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User Group Informix France
PSMPSM Backup and RestoreBackup and Restore
faster and easier with Informix 12.1faster and easier with Informix 12.1
Frédéric DELEST
Hyun-ju VEGA
Jeudi 12 Septembre 2013Jeudi 12 Septembre 2013
User Group Informix France
Informix backup and restore methods
– ontape
– onbar
– onsmsync
Why PSM (IBM Informix Primary Storage Manager)
– onbar features
– ontape performance
PSM features and details
– Understanding backup and restore options
– Doing what makes sense for your system
Questions and Anwsers
User Group Informix France
Informix Backup and Restore MethodsInformix Backup and Restore Methods
– Serial backup/restore only
– No backup/archive catalog
– Backup verification with stand-alone archecker
– Requires storage manager
– Backup activities log file
– Backup/archive catalog (ixbar, sysutils)
– Backup verification with onbar -v
External Backup and Restore (EBR)
– Integrate third-party backup utility with Informix logical recovery
– Use ontape or onbar for logical log backups
Not discussed here
User Group Informix France
Requires storage manager
– In 12.1, PSM (Primary Storage Manager) is bundled with Informix
– Previous to 12.1, ISM is bundled with Informix
Can configure parallel backup of dbspaces
– Either whole system parallel or “regular” parallel
Point-in-time Restore
Restartable Restore
Integrated archive validation (onbar –v)
onbar Parallel Whole System backup (Informix 11)
SQL Admin API for onbar backup (11.70.xC2)
– Execute function task ("onbar backup");
– Execute function task ("onsmsync", "-g 3");
User Group Informix France
Onbar ComponantsOnbar Componants
Troubleshooting: BAR 5
Storage Manager
(PSM, TSM, etc.)XBSA
Informix Archive Interface
Informix Shared Memory
On-Bar Related Tables and Files
sysutils database (onbar catalog)
ixbar file (emergency boot file)
oncfg file
PSM does not use
sm_versions !
PSM uses these logs by
User Group Informix France
XBSA Session and TransactionXBSA Session and Transaction
10/4/2013 Troubleshooting: BAR 6
Begin/End Session
Begin/End Transaction
Possible return code:
For backup, another transaction
with call to BSAQueryObject .
BSASendData and
BSAGetData are called
for each data transfer
buffer until the backup
or restore is complete.
User Group Informix France
Why PSM?Why PSM?
What people want
– Features of onbar
– Performance and simplicity of ontape
Make it easy to set up and configure onbar
Make it easy for ontape users to migrate to onbar
– Provide an easy solution for parallel backups for embed users
– Provide ontape performance for onbar users
As long as I’ve been attending the IIUG
conferences, people have been asking for a
“parallel ontape”.
What would a parallel ontape look like?
User Group Informix France
What would aWhat would a parallelparallel ontape look like?ontape look like?
ontape backup to directory backs up all spaces to a single file
– All or nothing (easy to keep track of a single file)
– In a parallel backup, each space is backed up to a separate file
– How will I know if a backup of all spaces succeeded or failed?
– How will I know which backup files are “good” (not aborted)?
ontape backup to directory has no catalog
– How will I know which logical logs go with which space backup?
– How will I know which files can be removed?
Need an interface to keep track of backups and commit each successful
space backup (like XBSA) with a storage manager.
Need a catalog (like sysutils and ixbar file) and a utility to expire
backups (like onsmsync).
User Group Informix France
What People WantWhat People Want –– onbar with PSM !onbar with PSM !
What people want
– Point-in-time restores (onbar feature)
– Parallel backups of dbspaces (onbar feature)
– Way to know which logical log backups are needed for restores (onbar
– Simplicity (ontape)
– Performance (ontape)
Prior to PSM, for a single space backup (which cannot be
parallelized), ontape backup of the space was faster than the
onbar backup of the same space because the ontape TAPEBLK
could be set much larger than the BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE.
User Group Informix France
PSM OverviewPSM Overview
No storage manager daemon processes
– PSM does not have a client/server architecture like ISM
Does not use sm_versions
PSM supports devices of type FILE only
No remote backups – PSM catalogs and storage must be locally
Can take a backup with no configuration (using all defaults)
– Minimum configuration recommended
• PSM is a simplified storage manager
• PSM is not an enterprise storage manager
• Tight integration with onbar and onsmsync -- can
expire/remove objects from PSM with onsmsync
User Group Informix France
PSM ComponentsPSM Components
onpsm ($INFORMIXDIR/bin/onpsm)
– Utility used to add devices to PSM and to administer PSM catalog
XBSA shared library ($INFORMIXDIR/lib/ on Linux)
– Set BAR_BSALIB_PATH to full path to
PSM catalogs (Located in PSM_CATALOG_PATH or
– Informix C-ISAM tables (not the same as commercial product)
– Keeps track of backup objects in PSM devices (except objects in EXTPOOL
– Must backup PSM catalog manually
• Export the PSM catalog using “onpsm -C export”, then backup the psm_catalog.exp
• PSM catalog is not backed up by onbar/PSM
User Group Informix France
onbar_d with PSMonbar_d with PSM
onbar_d pmap while onbar/PSM backup is in progress
– PSM shared library ( is loaded by onbar_d
– It's the onbar_d process that writes to the PSM storage devices and updates
the PSM catalog (see the PID in log files)
20081: /work2/PRODUCTS/12.10.FC1/bin/onbar_d -b -w -L 0
0000000000400000 3164K r-x-- /work2/PRODUCTS/12.10.FC1/bin/onbar_d
0000000000916000 96K rwx-- /work2/PRODUCTS/12.10.FC1/bin/onbar_d
000000000092e000 20496K rwx-- [ anon ]
0000000009fa5000 812K rwx-- [ anon ]
00002b2d20646000 1348K r-x-- /work2/PRODUCTS/12.10.FC1/lib/
00002b2d20797000 2048K ----- /work2/PRODUCTS/12.10.FC1/lib/
00002b2d20997000 44K rwx-- /work2/PRODUCTS/12.10.FC1/lib/
00002b2d209a2000 636K rwx-- [ anon ]
00002b2d20a41000 8192K rwxs- [ shmid=0x7b9002e ]
00007fff8de67000 332K rwx-- [ stack ]
ffffffffff600000 8192K ----- [ anon ]
total 128964K
User Group Informix France
Setting up onbar/PSMSetting up onbar/PSM
Decide where you will locate the PSM catalog – default
Add devices to DBSPOOL, LOGPOOL
– onpsm -D add /backups/psm_spaces -g DBSPOOL -p HIGH -t FILE
– onpsm -D add /backups/psm_logs -g LOGPOOL -p HIGH -t FILE
– Set BAR_BSALIB_PATH to full path to
– Set PSM_CATALOG_PATH to full path to PSM catalog directory
Take onbar backup
View backup objects in PSM
– onpsm -O list
– onpsm -O detail -o <object_id_number>
– onpsm -version all
Best Practice
to 128 or 256 for better performance
with PSM !
If you do none of these things, then
onbar backup will still work, but
everything will go to defaults.
HIGH is the
default priority.
User Group Informix France
Archive Transfer Buffer SizeArchive Transfer Buffer Size
– Size of the data transfer buffer is TAPEBLK
– TAPEBLK in ONCONFIG is specified in KBytes
– Write and Read from TAPEDEV is via TAPEBLK size
– Size of the transfer buffer is BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE * bpage size
– BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE in ONCONFIG is specified in Informix Base
Page Size for the Platform
• 2048 is base page size for Linux, Solaris, HP
• 4096 is base page size for AIX, Mac, Windows
– BSASendData and BSAGetData is via transfer buffer size
User Group Informix France
onbar/PSM Performance Advantageonbar/PSM Performance Advantage
Only for PSM, can set BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE to be larger than 15 (for
AIX, Windows) and 31 (for Linux, HP, Solaris)
BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE is in base page sizes, so for all others
– 15 is (15 * 4k) ==> 61440 bytes
– 31 is (31 * 2k) ==> 63488 bytes
– Data transfer buffer sizes are less than 64k
For, PSM, you can set BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE to as high 32768 (not
advisable – consider memory resources)
If you are an ontape user and have TAPEBLK set to 512, then the
analogous BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE would be 256 for Linux, HP,
Solaris and 128 for AIX, Windows, Mac
If you increase BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE, you may need to decrease
BAR_NB_XPORT_COUNT if you've increased it greatly from default
User Group Informix France
Performance: ontape, onbar/ISM, onbar/PSMPerformance: ontape, onbar/ISM, onbar/PSM
When the data transfer buffer size is the same, onbar/PSM
performance is same as ontape for a single backup stream
Since the maximum onbar/ISM data transfer buffer size is less than
64k, onbar/PSM performance is always better when
BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE is set higher than the default values of 15
or 31
In internal tests, onbar/PSM performance has been faster by any
where from 30 to 300 % , depending on the scenario
One test scenario with single stream backup (BAR_MAX_BACKUP 1)
ontape: data transfer buffer size 512k: 29 min 9 sec
onbar/ISM: data transfer buffer size 60k: 1 hour 25 min 12 sec
onbar/PSM: data transfer buffer size 512k: 29 min 22 sec
User Group Informix France
PSM FunctionalityPSM Functionality
“onpsm -C” shows you PSM catalog options
“onpsm -D” shows you PSM device options
“onpsm -O” shows you PSM object options
“onpsm -P” shows you PSM pool options
Use onsmsync to expire objects and remove/delete objects from
PSM storage
– PSM does not have expiration policies – use onsmsync -i, -g, or -t
– onsmsync -i, -g, -t options will delete entries from sysutils tables, ixbar file and
– Example: onsmsync -g 3 -cf yes
Use BACKUP_FILTER, RESTORE_FILTER for compression, encryption
– PSM does not have options for compression or encryption
Use onsmsync -E to export objects from PSM
Use onsmsync -I (capital i) to import objects into PSM
The “–cf yes” option removes the critical files.
onsmsync –i, –g, –t REMOVES
PSM objects !
User Group Informix France
Imported Restore with PSMImported Restore with PSM
Use onsmsync –E option to export to
EXTPOOL -- objects in EXTPOOL are not
tracked by the PSM catalog.
Use onsmsync –I option to import from
EXTPOOL to your PSM catalog.
EXTPOOL: /shared/psm_ext
EXTPOOL: /shared/psm_ext
User Group Informix France
Imported RestoreImported Restore
Imported restore with PSM
– Add a device to EXTPOOL
– Export backup objects to EXTPOOL using onsmsync -E
– Use any copy utility to copy the exported objects to the EXTPOOL device on
the machine where the instance will be restored
– Import backup objects from EXTPOOL using onsmsync -I (capital i)
– Use onbar to restore the backup
Can also use onsmsync -E to export backup objects for “off-PSM”
– All the objects needed to restore a backup is copied to the EXTPOOL device
– PSM does not keep track of objects in the EXTPOOL
With onsmsync -E, manifest file (named is
created that describes the objects.
User Group Informix France
PSM CatalogPSM Catalog
PSM catalog backup -- IMPORTANT --
– onpsm -C export
– Exported directory (psm_catalog.exp) is created in current working directory
PSM catalog import
– onpsm -C -init
– onpsm -C import
– onpsm -C -init
• Deletes the current PSM catalog
– onpsm -C -init -d
• Deletes the current PSM catalog and the objects referenced --
deletes/removes the objects from the storage devices!!!
The exported directory, psm_catalog.exp should be
backed up by the DBA or the Administrator – it is not
backed up to PSM.
User Group Informix France
Disaster RecoveryDisaster Recovery
Must backup the PSM catalog, it is not backed up by PSM
– Export the PSM catalog using onpsm -C export and backup the exported
Recovery Scenarios
– If you lose your Informix chunks, how will you recover?
– If you lose the PSM catalog, how will you recover?
– If you lose the storage devices (file systems where the backup objects are
stored), how will you recover?
– If you lose $INFORMIXDIR (lose ifxbar, ONCONFIG, oncfg, sqlhosts) ?
There should be a recovery plan that covers the loss of
all or any combination of above for all Informix
User Group Informix France
onpsmonpsm --DD
% onpsm -D
Usage for Devices
onpsm -D <add|del|modify|list> <Device options>
add <path> -g <pool> -p <prio> -t <type> [-s <size> -b <blksize>]
del <path> -d | -g <pool> [-y]
list [ -u|-l <dev_def_file.txt> ]
purge <path>
scan <path>
update <path> -g <pool> [-p <prio> ] [-s <size> ]
add : Adds a new device to the system.
del : Deletes a device from the system.
list : Displays all devices in the system.
purge : Removes from the catalog objects missing from the media.
scan : Scans the media and adds orphan objects to the catalog.
update : Modifies an existing device.
path : Full path of the device.
-b : Block size (Only for tapes).
-d : Deletes the pool from all Pools and deletes backup objects.
-l : Load from a Device Definition file.
-p : Priority of the device (HIGH or LOW).
-s : Maximum size of the device (only for tapes).
-t : Type of device (Currently only 'FILE').
-u : Unload to a Device Definition file.
-y : Do not ask for confirmation to complete the action requested.
Error -88303: Not enough arguments for option '-D'.
also HIGHEST and
User Group Informix France
PSM DevicesPSM Devices
onpsm -D add <path> -g <pool> -p <prio> -t <type>
– Priority can be “LOW”, “HIGH”, “HIGHEST”, “READ-ONLY”
– “HIGHEST” is used first
– Can only have one “HIGHEST” per pool
– Can have multiple HIGH or LOW – cannot choose which device among HIGH
or LOW are used first
– When a device becomes full, it is set to “READ-ONLY” (see Prio column) –
priority must be changed manually if more space is added to the device
onpsm -D purge <path>
– Removes from the catalog objects missing from the media
onpsm -D scan <path>
– Scans the media and adds orphan objects to the catalog
– May be helpful when catalog is lost ...
User Group Informix France
PSM DevicesPSM Devices –– Best PracticeBest Practice
For simplicity, assign different devices to DBSPOOL, LOGPOOL, etc.
In production, always use onsmsync to delete objects
Do not use “onpsm –D <path> -d” in production
Best Practice
• What does “onpsm –D <path> -d” do?
– Erases ALL objects from ALL pools that use that device
– Also, the command can be used to remove objects from devices that have been
removed from PSM
– Command is only for test/QA systems Do not use in production !
User Group Informix France
Example: onpsmExample: onpsm ––D listD list
$ onpsm -D list
Type Prio Block/Size (MB) Pool Name Device Name
FILE LOW --/-- DBSPOOL /work2/PRODUCTS/12.10.FC1/backups
FILE READ-ONLY --/-- DBSPOOL /work4/vegah/psm1
FILE READ-ONLY --/-- DBSPOOL /work4/vegah/psm2
FILE READ-ONLY --/-- DBSPOOL /work4/vegah/psm3
FILE LOW --/-- DBSPOOL /work4/vegah/psm_low
$ onpsm -D list
Informix PSM Device List
Type Prio Block/Size (MB) Pool Name Device Name
FILE LOW --/-- DBSPOOL /work2/PRODUCTS/12.10.FC1/backups
FILE HIGHEST --/-- DBSPOOL /work4/vegah/psm1
FILE HIGH --/-- DBSPOOL /work4/vegah/psm2
FILE HIGH --/-- DBSPOOL /work4/vegah/psm3
FILE LOW --/-- DBSPOOL /work4/vegah/psm_low
FILE LOW --/-- LOGPOOL /work2/PRODUCTS/12.10.FC1/backups
FILE HIGH --/-- EXTPOOL /work4/vegah/psm_export
For simplicity, assign one device per pool,
but if needed, you can assign more.
Each device is used, in turn, until
full, then set to READ-ONLY.
User Group Informix France
Example: onpsmExample: onpsm ––O listO list
$ onpsm -O detail -o 36
Informix PSM Object Detail List
Object ID : 36
XBSA PATH : /vegah_tcp/rootdbs/0
XBSA CopyId : 0:36
Object Type : R
Object version : 6
Physical pieces :
Number of pieces: 3
$ onpsm -O list
Informix PSM Object List
Object ID Date Created Size (MB) Logical path (name.version)
11 2013-02-15 14:28:27 14.5 /vegah_tcp/rootdbs/0/vegah_tcp.1
12 2013-02-15 14:28:28 0.0 /vegah_tcp/critical_files/ixbar/vegah_tcp.1
13 2013-02-15 14:28:28 0.0 /vegah_tcp/critical_files/oncfg/vegah_tcp.1
14 2013-02-15 14:28:28 0.1 /vegah_tcp/critical_files/onconfig/vegah_tcp.1
15 2013-02-15 14:28:28 0.0 /vegah_tcp/critical_files/sqlhosts/vegah_tcp.1
36 2013-02-18 17:42:43 16.2 /vegah_tcp/rootdbs/0/vegah_tcp.6
37 2013-02-18 17:42:44 0.0 /vegah_tcp/critical_files/ixbar/vegah_tcp.6
To see details for multiple
objects, use “–o 36 –o 37 –o 38”
User Group Informix France
Backup Object Naming ConventionBackup Object Naming Convention
Name path is relative to device
– Level # – 0, 1, or 2 for Level 0, 1, or 2
– Object version – number, starting from 1, incremented for every new backup
– Piece – number, starting from 1, notes the pieces of the same backup object
Space -- Uses dbspace name
Logs -- Uses servernum and log unique id
<DBSERVERNAME>/<dbspace>/<level#>/<DBSERVERNAME>.<Obj Version>.<piece>
User Group Informix France
EXTPOOL Objects ...EXTPOOL Objects ...
Objects in EXTPOOL have a different naming convention
– Filename_prefix is the name you gave in -p option to onsmsync -E
Objects in EXTPOOL are not tracked by PSM
Spaces in EXTPOOL
User Group Informix France
PSMPSM –– Useful CommandsUseful Commands
onpsm -V, -version, -version all
– -version all includes information about the PSM library
onpsm -h, onpsm -H
onpsm -C detail
– Displays the location of the PSM catalog
onpsm -D list
– Displays devices
onpsm -O list
– Displays backup objects and sizes of objects
onpsm -O detail -o <object_id_number> -o <object_id> -o
<object_id> ...
– Displays detail information about the backup object(s) specified, including the
location of the backup pieces
– When a device becomes full, the backup is continued on a different device
(chosen in priority order)
User Group Informix France
In onconfig.stdIn onconfig.std
# Primary Storage Manager (PSM) Configuration Parameters
# PSM_ACT_LOG - The ON-Bar activity log file location.
# Do not use the /tmp directory. Use a
# directory with restricted permissions.
# If not set the value of BAR_ACT_LOG is used.
# PSM_DEBUG_LOG - The PSM debug log file location.
# Do not use the /tmp directory. Use a
# directory with restricted permissions.
# If not set the value of BAR_DEBUG_LOG is used.
# PSM_DEBUG - The debug level for PSM. Acceptable
# values are 0 (off) through 9 (high).
# If not set the value of BAR_DEBUG is used.
# PSM_CATALOG_PATH - The directory that will hold the PSM catalog
# The default is $INFORMIXDIR/etc/psm.
# PSM_DBS_POOL - The Pool where to place dbspace data.
# The default is "DBSPOOL"
# PSM_LOG_POOL - The Pool where to place log data.
# The default is "LOGPOOL"
User Group Informix France
$ onpsm -h
The Informix PSM catalog is not present in the '/work2/PRODUCTS/12.10.FC1/etc/psm/'
The system will try to create it.
Informix PSM catalog creation in the '/work2/PRODUCTS/12.10.FC1/etc/psm/' directory
Must be set in environment or in the ONCONFIG
– Environment variable has precedence
If not, onpsm will use the default directory – onpsm will create a new
set of catalog if none exists in the default directory (see example
Best Practice
Tip: Need to set
environment variable
for “onbar –r –cf yes”
User Group Informix France
Multiple Informix Instances on Same HostMultiple Informix Instances on Same Host
Should each Informix instance on the same machine have its own
unique PSM_CATALOG_PATH or share the same one?
Each instance has its own PSM catalog
– Makes sense if the activities of the Informix instances are completely
unrelated, belongs to different groups, or if one is a test instance
– Be careful that the same devices are not being tracked by different PSM
– Will need to set separate environment, run onpsm commands for each
PSM catalog/instance
– Will need to backup multiple PSM catalogs
One PSM instance for multiple Informix instances
– Consider creating unique pools for each instance
– Assign different devices to each pool
Best Practice
User Group Informix France
Example: onpsmExample: onpsm ––C detailC detail
$ onpsm -C detail
Informix Primary Storage Manager State:
PSM Unique ID : 1360897216
Catalog Location : /work4/vegah/psm_catalog/
Catalog State : Locked
Catalog Owner : 184
Catalog Lock Mode: Regular
Session ID Process ID
184 28672
Informix PSM Locked Objects
Session Object Id Date Time Server Object Name
0 11 2013-02-18 13:29:34 /vegah_tcp /vegah_tcp/rootdbs/0
-- Can have multiple sessions running but
only one can be the catalog owner
-- The process id should belong to either
onbar_d, onsmsync, or onpsm
-- Can have Locked Objects without the
catalog being locked
User Group Informix France
Example: Imported Restore (Export)Example: Imported Restore (Export)
Run “onpsm -D list” and check that you have a device in the EXTPOOL
$ cd /work4/vegah/psm_export/backup_feb27_13_34_00
$ ls -1 <--- manifest file – contents look like an ixbar file of exported objects
vegah_tcp <--- contains directories called rootdbs, dbs1, … , critical files, 15
FILE HIGH --/-- EXTPOOL /work4/vegah/psm_export
onsmsync -E -p backup_feb27_13_34_00 -t '2013-02-27 13:34:00'
• Look in EXTPOOL device (/work4/vegah/psm_export) for a subdirectory
with the prefix you've specified
• Decide which generation of backups to export, and run onsmsync
User Group Informix France
Example: Imported Restore (Import)Example: Imported Restore (Import)
Copy the exported directory (backup_feb27_13_34_00 ) to the
EXTPOOL device of the PSM of the new instance to be restored
– onsmsync -I (capital i) command will import the backup objects from the
EXTPOOL into the DBSPOOL, LOGPOOL (See notes for details.)
– Entries in the file will be used to create a new ixbar file
onsmsync -I -p backup_feb27_13_34_00
This command brings the objects from the EXTPOOL into the PSM
catalog and into the PSM pools that are tracked in the catalog.
User Group Informix France
Example: Imported Restore (Import cont'd)Example: Imported Restore (Import cont'd)
The instance into which the backup objects are being imported can have
The new ixbar file that's created during the import operation will have the
current instance's DBSERVERNAME.
The imported logical log backup objects will be stored in PSM using the
current instance's SERVERNUM
When the imported objects are brought into the new PSM catalog, they are brought in
with the exact same copyid as in the file. If the PSM catalog the objects
are being imported into already have that copyid (object id) in use, then you will get
an error.
User Group Informix France
Example: Imported Restore (Import cont'd)Example: Imported Restore (Import cont'd)
Current instance DBSERVERNAME = vegah_new, servernum 30
Objects exported from DBSERVERNAME = vegah_tcp, servernum 15
onpsm -O list (after import operation)
Object ID Date Created Size (MB) Logical path (name.version)
1 2013-02-27 19:44:11 13.4 /vegah_new/rootdbs/0/vegah_new.1
2 2013-02-27 19:44:12 6.6 /vegah_new/30/3/vegah_new.1
31 2013-02-27 19:45:16 0.1 /vegah_new/critical_files/onconfig/vegah_new.4
32 2013-02-27 19:45:16 0.0 /vegah_new/critical_files/sqlhosts/vegah_new.4
229 2013-02-27 21:32:58 0.0 /vegah_tcp/30/45/vegah_tcp.1
230 2013-02-27 21:32:58 0.0 /vegah_tcp/30/46/vegah_tcp.1
231 2013-02-27 21:32:57 20.6 /vegah_tcp/rootdbs/0/vegah_tcp.1
232 2013-02-27 21:32:57 5.5 /vegah_tcp/dbs1/0/vegah_tcp.1
233 2013-02-27 21:32:58 5.5 /vegah_tcp/dbs3/0/vegah_tcp.1
234 2013-02-27 21:32:58 5.5 /vegah_tcp/dbs2/0/vegah_tcp.1
235 2013-02-27 21:32:58 0.1 /vegah_tcp/30/47/vegah_tcp.1
244 2013-02-27 21:32:58 0.1 /vegah_tcp/30/48/vegah_tcp.1
User Group Informix France
Local (PSM) vs Enterprise (TSM)Local (PSM) vs Enterprise (TSM)
Informix instance 1
Informix instance 2
PSM storage must be locally visible.
Informix instance 1
Informix instance 2
PSM storage must be locally visible.
TSM Server
-- Enterprise storage server features
-- Manages multiple device types
-- May be part of an enterprise vault
Informix instance 1
Informix instance 2
TSM Client installed
Informix instance 1
Informix instance 2
TSM Client installed
User Group Informix France
onbar with Other Storage Managersonbar with Other Storage Managers
PSM is not an enterprise storage manager
PSM only supports file system storage devices
Other storage managers
– May provide enterprise solutions and features
– May provide support for a variety of storage devices
– May provide features like compression and encryption
-- Enterprise storage managers can provide benefits that PSM cannot.
-- For example, using an enterprise solution storage manager may mean that your
Informix backups go directly into the enterprise storage vaults (something can’t go
wrong between a successful Informix backup and a file system backup to storage
User Group Informix France
With PSM, 12.1 allows users to set up their backups more easily
than ever before
Faster backup and restore performance is possible with onbar/PSM
(need to increase BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE)
onbar/PSM allows ontape users an easy migration path
Can use onbar/PSM on test systems (even for those who use onbar
with other storage managers)
12.1 provides the backup and restore option that people have been
asking for
User Group Informix France
Questions and AnswersQuestions and Answers
PSMPSM Backup and RestoreBackup and Restore
faster and easier with Informix 12.1faster and easier with Informix 12.1
User Group Informix France
Frédéric DELEST
Hyun-ju VEGA
Jeudi 12 Septembre 2013Jeudi 12 Septembre 2013
User Group Informix France
Appendix: Miscellaneous NotesAppendix: Miscellaneous Notes
SQL Admin API and PSM
User Group Informix France
Simple to set up and run
Serial backup of dbspaces
Whole system backup only
STDIO (Informix 10 feature)
Backup to directories (Informix 11 feature)
Backup verification via stand-alone archecker
– ontape Logical Log backups support in 11.50.xC2
Backup to cloud (Amazon cloud aware)
SQL Admin API for ontape backup (11.70.xC2)
– Execute function task ("ontape archive", "/local/backup_dir/");
OAT 2.73 (Configure ontape backup)
User Group Informix France
ontapeontape –– Quick SetupQuick Setup
ontape backup to directory
– Simple setup
– Option for non-interactive mode
– No catalog – you need to keep track of restore info
TAPEDEV /informix/backup_dir
LTAPEDEV /informix/backup_dir
In file:
BACKUP_CMD=“ontape –a –d”
Backup/archive files
are created for you
Serial backups
User Group Informix France
onbar and storage manageronbar and storage manager
onbar communicates with the Storage Manger via XBSA
Unattended operations – need to look at BAR_ACT_LOG
Multiple activity logs
– Storage manager activity logs
– $INFORMIXDIR/lib/libbsapsm.[so]
onbar can be used with other storage managers
– For example, to use onbar with TSM, must install and configure the TSM
client on the database server machine and TSM server must be available
– Configure TSM and configure onbar to use TSM
by default !
User Group Informix France
onbar ONCONFIG Parametersonbar ONCONFIG Parameters
– Determine number of parallel backup streams
– 0 is unlimited for backup and restore
– rootdbs is always backed up first and by itself
– Data transfer buffer size (value is in base page size)
– For PSM, this value can be as high as 32768 (for other storage
managers, the max is 15 or 31, depending on platform)
– Number of data transfer buffers PER backup stream
– PSM uses these by default
User Group Informix France
PSMPSM –– SQL Admin API commandsSQL Admin API commands
onpsm commands can be run via SQL Admin API
– Execute function sysadmin:task()
– Execute function sysadmin:admin()
Maximum of 6 arguments to task() and admin()
First argument is “onpsm”
Example: (in sysadmin database)
Execute function task
("onpsm", "-D add", "/informix/backups", "-g DBSPOOL", "-t FILE");
Execute function task(“onpsm”, “-D list”);
Execute function task (“onpsm”, “-version all”);

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Understanding backup and restore options with Informix 12.1's Primary Storage Manager

  • 1. User Group Informix France PSMPSM Backup and RestoreBackup and Restore faster and easier with Informix 12.1faster and easier with Informix 12.1 Frédéric DELEST Hyun-ju VEGA Jeudi 12 Septembre 2013Jeudi 12 Septembre 2013
  • 2. User Group Informix France OverviewOverview Informix backup and restore methods – ontape – onbar – onsmsync Why PSM (IBM Informix Primary Storage Manager) – onbar features – ontape performance PSM features and details Summary – Understanding backup and restore options – Doing what makes sense for your system Questions and Anwsers Appendix
  • 3. User Group Informix France Informix Backup and Restore MethodsInformix Backup and Restore Methods ontape – Serial backup/restore only – No backup/archive catalog – Backup verification with stand-alone archecker onbar – Requires storage manager – Backup activities log file – Backup/archive catalog (ixbar, sysutils) – Backup verification with onbar -v External Backup and Restore (EBR) – Integrate third-party backup utility with Informix logical recovery – Use ontape or onbar for logical log backups (Generally) Interactive Non-interactive Not discussed here
  • 4. User Group Informix France OnbarOnbar Requires storage manager – In 12.1, PSM (Primary Storage Manager) is bundled with Informix – Previous to 12.1, ISM is bundled with Informix Can configure parallel backup of dbspaces – Either whole system parallel or “regular” parallel Point-in-time Restore Restartable Restore Integrated archive validation (onbar –v) onbar Parallel Whole System backup (Informix 11) BACKUP_FILTER, RESTORE_FILTER (Informix 11) SQL Admin API for onbar backup (11.70.xC2) – Execute function task ("onbar backup"); – Execute function task ("onsmsync", "-g 3"); New!
  • 5. User Group Informix France Onbar ComponantsOnbar Componants Troubleshooting: BAR 5 Storage Manager (PSM, TSM, etc.)XBSA onbar oninit Informix Archive Interface Informix Shared Memory On-Bar Related Tables and Files sysutils database (onbar catalog) BAR_ACT_LOG BAR_DEBUG_LOG ixbar file (emergency boot file) oncfg file sm_versions BAR_BSALIB_PATH PSM does not use sm_versions ! PSM uses these logs by default.
  • 6. User Group Informix France XBSA Session and TransactionXBSA Session and Transaction 10/4/2013 Troubleshooting: BAR 6 BSAQueryApiVersion BSAInit BSABeginTxn BSAGetObject BSAGetData BSACreateObject BSASendData BSAEndData BSAEndTxn BSATerminate BACKUP RESTORE Begin/End Session Begin/End Transaction Possible return code: BSA_RC_NO_MORE_DATA 0x12 (18) For backup, another transaction with call to BSAQueryObject . BSASendData and BSAGetData are called for each data transfer buffer until the backup or restore is complete.
  • 7. User Group Informix France Why PSM?Why PSM? What people want – Features of onbar – Performance and simplicity of ontape Make it easy to set up and configure onbar Make it easy for ontape users to migrate to onbar – Provide an easy solution for parallel backups for embed users – Provide ontape performance for onbar users As long as I’ve been attending the IIUG conferences, people have been asking for a “parallel ontape”. What would a parallel ontape look like?
  • 8. User Group Informix France What would aWhat would a parallelparallel ontape look like?ontape look like? ontape backup to directory backs up all spaces to a single file – All or nothing (easy to keep track of a single file) – In a parallel backup, each space is backed up to a separate file – How will I know if a backup of all spaces succeeded or failed? – How will I know which backup files are “good” (not aborted)? ontape backup to directory has no catalog – How will I know which logical logs go with which space backup? – How will I know which files can be removed? Need an interface to keep track of backups and commit each successful space backup (like XBSA) with a storage manager. Need a catalog (like sysutils and ixbar file) and a utility to expire backups (like onsmsync).
  • 9. User Group Informix France What People WantWhat People Want –– onbar with PSM !onbar with PSM ! What people want – Point-in-time restores (onbar feature) – Parallel backups of dbspaces (onbar feature) – Way to know which logical log backups are needed for restores (onbar feature) – Simplicity (ontape) – Performance (ontape) Prior to PSM, for a single space backup (which cannot be parallelized), ontape backup of the space was faster than the onbar backup of the same space because the ontape TAPEBLK could be set much larger than the BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE.
  • 10. User Group Informix France PSM OverviewPSM Overview No storage manager daemon processes – PSM does not have a client/server architecture like ISM Does not use sm_versions PSM supports devices of type FILE only No remote backups – PSM catalogs and storage must be locally visible Can take a backup with no configuration (using all defaults) – Minimum configuration recommended • PSM is a simplified storage manager • PSM is not an enterprise storage manager • Tight integration with onbar and onsmsync -- can expire/remove objects from PSM with onsmsync
  • 11. User Group Informix France PSM ComponentsPSM Components onpsm ($INFORMIXDIR/bin/onpsm) – Utility used to add devices to PSM and to administer PSM catalog XBSA shared library ($INFORMIXDIR/lib/ on Linux) – Set BAR_BSALIB_PATH to full path to PSM catalogs (Located in PSM_CATALOG_PATH or $INFORMIXDIR/etc/psm) – Informix C-ISAM tables (not the same as commercial product) – Keeps track of backup objects in PSM devices (except objects in EXTPOOL devices) – Must backup PSM catalog manually • Export the PSM catalog using “onpsm -C export”, then backup the psm_catalog.exp directory • PSM catalog is not backed up by onbar/PSM
  • 12. User Group Informix France onbar_d with PSMonbar_d with PSM onbar_d pmap while onbar/PSM backup is in progress – PSM shared library ( is loaded by onbar_d – It's the onbar_d process that writes to the PSM storage devices and updates the PSM catalog (see the PID in log files) 20081: /work2/PRODUCTS/12.10.FC1/bin/onbar_d -b -w -L 0 0000000000400000 3164K r-x-- /work2/PRODUCTS/12.10.FC1/bin/onbar_d 0000000000916000 96K rwx-- /work2/PRODUCTS/12.10.FC1/bin/onbar_d 000000000092e000 20496K rwx-- [ anon ] 0000000009fa5000 812K rwx-- [ anon ] ... 00002b2d20646000 1348K r-x-- /work2/PRODUCTS/12.10.FC1/lib/ 00002b2d20797000 2048K ----- /work2/PRODUCTS/12.10.FC1/lib/ 00002b2d20997000 44K rwx-- /work2/PRODUCTS/12.10.FC1/lib/ 00002b2d209a2000 636K rwx-- [ anon ] 00002b2d20a41000 8192K rwxs- [ shmid=0x7b9002e ] 00007fff8de67000 332K rwx-- [ stack ] ffffffffff600000 8192K ----- [ anon ] total 128964K
  • 13. User Group Informix France Setting up onbar/PSMSetting up onbar/PSM Decide where you will locate the PSM catalog – default $INFORMIXDIR/etc/psm Add devices to DBSPOOL, LOGPOOL – onpsm -D add /backups/psm_spaces -g DBSPOOL -p HIGH -t FILE – onpsm -D add /backups/psm_logs -g LOGPOOL -p HIGH -t FILE In ONCONFIG – Set BAR_BSALIB_PATH to full path to – Set PSM_CATALOG_PATH to full path to PSM catalog directory – Set PSM_DBS_POOL DBSPOOL – Set PSM_LOG_POOL LOGPOOL Take onbar backup View backup objects in PSM – onpsm -O list – onpsm -O detail -o <object_id_number> – onpsm -version all Best Practice Increase BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE to 128 or 256 for better performance with PSM ! If you do none of these things, then onbar backup will still work, but everything will go to defaults. HIGH is the default priority.
  • 14. User Group Informix France Archive Transfer Buffer SizeArchive Transfer Buffer Size ontape – Size of the data transfer buffer is TAPEBLK – TAPEBLK in ONCONFIG is specified in KBytes – Write and Read from TAPEDEV is via TAPEBLK size onbar – Size of the transfer buffer is BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE * bpage size – BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE in ONCONFIG is specified in Informix Base Page Size for the Platform • 2048 is base page size for Linux, Solaris, HP • 4096 is base page size for AIX, Mac, Windows – BSASendData and BSAGetData is via transfer buffer size
  • 15. User Group Informix France onbar/PSM Performance Advantageonbar/PSM Performance Advantage Only for PSM, can set BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE to be larger than 15 (for AIX, Windows) and 31 (for Linux, HP, Solaris) BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE is in base page sizes, so for all others – 15 is (15 * 4k) ==> 61440 bytes – 31 is (31 * 2k) ==> 63488 bytes – Data transfer buffer sizes are less than 64k For, PSM, you can set BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE to as high 32768 (not advisable – consider memory resources) If you are an ontape user and have TAPEBLK set to 512, then the analogous BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE would be 256 for Linux, HP, Solaris and 128 for AIX, Windows, Mac If you increase BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE, you may need to decrease BAR_NB_XPORT_COUNT if you've increased it greatly from default
  • 16. User Group Informix France Performance: ontape, onbar/ISM, onbar/PSMPerformance: ontape, onbar/ISM, onbar/PSM When the data transfer buffer size is the same, onbar/PSM performance is same as ontape for a single backup stream Since the maximum onbar/ISM data transfer buffer size is less than 64k, onbar/PSM performance is always better when BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE is set higher than the default values of 15 or 31 In internal tests, onbar/PSM performance has been faster by any where from 30 to 300 % , depending on the scenario One test scenario with single stream backup (BAR_MAX_BACKUP 1) ontape: data transfer buffer size 512k: 29 min 9 sec onbar/ISM: data transfer buffer size 60k: 1 hour 25 min 12 sec onbar/PSM: data transfer buffer size 512k: 29 min 22 sec
  • 17. User Group Informix France PSM FunctionalityPSM Functionality “onpsm -C” shows you PSM catalog options “onpsm -D” shows you PSM device options “onpsm -O” shows you PSM object options “onpsm -P” shows you PSM pool options Use onsmsync to expire objects and remove/delete objects from PSM storage – PSM does not have expiration policies – use onsmsync -i, -g, or -t – onsmsync -i, -g, -t options will delete entries from sysutils tables, ixbar file and PSM – Example: onsmsync -g 3 -cf yes Use BACKUP_FILTER, RESTORE_FILTER for compression, encryption – PSM does not have options for compression or encryption Use onsmsync -E to export objects from PSM Use onsmsync -I (capital i) to import objects into PSM The “–cf yes” option removes the critical files. onsmsync –i, –g, –t REMOVES PSM objects !
  • 18. User Group Informix France Imported Restore with PSMImported Restore with PSM Use onsmsync –E option to export to EXTPOOL -- objects in EXTPOOL are not tracked by the PSM catalog. Use onsmsync –I option to import from EXTPOOL to your PSM catalog. Production INFORMIXSERVER: ifx_prod PSM_CATALOG_PATH = /informix/psm_catalog_prod DBSPOOL : /prod/backup/psm_dbs LOGPOOL : /prod/backup/psm_logs EXTPOOL: /shared/psm_ext Test INFORMIXSERVER: ifx_test PSM_CATALOG_PATH = /informix/psm_catalog_test DBSPOOL: /test/backup/psm_dbs LOGPOOL: /test/backup/psm_logs EXTPOOL: /shared/psm_ext
  • 19. User Group Informix France Imported RestoreImported Restore Imported restore with PSM – Add a device to EXTPOOL – Export backup objects to EXTPOOL using onsmsync -E – Use any copy utility to copy the exported objects to the EXTPOOL device on the machine where the instance will be restored – Import backup objects from EXTPOOL using onsmsync -I (capital i) – Use onbar to restore the backup Can also use onsmsync -E to export backup objects for “off-PSM” storage – All the objects needed to restore a backup is copied to the EXTPOOL device – PSM does not keep track of objects in the EXTPOOL With onsmsync -E, manifest file (named is created that describes the objects.
  • 20. User Group Informix France PSM CatalogPSM Catalog PSM catalog backup -- IMPORTANT -- – onpsm -C export – Exported directory (psm_catalog.exp) is created in current working directory PSM catalog import – onpsm -C -init – onpsm -C import PSM – THESE COMMANDS ARE NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE ! – onpsm -C -init • Deletes the current PSM catalog – onpsm -C -init -d • Deletes the current PSM catalog and the objects referenced -- deletes/removes the objects from the storage devices!!! The exported directory, psm_catalog.exp should be backed up by the DBA or the Administrator – it is not backed up to PSM.
  • 21. User Group Informix France Disaster RecoveryDisaster Recovery Must backup the PSM catalog, it is not backed up by PSM – Export the PSM catalog using onpsm -C export and backup the exported catalog Recovery Scenarios – If you lose your Informix chunks, how will you recover? – If you lose the PSM catalog, how will you recover? – If you lose the storage devices (file systems where the backup objects are stored), how will you recover? – If you lose $INFORMIXDIR (lose ifxbar, ONCONFIG, oncfg, sqlhosts) ? There should be a recovery plan that covers the loss of all or any combination of above for all Informix instances!
  • 22. User Group Informix France onpsmonpsm --DD % onpsm -D Usage for Devices onpsm -D <add|del|modify|list> <Device options> add <path> -g <pool> -p <prio> -t <type> [-s <size> -b <blksize>] del <path> -d | -g <pool> [-y] list [ -u|-l <dev_def_file.txt> ] purge <path> scan <path> update <path> -g <pool> [-p <prio> ] [-s <size> ] add : Adds a new device to the system. del : Deletes a device from the system. list : Displays all devices in the system. purge : Removes from the catalog objects missing from the media. scan : Scans the media and adds orphan objects to the catalog. update : Modifies an existing device. path : Full path of the device. -b : Block size (Only for tapes). -d : Deletes the pool from all Pools and deletes backup objects. -g : Pool (ie DBSPOOL, LOGPOOL, EXTPOOL). -l : Load from a Device Definition file. -p : Priority of the device (HIGH or LOW). -s : Maximum size of the device (only for tapes). -t : Type of device (Currently only 'FILE'). -u : Unload to a Device Definition file. -y : Do not ask for confirmation to complete the action requested. Error -88303: Not enough arguments for option '-D'. also HIGHEST and READ-ONLY
  • 23. User Group Informix France PSM DevicesPSM Devices onpsm -D add <path> -g <pool> -p <prio> -t <type> – Priority can be “LOW”, “HIGH”, “HIGHEST”, “READ-ONLY” – “HIGHEST” is used first – Can only have one “HIGHEST” per pool – Can have multiple HIGH or LOW – cannot choose which device among HIGH or LOW are used first – When a device becomes full, it is set to “READ-ONLY” (see Prio column) – priority must be changed manually if more space is added to the device onpsm -D purge <path> – Removes from the catalog objects missing from the media onpsm -D scan <path> – Scans the media and adds orphan objects to the catalog – May be helpful when catalog is lost ...
  • 24. User Group Informix France PSM DevicesPSM Devices –– Best PracticeBest Practice For simplicity, assign different devices to DBSPOOL, LOGPOOL, etc. In production, always use onsmsync to delete objects Do not use “onpsm –D <path> -d” in production Best Practice • What does “onpsm –D <path> -d” do? – Erases ALL objects from ALL pools that use that device – Also, the command can be used to remove objects from devices that have been removed from PSM – Command is only for test/QA systems Do not use in production !
  • 25. User Group Informix France Example: onpsmExample: onpsm ––D listD list $ onpsm -D list ... Type Prio Block/Size (MB) Pool Name Device Name FILE LOW --/-- DBSPOOL /work2/PRODUCTS/12.10.FC1/backups FILE READ-ONLY --/-- DBSPOOL /work4/vegah/psm1 FILE READ-ONLY --/-- DBSPOOL /work4/vegah/psm2 FILE READ-ONLY --/-- DBSPOOL /work4/vegah/psm3 FILE LOW --/-- DBSPOOL /work4/vegah/psm_low ... $ onpsm -D list Informix PSM Device List Type Prio Block/Size (MB) Pool Name Device Name FILE LOW --/-- DBSPOOL /work2/PRODUCTS/12.10.FC1/backups FILE HIGHEST --/-- DBSPOOL /work4/vegah/psm1 FILE HIGH --/-- DBSPOOL /work4/vegah/psm2 FILE HIGH --/-- DBSPOOL /work4/vegah/psm3 FILE LOW --/-- DBSPOOL /work4/vegah/psm_low FILE LOW --/-- LOGPOOL /work2/PRODUCTS/12.10.FC1/backups FILE HIGH --/-- EXTPOOL /work4/vegah/psm_export For simplicity, assign one device per pool, but if needed, you can assign more. Each device is used, in turn, until full, then set to READ-ONLY.
  • 26. User Group Informix France Example: onpsmExample: onpsm ––O listO list $ onpsm -O detail -o 36 Informix PSM Object Detail List Object ID : 36 XBSA PATH : /vegah_tcp/rootdbs/0 XBSA CopyId : 0:36 Object Type : R Object version : 6 Physical pieces : /work4/vegah/psm1/vegah_tcp/rootdbs/0/vegah_tcp.6.1 /work4/vegah/psm2/vegah_tcp/rootdbs/0/vegah_tcp.6.2 /work4/vegah/psm3/vegah_tcp/rootdbs/0/vegah_tcp.6.3 Number of pieces: 3 $ onpsm -O list Informix PSM Object List Object ID Date Created Size (MB) Logical path (name.version) 11 2013-02-15 14:28:27 14.5 /vegah_tcp/rootdbs/0/vegah_tcp.1 12 2013-02-15 14:28:28 0.0 /vegah_tcp/critical_files/ixbar/vegah_tcp.1 13 2013-02-15 14:28:28 0.0 /vegah_tcp/critical_files/oncfg/vegah_tcp.1 14 2013-02-15 14:28:28 0.1 /vegah_tcp/critical_files/onconfig/vegah_tcp.1 15 2013-02-15 14:28:28 0.0 /vegah_tcp/critical_files/sqlhosts/vegah_tcp.1 ... 36 2013-02-18 17:42:43 16.2 /vegah_tcp/rootdbs/0/vegah_tcp.6 37 2013-02-18 17:42:44 0.0 /vegah_tcp/critical_files/ixbar/vegah_tcp.6 ... To see details for multiple objects, use “–o 36 –o 37 –o 38” format
  • 27. User Group Informix France Backup Object Naming ConventionBackup Object Naming Convention Name path is relative to device – Level # – 0, 1, or 2 for Level 0, 1, or 2 – Object version – number, starting from 1, incremented for every new backup – Piece – number, starting from 1, notes the pieces of the same backup object Space -- Uses dbspace name Logs -- Uses servernum and log unique id Spaces <DBSERVERNAME>/<dbspace>/<level#>/<DBSERVERNAME>.<Obj Version>.<piece> /work4/vegah/psm1/vegah_tcp/dbs2/0/vegah_tcp.3.1 Logs <DBSERVERNAME>/<SERVERNUM>/<UNIQUEID>/<DBSERVERNAME>.<Obj Version>.<piece> /work4/vegah/psm_logs/vegah_tcp/15/43/vegah_tcp.1.1
  • 28. User Group Informix France EXTPOOL Objects ...EXTPOOL Objects ... Objects in EXTPOOL have a different naming convention – Filename_prefix is the name you gave in -p option to onsmsync -E Objects in EXTPOOL are not tracked by PSM Spaces in EXTPOOL <device>/<filename_prefix>/<DBSERVERNAME>/<DBSPACE>/<LEVEL> /work4/vegah/psm_export/backup_feb27_13_34_00/vegah_tcp/dbs2/0 Logs in EXTPOOL <device>/<filename_prefix>/<DBSERVERNAME>/<SERVERNUM>/<UNIQUEID> /work4/vegah/psm_export/backup_feb27_13_34_00/vegah_tcp/15/45
  • 29. User Group Informix France PSMPSM –– Useful CommandsUseful Commands onpsm -V, -version, -version all – -version all includes information about the PSM library onpsm -h, onpsm -H onpsm -C detail – Displays the location of the PSM catalog onpsm -D list – Displays devices onpsm -O list – Displays backup objects and sizes of objects onpsm -O detail -o <object_id_number> -o <object_id> -o <object_id> ... – Displays detail information about the backup object(s) specified, including the location of the backup pieces – When a device becomes full, the backup is continued on a different device (chosen in priority order)
  • 30. User Group Informix France In onconfig.stdIn onconfig.std ################################################################### # Primary Storage Manager (PSM) Configuration Parameters ################################################################### # PSM_ACT_LOG - The ON-Bar activity log file location. # Do not use the /tmp directory. Use a # directory with restricted permissions. # If not set the value of BAR_ACT_LOG is used. # PSM_DEBUG_LOG - The PSM debug log file location. # Do not use the /tmp directory. Use a # directory with restricted permissions. # If not set the value of BAR_DEBUG_LOG is used. # PSM_DEBUG - The debug level for PSM. Acceptable # values are 0 (off) through 9 (high). # If not set the value of BAR_DEBUG is used. # PSM_CATALOG_PATH - The directory that will hold the PSM catalog # The default is $INFORMIXDIR/etc/psm. # PSM_DBS_POOL - The Pool where to place dbspace data. # The default is "DBSPOOL" # PSM_LOG_POOL - The Pool where to place log data. # The default is "LOGPOOL" ################################################################### PSM_DBS_POOL DBSPOOL PSM_LOG_POOL LOGPOOL
  • 31. User Group Informix France PSM_CATALOG_PATHPSM_CATALOG_PATH $ onpsm -h The Informix PSM catalog is not present in the '/work2/PRODUCTS/12.10.FC1/etc/psm/' directory. The system will try to create it. Informix PSM catalog creation in the '/work2/PRODUCTS/12.10.FC1/etc/psm/' directory succeeded. Usage … Must be set in environment or in the ONCONFIG – Environment variable has precedence – Set in ONCONFIG If not, onpsm will use the default directory – onpsm will create a new set of catalog if none exists in the default directory (see example below) Best Practice Tip: Need to set environment variable for “onbar –r –cf yes”
  • 32. User Group Informix France Multiple Informix Instances on Same HostMultiple Informix Instances on Same Host Should each Informix instance on the same machine have its own unique PSM_CATALOG_PATH or share the same one? Each instance has its own PSM catalog – Makes sense if the activities of the Informix instances are completely unrelated, belongs to different groups, or if one is a test instance – Be careful that the same devices are not being tracked by different PSM instances – Will need to set separate environment, run onpsm commands for each PSM catalog/instance – Will need to backup multiple PSM catalogs One PSM instance for multiple Informix instances – Consider creating unique pools for each instance – Assign different devices to each pool Best Practice
  • 33. User Group Informix France Example: onpsmExample: onpsm ––C detailC detail $ onpsm -C detail Informix Primary Storage Manager State: PSM Unique ID : 1360897216 Catalog Location : /work4/vegah/psm_catalog/ Catalog State : Locked Catalog Owner : 184 Catalog Lock Mode: Regular Sessions: Session ID Process ID 184 28672 Informix PSM Locked Objects Session Object Id Date Time Server Object Name 0 11 2013-02-18 13:29:34 /vegah_tcp /vegah_tcp/rootdbs/0 -- Can have multiple sessions running but only one can be the catalog owner -- The process id should belong to either onbar_d, onsmsync, or onpsm -- Can have Locked Objects without the catalog being locked
  • 34. User Group Informix France Example: Imported Restore (Export)Example: Imported Restore (Export) Run “onpsm -D list” and check that you have a device in the EXTPOOL $ cd /work4/vegah/psm_export/backup_feb27_13_34_00 $ ls -1 <--- manifest file – contents look like an ixbar file of exported objects vegah_tcp <--- contains directories called rootdbs, dbs1, … , critical files, 15 FILE HIGH --/-- EXTPOOL /work4/vegah/psm_export onsmsync -E -p backup_feb27_13_34_00 -t '2013-02-27 13:34:00' SERVERNUM is 15. • Look in EXTPOOL device (/work4/vegah/psm_export) for a subdirectory with the prefix you've specified • Decide which generation of backups to export, and run onsmsync
  • 35. User Group Informix France Example: Imported Restore (Import)Example: Imported Restore (Import) Copy the exported directory (backup_feb27_13_34_00 ) to the EXTPOOL device of the PSM of the new instance to be restored – onsmsync -I (capital i) command will import the backup objects from the EXTPOOL into the DBSPOOL, LOGPOOL (See notes for details.) – Entries in the file will be used to create a new ixbar file onsmsync -I -p backup_feb27_13_34_00 This command brings the objects from the EXTPOOL into the PSM catalog and into the PSM pools that are tracked in the catalog.
  • 36. User Group Informix France Example: Imported Restore (Import cont'd)Example: Imported Restore (Import cont'd) The instance into which the backup objects are being imported can have a different SERVERNUM and DBSERVERNAME. The new ixbar file that's created during the import operation will have the current instance's DBSERVERNAME. The imported logical log backup objects will be stored in PSM using the current instance's SERVERNUM When the imported objects are brought into the new PSM catalog, they are brought in with the exact same copyid as in the file. If the PSM catalog the objects are being imported into already have that copyid (object id) in use, then you will get an error.
  • 37. User Group Informix France Example: Imported Restore (Import cont'd)Example: Imported Restore (Import cont'd) Current instance DBSERVERNAME = vegah_new, servernum 30 Objects exported from DBSERVERNAME = vegah_tcp, servernum 15 onpsm -O list (after import operation) Object ID Date Created Size (MB) Logical path (name.version) 1 2013-02-27 19:44:11 13.4 /vegah_new/rootdbs/0/vegah_new.1 2 2013-02-27 19:44:12 6.6 /vegah_new/30/3/vegah_new.1 ... 31 2013-02-27 19:45:16 0.1 /vegah_new/critical_files/onconfig/vegah_new.4 32 2013-02-27 19:45:16 0.0 /vegah_new/critical_files/sqlhosts/vegah_new.4 229 2013-02-27 21:32:58 0.0 /vegah_tcp/30/45/vegah_tcp.1 230 2013-02-27 21:32:58 0.0 /vegah_tcp/30/46/vegah_tcp.1 231 2013-02-27 21:32:57 20.6 /vegah_tcp/rootdbs/0/vegah_tcp.1 232 2013-02-27 21:32:57 5.5 /vegah_tcp/dbs1/0/vegah_tcp.1 233 2013-02-27 21:32:58 5.5 /vegah_tcp/dbs3/0/vegah_tcp.1 234 2013-02-27 21:32:58 5.5 /vegah_tcp/dbs2/0/vegah_tcp.1 235 2013-02-27 21:32:58 0.1 /vegah_tcp/30/47/vegah_tcp.1 244 2013-02-27 21:32:58 0.1 /vegah_tcp/30/48/vegah_tcp.1 ...
  • 38. User Group Informix France Local (PSM) vs Enterprise (TSM)Local (PSM) vs Enterprise (TSM) Informix instance 1 Informix instance 2 PSM_CATALOG_PATH = /informix/psm_catalog PSM storage must be locally visible. Informix instance 1 PSM_CATALOG_PATH = /informix/psm_catalog1 Informix instance 2 PSM_CATALOG_PATH = /informix/psm_catalog2 PSM storage must be locally visible. TSM Server -- Enterprise storage server features -- Manages multiple device types -- May be part of an enterprise vault Informix instance 1 Informix instance 2 TSM Client installed Informix instance 1 Informix instance 2 TSM Client installed
  • 39. User Group Informix France onbar with Other Storage Managersonbar with Other Storage Managers PSM is not an enterprise storage manager PSM only supports file system storage devices Other storage managers – May provide enterprise solutions and features – May provide support for a variety of storage devices – May provide features like compression and encryption -- Enterprise storage managers can provide benefits that PSM cannot. -- For example, using an enterprise solution storage manager may mean that your Informix backups go directly into the enterprise storage vaults (something can’t go wrong between a successful Informix backup and a file system backup to storage vaults).
  • 40. User Group Informix France SummarySummary With PSM, 12.1 allows users to set up their backups more easily than ever before Faster backup and restore performance is possible with onbar/PSM (need to increase BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE) onbar/PSM allows ontape users an easy migration path Can use onbar/PSM on test systems (even for those who use onbar with other storage managers) 12.1 provides the backup and restore option that people have been asking for
  • 41. User Group Informix France Questions and AnswersQuestions and Answers PSMPSM Backup and RestoreBackup and Restore faster and easier with Informix 12.1faster and easier with Informix 12.1
  • 42. User Group Informix France MerciMerci Frédéric DELEST Hyun-ju VEGA Jeudi 12 Septembre 2013Jeudi 12 Septembre 2013
  • 43. User Group Informix France Appendix: Miscellaneous NotesAppendix: Miscellaneous Notes Ontape Onbar SQL Admin API and PSM
  • 44. User Group Informix France OntapeOntape Simple to set up and run Serial backup of dbspaces Whole system backup only STDIO (Informix 10 feature) Backup to directories (Informix 11 feature) Backup verification via stand-alone archecker BACKUP_FILTER, RESTORE_FILTER – ontape Logical Log backups support in 11.50.xC2 Backup to cloud (Amazon cloud aware) SQL Admin API for ontape backup (11.70.xC2) – Execute function task ("ontape archive", "/local/backup_dir/"); OAT 2.73 (Configure ontape backup)
  • 45. User Group Informix France ontapeontape –– Quick SetupQuick Setup ontape backup to directory – Simple setup – Option for non-interactive mode – No catalog – you need to keep track of restore info In ONCONFIG: TAPEDEV /informix/backup_dir LTAPEDEV /informix/backup_dir ALARMPROGRAM $INFORMIXDIR/etc/ In file: BACKUPLOGS=Y BACKUP_CMD=“ontape –a –d” Backup/archive files are created for you in TAPEDEV, LTAPEDEV directories. Serial backups
  • 46. User Group Informix France onbar and storage manageronbar and storage manager onbar communicates with the Storage Manger via XBSA Unattended operations – need to look at BAR_ACT_LOG Multiple activity logs – BAR_ACT_LOG – Storage manager activity logs BAR_BSALIB_PATH ONCONFIG – $INFORMIXDIR/lib/libbsapsm.[so] onbar can be used with other storage managers – For example, to use onbar with TSM, must install and configure the TSM client on the database server machine and TSM server must be available – Configure TSM and configure onbar to use TSM – Set BAR_BSALIB_PATH ONCONFIG parameter to $INFORMIXDIR/lib/libtxbsa.[so] PSM uses BAR_ACT_LOG by default ! For PSM
  • 47. User Group Informix France onbar ONCONFIG Parametersonbar ONCONFIG Parameters BAR_MAX_BACKUP – Determine number of parallel backup streams – 0 is unlimited for backup and restore – rootdbs is always backed up first and by itself BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE – Data transfer buffer size (value is in base page size) – For PSM, this value can be as high as 32768 (for other storage managers, the max is 15 or 31, depending on platform) BAR_NB_XPORT_COUNT – Number of data transfer buffers PER backup stream BAR_ACT_LOG, BAR_DEBUG_LOG, BAR_DEBUG – PSM uses these by default
  • 48. User Group Informix France PSMPSM –– SQL Admin API commandsSQL Admin API commands onpsm commands can be run via SQL Admin API – Execute function sysadmin:task() – Execute function sysadmin:admin() Maximum of 6 arguments to task() and admin() First argument is “onpsm” Example: (in sysadmin database) Execute function task ("onpsm", "-D add", "/informix/backups", "-g DBSPOOL", "-t FILE"); Execute function task(“onpsm”, “-D list”); Execute function task (“onpsm”, “-version all”);