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How CPAN Testers helped me
     improve my module

  It’s quite hard to write cross-platform CPAN
modules, especially when you use XS to interface
with C libraries. Luckily, CPAN Testers tests your
 modules on many platforms for you. Come see
 how CPAN Testers helped me to create a fully
                 portable module.
                   Léon Brocard

Who went to. . .

  Barbie’s talk “Smoking   e Onion — Tales of CPAN
Who knows about. . .

  CPAN Testers
 Léon Brocard
 French, live in London
 Like food
 Like the colour orange
 Ex-leader of
 Started YAPC::Europe
 Looking for employment
 Perl hacker
Released Perl

     - -   Perl .     _
     - -   Perl . .
     - -   Perl . .
     - -   Perl . .
distributions on the CPAN

Acme-Buffy, Acme-Colour, App-Cache, Archive-Peek, Bisect-Perl-UsingGit,
Catalyst-Plugin-CookiedSession, Catalyst-Plugin-SimpleAuth, Compress-LZF_PP,
Compress-LZMA-External, CPAN-IndexPod, CPAN-Metadata-RDF, CPAN-Mini-Live,
CPAN-Unpack, Crypt-Skip32-Base32Crockford, Crypt-Skip32-Base64URLSafe, Dackup,
Data-Page, Data-UUID-Base64URLSafe, DateTime-Stringify, Devel-ebug, Devel-ebug-HTTP,
Devel-Profit, Email-Send-Gandi, Email-Send-Gmail, File-Copy-Reliable, Fir,
Games-GuessWord, GraphViz, Haul, HTML-Fraction, HTTP-Server-Simple-Kwiki,
Image-Imlib2, Image-Imlib2-Thumbnail, Image-Imlib2-Thumbnail-S3, Image-WorldMap,
Java-JVM-Classfile, JSON-XS-VersionOneAndTwo, JSON-YAJL, Kasago, Language-Functional,
LWP-ConnCache-MaxKeepAliveRequests, Mac-EyeTV, MealMaster, Messaging-Courier,
Module-CPANTS-Generator, Module-Packaged, MP3-ID3Lib, Net-Amazon-S3,
Net-Amazon-S3-Client-GPG, Net-Amazon-SimpleQueue, Net-Cassandra, Net-DPAP-Client,
Net-FleetDB, Net-FTP-Throttle, Net-LastFM, Net-MythTV, Net-MythWeb, Net-OpenDHT,
Net-VNC, Number-DataRate, OpenFrame-Segment-Apache, OpenFrame-Segment-Apache2,
Parse-BACKPAN-Packages, Parse-CPAN-Authors, Parse-CPAN-Ratings, Perl-Metric-Basic,
PPIx-IndexOffsets, PPIx-LineToSub, Search-Mousse, String-Koremutake,
Template-Plugin-Page, Template-Stash-Strict, Term-ProgressBar-Quiet, Test-Expect,
Test-WWW-Mechanize-PSGI, Tie-GHash, Tree-Ternary_XS, TV-Anytime, WWW-Gazetteer,
WWW-Gazetteer-FallingRain, WWW-Gazetteer-Getty, WWW-Mechanize-Timed,
Out of date

  Written and released during conference:

Data structures
       double => 4,
       false   => 0,
       integer => 123,
       map     => {
           array => [ 1, 2, 3 ],
           key   => "value"
       null    => undef,
       number => "3.141",
       string => "a string",
       string2 => "another string",
       true    => 1
      double => 4,
      false   => 0,
      integer => 123,
      map     => {
          array => [ 1, 2, 3 ],
          key   => "value"
      null    => undef,
      number => "3.141",
      string => "a string",
      string2 => "another string",
      true    => 1
YAML Ain’t Markup Language
  double: 4
  false: 0
  integer: 123
      - 1
      - 2
      - 3
    key: value
  null: ~
  number: 3.141
  string: a string
  string2: another string
  true: 1
Extensible Markup Language
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <string>a string</string>
  <string>another string</string>
JavaScript Object Notation

      "string":"a string",
      "string2":"another string",
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <string>a string</string>
 <string>another string</string>
Simple API for XML

  my $b = XML::LibXML::SAX::Builder->new();
  $b->start_element( { Name => ’number’ } );
  $b->characters( { Data => ’3.141’ } );
  $b->end_element( { Name => ’number’ } );
  say $b->result->toString;

  # generates:
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
Yet Another JSON Library

  “YAJL is a small event-driven (SAX-style) JSON
  parser written in ANSI C, and a small validating
  JSON generator”
YAJL example
  yajl_gen g;
  const unsigned char * buf;
  size_t len;

  g = yajl_gen_alloc(NULL);
  yajl_gen_string(g, "number", 6);
  yajl_gen_number(g, "3.141", 5);

  yajl_gen_get_buf(g, &buf, &len);
  # {"number":3.141}
  fwrite(buf, 1, len, stdout);
A dream

 my $generator = JSON::YAJL::Generator->new();
 say $generator->get_buf;
 # {"number":3.141}
Wait, C?

  XS – eXternal Subroutine
  h xs -x
  SWIG – Simpli ed Wrapper and Interface Generator
  FFI – Foreign Function Interface
Hack hack hack

  Perl is written in C with macros
  perlguts — Introduction to the Perl API
  perlxs — XS language reference manual
  perlxstut — Tutorial for writing XSUBs
  perlport — Writing portable Perl
  Works on my machine, so ship it
   .   Mon Apr      : :    CEST
CPAN Testers

  CPAN Testers is an e ort to set up a Quality
  Assurance (QA) team for CPAN modules.
     e objective of the group is to test as many of the
  distributions on CPAN as possible, on as many
  platforms as possible.
     e ultimate goal is to improve the portability of the
  distributions on CPAN, and provide good feedback
  to the authors.

  Volunteers testing recent CPAN uploads
  On a variety of operating systems
  On a variety of platforms
  On a variety of Perl versions
e subject

From: Andreas J. Konig (ANDK)
Subject: FAIL JSON-YAJL-0.01 v5.8.7 GNU/Linux
Date: 2011-04-11T10:25:15Z

This distribution has been tested as part of
the CPAN Testers project, supporting the
Perl programming language. See for more
information or email questions to

  PASS    distribution built and tested correctly
  FAIL    distribution failed to test correctly
  UNKNOWN distribution failed to build, had no
          test suite or outcome was inconclu-
  NA      distribution is not applicable to this
          platform and/or version of Perl
  Dear Leon Brocard,

  This is a computer-generated report for
  JSON-YAJL-0.01 on perl 5.8.7, created by

  Thank you for uploading your work to CPAN.
  However, there was a problem testing your

  If you think this report is invalid, please
  consult the CPAN Testers Wiki for suggestions
  on how to avoid getting FAIL reports for
  missing library or binary dependencies,
  unsupported operating systems, and so on:
Tester comments

  This report is from an automated smoke
  testing program and was not reviewed by
  a human for accuracy.
Program output

  Output from ’./Build test’:

  t/pod.t ..... ok
  Can’t load ’/home/sand/.cpan/build/JSON-YAJL-0.01-vYmtrJ/blib/arch/auto/JSON/YAJL/Generator/G
   at /home/sand/.cpan/build/JSON-YAJL-0.01-vYmtrJ/blib/lib/JSON/ line 4
  Compilation failed in require at /home/sand/.cpan/build/JSON-YAJL-0.01-vYmtrJ/blib/lib/JSON/Y
  BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/sand/.cpan/build/JSON-YAJL-0.01-vYmtrJ/blib/lib/JS
  Compilation failed in require at t/simple.t line 5.
  BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/simple.t line 5.
  t/simple.t ..
  Dubious, test returned 9 (wstat 2304, 0x900)
  No subtests run

  Test Summary Report
  t/simple.t (Wstat: 2304 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)
    Non-zero exit status: 9
    Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output
  Files=2, Tests=2, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr    0.00 sys +   0.07 cusr   0.02 csys =   0.12 CPU)
  Result: FAIL
  Failed 1/2 test programs. 0/2 subtests failed.

  Prerequisites (and version numbers)
  Environment variables (PATH, SHELL etc.)
  Perl special variables and OS-speci c diagnostics
  Perl module toolchain versions installed
Summary of perl con guration
  Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 8 subversion 7) configuration:
      osname=linux, osvers=2.6.26-1-amd64, archname=x86_64-linux-thread-multi-ld
      uname=’linux k81 2.6.26-1-amd64 #1 smp mon dec 15 17:25:36 utc 2008 x86_64 gnulinux ’
      config_args=’-Dprefix=/usr/local/perl-5.8.7-threaded -Uversiononly -Dusedevel -Ui_db -Dus
      hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
      usethreads=define use5005threads=undef useithreads=define usemultiplicity=define
      useperlio=define d_sfio=undef uselargefiles=define usesocks=undef
      use64bitint=define use64bitall=define uselongdouble=define
      usemymalloc=n, bincompat5005=undef
      cc=’cc’, ccflags =’-D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DTHREADS_HAVE_PIDS -fno-strict-aliasing -p
      cppflags=’-D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DTHREADS_HAVE_PIDS -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I/us
      ccversion=’’, gccversion=’4.3.2’, gccosandvers=’’
      intsize=4, longsize=8, ptrsize=8, doublesize=8, byteorder=12345678
      d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=16
      ivtype=’long’, ivsize=8, nvtype=’long double’, nvsize=16, Off_t=’off_t’, lseeksize=8
      alignbytes=16, prototype=define
    Linker and Libraries:
      ld=’cc’, ldflags =’ -L/usr/local/lib’
      libpth=/usr/local/lib /lib /usr/lib
      libs=-lnsl -ldb -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lpthread -lc
      perllibs=-lnsl -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lpthread -lc
      libc=/lib/, so=so, useshrplib=false, libperl=libperl.a
    Dynamic Linking:
      dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags=’-Wl,-E’
      cccdlflags=’-fpic’, lddlflags=’-shared -L/usr/local/lib’
e error

Can’t load
‘/home/sand/.cpan/build/JSON-YAJL- . -vYmtrJ-
for module JSON::YAJL::Generator:
/home/sand/.cpan/build/JSON-YAJL- . -vYmtrJ-
unde ned symbol: newSVpvn_utf at
/usr/local/perl- . . -threaded/lib/ . . /x _ -linux-
thread-multi-ld/ line
perlapi says

  Creates a new SV and copies a string into it. If utf is
  true, calls "SvUTF _on" on the new SV.
  SV* newSVpvn_utf8(NULLOK const
  char* s, STRLEN len, U32 utf8)
  Introduced in . , as pointed out by Andreas J. König.
Devel::PPPort - Perl/Pollution/Portability

  Perl’s API has changed over time, gaining new
  features, new functions, increasing its exibility, and
  reducing the impact on the C namespace
  environment (reduced pollution). e header le
  written by this module, typically ppport.h, attempts
  to bring some of the newer Perl API features to older
  versions of Perl, so that you can worry less about
  keeping track of old releases, but users can still reap
  the bene t.
Release .

  Include ppport.h
   .   Mon Apr       : :   CEST
Release .

  Unde ned symbol "DPPP_my_newSVpvn_ ags"
Release .       ( )

  ppport.h is runnable
  #define NEED_newSVpvn_flags
  #define NEED_sv_2pv_flags
Release .        ( )

  do not include stdint.h as we do not need it
   .   Tue Apr      : :   CEST
Release .

  got: .                      expected: .
  Stop using .   for testing oats
  What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About
  Floating-Point Arithmetic — David Goldberg
Release .       ( )

  symbol isinf: referenced symbol not found
  #if defined (__SVR4) && defined (__sun)
  #ifndef isinf
  #define isinf(x) (!finite((x)) && (x)==(x))
Release .        ( )

  Error: ’const char *’ not in typemap in Generator.xs,
  add const char * to the typemap to support Perl .
Release .        ( )

  throw exceptions upon YAJL error states
   .   Wed Apr      :   :   CEST
Release .

  Half the tests failed!
  error: too few arguments to function ’Perl_croak’
  use aTHX_ when Perl_croak-ing to work on threaded
  Perl_croak(aTHX_ "YAJL: Keys must be strings");
Release .        ( )

  expecting: Regexp ((?-xism:Invalid number)) found:
  YAJL: Keys must be strings
  Only test inf and nan on Perl . . and later
   .     u Apr      : :   CEST
Release .

   x minor documentation typo
  don’t test inf and nan under MSWin
  add an interface to the parser
  take advantage of typemaps and declarations to
  minimize XS code
   .   Sat Apr      : :   CEST
Release .
  link to YAJL website, as pointed out by Olivier
  add homepage, repository and bugtracker
  distribution metadata
  add LICENSE le
  add a SAX builder example
  add a tokenising example
  add a tokenising, parsing with Marpa example
  improved documentation, clearer tests
   .   Mon Apr        :   :   CEST
Release .

  update to YAJL . .
   .   Mon Jun     : :   BST
Release .

  don’t test inf and nan under MirOS BSD
  work around not nding isinf under Solaris
  work around missing sprintf_s under Windows
   .   Wed Jul    :   :   BST
Release .

  work aroud the fact that win mingw/gcc doesn’t
  have sprintf_s (for Strawberry Perl)
  move dSP to top of callback_call to compile under
  Microso Visual Studio .
   .     u Aug     : :   BST
Microso Visual C++ does not support long long:
yajlyajl_parse.h(77) : error C2632: ’long’
  followed by ’long’ is illegal
yajlyajl_parser.h(74) : error C2632: ’long’
  followed by ’long’ is illegal
How to become a CPAN Tester

CPAN Testers Leaderboard

   st ,          ,       Chris Williams (BINGOS)
   nd ,              ,   Andreas J. König (ANDK)
   rd        ,           Dan Collins (DCOLLINS)
        th   ,           Léon Brocard (LBROCARD)

  ,     test reports
 All helping to make CPAN modules more portable
On next at        :

  Liel¯ z¯le: Perl Lists, Arrays, and Hashes vivi ed:
      a a
  lazy, in nite, at, slurpy, typed, bound, and LoL’d,
  Patrick Michaud
  Auditorija    : Encryption on the Web for everyone,
  Lars D
  Auditorija : Terms of endearment — the
  ElasticSearch query language explained, Clinton
  Auditorija    : Perlude: a taste of haskell in perl, Marc

Contenu connexe


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How CPAN Testers helped me improve my module

  • 1. How CPAN Testers helped me improve my module It’s quite hard to write cross-platform CPAN modules, especially when you use XS to interface with C libraries. Luckily, CPAN Testers tests your modules on many platforms for you. Come see how CPAN Testers helped me to create a fully portable module. Léon Brocard YAPC::Europe
  • 2. Who went to. . . Barbie’s talk “Smoking e Onion — Tales of CPAN Testers”
  • 3. Who knows about. . . CPAN Testers
  • 4. Me Léon Brocard French, live in London Like food Like the colour orange Founded,, Ex-leader of Started YAPC::Europe Looking for employment Perl hacker
  • 5. Released Perl - - Perl . _ - - Perl . . - - Perl . . - - Perl . .
  • 6. distributions on the CPAN Acme-Buffy, Acme-Colour, App-Cache, Archive-Peek, Bisect-Perl-UsingGit, Catalyst-Plugin-CookiedSession, Catalyst-Plugin-SimpleAuth, Compress-LZF_PP, Compress-LZMA-External, CPAN-IndexPod, CPAN-Metadata-RDF, CPAN-Mini-Live, CPAN-Unpack, Crypt-Skip32-Base32Crockford, Crypt-Skip32-Base64URLSafe, Dackup, Data-Page, Data-UUID-Base64URLSafe, DateTime-Stringify, Devel-ebug, Devel-ebug-HTTP, Devel-Profit, Email-Send-Gandi, Email-Send-Gmail, File-Copy-Reliable, Fir, Games-GuessWord, GraphViz, Haul, HTML-Fraction, HTTP-Server-Simple-Kwiki, Image-Imlib2, Image-Imlib2-Thumbnail, Image-Imlib2-Thumbnail-S3, Image-WorldMap, Java-JVM-Classfile, JSON-XS-VersionOneAndTwo, JSON-YAJL, Kasago, Language-Functional, LWP-ConnCache-MaxKeepAliveRequests, Mac-EyeTV, MealMaster, Messaging-Courier, Module-CPANTS-Generator, Module-Packaged, MP3-ID3Lib, Net-Amazon-S3, Net-Amazon-S3-Client-GPG, Net-Amazon-SimpleQueue, Net-Cassandra, Net-DPAP-Client, Net-FleetDB, Net-FTP-Throttle, Net-LastFM, Net-MythTV, Net-MythWeb, Net-OpenDHT, Net-VNC, Number-DataRate, OpenFrame-Segment-Apache, OpenFrame-Segment-Apache2, Parse-BACKPAN-Packages, Parse-CPAN-Authors, Parse-CPAN-Ratings, Perl-Metric-Basic, PPIx-IndexOffsets, PPIx-LineToSub, Search-Mousse, String-Koremutake, Template-Plugin-Page, Template-Stash-Strict, Term-ProgressBar-Quiet, Test-Expect, Test-WWW-Mechanize-PSGI, Tie-GHash, Tree-Ternary_XS, TV-Anytime, WWW-Gazetteer, WWW-Gazetteer-FallingRain, WWW-Gazetteer-Getty, WWW-Mechanize-Timed, WWW-Search-Google
  • 7. Out of date Written and released during conference: CPAN::Mirror::Finder CPAN::Webserver
  • 8.
  • 9. Data structures { double => 4, false => 0, integer => 123, map => { array => [ 1, 2, 3 ], key => "value" }, null => undef, number => "3.141", string => "a string", string2 => "another string", true => 1 };
  • 10. Data::Dumper { double => 4, false => 0, integer => 123, map => { array => [ 1, 2, 3 ], key => "value" }, null => undef, number => "3.141", string => "a string", string2 => "another string", true => 1 };
  • 11. YAML Ain’t Markup Language --- double: 4 false: 0 integer: 123 map: array: - 1 - 2 - 3 key: value null: ~ number: 3.141 string: a string string2: another string true: 1
  • 12. Extensible Markup Language <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <map> <integer>123</integer> <double>4</double> <number>3.141</number> <string>a string</string> <string>another string</string> <null/> <true/> <false/> <map> <string>value</string> <array> <number>1</number> <number>2</number> <number>3</number> </array>
  • 13. JavaScript Object Notation { "integer":123, "double":4, "number":3.141, "string":"a string", "string2":"another string", "null":null, "true":true, "false":false, "map":{"key":"value","array":[1,2,3]} }
  • 14. XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <map> <integer>123</integer> <double>4</double> <number>3.141</number> <string>a string</string> <string>another string</string> <null/> <true/> <false/> <map> <string>value</string> <array> <number>1</number> <number>2</number> <number>3</number> </array>
  • 15. Simple API for XML my $b = XML::LibXML::SAX::Builder->new(); $b->start_document; $b->start_element( { Name => ’number’ } ); $b->characters( { Data => ’3.141’ } ); $b->end_element( { Name => ’number’ } ); $b->end_document; say $b->result->toString; # generates: <?xml version="1.0"?> <number>3.141</number>
  • 16. Yet Another JSON Library “YAJL is a small event-driven (SAX-style) JSON parser written in ANSI C, and a small validating JSON generator”
  • 17. YAJL example yajl_gen g; const unsigned char * buf; size_t len; g = yajl_gen_alloc(NULL); yajl_gen_map_open(g); yajl_gen_string(g, "number", 6); yajl_gen_number(g, "3.141", 5); yajl_gen_map_close(g); yajl_gen_get_buf(g, &buf, &len); # {"number":3.141} fwrite(buf, 1, len, stdout); yajl_gen_clear(g); yajl_gen_free(g);
  • 18. A dream my $generator = JSON::YAJL::Generator->new(); $generator->map_open(); $generator->string("number"); $generator->number("3.141"); $generator->map_close(); say $generator->get_buf; # {"number":3.141}
  • 19. Wait, C? XS – eXternal Subroutine h xs -x SWIG – Simpli ed Wrapper and Interface Generator FFI – Foreign Function Interface
  • 20. Hack hack hack Perl is written in C with macros perlguts — Introduction to the Perl API perlxs — XS language reference manual perlxstut — Tutorial for writing XSUBs perlport — Writing portable Perl Works on my machine, so ship it . Mon Apr : : CEST
  • 21. CPAN Testers CPAN Testers is an e ort to set up a Quality Assurance (QA) team for CPAN modules. e objective of the group is to test as many of the distributions on CPAN as possible, on as many platforms as possible. e ultimate goal is to improve the portability of the distributions on CPAN, and provide good feedback to the authors.
  • 22. Volunteers Volunteers testing recent CPAN uploads On a variety of operating systems On a variety of platforms On a variety of Perl versions
  • 23.
  • 24. e subject From: Andreas J. Konig (ANDK) Subject: FAIL JSON-YAJL-0.01 v5.8.7 GNU/Linux Date: 2011-04-11T10:25:15Z This distribution has been tested as part of the CPAN Testers project, supporting the Perl programming language. See for more information or email questions to
  • 25. Grades PASS distribution built and tested correctly FAIL distribution failed to test correctly UNKNOWN distribution failed to build, had no test suite or outcome was inconclu- sive NA distribution is not applicable to this platform and/or version of Perl
  • 26. Preamble Dear Leon Brocard, This is a computer-generated report for JSON-YAJL-0.01 on perl 5.8.7, created by CPAN-Reporter-1.1902. Thank you for uploading your work to CPAN. However, there was a problem testing your distribution. If you think this report is invalid, please consult the CPAN Testers Wiki for suggestions on how to avoid getting FAIL reports for missing library or binary dependencies, unsupported operating systems, and so on:
  • 27. Tester comments This report is from an automated smoke testing program and was not reviewed by a human for accuracy.
  • 28. Program output Output from ’./Build test’: t/pod.t ..... ok Can’t load ’/home/sand/.cpan/build/JSON-YAJL-0.01-vYmtrJ/blib/arch/auto/JSON/YAJL/Generator/G at /home/sand/.cpan/build/JSON-YAJL-0.01-vYmtrJ/blib/lib/JSON/ line 4 Compilation failed in require at /home/sand/.cpan/build/JSON-YAJL-0.01-vYmtrJ/blib/lib/JSON/Y BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/sand/.cpan/build/JSON-YAJL-0.01-vYmtrJ/blib/lib/JS Compilation failed in require at t/simple.t line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/simple.t line 5. t/simple.t .. Dubious, test returned 9 (wstat 2304, 0x900) No subtests run Test Summary Report ------------------- t/simple.t (Wstat: 2304 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 9 Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output Files=2, Tests=2, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr 0.00 sys + 0.07 cusr 0.02 csys = 0.12 CPU) Result: FAIL Failed 1/2 test programs. 0/2 subtests failed.
  • 29. Also Prerequisites (and version numbers) Environment variables (PATH, SHELL etc.) Perl special variables and OS-speci c diagnostics Perl module toolchain versions installed
  • 30. Summary of perl con guration Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 8 subversion 7) configuration: Platform: osname=linux, osvers=2.6.26-1-amd64, archname=x86_64-linux-thread-multi-ld uname=’linux k81 2.6.26-1-amd64 #1 smp mon dec 15 17:25:36 utc 2008 x86_64 gnulinux ’ config_args=’-Dprefix=/usr/local/perl-5.8.7-threaded -Uversiononly -Dusedevel -Ui_db -Dus hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define usethreads=define use5005threads=undef useithreads=define usemultiplicity=define useperlio=define d_sfio=undef uselargefiles=define usesocks=undef use64bitint=define use64bitall=define uselongdouble=define usemymalloc=n, bincompat5005=undef Compiler: cc=’cc’, ccflags =’-D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DTHREADS_HAVE_PIDS -fno-strict-aliasing -p optimize=’-O2’, cppflags=’-D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DTHREADS_HAVE_PIDS -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I/us ccversion=’’, gccversion=’4.3.2’, gccosandvers=’’ intsize=4, longsize=8, ptrsize=8, doublesize=8, byteorder=12345678 d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=16 ivtype=’long’, ivsize=8, nvtype=’long double’, nvsize=16, Off_t=’off_t’, lseeksize=8 alignbytes=16, prototype=define Linker and Libraries: ld=’cc’, ldflags =’ -L/usr/local/lib’ libpth=/usr/local/lib /lib /usr/lib libs=-lnsl -ldb -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lpthread -lc perllibs=-lnsl -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lpthread -lc libc=/lib/, so=so, useshrplib=false, libperl=libperl.a gnulibc_version=’2.7’ Dynamic Linking: dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags=’-Wl,-E’ cccdlflags=’-fpic’, lddlflags=’-shared -L/usr/local/lib’
  • 31.
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 35.
  • 36.
  • 37. e error Can’t load ‘/home/sand/.cpan/build/JSON-YAJL- . -vYmtrJ- /blib/arch/auto/JSON/YAJL/Generator/’ for module JSON::YAJL::Generator: /home/sand/.cpan/build/JSON-YAJL- . -vYmtrJ- /blib/arch/auto/JSON/YAJL/Generator/ unde ned symbol: newSVpvn_utf at /usr/local/perl- . . -threaded/lib/ . . /x _ -linux- thread-multi-ld/ line .
  • 38. perlapi says Creates a new SV and copies a string into it. If utf is true, calls "SvUTF _on" on the new SV. SV* newSVpvn_utf8(NULLOK const char* s, STRLEN len, U32 utf8) Introduced in . , as pointed out by Andreas J. König.
  • 39. Devel::PPPort - Perl/Pollution/Portability Perl’s API has changed over time, gaining new features, new functions, increasing its exibility, and reducing the impact on the C namespace environment (reduced pollution). e header le written by this module, typically ppport.h, attempts to bring some of the newer Perl API features to older versions of Perl, so that you can worry less about keeping track of old releases, but users can still reap the bene t.
  • 40. Release . Include ppport.h . Mon Apr : : CEST
  • 41.
  • 42. Release . Unde ned symbol "DPPP_my_newSVpvn_ ags"
  • 43. Release . ( ) ppport.h is runnable #define NEED_newSVpvn_flags #define NEED_sv_2pv_flags
  • 44. Release . ( ) do not include stdint.h as we do not need it . Tue Apr : : CEST
  • 45.
  • 46. Release . got: . expected: . Stop using . for testing oats What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic — David Goldberg
  • 47. Release . ( ) symbol isinf: referenced symbol not found #if defined (__SVR4) && defined (__sun) #ifndef isinf #include #define isinf(x) (!finite((x)) && (x)==(x)) #endif #endif
  • 48. Release . ( ) Error: ’const char *’ not in typemap in Generator.xs, line add const char * to the typemap to support Perl .
  • 49. Release . ( ) throw exceptions upon YAJL error states . Wed Apr : : CEST
  • 50.
  • 51. Release . Half the tests failed! error: too few arguments to function ’Perl_croak’ use aTHX_ when Perl_croak-ing to work on threaded Perls Perl_croak(aTHX_ "YAJL: Keys must be strings");
  • 52. Release . ( ) expecting: Regexp ((?-xism:Invalid number)) found: YAJL: Keys must be strings Only test inf and nan on Perl . . and later . u Apr : : CEST
  • 53.
  • 54. Release . x minor documentation typo don’t test inf and nan under MSWin add an interface to the parser take advantage of typemaps and declarations to minimize XS code . Sat Apr : : CEST
  • 55.
  • 56. Release . link to YAJL website, as pointed out by Olivier Mengué add homepage, repository and bugtracker distribution metadata add LICENSE le add a SAX builder example add a tokenising example add a tokenising, parsing with Marpa example improved documentation, clearer tests . Mon Apr : : CEST
  • 57.
  • 58. Release . update to YAJL . . . Mon Jun : : BST
  • 59.
  • 60. Release . don’t test inf and nan under MirOS BSD work around not nding isinf under Solaris work around missing sprintf_s under Windows . Wed Jul : : BST
  • 61.
  • 62. Release . work aroud the fact that win mingw/gcc doesn’t have sprintf_s (for Strawberry Perl) move dSP to top of callback_call to compile under Microso Visual Studio . . u Aug : : BST
  • 63.
  • 64. Microso Visual C++ does not support long long: yajlyajl_parse.h(77) : error C2632: ’long’ followed by ’long’ is illegal yajlyajl_parser.h(74) : error C2632: ’long’ followed by ’long’ is illegal
  • 65. ...
  • 66. How to become a CPAN Tester CPAN::Reporter
  • 67. CPAN Testers Leaderboard st , , Chris Williams (BINGOS) nd , , Andreas J. König (ANDK) rd , Dan Collins (DCOLLINS) ... th , Léon Brocard (LBROCARD)
  • 68. Summary , test reports perls platforms All helping to make CPAN modules more portable
  • 69. On next at : Liel¯ z¯le: Perl Lists, Arrays, and Hashes vivi ed: a a lazy, in nite, at, slurpy, typed, bound, and LoL’d, Patrick Michaud Auditorija : Encryption on the Web for everyone, Lars D Auditorija : Terms of endearment — the ElasticSearch query language explained, Clinton Gormley Auditorija : Perlude: a taste of haskell in perl, Marc Chantreux