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System-level ESD protection of high-voltage tolerant IC
pins – A case study
Mirko Scholz 1
, Steven Thijs, Shih-Hung Chen 2
, Alessio Griffoni, Dimitri Linten,
Masanori Sawada 3
, Gerd Vandersteen 1
, Guido Groeseneken 2
imec, Kapeldreef 75, 3001 Leuven, Belgium
(1) also at: Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Dept. ELEC, Brussels, Belgium;
(2) also at: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Dept. ESAT, Leuven, Belgium;
(3) HANWA Electronics Ltd., Wakayama, Japan
Zusammenfassung – Mit und ohne anliegende Versorgungsspannung wurde eine Systemebene-ESD
Schutzlösung für HVT IC-Pins untersucht. Die transiente Wechselwirkung des untersuchten SCRs mit
den Komponenten auf Systemebene muss sorgfältig geprüft werden, um einen thermischen Ausfall des SCR
zu verhindern, wenn keine Versorgungsspannung angelegt ist und Latchup, wenn der SCR eingeschaltet ist.
Abstract – A system-level ESD protection solution for HVT IC pins is studied without and with applied
supply voltage. The transient interaction of the studied SCR with the off-chip components needs to be
studied carefully to prevent a thermal failure of the SCR when no VDD is applied and latchup when the SCR
is powered up.
1 Introduction
Integrating high-voltage (HVT) circuitry into a
standard low-voltage CMOS process is one of the
challenging tasks when System-on-chip (SOC)
solutions like line drivers, USB interfaces, display
drivers etc are implemented. These HV-tolerant
(HVT) IC pins operate at higher supply voltages
(VDD) then the used low-voltage technology. Due
to the higher VDD the classical ESD protection
solutions of the used low-voltage process often do
not work. Moreover additional challenges can
occur. For example, due to the higher VDD there is
a higher risk for latch up when the circuit is
powered up.
In this paper, we demonstrate a system-level ESD
protection methodology for HVT IC pins using a
test board and board-level components together
with an on-chip protection device on-wafer. With
measurements and simulations the interaction
between on-chip and off-chip devices is analyzed.
The presented methodology enables the study of
on-chip ESD protection devices under system-
level ESD stress conditions and their interaction
with board-level components even before IC
First, we present the test structure and
measurement setup. In the following section the
protection methodology for the non-powered state
is demonstrated. Next we show how to protect the
selected test structure for the case that a supply
voltage is applied to it, followed by some
2 Test structure, test board and
measurement setup
To study the system-level ESD robustness of
HVT IC pins a standard Silicon-Controlled
Rectifier (SCR), manufactured in a 130 nm
CMOS technology, has been selected. The
nominal supply voltages in this technology are 1.2
V and 3.3 V. Due to its high trigger voltage
(~ 15.5 V) during ESD stress and the absence of a
gate oxide it can be safely used as an ESD
protection for HVT circuitry. Due to their known
latchup sensitivity SCRs are usually not used as a
standalone power clamp. In this study we use the
SCR as a “latchup monitor” and thereby working
as a replacement for a latchup sensitive circuit in a
real application.
The SCR used is measured on-wafer. The probe
needles and probe holder parasitic are extracted
beforehand [1] and included in the analysis to
determine the influence of the needle parasitic in
the setup during ESD stress. Off-chip components
are added to the SCR by connecting a dedicated
double layer test board (Figure 1) to the on-wafer
setup. The test board has been manufactured using
an industrial PCB process and FR4 as board
material. The top layer contains the PCB traces
and the footprints for required board components
like capacitors, resistors and TVS diodes. The
bottom layer works as ground plane
connected with plated via to the top layer.
Figure 1: Photo of test board for system
experiments; TVSx : TVS diode, Cx
capacitor, Rx: serial components (ESD resistor,
ferrite bead), VDDx: optional supply voltage input,
ESD_IN: input for ESD stress and supply voltage
(optional), OUTx: output to wafer prober (SMA)
The used ESD stress sources are a Transmission
Line Pulse (TLP) and very fast (vf) TLP
HANWA T-5000 for extracting the IV curves of
the devices used. The system-level ESD stress
source is a Human Metal Model (HMM) tester
HANWA HED-W5000M. Next to current probes,
a high impedance passive voltage probe is
connected to the SCR in a KELVIN configuration
to capture the transient behavior of the SCR
during different stress conditions and with
different off-chip configurations.
3 Power-off protection
3.1 Applying the SEED methodo
In white paper 3 [2] the Industry Council on ESD
target levels proposed the so called System
efficient ESD design (SEED) methodology for the
design of off-chip ESD protections meeting
system-level ESD specifications.
suitable off-chip protection the TLP IV curves of
the on- and off-chip ESD protection devices are
captured and compared. If required additional off
chip devices can be added to obtain the desired
system-level protection level.
Figure 2 shows the 100 ns of the SCR and a
selected off-chip ESD protection device
applications. The selected TVS diode turns
around 6.2 V. It has a junction capacitance of
80 pF and a HMM/IEC61000-4-2 robustness of
±30 kV.
the PCB traces
and the footprints for required board components
like capacitors, resistors and TVS diodes. The
bottom layer works as ground plane and is
via to the top layer.
: Photo of test board for system-level ESD
: TVS diode, Cx: decoupling
: serial components (ESD resistor,
: optional supply voltage input,
ESD_IN: input for ESD stress and supply voltage
output to wafer prober (SMA)
The used ESD stress sources are a Transmission-
and very fast (vf) TLP tester
5000 for extracting the IV curves of
level ESD stress
Human Metal Model (HMM) tester
W5000M. Next to current probes,
a high impedance passive voltage probe is
a KELVIN configuration
to capture the transient behavior of the SCR
during different stress conditions and with
In white paper 3 [2] the Industry Council on ESD
target levels proposed the so called System-
efficient ESD design (SEED) methodology for the
chip ESD protections meeting
To select a
chip protection the TLP IV curves of
protection devices are
captured and compared. If required additional off-
chip devices can be added to obtain the desired
shows the 100 ns of the SCR and a
chip ESD protection device for 5 V
d TVS diode turns-on
s a junction capacitance of
2 robustness of
0 5 10
Voltage [V]
Figure 2: 100ns TLP and 5 ns vfTLP
SCR and TVS diode(On-Semi ESD5Z5.0T1)
Because the TVS diode trigger voltage
is much lower than the V
the TVS diode should shunt the system
stress current until 5.4 A without triggering the
SCR. At higher current level
and goes into snapback
TVS diode. At the moment of snapback
current through the SCR is much higher than the
TLP failing current and thermal
will occur.
However, HMM measurements on the
device with the TVS diode in parallel show
different results. Already at low stress level the
SCR turns on. Figure 3 shows the current through
the SCR device at a HMM
with the TVS diode in parallel
(region A) of the HMM current is conducted
mainly by the TVS diode.
0 10 20 30 40
Time [ns]
Figure 3: Measured HMM stress current and
current through SCR at SCR
region A: 1st
pulse, region B: 2
At low stress level the TVS diode turns
the 2nd
pulse (region B)
flows mainly through
However at higher stress level the
shared between the SCR and TVS diode
indicating a turn-off of the TVS diode
duration of the HMM current.
10 15 20
Voltage [V]
and 5 ns vfTLP IV curves of
Semi ESD5Z5.0T1)
Because the TVS diode trigger voltage VT1 (6.2 V)
VT1 of the SCR (15.5 V)
the TVS diode should shunt the system-level ESD
A without triggering the
At higher current level the SCR will trigger
snapback thereby turning off the
At the moment of snapback the
current through the SCR is much higher than the
thermal failure of the SCR
measurements on the SCR
device with the TVS diode in parallel show
. Already at low stress level the
shows the current through
HMM stress level of 500 V
TVS diode in parallel. The 1st
HMM current is conducted
40 50 60 70 80
SCR current
HMM source
Time [ns]
: Measured HMM stress current and
current through SCR at SCR trigger level (0.5 kV);
pulse, region B: 2nd
the TVS diode turns-off before
(region B) rises and the 2nd
the SCR (Figure 4).
However at higher stress level the 2nd
pulse is
shared between the SCR and TVS diode
of the TVS diode after the
duration of the HMM current.
0 500 1000 1500 2000
HMM source
HMM pre-charge voltage [V]
Figure 4: Currents at 30 ns: measured HMM
stress current and current through SCR; calculated
current through TVS diode
The triggering of the SCR already at low HMM
stress level cannot be explained using only the
SEED methodology. Transient information like
for example the voltage overshoot of the TVS
diode is required in addition to the TLP IV data.
Figure 5 shows the vfTLP IV data of the
standalone TVS diode extracted with two different
averaging windows.
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Time [ns]
0 10 20 30 40 50
averaging window I
averaging window II
Voltage [V]
Figure 5: vfTLP IV testing (pulse width: 2 ns; rise
time: 200 ps) of standalone TVS diode: definition
of averaging windows (a) and extracted vfTLP IV
curves (b); averaging window I (0.3 ns to 0.6 ns)
and II (1.7 ns to 1.9 ns)
Averaging window I is defined at the beginning of
the vfTLP pulse. Voltage and current have a more
transient character. Averaging window II is
defined at the end of the vfTLP pulse where
voltage and current are more quasi-static.
The vfTLP IV curve extracted with averaging
window I reaches already at low vfTLP stress
level (1.6 A) the VT1 of the SCR. This agrees well
with the measured HMM peak current (1.65 A) at
the SCR trigger level. By adding this transient
information the SEED methodology can be
extended with data which is required to fully
understand the interaction between on-chip and
ESD off-chip protection device.
The SCR triggering already at low stress level
impacts the system-level ESD robustness of the
device when the TVS diode is placed in parallel.
The expected failure level from the SEED
methodology and by using the relation established
in [3] would be 2.9 kV. However the real failure
level with added TVS diode is only 2.1 kV (Table
Table 1: Failure level of standalone SCR and SCR
with TVS diode in parallel (no VDD applied)
HMM [kV]
SCR standalone (measured) 1.4
SCR with TVS (measured.) 2.1
SCR with TVS
(predicted by SEED)
Most of the 2nd
pulse current goes through the
SCR and only a smaller part is conducted by the
TVS diode. At a HMM stress level of 2.1 kV, the
residual current through the SCR causes thermal
breakdown (Figure 6).
Figure 6: Current through SCR with and without
TVS diode in parallel; stress level: failure level
Similar to the triggering of the SCR at low stress
level the sharing of the 2nd
pulse current at higher
stress level between SCR and TVS diode cannot
be explained by the SEED methodology. HMM
simulations are required which are demonstrated
in the following section.
0 50 100 150 200
SCR standalone 1.4 kV
SCR with TVS, 2.1 kV
Time [ns]
3.2 Transient analysis with SPICE
3.2.1 Simulation setup
To study the transient behavior of on- and off-chip
protection devices SPICE simulations are carried
out with LTSPICE (Figure 7).
Figure 7: Simulation setup for transient analysis;
IHMM – HMM current, ITVS – current through TVS
diode, ISCR – current through SCR
The HMM tester is modeled according to [4]. The
TVS diode is modeled with a standard SPICE
model based on the datasheet and TLP data. To
approximate and model the overshoot of the TVS
diode an inductance is added in series and its
value matched to measurement data obtained from
the standalone TVS diode mounted in the test
board. This simplification is used because the
TVS diode consists of only one physical diode
and it is used in reverse mode.
Figure 8 shows the voltage across the TVS diode
during simulated and measured HMM stress.
Similar current and voltage waveforms are
obtained with the simulated TVS model.
0 50 100 150 200
Time [ns]
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time [ns]
Figure 8: Current through (a) and voltage (b)
across the TVS diode, comparison measurements
and simulations; stress level: 1 kV
The SCR is modeled by modifying a SPICE
model of a commercial discrete SCR. This
behavioral model contains information like the
trigger behavior, on-resistance and holding current
and gives a good approximation of the real device
behavior in the transient domain.
Figure 9 shows the simulated and measured
voltage across the SCR. Measurement and
simulation data include the parasitic of the probe
needle and probe needle holder. A good
agreement for the voltage after snapback is
obtained. The overshoot before device snapback
in the simulation is significant higher. This is
attributed to bandwidth limitations of the voltage
probe used during the measurement.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time [ns]
Figure 9: Voltage across standalone SCR;
comparison simulation and measurement; stress
level: 0.5 kV
To verify the accuracy of the simulation setup,
first the SCR triggering is simulated with the TVS
diode in parallel. In Figure 10a the current
through the SCR is shown for the stress level
when the SCR turn on. In Figure 10b the current
through the SCR at a higher stress level is plotted.
For both stress level a good agreement between
simulation and measurement is obtained.
0 50 100 150 200
Time [ns]
0 50 100 150 200
Time [ns]
Figure 10: Current through SCR with TVS diode in
parallel: a) stress level: 0.5 kV, b) stress level:
1.5 kV; comparison between measurement and
simulation; no VDD
3.2.2 Transient analysis
For the transient analysis different pre-charge
voltages are simulated and the voltages and
currents at different locations in the schematic are
extracted. Figure 11 shows the voltage across the
TVS diode and across the SCR for two pre-charge
voltages. The TVS turns-off at low stress level
(Figure 11a). The low holding voltage of the SCR
and the voltage across the probe holder and probe
needle parasitic are not high enough to keep the
TVS diode on. More voltage drops at a higher
stress level keeping the TVS diode also on during
the duration of the 2nd
pulse of the HMM current
(Figure 11b).
Figure 11: Simulated voltages across TVS diode
and SCR: (a) stress level: 0.5 kV, (b) stress level:
1.5 kV
The current distribution between the SCR and
TVS during HMM stress is directly influenced by
this device behavior. Figure 12a shows the current
through TVS diode and SCR when the TVS diode
turns off during the duration of the HMM pulse.
Only the 1st
pulse of the HMM current is
conducted by the TVS diode. The 2nd
pulse is
fully conducted by the SCR.
0 50 100 150 200
Time [ns]
0 50 100 150 200
Time [ns]
Figure 12: Simulated currents through TVS diode
and SCR: (a) stress level: 0.5 kV, (b) stress level:
1.5 kV
Figure 12b shows the current distribution when
the TVS diode stays on during the 2nd
pulse. The
pulse and the 2nd
pulse are shared between SCR
and TVS diode.
The obtained results clearly show why the SEED
methodology cannot be used. Depending on the
0 50 100 150 200
Time [ns]
0 50 100 150 200
Time [ns]
applied HMM stress the TVS diode can be turned
off by the SCR snapback or stays on during the
duration of the HMM stress. HMM simulations or
measurements are required to fully explain this
device behavior.
3.3 Designing the system-level ESD
An additional current limiting resistor is required
to limit the residual current through the SCR to a
safe value. The methodology in [5] is used to
calculate the required resistance value for the peak
current of 8 kV HMM. The safe current level is
taken at 2 A for the SCR. With this data, the on-
resistance of TVS diode and SCR and by applying
Kirchhoff’s current laws a resistor value of about
7.3 Ω is obtained. The closest available value in
the lab was 8.2 Ω. With the added isolation
resistor the residual current through the SCR stays
at a safe level even at 8 kV HMM stress (Figure
0 50 100 150 200
SCR standalone 1.4 kV
SCR + TVS + RISO, 8 kV
Time [ns]
Figure 13: Current through standalone SCR
(failing waveform) and with added TVS diode and
ESD resistor
4 Power-on protection
To study the behavior of the protected SCR under
powered conditions a typical decoupling capacitor
(SMD1206, thick film, 1 µF) and a VDD source
(Agilent E3136A) with an additional 75 V
discrete zener diode as blocking device are added
to the setup (Figure 14). For all power-on testing
the VDD is set to 5 V and the VDD compliance to
100 mA.
Figure 14: Setup for power-on testing [6]
At a HMM stress level of 800 V the SCR triggers
and goes into latchup (Figure 15 a). This is
indicated by a sudden drop of the supply voltage
and a strong increase of the supply current. The
fast rise time of the HMM current together with
the intrinsic inductance of the capacitor used
cause a voltage overshoot which is not suppressed
fully by the TVS diode.
0 500 1000 1500
800V latchup
Time [ns]
@ 600 V: < 1 µA
@ 800 V: 100 mA
0 500 1000 1500
800V latchup
Time [ns]
Figure 15: Measured voltage across (a) and
current (b) through SCR before and during latchup
After turn-on the SCR snaps back to its holding
voltage. Due to the low on-resistance after
snapback the SCR conducts part of the HMM
current and an additional current which is
discharged from the decoupling capacitor (Figure
15 b). Due to its low holding current of 25 mA the
additional discharge current keeps the SCR in the
latched state even when the HMM current is fully
decayed. Over a longer time scale the SCR
continues staying in the latched state due to a
permanent current flow from the power supply to
the board which is sourced by the power supply to
restore the programmed supply voltage.
4.1 SPICE simulation setup for transient
To analyze the interaction of the on-chip and off-
chip components under powered conditions,
SPICE simulations are carried out. The setup in
section 3.2 is extended with the components
which are required for the powered ESD testing
(Figure 16).
Figure 16: Schematic of power-on simulation setup
The zener diode is modeled with the same
breakdown voltage (75 V) like during
measurements. The decoupling capacitor is
modeled with its equivalent model which consists
of the intrinsic inductance, the parasitic resistance
and the capacitance value.
To verify the power-on simulation setup the
latchup situation is simulated. Figure 17 shows the
simulated voltage across and the current through
the SCR before and during latchup. In the
simulation the SCR latches at the same HMM
stress level like in the measurements proving the
accuracy of the simulation.
0 20 40 60 80 100
0.7 kV
0.8 kV latchup
Time [ns]
Figure 17: Simulated voltage across SCR before
and during latchup; VDD = 5 V
With the simulation setup the current distribution
between the off-chip components is extracted.
Below the latchup trigger level (Figure 18a) most
of the HMM current is conducted by the
decoupling capacitor. Only a small part of the 1st
pulse is conducted by the TVS diode. During
latchup (Figure 18b) the SCR triggers. When
reaching its holding voltage the SCR and
decoupling capacitor share first the HMM current.
After the decay of the HMM current the discharge
current from the decoupling capacitor keeps the
SCR on. The negative current in Figure 18 b
indicates this current which flows from the
capacitor through the latched SCR.
0 50 100 150 200
Time [ns]
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Votlage[V] Time [ns]
Figure 18: Simulated currents before and during
latchup: HMM current, current through
decoupling capacitor and TVS diode
4.2 Designing the system-level ESD
protection for the power-on state
Going into latchup during ESD stress is not
allowed for ESD power clamps. Therefore the
design target for the power-on state is to prevent
triggering and subsequent latching of the SCR at a
HMM stress level of 8 kV. The SCR in this case
study is used as a latchup monitor. Therefore the
latchup protection will be demonstrated with
board level components only.
By using the presented SPICE simulation setup a
protection solution preventing SCR triggering is
designed. The proposed solution (Figure 19)
consists of a ferrite bead which is added between
the TVS diode and one decoupling capacitor.
Figure 19: Protection solution with ferrite bead
and RC filter; RISO: 8.2 Ω; Cdecoup: 1 µF; ferrite
bead: Tyco Electronics BMB1-J0070-B08
Ferrite beads are passive components which block
high frequency noise in supply lines. The use of
ferrite beads for preventing latchup has been
proposed before [7]. However, a design
methodology was not given.
The isolation resistor together with a second
decoupling capacitor works as a RC filter. It
directs most of the HMM current through the first
decoupling capacitor leaving only a small residual
current for the TVS diode, ferrite bead and second
decoupling capacitor (Figure 20). When
simulating the presented design no latchup occurs
at a stress level of 8 kV HMM.
0 50 100 150 200
SCR voltage
current through C1
Figure 20: Simulated voltage across SCR and
current through first decoupling capacitor (C1)
when SCR is protected with presented protection
solution and powered-up to 5 V; stress level: 8 kV
Figure 21 shows the experimental verification of
the protection solution. At a HMM stress level of
8 kV and a supply voltage of 5 V no latch up in
the SCR occurs.
0 200 400 600 800 1000
SCR voltage
Time [ns]
Figure 21: Measured voltage across SCR when
protected with presented protection solution and
powered-up to 5 V, HMM stress level: 8 kV
All components of the proposed protection
solution are typically used to decouple and
stabilize the voltage in supply lines and do not add
any additional devices to the bill of material of a
application board.
5 Conclusions
A system-level ESD protection solution for HVT
IC pins has been studied without and with applied
supply voltage. It has been found, that the
transient interaction of the studied SCR with the
off-chip components needs to be carefully studied
to prevent any low failure level of the SCR when
no VDD is applied and moreover to prevent latch
up when the device is powered up. It was
demonstrated that the SEED methodology needs
transient information in addition to the TLP IV
data to ensure a protection design which takes also
into account the transient interaction of on-chip
and off-chip ESD protection with other board-
level components.
By using a SPICE simulator together with suitable
models for all on-chip and off-chip components
an ESD protection solution for the power-on state
during system-level ESD stress has been designed
and experimental verified.
[1] M. Scholz et al., “Calibrated wafer-level
HBM measurements for quasi-static and
transient device analysis”, in Proc.
EOS/ESD Symposium, 2007, pp. 89–94
[2] “White Paper 3 - System Level ESD, Part
I”, Industry Council on ESD Target Levels,
[3] G. Notermans et al, “HMM and TLP
Correlation”, IEW, 2011
[4] M. Scholz et al, “On-wafer Human Metal
Model measurements for systemlevelESD
analysis”, Proc. EOS/ESD Symposium,
2009, pp. 405–413
[5] S. Marum et al, “Protecting circuits from
the transient voltage suppressor's residual
pulse during IEC 61000-4-2 stress”, Proc.
EOS/ESD Symposium, 2009, pp. 377-386
[6] M. Ker et al, “Component-Level
Measurement for TLU under system-level
ESD considerations”, IEEE Trans. on
Device and Materials Reliability, 2006,
Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 461-472
[7] Hsu et al, “Study of board-level noise filters
to prevent transient-induced latch-up in
CMOS integrated circuits during
EMC/ESD test”, in Proc. International
Zurich Symposium on EMC, 2006, pp. 533-

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Similaire à System-level ESD protection of high-voltage tolerant IC pins – A case study

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Similaire à System-level ESD protection of high-voltage tolerant IC pins – A case study (20)

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Architect Hassan Khalil Portfolio for 2024

System-level ESD protection of high-voltage tolerant IC pins – A case study

  • 1. System-level ESD protection of high-voltage tolerant IC pins – A case study Mirko Scholz 1 , Steven Thijs, Shih-Hung Chen 2 , Alessio Griffoni, Dimitri Linten, Masanori Sawada 3 , Gerd Vandersteen 1 , Guido Groeseneken 2 imec, Kapeldreef 75, 3001 Leuven, Belgium (1) also at: Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Dept. ELEC, Brussels, Belgium; (2) also at: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Dept. ESAT, Leuven, Belgium; (3) HANWA Electronics Ltd., Wakayama, Japan email: Zusammenfassung – Mit und ohne anliegende Versorgungsspannung wurde eine Systemebene-ESD Schutzlösung für HVT IC-Pins untersucht. Die transiente Wechselwirkung des untersuchten SCRs mit den Komponenten auf Systemebene muss sorgfältig geprüft werden, um einen thermischen Ausfall des SCR zu verhindern, wenn keine Versorgungsspannung angelegt ist und Latchup, wenn der SCR eingeschaltet ist. Abstract – A system-level ESD protection solution for HVT IC pins is studied without and with applied supply voltage. The transient interaction of the studied SCR with the off-chip components needs to be studied carefully to prevent a thermal failure of the SCR when no VDD is applied and latchup when the SCR is powered up. 1 Introduction Integrating high-voltage (HVT) circuitry into a standard low-voltage CMOS process is one of the challenging tasks when System-on-chip (SOC) solutions like line drivers, USB interfaces, display drivers etc are implemented. These HV-tolerant (HVT) IC pins operate at higher supply voltages (VDD) then the used low-voltage technology. Due to the higher VDD the classical ESD protection solutions of the used low-voltage process often do not work. Moreover additional challenges can occur. For example, due to the higher VDD there is a higher risk for latch up when the circuit is powered up. In this paper, we demonstrate a system-level ESD protection methodology for HVT IC pins using a test board and board-level components together with an on-chip protection device on-wafer. With measurements and simulations the interaction between on-chip and off-chip devices is analyzed. The presented methodology enables the study of on-chip ESD protection devices under system- level ESD stress conditions and their interaction with board-level components even before IC packaging. First, we present the test structure and measurement setup. In the following section the protection methodology for the non-powered state is demonstrated. Next we show how to protect the selected test structure for the case that a supply voltage is applied to it, followed by some conclusions. 2 Test structure, test board and measurement setup To study the system-level ESD robustness of HVT IC pins a standard Silicon-Controlled Rectifier (SCR), manufactured in a 130 nm CMOS technology, has been selected. The nominal supply voltages in this technology are 1.2 V and 3.3 V. Due to its high trigger voltage (~ 15.5 V) during ESD stress and the absence of a gate oxide it can be safely used as an ESD protection for HVT circuitry. Due to their known latchup sensitivity SCRs are usually not used as a standalone power clamp. In this study we use the SCR as a “latchup monitor” and thereby working as a replacement for a latchup sensitive circuit in a real application. The SCR used is measured on-wafer. The probe needles and probe holder parasitic are extracted beforehand [1] and included in the analysis to determine the influence of the needle parasitic in the setup during ESD stress. Off-chip components are added to the SCR by connecting a dedicated double layer test board (Figure 1) to the on-wafer setup. The test board has been manufactured using an industrial PCB process and FR4 as board
  • 2. material. The top layer contains the PCB traces and the footprints for required board components like capacitors, resistors and TVS diodes. The bottom layer works as ground plane connected with plated via to the top layer. Figure 1: Photo of test board for system experiments; TVSx : TVS diode, Cx capacitor, Rx: serial components (ESD resistor, ferrite bead), VDDx: optional supply voltage input, ESD_IN: input for ESD stress and supply voltage (optional), OUTx: output to wafer prober (SMA) The used ESD stress sources are a Transmission Line Pulse (TLP) and very fast (vf) TLP HANWA T-5000 for extracting the IV curves of the devices used. The system-level ESD stress source is a Human Metal Model (HMM) tester HANWA HED-W5000M. Next to current probes, a high impedance passive voltage probe is connected to the SCR in a KELVIN configuration to capture the transient behavior of the SCR during different stress conditions and with different off-chip configurations. 3 Power-off protection 3.1 Applying the SEED methodo In white paper 3 [2] the Industry Council on ESD target levels proposed the so called System efficient ESD design (SEED) methodology for the design of off-chip ESD protections meeting system-level ESD specifications. suitable off-chip protection the TLP IV curves of the on- and off-chip ESD protection devices are captured and compared. If required additional off chip devices can be added to obtain the desired system-level protection level. Figure 2 shows the 100 ns of the SCR and a selected off-chip ESD protection device applications. The selected TVS diode turns around 6.2 V. It has a junction capacitance of 80 pF and a HMM/IEC61000-4-2 robustness of ±30 kV. the PCB traces and the footprints for required board components like capacitors, resistors and TVS diodes. The bottom layer works as ground plane and is via to the top layer. : Photo of test board for system-level ESD : TVS diode, Cx: decoupling : serial components (ESD resistor, : optional supply voltage input, ESD_IN: input for ESD stress and supply voltage output to wafer prober (SMA) The used ESD stress sources are a Transmission- and very fast (vf) TLP tester 5000 for extracting the IV curves of level ESD stress Human Metal Model (HMM) tester W5000M. Next to current probes, a high impedance passive voltage probe is a KELVIN configuration to capture the transient behavior of the SCR during different stress conditions and with odology In white paper 3 [2] the Industry Council on ESD target levels proposed the so called System- efficient ESD design (SEED) methodology for the chip ESD protections meeting To select a chip protection the TLP IV curves of protection devices are captured and compared. If required additional off- chip devices can be added to obtain the desired shows the 100 ns of the SCR and a chip ESD protection device for 5 V d TVS diode turns-on s a junction capacitance of 2 robustness of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 5 10 Current[A] Voltage [V] V DD Figure 2: 100ns TLP and 5 ns vfTLP SCR and TVS diode(On-Semi ESD5Z5.0T1) Because the TVS diode trigger voltage is much lower than the V the TVS diode should shunt the system stress current until 5.4 A without triggering the SCR. At higher current level and goes into snapback TVS diode. At the moment of snapback current through the SCR is much higher than the TLP failing current and thermal will occur. However, HMM measurements on the device with the TVS diode in parallel show different results. Already at low stress level the SCR turns on. Figure 3 shows the current through the SCR device at a HMM with the TVS diode in parallel (region A) of the HMM current is conducted mainly by the TVS diode. 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 10 20 30 40 current[A] Time [ns] A B Figure 3: Measured HMM stress current and current through SCR at SCR region A: 1st pulse, region B: 2 At low stress level the TVS diode turns the 2nd pulse (region B) flows mainly through However at higher stress level the shared between the SCR and TVS diode indicating a turn-off of the TVS diode duration of the HMM current. 10 15 20 SCR TVS Voltage [V] V T1 SCR and 5 ns vfTLP IV curves of Semi ESD5Z5.0T1) Because the TVS diode trigger voltage VT1 (6.2 V) VT1 of the SCR (15.5 V) the TVS diode should shunt the system-level ESD A without triggering the At higher current level the SCR will trigger snapback thereby turning off the At the moment of snapback the current through the SCR is much higher than the thermal failure of the SCR measurements on the SCR device with the TVS diode in parallel show . Already at low stress level the shows the current through HMM stress level of 500 V TVS diode in parallel. The 1st pulse HMM current is conducted 40 50 60 70 80 SCR current HMM source Time [ns] : Measured HMM stress current and current through SCR at SCR trigger level (0.5 kV); pulse, region B: 2nd pulse the TVS diode turns-off before (region B) rises and the 2nd pulse the SCR (Figure 4). However at higher stress level the 2nd pulse is shared between the SCR and TVS diode of the TVS diode after the duration of the HMM current.
  • 3. 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 500 1000 1500 2000 SCR HMM source TVS Current[A] HMM pre-charge voltage [V] Figure 4: Currents at 30 ns: measured HMM stress current and current through SCR; calculated current through TVS diode The triggering of the SCR already at low HMM stress level cannot be explained using only the SEED methodology. Transient information like for example the voltage overshoot of the TVS diode is required in addition to the TLP IV data. Figure 5 shows the vfTLP IV data of the standalone TVS diode extracted with two different averaging windows. (a) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Voltage[V] Current[A] Time [ns] I II (b) 0 5 10 15 0 10 20 30 40 50 averaging window I averaging window II Current[A] Voltage [V] V T1 SCR Figure 5: vfTLP IV testing (pulse width: 2 ns; rise time: 200 ps) of standalone TVS diode: definition of averaging windows (a) and extracted vfTLP IV curves (b); averaging window I (0.3 ns to 0.6 ns) and II (1.7 ns to 1.9 ns) Averaging window I is defined at the beginning of the vfTLP pulse. Voltage and current have a more transient character. Averaging window II is defined at the end of the vfTLP pulse where voltage and current are more quasi-static. The vfTLP IV curve extracted with averaging window I reaches already at low vfTLP stress level (1.6 A) the VT1 of the SCR. This agrees well with the measured HMM peak current (1.65 A) at the SCR trigger level. By adding this transient information the SEED methodology can be extended with data which is required to fully understand the interaction between on-chip and ESD off-chip protection device. The SCR triggering already at low stress level impacts the system-level ESD robustness of the device when the TVS diode is placed in parallel. The expected failure level from the SEED methodology and by using the relation established in [3] would be 2.9 kV. However the real failure level with added TVS diode is only 2.1 kV (Table 1). Table 1: Failure level of standalone SCR and SCR with TVS diode in parallel (no VDD applied) HMM [kV] SCR standalone (measured) 1.4 SCR with TVS (measured.) 2.1 SCR with TVS (predicted by SEED) 2.9 Most of the 2nd pulse current goes through the SCR and only a smaller part is conducted by the TVS diode. At a HMM stress level of 2.1 kV, the residual current through the SCR causes thermal breakdown (Figure 6). Figure 6: Current through SCR with and without TVS diode in parallel; stress level: failure level Similar to the triggering of the SCR at low stress level the sharing of the 2nd pulse current at higher stress level between SCR and TVS diode cannot be explained by the SEED methodology. HMM simulations are required which are demonstrated in the following section. 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 50 100 150 200 SCR standalone 1.4 kV SCR with TVS, 2.1 kV current[A] Time [ns]
  • 4. 3.2 Transient analysis with SPICE simulations 3.2.1 Simulation setup To study the transient behavior of on- and off-chip protection devices SPICE simulations are carried out with LTSPICE (Figure 7). HMM tester TVS SCR probe needles IHMM ITVS ISCR Figure 7: Simulation setup for transient analysis; IHMM – HMM current, ITVS – current through TVS diode, ISCR – current through SCR The HMM tester is modeled according to [4]. The TVS diode is modeled with a standard SPICE model based on the datasheet and TLP data. To approximate and model the overshoot of the TVS diode an inductance is added in series and its value matched to measurement data obtained from the standalone TVS diode mounted in the test board. This simplification is used because the TVS diode consists of only one physical diode and it is used in reverse mode. Figure 8 shows the voltage across the TVS diode during simulated and measured HMM stress. Similar current and voltage waveforms are obtained with the simulated TVS model. (a) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 50 100 150 200 simulation measurement Current[A] Time [ns] (b) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 simulated measured Voltage[V] Time [ns] Figure 8: Current through (a) and voltage (b) across the TVS diode, comparison measurements and simulations; stress level: 1 kV The SCR is modeled by modifying a SPICE model of a commercial discrete SCR. This behavioral model contains information like the trigger behavior, on-resistance and holding current and gives a good approximation of the real device behavior in the transient domain. Figure 9 shows the simulated and measured voltage across the SCR. Measurement and simulation data include the parasitic of the probe needle and probe needle holder. A good agreement for the voltage after snapback is obtained. The overshoot before device snapback in the simulation is significant higher. This is attributed to bandwidth limitations of the voltage probe used during the measurement. 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 simulated measured Voltage[V] Time [ns] Figure 9: Voltage across standalone SCR; comparison simulation and measurement; stress level: 0.5 kV To verify the accuracy of the simulation setup, first the SCR triggering is simulated with the TVS diode in parallel. In Figure 10a the current through the SCR is shown for the stress level when the SCR turn on. In Figure 10b the current through the SCR at a higher stress level is plotted. For both stress level a good agreement between simulation and measurement is obtained.
  • 5. (a) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 0 50 100 150 200 simulation measurement Current[A] Time [ns] (b) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 0 50 100 150 200 simulation measurement Current[A] Time [ns] Figure 10: Current through SCR with TVS diode in parallel: a) stress level: 0.5 kV, b) stress level: 1.5 kV; comparison between measurement and simulation; no VDD 3.2.2 Transient analysis For the transient analysis different pre-charge voltages are simulated and the voltages and currents at different locations in the schematic are extracted. Figure 11 shows the voltage across the TVS diode and across the SCR for two pre-charge voltages. The TVS turns-off at low stress level (Figure 11a). The low holding voltage of the SCR and the voltage across the probe holder and probe needle parasitic are not high enough to keep the TVS diode on. More voltage drops at a higher stress level keeping the TVS diode also on during the duration of the 2nd pulse of the HMM current (Figure 11b). (a) (b) Figure 11: Simulated voltages across TVS diode and SCR: (a) stress level: 0.5 kV, (b) stress level: 1.5 kV The current distribution between the SCR and TVS during HMM stress is directly influenced by this device behavior. Figure 12a shows the current through TVS diode and SCR when the TVS diode turns off during the duration of the HMM pulse. Only the 1st pulse of the HMM current is conducted by the TVS diode. The 2nd pulse is fully conducted by the SCR. (a) -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 50 100 150 200 TVS SCR Current[A] Time [ns] (b) 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 50 100 150 200 TVS SCR Current[A] Time [ns] Figure 12: Simulated currents through TVS diode and SCR: (a) stress level: 0.5 kV, (b) stress level: 1.5 kV Figure 12b shows the current distribution when the TVS diode stays on during the 2nd pulse. The 1st pulse and the 2nd pulse are shared between SCR and TVS diode. The obtained results clearly show why the SEED methodology cannot be used. Depending on the 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 50 100 150 200 SCR TVS Voltage[V] Time [ns] V T1 TVS 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 50 100 150 200 SCR TVS Voltage[V] Time [ns] V T1 TVS
  • 6. applied HMM stress the TVS diode can be turned off by the SCR snapback or stays on during the duration of the HMM stress. HMM simulations or measurements are required to fully explain this device behavior. 3.3 Designing the system-level ESD protection An additional current limiting resistor is required to limit the residual current through the SCR to a safe value. The methodology in [5] is used to calculate the required resistance value for the peak current of 8 kV HMM. The safe current level is taken at 2 A for the SCR. With this data, the on- resistance of TVS diode and SCR and by applying Kirchhoff’s current laws a resistor value of about 7.3 Ω is obtained. The closest available value in the lab was 8.2 Ω. With the added isolation resistor the residual current through the SCR stays at a safe level even at 8 kV HMM stress (Figure 13). 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 50 100 150 200 SCR standalone 1.4 kV SCR + TVS + RISO, 8 kV current[A] Time [ns] Figure 13: Current through standalone SCR (failing waveform) and with added TVS diode and ESD resistor 4 Power-on protection To study the behavior of the protected SCR under powered conditions a typical decoupling capacitor (SMD1206, thick film, 1 µF) and a VDD source (Agilent E3136A) with an additional 75 V discrete zener diode as blocking device are added to the setup (Figure 14). For all power-on testing the VDD is set to 5 V and the VDD compliance to 100 mA. Figure 14: Setup for power-on testing [6] At a HMM stress level of 800 V the SCR triggers and goes into latchup (Figure 15 a). This is indicated by a sudden drop of the supply voltage and a strong increase of the supply current. The fast rise time of the HMM current together with the intrinsic inductance of the capacitor used cause a voltage overshoot which is not suppressed fully by the TVS diode. (a) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 500 1000 1500 700V 800V latchup Voltage[V] Time [ns] I VDD @ 600 V: < 1 µA I VDD @ 800 V: 100 mA (b) -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 500 1000 1500 700V 800V latchup Current[A] Time [ns] Figure 15: Measured voltage across (a) and current (b) through SCR before and during latchup After turn-on the SCR snaps back to its holding voltage. Due to the low on-resistance after snapback the SCR conducts part of the HMM current and an additional current which is discharged from the decoupling capacitor (Figure 15 b). Due to its low holding current of 25 mA the additional discharge current keeps the SCR in the latched state even when the HMM current is fully decayed. Over a longer time scale the SCR continues staying in the latched state due to a permanent current flow from the power supply to the board which is sourced by the power supply to restore the programmed supply voltage. 4.1 SPICE simulation setup for transient analysis To analyze the interaction of the on-chip and off- chip components under powered conditions, SPICE simulations are carried out. The setup in section 3.2 is extended with the components which are required for the powered ESD testing (Figure 16).
  • 7. Figure 16: Schematic of power-on simulation setup in SPICE The zener diode is modeled with the same breakdown voltage (75 V) like during measurements. The decoupling capacitor is modeled with its equivalent model which consists of the intrinsic inductance, the parasitic resistance and the capacitance value. To verify the power-on simulation setup the latchup situation is simulated. Figure 17 shows the simulated voltage across and the current through the SCR before and during latchup. In the simulation the SCR latches at the same HMM stress level like in the measurements proving the accuracy of the simulation. 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 20 40 60 80 100 0.7 kV 0.8 kV latchup Voltage[V] Time [ns] Figure 17: Simulated voltage across SCR before and during latchup; VDD = 5 V With the simulation setup the current distribution between the off-chip components is extracted. Below the latchup trigger level (Figure 18a) most of the HMM current is conducted by the decoupling capacitor. Only a small part of the 1st pulse is conducted by the TVS diode. During latchup (Figure 18b) the SCR triggers. When reaching its holding voltage the SCR and decoupling capacitor share first the HMM current. After the decay of the HMM current the discharge current from the decoupling capacitor keeps the SCR on. The negative current in Figure 18 b indicates this current which flows from the capacitor through the latched SCR. (a) -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 50 100 150 200 HMM C decoup TVS Current[A] Time [ns] (b) -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 0 200 400 600 800 1000 HMM C decoup TVS Votlage[V] Time [ns] Figure 18: Simulated currents before and during latchup: HMM current, current through decoupling capacitor and TVS diode 4.2 Designing the system-level ESD protection for the power-on state Going into latchup during ESD stress is not allowed for ESD power clamps. Therefore the design target for the power-on state is to prevent triggering and subsequent latching of the SCR at a HMM stress level of 8 kV. The SCR in this case study is used as a latchup monitor. Therefore the latchup protection will be demonstrated with board level components only. By using the presented SPICE simulation setup a protection solution preventing SCR triggering is designed. The proposed solution (Figure 19) consists of a ferrite bead which is added between the TVS diode and one decoupling capacitor. Figure 19: Protection solution with ferrite bead and RC filter; RISO: 8.2 Ω; Cdecoup: 1 µF; ferrite bead: Tyco Electronics BMB1-J0070-B08 Ferrite beads are passive components which block high frequency noise in supply lines. The use of ferrite beads for preventing latchup has been
  • 8. proposed before [7]. However, a design methodology was not given. The isolation resistor together with a second decoupling capacitor works as a RC filter. It directs most of the HMM current through the first decoupling capacitor leaving only a small residual current for the TVS diode, ferrite bead and second decoupling capacitor (Figure 20). When simulating the presented design no latchup occurs at a stress level of 8 kV HMM. -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 50 100 150 200 SCR voltage current through C1 Voltage[V] Current[A] Figure 20: Simulated voltage across SCR and current through first decoupling capacitor (C1) when SCR is protected with presented protection solution and powered-up to 5 V; stress level: 8 kV Figure 21 shows the experimental verification of the protection solution. At a HMM stress level of 8 kV and a supply voltage of 5 V no latch up in the SCR occurs. 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 200 400 600 800 1000 SCR voltage Voltage[V] Time [ns] V DD Figure 21: Measured voltage across SCR when protected with presented protection solution and powered-up to 5 V, HMM stress level: 8 kV All components of the proposed protection solution are typically used to decouple and stabilize the voltage in supply lines and do not add any additional devices to the bill of material of a application board. 5 Conclusions A system-level ESD protection solution for HVT IC pins has been studied without and with applied supply voltage. It has been found, that the transient interaction of the studied SCR with the off-chip components needs to be carefully studied to prevent any low failure level of the SCR when no VDD is applied and moreover to prevent latch up when the device is powered up. It was demonstrated that the SEED methodology needs transient information in addition to the TLP IV data to ensure a protection design which takes also into account the transient interaction of on-chip and off-chip ESD protection with other board- level components. By using a SPICE simulator together with suitable models for all on-chip and off-chip components an ESD protection solution for the power-on state during system-level ESD stress has been designed and experimental verified. Literature [1] M. Scholz et al., “Calibrated wafer-level HBM measurements for quasi-static and transient device analysis”, in Proc. EOS/ESD Symposium, 2007, pp. 89–94 [2] “White Paper 3 - System Level ESD, Part I”, Industry Council on ESD Target Levels, 2011 [3] G. Notermans et al, “HMM and TLP Correlation”, IEW, 2011 [4] M. Scholz et al, “On-wafer Human Metal Model measurements for systemlevelESD analysis”, Proc. EOS/ESD Symposium, 2009, pp. 405–413 [5] S. Marum et al, “Protecting circuits from the transient voltage suppressor's residual pulse during IEC 61000-4-2 stress”, Proc. EOS/ESD Symposium, 2009, pp. 377-386 [6] M. Ker et al, “Component-Level Measurement for TLU under system-level ESD considerations”, IEEE Trans. on Device and Materials Reliability, 2006, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 461-472 [7] Hsu et al, “Study of board-level noise filters to prevent transient-induced latch-up in CMOS integrated circuits during EMC/ESD test”, in Proc. International Zurich Symposium on EMC, 2006, pp. 533- 536