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     Environmental Flows and Management

                                  December 2009

                             Prof. Angela Arthington
                   Australian Rivers Institute, Griffith University
                            Room 1.09C, Building N13
                                    3735 7403

       Rivers and floodplains are the world’s most
                threatened ecosystems

                                                 Global declines in river health
                                                 Loss of freshwater biodiversity
                                                 Declining food fisheries
                                                 Loss of human cultural values

  Impacts on river flow regimes
                                                         surface and groundwater
    levee banks on floodplainst                                 abstraction


                                                                         impacts of
                                                                         water grids
         high value                                                       and IBTs
     free-flowing rivers
Minimal flow regime change        dam release rules

Environmental Flows
                                      Environmental flows describe
                                      the quantity, timing and quality
                                      of water flows required to
                                      sustain freshwater and
                                      estuarine ecosystems and the
                                      human livelihoods and well-
                                      being that depend upon th
                                      b i th t d        d      these

                                                  Brisbane Declaration 2007
                                            International Environmental Flows
                                         Conference, Brisbane, September 2007
                                           750 delegates from over 50 countries

               Management Scenario 1

        Determining e-flows for a new reservoir
              on a river like the Li Jiang

•   Rapid assessment, with limited resources and data
    DRIFT Methodology
    Downstream Response to Imposed Flow Transformation

•   Comprehensive assessment, with time to collect field data
    ELOHA Framework
    Ecological Limits of Hydrologic Alteration

               Management Scenario 2

     Prioritising e-flows for multiple assets when there is limited
               water available because of other demands

    Which wetlands should be given water and how much, when,?

          Water allocations to sustain commercial fisheries

•   Rapid assessment, with limited resources and data
    Flow Restoration Methodology

•   Comprehensive assessment, with time to collect field data
    ELOHA Framework

Ecological Significance of Natural Flow Regime

1. Poff et al. 1997. Natural Flow Regime Paradigm

2. Bunn & Arthington 2002
Basic principles and ecological consequences of altered flow
   regimes for aquatic biodiversity

3. Nilsson & Svedmark 2002
Basic principles and ecological consequences of changing water
   regimes: riparian plant communities

4. Pinay et al. 2002
Basic principles and ecological consequences of changing water
   regimes on nitrogen cycling in fluvial systems

5. Naiman, Bunn et al. 2002
Legitimising fluvial ecosystems as users of water: An overview

                  Ecological Significance of Flow
                  Natural Flow Regime Paradigm
                         Poff et al. (1997)

•   The ecological structure and function of flowing water systems depends
    largely on their natural dynamic flow regime

•   Stream flow is a “master variable” that influences physical and chemical
    characteristics, e.g.

          - water quality
          - sediment regime and substrate characteristics
          - channel morphology, habitat structure and diversity
          - energy sources that fuel the aquatic food web

•   Stream flow characteristics influence the distribution, abundance and
    biotic interactions of river and floodplain species

•   Alteration of the natural flow regime of a river can have physical,
    chemical and ecological impacts

      Rivers differ in their natural flow regimes

           Mekong                             0.8   Darling

      8     Mississippi                             Murray
      6                                       4

            Columbia                          8
                                                    Cooper Creek
     20                                       6


      0                                       0

Components of natural flow regimes

     Natural Flow Regime Paradigm - Poff et al. (1997)

     •    Magnitude of flow – discharge Q

     •    Frequency of occurrence – relates to a particular magnitude,
              e g zero flow, or 100 year flood etc
                        flow             flood,

     •    Duration
               e.g. number of days of low flow, or number of days the
               floodplain is inundated, or composite values from flow
          duration     curve

     •    Timing, seasonality and predictability

     •    Rate of change, or flashiness

            Bunn, S.E. and Arthington, A.H. (2002)
     Basic principles and ecological consequences of altered
      flow regimes for aquatic biodiversity. Environmental
                     Management 30: 492-507

1.       Flow is a major determinant of physical habitat in streams, which
         in turn is a major determinant of biotic composition

2.       Aquatic Species have evolved life history strategies primarily in
         direct response to the natural flow regime

3.       Maintenance of natural patterns of longitudinal and lateral
         connectivity is essential to the viability of populations of many
         riverine species

4.       The invasion and success of exotic and introduced species in
         rivers is facilitated by the alteration of flow regimes

                  Flow-ecology principles
         Bunn & Arthington (2002) Env. Management

                         Aquatic biodiversity and natural flow regimes
                     Principle 3
             lateral connectivity                                                         Principle 1
             longitudinal connectivity                                channel form
                                                                      habitat complexity            biotic diversity
                                                                      patch disturbance
                                     access to     spates

                                                            variability                    Principle 2
                                     dispersal                                       Life history patterns

                                     triggers                                        • spawning
                                                      reproductive triggers          • recruitment

                                                                               stable baseflows

                                                   Principle 4
                                       natural regime discourages invasions

Macro-scale                   Flow creates and maintains:
         (channel form)
                                          •channel form - headwater tributaries,
                                                 main channels, lowland floodplains

                                                                   •hydraulic habitat units
                                                                          - riffles, pools,
                                                                          floodplain wetlands
                                               (hydraulic units)

                                                                                  (patches within
                                                                                  hydraulic units)
•patches of habitat
       - undercut banks, boulders
       - gravel & sand beds,
       - aquatic plants
       - woody debris – snags
       - leaf litter packs
      Images: Mark Kennard, Griffith University

                                                                  Fish habitat
                                  flow                       preferences in riffles,
                                                                runs and pools
   • intermediate # species
   • streamlined body
                                     • few species                  pool
                                     • streamlined body form        • many species
                                                                    • diverse body shapes

 Images: Mark Kennard & Brad Pusey, Griffith University

                                                                           Position in
  Rainbowfish                                                            Water Column
  (open water schooling species)
                                                                        Purple spotted gudgeon
                                                                           (benthic species)
Water surface


water       0.6


                  0          10           20          30
Stream bed
                                                              0            20          40            60
            Frequency (% of individuals)

     Images: Mark Kennard & Brad Pusey, Griffith University

Substrate composition                                  Frequency of use



       Substrate composition


 Images: Mark Kennard &
 Brad Pusey, Griffith

  Microhabitat structure
                                    Frequency of use

         Availability                   20                      Juveniles
  10                                    15




       Microhabitat structure

 Images: Mark Kennard &
 Brad Pusey, Griffith University
                                                  Microhabitat structure

        Impacts of flow regime alterations that
       change habitat downstream of dams and

Impacts of water loss and habitat change
        downstream of dams and weirs

                Sudden loss of flow and water depth, fish

      The Lower Murray – a River of Lakes

       Weir pools favour lentic Gastropods. River gastropods decline.
        Caused by loss of river habitat & food resources (biofilms)

             Blue-green algal blooms in the
                Darling River 1990-1991

Caused by:

• Stable low flows
• Loss of flushing flows
• Elevated nutrients
• Ample light
• Suitable water temps
• Less grazing pressure

Brisbane River d/s Wivenhoe Dam:
                     Unregulated vs Regulated Flow

                    180000                                                                                                 300

                                                                                                                                 CV of monthly flow
                    160000                                                                                                 250
          Flow ML

                    120000                                                                                                 200
                    100000                                                                                                 150

                     60000                                                                                                 100
                     40000                                                                                                 50
                         0                                                                                                 0





                                         Mean Monthly Unregulated                            SEP
                                                                                      Mean Monthly Regulated
                                         Coefficient of Variation Unregulated         Coefficient of Variation Regulated

           • Reduced mean monthly flows
           • Reduced flood peaks & “stepped” flow releases
           • Elevated & more stable low flows
           • Loss of flow variability at most flow magnitudes

Elevated, more stable low flows create habitat for
      dense, extensive aquatic plant beds

                                                                   • altered water quality, e.g. DO
       Red water
                                                                   • habitat much less diverse
                                                                   • lower diversity of invertebrates and fish
                                                                   • reduced flood conveyance

                       Effects of Natural Flow Regime
                           on Riparian Vegetation

Before Flow Regulation
                                                                                                               Lateral &
Zonation of vegetation                                                                                         seed dispersal by
by flood frequency &                                                                                           hydrochory
e.g. herbs, shrubs, trees

                                                                                                                    Biologically active
   Usually diverse                                                                                                  zone
   flora in comparison                                                                                              e.g. decomposition
   to surrounding
   terrestrial system

                           Spatially and temporally heterogeneous
                         plant community composition and structure

         Hydro-ecological relationships: riparian

             Typical zonation of riparian vegetation for SEQ

                                                                                   Mature grassy open
                                                                                eucalypt (E. tereticornis)
                                            Tall She-oak (Casuarina             & bloodwood (Corymbia
 Along the channel verge there is a        cunninghamiana) riparian               tessellaris) woodland
  stable band of reophytes such as
     bl b d f        h          h        forest with mesic subcanopy
 Watergum (Tristaniopsis exilliflora),    species on channel terraces
        Callistemon viminalis.
   & the Mat rush (Lomandra sp.)

               Effects of changing the Flow Regime
                      on Riparian Vegetation
   After Flow Regulation
           by Dam
                                                                        Barriers to seed dispersal
                                                                        by hydrochory, particularly
Streamward migration                                                    affecting short-floating seeds
of vegetation zones,
i.e. replacement of
hydrophytic species by
  y p y       p      y
more mesic/ xeric species.
e.g. encroachment of forest                                                   Decomposition rates
                                                                              decline with flood

                                        Homogenisation of
                              plant community composition & structure

    Severe effects of reduced flood frequency on
        floodplain wetlands and waterbirds

Wetland loss in Australia:

• 90 % loss in M-D Basin
• 75 % loss on Swan Coastal Plain, WA
• 50 % loss NSW coastal rivers

Principle 2
                                    Life History Patterns
                       Aquatic biodiversity and natural flow regimes
                   Principle 3
           lateral connectivity                                                          Principle 1
           longitudinal connectivity                                 channel form
                                                                     habitat complexity            biotic diversity
                                                                     patch disturbance
                                    access to     spates

                                                           variability                    Principle 2
                                    dispersal                                       Life history patterns

                                    triggers                                        • spawning
                                                     reproductive triggers          • recruitment

                                                                              stable baseflows

                                                  Principle 4
                                      natural regime discourages invasions

Life History and Recruitment Strategies
                                                             Low flow recruitment
                                                             Spawn during stable low
                                                             flows in spring & summer,
                                                             window of opportunity to
                                                             access habitat/food for larval
               N. Armstrong                                  fishes

No flow recruitment
                                                                                                                 N. Armstrong
Spawning in standing water bodies
with no flow, e.g. river pools,
waterholes on floodplains

    Merrick & Schmida                                             Flow / flood pulse recruitment
                                    Spawn during rising water levels or floods in spring & summer,
                                      recruitment enhanced by backwater & floodplain inundation

Catfish spawns into a ‘nest’ in well-oxygenated water,
water level fluctuations can inhibit spawning
                                                                                 Eel-tailed catfish

                                                                                                                         R. Kuiter

                                     R. McDowall

                                                      G. Schmida

Flows trigger spawning in Clanwilliam Yellowfish

                                                                  Spawning stimulated
                                                                     by flow cues below

                                                                     Larval growth
                                                                     requires warm water
                                                                     and diverse food

                                                                           Skelton 1993

Seasonal reproductive cycles of fish species
     in the Fitzroy River system, QLD

     A. ag
     A. per
     Ar. g.
     G. apr.
     H. lep.
     Hyp. c.
     M. mog.
     N. ater
     Ox. lin.
     P. gr.
     Scl. l.
     Sc. h.
     T. tan.
                J     A    S    O        N   D     J   F   M    A      M     J
                    low & stable flows       wet season
                    Spring temps             Summer temps

       Inversion of normal seasonal flow
           pattern below large dams

                                                 Flow and temperature
                                                 patterns no longer match

                                                 Loss of fl d fl
                                                 L     f flood flows

                                                 Fish spawning failure

                                                 Loss of wetland biodiversity
                                                         and functions

      Median monthly flows
   Murray River at Albury, NSW

Flow effects on different processes during a
                  plant life cycle

Ecological responses to various temporal and spatial scale of flow disturbance

              Flowering, seed
              set and release                                                                   Growth and

                                   Seed                                                Juvenile


                      Germination                                                         Establishment
                                                Predation, competition

                                                 Principle 3
                     Movement and migration

                      Aquatic biodiversity and natural flow regimes
                  Principle 3
          lateral connectivity                                                          Principle 1
          longitudinal connectivity                                 channel form
                                                                    habitat complexity            biotic diversity
                                                                    patch disturbance
                                  access to      spates

                                                          variability                    Principle 2
                                  dispersal                                        Life history patterns

                                  triggers                                         • spawning
                                                    reproductive triggers          • recruitment

                                                                             stable baseflows

                                                 Principle 4
                                    natural regime discourages invasions

                                                                                     Movement and

                                                                                                Merrick & Schmida 1984

                                                    Freshwater Fishes of North-Eastern Australia
                                                           Pusey, Kennard & Arthington 2004

Giant Mekong Catfish
   (2.35 m and 260 kg)

                                                            “Construction of
                                                           mainstream dams
                                                              that obstruct
                                                          spawning migrations
                                                            may seal its fate”

                                                            Dudgeon, 2001
    Overfishing has caused failure of the

                                    • Fish return to
                 Flood March
                                         waterholes       Importance of
                 13,471 km2                                 connectivity

                                                              • Drying waterhole
                                                              • Fish mortality 93%



• Floodplain inundation                                       Channel flows
• Fish breeding                                               • Connectivity
• Movement of all life stages
                                                              • Movement
          to floodplain
• Growth and juvenile                                         • Fish breeding

11/12 native species move from river to inundated
floodplains to feed and grow

Water flowing to sea
                                                                                                                       is not “wasted”


                                                                     Total fish catch
Total catch (tonnes)
  Annual flow (GL)

                                                                                                                                   Fish catch in Moreton
                                                                                                                                   Bay vs Logan River

                                                               Total flow
                                         0                                                                                             Loneragan & Bunn 1999
                                             1945       1950         1955        1960         1965       1970          1975
                                                                                                                                       Aust. J. Ecol. 24: 431-440

                                                                                                                            Prawn catch in Logan
                                   100                                                                                      estuary vs total summer
                  Catch (tonnes)


                                     0                                                                                        • catchability
                                                    10 000                  100 000                1 000 000
                                                                                                                              • habitat & food resources
                                                               Summer flow (ML)
                                                                                                                              • life history

                                                                                               Principle 4
                                                      Alien and translocated species

                                                                Aquatic biodiversity and natural flow regimes
                                                            Principle 3
                                                    lateral connectivity                                                               Principle 1
                                                    longitudinal connectivity                                      channel form
                                                                                                                   habitat complexity            biotic diversity
                                                                                                                   patch disturbance
                                                                            access to          spates

                                                                                                         variability                   Principle 2
                                                                             dispersal                                            Life history patterns

                                                                             triggers                                             • spawning
                                                                                                    reproductive triggers         • recruitment

                                                                                                                            stable baseflows

                                                                                               Principle 4
                                                                               natural regime discourages invasions

Impoundments provide habitat for exotic
  fish and plants (e.g. water hyacinth)

                                          Mozambique tilapia
                                         has established self-
                                        maintaining populations n
                                             Wivenhoe and
                                            North Pine Dams

  Fish species diversity has declined with
 increasing degree of flow regulation in the
           Murray-Darling Basin

                                         - more stable flows,
                                         - less frequent flooding
                                         - modified habitat, food,
                                              spawning conditions

                                         - native fish have declined
                                         - exotic species dominate,
                                              especially carp

           Annual proportional flow deviation

 Water fern – Salvinia - covering a riverine

Effects of weirs on
                                               riparian & aquatic
Reach with natural flows

                  Between Marian and Dumbleton
                   Weir Pools - Pioneer R (Site 5)

                                                                           Weir pool

 more stable water levels
 few native aquatic plants                                 Weir pool
 exotic species proliferate

                                                 Environmental Flows
                                               Environmental flows describe
                                               the quantity, timing and quality
                                               of water flows required to
                                               sustain freshwater and
                                               estuarine ecosystems and the
                                               human livelihoods and well-
                                               being that depend upon th
                                               b i th t d        d      these

                                                              Brisbane Declaration 2007
                                                        International Environmental Flows
                                                     Conference, Brisbane, September 2007
                                                       750 delegates from over 50 countries


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Similaire à Arthington iwc e flows principles handout

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Similaire à Arthington iwc e flows principles handout (20)

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Arthington iwc e flows principles handout

  • 1. IWC Environmental Flows and Management Scenarios December 2009 Prof. Angela Arthington Australian Rivers Institute, Griffith University Room 1.09C, Building N13 3735 7403 Rivers and floodplains are the world’s most threatened ecosystems Global declines in river health Loss of freshwater biodiversity Declining food fisheries Loss of human cultural values Impacts on river flow regimes surface and groundwater levee banks on floodplainst abstraction weirs impacts of water grids high value and IBTs free-flowing rivers Minimal flow regime change dam release rules 1
  • 2. Environmental Flows Environmental flows describe the quantity, timing and quality of water flows required to sustain freshwater and estuarine ecosystems and the human livelihoods and well- being that depend upon th b i th t d d these systems Brisbane Declaration 2007 International Environmental Flows Conference, Brisbane, September 2007 750 delegates from over 50 countries Management Scenario 1 Determining e-flows for a new reservoir on a river like the Li Jiang • Rapid assessment, with limited resources and data DRIFT Methodology Downstream Response to Imposed Flow Transformation • Comprehensive assessment, with time to collect field data ELOHA Framework Ecological Limits of Hydrologic Alteration Management Scenario 2 Prioritising e-flows for multiple assets when there is limited water available because of other demands Which wetlands should be given water and how much, when,? g Water allocations to sustain commercial fisheries • Rapid assessment, with limited resources and data Flow Restoration Methodology • Comprehensive assessment, with time to collect field data ELOHA Framework 2
  • 3. Ecological Significance of Natural Flow Regime 1. Poff et al. 1997. Natural Flow Regime Paradigm 2. Bunn & Arthington 2002 Basic principles and ecological consequences of altered flow regimes for aquatic biodiversity 3. Nilsson & Svedmark 2002 Basic principles and ecological consequences of changing water regimes: riparian plant communities 4. Pinay et al. 2002 Basic principles and ecological consequences of changing water regimes on nitrogen cycling in fluvial systems 5. Naiman, Bunn et al. 2002 Legitimising fluvial ecosystems as users of water: An overview Ecological Significance of Flow Natural Flow Regime Paradigm Poff et al. (1997) • The ecological structure and function of flowing water systems depends largely on their natural dynamic flow regime • Stream flow is a “master variable” that influences physical and chemical characteristics, e.g. - water quality - sediment regime and substrate characteristics - channel morphology, habitat structure and diversity - energy sources that fuel the aquatic food web • Stream flow characteristics influence the distribution, abundance and biotic interactions of river and floodplain species • Alteration of the natural flow regime of a river can have physical, chemical and ecological impacts Rivers differ in their natural flow regimes Mekong 0.8 Darling 30 0.6 20 0.4 10 0.2 0 0 6 8 Mississippi Murray 6 4 4 2 2 0 0 Columbia 8 Cooper Creek 20 6 4 10 2 0 0 3
  • 4. Components of natural flow regimes Natural Flow Regime Paradigm - Poff et al. (1997) • Magnitude of flow – discharge Q • Frequency of occurrence – relates to a particular magnitude, e.g. e g zero flow, or 100 year flood etc flow flood, • Duration e.g. number of days of low flow, or number of days the floodplain is inundated, or composite values from flow duration curve • Timing, seasonality and predictability • Rate of change, or flashiness Bunn, S.E. and Arthington, A.H. (2002) Basic principles and ecological consequences of altered flow regimes for aquatic biodiversity. Environmental Management 30: 492-507 1. Flow is a major determinant of physical habitat in streams, which in turn is a major determinant of biotic composition 2. Aquatic Species have evolved life history strategies primarily in direct response to the natural flow regime 3. Maintenance of natural patterns of longitudinal and lateral connectivity is essential to the viability of populations of many riverine species 4. The invasion and success of exotic and introduced species in rivers is facilitated by the alteration of flow regimes Flow-ecology principles Bunn & Arthington (2002) Env. Management Aquatic biodiversity and natural flow regimes Principle 3 lateral connectivity Principle 1 longitudinal connectivity channel form habitat complexity biotic diversity patch disturbance access to spates floodplains variability Principle 2 dispersal Life history patterns Discharge triggers • spawning reproductive triggers • recruitment seasonality predictability stable baseflows drought Time Principle 4 natural regime discourages invasions 4
  • 5. Macro-scale Flow creates and maintains: (channel form) •channel form - headwater tributaries, main channels, lowland floodplains •hydraulic habitat units - riffles, pools, floodplain wetlands Meso-scale (hydraulic units) Micro-scale (patches within hydraulic units) •patches of habitat - undercut banks, boulders - gravel & sand beds, - aquatic plants - woody debris – snags - leaf litter packs Images: Mark Kennard, Griffith University Fish habitat flow preferences in riffles, runs and pools run riffle • intermediate # species • streamlined body • few species pool • streamlined body form • many species • diverse body shapes Images: Mark Kennard & Brad Pusey, Griffith University Position in Rainbowfish Water Column (open water schooling species) Purple spotted gudgeon (benthic species) Water surface 0.2 0.4 Relative water 0.6 depth 0.8 1 0 10 20 30 Stream bed 0 20 40 60 Frequency (% of individuals) Images: Mark Kennard & Brad Pusey, Griffith University 5
  • 6. Substrate composition Frequency of use 30 20 Availability 30 10 20 0 10 0 30 Substrate composition 20 10 0 Images: Mark Kennard & Brad Pusey, Griffith University Microhabitat structure Frequency of use Availability 20 Juveniles 15 Adults 10 15 5 10 0 5 0 Microhabitat structure Images: Mark Kennard & Brad Pusey, Griffith University Microhabitat structure Impacts of flow regime alterations that change habitat downstream of dams and g weirs 6
  • 7. Impacts of water loss and habitat change downstream of dams and weirs Sudden loss of flow and water depth, fish stranding The Lower Murray – a River of Lakes Weir pools favour lentic Gastropods. River gastropods decline. Caused by loss of river habitat & food resources (biofilms) Blue-green algal blooms in the Darling River 1990-1991 Caused by: • Stable low flows • Loss of flushing flows • Elevated nutrients • Ample light • Suitable water temps • Less grazing pressure 7
  • 8. Brisbane River d/s Wivenhoe Dam: Unregulated vs Regulated Flow 180000 300 CV of monthly flow 160000 250 140000 Flow ML 120000 200 100000 150 80000 m 60000 100 40000 50 20000 0 0 MAR OCT AUG NOV APR JUN MAY FEB JAN JUL DEC Mean Monthly Unregulated SEP Mean Monthly Regulated Coefficient of Variation Unregulated Coefficient of Variation Regulated • Reduced mean monthly flows • Reduced flood peaks & “stepped” flow releases • Elevated & more stable low flows • Loss of flow variability at most flow magnitudes Elevated, more stable low flows create habitat for dense, extensive aquatic plant beds Impacts: • altered water quality, e.g. DO Red water • habitat much less diverse milfoil • lower diversity of invertebrates and fish • reduced flood conveyance Effects of Natural Flow Regime on Riparian Vegetation Before Flow Regulation Lateral & longitudinal Zonation of vegetation seed dispersal by by flood frequency & hydrochory duration e.g. herbs, shrubs, trees Biologically active Usually diverse zone flora in comparison e.g. decomposition to surrounding terrestrial system Spatially and temporally heterogeneous plant community composition and structure 8
  • 9. Hydro- Hydro-ecological relationships: riparian vegetation Typical zonation of riparian vegetation for SEQ Mature grassy open eucalypt (E. tereticornis) Tall She-oak (Casuarina & bloodwood (Corymbia Along the channel verge there is a cunninghamiana) riparian tessellaris) woodland stable band of reophytes such as bl b d f h h forest with mesic subcanopy Watergum (Tristaniopsis exilliflora), species on channel terraces Callistemon viminalis. & the Mat rush (Lomandra sp.) Effects of changing the Flow Regime on Riparian Vegetation After Flow Regulation by Dam Barriers to seed dispersal by hydrochory, particularly Streamward migration affecting short-floating seeds of vegetation zones, i.e. replacement of hydrophytic species by y p y p y more mesic/ xeric species. e.g. encroachment of forest Decomposition rates decline with flood elimination Homogenisation of plant community composition & structure Severe effects of reduced flood frequency on floodplain wetlands and waterbirds Wetland loss in Australia: • 90 % loss in M-D Basin M- • 75 % loss on Swan Coastal Plain, WA • 50 % loss NSW coastal rivers 9
  • 10. Principle 2 Life History Patterns Aquatic biodiversity and natural flow regimes Principle 3 lateral connectivity Principle 1 longitudinal connectivity channel form habitat complexity biotic diversity patch disturbance access to spates floodplains variability Principle 2 dispersal Life history patterns Discharge triggers • spawning reproductive triggers • recruitment seasonality predictability stable baseflows drought Time Principle 4 natural regime discourages invasions Life History and Recruitment Strategies Low flow recruitment Spawn during stable low flows in spring & summer, window of opportunity to access habitat/food for larval N. Armstrong fishes No flow recruitment N. Armstrong Spawning in standing water bodies with no flow, e.g. river pools, waterholes on floodplains Merrick & Schmida Flow / flood pulse recruitment Spawn during rising water levels or floods in spring & summer, recruitment enhanced by backwater & floodplain inundation Catfish spawns into a ‘nest’ in well-oxygenated water, water level fluctuations can inhibit spawning Eel-tailed catfish R. Kuiter R. McDowall G. Schmida 10
  • 11. Flows trigger spawning in Clanwilliam Yellowfish  Spawning stimulated by flow cues below dams  Larval growth requires warm water and diverse food items Skelton 1993 Seasonal reproductive cycles of fish species in the Fitzroy River system, QLD A. ag A. per Ar. g. G. apr. p H. lep. Hyp. c. M. mog. N. ater Ox. lin. P. gr. Scl. l. Sc. h. T. tan. J A S O N D J F M A M J low & stable flows wet season Spring temps Summer temps Inversion of normal seasonal flow pattern below large dams Flow and temperature patterns no longer match Loss of fl d fl L f flood flows Fish spawning failure Loss of wetland biodiversity and functions Median monthly flows Murray River at Albury, NSW 11
  • 12. Flow effects on different processes during a plant life cycle Ecological responses to various temporal and spatial scale of flow disturbance Flowering, seed Adult set and release Growth and maturity y Seed Juvenile Dispersal Germination Establishment Seedling Predation, competition Principle 3 Movement and migration Aquatic biodiversity and natural flow regimes Principle 3 lateral connectivity Principle 1 longitudinal connectivity channel form habitat complexity biotic diversity patch disturbance access to spates floodplains variability Principle 2 dispersal Life history patterns Discharge triggers • spawning reproductive triggers • recruitment seasonality predictability stable baseflows drought Time Principle 4 natural regime discourages invasions Movement and Migration Merrick & Schmida 1984 Freshwater Fishes of North-Eastern Australia Pusey, Kennard & Arthington 2004 12
  • 13. Giant Mekong Catfish (2.35 m and 260 kg) “Construction of mainstream dams that obstruct spawning migrations may seal its fate” Dudgeon, 2001 Overfishing has caused failure of the fishery • Fish return to Flood March 2000 waterholes Importance of 13,471 km2 connectivity Bust • Drying waterhole • Fish mortality 93% Connectivity Connectivity Boom • Floodplain inundation Channel flows • Fish breeding • Connectivity • Movement of all life stages • Movement to floodplain • Growth and juvenile • Fish breeding recruitment 11/12 native species move from river to inundated floodplains to feed and grow 13
  • 14. Water flowing to sea is not “wasted” 1600 1400 Total fish catch 1200 Total catch (tonnes) Annual flow (GL) 1000 Fish catch in Moreton 800 Bay vs Logan River 600 400 flow 200 Total flow 0 Loneragan & Bunn 1999 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 Aust. J. Ecol. 24: 431-440 Year total Prawn catch in Logan 100 estuary vs total summer Catch (tonnes) kings flow 10 Mechanisms: 0 • catchability 10 000 100 000 1 000 000 • habitat & food resources Summer flow (ML) • life history Principle 4 Alien and translocated species Aquatic biodiversity and natural flow regimes Principle 3 lateral connectivity Principle 1 longitudinal connectivity channel form habitat complexity biotic diversity patch disturbance access to spates floodplains variability Principle 2 dispersal Life history patterns Discharge triggers • spawning reproductive triggers • recruitment seasonality predictability stable baseflows drought Time Principle 4 natural regime discourages invasions 14
  • 15. Impoundments provide habitat for exotic fish and plants (e.g. water hyacinth) Mozambique tilapia has established self- maintaining populations n Wivenhoe and North Pine Dams Y e Fish species diversity has declined with increasing degree of flow regulation in the Murray-Darling Basin - more stable flows, - less frequent flooding - modified habitat, food, spawning conditions - native fish have declined - exotic species dominate, especially carp Annual proportional flow deviation Water fern – Salvinia - covering a riverine impoundment 15
  • 16. Effects of weirs on riparian & aquatic vegetation Reach with natural flows Between Marian and Dumbleton Weir Pools - Pioneer R (Site 5) Weir pool  more stable water levels  few native aquatic plants Weir pool  exotic species proliferate Environmental Flows Environmental flows describe the quantity, timing and quality of water flows required to sustain freshwater and estuarine ecosystems and the human livelihoods and well- being that depend upon th b i th t d d these systems Brisbane Declaration 2007 International Environmental Flows Conference, Brisbane, September 2007 750 delegates from over 50 countries 16