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Le 28 août 2013Le 28 août 2013
Français 2Français 2
Mme Quinlan
Trouvez le bon pairTrouvez le bon pair
Vous avez une fiche avec un mot/phrase
en français ou anglais
Vous allez trouver la personne qui a la
fiche correspondante en anglais ou
◦ Ex: ma fiche: jaune
◦ la fiche correspondante : yellow
Assieds-toi avec ton nouveau partenaire
(la personne avec la fiche correspondante)
Faisons un tour guidéeFaisons un tour guidée
Un tour guidée de la salle de classe
Où est…?
Le 28 août 2013Le 28 août 2013
LEQ: Comment-on pourrait survivre dans le
cours de français de Mme Quinlan?
◦ Faisons les cavaliers nominatifs et les bâtons (noms
◦ Faisons connaitre le syllabus du cours
◦ Ce que les autres étudiants ont dit…
◦ Faisons un dialogue (et du théâtre)
Journal: Au moins 4 phrases complètes
~Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire? Qu’est-ce que
tu fais pendant l’été? L’hiver?
(Choose a used cahier from last year to use, or
use a sheet of paper if you want to bring in
your own, or type it on your device and email
Les siègesLes sièges
Asseyons-nous alphabetiquement
Noms françaisNoms français
Vous allez choisir les noms français pour
utiliser en class
◦ Je n’utilise pas vos noms anglais
Pas de noms répétées, pas de noms
comme les tiens
Noms des fillesNoms des filles
Georgette Agathe Bernadette Joséphine Mathilde
Sabine Thérèse Virginie Brigitte Caroline
Josette Margaux Zoé Béatrice Sévérine
Pauline Francine Madeleine Juliette Isabelle
Claire Élise Angélique Maeva Blanche
Onélia Charlotte Clémence Hélène Lorraine
Martine Sylvie Marie Célia Angéline
Céleste Laetitia Célestine Désirée Suzanne
Sandrine Mireille Olivie Karine Ginette
Mai Josée Laure Jacqueline Yvette
Dorothée Éléonore Fatima Henriette Inès
Maryse Nicole Pénélope Valérie Maïly
Neige Solange Adja Aicha Amel
Aurore Cassandre Charline Lucie Chloé
Coralie Djamila Faustine Aimée Jasmine
Joceline Johanna Colette Corinne Kenza
Lisette Lyse Magali Mégane Nadine
Valentine Camille Roselyne Suzette Djamila
Noms des garsNoms des gars
André Henri Pierre Frédéric Étienne
Émile Laurent Timeo Joseph Agnan
Emmanuel Héctor Edouard Jacques Marcel
Serge Arnaud Michel Armand Kléber
Joël Benoît Khalid Ousmane Philippe
Honoré Bertrand Gilles Matthieu Eugène
Clément Victor Geoffroy Paul Raphaël
René Antoine Bernard Didier Jérôme
Sébastien Gustave Maxence Hughes Nicolas
Clotaire Alceste Hervé Ali Edgar
Louis Maurice Yannick Fabian Alain
Vincent Stéphane Pierrick Cédric Alphonse
Julien Marc Léon Zizou Astérix
Les batons et les tentesLes batons et les tentes
1. Prends une feuille de papier blanc
◦ A. Plies la feuille (comme une “tente”)
◦ B. Écris ton nom français GRAND et beau EN
MARQUEUR- décore-la!
2. Prends un bâton
◦ A. Écris ton nom français et ton surnom (ex.
Christelle Ortiz) sur ton bâton EN MARQUEUR
Les deux vont rester ici en classe!
Les sondagesLes sondages
Dans “Blackboard”
Ou sur papier..
Jetons le balonJetons le balon
Appelez chaque étudiant par son nom
français avant de lui jeter le balon
(vous avez les tentes pour vous aider)
Quand tu reçois le balon, dis nous quelque
chose de toi…que tu es blond, que tu
aimes la musique rap, etc.
◦ Ex: Je m’appelle Océane. J’adore Justin
Le syllabusLe syllabus
 Lisez le syllabus avec Mme Quinlan
 Email Address: or
Course Description
 Level 2: The central theme of French II is building onto the
_______ and _________ base learned in Level 1. Students will
learn new French vocabulary and grammar, along with practicing
pronunciation, to facilitate communicating in French via written
and oral expression. We will be reading and writing short stories
and doing listening activities in French as well.
Le syllabusLe syllabus
 *Materials*
 All students will need a 3-ring binder, 3 divider tabs (handouts,
notes/classwork, returned work), plenty of loose leaf paper, a pen or
pencil, and a dry erase marker. Bring each of these items to class
EVERYDAY. *If a student has a mobile device to get onto the internet,
take notes/photos, etc. they are encouraged to bring it to class everyday
but it must be placed in the designated “parking spot” on their desk when
not in use. Use is up to teacher discretion and if it is abused, permission
will be taken away on a per student basis.
 **Materials will be checked for a grade on Wednesday & Thursday
September 4th
& 5th.**
 ***Being unprepared 3 times will result in a one hour detention. If you
forget your supplies for class, you can ask a peer to borrow them OR
borrow them from me for the day***
~Textbooks will stay in the classroom. You may take a textbook home,
but you have to sign it out. Any damaged or unreturned copies will result
in a $68 fine.
Le syllabusLe syllabus
 Student Expectations
 1. Be on time and be prepared with your notebook, homework, writing utensils,
2. Be open-minded about learning a foreign language. Participation and practice
are important for your growth and development. I just ask you to TRY all of our
3. Show respect for your peers as well as myself. Keep in mind that we are ALL
learning! No one is perfect, and any forms of intolerance and disrespect are NOT
4. Come talk to me before or after class, or email me, if you’re having trouble or
falling behind. I’m here to help you! I’m available after school everyday until 2:50.
5. Review the Code of Conduct that you signed (also on the school website) for
school rules and consequences to become familiar with it. I follow all the school
6. Stay on task. You should only be working on the assigned work. If you finish
early, you may QUIETLY work on something else on your own. Excessive talking
and/or sleeping are unacceptable! (Students falling asleep in class will be required
to stand for 5 minutes)
 7. Be responsible. I am permitting use of ipods, cell phones, tablets, etc. in my
classes with an expectation that you’ll stay on task, do the work, and not TEXT or do
anything inappropriate (such as take videos or pictures of people without their
permission or visit inappropriate websites, etc.). I CAN and WILL take away this
opportunity if you violate the rules. Be ready to show me what is on your device
whenever I ask.
 Other Class Information
 ~We will be using cell phones or other mobile devices in class. If you do not have one, or do not
wish to use one, you can use my classroom computers or paper and a pen/pencil. Some
assignments will be REQUIRED to be done online so you can use the library or school computers
after hours or during SSR if you don’t have access at home. NO INTERNET ACCESS AT HOME IS
to keep their devices on SILENT, face down, in their “parking spaces” on their desk when we are
not actively using them during the lesson. Failure to follow the rules will result in losing the
privilege of using your devices in class.
 ~When I am absent, the work for that class period will ALWAYS be graded. Students are
responsible for doing the work, placing the work in the correct turn-in bin, and respecting the
substitute and classroom rules.
 ~Online translators are NOT to be used. I will teach you how to use to
translate single words (it’s a wonderful resource! It even pronounces the words for you!). Any
work handed in that used an online translator (it is very obvious and is a form of
cheating) will receive a 0.
 ~My class has a 1 in 1 out policy. Students that need to leave the room will ask for permission IN
FRENCH and will be granted permission at my discretion. Be sure to sign out on the sign-out sheet
by the door, or else lose the privilege to leave the classroom. (Students making habitual exits will
lose the privilege to leave the classroom at all)
 ~I often take videos or pictures of different activities we do in class. These photos and videos are
ONLY used for educational/classroom purposes and only posted on the classroom website. They
are NOT shared on youtube, etc.
 ~We do a lot of different activities in class such as singing, dancing, playing games, acting out role
plays, puppet shows, etc. Each student is required to TRY the activities. Doing a variety of
activities helps reinforce the vocabulary in different ways.
Le syllabusLe syllabus
 Useful Websites and Apps for Class
 Blackboard : You can access this website from Smyrna High School’s website under “students”, or
on my page which you’ll find through the “Staff Directory” (go to “links” on my page). This is the
main class website where you’ll find assignments, resources, and daily powerpoints. There is also
an app for your device (blackboard learn). Refer to this every day…this is required!
 Quizlet: You can access this on the web ( or you can get the app for Ipads and
Iphones (there are apps for Android that will import the quizlet sets too). We’ll be using this site in
class and it will have ALL of your vocabulary words already in flashcard form. My “class” is
“Français avec Mme Quinlan”. Join it for access to all the vocab flashcards. This is required so
refer to this often to help you study!
 Evernote: You can access this online (, and you can download the app to your
device or home computer. This program/website is required by me if you plan on taking class
notes on your device. You will create a French “notebook” in here and all of your class notes and
entries will be filed in this “notebook”. This includes pictures of vocab, audio, typed notes, etc.
You are allowed 60MB of data FREE each month. It is a WONDERFUL resource!
 Word Reference: (required)This website is the best dictionary out there. You can access it on
the web ( and use it for any language. It gives you several translations
of words, the part of speech, if it’s masculine or feminine, and it will even pronounce it for you! I
also have a link for it set up on my blackboard site.
 Twittercast: This is an optional app you can use to organize your twitter account. We’ll be using
twitter in class so on this app you can make lists to help organize the things you are following.
 Sky Drive: This is an optional resource if you don’t have Microsoft Office programs (Word,
PowerPoint, Excel, etc.) at home. You can create and save files here and access them anywhere
you can reach the internet. Similar to googledocs. You just have to sign up, and it’s free (search
google for “skydrive”).
Le syllabusLe syllabus
Detach this page and return it signed by
Monday/Tuesday September ____th
for a grade.
Other infoOther info
I take attendance right at the beginning
of class..if you’re not in my room when
the bell rings, you will get marked absent.
Leaving your bags/books in my room
does NOT count as you being in my room.
◦ 3 tardies= 1 absence
◦ 6 tardies= ISS + another absence
What other students said…What other students said…
 Come to school & pay attention.
 Make sure you do your work and actually study for stuff, don’t
 No matter what people tell you, learning a new language is hard.
In this class there is A LOT of vocabulary that you have to
remember. Also a lot of new tenses. But if you do the work it can
be pretty fun.
 Mme. Quinlan is crazy! She expects work to be done on time, NO
EXCUSES. Also, she makes us copy pages of notes. French 3 is
hard, if you aren’t productive, then don’t do Quinlan’s class.
 Study a lot ! Do homework and projects or you will fail. Do not
fall asleep, talk back or be rude because her horns come out and
she will come after you.
 You better listen to this woman. She doesn’t play. You need to
make sure you do your work & pay attention or you will be going
for one bumpy ride for this school year. Have fun, and pay
 She’s awesome. Nicer than a lot of others. Her class is very easy
and fun just pay attention and study.
What other students said…What other students said…
 She is a very nice teacher as long as you show respect. She is
very understanding and is always available to help. As long, as
you are kind to her and follow her rules. If you sleep, don’t do
warm ups, or are texting, she will get frustrated with you. She
doesn’t ask for much, and barely gives homework. So be nice and
you’ll love this class!
 This class is the kind of class which if you fail it is no ones fault
but yours. Nothing about this class is hard unless you have a bad
attitude. Don’t be disrespectful and immature. Don’t fool around
and just get the work done.
 Mme Q is nice unless you don’t do your work. If your work gets
done, it’s an easy class.
 French 2 is amazing, Mme Quinlan is awesome, but don’t sleep
in her class! She is pregnant, and will use that as an advantage.
The food section is my favorite; you get to bring food in. The
class may seem brutal in the beginning but you’ll def. get used to
it. Yes, even the fact that she’s speaking lots of French. Good luck
and have fun. (Don’t abuse the fun!)
 If you’re lazy, drop this class before you read anymore! Mme
Quinlan makes you do your work, A LOT OF WORK! But i have
always felt like I could go to her for help, even if it wasn’t about
French. She does a lot of different activities and she makes you
move a lot. Again, if you’re lazy, get out!!!!! Your grade is a
complete reflection of YOUR work! Mme Quinlan is fair and does
everything she can for you so PLEASE be kind to her as she is to
you. GOOD LUCK 
 She will hound you to do your work. If you are parasseux (lazy)
don’t take this class. You wont make it out alive.
 Good luck in French! You definitely need to take all the notes.
This class really was fun but the work is hard. And make sure you
have all the materials. I lost my marker after 3 months and was
beat all year.
What other students said…What other students said…
Class flow/proceduresClass flow/procedures
Come in
Grab your cahier , petit tableau, et
Take your seat and start on your journal
10-15 min to finish journal (use your
Go through quéstions quotidiennes,
agenda for the day, journals, activités, etc
Travaillez avec vos partennaires et écrivez
un dialogue.
10 lines chaque personne
Nous allons faire ces “skits”avec
Je veux de la drâme!
Français 2 (5 lines per person)Français 2 (5 lines per person)
Two people just meeting and introducing
themselves to each other @ school
 ~Talk about age, things you like
 ~Ask them if they like something
 ~Ask them what classes they have
 ~Ask them if they want to go
somewhere/do something (go 2 movies,
restaurant, etc)
 ~Make plans (time, location)
 ~Say goodbye
Le ticket pour partirLe ticket pour partir
Répondez au LEQ
LEQ: Comment-on pourrait survivre dans
le cours de français de Mme Quinlan?
Twitter: @madamequinlan
Ou- un « post it » ou feuille de papier
dans le bac

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Le 28 août 2013 français 2 Mme Quinlan

  • 1. Le 28 août 2013Le 28 août 2013 mercredimercredi Français 2Français 2 Mme Quinlan
  • 2. Trouvez le bon pairTrouvez le bon pair Vous avez une fiche avec un mot/phrase en français ou anglais Vous allez trouver la personne qui a la fiche correspondante en anglais ou français. ◦ Ex: ma fiche: jaune ◦ la fiche correspondante : yellow Assieds-toi avec ton nouveau partenaire (la personne avec la fiche correspondante)
  • 3. Faisons un tour guidéeFaisons un tour guidée Un tour guidée de la salle de classe Où est…?
  • 4. Le 28 août 2013Le 28 août 2013 LEQ: Comment-on pourrait survivre dans le cours de français de Mme Quinlan? ◦ Faisons les cavaliers nominatifs et les bâtons (noms français) ◦ Faisons connaitre le syllabus du cours ◦ Ce que les autres étudiants ont dit… ◦ Faisons un dialogue (et du théâtre) Journal: Au moins 4 phrases complètes ESSAYEZ! ~Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire? Qu’est-ce que tu fais pendant l’été? L’hiver? (Choose a used cahier from last year to use, or use a sheet of paper if you want to bring in your own, or type it on your device and email to
  • 6. Noms françaisNoms français Vous allez choisir les noms français pour utiliser en class ◦ Je n’utilise pas vos noms anglais Pas de noms répétées, pas de noms comme les tiens ÉCRIS TON NOM DANS TON AGENDA
  • 7. Noms des fillesNoms des filles Georgette Agathe Bernadette Joséphine Mathilde Sabine Thérèse Virginie Brigitte Caroline Josette Margaux Zoé Béatrice Sévérine Pauline Francine Madeleine Juliette Isabelle Claire Élise Angélique Maeva Blanche Onélia Charlotte Clémence Hélène Lorraine Martine Sylvie Marie Célia Angéline Céleste Laetitia Célestine Désirée Suzanne Sandrine Mireille Olivie Karine Ginette Mai Josée Laure Jacqueline Yvette Dorothée Éléonore Fatima Henriette Inès Maryse Nicole Pénélope Valérie Maïly Neige Solange Adja Aicha Amel Aurore Cassandre Charline Lucie Chloé Coralie Djamila Faustine Aimée Jasmine Joceline Johanna Colette Corinne Kenza Lisette Lyse Magali Mégane Nadine Valentine Camille Roselyne Suzette Djamila
  • 8. Noms des garsNoms des gars André Henri Pierre Frédéric Étienne Émile Laurent Timeo Joseph Agnan Emmanuel Héctor Edouard Jacques Marcel Serge Arnaud Michel Armand Kléber Joël Benoît Khalid Ousmane Philippe Honoré Bertrand Gilles Matthieu Eugène Clément Victor Geoffroy Paul Raphaël René Antoine Bernard Didier Jérôme Sébastien Gustave Maxence Hughes Nicolas Clotaire Alceste Hervé Ali Edgar Louis Maurice Yannick Fabian Alain Vincent Stéphane Pierrick Cédric Alphonse Julien Marc Léon Zizou Astérix Oscar
  • 9. Les batons et les tentesLes batons et les tentes 1. Prends une feuille de papier blanc ◦ A. Plies la feuille (comme une “tente”) ◦ B. Écris ton nom français GRAND et beau EN MARQUEUR- décore-la! 2. Prends un bâton ◦ A. Écris ton nom français et ton surnom (ex. Christelle Ortiz) sur ton bâton EN MARQUEUR Les deux vont rester ici en classe!
  • 10. Les sondagesLes sondages Dans “Blackboard” Ou sur papier..
  • 11. Jetons le balonJetons le balon Appelez chaque étudiant par son nom français avant de lui jeter le balon (vous avez les tentes pour vous aider) Quand tu reçois le balon, dis nous quelque chose de toi…que tu es blond, que tu aimes la musique rap, etc. ◦ Ex: Je m’appelle Océane. J’adore Justin Beiber.
  • 12. Le syllabusLe syllabus  Lisez le syllabus avec Mme Quinlan  Email Address: or Course Description  Level 2: The central theme of French II is building onto the _______ and _________ base learned in Level 1. Students will learn new French vocabulary and grammar, along with practicing pronunciation, to facilitate communicating in French via written and oral expression. We will be reading and writing short stories and doing listening activities in French as well.
  • 13. Le syllabusLe syllabus  *Materials*  All students will need a 3-ring binder, 3 divider tabs (handouts, notes/classwork, returned work), plenty of loose leaf paper, a pen or pencil, and a dry erase marker. Bring each of these items to class EVERYDAY. *If a student has a mobile device to get onto the internet, take notes/photos, etc. they are encouraged to bring it to class everyday but it must be placed in the designated “parking spot” on their desk when not in use. Use is up to teacher discretion and if it is abused, permission will be taken away on a per student basis.  **Materials will be checked for a grade on Wednesday & Thursday September 4th & 5th.**  ***Being unprepared 3 times will result in a one hour detention. If you forget your supplies for class, you can ask a peer to borrow them OR borrow them from me for the day*** ~Textbooks will stay in the classroom. You may take a textbook home, but you have to sign it out. Any damaged or unreturned copies will result in a $68 fine.
  • 14. Le syllabusLe syllabus  Student Expectations  1. Be on time and be prepared with your notebook, homework, writing utensils, etc. 2. Be open-minded about learning a foreign language. Participation and practice are important for your growth and development. I just ask you to TRY all of our activities. 3. Show respect for your peers as well as myself. Keep in mind that we are ALL learning! No one is perfect, and any forms of intolerance and disrespect are NOT acceptable. 4. Come talk to me before or after class, or email me, if you’re having trouble or falling behind. I’m here to help you! I’m available after school everyday until 2:50. 5. Review the Code of Conduct that you signed (also on the school website) for school rules and consequences to become familiar with it. I follow all the school rules. 6. Stay on task. You should only be working on the assigned work. If you finish early, you may QUIETLY work on something else on your own. Excessive talking and/or sleeping are unacceptable! (Students falling asleep in class will be required to stand for 5 minutes)  7. Be responsible. I am permitting use of ipods, cell phones, tablets, etc. in my classes with an expectation that you’ll stay on task, do the work, and not TEXT or do anything inappropriate (such as take videos or pictures of people without their permission or visit inappropriate websites, etc.). I CAN and WILL take away this opportunity if you violate the rules. Be ready to show me what is on your device whenever I ask.
  • 15.  Other Class Information  ~We will be using cell phones or other mobile devices in class. If you do not have one, or do not wish to use one, you can use my classroom computers or paper and a pen/pencil. Some assignments will be REQUIRED to be done online so you can use the library or school computers after hours or during SSR if you don’t have access at home. NO INTERNET ACCESS AT HOME IS NOT AN EXCUSE FOR NOT HAVING AN ASSIGNMENT COMPLETED! Students will be required to keep their devices on SILENT, face down, in their “parking spaces” on their desk when we are not actively using them during the lesson. Failure to follow the rules will result in losing the privilege of using your devices in class.   ~When I am absent, the work for that class period will ALWAYS be graded. Students are responsible for doing the work, placing the work in the correct turn-in bin, and respecting the substitute and classroom rules.   ~Online translators are NOT to be used. I will teach you how to use to translate single words (it’s a wonderful resource! It even pronounces the words for you!). Any work handed in that used an online translator (it is very obvious and is a form of cheating) will receive a 0.   ~My class has a 1 in 1 out policy. Students that need to leave the room will ask for permission IN FRENCH and will be granted permission at my discretion. Be sure to sign out on the sign-out sheet by the door, or else lose the privilege to leave the classroom. (Students making habitual exits will lose the privilege to leave the classroom at all)  ~I often take videos or pictures of different activities we do in class. These photos and videos are ONLY used for educational/classroom purposes and only posted on the classroom website. They are NOT shared on youtube, etc.   ~We do a lot of different activities in class such as singing, dancing, playing games, acting out role plays, puppet shows, etc. Each student is required to TRY the activities. Doing a variety of activities helps reinforce the vocabulary in different ways.
  • 16. Le syllabusLe syllabus  Useful Websites and Apps for Class  Blackboard : You can access this website from Smyrna High School’s website under “students”, or on my page which you’ll find through the “Staff Directory” (go to “links” on my page). This is the main class website where you’ll find assignments, resources, and daily powerpoints. There is also an app for your device (blackboard learn). Refer to this every day…this is required!  Quizlet: You can access this on the web ( or you can get the app for Ipads and Iphones (there are apps for Android that will import the quizlet sets too). We’ll be using this site in class and it will have ALL of your vocabulary words already in flashcard form. My “class” is “Français avec Mme Quinlan”. Join it for access to all the vocab flashcards. This is required so refer to this often to help you study!  Evernote: You can access this online (, and you can download the app to your device or home computer. This program/website is required by me if you plan on taking class notes on your device. You will create a French “notebook” in here and all of your class notes and entries will be filed in this “notebook”. This includes pictures of vocab, audio, typed notes, etc. You are allowed 60MB of data FREE each month. It is a WONDERFUL resource!  Word Reference: (required)This website is the best dictionary out there. You can access it on the web ( and use it for any language. It gives you several translations of words, the part of speech, if it’s masculine or feminine, and it will even pronounce it for you! I also have a link for it set up on my blackboard site.  Twittercast: This is an optional app you can use to organize your twitter account. We’ll be using twitter in class so on this app you can make lists to help organize the things you are following.  Sky Drive: This is an optional resource if you don’t have Microsoft Office programs (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.) at home. You can create and save files here and access them anywhere you can reach the internet. Similar to googledocs. You just have to sign up, and it’s free (search google for “skydrive”).
  • 17. Le syllabusLe syllabus Detach this page and return it signed by Monday/Tuesday September ____th /___th for a grade.
  • 18. Other infoOther info I take attendance right at the beginning of class..if you’re not in my room when the bell rings, you will get marked absent. Leaving your bags/books in my room does NOT count as you being in my room. ◦ 3 tardies= 1 absence ◦ 6 tardies= ISS + another absence
  • 19. What other students said…What other students said…  Come to school & pay attention.  Make sure you do your work and actually study for stuff, don’t fail!  No matter what people tell you, learning a new language is hard. In this class there is A LOT of vocabulary that you have to remember. Also a lot of new tenses. But if you do the work it can be pretty fun.  Mme. Quinlan is crazy! She expects work to be done on time, NO EXCUSES. Also, she makes us copy pages of notes. French 3 is hard, if you aren’t productive, then don’t do Quinlan’s class.  Study a lot ! Do homework and projects or you will fail. Do not fall asleep, talk back or be rude because her horns come out and she will come after you.  You better listen to this woman. She doesn’t play. You need to make sure you do your work & pay attention or you will be going for one bumpy ride for this school year. Have fun, and pay attention.  She’s awesome. Nicer than a lot of others. Her class is very easy and fun just pay attention and study.
  • 20. What other students said…What other students said…  She is a very nice teacher as long as you show respect. She is very understanding and is always available to help. As long, as you are kind to her and follow her rules. If you sleep, don’t do warm ups, or are texting, she will get frustrated with you. She doesn’t ask for much, and barely gives homework. So be nice and you’ll love this class!  This class is the kind of class which if you fail it is no ones fault but yours. Nothing about this class is hard unless you have a bad attitude. Don’t be disrespectful and immature. Don’t fool around and just get the work done.  Mme Q is nice unless you don’t do your work. If your work gets done, it’s an easy class.  French 2 is amazing, Mme Quinlan is awesome, but don’t sleep in her class! She is pregnant, and will use that as an advantage. The food section is my favorite; you get to bring food in. The class may seem brutal in the beginning but you’ll def. get used to it. Yes, even the fact that she’s speaking lots of French. Good luck and have fun. (Don’t abuse the fun!)
  • 21.  If you’re lazy, drop this class before you read anymore! Mme Quinlan makes you do your work, A LOT OF WORK! But i have always felt like I could go to her for help, even if it wasn’t about French. She does a lot of different activities and she makes you move a lot. Again, if you’re lazy, get out!!!!! Your grade is a complete reflection of YOUR work! Mme Quinlan is fair and does everything she can for you so PLEASE be kind to her as she is to you. GOOD LUCK   She will hound you to do your work. If you are parasseux (lazy) don’t take this class. You wont make it out alive.  Good luck in French! You definitely need to take all the notes. This class really was fun but the work is hard. And make sure you have all the materials. I lost my marker after 3 months and was beat all year. What other students said…What other students said…
  • 22. Class flow/proceduresClass flow/procedures BEFORE BELL: Come in Grab your cahier , petit tableau, et gomme Take your seat and start on your journal AFTER BELL: 10-15 min to finish journal (use your books/notes!) Go through quéstions quotidiennes, agenda for the day, journals, activités, etc MME Q WILL TELL YOU WHEN TO PACK UP- DO NOT DO SO ON YOUR OWN
  • 23. DialoguesDialogues Travaillez avec vos partennaires et écrivez un dialogue. 10 lines chaque personne Nous allons faire ces “skits”avec accessoires/costumes Je veux de la drâme!
  • 24. Français 2 (5 lines per person)Français 2 (5 lines per person) Two people just meeting and introducing themselves to each other @ school  ~Talk about age, things you like  ~Ask them if they like something  ~Ask them what classes they have  ~Ask them if they want to go somewhere/do something (go 2 movies, restaurant, etc)  ~Make plans (time, location)  ~Say goodbye
  • 25. Le ticket pour partirLe ticket pour partir Répondez au LEQ LEQ: Comment-on pourrait survivre dans le cours de français de Mme Quinlan? Twitter: @madamequinlan #francais2MmeQ Ou- un « post it » ou feuille de papier dans le bac