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Unit 2
The knowledge society
  Lesson 1 Did you know?
          Page 38
Opener: Have you heard of any of
         these terms?
• In your notebooks write what you understand
  by these expressions.
1. Reading pg 38
A) What do you think these facts tell you about the
   way society is developing today?
          Answer in your notebook.
B) In what ways is today’s job market different from
   the way it used to be?
          Answer in your notebook.
c) These statistics are about the USA. Do you think
   the situation is similar in mexico? Do you feel you
   are or will be a part of this trend?
          Answer in your notebook.
2.Vocabulary pg.38

• A) Read from the book and underline all the words that are the
    same or similar in spanish.
          Answer in your book.
• B) Are there any words that are making it difficult for you to
    understand the general meaning of the text?
          Answer in your notebook.
  C) Find the words that, in this context ,mean:
1.-Come into contact with           answer in your book
2.-A long , thin piece of fiber      answer in your book
3.- Quantity                         answer in your book
4.- At the moment                    answer in your book
5.- No longer in general use         answer in your book
6.-Growing three times the amount answer in your book
Answers for pg 38 activity C
C) Find the words that, in this context ,mean:
1.-Come into contact with---come across
2.-A long , thin piece of fiber---fiberoptic cable
3.- Quantity---amount
4.- At the moment -----currently
5.- No longer in general use------outdated
6.-Growing three times the amount-----tripling
3) Listening pg 39

•   Listen and complete the information.
•   1 number of searches on google every month:__________
•   2 number of searches in 2006:___________
•   3 first text message sent:_____________
•   4 number of text messages sent and recieved every day
•   5 years it took to reach an audience of 50 million:____________
•   Radio ___________
•   TV___________
•   Internet__________
•   Ipod____________
•   Facebook_____________
Listen again and answer in your book.
              Pg 39 part b
• 1 what is the woman trying to find out about?
• 2 What does the man suggest she do?
• 3 what was one way people got information BG (before
• 4 Speaking: read and answer in your book.
• a) How much of your life is dependant on communication
• b) Think of the days when you went to elementary much has the world changed over your
• C) how do you think tecnology is likely to develop in the
  near future?
Unit 2 lesson 2 Virtual worlds
                  pg 40
• Opener: Do you know what virtual world is?
• Look at the pictures in your book, what do you
  think virtual world is?
• a) Listening: listen and circle the correct
  option in your book.
• b) listen again and answer in your book.
2 Grammar pg 40 part 2
                  Past perfect (explanation)
• (Past perfect) is used to talk about an action that
  happened before another action.(simple past)
• Example: I had had long black hair for 2 months, so I
  decided I needed a new look.
• <                       O______________>
   had had long black hair ----decided I needed a new look

• Past                present             future
ANSWERS pg 40 part 2
•   A.1.I thought about my busy morning, I had done a lot.
•   2.I had had short brown hair and blue eyes for more than a month,so I decided I needed a new look.
•   1.In sentence 1 two events occured in the past, but one occured before the other. Which occurred first?
•   ANSWER: I had done a lot.
•   2.In sentence 2 , a situation started and continued up until another action in the past . What was the situation?
•   ANSWER:first situation : I had had short brown hair and blued eyes,second action:so I decided I needed a new
•   3. Is the simple past used to express the earlier or later even?
•   ANSWER: The later event.
•   4. The past perfect is formed by HAD+which part of the verb?
•   ANSWER: The past participle of the verb
•   B. 1complete these sentences with the verbs in the correct form.
•   1 I thought about all the things I had done that morning.
•   2. That morning my hair was short and red. I had changed it the day before.
•   3.I sat down to play the game I had played a hundred times before.
•   4. Everyone said the lunch was delicious. I had made a recipe I found on the internet
Page 41, Reading 3
 read the article “ a virtual world” and
   answer in your book true or false.
• 4 Writing:A In your books read the blog
  comments . Which comments do you
  sympathize with?
• Which do you disagree with?
• why?
Unit 2, lesson 3 pg 42.
                       AFRICA’S ROCKET MAN
1 Reading
Do you know any famous people from africa?
A)     Look at the pictures, what do you think the reading is about?
B) Read “The rocket man”and choose the the correct option.
1.    Dr.Klutz is important …………
a) Because he comes from africa
b) Because of his job
c)   Because of his interests in electrical engineering
2.     His actions as a child show
a)     He was destructive
b)     He had an inquiring mind
c)     He was a bad guest
3.     Dr.Klutz wanted to be a pilot
a)     So he went to the airport
b)     In spite of his poor eyesight
c)     As a result of his visit to the airport
4.     The visit Dr.Klutz made to the American center was important because it….
a)     Introduced him to a totally different type of life
b)     inspired him to visit the USA
c)     Made him realize that space travel was dangerous
Grammar pg,43
    Past perfect with time expressions.
         Past perfect /simple past
• Time expressions: before/by the time/when
• Before is used for time related activities
• Example: Tony had eaten before we ordered the pizza.
• By the time is used to indicate a future completion
• Example: I had finished my homework by the time my
  mother came home
• When is used to indicate a time of an action
• Example: My mother had picked up the kids from
  school when it rained
   2 grammar past perfect with time
• Part a) The sentences express ideas from the
  article. Underline the time expression in
  each, and write the verbs in the past perfect.
  (in your book)
3 listening
                                pg 43
•   a) listen to the radio show and circle T or F
•   (in your book)
•   1.Dr.Klutz works for NASA as inspector general
•   2.he was a sole designer for the infrared camera used in space
•   3.he was born in the Ghanaian capital.
•   4. NASA wrote to him after the challenger accident
•   He took a course in electrical engineering after he graduated as a lawyer
•   Dr.Klutz was already computer literate when he went to the US
•   1.What is the Doctors position in NASA?
•   2.Why did he first approach NASA?
•   3.When did he start college in the US?
•   4.How long had Dr.Klutz been in the US before NASA employed him?
•   5. Which NASA satellite is Dr.Klutz in charge of flying?
Pg,43 writing

• A) look at the notes .then write a paragraph in
  your notebook by answering the questions. Part 4
• What happened in 2003?
• What caused the accident?
• What did NASA develop after the accident?
• Where is EVA used?
• What happened before the astronauts took it up
  to space?
Unit 2 lesson 4
              The first 48 hours pg 44
• 1 Listening: A)you are going to listen to a synopsis of a homicide
    investigation.which of these words and phrases would you expect
    to hear?
• Solve a case/get a lead/gunshot wounds/crime scene/DNA
    y/ballistics/murder weapon/suspect/DNA profile/job
    market/education/bullet/arrested/distance learning/killer
B now listen. Which words and phrases from exercise 1a did you hear?
    (answer in your notebook)
C listen again and check the things that investigators had done at each
D which do you think is more effective in the fight against crime-fast
    and efficient police work or long prison sentences for everyone
    found guilty? (DISCUSS) (or answer in your notebook)
Unit 2 lesson 4
                          2 Grammar,pg 45
                past perfect questions and negatives
                             already /yet
Look at the sentences on part A) and answer the questions.
*Had they solved the case?(yes, they had/no,they had not.
*It was early , but they had already interviewed the
*They hadn’t found the murder weapon yet.
1. How is the question formed?
2. How is the negative formed?
3. What is the position of already in the sentence?
4. What is the position of yet in the sentence?
5. Is yet used in negative or positive sentences?
1. How is the question formed?
Had+subject+past participle(had they solved the case?)

2.How is the negative formed?
Sub+hadnt+past participle

3.What is the position of already in the sentence?
       Before the past participle ( they had already interviewed the neigbors)

4.What is the position of yet in the sentence?
       at the end of the sentence ( they hadn’t found the murder weapon yet)

5.Is yet used in negative or positive sentences?
Unit 2 lesson 4 pg 45

• Grammar: B) look back at the information in
  exercise 1. work in groups. Make as many
  logical sentences as you can with the past
  perfect using the words in the box
• Already/when/by(12)pm/by the time
• Example: had they gotten the ballistics report
  by midday? Yes, they had.
• (in your notebooks)
Lesson 4
   reading: read the text on page 45 and answer the questions.(in your

• 1. what two main ideas of fighting crime are
• 2. what percentages of the UK population are
  on the national DNA database?
• 3. when was interpol created?
• 4. how many members does it have?
• 5. what examples of crime are given?
Unit 2 lesson 5
     The information highway pg,48
• Opener: what do you use the internet for?
• Reading: a) read the text and answer the questions.
• 1.whats wikipedia?
• 2.what is a common criticism of wikipedia?
• 3.who writes and edits the entries?
• Are traditional encyclopedias much more accurate than
• Is the article for or against wikipedia?
• B) match the words to their meanings.
• (in your books)
Unit 2 lesson 5
grammar: comparatives is for comparing 2 things
superlatives are for comparing 3 things or more.
Exception to the rule for
• When the adjective has one more than 1
  syllable for example: Happy- we exclude the
  “y” and change it for “i” then add er/est
• Happy-happier
• Happy-happiest
• Hungry-hungrier
• Hungry-hungriest
Page 49 lesson 5

• A) underline all the phrases in the article from
  pg,48 that compare two or more things.
• B)whats the rule for forming the
  comparative/superlative of:
• 1 one syllable adjectives
• 2 an adjective of two or more syllables
• 3 what are the exceptions?
•   B)whats the rule for forming the comparative/superlative of:
•   1 one syllable adjectives
•   Comparatives: er bigger than
•   Superlativeres: est the biggest
•   2 an adjective of two or more syllables
•   Comparative: more beautiful
•   Superlative: the most beautiful
•   3 what are the exceptions?
•   Good/better/worse
•   Bad/better/the best
•   C) find the phrases that means the opposite of:
•   1 more than
•   2 the most
• D) complete the sentences
• 1 using the internet is______than going to the
• 2 wikipedia is the ______ online encyclopedia
• 3 which is the____encyclopedia online(large)
• 4 traditional encyclopedias are probably
  ____than wikipedia
• 5 this article is the ____I’ve read. it doesn’t have
  any information I need.(useful)
• D) complete the sentences
• 1 using the internet is faster than going to the
• 2 wikipedia is the most popular online
  encyclopedia (popular)
• 3 which is the largest encyclopedia online(large)
• 4 traditional encyclopedias are probably more
  accurate than wikipedia(accurate)
• 5 this article is the (least useful)I’ve read. it
  doesn’t have any information I need.(useful)
Listening pg 49,
• A) read the alternatives. Which do you think
   are the correct answers?
              (in your notebooks)
b) Listen and check your answers
c) Have you updated or edited a wiki article?
Would you be interested in doing so?
d) Is it easy to find information about mexico on
   the internet?
Lesson 6 pg,50
             click and release
Opener: do you have a cell phone?
Does it have a camera?
What do you take pictures of?
Do you send your pictures to friends?
(answer in your notebook)
Pg,50 part 1 listening
•   Listen and circle true or false.
•   1 the incident described started at a party.
•   2 the girl was drunk.
•   3 her boyfriend used her cell phone to call her family.
•   4 their relationship ended at the party.
•   5 the ex boyfriend wrote about the girl on his blog.
•   6 the girl almost lost her job because of the incident.
•   7 she attacked her ex boyfriend with a bat.
•   8 jill thinks the girl was right in the way she reacted.
•   (answer in your book)
•   Listen and circle true or false.
•   1 the incident described started at a party. T
•   2 the girl was drunk.T
•   3 her boyfriend used her cell phone to call her family.F
•   4 their relationship ended at the party.F
•   5 the ex boyfriend wrote about the girl on his blog.F
•   6 the girl almost lost her job because of the incident.F
•   7 she attacked her ex boyfriend with a bat.F
•   8 jill thinks the girl was right in the way she reacted.T
•   (answer in your book)
• 1 does the conversation refer to a tv news item or an
  article in a newspaper or magazine?
• 2 what most angered the young man about the way
  his ex girlfriend left him?
• 3 in what ways do the two people having the
  conversation differ in their opinions on the incident?
• (answer in your notebook)
Grammar pg,50 lesson 6
                Third conditional.
• Structure:
• if+had+past participle+would have+past participle
• If I had gotten drunk , I would have not taken off my clothes.
• This 3rd conditional is used to describe a hypothetical or
  imaginary situation, in other words it isnt possible because it
  is an action that past, and what would have happened.
• Question structure: wh word+ would+subject+have+past participle?
• What would you have done in that situation?
2 Grammar,pg,50 lesson 6
• A) look at the sentences and answer the
   questions.(in your book)
• What would you have done?
 (if you had been in that situation)
I would have been furious
I wouldn’t have put the pictures on the internet
I would have done exactly the same
Answer in your notebook
• 1 do these sentences talk about hypothetical
  situation or a real situation in the past?
• 2 would have is followed by which part of the
• 3 how is the negative formed
• 4 how do you express these ideas in your
• 1 do these sentences talk about hypothetical
  situation or a real situation in the past? A
  hypothetical situation
• 2 would have is followed by which part of the
  verb? Past participle
• 3 how is the negative formed If+hadnt+past
  participle+wouldn’t have +past participle
• 4 how do you express these ideas in your
Reading pg 51
• A)Reading: read the first extract and answer the questions.
• 1 What did Mr. McDonald do?
• 2 What does the article imply about the picture?
• 3 What did he intend to do with the picture?
• 4 How did he justify his action?
 B) Read the second article and correct the statements.
(answer in your notebook)
1 The police official pulled the woman over for shouting insults at him.
2 He shot and killed her.
3 The police official is under arrest.
4 A passerby was interviewed on national TV about the incident.
C) What would/wouldn’t you have done in the situations of these people? (NOTEBOOK)
1 Jay McDonald
2 The politician
3 The elderly woman in Texas
4 the police official
5 the passerby
4 speaking
• a) work in pairs . Plan an incident (real or
  imaginary) in which a cell phone plays an
  important part .
• b) get together with another person, tell them
  about your incident.
• c) Ask them what they would have done in the
  situation they tell you about.
Lesson 7 pg,52
                            At a distance
•   Opener: what are your plans when you finish school?
•   Are you going to continue studying?
•   Is it possible to combine school and work?
•   (answer in your notebook)
•   1 Listening:
•   a) Listen and circle the correct option.
•   1 Dan had begun studying marketing/accounting three years ago.
•   2 he had/didn’t have a full time job
•   3 the course he was taking gave/didn’t give him flexibility about when to study
•   4 when he started the course, Dan was/wasn’t very good with computers
•   5 he had/didn’t have a quiet place to study.
•   6 he found it easy/difficult to focus.
•   7 he never had /once had computer problems.
•   8 Dan never completed/successfully completed his course.
Part B,and C pg 52
• Listen again and note down all the
  circumstances that contributed to Dans initial
  failure. (answer in your notebook)
• c) what do you think might be the problems in
  the evaluation and testing process of distance
  learning courses? What solutions can you
  think of to these problems. (answer in your
Part 2 reading,pg 53
•   Reading: a) Read Dan’s words and answer.
•   This passage is mainly about.
•   1 the advantages of distance learning
•   2 the problems Dan faced at the beginning
•   3 the disadvantages of distance learning
•   b) find the words or phrases in the text that mean …..
•   1 nearest
•   2 a bad dream
•   3 resolved
•   3 desist
•   c) work in small groups . Make a list of the advantages and the
    disadvantages of distance learning. Share your lists with the class
    and make a class list on the board.
Answers pg,53 part B
•   1 nearest__________closest
•   2 a bad dream_________nightmare
•   3 resolved________figured out
•   3 desist_______give up
Grammar 3rd conditional pg,53
• A) look at the sentences and circle T or F (based
  on the text)
• It would have been easier if I had had a study.
• If I had been more disciplined , I would have
  completed all of my assignments.
• If I hadn't persevered, I wouldn’t have finished
  the course.
 These sentences talk about impossible
  conditions, because they refer to the past and we
  cannot change what happened. T/F?
Part b) pg 53
• 1 the sentences have two clauses.what tense
  is used in the if clause?
• 2 the main clause is formed by would have +
  what part of the verb
• 3 how is the negative formed?
Answers part B)
• 1 the sentences have two clauses.what tense
  is used in the if clause? past
• 2 the main clause is formed by would have +
  what part of the verb? past participle
• 3 how is the negative formed? If+hadnt+past
  participle+wouldn’t have+past participle
Part c) complete the sentences with had or hadnt and would
          have or wouldn’t have in the correct places.

• 1) if dan _____ worked harder , he _passed
  the first semester.
• 2) he ___done better if he ____been an
  experienced computer user.
• 3) he _____ wasted so much time if he
  ____known how to use the computer.
• 4) if he ____finished the course, he _____
  gotten a degree in accounting.
Answer part c)
• 1) if dan had worked harder , he would have
  passed the first semester.
• 2) he would've done better if he had been an
  experienced computer user.
• 3) he wouldn’t have wasted so much time if
  he had known how to use the computer.
• 4) if he had finished the course, he would've
  gotten a degree in accounting.
Speaking part 4
        (answer in your notebook)
• A) in small groups tell each other about some of
  the problems , successes , and failures you have
  had in your studies or school related activities.
  Discuss what would have happened if you had
  done things differently.
• B) what qualities do you think you need to be
  successful with a long distance course?
• C) do you think you have those qualities?
• Would you be interested in a long distance
Lesson 8
              The dinosaur dilema
• Opener: whats your opinion about Dinosaurs?
(answer in your notebook)
A) reading: there are lots of theories. Why do you think that
    dinosaurs became extinct?
B) do you know the answers to these questions?
C) 1. at what age in evolution did mammals come into
   2. what animals still around today used to share the planet
    with dinosaurs?
   3. did dinosaurs have well developed brains?
   4. how did the majority of land dinosaurs move?
(Read and check your answers)
Pg,55 part D) and E)
• D) with a partner , talk about what you have
  learned from the text that you didn’t already
• E) do you think the suppositions about “ the
  dinosaurs today” made by the writer are
  logical or not?
• (answer in your notebook)
Grammar part 2
• Third conditional (3)
• A) underline all the two clause thirs conditional
  sentences in the article in exercise 1c. What do
  you notice about the use of the comma between
  the two clauses. Only use the comma if we start
  with “if”
• Example : if I had known more about dinosaurs, I
  would've been an archeologist .
• I would've been an archeologist if I had known
  more about dinosaurs.
• B) look at these sentences and answer the
• man would probably not have existed at all.
• they would almost certainly have adapted
• 1 which sentence expresses more certainty?
• 2 what do you notice about the position of the
  adverbs probably and almost certain?
• 1 which sentence expresses more certainty?
• The second sentence
• 2 what do you notice about the position of the
  adverbs probably and almost certain?
• They come between would and have.
Listening pg,55
• Part 3 listening: listen and circle the correct option.
• 1 the show is imaginary/factual
• 2 the dinosaurs on the show are computer
  generated/facsimilies of the real thing.
• 3 the scenes were filmed in a tv studio/on location
• 4 grass was/was not part of some dinosaurs diet.
• 5 the show was an expensive /inexpensive project.
• B) listen again and find out.
• Which experts had given their advice before the show was
• Where were prehistoric landscapes discovered?
• Which tecnology was used in the filming of the show?
c) What movies have you seen that
   have special effects? answer in your
• 4) writing
• A) in small groups or in you notebook,talk or
  write about the theories you researched.
Lesson 9
                soap fan,pg, 58
• Opener: do you watch tv shows online?
• What do you like to watch online, do you download
  any tv series from internet?
• (answer in your notebooks)
• Reading: read the webpage and answer the questions.
• 1 what type of show is green oaks?
• 2 what type of rescue does lucy need?
• 3 who is Janine?
• 4 who do you think lucy is planning to go to palm
  springs with?
• 5 who probably gave lucy the bracelet?
Part B) read again and circle true or
            false (in your book)
• 1 green oaks is a tv show that has won an award. t/f
• 2 the character “Lucy” did not expect the problem she's
  facing. T/F
• 3 chelsea biggs is the actress who plays lucy. T/F
• 4 Max White is not a well known actor. T/F
• 2 Listening: Listen to Dennis and Barbara circle true/false
• 1 Dennis wants to go to the movies T/F
• 2 Barbara is watching a video on youtube.T/F
• 3 Barbara gets a message on twitter. T/F
• 4 she saw the latest green oaks episode on TV. T/F
• 5 she is not a Green oaks fan.T/F
Part B) pg 59
• B) listen to the rest of the conversation and
  then match the sentence pairs.(answer in book)
•   1 Bradley is the person         A) where Lucy lives
•   2 Lucy is wearing the bracelet B) that wants to marry Lucy
•   3 they are at a party            C) who Lucy met at a software convention.
•   4 Christian is the man     D) whose car was in an accident in the previous episode
•   5 Apt 25 is the place     E) that Lucy organized
•   6 Lucy is the character    F) that Christian gave her.
•   C) people love microblogging on sites like twitter,jaiku,and tumblr.
•   Do you use sites like these? (answer in your notebook)
Grammar explanation.
        Defining relative clauses with
   We use these words to combine sentences.
• Example: The teacher is Luis. He teaches English.
• The teacher who teaches English is Luis.
• My sister whose boyfriend is from Germany, has a dog.
• The words : who/that/whose/where
• Have specific use in the sentence.
• Who--------person
• That--------person or thing
• Whose---------possessive
• Where----------place
Notice: it is very common in spoken and informal written english to replace
   who with that.
The relative pronoun can be omitted when it is the object of the clause.
Example: it’s the bracelet (that) christian gave her . Hes the man (who/that)
   she met at the convention.
Part B) pg 59
complete with the correct relative pronoun,where there are two
  possibilities , write both.where the pronoun can be omitted
                              , write 0
• B) 1 is the
  site______you can get pictures of max white.
• 2 bobby williams is the actor ______plays Bradley.
• 3 Lucy is the woman______weekend plans are being
• 4 it’s a problem _______ she cant solve
• 5 it’s a show______is very popular
Answers,pg 59 part B
• B) 1 is the
  site where you can get pictures of max white.
• 2 bobby williams is the actor that/who plays
• 3 Lucy is the woman whose weekend plans are
  being ruined.
• 4 it’s a problem 0 she cant solve
• 5 it’s a show that is very popular
4 speaking,pg 59
• A) work in pairs or alone. what is your favorite
  TV series? Discuss. ( if you are alone answer in
  your notebook)
• B) How is the digital revolution changing the
  way we are entertained? Wrtie a list of things
  that you see heppening now and you think
  will happen in the future.
• Share the list with the class.
Unit 2 lesson 10
                      Dance to health
• Opener: who are the people in the pictures?
• A) Reading: read and find out.
• 1 who is Alex kerten?
• 2 what part of the body does gyro-kinetics therapy help?
• 3 what happens in a gyro session?
• 4 how is the locale adapted for the therapy?
• Read the text again and answer the questions.
• 1 what's the negative side of conventional Parkinson's treatments
• 2 who runs the therapy sessions?
• 3 gyro kinetics has been described as a holistic approach to
  treatment.what evidence is there for this in the text?
• 4 according to Dr.Djaldetti,why it work? (the therapy)
• 5 this treatment can help people from all kinds of social backgrounds.
2 grammar
               non defining relative clauses.
Look at the sentences and answer the questions.
“Alex Kerten , who is a martial arts expert and former musician from israel,treats patients with this new therapy in his
“The treatment , which all of Kertens patients seem to enjoy immensly,provides both a sense of physical and mental
     renewal that drugs cannot achieve.”
“A dance leader , whose job is to make sure that the patients are moving correctly,is in charge of each session.”
“The Rabin medical center, where they still treat Parkinson's disease with conventional medicine,is in israel.
1)      Do the underlined clauses :
     A) give information that is essential to the meaning of the sentence?
     B) give extra information that is not essential to the sentence?
2) What do you notice about the punctuation of the clause?
        LESSON 9)
B) Combine these ideas into one sentence.
1 My grandmother died in 2002. she had Parkinson's disease. (who)
2 The treatment was wonderful . I learned about it on the internet. (which)
2 grammar
              non defining relative clauses.
Look at the sentences and answer the questions.
“Alex Kerten , who is a martial arts expert and former musician from israel,treats patients with this new therapy
     in his studio”.
“The treatment , which all of Kertens patients seem to enjoy immensly,provides both a sense of physical and
     mental renewal that drugs cannot achieve.”
“A dance leader , whose job is to make sure that the patients are moving correctly,is in charge of each session.”
“The Rabin medical center, where they still treat Parkinson's disease with conventional medicine,is in israel.
1)      Do the underlined clauses :
     A) give information that is essential to the meaning of the sentence?
     B) give extra information that is not essential to the sentence?
2) What do you notice about the punctuation of the clause?NOTICE: IN NON DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES, YOU
        LESSON 9)
B) Combine these ideas into one sentence.
1 My grandmother died in 2002. she had Parkinson's disease. (who)
2 The treatment was wonderful . I learned about it on the internet. (which)
3 Dr. Rouge is French .His clinic is in New York. (whose)
Listening,pg 61,part A
• 3 Listening
• A) listen to the conversation. Circle T/F( in the
• 1. Jack saw Silvia recently
• 2. Silvia’s family surfs the net
• 3. Silvia and her grandfather stayed on a kibbutz.
• 4. her grandfather has always loved dancing.
• 5. he is still taking drugs.
• 6. he is no longer depressed.
Part B
• Listen again and fill in the missing information.
• 1 sylvia’s grandfather took ____weeks of
• 2 he had been really sick for the past ____
• 3 Holon is ______ of Tel Aviv
• 4 Sylvia's grandfather took ______ pills a day.
Writing part 4,pg 61
• Research about laughter therapy, In your
  notebooks write down what you found out
  about laughter therapy.
Lesson 11, page 62
                   Toxic side effects.
•   Opener: do you have a cell phone?
•   How often do you change cell phones?
•   A) Listening: listen and circle T/F
•   1 Janie wants dicks old computer
•   2 Dick sold his old computer to a friend
•   3 Janie would have liked the chance to try to fix it.
•   4 Janie has a family member who is in the computer business.
•   5 Janies uncle had a hard drive to fix dicks computer
•   6 Dick didn’t have time to worry about the old computer.
•   7 janie doesn’t know where there is a recycling center
•   8 janies father is going to buy her a new computer next week
• Part B) (answer in your notebooks)
• What , according to Janie , should you do with
  old computer equipment.
• C) What happens in mexico with old TV’s,cell
  phone,and batteries?
Grammar 3rd conditional
• A) look at the sentences, what modals can the
  main clause contain?
• 1. if I had had the time, I would have taken the
  computer to a recycling center.
• 2. if you had given it to me,I could have fixed
• 3. if I had gotten better grades, he might have
  given me a computer.
Reading ,pg 63
• 3 reading: A) look at the picture. What do you
  think the article is about?
• B) Do you know the answers to these questions?
• 1. E-waste contains valuable metals that can be
  recycled, what are the main ones?
• 2. E-waste contains toxic substances, which are
  the main ones.
• 3. a small percentage of E-waste is taken to
  recycling center, is recycling safe?
• 4. Where is the E-waste capital of the world.
Speaking,part 4
a) We are forcing people to choose between
   poverty and poison, . How is this true in
   relation to E-waste?(investigate)
b) In your notebook write about the results of
   your investigation.
                    LOVE ONLINE

• What qualities do you look for in a boyfriend or
• 1 Reading: read the webpage . What advice is
  given about:
• 1 The picture you choose for yourself?
• 2 the description of yourself and other
  information you give?
• 3 criteria for choosing someone to reply to?
• 4 replying to someone who writes to you?
• 5 setting up the first date?
Part B)
• B) What do you think of the advice? What would you change or
• (answer in your notebook)
• C) Is online dating common in mexico?
• What does it tell you about the cultures where it is popular? In
  which parts of the world wouldn’t it be popular?, why?
• Listening: A) listen and circle T/F
• 1 Ginny canceled a date with a guy she met online?
• 2 The guys name was Gael
• 3 Her friend ,maggie ,thinks she made the wrong decision.
• 4 She is sure Ginny would have liked him
• 5 Maggie would have liked to have gone on the date
• 6 Ginny plans to continue online dating
• (answer in your notebook)
• A) Would you do or have you done online dating?
• Why?
• Why not?
• How else can you meet people?
• How do you usually meet people?
• B) make a list of the things you should put on an
  internet dating site.
• Make a list.
Writing pg,65
• Write a profile of yourselfe
(in your notebook)

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Unit 2 level 4

  • 1. Unit 2 The knowledge society Lesson 1 Did you know? Page 38
  • 4. 1. Reading pg 38 A) What do you think these facts tell you about the way society is developing today? Answer in your notebook. B) In what ways is today’s job market different from the way it used to be? Answer in your notebook. c) These statistics are about the USA. Do you think the situation is similar in mexico? Do you feel you are or will be a part of this trend? Answer in your notebook.
  • 5. 2.Vocabulary pg.38 • A) Read from the book and underline all the words that are the same or similar in spanish. Answer in your book. • B) Are there any words that are making it difficult for you to understand the general meaning of the text? Answer in your notebook. C) Find the words that, in this context ,mean: 1.-Come into contact with answer in your book 2.-A long , thin piece of fiber answer in your book 3.- Quantity answer in your book 4.- At the moment answer in your book 5.- No longer in general use answer in your book 6.-Growing three times the amount answer in your book
  • 6. Answers for pg 38 activity C C) Find the words that, in this context ,mean: 1.-Come into contact with---come across 2.-A long , thin piece of fiber---fiberoptic cable 3.- Quantity---amount 4.- At the moment -----currently 5.- No longer in general use------outdated 6.-Growing three times the amount-----tripling
  • 7. 3) Listening pg 39 • Listen and complete the information. • 1 number of searches on google every month:__________ • 2 number of searches in 2006:___________ • 3 first text message sent:_____________ • 4 number of text messages sent and recieved every day nowadays:_______________ • 5 years it took to reach an audience of 50 million:____________ • Radio ___________ • TV___________ • Internet__________ • Ipod____________ • Facebook_____________
  • 8. Listen again and answer in your book. Pg 39 part b • 1 what is the woman trying to find out about? • 2 What does the man suggest she do? • 3 what was one way people got information BG (before google) • 4 Speaking: read and answer in your book. • a) How much of your life is dependant on communication tecnology? • b) Think of the days when you went to elementary much has the world changed over your lifetime? • C) how do you think tecnology is likely to develop in the near future?
  • 9. Unit 2 lesson 2 Virtual worlds pg 40 • Opener: Do you know what virtual world is? • Look at the pictures in your book, what do you think virtual world is? • a) Listening: listen and circle the correct option in your book. • b) listen again and answer in your book.
  • 10. 2 Grammar pg 40 part 2 Past perfect (explanation) • (Past perfect) is used to talk about an action that happened before another action.(simple past) • Example: I had had long black hair for 2 months, so I decided I needed a new look. • < O______________> had had long black hair ----decided I needed a new look • Past present future • NOW ANSWER IN YOUR NOTEBOOK • PART A) LOOK AT THE SENTENCES AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS.1,2,3,4 • PART B) COMPLETE THE SENTENCES WITH THE VERBS IN THE CORRECT FORM.
  • 11. ANSWERS pg 40 part 2 • A.1.I thought about my busy morning, I had done a lot. • 2.I had had short brown hair and blue eyes for more than a month,so I decided I needed a new look. • 1.In sentence 1 two events occured in the past, but one occured before the other. Which occurred first? • ANSWER: I had done a lot. • 2.In sentence 2 , a situation started and continued up until another action in the past . What was the situation? • ANSWER:first situation : I had had short brown hair and blued eyes,second action:so I decided I needed a new look. • 3. Is the simple past used to express the earlier or later even? • ANSWER: The later event. • 4. The past perfect is formed by HAD+which part of the verb? • ANSWER: The past participle of the verb • B. 1complete these sentences with the verbs in the correct form. • 1 I thought about all the things I had done that morning. • 2. That morning my hair was short and red. I had changed it the day before. • 3.I sat down to play the game I had played a hundred times before. • 4. Everyone said the lunch was delicious. I had made a recipe I found on the internet
  • 12. Page 41, Reading 3 read the article “ a virtual world” and answer in your book true or false. • 4 Writing:A In your books read the blog comments . Which comments do you sympathize with? • Which do you disagree with? • why?
  • 13. Unit 2, lesson 3 pg 42. AFRICA’S ROCKET MAN 1 Reading Do you know any famous people from africa? A) Look at the pictures, what do you think the reading is about? B) Read “The rocket man”and choose the the correct option. 1. Dr.Klutz is important ………… a) Because he comes from africa b) Because of his job c) Because of his interests in electrical engineering 2. His actions as a child show a) He was destructive b) He had an inquiring mind c) He was a bad guest 3. Dr.Klutz wanted to be a pilot a) So he went to the airport b) In spite of his poor eyesight c) As a result of his visit to the airport 4. The visit Dr.Klutz made to the American center was important because it…. a) Introduced him to a totally different type of life b) inspired him to visit the USA c) Made him realize that space travel was dangerous
  • 14. Grammar pg,43 Past perfect with time expressions. Past perfect /simple past • Time expressions: before/by the time/when • Before is used for time related activities • Example: Tony had eaten before we ordered the pizza. • By the time is used to indicate a future completion time • Example: I had finished my homework by the time my mother came home • When is used to indicate a time of an action • Example: My mother had picked up the kids from school when it rained
  • 15. Pg,43 2 grammar past perfect with time expressions. • Part a) The sentences express ideas from the article. Underline the time expression in each, and write the verbs in the past perfect. (in your book)
  • 16. 3 listening pg 43 • a) listen to the radio show and circle T or F • (in your book) • 1.Dr.Klutz works for NASA as inspector general • 2.he was a sole designer for the infrared camera used in space • 3.he was born in the Ghanaian capital. • 4. NASA wrote to him after the challenger accident • He took a course in electrical engineering after he graduated as a lawyer • Dr.Klutz was already computer literate when he went to the US • ANSWER PART (B) IN YOUR NOTEBOOK • 1.What is the Doctors position in NASA? • 2.Why did he first approach NASA? • 3.When did he start college in the US? • 4.How long had Dr.Klutz been in the US before NASA employed him? • 5. Which NASA satellite is Dr.Klutz in charge of flying?
  • 17. Pg,43 writing • A) look at the notes .then write a paragraph in your notebook by answering the questions. Part 4 a) • What happened in 2003? • What caused the accident? • What did NASA develop after the accident? • Where is EVA used? • What happened before the astronauts took it up to space?
  • 18. Unit 2 lesson 4 The first 48 hours pg 44 • 1 Listening: A)you are going to listen to a synopsis of a homicide investigation.which of these words and phrases would you expect to hear? • Solve a case/get a lead/gunshot wounds/crime scene/DNA samples/fingerprints/evidence/victim/witness/blood/social/autops y/ballistics/murder weapon/suspect/DNA profile/job market/education/bullet/arrested/distance learning/killer B now listen. Which words and phrases from exercise 1a did you hear? (answer in your notebook) C listen again and check the things that investigators had done at each stage D which do you think is more effective in the fight against crime-fast and efficient police work or long prison sentences for everyone found guilty? (DISCUSS) (or answer in your notebook)
  • 19. Unit 2 lesson 4 2 Grammar,pg 45 past perfect questions and negatives already /yet Look at the sentences on part A) and answer the questions. *Had they solved the case?(yes, they had/no,they had not. *It was early , but they had already interviewed the neighbors. *They hadn’t found the murder weapon yet. 1. How is the question formed? 2. How is the negative formed? 3. What is the position of already in the sentence? 4. What is the position of yet in the sentence? 5. Is yet used in negative or positive sentences?
  • 20. ANSWERS FOR PAGE 45 1. How is the question formed? Had+subject+past participle(had they solved the case?) 2.How is the negative formed? Sub+hadnt+past participle 3.What is the position of already in the sentence? Before the past participle ( they had already interviewed the neigbors) 4.What is the position of yet in the sentence? at the end of the sentence ( they hadn’t found the murder weapon yet) 5.Is yet used in negative or positive sentences? negative
  • 21. Unit 2 lesson 4 pg 45 • Grammar: B) look back at the information in exercise 1. work in groups. Make as many logical sentences as you can with the past perfect using the words in the box • Already/when/by(12)pm/by the time • Example: had they gotten the ballistics report by midday? Yes, they had. • (in your notebooks)
  • 22. Lesson 4 reading: read the text on page 45 and answer the questions.(in your notebook) • 1. what two main ideas of fighting crime are mentioned? • 2. what percentages of the UK population are on the national DNA database? • 3. when was interpol created? • 4. how many members does it have? • 5. what examples of crime are given?
  • 23. Unit 2 lesson 5 The information highway pg,48 • Opener: what do you use the internet for? • Reading: a) read the text and answer the questions. • 1.whats wikipedia? • 2.what is a common criticism of wikipedia? • 3.who writes and edits the entries? • Are traditional encyclopedias much more accurate than wikipedia? • Is the article for or against wikipedia? • B) match the words to their meanings. • (in your books)
  • 24. Unit 2 lesson 5 grammar: comparatives is for comparing 2 things superlatives are for comparing 3 things or more.
  • 25. Exception to the rule for comparative/superlative • When the adjective has one more than 1 syllable for example: Happy- we exclude the “y” and change it for “i” then add er/est • Happy-happier • Happy-happiest • Hungry-hungrier • Hungry-hungriest
  • 26. Page 49 lesson 5 • A) underline all the phrases in the article from pg,48 that compare two or more things. • B)whats the rule for forming the comparative/superlative of: • 1 one syllable adjectives • 2 an adjective of two or more syllables • 3 what are the exceptions?
  • 27. B)whats the rule for forming the comparative/superlative of: • 1 one syllable adjectives • Comparatives: er bigger than • Superlativeres: est the biggest • 2 an adjective of two or more syllables • Comparative: more beautiful • Superlative: the most beautiful • 3 what are the exceptions? • Good/better/worse • Bad/better/the best • C) find the phrases that means the opposite of: • 1 more than • 2 the most
  • 28. • D) complete the sentences • 1 using the internet is______than going to the library.(fast) • 2 wikipedia is the ______ online encyclopedia (popular) • 3 which is the____encyclopedia online(large) • 4 traditional encyclopedias are probably ____than wikipedia • 5 this article is the ____I’ve read. it doesn’t have any information I need.(useful)
  • 29. • D) complete the sentences • 1 using the internet is faster than going to the library.(fast) • 2 wikipedia is the most popular online encyclopedia (popular) • 3 which is the largest encyclopedia online(large) • 4 traditional encyclopedias are probably more accurate than wikipedia(accurate) • 5 this article is the (least useful)I’ve read. it doesn’t have any information I need.(useful)
  • 30. Listening pg 49, • A) read the alternatives. Which do you think are the correct answers? (in your notebooks) b) Listen and check your answers c) Have you updated or edited a wiki article? Would you be interested in doing so? d) Is it easy to find information about mexico on the internet?
  • 31. Lesson 6 pg,50 click and release Opener: do you have a cell phone? Does it have a camera? What do you take pictures of? Do you send your pictures to friends? (answer in your notebook)
  • 32. Pg,50 part 1 listening • Listen and circle true or false. • 1 the incident described started at a party. • 2 the girl was drunk. • 3 her boyfriend used her cell phone to call her family. • 4 their relationship ended at the party. • 5 the ex boyfriend wrote about the girl on his blog. • 6 the girl almost lost her job because of the incident. • 7 she attacked her ex boyfriend with a bat. • 8 jill thinks the girl was right in the way she reacted. • (answer in your book)
  • 33. ANSWERS TO PAGE 50 PART 1 • Listen and circle true or false. • 1 the incident described started at a party. T • 2 the girl was drunk.T • 3 her boyfriend used her cell phone to call her family.F • 4 their relationship ended at the party.F • 5 the ex boyfriend wrote about the girl on his blog.F • 6 the girl almost lost her job because of the incident.F • 7 she attacked her ex boyfriend with a bat.F • 8 jill thinks the girl was right in the way she reacted.T • (answer in your book)
  • 34. PART B PAGE 50 • LISTEN AGAIN AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. • 1 does the conversation refer to a tv news item or an article in a newspaper or magazine? • 2 what most angered the young man about the way his ex girlfriend left him? • 3 in what ways do the two people having the conversation differ in their opinions on the incident? • (answer in your notebook)
  • 35. Grammar pg,50 lesson 6 Third conditional. • Structure: • if+had+past participle+would have+past participle • If I had gotten drunk , I would have not taken off my clothes. • This 3rd conditional is used to describe a hypothetical or imaginary situation, in other words it isnt possible because it is an action that past, and what would have happened. • Question structure: wh word+ would+subject+have+past participle? • What would you have done in that situation?
  • 36. 2 Grammar,pg,50 lesson 6 • A) look at the sentences and answer the questions.(in your book) • What would you have done? (if you had been in that situation) I would have been furious I wouldn’t have put the pictures on the internet I would have done exactly the same
  • 37. Answer in your notebook • 1 do these sentences talk about hypothetical situation or a real situation in the past? • 2 would have is followed by which part of the verb? • 3 how is the negative formed • 4 how do you express these ideas in your language?
  • 38. Answers • 1 do these sentences talk about hypothetical situation or a real situation in the past? A hypothetical situation • 2 would have is followed by which part of the verb? Past participle • 3 how is the negative formed If+hadnt+past participle+wouldn’t have +past participle • 4 how do you express these ideas in your language?
  • 39. Reading pg 51 • A)Reading: read the first extract and answer the questions. • 1 What did Mr. McDonald do? • 2 What does the article imply about the picture? • 3 What did he intend to do with the picture? • 4 How did he justify his action? B) Read the second article and correct the statements. (answer in your notebook) 1 The police official pulled the woman over for shouting insults at him. 2 He shot and killed her. 3 The police official is under arrest. 4 A passerby was interviewed on national TV about the incident. C) What would/wouldn’t you have done in the situations of these people? (NOTEBOOK) 1 Jay McDonald 2 The politician 3 The elderly woman in Texas 4 the police official 5 the passerby
  • 40. 4 speaking • a) work in pairs . Plan an incident (real or imaginary) in which a cell phone plays an important part . • b) get together with another person, tell them about your incident. • c) Ask them what they would have done in the situation they tell you about.
  • 41. Lesson 7 pg,52 At a distance • Opener: what are your plans when you finish school? • Are you going to continue studying? • Is it possible to combine school and work? • (answer in your notebook) • 1 Listening: • a) Listen and circle the correct option. • 1 Dan had begun studying marketing/accounting three years ago. • 2 he had/didn’t have a full time job • 3 the course he was taking gave/didn’t give him flexibility about when to study • 4 when he started the course, Dan was/wasn’t very good with computers • 5 he had/didn’t have a quiet place to study. • 6 he found it easy/difficult to focus. • 7 he never had /once had computer problems. • 8 Dan never completed/successfully completed his course.
  • 42. Part B,and C pg 52 • Listen again and note down all the circumstances that contributed to Dans initial failure. (answer in your notebook) • c) what do you think might be the problems in the evaluation and testing process of distance learning courses? What solutions can you think of to these problems. (answer in your notebook)
  • 43. Part 2 reading,pg 53 • Reading: a) Read Dan’s words and answer. • This passage is mainly about. • 1 the advantages of distance learning • 2 the problems Dan faced at the beginning • 3 the disadvantages of distance learning • b) find the words or phrases in the text that mean ….. • 1 nearest • 2 a bad dream • 3 resolved • 3 desist • c) work in small groups . Make a list of the advantages and the disadvantages of distance learning. Share your lists with the class and make a class list on the board.
  • 44. Answers pg,53 part B • 1 nearest__________closest • 2 a bad dream_________nightmare • 3 resolved________figured out • 3 desist_______give up
  • 45. Grammar 3rd conditional pg,53 • A) look at the sentences and circle T or F (based on the text) • It would have been easier if I had had a study. • If I had been more disciplined , I would have completed all of my assignments. • If I hadn't persevered, I wouldn’t have finished the course. These sentences talk about impossible conditions, because they refer to the past and we cannot change what happened. T/F?
  • 46. Part b) pg 53 • B) ANSWER THE QUESTIONS • 1 the sentences have two clauses.what tense is used in the if clause? • 2 the main clause is formed by would have + what part of the verb • 3 how is the negative formed?
  • 47. Answers part B) • 1 the sentences have two clauses.what tense is used in the if clause? past • 2 the main clause is formed by would have + what part of the verb? past participle • 3 how is the negative formed? If+hadnt+past participle+wouldn’t have+past participle
  • 48. Part c) complete the sentences with had or hadnt and would have or wouldn’t have in the correct places. • 1) if dan _____ worked harder , he _passed the first semester. • 2) he ___done better if he ____been an experienced computer user. • 3) he _____ wasted so much time if he ____known how to use the computer. • 4) if he ____finished the course, he _____ gotten a degree in accounting.
  • 49. Answer part c) • 1) if dan had worked harder , he would have passed the first semester. • 2) he would've done better if he had been an experienced computer user. • 3) he wouldn’t have wasted so much time if he had known how to use the computer. • 4) if he had finished the course, he would've gotten a degree in accounting.
  • 50. Speaking part 4 (answer in your notebook) • A) in small groups tell each other about some of the problems , successes , and failures you have had in your studies or school related activities. Discuss what would have happened if you had done things differently. • B) what qualities do you think you need to be successful with a long distance course? • C) do you think you have those qualities? • Would you be interested in a long distance course?
  • 51. Lesson 8 The dinosaur dilema • Opener: whats your opinion about Dinosaurs? (answer in your notebook) A) reading: there are lots of theories. Why do you think that dinosaurs became extinct? B) do you know the answers to these questions? C) 1. at what age in evolution did mammals come into existence? 2. what animals still around today used to share the planet with dinosaurs? 3. did dinosaurs have well developed brains? 4. how did the majority of land dinosaurs move? (Read and check your answers)
  • 52. Pg,55 part D) and E) • D) with a partner , talk about what you have learned from the text that you didn’t already know. • E) do you think the suppositions about “ the dinosaurs today” made by the writer are logical or not? • (answer in your notebook)
  • 53. Grammar part 2 • Third conditional (3) • A) underline all the two clause thirs conditional sentences in the article in exercise 1c. What do you notice about the use of the comma between the two clauses. Only use the comma if we start with “if” • Example : if I had known more about dinosaurs, I would've been an archeologist . • I would've been an archeologist if I had known more about dinosaurs.
  • 54. • B) look at these sentences and answer the questions. • man would probably not have existed at all. • they would almost certainly have adapted well. • 1 which sentence expresses more certainty? • 2 what do you notice about the position of the adverbs probably and almost certain?
  • 55. answers • 1 which sentence expresses more certainty? • The second sentence • 2 what do you notice about the position of the adverbs probably and almost certain? • They come between would and have.
  • 56. Listening pg,55 • Part 3 listening: listen and circle the correct option. • 1 the show is imaginary/factual • 2 the dinosaurs on the show are computer generated/facsimilies of the real thing. • 3 the scenes were filmed in a tv studio/on location • 4 grass was/was not part of some dinosaurs diet. • 5 the show was an expensive /inexpensive project. • B) listen again and find out. • Which experts had given their advice before the show was filmed? • Where were prehistoric landscapes discovered? • Which tecnology was used in the filming of the show?
  • 57. c) What movies have you seen that have special effects? answer in your notebook • 4) writing • A) in small groups or in you notebook,talk or write about the theories you researched.
  • 58. Lesson 9 soap fan,pg, 58 • Opener: do you watch tv shows online? • What do you like to watch online, do you download any tv series from internet? • (answer in your notebooks) • Reading: read the webpage and answer the questions. • 1 what type of show is green oaks? • 2 what type of rescue does lucy need? • 3 who is Janine? • 4 who do you think lucy is planning to go to palm springs with? • 5 who probably gave lucy the bracelet?
  • 59. Part B) read again and circle true or false (in your book) • 1 green oaks is a tv show that has won an award. t/f • 2 the character “Lucy” did not expect the problem she's facing. T/F • 3 chelsea biggs is the actress who plays lucy. T/F • 4 Max White is not a well known actor. T/F • 2 Listening: Listen to Dennis and Barbara circle true/false • 1 Dennis wants to go to the movies T/F • 2 Barbara is watching a video on youtube.T/F • 3 Barbara gets a message on twitter. T/F • 4 she saw the latest green oaks episode on TV. T/F • 5 she is not a Green oaks fan.T/F
  • 60. Part B) pg 59 • B) listen to the rest of the conversation and then match the sentence pairs.(answer in book) • 1 Bradley is the person A) where Lucy lives • 2 Lucy is wearing the bracelet B) that wants to marry Lucy • 3 they are at a party C) who Lucy met at a software convention. • 4 Christian is the man D) whose car was in an accident in the previous episode • 5 Apt 25 is the place E) that Lucy organized • 6 Lucy is the character F) that Christian gave her. • C) people love microblogging on sites like twitter,jaiku,and tumblr. • Do you use sites like these? (answer in your notebook)
  • 61. Grammar explanation. Defining relative clauses with • who/that/whose/where We use these words to combine sentences. • Example: The teacher is Luis. He teaches English. • The teacher who teaches English is Luis. • My sister whose boyfriend is from Germany, has a dog. • The words : who/that/whose/where • Have specific use in the sentence. • Who--------person • That--------person or thing • Whose---------possessive • Where----------place Notice: it is very common in spoken and informal written english to replace who with that. The relative pronoun can be omitted when it is the object of the clause. Example: it’s the bracelet (that) christian gave her . Hes the man (who/that) she met at the convention.
  • 62. Part B) pg 59 complete with the correct relative pronoun,where there are two possibilities , write both.where the pronoun can be omitted , write 0 • B) 1 is the site______you can get pictures of max white. • 2 bobby williams is the actor ______plays Bradley. • 3 Lucy is the woman______weekend plans are being ruined. • 4 it’s a problem _______ she cant solve • 5 it’s a show______is very popular
  • 63. Answers,pg 59 part B • B) 1 is the site where you can get pictures of max white. • 2 bobby williams is the actor that/who plays Bradley. • 3 Lucy is the woman whose weekend plans are being ruined. • 4 it’s a problem 0 she cant solve • 5 it’s a show that is very popular
  • 64. 4 speaking,pg 59 • A) work in pairs or alone. what is your favorite TV series? Discuss. ( if you are alone answer in your notebook) • B) How is the digital revolution changing the way we are entertained? Wrtie a list of things that you see heppening now and you think will happen in the future. • Share the list with the class.
  • 65. Unit 2 lesson 10 Dance to health • Opener: who are the people in the pictures? • A) Reading: read and find out. • 1 who is Alex kerten? • 2 what part of the body does gyro-kinetics therapy help? • 3 what happens in a gyro session? • 4 how is the locale adapted for the therapy? • Read the text again and answer the questions. • 1 what's the negative side of conventional Parkinson's treatments • 2 who runs the therapy sessions? • 3 gyro kinetics has been described as a holistic approach to treatment.what evidence is there for this in the text? • 4 according to Dr.Djaldetti,why it work? (the therapy) • 5 this treatment can help people from all kinds of social backgrounds. Why?
  • 66. 2 grammar non defining relative clauses. Look at the sentences and answer the questions. “Alex Kerten , who is a martial arts expert and former musician from israel,treats patients with this new therapy in his studio”. “The treatment , which all of Kertens patients seem to enjoy immensly,provides both a sense of physical and mental renewal that drugs cannot achieve.” “A dance leader , whose job is to make sure that the patients are moving correctly,is in charge of each session.” “The Rabin medical center, where they still treat Parkinson's disease with conventional medicine,is in israel. 1) Do the underlined clauses : A) give information that is essential to the meaning of the sentence? B) give extra information that is not essential to the sentence? 2) What do you notice about the punctuation of the clause? NOTICE: IN NON DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES, YOU CANNOT USE THAT INSTEAD OF WHO OR WHICH ,(LIKE IN LESSON 9) YOU CANNOT LEAVE OUT THE RELATIVE PRONOUN , EVEN WHEN IT’S THE OBJECT OF THE VERB(LIKE IN LESSON 9) B) Combine these ideas into one sentence. 1 My grandmother died in 2002. she had Parkinson's disease. (who) 2 The treatment was wonderful . I learned about it on the internet. (which) 3
  • 67. 2 grammar non defining relative clauses. Look at the sentences and answer the questions. “Alex Kerten , who is a martial arts expert and former musician from israel,treats patients with this new therapy in his studio”. “The treatment , which all of Kertens patients seem to enjoy immensly,provides both a sense of physical and mental renewal that drugs cannot achieve.” “A dance leader , whose job is to make sure that the patients are moving correctly,is in charge of each session.” “The Rabin medical center, where they still treat Parkinson's disease with conventional medicine,is in israel. 1) Do the underlined clauses : A) give information that is essential to the meaning of the sentence? B) give extra information that is not essential to the sentence? 2) What do you notice about the punctuation of the clause?NOTICE: IN NON DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES, YOU CANNOT USE THAT INSTEAD OF WHO OR WHICH ,(LIKE IN LESSON 9) YOU CANNOT LEAVE OUT THE RELATIVE PRONOUN , EVEN WHEN IT’S THE OBJECT OF THE VERB (LIKE IN LESSON 9) B) Combine these ideas into one sentence. 1 My grandmother died in 2002. she had Parkinson's disease. (who) 2 The treatment was wonderful . I learned about it on the internet. (which) 3 Dr. Rouge is French .His clinic is in New York. (whose)
  • 68. Listening,pg 61,part A • 3 Listening • A) listen to the conversation. Circle T/F( in the book) • 1. Jack saw Silvia recently • 2. Silvia’s family surfs the net • 3. Silvia and her grandfather stayed on a kibbutz. • 4. her grandfather has always loved dancing. • 5. he is still taking drugs. • 6. he is no longer depressed.
  • 69. Part B • Listen again and fill in the missing information. • 1 sylvia’s grandfather took ____weeks of therapy. • 2 he had been really sick for the past ____ months • 3 Holon is ______ of Tel Aviv • 4 Sylvia's grandfather took ______ pills a day.
  • 70. Writing part 4,pg 61 • Research about laughter therapy, In your notebooks write down what you found out about laughter therapy.
  • 71. Lesson 11, page 62 Toxic side effects. • Opener: do you have a cell phone? • How often do you change cell phones? • A) Listening: listen and circle T/F • 1 Janie wants dicks old computer • 2 Dick sold his old computer to a friend • 3 Janie would have liked the chance to try to fix it. • 4 Janie has a family member who is in the computer business. • 5 Janies uncle had a hard drive to fix dicks computer • 6 Dick didn’t have time to worry about the old computer. • 7 janie doesn’t know where there is a recycling center • 8 janies father is going to buy her a new computer next week
  • 72. • Part B) (answer in your notebooks) • What , according to Janie , should you do with old computer equipment. • C) What happens in mexico with old TV’s,cell phone,and batteries?
  • 73. Grammar 3rd conditional • A) look at the sentences, what modals can the main clause contain? • 1. if I had had the time, I would have taken the computer to a recycling center. • 2. if you had given it to me,I could have fixed it. • 3. if I had gotten better grades, he might have given me a computer.
  • 74. Reading ,pg 63 • 3 reading: A) look at the picture. What do you think the article is about? • B) Do you know the answers to these questions? • 1. E-waste contains valuable metals that can be recycled, what are the main ones? • 2. E-waste contains toxic substances, which are the main ones. • 3. a small percentage of E-waste is taken to recycling center, is recycling safe? • 4. Where is the E-waste capital of the world.
  • 75. Speaking,part 4 a) We are forcing people to choose between poverty and poison, . How is this true in relation to E-waste?(investigate) b) In your notebook write about the results of your investigation.
  • 76. LESSON 12,P G,64 LOVE ONLINE • What qualities do you look for in a boyfriend or girlfriend? • 1 Reading: read the webpage . What advice is given about: • 1 The picture you choose for yourself? • 2 the description of yourself and other information you give? • 3 criteria for choosing someone to reply to? • 4 replying to someone who writes to you? • 5 setting up the first date?
  • 77. Part B) • B) What do you think of the advice? What would you change or add? • (answer in your notebook) • C) Is online dating common in mexico? • What does it tell you about the cultures where it is popular? In which parts of the world wouldn’t it be popular?, why? • Listening: A) listen and circle T/F • 1 Ginny canceled a date with a guy she met online? • 2 The guys name was Gael • 3 Her friend ,maggie ,thinks she made the wrong decision. • 4 She is sure Ginny would have liked him • 5 Maggie would have liked to have gone on the date • 6 Ginny plans to continue online dating
  • 78. speaking • (answer in your notebook) • A) Would you do or have you done online dating? • Why? • Why not? • How else can you meet people? • How do you usually meet people? • B) make a list of the things you should put on an internet dating site. • Make a list.
  • 79. Writing pg,65 • Write a profile of yourselfe (in your notebook)