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statistical analysis with
multidimensional dataflows in python
Adrian Heilbut
Boston University and Broad Institute
(graphs for reproducible
interactive visualization and analysis)
PyData Boston 2013
1. Motivation 
 Biological discovery from complex, multidimensional data;

 common features of complex biological data and analyses
2. Problems and Goals
 Reproducible, efficient, elegant, collaborative,interactive analysis

 Data + analysis evolving over time
3. Toy Dataset	 	 A simple dataset with hierarchical and temporal structure
4. Strategies
 Separate concerns; Represent types and structure explicitly;

 Abstract away data management; Formalize
5. Inspirations 
 OLAP and data cube models;

 Declarative visualization grammars;

 Scientific workflow systems
6. Core Ideas
 Dataflows + Temporal Graphs +

 Multidimensional Types + Syntactic syrup
7. Toy Demos 	
8. Implementation
9. Biology application 
 Mechanisms of drug side effects in Parkinson’s Disease
10. Summary and Conclusions
• Common and unique features of scientific data
• Examples of complex datasets and analyses in
computational biology
• Data analysis desiderata
Motivation Problem & Goals Toy Dataset Strategies Inspirations Core Ideas Implementation Demo Biological Application
Biological data is increasingly complex;
Many datasets and analyses share
common structural features
• High-dimensional measurements
• Longitudinal / time-course measurements
• Hierarchical structure of dimensions
• Multiple modalities
(expression, protein concentration, phosphorylation)
• Complex experimental designs
• Complex analysis designs
• Complex pre-processing pipelines
• Many parameter choices
• Many cell types
• Many treatments
• Many organisms
• Many patients
• Many replicates
Ex 1. Cancer Profiling and Signatures
Cancer Cell Line Encylopedia (CCLE)
Broad / Novartis, Barretina 2012
1000 cell lines
P0 P07 P12 P18 P21 P56
proliferationproliferation differentiationdifferentiation migration & patterningmigration & patterning
P0 P07 P15 P21
E0 E11 E15 E18
3 reps, 40k
Acute (9)
Low Dose
Chronic (12)
Chronic (11)
Day 1
Expression + AIM
Day 8
Expression + AIM
High Dose
Acute (10)
High Dose
Chronic (11)
Chronic (10)
Low Levodopa
Chronic (8)
Chronic (7)
Day 8
Expression + AIM
High Levodopa
Chronic (8)
Chronic (10)
Change in Expression between treatment groups
Expression vs. AIM (correlation) within treatment groups / cell types
Statistics (per gene)
Expression vs. AIM (correlation) within combined treatment groups
~ 23,000 x 200 matrix
of stats for different contrasts between groups
Unique characteristics of scientific data
• Relatively short half-life of data and projects
• Uncertain and complex analysis methods
• Constantly changing data
• Lots of internal and external structure over dimensions
• Teams with diverse backgrounds and skills over multiple institutions
and locations
• Communication of data is a primary goal
• High risk and high value outcomes
project selection / experimental followup
clinical decisions
Distinctive characteristics, uses, and problems with scientific
data analysis motivates need for tailored abstractions and tools
Desiderata for Data Analysis
• Correctness
• Thoroughness (scientific hypothesis space + analysis space)
• Reproducibility
• Verifiability (analysis and underlying data, others and oneself)
• Clarity
• Provenance (of the data, and of the analysis)
• Interactivity (Exploration, Drill-down)
• Computational Efficiency
• Scientist Efficiency
Every figure, every table, and every quantitative claim in a scientific
analysis or publication should be verifiable and explorable
it should link to an understandable, executable,
modifiable representation of the data analysis pipeline by
which it was generated
one should be able to trace back all the way to the primary
experimental data
it should be easy and fun to play with
Problems and Goals
Errors have serious consequences
Practical problems in day-to-day analysis
Unmet need for better tools
Intro Problem & Goals Toy Dataset Strategies Inspirations Core Ideas Implementation Demo Biological Application Conclusions
Mistakes even happen in Cambridge...
Reinhart / RogoffHerndon, Ash, Pollin
it’s even worse than it appears...
Kimball, 2013
ability to easily
drill down to view
and assess the
underlying data is
Elements of statistical analysis
Input data
Version 2.
Input dataInput dataInput dataInput dataInput dataInput dataInput dataInput dataInput data
Version 247...
Toy Dataset
Multidimensional profiling of fermentation
metabolites of S. cerevisiae
Intro Problem & Goals Toy Dataset Strategies Inspirations Core Ideas Implementation Demo Biological Application
Beer ratings &,
via Stanford SNAP & a very kind blogger
Multidimensional: Appearance, Aroma,
Palate, Taste, Overall
Location -> Brewery -> Beer
Beer style -> Beer
Toy Dataset
Multidimensional profiling of fermentation
metabolites of S. cerevisiae
• Separate concerns
• Abstract away data management problems
• Formalize
• Optimize representations
(logical and physical)
Intro Problem & Goals Toy Dataset Strategies Inspirations Core Ideas Implementation Demo Biological Application Conclusions
Separation of Concerns
• Each of these components evolves over time
• Each may be modifed independently by different
people with different goals
Input data
Abstract and automate data
Deciding and remembering how to name columns and files and
track changes over time is not what I’d like to spend time on
Especially since I’ll probably do it inconsistently with what I
decided to do last week
If the system is responsible for persisting data, caching and
memoization can be done automatically.
Logical and physical
representations matter
• Choice of representation and notation has a major effect
on ease and efficiency with which concepts can be
manipulated, by either a person or a computer
• Given our goals for an analysis system, and engineering
instinct to separate independent concerns, what are
optimal representations for
• data?
• analysis programs?
• visualizations and summary tables?
How do scientists actually think about
Inspirations (and their deficiencies..)
1. OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) and MDX
(Multidimensional Expressions)
2. Tableau / Polaris
3. Scientific workflow systems
VisTrails, KNIME
Galaxy, Genepattern
(on-line analytical processing)
2. Declarative Visualization Grammars
(Polaris/Tableau; Stolte 2003)
• key idea: declarative specification of visualizations is possible and works well
• recent focus has been on busines analytics, rather than statistical graphics;
• assumes a static, structured database (ie. OLAP star schema) Stolte 2000
3. Scientific Workflow Systems
Careful design and selection of representations for data,
programs, and visualizations will make it possible to
satistfy our data analysis objectives:
• multidimensional cubes with static, semantic types
for conceptual representation of data
• directed acyclic graphs of functions with static,
multidimensional input and output type signatures
for our statistical programs
• declarative queries
to generate summary tables
• declarative visualization grammar
to generate graphics
(this is not how most researchers represent their analyses today)
Computational Efficiency
Scientist Efficiency
Multidimensional Cubes
and OLAP
Semantic Types
Dataflow Programming
Core Ideas
Data consists of facts about the world.
1 5.5 3 3 4 5
2 6 2 3 2 2
3 8 5 5 4 4.5
ceci n’est pas data
Data consists of facts about the world.
5.5 3 3 4 5
6 2 3 2 2
8 5 5 4 4.5
ABV Smell Color Taste OverallBeerID
Facts lie in specific domains defined by the
structure of the real world or experimental design
5.5 3 3 4 5
6 2 3 2 2
8 5 5 4 4.5
5 is best
5 is best
5 is best
5 is best
There are a number of possible representations;
logically but not practically equivalent
5.5 3 3 4 5
6 2 3 2 2
8 5 5 4 4.5
ordinal (1-5)
5 is best
5 is best
5 is best
5 is best
BeerID Measure Value
1 ABV 5.5
1 Smell 3
1 Color 3
1 Taste 4
1 Overall 5
2 ABV 6
2 Smell 2
2 Color 3
2 Taste 2
2 Overall 2
3 ABV 8
3 Smell 5
3 Color 5
3 Taste 4
3 Overall 4.5
cf. pandas reshape, plyr melt/cast
Data Representations
• Scientific / statistical data is usally in matrix format, and it must
be for efficient storage and computation
• Relational model is good for precisely encoding logical
structure of data, but
• moving between relations and matrices is cumbersome
• defining a relational schema for all intermediate data would
be a lot of work, especially as with change over time
• on its own, the relational model does explicitly represent
semantics and units
Conceptual Model:
OLAP Data Cubes
Cartesian product of a set of
dimensions (finite discrete sets)
defines an N-dimensional grid
A multidimensional dataset is a
function mapping locations in that
grid to typed values called
measures (identities of the
measures can also be considered as
just a special kind of dimension)
Beer ID
Stage of
Development3 3 2 7.8 3 2
3 2 2.3 2.1 3 2
3 2.3 7.4 12 3 2
3 3.14 15 9 3 2
3 2 2 6.5 2 2
log2 gene expression
overall beer rating
Conceptual Model:
Data Cubes as functions mapping dimensions
to measures
def BeerRatingsByUser(UserID, BeerID):
return (Taste, Smell, Color,
Texture, Overall)
def BeerRatingsByBeer(BeerID):
return (mean Taste, mean Smell,
mean Color, mean Texture, mean
def ExpressionBySample(Gene, Region, SampleID):
return (log2 expression)
def ExpressionByRegionTime(Gene, Region,
return (median expression, mean
expression, std deviation, median abs
deviation, # replicates)
Dimensions are related to each
other in structures that reflect:
• the nature of the world
• experimental methods
and designs
• analysis processes and
These hierarchical relationships are critical to understanding and
performing analyses, and need to be represented explicitly.
Multidimensional Semantic Types
1970s / 80s: Semantic Database formalisms
Specify different kinds of relationships and interactions between objects
(eg. containment, is-a, relations / cross-products)
Overshadowed by ER model and later, UML..
1990s: OLAP
Lots of domains model computation as ‘declarative’ dataflows
circuit design
audio / video processing
Grizzly Computation Model
Directed Acyclic Graph of processing nodes
Inputs and outputs of every node are typed cubes
Function nodes add type information to describe their output dimensions
‘Apply’ nodes propagate any types of their input dimensions that they
aren’t modified to the outputs
Computation is declarative / intensional, not imperative; nodes
automatically process whatever is on their inputs, like an electrical circuit
(ReviewID, BeerID) -->
Aroma, Palate,
Taste, Overall)
(BeerID) -->
Aroma, Palate, Taste, Overall)
(ReviewID, BeerID,
(SourceID, BeerID)
Advantages of DAG representation
• Static type specifications allow precise and clear modeling /
design of an analysis pipeline before having to write all the
code needed to implement it
• Model can be turned into an actual working program, instead
of just being a schematic diagram
• Provenance tracking without extra instrumentation
• Memoization of intermediate results is easy because data
dependencies are already explicit
• Easier to understand, reason about, and explain to others
• Easier to track modification history as graph edits
Syntactic Syrup: CubeApply
Takes cross-product of a set of input cubes /
vectors and applies function to all results
(BeerID) -->
Aroma, Palate,
Taste, Overall)
(BeerID) -->
(AppWeight, AromaWt, PalWt,
TasteWt, OverallWt)
(AppWt, AromaWt,
PalWt, TasteWt,
Slicing, Dicing
Since semantic type data is always propagated, in principle we
can define the schema for any intermediate data (including
hierarchy structure) and make use of existing OLAP tools to run
declarative queries
• Type system
• DAGs
• Execution
• Data Management
• Visualizations
• ...queries?
Requirements for a practical system
• Programmable and extensible, without requiring discontinuous
changes to existing habits
• OLAP systems not general enough; energy barrier to setting up
a ‘data warehouse’ for a particular scientific analysis is too
high; arbitrary, complex statistics not supported
• System must be deployable over the web, so analyses and
results can be easily shared with geographically dispersed
collaborators and the scientific community
• Free and open source
Current Support for Hierarchies in
• Hierarchical dataframes only support ‘uniform’ hierarchies
• lots of real analysis requires comparisons across many
different types
• Metadata is unstructured
• can’t compute effectively on column names
• Manual management
• consistency of column naming and interpretation depends
entirely on programmer discipline
Simple Semantic Types over Pandas
['[["cmp", ["6-OHDA, chronicSaline", "Ascorbate, chronicSaline"]],
["ct", "cp73"],
["mc", "bh"],
["st", "pval"],
["tt", "welch ttest"]]',
'[["cmp", ["6-OHDA, chronicSaline", "Ascorbate, chronicSaline"]],
["ct", "cp73"],
["mc", "nominal"],
["st", "pval"],
["tt", "student ttest"]]',
'[["cmp", ["6-OHDA, chronicSaline", "Ascorbate, chronicSaline"]],
["ct", "cp73"],
["mc", "bonf"],
["st", "pval"],
["tt", "student ttest"]]',
'[["cmp", ["6-OHDA, chronicSaline", "Ascorbate, chronicSaline"]],
["ct", "cp73"],
["mc", "bh"],
["st", "pval"],
["tt", "student ttest"]]',
'[["cmp", ["6-OHDA, chronicSaline", "Ascorbate, chronicSaline"]],
["ct", "cp73"],
["st", "pval"],
["tt", "levene"]]
CP73 CP101
pval t-stat
bonf bh nom
ct tt mccmp st
Temporal Graph Database
• Canonical
representation for
types, ‘programs’,
and pointers to data
are all as typed
property graphs
(DAGs) that can
hold JSON
• All edit history to the
graph is recorded,
so user can rewind /
replay and branch
Generic Visualization Components
to compose visualizations & reports
Architecture Overview
Grizzly Webapp
D3, Slickgrid, FlotjsPlumb
Biological Applications
Bio Example 1: Striatal Gene
Expression w. L-DOPA
Summary tables
Drilldown and provenance from summary tables to primary data
Drilldown from summary to statistical
Drilldown from statistical tables to plots
of primary data
Bio Example 2: Complex,
interactive visualizations:
Subspace clustering of time-series data
A. Define blocks and an ordering
B. Cluster each block
C. Represent resulting clusters in a
tree and explore/filter interactively
Each (predefined) subspace
has unique information; we
want to understand patterns
both within and between
Increasing complexity of biological data presents critical
requirements for better systems for collaborative analysis of high-
dimensional, multi-factor, dynamic data
A dataflow computation model with semantic, multidimensional
types offers significant advantages for meeting these requirements
Grizzly defines a simple, formal model for multidimensional data and
DAGs of operations on that data, adapting and combining ideas
from OLAP, declarative visualization, and dataflow programming.
Proof-of-concept implementation in python establishes feasibility
Applications to analysis of real biological experiments (PD, Neuro,
Cancer) will evaluate practical utility and benefits
Computational Efficiency
Scientist Efficiency
Acknowledgements: Software
• IPython
• NumPy
• Pandas
• Statsmodels
• Patsy
• CherryPy
• SQLAlchemy
• postgres
• NetworkX
• igraph
• backbone
• underscore
• jsPlumb
• flot
• D3.js

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grizzly - informal overview - pydata boston 2013

  • 1. grizzly statistical analysis with multidimensional dataflows in python Adrian Heilbut Boston University and Broad Institute (graphs for reproducible interactive visualization and analysis) PyData Boston 2013
  • 2. 1. Motivation Biological discovery from complex, multidimensional data; common features of complex biological data and analyses 2. Problems and Goals Reproducible, efficient, elegant, collaborative,interactive analysis Data + analysis evolving over time 3. Toy Dataset A simple dataset with hierarchical and temporal structure 4. Strategies Separate concerns; Represent types and structure explicitly; Abstract away data management; Formalize 5. Inspirations OLAP and data cube models; Declarative visualization grammars; Scientific workflow systems 6. Core Ideas Dataflows + Temporal Graphs + Multidimensional Types + Syntactic syrup 7. Toy Demos 8. Implementation 9. Biology application Mechanisms of drug side effects in Parkinson’s Disease 10. Summary and Conclusions
  • 3. Motivation • Common and unique features of scientific data • Examples of complex datasets and analyses in computational biology • Data analysis desiderata Motivation Problem & Goals Toy Dataset Strategies Inspirations Core Ideas Implementation Demo Biological Application
  • 4. Biological data is increasingly complex; Many datasets and analyses share common structural features • High-dimensional measurements • Longitudinal / time-course measurements • Hierarchical structure of dimensions • Multiple modalities (expression, protein concentration, phosphorylation) • Complex experimental designs • Complex analysis designs • Complex pre-processing pipelines • Many parameter choices • Many cell types • Many treatments • Many organisms • Many patients • Many replicates
  • 5. Ex 1. Cancer Profiling and Signatures Cancer Cell Line Encylopedia (CCLE) Broad / Novartis, Barretina 2012 1000 cell lines expressionfor 20,000genesmutationstatusdrugresponse
  • 6. P0 P07 P12 P18 P21 P56 proliferationproliferation differentiationdifferentiation migration & patterningmigration & patterning P0 P07 P15 P21 E0 E11 E15 E18 3 reps, 40k probes
  • 7. Saline Acute (9) Low Dose Levodopa Chronic (12) Saline Chronic (11) 6-OHDA Ascorbate Day 1 Expression + AIM CP73 Day 8 Expression + AIM High Dose Levodopa Acute (10) High Dose Levodopa Chronic (11) Saline Chronic (10) Low Levodopa Chronic (8) Saline Chronic (7) 6-OHDA Ascorbate CP101 Day 8 Expression + AIM High Levodopa Chronic (8) Saline Chronic (10) Change in Expression between treatment groups Expression vs. AIM (correlation) within treatment groups / cell types Statistics (per gene) Expression vs. AIM (correlation) within combined treatment groups ~ 23,000 x 200 matrix of stats for different contrasts between groups
  • 8. Unique characteristics of scientific data • Relatively short half-life of data and projects • Uncertain and complex analysis methods • Constantly changing data • Lots of internal and external structure over dimensions • Teams with diverse backgrounds and skills over multiple institutions and locations • Communication of data is a primary goal • High risk and high value outcomes project selection / experimental followup clinical decisions Distinctive characteristics, uses, and problems with scientific data analysis motivates need for tailored abstractions and tools
  • 9. Desiderata for Data Analysis • Correctness • Thoroughness (scientific hypothesis space + analysis space) • Reproducibility • Verifiability (analysis and underlying data, others and oneself) • Clarity • Provenance (of the data, and of the analysis) • Interactivity (Exploration, Drill-down) • Computational Efficiency • Scientist Efficiency
  • 10. Vision Every figure, every table, and every quantitative claim in a scientific analysis or publication should be verifiable and explorable it should link to an understandable, executable, modifiable representation of the data analysis pipeline by which it was generated one should be able to trace back all the way to the primary experimental data it should be easy and fun to play with
  • 11. Problems and Goals Errors have serious consequences Practical problems in day-to-day analysis Unmet need for better tools Intro Problem & Goals Toy Dataset Strategies Inspirations Core Ideas Implementation Demo Biological Application Conclusions
  • 12.
  • 13. Mistakes even happen in Cambridge... Reinhart / RogoffHerndon, Ash, Pollin OriginalCorrect
  • 14. it’s even worse than it appears... Kimball, 2013 ability to easily drill down to view and assess the underlying data is critical
  • 15. Elements of statistical analysis statistical algorithms output data Input data visualizations summary tables
  • 16. Version 2. output data Input dataInput dataInput dataInput dataInput dataInput dataInput dataInput dataInput data statistical algorithm output data output data output data output data output data output data output data output data output data output data output data output data output data output data output data output data output data output data output data output data output data output data output data statistical algorithm statistical algorithm
  • 19. Toy Dataset Multidimensional profiling of fermentation metabolites of S. cerevisiae Intro Problem & Goals Toy Dataset Strategies Inspirations Core Ideas Implementation Demo Biological Application
  • 20. Beer ratings &, via Stanford SNAP & a very kind blogger Multidimensional: Appearance, Aroma, Palate, Taste, Overall Hierarchies: Location -> Brewery -> Beer Beer style -> Beer Temporal Toy Dataset Multidimensional profiling of fermentation metabolites of S. cerevisiae
  • 21. Strategies • Separate concerns • Abstract away data management problems • Formalize • Optimize representations (logical and physical) Intro Problem & Goals Toy Dataset Strategies Inspirations Core Ideas Implementation Demo Biological Application Conclusions
  • 22. Separation of Concerns • Each of these components evolves over time • Each may be modifed independently by different people with different goals statistical algorithms output data Input data visualizations summary tables
  • 23. Abstract and automate data management Deciding and remembering how to name columns and files and track changes over time is not what I’d like to spend time on Especially since I’ll probably do it inconsistently with what I decided to do last week If the system is responsible for persisting data, caching and memoization can be done automatically.
  • 24. Logical and physical representations matter • Choice of representation and notation has a major effect on ease and efficiency with which concepts can be manipulated, by either a person or a computer • Given our goals for an analysis system, and engineering instinct to separate independent concerns, what are optimal representations for • data? • analysis programs? • visualizations and summary tables?
  • 26. Inspirations (and their deficiencies..) 1. OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) and MDX (Multidimensional Expressions) 2. Tableau / Polaris 3. Scientific workflow systems VisTrails, KNIME Galaxy, Genepattern
  • 28. 2. Declarative Visualization Grammars (Polaris/Tableau; Stolte 2003) • key idea: declarative specification of visualizations is possible and works well • recent focus has been on busines analytics, rather than statistical graphics; • assumes a static, structured database (ie. OLAP star schema) Stolte 2000
  • 29. 3. Scientific Workflow Systems VisTrails
  • 30. Hypothesis Careful design and selection of representations for data, programs, and visualizations will make it possible to satistfy our data analysis objectives: • multidimensional cubes with static, semantic types for conceptual representation of data • directed acyclic graphs of functions with static, multidimensional input and output type signatures for our statistical programs • declarative queries to generate summary tables • declarative visualization grammar to generate graphics (this is not how most researchers represent their analyses today) Correctness Thoroughness Reproducibility Verifiability Clarity Provenance Interactivity Computational Efficiency Scientist Efficiency
  • 31. Multidimensional Cubes and OLAP Semantic Types Dataflow Programming Core Ideas
  • 32. Data consists of facts about the world. 1 5.5 3 3 4 5 2 6 2 3 2 2 3 8 5 5 4 4.5 ceci n’est pas data
  • 33. Data consists of facts about the world. 1 2 3 5.5 3 3 4 5 6 2 3 2 2 8 5 5 4 4.5 ABV Smell Color Taste OverallBeerID
  • 34. Facts lie in specific domains defined by the structure of the real world or experimental design 1 2 3 5.5 3 3 4 5 6 2 3 2 2 8 5 5 4 4.5 ABV float (%EtOh) Smell ordinal (1-5) 5 is best Color ordinal (1-5) 5 is best Taste ordinal (1-5) 5 is best Overall ordinal (1-5) 5 is best BeerID Integer (BeerAdvocate BeerID)
  • 35. There are a number of possible representations; logically but not practically equivalent 1 2 3 5.5 3 3 4 5 6 2 3 2 2 8 5 5 4 4.5 ABV float (%EtOh) Smell ordinal (1-5) 5 is best Color ordinal (1-5) 5 is best Taste ordinal (1-5) 5 is best Overall ordinal (1-5) 5 is best BeerID Integer (BeerAdvocate) BeerID BeerID Measure Value 1 ABV 5.5 1 Smell 3 1 Color 3 1 Taste 4 1 Overall 5 2 ABV 6 2 Smell 2 2 Color 3 2 Taste 2 2 Overall 2 3 ABV 8 3 Smell 5 3 Color 5 3 Taste 4 3 Overall 4.5 cf. pandas reshape, plyr melt/cast ≈
  • 36. Data Representations • Scientific / statistical data is usally in matrix format, and it must be for efficient storage and computation • Relational model is good for precisely encoding logical structure of data, but • moving between relations and matrices is cumbersome • defining a relational schema for all intermediate data would be a lot of work, especially as with change over time • on its own, the relational model does explicitly represent semantics and units
  • 37. Conceptual Model: OLAP Data Cubes Cartesian product of a set of dimensions (finite discrete sets) defines an N-dimensional grid A multidimensional dataset is a function mapping locations in that grid to typed values called measures (identities of the measures can also be considered as just a special kind of dimension) Beer ID UserID Time Gene Brain Region Stage of Development3 3 2 7.8 3 2 3 2 2.3 2.1 3 2 3 2.3 7.4 12 3 2 3 3.14 15 9 3 2 3 2 2 6.5 2 2 measure: log2 gene expression measure: overall beer rating
  • 38. Conceptual Model: Data Cubes as functions mapping dimensions to measures def BeerRatingsByUser(UserID, BeerID): return (Taste, Smell, Color, Texture, Overall) def BeerRatingsByBeer(BeerID): return (mean Taste, mean Smell, mean Color, mean Texture, mean Overall) def ExpressionBySample(Gene, Region, SampleID): return (log2 expression) def ExpressionByRegionTime(Gene, Region, Timepoint): return (median expression, mean expression, std deviation, median abs deviation, # replicates)
  • 39. Hierarchies Dimensions are related to each other in structures that reflect: • the nature of the world • experimental methods and designs • analysis processes and decisions These hierarchical relationships are critical to understanding and performing analyses, and need to be represented explicitly.
  • 40. Multidimensional Semantic Types 1970s / 80s: Semantic Database formalisms Specify different kinds of relationships and interactions between objects (eg. containment, is-a, relations / cross-products) Overshadowed by ER model and later, UML.. 1990s: OLAP
  • 41. Dataflow Lots of domains model computation as ‘declarative’ dataflows circuit design audio / video processing
  • 42. Grizzly Computation Model Directed Acyclic Graph of processing nodes Inputs and outputs of every node are typed cubes Function nodes add type information to describe their output dimensions ‘Apply’ nodes propagate any types of their input dimensions that they aren’t modified to the outputs Computation is declarative / intensional, not imperative; nodes automatically process whatever is on their inputs, like an electrical circuit (ReviewID, BeerID) --> (Appearance, Aroma, Palate, Taste, Overall) CalcMedian Ratings (BeerID) --> (Appearance, Aroma, Palate, Taste, Overall) (ReviewID, BeerID, SourceID) --> (Appearance, Aroma, Palate, Taste, Overall) (SourceID, BeerID) --> (MedianAppearance, MedianAroma, MedianPalate, MedianTaste, MedianOverall) Apply
  • 43. Advantages of DAG representation • Static type specifications allow precise and clear modeling / design of an analysis pipeline before having to write all the code needed to implement it • Model can be turned into an actual working program, instead of just being a schematic diagram • Provenance tracking without extra instrumentation • Memoization of intermediate results is easy because data dependencies are already explicit • Easier to understand, reason about, and explain to others • Easier to track modification history as graph edits
  • 44. Syntactic Syrup: CubeApply Takes cross-product of a set of input cubes / vectors and applies function to all results (BeerID) --> (Appearance, Aroma, Palate, Taste, Overall) BeerRank (BeerID) --> (RankScore) (BeerID) --> (Appearance, Aroma, Palate, Taste, Overall) (BeerID, RankModelID) --> (RankScore) (AppWeight, AromaWt, PalWt, TasteWt, OverallWt) (RankModelD) --> (AppWt, AromaWt, PalWt, TasteWt, OverallWt)
  • 45. Slicing, Dicing Since semantic type data is always propagated, in principle we can define the schema for any intermediate data (including hierarchy structure) and make use of existing OLAP tools to run declarative queries
  • 46. Implementation • Type system • DAGs • Execution • Data Management • Visualizations • ...queries?
  • 47. Requirements for a practical system • Programmable and extensible, without requiring discontinuous changes to existing habits • OLAP systems not general enough; energy barrier to setting up a ‘data warehouse’ for a particular scientific analysis is too high; arbitrary, complex statistics not supported • System must be deployable over the web, so analyses and results can be easily shared with geographically dispersed collaborators and the scientific community • Free and open source
  • 48. Current Support for Hierarchies in Pandas • Hierarchical dataframes only support ‘uniform’ hierarchies • lots of real analysis requires comparisons across many different types • Metadata is unstructured • can’t compute effectively on column names • Manual management • consistency of column naming and interpretation depends entirely on programmer discipline
  • 49. Simple Semantic Types over Pandas ['[["cmp", ["6-OHDA, chronicSaline", "Ascorbate, chronicSaline"]], ["ct", "cp73"], ["mc", "bh"], ["st", "pval"], ["tt", "welch ttest"]]', '[["cmp", ["6-OHDA, chronicSaline", "Ascorbate, chronicSaline"]], ["ct", "cp73"], ["mc", "nominal"], ["st", "pval"], ["tt", "student ttest"]]', '[["cmp", ["6-OHDA, chronicSaline", "Ascorbate, chronicSaline"]], ["ct", "cp73"], ["mc", "bonf"], ["st", "pval"], ["tt", "student ttest"]]', '[["cmp", ["6-OHDA, chronicSaline", "Ascorbate, chronicSaline"]], ["ct", "cp73"], ["mc", "bh"], ["st", "pval"], ["tt", "student ttest"]]', '[["cmp", ["6-OHDA, chronicSaline", "Ascorbate, chronicSaline"]], ["ct", "cp73"], ["st", "pval"], ["tt", "levene"]] ct CP73 CP101 tt student ttest welch ttest st pval t-stat bonf bh nom mc X ct tt mccmp st
  • 50. Temporal Graph Database • Canonical representation for types, ‘programs’, and pointers to data are all as typed property graphs (DAGs) that can hold JSON payloads • All edit history to the graph is recorded, so user can rewind / replay and branch
  • 51. Generic Visualization Components to compose visualizations & reports
  • 52. Architecture Overview GZDB Graph Editor Grizzly Webapp SQLAlchemy Postgres IPython Pandas HTML Viz Widgets GZData GZFlow CherryPy D3, Slickgrid, FlotjsPlumb Filesystem
  • 54. Bio Example 1: Striatal Gene Expression w. L-DOPA Summary tables Drilldown and provenance from summary tables to primary data
  • 55. Drilldown from summary to statistical tables
  • 56. Drilldown from statistical tables to plots of primary data
  • 57. Bio Example 2: Complex, interactive visualizations: BOMBASTIC Subspace clustering of time-series data A. Define blocks and an ordering B. Cluster each block independently C. Represent resulting clusters in a tree and explore/filter interactively Each (predefined) subspace has unique information; we want to understand patterns both within and between blocks
  • 58.
  • 59. Summary Increasing complexity of biological data presents critical requirements for better systems for collaborative analysis of high- dimensional, multi-factor, dynamic data A dataflow computation model with semantic, multidimensional types offers significant advantages for meeting these requirements Grizzly defines a simple, formal model for multidimensional data and DAGs of operations on that data, adapting and combining ideas from OLAP, declarative visualization, and dataflow programming. Proof-of-concept implementation in python establishes feasibility Applications to analysis of real biological experiments (PD, Neuro, Cancer) will evaluate practical utility and benefits Correctness Thoroughness Reproducibility Verifiability Clarity Provenance Interactivity Computational Efficiency Scientist Efficiency
  • 60. Acknowledgements: Software • IPython • NumPy • Pandas • Statsmodels • Patsy • CherryPy • SQLAlchemy • postgres • NetworkX • igraph • backbone • underscore • jsPlumb • flot • D3.js