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Marketing with Digital
          Med ia S o lu tio ns

             Brian Carnell, Business Manager World Wide Channels, Cisco System s
             A MA P resentation May 2 1 , 2 0 0 9

M a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll   ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d .   1

                           W h at is dig ital m e dia?
                           D ig ital m e dia m ark e ting and adv e rtis ing s trate g ie s
                           D e s k top V ide o
                           D ig ital S ig nag e
                           C as e S tudie s

M a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll   ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d .   2
D i gi t al M edi a: N o w                                                              M o r e I m p o r t ant T h an
       E v er !
B us ines s C h alleng es                                                 S olution
                                                                            - Inform both employees and customers with real-time,
   C om m unicate critical                                                    targ eted information
   inf orm ation                                                            - C ommunicate chang e manag ement
                                                                            - B ridg e g lobally dispersed org aniz ations

                                                                            - R educe trav el ex pense
    Reduce operational
                                                                            - L ev erag e an energ y efficient architecture
    cos ts
                                                                            - R educe shipping , printing costs and labor costs

                                                                               - Q uick er time to rev enue
    D riv e rev enue                                                           - P romote, cross-sell, up-sell
                                                                               - C ommunicate targ eted, localiz ed, and relev ant offers and
                                                                                  prog rams

                                                                               - P ersonaliz e ex perience for customers
   C us tom er intim acy                                                       - M ore k nowledg eable employees responding to customer
                                                                               - E nhance in store ex perience

  M a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll   ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d .   3
D M S B u s i nes s D r i v er Ap p l i c at i o ns
             D igital Signage                                                       E nterp rise T V                                                        D esk top V ideo

     Promote, cross-sell/up -sell                                         Provide on-demand videos                                                    Provide customers/external
     and p oint of sale                                                   to customers; i. e. p roduct                                                audiences w ith mark eting
                                                                          inf ormation, exp lanation of                                               videos
      T arg et camp aig ns to
                                                                          comp any p olicies
      sp ecif ic demog rap h ics                                                                                                                      I mp rove retention w ith th e
     b ased on time of day                                                Provide training videos to                                                   p ow er of video
                                                                          emp loy ees availab le live or
     G rab view er attention w ith                                                                                                                    E nab le q uick er time to
     comp elling mark eting                                                                                                                            mark et th roug h clear and
     videos                                                               E nab le a direct line of                                                   instant video
                                                                           communications to                                                          communication
     D rive additional revenue
                                                                          emp loy ees w h en individual
     th roug h advertising                                                                                                                            D eliver cost-ef f icient
                                                                          desk top s aren’t availab le
                                                                                                                                                       training to remote
     Provide “inf otainment”;
                                                                          I mmediate communication                                                     emp loy ees
     reduce p erceived w ait
                                                                          of b reak ing new s f or rap id
     time                                                                                                                                             I nstant communications
                                                                          resp onse
                                                                                                                                                       ensures saf ety and security
       D eliver instant emerg ency
       notif ication and direction
    a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll    ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d .                                  4
D i gi t al M edi a’s I m p ac t o n M ar k et i ng and
                      Adv er t i s i ng S t r at egi es

                                                              B ra nding
           I m p rove b rand p erc ep tion and value

                                    Drive additional revenue

                                            S a l es P ro m o tio n
                     I m p rove s ales th roug h targ eted,
                         loc aliz ed and relevant of f ers

                                                P u b l ic R el a tio ns
                  S tim ulate dem and th roug h p os itive
                           inf orm ation s h aring

M a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll      ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d .   5
B u i l d and M ai nt ai n B r and V al u e
                 M ax im iz e s al e s and cre ate l oy al cus tom e rs / cl ie nts w ith
                                          a s trong b rand

             C l e arl y de l iv e r th e m e s s ag e
             E m otional l y conne ct w ith
             targ e t audie nce
             M otiv ate th e b uy e r
             C re ate l oy al ty

M a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll   ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d .   6
H i gh -I m p ac t Adv er t i s i ng
                                                    R e ach y our cus tom e rs , incre as e de m and and
                                                            driv e s al e s w ith h ig h -im p act ads

             M ax im iz e s al e s
             P e rs uade b uy e rs
              Introduction of ne w
             p roduct/ s e rv ice
             D riv e re v e nue f rom                                   outs ide
             adv e rtis e rs

M a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll     ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d .   7
E f f ec t i v e S al es P r o m o t i o n
                                      Incre as e s al e s th roug h cre ating ins tant ap p e al and
                                                            an urg e ncy to b uy

             B uil d p roduct aw are ne s s
             C re ate inte re s t
             P rov ide inf orm ation
             S tim ul ate de m and
             R e inf orce th e b rand

M a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll   ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d .   8
P u b l i c R el at i o ns
                                                  S tim ul ate de m and and p os itiv e l y p os ition y our
                                                                      org aniz ation

              B uil d aw are ne s s and a
             f av orab l e im ag e
              M anag e cris e s th at th re ate n
             y our com p any or p roduct
             B uil d g oodw il l am ong y our
              org aniz ation’s targ e t m ark e t

M a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll   ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d .   9
Digital Signage

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D i gi t al S i gnage
       Promote, u p s el l a n d c ros s -s el l p rod u c ts a n d s erv i c es d i rec tl y to c u s tomers i n th e
       s tore
       E n h a n c e c u s tomer ex p eri en c e a n d d el i v er en terta i n i n g i n f orma ti on to c u s tomers to
        red u c e p erc ei v ed w a i t ti me
       B roa d c a s t rea l -ti me ex ec u ti v e a n d i n tern a l c ommu n i c a ti on s
       O f f er c os t ef f ec ti v e, f l ex i b l e tra i n i n g op ti on s w h en c omp u ters a re n ot a v a i l a b l e
       S h a re u p -to-d a te s c h ed u l es , n ew s a n d emerg en c y mes s a g i n g ri g h t w h ere p eop l e
        n eed i t mos t

M a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll   ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d .   11
D i gi t al S i gnage T ec h no l o gy E v o l u t i o n

                                                           Y esterday:                                                                                                     T oday:
                                             H ig h O p e r a tio n a l C o s ts ,                                                                                 H ig     h R e lia      b ilit y &
                                                    L o w F le x ib ility                                                                                F le x ib ility     , E a s y      D e p lo y m e n t
                                                                                                                                                 & O p e r a t io n s      , In te g      r a tio n w ith V id e o
                                                                                                                                           S u r v e illa n c e , R F        ID , &      C is c o T e le P r e s e n c e

                                                                        T echnology E v olution

               P h a se 1 :                                               P h a se 2 :                                                 P h a se 3 :                                           P h a se 4 :
               S tandalone                                                N etw ork ed                                                 N etw ork ed M edia                                    “S mart” S ig nag e
                PC -B ased                                                 PC -B ased                                                  Play er-B ased

                                                                                Digital Signage Market
M a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll                ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d .                                                              12
Ad Council PSA for Digital Signage Networks

          86% of media buyers projected to
          use out-of-h ome ( O O H ) dig ital
          media in 2 0 0 8.
          2 0 % A n n ual g row th rate for O O H
           media ( S ome estimates 3 0 %)
           1 . 69 b ad-spen din g on al tern ativ e
          O O H media
          4 4 % A tten tion ratio on D O O H
           C A G R of 2 5 % on D ig ital V ideo
          N etw ork s by th e year 2 0 1 2

M a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll   ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d .   13
I nno v at i v e U s es o f D i gi t al S i gnage
                                                                M a k ing th e m o st o u t o f y o u r digita l
                                                                            m edia investm ent

                         L ine Q ue uing
                          R F ID & S m art S ig nag e
                           T ouch s cre e n / K ios k
                            E x p e rt on D e m and

M a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll           ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d .   14
D i gi t al S i gnage M ar k et i ng S t r at egy :
            M as s Au di enc e
            W h en v iew ers are w atc h ing f o r o nly 1-5 seconds. T h e m aj o rity o f
                                   traf f ic is s im p ly p as s ing b y .

    • A t-a-G l ance conte nt

    • U til iz e im ag e s ( w ith v e ry l ittl e te x t)

    • If f ul l m otion v ide o is de s ire d f il m s
      s h oul d b e unde r 2 0 S e conds

    • Im p act is k e y

M a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll   ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d .   15
D i gi t al S i gnage M ar k et i ng S t r at egy :
            E ngaged Au di enc e
                           W h ere averag e dw ell tim e is 10-2 0 s e c o n d s , view ers are w alk ing
                            s low ly or s h op p ing . T h ey h ave tim e to p roc es s and/ or tak e in all of
                                                  th e ex ternal s tim uli around th em .

                         • S h ow                                       re l ativ e l y s h ort m otion v ide o ( 2 0 S e c)
                         • U til iz e dire ctional conte nt or cal l -to-action conte nt

M a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll                  ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d .   16
D i gi t al S i gnage M ar k et i ng S t r at egy :
            C ap t i v e Au di enc e
                W h ere averag e dw ell tim e is 1 0 m i nu t es or m ore th e audienc e is
                          c ons idered c ap tive, b ec aus e th ey DO h ave tim e.

    • S h ow l ong e r f il m s ( 2 0 , 3 0 or 4 5
       S e c. ) and a s e rie s of s e v e ral of
        th e m
    • M any ty p e s of conte nt can b e
       util iz e d, f or e x am p l e traditional
       m ark e ting and adv e rtis ing s p ots
        s im il ar to T V ads
    • E ng ag ing conte nt is b e s t to h e l p
       re duce th e p e rce iv e d w ait tim e

M a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll   ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d .   17
C as e Stu d ies

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N o r s k T i p p i ng
                  I ncreases Sales T h rough I n-Store Prom otion
                   B a c k g rou n d
                            O ff ic ia l N o r w e g ia n lo tt e r y f o u n d e d in 1 9 4 9
                            O v e r 4 , 5 0 0 r e ta il lo c a t io n s t h r o u g h o u t N o r w a y

                   C h a l l en g e
                            Pap er sig nag e w as exp ensive, inf lexib le and
                            unreliab le.
                   I mp l emen ted C i s c o D i g i ta l S i g n a g e a c ros s
                    a l l l oc a ti on s f or:
                            F le x ib le a n d e f f ic ie n t m a r k e t in g a n d p r o m o t io n s t o
                             c u s to m e rs
                            I n s t a n t c o m m u n ic a tio n a r o u n d r e s u lts , o d d s

                   B u s i n es s B en ef i ts
                            Increase rev enue b y d r i v i n g p r o d u c t u p -s e l l / c r o s s -s e l l
                            S tre n g th e n b ra n d
                            R educe printing costs a n d e l i m i n a t e d p a p e r w a s t e
                            F a s t e r c u s t o m e r c o m m u n ic a t io n s
    “W ith itsO f lexib ility and a scalab ility , th e C isco D ig ital M edia sy stem is h elp ing us streng th en our
            R I analysis o f s l e s
     b rand, increase sales, mak e it more attractive f or retailers to sell our p roducts, and maintain
     customer conf idence. ”                              –S te in O n s r u d , T e c h n o lo g y A d v is o r , N o r s k T ip p in g A S
M a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll               ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d .   19
S t ar s C ent r e
                  Attracting M illions with Com p elling Content
                           B a c k g rou n d :
                                   S tars C entre is p art of th e C ity C entre sh op p ing comp lex
                                    in H eliop olis, E g y p t
                           C h a l l en g es
                                   N eeded a simp le and f lexib le w ay to attract customers
                                   N eeded a new                        w ay to drive revenue f rom advertising
                           I mp l emen ted C i s c o D i g i ta l S i g n a g e
                                   A b out 6 5 0 dig ital sig ns across th e mall to entertain and
                                     attract customers
                                    A b ility to disp lay comp elling content such as
                                   advertisements, movies, W eb p ag es, imag es, f lash
                                   animations, and live f eeds th at entertain
                           B u s i n es s B en ef i ts :
                                   G enerate revenue f rom selling advertising sp ace
                                   R O I : p ay b ack time < 2 y ears
                                   I ncrease customer satisf action and draw crow ds
                                   H ig h er sales as a result of larg er crow ds

M a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll               ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d .   20
M o b i l e C o u nt y P u b l i c S c h o o l s
                F o sters a P o sitive P erc ep tio n o f th e D istric t
            B ac k g round
                      T h e larg est emp loy er in th e state of A lab ama
                     6 3 , 0 0 0 students, 9 1 0 0 f aculty and staf f
                    R eceived neg ative coverag e ab out money sp ent and
                        p erf ormance
            C h alleng es
                     I mp rove community ’s p ercep tion
                    C onvince voters to sup p ort district in an up coming
                       election w ith U S $ 6 0 million tax ref erendum on th e
                       b allot
            I m p lem ented DM S
                      Pub lish ed multimedia content on dig ital sig ns in each
                       sch ool
                     C reated a video lib rary f or teach ers to access
                    B roadcasted live sch ool events on th e video p ortal
            B enef its
                    I ncreased aw areness of district accomp lish ments and
                        f unding needs
                     E nrich ed classroom instruction
                      R eduction in costs
M a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll   ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d .   21
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Similaire à Marketing With Digital Media Solutions (Triangle AMA May 09)

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Similaire à Marketing With Digital Media Solutions (Triangle AMA May 09) (20)

Sony pictures entertainment case study
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Marketing With Digital Media Solutions (Triangle AMA May 09)

  • 1. Marketing with Digital Med ia S o lu tio ns Brian Carnell, Business Manager World Wide Channels, Cisco System s A MA P resentation May 2 1 , 2 0 0 9 M a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d . 1
  • 2. Agenda Introduction W h at is dig ital m e dia? D ig ital m e dia m ark e ting and adv e rtis ing s trate g ie s D e s k top V ide o D ig ital S ig nag e C as e S tudie s M a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d . 2
  • 3. D i gi t al M edi a: N o w M o r e I m p o r t ant T h an E v er ! B us ines s C h alleng es S olution - Inform both employees and customers with real-time, C om m unicate critical targ eted information inf orm ation - C ommunicate chang e manag ement - B ridg e g lobally dispersed org aniz ations - R educe trav el ex pense Reduce operational - L ev erag e an energ y efficient architecture cos ts - R educe shipping , printing costs and labor costs - Q uick er time to rev enue D riv e rev enue - P romote, cross-sell, up-sell - C ommunicate targ eted, localiz ed, and relev ant offers and prog rams - P ersonaliz e ex perience for customers C us tom er intim acy - M ore k nowledg eable employees responding to customer needs - E nhance in store ex perience M a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d . 3
  • 4. D M S B u s i nes s D r i v er Ap p l i c at i o ns D igital Signage E nterp rise T V D esk top V ideo Promote, cross-sell/up -sell Provide on-demand videos Provide customers/external and p oint of sale to customers; i. e. p roduct audiences w ith mark eting inf ormation, exp lanation of videos T arg et camp aig ns to comp any p olicies sp ecif ic demog rap h ics I mp rove retention w ith th e b ased on time of day Provide training videos to p ow er of video emp loy ees availab le live or G rab view er attention w ith E nab le q uick er time to on-demand comp elling mark eting mark et th roug h clear and videos E nab le a direct line of instant video communications to communication D rive additional revenue emp loy ees w h en individual th roug h advertising D eliver cost-ef f icient desk top s aren’t availab le training to remote Provide “inf otainment”; I mmediate communication emp loy ees reduce p erceived w ait of b reak ing new s f or rap id time I nstant communications resp onse ensures saf ety and security D eliver instant emerg ency M notif ication and direction a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d . 4
  • 5. D i gi t al M edi a’s I m p ac t o n M ar k et i ng and Adv er t i s i ng S t r at egi es B ra nding I m p rove b rand p erc ep tion and value Advertising Drive additional revenue S a l es P ro m o tio n I m p rove s ales th roug h targ eted, loc aliz ed and relevant of f ers P u b l ic R el a tio ns S tim ulate dem and th roug h p os itive inf orm ation s h aring M a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d . 5
  • 6. B u i l d and M ai nt ai n B r and V al u e M ax im iz e s al e s and cre ate l oy al cus tom e rs / cl ie nts w ith a s trong b rand C l e arl y de l iv e r th e m e s s ag e E m otional l y conne ct w ith targ e t audie nce M otiv ate th e b uy e r C re ate l oy al ty M a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d . 6
  • 7. H i gh -I m p ac t Adv er t i s i ng R e ach y our cus tom e rs , incre as e de m and and driv e s al e s w ith h ig h -im p act ads M ax im iz e s al e s P e rs uade b uy e rs Introduction of ne w p roduct/ s e rv ice D riv e re v e nue f rom outs ide adv e rtis e rs M a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d . 7
  • 8. E f f ec t i v e S al es P r o m o t i o n Incre as e s al e s th roug h cre ating ins tant ap p e al and an urg e ncy to b uy B uil d p roduct aw are ne s s C re ate inte re s t P rov ide inf orm ation S tim ul ate de m and R e inf orce th e b rand M a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d . 8
  • 9. P u b l i c R el at i o ns S tim ul ate de m and and p os itiv e l y p os ition y our org aniz ation B uil d aw are ne s s and a f av orab l e im ag e M anag e cris e s th at th re ate n y our com p any or p roduct B uil d g oodw il l am ong y our org aniz ation’s targ e t m ark e t M a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d . 9
  • 10. Digital Signage M a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d . 10
  • 11. D i gi t al S i gnage Promote, u p s el l a n d c ros s -s el l p rod u c ts a n d s erv i c es d i rec tl y to c u s tomers i n th e s tore E n h a n c e c u s tomer ex p eri en c e a n d d el i v er en terta i n i n g i n f orma ti on to c u s tomers to red u c e p erc ei v ed w a i t ti me B roa d c a s t rea l -ti me ex ec u ti v e a n d i n tern a l c ommu n i c a ti on s O f f er c os t ef f ec ti v e, f l ex i b l e tra i n i n g op ti on s w h en c omp u ters a re n ot a v a i l a b l e S h a re u p -to-d a te s c h ed u l es , n ew s a n d emerg en c y mes s a g i n g ri g h t w h ere p eop l e n eed i t mos t M a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d . 11
  • 12. D i gi t al S i gnage T ec h no l o gy E v o l u t i o n Y esterday: T oday: H ig h O p e r a tio n a l C o s ts , H ig h R e lia b ilit y & L o w F le x ib ility F le x ib ility , E a s y D e p lo y m e n t & O p e r a t io n s , In te g r a tio n w ith V id e o S u r v e illa n c e , R F ID , & C is c o T e le P r e s e n c e T echnology E v olution P h a se 1 : P h a se 2 : P h a se 3 : P h a se 4 : S tandalone N etw ork ed N etw ork ed M edia “S mart” S ig nag e PC -B ased PC -B ased Play er-B ased Digital Signage Market M a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d . 12
  • 13. Ad Council PSA for Digital Signage Networks 86% of media buyers projected to use out-of-h ome ( O O H ) dig ital media in 2 0 0 8. 2 0 % A n n ual g row th rate for O O H media ( S ome estimates 3 0 %) 1 . 69 b ad-spen din g on al tern ativ e O O H media 4 4 % A tten tion ratio on D O O H media C A G R of 2 5 % on D ig ital V ideo N etw ork s by th e year 2 0 1 2 M a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d . 13
  • 14. I nno v at i v e U s es o f D i gi t al S i gnage M a k ing th e m o st o u t o f y o u r digita l m edia investm ent L ine Q ue uing R F ID & S m art S ig nag e T ouch s cre e n / K ios k E x p e rt on D e m and M a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d . 14
  • 15. D i gi t al S i gnage M ar k et i ng S t r at egy : M as s Au di enc e W h en v iew ers are w atc h ing f o r o nly 1-5 seconds. T h e m aj o rity o f traf f ic is s im p ly p as s ing b y . • A t-a-G l ance conte nt • U til iz e im ag e s ( w ith v e ry l ittl e te x t) • If f ul l m otion v ide o is de s ire d f il m s s h oul d b e unde r 2 0 S e conds • Im p act is k e y M a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d . 15
  • 16. D i gi t al S i gnage M ar k et i ng S t r at egy : E ngaged Au di enc e W h ere averag e dw ell tim e is 10-2 0 s e c o n d s , view ers are w alk ing s low ly or s h op p ing . T h ey h ave tim e to p roc es s and/ or tak e in all of th e ex ternal s tim uli around th em . • S h ow re l ativ e l y s h ort m otion v ide o ( 2 0 S e c) • U til iz e dire ctional conte nt or cal l -to-action conte nt M a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d . 16
  • 17. D i gi t al S i gnage M ar k et i ng S t r at egy : C ap t i v e Au di enc e W h ere averag e dw ell tim e is 1 0 m i nu t es or m ore th e audienc e is c ons idered c ap tive, b ec aus e th ey DO h ave tim e. • S h ow l ong e r f il m s ( 2 0 , 3 0 or 4 5 S e c. ) and a s e rie s of s e v e ral of th e m • M any ty p e s of conte nt can b e util iz e d, f or e x am p l e traditional m ark e ting and adv e rtis ing s p ots s im il ar to T V ads • E ng ag ing conte nt is b e s t to h e l p re duce th e p e rce iv e d w ait tim e M a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d . 17
  • 18. C as e Stu d ies M a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d . 18
  • 19. N o r s k T i p p i ng I ncreases Sales T h rough I n-Store Prom otion B a c k g rou n d O ff ic ia l N o r w e g ia n lo tt e r y f o u n d e d in 1 9 4 9 O v e r 4 , 5 0 0 r e ta il lo c a t io n s t h r o u g h o u t N o r w a y C h a l l en g e Pap er sig nag e w as exp ensive, inf lexib le and unreliab le. I mp l emen ted C i s c o D i g i ta l S i g n a g e a c ros s a l l l oc a ti on s f or: F le x ib le a n d e f f ic ie n t m a r k e t in g a n d p r o m o t io n s t o c u s to m e rs I n s t a n t c o m m u n ic a tio n a r o u n d r e s u lts , o d d s B u s i n es s B en ef i ts Increase rev enue b y d r i v i n g p r o d u c t u p -s e l l / c r o s s -s e l l S tre n g th e n b ra n d R educe printing costs a n d e l i m i n a t e d p a p e r w a s t e F a s t e r c u s t o m e r c o m m u n ic a t io n s “W ith itsO f lexib ility and a scalab ility , th e C isco D ig ital M edia sy stem is h elp ing us streng th en our R I analysis o f s l e s b rand, increase sales, mak e it more attractive f or retailers to sell our p roducts, and maintain customer conf idence. ” –S te in O n s r u d , T e c h n o lo g y A d v is o r , N o r s k T ip p in g A S M a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d . 19
  • 20. S t ar s C ent r e Attracting M illions with Com p elling Content B a c k g rou n d : S tars C entre is p art of th e C ity C entre sh op p ing comp lex in H eliop olis, E g y p t C h a l l en g es N eeded a simp le and f lexib le w ay to attract customers N eeded a new w ay to drive revenue f rom advertising I mp l emen ted C i s c o D i g i ta l S i g n a g e A b out 6 5 0 dig ital sig ns across th e mall to entertain and attract customers A b ility to disp lay comp elling content such as advertisements, movies, W eb p ag es, imag es, f lash animations, and live f eeds th at entertain B u s i n es s B en ef i ts : G enerate revenue f rom selling advertising sp ace R O I : p ay b ack time < 2 y ears I ncrease customer satisf action and draw crow ds H ig h er sales as a result of larg er crow ds M a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d . 20
  • 21. M o b i l e C o u nt y P u b l i c S c h o o l s F o sters a P o sitive P erc ep tio n o f th e D istric t B ac k g round T h e larg est emp loy er in th e state of A lab ama 6 3 , 0 0 0 students, 9 1 0 0 f aculty and staf f R eceived neg ative coverag e ab out money sp ent and p erf ormance C h alleng es I mp rove community ’s p ercep tion C onvince voters to sup p ort district in an up coming election w ith U S $ 6 0 million tax ref erendum on th e b allot I m p lem ented DM S Pub lish ed multimedia content on dig ital sig ns in each sch ool C reated a video lib rary f or teach ers to access B roadcasted live sch ool events on th e video p ortal B enef its I ncreased aw areness of district accomp lish ments and f unding needs E nrich ed classroom instruction R eduction in costs M a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d . 21
  • 22. M a r k e tin g o n D ig ita l S ig n a g e b y B r ia n C a r n e ll ©2 0 0 9 C is c o S y s te m s , In c . A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d . 22