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applications temps
réel en utilisant Grizzly

Jean-François Arcand
Ingénieur Sénior
Sun Microsystèmes du Canada
Votre matinée sur Grizzly Comet
•   Cours de français
•   C’est quoi Comet/Ajax Pousse
•   C’est quoi Grizzly
•   Description détaillée du Grizzly Comet Framework
•   C’est quoi Atmosphere
•   La conclusion

Cours de Français
  Québec        France          US
  Fureteur      Browzer        Browser
  Courriel        Mail           Mail
 Magasinage     Shopping      Shopping
 Québecois     Canadien         Who?
  Pourriel       Spam         Junk Mail
 Résautage    Réseau social   Facebook
  Chandail       T-Shirt        T-Shirt

What is Ajax Push, exactly?
Responsive, low-latency interaction for the web.
 • highly responsive, event driven browser applications
   > Keep clients up-to-date with data arriving or changing on the server,
      without frequent polling
 • Pros
   > Lower latency, not dependent on polling frequency
   > Server and network do not have to deal with frequent polling requests
      to check for updates
 • Example Applications       •
   > GMail and GTalk              (using GlassFish project's Comet)
   > Meebo                    •
   > Many more …              •

Ajax Poll vs Ajax Push
Bending the rules of HTTP.

Ajax Poll vs Ajax Push
Bending the rules of HTTP.
• Poll:
  > Send a request to the server every X seconds.
  > The response is “empty” if there is no update.
• Long Poll:
  > Send a request to the server, wait for an event to happen, then send the
  > The response is never empty.
  > HTTP specification satisfied: indistinguishable from “slow” server
• Http Streaming:
  > Send a request, wait for events, stream multi-part/chunked response, and
     then wait for the events.
  > The response is continually appended to.
How Push works
Keep an open connection.

• Deliver data over a previously opened connection

• Always “keep a connection open”
  > do not respond to the initiating request until event occurs

• Streaming is an option
  > send response in multiple parts without closing the
     connection in between

HTTP Polling
Regularly checking for updates.
 GET /chatLog HTTP/1.1
 Accept: */*
 Connection: keep-alive

• Uses the HTTP protocol in a standard way, but
  requests are regularly invoked
  setTimeout(‘poll()’, 10000);

Ajax Push
HTTP message flow inversion.
   GET /auctionMonitor/block/receive-updates?HTTP/1.1
   Accept: */*
   Cookie: JSESSIONID=75CF2BF3E03F0F9C6D2E8EFE1A6884F4
   Connection: keep-alive
                                          Chat message “Howdy”
   HTTP/1.1 200 OK
   Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8
   Content-Length: 180
   Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2008 16:45:25 GMT
   Server: GlassFish/v3

    update address=quot;_id0:_id5:0:chatTextquot;
     span id=quot;_id0:_id5:0:chatTextquot;Howdy/span
HTTP Streaming
The long response.
 GET /chatLog HTTP/1.1
 Accept: */*
 Connection: keep-alive

• Parse most recent message in JavaScript
  programming language (not shown here)
• The original 1999 “Push” technique (Netscape 1.1)

What is Project Grizzly
 Open Source Project on,
 Open Sourced under CDDL/LGPL license.
 Very open community policy.
    All project communications are done on Grizzly mailing list. No internal,
    off mailing list conversations.
    Project meetings open to anyone (public conference call).
 Project decisions are made by project member votes.
 Sun and non Sun commiters

What is Project Grizzly
 Uses Java NIO primitives and hides the complexity programming with Java
 Easy-to-use high performance APIs for TCP, UDP and SSL communications.
 Brings non-blocking sockets to the protocol processing layer.
 Utilizes high performance buffers and buffer management.
 Choice of several different high performance thread pools.
 Ship with an HTTP module which is really easy to extend.
 Use the Framework, but STILL have a way to control the IO layer.

Grizzly NIO Framework

     Grizzlet         Bayeux       Continuation      Messages Bus

                      Grizzly Comet Framework

     Grizzly HTTP (Sync/Async)         Grizzly Servlet Container

                       Grizzly NIO Framework

1. Who?

                      Grizzly         Electronic
   Grizzly RCM                                     Nortel
                  Port Unification    Arts (EA)

                   Many many
   Yahoo Brazil                       Tomcat*      MINA*

                                     Sun Shared
     Restlet          Sailfin                      Jetty

                     Grizzly NIO Framework

HTTP modules
• The Grizzly Framework also have an HTTP framework that can be used to
  build Web Server
   This is what GlassFish™ v1|2|3 build on top of.
   More specialized modules are also available like Comet (Async HTTP).
• Simple interface to allow customization of the HTTP Protocol
   GrizzlyRequest: A utility class to manipulate the HTTP protocol request.
   GrizzlyResponse: A utility class to manipulate the HTTP protocol
   GrizzlyAdapter: A utility class to manipulate the HTTP request/response

Example: Jersey
• Jersey is the open source JAX-RS (Java Specification Request (JSR) 311)
  Reference Implementation for building RESTful Web services.
• By default, Jersey ship with support for Grizzly HTTP WebServer :
   Implement the GrizzlyAdapter interface, use the GrizzlyRequest and
     Response object to handle the http protocol.
• In less than 20 minutes, Jersey was running with Grizzly!

2.2 Who?

                       Many many
        EventGnosis    CBL
   Gem (JRuby)

    GlassFish    GlassFish
                                 Futjisu     JXTA
       v3           ESB

                Grizzly HTTP (Sync/Async)

                   Grizzly NIO Framework

Grizzly Comet Components

     Grizzlet   Bayeux       Continuation   Messages Bus

                Grizzly Comet Framework

                     Grizzly HTTP

                 Grizzly NIO Framework

2.4 Who?
                                             Many many
    Bindows      AltMobile       ItsNat

   Sun Instant
                 4homedia      ICEFaces          DWR

     Grizzlet     Bayeux                     Continuation
                      Grizzly Comet

                 Grizzly HTTP (Sync/Async)

                   Grizzly NIO Framework

Introduction to Grizzly Comet
• Grizzly Comet is a framework that ship with
  GlassFish v1|2|3, and can also be embedded into
  any application using the Grizzly Embed interface
  (no fish involved).

• The Grizzly Comet Framework includes a set of
  components that can be used for building Comet
  based application:
   Grizzly Comet, Continuation, Grizzlet, Messages Bus,
    Bayeux support

Grizzly Comet Framework
• The Framework contains the classes required to add
  support for Comet in a Web Application
• Main classes to interact with (details next):

How it works

                         send                 CometHandler
      Browser 1                                 CometHandler

                         CometContext                     push
  Browser 2
                  Push data


 • A CometContext is a distribution mechanism for
   pushing messages that are delivered to multiple
   subscribers called CometHandler.
 • All connections registered to a CometContext
   automatically becomes suspended, waiting for an event
   (a push) to happens.
 • A browser receives only those messages published
   after the client “register “ to a CometContext.
 • Its contains references to all suspended connections
   (encapsulated inside a CometHandler)

CometContext - Example
  //Create a CometContext for my Chat application
   CometContext chatContext
       = CometEngine.getEngine().register(“chatroom”);

  // Suspend the request
   ChatRoomHandler chr = new ChatRoomHandler();

  // Push welcome message
   chatContext.push(“Ted is entering the room”);

  // Push bye bye message
  chatContext.push(“Alexandre is leaving the room”);

  // Later, resume the request

• The CometHandler is the master piece of a Grizzly
  Comet based application.
• A CometHandler contains the business logic of what
  will be pushed back to the browser.
• A CometHandler might be invoked by the Container:
   When a push operation happens
   When a I/O operations are ready to be process
    (asynchronous read or write)
   When the browser close the connection.

• The CometHandler is the master piece of a Grizzly
  Comet based application.
• A CometHandler contains the business logic of what
  will be pushed back to the browser.
• A CometHandler might be invoked by the Container:
   When a push operation happens
   When a I/O operations are ready to be process
    (asynchronous read or write)
   When the browser close the connection.

CometHandler API

 //Invoked when CometContext.notify() is called
  public void onEvent(CometEvent ce);

 // Invoked when the browser close a suspended
 // connection or when the suspend timeout expire.
 public void onInterrupt(CometEvent ce);

 // Invoked when the request is suspended
  public void onInitialize(CometEvent ce);

 // Attach an object
 // most probably the HttpServletResponse}
  public void attach(E e);

CometHandler Example

• The NotificationHandler object is the masterpiece when writing Comet
   This is inside that object that you will decide to what to do with the push
       – Throttle: If too many push occurs simultaneously, should we delay
       – Aggregate: Should we cache push operations and aggregate them to
         avoid overloading the network?
       – Filter: Should all messages by pushed back to the client.
       – Should a thread pool be used to improve the push speed operation?
         Should a JMS backed be used to deliver the message?
• The DefaultNotificationHandler push all messages.

NotificationHandler - Example

Asyncronous I/0 – Read and Write

 • A CometHandler can be notified for asynchronous read and write
 • Useful when reading or writing large chunk (like file upload.
 • Bring NIO to Servlet indirectly 

Messages Bus

    Grizzlet         Bayeux       Continuation      Messages Bus

                     Grizzly Comet Framework

    Grizzly HTTP (Sync/Async)         Grizzly Servlet Container

                      Grizzly NIO Framework

Grizzly Messages Bus
• The Grizzly Messages Bus implements the Grizzly Comet Protocol (GCP).
• The GCP protocol is a very basic protocol that can be used by browser to
  share data, using the comet technique, between several clients without
  having to poll for it.
• The protocol is very simple. First, a client must subscribe to a topic:
• When issuing the URL above, the connection will be automatically suspended
  based on the cometTechnique specified

Grizzly Messages Bus
• To share data between applications, a browser just
  need to send the following request:
• The Servlet can be used as it is or extended to add
  extra features like filtering messages, security, login,
• Quite easy to write games using the Grizzly
  Messages Bus. No server side implementation
  required, just client side!
Bayeux Protocol

     Grizzlet         Bayeux       Continuation      Messages Bus

                      Grizzly Comet Framework

     Grizzly HTTP (Sync/Async)         Grizzly Servlet Container

                       Grizzly NIO Framework

The Bayeux Protocol
• Bayeux is a JSON-based protocol for clients to register interest in events and
  for servers to deliver them in a more timely fashion than Ajax-based polling
• With Bayeux, you only needs to write the client.
• The goals of the Bayeux spec so far have been to:
      make event delivery fast
      keep it simple
      provide extension points in the protoco


      Grizzlet         Bayeux       Continuation      Messages Bus

                       Grizzly Comet Framework

      Grizzly HTTP (Sync/Async)         Grizzly Servlet Container

                        Grizzly NIO Framework

What is a Grizzlet

• Simple interface build on top of the Comet
   public void onRequest(AsyncConnection
   public void onPush(AsyncConnection
• Implement that interface, deploy your POJO in
  Grizzly Web Server or a GlassFish v3 Adapter.
  Boom it works!

     Grizzlet         Bayeux       Continuation      Messages Bus

                      Grizzly Comet Framework

     Grizzly HTTP (Sync/Async)         Grizzly Servlet Container

                       Grizzly NIO Framework

Grizzly Continuation

• Simple API to resume/suspend requests:

    GrizzlyContinuation continuation =

   // From another Thread
• Used in Servlet/JSP.

What is Project Atmosphere
The state of Comet (Ajax Push) right now
 • Since July 2006the Grizzly Comet Framework and its extensions’
    popularity keep increasing.
     Among the most popular framework right now.
 • Comet techniques aren't standardized among Web Container
    Grizzly Comet applications aren't portable (cannot run on Tomcat nor
 • Servlet 3.0 will supports only a subset of Comet
    No async I/O, No pushing functionalities
    Support will takes time (Spec to be finalized)‫‏‬

What is Project Atmosphere (con't)‫‏‬
• Atmosphere is a POJO based framework using
  Inversion of Control (IoC) to bring Comet to the
• A framework which can run on any Java based Web
  Server.....without having to wait for Servlet 3.0 or
  without the needs to learn how Comet support has
  been differently implemented by current Web Server
  supporting Comet
• Run on top of Servlet 2.5 compliant Web Server

What is Project Atmosphere (con't)‫‏‬
Extends and improve the Grizzlet concept....
• Grizzlet is a POJO based approach for writing
  Comet application.
   Grizzlet only runs on top of the Grizzly Comet
    Framework right now
   Grizzly community asked many times to have the
    concept ported to other Web Server
• Evolve the Grizzlet...and make it the core of Project

Reuse experience and code...from Grizzly
Comet to Jersey!

            Grizzlet                              Atmosphere re-usable
       (Atmosphere POJO)‫‏‬                          Components library

              Jersey's Injection Provider, IoC Support, and more....

                        Portable Comet Layer API (PCL)

  Tomcat Comet        Grizzly Comet           Jetty Comet              Blocking WS

             User defined              Atmosphere Component

Easy of use of Jersey, power of Grizzly Comet
public class MyGrizzlet{
  public String onGet(){
      return quot;Suspending the connectionquot;;
  public String onPost(@Context HttpServletRequest req,
                            @Context HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException{
      res.getWriter().println(quot;OK, info pushedquot;);
      return req.getParameter(quot;chatMessagequot;);

The Asynchronous Web Revolution is Now

• The Asynchronous Web will revolutionize human
• Push can scale with Asynchronous Request
• With GlassFish, the revolution begins with your
  applications today
• Get ready for Atmosphere and Servlet 3.0

For More Information
• Getting Started with GlassFish and Comet

• Grizzly Active’s Bloggers:
   Shing Wai:
• Project Grizzly mailing lists,


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Build Real-Time Apps with Grizzly Comet Framework

  • 1. Construire des applications temps réel en utilisant Grizzly Comet Jean-François Arcand Ingénieur Sénior Sun Microsystèmes du Canada 1
  • 2. Votre matinée sur Grizzly Comet • Cours de français • C’est quoi Comet/Ajax Pousse • C’est quoi Grizzly • Description détaillée du Grizzly Comet Framework • C’est quoi Atmosphere • La conclusion 2
  • 3. Cours de Français Québec France US Fureteur Browzer Browser Courriel Mail Mail Magasinage Shopping Shopping Québecois Canadien Who? Pourriel Spam Junk Mail Résautage Réseau social Facebook Chandail T-Shirt T-Shirt 3
  • 4. What is Ajax Push, exactly? Responsive, low-latency interaction for the web. • highly responsive, event driven browser applications > Keep clients up-to-date with data arriving or changing on the server, without frequent polling • Pros > Lower latency, not dependent on polling frequency > Server and network do not have to deal with frequent polling requests to check for updates • Example Applications • > GMail and GTalk (using GlassFish project's Comet) > Meebo • JotLive > Many more … • KnowNow 4
  • 5. Ajax Poll vs Ajax Push Bending the rules of HTTP. 5
  • 6. Ajax Poll vs Ajax Push Bending the rules of HTTP. • Poll: > Send a request to the server every X seconds. > The response is “empty” if there is no update. • Long Poll: > Send a request to the server, wait for an event to happen, then send the response. > The response is never empty. > HTTP specification satisfied: indistinguishable from “slow” server • Http Streaming: > Send a request, wait for events, stream multi-part/chunked response, and then wait for the events. > The response is continually appended to. 6
  • 7. How Push works Keep an open connection. • Deliver data over a previously opened connection • Always “keep a connection open” > do not respond to the initiating request until event occurs • Streaming is an option > send response in multiple parts without closing the connection in between 7
  • 8. HTTP Polling Regularly checking for updates. GET /chatLog HTTP/1.1 Accept: */* Connection: keep-alive <message>One</message> • Uses the HTTP protocol in a standard way, but requests are regularly invoked setTimeout(‘poll()’, 10000); 8
  • 9. Ajax Push HTTP message flow inversion. GET /auctionMonitor/block/receive-updates?HTTP/1.1 Accept: */* Cookie: JSESSIONID=75CF2BF3E03F0F9C6D2E8EFE1A6884F4 Connection: keep-alive Chat message “Howdy” Host: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 180 Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2008 16:45:25 GMT Server: GlassFish/v3 updates update address=quot;_id0:_id5:0:chatTextquot; span id=quot;_id0:_id5:0:chatTextquot;Howdy/span /update /updates 9
  • 10. HTTP Streaming The long response. GET /chatLog HTTP/1.1 Accept: */* Connection: keep-alive messageOne/message messageTwo/message messageThree/message messageFour/message • Parse most recent message in JavaScript programming language (not shown here) • The original 1999 “Push” technique (Netscape 1.1) 10
  • 11. What is Project Grizzly Open Source Project on, Open Sourced under CDDL/LGPL license. Very open community policy.  All project communications are done on Grizzly mailing list. No internal, off mailing list conversations.  Project meetings open to anyone (public conference call). Project decisions are made by project member votes. Sun and non Sun commiters 11
  • 12. What is Project Grizzly Uses Java NIO primitives and hides the complexity programming with Java NIO. Easy-to-use high performance APIs for TCP, UDP and SSL communications. Brings non-blocking sockets to the protocol processing layer. Utilizes high performance buffers and buffer management. Choice of several different high performance thread pools. Ship with an HTTP module which is really easy to extend. Use the Framework, but STILL have a way to control the IO layer. 12
  • 13. Grizzly NIO Framework Grizzlet Bayeux Continuation Messages Bus Grizzly Comet Framework Grizzly HTTP (Sync/Async) Grizzly Servlet Container Grizzly NIO Framework 13
  • 14. 1. Who? Grizzly Electronic Grizzly RCM Nortel Port Unification Arts (EA) Many many Yahoo Brazil Tomcat* MINA* more!!! Sun Shared Restlet Sailfin Jetty Shell Grizzly NIO Framework 14
  • 15. HTTP modules • The Grizzly Framework also have an HTTP framework that can be used to build Web Server This is what GlassFish™ v1|2|3 build on top of. More specialized modules are also available like Comet (Async HTTP). • Simple interface to allow customization of the HTTP Protocol GrizzlyRequest: A utility class to manipulate the HTTP protocol request. GrizzlyResponse: A utility class to manipulate the HTTP protocol response. GrizzlyAdapter: A utility class to manipulate the HTTP request/response object. 15
  • 16. Example: Jersey ( • Jersey is the open source JAX-RS (Java Specification Request (JSR) 311) Reference Implementation for building RESTful Web services. • By default, Jersey ship with support for Grizzly HTTP WebServer : Implement the GrizzlyAdapter interface, use the GrizzlyRequest and Response object to handle the http protocol. • In less than 20 minutes, Jersey was running with Grizzly! 16
  • 17. 2.2 Who? Many many more!!! Sailfin GlassFish EventGnosis CBL Gem (JRuby) GlassFish GlassFish Futjisu JXTA v3 ESB Grizzly HTTP (Sync/Async) Grizzly NIO Framework 17
  • 18. Grizzly Comet Components Grizzlet Bayeux Continuation Messages Bus Grizzly Comet Framework Grizzly HTTP Grizzly NIO Framework 18
  • 19. 2.4 Who? Many many Bindows AltMobile ItsNat more!!! Sun Instant 4homedia ICEFaces DWR Messenger Messages Grizzlet Bayeux Continuation Bus Grizzly Comet Framework Grizzly HTTP (Sync/Async) Grizzly NIO Framework 19
  • 20. Introduction to Grizzly Comet • Grizzly Comet is a framework that ship with GlassFish v1|2|3, and can also be embedded into any application using the Grizzly Embed interface (no fish involved). • The Grizzly Comet Framework includes a set of components that can be used for building Comet based application: Grizzly Comet, Continuation, Grizzlet, Messages Bus, Bayeux support 20
  • 21. Grizzly Comet Framework • The Framework contains the classes required to add support for Comet in a Web Application • Main classes to interact with (details next): CometEngine CometContext CometHandler NotificationHandler CometReader CometWriter 21
  • 22. How it works send CometHandler CometHandler Browser 1 CometHandler CometContext push Browser 2 filters send Push data NotificationHandler Servlet 22
  • 23. CometContext • A CometContext is a distribution mechanism for pushing messages that are delivered to multiple subscribers called CometHandler. • All connections registered to a CometContext automatically becomes suspended, waiting for an event (a push) to happens. • A browser receives only those messages published after the client “register “ to a CometContext. • Its contains references to all suspended connections (encapsulated inside a CometHandler) 23
  • 24. CometContext - Example //Create a CometContext for my Chat application CometContext chatContext = CometEngine.getEngine().register(“chatroom”); // Suspend the request ChatRoomHandler chr = new ChatRoomHandler(); chatContext.addCometHandler(chr); // Push welcome message chatContext.push(“Ted is entering the room”); // Push bye bye message chatContext.push(“Alexandre is leaving the room”); // Later, resume the request chatContext.resumeCometHandler(chr); 24
  • 25. CometHandler • The CometHandler is the master piece of a Grizzly Comet based application. • A CometHandler contains the business logic of what will be pushed back to the browser. • A CometHandler might be invoked by the Container: When a push operation happens When a I/O operations are ready to be process (asynchronous read or write) When the browser close the connection. 25
  • 26. CometHandler • The CometHandler is the master piece of a Grizzly Comet based application. • A CometHandler contains the business logic of what will be pushed back to the browser. • A CometHandler might be invoked by the Container: When a push operation happens When a I/O operations are ready to be process (asynchronous read or write) When the browser close the connection. 26
  • 27. CometHandler API //Invoked when CometContext.notify() is called public void onEvent(CometEvent ce); // Invoked when the browser close a suspended // connection or when the suspend timeout expire. public void onInterrupt(CometEvent ce); // Invoked when the request is suspended public void onInitialize(CometEvent ce); // Attach an object // most probably the HttpServletResponse} public void attach(E e); 27
  • 29. NotificationHandler • The NotificationHandler object is the masterpiece when writing Comet application This is inside that object that you will decide to what to do with the push operation: – Throttle: If too many push occurs simultaneously, should we delay them? – Aggregate: Should we cache push operations and aggregate them to avoid overloading the network? – Filter: Should all messages by pushed back to the client. – Should a thread pool be used to improve the push speed operation? Should a JMS backed be used to deliver the message? • The DefaultNotificationHandler push all messages. 29
  • 31. Asyncronous I/0 – Read and Write • A CometHandler can be notified for asynchronous read and write operations • Useful when reading or writing large chunk (like file upload. • Bring NIO to Servlet indirectly  31
  • 32. Messages Bus Grizzlet Bayeux Continuation Messages Bus Grizzly Comet Framework Grizzly HTTP (Sync/Async) Grizzly Servlet Container Grizzly NIO Framework 32
  • 33. Grizzly Messages Bus • The Grizzly Messages Bus implements the Grizzly Comet Protocol (GCP). • The GCP protocol is a very basic protocol that can be used by browser to share data, using the comet technique, between several clients without having to poll for it. • The protocol is very simple. First, a client must subscribe to a topic: http://host:port/contextPath?subscribe=[topic name]cometTechnique=[polling|log-polling|http- streaming]message=[text] • When issuing the URL above, the connection will be automatically suspended based on the cometTechnique specified 33
  • 34. Grizzly Messages Bus • To share data between applications, a browser just need to send the following request: http://host:port/contextPath?publish=[topic name]message=[text] • The Servlet can be used as it is or extended to add extra features like filtering messages, security, login, etc. • Quite easy to write games using the Grizzly Messages Bus. No server side implementation required, just client side! 34
  • 35. Bayeux Protocol Grizzlet Bayeux Continuation Messages Bus Grizzly Comet Framework Grizzly HTTP (Sync/Async) Grizzly Servlet Container Grizzly NIO Framework 35
  • 36. The Bayeux Protocol • • Bayeux is a JSON-based protocol for clients to register interest in events and for servers to deliver them in a more timely fashion than Ajax-based polling allows. • With Bayeux, you only needs to write the client. • The goals of the Bayeux spec so far have been to: make event delivery fast keep it simple provide extension points in the protoco 36
  • 37. Grizzlet Grizzlet Bayeux Continuation Messages Bus Grizzly Comet Framework Grizzly HTTP (Sync/Async) Grizzly Servlet Container Grizzly NIO Framework 37
  • 38. What is a Grizzlet • Simple interface build on top of the Comet Framework: public void onRequest(AsyncConnection asyncConnection)‫‏‬ public void onPush(AsyncConnection asyncConnection)‫‏‬ • Implement that interface, deploy your POJO in Grizzly Web Server or a GlassFish v3 Adapter. Boom it works! 38
  • 39. Continuation Grizzlet Bayeux Continuation Messages Bus Grizzly Comet Framework Grizzly HTTP (Sync/Async) Grizzly Servlet Container Grizzly NIO Framework 39
  • 40. Grizzly Continuation • Simple API to resume/suspend requests: GrizzlyContinuation continuation = Continuation.getContinuation(); continuation.suspend(timeout); … // From another Thread continuation.resume(); • Used in Servlet/JSP. 40
  • 41. What is Project Atmosphere The state of Comet (Ajax Push) right now • Since July 2006the Grizzly Comet Framework and its extensions’ popularity keep increasing. Among the most popular framework right now. • Comet techniques aren't standardized among Web Container Grizzly Comet applications aren't portable (cannot run on Tomcat nor Jetty)‫‏‬ • Servlet 3.0 will supports only a subset of Comet No async I/O, No pushing functionalities Support will takes time (Spec to be finalized)‫‏‬ 41
  • 42. What is Project Atmosphere (con't)‫‏‬ So... • Atmosphere is a POJO based framework using Inversion of Control (IoC) to bring Comet to the masses. • A framework which can run on any Java based Web Server.....without having to wait for Servlet 3.0 or without the needs to learn how Comet support has been differently implemented by current Web Server supporting Comet • Run on top of Servlet 2.5 compliant Web Server 42
  • 43. What is Project Atmosphere (con't)‫‏‬ Extends and improve the Grizzlet concept.... • Grizzlet is a POJO based approach for writing Comet application. Grizzlet only runs on top of the Grizzly Comet Framework right now Grizzly community asked many times to have the concept ported to other Web Server • Evolve the Grizzlet...and make it the core of Project Atmosphere. 43
  • 44. Architecture Reuse experience and code...from Grizzly Comet to Jersey! Grizzlet Atmosphere re-usable (Atmosphere POJO)‫‏‬ Components library Jersey's Injection Provider, IoC Support, and more.... Portable Comet Layer API (PCL) Tomcat Comet Grizzly Comet Jetty Comet Blocking WS User defined Atmosphere Component 44
  • 45. Example Easy of use of Jersey, power of Grizzly Comet @Grizzlet(Grizzlet.Scope.APPLICATION)‫‏‬ @Path(quot;myGrizzletquot;)‫‏‬ public class MyGrizzlet{ @Suspend(6000)‫‏‬ @GET @Push public String onGet(){ return quot;Suspending the connectionquot;; } @POST @Push public String onPost(@Context HttpServletRequest req, @Context HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException{ res.setStatus(200); res.getWriter().println(quot;OK, info pushedquot;); return req.getParameter(quot;chatMessagequot;); } 45
  • 46. Summary The Asynchronous Web Revolution is Now • The Asynchronous Web will revolutionize human interaction • Push can scale with Asynchronous Request Processing. • With GlassFish, the revolution begins with your applications today • Get ready for Atmosphere and Servlet 3.0 46
  • 47. For More Information • Getting Started with GlassFish and Comet • Grizzly Active’s Bloggers: Alexey: Shing Wai: John: Sebastien: Jeanfrancois: • Project Grizzly mailing lists, 47