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         2012 International VRF-China MasterClass on Vitiligo
                       and Pigmentary Disorders
      2012 International VRF-China Master Class on Vitiligo and Pigmentary Disorders

   Vitiligo Research Foundation, VRF
     China Medical University
     Shenyang Institute of Science and Technology
                         2012年11月16-18日 16-18 November, 2012 中国 沈阳 shenyang, China
2012-11-17 周六上午
陈洪铎 教授
                  Pro. Hong-Duo Chen
 中国工程院院士陈洪铎教授是皮肤性病学界国际知名专家。
  国际美容皮 肤 科学会副会 长 、J Appl Cosmetol和Int J
  Biomed Sci(美国)副主编,中华皮肤科杂志总编辑等。

  An Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, is Professor of
  Dermatology, Honorary President of NO.1 Hospital of China Medical
  University, Director of Key Laboratory of Immunodermatology of the Ministry
  of Health, Member of Board of Directors of International Society of
  Dermatology, Vice-president of International Society of Cosmetic Dermatology,
  International Honorary Member of American Dermatological Association,
  Associate Editor of J Appl Cosmetol, Associate Editor of Int J Biomed Sci and
  Editor in Chief of Chinese Jouranl of Dermatology.
Mr.Yan Valle
                                 户群的交叉知识背景的结果为导向的CEO。 以其多样的教育背
   MSc, MBA, Chief Executive Director
   Yan Valle, a long-time vitiligo sufferer, is an outcomes-driven CEO with cross-border knowledge of
    bio-IT systems, biobanking and important customer segments. He has a diverse educational
    background which led to his experience across many disciplines. He received his Master of Science in
    Electroengineering, continued education in Business Administration in 1996, and finally focused on
    high-tech projects development after receiving Microsoft certifications in 2000. Prior to joining the
    VRF in 2010, he was a Director of Business Development at a leading technology company in Toronto.
    Yan had started his career in business consulting industry in mid-90’s, working with Fortune 500
    companies, governments and venture funds in emerging markets of EEMEA and LATAM. Today,
    Yan works on data-powered personalized health solutions and leads an integrated biobanking / bio-
    IT project development.
Pro. Torello lotti
                                   意大利罗马马可尼大学的教授,皮肤性病科教授兼系主任.
                                   中国医科大学名誉教授。
                                   费城托马斯杰斐逊大学,捷克共和国布拉格查尔斯大学,鲍曼灰大
                                   意大利学会皮肤性病学主席,国际皮肤科学会主席,欧洲化妆美容
                                    学会论坛主席, 《银屑病》《欧洲科学院皮肤性病学杂志》主编

   Full Professor of the Dermatology and Venereology at University of Studies Guglielmo Marconi, Rome, Italy.
   Honorary Professor of Dermatology - China Medical University Shenyang
   Visiting Professor& Director, International Centre for Balneology, Cell Biology, and Physiotherapy Thomas
    Jefferson University, Philadelphia , Dermatology, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, Bowman Gray
    University, Winston Salem , University of Louisville, Louisville , Medical University of South Carolina,
    Charleston, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
   President of the Italian Society of Dermatology and Venereology, International Society of Dermatology , the
    European Society for Cosmetic and Aesthetic Dermatology, the 13th Congress of the European Academy of
    Dermatology and Venereology
   Chairman Congress Forum of the American Academy of Dermatology
   Editor in Chief of the Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology ,“Psoriasis”
Pro. Jana Hercogovà
                          医学博士,哲学博士,布拉格查尔斯大学第二医学院皮肤性病学系主
                          捷克皮肤性病协会委员,捷克“欧洲黑素瘤日联合发起人。
                          意大利锡耶纳大学客座教授,意大利Donne Dermatologhe国际委员
                          大学附属布洛瓦克医院科学委员会成员
                          捷克激光学会副主席
                          捷克皮肤病与性病学院主席
                          国际皮肤科学会导师
                          国际委员会委员女性皮肤学会
                          欧洲的化妆品和美容皮肤科学会副主席
   MD, PhD, is Chairwoman of Dermatology and Venereology Department at 2nd Medical School, Charles University
   Board Member Czech Society of Dermatology and Venereology,Co-ordinator Euromelanoma Day in the Czech
   Visiting Professor: University of Siena, Italy, International Committee Donne Dermatologhe Italia, Scientific Board
    Member: University Hospital Bulovka
   Vice-President :Czech Laser Society
   President Czech Academy of Dermatology and Venereology;International Fellowship Mentor International Society of
    Dermatology;International Committee Member Women´s Dermatologic Socie。
   Vice President European Society for Cosmetic and Aesthetic Dermatology
张学军 教授
                              Pro. Xue-jun Zhang
   安徽医科大学校长 主任医师、教授、博士生导师
   皮肤病学国家重点实验室培育基地主任
   皮肤病学教育部重点实验室主任、安徽医科大学皮肤病研究所所长
   国际皮肤科学会联盟常务理事
   中华医学会皮肤性病学分会名誉主任委员
   中国医师协会皮肤科医师分会副会长
   J Invest Dermatol、Brit J Dermatol、J Dermatol Sci,Int J Dermatol编
    委、美国著名医疗中心Mayo Clinic、加拿大大不列颠哥伦比亚大学客
    President of Anhui Medical University
    Director of the State Key Dermatology Laboratory Breeding Base
    Director of the Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Dermatology
    Director of the Anhui Medical University Institute of Dermatology,
    Executive director of the International Society of Dermatology Union
    Honorary President OF Chinese Society of Dermatology
    Vice president of Dermatologists Branch of the Chinese Medical Association,
    SCI indexed journals J Invest Dermatol, Brit J Dermatol, J Dermatol Sci Int J Dermatol editorial
     board., Visiting professor OF the Mayo Clinic ,University of British Columbia, Canada、Jieping
     Medical Prize Committee. National Natural Science Foundation of Medical Sciences of the Expert
     Advisory Committee.
张建中 教授
                       Pro. Jian-zhong Zhang
                              北京大学皮肤性病学系主任 主任医师,教授,博士生导师
                              北京大学人民医院皮肤科主任
                              中华医学会皮肤性病学分会主任委员
                              国际皮肤科联盟中国理事
                              中华医学会皮肤性病学分会免疫学组组长
                              特应性皮炎研究首席专家、欧洲皮肤科学会会员
                              《中华皮肤科杂志》、《中国皮肤性病学杂志》、《临床皮肤科
                            《Chinese Medical Journal》编委、《British Journal of
                               Dermatology》、《Journal of Dermatological Science》特约审稿
                              人。
    Head of the Department of Dermatology of Peking University
   Director of dermatology OF Peking University People's Hospital,
   President OF Chinese Society of Dermatology
   Board of China OF Iternational Dermatology Alliance
   Team Leader OF Chinese Medical Dermatology Immunology Association.
   Chief expert of Atopic dermatitis Research, Member of the European Academy of Dermatology
   Chinese Journal of Dermatology,Chinese Journal of Dermatovenereology, Clinical
    Dermatology magazine deputy editor,Chinese Medical Journal editorial board "British
    Journal of Dermatology, Journal of Dermatological Science" freelance reviewer.
涂平 教授 Pro. Ping Tu
                             北京大学皮肤性病学系副主任 主任医师,教授,博
                             中华医学会皮肤科学会皮肤组织病理学组副组长
                             北京大学第一医院皮肤性病科副主任
                             中华医学会皮肤科学会皮肤组织病理学组副组长
                             中央保健会诊专家
                             任《临床皮肤科杂志》、《国际皮肤性病学杂志》、

   Deputy director of the Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Peking University
    physician, professor and PhD mentor.
   deputy head of Chinese Medical Association Academy of Dermatology skin histopathology,
   Deputy director of the Department of Dermatology, Peking University First Hospital
   Chinese Medical Association Academy of Dermatology skin histopathology, deputy head of
   Central health expert consultation of Central Committee
   Any "Journal of Clinical Dermatology", "International Journal of Dermatovenereology
    Dermatology Journal" magazine Editor.
刘玮 教授 Pro. Liu Wei
                                北京空军总医院皮肤科主任医师,主任医师,博士生导师
                                国家卫生部化妆品评审委员会主任委员
                                全国化妆品卫生标准委员会委员兼秘书长
                                中国光生物学及光化学专业委员会主任委员
                                中国医师协会、容与整形医师分会副主任委员
                                中华工商联美容化妆品商会专家委员会副主任委员
                                中国中西医结合学会变态反应专业委员会委员
                                中国中西医结合学会皮肤性病分会治疗学研究会副主任委员
                                中华医学会医学美容分会青年学术委员会副主任委员
                                中华医学会医学美容分会医疗美容法规研究组成员
                                全军性病爱滋病防治技术指导专家组成员;国际皮肤科学会会员
                                《中华皮肤科杂志》、《中华医学美容杂志》、《中国美容医学杂

Chairman : Department    of Dermatology, General Hospital Air Force
Photobiology and photochemistry Committee China CIE

Vice Chairman:     National Standard Committee of Cosmetics , Ministry of Health (MOH), P.
R. China, Society of Medical Cosmetology,   China Medical Association
项蕾红 教授 Pro.Flora Xiang
                               上海华山医院皮肤科副主任。
                               主任医师,教授、硕士生导师
                               中华医学会皮肤性病学会青年委员
                               中西医结合皮肤性病学会痤疮学组副组长
                               中华医学会上海医学美容与美学学会委员
                               教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金的评审专家。

   deputy director of dermatology dep.of Shanghai Huashan Hospital,.
   Chinese Medical Association Youth Committee of the Society of Dermatology and
   Deputy head of the Institute of Dermatology and Venereology acne study group
   Member of the Chinese Medical Association Shanghai Medical Beauty & Aesthetics Academy
   the returned overseas students evaluation experts of the Scientific Research Foundation
    of the Ministry of Education,,
宋智琦 教授
                    Pro.Zhi-qi Song
   大连医科大学第一医院皮肤科副主任 教授 博士生导师

 Professor and PhD supervisor
 Chinese Medical Association Dermatology experiment study group members,
 Board of the Medical Association of Dermatology and Venereology Committee
  ,Liaoning Province,
 Secretary OF Dalian Medical Dermatology and Venereology Committee ,
  Liaoning Province,
齐瑞群 博士 Dr.Rui-Qun QI
                  皮肤性病学博士,学术学位。先后在中国医科大学及美国
                   Henry Ford Health System学习。
                  在 学 期 间 以 第 一 作 者 在 Hepatology , IF : 11.665 ; J
                   Invest Dermatol , IF: 6.314 ; J Dermatol Sci ,IF :
                   以共同作者在J Infect Dis,PLoS One,Antiviral Re,
                  本次白癜风会议 秘书长及联系人。

Doctor of dermatology, study in china medical University and Henry Ford Health System
in USA
Qi has published several English articles published in Hepatology(IF:11.665),J Invest
Dermatol(IF:6.314),J Dermatol Sci(IF:3.718) J Infect Dis,PLoS One,Antiviral Re,
Apoptosis ect.
The secretary and contact person of this meeting.
2012-11-17 周六下午
高天文 教授,Pro.Tian-wen Gao
                        1983年毕业于第四军医大学医疗系后留皮肤科;
                        1986至1992年在第三军医大学获硕士、博士学位
                        1994至1996年在美国完成博士后训练后回国,
                        先后负责过9项国家研究课题,以第一负责人获得
   Graduated in 1983from the Medical Department of the Fourth Military Medical
    University; got the master IN the Third Military Medical University from 1986 to 1992,
    , doctorate and returned to the Xijing Hospital Dermatology; completed postdoctoral
    training in the United States from 1994 to 1996 after returning in 1997as Division
    Director. Has been responsible for more than nine national research project, two
    military scientific and technological progress second prize and a military medical
    prize. Chinese Pharmaceutical Technology Ten News discovered a new disease, post-
    traumatic fatal bacteria granuloma "was selected.
Dr. Andy Goren
                                              转基因微生物的突破为基础的治疗雄激素介导的皮肤疾病(脱发
                                              2007年-2012年DERMAGENOMA,INC。 - 主席兼行政总裁
                                              第一个分子皮肤科公司的联合创始人。已开发5个产品线,涉及分
                                              2004-2007年BIOQ - 总裁兼首席科学官,INC。2001年至2004年
                                               MOBILEWISE,INC。 - 主席兼行政总裁,1997年至2001年GEEPS,
                                               INC - 行政总裁,1995年至1997年LAPJACK,INC。 - 主席兼行政

   Founder of breakthrough genetically modified microorganism based therapy for androgen mediated dermatological
    conditions (hair loss and acne). Responsible for research and development, clinical studies, regulatory affairs, intellectual
    property strategy and publications. Initial clinical study expected to be completed in early 2013.
   Co-Founder of first molecular dermatology company. Developed 5 product lines in molecular diagnostic in dermatology.
    Managed day to day operation from idea development, fund raising, regulatory strategy, intellectual property strategy to
    marketing and sales. Developed international market with distribution in 6 continents and over 30 countries. Company
Pro. Robert A. Schwartz
                           新泽西州医学院学院皮肤科教授兼系主任,
                           内科教授,儿科学教授,病理学教授,预防医学和社区
                           Am Fam Phys, Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia, Cesko-
                            Slov Derm, Dermatology, Dermatol Klin, JEADV, Int J
                            Dermatol, Med Mycol, Postepy Dermatol, Indian J Derm,
                            Res Commun Molec Pathol Pharm, Ukr J Derm编委

   Professor and Head, Dermatology; Professor of Medicine; Professor of Pediatrics ; Professor of Pathology,
    Professor of Preventive Medicine and Community Health, New Jersey Medical School
   Memberships: Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society ; Associate Editor: Cutis, Dermatology , Acta Croatica,
    Mycoses; Asst Ed: J Am Acad Dermatol; Editor, Acta Dermatovenerol ,Contributing Editor, Dermatol
    Surg, J Surg Oncol; Medical Editor, eMed Dermatol
   Editorial Boards: Am Fam Phys, Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia, Cesko-Slov Derm, Dermatology,
    Dermatol Klin, JEADV, Int J Dermatol, Med Mycol, Postepy Dermatol, Indian J Derm, Res Commun
    Molec Pathol Pharm, Ukr J Derm President, Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society, NJMS ‘89, ‘99, 2001,
    2007, 2009
涂彩霞 教授 Pro.Cai-xia Tu
      医学博士,教授博士生导师。
      大连医科大学附属二院皮肤教研室主任、科主任
      中华医学会辽宁省皮肤性病学分会 副主任委员
      中华医学会辽宁省激光医学分会 副主任委员,
      中华医学会大连皮肤性病学会分会 副主任委员,
      中国中西医结合学会变态反应专业委员会 副主任委员,
      中国中西医结合学会皮肤性病专委会 委员
      中华医学会医学美学与美容学会美容皮肤科学组 副组长
      中国医师协会美容与整形医师学会 委员
    担任临床皮肤科杂志、中国皮肤性病学杂志、中国麻风皮

MD, PhD supervisor. Directorof the Second Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University, Department
Director, served as the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and provincial key academic
leaders, vice chairman of the Chinese Medical Association of Liaoning Province Dermatology
laser medicine branch of the Chinese Medical Association, Liaoning Province,
deputy director of member of China Association of Integrative Medicine to the members of the special
committee of Dermatology and Venereology, vice chairman of allergy professional Committee of the China
Association of Integrative Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine National disease Research, Chinese Medical
Association Medical Institution of Aesthetics and Beauty Beauty skin Science deputy head.
杨慧兰 教授 Pro. Hui-lan Yang
                       广州军区总医院皮肤科
                       主任医师,教授,科室负责人,硕士生导师。
                       广州军区皮肤激光整形中心主任兼皮肤科主任,广
                       中国医师协会皮肤科分会常务委员,广东省激光医

   Guangzhou General Hospital of Guangzhou Military Command
   Chief physician, professor, department head, MD, Master Instructor. Chairman of Guangzhou
    Military Region skin laser surgery center director of the Dermatology Director,
    Dermatology Professional Committee of the Guangzhou Military Region. The Standing
    Committee of the dermatology branch of the Chinese Medical Association, vice chairman of
    the Medical Association of Guangdong Province, laser, Managing Editor of the Chinese
    Journal of Aesthetic Medicine, Cosmetic Science Committee of the Chinese Integrative
    Medicine Association Standing Committee.
马东来 教授
                     Pro. Dong-Lai Ma
                           北京协和医院皮肤科
                           主任医师,教授,博士生导师。
                           皮肤科杂志、中华临床免疫和变态反应杂志编委。
                            现为中华皮肤科杂志、中华医学杂志、Eur J
                            Dermatol和《Chinese Medical Journal》的审稿人
                           中华医学会皮肤性病学分会皮肤病理学组成员。

 Beijing Union Medical College Hospital Dermatology
 editorial board of Journal of Clinical Dermatology, the the Journal of Clinical
  Immunology and Allergy magazine. Now Chinese Journal of Dermatology,
  Chinese Medical Journal, Eur J Dermatol and the Chinese Medical Journal
 Chinese Medical Association Dermatology credits dermatopathology group
许爱娥 教授 Pro.Ai'e Xu
                            享受国务院政府特殊津贴的专家,全国十届人大代表。
                            杭州市第三人民医院副院长、皮肤科主任、主任医师,教授,硕
                            浙江省中西医结合皮肤病研究中心主任
                            杭州市皮肤性病研究所所长
                            是国家中管局重点专病、省级医学重点学科带头人。
                            担任中国中西医结合皮肤性病专业委员会常委
                            全国皮肤色素病研究会主任委员
                            浙江省皮肤性病专业委员会副主任委员,浙江省性病艾滋病防治

   Enjoy special government allowances, the Tenth People's Congress.
   Vice president OF Third People's Hospital, Hangzhou , director of dermatology Dep.
   director of Integrative dermatology research Center ,Zhejiang Province
   Director of the Hangzhou Institute of Dermatology and Venereology
   Provincial key medical disciplines leader.
   As Chinese Integrative Dermatology Professional Committee Standing Committee
   Chairman of the National pigmentation of the skin disease research Academic positions, vice chairman
    of the Professional Committee of Zhejiang Dermatology, STD and AIDS Prevention Association, executive
    director of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou, Dermatology Professional Committee chairman.
吴严 教授 Pro. Yan Wu
                              副主任医师,硕士生导师
                              主要研究方向:美容皮肤病学、激光/光免疫皮肤
                              博士毕业于中国医科大学,博士期间师从中国工程
                              主要研究方向为光免疫学、美容皮肤病学、皮肤循

   Professor of Department of Dermatology, No.1 Hospital of China Medical University. PhD
    degree of Dermatology was obtained in 2008 from China Medical University and her
    doctoral tutor was Hong-Duo Chen, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering. Main
    research interests is the field of evidence-based medicine, cosmetic dermatology, photo-
    biomedicine and laser treatment.
   Main scientific achievements: Author of 59 original articles (including 20 SCI papers).
    She currently has a program on Mechanism Study of Photoprotective Effect of Resveratrol
    on Ultraviolet Irradiated Fibroblast supported by the Program for Ministry of Education
    in Colleges and Universities.
李铁男 教授,Pro.Tie-nan Li
                        现任沈阳市第七人民医院院长、沈阳市皮肤病医院院长,沈
                        沈阳市、辽宁省及国家中医药管理局重点学科的带头人。
                        中国中西医结合学会皮肤性病专业委员会副主委兼美容学组
                        并任《中国中西医结合皮肤性病杂志》、《中国真菌病学杂
   President of the Seventh People's Hospital of Shenyang City, Dermatology Hospital Dean,
    Shenyang City, director of the Institute of Dermatology. Shenyang City,
    Leaders of key disciplines of the State Administration of Traditional Liaoning Province .
    Served as vice-chairman and chief cosmetology Team Leader of the China Association of
    Integrative Medicine Dermatology professional committee dermatology branch of the
    Committee of the Chinese Medical Association, Member of the Professional Committee, deputy
    director of Dermatology Association Liaoning Province,
   Committee chairman of Shenyang City Dermatology Professional. Chinese Integrative
    Medicine Dermatology magazine, "China mycosis Journal" magazine Editor.
宋坪 博士, Dr.Ping Song
                      中国中医科学院广安门医院国际医疗部主任,皮肤
                      主持并承担国家级、部局级科研课题7项;近5年在
   Dr. Song is now a 
                      chief physician of dermatology. She obtained her Ph.D. and M.D. at
    Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. At present, she serves as a
    dermatologist in dermatology department, as well as the chief of international medical
    department, Guang’an men Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. Dr.
    Song’s research interests include treating psoriasis, eczema and vitiligo with
    traditional Chinese medicine, and skin care with medical herbs. She has published more
    than 30 academic papers, and is undertaking 7 funds on traditional Chinese medicine.
李珊山 教授 Pro.Shan-shan Li
                            主任医师,教授,博士生导师。
                            皮肤性病科主任,皮肤激光美容中心主任
                            中华皮肤科学会性病学组委员
                            中国皮肤科医师协会性病亚专业委员
                            中华激光医学会全国委员
                            中国女医师协会皮肤病专家组委员
                            《中华皮肤科杂志》《临床皮肤科杂志》《国际皮肤性
   Director of Department of Dermatology, Director of Skin Laser Center
   China Academy of Dermatology and Venereology group members
   Asian professional members of the China Association of Dermatologists venereal
   Medical Association, member of the National Committee of the Chinese laser
   China Association of Female physicians dermatology expert group members
   "Chinese Journal of Dermatology," Editorial, "Journal of Clinical Dermatology,"
    Editorial, "International Journal of Dermatovenereology" Editorial, mycology Journal
    Editorial Board.
富秋涛 教授,Pro.Qiu-tao Fu
                        空军总医院激光整形美容中心激光科副主任,副
                        中华医学会激光医学分会青年委员,
                        中华医学会美学与美容学会员
                        中华医学美容医师协会会员
                        《激光生物学报》编委。

 Deputy director of the Laser Plastic Surgery Center Laser, General
  Hospital of the Air Force, deputy chief physician,
 Chinese Medical Association of Laser Medicine Branch Youth Committee
 Aesthetics and Cosmetology Committee of the Chinese Medical Association
 The Chinese Medical Beauty physician members of the Association
 "Laser Biology Editorial Board.
2012-11-18 周日上午
张福仁 教授 Pro.Fu-ren Zhang
                               山东省皮肤病性病防治研究所所长、主任医师,院长,研
                               中国麻风防治协会副会长, 中国性病艾滋病防治协会理事,
                               中华医学会皮肤性病学分会委员兼遗传学组副组长
                               山东省麻风防治协会副会长、山东省医学会皮肤性病学分
                               《中国麻风皮肤病杂志》主编、《国际皮肤科杂志》编委

   Leader of Shandong Provincial Institute of Dermatology and Venereology
   Dermatology STD Prevention Research Institute of Shandong Province, a researcher and doctoral tutor.
   China Leprosy Association Vice President Chinese Association of STD and AIDS Prevention
   Dermatologist Branch of the Chinese Medical Association Executive Committee
   Councilor and Genetics Group, deputy head of the Chinese Medical Association Dermatology credits
   Leprosy Control Association, vice president of Shandong Province, the chairman of the Medical
    Association of Dermatology and Venereology, Shandong Province credits will, chairman of the Medical
    Association of Shandong Province dermatologists Branch
   "Chinese Journal of Dermatology editor, editorial and other duties of the International Journal of
陆洪光 教授 Pro.Hong-guang Lu
                              贵阳医学院皮肤科主任, 教研室主任,教授,博士导师
                              贵州省皮肤性病学会主任委员,中华医学会皮肤性病学会常
                              中华医师协会皮肤科医师分会常务委员、第10,12,13届国
                              中国皮肤性病杂志,中华皮肤科杂志、临床皮肤科杂志,等
                               十余个医学杂志副主编及编委,为Chinese Medical Journal,
                               Clincal and experimental Dermatol,Acta dermato-
                               venereologica 等国际杂志审稿人。

   Dexpert, MD, Chief Physician, doctoral tutor for the Central Health Committee experts, the provincial
    experts, the State Council special allowance winner. He is currently the CPPCC Standing Committee of Guizhou
    Province, Guizhou Province, Culture and Health Sports Commission deputy director, vice-chairman of the China
    Association for Promoting Democracy Guizhou Provincial, Guiyang Medical College Hospital, director of
    dermatology. Professor Lu Hongguang engaged in dermatological research in the UK in 1993-1995 and 2000-2002
    in Sweden in dermatological research ,2002-2003 in Germany in dermatology research has borne Scholarship
    Fund, the National Natural Science Foundation of the Royal Society Fund a number of domestic and foreign
    research funds. 3 won the British (Universities'china committee in London and the Henry lester Trust Limited)
    and the University of Uppsala, Sweden Scholarship provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, Medical
    Technology Progress Award (medicine) 3. Professor Lu Hongguang as 10, 12,
李春英 Chun-ying Li
                             教授、主任医师、博士生导师,
                             现任第四军医大学西京皮肤医院副院长。先后完成及承担国家自
                             现任中华医学会皮肤性病学分会青年委员、中华医学会医学美学

   M.D Ph.D., Fourth Military Medical University, China,
   Research interests: Genetic variations of genes and skin disorders; melasma; vitiligo; and skin can
    cers including melanoma.
   trained as a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Epidemiology, The University of Texas M. D. A
    nderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas, U.S.A, Her research interest is molecular epidemiology
    and translational research with a focus on the association between genetic variations and skin dise
    ases including cancers. Using the collected DNA samples from the patients and healthy control sub
    jects with questionnaire data, she is planning to do further research to reveal the genetic backgrou
    nd andthe interactions with the environment factors and the associations with skin diseases.
   现华中科技大学武汉协和医院皮肤科博士
   中国医科大学皮肤病与性病硕士
   坦桑尼亚卫生和社会福利部
   坦桑尼亚达累斯萨拉姆Muhimbili国立医院

 Dept. of Dermatology, Wuhan Union Hospital, Huazhong University of
  Science and Technology
 Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Tanzania.
 Medical Specialist (Dermatologist) based at Mbeya Referral Hospital
 Muhimbili National Hospital, Dar es salaam, Tanzania
Pro.Bing Song
                         英国卡迪夫大学牙组织工程及维复科学院讲座教授,
                         英国卡迪夫大学大学研究伦理委员会董事会成员
                         Dentistry 编委,特约编辑。
                         神经科学学会会员。
                         国际神经修复会员协会
                         伤口愈合学会会员

Chair Professor, School of Dentistry, Cardiff Institute of Tissue Engineering
& Engineering & Repair, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK
Board member, Research Ethics Committee, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK
Editorial Board member, editor of special edition, Dentistry.
Member, Society for Neuroscience.
Member, International Association of Neurorestoratology
Member, the Wound Healing Society
雷铁池 教授 Pro.Tie-chi Lei
                     教授、主任医师,皮肤科主任,武汉大学人民医院皮肤性
                     1999年毕业于南京医科大学获皮肤性病学博士学位,1999
                     中华医学会皮肤性病学分会全国青年委员;中华医学会湖

   Dr. Lei is currently working as a principle investigator in Renmin Hospital of Wuhan
    University, China. He received his Ph.D. degree in 1999 from Nanjing Medical
    University. He devoted three years to study the regulation of melanogenesis using
    assumed active ingredients extracted from Chinese Herbs. Afterwards he got his post-
    doctoral training in 1999-2005 from Dr. Vincent Hearing’s laboratory, Pigment Cell
    Section, National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, USA. During this time,
李凯 博士 Dr.Kai Li
                        第四军医大学西京皮肤医院主治医师,住院总医师。
                        研究方向:白癜风基因遗传、氧化应激及自身免疫相关
                        临床方向:白癜风及其他自身免疫性皮肤病的诊治,血

 M.D., Ph.D. Attending Doctor, Chife Resident.
 Xijing Dermatology Hospital, Fourth Military Medical University.
 Dr. Kai Li was trained as a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Dermatology,
  The Henry Ford Hosptial, MI, U.S.A, between 2009 and 2010. Dr. Li has published
  8 articles in English.
 Research interests: The pathogenesis of vitiligo which including genetic, oxidiative
  stress and autoimmunity.
 Clinical interests: the treatment of vitiligo, autoimmune diseases and hemanigoma.
何黎 教授 Pro.Li He
                             教授、博士、博士生导师,现为昆明医学院第一附属医院
                             《皮肤病与性病》杂志主编及《国际皮肤性病学杂志》、

   Professor, Ph.D., doctoral tutor, is currently the director of the Department of Dermatology,
    the First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical Dermatology Clinical Research Center
    Director, Yunnan Province, Kunming Medical College Beauty Professional Officer. Was to enjoy
    the special allowance of the State Council, the National Women's Federation the advanced
    female workers in the country, the first Chinese dermatology outstanding young physicians
    Award. published more than 90 articles,
   Writing books; the any of Dermatology and Venereology magazine editor and dermatology
    Journal, "Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine", "Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine"
    seven national Editors'orum; editor dermatology essence of difficult cases, dermatologists
    recommend - skin care and beauty, skin care and beauty quiz; deputy editor of "Modern
    Practical cosmetology, cosmetics school", "skin Venereology.
孙秋宁 教授 Pro.Qiu-ning Sun
                        北京协和医院皮肤科 教授
                        主任医师,教授,科主任,硕士生导师。曾在美国The
                         University of Texas做访问学者二年。近十年来发表文章30
                        现任中华医学会皮肤科分会全国委员、中国医师学会皮肤

   Beijing Union Medical College Hospital, Professor of Dermatology
   Chief physician, professor, Division Director, Master Instructor. In the United States from The
    University of Texas visiting scholar for two years. Been engaged in medical care, research and
    teaching in dermatology and sexually transmitted diseases clinical work. Served eight years
    teaching in Peking Union Medical College, China.
   Currently a member of the National Committee of the Chinese Medical Association Dermatology
    Section, Physicians dermatology branch of the National Committee of China Association of
    Integrative Medicine skin credits will be member of the National Committee of the Chinese Medical
    Association Dermatology Branch, deputy director of the Beijing branch of the main members of the
    Chinese Medical Association Dermatology credits will fungi The study group members.
李远宏 教授 Pro.Yuan-hong Li
 博士、主任医师,博士研究生导师。中国医科大学皮肤科副主
 目前主攻方向为美容皮肤科学。是美国激光医学学会会员、中
    Professor and Vice Chairman of Dermatology in the First Hospital of China Medical University. She
    is a mentor for graduate students. She has been trained in the University of Franche-comté for one
    year. She is in charge of the Cosmetic Unit.
   Dr. Li is the Vice chief of young doctor in Chinese Association of Aesthetic Medicine. She is the Vice
    Chief of the Laser Group in Chinese Dermatologic Association, and in Chinese Association of
    Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery. She is a board member of DASIL, a member of AAD, ADLAS, ASLM,
    ISDS, etc.
   Dr. Li has published nearly 80 peer-reviewed papers, 24 are SCI cited. She got 20 grants from the
    National Science Grant, Liaoning Education Grant, Shenyang Science and Technology Grant, and
    from cooperative enterprises.
高兴华 教授 Pro.Xing-Hua Gao
                      教育部长江学者特聘教授、博士生导师,英国牛津大学留学归来。
                      J Appl Cosmetol (欧洲)、《皮肤病与性病》和《临床皮肤科杂志》
                       副主编,Int J Dermatol(美国)、《中国医学美容杂志》、《中
Chairman and Professor of Department of Dermatology, No.1 Hospital of China Medical
University, is a Changjiang Scholar of Ministry of Education and currently serves as Vice
President of Chinese Society of Dermatology, Vice President of No.1 Hospital of China
Medical University, Vice Director of Key Lab of Immunodermatology, Ministry of Health, etc.
Prof. Xing-Hua Gao also is the vice editors in Chief at several national and international
journals in dermatology. He has published more than 120 scientific papers (of 70 are SCI
indexed papers), written more than 20 books.

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Vrf master class_in_China_speaker_information_简介

  • 1. 2012国际白癜风及色素性疾病 高级研讨会 2012 International VRF-China MasterClass on Vitiligo and Pigmentary Disorders 2012-国际白癜风及色素性疾病高级研讨会 2012 International VRF-China Master Class on Vitiligo and Pigmentary Disorders 主办:白癜风研究基金会 Vitiligo Research Foundation, VRF 承办:中国医科大学 China Medical University 沈阳市科学技术学会 Shenyang Institute of Science and Technology 2012年11月16-18日 16-18 November, 2012 中国 沈阳 shenyang, China
  • 3. 陈洪铎 教授 Pro. Hong-Duo Chen  中国工程院院士陈洪铎教授是皮肤性病学界国际知名专家。 现任中国医大一院名誉院长、皮肤科教授、博士生导师、 卫生部免疫皮肤病学重点实验室主任、省部共建教育部免 疫皮肤病学重点实验室主任,国际皮肤科学会常务理事、 国际美容皮 肤 科学会副会 长 、J Appl Cosmetol和Int J Biomed Sci(美国)副主编,中华皮肤科杂志总编辑等。 An Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, is Professor of Dermatology, Honorary President of NO.1 Hospital of China Medical University, Director of Key Laboratory of Immunodermatology of the Ministry of Health, Member of Board of Directors of International Society of Dermatology, Vice-president of International Society of Cosmetic Dermatology, International Honorary Member of American Dermatological Association, Associate Editor of J Appl Cosmetol, Associate Editor of Int J Biomed Sci and Editor in Chief of Chinese Jouranl of Dermatology.
  • 4. Mr.Yan Valle 理科硕士,工商管理硕士,首席执行董事 白癜风患者。具有生物信息工程系统、生物样本库、重要的客 户群的交叉知识背景的结果为导向的CEO。 以其多样的教育背 景在不同领域都有经验。他获得了电子工程理学硕士,工商管 理硕士,并在2000年接受微软认证后,终于专注于高科技项目 的发展。在2010年加入VRF之前,他曾是多伦多一家领先的技 术公司的业务发展董事。Yan在90年代中期,与“财富”500强 企业、政府和风险投资基金在EEMEA和拉丁美洲新兴市场开始 了他业务咨询的职业生涯。如今,Yan专注于数据驱动的个性 化的健康解决方案,领导综合性的生物库/生物IT项目的开发。  MSc, MBA, Chief Executive Director  Yan Valle, a long-time vitiligo sufferer, is an outcomes-driven CEO with cross-border knowledge of bio-IT systems, biobanking and important customer segments. He has a diverse educational background which led to his experience across many disciplines. He received his Master of Science in Electroengineering, continued education in Business Administration in 1996, and finally focused on high-tech projects development after receiving Microsoft certifications in 2000. Prior to joining the VRF in 2010, he was a Director of Business Development at a leading technology company in Toronto. Yan had started his career in business consulting industry in mid-90’s, working with Fortune 500 companies, governments and venture funds in emerging markets of EEMEA and LATAM. Today, Yan works on data-powered personalized health solutions and leads an integrated biobanking / bio- IT project development.
  • 5. Pro. Torello lotti  意大利罗马马可尼大学的教授,皮肤性病科教授兼系主任.  中国医科大学名誉教授。  费城托马斯杰斐逊大学,捷克共和国布拉格查尔斯大学,鲍曼灰大 学温斯顿塞勒姆,路易斯维尔大学,医疗南卡罗来纳大学,捷克共和 国布拉格查尔斯大学皮肤科客座教授。  意大利学会皮肤性病学主席,国际皮肤科学会主席,欧洲化妆美容 皮肤协会,第13届欧洲科学院皮肤病与性病大会主席,美国皮肤病 学会论坛主席, 《银屑病》《欧洲科学院皮肤性病学杂志》主编  Full Professor of the Dermatology and Venereology at University of Studies Guglielmo Marconi, Rome, Italy.  Honorary Professor of Dermatology - China Medical University Shenyang  Visiting Professor& Director, International Centre for Balneology, Cell Biology, and Physiotherapy Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia , Dermatology, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, Bowman Gray University, Winston Salem , University of Louisville, Louisville , Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic  President of the Italian Society of Dermatology and Venereology, International Society of Dermatology , the European Society for Cosmetic and Aesthetic Dermatology, the 13th Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology  Chairman Congress Forum of the American Academy of Dermatology  Editor in Chief of the Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology ,“Psoriasis”
  • 6. Pro. Jana Hercogovà  医学博士,哲学博士,布拉格查尔斯大学第二医学院皮肤性病学系主 任  捷克皮肤性病协会委员,捷克“欧洲黑素瘤日联合发起人。  意大利锡耶纳大学客座教授,意大利Donne Dermatologhe国际委员  大学附属布洛瓦克医院科学委员会成员  捷克激光学会副主席  捷克皮肤病与性病学院主席  国际皮肤科学会导师  国际委员会委员女性皮肤学会  欧洲的化妆品和美容皮肤科学会副主席  MD, PhD, is Chairwoman of Dermatology and Venereology Department at 2nd Medical School, Charles University Prague  Board Member Czech Society of Dermatology and Venereology,Co-ordinator Euromelanoma Day in the Czech Republic  Visiting Professor: University of Siena, Italy, International Committee Donne Dermatologhe Italia, Scientific Board Member: University Hospital Bulovka  Vice-President :Czech Laser Society  President Czech Academy of Dermatology and Venereology;International Fellowship Mentor International Society of Dermatology;International Committee Member Women´s Dermatologic Socie。  Vice President European Society for Cosmetic and Aesthetic Dermatology
  • 7. 张学军 教授 Pro. Xue-jun Zhang  安徽医科大学校长 主任医师、教授、博士生导师  皮肤病学国家重点实验室培育基地主任  皮肤病学教育部重点实验室主任、安徽医科大学皮肤病研究所所长  国际皮肤科学会联盟常务理事  中华医学会皮肤性病学分会名誉主任委员  中国医师协会皮肤科医师分会副会长  J Invest Dermatol、Brit J Dermatol、J Dermatol Sci,Int J Dermatol编 委、美国著名医疗中心Mayo Clinic、加拿大大不列颠哥伦比亚大学客 座教授、吴阶平医学奖评审委员会委员、国家自然科学基金委员会医 学科学部专家咨询委员会委员  President of Anhui Medical University  Director of the State Key Dermatology Laboratory Breeding Base  Director of the Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Dermatology  Director of the Anhui Medical University Institute of Dermatology,  Executive director of the International Society of Dermatology Union  Honorary President OF Chinese Society of Dermatology  Vice president of Dermatologists Branch of the Chinese Medical Association,  SCI indexed journals J Invest Dermatol, Brit J Dermatol, J Dermatol Sci Int J Dermatol editorial board., Visiting professor OF the Mayo Clinic ,University of British Columbia, Canada、Jieping Medical Prize Committee. National Natural Science Foundation of Medical Sciences of the Expert Advisory Committee.
  • 8. 张建中 教授 Pro. Jian-zhong Zhang  北京大学皮肤性病学系主任 主任医师,教授,博士生导师  北京大学人民医院皮肤科主任  中华医学会皮肤性病学分会主任委员  国际皮肤科联盟中国理事  中华医学会皮肤性病学分会免疫学组组长  特应性皮炎研究首席专家、欧洲皮肤科学会会员  《中华皮肤科杂志》、《中国皮肤性病学杂志》、《临床皮肤科 杂志》志副主编  《Chinese Medical Journal》编委、《British Journal of Dermatology》、《Journal of Dermatological Science》特约审稿  人。 Head of the Department of Dermatology of Peking University  Director of dermatology OF Peking University People's Hospital,  President OF Chinese Society of Dermatology  Board of China OF Iternational Dermatology Alliance  Team Leader OF Chinese Medical Dermatology Immunology Association.  Chief expert of Atopic dermatitis Research, Member of the European Academy of Dermatology  Chinese Journal of Dermatology,Chinese Journal of Dermatovenereology, Clinical Dermatology magazine deputy editor,Chinese Medical Journal editorial board "British Journal of Dermatology, Journal of Dermatological Science" freelance reviewer.
  • 9. 涂平 教授 Pro. Ping Tu  北京大学皮肤性病学系副主任 主任医师,教授,博 士生导师  中华医学会皮肤科学会皮肤组织病理学组副组长  北京大学第一医院皮肤性病科副主任  中华医学会皮肤科学会皮肤组织病理学组副组长  中央保健会诊专家  任《临床皮肤科杂志》、《国际皮肤性病学杂志》、 《中国皮肤性病学杂志》等杂志编委。  Deputy director of the Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Peking University physician, professor and PhD mentor.  deputy head of Chinese Medical Association Academy of Dermatology skin histopathology,  Deputy director of the Department of Dermatology, Peking University First Hospital  Chinese Medical Association Academy of Dermatology skin histopathology, deputy head of  Central health expert consultation of Central Committee  Any "Journal of Clinical Dermatology", "International Journal of Dermatovenereology Dermatology Journal" magazine Editor.
  • 10. 刘玮 教授 Pro. Liu Wei  北京空军总医院皮肤科主任医师,主任医师,博士生导师  国家卫生部化妆品评审委员会主任委员  全国化妆品卫生标准委员会委员兼秘书长  中国光生物学及光化学专业委员会主任委员  中国医师协会、容与整形医师分会副主任委员  中华工商联美容化妆品商会专家委员会副主任委员  中国中西医结合学会变态反应专业委员会委员  中国中西医结合学会皮肤性病分会治疗学研究会副主任委员  中华医学会医学美容分会青年学术委员会副主任委员  中华医学会医学美容分会医疗美容法规研究组成员  全军性病爱滋病防治技术指导专家组成员;国际皮肤科学会会员  《中华皮肤科杂志》、《中华医学美容杂志》、《中国美容医学杂 志》、国际《皮肤科时讯》、《军医进修学院学报》等10余种医学杂 志编委。 Chairman : Department of Dermatology, General Hospital Air Force Photobiology and photochemistry Committee China CIE Vice Chairman: National Standard Committee of Cosmetics , Ministry of Health (MOH), P. R. China, Society of Medical Cosmetology, China Medical Association
  • 11. 项蕾红 教授 Pro.Flora Xiang  上海华山医院皮肤科副主任。  主任医师,教授、硕士生导师  中华医学会皮肤性病学会青年委员  中西医结合皮肤性病学会痤疮学组副组长  中华医学会上海医学美容与美学学会委员  教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金的评审专家。  deputy director of dermatology dep.of Shanghai Huashan Hospital,.  Chinese Medical Association Youth Committee of the Society of Dermatology and Venereology  Deputy head of the Institute of Dermatology and Venereology acne study group  Member of the Chinese Medical Association Shanghai Medical Beauty & Aesthetics Academy  the returned overseas students evaluation experts of the Scientific Research Foundation of the Ministry of Education,,
  • 12. 宋智琦 教授 Pro.Zhi-qi Song 大连医科大学第一医院皮肤科副主任 教授 博士生导师 曾任中华医学会皮肤性病学分会中青年委员 现任中华医学会皮肤性病学分会实验学组委员 辽宁省医学会皮肤性病学分会常委委员 辽宁省大连医学会皮肤性病学分会秘书  Professor and PhD supervisor  Chinese Medical Association Dermatology experiment study group members,  Board of the Medical Association of Dermatology and Venereology Committee ,Liaoning Province,  Secretary OF Dalian Medical Dermatology and Venereology Committee , Liaoning Province,
  • 13. 齐瑞群 博士 Dr.Rui-Qun QI  皮肤性病学博士,学术学位。先后在中国医科大学及美国 Henry Ford Health System学习。  在 学 期 间 以 第 一 作 者 在 Hepatology , IF : 11.665 ; J Invest Dermatol , IF: 6.314 ; J Dermatol Sci ,IF : 3.718等杂志发表SCI论文3篇,累计影响因子21.697分。 以共同作者在J Infect Dis,PLoS One,Antiviral Re, Apoptosis等杂志发表SCI论文多篇。分别以以第一发明人 获专利2项、第二发明人获专利3项,国际发明专利1项  本次白癜风会议 秘书长及联系人。 Doctor of dermatology, study in china medical University and Henry Ford Health System in USA Qi has published several English articles published in Hepatology(IF:11.665),J Invest Dermatol(IF:6.314),J Dermatol Sci(IF:3.718) J Infect Dis,PLoS One,Antiviral Re, Apoptosis ect. The secretary and contact person of this meeting.
  • 15. 高天文 教授,Pro.Tian-wen Gao  1983年毕业于第四军医大学医疗系后留皮肤科;  1986至1992年在第三军医大学获硕士、博士学位 后返回西京医院皮肤科;  1994至1996年在美国完成博士后训练后回国, 1997年担任科主任。  先后负责过9项国家研究课题,以第一负责人获得 过两项军队科技进步二等奖及1项军队医疗成果一 等奖。发现一新疾病“外伤后细菌性致死性肉芽 肿”入选中国医药科技十大新闻。  Graduated in 1983from the Medical Department of the Fourth Military Medical University; got the master IN the Third Military Medical University from 1986 to 1992, , doctorate and returned to the Xijing Hospital Dermatology; completed postdoctoral training in the United States from 1994 to 1996 after returning in 1997as Division Director. Has been responsible for more than nine national research project, two military scientific and technological progress second prize and a military medical prize. Chinese Pharmaceutical Technology Ten News discovered a new disease, post- traumatic fatal bacteria granuloma "was selected.
  • 16. Dr. Andy Goren  转基因微生物的突破为基础的治疗雄激素介导的皮肤疾病(脱发 和粉刺)创始人。负责研究和开发,临床研究,法规事务,知识 产权战略和出版物。初步的临床研究预计将在2013年初完成。  2007年-2012年DERMAGENOMA,INC。 - 主席兼行政总裁  第一个分子皮肤科公司的联合创始人。已开发5个产品线,涉及分 子诊断的皮肤科、管理日常运作,构思发展,资金筹措,管理战 略,知识产权战略,市场营销和销售。开拓国际市场,分布在6大 洲,超过30个国家和地区。  2004-2007年BIOQ - 总裁兼首席科学官,INC。2001年至2004年 MOBILEWISE,INC。 - 主席兼行政总裁,1997年至2001年GEEPS, INC - 行政总裁,1995年至1997年LAPJACK,INC。 - 主席兼行政 总裁。  Founder of breakthrough genetically modified microorganism based therapy for androgen mediated dermatological conditions (hair loss and acne). Responsible for research and development, clinical studies, regulatory affairs, intellectual property strategy and publications. Initial clinical study expected to be completed in early 2013.  2007-2012 DERMAGENOMA, INC. - PRESIDENT & CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER  Co-Founder of first molecular dermatology company. Developed 5 product lines in molecular diagnostic in dermatology. Managed day to day operation from idea development, fund raising, regulatory strategy, intellectual property strategy to marketing and sales. Developed international market with distribution in 6 continents and over 30 countries. Company acquired.  2004-2007 BIOQ, INC. - PRESIDENT & CHIEF SCIENTIFIC OFFICER  2001-2004 MOBILEWISE, INC. - PRESIDENT & CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER  1997-2001 GEEPS, INC. - CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER  1995-1997 LAPJACK, INC. - PRESIDENT & CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER
  • 17. Pro. Robert A. Schwartz  新泽西州医学院学院皮肤科教授兼系主任,  内科教授,儿科学教授,病理学教授,预防医学和社区 卫生学教授。  Am Fam Phys, Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia, Cesko- Slov Derm, Dermatology, Dermatol Klin, JEADV, Int J Dermatol, Med Mycol, Postepy Dermatol, Indian J Derm, Res Commun Molec Pathol Pharm, Ukr J Derm编委  Professor and Head, Dermatology; Professor of Medicine; Professor of Pediatrics ; Professor of Pathology, Professor of Preventive Medicine and Community Health, New Jersey Medical School  Memberships: Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society ; Associate Editor: Cutis, Dermatology , Acta Croatica, Mycoses; Asst Ed: J Am Acad Dermatol; Editor, Acta Dermatovenerol ,Contributing Editor, Dermatol Surg, J Surg Oncol; Medical Editor, eMed Dermatol  Editorial Boards: Am Fam Phys, Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia, Cesko-Slov Derm, Dermatology, Dermatol Klin, JEADV, Int J Dermatol, Med Mycol, Postepy Dermatol, Indian J Derm, Res Commun Molec Pathol Pharm, Ukr J Derm President, Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society, NJMS ‘89, ‘99, 2001, 2007, 2009
  • 18. 涂彩霞 教授 Pro.Cai-xia Tu  医学博士,教授博士生导师。  大连医科大学附属二院皮肤教研室主任、科主任  中华医学会辽宁省皮肤性病学分会 副主任委员  中华医学会辽宁省激光医学分会 副主任委员,  中华医学会大连皮肤性病学会分会 副主任委员,  中国中西医结合学会变态反应专业委员会 副主任委员,  中国中西医结合学会皮肤性病专委会 委员  中华医学会医学美学与美容学会美容皮肤科学组 副组长  中国医师协会美容与整形医师学会 委员  担任临床皮肤科杂志、中国皮肤性病学杂志、中国麻风皮 肤性病杂志、中国中西医结合皮肤性病学杂志、实用皮肤 科杂志、中国美容医学等国家级核心期刊编委。 MD, PhD supervisor. Directorof the Second Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University, Department Director, served as the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and provincial key academic leaders, vice chairman of the Chinese Medical Association of Liaoning Province Dermatology laser medicine branch of the Chinese Medical Association, Liaoning Province, deputy director of member of China Association of Integrative Medicine to the members of the special committee of Dermatology and Venereology, vice chairman of allergy professional Committee of the China Association of Integrative Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine National disease Research, Chinese Medical Association Medical Institution of Aesthetics and Beauty Beauty skin Science deputy head.
  • 19. 杨慧兰 教授 Pro. Hui-lan Yang  广州军区总医院皮肤科  主任医师,教授,科室负责人,硕士生导师。  广州军区皮肤激光整形中心主任兼皮肤科主任,广 州军区皮肤病专业委员会主任委员。  中国医师协会皮肤科分会常务委员,广东省激光医 学会副主任委员,中国美容医学杂志常务编委,中 国中西医结合会化妆品科学委员会常委。  Guangzhou General Hospital of Guangzhou Military Command  Chief physician, professor, department head, MD, Master Instructor. Chairman of Guangzhou Military Region skin laser surgery center director of the Dermatology Director, Dermatology Professional Committee of the Guangzhou Military Region. The Standing Committee of the dermatology branch of the Chinese Medical Association, vice chairman of the Medical Association of Guangdong Province, laser, Managing Editor of the Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine, Cosmetic Science Committee of the Chinese Integrative Medicine Association Standing Committee.
  • 20. 马东来 教授 Pro. Dong-Lai Ma  北京协和医院皮肤科  主任医师,教授,博士生导师。  皮肤科杂志、中华临床免疫和变态反应杂志编委。 现为中华皮肤科杂志、中华医学杂志、Eur J Dermatol和《Chinese Medical Journal》的审稿人  中华医学会皮肤性病学分会皮肤病理学组成员。  Beijing Union Medical College Hospital Dermatology  editorial board of Journal of Clinical Dermatology, the the Journal of Clinical Immunology and Allergy magazine. Now Chinese Journal of Dermatology, Chinese Medical Journal, Eur J Dermatol and the Chinese Medical Journal reviewers  Chinese Medical Association Dermatology credits dermatopathology group members.
  • 21. 许爱娥 教授 Pro.Ai'e Xu  享受国务院政府特殊津贴的专家,全国十届人大代表。  杭州市第三人民医院副院长、皮肤科主任、主任医师,教授,硕 士研究生导师  浙江省中西医结合皮肤病研究中心主任  杭州市皮肤性病研究所所长  是国家中管局重点专病、省级医学重点学科带头人。  担任中国中西医结合皮肤性病专业委员会常委  全国皮肤色素病研究会主任委员  浙江省皮肤性病专业委员会副主任委员,浙江省性病艾滋病防治 协会常务理事、杭州市皮肤性病专业委员会主任委员等学术职务。  Enjoy special government allowances, the Tenth People's Congress.  Vice president OF Third People's Hospital, Hangzhou , director of dermatology Dep.  director of Integrative dermatology research Center ,Zhejiang Province  Director of the Hangzhou Institute of Dermatology and Venereology  Provincial key medical disciplines leader.  As Chinese Integrative Dermatology Professional Committee Standing Committee  Chairman of the National pigmentation of the skin disease research Academic positions, vice chairman of the Professional Committee of Zhejiang Dermatology, STD and AIDS Prevention Association, executive director of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou, Dermatology Professional Committee chairman.
  • 22. 吴严 教授 Pro. Yan Wu  副主任医师,硕士生导师  主要研究方向:美容皮肤病学、激光/光免疫皮肤 病学、皮肤循证医学。  博士毕业于中国医科大学,博士期间师从中国工程 院院士陈洪铎教授。  主要研究方向为光免疫学、美容皮肤病学、皮肤循 证医学。  Professor of Department of Dermatology, No.1 Hospital of China Medical University. PhD degree of Dermatology was obtained in 2008 from China Medical University and her doctoral tutor was Hong-Duo Chen, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering. Main research interests is the field of evidence-based medicine, cosmetic dermatology, photo- biomedicine and laser treatment.  Main scientific achievements: Author of 59 original articles (including 20 SCI papers). She currently has a program on Mechanism Study of Photoprotective Effect of Resveratrol on Ultraviolet Irradiated Fibroblast supported by the Program for Ministry of Education in Colleges and Universities.
  • 23. 李铁男 教授,Pro.Tie-nan Li  现任沈阳市第七人民医院院长、沈阳市皮肤病医院院长,沈 阳市皮肤病研究所所长。  沈阳市、辽宁省及国家中医药管理局重点学科的带头人。  中国中西医结合学会皮肤性病专业委员会副主委兼美容学组 组长、中国医师协会皮肤科分会常委、辽宁省皮肤性病专业 委员会副主任委员、沈阳市皮肤性病专业委员会主任委员等 学术职务。  并任《中国中西医结合皮肤性病杂志》、《中国真菌病学杂 志》等杂志编委。  President of the Seventh People's Hospital of Shenyang City, Dermatology Hospital Dean, Shenyang City, director of the Institute of Dermatology. Shenyang City,  Leaders of key disciplines of the State Administration of Traditional Liaoning Province . Served as vice-chairman and chief cosmetology Team Leader of the China Association of Integrative Medicine Dermatology professional committee dermatology branch of the Committee of the Chinese Medical Association, Member of the Professional Committee, deputy director of Dermatology Association Liaoning Province,  Committee chairman of Shenyang City Dermatology Professional. Chinese Integrative Medicine Dermatology magazine, "China mycosis Journal" magazine Editor.
  • 24. 宋坪 博士, Dr.Ping Song  中国中医科学院广安门医院国际医疗部主任,皮肤 科主任医师。热爱中医事业,从事中医皮肤科工作 17年,专业方向为中医药治疗银屑病、湿疹、白癜 风,以及中医美容。秉承名老中医学术思想,并力 图在继承的基础上创新。  主持并承担国家级、部局级科研课题7项;近5年在 核心期刊发表学术论文30余篇。承担课题“开通玄 府通络解毒法治疗斑块状银屑病临床及分子免疫机 制研究”获得2010年中国中医科学院科学技术三等 奖。2005年获得全国卫生系统青年岗位能手称号。  Dr. Song is now a  chief physician of dermatology. She obtained her Ph.D. and M.D. at Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. At present, she serves as a dermatologist in dermatology department, as well as the chief of international medical department, Guang’an men Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. Dr. Song’s research interests include treating psoriasis, eczema and vitiligo with traditional Chinese medicine, and skin care with medical herbs. She has published more than 30 academic papers, and is undertaking 7 funds on traditional Chinese medicine.
  • 25. 李珊山 教授 Pro.Shan-shan Li  主任医师,教授,博士生导师。  皮肤性病科主任,皮肤激光美容中心主任  中华皮肤科学会性病学组委员  中国皮肤科医师协会性病亚专业委员  中华激光医学会全国委员  中国女医师协会皮肤病专家组委员  《中华皮肤科杂志》《临床皮肤科杂志》《国际皮肤性 病学杂志》《中国真菌学杂志》编委。  Director of Department of Dermatology, Director of Skin Laser Center  China Academy of Dermatology and Venereology group members  Asian professional members of the China Association of Dermatologists venereal  Medical Association, member of the National Committee of the Chinese laser  China Association of Female physicians dermatology expert group members  "Chinese Journal of Dermatology," Editorial, "Journal of Clinical Dermatology," Editorial, "International Journal of Dermatovenereology" Editorial, mycology Journal Editorial Board.
  • 26. 富秋涛 教授,Pro.Qiu-tao Fu  空军总医院激光整形美容中心激光科副主任,副 主任医师  中华医学会激光医学分会青年委员,  中华医学会美学与美容学会员  中华医学美容医师协会会员  《激光生物学报》编委。  Deputy director of the Laser Plastic Surgery Center Laser, General Hospital of the Air Force, deputy chief physician,  Chinese Medical Association of Laser Medicine Branch Youth Committee  Aesthetics and Cosmetology Committee of the Chinese Medical Association  The Chinese Medical Beauty physician members of the Association  "Laser Biology Editorial Board.
  • 28. 张福仁 教授 Pro.Fu-ren Zhang  山东省皮肤病性病防治研究所所长、主任医师,院长,研 究员、博士生导师。  中国麻风防治协会副会长, 中国性病艾滋病防治协会理事, 中国医师协会皮肤科医师分会执行委员  中华医学会皮肤性病学分会委员兼遗传学组副组长  山东省麻风防治协会副会长、山东省医学会皮肤性病学分 会主任委员、山东省医师协会皮肤科医师分会主任委员  《中国麻风皮肤病杂志》主编、《国际皮肤科杂志》编委 等职务。  Leader of Shandong Provincial Institute of Dermatology and Venereology  Dermatology STD Prevention Research Institute of Shandong Province, a researcher and doctoral tutor.  China Leprosy Association Vice President Chinese Association of STD and AIDS Prevention  Dermatologist Branch of the Chinese Medical Association Executive Committee  Councilor and Genetics Group, deputy head of the Chinese Medical Association Dermatology credits  Leprosy Control Association, vice president of Shandong Province, the chairman of the Medical Association of Dermatology and Venereology, Shandong Province credits will, chairman of the Medical Association of Shandong Province dermatologists Branch  "Chinese Journal of Dermatology editor, editorial and other duties of the International Journal of Dermatology.
  • 29. 陆洪光 教授 Pro.Hong-guang Lu  贵阳医学院皮肤科主任, 教研室主任,教授,博士导师  贵州省皮肤性病学会主任委员,中华医学会皮肤性病学会常 务理事,中华医学会皮肤性病学会青年委员会副主任委员,  中华医师协会皮肤科医师分会常务委员、第10,12,13届国 家自然基金委生命科学部及医学部专家组成员,  中国皮肤性病杂志,中华皮肤科杂志、临床皮肤科杂志,等 十余个医学杂志副主编及编委,为Chinese Medical Journal, Clincal and experimental Dermatol,Acta dermato- venereologica 等国际杂志审稿人。  Dexpert, MD, Chief Physician, doctoral tutor for the Central Health Committee experts, the provincial experts, the State Council special allowance winner. He is currently the CPPCC Standing Committee of Guizhou Province, Guizhou Province, Culture and Health Sports Commission deputy director, vice-chairman of the China Association for Promoting Democracy Guizhou Provincial, Guiyang Medical College Hospital, director of dermatology. Professor Lu Hongguang engaged in dermatological research in the UK in 1993-1995 and 2000-2002 in Sweden in dermatological research ,2002-2003 in Germany in dermatology research has borne Scholarship Fund, the National Natural Science Foundation of the Royal Society Fund a number of domestic and foreign research funds. 3 won the British (Universities'china committee in London and the Henry lester Trust Limited) and the University of Uppsala, Sweden Scholarship provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, Medical Technology Progress Award (medicine) 3. Professor Lu Hongguang as 10, 12,
  • 30. 李春英 Chun-ying Li  教授、主任医师、博士生导师,  现任第四军医大学西京皮肤医院副院长。先后完成及承担国家自 然科学基金项课题3项,美国NIH黑素瘤GWAS研究子课题1项, 美国NIH研究优秀者特别项目发展课题1项,国家教委回国人员启 动基金1项,申请国家发明专利3项,主编、副主编专著3部,发 表SCI论文51篇,他引713次,以第一作者及通讯作者发表SCI论 文26篇。2011年获中国医师协会优秀中青年医师奖、中华医学会 皮肤性病学分会学术奖。  现任中华医学会皮肤性病学分会青年委员、中华医学会医学美学 与美容学分会青年委员、美国癌症联合会会员,享受军队优秀专 业技术人才岗位津贴,荣立三等功2次。  M.D Ph.D., Fourth Military Medical University, China,  Research interests: Genetic variations of genes and skin disorders; melasma; vitiligo; and skin can cers including melanoma.  trained as a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Epidemiology, The University of Texas M. D. A nderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas, U.S.A, Her research interest is molecular epidemiology and translational research with a focus on the association between genetic variations and skin dise ases including cancers. Using the collected DNA samples from the patients and healthy control sub jects with questionnaire data, she is planning to do further research to reveal the genetic backgrou nd andthe interactions with the environment factors and the associations with skin diseases.
  • 31. Dr.Uwesu  现华中科技大学武汉协和医院皮肤科博士  中国医科大学皮肤病与性病硕士  坦桑尼亚卫生和社会福利部  坦桑尼亚达累斯萨拉姆Muhimbili国立医院  Dept. of Dermatology, Wuhan Union Hospital, Huazhong University of Science and Technology  Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Tanzania.  Medical Specialist (Dermatologist) based at Mbeya Referral Hospital  Muhimbili National Hospital, Dar es salaam, Tanzania
  • 32. Pro.Bing Song  英国卡迪夫大学牙组织工程及维复科学院讲座教授,  英国卡迪夫大学大学研究伦理委员会董事会成员  Dentistry 编委,特约编辑。  神经科学学会会员。  国际神经修复会员协会  伤口愈合学会会员 Chair Professor, School of Dentistry, Cardiff Institute of Tissue Engineering & Engineering & Repair, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK Board member, Research Ethics Committee, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK Editorial Board member, editor of special edition, Dentistry. Member, Society for Neuroscience. Member, International Association of Neurorestoratology Member, the Wound Healing Society
  • 33. 雷铁池 教授 Pro.Tie-chi Lei  教授、主任医师,皮肤科主任,武汉大学人民医院皮肤性 病学专业博士生导师。  1999年毕业于南京医科大学获皮肤性病学博士学位,1999 年至2005年赴美国国家卫生研究院和马里兰大学免疫系做 博士后研究。  中华医学会皮肤性病学分会全国青年委员;中华医学会湖 北省皮肤性病学分会副主任委员;中国医师协会湖北省分 会常委兼秘书;中华医学会湖北省风湿病学会委员。  Dr. Lei is currently working as a principle investigator in Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, China. He received his Ph.D. degree in 1999 from Nanjing Medical University. He devoted three years to study the regulation of melanogenesis using assumed active ingredients extracted from Chinese Herbs. Afterwards he got his post- doctoral training in 1999-2005 from Dr. Vincent Hearing’s laboratory, Pigment Cell Section, National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, USA. During this time,
  • 34. 李凯 博士 Dr.Kai Li  第四军医大学西京皮肤医院主治医师,住院总医师。 2009-2010年以访问学者身份于美国密歇根洲亨利福特医 院皮肤科学习。目前发表SCI论文8篇。  研究方向:白癜风基因遗传、氧化应激及自身免疫相关 发病机制的研究。  临床方向:白癜风及其他自身免疫性皮肤病的诊治,血 管瘤综合治疗。  M.D., Ph.D. Attending Doctor, Chife Resident.  Xijing Dermatology Hospital, Fourth Military Medical University.  Dr. Kai Li was trained as a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Dermatology, The Henry Ford Hosptial, MI, U.S.A, between 2009 and 2010. Dr. Li has published 8 articles in English.  Research interests: The pathogenesis of vitiligo which including genetic, oxidiative stress and autoimmunity.  Clinical interests: the treatment of vitiligo, autoimmune diseases and hemanigoma.
  • 35. 何黎 教授 Pro.Li He  教授、博士、博士生导师,现为昆明医学院第一附属医院 皮肤性病科主任,云南省皮肤性病临床研究中心主任,昆 明医学院医学美容专业主任。  《皮肤病与性病》杂志主编及《国际皮肤性病学杂志》、 《中华医学美学美容杂志》、《中国美容医学》等7个国 家级杂志编委;主编《皮肤科疑难病例精粹》、《皮肤科 医师推荐-皮肤保健与美容》、《皮肤保健与美容知识问答 》;副主编《现代实用美容学》、《美容化妆品学》、《皮 肤性病学》。  Professor, Ph.D., doctoral tutor, is currently the director of the Department of Dermatology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical Dermatology Clinical Research Center Director, Yunnan Province, Kunming Medical College Beauty Professional Officer. Was to enjoy the special allowance of the State Council, the National Women's Federation the advanced female workers in the country, the first Chinese dermatology outstanding young physicians Award. published more than 90 articles,  Writing books; the any of Dermatology and Venereology magazine editor and dermatology Journal, "Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine", "Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine" seven national Editors'orum; editor dermatology essence of difficult cases, dermatologists recommend - skin care and beauty, skin care and beauty quiz; deputy editor of "Modern Practical cosmetology, cosmetics school", "skin Venereology.
  • 36. 孙秋宁 教授 Pro.Qiu-ning Sun  北京协和医院皮肤科 教授  主任医师,教授,科主任,硕士生导师。曾在美国The University of Texas做访问学者二年。近十年来发表文章30 余篇,研究基金3项。担任中国协和医科大学8年制教学工 作。  现任中华医学会皮肤科分会全国委员、中国医师学会皮肤 科分会全国委员、中西医结合学会皮肤学分会全国委员, 中华医学会皮肤科分会北京分会主副主任委员、中华医学 会皮肤病学分会真菌学组为委员。  Beijing Union Medical College Hospital, Professor of Dermatology  Chief physician, professor, Division Director, Master Instructor. In the United States from The University of Texas visiting scholar for two years. Been engaged in medical care, research and teaching in dermatology and sexually transmitted diseases clinical work. Served eight years teaching in Peking Union Medical College, China.  Currently a member of the National Committee of the Chinese Medical Association Dermatology Section, Physicians dermatology branch of the National Committee of China Association of Integrative Medicine skin credits will be member of the National Committee of the Chinese Medical Association Dermatology Branch, deputy director of the Beijing branch of the main members of the Chinese Medical Association Dermatology credits will fungi The study group members.
  • 37. 李远宏 教授 Pro.Yuan-hong Li  博士、主任医师,博士研究生导师。中国医科大学皮肤科副主 任、中国医科大学光医学中心副主任。留学法国,师从陈洪铎 院士。  目前主攻方向为美容皮肤科学。是美国激光医学学会会员、中 华医学会医学美学与美容学分会青年委员会副主任委员、中国 医师协会皮肤性病学分会激光与理疗专业委员会副主委、中国 医师协会美容与整形分会激光亚专业副主委、中华医学会皮肤 性病学分会美容学组委员兼秘书、辽宁省激光医学会副主任委 员、多家化妆品公司顾问、《中华皮肤科杂志》编委、《实用 皮肤科杂志》编委、《中国美容医学》杂志编委。担任卫生部 化妆品皮肤病诊断工作。  Professor and Vice Chairman of Dermatology in the First Hospital of China Medical University. She is a mentor for graduate students. She has been trained in the University of Franche-comté for one year. She is in charge of the Cosmetic Unit.  Dr. Li is the Vice chief of young doctor in Chinese Association of Aesthetic Medicine. She is the Vice Chief of the Laser Group in Chinese Dermatologic Association, and in Chinese Association of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery. She is a board member of DASIL, a member of AAD, ADLAS, ASLM, ISDS, etc.  Dr. Li has published nearly 80 peer-reviewed papers, 24 are SCI cited. She got 20 grants from the National Science Grant, Liaoning Education Grant, Shenyang Science and Technology Grant, and from cooperative enterprises.
  • 38. 高兴华 教授 Pro.Xing-Hua Gao  教育部长江学者特聘教授、博士生导师,英国牛津大学留学归来。 现任中国医科大学附属第一医院副院长、中国医科大学附属第一 医院皮肤性病科主任、卫生部免疫皮肤病学重点实验室副主任、 中国医科大学皮肤病学与皮肤美容学研究所所长,教育部创新团 队“免疫相关性皮肤病的实验与临床研究”带头人(2008-2010)、 教育部科技委学部委员、教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划资助获 得者、国务院政府津贴专家,中华医学会皮肤性病学会副主任委 员,中华医学会医学美学与美容学会委员,中国医师协会皮肤科 分会执委  J Appl Cosmetol (欧洲)、《皮肤病与性病》和《临床皮肤科杂志》 副主编,Int J Dermatol(美国)、《中国医学美容杂志》、《中 华医学美容学杂志》、《实用皮肤科杂志》、《中国皮肤性病学 杂志》、《中国麻风皮肤病学杂志》、《中华皮肤科杂志》编委。 Chairman and Professor of Department of Dermatology, No.1 Hospital of China Medical University, is a Changjiang Scholar of Ministry of Education and currently serves as Vice President of Chinese Society of Dermatology, Vice President of No.1 Hospital of China Medical University, Vice Director of Key Lab of Immunodermatology, Ministry of Health, etc. Prof. Xing-Hua Gao also is the vice editors in Chief at several national and international journals in dermatology. He has published more than 120 scientific papers (of 70 are SCI indexed papers), written more than 20 books.