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The Confusing Bit from REST   Dr. Jim Webber
•  PhD in parallel computing
  –  Speciality in programming language design(!)
•  {developer, architect, director} with
•  Author of “Developing Enterprise Web
  –  And currently engaged in writing a book on
•  The Richardson Maturity Model
•  Hypermedia Formats
•  HATEOAS – Hypermedia As The Engine Of
   Application State
•  Semantics
•  A Simple RESTful Service
•  Cheap sales-pitch for our book
The Richardson Maturity Model
•  Level 0
   –  Single URI
•  Level 1
   –  URI Tunnelling
   –  Many URIs, Single verb
•  Level 2                       HTTP
   –  Many URIs, many verbs
   –  CRUD services (e.g.
      Amazon S3)
•  Level 3                        URI
   –  Level 2 + Hypermedia
   –  RESTful Services
Why the Web? Why be RESTful?
•  Scalable
•  Fault-tolerant
•  Recoverable
•  Secure
•  Loosely coupled

•  Precisely the same characteristics we
   want in business software systems!
Media Types Rule!
•  The Web’s contracts are expressed in
   terms of media types
  –  If you know the type, you can process the
•  Some types are special because they work
   in harmony with the Web
  –  We call these “hypermedia formats”
Other Resource Representations
•  Remember, XML is not the only way a resource can be
   –  Remember the Web is based on REpresentational State
•  The choice of representation is left to the implementer
   –  Can be a standard registered media type
   –  Or something else
•  But there is a division on the Web between two families
   –  Hypermedia formats
       •  Formats which host URIs and links
   –  Regular formats
       •  Which don’t
Plain Old XML is not Hypermedia
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
                                              Where are the links?
Content-Length: 227
                                              Where’s the protocol?
Content-Type: application/xml
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2008 21:48:10 GMT

<order xmlns="">
So what?
•  How do you know the next thing to do?
•  How do you know the resources you’re
   meant to interact with next?
•  In short, how do you know the service’s
  –  Turn to WADL? Yuck!
  –  Read the documentation? Come on!
  –  URI Templates? Tight Coupling!
URI Templates are NOT a
     Hypermedia Substitute
•  Often URI templates are used to advertise all resources a
   service hosts
   –  Do we really need to advertise them all?
•  This is verbose
•  This is out-of-band communication
•  This encourages tight-coupling to resources through their URI
•  This has the opportunity to cause trouble!
   –  Knowledge of “deep” URIs is baked into consuming programs
   –  Services encapsulation is weak and consumers will program to
   –  Service will change its implementation and break consumers
application/xml is not the media
     type you’re looking for
 •  Remember that HTTP is an application protocol
    –  Headers and representations are intertwined
    –  Headers set processing context for representations
    –  Unlike SOAP which can safely ignore HTTP headers
        •  It has its own header model
 •  Remember that application/xml has a particular
    processing model
    –  Which doesn’t include understanding the semantics of links
 •  Remember if a representation is declared in the Content-
    Type header, you must treat it that way
    –  HTTP is an application protocol – did you forget already? 
 •  We need real hypermedia formats!
Hypermedia Formats
•  Standard
  –  Wide “reach”
  –  Software agents already know how to process
  –  But sometimes need to be shoe-horned
•  Self-created
  –  Can craft specifically for domain
  –  Semantically rich
  –  But lack reach
Two Common Hypermedia Formats:
       XHTML and ATOM
•  Both are commonplace today
•  Both are hypermedia formats
  –  They contain links
•  Both have a processing model that
   explicitly supports links
•  Which means both can describe

 •  What a mouthful!
 •  The vnd namespace is for proprietary media
   –  As opposed to the IANA-registered ones
 •  Restbucks own XML is a hybrid
   –  We use plain old XML to convey information
   –  And link elements to convey protocol
 •  This is important, since it allows us to
    create RESTful, hypermedia aware services
Interlude: Microformats
•  Microformats are an example of little “s”
•  Innovation at the edges of the Web
  –  Not by some central design authority (e.g. W3C)
•  Started by embedding machine-processable
   elements in Web pages
  –  E.g. Calendar information, contact information,
  –  Using existing HTML features like class, rel,
Semantic versus semantic
•  Semantic Web is top-down
   –  Driven by the W3C with extensive array of technology,
      standards, committees, etc
   –  Has not currently proven as scalable as the visionaries hoped
         •  RDF tripples have been harvested and processed in private databases
•  Microformats are bottom-up
   –    Little formal organisation, no guarantee of interoperability
   –    Popular formats tend to be adopted (e.g. hCard)
   –    Easy to use and extend for our systems
   –    Trivial to integrate into current and future programmatic Web
Microformats and Resources
•  Use Microformats to structure resources where
   formats exist
  –  I.e. Use hCard for contacts, hCalendar for data
•  Create your own formats (sparingly) in other
  –  Annotating links is a good start
  –  <link rel="" .../>
  –  <link rel=""
     href="{post-uri}" title="some title">
•  The rel attribute describes the semantics of the
   referred resource
Revisiting Resource Lifetime
•  On the Web, the lifecycle of a single resource is
   more than:
   –    Creation
   –    Updating
   –    Reading
   –    Deleting
•  Can also get metadata
   –  About the resource
   –  About its (subset of) the verbs it understands
•  And as we see, resources tell us about other
   resources we might want to interact with…
•  Connectedness is good in Web-based
•  Resource representations can contain
   other URIs
•  Links act as state transitions
•  Application (conversation) state is
   captured in terms of these states
Describing Contracts with Links
•  The value of the Web is its “linked-ness”
   –  Links on a Web page constitute a contractfor page
•  The same is true of the programmatic Web
•  Use Links to describe state transitions in
   programmatic Web services
   –  By navigating resources you change application state
•  Hypermedia formats support this
   –  Allow us to describe higher-order protocols which sit
      comfortably atop HTTP
   –  Hence application/vnd.restbucks+xml
Links are State Transitions
Links as APIs
<confirm xmlns="...">        •  Following a link
<link rel="payment"
                                causes an action to
<link rel="postpone"         •  This is the start of a
  href="https://wishlist"       state machine!
                             •  Links lead to other
                                resources which also
                                have links
                             •  Can make this
                                stronger with
                                –  Microformats
We have a framework!
•  The Web gives us a processing and metadata
  –  Verbs and status codes
  –  Headers
•  Gives us metadata contracts or Web “APIs”
  –  URI Templates
  –  Links
•  Strengthened with semantics
  –  Little “s”
•  How does a typical enterprise workflow look
   when it’s implemented in a Web-friendly
•  Let’s take Starbuck’s as an example, the
   happy path is:
  –  Make selection
     •  Add any specialities
  –  Pay
  –  Wait for a while
  –  Collect drink
Workflow and MOM
•  With Web Services we
   exchange messages
   with the service
•  Resource state is
   hidden from view
•  Conversation state is
   all we know
  –  Advertise it with
•  Uniform interface,
   roles defined by SOAP
  –  No “operations”
Hypermedia Describes Protocols!
 •  Links declare next valid steps
 •  Following links and interacting with
    resources changes application state
 •  Media types with links define contracts
   –  Media type defines processing model
   –  Links (with microformats) describe state
 •  Don’t need a static contract description
   –  No WSDL, no WADL
 •  This is HATEOAS!
Web-friendly Workflow
•  What happens if workflow stages are modelled as resources?
•  And state transitions are modelled as hyperlinks or URI
•  And events modelled by traversing links and changing
   resource states?
•  Answer: we get Web-friendly workflow
   –  With all the quality of service provided by the Web

•  So let’s see how we order a coffee at…
   –  This is written up on the Web:
Placing an Order
•  Place your order by POSTing it to a well-
   known URI

                                          Starbuck’s Service
Placing an Order: On the Wire
                                      •  Response
•  Request                            201 Created
POST /order HTTP 1.1
Host:                   Content-Type: application/
Content-Length: ...                      vnd.restbucks+xml
                                      Content-Length: ...
<order xmlns="urn:restbucks">
<drink>latte</drink>                  <order xmlns="urn:restbucks">
</order>                              <drink>latte</drink>
                                      <link rel="payment"
           If we have a (private)        href="
                A link! Is this the
           microformat, this can         payment/order/1234"
                 start of an API?
             become a neat API!         type="application/xml"/>
Whoops! A mistake
•  I like my coffee to taste like coffee!
•  I need another shot of espresso
   –  What are my OPTIONS?

 Request                       Response
OPTIONS /order/1234 HTTP 1.1   200 OK
Host:            Allow: GET, PUT    Phew! I can
                                                   update my
                                                 order, for now
Optional: Look Before You Leap
•  See if the resource has changed since you
   submitted your order
   –  If you’re fast your drink hasn’t been
      prepared yet
 Request                    Response
PUT /order/1234 HTTP 1.1    100 Continue
Host:                        I can still PUT this
Expect: 100-Continue
                                           resource, for now.
                                            (417 Expectation
                                            Failed otherwise)
Amending an Order
•  Add specialities to you order via PUT
  –  Restbucks needs 2 shots!

                                Starbuck’s Service
Amending an Order: On the Wire
 •  Request                        •  Response
 PUT /order/1234 HTTP 1.1          200 OK
 Host:               Location:
 Content-Type: application/           order/1234
    vnd.restbucks+xml              Content-Type: application/
 Content-Length: ...                  vnd.restbucks+xml
                                   Content-Length: ...
 <order xmlns="urn:restbucks">
 <drink>latte</drink>              <order xmlns="urn:restbucks">
 <additions>shot</additions>       <drink>latte</drink>
 <link rel="payment"               <additions>shot</additions>
    href="   <link rel="payment"
    payment/order/1234"               href="
   type="application/xml"/>           payment/order/1234"
 </order>                            type="application/xml"/>
•  Remember interactions with resources are stateless
•  The resource “forgets” about you while you’re not
   directly interacting with it
•  Which means race conditions are possible
•  Use If-Unmodified-Since on a timestamp to
   make sure
   –  Or use If-Match and an ETag
•  You’ll get a 412 PreconditionFailed if you lost
   the race
   –  But you’ll avoid potentially putting the resource into
      some inconsistent state
Warning: Don’t be Slow!
•  Can only make changes until someone
   actually makes your drink
    –  You’re safe if you use If-Unmodified-Since
       or If-Match
    –  But resource state can change without you!
  Request
                                Response
PUT /order/1234 HTTP 1.1
                               409 Conflict

...                                   Too slow! Someone else has
                                     changed the state of my order
 Request                       Response
OPTIONS /order/1234 HTTP 1.1   Allow: GET
Order Confirmation
•  Check your order status by GETting it

                             Starbuck’s Service
Order Confirmation: On the Wire
•  Request                    •  Response
GET /order/1234 HTTP 1.1      200 OK
Host:           Location:
                              Content-Type: application/
                              Content-Length: ...

                              <order xmlns="urn:restbucks">
 Are they trying to tell me   <link rel="payment" href="https://
something with hypermedia?"
Order Payment
•  PUT your payment to the order resource

                                               Starbuck’s Service

                           New resource!
How did I know to PUT?
 •  The client knew the URI to PUT to from the link
    –  PUT is also idempotent (can safely re-try) in case of failure
 •  Verified with OPTIONS
    –  Just in case you were in any doubt 

 Request                                      Response
OPTIONS /payment/order/1234 HTTP 1.1          Allow: GET, PUT
Order Payment: On the Wire
•  Request                         •  Response
PUT /payment/order/1234 HTTP 1.1   201 Created
Host:                Location: https://
Content-Type: application/xml
Content-Length: ...                   1234
                                   Content-Type: application/xml
                                   Content-Length: ...
<payment xmlns="urn:restbucks">
<name>John Citizen</name>          <payment xmlns="urn:restbucks">
<amount>4.00</amount>              <cardNo>123456789</cardNo>
</payment>                         <expires>07/07</expires>
                                   <name>John Citizen</name>
Check that you’ve paid
•  Request                     •  Response
GET /order/1234 HTTP 1.1       200 OK
Host:            Content-Type: application/
                               Content-Length: ...

       My “API” has changed,
         because I’ve paid     <order xmlns="urn:restbucks">
            enough now         <drink>latte</drink>
Finally drink your coffee...

•  Web-based services are about state
   machines, and business protocols
  –  The HATEOAS constraint from REST
•  If you don’t use hypermedia, you are NOT
  –  Which is OK! Good systems don’t always have to
     be RESTful – e.g. Amazon S3
•  Use Web for massive scalability, fault
  –  If you can tolerate higher latencies
Restbucks Written Up @ InfoQ

GET /Connected

   Jim Webber
Savas Parastatidis
  Ian Robinson

 Coming 2009…

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HATEOAS: The Confusing Bit from REST

  • 1. HATEOAS: The Confusing Bit from REST Dr. Jim Webber
  • 2. whoami •  PhD in parallel computing –  Speciality in programming language design(!) •  {developer, architect, director} with ThoughtWorks •  Author of “Developing Enterprise Web Services” –  And currently engaged in writing a book on Web-as-middleware
  • 3. Roadmap •  The Richardson Maturity Model •  Hypermedia Formats •  HATEOAS – Hypermedia As The Engine Of Application State •  Semantics •  A Simple RESTful Service •  Cheap sales-pitch for our book
  • 4. The Richardson Maturity Model •  Level 0 –  SOAP, XML RPC, POX –  Single URI Hypermedia •  Level 1 –  URI Tunnelling –  Many URIs, Single verb •  Level 2 HTTP –  Many URIs, many verbs –  CRUD services (e.g. Amazon S3) •  Level 3 URI –  Level 2 + Hypermedia –  RESTful Services
  • 5. Why the Web? Why be RESTful? •  Scalable •  Fault-tolerant •  Recoverable •  Secure •  Loosely coupled •  Precisely the same characteristics we want in business software systems!
  • 6. Media Types Rule! •  The Web’s contracts are expressed in terms of media types –  If you know the type, you can process the content •  Some types are special because they work in harmony with the Web –  We call these “hypermedia formats”
  • 7. Other Resource Representations •  Remember, XML is not the only way a resource can be serialised –  Remember the Web is based on REpresentational State Transfer •  The choice of representation is left to the implementer –  Can be a standard registered media type –  Or something else •  But there is a division on the Web between two families –  Hypermedia formats •  Formats which host URIs and links –  Regular formats •  Which don’t
  • 8. Plain Old XML is not Hypermedia Friendly HTTP/1.1 200 OK Where are the links? Content-Length: 227 Where’s the protocol? Content-Type: application/xml Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2008 21:48:10 GMT <order xmlns=""> <location>takeAway</location> <items> <item> <name>latte</name> <quantity>1</quantity> <milk>whole</milk> <size>small</size> </item> </items> <status>pending</pending> </order>
  • 9. So what? •  How do you know the next thing to do? •  How do you know the resources you’re meant to interact with next? •  In short, how do you know the service’s protocol? –  Turn to WADL? Yuck! –  Read the documentation? Come on! –  URI Templates? Tight Coupling!
  • 10. URI Templates are NOT a Hypermedia Substitute •  Often URI templates are used to advertise all resources a service hosts –  Do we really need to advertise them all? •  This is verbose •  This is out-of-band communication •  This encourages tight-coupling to resources through their URI template •  This has the opportunity to cause trouble! –  Knowledge of “deep” URIs is baked into consuming programs –  Services encapsulation is weak and consumers will program to it –  Service will change its implementation and break consumers
  • 11. application/xml is not the media type you’re looking for •  Remember that HTTP is an application protocol –  Headers and representations are intertwined –  Headers set processing context for representations –  Unlike SOAP which can safely ignore HTTP headers •  It has its own header model •  Remember that application/xml has a particular processing model –  Which doesn’t include understanding the semantics of links •  Remember if a representation is declared in the Content- Type header, you must treat it that way –  HTTP is an application protocol – did you forget already?  •  We need real hypermedia formats!
  • 12. Hypermedia Formats •  Standard –  Wide “reach” –  Software agents already know how to process them –  But sometimes need to be shoe-horned •  Self-created –  Can craft specifically for domain –  Semantically rich –  But lack reach
  • 13. Two Common Hypermedia Formats: XHTML and ATOM •  Both are commonplace today •  Both are hypermedia formats –  They contain links •  Both have a processing model that explicitly supports links •  Which means both can describe protocols…
  • 14. application/vnd.restbucks+xml •  What a mouthful! •  The vnd namespace is for proprietary media types –  As opposed to the IANA-registered ones •  Restbucks own XML is a hybrid –  We use plain old XML to convey information –  And link elements to convey protocol •  This is important, since it allows us to create RESTful, hypermedia aware services
  • 15. Interlude: Microformats •  Microformats are an example of little “s” semantics •  Innovation at the edges of the Web –  Not by some central design authority (e.g. W3C) •  Started by embedding machine-processable elements in Web pages –  E.g. Calendar information, contact information, etc –  Using existing HTML features like class, rel, etc
  • 16. Semantic versus semantic •  Semantic Web is top-down –  Driven by the W3C with extensive array of technology, standards, committees, etc –  Has not currently proven as scalable as the visionaries hoped •  RDF tripples have been harvested and processed in private databases •  Microformats are bottom-up –  Little formal organisation, no guarantee of interoperability –  Popular formats tend to be adopted (e.g. hCard) –  Easy to use and extend for our systems –  Trivial to integrate into current and future programmatic Web systems
  • 17. Microformats and Resources •  Use Microformats to structure resources where formats exist –  I.e. Use hCard for contacts, hCalendar for data •  Create your own formats (sparingly) in other places –  Annotating links is a good start –  <link rel="" .../> –  <link rel="" type="application/atom+xml" href="{post-uri}" title="some title"> •  The rel attribute describes the semantics of the referred resource
  • 18. Revisiting Resource Lifetime •  On the Web, the lifecycle of a single resource is more than: –  Creation –  Updating –  Reading –  Deleting •  Can also get metadata –  About the resource –  About its (subset of) the verbs it understands •  And as we see, resources tell us about other resources we might want to interact with…
  • 19. Links •  Connectedness is good in Web-based systems •  Resource representations can contain other URIs •  Links act as state transitions •  Application (conversation) state is captured in terms of these states
  • 20. Describing Contracts with Links •  The value of the Web is its “linked-ness” –  Links on a Web page constitute a contractfor page traversals •  The same is true of the programmatic Web •  Use Links to describe state transitions in programmatic Web services –  By navigating resources you change application state •  Hypermedia formats support this –  Allow us to describe higher-order protocols which sit comfortably atop HTTP –  Hence application/vnd.restbucks+xml
  • 21. Links are State Transitions
  • 22. Links as APIs <confirm xmlns="..."> •  Following a link <link rel="payment" href="https://pay" causes an action to type="application/xml"/> occur <link rel="postpone" •  This is the start of a href="https://wishlist" state machine! type="application/xml"/> </confirm> •  Links lead to other resources which also have links •  Can make this stronger with semantics –  Microformats
  • 23. We have a framework! •  The Web gives us a processing and metadata model –  Verbs and status codes –  Headers •  Gives us metadata contracts or Web “APIs” –  URI Templates –  Links •  Strengthened with semantics –  Little “s”
  • 24. Workflow •  How does a typical enterprise workflow look when it’s implemented in a Web-friendly way? •  Let’s take Starbuck’s as an example, the happy path is: –  Make selection •  Add any specialities –  Pay –  Wait for a while –  Collect drink
  • 25. Workflow and MOM •  With Web Services we exchange messages with the service •  Resource state is hidden from view •  Conversation state is all we know –  Advertise it with SSDL, BPEL •  Uniform interface, roles defined by SOAP –  No “operations”
  • 26. Hypermedia Describes Protocols! •  Links declare next valid steps •  Following links and interacting with resources changes application state •  Media types with links define contracts –  Media type defines processing model –  Links (with microformats) describe state transistions •  Don’t need a static contract description –  No WSDL, no WADL •  This is HATEOAS!
  • 27. Web-friendly Workflow •  What happens if workflow stages are modelled as resources? •  And state transitions are modelled as hyperlinks or URI templates? •  And events modelled by traversing links and changing resource states? •  Answer: we get Web-friendly workflow –  With all the quality of service provided by the Web •  So let’s see how we order a coffee at… –  This is written up on the Web: •
  • 28. Placing an Order •  Place your order by POSTing it to a well- known URI – Starbuck’s Service Client
  • 29. Placing an Order: On the Wire •  Response •  Request 201 Created Location: POST /order HTTP 1.1 order/1234 Host: Content-Type: application/ Content-Length: ... vnd.restbucks+xml Content-Length: ... <order xmlns="urn:restbucks"> <drink>latte</drink> <order xmlns="urn:restbucks"> </order> <drink>latte</drink> <link rel="payment" If we have a (private) href=" A link! Is this the microformat, this can payment/order/1234" start of an API? become a neat API! type="application/xml"/> </order>
  • 30. Whoops! A mistake •  I like my coffee to taste like coffee! •  I need another shot of espresso –  What are my OPTIONS?  Request  Response OPTIONS /order/1234 HTTP 1.1 200 OK Host: Allow: GET, PUT Phew! I can update my order, for now
  • 31. Optional: Look Before You Leap •  See if the resource has changed since you submitted your order –  If you’re fast your drink hasn’t been prepared yet  Request  Response PUT /order/1234 HTTP 1.1 100 Continue Host: I can still PUT this Expect: 100-Continue resource, for now. (417 Expectation Failed otherwise)
  • 32. Amending an Order •  Add specialities to you order via PUT –  Restbucks needs 2 shots! Starbuck’s Service Client
  • 33. Amending an Order: On the Wire •  Request •  Response PUT /order/1234 HTTP 1.1 200 OK Host: Location: Content-Type: application/ order/1234 vnd.restbucks+xml Content-Type: application/ Content-Length: ... vnd.restbucks+xml Content-Length: ... <order xmlns="urn:restbucks"> <drink>latte</drink> <order xmlns="urn:restbucks"> <additions>shot</additions> <drink>latte</drink> <link rel="payment" <additions>shot</additions> href=" <link rel="payment" payment/order/1234" href=" type="application/xml"/> payment/order/1234" </order> type="application/xml"/> </order>
  • 34. Statelessness •  Remember interactions with resources are stateless •  The resource “forgets” about you while you’re not directly interacting with it •  Which means race conditions are possible •  Use If-Unmodified-Since on a timestamp to make sure –  Or use If-Match and an ETag •  You’ll get a 412 PreconditionFailed if you lost the race –  But you’ll avoid potentially putting the resource into some inconsistent state
  • 35. Warning: Don’t be Slow! •  Can only make changes until someone actually makes your drink –  You’re safe if you use If-Unmodified-Since or If-Match –  But resource state can change without you!   Request  Response PUT /order/1234 HTTP 1.1 Host: 409 Conflict ... Too slow! Someone else has changed the state of my order  Request  Response OPTIONS /order/1234 HTTP 1.1 Allow: GET Host:
  • 36. Order Confirmation •  Check your order status by GETting it Starbuck’s Service Client
  • 37. Order Confirmation: On the Wire •  Request •  Response GET /order/1234 HTTP 1.1 200 OK Host: Location: order/1234 Content-Type: application/ vnd.restbucks+xml Content-Length: ... <order xmlns="urn:restbucks"> <drink>latte</drink> <additions>shot</additions> Are they trying to tell me <link rel="payment" href="https:// something with hypermedia?" type="application/xml"/> </order>
  • 38. Order Payment •  PUT your payment to the order resource Starbuck’s Service Client New resource!
  • 39. How did I know to PUT? •  The client knew the URI to PUT to from the link –  PUT is also idempotent (can safely re-try) in case of failure •  Verified with OPTIONS –  Just in case you were in any doubt   Request  Response OPTIONS /payment/order/1234 HTTP 1.1 Allow: GET, PUT Host:
  • 40. Order Payment: On the Wire •  Request •  Response PUT /payment/order/1234 HTTP 1.1 201 Created Host: Location: https:// Content-Type: application/xml Content-Length: ... 1234 Content-Type: application/xml Content-Length: ... <payment xmlns="urn:restbucks"> <cardNo>123456789</cardNo> <expires>07/07</expires> <name>John Citizen</name> <payment xmlns="urn:restbucks"> <amount>4.00</amount> <cardNo>123456789</cardNo> </payment> <expires>07/07</expires> <name>John Citizen</name> <amount>4.00</amount> </payment>
  • 41. Check that you’ve paid •  Request •  Response GET /order/1234 HTTP 1.1 200 OK Host: Content-Type: application/ vnd.restbucks+xml Content-Length: ... My “API” has changed, because I’ve paid <order xmlns="urn:restbucks"> enough now <drink>latte</drink> <additions>shot</additions> </order>
  • 42. Finally drink your coffee... Source:
  • 43. Summary •  Web-based services are about state machines, and business protocols –  The HATEOAS constraint from REST •  If you don’t use hypermedia, you are NOT RESTful –  Which is OK! Good systems don’t always have to be RESTful – e.g. Amazon S3 •  Use Web for massive scalability, fault tolerance –  If you can tolerate higher latencies
  • 44. Restbucks Written Up @ InfoQ
  • 45. Questions? Blog: GET /Connected Jim Webber Savas Parastatidis Ian Robinson Coming 2009…