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                                    The Web Application
                                     Hacker’s Handbook
                    Discovering and Exploiting Security Flaws

                                                        Dafydd Stuttard
                                                          Marcus Pinto

                                                             Wiley Publishing, Inc.
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                                    The Web Application
                                     Hacker’s Handbook
                    Discovering and Exploiting Security Flaws

                                                        Dafydd Stuttard
                                                          Marcus Pinto

                                                             Wiley Publishing, Inc.
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              The Web Application Hacker’s Handbook: Discovering and Exploiting Security Flaws
              Published by
              Wiley Publishing, Inc.
              10475 Crosspoint Boulevard
              Indianapolis, IN 46256
              Copyright © 2008 by Dafydd Stuttard and Marcus Pinto.
              Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana
              Published simultaneously in Canada
              ISBN: 978-0-470-17077-9
              Manufactured in the United States of America
              10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
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              Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
              Stuttard, Dafydd, 1972-
                The web application hacker's handbook : discovering and exploiting security flaws / Dafydd Stut-
              tard, Marcus Pinto.
                   p. cm.
                Includes index.
                ISBN 978-0-470-17077-9 (pbk.)
               1. Internet--Security measures. 2. Computer security. I. Pinto, Marcus, 1978- II. Title.
                TK5105.875.I57S85 2008
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                                                      About the Authors

                    Dafydd Stuttard is a Principal Security Consultant at Next Generation Secu-
                    rity Software, where he leads the web application security competency. He has
                    nine years’ experience in security consulting and specializes in the penetration
                    testing of web applications and compiled software.
                       Dafydd has worked with numerous banks, retailers, and other enterprises
                    to help secure their web applications, and has provided security consulting to
                    several software manufacturers and governments to help secure their com-
                    piled software. Dafydd is an accomplished programmer in several languages,
                    and his interests include developing tools to facilitate all kinds of software
                    security testing.
                       Dafydd has developed and presented training courses at the Black Hat secu-
                    rity conferences around the world. Under the alias “PortSwigger,” Dafydd cre-
                    ated the popular Burp Suite of web application hacking tools. Dafydd holds
                    master’s and doctorate degrees in philosophy from the University of Oxford.

                    Marcus Pinto is a Principal Security Consultant at Next Generation Security
                    Software, where he leads the database competency development team, and
                    has lead the development of NGS’ primary training courses. He has eight
                    years’ experience in security consulting and specializes in penetration testing
                    of web applications and supporting architectures.
                       Marcus has worked with numerous banks, retailers, and other enterprises to
                    help secure their web applications, and has provided security consulting to the
                    development projects of several security-critical applications. He has worked
                    extensively with large-scale web application deployments in the financial ser-
                    vices industry.
                       Marcus has developed and presented database and web application train-
                    ing courses at the Black Hat and other security conferences around the world.
                    Marcus holds a master’s degree in physics from the University of Cambridge.
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                    Acknowledgments                                                                xxiii
                    Introduction                                                                   xxv
                    Chapter 1      Web Application (In)security                                       1
                                   The Evolution of Web Applications                                  2
                                     Common Web Application Functions                                 3
                                     Benefits of Web Applications                                     4
                                   Web Application Security                                           5
                                     “This Site Is Secure”                                            6
                                     The Core Security Problem: Users Can Submit Arbitrary Input      8
                                     Key Problem Factors                                              9
                                        Immature Security Awareness                                   9
                                        In-House Development                                          9
                                        Deceptive Simplicity                                          9
                                        Rapidly Evolving Threat Profile                              10
                                        Resource and Time Constraints                                10
                                        Overextended Technologies                                    10
                                     The New Security Perimeter                                      10
                                     The Future of Web Application Security                          12
                                   Chapter Summary                                                   13
                    Chapter 2      Core Defense Mechanisms                                           15
                                   Handling User Access                                              16
                                     Authentication                                                  16
                                     Session Management                                              17
                                     Access Control                                                  18
                                   Handling User Input                                               19
                                     Varieties of Input                                              20
                                     Approaches to Input Handling                                    21

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        vi    Contents

                                “Reject Known Bad”                        21
                                “Accept Known Good”                       21
                                Sanitization                              22
                                Safe Data Handling                        22
                                Semantic Checks                           23
                              Boundary Validation                         23
                              Multistep Validation and Canonicalization   26
                           Handling Attackers                             27
                             Handling Errors                              27
                             Maintaining Audit Logs                       29
                             Alerting Administrators                      30
                             Reacting to Attacks                          31
                           Managing the Application                       32
                           Chapter Summary                                33
                           Questions                                      34
              Chapter 3    Web Application Technologies                   35
                           The HTTP Protocol                              35
                             HTTP Requests                                36
                             HTTP Responses                               37
                             HTTP Methods                                 38
                             URLs                                         40
                             HTTP Headers                                 41
                                General Headers                           41
                                Request Headers                           41
                                Response Headers                          42
                             Cookies                                      43
                             Status Codes                                 44
                             HTTPS                                        45
                             HTTP Proxies                                 46
                             HTTP Authentication                          47
                           Web Functionality                              47
                             Server-Side Functionality                    48
                                The Java Platform                         49
                                ASP.NET                                   50
                                PHP                                       50
                             Client-Side Functionality                    51
                                HTML                                      51
                                Hyperlinks                                51
                                Forms                                     52
                                JavaScript                                54
                                Thick Client Components                   54
                             State and Sessions                           55
                           Encoding Schemes                               56
                             URL Encoding                                 56
                             Unicode Encoding                             57
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                                                                                 Contents   vii

                                    HTML Encoding                                      57
                                    Base64 Encoding                                    58
                                    Hex Encoding                                       59
                                  Next Steps                                           59
                                  Questions                                            59
                    Chapter 4     Mapping the Application                             61
                                  Enumerating Content and Functionality               62
                                    Web Spidering                                     62
                                    User-Directed Spidering                           65
                                    Discovering Hidden Content                        67
                                       Brute-Force Techniques                         67
                                       Inference from Published Content               70
                                       Use of Public Information                      72
                                       Leveraging the Web Server                      75
                                    Application Pages vs. Functional Paths            76
                                    Discovering Hidden Parameters                     79
                                  Analyzing the Application                           79
                                    Identifying Entry Points for User Input           80
                                    Identifying Server-Side Technologies              82
                                       Banner Grabbing                                82
                                       HTTP Fingerprinting                            82
                                       File Extensions                                84
                                       Directory Names                                86
                                       Session Tokens                                 86
                                       Third-Party Code Components                    87
                                    Identifying Server-Side Functionality             88
                                       Dissecting Requests                            88
                                       Extrapolating Application Behavior             90
                                    Mapping the Attack Surface                        91
                                  Chapter Summary                                     92
                                  Questions                                           93
                    Chapter 5     Bypassing Client-Side Controls                       95
                                  Transmitting Data via the Client                     95
                                     Hidden Form Fields                                96
                                     HTTP Cookies                                      99
                                     URL Parameters                                    99
                                     The Referer Header                               100
                                     Opaque Data                                      101
                                     The ASP.NET ViewState                            102
                                  Capturing User Data: HTML Forms                     106
                                     Length Limits                                    106
                                     Script-Based Validation                          108
                                     Disabled Elements                                110
                                  Capturing User Data: Thick-Client Components        111
                                     Java Applets                                     112
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        viii   Contents

                                Decompiling Java Bytecode                       114
                                Coping with Bytecode Obfuscation                117
                              ActiveX Controls                                  119
                                Reverse Engineering                             120
                                Manipulating Exported Functions                 122
                                Fixing Inputs Processed by Controls             123
                                Decompiling Managed Code                        124
                              Shockwave Flash Objects                           124
                           Handling Client-Side Data Securely                   128
                             Transmitting Data via the Client                   128
                             Validating Client-Generated Data                   129
                             Logging and Alerting                               131
                           Chapter Summary                                      131
                           Questions                                            132
               Chapter 6   Attacking Authentication                             133
                           Authentication Technologies                          134
                           Design Flaws in Authentication Mechanisms            135
                              Bad Passwords                                     135
                              Brute-Forcible Login                              136
                              Verbose Failure Messages                          139
                              Vulnerable Transmission of Credentials            142
                              Password Change Functionality                     144
                              Forgotten Password Functionality                  145
                              “Remember Me” Functionality                       148
                              User Impersonation Functionality                  149
                              Incomplete Validation of Credentials              152
                              Non-Unique Usernames                              152
                              Predictable Usernames                             154
                              Predictable Initial Passwords                     154
                              Insecure Distribution of Credentials              155
                           Implementation Flaws in Authentication               156
                              Fail-Open Login Mechanisms                        156
                              Defects in Multistage Login Mechanisms            157
                              Insecure Storage of Credentials                   161
                           Securing Authentication                              162
                              Use Strong Credentials                            162
                              Handle Credentials Secretively                    163
                              Validate Credentials Properly                     164
                              Prevent Information Leakage                       166
                              Prevent Brute-Force Attacks                       167
                              Prevent Misuse of the Password Change Function    170
                              Prevent Misuse of the Account Recovery Function   170
                              Log, Monitor, and Notify                          172
                           Chapter Summary                                      172
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                                                                                 Contents    ix

                    Chapter 7     Attacking Session Management                        175
                                  The Need for State                                  176
                                     Alternatives to Sessions                         178
                                  Weaknesses in Session Token Generation              180
                                     Meaningful Tokens                                180
                                     Predictable Tokens                               182
                                        Concealed Sequences                           184
                                        Time Dependency                               185
                                        Weak Random Number Generation                 187
                                  Weaknesses in Session Token Handling                191
                                     Disclosure of Tokens on the Network              192
                                     Disclosure of Tokens in Logs                     196
                                     Vulnerable Mapping of Tokens to Sessions         198
                                     Vulnerable Session Termination                   200
                                     Client Exposure to Token Hijacking               201
                                     Liberal Cookie Scope                             203
                                        Cookie Domain Restrictions                    203
                                        Cookie Path Restrictions                      205
                                  Securing Session Management                         206
                                     Generate Strong Tokens                           206
                                     Protect Tokens throughout Their Lifecycle        208
                                        Per-Page Tokens                                211
                                     Log, Monitor, and Alert                          212
                                        Reactive Session Termination                  212
                                  Chapter Summary                                     213
                                  Questions                                           214
                    Chapter 8     Attacking Access Controls                           217
                                  Common Vulnerabilities                              218
                                     Completely Unprotected Functionality             219
                                     Identifier-Based Functions                       220
                                     Multistage Functions                             222
                                     Static Files                                     222
                                     Insecure Access Control Methods                  223
                                  Attacking Access Controls                           224
                                  Securing Access Controls                            228
                                     A Multi-Layered Privilege Model                  231
                                  Chapter Summary                                     234
                                  Questions                                           235
                    Chapter 9     Injecting Code                                     237
                                  Injecting into Interpreted Languages               238
                                  Injecting into SQL                                 240
                                     Exploiting a Basic Vulnerability                241
                                     Bypassing a Login                               243
                                     Finding SQL Injection Bugs                      244
                                     Injecting into Different Statement Types        247
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        x     Contents

                              The UNION Operator                                     251
                              Fingerprinting the Database                            255
                              Extracting Useful Data                                 256
                                 An Oracle Hack                                      257
                                 An MS-SQL Hack                                      260
                              Exploiting ODBC Error Messages (MS-SQL Only)           262
                                 Enumerating Table and Column Names                  263
                                 Extracting Arbitrary Data                           265
                                 Using Recursion                                     266
                              Bypassing Filters                                      267
                              Second-Order SQL Injection                             271
                              Advanced Exploitation                                  272
                                 Retrieving Data as Numbers                          273
                                 Using an Out-of-Band Channel                        274
                                 Using Inference: Conditional Responses              277
                              Beyond SQL Injection: Escalating the Database Attack   285
                                 MS-SQL                                              286
                                 Oracle                                              288
                                 MySQL                                               288
                              SQL Syntax and Error Reference                         289
                                 SQL Syntax                                          290
                                 SQL Error Messages                                  292
                              Preventing SQL Injection                               296
                                 Partially Effective Measures                        296
                                 Parameterized Queries                               297
                                 Defense in Depth                                    299
                           Injecting OS Commands                                     300
                              Example 1: Injecting via Perl                          300
                              Example 2: Injecting via ASP                           302
                              Finding OS Command Injection Flaws                     304
                              Preventing OS Command Injection                        307
                           Injecting into Web Scripting Languages                    307
                              Dynamic Execution Vulnerabilities                      307
                                 Dynamic Execution in PHP                            308
                                 Dynamic Execution in ASP                            308
                                 Finding Dynamic Execution Vulnerabilities           309
                              File Inclusion Vulnerabilities                         310
                                 Remote File Inclusion                               310
                                 Local File Inclusion                                311
                                 Finding File Inclusion Vulnerabilities              312
                              Preventing Script Injection Vulnerabilities            312
                           Injecting into SOAP                                       313
                              Finding and Exploiting SOAP Injection                  315
                              Preventing SOAP Injection                              316
                           Injecting into XPath                                      316
                              Subverting Application Logic                           317
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                                                                                       Contents   xi

                                    Informed XPath Injection                                318
                                    Blind XPath Injection                                   319
                                    Finding XPath Injection Flaws                           320
                                    Preventing XPath Injection                              321
                                  Injecting into SMTP                                       321
                                     Email Header Manipulation                              322
                                     SMTP Command Injection                                 323
                                     Finding SMTP Injection Flaws                           324
                                     Preventing SMTP Injection                              326
                                  Injecting into LDAP                                       326
                                     Injecting Query Attributes                             327
                                     Modifying the Search Filter                            328
                                     Finding LDAP Injection Flaws                           329
                                     Preventing LDAP Injection                              330
                                  Chapter Summary                                           331
                                  Questions                                                 331
                    Chapter 10 Exploiting Path Traversal                                   333
                               Common Vulnerabilities                                      333
                               Finding and Exploiting Path Traversal Vulnerabilities       335
                                  Locating Targets for Attack                              335
                                  Detecting Path Traversal Vulnerabilities                  336
                                  Circumventing Obstacles to Traversal Attacks             339
                                     Coping with Custom Encoding                           342
                                  Exploiting Traversal Vulnerabilities                     344
                               Preventing Path Traversal Vulnerabilities                   344
                               Chapter Summary                                             346
                               Questions                                                   346
                    Chapter 11 Attacking Application Logic                                 349
                               The Nature of Logic Flaws                                   350
                               Real-World Logic Flaws                                      350
                                  Example 1: Fooling a Password Change Function             351
                                    The Functionality                                       351
                                    The Assumption                                          351
                                    The Attack                                              352
                                  Example 2: Proceeding to Checkout                         352
                                    The Functionality                                       352
                                    The Assumption                                          353
                                    The Attack                                              353
                                  Example 3: Rolling Your Own Insurance                     354
                                    The Functionality                                       354
                                    The Assumption                                          354
                                    The Attack                                              355
                                  Example 4: Breaking the Bank                              356
                                    The Functionality                                       356
                                    The Assumption                                          357
                                    The Attack                                              358
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        xii   Contents

                              Example 5: Erasing an Audit Trail       359
                                The Functionality                     359
                                The Assumption                        359
                                The Attack                            359
                              Example 6: Beating a Business Limit     360
                                The Functionality                     360
                                The Assumption                        361
                                The Attack                            361
                              Example 7: Cheating on Bulk Discounts   362
                                The Functionality                     362
                                The Assumption                        362
                                The Attack                            362
                              Example 8: Escaping from Escaping       363
                                The Functionality                     363
                                The Assumption                        364
                                The Attack                            364
                              Example 9: Abusing a Search Function    365
                                The Functionality                     365
                                The Assumption                        365
                                The Attack                            365
                              Example 10: Snarfing Debug Messages     366
                                The Functionality                     366
                                The Assumption                        367
                                The Attack                            367
                              Example 11: Racing against the Login    368
                                The Functionality                     368
                                The Assumption                        368
                                The Attack                            368
                           Avoiding Logic Flaws                       370
                           Chapter Summary                            372
                           Questions                                  372
              Chapter 12 Attacking Other Users                        375
                         Cross-Site Scripting                         376
                            Reflected XSS Vulnerabilities             377
                               Exploiting the Vulnerability           379
                            Stored XSS Vulnerabilities                383
                               Storing XSS in Uploaded Files          385
                            DOM-Based XSS Vulnerabilities             386
                            Real-World XSS Attacks                    388
                            Chaining XSS and Other Attacks            390
                            Payloads for XSS Attacks                  391
                               Virtual Defacement                     391
                               Injecting Trojan Functionality         392
                               Inducing User Actions                  394
                               Exploiting Any Trust Relationships     394
                               Escalating the Client-Side Attack      396
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                                                                                              Contents   xiii

                                    Delivery Mechanisms for XSS Attacks                            399
                                       Delivering Reflected and DOM-Based XSS Attacks              399
                                       Delivering Stored XSS Attacks                               400
                                    Finding and Exploiting XSS Vulnerabilities                     401
                                       Finding and Exploiting Reflected XSS Vulnerabilities        402
                                       Finding and Exploiting Stored XSS Vulnerabilities           415
                                       Finding and Exploiting DOM-Based XSS Vulnerabilities        417
                                    HttpOnly Cookies and Cross-Site Tracing                        421
                                    Preventing XSS Attacks                                         423
                                       Preventing Reflected and Stored XSS                         423
                                       Preventing DOM-Based XSS                                    427
                                       Preventing XST                                              428
                                  Redirection Attacks                                              428
                                    Finding and Exploiting Redirection Vulnerabilities             429
                                       Circumventing Obstacles to Attack                           431
                                    Preventing Redirection Vulnerabilities                         433
                                  HTTP Header Injection                                            434
                                    Exploiting Header Injection Vulnerabilities                    434
                                       Injecting Cookies                                           435
                                       Delivering Other Attacks                                    436
                                       HTTP Response Splitting                                     436
                                    Preventing Header Injection Vulnerabilities                    438
                                  Frame Injection                                                  438
                                       Exploiting Frame Injection                                  439
                                       Preventing Frame Injection                                  440
                                  Request Forgery                                                  440
                                    On-Site Request Forgery                                        441
                                    Cross-Site Request Forgery                                     442
                                       Exploiting XSRF Flaws                                       443
                                       Preventing XSRF Flaws                                       444
                                  JSON Hijacking                                                   446
                                    JSON                                                           446
                                    Attacks against JSON                                           447
                                       Overriding the Array Constructor                            447
                                       Implementing a Callback Function                            448
                                    Finding JSON Hijacking Vulnerabilities                         449
                                    Preventing JSON Hijacking                                      450
                                  Session Fixation                                                 450
                                    Finding and Exploiting Session Fixation Vulnerabilities        452
                                    Preventing Session Fixation Vulnerabilities                    453
                                  Attacking ActiveX Controls                                       454
                                    Finding ActiveX Vulnerabilities                                455
                                    Preventing ActiveX Vulnerabilities                             456
                                  Local Privacy Attacks                                            458
                                    Persistent Cookies                                             458
                                    Cached Web Content                                             458
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        xiv   Contents

                              Browsing History                          459
                              Autocomplete                              460
                              Preventing Local Privacy Attacks          460
                           Advanced Exploitation Techniques             461
                             Leveraging Ajax                            461
                                Making Asynchronous Off-Site Requests   463
                             Anti-DNS Pinning                           464
                                A Hypothetical Attack                   465
                                DNS Pinning                             466
                                Attacks against DNS Pinning             466
                             Browser Exploitation Frameworks            467
                           Chapter Summary                              469
                           Questions                                    469
              Chapter 13 Automating Bespoke Attacks                     471
                         Uses for Bespoke Automation                    472
                         Enumerating Valid Identifiers                  473
                           The Basic Approach                           474
                           Detecting Hits                               474
                              HTTP Status Code                          474
                              Response Length                           475
                              Response Body                             475
                              Location Header                           475
                              Set-cookie Header                         475
                              Time Delays                               476
                           Scripting the Attack                         476
                           JAttack                                      477
                         Harvesting Useful Data                         484
                         Fuzzing for Common Vulnerabilities             487
                         Putting It All Together: Burp Intruder         491
                              Positioning Payloads                      492
                              Choosing Payloads                         493
                              Configuring Response Analysis             494
                              Attack 1: Enumerating Identifiers         495
                              Attack 2: Harvesting Information          498
                              Attack 3: Application Fuzzing             500
                         Chapter Summary                                502
                         Questions                                      502
              Chapter 14 Exploiting Information Disclosure              505
                         Exploiting Error Messages                      505
                           Script Error Messages                         506
                           Stack Traces                                  507
                           Informative Debug Messages                    508
                           Server and Database Messages                  509
                           Using Public Information                      511
                           Engineering Informative Error Messages        512
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                                                                                    Contents   xv

                                  Gathering Published Information                        513
                                  Using Inference                                        514
                                  Preventing Information Leakage                         516
                                    Use Generic Error Messages                           516
                                    Protect Sensitive Information                        517
                                    Minimize Client-Side Information Leakage             517
                                  Chapter Summary                                        518
                                  Questions                                              518
                    Chapter 15 Attacking Compiled Applications                          521
                               Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities                          522
                                  Stack Overflows                                       522
                                  Heap Overflows                                        523
                                   “Off-by-One” Vulnerabilities                          524
                                  Detecting Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities              527
                               Integer Vulnerabilities                                  529
                                  Integer Overflows                                     529
                                  Signedness Errors                                     529
                                  Detecting Integer Vulnerabilities                      530
                               Format String Vulnerabilities                            531
                                  Detecting Format String Vulnerabilities                532
                               Chapter Summary                                          533
                               Questions                                                534
                    Chapter 16 Attacking Application Architecture                       535
                               Tiered Architectures                                     535
                                  Attacking Tiered Architectures                        536
                                     Exploiting Trust Relationships between Tiers        537
                                     Subverting Other Tiers                             538
                                     Attacking Other Tiers                              539
                                  Securing Tiered Architectures                         540
                                     Minimize Trust Relationships                        540
                                     Segregate Different Components                      541
                                     Apply Defense in Depth                             542
                               Shared Hosting and Application Service Providers         542
                                  Virtual Hosting                                       543
                                  Shared Application Services                            543
                                  Attacking Shared Environments                          544
                                     Attacks against Access Mechanisms                   545
                                     Attacks between Applications                        546
                                  Securing Shared Environments                           549
                                     Secure Customer Access                             549
                                     Segregate Customer Functionality                    550
                                     Segregate Components in a Shared Application        551
                               Chapter Summary                                          551
                               Questions                                                551
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        xvi   Contents

              Chapter 17 Attacking the Web Server                                     553
                         Vulnerable Web Server Configuration                          553
                            Default Credentials                                        554
                            Default Content                                            555
                               Debug Functionality                                     555
                               Sample Functionality                                    556
                               Powerful Functions                                      557
                            Directory Listings                                         559
                            Dangerous HTTP Methods                                     560
                            The Web Server as a Proxy                                  562
                            Misconfigured Virtual Hosting                             564
                            Securing Web Server Configuration                          565
                         Vulnerable Web Server Software                               566
                            Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities                            566
                               Microsoft IIS ISAPI Extensions                          567
                               Apache Chunked Encoding Overflow                        567
                               Microsoft IIS WebDav Overflow                           567
                               iPlanet Search Overflow                                 567
                            Path Traversal Vulnerabilities                             568
                               Accipiter DirectServer                                  568
                               Alibaba                                                 568
                               Cisco ACS Acme.server                                   568
                               McAfee EPolicy Orcestrator                              568
                            Encoding and Canonicalization Vulnerabilities              568
                               Allaire JRun Directory Listing Vulnerability            569
                               Microsoft IIS Unicode Path Traversal Vulnerabilities    569
                               Oracle PL/SQL Exclusion List Bypasses                   570
                            Finding Web Server Flaws                                   571
                            Securing Web Server Software                               572
                               Choose Software with a Good Track Record                572
                               Apply Vendor Patches                                    572
                               Perform Security Hardening                              573
                               Monitor for New Vulnerabilities                         573
                               Use Defense-in-Depth                                    573
                         Chapter Summary                                              574
                         Questions                                                    574
              Chapter 18 Finding Vulnerabilities in Source Code                       577
                         Approaches to Code Review                                    578
                            Black-Box vs. White-Box Testing                           578
                            Code Review Methodology                                   579
                         Signatures of Common Vulnerabilities                         580
                            Cross-Site Scripting                                      580
                            SQL Injection                                             581
                            Path Traversal                                            582
                            Arbitrary Redirection                                     583
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                                                                          Contents   xvii

                                    OS Command Injection                       584
                                    Backdoor Passwords                         584
                                    Native Software Bugs                       585
                                      Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities          585
                                      Integer Vulnerabilities                  586
                                      Format String Vulnerabilities            586
                                    Source Code Comments                       586
                                  The Java Platform                            587
                                    Identifying User-Supplied Data             587
                                    Session Interaction                        589
                                    Potentially Dangerous APIs                 589
                                       File Access                             589
                                       Database Access                         590
                                       Dynamic Code Execution                  591
                                       OS Command Execution                    591
                                       URL Redirection                         592
                                       Sockets                                 592
                                    Configuring the Java Environment           593
                                  ASP.NET                                      594
                                    Identifying User-Supplied Data             594
                                    Session Interaction                        595
                                    Potentially Dangerous APIs                 596
                                       File Access                             596
                                       Database Access                         597
                                       Dynamic Code Execution                  598
                                       OS Command Execution                    598
                                       URL Redirection                         599
                                       Sockets                                 600
                                    Configuring the ASP.NET Environment        600
                                  PHP                                          601
                                    Identifying User-Supplied Data             601
                                    Session Interaction                        603
                                    Potentially Dangerous APIs                 604
                                       File Access                             604
                                       Database Access                         606
                                       Dynamic Code Execution                  607
                                       OS Command Execution                    607
                                       URL Redirection                         608
                                       Sockets                                 608
                                    Configuring the PHP Environment            609
                                       Register Globals                        609
                                       Safe Mode                               610
                                       Magic Quotes                            610
                                       Miscellaneous                           611
                                  Perl                                         611
                                    Identifying User-Supplied Data             612
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        xviii Contents

                              Session Interaction                    613
                              Potentially Dangerous APIs             613
                                 File Access                         613
                                 Database Access                     613
                                 Dynamic Code Execution              614
                                 OS Command Execution                614
                                 URL Redirection                     615
                                 Sockets                             615
                              Configuring the Perl Environment       615
                           JavaScript                                616
                           Database Code Components                  617
                              SQL Injection                          617
                              Calls to Dangerous Functions           618
                           Tools for Code Browsing                   619
                           Chapter Summary                           620
                           Questions                                 621
              Chapter 19 A Web Application Hacker’s Toolkit          623
                         Web Browsers                                624
                            Internet Explorer                         624
                            Firefox                                   624
                            Opera                                     626
                         Integrated Testing Suites                   627
                            How the Tools Work                        628
                               Intercepting Proxies                   628
                               Web Application Spiders                633
                               Application Fuzzers and Scanners       636
                               Manual Request Tools                   637
                            Feature Comparison                        640
                               Burp Suite                             643
                               Paros                                  644
                               WebScarab                              645
                            Alternatives to the Intercepting Proxy    646
                               Tamper Data                            647
                               TamperIE                               647
                         Vulnerability Scanners                      649
                            Vulnerabilities Detected by Scanners      649
                            Inherent Limitations of Scanners          651
                               Every Web Application Is Different     652
                               Scanners Operate on Syntax             652
                               Scanners Do Not Improvise              652
                               Scanners Are Not Intuitive             653
                            Technical Challenges Faced by Scanners    653
                               Authentication and Session Handling    653
                               Dangerous Effects                      654
                               Individuating Functionality            655
                               Other Challenges to Automation         655
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                                                                                           Contents   xix

                                    Current Products                                            656
                                    Using a Vulnerability Scanner                               658
                                  Other Tools                                                   659
                                    Nikto                                                       660
                                    Hydra                                                       660
                                    Custom Scripts                                              661
                                       Wget                                                     662
                                       Curl                                                     662
                                       Netcat                                                   663
                                       Stunnel                                                  663
                                  Chapter Summary                                               664
                    Chapter 20 A Web Application Hacker’s Methodology                          665
                               General Guidelines                                              667
                               1. Map the Application’s Content                                669
                                  1.1. Explore Visible Content                                  669
                                  1.2. Consult Public Resources                                 670
                                  1.3. Discover Hidden Content                                  670
                                  1.4. Discover Default Content                                 671
                                  1.5. Enumerate Identifier-Specified Functions                 671
                                  1.6. Test for Debug Parameters                                672
                               2. Analyze the Application                                      672
                                  2.1. Identify Functionality                                   673
                                  2.2. Identify Data Entry Points                               673
                                  2.3. Identify the Technologies Used                           673
                                  2.4. Map the Attack Surface                                   674
                               3. Test Client-Side Controls                                    675
                                  3.1. Test Transmission of Data via the Client                 675
                                  3.2. Test Client-Side Controls over User Input                676
                                  3.3. Test Thick-Client Components                             677
                                     3.3.1. Test Java Applets                                   677
                                     3.3.2. Test ActiveX controls                               678
                                     3.3.3. Test Shockwave Flash objects                        678
                               4. Test the Authentication Mechanism                            679
                                  4.1. Understand the Mechanism                                 680
                                  4.2. Test Password Quality                                    680
                                  4.3. Test for Username Enumeration                            680
                                  4.4. Test Resilience to Password Guessing                     681
                                  4.5. Test Any Account Recovery Function                       682
                                  4.6. Test Any Remember Me Function                            682
                                  4.7. Test Any Impersonation Function                          683
                                  4.8. Test Username Uniqueness                                 683
                                  4.9. Test Predictability of Auto-Generated Credentials        684
                                  4.10. Check for Unsafe Transmission of Credentials            684
                                  4.11. Check for Unsafe Distribution of Credentials            685
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        xx    Contents

                              4.12. Test for Logic Flaws                                      685
                                 4.12.1. Test for Fail-Open Conditions                        685
                                 4.12.2. Test Any Multistage Mechanisms                       686
                              4.13. Exploit Any Vulnerabilities to Gain Unauthorized Access   687
                           5. Test the Session Management Mechanism                           688
                              5.1. Understand the Mechanism                                   689
                              5.2. Test Tokens for Meaning                                    689
                              5.3. Test Tokens for Predictability                             690
                              5.4. Check for Insecure Transmission of Tokens                  691
                              5.5. Check for Disclosure of Tokens in Logs                     692
                              5.6. Check Mapping of Tokens to Sessions                        692
                              5.7. Test Session Termination                                   693
                              5.8. Check for Session Fixation                                 694
                              5.9. Check for XSRF                                             694
                              5.10. Check Cookie Scope                                        695
                           6. Test Access Controls                                            696
                              6.1. Understand the Access Control Requirements                 696
                              6.2. Testing with Multiple Accounts                             697
                              6.3. Testing with Limited Access                                697
                              6.4. Test for Insecure Access Control Methods                   698
                           7. Test for Input-Based Vulnerabilities                            699
                              7.1. Fuzz All Request Parameters                                699
                              7.2. Test for SQL Injection                                     702
                              7.3. Test for XSS and Other Response Injection                  704
                                 7.3.1. Identify Reflected Request Parameters                 704
                                 7.3.2. Test for Reflected XSS                                705
                                 7.3.3. Test for HTTP Header Injection                        705
                                 7.3.4. Test for Arbitrary Redirection                        706
                                 7.3.5. Test for Stored Attacks                               706
                              7.4. Test for OS Command Injection                              707
                              7.5. Test for Path Traversal                                    709
                              7.6. Test for Script Injection                                  711
                              7.7. Test for File Inclusion                                    711
                           8. Test for Function-Specific Input Vulnerabilities                712
                              8.1. Test for SMTP Injection                                    712
                              8.2. Test for Native Software Vulnerabilities                   713
                                 8.2.1. Test for Buffer Overflows                             713
                                 8.2.2. Test for Integer Vulnerabilities                      714
                                 8.2.3. Test for Format String Vulnerabilities                714
                              8.3. Test for SOAP Injection                                    715
                              8.4. Test for LDAP Injection                                    715
                              8.5. Test for XPath Injection                                   716
                           9. Test for Logic Flaws                                            717
                              9.1. Identify the Key Attack Surface                            717
                              9.2. Test Multistage Processes                                  718
                              9.3. Test Handling of Incomplete Input                          718
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                                                                                              Contents   xxi

                                    9.4. Test Trust Boundaries                                     719
                                    9.5. Test Transaction Logic                                    719
                                  10. Test for Shared Hosting Vulnerabilities                      720
                                     10.1. Test Segregation in Shared Infrastructures              720
                                     10.2. Test Segregation between ASP-Hosted Applications        721
                                  11. Test for Web Server Vulnerabilities                          721
                                     11.1. Test for Default Credentials                            722
                                     11.2. Test for Default Content                                722
                                     11.3. Test for Dangerous HTTP Methods                         722
                                     11.4. Test for Proxy Functionality                            723
                                     11.5. Test for Virtual Hosting Misconfiguration               723
                                     11.6. Test for Web Server Software Bugs                       723
                                  12. Miscellaneous Checks                                         724
                                     12.1. Check for DOM-Based Attacks                             724
                                     12.2. Check for Frame Injection                               725
                                     12.3. Check for Local Privacy Vulnerabilities                 726
                                     12.4. Follow Up Any Information Leakage                       726
                                     12.5. Check for Weak SSL Ciphers                              727
                    Index                                                                         729
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                    Our primary debt is to the directors and our other colleagues at Next Genera-
                    tion Security Software, who have provided a creative working environment,
                    promoted sharing of knowledge, and supported us during the months spent
                    producing this book. In particular, we received direct assistance from Chris
                    Anley, Dave Armstrong, Dominic Beecher, David Litchfield, Adam Matthews,
                    Dave Spencer, and Peter Winter-Smith.
                       In addition to our immediate colleagues, we are greatly indebted to the
                    wider community of researchers who have shared their ideas and contributed
                    to the collective understanding of web application security issues that exists
                    today. Because this is a practical handbook rather than a work of scholarship,
                    we deliberately avoided filling it with a thousand citations of influential arti-
                    cles, books, and blog postings which spawned the ideas involved. We hope
                    that people whose work we discuss anonymously are content with the general
                    credit given here.
                       We are grateful to the people at Wiley, in particular to Carol Long for enthusi-
                    astically supporting our project from the outset, to Adaobi Obi Tulton for helping
                    to polish our manuscript and coaching us in the quirks of “American English,”
                    and to Christine O’Connor’s team for delivering a first-rate production.
                       A large measure of thanks is due to our respective partners, Becky and
                    Susan, for tolerating the significant distraction and time involved in producing
                    a book of this size.
                       Both authors are indebted to the people who led us into our unusual line of
                    work. Dafydd would like to thank Martin Law. Martin is a great guy who first
                    taught me how to hack, and encouraged me to spend my time developing tech-
                    niques and tools for attacking applications. Marcus would like to thank his par-
                    ents for a great many things, a significant one being getting me into computers.
                    I’ve been getting into computers ever since.

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                    This book is a practical guide to discovering and exploiting security flaws in
                    web applications. By “web application” we mean an application that is accessed
                    by using a web browser to communicate with a web server. We examine a wide
                    variety of different technologies, such as databases, file systems, and web ser-
                    vices, but only in the context in which these are employed by web applications.
                      If you want to learn how to run port scans, attack firewalls, or break into
                    servers in other ways, we suggest you look elsewhere. But if you want to know
                    how to hack into a web application, steal sensitive data, and perform unau-
                    thorized actions, then this is the book for you. There is enough that is interest-
                    ing and fun to say on that subject without straying into any other territory.

                    Overview of This Book
                    The focus of this book is highly practical. While we include sufficient back-
                    ground and theory for you to understand the vulnerabilities that web applica-
                    tions contain, our primary concern is with the tasks and techniques that you
                    need to master in order to break into them. Throughout the book, we spell out
                    the specific steps that you need to take to detect each type of vulnerability, and
                    how to exploit it to perform unauthorized actions. We also include a wealth of
                    real-world examples, derived from the authors’ many years of experience, illus-
                    trating how different kinds of security flaw manifest themselves in today’s web
                       Security awareness is usually a two-edged sword. Just as application devel-
                    opers can benefit from understanding the methods used by attackers, hackers

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        xxvi   Introduction

               can gain from knowing how applications can effectively defend themselves. In
               addition to describing security vulnerabilities and attack techniques, we also
               describe in detail the countermeasures that applications can take to thwart an
               attacker. For those of you who perform penetration tests of web applications,
               this will enable you to provide high-quality remediation advice to the owners
               of the applications you compromise.

               Who Should Read This Book
               The primary audience for this book is anyone with a personal or professional
               interest in attacking web applications. It is also aimed at anyone responsible
               for developing and administering web applications — knowing how your
               enemy operates will help you to defend against them.
                  We assume that the reader is familiar with core security concepts, such as
               logins and access controls, and has a basic grasp of core web technologies,
               such as browsers, web servers, and HTTP. However, any gaps in your current
               knowledge of these areas will be easy to remedy, through either the explana-
               tions contained within this book or references elsewhere.
                  In the course of illustrating many categories of security flaws, we provide
               code extracts showing how applications can be vulnerable. These examples
               are simple enough to be understood without any prior knowledge of the lan-
               guage in question but will be most useful if you have some basic experience of
               reading or writing code.

               How This Book Is Organized
               This book is organized roughly in line with the dependencies between the dif-
               ferent topics covered. If you are new to web application hacking, you should
               read the book through from start to finish, acquiring the knowledge and under-
               standing you need to tackle later chapters. If you already have some experience
               in this area, you can jump straight into any chapter or subsection that particu-
               larly interests you. Where necessary, we have included cross-references to other
               chapters, which you can use to fill in any gaps in your understanding.
                  We begin with three context-setting chapters describing the current state of
               web application security and the trends that indicate how it is likely to evolve
               in the near future. We examine the core security problem affecting web appli-
               cations and the defense mechanisms that applications implement to address
               this problem. We also provide a primer in the key technologies used in today’s
               web applications.
                  The bulk of the book is concerned with our core topic — the techniques that
               you can use to break into web applications. This material is organized around
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                                                                                     Introduction xxvii

                   the key tasks that you need to perform to carry out a comprehensive attack:
                   from mapping the application’s functionality, scrutinizing and attacking its
                   core defense mechanisms, to probing for specific categories of security flaws.
                      The book concludes with three chapters that pull together the various
                   strands introduced within the book. We describe the process of finding vul-
                   nerabilities in an application’s source code, review the tools that can assist you
                   when hacking web applications, and present a detailed methodology for per-
                   forming a comprehensive and deep attack against a specific target.
                      Chapter 1, “Web Application (In)security,” describes the current state of
                   security in web applications on the Internet today. Despite common assur-
                   ances, the majority of applications are insecure and can be compromised in
                   some way with a modest degree of skill. Vulnerabilities in web applications
                   arise because of a single core problem: users can submit arbitrary input. In this
                   chapter, we examine the key factors that contribute to the weak security pos-
                   ture of today’s applications, and describe how defects in web applications can
                   leave an organization’s wider technical infrastructure highly vulnerable to
                      Chapter 2, “Core Defense Mechanisms,” describes the key security mecha-
                   nisms that web applications employ to address the fundamental problem that
                   all user input is untrusted. These mechanisms are the means by which an
                   application manages user access, handles user input, and responds to attack-
                   ers, and the functions provided for administrators to manage and monitor the
                   application itself. The application’s core security mechanisms also represent
                   its primary attack surface, and you need to understand how these mechanisms
                   are intended to function before you can effectively attack them.
                      Chapter 3, “Web Application Technologies,” provides a short primer on the
                   key technologies that you are likely to encounter when attacking web applica-
                   tions. This covers all relevant aspects of the HTTP protocol, the technologies
                   commonly used on the client and server sides, and various schemes used for
                   encoding data. If you are already familiar with the main web technologies,
                   then you can quickly skim through this chapter.
                      Chapter 4, “Mapping the Application,” describes the first exercise that you
                   need to take when targeting a new application, which is to gather as much
                   information as possible about it, in order to map its attack surface and formu-
                   late your plan of attack. This process includes exploring and probing the appli-
                   cation to catalogue all of its content and functionality, identifying all of the
                   entry points for user input and discovering the technologies in use.
                      Chapter 5, “Bypassing Client-Side Controls,” describes the first area of
                   actual vulnerability, which arises when an application relies upon controls
                   implemented on the client side for its security. This approach is normally
                   flawed, because any client-side controls can, of course, be circumvented. The
                   two main ways in which applications make themselves vulnerable are (a) to
                   transmit data via the client in the assumption that this will not be modified,
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        xxviii Introduction

              and (b) to rely upon client-side checks on user input. In this chapter, we exam-
              ine a range of interesting technologies, including lightweight controls imple-
              mented within HTML, HTTP, and JavaScript, and more heavyweight controls
              using Java applets, ActiveX controls, and Shockwave Flash objects.
                 Chapters 6 to 8 examine some of the most important defense mechanisms
              implemented within web applications: those responsible for controlling user
              access. Chapter 6, “Attacking Authentication,” examines the various functions
              by which applications gain assurance of the identity of their users. This
              includes the main login function and also the more peripheral authentication-
              related functions such as user registration, password changing, and account
              recovery. Authentication mechanisms contain a wealth of different vulnerabil-
              ities, in both design and implementation, which an attacker can leverage to
              gain unauthorized access. These range from obvious defects, such as bad pass-
              words and susceptibility to brute-force attacks, to more obscure problems
              within the authentication logic. We also examine in detail the type of multi-
              stage login mechanisms used in many security-critical applications, and
              describe the new kinds of vulnerability which these frequently contain.
                 Chapter 7, “Attacking Session Management,” examines the mechanism by
              which most applications supplement the stateless HTTP protocol with the con-
              cept of a stateful session, enabling them to uniquely identify each user across
              several different requests. This mechanism is a key target when you are attack-
              ing a web application, because if you can break it, then you can effectively
              bypass the login and masquerade as other users without knowing their cre-
              dentials. We look at various common defects in the generation and transmis-
              sion of session tokens, and describe the steps you can take to discover and
              exploit these.
                 Chapter 8, “Attacking Access Controls,” examines the ways in which appli-
              cations actually enforce access controls, relying upon the authentication and
              session management mechanisms to do so. We describe various ways in which
              access controls can be broken and the ways in which you can detect and
              exploit these weaknesses.
                 Chapter 9, “Injecting Code,” covers a large category of related vulnerabili-
              ties, which arise when applications embed user input into interpreted code in
              an unsafe way. We begin with a detailed examination of SQL injection vulner-
              abilities, covering the full range of attacks from the most obvious and trivial to
              advanced exploitation techniques involving out-of-band channels, inference,
              and time delays. For each kind of vulnerability and attack technique, we
              describe the relevant differences between three common types of databases:
              MS-SQL, Oracle, and MySQL. We then cover several other categories of injec-
              tion vulnerability, including the injection of operating system commands,
              injection into web scripting languages, and injection into the SOAP, XPath,
              SMTP, and LDAP protocols.
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                                                                                     Introduction      xxix

                      Chapter 10, “Exploiting Path Traversal,” examines a small but important
                   category of vulnerabilities that arise when user input is passed to file system
                   APIs in an unsafe way, enabling an attacker to retrieve or modify arbitrary
                   files on the web server. We describe various bypasses that may be effective
                   against the defenses commonly implemented to prevent path traversal
                      Chapter 11, “Attacking Application Logic,” examines a significant, and fre-
                   quently overlooked, area of every application’s attack surface: the internal
                   logic which it carries out to implement its functionality. Defects in an applica-
                   tion’s logic are extremely varied and are harder to characterize than common
                   vulnerabilities like SQL injection and cross-site scripting. For this reason, we
                   present a series of real-world examples where defective logic has left an appli-
                   cation vulnerable, and thereby illustrate the variety of faulty assumptions
                   made by application designers and developers. From these different individ-
                   ual flaws, we w derive a series of specific tests that you can perform to locate
                   many types of logic flaws that often go undetected.
                      Chapter 12, “Attacking Other Users,” covers a large and very topical area of
                   related vulnerabilities which arise when defects within a web application can
                   enable a malicious user of the application to attack other users and compro-
                   mise them in various ways. The largest vulnerability of this kind is cross-site
                   scripting, a hugely prevalent flaw affecting the vast majority of web applica-
                   tions on the Internet. We examine in detail all of the different flavors of XSS
                   vulnerabilities, and describe an effective methodology for detecting and
                   exploiting even the most obscure manifestations of these. We then look at sev-
                   eral other types of attacks against other users, including redirection attacks,
                   HTTP header injection, frame injection, cross-site request forgery, session fixa-
                   tion, exploiting bugs in ActiveX controls, and local privacy attacks.
                      Chapter 13, “Automating Bespoke Attacks,” does not introduce any new
                   categories of vulnerability, but instead, describes a crucial technique which
                   you need to master to attack web applications effectively. Because every web
                   application is different, most attacks are bespoke (or custom-made) in some
                   way, tailored to the application’s specific behavior and the ways you have dis-
                   covered to manipulate it to your advantage. They also frequently require issu-
                   ing a large number of similar requests and monitoring the application’s
                   responses. Performing these requests manually is extremely laborious and one
                   is prone to make mistakes. To become a truly accomplished web application
                   hacker, you need to automate as much of this work as possible, to make your
                   bespoke attacks easier, faster, and more effective. In this chapter, we describe
                   in detail a proven methodology for achieving this.
                      Chapter 14, “Exploiting Information Disclosure,” examines various ways in
                   which applications leak information when under active attack. When you are
                   performing all of the other types of attacks described in this book, you should
                   always monitor the application to identify further sources of information
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        xxx   Introduction

              disclosure that you can exploit. We describe how you can investigate anom-
              alous behavior and error messages to gain a deeper understanding of the
              application’s internal workings and fine-tune your attack. We also cover ways
              of manipulating defective error handling to systematically retrieve sensitive
              information from the application.
                 Chapter 15, “Attacking Compiled Applications,” examines a set of impor-
              tant vulnerabilities which arise in applications written in native code lan-
              guages like C and C++. These vulnerabilities include buffer overflows, integer
              vulnerabilities, and format string flaws. This is a potentially huge topic, and
              we focus on ways of detecting these vulnerabilities in web applications, and
              look at some real-world examples of how these have arisen and been
                 Chapter 16, “Attacking Application Architecture,” examines an important
              area of web application security that is frequently overlooked. Many applica-
              tions employ a tiered architecture, and a failure to segregate different tiers
              properly often leaves an application vulnerable, enabling an attacker who has
              found a defect in one component to quickly compromise the entire applica-
              tion. A different range of threats arises in shared hosting environments, where
              defects or malicious code in one application can sometimes be exploited to
              compromise the environment itself and other applications running within it.
                 Chapter 17, “Attacking the Web Server,” describes various ways in which
              you can target a web application by targeting the web server on which it is
              running. Vulnerabilities in web servers are broadly composed of defects in
              their configuration and security flaws within the web server software. This
              topic is on the boundary of the scope of this book, because the web server is
              strictly a different component in the technology stack. However, most web
              applications are intimately bound up with the web server on which they run;
              therefore, attacks against the web server are included in the book because they
              can often be used to compromise an application directly, rather than indirectly
              by first compromising the underlying host.
                 Chapter 18, “Finding Vulnerabilities in Source Code,” describes a com-
              pletely different approach to finding security flaws than those described else-
              where within this book. There are many situations in which it may be possible
              to perform a review of an application’s source code, not all of which require
              any cooperation from the application’s owner. Reviewing an application’s
              source code can often be highly effective in discovering vulnerabilities that
              would be difficult or time-consuming to detect by probing the running appli-
              cation. We describe a methodology, and provide a language-by-language cheat
              sheet, to enable you to perform an effective code review even if you have very
              limited programming experience yourself.
                 Chapter 19, “A Web Application Hacker’s Toolkit,” pulls together in one place
              the various tools described in the course of this book, and which the authors use
              when attacking real-world web applications. We describe the strengths and

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  • 1.
  • 2. 70779ffirs.qxd:WileyRed 9/17/07 12:11 PM Page i The Web Application Hacker’s Handbook Discovering and Exploiting Security Flaws Dafydd Stuttard Marcus Pinto Wiley Publishing, Inc.
  • 3. 70779ffirs.qxd:WileyRed 9/17/07 12:11 PM Page ii
  • 4. 70779ffirs.qxd:WileyRed 9/17/07 12:11 PM Page i The Web Application Hacker’s Handbook Discovering and Exploiting Security Flaws Dafydd Stuttard Marcus Pinto Wiley Publishing, Inc.
  • 5. 70779ffirs.qxd:WileyRed 9/17/07 12:11 PM Page ii The Web Application Hacker’s Handbook: Discovering and Exploiting Security Flaws Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc. 10475 Crosspoint Boulevard Indianapolis, IN 46256 Copyright © 2008 by Dafydd Stuttard and Marcus Pinto. Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published simultaneously in Canada ISBN: 978-0-470-17077-9 Manufactured in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 646-8600. Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Legal Department, Wiley Publishing, Inc., 10475 Crosspoint Blvd., Indianapolis, IN 46256, (317) 572-3447, fax (317) 572-4355, or online at Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: The publisher and the author make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this work and specifically disclaim all warranties, including without limitation warranties of fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales or promotional materials. The advice and strategies con- tained herein may not be suitable for every situation. This work is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional services. If professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. Neither the publisher nor the author shall be liable for damages arising herefrom. The fact that an organization or Website is referred to in this work as a citation and/or a potential source of further information does not mean that the author or the publisher endorses the information the organization or Website may provide or recommendations it may make. Further, readers should be aware that Internet Websites listed in this work may have changed or disappeared between when this work was written and when it is read. For general information on our other products and services or to obtain technical support, please con- tact our Customer Care Department within the U.S. at (800) 762-2974, outside the U.S. at (317) 572-3993 or fax (317) 572-4002. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Stuttard, Dafydd, 1972- The web application hacker's handbook : discovering and exploiting security flaws / Dafydd Stut- tard, Marcus Pinto. p. cm. Includes index. ISBN 978-0-470-17077-9 (pbk.) 1. Internet--Security measures. 2. Computer security. I. Pinto, Marcus, 1978- II. Title. TK5105.875.I57S85 2008 005.8--dc22 2007029983 Trademarks: Wiley and related trade dress are registered trademarks of Wiley Publishing, Inc., in the United States and other countries, and may not be used without written permission. All other trade- marks are the property of their respective owners. Wiley Publishing, Inc., is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book. Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats. Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books.
  • 6. 70779ffirs.qxd:WileyRed 9/17/07 12:11 PM Page iii About the Authors Dafydd Stuttard is a Principal Security Consultant at Next Generation Secu- rity Software, where he leads the web application security competency. He has nine years’ experience in security consulting and specializes in the penetration testing of web applications and compiled software. Dafydd has worked with numerous banks, retailers, and other enterprises to help secure their web applications, and has provided security consulting to several software manufacturers and governments to help secure their com- piled software. Dafydd is an accomplished programmer in several languages, and his interests include developing tools to facilitate all kinds of software security testing. Dafydd has developed and presented training courses at the Black Hat secu- rity conferences around the world. Under the alias “PortSwigger,” Dafydd cre- ated the popular Burp Suite of web application hacking tools. Dafydd holds master’s and doctorate degrees in philosophy from the University of Oxford. Marcus Pinto is a Principal Security Consultant at Next Generation Security Software, where he leads the database competency development team, and has lead the development of NGS’ primary training courses. He has eight years’ experience in security consulting and specializes in penetration testing of web applications and supporting architectures. Marcus has worked with numerous banks, retailers, and other enterprises to help secure their web applications, and has provided security consulting to the development projects of several security-critical applications. He has worked extensively with large-scale web application deployments in the financial ser- vices industry. Marcus has developed and presented database and web application train- ing courses at the Black Hat and other security conferences around the world. Marcus holds a master’s degree in physics from the University of Cambridge. iii
  • 7. 70779ffirs.qxd:WileyRed 9/17/07 12:11 PM Page iv Credits Executive Editor Vice President and Executive Publisher Carol Long Joseph B. Wikert Development Editor Project Coordinator, Cover Adaobi Obi Tulton Lynsey Osborn Production Editor Compositor Christine O’Connor Happenstance Type-O-Rama Copy Editor Proofreader Foxxe Editorial Services Kathryn Duggan Editorial Manager Indexer Mary Beth Wakefield Johnna VanHoose Dinse Production Manager Anniversary Logo Design Tim Tate Richard Pacifico Vice President and Executive Group Publisher Richard Swadley iv
  • 8. 70779toc.qxd:WileyRed 9/16/07 5:07 PM Page v Contents Acknowledgments xxiii Introduction xxv Chapter 1 Web Application (In)security 1 The Evolution of Web Applications 2 Common Web Application Functions 3 Benefits of Web Applications 4 Web Application Security 5 “This Site Is Secure” 6 The Core Security Problem: Users Can Submit Arbitrary Input 8 Key Problem Factors 9 Immature Security Awareness 9 In-House Development 9 Deceptive Simplicity 9 Rapidly Evolving Threat Profile 10 Resource and Time Constraints 10 Overextended Technologies 10 The New Security Perimeter 10 The Future of Web Application Security 12 Chapter Summary 13 Chapter 2 Core Defense Mechanisms 15 Handling User Access 16 Authentication 16 Session Management 17 Access Control 18 Handling User Input 19 Varieties of Input 20 Approaches to Input Handling 21 v
  • 9. 70779toc.qxd:WileyRed 9/16/07 5:07 PM Page vi vi Contents “Reject Known Bad” 21 “Accept Known Good” 21 Sanitization 22 Safe Data Handling 22 Semantic Checks 23 Boundary Validation 23 Multistep Validation and Canonicalization 26 Handling Attackers 27 Handling Errors 27 Maintaining Audit Logs 29 Alerting Administrators 30 Reacting to Attacks 31 Managing the Application 32 Chapter Summary 33 Questions 34 Chapter 3 Web Application Technologies 35 The HTTP Protocol 35 HTTP Requests 36 HTTP Responses 37 HTTP Methods 38 URLs 40 HTTP Headers 41 General Headers 41 Request Headers 41 Response Headers 42 Cookies 43 Status Codes 44 HTTPS 45 HTTP Proxies 46 HTTP Authentication 47 Web Functionality 47 Server-Side Functionality 48 The Java Platform 49 ASP.NET 50 PHP 50 Client-Side Functionality 51 HTML 51 Hyperlinks 51 Forms 52 JavaScript 54 Thick Client Components 54 State and Sessions 55 Encoding Schemes 56 URL Encoding 56 Unicode Encoding 57
  • 10. 70779toc.qxd:WileyRed 9/16/07 5:07 PM Page vii Contents vii HTML Encoding 57 Base64 Encoding 58 Hex Encoding 59 Next Steps 59 Questions 59 Chapter 4 Mapping the Application 61 Enumerating Content and Functionality 62 Web Spidering 62 User-Directed Spidering 65 Discovering Hidden Content 67 Brute-Force Techniques 67 Inference from Published Content 70 Use of Public Information 72 Leveraging the Web Server 75 Application Pages vs. Functional Paths 76 Discovering Hidden Parameters 79 Analyzing the Application 79 Identifying Entry Points for User Input 80 Identifying Server-Side Technologies 82 Banner Grabbing 82 HTTP Fingerprinting 82 File Extensions 84 Directory Names 86 Session Tokens 86 Third-Party Code Components 87 Identifying Server-Side Functionality 88 Dissecting Requests 88 Extrapolating Application Behavior 90 Mapping the Attack Surface 91 Chapter Summary 92 Questions 93 Chapter 5 Bypassing Client-Side Controls 95 Transmitting Data via the Client 95 Hidden Form Fields 96 HTTP Cookies 99 URL Parameters 99 The Referer Header 100 Opaque Data 101 The ASP.NET ViewState 102 Capturing User Data: HTML Forms 106 Length Limits 106 Script-Based Validation 108 Disabled Elements 110 Capturing User Data: Thick-Client Components 111 Java Applets 112
  • 11. 70779toc.qxd:WileyRed 9/16/07 5:07 PM Page viii viii Contents Decompiling Java Bytecode 114 Coping with Bytecode Obfuscation 117 ActiveX Controls 119 Reverse Engineering 120 Manipulating Exported Functions 122 Fixing Inputs Processed by Controls 123 Decompiling Managed Code 124 Shockwave Flash Objects 124 Handling Client-Side Data Securely 128 Transmitting Data via the Client 128 Validating Client-Generated Data 129 Logging and Alerting 131 Chapter Summary 131 Questions 132 Chapter 6 Attacking Authentication 133 Authentication Technologies 134 Design Flaws in Authentication Mechanisms 135 Bad Passwords 135 Brute-Forcible Login 136 Verbose Failure Messages 139 Vulnerable Transmission of Credentials 142 Password Change Functionality 144 Forgotten Password Functionality 145 “Remember Me” Functionality 148 User Impersonation Functionality 149 Incomplete Validation of Credentials 152 Non-Unique Usernames 152 Predictable Usernames 154 Predictable Initial Passwords 154 Insecure Distribution of Credentials 155 Implementation Flaws in Authentication 156 Fail-Open Login Mechanisms 156 Defects in Multistage Login Mechanisms 157 Insecure Storage of Credentials 161 Securing Authentication 162 Use Strong Credentials 162 Handle Credentials Secretively 163 Validate Credentials Properly 164 Prevent Information Leakage 166 Prevent Brute-Force Attacks 167 Prevent Misuse of the Password Change Function 170 Prevent Misuse of the Account Recovery Function 170 Log, Monitor, and Notify 172 Chapter Summary 172
  • 12. 70779toc.qxd:WileyRed 9/16/07 5:07 PM Page ix Contents ix Chapter 7 Attacking Session Management 175 The Need for State 176 Alternatives to Sessions 178 Weaknesses in Session Token Generation 180 Meaningful Tokens 180 Predictable Tokens 182 Concealed Sequences 184 Time Dependency 185 Weak Random Number Generation 187 Weaknesses in Session Token Handling 191 Disclosure of Tokens on the Network 192 Disclosure of Tokens in Logs 196 Vulnerable Mapping of Tokens to Sessions 198 Vulnerable Session Termination 200 Client Exposure to Token Hijacking 201 Liberal Cookie Scope 203 Cookie Domain Restrictions 203 Cookie Path Restrictions 205 Securing Session Management 206 Generate Strong Tokens 206 Protect Tokens throughout Their Lifecycle 208 Per-Page Tokens 211 Log, Monitor, and Alert 212 Reactive Session Termination 212 Chapter Summary 213 Questions 214 Chapter 8 Attacking Access Controls 217 Common Vulnerabilities 218 Completely Unprotected Functionality 219 Identifier-Based Functions 220 Multistage Functions 222 Static Files 222 Insecure Access Control Methods 223 Attacking Access Controls 224 Securing Access Controls 228 A Multi-Layered Privilege Model 231 Chapter Summary 234 Questions 235 Chapter 9 Injecting Code 237 Injecting into Interpreted Languages 238 Injecting into SQL 240 Exploiting a Basic Vulnerability 241 Bypassing a Login 243 Finding SQL Injection Bugs 244 Injecting into Different Statement Types 247
  • 13. 70779toc.qxd:WileyRed 9/16/07 5:07 PM Page x x Contents The UNION Operator 251 Fingerprinting the Database 255 Extracting Useful Data 256 An Oracle Hack 257 An MS-SQL Hack 260 Exploiting ODBC Error Messages (MS-SQL Only) 262 Enumerating Table and Column Names 263 Extracting Arbitrary Data 265 Using Recursion 266 Bypassing Filters 267 Second-Order SQL Injection 271 Advanced Exploitation 272 Retrieving Data as Numbers 273 Using an Out-of-Band Channel 274 Using Inference: Conditional Responses 277 Beyond SQL Injection: Escalating the Database Attack 285 MS-SQL 286 Oracle 288 MySQL 288 SQL Syntax and Error Reference 289 SQL Syntax 290 SQL Error Messages 292 Preventing SQL Injection 296 Partially Effective Measures 296 Parameterized Queries 297 Defense in Depth 299 Injecting OS Commands 300 Example 1: Injecting via Perl 300 Example 2: Injecting via ASP 302 Finding OS Command Injection Flaws 304 Preventing OS Command Injection 307 Injecting into Web Scripting Languages 307 Dynamic Execution Vulnerabilities 307 Dynamic Execution in PHP 308 Dynamic Execution in ASP 308 Finding Dynamic Execution Vulnerabilities 309 File Inclusion Vulnerabilities 310 Remote File Inclusion 310 Local File Inclusion 311 Finding File Inclusion Vulnerabilities 312 Preventing Script Injection Vulnerabilities 312 Injecting into SOAP 313 Finding and Exploiting SOAP Injection 315 Preventing SOAP Injection 316 Injecting into XPath 316 Subverting Application Logic 317
  • 14. 70779toc.qxd:WileyRed 9/16/07 5:07 PM Page xi Contents xi Informed XPath Injection 318 Blind XPath Injection 319 Finding XPath Injection Flaws 320 Preventing XPath Injection 321 Injecting into SMTP 321 Email Header Manipulation 322 SMTP Command Injection 323 Finding SMTP Injection Flaws 324 Preventing SMTP Injection 326 Injecting into LDAP 326 Injecting Query Attributes 327 Modifying the Search Filter 328 Finding LDAP Injection Flaws 329 Preventing LDAP Injection 330 Chapter Summary 331 Questions 331 Chapter 10 Exploiting Path Traversal 333 Common Vulnerabilities 333 Finding and Exploiting Path Traversal Vulnerabilities 335 Locating Targets for Attack 335 Detecting Path Traversal Vulnerabilities 336 Circumventing Obstacles to Traversal Attacks 339 Coping with Custom Encoding 342 Exploiting Traversal Vulnerabilities 344 Preventing Path Traversal Vulnerabilities 344 Chapter Summary 346 Questions 346 Chapter 11 Attacking Application Logic 349 The Nature of Logic Flaws 350 Real-World Logic Flaws 350 Example 1: Fooling a Password Change Function 351 The Functionality 351 The Assumption 351 The Attack 352 Example 2: Proceeding to Checkout 352 The Functionality 352 The Assumption 353 The Attack 353 Example 3: Rolling Your Own Insurance 354 The Functionality 354 The Assumption 354 The Attack 355 Example 4: Breaking the Bank 356 The Functionality 356 The Assumption 357 The Attack 358
  • 15. 70779toc.qxd:WileyRed 9/16/07 5:07 PM Page xii xii Contents Example 5: Erasing an Audit Trail 359 The Functionality 359 The Assumption 359 The Attack 359 Example 6: Beating a Business Limit 360 The Functionality 360 The Assumption 361 The Attack 361 Example 7: Cheating on Bulk Discounts 362 The Functionality 362 The Assumption 362 The Attack 362 Example 8: Escaping from Escaping 363 The Functionality 363 The Assumption 364 The Attack 364 Example 9: Abusing a Search Function 365 The Functionality 365 The Assumption 365 The Attack 365 Example 10: Snarfing Debug Messages 366 The Functionality 366 The Assumption 367 The Attack 367 Example 11: Racing against the Login 368 The Functionality 368 The Assumption 368 The Attack 368 Avoiding Logic Flaws 370 Chapter Summary 372 Questions 372 Chapter 12 Attacking Other Users 375 Cross-Site Scripting 376 Reflected XSS Vulnerabilities 377 Exploiting the Vulnerability 379 Stored XSS Vulnerabilities 383 Storing XSS in Uploaded Files 385 DOM-Based XSS Vulnerabilities 386 Real-World XSS Attacks 388 Chaining XSS and Other Attacks 390 Payloads for XSS Attacks 391 Virtual Defacement 391 Injecting Trojan Functionality 392 Inducing User Actions 394 Exploiting Any Trust Relationships 394 Escalating the Client-Side Attack 396
  • 16. 70779toc.qxd:WileyRed 9/16/07 5:07 PM Page xiii Contents xiii Delivery Mechanisms for XSS Attacks 399 Delivering Reflected and DOM-Based XSS Attacks 399 Delivering Stored XSS Attacks 400 Finding and Exploiting XSS Vulnerabilities 401 Finding and Exploiting Reflected XSS Vulnerabilities 402 Finding and Exploiting Stored XSS Vulnerabilities 415 Finding and Exploiting DOM-Based XSS Vulnerabilities 417 HttpOnly Cookies and Cross-Site Tracing 421 Preventing XSS Attacks 423 Preventing Reflected and Stored XSS 423 Preventing DOM-Based XSS 427 Preventing XST 428 Redirection Attacks 428 Finding and Exploiting Redirection Vulnerabilities 429 Circumventing Obstacles to Attack 431 Preventing Redirection Vulnerabilities 433 HTTP Header Injection 434 Exploiting Header Injection Vulnerabilities 434 Injecting Cookies 435 Delivering Other Attacks 436 HTTP Response Splitting 436 Preventing Header Injection Vulnerabilities 438 Frame Injection 438 Exploiting Frame Injection 439 Preventing Frame Injection 440 Request Forgery 440 On-Site Request Forgery 441 Cross-Site Request Forgery 442 Exploiting XSRF Flaws 443 Preventing XSRF Flaws 444 JSON Hijacking 446 JSON 446 Attacks against JSON 447 Overriding the Array Constructor 447 Implementing a Callback Function 448 Finding JSON Hijacking Vulnerabilities 449 Preventing JSON Hijacking 450 Session Fixation 450 Finding and Exploiting Session Fixation Vulnerabilities 452 Preventing Session Fixation Vulnerabilities 453 Attacking ActiveX Controls 454 Finding ActiveX Vulnerabilities 455 Preventing ActiveX Vulnerabilities 456 Local Privacy Attacks 458 Persistent Cookies 458 Cached Web Content 458
  • 17. 70779toc.qxd:WileyRed 9/16/07 5:07 PM Page xiv xiv Contents Browsing History 459 Autocomplete 460 Preventing Local Privacy Attacks 460 Advanced Exploitation Techniques 461 Leveraging Ajax 461 Making Asynchronous Off-Site Requests 463 Anti-DNS Pinning 464 A Hypothetical Attack 465 DNS Pinning 466 Attacks against DNS Pinning 466 Browser Exploitation Frameworks 467 Chapter Summary 469 Questions 469 Chapter 13 Automating Bespoke Attacks 471 Uses for Bespoke Automation 472 Enumerating Valid Identifiers 473 The Basic Approach 474 Detecting Hits 474 HTTP Status Code 474 Response Length 475 Response Body 475 Location Header 475 Set-cookie Header 475 Time Delays 476 Scripting the Attack 476 JAttack 477 Harvesting Useful Data 484 Fuzzing for Common Vulnerabilities 487 Putting It All Together: Burp Intruder 491 Positioning Payloads 492 Choosing Payloads 493 Configuring Response Analysis 494 Attack 1: Enumerating Identifiers 495 Attack 2: Harvesting Information 498 Attack 3: Application Fuzzing 500 Chapter Summary 502 Questions 502 Chapter 14 Exploiting Information Disclosure 505 Exploiting Error Messages 505 Script Error Messages 506 Stack Traces 507 Informative Debug Messages 508 Server and Database Messages 509 Using Public Information 511 Engineering Informative Error Messages 512
  • 18. 70779toc.qxd:WileyRed 9/16/07 5:07 PM Page xv Contents xv Gathering Published Information 513 Using Inference 514 Preventing Information Leakage 516 Use Generic Error Messages 516 Protect Sensitive Information 517 Minimize Client-Side Information Leakage 517 Chapter Summary 518 Questions 518 Chapter 15 Attacking Compiled Applications 521 Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities 522 Stack Overflows 522 Heap Overflows 523 “Off-by-One” Vulnerabilities 524 Detecting Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities 527 Integer Vulnerabilities 529 Integer Overflows 529 Signedness Errors 529 Detecting Integer Vulnerabilities 530 Format String Vulnerabilities 531 Detecting Format String Vulnerabilities 532 Chapter Summary 533 Questions 534 Chapter 16 Attacking Application Architecture 535 Tiered Architectures 535 Attacking Tiered Architectures 536 Exploiting Trust Relationships between Tiers 537 Subverting Other Tiers 538 Attacking Other Tiers 539 Securing Tiered Architectures 540 Minimize Trust Relationships 540 Segregate Different Components 541 Apply Defense in Depth 542 Shared Hosting and Application Service Providers 542 Virtual Hosting 543 Shared Application Services 543 Attacking Shared Environments 544 Attacks against Access Mechanisms 545 Attacks between Applications 546 Securing Shared Environments 549 Secure Customer Access 549 Segregate Customer Functionality 550 Segregate Components in a Shared Application 551 Chapter Summary 551 Questions 551
  • 19. 70779toc.qxd:WileyRed 9/16/07 5:07 PM Page xvi xvi Contents Chapter 17 Attacking the Web Server 553 Vulnerable Web Server Configuration 553 Default Credentials 554 Default Content 555 Debug Functionality 555 Sample Functionality 556 Powerful Functions 557 Directory Listings 559 Dangerous HTTP Methods 560 The Web Server as a Proxy 562 Misconfigured Virtual Hosting 564 Securing Web Server Configuration 565 Vulnerable Web Server Software 566 Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities 566 Microsoft IIS ISAPI Extensions 567 Apache Chunked Encoding Overflow 567 Microsoft IIS WebDav Overflow 567 iPlanet Search Overflow 567 Path Traversal Vulnerabilities 568 Accipiter DirectServer 568 Alibaba 568 Cisco ACS Acme.server 568 McAfee EPolicy Orcestrator 568 Encoding and Canonicalization Vulnerabilities 568 Allaire JRun Directory Listing Vulnerability 569 Microsoft IIS Unicode Path Traversal Vulnerabilities 569 Oracle PL/SQL Exclusion List Bypasses 570 Finding Web Server Flaws 571 Securing Web Server Software 572 Choose Software with a Good Track Record 572 Apply Vendor Patches 572 Perform Security Hardening 573 Monitor for New Vulnerabilities 573 Use Defense-in-Depth 573 Chapter Summary 574 Questions 574 Chapter 18 Finding Vulnerabilities in Source Code 577 Approaches to Code Review 578 Black-Box vs. White-Box Testing 578 Code Review Methodology 579 Signatures of Common Vulnerabilities 580 Cross-Site Scripting 580 SQL Injection 581 Path Traversal 582 Arbitrary Redirection 583
  • 20. 70779toc.qxd:WileyRed 9/16/07 5:07 PM Page xvii Contents xvii OS Command Injection 584 Backdoor Passwords 584 Native Software Bugs 585 Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities 585 Integer Vulnerabilities 586 Format String Vulnerabilities 586 Source Code Comments 586 The Java Platform 587 Identifying User-Supplied Data 587 Session Interaction 589 Potentially Dangerous APIs 589 File Access 589 Database Access 590 Dynamic Code Execution 591 OS Command Execution 591 URL Redirection 592 Sockets 592 Configuring the Java Environment 593 ASP.NET 594 Identifying User-Supplied Data 594 Session Interaction 595 Potentially Dangerous APIs 596 File Access 596 Database Access 597 Dynamic Code Execution 598 OS Command Execution 598 URL Redirection 599 Sockets 600 Configuring the ASP.NET Environment 600 PHP 601 Identifying User-Supplied Data 601 Session Interaction 603 Potentially Dangerous APIs 604 File Access 604 Database Access 606 Dynamic Code Execution 607 OS Command Execution 607 URL Redirection 608 Sockets 608 Configuring the PHP Environment 609 Register Globals 609 Safe Mode 610 Magic Quotes 610 Miscellaneous 611 Perl 611 Identifying User-Supplied Data 612
  • 21. 70779toc.qxd:WileyRed 9/16/07 5:07 PM Page xviii xviii Contents Session Interaction 613 Potentially Dangerous APIs 613 File Access 613 Database Access 613 Dynamic Code Execution 614 OS Command Execution 614 URL Redirection 615 Sockets 615 Configuring the Perl Environment 615 JavaScript 616 Database Code Components 617 SQL Injection 617 Calls to Dangerous Functions 618 Tools for Code Browsing 619 Chapter Summary 620 Questions 621 Chapter 19 A Web Application Hacker’s Toolkit 623 Web Browsers 624 Internet Explorer 624 Firefox 624 Opera 626 Integrated Testing Suites 627 How the Tools Work 628 Intercepting Proxies 628 Web Application Spiders 633 Application Fuzzers and Scanners 636 Manual Request Tools 637 Feature Comparison 640 Burp Suite 643 Paros 644 WebScarab 645 Alternatives to the Intercepting Proxy 646 Tamper Data 647 TamperIE 647 Vulnerability Scanners 649 Vulnerabilities Detected by Scanners 649 Inherent Limitations of Scanners 651 Every Web Application Is Different 652 Scanners Operate on Syntax 652 Scanners Do Not Improvise 652 Scanners Are Not Intuitive 653 Technical Challenges Faced by Scanners 653 Authentication and Session Handling 653 Dangerous Effects 654 Individuating Functionality 655 Other Challenges to Automation 655
  • 22. 70779toc.qxd:WileyRed 9/16/07 5:07 PM Page xix Contents xix Current Products 656 Using a Vulnerability Scanner 658 Other Tools 659 Nikto 660 Hydra 660 Custom Scripts 661 Wget 662 Curl 662 Netcat 663 Stunnel 663 Chapter Summary 664 Chapter 20 A Web Application Hacker’s Methodology 665 General Guidelines 667 1. Map the Application’s Content 669 1.1. Explore Visible Content 669 1.2. Consult Public Resources 670 1.3. Discover Hidden Content 670 1.4. Discover Default Content 671 1.5. Enumerate Identifier-Specified Functions 671 1.6. Test for Debug Parameters 672 2. Analyze the Application 672 2.1. Identify Functionality 673 2.2. Identify Data Entry Points 673 2.3. Identify the Technologies Used 673 2.4. Map the Attack Surface 674 3. Test Client-Side Controls 675 3.1. Test Transmission of Data via the Client 675 3.2. Test Client-Side Controls over User Input 676 3.3. Test Thick-Client Components 677 3.3.1. Test Java Applets 677 3.3.2. Test ActiveX controls 678 3.3.3. Test Shockwave Flash objects 678 4. Test the Authentication Mechanism 679 4.1. Understand the Mechanism 680 4.2. Test Password Quality 680 4.3. Test for Username Enumeration 680 4.4. Test Resilience to Password Guessing 681 4.5. Test Any Account Recovery Function 682 4.6. Test Any Remember Me Function 682 4.7. Test Any Impersonation Function 683 4.8. Test Username Uniqueness 683 4.9. Test Predictability of Auto-Generated Credentials 684 4.10. Check for Unsafe Transmission of Credentials 684 4.11. Check for Unsafe Distribution of Credentials 685
  • 23. 70779toc.qxd:WileyRed 9/16/07 5:07 PM Page xx xx Contents 4.12. Test for Logic Flaws 685 4.12.1. Test for Fail-Open Conditions 685 4.12.2. Test Any Multistage Mechanisms 686 4.13. Exploit Any Vulnerabilities to Gain Unauthorized Access 687 5. Test the Session Management Mechanism 688 5.1. Understand the Mechanism 689 5.2. Test Tokens for Meaning 689 5.3. Test Tokens for Predictability 690 5.4. Check for Insecure Transmission of Tokens 691 5.5. Check for Disclosure of Tokens in Logs 692 5.6. Check Mapping of Tokens to Sessions 692 5.7. Test Session Termination 693 5.8. Check for Session Fixation 694 5.9. Check for XSRF 694 5.10. Check Cookie Scope 695 6. Test Access Controls 696 6.1. Understand the Access Control Requirements 696 6.2. Testing with Multiple Accounts 697 6.3. Testing with Limited Access 697 6.4. Test for Insecure Access Control Methods 698 7. Test for Input-Based Vulnerabilities 699 7.1. Fuzz All Request Parameters 699 7.2. Test for SQL Injection 702 7.3. Test for XSS and Other Response Injection 704 7.3.1. Identify Reflected Request Parameters 704 7.3.2. Test for Reflected XSS 705 7.3.3. Test for HTTP Header Injection 705 7.3.4. Test for Arbitrary Redirection 706 7.3.5. Test for Stored Attacks 706 7.4. Test for OS Command Injection 707 7.5. Test for Path Traversal 709 7.6. Test for Script Injection 711 7.7. Test for File Inclusion 711 8. Test for Function-Specific Input Vulnerabilities 712 8.1. Test for SMTP Injection 712 8.2. Test for Native Software Vulnerabilities 713 8.2.1. Test for Buffer Overflows 713 8.2.2. Test for Integer Vulnerabilities 714 8.2.3. Test for Format String Vulnerabilities 714 8.3. Test for SOAP Injection 715 8.4. Test for LDAP Injection 715 8.5. Test for XPath Injection 716 9. Test for Logic Flaws 717 9.1. Identify the Key Attack Surface 717 9.2. Test Multistage Processes 718 9.3. Test Handling of Incomplete Input 718
  • 24. 70779toc.qxd:WileyRed 9/16/07 5:07 PM Page xxi Contents xxi 9.4. Test Trust Boundaries 719 9.5. Test Transaction Logic 719 10. Test for Shared Hosting Vulnerabilities 720 10.1. Test Segregation in Shared Infrastructures 720 10.2. Test Segregation between ASP-Hosted Applications 721 11. Test for Web Server Vulnerabilities 721 11.1. Test for Default Credentials 722 11.2. Test for Default Content 722 11.3. Test for Dangerous HTTP Methods 722 11.4. Test for Proxy Functionality 723 11.5. Test for Virtual Hosting Misconfiguration 723 11.6. Test for Web Server Software Bugs 723 12. Miscellaneous Checks 724 12.1. Check for DOM-Based Attacks 724 12.2. Check for Frame Injection 725 12.3. Check for Local Privacy Vulnerabilities 726 12.4. Follow Up Any Information Leakage 726 12.5. Check for Weak SSL Ciphers 727 Index 729
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  • 26. 70779flast.qxd:WileyRed 9/14/07 3:12 PM Page xxiii Acknowledgments Our primary debt is to the directors and our other colleagues at Next Genera- tion Security Software, who have provided a creative working environment, promoted sharing of knowledge, and supported us during the months spent producing this book. In particular, we received direct assistance from Chris Anley, Dave Armstrong, Dominic Beecher, David Litchfield, Adam Matthews, Dave Spencer, and Peter Winter-Smith. In addition to our immediate colleagues, we are greatly indebted to the wider community of researchers who have shared their ideas and contributed to the collective understanding of web application security issues that exists today. Because this is a practical handbook rather than a work of scholarship, we deliberately avoided filling it with a thousand citations of influential arti- cles, books, and blog postings which spawned the ideas involved. We hope that people whose work we discuss anonymously are content with the general credit given here. We are grateful to the people at Wiley, in particular to Carol Long for enthusi- astically supporting our project from the outset, to Adaobi Obi Tulton for helping to polish our manuscript and coaching us in the quirks of “American English,” and to Christine O’Connor’s team for delivering a first-rate production. A large measure of thanks is due to our respective partners, Becky and Susan, for tolerating the significant distraction and time involved in producing a book of this size. Both authors are indebted to the people who led us into our unusual line of work. Dafydd would like to thank Martin Law. Martin is a great guy who first taught me how to hack, and encouraged me to spend my time developing tech- niques and tools for attacking applications. Marcus would like to thank his par- ents for a great many things, a significant one being getting me into computers. I’ve been getting into computers ever since. xxiii
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  • 28. 70779flast.qxd:WileyRed 9/14/07 3:12 PM Page xxv Introduction This book is a practical guide to discovering and exploiting security flaws in web applications. By “web application” we mean an application that is accessed by using a web browser to communicate with a web server. We examine a wide variety of different technologies, such as databases, file systems, and web ser- vices, but only in the context in which these are employed by web applications. If you want to learn how to run port scans, attack firewalls, or break into servers in other ways, we suggest you look elsewhere. But if you want to know how to hack into a web application, steal sensitive data, and perform unau- thorized actions, then this is the book for you. There is enough that is interest- ing and fun to say on that subject without straying into any other territory. Overview of This Book The focus of this book is highly practical. While we include sufficient back- ground and theory for you to understand the vulnerabilities that web applica- tions contain, our primary concern is with the tasks and techniques that you need to master in order to break into them. Throughout the book, we spell out the specific steps that you need to take to detect each type of vulnerability, and how to exploit it to perform unauthorized actions. We also include a wealth of real-world examples, derived from the authors’ many years of experience, illus- trating how different kinds of security flaw manifest themselves in today’s web applications. Security awareness is usually a two-edged sword. Just as application devel- opers can benefit from understanding the methods used by attackers, hackers xxv
  • 29. 70779flast.qxd:WileyRed 9/14/07 3:12 PM Page xxvi xxvi Introduction can gain from knowing how applications can effectively defend themselves. In addition to describing security vulnerabilities and attack techniques, we also describe in detail the countermeasures that applications can take to thwart an attacker. For those of you who perform penetration tests of web applications, this will enable you to provide high-quality remediation advice to the owners of the applications you compromise. Who Should Read This Book The primary audience for this book is anyone with a personal or professional interest in attacking web applications. It is also aimed at anyone responsible for developing and administering web applications — knowing how your enemy operates will help you to defend against them. We assume that the reader is familiar with core security concepts, such as logins and access controls, and has a basic grasp of core web technologies, such as browsers, web servers, and HTTP. However, any gaps in your current knowledge of these areas will be easy to remedy, through either the explana- tions contained within this book or references elsewhere. In the course of illustrating many categories of security flaws, we provide code extracts showing how applications can be vulnerable. These examples are simple enough to be understood without any prior knowledge of the lan- guage in question but will be most useful if you have some basic experience of reading or writing code. How This Book Is Organized This book is organized roughly in line with the dependencies between the dif- ferent topics covered. If you are new to web application hacking, you should read the book through from start to finish, acquiring the knowledge and under- standing you need to tackle later chapters. If you already have some experience in this area, you can jump straight into any chapter or subsection that particu- larly interests you. Where necessary, we have included cross-references to other chapters, which you can use to fill in any gaps in your understanding. We begin with three context-setting chapters describing the current state of web application security and the trends that indicate how it is likely to evolve in the near future. We examine the core security problem affecting web appli- cations and the defense mechanisms that applications implement to address this problem. We also provide a primer in the key technologies used in today’s web applications. The bulk of the book is concerned with our core topic — the techniques that you can use to break into web applications. This material is organized around
  • 30. 70779flast.qxd:WileyRed 9/14/07 3:12 PM Page xxvii Introduction xxvii the key tasks that you need to perform to carry out a comprehensive attack: from mapping the application’s functionality, scrutinizing and attacking its core defense mechanisms, to probing for specific categories of security flaws. The book concludes with three chapters that pull together the various strands introduced within the book. We describe the process of finding vul- nerabilities in an application’s source code, review the tools that can assist you when hacking web applications, and present a detailed methodology for per- forming a comprehensive and deep attack against a specific target. Chapter 1, “Web Application (In)security,” describes the current state of security in web applications on the Internet today. Despite common assur- ances, the majority of applications are insecure and can be compromised in some way with a modest degree of skill. Vulnerabilities in web applications arise because of a single core problem: users can submit arbitrary input. In this chapter, we examine the key factors that contribute to the weak security pos- ture of today’s applications, and describe how defects in web applications can leave an organization’s wider technical infrastructure highly vulnerable to attack. Chapter 2, “Core Defense Mechanisms,” describes the key security mecha- nisms that web applications employ to address the fundamental problem that all user input is untrusted. These mechanisms are the means by which an application manages user access, handles user input, and responds to attack- ers, and the functions provided for administrators to manage and monitor the application itself. The application’s core security mechanisms also represent its primary attack surface, and you need to understand how these mechanisms are intended to function before you can effectively attack them. Chapter 3, “Web Application Technologies,” provides a short primer on the key technologies that you are likely to encounter when attacking web applica- tions. This covers all relevant aspects of the HTTP protocol, the technologies commonly used on the client and server sides, and various schemes used for encoding data. If you are already familiar with the main web technologies, then you can quickly skim through this chapter. Chapter 4, “Mapping the Application,” describes the first exercise that you need to take when targeting a new application, which is to gather as much information as possible about it, in order to map its attack surface and formu- late your plan of attack. This process includes exploring and probing the appli- cation to catalogue all of its content and functionality, identifying all of the entry points for user input and discovering the technologies in use. Chapter 5, “Bypassing Client-Side Controls,” describes the first area of actual vulnerability, which arises when an application relies upon controls implemented on the client side for its security. This approach is normally flawed, because any client-side controls can, of course, be circumvented. The two main ways in which applications make themselves vulnerable are (a) to transmit data via the client in the assumption that this will not be modified,
  • 31. 70779flast.qxd:WileyRed 9/14/07 3:12 PM Page xxviii xxviii Introduction and (b) to rely upon client-side checks on user input. In this chapter, we exam- ine a range of interesting technologies, including lightweight controls imple- mented within HTML, HTTP, and JavaScript, and more heavyweight controls using Java applets, ActiveX controls, and Shockwave Flash objects. Chapters 6 to 8 examine some of the most important defense mechanisms implemented within web applications: those responsible for controlling user access. Chapter 6, “Attacking Authentication,” examines the various functions by which applications gain assurance of the identity of their users. This includes the main login function and also the more peripheral authentication- related functions such as user registration, password changing, and account recovery. Authentication mechanisms contain a wealth of different vulnerabil- ities, in both design and implementation, which an attacker can leverage to gain unauthorized access. These range from obvious defects, such as bad pass- words and susceptibility to brute-force attacks, to more obscure problems within the authentication logic. We also examine in detail the type of multi- stage login mechanisms used in many security-critical applications, and describe the new kinds of vulnerability which these frequently contain. Chapter 7, “Attacking Session Management,” examines the mechanism by which most applications supplement the stateless HTTP protocol with the con- cept of a stateful session, enabling them to uniquely identify each user across several different requests. This mechanism is a key target when you are attack- ing a web application, because if you can break it, then you can effectively bypass the login and masquerade as other users without knowing their cre- dentials. We look at various common defects in the generation and transmis- sion of session tokens, and describe the steps you can take to discover and exploit these. Chapter 8, “Attacking Access Controls,” examines the ways in which appli- cations actually enforce access controls, relying upon the authentication and session management mechanisms to do so. We describe various ways in which access controls can be broken and the ways in which you can detect and exploit these weaknesses. Chapter 9, “Injecting Code,” covers a large category of related vulnerabili- ties, which arise when applications embed user input into interpreted code in an unsafe way. We begin with a detailed examination of SQL injection vulner- abilities, covering the full range of attacks from the most obvious and trivial to advanced exploitation techniques involving out-of-band channels, inference, and time delays. For each kind of vulnerability and attack technique, we describe the relevant differences between three common types of databases: MS-SQL, Oracle, and MySQL. We then cover several other categories of injec- tion vulnerability, including the injection of operating system commands, injection into web scripting languages, and injection into the SOAP, XPath, SMTP, and LDAP protocols.
  • 32. 70779flast.qxd:WileyRed 9/14/07 3:12 PM Page xxix Introduction xxix Chapter 10, “Exploiting Path Traversal,” examines a small but important category of vulnerabilities that arise when user input is passed to file system APIs in an unsafe way, enabling an attacker to retrieve or modify arbitrary files on the web server. We describe various bypasses that may be effective against the defenses commonly implemented to prevent path traversal attacks. Chapter 11, “Attacking Application Logic,” examines a significant, and fre- quently overlooked, area of every application’s attack surface: the internal logic which it carries out to implement its functionality. Defects in an applica- tion’s logic are extremely varied and are harder to characterize than common vulnerabilities like SQL injection and cross-site scripting. For this reason, we present a series of real-world examples where defective logic has left an appli- cation vulnerable, and thereby illustrate the variety of faulty assumptions made by application designers and developers. From these different individ- ual flaws, we w derive a series of specific tests that you can perform to locate many types of logic flaws that often go undetected. Chapter 12, “Attacking Other Users,” covers a large and very topical area of related vulnerabilities which arise when defects within a web application can enable a malicious user of the application to attack other users and compro- mise them in various ways. The largest vulnerability of this kind is cross-site scripting, a hugely prevalent flaw affecting the vast majority of web applica- tions on the Internet. We examine in detail all of the different flavors of XSS vulnerabilities, and describe an effective methodology for detecting and exploiting even the most obscure manifestations of these. We then look at sev- eral other types of attacks against other users, including redirection attacks, HTTP header injection, frame injection, cross-site request forgery, session fixa- tion, exploiting bugs in ActiveX controls, and local privacy attacks. Chapter 13, “Automating Bespoke Attacks,” does not introduce any new categories of vulnerability, but instead, describes a crucial technique which you need to master to attack web applications effectively. Because every web application is different, most attacks are bespoke (or custom-made) in some way, tailored to the application’s specific behavior and the ways you have dis- covered to manipulate it to your advantage. They also frequently require issu- ing a large number of similar requests and monitoring the application’s responses. Performing these requests manually is extremely laborious and one is prone to make mistakes. To become a truly accomplished web application hacker, you need to automate as much of this work as possible, to make your bespoke attacks easier, faster, and more effective. In this chapter, we describe in detail a proven methodology for achieving this. Chapter 14, “Exploiting Information Disclosure,” examines various ways in which applications leak information when under active attack. When you are performing all of the other types of attacks described in this book, you should always monitor the application to identify further sources of information
  • 33. 70779flast.qxd:WileyRed 9/14/07 3:12 PM Page xxx xxx Introduction disclosure that you can exploit. We describe how you can investigate anom- alous behavior and error messages to gain a deeper understanding of the application’s internal workings and fine-tune your attack. We also cover ways of manipulating defective error handling to systematically retrieve sensitive information from the application. Chapter 15, “Attacking Compiled Applications,” examines a set of impor- tant vulnerabilities which arise in applications written in native code lan- guages like C and C++. These vulnerabilities include buffer overflows, integer vulnerabilities, and format string flaws. This is a potentially huge topic, and we focus on ways of detecting these vulnerabilities in web applications, and look at some real-world examples of how these have arisen and been exploited. Chapter 16, “Attacking Application Architecture,” examines an important area of web application security that is frequently overlooked. Many applica- tions employ a tiered architecture, and a failure to segregate different tiers properly often leaves an application vulnerable, enabling an attacker who has found a defect in one component to quickly compromise the entire applica- tion. A different range of threats arises in shared hosting environments, where defects or malicious code in one application can sometimes be exploited to compromise the environment itself and other applications running within it. Chapter 17, “Attacking the Web Server,” describes various ways in which you can target a web application by targeting the web server on which it is running. Vulnerabilities in web servers are broadly composed of defects in their configuration and security flaws within the web server software. This topic is on the boundary of the scope of this book, because the web server is strictly a different component in the technology stack. However, most web applications are intimately bound up with the web server on which they run; therefore, attacks against the web server are included in the book because they can often be used to compromise an application directly, rather than indirectly by first compromising the underlying host. Chapter 18, “Finding Vulnerabilities in Source Code,” describes a com- pletely different approach to finding security flaws than those described else- where within this book. There are many situations in which it may be possible to perform a review of an application’s source code, not all of which require any cooperation from the application’s owner. Reviewing an application’s source code can often be highly effective in discovering vulnerabilities that would be difficult or time-consuming to detect by probing the running appli- cation. We describe a methodology, and provide a language-by-language cheat sheet, to enable you to perform an effective code review even if you have very limited programming experience yourself. Chapter 19, “A Web Application Hacker’s Toolkit,” pulls together in one place the various tools described in the course of this book, and which the authors use when attacking real-world web applications. We describe the strengths and