFIED JONES
2002–2003 World Health Organization Criteria for the
Diagnosis of Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease
(Based on the 1992 Revised Jones Criteria)
Diagnostic Categories                        Criteria
Primary episode of rheumatic fever           Two major or one major and two minor
                                             manifestations plus evidence of preceding
                                             group A streptococcal infection
Recurrent attack of rheumatic fever in a    Two major or one major and two minor
patient without established rheumatic heart manifestations plus evidence of preceding
disease                                     group A streptococcal infection
Recurrent attack of rheumatic fever in a     Two minor manifestations plus evidence of
patient with established rheumatic heart     preceding group A streptococcal infectionc
Rheumatic chorea                             Other major manifestations or evidence of
Insidious onset rheumatic carditis           group A streptococcal infection not
Chronic valve lesions of rheumatic heart     Do not require any other criteria to be
disease (patients presenting for the first   diagnosed as having rheumatic heart
time with pure mitral stenosis or mixed      disease
Major manifestations                         Carditis
                                             Erythema marginatum
                                             Subcutaneous nodules
Minor manifestations                         Clinical: fever, polyarthralgia
                                             Laboratory: elevated erythrocyte
                                             sedimentation rate or leukocyte counte

                                             Electrocardiogram: prolonged P-R interval
Supporting evidence of a preceding           Elevated or rising anti-streptolysin O or
streptococcal infection within the last 45   other streptococcal antibody, or
                                             A positive throat culture, or
                                             Rapid antigen test for group A
                                             streptococcus, or
                                             Recent scarlet fevere
Source: Reprinted with permission from WHO Expert
Consultation on Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease
(2001: Geneva, Switzerland): Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic
Heart Disease: Report of a WHO Expert Consultation (WHO Tech
Rep Ser, 923). Geneva, World Health Organization, 2004.
Exceptions to Jones Criteria
 Chorea alone, if other causes have been
 Insidious or late-onset carditis with no
  other explanation
 Patients with documented RHD or prior
  rheumatic fever,one major criterion,or of
  fever,arthralgia or high CRP suggests
• Step I - primary prevention
          (eradication of streptococci)

• Step II - anti inflammatory treatment

• Step III- supportive management &
            management of complications

• Step IV- secondary prevention
          (prevention of recurrent attacks)
• AIM ; Prevent the first attack of RF, by identifying all
  patients with streptococcal throat infection and
  treating them with pencillin
• Theoretically simple , in practise its difficult,
   not feasible.
• Many infections are inapparent or if apparent are not
  brought to attention of health services
• VIABLE APPROACH; concentrate on high risk
  groups ie school age children.
• Surveillance for streptococcal pharyngitis
STEP I:Primary Prevention of Rheumatic
Fever        (Treatment of Streptococcal Tonsillopharyngitis)
•   Agent                            Dose                           Mode         Duration
•   Benzathine penicillin G 600 000 U for patients               Intramuscular     Once
                                 27 kg (60 lb)                                Least
                          1 200 000 U for patients >27 kg
                             or                                              method
•   Penicillin V              Children: 250 mg 2-3 times daily      Oral           10 d
    (phenoxymethyl penicillin) Adolescents and adults:
                               500 mg 2-3 times daily
•   For individuals allergic to penicillin
•   Erythromycin:            20-40 mg/kg/d 2-4 times daily         Oral             10 d
    Estolate                         (maximum 1 g/d)

•   Ethylsuccinate          40 mg/kg/d 2-4 times daily               Oral          10 d
                                      (maximum 1 g/d)
                     Recommendations of American Heart Association
Step II: Anti inflammatory treatment

Arthritis only      Aspirin 75-100 mg/kg/day , give
                    as 4 divided doses for 6 weeks
                    (attain a body level 20-30 mg/dl)

Carditis            Corticosteroids 1-2 mg/kg per day
                    – for 4-6 weeks to be tapered off
3.Step III: Supportive management &
          management of complications

• Bed rest
• Treatment of congestive cardiac failure:
• Treatment of chorea:
  -diazepam or haloperidol
• Rest to joints & supportive splinting
STEP IV : Secondary Prevention of Rheumatic Fever
(Prevention of Recurrent Attacks)

Agent                             Dose                   Mode

Benzathine penicillin G   1 200 000 U every 3 weeks*   Intramuscular
Penicillin V               250 mg twice daily            Oral

For individuals allergic to penicillin and sulfadiazine

Erythromycin              250 mg twice daily                      Oral

                 Recommendations of American Heart Association
Duration of Secondary Rheumatic Fever
          Category                             Duration
Rheumatic fever without carditis       At least 5 y or until age 18 y,
                                       whichever is longer
Rheumatic fever with carditis and     At least 10 y since last residual
heart disease                       episode and at least until age 40 y
(persistent valvar disease*),     sometimes lifelong prophylaxis

Rheumatic fever with carditis          10 y or well into adulthood,
but no residual heart disease          whichever is longer
(no valvar disease*)

More severe valvular disease             Lifelong
Post-valve surgery cases
*Clinical or echocardiographic evidence.
               Recommendations of Am erican Heart Association
• Secondary prophylaxis is more
  effective when done on a Register
  based method

• A register of cases of RF and RHD is
• This is used to improve treatment
  adherence in order to prevent
  recurrent RF and the development of
  RHD, necessitating surgery.
 • Improvement of living standards.
 • Breaking the poverty –disease –poverty
 • Improvements in socio-economic

• The prevalence of RHD in school children from
  periodic surveys of random samples.
• Samples of school in 6-14 age groups. At 5 year
• Recommended sample size 20,000 to 30,000
• Rheumatic fever can recur whenever the
  individual experience new GABH
  streptococcal infection,if not on prophylactic

• Good prognosis for older age group & if no
  carditis during the initial attack

• Bad prognosis for younger children & those
Rheumatic heart disease is the only truly
preventable chronic heart condition
Rapid, direct test kit for diagnosis of group A
infections, throat swab introduced to latex beads
and monoclonal antibodies

Positive-                   Negative
the C-carbohydrate           -milky smooth
on group A streptococci      reaction.
causes clumping

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Rheumatic fever and heart disease

  • 1.
  • 3. • Rheumatic fever is an immunologically mediated inflammatory disorder, which occurs as a sequel to group A streptococcal pharyngeal infection. • Multisystem disease affecting connective tissue particularly of the heart, joints, brain, cutaneous and subcutaneous tissues • RF – not a communicable disease but results from a communicable disease (streptococcal pharyngitis). • The illness is so named because of its similarity in presentation to rheumatism.
  • 4. • RF  RHD (rheumatic heart disease); a crippling disease. • Epidemiological point of view these cannot be separated. [WHO CHRONICLE 1969] • RF and RHD  diseases of the poor most prevalent in underdeveloped and developing countries. • Preventable disease.
  • 5. PROBLEM STATEMENT • RF and RHD is the most common cause of heart disease in 5-30 age groups throughout the world. • It accounts for 12-65% of hospital admissions related to CVD in developing countries. • There has been marked decrese in cases of RF and RHD in places that have implemented preventive programs.
  • 6. IN INDIA • RHD is prevalent in range of 5-7/1000 in 5-15 age groups. • About 1 million cases of RHD • RHD constitutes 20-30% hospital admissions due to CVD. • Streptococcal infections commonin children living in under –privileged conditions and RF accounts for 1-3% of the cases.
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  • 9. • Important cause of chronic disease and death in developing world • Underdiagnosed and undertreated • Ages 5-15 yrs are most susceptible • Rare <3 yrs • Common in 3rd world countries • Environmental factors-- over crowding, poor sanitation, poverty,poor housing • Incidence more during fall ,winter & early spring
  • 11. AGENT FACTORS • Streptococcal sore throat • Not all strains of Group A Streptococci (GAS) lead to rf • Rheumatogenic potential • Recently virus (coxsackie B-4) has been suggested as causative agent with streptococcus acting as conditioning agent.
  • 12. HOST AND ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS • AGEadolescents 5-15 yrs initial attack at younger age  valvular lesion faster Juenile mitral stenosis • SEX equal • IMMUNITY Toxic –immunological hypothesis • SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUSSocial disease • HIGH RISK GROUP 5-15 yrs school-age children living in closed community
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  • 16. • Based on currently based evidence, RF is caused by group A streptococcal (GAS) pharyngeal infection. • Postulated that series of preceding streptococcal infection is needed to prime the immune system prior to final infection that directly causes the disease.
  • 17. • Group A strep pharyngeal infection precedes clinical manifestations of ARF by 2 - 6 weeks. • Body produce antibodies against streptococci . • These antibodies cross react with human tissues because of the antigenic similarity between streptococcal components and human connective tissues (molecular mimicry) [there is certain amino acid sequence that is similar btw GAS and human tissue] • Immunologically mediated inflammation & damage (autoimmune) to human tissues which have antigenic similarity with streptococcal components- like heart, joint, brain connective
  • 18. • Epitopes present in cell wall ,CM, str. M protein are immunologically similar to molecules in human myosin, tropomyosin,keratin,actin,etc. MOLECULAR MIMICRY
  • 19. • Because of the similarity btw hyaluronic acid in GAS capsule and in the connective tissue of the joints, Ab produced against GAS capsule will start to attack the joints and causes arthritis. • M-protein in GAS cell wall and the myocardium are similar, thus Ab produced against GAS cell wall will attack heart and will cause carditis and so forth. • Similarly Ab against NAG in GAS will affect cardiac valve tissue causing valvular damage.
  • 20. Characteristic Aschoff bodies , composed of swollen eosinophilic collagen surrounded by lymphocytes and macrophages can be seen on light microscopy. The larger macrophages may become Aschoff giant cells In order for R.F. to occur:  There must be throat infection by GAS.(only when there is GAS throat infection there is R.F.)  Antibodies must be produced by the body rapidly & in high magnitude.  These Abs will cross react with tissue of the heart, joint, brain (especially basal ganglia),
  • 22. STREPTOCOCCUS SORE THROAT • Tender lymph nodes • Close contact with infected person • Scarlet fever rash • Excoriated nares( crusted lesions) in infants • Tonsillar exudates in older children • Abdominal pain • GOLD STANDARD POSITIVE THROAT CULTURE
  • 23.
  • 24. FEATURES Following upper airway infection with GAS Silent period of 2 - 6 weeks Sudden onset of fever, pallor, malaise, fatigue. Commonly GAS streptococcal infection is subclinical; such cases confirmed using streptococcal antibody testing .
  • 25. MAJOR MANIFESTATIONS Polyarthritis Carditis Sydenham’s chorea Erythema marginatum Subcutaneous nodules
  • 26. MINOR MANIFESTATIONS Involvement of lung, Fever Epistaxis kidneys and CNS Arthralgia Serositis
  • 27.
  • 28. 1.POLYARTHRITIS Most common feature: present in 90% of patients Joint is arthritic  ie inflammed.  Painful, migratory, short duration.  Usually >5 joints affected and mainly large joints Knees, ankles, wrists, elbows, shoulders  Small joints and cervical spine less commonly involved
  • 29.  Excellent response of salicylates and NSAIDS Pain and swelling come on quickly and subsides within 5-7 days In children below 5 yrs arthritis usually mild but carditis more prominent Arthritis do not progress to chronic disease
  • 30. 2.CARDITIS • Early and most serious manifestation • Manifest as pancarditis • Occur in 60-70% of cases • Carditis is the only manifestation of rheumatic fever that leaves a sequelae & permanent damage to the organ • Valvular damage is the hallmark of RF • Chronic phase- fibrosis,calcification & stenosis of heart valves(fishmouth valves)
  • 31. Any cardiac tissue may be affected  Valvular lesion most common: mitral and aortic  Seldom see isolated pericarditis or myocarditis RHEUMATIC HEART DISEASE • Rheumatic Heart Disease is the permanent heart valve damage resulting from one or more attacks of ARF. • It is thought that 40-60% of patients with ARF will go on to developing RHD. • Sadly, RHD can go undetected with the result that patients present with debilitating heart
  • 32. High pulse rate mitral or aortic regurgitation-endocardium Murmur involved Cardiomegaly myocardium involvement Pericardial friction rub Pericarditis Prolonged PR Myocardial inflammation affecting interval electrical conduction Cardiac failure
  • 33. Investigations for evidence of carditis • Chest x-ray – cardiomegaly, pulmonary venous congestion • ECG- First degree A-V block, T wave changes, low voltage QRS • Echocardiogram – cardiac dilatation, valve involvement, pericardial effusion
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  • 35. Rheumatic heart disease. Abnormal mitral valve. Thick, fused chordae
  • 36. Another view of thick and fused mitral valves in Rheumatic heart disease
  • 37. 3.SYNDENHAM’ S CHOREA • Occur in 5-10% of cases • Mainly in girls of 1-15 yrs age • Late manifestation of RF -months after infection • Spasmodic, unintentional, jerky choreiform movements, • Speech affected, fidgety • Choreiform movements particularly affect the head(darting movement of tongue)and upper
  • 38. • First sign: difficulty walking, talking, writing • Occurs in 30% of patients with ARF • Usually benign and resolves in 2 - 3 months • Disappears leaving no residual damage.
  • 39. 4.ERYTHEMA MARGINATUM • Occur in <7%. • Unique,transient,serpiginous-looking lesions of 1-2 inches in size • Pink macules - Clear centrally ,serpiginous spreading edge . • More on trunks & limbs & non-itchy • Almost never on face • Worsens with application of heat • Often associated with chronic carditis
  • 40.
  • 41. 5.SUBCUTANEOUS NODULES • Small,painless, mobile hard lumps beneath skin. • Most common along - extensor surfaces of joint-Knees, elbows, wrists • Also: on bony prominences, tendons, dorsi of feet,occiput or cervical spine • Appears 4 weeks after onset of RF • Delayed manifestation, disappears –leaves no residual damage. • Occur in 9 - 20% of cases • Often associated with carditis
  • 42. Nodules -Firm, non-tender, isolated or in clusters
  • 43. 6.FEVER • Present at onset of acute illness • High grade fever >39ºC • Lasts for about 12 weeks ,tends to recur
  • 45. LAB DIAGNOSIS • High ESR • Anemia, leucocytosis • Elevated C-reactive protien • Elevated ASO or other streptococcal antibody titer • Anti-DNAse B test • Throat culture-GABHstreptococci
  • 46.
  • 47. • There is no definitive test. • Diagnosis of ARF relies on presence of combination of typical clinical features together with evidence of the precipitating GAS infection . • This uncertainty led Dr.T.Duckett Jones in 1944to develop a set of criteria Jones Criteria to aid diagnosis. • Now Diagnosis based on MODIFIED JONES CRITERIA .
  • 48. 2002–2003 World Health Organization Criteria for the Diagnosis of Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease (Based on the 1992 Revised Jones Criteria) Diagnostic Categories Criteria Primary episode of rheumatic fever Two major or one major and two minor manifestations plus evidence of preceding group A streptococcal infection Recurrent attack of rheumatic fever in a Two major or one major and two minor patient without established rheumatic heart manifestations plus evidence of preceding disease group A streptococcal infection Recurrent attack of rheumatic fever in a Two minor manifestations plus evidence of patient with established rheumatic heart preceding group A streptococcal infectionc disease Rheumatic chorea Other major manifestations or evidence of Insidious onset rheumatic carditis group A streptococcal infection not required Chronic valve lesions of rheumatic heart Do not require any other criteria to be disease (patients presenting for the first diagnosed as having rheumatic heart time with pure mitral stenosis or mixed disease
  • 49. Major manifestations Carditis Polyarthritis Chorea Erythema marginatum Subcutaneous nodules Minor manifestations Clinical: fever, polyarthralgia Laboratory: elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate or leukocyte counte Electrocardiogram: prolonged P-R interval Supporting evidence of a preceding Elevated or rising anti-streptolysin O or streptococcal infection within the last 45 other streptococcal antibody, or days A positive throat culture, or Rapid antigen test for group A streptococcus, or Recent scarlet fevere
  • 50. Source: Reprinted with permission from WHO Expert Consultation on Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease (2001: Geneva, Switzerland): Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease: Report of a WHO Expert Consultation (WHO Tech Rep Ser, 923). Geneva, World Health Organization, 2004.
  • 51. Exceptions to Jones Criteria  Chorea alone, if other causes have been excluded  Insidious or late-onset carditis with no other explanation  Patients with documented RHD or prior rheumatic fever,one major criterion,or of fever,arthralgia or high CRP suggests recurrence
  • 52.
  • 53. • Step I - primary prevention (eradication of streptococci) • Step II - anti inflammatory treatment (aspirin,steroids) • Step III- supportive management & management of complications • Step IV- secondary prevention (prevention of recurrent attacks)
  • 54. PRIMARY PREVENTION • AIM ; Prevent the first attack of RF, by identifying all patients with streptococcal throat infection and treating them with pencillin • Theoretically simple , in practise its difficult, not feasible. • Many infections are inapparent or if apparent are not brought to attention of health services • VIABLE APPROACH; concentrate on high risk groups ie school age children. • Surveillance for streptococcal pharyngitis
  • 55. STEP I:Primary Prevention of Rheumatic Fever (Treatment of Streptococcal Tonsillopharyngitis) • Agent Dose Mode Duration • Benzathine penicillin G 600 000 U for patients Intramuscular Once 27 kg (60 lb) Least 1 200 000 U for patients >27 kg expensive or method • Penicillin V Children: 250 mg 2-3 times daily Oral 10 d (phenoxymethyl penicillin) Adolescents and adults: 500 mg 2-3 times daily • For individuals allergic to penicillin • Erythromycin: 20-40 mg/kg/d 2-4 times daily Oral 10 d Estolate (maximum 1 g/d) or • Ethylsuccinate 40 mg/kg/d 2-4 times daily Oral 10 d (maximum 1 g/d) Recommendations of American Heart Association
  • 56. Step II: Anti inflammatory treatment CLINICAL CONDITION DRUG Arthritis only Aspirin 75-100 mg/kg/day , give as 4 divided doses for 6 weeks (attain a body level 20-30 mg/dl) Carditis Corticosteroids 1-2 mg/kg per day – for 4-6 weeks to be tapered off
  • 57. 3.Step III: Supportive management & management of complications • Bed rest • Treatment of congestive cardiac failure: -digitalis,diuretics • Treatment of chorea: -diazepam or haloperidol • Rest to joints & supportive splinting
  • 58. STEP IV : Secondary Prevention of Rheumatic Fever (Prevention of Recurrent Attacks) Agent Dose Mode Benzathine penicillin G 1 200 000 U every 3 weeks* Intramuscular or Penicillin V 250 mg twice daily Oral For individuals allergic to penicillin and sulfadiazine Erythromycin 250 mg twice daily Oral Recommendations of American Heart Association
  • 59. Duration of Secondary Rheumatic Fever Prophylaxis Category Duration Rheumatic fever without carditis At least 5 y or until age 18 y, whichever is longer Rheumatic fever with carditis and At least 10 y since last residual heart disease episode and at least until age 40 y (persistent valvar disease*), sometimes lifelong prophylaxis Rheumatic fever with carditis 10 y or well into adulthood, but no residual heart disease whichever is longer (no valvar disease*) More severe valvular disease Lifelong Post-valve surgery cases *Clinical or echocardiographic evidence. Recommendations of Am erican Heart Association
  • 60. • Secondary prophylaxis is more effective when done on a Register based method • A register of cases of RF and RHD is kept. • This is used to improve treatment adherence in order to prevent recurrent RF and the development of RHD, necessitating surgery.
  • 61. NON- MEDICATED MEASURES • Improvement of living standards. • Breaking the poverty –disease –poverty cycle. • Improvements in socio-economic EVALUATION conditions. • The prevalence of RHD in school children from periodic surveys of random samples. • Samples of school in 6-14 age groups. At 5 year interval. • Recommended sample size 20,000 to 30,000
  • 62. PROGNOSIS • Rheumatic fever can recur whenever the individual experience new GABH streptococcal infection,if not on prophylactic medicines • Good prognosis for older age group & if no carditis during the initial attack • Bad prognosis for younger children & those
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  • 64. Rheumatic heart disease is the only truly preventable chronic heart condition
  • 65. Rapid, direct test kit for diagnosis of group A infections, throat swab introduced to latex beads and monoclonal antibodies Positive- Negative the C-carbohydrate -milky smooth on group A streptococci reaction. causes clumping