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Agus Susanto Kosasih
Laboratorium Patologi Klinik
RS Kanker Dharmais

Definition of anaemia
 Anaemia   is defined as a reduction in the
  haemoglobin concentration of the blood
 This results in a decreased oxygen
  carrying capacity
Normal values for peripheral blood

                            Female            Male
Erythrocytes (per µl)       4.8±0.6x106    5.4±0.8x106
Hemoglobin (g/dl)           14 ± 2         16 ±2
Hematocrit (%)              42 ±5           47 ±5
Reticulocytes (%)              1              1
Mean corpuscular volume (MCV; µm3)            82-92
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH; pg) 27-32
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC; %) 32-36
Etiologic classification of anemias (1)
I. Impaired red cell production
 A. Disturbance of proliferation and differentiation of
    stem cells ( aplastic anemia, pure red cell aplasia)
 B. Disurbance of proliferation and maturation of
      1.Defective DNA synthesis (megaloblastic anemias)
      2.Defective Hb synthesis:
             a/. Deficient heme synthesis (iron deficiency)
             b/. Deficient globin synthesis (thalassemia)
      3. Unknown or multiple mechanisms (anemia of chronic
 disease, anemia of marrow replacement)
Etiologic classification of anemias (2)

II. Increased rate of destruction (hemolytic anemias)
 A. Intrinsic abnormalities
       1. Red cell membrane defects (hereditary spherocytosis,
 hereditary      eliptocytosis)
       2. Red cell enzyme deficiencies
          a/. Glycolytic enzymes: pyruvate kinase, hexokinase
          b/. Enzymes of hexose monophosphate shunt:
             G-6PD, glutathione synthetase
       3. Disorders of globin synthesis
          a/. Deficient globin synthesis (thalassemia)
          b/. Structurally abnormal globin synthesis
             (sickle cell anemia, unstable hemoglobins)
       1. Membrane defect: paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
Etiologic classification of anemias (3)
  B. Extrinsic abnormalities
      1. Antibody mediated
         a/. Autoantibodies (idiopathic, drug-associated,
                      SLE, malignancies)
         b/. Isohemagglutinins (transfusion reactions,
                             erythroblastosis fetalis)
      2. Mechanical trauma of RBC
         a/. Microangiopathic hemolytic anemias (thrombotic
            thrombocytopenic purpura, DIC)
         b/. Cardiac traumatic hemolytic anemia
      3. Chemicals and microorganisms
      4. Sequestration in mononuclear phagocytic system
         - hypersplenism

Classification of Anemia
Classification of Anemia
Morphologic classification of anemias

  Type                 MCV           MCHC             Common cause
Macrocytic anemia     increased      normal        Vitamin B12 deficiency
                                                   Folic acid deficiency
Microcytic anemia
  - hypochromic       decreased      decreased     Iron deficiency

  - normochromic       decreased       normal         Spherocytosis
                                                      or normal
Normocytic anemia      normal          normal         Aplastic anemia
  - normochromic                                      Chronic renal failure
                                                      Some hemolytic anemia
Classification of Anaemia:
Microcytic Hypochromic
 MCV   <80fl
 MCH <27pg
 Iron deficiency
Microcytic anaemia
Ferritin >25ug/L
 Thalassaemia
 Sideroblastic
              anaemia (some cases)
 Anaemia of chronic disease (some cases)
 Lead poisoning
Classification of Anaemia:
Normocytic Normochromic
   MCV 80-100fl
   MCH >26pg
   Often incidental finding in systemic disorders
   May be first manifestation of a systemic
   Many haemolytic anaemias
   Anaemia of chronic disease (some cases)
   After acute blood loss
   Bone marrow failure, e.g. Post-chemotherapy,
    infiltration by carcinoma etc
Classification of Anaemia:
 MCV   >100fl
 Megaloblastic: vitamin B12 or folate
 Non-megaloblastic: alcohol, liver disease,
  myelodysplasia, aplastic anaemia
Iron deficiency anaemia
Assess for
 Dietary Iron deficiency
 Malabsorption- coeliac
 Chronic blood loss
 Gastrointestinal
 Menorrhagia
Iron deficiency anaemia
Defects of Hb synthesis

             Hemoglobin molecule


     Thalassemia- : -globin chain synthesis   or ( )
     Thalassemia- : -globin chain synthesis   or ( )

Globin chain synthesis: developmental phases

                   2            2 1
Gen   & sejenis                               Kromosom 16

                                G   A
Gen   & sejenis                               Kromosom 11

                  Hb Gower 1
                    ( 2 2)
Hemoglobins       Hb Gower 2    HbF      HbA2 HbA
                    ( 2 2)      ( 2 2)   ( 2 2) ( 2 2)
                  Hb Portland
                    ( 2 2)

Masa              Embrio        Janin    Dewasa

               Human Hemoglobins

 embryonic               fetal              adult
Hb Gower 1 ( 2 2)      Hb F (   2 2)   Hb A (    2 2):   95-97%
Hb Gower 2 ( 2 2)                      Hb A2 (   2   2): 4%
Hb Portland 1 ( 2 2)                   Hb F (    2   2): <1%
Hb Portland 2 ( 2 2)

                  Hb switches: 2 major

                   •birth: fetal to adult

Normal Hb F levels

      newborn                   70-90%

    6 months old                2-13%

       1 year                    1-5%

       2 years                   <2%

information on age of patient is important:
interpretation of Hb levels
premature: delay in Hb switch (fetal to adult)

How is Thalassemia Classified?

thalasemia hemoglobinopathies
Genotypes to phenotypes of thalassemia

              Molecular defects (mutations)

   -globin gene                                 -globin gene
 ( -thalassemia)                              ( -thalassemia)

-globin chains /-                         -globin chains /-

     Excess of                                  Excess of
-globin chains (fetus)                         -globin chains
-globin chains (adult)

Pathophysiology of thalassemia syndromes

         globin chain imbalance
         (excess or chains)
                     excess chains precipitate in RBC

             RBC damage

        •ineffective erythropoiesis
          •peripheral hemolysis

Clinical aspects: thalassemia syndromes

syndrome           clinical             age of         need for
                                     presentation        BT

   trait       asymptomatic              any age         none
 ( normal
    thal-       moderately           after age 2 or    none, occ
 intermedia      severe                   later          some
(7-10 gm/dl)
   thal-       ( 0/ 0) severe              1-2          regular
(<7 gm/dl)     (   0/ 0))   fatal   in-utero / birth

Beta-thal syndromes

        trait   :       +    or   0

              /     +        +

              /     +        0

    thalassemia-major: /              0   0
Identification of classical beta-thalassemia trait
in an adult

hallmark for classical beta-thalassaemia trait:
raised Hb A2


        Hb subtypes in the newborn

information on age of patient is important:
            full-term or premature
      Hb subtypes in normal newborn
                 F( 2 2): 70-90%
                 A( 2 2): 10-30%
  *A2( 2 2): 0% (not measurable by HPLC)

HETEROZIGOT                       HOMOZIGOT βo                     HOMOZIGOT β+ dan β+

  • Asimptomatik                   • Anemia berat sejak usia < 1    • Anemia ringan sampai berat
  • Anemia ringan s/d berat        tahun                            • Hati dan limpa normal atau
  • Hb 8-15 g/dL (rata-rata 12)    • Perlu transfusi rutin            membesar
  • MCV < 80 fl                    • Hati dan limpa membesar        • Masih mempunyai HbA
  • HbA2 > 3.5%                    • MCV < 70 fl                    • HbF dari 10 s/d > 90%
  • HbF ≥ 1%                       • Jenis Hb hanya HbA2 and HbF
                                   • HbF > 90%
Clinical severity of -thal syndrome: related to number of
functional -globin genes

                                               functional   globin genes
           mild ( +)    -thal 2 (- / )                      3
          severe ( 0)    -thal 1(--/ )                      2

  Hb H disease
         moderate        0   /   +
                               (--/- )                      1
       more severe      0 / T (--/   T)                     1

  Hb Bart’s hydrops      0   /   0   (--/--)                0
                 0   or -thal 1 trait

               H inclusion test positive:
                1 RBC cell per 5000 or 10,000 RBC
                         may be negative
                    cannot be done in newborn

 `golf ball

Presumptive identification of -thalassemia
              in newborns

           anemia Hb
           MCV<105 fl
           MCH<27pg
           Hb Bart’s >5%

Levels of Hb Bart’s ( 4) in -thalassemia in newborns

    syndrome           genotype        Hb Bart’s (%)

    normal                   /         0

    trait              - /             0.5-3

                       --/             4-8

                       - /-            9-13

    Hb H disease       --/-            19-27%

    Hb Barts hydrops   --/--           97-100
                                                Pootrakul et al 1975

BioRad Variant HPLC: -thal short program
    Normal            - /-               - /

 Normal            N/anemia ringan    Normal
 MCH : 27-31 pg    < 25 pg            25-27pg
 HbA2 : 2.5-3.5%   normal or ↓        normal or ↓
 HbF : <1%         ↓ atau (-)         ↓ atau (-)
FENOTIP THALASSEMIA -                       (PENDERITA)
       /                  --/--
                                                  - -/-


Adult      Fetus
MCH : < 26-32 pg   • Kematian janin           • HbH disease
HbA2 : 2.5-3.5%      (28-32 minggu)           • mild to severe anemia
HbF : <1%          • Hydrops fetalis
HbBart’ hydrops fetalis        Hb variant analysis

                                  HbBart    AFFECTED


                                           Normal fetus

    32 weeks gestational age            HbA
Diagnosis Thalassemia

   Anamnesis/pedigree
   Pemeriksaan Fisik
   Pemeriksaan laboratorium

   Pucat lama (kronik)
   Riwayat keluarga dengan penyakit serupa
   Ras
   Anorexia
   Gangguan Pertumbuhan
Probability Thalassemia

    Orang Tua
 Thalassemia Trait                   Orang Tua

                     Thalassemia   Thalassemia
       Normal            Trait        Mayor
Probability Thalassemia

    Orang Tua
                                                 Orang Tua

    Thalassemia   Thalassemia Thalassemia   Thalassemia
        Trait        Mayor        Trait       Mayor
Probability Thalassemia

 Orang Tua                        Orang Tua
Thalassemia                        Normal

              Normal        Trait
Pemeriksaan fisik
►   Sangat bervariasi (ringan berat)
►   Pucat
►   Gizi kurang
►   Pertumbuhan kurang/lambat
►   Facies mongoloid/ Cooley
►   Hepar dan limpa membesar
►   Fraktura patologis
Thalassemia Mayor

     Cooley’s face   Hairy Skull
Pemeriksaan laboratorium (1)
Darah perifer:

             - Hb rendah / normal
             - MCV <80fl dan MCH <27pg,
             - Retikulosit agak meningkat
             - Jumlah leukosit normal
             - Hitung jenis normal

Pemeriksaan Hematologi
 MCV   : ukuran eritrosit dibandingkan dengan inti
  limfosit kecil (Normal)
 MCH : warna eritrosit atau content dari hemoglobin
 RDW : perbedaan ukuran eritrosit.

                                semakin besar variasi eritrosit
                                semakin besar RDW

             Pemeriksaan Hematologi
 RDW-SD:mengukur lebar kurva. Bila kurva makin lebar
 makan RDW SD semakin lebar
    Nilai Normal :
      perempuan: 36.4 – 46.3fL
      Laki-laki: 35.1 – 43.9fL

 RDW-CV:     dihitung dengan formula:
                   RDW-CV = 1SD/MCV x 100 %
 1SD merupakan variasi eritrosit sekitar mean ukuran eritrosit
    Nilai Normal :
      perempuan: 11.7 – 14.4 %
      Laki-laki: 11.6 – 14.4 %
         Iron Deficiency Anemia                                 Suspected Thalassemia
                   Messwerte                            <RBC-Histogram>        Measurement Data
                          Measurement Data
<RBC-Histogram>                                                            Messwerte
                                                                           RBC         + 5.97 x1012/L
                   RBC             4.48 x1012/L                                              12.7g/dl
                   HGB        –         8.8g/dl                                                41.1%
                   HCT        –          29.3%
                                                                           MCV         –        68.8fl
                   MCV        –           65.4fl
                                                                           MCH         –      21.3pg
                   MCH        +         19.6pg
                                                                           MCHC        –     30.9g/dl
                   MCHC                30.0g/dl                                                14.7%
                   RDW-CV                18.2%
                                                        <PLT-Histogram>       Measurement Data

                                                                           PLT             391 x109/L
                         Measurement Data                                  PDW                  12.0fl
                                                                           MPV                  10.3fl
                   PLT               235 x109/L
                                                                           P-LCR               27.3%
                   PDW                     11.7fl
                   MPV                      9.4fl
                   P-LCR                  21.7%

                                     (x 1000)                                                   (x 1000)
                   Case 1                                                Case 2
 RBC-Histogramm       Messwerte
<RBC-Histogram>            Measurement Data           <RBC-Histogram>           Measurement Data
                                                        RBC-Histogramm       Messwerte

                      RBC          4.15 x1012/L                              RBC         2.95 x1012/L
                      HGB              14.0g/dl                              HGB              9.9g/dl
                      HCT                40.8%                               HCT               28.7%
                      MCV                 98.3fl                             MCV                97.3fl
                      MCH               33.7pg                               MCH              33.6pg
                      MCHC             34.3g/dl                              MCHC            34.5g/dl
                               +                                                               26.4%
                      RDW                22.7%                               RDW       +

                                                      <PLT-Histogram>             Measurement Data
                                                                             PLT      PL*   98 x109/L
                          Measurement Data                                   PDW      DW         ---.-fl
                                                                             MPV      PL         ---.-fl
                     PLT           328 x109/L
                                                                             P-LCR    PL        -.---%
                     PDW                12.4fl
                     MPV                10.2fl
                     P-LCR             26.5%

                                           (x 1000)                                         (x 1000)
Pemeriksaan laboratorium (2)
Sedian hapus darah tepi :
        Khas, gambaran hemolitik kronik
                      - Mikrositik Hipokrom
                      - Anisositosis
                      - Poikilositosis
                      - Sel target
                      - Fragmentosit
                      - Eritrosit berinti (berat)
Gambaran Sediaan Hapus Thalassemia

Mikrositik Hipokrom   Anisositosis   Poikilositosis

   Sel Target         Fragmentosit   Eritrosit berinti
Mikrositik Hipokrom Bukan Thalassemia

      Anemia def besi     Elliptocytosis

      Stomatocytosis    Spheroscytosis
Pemeriksaan laboratorium (3)

 Elektroforesis   Hb
 Analisa    Hb (HPLC)

 Analisis   DNA
Elektroforesis Hb
Diagram migrasi fraksi Hb hasil elektroforesa pada pH alkali & asam
+                           Portland             +
                            F                                               Origin
                            S, D, G,
                                                                            A, A2, D, E, G, O
                            A2, E, C                                        Lepore

                            Constant spring                                 F, Bart’s, Portland
-                           Origin          -

      pH alkali (8,5)                                 pH asam (6.0)
      (Pemeriksaan Laboratorium Klinik Thalassemia & Hemoglobin Varian; Riady Wirawan, Dr, SpPK
                                              FKUI, 1997)
Digunakan alat HPLC Variant
Tes-tes Hb yang dapat dilakukan di alat Variant :
   Beta Thal Short
   Sickle Cell Short
   Alpha Thal Short
   Globin Chains
   HbA1c


300 points with 15 zones Curve
Normal Hb Type
Beta thal heterozygote
Hb E heterozygoye


Hb Constant Spring homozygote
Hb Bart’s
(Baby’s blood)
                                       Hb Bart

                                Hb F

                         Hb A

             Hb Bart’s
Alpha thalassemia with Hb H

                      Hb A




Hb H
                             Hb A2   Car.
Badan Inklusi HbH
HbH adalah hemoglobin yang tidak stabil akan
mengalami denaturasi oksidatif dan presipitasi
jika eritrosit terpapar dengan zat warna new
methylene blue atau brilliant cresyl blue dan
membentuk gambaran seperti “bola golf”

 Badan inklusi HbH dijumpai pada eritrosit
 penderita :
- HbH
- Thalassemia a-1 trait, (1/100–1/10.000 eritrosit),
HbH disease   HbH inclusion bodies

Limitations in new born
                   adult with thalassemia       normal newborn

Blood counts       Hb: N or                     High Hb (14-20 g/dl)
                   MCV<80 fl, MCH<27pg          MCV fl>105 fl,

Blood films        Hypochromia                  Effects of relative
                   Thalassemia picture          hyposplenism

Hb subtypes        Hb A2:4% -thal trait         Hb F: 90-100%
                   Hb F(95-100%): -thal major   Hb A: 5-20%
                                                Hb A2: not measurable

H-inclusion test    -thalassemia: +             cannot be used
Thalassemia merupakan penyakit yang dapat
menurunkan kualitas hidup

Memerlukan biaya yang cukup besar untuk terapi
thalassemia (terutama pasien thalassemia yang
membutuhkan transfusi sepanjang hidupnya

Insiden thalassemia dapat diminimalkan melalui
pemeriksaan skrining yang optimal (Total Solution)

Meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat mengenai
penyakit thalassemia dan akibatnya


Contenu connexe


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Anemia pds patklin

  • 1. Agus Susanto Kosasih Laboratorium Patologi Klinik RS Kanker Dharmais 1
  • 2. 2 Definition of anaemia  Anaemia is defined as a reduction in the haemoglobin concentration of the blood  This results in a decreased oxygen carrying capacity
  • 4. Normal values for peripheral blood Female Male Erythrocytes (per µl) 4.8±0.6x106 5.4±0.8x106 Hemoglobin (g/dl) 14 ± 2 16 ±2 Hematocrit (%) 42 ±5 47 ±5 Reticulocytes (%) 1 1 ___________________________________________ Mean corpuscular volume (MCV; µm3) 82-92 Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH; pg) 27-32 Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC; %) 32-36
  • 5. Etiologic classification of anemias (1) I. Impaired red cell production A. Disturbance of proliferation and differentiation of stem cells ( aplastic anemia, pure red cell aplasia) B. Disurbance of proliferation and maturation of erythrocytes: 1.Defective DNA synthesis (megaloblastic anemias) 2.Defective Hb synthesis: a/. Deficient heme synthesis (iron deficiency) b/. Deficient globin synthesis (thalassemia) 3. Unknown or multiple mechanisms (anemia of chronic disease, anemia of marrow replacement)
  • 6. Etiologic classification of anemias (2) II. Increased rate of destruction (hemolytic anemias) A. Intrinsic abnormalities Hereditary 1. Red cell membrane defects (hereditary spherocytosis, hereditary eliptocytosis) 2. Red cell enzyme deficiencies a/. Glycolytic enzymes: pyruvate kinase, hexokinase b/. Enzymes of hexose monophosphate shunt: G-6PD, glutathione synthetase 3. Disorders of globin synthesis a/. Deficient globin synthesis (thalassemia) b/. Structurally abnormal globin synthesis (sickle cell anemia, unstable hemoglobins) Acquired 1. Membrane defect: paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
  • 7. Etiologic classification of anemias (3) B. Extrinsic abnormalities 1. Antibody mediated a/. Autoantibodies (idiopathic, drug-associated, SLE, malignancies) b/. Isohemagglutinins (transfusion reactions, erythroblastosis fetalis) 2. Mechanical trauma of RBC a/. Microangiopathic hemolytic anemias (thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, DIC) b/. Cardiac traumatic hemolytic anemia 3. Chemicals and microorganisms 4. Sequestration in mononuclear phagocytic system - hypersplenism
  • 10. Morphologic classification of anemias Type MCV MCHC Common cause ________________________________________________________ Macrocytic anemia increased normal Vitamin B12 deficiency Folic acid deficiency Microcytic anemia - hypochromic decreased decreased Iron deficiency Thalassemia - normochromic decreased normal Spherocytosis or normal Normocytic anemia normal normal Aplastic anemia - normochromic Chronic renal failure Some hemolytic anemia
  • 11. Classification of Anaemia: Microcytic Hypochromic  MCV <80fl  MCH <27pg  Iron deficiency
  • 12. Microcytic anaemia Ferritin >25ug/L  Thalassaemia  Sideroblastic anaemia (some cases)  Anaemia of chronic disease (some cases)  Lead poisoning
  • 13. Classification of Anaemia: Normocytic Normochromic  MCV 80-100fl  MCH >26pg  Often incidental finding in systemic disorders  May be first manifestation of a systemic disorder  Many haemolytic anaemias  Anaemia of chronic disease (some cases)  After acute blood loss  Bone marrow failure, e.g. Post-chemotherapy, infiltration by carcinoma etc
  • 14. Classification of Anaemia: Macrocytic  MCV >100fl  Megaloblastic: vitamin B12 or folate deficiency  Non-megaloblastic: alcohol, liver disease, myelodysplasia, aplastic anaemia
  • 15. Iron deficiency anaemia Assess for  Dietary Iron deficiency  Malabsorption- coeliac  Chronic blood loss  Gastrointestinal  Menorrhagia
  • 17. THALASSEMIAS: Defects of Hb synthesis Hemoglobin molecule heme heme Thalassemia- : -globin chain synthesis or ( ) Thalassemia- : -globin chain synthesis or ( )
  • 18. 18 Globin chain synthesis: developmental phases
  • 19. GEN PENYANDI SINTESIS RANTAI GLOBIN DAN 2 2 1 Gen & sejenis Kromosom 16 G A Gen & sejenis Kromosom 11 Hb Gower 1 ( 2 2) Hemoglobins Hb Gower 2 HbF HbA2 HbA ( 2 2) ( 2 2) ( 2 2) ( 2 2) Hb Portland ( 2 2) Masa Embrio Janin Dewasa Perkembangan
  • 20. 20 Human Hemoglobins embryonic fetal adult Hb Gower 1 ( 2 2) Hb F ( 2 2) Hb A ( 2 2): 95-97% Hb Gower 2 ( 2 2) Hb A2 ( 2 2): 4% Hb Portland 1 ( 2 2) Hb F ( 2 2): <1% Hb Portland 2 ( 2 2) Hb switches: 2 major •birth: fetal to adult
  • 21. 21 Normal Hb F levels newborn 70-90% 6 months old 2-13% 1 year 1-5% 2 years <2% information on age of patient is important: interpretation of Hb levels premature: delay in Hb switch (fetal to adult)
  • 22. 22 How is Thalassemia Classified? Thalassemia       thalasemia hemoglobinopathies
  • 23. Genotypes to phenotypes of thalassemia Molecular defects (mutations) -globin gene -globin gene ( -thalassemia) ( -thalassemia) -globin chains /- -globin chains /- Excess of Excess of -globin chains (fetus) -globin chains -globin chains (adult)
  • 24. 24 Pathophysiology of thalassemia syndromes globin chain imbalance (excess or chains) excess chains precipitate in RBC RBC damage •ineffective erythropoiesis •peripheral hemolysis anemia
  • 25. 25 Clinical aspects: thalassemia syndromes syndrome clinical age of need for presentation BT trait asymptomatic any age none ( normal Hb) thal- moderately after age 2 or none, occ intermedia severe later some (7-10 gm/dl) thal- ( 0/ 0) severe 1-2 regular major (<7 gm/dl) ( 0/ 0)) fatal in-utero / birth
  • 26. 26 Beta-thal syndromes trait : + or 0 thalassemia-intermedia  / + +  / + 0 thalassemia-major: / 0 0
  • 27. Identification of classical beta-thalassemia trait in an adult hallmark for classical beta-thalassaemia trait: raised Hb A2 27
  • 28. 28 Hb subtypes in the newborn information on age of patient is important: full-term or premature  Hb subtypes in normal newborn  F( 2 2): 70-90%  A( 2 2): 10-30% *A2( 2 2): 0% (not measurable by HPLC)
  • 29. THALASSEMIA-β HETEROZIGOT HOMOZIGOT βo HOMOZIGOT β+ dan β+ • Asimptomatik • Anemia berat sejak usia < 1 • Anemia ringan sampai berat • Anemia ringan s/d berat tahun • Hati dan limpa normal atau • Hb 8-15 g/dL (rata-rata 12) • Perlu transfusi rutin membesar • MCV < 80 fl • Hati dan limpa membesar • Masih mempunyai HbA • HbA2 > 3.5% • MCV < 70 fl • HbF dari 10 s/d > 90% • HbF ≥ 1% • Jenis Hb hanya HbA2 and HbF • HbF > 90%
  • 30. 30 Clinical severity of -thal syndrome: related to number of functional -globin genes functional globin genes trait mild ( +) -thal 2 (- / ) 3 severe ( 0) -thal 1(--/ ) 2 Hb H disease moderate 0 / + (--/- ) 1 more severe 0 / T (--/ T) 1 Hb Bart’s hydrops 0 / 0 (--/--) 0 fetalis
  • 31. 31 0 or -thal 1 trait  H inclusion test positive: 1 RBC cell per 5000 or 10,000 RBC may be negative cannot be done in newborn `golf ball inclusions’
  • 32. 32 Presumptive identification of -thalassemia in newborns  anemia Hb  MCV<105 fl  MCH<27pg  Hb Bart’s >5%
  • 33. 33 Levels of Hb Bart’s ( 4) in -thalassemia in newborns syndrome genotype Hb Bart’s (%) normal / 0 trait - / 0.5-3 --/ 4-8 - /- 9-13 Hb H disease --/- 19-27% Hb Barts hydrops --/-- 97-100 fetalis Pootrakul et al 1975
  • 34. 34 BioRad Variant HPLC: -thal short program
  • 35. FENOTIP THALASSEMIA - (CARRIER) Normal - /- - / / Normal N/anemia ringan Normal MCH : 27-31 pg < 25 pg 25-27pg HbA2 : 2.5-3.5% normal or ↓ normal or ↓ HbF : <1% ↓ atau (-) ↓ atau (-)
  • 36. FENOTIP THALASSEMIA - (PENDERITA) Normal / --/-- - -/- 4=HbBart 4=HbH Adult Fetus MCH : < 26-32 pg • Kematian janin • HbH disease HbA2 : 2.5-3.5% (28-32 minggu) • mild to severe anemia HbF : <1% • Hydrops fetalis
  • 37. HbBart’ hydrops fetalis Hb variant analysis HbBart AFFECTED HbH Normal fetus HbF 32 weeks gestational age HbA
  • 38. Diagnosis Thalassemia  Anamnesis/pedigree  Pemeriksaan Fisik  Pemeriksaan laboratorium
  • 39. Anamnesis/Pedigree  Pucat lama (kronik)  Riwayat keluarga dengan penyakit serupa  Ras  Anorexia  Gangguan Pertumbuhan
  • 40. Probability Thalassemia Orang Tua Thalassemia Trait Orang Tua Thalassemia Trait Thalassemia Thalassemia Normal Trait Mayor
  • 41. Probability Thalassemia Orang Tua Orang Tua Thalassemia Thalassemia Mayor Trait Thalassemia Thalassemia Thalassemia Thalassemia Trait Mayor Trait Mayor
  • 42. Probability Thalassemia Orang Tua Orang Tua Thalassemia Normal Trait Thalassemia Normal Trait
  • 43. Pemeriksaan fisik ► Sangat bervariasi (ringan berat) ► Pucat ► Gizi kurang ► Pertumbuhan kurang/lambat ► Facies mongoloid/ Cooley ► Hepar dan limpa membesar ► Fraktura patologis
  • 44. Thalassemia Mayor Cooley’s face Hairy Skull
  • 45. Pemeriksaan laboratorium (1) Darah perifer: - Hb rendah / normal - MCV <80fl dan MCH <27pg, - Retikulosit agak meningkat - Jumlah leukosit normal - Hitung jenis normal
  • 46. 46 Pemeriksaan Hematologi  MCV : ukuran eritrosit dibandingkan dengan inti limfosit kecil (Normal)  MCH : warna eritrosit atau content dari hemoglobin  RDW : perbedaan ukuran eritrosit. semakin besar variasi eritrosit semakin besar RDW
  • 47. 47 Pemeriksaan Hematologi  RDW-SD:mengukur lebar kurva. Bila kurva makin lebar makan RDW SD semakin lebar  Nilai Normal :  perempuan: 36.4 – 46.3fL  Laki-laki: 35.1 – 43.9fL  RDW-CV: dihitung dengan formula: RDW-CV = 1SD/MCV x 100 % 1SD merupakan variasi eritrosit sekitar mean ukuran eritrosit  Nilai Normal :  perempuan: 11.7 – 14.4 %  Laki-laki: 11.6 – 14.4 %
  • 48. Anemia Iron Deficiency Anemia Suspected Thalassemia Messwerte <RBC-Histogram> Measurement Data Measurement Data <RBC-Histogram> Messwerte RBC + 5.97 x1012/L RBC 4.48 x1012/L 12.7g/dl HGB HGB – 8.8g/dl 41.1% HCT HCT – 29.3% MCV – 68.8fl MCV – 65.4fl MCH – 21.3pg MCH + 19.6pg MCHC – 30.9g/dl MCHC 30.0g/dl 14.7% RDW-CV RDW-CV 18.2% <PLT-Histogram> <PLT-Histogram> Measurement Data PLT 391 x109/L Measurement Data PDW 12.0fl Messwerte MPV 10.3fl PLT 235 x109/L P-LCR 27.3% PDW 11.7fl MPV 9.4fl P-LCR 21.7% (x 1000) (x 1000)
  • 49. Anisocytosis Case 1 Case 2 RBC-Histogramm Messwerte <RBC-Histogram> Measurement Data <RBC-Histogram> Measurement Data RBC-Histogramm Messwerte RBC 4.15 x1012/L RBC 2.95 x1012/L HGB 14.0g/dl HGB 9.9g/dl HCT 40.8% HCT 28.7% MCV 98.3fl MCV 97.3fl MCH 33.7pg MCH 33.6pg MCHC 34.3g/dl MCHC 34.5g/dl + 26.4% RDW 22.7% RDW + <PLT-Histogram> Measurement Data <PLT-Histogram> PLT PL* 98 x109/L Messwerte Measurement Data PDW DW ---.-fl MPV PL ---.-fl PLT 328 x109/L P-LCR PL -.---% PDW 12.4fl MPV 10.2fl P-LCR 26.5% (x 1000) (x 1000)
  • 50. Pemeriksaan laboratorium (2) Sedian hapus darah tepi : Khas, gambaran hemolitik kronik - Mikrositik Hipokrom - Anisositosis - Poikilositosis - Sel target - Fragmentosit - Eritrosit berinti (berat)
  • 51. Gambaran Sediaan Hapus Thalassemia Mikrositik Hipokrom Anisositosis Poikilositosis Sel Target Fragmentosit Eritrosit berinti
  • 52. Mikrositik Hipokrom Bukan Thalassemia Anemia def besi Elliptocytosis Stomatocytosis Spheroscytosis
  • 53. Pemeriksaan laboratorium (3)  Elektroforesis Hb  Analisa Hb (HPLC)  DCIP  Analisis DNA
  • 55. Diagram migrasi fraksi Hb hasil elektroforesa pada pH alkali & asam H Bart’s + Portland + C A F Origin H S S, D, G, Lepore A, A2, D, E, G, O A2, E, C Lepore Constant spring F, Bart’s, Portland - Origin - pH alkali (8,5) pH asam (6.0) (Pemeriksaan Laboratorium Klinik Thalassemia & Hemoglobin Varian; Riady Wirawan, Dr, SpPK FKUI, 1997)
  • 56. Digunakan alat HPLC Variant Tes-tes Hb yang dapat dilakukan di alat Variant :  Beta Thal Short  Sickle Cell Short  Alpha Thal Short  Globin Chains  HbA1c
  • 57. A S F C A2
  • 58. 300 points with 15 zones Curve
  • 62. Hb Constant Spring homozygote
  • 63. Hb Bart’s (Baby’s blood) Hb Bart Hb F Hb A Hb Bart’s
  • 64. Alpha thalassemia with Hb H Hb Hb A H Alk. H A A2 Hb H Anh. Hb A2 Car. N
  • 65. Badan Inklusi HbH HbH adalah hemoglobin yang tidak stabil akan mengalami denaturasi oksidatif dan presipitasi jika eritrosit terpapar dengan zat warna new methylene blue atau brilliant cresyl blue dan membentuk gambaran seperti “bola golf” Badan inklusi HbH dijumpai pada eritrosit penderita : - HbH - Thalassemia a-1 trait, (1/100–1/10.000 eritrosit),
  • 66. HbH disease HbH inclusion bodies
  • 67. 67 Limitations in new born adult with thalassemia normal newborn Blood counts Hb: N or High Hb (14-20 g/dl) MCV<80 fl, MCH<27pg MCV fl>105 fl, MCH>27pg Blood films Hypochromia Effects of relative Thalassemia picture hyposplenism Hb subtypes Hb A2:4% -thal trait Hb F: 90-100% Hb F(95-100%): -thal major Hb A: 5-20% Hb A2: not measurable H-inclusion test -thalassemia: + cannot be used
  • 68. Thalassemia merupakan penyakit yang dapat menurunkan kualitas hidup Memerlukan biaya yang cukup besar untuk terapi thalassemia (terutama pasien thalassemia yang membutuhkan transfusi sepanjang hidupnya Insiden thalassemia dapat diminimalkan melalui pemeriksaan skrining yang optimal (Total Solution) Meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat mengenai penyakit thalassemia dan akibatnya
  • 69.